HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1869-07-06, Page 2V-
jry�rlie isplam1pa a. Vilurch I," . =AWJP0aXuLLTJ %.ii
Tit,* U TALVI hr.,$ G. T. it Lori Xon,*., *110 is to -be tnt. of' United Statesc. NIVI�) ap]
I � . . -, . ,-- .. . ''. - .1 - I . I . - 4—=�. fnjn) thSt'le
1 .1, , I'l -.- - I- 2��7� - -,
from its9cla ftn) t EP U -Orr
It, ttogisA to S been removed Mmm Anew
the Irish multh, edinmusto on .5 Xy� * -MAO diso jour"Uam full 6facowd *- V U A t apyly, but szow--a
ihir shook AWAY Th storyof Gen. ButlWo shrewa- In -Ty enly to
0 th the MM
SIR 6;1� to a ' to.. the lot W� ightby St. ultio, July I. -Quite a A
ftJPrAJ.4(r & Oined in the debate tin the t4nd, tho-oon, otd onoino - ness comes to us in a, zoundabadt way— V 0 of mawc
*1110H Lmj�, 9 . - 1 - - I
opr statistic&- illustrathkg- the ot4rtbilitake was felt hate' betWOO. One 'Ing-OW111-1319. -
Mit Some On St., 34vid. Stt"t. itid -01 rtgly, - frcin]K�usetts, -via Washington, 'The
soo mayun in., ICIVIrticlit The bad to Mdurs R�
R 'Of the Canadlim Chuivli. - The S, W . dent,'ta emlien
lesiatiitinjiiisi� Diractors of * Boston Bank had justifiable tortureforweeisat 1i thno, th 4y and hlg't,
Maine ln� katforilaoringthe �vsa day$ "I st hing for- ne ttg
Isud crockerr -in 6, fow 1184: certain Mr.. �A
riurorasu 7 � ;i f , - 4asCA to4mVeoftheir -cashier of 'ej Cf
941- ....... Voluntary systeta came intor on, ii ta.h�,paid 0iis-couri to, A =Ar- r deathto Rum ;It Lops 41iis . it czTe I,,
bovA made, 014-:
-funds. 01�SM61` beva'-dikaftata - ik revid and relbt'o "re. Irob
.0.34 M. Cada& in 1W4, and al-iturn:p"pa" stwes, furniture was mbvic point 0 The
WS, that ..Lou&* 40] ist.;1 'ratn'-wh4ot *Re bax aloped iiev her
10. iscapal supervulon NVQ Ort or, lad;�. whiii
....... I... - la'. : , d ii familyaba'1=7-' of" Butli0i C�M bb
A .................... agoisteported. ThawavitmVell,* A lj' )riating *a Bank, he had take)i rernedy is qlcd Dr J. B11gGT,4LWV rO,
tinc I - ed to
let a *8 f x Visi mil on 008:000iddu orftalof 0011,
a' 11 o le
qil.-soiiih, ind, hatdd'*Om� d free all boursoftbodaittNo. OMP6�St., Vfc5t,
gOu4n.- aw- i9cl eato-Acknoi
numCr Of cletv his zuen. since tha* in a �'Of&AtOm' withfi &0 16810 relatiolls of Madalne
the il,iiispain.-, InVitto, was felt -with' 41Ara dedge it all
ta� 1. The gon
R*tes* ............ . ........ mad p, fr6m200Ao.4l01Ju�stduuWi6, lunwiv llad-withl
Bill" vt child mi and. propos nuilial; ivy an &016tsl
and. -'at io� hose. ail ran off 'th her way -hiin -Radrewsteiolveiandby -to the Diiectors m4lat-hishondamen pay.
.............. AOO p.m. Circuit �f thirty. Milos Of 1101op V �vi 1
aitned with 'Soytha via ftirolvare, Alt
4, sw p. M, air� aid *ug hvi adversaries that he l3utler adviiedhim.16r Mtend the meeft JJ -_Jt is
-- -�- - * a a mpthe W474 - as any- allowel asiasilylost as virtue. end in many mm na
S, , July-3.--it'i meeting oftlie in-eimest�'ho 11recl two ban d flicult to recover. ][it Ibis. elim i" sind Mr.,
ov r - t.", The name of the faithles f war Vrao,
'i darl brera ',�!Kkey Vi a ors, deny that there w
�Creaseaot otily in cletgy, butin contributi- all I :wTeXI. J
outirig or cS and pa els into -the of the Direct
PO4 Of the Churolt ;, and. Mardi- Who It -in -e',With
for the., aup $ )k lov, -hi , a. lub1her a eys if they
4me"m -3tr. mitzh2m wilson'. ft "Am Undea thliiyj -- , 1 6' , 'the Others.- tho thing mrong, sq:rren4er the k ticillatly attbis
reatbW alOadil &;n(1 wo Jru9toeaofthij- r body,'Southeii Edit, -Fzp�
Ile Cashier did jconE48
dw Ite ecMI.
fto,4 R�Axnge. Uudon6. the B Citizens; many of thomlhovtQ1y. Simitit: a to take,01d jind suffer from sore thra
R, L � On �aiw theAve boroic ordered
.know isbop of Toronto wivto follows iq it - Wesa* lia,poor..., a. her��
XtIzAmt Vn a w-mit on anVV", h1M paVis!tft�, -adver- po -.1. it,. ana go home. ting orbldod gtid Ulm ;UWrZ-V.
Irs . . I I istioilat, Pull -a ile _ - jioay - Y ni -lead to xerfomccn.
lim6na A71ff4iftotichecke im eiliatojy
:-'There have been withiii, *)is last fiyo, risings. are aladrappvteil, in ]CArt 4as read.fr6ta'Mr.' five -h.6lPi* I to. The. Directore examined the casli, bi,
&r-,. w3kcs ia rwlowiv pointect tmarim -.H- and ittlichildrin-elioging- fo btionless before him.
49ts e-Veslittof the allot he i
ad -then 07�4.. and nitst effect rpinedy? Wc!erii
Vale Troops. 1B 'd "Clai-HOXMI i4illi at Vae
th tZ::ktZiUvJUk%rnd thatlusert* yeira foyarteen. uew Churches builti varying h ' V l"t 4 litiai, 0�5: he vailta;, aiialound aaerreiettey of,,no, 1B
0 tn4y Lm- einit Acia. &VO 'j*11i94 P-4bo-dj,.don4ti tlie-a4tibu-m, She IL
tit-n=t4 ellealp. L-, in aetoi wartlam ii;rnlitim, ig, cost from'$1,2001o',KV to nuppiesi them dollars- for educational d ttforthapasla W 0 bavabpen Wforal-lif public for twenty rLazma syc:t
hW and cost purposew 111' th.e. loot. his presence of mindi And -are aiiQ Oft They aer dr#- Who
need -to V a"" .come from, Tavistock, where she b96d.been iii - them, pevia,imd hive
it'l for its sheet wwzild be alted. 1witho-ot 11119 in an., at a Inoiletatit Bjest, July 2ma.-CbMIXI'llaication witl� -� -4- h6artliis -,with Gen., Butler. a fa mys givenreirezt vittzroction, and lawaiatio, eEn.a.
