Semi Weekly Signal, 1869-07-02, Page 2-17 4r F P 9 11:21: X -Z THal EXT-qBAN IYS TRIUMPla Bom pleasantly to hial- Tile groat feature of the ev�nin*- WA*' AINLiYVX P �nranze Impostor, solmiti.;a 4 ok "V NN the baker and, t6olt theirthluga tUmott"?. Or., TUr 1) .1. M.Nkl OF A. NEW, MRA. Self.- "'Bkoaksaplett, idvtoharness a 7 Tbo Fa eb'6=ur�eo;,� T -be A find tO 1104 tried tl%U- b 4410- of fir6-wcAo- I tha401�tholio again', -6646 not without Some. loss to -F - DuXV*ftiV VAowXW6F a- TTtv *XE - i, i - - - -, --, " I al" Vilk% Out this 01011- %xill--toon be my ova waster.) -OnTu ay Q W: 918 '-him.: They dug4 hole in -a corn�r of St. TAlk Of apic, -aid Air, X -�d 911rs Utlg, �eforo. dr"iog -to a' 01OW6. Tile 29th* a young -170 oilcook .6fley is be� illky to fall izt� iko I bo ill e, aid M. A-Rhourpassed4way, Mr,. 0 named -,ehurch­yard7*baro, the �thjelj saut shall lid. ing. lint, arly.'s. c Boaft —'aamonta - plosof phea agues I What is all that' B gRa ha� a#aadance' in the Hall was very lago Ana, y valuo oTrdr Mr. Rovc-itly Jlohmco4 -�,j . I t - ,%y lthitshighwt mouinZ,,com ff to zain the good-7im .1 � day gem S M d with 410 to ins [watcr lialf orne eveitingat t ic to,-, sm6ked his pipe lix the meantims, and w" ed i4olineil as 66wnedL riyor froi in tile way with'a, lldiD Ceremony as pos- pare to do soma- Ainleyville, he in AvA hnAli�r L Jibi Ohich throo ho oMpanr table. emplating, wtirment to bad, -khen hit the rblish. �y tria? moving rritleed ejacu lafed Mrs Boggm GO. CO Swelling the. -fu nx-%rdiml inipridon it`04 10hino has seasoned th* WS -of common food to Dritish matioz. Ris, touduc.Via tqf2rtzV �=Izl a r Trg ;t GG walrevalled pleasantly from �i)Qva n4s. A "ry -was a' 'the TIV6r la"I PE r1L.or beina I#Ldt6r-of 46'LhOJJSQ,�,�as th;Li3aiddy bro,%�n f�xmar and hir; sw? to be oritfew'W in cotrmrjuenco by tomocf azo tto n=��'­ �twe M44 iossing in H41f stroJ41.21ccaffil The pro 67 -S.0017. d C -7�� should fil"'o to know 7" hOrAnsi dear, will. you ple so, i I dcoaflyoltair:w.A ­drs" tor ail do in th6 1`6 illgontl And nhore are you going, I iT use 0 fili - llpso�j and � the b, ha�sfhstcuedtliekitcheu blind?z was do.clarea t caftoe when it a aelll,,' well Tboambrosla of the idle Aeitlps of 01V=- 4&e MaYlietaher. G'60 (1kaw1aby ' - American journ.-Is, jone pf wldch� cm. r, :cleep and the ourre, TLN-9 puswas mm p4a-soup Compared -with tho presses itaollfenntemptiUly rifter thiD 14th� eating, dear.' &ildly �1 Will; with plia 4 To a ptilitical m 4t str4allid w 5 CArTiekrl and like -many of ilia a c0lul V711114, an int6use adjoijer 4�f. as=o,' he replied. Cottoluly the ladlea �of th4cath4lio-Plurch Uad up. t' tl " t oJh has � '�- , ' t ­ , every - d 11 --g. - . I .0­bod� not faty that elaspio daiqty lonfof brown brauil, to the- man !on. '('It is zaid in Landon ill t 'Bit George ? 110L �Xelaimodl 'My System Ca'�u -plain th 1 43 . ey were liber- a Ila im locality JVho'groWs an.1, a Blot 9, thing that, 'Tan.P)litical row Well I must say at cola sk not p Joitained' to rank or hob The-, denizens Works like a Charal boewrebovered. oats it bY the sweat 'Of 1113 more dispored thauleven Roverdy J�L. pr-ogrtso.ti Gently femal*'L What ysm ag- finely.' AR.Y patronized. OU' I's f4dovial fellow,'and often ig- known M fHelfg Half Adra of vil.dch the VTDw. toil that so -r;as *itedma t- _to loojr.!upon 40ve row, my dear, * thaparlor to have 4alk over corner otbe So thfil'-v 46're f� in all We., bay# A to, sud-.-Gsyo�o ifneetsis .1vatilrepnd Providence bless !he humblest Englishn)=' I 'Not a Jtnli butapoli- 'Perhaps- a Take it all E�ixtigh! caujubt6i.- in Idgh Zfe as -4 E ILE quarter of= hour may Itave- no. �ibttation lint centralpoint or1labi Are juat'.: now in food to the fariner-.7ith relWil ujilmo to tacalmoeting. some pla4es where wohe.;kr 104i?zed, and Mrs. Baggs, voice once move I ih amying'the cclebr�mtionpfl)dminioa iD with -much thd grace and favor to the human race-,- lrth. r M DIV tbobighestetateofalarm=d ousternati- the ep is speeches, and so fi of Royal Couits. Drink, � fact., that Ixe is tile raost dez rxmto teaci my We 'A the. Victoria, Vancoeifei 187 liad -Wan 14 - 104gCri - had �Oft6u I onored on in consequonce, of the reported ap- of the lot in the Company -of zrrlsfrcer-L�u Lrc `-;:53 j�,- b4oko the Stillness of the raidnight hour. gentleuteik-w1to I L- L. --&,L 7 in Goderich was ;Plenda success- W thi Ath inst" 'hjui 'Yes,otcaurse! Mureofthosoforill' I a : 0 land 'Thowas, do uht, I beg of you, Sit lim the f i...8-rhrish, Vol6ifst, _,With _.h r4jft o.0 V6r that Ot- tha wishaur readers many happy -returns A w _ recently of K.6 U, oto C i- to ]Dmton libi aries t1w P starcastir.ally sneered Mrs- Boggs. 41�p night- air by an open window. You ffichwe make -a few iute�14 'Ox- ers- pearance qn, several, 9t ain0jectinhummu. feral, -clad in the Qff- futo vt e ffi t1le 'Oh, dear how c'outrary You iki�bf- ate not, are you 11 the day. trAott: 014 better thumbod thatrii any afh& V-.,gimtp z�-;!�ZX When I SaV Lgo h Mrs Do -s I mean "No, my de. -iSaTTr -its. �,.Qi gent. To 0 '11"0109, while he was �nteitafidng a I just is om* 1 - Fort ^c& � �r, I - i -A numbei want oft ie dead, and presenti.V a face water hat am not.' ine with ZIleadoiga.Ofa c tn-,� �c��Z! THXT FLAG.-Somthow or other Oil the 044. ertain lord, a re-. mope hideoux- than tile veiled, prop great Iting familik sinvea-, hot, oioos ill to afar or thon.va�s over bonfires and illuminations of various sorts. 