Semi Weekly Signal, 1869-05-25, Page 21.
•Ar ;
VTR 191A
At Mit moment eatie
etteekieof Seteeme- dawin
Skein sitnatien Mete f.
yea& tee° en theed
beak. -Sher Was Olean in t
lying so:meek:3 'higher thart t
se:a eolled thiongh her amidst'
broad, friglatiel to look 'ac ,
an beeeee. or her forst&
the hewspein to the end of :
sellexe were now Allied
f er-part-of th
CASH Moinard, had heard the Agra'agun filed,
L. • and come down to batten on the wreck;
• but lo at the turn of the tide; there were
gees d'armes and soldiers lining the beach,
'VMS POMO, tee T. le
BuereLO GonOldene
ponents, that
AtnericanSalt c
forethe establish
,Da Aar. poly -on a small,e
and the Bayonet interposed. between
No. 1. Express, 15.00 ea forneffele *lad Toronto
' Theft and Misfortune, 'So now the des- Ne. a. Bono, aes , • ply imposeiblefro
first, faint, ?orate pair were prowling about like hun- eneroa, 1.04- In" Brantf6r4 fg-e lace ths,t we- liave
Whin for duty ' on - 0:::h; The PrenieuadaBand Concert me A. WELL Wnneeras SweLLe-Toronto to' Three children' twe• heYe aad
r dna Cleveland, Dina; on Sates- Tetegravn to Miran farceel -
•Seeforeth ZleaTients
(7 t(4 Caneda,, eye seek og last evening, as: anuounoed. The at- llatsa polished. lady's. man ofth.eirliittaker •n. girl, ihe. °West only five Ynars of age,
the highle important The preseace of ito f the city that.lasted until Sunday night, pa wheat
&Worth, MaY2`.s7 en
a . ra. taut in their resu The fol-
ent ef just euch Mono- tendance was quite Imp andthepearfotrme pattern, rereing e psen onym
n'y o oer .6 et
on. bly b .li. t • &ITT' etettneen, and after a search through
e• lowing is his reeord for a few -mouths es. t their boclieeivere discovered buried Sel7f3r10. spring
as Bahl na bank Moir no bag
Baby," w ose mixt/um. are no inyane a
scale. The thing is aim- ance of the band. gave west stireild
y e I
revealed . gry, baffled wolves, curses on their lips, under
ethietes. people is a proofthat Oars deterninqto. peen by some Jenkins who looks after tee . and rage at their hearts. known to extend f salt territorY
• . such fashionable intelligence a. Thrashed in I ree josh Billings sans ;-"Menny peoz
he eteen Barkington before the news of the wreele ; No, ne laixea re.o.a nob% _ ,;• • _
'reroute's/1th visit ; enaing -6,11 iles Ivan a wiathidor, -
a sand- Dodd was extremely anxious to get to No. 2, exerts.' 'Twain lee e. nee - • • forth -nearly thaty leenearitie to , Sea. md in, keeping ep a first elass bruit h nd.
No. 4i k:11Prqss 10.114 14 ;At front -the Queen's Park for insulting a lady, epee:tend:their time teming tew final the
em. Tho forotherwise he knew his wife and children
4.09 a &OD
Oats • ...
Barley ...... ... ... ... , 1): 78
Potatoes .... . . 4 6:60 631. 6;c5
Bette- ..6....- ' 0:15 eq'a 0:16
Fggee * • MO
- Horsewhipped by a father for insulting.
- • ---- --------- Lihink "vats hands, L-4, it (0•'Carinen is Still in the field With his Chastised by another swell named 0,'Brieee
made a day. The only chyace he saw was to get „nneteoee publeeiseof the, Royeareaftege g 6 possible, when•a new anadum monoPoly ginger:beer knownel# "Carinaia's 3;30V -in. frontof the Itossin House ewing co a
Immo" AnvEnTisItto.-Id.r. nieueesta Innen h
six feet would suffer a. year's agony hi a single
° .