"e� SQiitliorn 45tateo. - -shot at 149 own head, whiclyunfort L-11�-11'0- ;2-,�
do unately
tv-0111, yonxigi- ev tb4 $45,6W. Therehavo been el�pnudtiooilnl the. a scound ec t&cn In 1%3son, $old by -U
4 it daim as a ru steamship GkaiXastcnt,�thtough di 11 0 . p4t. to-m4kea pormatentptireswhen
the'!' (;h I I � I 1 11 - Only wounded him sh -on wliii:lt the ors xaid� theydid not wish
ren n� know.; otm value. and that if1t ths, MeftoU of twelve now orea at no6ii,to-day. J)is�, 70.: band.,..Rer father was here ghtly, eaudel� and rain the -'rpititation of the 'ed I On o 4 eal e rs -a n d v o ii n t ry s twas zene r4y fbw;� a-
ft law it 19beeacs-eitis tonteinus- that At cAble, was rost roLof-�A.hual - , - pelfe�6tly unhurt, a- n5atsper Ikoz.
Oniqikoln be iigid vnfakcemei�t,,-of Ahe, five'biothers gotui, ant the V"vince, at
a law circut&=, either it% -waiuber - period pat 4ex received- from. bar ixplsin thi Jo look'- 'for ex. 1147. h
glop within the same $14,000. Them Us- Xt, xving-litiirally fainted vit a
the young maj
iiautriu6y 14�w 1, 61 Which we had such a allot two previb r -at a and if -his boudsman Fa
racen 4111.4- nii4 ara, -14t
toftrds armation a. st�ta 6 'be shoft 1 These detsils wore x od..fhe deficit, no further I 1i ftr chatgCaift CH m121c,
bave, been subscribed in ihisdioceso dizring pensiuh of � .. 41
it m*y b vitt noiserof,t ai6 go
the lastfour Y, thit in the table �m W,
fAult was discGvered hati0ii �iuoe srty'� -Appbba� d- n 3 judge and ceedings would -be Gen.
-tht t*:jitii tiabe prove on the trial, Bati;r =dducJ
iid in. tnoney and nesdV., vkud the Great:Raif��jt wage i e -they.-h.acl-livsi�tio�iii�Tapipi�,but moVed , . a, a 0, - is�. pravalis C��efconpinPtiqn will cidni its-VIc6ma,
)&a. A. H. St. uE"A&. Prox(etar arti-a cauadiati, of an episcopp at be sompm
t lailids *45,000. "tioli QVXi. guyniieir ancl-that-on this quoo-- - audiences
Adverti-higAgancy, T.-miate. Ont. is ourWe A All the above is exolqsiv* toL eemeil.tar. -corisider 4t tho- most dooly' r albat there mu
"r ., StOP,-1QMta�*4d,--ry . T I -J?i - - - - ;t6. C ric�- lye 'alopemio . Le Thesea&Ges, nacatoin-time, ican b-u-nircsted Az%awa, VC-:13n--tc7-"d
MGV4- W. esident . alifd4fl, Ave
racuring AriWvin Ad% Alselnent,% at 0 1 the 41111:11 ion a . ii'lix far accord'vith t, a patArAl thin robust take; clieut , had tuvrenaerod tl An urea TherfmadyUD.-.
alcouttibutloiCtii as Chur& possiblo,' that
gale, prey -Zed, and in order ..4voi t a -1 � . - .-
far this pneir 1 1 *� ecretaty OfStite-- 'Barkand labda, Ai vequired by his bond.
atith&Imil -das to meelve C�lwn Advertisexiients- 01 7 , , tock-plwe-;�, Thp�..Jwa:t4ken ticketii,frQ 11111P." a J�
Cub'au�bblligeren 4.1 gentUm en Aliftla femf xwa�; aventgfV.
Societys probability of & 4*16on ace' nerrs.!, 2� frc�
situatift -of a04 9 it -- "'bellei,ea at th jvo a st - 1 -4 eza '2
R I, I -n -0 a 'uha of a revolver .1 *hat can 1 Iftherewasany deficit, it mu have op
14011t; 'theptosiinti fritf � Etztc
'cufaidt ., or. i an X1, WAS - 7
was uoyea. AU .4*t9m to FJ , d' � a
in a aclmfl..� -.
a. We j�6pe, the ra -S nu =12osa'an In Pact -AZ-eeg
To -TzAcm-we-Tbe- next quar- done. he wi*ther t* -da
iiW,-Walumbug, d th gone- ta, expected of a ce horse wfiere such an curred after the Directors to4k possession.
.,bid, se, Azc2r)=, Ueraw-
918,the -"tiolf of qxtra�ot di, mittpt -Wduldgaaaft them -that the esterasy,,*b5obv;iused vome tmeAtment t2i,
terly convention of the.Hurou, Teachers' me ne� t a. Cabia.,was recove 106ktb 8� is eve Ir cowar Ce -15 a - sarel-nanufactumd
prequIlApplIr will be `t;aced, and made -to Call -a reinuk or taW�possessloi - Bank a
itba, c.0ii0olle ik its con-. idth-Viclulty. AitfsFin
meAt towards Ci -,tell 'by, t a, of the
t ault removed, md,tho� t 'y of of He Coal& not TWrltory,$
Pro gn. eylinders, M -e. van=4 Vh!2lx
work of iu&r th�' co" f their deeply- vioke Aldikiile- I touts a Aome upon ihei- bosidsm t6s) weakil
-IPA Asaociatiou. -will be hold inthii Central tituda,qf,qut.,veJAtio'nx towardik ng 0,80(luences 0 en tuo �tuoruious Press=, Or Mo gampresacd lo; as,
ingaut recommenced, � All welL on b ard If imuld accept the tashler"s. trstirith terrifie vlblcu�-ee Fo2tomtely. the, zrtn 0. nzl
-t loon I* thiA'Ubqii� qqestiop- "d 46 a., iThwuuiartunati� thP3 Dud bu
11tyvondu woman
School, GodeAch, A& Saturday nait the A to day I , the. V�aaf 3 piceesdomotllvfivrsotbatizolunelms rarr-71ictuhtrt
attrm was in Xmi -,�ru VATW1tLA�R5,!wj-VVriOlI8' li�n id:id give him the usual- certi i)f
xpeditiong A childrin -werie thought- to be not fiti. 1pythem 7xim action ii niore ae tee aanporiaer;L-ut
9 -ifteiFnobn call
GODRRIM, ONT I U LY, A Ifth inat., at the hour of 10 O:c1Qck,,. P, 3,P lat. 47 dog. I I xeo�, long. 907 deg. rAved hero thiii- edleal',ofeitopilmisarii �oii cha4der, they wd it IsquAre
� F , lo�cui�� f IS 400 nien,`.-al . BF.1 It=.akespiuswh1eh -ad the world cckdowZgQp c. -a
The Dub4pJuIT 2nd -pot. . , r - - by,`tAwtpwn, and theii, urnal, Uwall.
