HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1869-07-06, Page 1�or -7�1 4 ZZ 7; -A 2;� MO famr-ospro Min& ifa 4 by 51 131 --a roil cormiuLTAnox time _e 'OiltffheDeaft W14t, Bz &T no x Ml: -.n, ton, of the bla%oxao6s protent Pitt Q -Ak '6f ate M N Z 10"00,T].Ttendin- to 1mro :becti 0� -T, C4. 0. 1%hai=011 Xt !V ,nnyslcuux, Sun= OX,&e—;&C.,GODMtmI4 a W. aTkg nia fo hpQ 1,;', �7 JU 4 dterhaylk !dn twenty y1tat's Aeaf 6, - 'D "n C"- d=b Wit taiml VnixeLluently Vwltecl 7 X� Xi�: lad'eanea up d Vas IT", :3 75 77 T7 IrYmcux, StmarosT. CORONER. &a. �0. I- "­ - -, . ­ ��, .. 1. 1 'sh t2s ian i v. 64 U 1:6 -dto.ftkw-*1tr4 ''T BR andrvakdofide third door east ofContruISC11001. 49 SE ai,)� ��;j I" �'7­' IQ thd 'S, RCO OXZaitor. jdnd Proprietor. tlim 116no hip'. -,nJ r es 0 ALRE W. T.0 c4 offorcsm n left V lim on lour- =114 T exalatry l8imilazI to the idea formea-,_4 A-% ICHXR�D MOORE, PHYSICI-Mq. SURGEON mm tPQ, XJ11, ;,TU` -E$ --,QA V ­ Via oter bv Mr. Alg-G anif— -L ir 7 At"conelleur. Illanch.ster, C. W. V - -, tr ,. -J1-Jy � Z 4 T T, - OD -RIP NN,� IN -AD Nresileal. L-^- "LIT3 7A G E A pr =i�ll blafoa mittim-d- Ptebrunry ill. Iso-, wsVT . I . . . . . i. !i0m, * ­�-- I- . --- ­ . 1-1. -.-- -1 - .." - 7 y nc& Aza "'I. 6ut--th'o spvdish.- C.,"tme,- for *,hrm a�­ 0. P. Danter, M.0. -A ;E&q, AccorrcatcuR V --1—n- -­­­ ultu I�Eimceop d Medical Electrician. 0 convertodZify:�� V, hysician, an seph Stearn "St "t liondir4d, ft f6ii *if&Vm-pr'Aesen&?, AL J T C F`4 I'— - . ; - , 1. -1 - t, - , �, ! --, 1, -7 L, dra Albany, N. T. T1 1 '=TW I . -- " N. . I - - - -.-,j -i - I 3 InInx Zhvslillan ofthe Atlantiq Mutual Tnsur- too 1911mitorn. ID 'DRT E, i i F;:; . .0. , LATHING CL A tow TO_ 6 0 T2. any, athic RD t3" ONce and Ilesidence Part at, St. Davi D �bf lVard, Godertell. lt%eabou�tho- o-inuingof thoSItarjapA %ib� h, A'Ad -aurroundlu ountr7-. e4wofflee Ove lVw420 17 11TE11xJ In 0 T'A 1, Loll% "L`,� - -_u j��3 I LO 'A toe)ied. I W U121 a ILI*a ltcswilQ. WS -fltS noaLTSIXORK 'a to a res mtub!d Mos NO AR11115M. R D�t IngetkonAgapmentfiefi ldnge;'he `,,had fbMled)r AND ATrORNITETIIAT-L&V LL, fo 'wouriw%o#tJ - t� rthvyerjga�ter I NR q Jady of - thi6 town. '5ea1brMft&,.jdeohd Vr6e'k16feV6rV doUbtJ 't TV i. see ness en MA11011 Ar 9,94tifflq LOT, SINZitar-in-Moncerv. Conniv Crown Al, in TEO 4011 B 1, eIved%IaCPh8cOftaieubea bust Ame 12 -YIW FJ rich, CanadaIWest. ofiice in Court House. vi4n4D 1 toekeetite Over 011e- . J * 1 ; &cut, fic (W Ca rich; nofbeltig�Qble,o to the hedr.dersbrought rrSE-aubscriber having REMOVED A-ND-JKWEJ,*(9UV W10 Hit U69,9f t�@�r .fatt -0 "leedhio more Raxiiest id, -fit& Of PI! , .