HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1869-06-29, Page 4OF LWRON ?amt. MO ii+lerw� POOL 4 LONDON Awn OiiO*ig tWSV` AICE CONPAIIYI. labs see in eminence 'TThirtY4M"a Venses, as�d (lariat OW period has pad Lassos exceeding slits tad is b3a1 >aalituk!.►s *Whim The disbureement of that eaoraona wars over a wide area, has without doubt contributed to -the establishment of this laatrtnhort, in the cttsede4oe of Public Corporetsees, Merchants, Householders, and business twat genitally, wherever it:isrepreiateted. in ttaf styttar. UM, the Fins Polls ants in its 10th year, IRO, ss es ss 07,70 s. 20th year,1856, ss ss se A,itt1,279 ee 30th year,1866, ' it One year ter,1867 'rke Vire Ream Fund nd is new S1.717.411 'The T,ife teserve tonus new f9.102,468 The company is represeeted throughout Ott. tarso and `tluebee,- by infa.stiat Ageing, to whoa- appiteat&on for insuraaos may be made. ' j , (1-1-`0, EIM17.11, Keaden t Secretary, MOr. assn. A. M. ROSS, Agent for Codettch ; B. T E11ott, for Exeter; W.,N."Wation, forSeat th aa Godertehb.11.1868. • Slone amounted to.. ,.•+..•+s .49$76 s1 sc . 7 ss r,ow 1111 at Mme; Stat fisS at Ind Amass Coo t Apr Jnin.ry, s. ar ,ar il if to dg at W icstdiI k 3t1t DIVISOR MMt�ith ttao ° ii 4t ti it tiesesday y, la Missal COW * pit leire' arr. t :s it it Thitia , AMVLIR fawida � �r t8 Ira iet Amutx 7t1, Wads Coot. edea r_ . eireary ,r sa u Jgtturdsy. llarcb3 e c 44 di Welrnadsy, Iled Jane, 7 10st (*rid*: as> TJes►tsrdraroya, tMiw► inglaLyti1ct�ti11748 6 scas o 1301(lset»ttltit 4t>e)W de J.+r�� r8€ ' c1 is 4' w e1'usedq, IPA !luck, 186 PROM • Com ' . ROB T SON, and best, issortmeot of the above seeds is t1i.::tOutitt of Miro following avian fresh; and selected witlt oars ittlk aoaatteeribeat altar Noy suitttlm wX ; 514t5S'' „tarlE to . 'ieaar+tsper •e oi soiant; p.rTits isertebta f.ri iitearlion1-15 cents per Iia- for 1 r, Y tegoln ?ran - apt lint twines* a copy;p.',X?ie 5?oa ffr,e, 110 Iter taut*. CtosIv Us. labia attiEle' all lagrtv, 4...s .* •-. . e i lugs-' is tie `Incur, Se _ whoitit gY'" i BOlIC1t• Xl+,'ionia that • a,�e lt4voi? since ynce rot' healtitou'sr life -isfd sat-: lF past to asure iota Alii-oegtno,1 i a our*To0.:,010$1*.115CrA, = ? 1 D SAV; ABL.Ev=° T_ -h.11F •� IEE Gam, t:';'ioit ri:!-••',, ...r. Y}.. Syesrs.Q5. a[cltt acodt ,z,..', • Pitit2.93 . SCut.. .�����•.', .5.i. •.?.ri..!• - :. x. � �.. rgteef05 2; 4, 6-8 or dyes .•, o., the Rnisei 1 al.we111401,tisteA4 it iMrsti . Stulctng=Suiid,:wt sh lra , wirdr.ant..<"3 Alit tlait+o_ftheteca[?tt 11 on 4hedcbt 15 eoifxity • ... eeacit-1,4-t-- _ 4469'9v/0' end, theirs[= •t .tt #ossa a aeiriteesdoliia? 