A -Subj . - .. &d, � - � � -The'. wig Z., an Vhe Directors VaLm tDWJyZo
is- -,should 4111tha., AVvem
raiveninkftatl . , '. - 'y Ae, kpg-qpO;i. And
d Y6 A` 6eep"At a haX -Wjet the ivatter �hop.
ommo cross Over 4:*.Canads, to -Morro*, mardiiig, 'AIR b 415 -see the - d4emmi in -Wi&
JW%aving been busily engaged th1a 0 a Schools of Canads, be made free d 'r` 6 ;66do-imocissitios were .relievicl, -now
d, -aceolls -planfiv Thes4 pe�tx I vill a a �aua aeut for.�a, lawyer, J17Lrs=,str6ke.-�rb19W01c hW C9 od
--*nd -they era'pitce
deePTY affecting, -!�e bX�law,. sa.' �`StA,ilkitlls.n Orpnge dekagustratiQn., The policifired. andWilLembowk on -a ve a! 900t 0
propo kiftg� a as cWiii Jrop�, 4bb,.144 a largo��. *ielp-th loaves,
morning in matters 6w gc71601 in the riotp*-, 9 a larowtltio, Ff ite n Py
UW -*g t th 'had maae 1 a fahe #wcounlryfselcarcll, b-3 Imeh
4P.140 -eye ey
eader�for, a affi an -returned Fy Ono
to thisik degr6latb
ts of the town and country we truat Bill.vt L th rm Mr. X 'Wil'oundin ther. or bit
interes K ano Ojp�n*iyoadvise,ew t easo� In the �=e inamer jm=y suppcza
Ative, ilk.3.-The united 'Statqb�� a lidd U? proper ividenc� of ie, inerease ns t4e C-putr-Y becamp
rpson; leader for the negative Nr. F. J1 of V*
011W readers will over, k the lack of ed" Londoh,J h1jq,.-,eveu1bJ,, 4t iiTiiiiiatea th ;smonntlof h in the: -Bank vhely- olden butfhls�alst isa deception. 7he'tmt41sWfh
war st4met Artchigaa laft; this,, port ji��
tAGOu,-'4nd 1he &Bb bfood. And tbasl�
The Mort of al,06uniiil at that in III nithe-Inueasedfacwt!cs fcT 'com.
torial miAter. D. Cauleron� eoiamit ee ou that the Ecumenie; T it- to Efiqji4 ai�uln -bag owrin0v
be ppstpoifted'foia"ye- 9- Junnicationwhicb, Uethogre*t sac zzim-nnumIr
At. -. - � '1 1 0 A' Lev momen a. tal- Y for consumption, 16llow$hthstRkeof VIVIL-Allou. CB cm, Nn o B.A71
3 �ossession they. had 16st tjiidr On)
r. LOUT Aw
M.Sidlyraports no rain of sa�y' 6unt in 09TYA 4Y,1 , ifd� '111:
espa "tern dated An Object of I
ii ' " 0 Ui> the new woorbill, uy AS 'It would
HARB A114 Teme Qt "do. to let the 0,
considered. A fall attendance is re - TAk t tocl6olderi now -how thaT aa bee
quest d te froin' the -Gr4A. E a -,fine
with severd other ad. ?lay �Sietinjir'-Iiiif'iuil that -n Orer !W-L.Vkshioublii faiierals', 1tro save
_ying4ormw, tau tred over-r6achbA, Th AentgbusiftD.
Brydges, Esq ey had t6 jolo o fc and
00b money 1.009 -o.r isi6;ajd, at is ag_ cable to Uso finaLrelIr
210 1*,
Waies of twenty- pro' uce. Thgja: -are.-� v�rtaill� , 1. � I . ., I . - 4
mak6 up the loss oat -of their
prominent railway men visited our tovrm 1002 97�ots ftmBxost-and paid v
3 -All persoas safflioring from cancers, knotff l5fidlation �eai do this r were met at 4itllout the se ly improiDg. 'I
oraing. They the wbich an -eiltirely-iivred will seven personsi bodies of- men, -womett and 41 -V eatorp 4 nervoaa6 ei abscess,iupt�tre or. hernia MA, Taftfil
-the'knif' Miters"of Ch b 11 t-'
station by a number of on piiucip4 of obildra% drowned by the -sudden arity -:kit� And Hope., n r vi M Dr Z Byl Alle%
a a;_ greealoW use and �RKt
ianneriffx% enlargedor varicose Yews, -hip LowpON, J tt�y TinM to -d at oibr&*Ing the flat litufson anothe nd the�'.sarest 6 In imr
�T- t,6 L - Pka4antAind 4 erelm
1, Swam fhen- I VdruggLqSAndAcs0atJ7 In LIS nt
dis twe4y u- burh- r crash
c�tizen i3f toidi. iast fioiii -every iparter bbelow ther aita the
s�. All we are at liberty to, state v.- tpulours, or any dan- the*414'iti '00r!"Z914,b.
so ri,
'ines has beeLn-- "'ter- 9 Do�d�kkbf the. T1
ftrwi� prou 'ender the. Repiirts'ooateof.losses oflife an W* 'thing p f4ey' qo�no real 'Toronto
now-, ig disease, abduld not�delxy evininj have, had,the-Affbet'tO Y
Irish 0hurg) 'Big niord faiv 1g:,Hi&
Special atten 9*019 to the J6
cTa tailth
'Thieves. IL7
tol�o amumed by the goverpment a*& ba;- be given. to fmale-complaints in Est -414 �bh6i�fi " -,knil, rMA 0 ousive. y along- -a dinner eYen at flid'GArrick Dr Astablisbef1m branch �orxa nt-Vo. 0
us.: bishop 061- ing S et, est, Tolloi#o, J�js wonderful remedy
art* I in its provisions.: -rariod-put r bu WS, It Nodem
16 1. Dubuque, Olipi, may, that% z -How to cure a Girl of,#jl�aat
bar of r�fuge nad-&' and m1i6led beirina& TUt *eporter In nnft 04c
and that this yesr sch;ainel all 4316 14 -aver thahwolr ofLad the Prince,se
#;at to f i oriii "ad 'bro We is sold by Ara�&ft and camtry =er!,=ts
has'addreme thV'6ffld6f* of ;. 7 to f an
e: to have light 6?44he'r lnord,ts-r
will be e saudb3nk on, tho a yourself'
E. L. Pdu*, a native of Mon The oap6lie colle r that, the tl*� b ected ci� 0 eader, yodwifit
�gh th go aq
)ecially during the recent 'tour f tho
the water t discovered a immb p arty.. *ityigreeable inaprintiggvfflop, step, im� 1,
er of all It'ah -10huiell 14 at lit�d bT the �)PP ftgpelisla Is rad(cally VUrcd 13
narth side goasto lo, 6uht � -v . . . . tuaf. ayo 4ne ot - ya�a I to ih� anoume firit. if the editor is' tter in APO. Ifewovor -
ba A., *Qmsu�s f"is Soften A� man's -8 edit. bij n along 00, 119
the lake at that oin This policy is one laprings on,,tho. phins now Fort Laramie.- Musa- _Q#J,�f 6pers say 1hat �X. Colony "of
W `I&Gaiiadettly, 411, iterie 'his writifig or'4p ofres4im -6 -His! Mghn' E' Neurulgia with jall it demancLs4riven vift W us!n. be rc,
The 9&r sa;34 Un- J,.'C. O'Lemir, aiiother faller measure ofjusti6s, W river, w hit fla C. wt tpka, ao,%t been tha.fae,j of W
hd* -you started -a is -t 'Th 'd -Amew cb DX. B%2�Allevantor. sold 1.
which we have Montreidorf &ad Mr. FoaseUv* forms& a gulfiat bj.4 0 ;Ivori �-T [a oflim;aaa te]IW III - - viyat c
v advocatei be 1414 Adiig of& , h"ost steadfast followers- of our for in t B -
party 61idi 'd "t 'deem, Y�oMft counol fcT t10
company,,to-putchase, and work the claim. ;ivoreil to ea(appt-An h h- - if significant 0, a -On Corns. bunipus, ingrowingaills Ana 4her nilments
- , i - f the 1#6wldg:
spean. I I J " - your -:w1fe,.,j .6ag, -or youvaA remem-
-64,-batth6iomsincler,77num br unear'-Ou"ma'tors' - ' Rdalay Mr. J. U. 01,eary writes te his father succiold b in D�( Pren; and is ofthefeetemrad by thenso of Dr. E4age Allevantor.