'GAre y6u not 04a; to bed to -night 11 A Spaotmbl�, 180 YOUR, LAV GEaLTUB., irl,- L kj�k van Called arid eiijagod. Khorassan, expozed to his deluded fol- He hat I'll-, %% fbnnia Yeaerday, f�r.,. file pl# -.Qf pro - Why do you persist in miso-anstrujug my 'Yes, WY love, us soon, as I It 0 finish. deal of laisilifigance rally attaclied Pao -&V on, -the tho T06blA cWthe grbund'floor* �which wke: lowbra whenthey sat at the banqUa -table nazolden or silver goblet todrin 'e1Uptht1j,:and iettlihg uph R it from. meaning 1PHE GREAT The -old oa? ' bucket Zin 19aii AL Piaturos, Oval frame; Connrte,,� eO this pipe. t� ihose, on. its by people of every the'rois- e AUCTION S�ALtl or � o t m 9 N flag. fio �bapier it- Red,with'the tile poisood'.iliie. . It -was first-seenj, as r �59 etc 6 Ane-ry are Toil '31r Boggs I Thai,& 111 !Re pranouncell. t)lo word pipe with in or lowering of. lslml�rf �tud, Iffa-Wand. than "Umak, The stratgir, ie6ming Bats— -writhffig=4 burning from the eTqda of nia; price, $aid that as lie a emigraitsage fr6ifi-tCaliforww. i d*qthe' hadj at a- itonswivel, the Id your Reculiar tell y elaphiisis. Previously, ra, bury -6ociipy portgoes; on. an q night lmit� atithe chased warsqA Iniury.. Boo him tlie er-. I altall br. a �he r.66 tlimi Ta --J, g, �ir, f;ir your owngQod, ho Mrs. self may be simply a piece -of pa�vti.;CoJqrtd `fg�ut 0 h4 d 'Por" If0ibla, Az(n should S . a in Banzivz -old ZtQnp, IV41 temp Ok lie insults frox f�oggggs, at the maia, mention of that ItWto be tWol you, reutember that 00141 ici ting a few ce 0 elueut same oVeningo --hostly hour t of ve --by a Couple of. windlass or-tht well-awepp, with his face tonfimuefl- a fow�days only, The Coads Zro orti f mhas, comfort would cloth, COS ats or a few dollars; -meet WiLth evety'e' U'rag. tBabbur 9. sai the r:p yt 1. Baubnty,' d baker, sable loyors wbo were holding tr.yst under red and Austyl-and his )nouth and vyza 7a-�y g� --I 'I weim no insult,' meekly muttered have gone iwuotL6 g passion -ZA threa but it represents A)SOIn uent shipments- ragriou why t1. ehoice and beautiful =d --To -tola, AW, zy uAive place. the dimlight 6f the street Immp.' SlowIy chafedwlth46�ysoedzndbis -throat dry Mr DoXgs. atlifrng;-mn� idea or We il�tici freq 'Inddid�_S thoir V1316n, US VAth thirst. ff�ar yl.pw. tha�, L = "? C-% Z",ey:Z mn taued her huab -.,El tht the most dreadful switimeat, of.ihe na#onal, mind-, we will taral implements �o the Zmasiulm wher 8%L his -lodger in surprise !; =d, A,�.fwy U Aplo upon big -bottomed N. T I 'then I Und, --first. like buoket bump - aggainat t. a Mo,$ 0 ades during eath ; � "aUTpoge YOU have heard_ of MX.. if J&Ji#W X�M :t1io _gro h a --covered -for, which straig XAVA are, willing to� privat 'No insult %Ir D,lggs? Do nuttryto punishinent ; bjn' ,wl' she merely'said ; - 1031 sOmpro.; . #1,,- -1 iay 'y hoodwilalt me. Haynt I been your wif &V Th 0 h e 'Do please hurky and finish it, then; I ments for labjpr-r� e �Wiok am� vapor, And assuming form and -shape, Thare is tbo Splarlh Auction bach evening at givelip, property, personal liberty, with- .13tUbei aS, it these tvreutv-five ve.una, pttin u !lay): yesterday a red lorwai 56VOr Mowers I P with am aura it is nc#1 one o'clock.' !Althoug�14,vonopersonai ecollecti- :Socketldss �Oy�as, allil -ficabless- AOstrils a4id tbe -cold gurgi Wg attlie- '911ing - yolar freaks and fa�cies� starving and toil- The next when 'Mr, Boggs life WON, an4 belies It t4j, - 4�ovj­aU, ezn-� and reapers..' Oeftkigoatl ir it slowly ascends, -with 4 spray SALT AS A XAXUa?3 FQ)a OAT$,-,& plied the b6lker', 11 elhitting fianics of re, too -horrible to alid no inz for ycku, and nw vou must ubout and 4wakCedt=Aes&t4ewingbyh13 bed- bleux, dear to the hearta.ef, the know his 41nil a Moment. n , I people- The fri Isla -.04- well as I k4Qw my contemplate insult me ? 0h, it is too bad elit crop �n iho d -1,98 AJOH9 Wh ve of water S d#pping against the uU, espgdentof the J�.i& am over wh it floats. Tlid�� British flag gunis-vill Why, Sir, 'he 'is' tile rbe ouvelej�d 4he 04'tly obi�ot; aud �rery oile giving %­ner odge tothe wtrmar� ays part of th i %Irs B�ggrs wellt 'Thomas, deant nor 3i b t jt..fenerally sow a eu=t7 -we Here] not riach tho aiftao,' Sh#tp 1hamewaited for you 1%lr B�%-gs was the pcture of helpless- to awalren foj Breakfast one which 20 good Marl ne'ad be 'jish ad -st!part of ht !ibAacpuntry. -1frituxi trailed theJ100ka a tan a of th -the Curb DatS -Mr -- Zr,,e=,Crcf. r no4rly -an hoar. frosts in the fil I4t luoiith Qw t- e lgtania& %nd if A -season sets ln�tur CO.,. at, have shel- sipped many il the bad. -be a eon years since I liyea at Ban- simb C�ldr,.alid in afii�elike a sugar lo44 beforia him, i�jrrvrin g his =0 oon as you are and she. uMAMI I 'im " iewhat in hignorance ailded-r I aorlas ikingly.to the height-oT the. xeddlledface which bell& fo'&eilrau ness He sat at the tea -table, appos will be rcady as of.' It may, irt t4o age$ �ai son about 4$qrs clown t 91A. Plaint -is that the crop is too frolag and -room. in -z sob4in- wife, conscious of the eut ty of -hurried from I ' tered much that wax imworthy, and Mean) plich, qeA, niz,ing his onti- * 'Did LoimN, Juni3, 30.