-( 1 , W44 e4cite 116 0 !l -� �� - ­ , r store lately, occupied -by WAr DUNCAN, 0511�- - � .) , - - . -11�aidcnded his -4 J �,1111t=,"RFftgp�­l C lil �-Ti:01EIARGE4 MODERITY, . . � * " U %it Ffs deVotiots, in thi4 ATTQRNMY, CONVEYANCER, &e., Te, I Ott Di, IMPlappm Z -I, B'MM'.0k, G o d e i Il c b, 0 a L, W40 first door south of Ein5ham's, Market Squa A�""VXCM' gZ W ;Z WIAQ A-T- 13- eiii P, 1ES3 - -1 ErrAiNu A�L 4T Iown-bymuldxigthe wishes to inform his friendt in the Town Of 'Nervel.'.. 4 - Jrv1Z%3q. SS told In Subscriber-baving.!emove& %thw.al(Ire-lately i offer of mnrria,-re which rulminal, tkat be Goderickland surrounding country, Eltais tva�dosweti 66cupied by th fApow-ftfis, Dra 0- u g.noae.btw drat; -A No t.6 02 Aip artrA &ad-emptp *, EA" , M Dr, Y, Iat a 0 0eingshum1ge' noxt, ve t FIN lk, Stock lf lir"I po q" to e!L4 a -1 Mr. C.,171i'li -SAB GAINZ 1RRISTOEM SOLTMotL% tv CHA-1qCE= &c,, now has the largest and most comrle VQffice, wish4; ­1A.M... .V belley"Apqper�pp 00 at I idl;, 0 OlUeO 'the Province,havingoarripdpi; f GRN -AX, Adweekof ve On '61:111111 wasat vaaybd 4 B Min atda street, Go.lerich. of Fall*and Winter' ibcond oAope!n ortho litle-114111:11090* AL C CAMEIXV7. .14ifur the lait'!4,jeira*, aud begs to T t t "tllij P ARROW. linginessext ;iap Q Vs w52 J. T. G onsivei-yanditioc�ea�fullyinKiinilJ Trvmkolit part at tho-So-callecl revival' -Ortmillbue upilred,16rffLentA. j eii 'r- -WAi BE EXPEOTBI) IV tQM d himin Him hypt)qr1C=1&- ill t Ky bee ame the guest Qf,f)ie - rvsp-CCt0C1 -FOW principallydrat ro Sootladd, he- ystat a h urg :OVER CO 40f thelchur6b; 31r. 'Mtd&e17,.'by wh(6 IiO T�AW ASD CHA-N-CDny pRJkCTMO-1ERS. CON. ler every . - 1.� 4 A", III El -o Z!,R iv .. ".1 ­ itry,C011tMinin. - YJ . �1� �A!' 0 fts,, treatecl with the gratest couttesy th he Prin in ish e ., � -a a ­­­­­ . , --3 - ,aAamp oft" oes nage, pJA py tiqup. Boots'alid Sh cutterin one of the Princip at C, io -Mokauaad tJ ve;F::es;�.Votsries Public, &c. Offloe, ()tin ernin 0)i ofany house in PRA Parson's sad g publietbat W1 " , j� - , . - - -", - . ,� l'- I Style of Ladies' and C1 74110); will give satafactilin to the pirchaser" and I -� - - �0;0 M Of Market Square and Fingston St., hildren'S 900.48t Idth `k- a 1.4 mers =A exploit'g 124,owurp xf - lock VAN f,=, w4rk has been dofie bv mysplf, qq6to j t j�rtre as4ortm!kntof ydWnd F VES Goderich, I"sta islik oUlliingit.wellikeoutedi:.c..I-'.-.i'j�!���,�-1;�i--�-Tc�-S 10ALls, out. that lie has, also P6 verl, B*jitibl I caux 141004- 0 41 WAR- welr T RATS' ust Sept, ISG& EX!S' mentinTorontgRraptillV41. A vod iissortment, Of Gol� and' rlated Je 4ev Thd' r 41tvayjf6alidliff . .1, "4*.