the - - . . . - g -L" , a li" a , "' 61_boy jpotfa� Shouldi.,�ha accorded to. -the . ewspaPer
There. ww'au excitingL b&te in is a, parish bell likea gopd story Ubei, yotiikiio
Cortes an the policy of th Government- m -were swept awal�and m�vedauio- it -In of ot a0ides -ten- from Wyoming, near Isavamie, #a follows-- twenty pktkens 40 - - -pro th stastres 11 m tom -w mirg
REGISTIZATION AGT. Bly partnex has qua Uhis. home in, d. -ton tolVd. editor maWeii poal_ onjoil-1A
..as & - Ltba., highes�- dq�: Pr. ergo it _WhO4 jq'�couvwtiotl with L at,
13i n 0 YOU s . . -
. ........... itaitiv ti i the Ai cans am the ar said when a. TO ,ubli, N W Rod ca
philatelphizon a visit, and also for the towardi _p lainiih, JGUM41S, JUR The Act providing for the correct regiF- o0rologioal Surnmag-r-for 44no AW112119
6 a aowlffi-fk�
,ur .10" jijtjuents otthi'leading
p pose, of purebasipS nfadliner &0
_ y� to hore couclua"CA- Vil �-w at in- thro 01 iroud prfes AB VCT�'
n of Births, Deaths andMqrriages, frfl� lsteam,)eugil*i� a we have!. fOrni. said that the GoveraTie tora$ or the- 'Ai 3, p up lta-s�mcb Vhbli Sion.
trati ta� Kpido-d-06'oftem with ttse*cod
$10,-- ed to, Puuhh.&.0 read OF H
with y,,,or whether the proof 'is an ma oganyoi
cameintoeffectyesterilay(2na). ThwActita ed, aj Company of ten petsqu%, d h Imn as Inoderich on f -e 4t.h Wt." 31r.
NO.' The indications of oil where e ve There is'a, good story in M In
that OUrL 14#01ka. were h k 'ery imprtant one, and in C)rd,_ stiolk 111KO, w1itt tl William Xyle-01r. aged 31 years.
powder t �6oui.
bou& ow a watildd that their presence in the, Cham laaitid4iii, utsa t It ya- (a CT
rwiders way tindentnd its more import- ar � a . I t1it.-I
rL . . - I .
-the, - Gons JUdgesto-be, the beat ever Be in ter was permittia E. JE�
t ;hd GQPEjt14=L XONEr VARr
joligUt. bqt they could act be toler4.tefas the pr; i 4 M' 'M' Teaem�616,41r- Old 62T
ant pmvisior-N we give, abrief` Wysmi]IS tilrritorT cold. oilis. now I DAY,, ,When -': ' dta,was-in ursuit 9f X� rYQ1*; X VId it10 nd" t V
rati; of ftori bi bound, the
thered at the $3 _Wigalln; _sent 0iiiiation. of affairi -&ula'n6t long over. toi,61itnesito -intothii t 0 ldlldd cow; �i&d thw 1 Regarding the duties d thii publit-, with -i� 60M totLor
P Ro mari-as it. ue 'paper 6outinife" as It would beegnik -Pa8s.. hilt .89V hunter is -this - -
�f tho ijo#$ 1'jipo#Afi� ne4�U -il�, dito
repiess thi) peoplo'L Or ILUar
Wepa.blicang'iA �tho 66.5 77;5 512 -17. 0,0 Sao One wid was -standing" OIL,
-400 9-3 " ceec Ali Vidley
Ork Af rth
0 w a r, s�ep
re3pect -a the requiremenr3 of the Act, cfiy Would I 2RAOT K6 7F6 .3 Xhad notpro 14afar ilp 00derich. Znly Go 18m.
Milt., The R 2 Soq� xf� jueaux, Eli
world %to fh0fcon%ffO&n -the bAnk 4t 41b AiiV
was tolft- 117 Sq. 0.4 1Q.L::�7W th iren rn��'
these xmy- be briefly summarized. In the TheMwiffe;6tik 6X&1ui=t1On' I move tots'lof ceiisure against 3 1- 4L7 10,.0"O.SU 0 e lands as many. OML As to the - eau to retreat
P N3 58.2 .'ft, -44ermoOmfour wo qiiqW- lah into iihich'bi hadbeen a'
�caaeqj If he low- - ............ matter of a birth, the father, or in. cue of be ering about �Seling7 at ....... .......... IV* ducted on FKd4 pats, ancl senor. Herrarafor t, RE 4s havatera, t., as I"y able to me, when I. heard 1 610 un-eT 0
,W. Hill sical conduct. 'Pri4ce 6 to vhittleL W
Lis death the, mother, - or in casa of the dome. awe'ron -d theit 21 i�ar1b*,qTeW1spepu1iar tb. flib'tigar when
ent tyrann
ppeire O�,� to Id- mud"inbers m E vcay p 4C 7 450'.494 GLa $5.8 d fro bad barelftime ...... 4 Zlsc�t
deat of both, any person 'al alongwith'Mr. $bo# for ihe defeiiU. Mr. .4 1�24 0A .0.9 27A U.0 $rint6ri aralond'66ii1ifitlilig the'meditati�ga.",harge; afid ..........
banding Wma Is .... ........... I ...... 0
'r " �0*r
-406, ig. ar r a crownw p;i� h! I= SIB 58.2 at leit--thi-ee or foarjigs. Before 1. tolock bi-the:,directiotf from *hence the &JU
i3q. -05.8 W2 So 0.3. 04st -e �)ffiqd you should talre hold ofho d 'mounclekTAe�'vhbn,omagnifictuPtigok=sh-�
Aomestio bird�a CAVADMI
tk or tile.ownpierofthehouis nth ti.
Ae6eiver 'V
46; t- =5 fly b -
And IF from undoi a thio]Cbriigh, Vhere ...... ....................... eq.
or the ni:irse. 3hall, within thirty. daynt AK;�rs lwoibiii 'of iboovv 12. -013 .4. 6 IX.4 -si.4 _I press�.We it
sjust toseoJiaw it works, Jfpossible,'�e
give niatice, of tho'bire: ta. the DistriCtL tario, Badk; i are The Pope (Itlivered ait, allocution 'on 56.9 0= ;;1-41,i34eA�itrianisticaUsturianoloo-ut is beliadbeen I ing don 4)14,m by niollor tA2e.,,raiih =cnt--a rp pronpt-
hia I boat ii"uty
14 M,6ft: 50- 61. 51.4 -powei-l*eisi.ttru;A�na,-.d�iPt�kii6tto pa a" tfic4ime. - Thaji 12 -me$4 nnd an the most farowbie U=s. Siw -bighfst t -'to .10,01 0.083
'f b " . " III test a0ition to, the language. atan ot A; lie fr66JuMT.=d for bole, Aura alcr rot-
Regiatrat,with sddi:00=11 eleviiial eaock' unday, - in *hick, be rovie*ed- fie condi-
trifbrwationj is I ir, : w9 55.2 54.o. 441a
to the ri & and sex of the thilil, theam M'fhat -exadithe oV46i ve ray
ilkl*46�r4 thit Mr, the Mutt! other 99.178 6.6.6 66.3 48.0 ryth&�Wiu t6.sbape of iiisUej lose, Ana therefuii lot Arl,
-Har-1 tion � of 16 79, - 3,0,'0013 -loisoahisconsownce, has nothing wldem;6. went to' ow 1W.1he muntriax. - He T40.11 4CS W .4.7 oil hi�stoziii eVen lf,70n iliottla V21001 &nd$=nZm# OfLffieparent _ wj.&fb*k Int p! tt 'his rkUI4
&0 04110. eft -i �6' the headofhe L
5&4 8*:- liat AAt arrel, at lieUb, the
.36vie ofit A will 'o*y put� .1bill -- howevef, only gTazoa
2S7 9..4 654L S�e' 2 -
itt from ubjectin da atud6nfin to "I it -- a - - ;- pitibnee of theprinter.46 arf.,driest.- When
o4t, ftm 495 91 9.