0' Pa' ia-attau.xt ib -for - or (bin - iiia " at a r e the b its ,dod Silsoe tsretii.. EI 'E ,SS3 rG`` sfell, ti . in tbehmrrtt `r1efirO4so t -S TZ ' . F :ieformauoa,a �', QFPtC118. a, p 1ittY, President. Aver* Venosus, VwePreatdatt. �ux ORYm'ar[ nsii ,T1.ornDn. tO.,,l[edi ManBza rfoirm.Onetar.r io %' Idcp*dI.lof tis old an dtirees- yto . £ r' EL. fll`ca. on,lgd. t MatenniboscdnLtafra,kte l eihrfl Toekon udrro foonartnwCent* el asinef ateu d8tae .sbtaeitn ntMdiist ir%Iii"itanhasd,e.Tobteroy re1pNptst:oraisr.n - ina''9sa tisbAQr ntgt andtto'hDartf 1ronoraPTIe CMUIANIiENCES 114xJ.5.. aaraODiilli.riad4vile -*aoeae *entreat ungariat Gram Mixed Latve. do '.Ski iug a Empro Sharpg's dD Turpie Strap Leet -1- White it MON) Torn p Tates • Long Red Mengel Oarroj. 1800 busbela:of drone Potatoes br Flukes, 'Peach Blows , White Belgisar do. . • Orange, .;ado, Early Yorlt iiibbsge Drnni ge* do a . PlatDYteh Adana' extrikearly Corn Earp' Sugar ' do • p Scarlet oriel* bio umth -:Chins 4Q-. Butter An farfan ed DaiuelI. (' mitis Pear)fir gafidi --Tont ThpAtls = do Crown _ -do- field aught dtrect from the Milted States. Early Eng t W W The awns! Courts will spot it 10 dclaok as ma.n Godard'. 7tia lhsstnbeir, fur. (Siguad) 8.880tal, X. C. C. Hulot. T certify the above to be a true toff di filed Whig office. o Ce•Dii. TAZA S, Clericofh5.eilgateeHurn • OMieeonto Clerk aithe Wane, Goderieh, Sth s l US,S 'WO 3 L£ TAU TOR SALE. -100EINOlotnattaittswitichwillbesold separately _tato ,lla tether, invite Township of EmdeS•. Co. of lit n, containing TN metes—more or Inia.-elattperior land, in the highest state efeUltivatftn and equally suitable for arable ordairy tarwa. TAI?, known as Wont* picas- ant Vann,/ unmatCCenthe Fayfiettl&Seater* Gra- vet Road. eommandingnbeantiful view of lake limn 12 miles (ran L,eaionh, afrL'in Milan ilan and 15 nom God. sticisa ill thriving wools eon the L. as L. H.11.8. ; a1 placeestiles tgi o v ifront mppeoortiGt where there is lage or akhe E -r and a prospect nfitsbeconona the Gov. Radar el Re. loge. Tins farmeonsistsof318 acre a•ar oreor tees-- ofvery auperior day loam so>Y, "boil 340 Bleat , on which there 3sneither tttnnTFor stones, well f'erced, (some !Minds beingpteket and beard leiee.)et:e7iritugh- estnate etcultivattou F* I5' f33:11: ap!i:5 1118ar the CrfltEC am rulIa .11: ea. 5.0 al- gLerr*1LV.8 the beauufnl raver l3ayfleld; "bent fi teres of the t;t; er Ware is woodeowith exeeitentandsidnatilesear; re.. -laming 3. acres et hitch table land, is wooded with bardwnml, beech, maple, elan, ike„ theeetrire fatmbe- ing euttfnnded with fence. There is iniac EPon 'test rear ofihtt:ferma onigniEeent *tone gUlt! y.wkicb,will , etitself—when 33ay8eldbeeomeeitehy,aeiitt 4e4f►ned erelong to be—be a tante of wealth to its Mier, ntid ssittospas it' It. notnose item she surface, itaervesto enhauctrthcvalue eftbe lard for Fanning Pupae", There not splendid orchard of *bent 900 treat of ikt beatand elementvarletiea effit* e el kinds, grown to thissection ofentnitrtfsmepsflsrits 