- •
011.141ttl hi
1 except to Boulogne in time to catch the Nancy
h three sailing packet ; for it WZB her day. But ..olities yfie Inah ie?-50;_tfittenviournal elate:Z. indiceted,17anPellac:oralltrinfislitluilealiZiet,bat I _ -
to be then Boulogne was eiglit leagues distant", M'glesreenagy cehMtil01,1itEroietiwicItleas: letditet''
tignPen(sliej.ellesr teollalrfeePailtttegAlv•er ihnost et 'is better this' yeer than ever before.
by the -landlord of the Albion Hotel for
quarrel over a lady. Kicked downstairs
bed, 6f blished 'elvc;',3= We direct special attn./ken, improper -conduct in his house. Beaten ten/
wherWsin- got into this World -if 2
men brake through the ice into e Milt -Tend
they better hunt for sone good hole tow
git out, rather, thaufe't into a_ long argil.:
meat- about the 'hole they cum tow fart
• Bbil frthe favc,r of a
k 'nervous billions. Ira -
would to lined, without ------------------.-------------------------theatrical madame If any how Headache in every form, BIC •
{Mt Of water, arid in a c $10 000 I "Why does not not thicliness, for t. h-
\vase and there was no public conveyance going. beer its prices, foilbritheet
se a not,. that o se her household furniture &r--
oe . -
at FullaloYeienteringheartily intohis feelhigs twit sacrifice. You 111017 laY it doivn
• i°1 it is beca ".0 It i r
• opts ow ces, s s consc ous that
meal knows Its -awn. , value -and 1 t
, t ta If it apple, to the yracuse comp • Inediatel relieved with Dr .3' Bri Allevantor
tand agrecable to use and effeetive in effect.
washed about beneath the party trembling ee '•tie British Consul. The black hero because they home neit - — °- 'better title than this for the champion -
crouched like a rableit : four dead mite- \vas gene to look for horses to hire, aided
ees a low circulatiOntf either in number er era. ihmleY
1ne Argun e
, the 27th, previous to her xemnval m*Itt
ies vyllra •Godericlx:e
the term:
hip of beiegthe "best. whipped illall. in TooltrIloy.dfugglets and coUttly merchants at 31.. r.
ery well Huron. . . • ted-Stateslealls every other country, liay-
, , 89, South America 1,424.. The, U
the most distressing form cured by Wing iyiniP.r"„AteNd 011:7:1:0-‘Cwill'ilA ed.'
6 : :isle:AB 6jurtigno'sd-air
hese sun' ple , ez.3e Mr. -John Grande', sewing-mathme . t:::". It .18 , said that at the close of 1868 Dr. Briggs' Microliter Sold by all dealers in medicine.
uestion of agent, has removed to Zurich -where' his tlaere were 19,177 zniles �t railroad in the
Dyspepsia is radically -cured with. Dr. Briggs' Zile
t Govern- ageng Will be continued as wag, ' We world: Of this amount Europe had. 56,- venter. fitold by druggist -tend county reereanteei. NEW
monOpo- recommend him to like psople of nth aaa a
- 660 miles, Asia, 4,474, Africa 583, Austrae Corm. bunions, inwoWing nails and other ailments
ni. Of the feet cured by theuseof Dr. Brims' AllevantOr.
Catarrh of
in the mizzen top, and one had gat, jam- wartiea,e..tanei-' cleering out with a pin two Yetabilitf - : . .. tam ewe tile 42-eanev °facet e
load in the wlieel, face uppermosft‘ and holes that had fallen into. decay fer want .------- -
down. • gtearAea. Firt.seisteilivt4esileiltiocrzPu.i'earerirloOtottierstiloseeliat ti, ruoithosp, Yet at rest forever the
glared. np at them, . gazing terroreitricken of use. Those holea were in his eate.
7. . And now, worn out by anxiety and hard ply,. While we urge th
welch reasonto feer it would tune too. -late •the fire. for this pauer. I:* .
Boggs it Co.., proprietors, No. _0; Iting Bt. West)
amide," just trot him out.
• Neurelgie wail all it demands driven out by using 1869..
- -
1Ctin Citarieratentrf.
No sign of the tide turning yet--: and work, Dodd began to nod in his, chair by :etelo'etzed alL tones:et tensdaileancollileit t *mit should. -assist us against the
Ints : as a cleruieririsort we know.
for them and the poor feeloesa Ilhherillg He had not been long asleep when the
that free fricie would be infmitely
on the bi,wsprit. hideous face Of Thibout reappeared at the
eV •
These fears nere well fountled. window, and watched him ; presently a enealeferee :HTee„trado in eelfon
A huge sea, edited in and turned the low whisde was uttered outside, and soon no- A.ItIttil
tore -part ot the vessel lielf over, buried the the two ruffians Mitered_ the room, and,
bowsprit, and dashed the men off into the
Mrs. Beresford sank down, and. prayed,
holding Vespasian by the knee.