IN a psyme -g -clezi ary 19
conscriptionas x -a infri.0- awed througIL-the bottom ofkxs left
Tppfes9o'u,,&o. *utd r0ated.. with 'the- 20 rank anc gowep off Ahings 0ji't belittle and Seek grant 21 4&1 little -61`6, - -to
Rberty4of f3iii,01turch. . :1, L , ye -bo,isur4� jvotnne ibol 4adeepilash,* oing no Two or neglecting to, giv* such fidormation folane-6departineut. Th 1 rightami& you lea a,,fe roli&d, bui-ii
to '515. at, 5.3- things.
Xowl#&y is eque for, nbtbei vmi, ina, ollr� tfur er. m -jury. Unchecked by my lodutei- f -ex a.q'
�thoh 10$4wellitonthe-e z*Oiburcl� 22 -44;*' �.so'
or of I th
readerthemselves liable for each offence, to;w 21 '16=4 65.9 �,49.5 24 .71T 0.032
opmaran, Tuly Cj, 18m.
466t,wil� rogi ivd in AustriA and Huugaryj,�.md on the dom-' 29 8 few- Bruns- it b4fo:�kdttiin 1i 11 th7MY Uft b=
t ii� giinbbi for, alotig on lie came, and vi gave
R -I 59.4 .112--'a
fig -T .61 -1-*-�Q -,at'
15 4 6.T aff--.*hOh7 -80 C& Bishop *Ahowvou tri ' _ t it to him right in th centmef'his Chest *ng Whiat jo.
tl= char&a, w4 fiia* bwhl6lo, a& late Mr. while Fall Witeat ...... jM -A Spri
.8 C
2% uzzle Of
In this sche"It 'Wade, ofthe GA lipt micro than a yard from t,
twenty flonars, and costs,
sipho�a 28 1-106 17.9 mww Pat got"t
u t�-1 152 Ambureg- XonageFlo *-!q, be in my i1flo - although my -second bullet de
Ot 6&1 : 94- 1 0 0 130.3ton; fiy'the'iltaiew toi' Mr. mouininic
them soom0obe, 29 Flour ....... 2.00 (a -.00
Cineas awd: 46 P61and, Widauntai 01, 100.
WrAk as, 4#4 t 66 pi� -394 !
Me - iiii sh,*l
iWc date: of Thia'aheque-was ..� � �1 suppliek vis- the place
tabs 661�e 5-94riL a -P 7&n Irishman in -the 0
'Of. coiliLlatfoil $0.1 "t "Thi& z66VAdi I I t int Gi n eral-ii exp e c te a City mp4itul, -Of him
bt tl!e Montreal, Vank withqedt W. Aode* is a source G!41 65-S 47�7, fatal- -executiqa-�- ptill. -the'i the Ono
Forp oDoJnu of P4 `9C0041 the CAPtimill rush - suet iiis a ioi- Barley ........... V:7.q 00 01.60
drsentent, 31r. �4'exitrUT was
the i& 1 11 � ...... �0.10 (d4 0.00
e egrap
to 9. ainit of the sys"M is a �&Wry- ofiAxo to -with the last a
puriof his -vi ener-
tremendous Butt
a-- C) eq,u,a t airs Ira. gies, 'hurled a me with
finoW of ea& in depoew the whenAllefollowm*g coloquy ensued.-. atatoeK ca, t. OPORTANI
diidend Of 5 _er
dividu aJWn'qiiA: The Govern- liaviDleClared, h?lf-yearly: gainst
jL bit& lthiffenstein!s cm1dit Mr.' Wade's in- men%. , VOU be. knockin-
a for Inured
scription : -, , - I 11it Ina, Zwkwgril
op-Gialt idi' -being th lheWid of A 'k 'o4ecteil Bea0.
'614i - I that without buck an en5r has, Ar 'Pi Ord-- g. me -clam-off my pins, giv-
y 4L th
us-, ill a' d- afther telr4f in; wllaf the backtall. from top to-
v=rcaSatb*Ly Hie w'la in on 12
v u Hay, ;V'ton ......... 0.00
the witum. Mr.- Cameron, in the late dMurbance. &y 2rd. bultomf-te nullab, of some fifteen feet.,
3adwriting of fattllaa& :�4 , -
d that QaAbc ox -July - JR=, �USwered polite
L ihOUth
Of course we both "Pledoverst the aam* fc:r -0frainyditys'29, Wood4 ........... 2.00 (2-
-avidenca�waa in.- 4y oft.
rn on argas the veritiptywits,for I WAS
418 jell OV`0 the Cit f t4in. 2:50
cases, of 0*04 4* o-ccuri Of -016 )lufficient io warra com- rainG.671incheii. _tge U 0
-at �IRW i _. - . juttant snaeareco
VmCQ , Qf -�ig *do - - I L -he fall, I found - - 2F
;- JPe 16684 4.2%� Lelka ;c&' dit 'buratifig.-into But Suppose 1 welitOuta I momontarflT fituftedb t Beef,.pe;owt. 6.00 ® 7.00
-1&erabi6,vr ufft;aL 31r.-Bawits4ed, print6r0mve. struck for a & 6nolencsAl
house, or sdinepernarestiling lot lan, *djewusrx! litia:_at
Tlh* opbilori -n-frost 'f for shorter he -w a 0, 'I)tiful u -can
J!wVas d _thi e�pta myself under. 311y lau antagi; i
t -satai h Wbri of" 41 yo Chlokeng perpait ...... 0. 0�, :1
Ara. mut, he stark
any pason, present, at tile C116tlr,:�Gr 66 hw 00" CO) 0:35
old -tl�a% g(
r�r 0
that thirovidsUCOF - ttv foi� tw oilars.
toommittaL Uii1ess bther� South Ambrios. t Ti oubte moramouOyAm 'inidpArpling my old p�4iv with his'life'i
w", Im
blood ith am effort I succeeded ingg%+�
tevlution-lax Pat 1tad, .'so he acratche and Sheep .... :50
or -Ma Vft1f C "rof his Turkeys. 0..5'D via , , %8'" . III- - looked perplexed for a.. moment, 4 -
toads out at Vhat proft�as a his Uad
ya, kirwWbrwatift 444o,dogth �k Isig."Zilturr R broko K. iiWAMar
the PiSW4RjS%1 'relftied.
siu" Also edCouditiiixt cargan, but, onkt-
with E;
a Caraballs, had raised the him. to mycha- Apple brightddek:stru
oge"� umptiVto.
of faeLecoa&ed.
oderld11 Eat, wholesale, tob. per
Can 4hat wild, you he'afthei 't m
y V7
&Pi peakiug� finlij, 11
4WDr. XcTaig*rt 7ifth true pro- At-audard afinstirreation ilkoerk 48*6t- quid, el, I, say ca�tii grin th
4 , ., . d _J414 4X - a y left leg. wu broken. Just
nel Ix ty Pounds Of t litanto, Who had� 'on first Im -' -fo I
pemlty fbr neglecting to eye itack infor- &W#nal pri4s rofer I* very 'he '1fain"AA6 `6 wag-ilie -lat, m it, Cox" 9d by hint of d. comidenoed, their inarqh *91.610a f6r hon
rook Illandre twass =atIO1l�ISAs,swmea&i:m1h* ' fbir�. Uw*bsin car isegift ofthe cl fmveg hia �ax -n,-and their proper frq�ght f0f hearing and seeing.- the tiger, Uken to
Efeatorth 3ylsi%ets
at be ad e U
Most complicated aftcluncumbWeharacter many t son a in Philadel- -five cents;,Xam oe � - .- a
their. ISfe P&*" and L IMSZ,
Relative to thexegisbMta of thoqp eiriori, T -,,.Ca itured captain. ming tij
nPSW under - 4xe, eftecti of'
ppos _bent
n'd t' b -fai!l --
an g Lyon up7as. lopilessly bi the wir and too Ah� "J� of phik'fOk wllitllas'b6d. � a 6 T11rZ-Z:L-7 -10 -after.they hail b4 all .'Thdn put =6 doyi* Juat, 'Signal.