5,odeiettonoff-arta - There is* very tan geattdcom nodiel s/rouehnnee,' every onnveiitrneeattacked.aIngo stable" two new frame barns. The farnnisall shnroue.ty*iufeee.anm4 cd, and a great ileal crit underdraiined. This is *Witty one of the woe ileatiablefarms iit 1' e.lerneetiadaaandx' particularly touted to an old voouutti'genlietr u'mttnes*: Stock, imp'tementaand-rowing OTOS will besellto the purchaser enreasonable term*. lot le tannins 1P6 acres ofiend about 55 ruder,=ulttnolen, the remainder wooded, with wine, bceett. Chat 3ih butteoml7,tterty andasntiteient quantity of hemlock Pr fencing and building. purposes. Soft day, a !whir stream, nevi' *tune ban (bank), good large house and kitchen ken, An. orchard ofdi areainn extent etariectfraistssstsoon this ann. It tbala2 antes a faun b ytuid. TitreV.200. 1,000 -down, att3 per cent, title. indisputable. for ranker partieularsapplyto p E Tani, C ' AWA ' fit.-- Godericl, Oran the pr'eniaas eget 8, to MIMI CM/WAY. i Oetoberl0 int NOW, Farm for Sale. TMS b3 and 54, PaySeld Concession, in the Town.ftip=c5. Gddereelt Containing 58 scree, et here oyer BO scree cleared with good Frame Sirs, and beg SiRouse, about 2l miles from Outten. For Ttram of sale apply at Or Amines Curt o*ce at Co!fertch, or to kr, 1i'liittatl�(ie TUN enlbe eternises, et lericb, Oat Sept. 21,1868. 7tr=616. St Vic 06 � BY5.0 Use 4121 or Fa ifLfr' is_ gn1cUy restelx t. its aiMi 1 sIorand beauty.' and vb. *int awn It 'tide e.' ties Stir. ` grow 0*&tl&Spgf5, lm iltttely tdieeked.: 01/, lit Pries Oae Dollar, �': L VA/11)13ilithCO. SiWhole.* DriaWat &relay Streei—sal Street—si'ark Phase, • Neta Tort, ant 26&lbw& LosiSsi mar. MOSEY i O :LEND. ''SHE "HURON°&. Sbo a Socsptlritrprepiiiedtomeke . 7.. ON IMPROVED - OR MOT ltDVANTAGE4(TS•TEBMb. The cost of etfectiag s{Loan w+ilt:Tie •'• tbas la other8s ctettes: • alien :'-,: is led - e the fullamountof y::::10:::: dednotioe berng made for n advatlnsa ' be repaid"Monthly�or Yearly, :period -of Trots one to lien ZipAttTtCtTTLMuS APPLYTO� S• .POLLOCK, d? Paluatorfottite :Socrety"*1 Oodetch rlMt.c W.. i�ile4- r 13 LUNION ASSUIANCE CO1 Q 20, 00 ,` L,_OI i !, .EN.GLABD. Ful j Subscribed $3,000,000. -DE E DEQ' RTMENT eft the Company b been the establishtoept of auetluttablo -ass- t Tbndceorgu 51ak�ie gar proportion • to to the risk, Katt be succors is a l!�mt p p - to - realm ib. 'rbc sacceet w ,,,�,. � the Campaaa 4 liarationt has •been such -!,Jail iaiaatsangniaes - ties Directors, who ate resolve/ tQextet d.tka basin**MOre widaj► Pant �6 ° tag a eateedbyylarge Sibiloribect CapltiAf and Inusla rrostpuito gages sot arm The •Hireetef andifieneral Agents, UPS gentlemen rat glf 3thisiestiaed hususei s.iike wtew of all questions coming treat. D 'EPA. ,T ENT. dawn desiring 1441- Aaaerance tctatrpeased bratty isfeOt sitlr y-.Eoanmey oRtttt f management, tenddtng to Inete11t0 :gosh! arks*lit sent ofprogts'arCalirtuble. ,r ref'4eath; 1e seea is yeses Con pears 1'rospectats. r i t -(In gold) **lathe trintince Mwano`, at Ottawa, itis STOP AND SEE fattuw.