Fortunately, as in ,that vessel ewreeked
long syne on Melita, 'the hind -part of the
.hip stack fast and remained immovable.'
But for how long ?
Each way& now struck the ship's weath-
er quarter with: a sound like a cannon fired
in a, church, snit sent the water clean into
the mizzen top It hit t like strokes
of a whip. Thy were
skin, chilled to the be
the heart with fear.
ta.uce that hour with
did not feel e oily
ends that hitkness w
Now the eea., you
ally strewed- witleea'
mehts, rigging, fu
dies of canes, chair
this jetsom, Dolld'seeye had
little time fixed,..4n one
ched -to the
nd frozen to
made acquain'-
ee Ay, Death
iforlorn clusiter
*en bility *that
eow, was liter --
of the Agra;
chests, bun -
1 but, of all
een for some
'ect : a live
sailor drifting -Ashore on a eat wooden
ease: if struck him after a while that the
man made very little way ; and. at last.
eeemed to go up and down in one place.
By and -by he slam him nearer and nearer
and recogumed him. It sax one of the
three washed off tile bewsprit.
He cried joyfully: "The tide his -turned!
here's Thompson coming sat to
Then there easued &dialogue, incredible
• to landsmen, b,neween these two eailors1
the captain- of t1he ship and the "captain of
the foretop; one perched on a stationary
fragment of thee vessel, the other dating
on a piano-45)de ; ansl _both bawling atom'
another across the jaws of death.
"Thompson ahoy!'
"Hal -lo !'
"Whither bOund
"Going Put with the tide.
"Whate can't ye swim 1"
"Like a bran; figure -head. It's all over
with peer Jac1.4 Sir.
"All over? Don't tell me! Look out
now as you drift under our, stern, and we'll
lower you the four-inchhavvser.'
° "Lord bless 'you, Sir; do, pray!' cried
Thompson losing his recklessness with the
chance of Eife.1
-By this time -the shore was black with
people, and a. boat wax brought down to
the beach, but to attempt to launch it was
to be sucked oat to sea.
At present 1 eyes were fixedon Thomp-
-son drifting to destruction.
Dodd cut Atte four -inch hawser, and
Veepasian, on deck, lowered it with aline,
so that Thoneption presently drifted right
*thwart it : right, • Sir t' said he
grasping -it : and emidst thundering melee'
mations was wn to Lana full of salt-
water and all
landed at Iun
In the bust1
ut insensible. The piano
irk three weeks later.
of this good and smart
e eetired perceptibly.
B -Nteeek lower and. with
_ --- - -leas weage.
At nine P.3ilDodd took his little party
down on deck again hpin,g now the safest
place; for the Rase might go.
It was a sad scene.:ithe deck was vole
dry, and the dead bedtime lay quiet round
them, with
horrible, the.
stiff andscrys
the ship
Mre. Beresfeird clung toVespasian : she
held his bara black shoulder With one
levrelee. hailid, and, tts mist w:tt,
the °tiler, tight, "Oh, Mr. Black,?. seid
she, 'how Vravie you are! It is incredible.
Why you canoei heck' ! t must fear a breve
man withbothiniy hands, or I shall die,
Yglit7 skin fie 'ea and soft too. 1 shall
never outlive this dreadful day,' '
And, now that the Water was too low to
wish them, offthe liawsee, several Of the
ship's company', came taaketo the ship tea
a hells the womala down. ,
By noon the Ares deck was thirty feet
y eyes: and, gotesquely-
ng hair of two or three was
ed with the saltpetre in
finding the landlady there as well as Dodd
called for a little glass apiece of absinthe: flODEItIel4 ONL, May
while drinking it they east furtive glances 26, 1869 liow get ! The .resort it in our own han
go about her business, and leave them eat RessE'S GRENee Jaiseetaxili bans will 'be willing tc; pay -treble price- for
•• better
• Dr. Brigget Allevantor. Bold by druggists at 9
Rnraciip.ers-Noeio-c-We am -requite' ted ,*&CIJE Asf, frout
gt ""th:14„247, or only a little more t Sa
42255 miles, ancl'Great Britain stands -
tide contavn • - •
rnisli to the means, -th roll r 410-." h U led St eete
. ea imerra our rep. ars a. gwus 3 rex, a moo- e m ate& unmerable aseasoto which
"Their 113 Jacti,4012.," may Is applied to tbo loa-
the skin is subject It FOOCHOW1,0,0 d bY °
that .Hiaron7!ivould le
Calls at half what they noialittY'rtain
ees ere held everY,Lord's Day morale
bal•reis a year of far better salt•than
evening at 11 •ancl 0,01,,,tk *the.,
House,' conducted. by J. .A., Mc
(Baptist). "
toward Dodd, and waited till she should,..we-,„ fitelrade depends: upon how long -At-aerie
alone with him. • • an aeticle of prune necessity, to build up
Buz the good woman surprised' their We have always held thatif Pntario hard t 1
. ea tumor° y.