�-A des here, . but if you ora * :,%Ilp 9111 Or Motion , it Therd is. a drink for vou,- fhatlq4ture I wt liesdown. Kqw, any geto his offtmce, and fully recog- from see such a change ona sordid ; but it has- -frielida X -k- � Wickham, yo rsas-welcomd madenofie. TplFappalledloverajotikedat distilld f6r't But auki YO , Brest, st-ates that-, teiegophic:4diices from -to my 1cus; as flo h farmekS Jips, � the like of would say -that the extra me! t ti cal position, fain would have fled. B ad Mi. Bo�rves gle ily. in 31V amomen I then, affrighted and hor- which fabled -01 When he entere �br s411%, floated proudly Aver the bizvest werj fear paralyzed bis limbs. of. biav 4us; uev*r humv. So topzdkessing of z�lt rould givo to -fbc, Unt, ning-room Ins a the steamship Great E"tern Naive bee Christln�j., rorstritkeu)- f%d a!aTMing :the neighbor-' ivithleop. How many thousanasof men, -should increase the vil wo comp2ain cf. The han'l of the clock pointed attle by land received up to Tliesda hood with *Jrye Heads �Jotljedjvfjue linen, farinr laumptuousli but'l lave founil the veryroverzotobj . b wife was justt a breakfast on 'the melk "I - many I - 1lar'"Oulit b yn00%�,, aithattime f;�geL 6a.suddenly descended and Shrieks. hours of seven- The distant illurnin table. -'Hot rq d coffee, mackerel, and sea", and'.-benexthllta folds �ths. most throui the -ce ' ith a Clap of thunder, &opped out of dooro kald idniiaw. & � I . I , 66 had made Jlinkw ereati e 920 -knc4i from, ]�Usi, 'and to in- ctry t ZT adwouished him that the int lu� ts most gareous abodes the L -r-.*; towed potatoes' and d"ded of Slaves ha*e found pro a- quire the co , - me. a-memonies in which he longed to takep 'Whew Fhe iit-e -what pai.d oit 1,08 imots of cabI4 Sign AO1 primpriassion could have 13een pr mie of the Commotion, and - z can furniob, vauld. 07,0 wotild b%,ist, and he was a mptive.in an next 71 has frOm their -houses. With thir fortlines for the deop enjoyment of crop, aud to my ��ry exclaimei, andauccor. An insult to-that.fisg' aclucad ltion the baker than he evinced &w came f�i* half 15 `cWt- :to the L'eh --era after 8 onamy's beit doomed were bettor 14141 �bey- -1mve b4a -at, imy hiiceastea iniaimed him chattering t tJ1 the `CO ple stated-Ahe the fanner" S.s t "Oh 1 what a taz -oufficlent- oro,avw� tw- Invok that he lumbers ; T"uy�zt a24 the crap lying down, thetraw Vzow b� C47ad to fellow *cu are getting tinle. wis- the YoritzbleUi. -WI-eldiam Causo of th;ir ierr-oz. UA'erovvd XZ nks Of, Howe an�-,-4�road. liko roods than to atmw thnt IoMer2y came at last - w to be, Xhawas, I have been vp these iwo hole mliatark -.-power of the hinindlf,.: Thtbik seemedoverwhelzed colora;,,aes arid sexoa,- armed4ith-e 4 empire, Liit ev 0 Of 'Lis Nte I�Ns Nir BeNN' shouted Mrs Bogga, at in no part of Cuing the, Mus at - N t -grow on the zme Aplas withoU4.falkI slid- hours, said 31m.. Boggs, pleasantly. and it is a notmvre-J�ct,th, �obyj6quiousness ' and, respect, and piatols,,&c., �MmladUtdy tojlk -40 pzizxcez� pf 4Wale$ "d th6 rushed out -of the rb�om to lie T derrl*. (Poor Ur Bo!,"%' eyes hvA waja;� 9)�OA`t you think the eaA into commit -too on the Irish Chh" 'Bill, have top-dresged -other fields in Ike L, me rZang the call up all his spoi dekignat�d by Rowea-1 way with less or =Oro 4f tho Palve reoft. of his�'uouutr q,quesgoa durik-almost Wickhaia­'to, See them there. uothing to I dered to the windo a gazilag, "as with you, my dear r ilily asked Mr. to the fla, . I and; dis 'ussed th Vut wistfullv down street w auA weA witho .8 firm a =d Es tile pile i6f 'lit -waited in bi� . athless an -1601 that' this p a y T"'th tu So 0 of. Taking Thcraja nq 4he0tira.session TUZmrIofUA=aiVoVL AtterSivink a iletailed.account ofhe.man. b-arning 'Please, Thoai� 6 not mention it. remonstrance. view -of ibe Jaer in rt of the countr th loyal -tance from t4e.j.ppt 'till matfOis of dress to. the Princess of fectsof Ealt ts re you goi n't, out to t r Let by-gon matteY, it is uota,4Vp6*iaj Q# the subaatutiam� of the fon, which he first met his -wife and the respectful dU I iil manure, th, t,�e gopes. Let us begin ad sav o�rthly peoffed intfaa as thousand eig'ht . handreda: keapeotiyo 40K Oftho inaistect nothinj uu xt WAles. - Not within the memory of )IV- rQ trV it on th fiax rwop- as the did�not for; a nioent d bt. his having. lik It ­ On Ku�si cut amon ngfish e' American establishmont-of- for his lodoet �, yet he could 8 - ad aroun&.'the grox6 w iso, - admira'bl 'Itedm.' )n iq Oct& had I may L'irle been wrca-forgie people of Goilrich -wheli they- saw the 6112 all-dxinlag the health of his guest. He night anothei watch. wjw instituted Ji h muse, in, , you had F blic flag- in the- 13th cl plaee-of 111 f6w fWl'he ing Man has there been g 4co tuale preva. 'Agreed, MV.d4aril h - said. flag hoisti&.: on ths pu T taff date Pf, the'- dis f0UhOV71t w. TouxoeB , We'll, them, you o you hoarf Till& I on Thursdor wwining- last, felt r� ar -y _M I say you cant go out . 4 was the beginuing,,- of a now era in �Church. Muchalsoussion eits4ed,aziclit iiptlel�-wonderiiigthat:neither footman the. corner, ill, expectation of;h Ifth Of, atap d for a bf ure -ana- Mo. went to tho W.