�-924 69) QP Ili 4WC1 ­J3L� -the Galt i& 4V i; - 4 Goderich. aw. jj4 . . -.,it7M Ya M,4tpn Tjazo of the- 2 L ALEX: W';&LT4403� ARRISTERr ATTORNEY, —Lette 6ii - I iW-4�xas fio 13 Qi1C1i'ocC2A sift. VAL est. if Icu GrAerie.h. C. %V. officeI upmIrs Watson,s WINTER -BOOTS & 'I baven, *ffteR%d libre IIA'dkimv Ifiq - of his W- XK:M. Vlz.]k��, W street. entrance first door %vest of Glasgow 90srse and fine, both -impotfdd, rind T 41 y" w49 insTWfadure. wMeh he will sell r h) vrjO 1. �21?P5 t n OVFn T - 1who iva' 9 baptized tn4 received into &4 J 'Oldest IshAIRM0, a n T .Bonn -IS. 4t:r�ordon, Cheap for Cash Is - 5 �Rpom, -v�), R' & 'he ,Meet 'ng rich. A-TMRN -AT-LAW,,ROLICrr6RI�,qCEFAI-TOMY D- ROWAN, er�`In`Ai ;in XX No1%r7Publtc�Cqnveyancer,&cj &c.,Gode -4 t rpyival JU aiprd"Otiow -ktiifnA"V;df lie -014 extxv rEm- M Call and exa�mine, as he is antisJged that he ad 41uV4 Sty , afth .9 e south side ofWest Street, third T1311 A*"Th via,* [�'q6hW on7W T 15 a It lftunines.�. ,c tet. -119 It collddd4.ing �gVXVAt Awk, .1 MV rf . w49 L, 2 -2: -UM �.., use SQmre. I ,W: W has just the goods you %;,Ant. Mir -RA ROO to VIM sdTiO& - ') r1Wtt051,;; mg Iii, -tit IT SAMTL FURSE. ,to Sout j.,i. "llerich. Jan. 10,6 IS58. -BAN �*MXT-Ern il-MERCA&W.TAIMR.,� Kincardine I)ntGUTUP if-, Isaac W% 7703=s. vgr wtltbe 15tb in Goderich, Sept. 24, 18C7 wt I v IT7 � i � 1 1 , , , shrAinappedrel from got;JR.,ifter Place; -1% BY 4,W- -'iMU , ­ -.t - �.!Ii - iq$dlq *,9 own 3 t ATTORN -Ar-LAW, SOLICrFOR ��Rt RT*1 VERY LARGE VARIETY Of BAIR. Chigll. &c�, Godericb. Ontario. office-- e - 7 a n idone. Crabb's bloah, Ktn:stm street he, `8 x6tg 'foUdiied 'them e t 1, 4' 7'fiet�, "' NN -1 -Three - Diff 2 11 - MARTIN" ren rich, and found that thev h ' a4 �Ofpp 'ET1 MRS. iii, t fil pt thlO Alhith-,Lila H-viieff rav 13,0710 Ar, Scinler, ?R JR-N1N4 E MY 110HT L 4. STO t",OR V� j!" jrAVifW'1tY JI -di '­ - ta ST -itfid iel� i9f0diff , 081V ARRISTUWAND &TTOP-31M, SOLICT110RS- Z utwo - �f� ­ ­ i ' -he. ivotinect wlt:V: 4 0 " B AND NUB W 11p, �till ROMM 'Wig 24 y ad -at t in- Thaneery, &;c. Godench. Ont. 11l,fPr,F"h1 7lt -.1;1 1 -.,- - I 1� -- - 1 - Abut - �zfllil, %taek *iid w; 'GNnd Trdulc Train, le'A r sounm 13. A. For Ift SINvIi eighf;�,- if it- 44TI R-OCIN1,11I&I'l 11ZIMAL, Q dall pain A 1* He jgj� -a numbei, of IaWnaes, jS w lmwooci. 'andX,--4#JP9 `049*1s' aw; 'j, i&,l beell �V'4.014, R1011 XW-WJeW4h fle4tKUW7 -ILL AINDS ':0F Wt. - In4r' "I th SGN -11 ' sedinA -beed' Streq, Opposite IfIIE undersigned havin�- purphqsect flie klarn:-; a cal r2 1.3;.: 'r - *! rff;A R `13-i 've wl$ ln.,�Mjll a El Sash Llactor"TOwnem,unuM Z e FACTORY 'M' a`hQ A GO RTI-." UP �uv'u 116 W z 4 4littitO fttWssful as a reyivd lDre--d2c-r­-' -by I)ona!d Cummings are novr, Pre '!' ', . - jj�qaf�oeka1ad-declW, L* pared GSdelft�lrb il byMin 4WbRw %I,,) plad X. (IN pain a)I&A oing-i V SV,� ne he' era to be I deal Vh04he1vTfKin=- & 44 lit. v (,.) .1 " i ', ti�; -. j t 7�, - 0 &e jkrl ja�st a., on the business bt maniftctur* I�i to carry, 1: Soderibli? -ak ..DANIAb waaf 1P Ysrfln tlorl- ]Bain, It. -A-.; -.1 1. Sash, Door$;, Blind%e :-T OtL the li:ousetoldof thii R -m -con lip ;1,14 U butrdin--s. Xin,­Von, Street Goderich- o i? :.,�AP E-TtS, EVVERRI D 0 GodPrieX;belng16'f; 21 geofi f1fis des bre --.1; ��1 CC— -f) a;3, -*as ifabrkaticn.- , I' - i The,"'St, I'MANOMY AND LAW OFMCR. CRARS'S NEW li'lalailble faft situgfed oh the 7 -OUldimb 90, F1 mt! eyanciaq, Mon lent on- ren-anable K jpfst -blie N. B. �Caiw M Mi *y IMN GODE N'... Wopsli And.1da, higliltat;6 lofea Oat a e --thcgl . - -f: erms- Dispatedand defectiveefles to real e. 7atidif laieted. Goderich. Dec. 24 ISK r -w34 04tillgremiges a I� , ­ - bearing ordhaid, � I t allf an&oine frama ag tq M 1AAnd or and aft kinds -qt, YO FOR SALE, AT- 1. - " 4 -. 'a .,a , dve 6, V IeWjI.TMf#nishea!` d iU� jiDronto- IT--lik", .B.OQTS. Ide oil-lotud fit Kill a 'I W. 1B. Stokes. 40 xt 4C Y-, IR all kfidideatI64 tlxtql�4s really one. jaf tnean V111eliftable: alt -and Frame peista 1p hnddJnvlfig�houife7t; F _qu aiiis yed tbgt #gut in a 4otvi licR -Sa BUTLEWS Atation� Pn[TWO t L. :%trns; eyxrofr6f0.E1 for zoile in lWs tcWship`;,ft bilta- 'Y'Steam went out -fyf GENT FO, AGRICULTURAL such &I Circle and Gothic ft- ADHIL AM At R RTRATFORD stx 18694; ej,'" ,Y,:,m,�r�UJoseph Sharman, proprietor). Residence, GoderiA, Apkil -b axW,;6 fibia'Ciffif4D d vm their experience' in Factory They think fk -p 40 6* er is abont to give up, e rins 'Work. that they can give spttsf-tiOn to all W I � A,1)a=enkw1llbamadaadvaa�eous WT Rig Ihiv g&:1t& nd -,j,: -n�43 tlitheRurcliper. f VQIN mav lavor thernwith a ea.U. One.00asauct 40illars will bff *4uirea! dowa;' tne4i:: 9jikkd) dDl1fift.!' il. E;;4 liberal ilm-contilt to the trade. HE' idirsigned begs-io',retum thinks rea f0peft ga-sinuthe:IJ V)i�dllffiayl Sah 1)y molt 'B B. Et, ! .1 , y., c�xaes�, bop birou -0 the public pfg -gh No 444 IRRISFER, ATTORN SOLICITO f ch' d a qu4tter the liberal patr9n#.P, w4amumberotveafa�as inhy-be agreod�%on,10; 1 Eit I), Clinton, Out w35 120,000foet. 0 IDryin an ,�rbrs VElr1nrtbar'pi1tteaMr&-�up ­,, , I �, ni raent nit to heretotore,pite ga to Fxj�.. H� is stia pre.., h'it ;- lip LTfttit: BOOK Tfieli it 44 A?R& lh­t� misMl, 'gli t. the con- - . t- � _,i - 7f MaNEY TO L&NTD. Flotorin- ou hana. t& 1r,ft#qlotqr outhp pM JOEND the shortest uotiee,.4ny. CV1 ba 1141wft- J,&S BUCEIANAij Vowl and , fa J -0 A4 r D&VID LAWSON, men 4 ORNSED ATOWONIPM: unty of &tTFIEtD, Cc s, 01F1 1''ST0VA" 0- ity Rf:, � - - 01 - '. -.1 - `, *;-P:7+ - I ... .. I ­ ­ - w.M 11011121STS051. Womeift- and -Childreale - '1- ; ' - - , �, - T *oirn-, The -a�­-,Mrgv, Huron. Sales in village or country pauctn up rr ma eurraus�mpc_Nnit a" 'Wit U.AV�ING rgoted, 9d fitted tu apt 1,3dace WWWWanell 11 2-4 4 ,or -T fuky� '.kdy.t W6 ended to. Goderlet', Mamb 4th. 1867. Woo *ORK, apd-At the lowest Cash Prices. Owl 4 ffi7x-,d#6f3W;1 t m h f ffij -ffie lijiffi I 6-r� _A Jw .4 air 1) JUST KEVE1V'8D# bel Nmegs�T-4tWfd(iw p upart:, ovej am -^3 "VIL r-qGIx2M:t A -%D -w-,- -1 t'201k sMnVop 1AND ilieSwiLh i ki Ageptanj Conven , I -, r, 11 ; .1-st Wit la"n T� FMST CUSS R z "! ii, �el -J �41nt­ d dneer, Kiucardine., WTIS AND, ISHOES. _WX7 W -;AJ*- #0 hol" ek � 01 Ov6v.,690 line ;21 A ols. *#714 Ai VA -f - L , 0 D. S. ALFRED COLLINS, o* 6 e'r; t' 00* '4 ;3 L�-W 71 �kw 901�0* 4WWAG:�,:1-r-"3 JL­J.- no one door' Efst-of the Huron Hotel, whie h Is hal 14'el I a� �he 49, "t; �.JsqFw L. I j 41 3 Clio-, X ROTTOLSON1- L. Sivwo the.Large Boot. W-OsVstwu Mill W* (loderic1r., Aug, 24tb w3l" Plou'rI.Agd. 1�68. 4 La, kept co " p,�' I p# n y wil It iid� X> 30 1'%q 13E1 x 14S 0X2 will h'i tb Ash 7,J w42 are of yo atronacm adkil ROOMS OVer the post Office, West st. 1 .1 eiveduln. ree LV Ry Ingi J1.R ZXT UEASONAB rl . - . oskolrx 'MEW oz 'Wines andL1�U9r8*;,-"9fib]WtY d' 11�`�.. I . R him, b -AtIN' , &.1 . 0 pedl rookht ;w4 , 4 6,Goderl D. SUTHERLAND, jan;Ary 19t4,1869 Q 78ti -Wetl.. DEALER TIT V,l A, 99911t-tAtiftp A-� i tuo� 4hW don to, =b Slihigles, T, a, JA104,r?, West -WFM �qdent YAPJ)S at tit-- Harb liml uiftr(d .Eiru rn r y aterloo Jz, -j �!v ar. and c and %V"ato Q, offlceq on SABINET, -MAKE street, imrearoftbevaW 1� I - - ;".:X, :4 7 � , , *., � I . .. . %, L - i - J; L n tE. t half. Gctlerich .Nov.r)th, nag. 42*&svr Ivr* qA 1 -16F -1 -Al thdfdd A W4 or er, AX --0 �v a 1, 'i 4 A 1 6. 4. A0 t VIV-1, "AME W- OD TUR VAIR., PVT 04,b, Ism L 'rGOL -of 'her in. VINDMITLAVERS" Rqu ARCHMCM& V 40 luo�j HE thuul�j for'the"li 6PT21 k Weud 4dix FE" I . -r;- 1�1 1 L),'-". "'�, ­ -1 -­ ­," ­-., '-,I p4trovdgo-solonogbistowe lupon -ht subsen in Garoda i Q � 1Z., I- , ; 'T t=,%, him bOg. to!W. q Ch L , : � �4 14 T.hey u7ft f6 by -Ablb� imfill-I W. , . I :, , --, 7, r '. , , X­1� -Hnft forin his numerous cusTpmers u pie fbA 1�0: kX'�� 7� M% n --s+, and conect; st7M 't 4;gs%jdxraft�� W111M U has retaQved hii 1+ GAAAAA upin LASS and silecifile-atI0114 OfIMAIdAgs, &a -90t a that inconsequence ogthelstc.#m, he oMee ovor J. 0. Detlor P m&thepublioZoner laltt;l EqIZT FIRTRIVR TIORATYA3 gy9ty'lluatIng D3 "ftstore, -st,11,06d lob, L3 -6 the M60tht I.J egg 0 store rormerlY bee';, ...... orything: businesst pied by"Mr 06 to West street�.