looks, and, knowing the character of the had sonie first-class grievance ate nigh*„ _
have had better, terins upon which to en- •• • • -
men, poured out a cup of coffee from a a
ereat metal reservoir by the fire and waked
witho it ceremony : 'Veoicivotre er on e e •,There are steeng
The Royal Canadian.
Dodd t C fd ration
cafe, Monsieur !' making believe, he had dications, however, thatthethle twain ; Tonlay an intestinalleuel whicho fauna a -a
g 11,
ordered it. and that thf;, teuckihig to,neoas event in the first circulate issued by Hon,D.
'Muth madame !' replied he, for his at last,
The Council met to hold Oeurt of
n. Varna, on Monday,,the•17th
wife had 'taught him a little French.
'One may sleep rine a propos,' muttered
the woman in his ear. 'My man is at the
fair, and there are people here who are not
worth any great things.'
Dodd rubbed his eye -and saw those
two foul faces at the end of the kitchen:
for such it was though called salle a man-
ger. 'Humph!' said he; and instinctively
buttoned his coat.
. At that Thibout touched Moinard's knee
under the table.
• Fullalove came in soon after, to say he
had got two horses, and they would be
here in a quarter of an hour.
'Well, but Vespasian how is he to go?'
inquired Dodd.'
'Oh, we'll send him on ahead, and then
ride and tie.'
'No, no,' said Dodd, 'I'll go ahead. That
will ' shakme up, I think I should
tumble off a. horse. ; Pro so dead sleepy.'
Accordingly he -started to talk en the
road to Boulogne.
He had not been gone three mintes when
Moin'ard sauntered out.
Moinard had not been gone two minutes
when Thibout strolled out.
Moinard kept Dodd in sight, and Thib-
out kept Moinard.
The horses were brought soon after ; but
Scotian discontent and thea monieclherpo-
rations which hold such :May in Canada is
working up the quiet filood of old Ontbaie.
We may guess, bat -eannehpositively as-
sert whet may be thefinalicial necessities of
the Government of which M. Rose isthe
Finance Minister, but we _do kn?vr that
that funetionary, in his Ranhing Bill,, has
embarked in a pelieye which, if persisted
he, will admit the political wedge which
may at once split up,theaPparmitly 'firm
fabric of the Government eftletheleye
tario is alarmed-haegoecicause of alarra•
It is conceded on etery hand.that the•-. ef-
fect of the proposed neer Barthinee Memel
would be disastrous to the „material in-
terests of this Province. eUnder the old
system it was bad enough, for Vets have
alwey believed that to the limiterlextent
of ou
the a
bank circulation isOompared -With
tut]. business of the country- was
McDonald the Royal -Canadian Bank -was 832
fora4djeliespend specie! payments on • Frie
day last. The bank could not expect
stand after:any one of its directors had:IA-thee
made such statement -no bank could.. -Tb.os.
Items in vain for the other directors to appe
repljaorfoe assuranceeas to the solemiey ses_sill
the bask to be put out. People became -
ouri has 5,026 miles. -
• miles, and vonldbe well for those who.areaftlicted withappareut-
ly incurable ulcers. old:sores, erysipelas, and trap- FM HST EnLic CO.? 0%Fres511
ana France iff thiral :with 9,934
euar itEolottio.A.T WINNEPJIG -While son3e atirmr,toanortsettraGraece. esuCtsel,etburnratt Laliveis,whifzeset owurznialn, for the Canadian Market.