-iff to fish - And I r . I wAut ThomasBo-o-3`1ifa and the inauguration their gag had been most grossly . insulted, a alg Jae 1W I set my "of h I I or pattmantemik. appearog. The,..aext terkibl-&spoleNre. Ita I --- you to afty and read to -me length the L6i" divided, a4d Vlq amena­ P )eared at out US that ore. sys now, t is t1toffether an felt in lay PuclsOt =4 found 1AY kliffe, ADA a appy, e=�ence for tAe Boggs eutire and we cantell thb person �Yhb Fh � � I ZMAXOM7 D did the Mont was c&rried " follows TaQrnin�he� ra�da'bold U As-liow a gent- and. In th 8-ame -axe it was gone ; and I dishes wnshed.' e ellent styl�- of a * ticii , Bil, you *tie husband and,. vife. aa Itaffe ; end he Baia Vwiz unothor manof Ids estate cametor be t oo 1W7ni 714 J,�a Tcz�--* dead ml the. unattandea. ;aesoribed4bove h 'I'll he in by thab thAel pleaded darkness of might (%Yo: hav C *und icapable of adm* tn �fhuat-play off Bugg 'a. against, 74. -ilia clauselfrom U 12- #6sh �-exalximed Wickham, holding nly that it is- Ego there yours elf; and o raia it VU 'Well, you can t go out at all t I want had lie 69n em6dto cometbi& a dl sm idea of who lie is,) that eyin data . w-bich. revento any e discovered in the 'th is- a hand in,s, posture of id -monition ; 'my side ofa ho a as- nosuchfhIng an4 WLU,v TABLEI.Q. T. R ad to *1 -out hi 4. instead Olt a. , I -Nad he 1M_S a liar, you to wipe the, dishes as I wash thera omd act, he would" Mii all wer then, AP4 A tume -from bicoming monotonous. We -aid Agry=tS aro��ot !in ths-way at� present, . -as liumbor of t'�iotols �7 and Np him if I wz ,pen Lim' me to M- 'uny va we PbGr Baggai f T]ae clistaut Y 4- id U be. kno do Ili of-coure,'fhe camal-hump. and sai I ho,d after read.' iprdbabili�,y, have akoqu*t WIL r! Lc6mow, Jute. X -A grit� a 61 -decisive music apd BURFALO & G9DMUCIE Imm. ance, with aiwthar Ani�ricax instit am go g to arrest a mor4ant who owes jett,, but.� th er4eil a, i�bich -.ume women are- bout Rail I Widhe was i btgor orte; Qi4 ti ey Be to We6k with 'no W .1 Wd illnulinatiOn tortured him. Yet he dared , , - - !1 On" battlo has been foughtbetwe In vZiggerating into the most la4ic notsay aghtaggainsther whom he had vis awat of tor a2 . me:t 0-thousancIp6nuds. Ifl�e should bstradti6n.f it moved mot. - ta -That the- t�. ialistif and the ATehammedan re W 6w 0 in twin my purpose t ed. Thi 1 know -of prop rus - for JUM may jim said J Rover -had the DFXART. a. The my, presence -he assailants fl -to f0r1r -ever that luffo uv 114 -EX tal- en for 'better or for worso.' � -He writh- xo. i. a genuine Ameri. artiops-; but therainary drests with h, .5.50 act Was that f latterre diffeated with a' Ica -of 2 000 Would be 406stdcl ; so -keep qlaieti and the Mr. h. not its tig edl in exquisite torrare, his vrife NO. ao ......... 9.30 Mr. -�Mo gost im for a tomb e ;%t Laurej Efili. can we lit -fitting body, its pla�a flont, its e said- ray pT Cron.% do not , bdrieve. Whatever don a no ge]a IY -atching him, and enjoying Men. The Chinese have o further you fl-Aldft illid Al wentibiL7 mynatn *hate*er y" do. since takeri his nightly w that.ally one trai This iss One. 0 its. Penance or other- tialts *6j 811411khow allrn good Itirle. wotst en't take itup, AMU"- insults to foreigners. Ap is That the so fter L 0 �znd News frc really a wry gracer.il dnss, Hahad wipadthe dishes, and his Wife No- 10, sx�prm% i� JLweri6ms are a polite I*ple, and nho one hL 0, SerV a IL Urs mg, T, ant came, and Mr. -a wide eke t uevor - vM ym w ar co a riiiie d, and is likely to Joia its charming im Heity naverdi - then I gotu 4did ... .... ... bat 3; you bat ; you, hail gone entt, of Qla room an some errand P- zn- thinkii for a a stranget from unfavorable. The Civil Wickhaw fell into areat rage at him, for 'What is it t' ts the question that agibates p -� it Z9101b, Ana U y =1L No. ................... 4280 rt UL heavy fighting was anticipated. -al 'tud n6atne by thalatroductionofleeves Sle'd her retreatinm form. thatcountry, vio�la:�6-e jli�j Lo�i)x, . - zz2fil 5UQU Ba s had wate lowing the porter to put his trw*a ip everybq4p�;, Whmt meanz theSQ luad �0, gut the didn!t ; tn' ethe wroilg trwiti. visitations T It is a spirit Of health or slit up Ito the . dbow and Uling, -down andhr6wed Mm doDm on top of mw liks The window -was open; it was rlzt ona� jVDR-lors AVV-TWMQ.-Xr. Wilsoi, r&e V it turns out that., the pe One Ju '3b �-Im tha -:00ase Of d�]&,T of three tea Z-1nd 31 fell you it l3cat all This', sir, will cost me a goblin da�n UY'i filid its -and "Tell-kilown pittliqherofthe Rov Exchang t ii, -!"ight the so that etl he And my U 49,g joi is fiont that pdiat,' Now� t1lis dress, step he ZrounA, and ite, w&s fro! Egb EnglaUd. in a 'W6jk-, on ailaiarship. pubushing, .Aver- Who bat livoct Aiid thdvCn far yquz C s;"46utod the irate Wiekha�y&o -.modifications., 'we owe 0hielly ti the Ptm Blu* inaUlldingto the eierybodyiutli�'houserai�-ht-,hezr. Have be Quick as flash' he 'eized his Itat and jAM13- mAes' tfic� followin-a pointed remarks: Mt. A - d hied outof the �vindow, and with mad 11114011'.&St U&jl&d1an people he_ w'4 d on "Of this you may be mrd, that urn4l that inserts probably tioJis expected waterio6j thi day aft& tio. Bat.16� eeFo of Wales, whose -remarkable good at the dog. -and the dc��,7 -rin; zLyd 1 �Ma &Iier rushed through tba crowd that in lm*aad on -mix Of you teleg.apiled warn them of. the lis.: t cheap"" ack &wOrthless medlum. live to learn thal. he might -live inirin-ted Ake V iaste s shown in almost evzry air the dog to fatc9i him back ena j-ajWt f -led r0ae Teallya wad one, itvQuld Uri no need to eth,t streets at, the other end of tho rowe sbeet woukt-be filled Tdthout, some joke more July, said party p'rotessions OA We al�1400 Of two Sollars milei.