-Aetb Bank Of Atdattedt where ev I Ail.! 0% L c- K, EP r in his fte�wiltipfbaadaucl I �,H .4 Asat Akg� Lkah i� Aw *j s, Uhairsj' tit -of J6b W I t perAou 41 9 r I - t , .- - 1, 1. , 1, the same. as 'rusual. Tiibloq, cs -TALUER &0' AW doid All Kinda ork Wfli b , li& r 00 8�Dol dF ;0 LA3tD.ACXEXT2 1W "Fr1ilt-48--ar Red a et Photigrapba $1 r doze)f, a IMP 7 "Puttital-T7 Irm e � r t -W, S N.' ]DAVIS. T.&,M 4,X1., ANA M 1 IV, Tl-- --Sab4cir1beJ;6 era- Rdecid4y:s' r Lj t for Sale' Odderieb, 29tlk3breb. 1869 2 "i(TI Tj `foqq�eblO fl) AIX da of wood-turtim All kin '44 toile 0� Posta, at -C Nool air lisinnistays-,­eck okes, &0 InAd �entgt.4kenout. DebtJ3 a Fare tpon� WWI irAlways iRmhand;"o An ell jh is 1419ACM4 15,A OTIC.E. f: , I - iv- P - . 1 14W-1- " -114. kaxkhAege-veli I I F-� -,--I 1W,Apply at the Office Of �2r.?* I"g wSTORYI- ype-tettek� V Q '06ORTNM Im BPEEND 00 �E As rk 711-7 -1.- g 0 t , to- "K, V Igh A. Lefr4i -N bl -0040413#;0, Bth,,186S sw-n4-tf ek E(OXR� ��OnA -'e't ...... wX .7 12 At� GALL MT _)uiing t Goderich, Sept 10 4 �11OMAAV]f A . -' ' -w&, ­W�iei* hit -ftt�h�e­ D I*, of : Z I I -, wftn ff Air, Jie dL- 41 U e -r'! t A0lqndj4Jot JDf 1 GICE E, V Lli.t 0 11'15141� -6l ` 4LAII-Swe fX es d d 1, sir­dro1)Ded 9 0 Vy.1C; I &L, A .1" qP Flo�,Al 'Wow came a t, ja ff :,i;. ils`t��a4 j a Rpl, plete, 0 I ­ L"_ -, , � "_:;, ". -- 1. 1 Farmirsic! Jelat Mt a o sudden.". 0 7 10 Aim 'th G6od Mirdth ndnV a P=CeU "Al. '.3 elk-- �!0'070116&1� 7, 1A 11auslilei. 1h Shac 0.10 f D1 T RNVE 1; ALSI'�, ell "a the Z$ 1- -42 ftftht%tk� Ili And dut.buildifigi.r -irlvb l !149 4- ALSO; twiWpm idenly kooekccl o sniZ trap-door *ut Jrr) a -0, "aRi. 1860-1 Hs�my "Gul. 1868-1 under hita, anti in falfing he got entangled ST aw P4 --u.sar bvm the -exim of vvhid� he ex. b4r-1 4he,P see; ol '0 and GOUW`1116 RJA..: BANI 16 G -a - iqb; ont sal sspp6ri� ;-R PATE29-- t6n�bW 2n -71,� J §oT DRXUGHT-6;, =Tcp !Z. T (4, F - c, vFXvNTRXA,1; I 1WESTf ST A RX b the I.V li.w4io iecelvW '-for, -ih� Q��3 Lv A!ft` . ­­', - , 1';e� 11, k� , Ell Iowa papef reliorts that as Jw _K6,; J.9th; fiat. _;V0 at gik leave. to 04�, work in a ;field in fAL4t ALCT3 WI -W TIM PATENt. at5l ­ ­ , . I , - n u. dw., Vr�p ffi4n 0 h, W kin& of to cap state w"ins baiket nqae� J �,�M -A, 40.0"KI 19­litel� .0661804' L A R'61i, S lis, We were at AXPREL Ito TT _Wife tq So a ia ga instrument � l!", 1, = " 0. Tat ZrG,4�1�0-.r -�tm V14eh anablex- %67 1 0 P�, ­., �,4 ;5. Isidg-fil G6d4-;:l : xrwl. . Me 111006�4 make the larges ^ h �1� :" , �­ 40 ­�141 I ji4�i5 Wli&t t" tp Igogtapunt ried a 'ek ofWool 101r.TWWffl,- )DldfL ', w,? ­ � -r � 7 aik#a k -i-, 17 -V. t* -Ifte 'h T W ka R �D- a -1 x4lEaVae'� dift B -ii spep ric ,ANADA d mgehl