Vei$1M that.
-tho'boy ibut e still live. fird A�iultineously at
�64'i�ie " !�pecial I
d%VQ11VeS;-Xp0m, jy6acl can, by libyd.cians, who -ranked Pyro&u�11y"bij- gur The P y;,Zh aSeaforib, July 0 1869 Neov.
Y' I ThioL Captain urne to silo that in f g-.-sLLZ;W, iif LMi - _ JhQ CeilE to'
i itt�
C81613rat40-50SM hais requited hi h th Hili -be ad ttid. t 'Ld. and
air pro ession. a, sfrequeut� doned thilrpositi: b1ho Y�I a lady- 1mi'butifkiu&ba4 steadL b-.90 00 090 U
to Afblic� the a, woks,
cl bdd: thir I a t -,6ue1und-; the Act to Or* full pArficolar* to th* Rag- ly'place go whos4dresstduchei the Ilaor like a, on the freight got J us 4 the tiger they -very nearly �di` for 'Spring Wheat ......... 90
-00, 0,00-
Xdxdholl up
'Ewe has received 0.48 D port;
jXtrar of UMM,- Of the' - , ?,% he has No vililtle:� re indsiity pounds of
)atieutx,-mii�- mennd the V!ew, all thelasses4ill ateetAlf, -their resi)ec- Becft�ie 0 means of SlIp, Jiva.Irlshmm�ma
pariieff Ina. hoxt� dela-y aslaVioy Was Tlour
L BPO* in, tGnU of Mau .41e, V*#%da in in th6hold. .......
within Amett days of ths, vehbration� ., , I uricil to iny wig- Ots ............. *.... -
pa prime to. bi exceed' I 'Alltal 4*achea from Gev. Oth -0.
M9 T a 'Will imiake cormonce �Thswomenx clubaay�h warni and inext day I was 'brought into Barle
der apeniltras beforo,. y 0;60
cip ftt-rnot me blnatblng in 1poieto the RoyAlA rtillity Hospital, Potatoes 40105
In �00 'Olt an W lk �hi treatment of April lot 4 -whioli ift. 4 frin6' ia. thi ubb
Paz am so eir--clOss,
I ax�alx )nio dc 4 AA& Is welL `Hlii, ro0oZinth-Lo- dutcwL ()i' redeavin IP PSY In ffio C*
all 21st of n
--is, roWh*4 ty the AA to bo.'psid by, lia ind.atif Ofcl4bi, 1 - Wt I 11ey Opp h saining Pe 0.0
CaeW'" Alto, be 11404bei;
boo ear w erel ani very kindly treate as
partion gLnn 1h t locattAle trivial 1rais
pV ac. an rimed
StangUayan The: other day whilst sk
up, 11) Z IEJ* 4C19A 4eation, 86 -on is: - &f w4g;-ppe So you See My goQdL ...........
arriogerii"t wh" atay with Fmif 24, ;t t:09 (a) 10-10
b ilny'-�V'Uotlol
defest ofAhe I -he wast Rm not.much
Movainion DOW at. waltolm. flitruilw � with earis, of hia. , *1 d nvf J ohh-M'ack wim B,� workaticircula;r saw in
anu yl�� 49 f6mA
tto* Said: "Ndtivit din -ehail' n g ;uany,of (3�&Jjl6e In,_StXa;ryA -a narrow
vantage be dispensect wifh;if thip-thorouCk to liait been iffitill'finsilly"have dotiimi6idt4jrawi�&. mut6u. garkets.
Thp 11, Ing reab go: espap. rou"
To i�b I .. th,
worYmS If thtsyatsni4 kept - fi=tctbfw�47L Mfalrfore with his with The, wi 011wd, they 0 th the �spliig-.of 11111191.1139.
in view. WaY the' he, ent, a odking4eath.
an�Sz!6--&mwhundrbifs ofthavitizens, of this�Gov�� �t se�o "a ue, tlid`�' Phird 6114 a In transortg. tobsc06-whThe had in-,an,.hWidf3 vest July 1809.
pkiiiie;Tge�-of t I Q) J0.000
he lover to be from avi -hitoll
whit# ExtrB6 Grecu - .80 W A V404M&IL yastord" ftoin tb* GreToMd t1' h U -mm -00allt ....... 0. a
.1 o It is oubtfak: whetfitt
f4wrlship, of Ord, Co,. Simom, . Seeing eftakly h wra, the �sornblo&*t an eft - *d d' o regain i again 2k a
is 1-Hihly-Commanded' aud, ToutiLe I e ' " 'f �iiatuiallj
ve6iutty'inwo b ^a n' hes -akot,ba- ricity ever Ventfurther than in UMe 1D:45 Ca), &50
O�,Was eontsia_
Ainericat oontes�ft- Rying ijone., was so b0t back throwing. put hiji -breast which I
ipiiv, adji)lbi�g vil! to calob a i-ift 1w -w IQland 4h 0 ca� 0.85
rate rm- 0 e ual Barley ..... .8
A y1in hina, ixt th of fh -0
in 'Jewitad with il hbl ooris with William, the ThW. It pe .0, .65
f1ho-xocond apuivarsx;y of the birth, of our loi-&C�40 gaii. porm as...
imprenied *ia feelings Of JOY41T that U '66 -Of CLISIS reper -t 0- -, re- le saw.^- 1i 1 .60
Cal Mihifient Of NOV'S tw Ming"ot �'th ., a 0
theroforO D61ninioly -this lary.": TheL' n i -sharp-toothi
basis of thef"tivitienwaa, ft"tir 4.i� follows line! -zqfhe'� i of izi WO'his usual custom to TePle his StudVf Fbtat6eZ.'.'- could ilot� contain� vowif anit The n Exb5itio Wrefused to:rdcqp
(k Building''
f jua�biile tore hisvestlinio andripped hoi�es with., a weekly Concert. He W
lmd a amplaint, befem mairor. iftbL- Q66deding ov And lust tj*�af, 4.50
0-nia under, All this day, for tha pipoie peii SE ALE
leadership. of r6 Vlaeruptio Or atof -cut�-I) -Oft -gaile igia4y ere PUVOse� Butter.
�.tbo, , -1 the:ploj4tob ry BrA.
rzf, th is -�too!ig
Low tor
-nap in the judges an,6pp 'itupUy. and he Iua�
,and. .1� i 'rd o -for, The iteamsj�07 St. -and M �hteged, yet -un- Iptained. that- vIlearod'their g 1. . .'' I . 1. 27-174
His worship latinisted that, although it Xr, Johl� ost efficiently and the-mn shocked it .......... 0;10 C
rabud with-crotou fflaix tartaric, t
00 ity� tar hois '0 t4s 'i, . jeif tnjured. Moplag of-t6bow6o Saved lum. beir4andimproy0d theirteraperx.