-it atfireshowears. To pat thopolutbriefty, catch hiraill th_ aceeptaBle 'the JealA4 likajoit been fo t I got rlear a ,t�=, for its, He reachel there but the, Yaun��ylay It dOWn as a fte, that -provocative of &sturb=6 he, h*ffice, Airil was ascert4ined -9 OverYJaurud kgows Its ovm vWu% and that if. it at vf t to that fifty thousiind men since thedricessof Dles cam6 to Do nm. 7rhip him more, yet., Jz Iny *ye Valy and ainsim nI speec' mind titax th 1 01 withaubmfiiI-V e^ defeienco b -as were no ti adopts,low px1ce% it is because ifis, conscious 021 It bi� follow 3 groa Y �e prevented. He informed Rouge and horseit were lying i _to 'And UOU79 the baggage *ill h here the 'he l4xurious. landj thp failtion of ladics' -dresses informea I tohiw� Thethought -that he mlst go hat aLlow dretaition, afther in number or tre� Uvould mofbe a that the Go &y aftdr th-jaorro�w.' rop of ripe! grain whi&'-�ad "Vered Jb so far mad tlkl-. vemment viams 0 in �ta -as that hasees 41lowod. back to his wife and meet JAsr face to face 0 Yery pleasautjok.evo- foir dowli'the A6AL a the IjW*Ag8*$tth- Aeldofbattle, was reaucea ElaC3 to onforc in- a -has -devoted al Ma *:the nam6,6,f cortaia limits' to be lgoked at t -6 flao HAZ&�"D' 0 tO do in the Jaijaritime 11 beaten int0the varth, andthe -surface trod- ann" Julao Z. -The tu. levelopment of Costume maze by the stom. 01.3ron and den, down'bY r and furrwed pproy ;I can Gonsul's #ajg resumed too her its f t .y her, ta yaw iA Domjz&�, -of countenance, a-yj� �zlybra nn tonaue berate him, emssed him. Hs a Adverdsin ereutO-, Ont., is our Hole AgLnt l0ould it -1e heaqtkv for. thbL M , - , 'My friend, jLord th. itlalk. !aft to amy st-a-ref him out 8i. OgnEazt. #"rL-tbr aftm sell Of g Who for pv=.rina tAWcm. Advertismee d Is Caught:11aiatingthe JU40a Jack 0- Giosv6nori Men.—: -ate w -S quite gotivul, at. -0 deeply. by'!" jha� aalJjon­jVh6Ql5, arevea YOuug, instOad Or� to marrl6d WO' parts of the St others are oat'of tonzaad ipAlly by fio& in i5trealus. m JI[ra with mabyp, -relic btit-he figh R4.glish fash. lia-uld he A4GO, fi-ma the crowd arta hurried i qu&-ortma W84, to receive CauddlM I& nt, Xulle 29. -The Son�fd of the h t. Heiments Andlit is muehbqtter tliat sore ILS 10 to VID Nallgat an . CulradBe nuok xailroad is _tAe _V ming O -Your stupiditY, with-: sc.Aftered fijz�4rls back- stzee4 he could:n�f, be, se to all an American. libertypole, d S� on ba alone and to think. enian Brothe;'hoo ut n followiu�, �he oxample-o 4W. of J*uI.T, just for My nil ass ll the varietyof,military Ic brid a pi and to in sessioA hero. it l9thea,and czAnot att f the Plincea. es aro xoportod dewn and r- Tho A7 holo CT L11a ebir ofthol ia understood theyar,oprop'' d Wuleii �rho 'Shd 8311 she� had liyadwitkimatw thing. Y44-ha&botter send LeWs! Janc;?i, a arid -.H%hUQf lild incommode %I ciattgn A*ulur travlal will be int*Mpt"I for 9011#31 " =an 0 to bring me some b t proportion midale-agCci wQmen br the EV1Xz;a+. fm Ai Oil t p fiv* Years. She bad, twenty-fiva, WJ theit shoUl be Ob�vod to 9MU48 of actioni-on the -AMAki-clairnaf to got fifty Pounds from ayears, aolor, Pumes 12ftmtk -eod.as ttzTy fo;� EN -0 axi ten days too anti will 90 uutfihiaLfor811011 a 4 1Uf 4 aj far as theY aftd the Jrlik44ti�n, *Ad -ponud* intwduotioo of a - costume. -Speoiafly fitted usical truments,'the perdst tak& L liar away, *0= iao..: Prov for girk t"h*n that English fashion, fol- �Aliow!eir( �_7not b TRY secretaq., livirlz. Why W.M not End Thuirsdayn., appAn6tusidf arttliry, Arli us Uick just intre(Ine.4 in depar- ;"y dwell On 0 the z but Whon theiervant. had taken goodd�d J$- - . _a In to from.p ke!et Cholera and -I& the 0 1 hT to t L i0l terrible: webad :ample ofthe Phris if for A M -iac�in ou era; iina whose, Soler delight is to make My GODERIM. MY d The pr T faug'llton field prescribe. a 0 i0f diess hi -no way fuited feet anA.bounil back 2 - 1, 1869,. thought it weal- oper, porl!aps, to aying hwidi'At the beat linen he had I" ach a -on to the Tha-porlomer =den of WASQryL t -q t the sweet. -A shoclL at ia;eartiqll uOus'display bore as any totbosrdt" h' nne-u of my life into the bi4mvgt whole affilir witli, the conteh4t it FLko*,'.*is. elt in UZ. Wickham, and begga eMe 84ould, '*giva'4ot- o. th4ia�� �Of such .a buttl to elastic card. LA I' DOM3'Ujon D&Y JU Goftrioh' Or'BnCQ, Italy, on the 28th inA f aid ly. ba�4 btit, after jaV it seems., best to Caring it. -Bat I -iu go haws and meat her with, 'appeamoo of is Wells Of Aunboat -has arriiedat pounds outhetable, an(l be herwraweapon3. Ifshocart basbugiye, utter wbatwe think'to-bo ^r+leti�n for death, %1"ne41tVoul&by by -wit- .*03=0 The - - I mozning of the Ist 4amied upon us the piotection bf the fiSbariej, 0 thql his Rrhost wouldlz�ot- it . 9 em 1" Jlg thtl-revearches ft somewhat maggily,­aomuch to as to ron- the opinion of -nearly every person in this Aud s* horaw -went Thomas Bo--- -The gilds slight toke �6f ;r-..- TX' 0=41- do town. min Ryd todk- reg - . MT lt;lwould�-not be &Miss -pact and . ar . ickham at &st refused GOD"- 10-a TAONLI'r X& Tha hoass was dark, the front ddor was dert 494,ttfO whether a goo io bire'a all got places 471 r d Mi w iv: d ildren for dalt d o guilty &irIVA4 but 'WAS 3 pr-Mothqvi) ihd' go, an clip _a4d if' the b T� ard for fiq Old. tot 110--kell, but the sittin- am wa$' of cold Water woulditotbe thrown upon W ry an -the wote -�CCUJJied in that mournful aud ro �Yequiousi baker., the confui46 r Litt �G mAlm, z by V7 r' 'V' L Z:�Cn Tl�ougli chi% he entred the house- 4W a proweakp 'but br-lacl-b,,ys dis' ri PartY', A ot the corpsts-hiend 'and 'The Vth Dw-r JUPYle says Since ler. V 9 Tfireeidqw AAOLrwards, the f6tillart- ip-' t C, Z�,, 27 C? -9 a � I dia Hepompre,- L"The stesn"hip-Moratia', fO& iuterz* led as *they wero-�-ofte'n' th-cOmU1CnC01U6At,6f th work o buil J* 2� Im. one ant driviuk away the mfift from, the 1CLnU=0. pe4ed in garg Jous. voryf hended atone* how jdatta,* ito" M* . I .V r. I ­ rendered -ths *oxthy our Caw .160-- iteerage. ing tr jr; gre. IM G=f--MCM esirtk and fear -from the hoarts, of passe- passed empt at recognizing, in;. ie at, Pat- lo luil"% higil 8=948 to P mud the Wcerr sitisfisa * a rwife haa gone Out of bin*. Vltboi Point CI.Ma db. eracou t in tngr--);4 .................. ... I 1731,90=14- after -the �Aag-#Uff J�ad*b �nwaraj, 0- h -that he d laimed "I "h -Xr th Apad lay fourdeep up� numb Ut .......... "u �g 'Nw, illy dear," haF -axe _t�`fnt tf ever had fo, er,-of men and -Womo-� ... ...... 