people living within the limits 43f 13 New Ize;
'Stakes and remove to the -"other side," se 4o not RwrPE°cITY
Dominion show a disposition to"p 11 ,up 1,n8 2467 Packages of BLACK
cam -The American Press
• large community in the Northwest Jerrie -0/ Chettee
Peony 43:eaeritlytie beneficial or a etriment to the pros- E A ern:16181111g
be at all satisp_-whether the Bed- -
to sea that on somb oints the United States press
gra, g Halt .• CiteWts, and Caddie swig'
Yls- tory, oomposingthe Riad river 4ettjement, Perityof the /Merle:1'1o, GoVeroment, batIt's tifyiso
e•Yt fairly shout f er joy at the prospect ofthete and tee Cal:lettere agree undone is thatthe "Canadisn choicest Irrne Solichongs Els
gsPee nu 1 • olds tr
The pdople there- have suffered. eo much e eiders at25 cts per bottle. I- Choice Lap Selig SoucitOiX,
ost-biies,Thecznatisra e. Sold by all
,sent. Thomas 111_901ynte4 and 11, beet '•
10 o'clock a, ne, .41/ the meribers oein dil ad Ited 'at° thefioneeion Ran DestroyeY is the be;t thiniforthe oureoruoras,
Ilis each reduced 630, Wm. Egleneen'i and Bo long from the extortions eta leyea- -
to be 'charged if he get other. not
.834, e that t look towards Canada with hope- ae •
Age ', fulion thy
t d 1' ii d hail *th -
s or e ivera ce, an In i pearanee.
i. Why should -we use '51itiyan's Bulm
Throat. and lungs.,aadaddraill totimirperson441p- -and Choicest Raison? congen.
. . .„ pensilete, rule of•the Hudson. BayCompanye Two etreernoesnesux aleswnmewley tileelainen
t t nee: to . e
-extraor naey iatisfactien every scrap of
Because when 'medico. cough% cells, tieklings Hi the
OTtiO Wafetsro
nee to shoveta
ed till -One eel p
. _ of reduction, we
.0044 432.. otm9,..
, _ / cure for Neuralgia h If er 44 ii4113, WILLLLAM WALii:
11; - news in efeience to the probable succese
great nepotere Wenee•by _the last 1111111-
_, , , .. threat, Homeness, &e.., theyset like a charm. Minis-
them,- audzing9rs and public speakere say they ran the '
61 Ind at 1 e'elotkp.ra.. for ner-
• **ea aP eaells {Eitel' Gee ' Ws proposithefreached the ' • --.-_ • •
• let• ' . Setalemenr th.623rd of April end er t-
ea the t Nermstoli.-In measurably the best 3mown
-8 vulv a *tub ' and 6 6 ANGL,O&S.AXON31, from
. Chest” Nankin. Illoyeanese Itgoeele
6 6 11011.11 CHESTEJE$1, 7
Is assessment putting a/413unit° lac - ters and Lawyers lase them, physielans recommend LACE.',
of nego ations for -
n buret mill,'vahie
of t eWinnepeg Nin. Wester .(j. t .
a e_ ac mace . -re on
Mitchell; and. Camaro noel
, , $800, Arta knit . veyessemedieine inexistence for 93,
4Y. US Te..,7- complaints: Bold by all medicine dealem at 25 cents
enried) ' t tidings et tla eept eef' h
taken off.. David riaakie, lot
833, 836,anladevisioaeof lot 7,
d lots 859, 860, sqlettivision of
N., to be patenTron-Beside
eliiimedidepositorswithdrewtheiricconnts, al bu,s
other banks refused their- assistance, a Grant
panic threatened:, and the -directors did a mil.
. , ,.
Liege withffrawal of deposits. • tio
IL 0 rao°19e0erl
The following notaceliae"been „maned
. - • •
wise thivg-they shut the doors.
the publii by -the Cashier of -the BY* e-- ea'.
, . , . , .
• "TlieDirectiers'of the 1414 Cauadiehi
ass -
Bank -regret that the iictibne of the Hen. in
D..MeDoliald, in issuing circular to the lot
sharelicildersi has lutdthe effect of shaking Bee
emblie confidence in stability,' and a lab
"The aisistincer of a lumber Of Other
Bantsehaving been sought, but clecli
no other alternative.was left to th
attrib table the credit system witiO ell i.tti than -to suspend specie pannee
attendant evils. What then -might we Pre'seilt; •
" Ike t
not etxpect fa•om a system. whieliarrould . The ee ora wen
still holders and depositors
fmther limit the eirculation of these • •
•.:-• as there's not the sligh
banks but a crippled cerieney; 1°"w. to tr h
em, s ong ope
unfortunately the pair did not start im- prices for Produce, Mercantile emleare :that within a short
rassment-ruin, in shell. *Me: 'Rose will the Bank will be res
not press his Bill- with 'his- eyes shut.-- • "They -.may furt
ing out against it vehemently; anaAirgIng " the Every influential journal in Ontario ii *cry-
- - , ae " keown losies.da
hied the assets, care
, , -plus over e :p
the finance minister teeeekeitiliefoeelt it state mit of the
too late. Whetherhe 144,rd:coat expresti PrePa and Pu
on to victory or the.defeat, which We trust 8-1.0.1'"'
awaits him depends upon ...the necessities s nien----.