*f realeson Te.Uassausla of ass wenierfal sad extraordinary cures 1s Osa.4 tiatfltt9AT13l1XAN REMEDY, They art dseisbkaad inoontmtib a teem setieiast to the moat eitepticatthat Inc Groat Moaieinal nraed attar for antes is tow ssersaible to tla 131i081101TEES REMEDX for Dusan* cc ting '114.10, i 5*whom 1 e+ vsr, > oe* dries +Ge•, ua* 4 s «»salsa haft Ewa tae, ism wages lr pataite,jys�#beaif tate tart ads t r"M.gsyaaa *firs . s 19. was thaw sae mak a este as it mrrea pima a Wawa aof irria1Ytr as, C. .. of Carrraglkia ; or that of Pater C. y, It filar, Eareostewa. C. W., attest ofAmbrose Weed,e[a wtnaan. C. *id Luer C., ae titre =14': bbeesat sdttf caw*** 'kr vow, hi as d'O1i11Me ltd. oat *ma dasoka ass '"l&ae aaen tlated lad we "paw WORK at the Dreg aim tit:six . I i stilts ret* Prdoe of As Re** 4st large ?kali shwa Fora&* F. Jerboa wad 1 that aid Oman It *Ws strSKLICS t,Li A*101711 k v.• 1'o0iaa1T0. k 'rtfttir, AWA } tiA141f.7 . om: t 1 ,?TO BEES OR RENT VHS WEST RALFLOT NUMBi .Ei rPn 1; fsurteehtb concesaton tlf Bullet, en the boundary lute between Elylb end Wattling Rat Uftce such way. Good herdwooi? and, Orel metered ; thirty atria clearance. Seventy- seven *emend a halt in all. Well kneed. For istiber partteulattsamply to ahoenontbe Premises,- RAtNKIN ,ILAWSON, Ma 1711k1117. !slot► - W Iarbie Works VICTORIA. $T.,, GQDERICH. .A4, M, alt ohrostolt NOJUNENTS, HEAI38°WNES, .bye mss, jsoste, doe,Tnarba, of every &escrip. awt saris of workmanship, fiunut'hed firs *SW tied at the lowest prices. Ube - mode for east, All orders llejrVii",olln�ied to. Designs of Moist. sisie bs Neu at the slier. Aa. 11, Mb. ..1A# •IT ' :1:4: Pant Street. Moptreal.� lett el A sere*. sw103 , - T,: . I4VINI 'P X,. i„ B.. *oatlar ({odarich, Lit .p 3ThIQiiidtRtt Boirt'ltaargtea 1.t —. CiAKMalli to It PLASTER! arket C oce61. lariat received iii: goodwillo4lfe, Tred.c. ire k-.prepue`l to wane, large eckilies aiu btiteE atParis. hs *linear •r 0., Chis at ritippo GROCERIES. , ',I. t,twwneUga Ism lot o[riva l Grooms, mate tlasn�a 000•13, winch sill bo acid MX LP' AS THE CHEAPEST! i ile$I $0 k vim* ssometiles.as.tow into bene4 rets eived the Artenty Vey Sc=alsa 1Porw' Rochester vales, is papered to sup. 1 Cor, ltutcktiisStu•lots. Hnno Hay Sales from S to Moo -tai 1d111 Trucks. proof Wee .see sr 11.1Mo - ir. Tates° ftaarr, Onions orders VA 1111/3ELL, Sawed Away *aka !MS. Snit. k84a» E N SIGNAL. ar.,trW U A'itb wzzrXY 1 s-utas-Wasi1 edam, NA sir alas Waaiiip ado N isl7*..40 43 0w lt" .... ,,,.. &'tC. pa line twangslett ' dui Piaui.... t Ifo �,..,.,.... lletslier flaw p 0 0 wale s;asBdaiapatei $'OT7IQ$, Ithed gra at mod eaew mut