2'2� h%V6 lingJIL tfie Car& bf�the 2M. I itit U 'tah **eotad on oil-- each U ot Y011 ; Yon do ntome. into hausi w"the.1ob1bgofther AT=k On the an�Ct, rinikkina, the spot. name lfu6wa as issenters =a Ap watsz�far -of, g6riddinsh. ity the king until yott Igo ensteinehief4ork ln'ihi dom, inads-it. i-ceiver- Ganpr�aa Depixtrue4f, woo ar ae4D number of Pdo R r Iris 61% business tq give resh 3L-. Bs;m& riastenea the Zor� q 16UM4'to reatod in ott4w& 3&tairda mxurderaus ....... $ .0aked for t. wit', ahad 004iol 3� -RN 1116uleatea b -Eli ..4 hours +�O the re yellng. that on its Completion . ; -aa�-ja r and �Ui=sjiir f sZospe * . VDUUQ of ea act axa attachment. in battdry� ( ould ba�blDn for them splendid z fla-� staff'pi p&Jit6k A ;pojdef%� �seuing at,, _Oil a n dowa, and, se when people begarl-la .1 atitd himdf Uny1n.- at ........................ aw, taegolderi ball- atoly. 41a rzc4jd,wjthjA Ro�vy defaloatiojis in shart,. to the 3 am A& the ibder the + jL f a er make ...... ............. sains salzaily ftom tho masit kft4 �EgEf 'a B - theii wail undistuAiAl ig=49- at ..... rivat un4iiindejiff on �th. earth. they could - low fee+, of the dizzy heigfit" -!�Izt jjaj� Charge arosa -1104n dis&voie hohor of eph. ron.14,m-threallundred: 1, by" the lj� X�nd VU�j X or f Puffing soct Vowjag, sh& an SIT li, tiace the spot' w1ors the CAVAJ)Mn door. shatriedta, ing#* pfizo ardly a t the! -labori lio ladi0v- gerlipt has 19 his. awhic Uagom quo ln� hara-y4pltni, #a 4enA, but 4nor. andt�glmndhiaa enoo ...... ur na -&A�Z -mail or tAc�,mpU ermlizll im, nz,7'r Ono hinl�f.:n . �. L- - L' . - r . , from Utah to the Stats.- ...... ....... mca r r 7 - -The AlieseAteri aud, UpostAtea we ae'as- 2 iizar were inter- ndsfigeRa grow' a An tha AnOr was fasteneiT oxt f d#.*)4 he di4 h it h% ins!" ad to weeks after the op ening _�aaL the hem*Y NJi hr� heh ifit arn a- 'Oodle400 afterwards, �Stxiizdjng tile a kadve' 'ro� the, condei� as Slia walked around ihuc]VYa�ike ID inade oi rail, ur� ty no means few i mess, asil on the inost fai-ovabie imms. ghe �Ciw7f� L in ad& handsord IEE this Gpon- Vr", UbtVa1dfbrbM6=dthoJC0eC.A woro. - is t6 �o tbe,� &Ljr end or klee feilsdf Mr AQ�zwgoulifhearh Y, -J Asymaild?i son �ng vnhe lm&rW Quard *a stated.. that all -who rn'rl' 'of Xub' Waused hardly say 14-b from A, hi drsed IL rid therselvos �rf fag dim throats again _wyork T alf. at at lifIlt. tho.'boraer.- jSOmC` W0UId­b0.AJMsXXtj�n- was :seize With the chargers. - Which had ea�ea Of What 14P0 properfy. they Still P150zls 'so Of promiseL ind a Ora s Albion's ehivalry� Here th Satt iWhad ;�nolor ihe, iTauble WArd of . St. is E _jZ ninanio a Higliagdor Will 1100VIO ToMUOVY-and ratubt t pur b to a so( - M -Y TIM MA=L� pelt. 'Ot4 tirameur lay, Sias by'side, t*Z States. tstarday a party Of Idiss 0 d thar,* 110 jog- am&. ilo*j henters unn. goiWg lit- hb who�s therall, Vociferously shouted Ur Diu ilki flud'appk*es, numborlug, With & baagin" ibar I'le 16 andthch"rvy dagoon witligreen a - !nigh- I r _ , largest owiiier-6f pergo al . a.. I .. about at _ty �Uiol� andi. ed j6 fi proper- his"lod �Xhclln 'r , in f tha topf his lungs waited u -d _was 1D g#ilt in � this town - an thi ty'- in the. V taaSs. -1 - Wted 25 M ponhi CAt� !OUIS;, ill fimilies, under the ollo. oflfls fal'? hStites is glotionk f ifi4 lat Uo'k med4i of Cale* wulliup latia ptesiaentf the -the Xg gav, up went y WCH .31-gra Rojpf­y4ur wifa�,J' fro W Yarling 6 '1 . eath' or. 0�n a of L jKa�d, �13 amid to h t*6no thing y-, od .a C gr6 L ........... A bamilor ummliofth�rid a Josepbitewingbf the 31*rman�,Ohliroh in Youre, mistaken y, is fe jtr4jalnrotjt' b -ti D s`dv` , lvhere the find balf prol&dl. assed 1% on a depot. op., tho oa alta 6rtion of them 0 nwilille aposits 0 tk, the gnesterff crowd. Th#.y4akeo he docl6r,' a cUznberA&-vrif& tile ead, at th her i thq 10 Salt Lake bed. I JoL ra may ba4pl thif wauted a4d g .4 iii.tho eassat YeAr ajola you , n 8 n an IiQtw a sonsatio AV oxFoliended text moku- -,pothecary a XCU1 4 ........... an Bore she h&$ ilia mu gone 0VV' Op6UL rival o2v asays106. -Less.0r. a1r thd ch. fflalad-vau And1he ................. 40:55 ta,) rig mine me for grre I R oire WIL The ............ 0;60 0V ctfi,2 '*MC pton , Se, Xf in hijdy ed-cinlietaure 'k -g� frr 'm gl�l qW=C0nAsC3t9A worse and on tha� -fifth thd py L C a L I , * . 't AMP 'ra f ill flru r ;316AUme we- is *Ao treat Aid Or it VrM be Varg d -to, the �-Auttd out th ............ O.V5 a oa Riter is ,e for you�' atIiN� "of aspot-Whore Napoleon had Chattered ill& 4pompgny I to b6ild his Mustlioug im: '.column,- the W 'Ch thO Pau ..... 0,10 &� -ad and'hXV0 A000 -no Al f baqix clefeat hi can - 'del _ -fiieii4 ielt bound to, fellial'th�ug, over Ltaroi�,* ilea.w1t h favorite on 7jhol bis last a Cos themselVe tho n Nbe Xy ifafg at hor�s. NQ deced womaii �ycicpt ant. tha it, iakao*:!L i'S Ora lisaries, r�quir- hat"of, the vauld ba out Alonc-'tt tl& Unsesonabl of JUIT.f6j thirty y:Varis It, soldiers fl:16 VAt4do had Ve If han L hand co AoJato 4nn"t4i ed i the, trlp.' Thqy propose.seitliV Jy r r i df"� tonditio Wickham vece 'the thed- j E _Q*, I r, f)]X _gp. ..