we have allnded to. •_ Hear ',What artiet------ '-- •
staunch old tory organ, the Procter- sayit .. - e "Toronto,
--“It needs- no prophet to :foretell whet • :hi; vie
"the result would be.. There- would, *I Coming re
"necessity be a graduallyincroasng tight- which s
"nese in the money market,' .3. .dertain ril'aar
"rise in the rate of interest, and general snllsid
" diatress is commercial ineleie- It is toWar
"these serious consequences- We desire th en
"avert. it maybe that the muspertsion ti
"of the Royal Canadian Bank *ill-
"some additional strenektotheedirocates • e
"�f the government measuie. ',But we
"have endea,vored to show that this out.: "The _
" pensionabould.notinfluencethequestion. twit been died!.
"The new ache -hie iadiacteatoa to do no 7-06edielrtitO•ohniewe Silliejs.
" much. injuiy in this provincirneene- -we - • - - • ' - --- not
,., sequence what ink cote
"appeal to the ministiei in the Sea- platen -tend to belieie;bat:We
"not to press it, and. to every represents- l'earne*singie.TO02.
`f tive in Parliament who desires the wel-- -ticrweelia;1/4-- . 9-Y7 147 -'°'-ted.
"fare of the country to. continue to debate oneetanintditeteeCalth-
" tie against it until the bate, r cause has of the bauxite"- it -ma
." filially triumphed." ,We repeattleat Mr. eirOVes 18th.
Rose has made a great mistake' this time.
The people are in no humor to stand idly "American liens • ate
of words by their .length or obscun y.
'Anomaly' •cut him to the heart: he redo tpo while thebankingsystenia is Being bung- etlioo' wellsarfizoor; tiOnvo. err:
led an tinkered with thuntientwith every
ofEinemoody silence and dejection, asking- Mob '21st •
mediately.; though, had Alley known it,
every moment was precious. They wasted
tinee in argument. Vespasian had come
down with a diamond rine in one ear and a
ruby in the other Flialove saw this
retrograde step, and said, grimly; aye
you washed. but half your- face, or -is this
a return to savagery. ?'
, Vespasian wore au air .of offended
dignity.; •No, Sar, theae yax decorations
come of a lady ob i cibilization MeV
Beresford donated . em. tie. Says she,
`Maseah • Bh-cle-yah! yah! She always
nicknomates dis child Massa Black -'while
I was praying Goramighty for self and
pickauinny, I seen you out of one corner
of my eye admirationing my rings; den
just you take em,' says dat ar aristocracy :
'for I don't admirationiza em none; I've
been shipwrecked.' So 'look em o id in-
credible condescension eand dat ar beauti-
ful lady says to me, 'Oh, get, along wid
your nonsense about colored skins? I
have inspectionated your conduct, Massah
Black, 'and likewise your performances on
the -4513.0k rope, says she, io time of ship-
wreck ; and darn me,' says she, but you
area man, yonate.' isays I
superciliously, ells child am not a man, if
you please but a colored gemman.' " He
added, he lad put them in his ears because
the biggest would not go on his little -fin-
Fullalore groaned. 'And, of cotirse,the
next thing yen'll ring your snout like a,
pig, er a Patagonian e there, come along,
Ho Ives going to -Tess," but remember-
ingbis tate heroic conduct, softened -
down to Anomely.