Y 'he whole of th F
fnn�r Man coutmitt �-16f` menti 'T14 'Causes in 'their uu jes properly. Non."cabifi 49 mthrm6daatt
was 1l)trM3jdore4 ne IgA 3b -to passe -athek -Refr4VlInMf. b as -If erup lon,' t a� 61, t 4 lat i=j7 noment' *as ardired a wi6w to
Union Jack, b 6 ta 'fl, were d tp',' on 11 *- of. thal 'a
tm wo tygivWg4inoment
awt hint tW*1 at hdio#.L' -of the af'j -Weaf6ra Just N -L F
ji�_ _jS6413.0 On
of Ithe
25 ts eachtim. t Nt w0kined arbur
0aw if ka diWt hold �comwup And -be iworu.1 fle,
bZl itcTeff, go PrOvId4- and iet of h 'S' -.S6"n* ** ---A L a af ir d Or finit: .80met Tli�u%tpotiow66dio*�)Ach 91, that the'person _, was e and dumb. 4
'fad full, on& c
RITZ of the mgplato. eruption, am 'The
uL L� .�c T!#,r *U& wortifited. 46 , , ]�;ld. . cable T IE! Otb
taki i a7iy oiiemles� butin &
p "a taito - ';:t6r sadnuk it AUCTION 'SALE
credit on the"taita- O�t4e a' 'iti..1itre
i0ternal I"whoiWer.ho'nornot-he
erme re isie Cons i
t3 -A Saitoo, willbe Iteld, at St- An dXW4,K ladies of Walton -A ed m6d riourf*tlasses-ivill -.006plete, -the- WrGly'C Se"i0able tO.L Ono of. its.- ol. tutiortof t4o'United StAtet tefore'sue. It
In the. noir the 6atabliih a; of treatment in expl
'I, Wale h Ma*g. *gI4. REGIST
AMOT& Godo6w upon thoi4ay tile 13t]i �akt of tht 4_rj, itud near this, Ba' the .1nglish- Arnly-In- Mini- by Storal CaeratO =-;lat -this tight of
46 - I � � , . I .. , ; - %armtees to evtr$ 11IMIL
d carffi,, All tL Ju1ji killn ty�psj4ori�, -the 'honor
U- awrds; si- efirli in As 4d' -q "as _R
'Mr. 1yeterXc0sr1erc0itA-- orders; an isTegardedas, perfect -�and the
=0 ADV
buildings- And -grounds will: be R4 S ape ech Ahd- to long as I have
tJuly, at ham p4t six. ecieck "Tlou ANTAO)l *'F',A ao�mo. 4" _be
batedt largely to th; hilarity of thisceno �y Of a Beat oil this IJURON Ift4GAD
Severat *6mbers of the TAndort ON TRIK E
looms Q ap, ��Ij May the aw vell
aL other w9stem- grain Mattis,, have taken 4ttdrantewtoama;n� I'M- 'bound he Shall T, wo ukfie- 6 f, rom
1hit Verr AbU, "'ifo-rulmoes- on i rs. &(6i1W1d04 thi samo its dealait in Chics,
h Ts item-,
nf *i 90s violatedor inVidecL Whathe Constitution i
tjryAMGXp8C"f ilk .0 isadre" tfie_ Ilffttin *4011 iesday., The anaud f 4, C:3
e0 hno, to, 1W, UO&L irt r, iiaig-# om- OA We
ire to avail: theX 1000 ri iUbtaga'of thi,deluje' in stern'
opoiring or a Chronic, diseasa,who.deai oi4ia;w fostituto Associttloa -Vill oft aiiijet jaig and
hout, this of �.64piiisqa p in
theinsebrx of Serices ofs-skilful,
for4hrou& jiL 'it evening. at,�-7 o4pectivo -is a t truth thalt 0. X- TRUENAN
law -ou,
06114try the U4 The* eat deal more
parionee4p4ysloiamshould at '"tatan iuvy to tha.' *heat. prop, to tend up tba�
gtoros�of 4- 1&! 1 ; air - ve .'"IrOUgh atUready a* in
adv% W*utttalnAnd-� of �A'ood "W10 T
mekota 2,5 conts, for u1s, at the 2 try inhe following -diary of a White
t 9 price f
-:thieves aiee 4 sWin, iiiii, of Course, h
iss anitkin:15 wi UkkA J IT :!Dr. 31CTAggaA; ]h.. J§iylti_ horsti. 'till WA ROW, VW(F121
Yplollu r Z grea r &m
is.yary Im etg 23' "ti 'The Pi H b# JaropY.. co'untyi.
ton snted, - )L speski?k ge 11 to the.Rawilton- 10.41ary ur inuitbo enhenood--in SVIAK' ft 'thia two -
tand 1i Th A -A=&Wal
be aftbe ac� P.M.- ag wi 4 of Bangoil, Me. advertise& Oi WEDNESDAY, AUCT. 4%
stied up,, =etuwr he win Britialf Howi U06- - The -rise, however. �Iuuht only the, Union Jac ki Ana yq=-' Nitbout Ju ga,or jaty,� widnew ades
4" L .. !&.y July 21st, and. at jr, is that he'L� li"b4id -M C'unuenvingati o'dock, V. X,
6i li I n nal �Fe(- 6i iractorg of mNraryi for the Southern wheat er erted her,,and
At 01
$ult" his.; cobf6ired jjon�. air not, 1-6 1 d-dan b t -164 ihat- sh� ill not PV debts Of his - don- Mmt valuablerArm known as the Rumball F&M,LOt
wAzix-avisj to, aliimt too ealock -,kha,: arowd atatherol to mCl Can 16, Uth conq Huron Samuel Baker the rokof P Ainii". Aurij wall,.
5T. PA1!iXCe* 9414edgeiL. tel1 iclaj, Jruly23rd. AAskii i6h;: r
ithe parj,6 trading.,
motioli , � -a it ordei lesWf Irasay in miatket. The SAlii
th"10WAw, "dolt .,e1i!aftkga di teAt4't a -in tand iRthout Support.
dspartm* *(Mr. VmXiary, we Indirstand 710 q. I P.; W4 holding, the- m It t�iist he* -1125 ift Sir iii the krim, -are training enry
thi 111" - of or Stmwberrlep' markets
wortship, wayor *Suv k" is- onf -_Ueuten
V*r Dw4l g Hauw, laigo Orctao-, two
qlamuefi txpbaifiii t0j* th 11o. nervetaippr isto, eiggons, nrm, wltb ottn
-ik,*& -1w fifteeii yes, s mivalenew This is a me c-buco to ct"-!a u iccn-
11worm was Ake Win. Di o ke mt -tlqVU&00 fA
oompied �ther' busi 11JUX0 L The' in
-11611- � I ' ' L t2ex 0, 04:-06 10kenecl in every put big And, weighs; a pound for each
WAt for the islectiO* of a now *Own a, !it L id
diek-of lafawtod" -tk* Xj$re W" &a fell yie. f W eat
V* owing aimun (;f" A 4t, P.M� urf no, a .9 *enientfan�bmgon I
I" d, : . I . twentwogoodiparkets, Gwerlch AtudUinton.