� whwa a it agr a - - I 1�&: , MOA lot.. lie in 111 been lilthe - - & back. iance and ir g ...... 0:03 "Open the door,,, 4&1�tlay ha been cmu,,- 41y, and witli all �ho 3�isij�lation epulse 6fthe aarxi a fraot ilia 3ES201=1'Xiv�0r, iear -ton ............ 0:12 nstalm -war Ch �able'to-amss­ Allen IAnchimn. -In mporsonal prDto .0 gAt in the itt" hw*ould hsy ton Z 0MAS., cantly pr4bp d - dd- from '09 to1h eat the BrWalt And 2&ord maU.go heriestamidiAdlisW t, br-,there 6. -0] Will Beef Vr ' r , - IS; -t'40 .00 h�,�r Position Uft must rl� or the last France -had Of L 'good �hsnft ain- T-99 UTZ nomi-�-W-Mle i-ei: suffered death. A0 d�sge&,iinin- anof anyour w6a wides (greeil) .......... 4 stooda romArkably ofren, inirtidd on ib6 0021", Guava, at- !)arty, e can Nafaly- A t&a I at Ta Q#, or ��Ud rocii8a thi has -U 4 -hour. and., cannot giv* SesalAe th - t* "gar co4 will. aliaort tiii tam _Ant, the. g6 on the it ltiis,stillMoro Bever# 14 4 of Tk lit a t al WILI -0 0 ne) the tldigtoinper t took it W, - in the Xhfbl) mil- - -+ as hopleasaofieg U of oxjih &m1t, AtOtm th t f hjighecl P OrLOn UOUtst- ash ght, dirorco in the th- -albeit thoy Atrongtyltahare to propler excuser, Shall g�t mada,;a%� much im Companions 16 --ol NebiaS w4ut na dishonor att WOOds AO,riflo­h4vo riii*, i W!46in-tdia the bAkajit _wsa jilotsao ralk'710-111.' - Thi*o P ugh 191 ....... di#Cotolified slo)i�aow dbpartUro fro JUt, ile t 0-4M 0 to�b*ve - ken Care Ili 1-; he otigh a%h Wb 0 mozaing., - U04 ca '0 th' ad oIm I tell in ther' d iU4*y a6 shit, W a�n impost POO filASS. In which ale- 'Put ......... 2Ke%aV111D . TW would leave te glazw* most bethis Jplee� state It wag thirefoie rimovad to fjik' tile town w'"braien. Tzbo t '24 h lL­ -30'w. 'Woman" I QPGA no door Imtil ours a ths�fiahiiilgblr4�) goes f Ton =ay be 4ea fhgt he keTU has beon oaughtj e4-tnrad and guyugb-6 kelis 1. Ida. 'old Im d immedi# , ely'L Sant Cubikn Expeatl0fi; tffy TjDtL Aftffti P3*6E4 oVer Qo4orl4b. it eache& a4poOlitills, " � , 1 -1 , :, 7 :-- . Giodoel4b, Sat; I tur�a y waS =do ahit iignea in m4doweful at SOM ink f0t1il b Lf - '" - ' doing 21*%t 14111 myer go ThO Arf;;U elf4mt _g Now SnA sloit m0nuoiea. tbat Calling hiln- BEG JlSat And P1 OT6 witnessev IS Li out -'gain at azwh Alatifiour. tho, NCVYoi1k-raei;g rotor to the espao REGIS 4,74, So. J[t Win requh-# Mfflioax a'donaft awootes,t gr4 %rickham, L b. big, eftrf, Jlitohiugm"� 104b r , oplace the r mope aneaBlOssrolron tho abbish y hissrillj�bequeathe enondogVor- a P,%Tty X&OUar JatQn&n;g eoffe4ag fU&Or typur4�m Samatit4 Alm.f .0 � $U - -'e C of Voli, V (11ba reil'aud V j**�* hill aide orlaljml� je-VjCJ$, ;aS to 041tem"OOV"e' �ritallgl and that 444'AM to 6401111) -r vol 0 'Never. 10 So oThiS fact Us is 'relerzZlounr1 S -gr" V,7 M-31.1tha Ann, indeed an, ' * Ud to.anoh 40f t4ho worldof Loll X Hor dest"Tea- iit Sk4 lit nuti Danot, aertumed out Urs.., pmCkcaJh6U6dj jD*dy hehad succeeded to seat 4001. -who, thoU411 ,&Ads&& oduce,,lo_ RV - use. VJW 41 'gppur. 'tow a SQaforth, uno -50, ZEM- C,=�Y CC 1�y cljimi,34 to, bo k,04t.�, goon wheil�sfel&.dqo, i�-by both not, eeo�My M2 �xsm 846ph" �of two to lopendencieafto.tho'bAker. c ant Iter jr t 060 Ing o"Ition, *11it :90 r. ZAUU290CI to t$��P6 VIVU fhe Spring -Wheat. (v -i) 0.85 -��!-Prf'VJ4 2014ier�inoslif thin a <4,L=, went - (V fie _At$ 4 JiU& m -i ilono into As' - v - # 4. � - fan*jr -iture, ijidn-of-war.vhiriow, Tag- revolutionary barti, 0 as As gamelt 'Ana SpOr4 &S-3faff; Th*Xnj�ij�niojitff were 6) lzoof the pan, � 0..� to sliorinteaded ilia -aOt 44fOryot great cro4it f :j ohas in oVer W�z a g. more no �U aus.- - Vhis6n vo bm. or the manner, iA Wi4kham called baker k1 cing Perf0iming flegii. -As -1 iiad slad I is in Pose, if my ilk of fVe does not Can to's wiff to hold lou here Asuzosiord.tos op of the to hito b- Ilo T with-lbarlediotion Aud-told,him "am" nd bound-��vory xilie to llisvurp f aftrarar he Milk in TOIL until your k 'We,* G]%t0"&lJp0n t6 tho ianito do 4 Cesse o _�Rinli 0 "'t6 little, 1:0 de dh SOS aud'guns %,Ad'has brouiglithU insects cai*Ee, The ijis tak inot �Iha Pan tfte notatoe to, *f is .1 1 T yon beele to riion b ore, than ig tb-do� id Au4s, p#chofp a=.Y - with, the Peas ....... ....... as, pleasq, # sham th#they4 -X1 weftix� place ths. 0 or, who: 'Ut ma UL Thom y - 11, IS raw, eaner- tot otion0ow ...... be thai time *�e�towA woofilled. An i .44 risen'the hoij in ]gUd, give -PUU,1r*'iid do othei-monaerful thitigs jo, coltaigt,of 4 1) 40Q AT in longth-wi* 5 11 cam000#k A 6, and, ti r 00 JdJl*X, tWor a,$ win zloror taxw anil Soda co&�ittoo tanding � 8001�' affis he -foil into OUT Whene Want& $]Join to 4.Ja $6. bAttoriesof manage er*ct. r. ' Itt - 4 brigade io Irst ir®u agab. a aftkir " wol� dono tli Ur L They, nd eq'414611til that tAs vvy bot ir ordor"Wow Akaint tb ehairsorglasg 141neralmr one fAirig-lolum -Wll. la� lablindance b rst 1�llthofltlfl$ 113T0 YOU U110 rousa Ala - thres: Soon learn how to d* thdr we -ft Th6 rribi, t1mugholit. Thera rAw'same 9�od'run- -------- T hook in were ry itchingham, beliewo the full e4 bsoa t jilto f1s io eAi;* 1, �orj�tar#j AZ 031,but bayo Uinton,, Jil, WVA, r "M esutwvs. Aint. ixg Jad itoxib-* se they-, g,out 4erovisiona ef the Nil F wlat VV43 zoi withouttudar- ffifl2UlteL in Do YOU PrOmUt to ibr"Ing on tfie 3419t*k# or %ag tbRt- 1ras ordered to be an- Vall Wheat ...... ...... ro* th. 'Who 449MiAthivig out iWir Ckurch Godorich *px TawA&y- tb 1JoOrL; to, be intotrad qIiatJho hwft do ....... ....... 