But Vespasianalways mea;sured the fo
.neyj Ana atovrg tacoorX reiMlialgtedtak-InTlia °ors' toiae: le wgrheo da MOD S 49. nature
the ail t !that 11V131111.AE ere, 2,301 Halt
t sustained;
Ptification the±' P -'0,;c
loum p co ulin Baal; 27117' Reisteito'ran 1'0;81
r ermtn tig pains, headaches and mica and FyChow OBE E N
ompany,*- letv;'aPpliieatiolsvf the Allevtanwtoerfr cameunderourown ysonss Ryson Twankayas and
G-rant's $117741y Staaellfied. tO ply? co '
of re- success. A very severe case or netualgia, nuired by a
"'me uldropudist, unid.fike his cora curativt% an undoubted d
er ntaius e se super a '3 y30 Bs -13111t g
s I 11 12 Y
.Diehl ; let.1.stadia binale Tere cent doings
ssessed to Chas Delmont - lot 18, Oanneil-ar lie ,-, d of the Com- fore vouch or its efficacy. The Allevantor ra 2 r sale Twankays.
ervat onf wi. in the pas 6 a . ,o
and vie nen there-
' 1 eta- pany's officers, who ke/Whatever rules
and regulations they pieise, isithote eon- can'
at all the respectable _druggists throughout
s treaer whese tlofrroolD r lifil=li s, offisee.67.N0A, 4.,
d S. part 20, 'Tinsley „Terme
Angus Johnsen rieut 37, Ba field.
ed tte, Richard•Sttabury - S. tdt 13 \ saltingthe peoplein any way =a ievyrnies Parker a tattle.
, I. s 9 - .
01 Bayfield, puritan ifeesezwrdent ence to their arbitrary authority: The . IftON IN 'PRE BLOOD.
h con., assessed to Peter Mc reviitha-esteenesetlettles onellwho faie to yieldeobeiie
s -.atute Council is responsible. to nobody, and - The necessity of is
; by -Law No. 4. --.4111"reliting. die Ipoportion of irntlieblood
FO-- elect each Other to tofficIl Such a state of
tolerated a'Single
n of the American
lete isolation of
from the outside
amain but to
heir deliverance
rat cueerlena e P •
aeneevester Duesit#sakreg aid, re depotism would not b.
ert Je Cook appo Pstemas hourm any other porti
the place of John. remove • 1-• t continent: but the co
• pard:' accept 889.29`40:. Bono
an the . 3&°tivt Castle, That bTlieNt.'MrW.°°Ross 47:thoortrizixoettid world. leave them no
auebir4rGieho: than:wean: ouurttuuli3Otthl e-d91:yrtiso
ge upon b YEeaarn olc8k6b4o' eirn86,51areing 4;1 to -e6,' 'j '
t nobe alarmed, atota 123 te and
Per 4ALUY4CritiEs” from Yon*
kohanta-161 Bahl -Chests Col-
ored Japans 41'2 Half..Chests
'swat known to all medical. men; wheult 13ecomes re-
dueed from any calm whatever* the wholesystora -so!- Uncolored Japan.
fers; the weakeat parlining first attacked, and a feel- J.;FORSTER C
ing oflangnor,lassitude, and 14nllgoneness" pervades I
Tiarailtont, ,It .13,y nee .
the system. Stimulauts.,only afford Ampararumlief*
and. have the same elect as giving a- tired horse the
whip instead °feats. "Met= remedyis to supply the U -G AK 113 &ND °TITER
*flaw ilo Tito stick Arid he itainecl • a protected soh'
tion of the proto.side °than. which is
6* ,DREEZV 12/ and
" SMNALs” from West. Indies
4n Mtore and Ay -
est danger- of loss
being entertained
e the business g McLeod, That this Co 3Z.OW $$ to
Moved by W, J. Big 1333. by
Dupee, as funeral e
ed. ..of his brother
_. . who i . state.
-de& at his houee
a state that, having _carried. Moved by
ly estimated, and all
d, -there is still- a stir- N. WoodseThat-the
ordered to inspect ell.
a itel intact- A• eertainment in this M
P bank will be port an the sanas as
Y aa Pea- to take immediate
selling liquor with°
liloved-by W. J. R
'''",-='' ..Tieod, That this Coo
. blOod with the necessary 41nantitY or iron- S WEE S
se- An egricultarafleditor reminds • tit
bk ' riving -Per
boys who have to split ev d -that it eplits be 'rime by lism3 6 .
Peruvian Syrup.
tit ore° readily up fro the roots than
O• ntletaee. by upejaAstawe,-13efote stlikinglit. So too le - soprepared that itassimilatesat oleo with the blond,
of pi, lie en- through the be e f
orae. bettereeo
he ' split -slibs tian to trike •
- T tak di ine to cure diseases 02 :i:'-. b
giving 13trength, vizor cud new life tithe whole syttem,
400 boxes C air 'fugal do.