more ribant;V Mtelaturon -her wo v, 11tF a PATAVft Oic do) 4; OfAhi beat rki SILTY= Xictakesi, 91 it! kchange-for. J,edPl,Otxodd6fth4 T*.974". iniuuti2s, inci thenf to 136i V r 'list in d 10i k, a I with It; ef -0, , . . -hot ranldeaj 011, T L-. - - - -- rge -a&any Me. e Im -t6*.e6iigaa10 tbai'�4 �o h Iowa onj� futlieDomfni "but `CF k�a GOde14eh.,�AlsO,1hd-NbVr,0iLb et. -F, a 1fX10k hb -Jj'0j4pljro tonia e -u --;7-,- 0,i t.!V44�-t:Z* f TU mab 4� is ni&W 1'. ,, al.0:; ;' -- �� .0 � I gn thr _e.J�tr ngKas.the 6rdt&Z& 11g�S�yMilki-ximufamfing, tr!,�I&. A: 11 , -1 . . ­01�1; -1 - . I I I vaitu r 'Ali, #-Abe dx. 4 re turning --af:notfs -.'- ^ - ­ , I_ -­ Z ri� 'I - id-jg&cf, de�. a�d 10� fiedif foiCdAC -i 7 - _ r th&1remy of his anger gn D A mAS141RE 4 la -v a I I, ; ­ I � i igfe,. for, $2X0 per, dozen. in essi 14 �Wi(6 wlt4 * 11M Wh;& he held*ig *j# TIM LMIG a -of the�.ast,Aqv �,TjA A,` aid killed lwr kitaut WARWAITTED, �u#-sqe Ahg,tisw emes, fqq theinaqlvR,�, -to. call Tow -V'V" A 'S r to Abe 4AS V, A MP1sELJ,,. ,h' 1, OR. lo. 1i jaitiol ff. forjnrA.Y�r Out Q A 1?Zni= 4'refarb"at Viet, 2,1, t litie r Avl­i. . ­ V Xcl. � , -44 -­ - � � - . � I I. � � ­ -. , - on E- aprELiq4y. depetid 13 f he Oth B-af. to OW NY, iijelich. --p2FI.P,41�6 drihing lqdcler ni ]JANCE (j TnTL b u, t9 1Ji8Ui*,=tiX6 sl3tis *1i I ON,' A"I -pel titt" ­ ' ­ -�­� t C -H, -j* ITO 1UNG 10NAW, AAtO4 -JISA soment of r 0"ITA4 DO MIN T, I IOU 2 Detkiss ;0, Kin' gdfibi*t Wxerl A 6f M. A' C -SHOP 11" al*'W 4nd COMM186101 0.jAm 11#04 up for 7 ie Ana v WT rof ed is I)repared Elawlersign X k I oft1w1anding V, I W ?ojay of xacn,�, fig. ib!&61 K A wiethat bgthas. ik 4C -Sub'scribor vrould -respeetfo11y'-JWu0=c6,,.40,T r lhii iffaMID; T WAnctldn a4cl Nrlto� hfjt�pj edair., -4UO .0, as leb is mak9g, -4 hxvm 4vtijjwthK the .ftewitembexpAld, inbabitanisof ther Sand", t; &1111810 04PUT1118paVonage, lietift. ttfi Ulffelf 717�i P '.-ffed 'Antl­ W ­" r , , , ia� le �& W- -bust] ptoifs MA de in Attentibn to lit"WT -ai ori *4& 9n; Xartl < -AT P i t m& D JR, CU 66W �Alzt­-, 10, *M 4*;Ak . its 40i�il . , ­ � - I z W r e wolf, Lag, steawart Kali,jij r ep A .sizes &ncT.'0&IWt1WOf' fidi Ath x J, None a6l dfumitux a B0 soldowedut Canada df -tin mw gtiut) Co e MB nriallxv V% ight &Q& .. f - r, 1t1ZGBLVNy ife, tllf� 04 ftl Jac ter�uw, t1le -idatOifllf' �d P1 Ji 3KO 1Y.M1806kiMilothei'Wei ViAt.be, i4 --he Uvore'�I. 