8 4 TUIr *r6a till 04 flin at It f .015ch. h4 Ab, long laughia ......... .... C wag *If Past 4, -and rall lz a$tor e4jil, be 0. Congo& — . rim"Ailu, xPail 110Menon of earl(?y ....... 10-69 M5 VthD SfOrft Ina" - U WS& MW $Py*ftl 206MT)m Of. iWe Loridoix Pmb ofus 8"UR 'COY4- Joaffied So effttUSIly &ULX* 2)4 temper so'oNri and wiY VdidOY thO. Second. baker had 'it a Most Oxtraorditipil nature, a M$r4iaj BUWtZU mee'Ono- laid �ix betefactor in 'Ah, yovi old vilLain d'br jot silhis Wo. now -time to look forthe I&W n qb#*. y ®ught' WitaesLecj Spring pota., Xiabon immuedi, Ut on# the ir-befbro.ka mu noW'be been ......... (0-1, uts pre oumAer thelmaxtei nim'd, we mustoonatatid. bordera the f,;46, Motir Ma th6very shaky. fatt. PrOW4 &M to 1pi Ui" in it JWA0166hk Jwr kaxbogd. t UA "to coYired ....... 11V# got you now !" :or t*0 Win wwifiks putiho the inhabitants log th fe he tru -*0114isd A Mob" Mi 40A VUJ* 9=0: pian This hugo.ealt I Ckt4&iVS6ep*A1WCMt#ajM; fim the churell" F"MI, 11L toach you to run *Ut os dollar. *elypf; =d twes eflitier, and made most "Ild* ako is Actl0d. PA" Pilot 0ouldn't tUir, Tlj$ V poor WM a ...... witholt '"Ye. an't tkoft "it intotho how for the u4ya, but .at its fun yalft 40d With Jallmorous. ilands w1lieh produc Venift* bad�- f1m am* for- We jlor JW SPA Ifiv, 0010 ljotbpj mastir prove A sow skook &U oft wharo the i"All. - The iftprapat ;8004 y�arly 4 Jarge quautityf 11 haffat fut at hint in a tkros. apth,3, and it 6AW I tww Wt. G. rem UM, car around t So of $09VA4 ArA soon possible, he 14"M onoo or 000Urr46qo for r fir' '15 to FArIli Or 180e- ai t6 4w deliver two Uotur" (lintief fas fl*m esiatx% nossswona isthnfa,* WUt 'Woo", Soto bQ, iftmoaaftl. you sk"afistait U AkW Th* #�Uu*y Rai oad commm&xua the Isundry p#op a in Troy appear. dKwAeftl, shas"Joss U*aturw, zi no 40U7A Tomporanoo, S00wis at this,'" V*at Of :wke to hayo ip, iilq� before they tan bo 'extinguished. Tn�� Ii, affidi -to � his Tldt g#ntlj� :)., r=%, B. D, Col. IS JUU]zdktod and in tting A 1fring. They t-Av#1 Early in'A&U, Owing to some IsukerrAne. 0) id U14271 tm 4witit at the" lau k"n, xlaking 44- U TOW41, nCr&bV* Vktoaiia U414 on Wsd.�: 'h mail baMg of aLXhr6WdanaiJ quet way of ge run WAthed ..Away, for aw whou X4446AW1 A piluy fo "4 the 14 fo XY# aiRaxouppoiedle-he marie&, otidisturbaneen, enormaus VAUmatitigs of -C C jadm tm 0 A* nago 411Y v 11 a and A4oniSlimel* Olt thO PAP, an6 t- I -: this 611inamable gubstanae *Ivzi r ak in*. I � ciioa Th ewwmift at 160t =42 have bosi 0 pieft of rtik thtft ww io in tawit to- skofter ffshw NprW owded IV" drawn atItted y"OrNi'mol Vhaaf 'Can fXOM lone knub fron, 'P large zup*44, 44froni fh6 napth wll,:j 4n becomin, MUCS ff4lu C%NJ�!r1-JJ xjf�j Noop, laok* the 01,011ow. 30.. MI 'Ink &Ud the ton of 1W ovarr Bova - an Itm or go" 0 Co tile picture ofinjurad ilmjcoaw ma. rijimew wow& in"* atwgue" ovonjug 1W a 64C p ad ana two iU#1VW- ZO ftq%Woa the bakr, to Iq01WJ,.1ftotw1thst4ndin this p3i'Mto 49 0V8ryPMCAUJ Vrould 'baen� co Abled to "idyise the i Zowcu A#V PA* - WO Y- note*riter and has' nVerLej the wholozqa into the ses 14e Uriwer mwa�,J J"T "i . disappointmoix s..l 1APA Th* Bl�a of a* Mi Which Tkdro wbi& is aneajofi� igantic fiU&,;Mg 'Will be no "mkil hL the Was. some' y imatift the mado 4W pleasant as Possible. -Punch bawl, of tk in Whil it 'grassing huslAnd entert- 4107 thbusdadfraff(lurD milo inextent. 3fm VeW looked W boo "VoV4 I* *A 4tay, US n& *It at kin to Nom 60014tibed" 'Van charah of tkis To,=; aw Loy. Xr. tl:64bud 6y he - � 4 on at Aft JIM s4poifinuwd to 0 an -of- "0 xot'M4 but wroaganil in- The file iburnt itself out in 4bont for IN Was Iftay nowas Jklms VW*# it * Aam* asu Is7pufaviv pftle bme als� 6" as� W wyer Wormed Idm that Kill ty- Ott thb kk-a-4M; and 4aua�& VA- 01ghth i tal 1*061yod th Ora M - _ g the Sliff4e0a strevrcd ift Vv1*1KA, -11 sis #A jotw"go- ht jW*, 140 do r4t frr4onqy.' Jf'fh - ` M' *44 tbi dead bodies LTUZ the tru# Mr. - wick usm of in So *fflWwi as. The, was in tondad victim is intimsea shm numerable RE BRMENT BROOMS 'to JFZaas� T.* th. p*rfoCJ b*4th ' This filM fe h*M the I Y, low 1, bo shoew 'r fo I* "* AMU afty kw is V" a. .y 114, g fi yawr M"N' I "W., VIA soul'of SO& sit SMAWIL 4'4*4d� how poor or's 4 uh, ho" 'Pao 1"WIL Upon FRE r -ple, Nos boa", a" owrv-r, In *Xpftw t* pay tkii Sol. bak yO, *ad )to at 46aft saw that; rZ:xtoatly ever *ftor,, and like tfLat the 89NO T11011021011OR WU 1160 WEST51DE act- it is Me 046 oft Ter fore- oboarved by the tribes i uhAbi ina the NOT b"thesuM look at )"w In the aftftvom a jony v*U4;oJA �V"IUM , - bow WAY "bittee, A J , We oroud jtj� he had by t� villsinatta 1, .,do not tim of iakin h94h&" Sold hm bist j&, th" X"WW va to JJyP0Mi* *At. a g for more.- in lk? Nkw took plads, qnh# a vembor oxtsrht W. "M *Wft- V11- severa- kofitloVIOU elltra� this pea in this Alibres or �he Caspian SM ropeA.Wi nor, and r innocent of OJI ill the $!�Xp no*, .VAJ arzry or WAodhoMW' 4*4 took of *14C im- Y ***"ftKtA, ant of the rich � -A youilgeter in Quabee tried to jer.1wl f W Ajospiing the ppear . of it, 17%X424A ltin b*, f*vitm *a-P%r6X"-4 the bo Race have A0WU the, Chimney and surpriw t1le f,% RolmosUp boys. mi1v rftu"d tQ b6bled, henee theso disclosures by emeriug frOm the 4fir4lace, but & tb# amasbeen played with w0490din at -the, Und of iniobe dug outvith :7 r ONO T120Fa eS -L vtb LO deli ma up , i d ;t. rilarl th �'t �Jt 1pra- Ing d the putting th Us an t '4 to Le a)LU1% 11110 a ;ro