-WM4.' No& vt fact cohnected,with the Iatollr., 1nacto N
96*1. Fall -S --ferguW111; (Ton. taima 7y 'b and - Nutt. Mh balmee ln:iour eqW annuid fu"mcuts wil-4 T toy to Thum
the genwi%i ,a th " 2 'IND Top"ovelms ward. 41 fhe "!:
-via 04 Nil, b"tea he P lej*h, He will, exhibit Infiltb
Gard xlq�, is SPAM ot as -a a 1101111,� Wil'soll. well lknown-�-thx Ja If
and van jS;r-fGr Str&Wbilrti" int Will dali adress -fou
aU 6-d" ilwxaaa, BMW- P -VW perolft For it an t;W., WX10
ttt"At Brod 'V' ��! .. he -Of the Strathr
ionts v rArl V1, 911 Met -1 P" *6 con d �-A For further parbLdlars apr to F. RubertEm, o7
f Ir re r, py Age xay*,. On. San Y,
fat we ean W woola be t1w ii#t f. ftl��-Adia xttho0ftft-*fMA:uWl
SAY iiiddioralmuskal-r. isakl* the Wk. �At t that whiskey is improi�a by aXea.v9y:aga, v
V "Yo- his -,or- *rtyd ta4 or-tw4ve Indians Oneer,
Mosom Devine P Aft wthult. 43oft icb, Jjily Ith, 160 CAM tC, t1h. L�.,
same ka 4D Road mraliouse,
"k. The-oal a,-$ U9, fA
St"a; R, previous dop., has ptit up� A �tr,044mia in - his
At 2 ted a it 64,16 at, 2 04
ilk *W riglat ou". obortsonf the U.
WVA fwbrr three Wilis W,
the-21hibitlon- Will �o X, f4i'to hktoa4llu bill or the of Defiram *116 re
Chufth Of North A uv** being want, forenw I notiod betaoa th
;�ed-'Judge o they, "ut lhe"friitir p
TSXJPXNAwcs IN6MIM Tb* 11011141W Wre invited to address i�io SM6911y, sqd Tows and *me near wh nich no aslies, had 49iod ah4c which no 0`0 wOl bs tdntftw� sit 0. -60 After
Isdorsir w G. &Aon, latis, ot sobamd, 8160 Xr. -Tobn -Honison" School teaclier im g,
to tho Oryspil ?Ala* ud A*1abi., ap in Ant
b" J�aforo you; butiiewemberit is Amstron.-Ti7hos roG will 40fivor two Ifthim (ander 60 This ada"n was t.
y reason of Just BU
particular favdr'b w - toke Awa; divided. d'ruettifLui . S
.Y but S& t1j46 hff&nftj Fationpol
*web" witit Vistilley ma -zo it
In atting: Butlerw EogenHw
kill 16i SS t. on
he liantir wJio Only however, Prort ftyw
am st A* Towpatus, Socis" of sk *us nwill"1101 of WAI 1ULMIAr Me. this, me of LC
A#d Cut %WL bruised. 'One'-Indifill Ve�S takeS AiMat his _Victim. =heTrty J3 C
8.* 7 Wh I t h
T�ssft), in Crow* V'Weds JW4 00 W9& "'�SUVar
bcWW , L a , 'i VAOIT a05
-td r WJU 0011B Oweadwy a" Thorsaity "it, i" %k *ad. W"04, "pox Pravalual -our 4 'he Inters- and several offibrrooeirea.mmor iUjarm.;
frost os— This. su-mor they- a'" PT4�" the1wovoind I IT
and of OW -in6raing half-s4ozen �01(f -XtvxAxwA, oiL TxcDdwx a orA 01 the siont iw*. 1"Wro, io esonvow sit oigitt ahead -ofall this otbor morries ist: mly boft -ftaxioit =ady H J Rey, $Word K
-bididi The *U6U- *Xteaf Of QtajV4 arwt1=1 towVclitbe hirtam flindlyis x1tb*1.
emle*, pm., wa 074OW& ussis"M party frami tbegtbism,41ina *ri*lo'r four but&er knives,
"k*, with bloom -1,
henistarg ni 111YM111119 in the merrft of the- a"
md fm% and fto on -issAinig a* seskns-11h ei.bo6x 4ire picked be Aept el4sed da AVrreut1*rt**ftbe -tip OA
of J*hbod luatherpwrWoftbe bodyiind Woolmson T 0 wasan Jolm
r of *6 grocary, VWtakeli 1; wigiam"I oin
rhe plau" in the otb= p*rt of the Ised ex- _ _d y
SVO a&4wxtftd' 109
39 y sqddex,
the the 0.4har- Aectionw f 5 'GotdonjL Of t2wTho Publie XXXIMilastiew of t" amm who sai 1how, 41ir tht* of � NdUu 10P C610INNO of A& 6" wa *46 Xkawl, wis offi" J WibmF ull IMWO
110AAW waft
gwast 3� Win
a'* Vata. itud shooting a1m 11M b rea-lot wire the
igh�t thdas Instud Alto" DIC"ON, Pftitrwter-
WO&P00407, ad a*ntwbm re onus for At itb IL
God &T'* this, Quism Ta 0 r **I A- NALT.—The Now. 'Vorlr�rAbuw of I tuvist into t)% putt. *ndanar
skiesoms W Vwl'
DavWx Ward INJ Those I wbut,
his RI- 0610MIA of 40f, f;aQ, U=4
MINIM or sense ofitelift Or'"11 Wbi
trm ,Bout U )rlww Tapidly. IULP p4it LnMJ11VJMT ACT
Mang 14cream Avot OF
*niid-� to 1 0 who payDbein
set olt�t- �0� 41r."Til &
finsse t" Ptisdoil R. D. Oa figar
ivr"r few., bA6;i;*Zt he dia,iiiiiii pwar4
Xonk*d and 0
we I I . � tor is a positirs Pr i)iht-
.2 LL m- .1; 13 y. Solit by VQbE1tX WAOX
issis I I Mo imp in allsad. the (Ainsta 'the lbkma it nerchintii, Ty. Pr, IT, folvelit
iir6%at to W of ow
it Is R*ht it 001 N. T., ;Ad
-ur v ha ilan hfiArnl�lltan at the hasivent W Notiled ilA to
X"ds- big e$t&ter *Ad WeptW
newspaper -Iwr�g
*iAW6MlliXvH1%V - — I awzals- under tlie above Act. to me tM undersigned Amigo"
the-, *a exhibit liat neyarbeart 'I
Dr. UsImses. Al U044- Of t*460" oft%* two a j&r
ftnaw i IT f7wc
"a hars 4i info
to th
wa& 0- VVIat ix)
cewully il b co d
t lea f
Kausas City
and properiy
11 Be
e a be
ana ;.o
anWkew" 4;40� WY it srtrftlllftd to famish lite,witbillfwa Months
-ift dea a JrquWbaekandle-t 111111 IsLy-quwy for Un T
Sotw at Doe, it, and ff ame *,tat -
pap" insi*%Ua that
DIVi tee blood they hold. intay, *Rd ae vxue of
0"tw oil 4 a, ,it tits kii. gentlemou.mko�"A tkeir lisir,itt-the, I aquLliub itself *Uugh ing the lart t1*e wboleaftested v4ftr- oilk -ith fte
0*6 ovat be J
Since the time d, Adward. R,f in whw middle WroUT imitsta - -'+,he wisdom of thesy in it Tau A= w" ItOdulatiKIR. vouchers
welpsm r I Ifturtly. - In the 41de Or Wk, it fte r Diew atiaottriell, intm, c-OUTIV do wo to de Oxamden wat prW *f,sol6mOm,:wkO-o*oq pr6posed ust fm. ttnte;l. ike". -unstonte abottleof d&.y QrTEmp, Iff.g.
191*w"U.'acant"bury Oithe&*L
ft - pufo between two
mews taw* at&-- f %Af viw;� tV0 t-Vitudian pain n"tMer% kisaeartitineure NALD J:�.
omit la all ins lem 2swA
60 covist 11, 1 *WK orsebw ;iV(V , 0h4rdfi 'Gante now Wt b Fold
the hair in the Jaidald.