'ouskilaml, UWE` 0100c Rge. 1XV r lock, Arl W. X"* P -V Too - IAMB, WW -A JA IuLbewfiig We distin�&6xud Itever-6,60 Tg noliony"llhe County 401 Ab T-01 rbuildiiio, L i �ndchild of four years iif. ',- 1 , I— - .11. -t. 1AS801 Apply st !S M&Ji& F,OL -T- 111 da b, Fea, !at, 1NI xT T 4 011110MM117 slid L".0164 . Go Officeover f Nor* C.'De lot 074tre e�,p Cos rs beigg drA od, the finge Wn iLtf) the trectiand-tft. 10 fort. m yl�U;Cty w U0 lows It' 4 f1AY.V LOSS'A0 .2 i� 11" 1 . - , - 'I- I*Imx of the Itands, Xudyne rw w4e oarji 14viiretf­ Ora th"Rommy We 4"Otion 4 C pno froxesch fingef, W anot' ;ler 6 fiw' X 3J# f. �.- 4 let; .4P8j,4 �Wo "dit fftm 430"a 1 1.11 ro aitc! AWgdrifd 1L3 ld-t o A, 2114011W(illel wads Ana ithi(rdforeennitchfin, It Riwiew Lose 1). AxhAdc% -OD.Tftron, Efdritaldn -Acret;�2& v*, fivi. in 310 tool Ifig - -J� ptUtj� D ejj�j Withl heft .&Hving-eresk the Head, am Aciv to Try 101; Itemedyl &0*49W ItisIL"-swrlot. 'Sxa Are *a toussaild mm. T a 14 , 3 "Itsif P - - nst&bIllishibld 11"4MU'o; U ­hd for U& harribl MiscelkneoucisrapW GO36nch Ott thewiti., V I f& thelt accUpAtion, fmf;, L '" it -sue- Xj -IN " --- - - , In iDg4out. #very W26th -Yl evorr titaut canto Cr pened 16 3*taxittthere fOrlife., Im -r-04 0 4!b Mone *1171113664,04 Propedy Ur imm We IF fly* 4Tbli, ii sid*ltul 49AW u PIE I Ma, MHz *V* 441il"We to 00 1" h6414 13 -de 'aim W *XeC40tv i& A OL io.0 Wild& #ho csthet &Y, which ill"AtT94A 40 and *00ei tutheissaw -F*ft took *40 94111�i$211" -Oisu- CHEME edioara4houttEw Coast)ry I I � - - t T)Ae1iJt1j fenyW had T -9 1414 -turillis ease 'bl�coaaultivg. 4111w, t OM 211ke r 44ty hmw, ima his tal *inn Aj*" 01 SAtiettoo Writ 41 -r st toni"to itallip -40�14 iA ad- 14t A I, i � , czah icher tdd lihs tp, g,5 t kf out and 0.1yea a Itlit T"' a" wash it. kte - vent #4 1 1 CI I b 41;tpi A., Mone toLoanou Market ?3quithri0d"na ro I W) Tbd ilt-i I" OLI, IN LA11GIOR SMALL LO'W to� =,J*kZ Int. 22-2ad 11 - ­ ­ 1, 1 � *&* WAI 14 LIntas, and 41146 bACk *1t and LoanComilAnS a e road West Cof ZSrAM 4 -Ak QV - aleriblyal"li' or balf ftt and AirtY. 40h -,Yi� VbY short: a W60440f1kep and two otup pplloinlw.� 414 anted Uke, f XZMI ---*no ear* Godarto or A 4,01101*� &4k of 1 'i to I f At#-^ , A- hf!e1d;, 166:4 WAU your f pce I' the t"ach- 1PP*1(t1tR1&.-T a U 0 H A N Tiee J" xud S Xsrk#t84uareXodar1dh lot a 11th,'06ii h f .0ver yad iiet wish lhV --- tall ey A " - 0, cf jorlitev. 441V 7 !6y reassilaw Actary V JOHN PASMORE, 'dia pix Tkot w1p;e it., t1alert, &%T Lot 27 5dicon vltev**� t raw. (y su OXAUti 'Su 'ever! . lff nFor pricea andle , g. L", 4eafts 001w, L"d Offees irictoria stlects, 004edgu did. wipe it mabigh as my sbirl-tal� won1d ftWt%T8% of Impra"d Farms alut Wild 'GEOR&I AMONS. Agent. J NO. Co&ri0b,XsV Utut 1W, :S119PHARDA BUACHAS. BLO Wi baiul for $ftle, vage aller VA h� r#aeh�,s was jobnnfs colkimsive t'eplr, 10 1867. VF43tf; Godorichi May 27, 18671 109l Apr" lelt, 9th Jan.. 001 '67. March 1. H t, "3LY Mir U!"t 160`1114 w W 7 UL'A I M11 Ron/ 4 -.7 f n P Y