S60 kinds. Muse ovado Sugars.
tyi sere o the larAest pieces. o - e me c , y
:Etr y . t o TS th 5e bl e $:1;r6 6a:': - bt 56p a i d
8 -taken 'ehie'edmpbvyeaWb.seN w
dYo a n7ynsi, 11%9ea; n IC Lc! i 6', MovedThat
ikenite,„That $10 be .pai.
as to statue -0e ' pe
•$ '''*1 briCaersecktIlme,t07sdecas.y' :
Council AO now
lad, het.e,I,.at 10- e'd
td° ti 1:0-t- ' ' 7.--T:1:Lulu:Rh WIC
terPrise for *
re -
ronto p
porary ma
safely de
p o OW> au
by Jes; 'Mee
et tne
oylgt., New 'York,
'Newcastle, Ont.
mur, A 4T
.airnal titelms,‘Dtt yonsdaithot,, tyrii:Itmit4a8:::::::0:40int:uwicethiehacatiltrafau:idum.:013redp:tohlreetelt:tt.tthe4re c:"‘14-'4'7aur:):1461:1-i.,:::..aa-c)::ills,yet773rfa* TrItilat.271:339Zr::-
.......tlitrie . ,./ nt ihe:*/ _otriuttied -ii•' by Gov. ' -
..sv_ 0174. 0.2 - --. -"; GODERi 1 -
at" Cifid - - - ' 1 \` ' • ''"
erre the lio_ieur, and promote: .
.myl 0,0entry? „.„ „ , • a...en...ea
4rnectiteir oomrWYtheone.rraejliec70:22risrt•nomi:le)atoinotlanOt:Iii. ' ,4)-eafineaf:tWh:unejetg:I44114.40111irt:2tir'tli:24eae;vni6ne4IIiberlif3red.:,:21vt:6amollnd:bArte 5-.131,:_n-atr:Td:1,91.110067-fga-,:ri,coail:a4.1S4311111:tipaCkil,'61:54478: liall:rilth1;114:a;:e''.13.erf:1::•
ilidikOrilon the clerk t.o
quartz and siste,4fi Tea in width,
-to the Countreou::: till -0:;--::::1:1)- r...0.:41,tug t'litt-
Lir=ivei 481034bit
7 insteia-.00ar : lat.ure pa.ssedlkeew, -tvideb- me
te Libor ntitkr::'_ASRINBPWAtt,4.1116 Que
• t i..iii517r, re- ing to visible ineatat,ce
OI e seeeeneaertenee ing no income, iviii
18;, lasi;:trzotntbs. T
-.0 setor-- -
Joh -- -
jgyg deficiency of IRON IN THBBLODD, without restor-
Trope who •
owieareed „In it prize of breee. con. when the fenmdation is zone. .
thib Dill 11041
marriagew casno,
a good loaf."' 12;e71,UVIAigor.7-bn8eY:nitTcy ofof spr 131°Z, ellasimttribty:fimt Wisvelese.'7
in5 it to the system, is like trying to repair a Imilding
An eminent divine say,: "I have 'been using the GAIN' el":11
EXill'a POW
piamet.. ttaa4anad hoaselteepina-
oue housewleea 'hoe
e girl is teed for
ID; com-
13200 ba
, who lliVaEs reeYei s'juf)cceeletIN. lrle. Joh Pampideb3 containing certfficates *teams and n
tlez 'ebb— d
ern' -meat- of :vi; ;firma; withN;raw.o.11:fri3:' •-• and
rave .
daticramons from DMA of the most eminent steal
enfold othe wi be en fro Et e to any
innar, being f" 45ffici; tile„.„( .friendly
Ih.Yus Victoria,r elKITI t..,c-g u h 161ao,
"iiPrajacl00111- 4c6rnessclu9adesthlell'ilmtlabiYin
*AAA That the a iss• d terminate -4.1
ising Near IfOrk.
red, Powdered*
-quare Cut Loafs.
oai acid 71oni. -
Groutids Grounds -
d Dry Crushed* and
ferent Grades of Yellows*
200 brls. Atilbers Golden, ,Coutw
11101I tfoli UP and MOLASSILS.
Ga., "FORSTER &Co.
alarailaton, AY...rty 1*
Full Assortment; also, sViLlii-S
and Liquoust -Imported di-
rect from the different countries
.3)f production, conatautly on
hand, Watiels will be offered isa
41 the litrad e 3f1-00 ER AT
Q441(4;1148, w s.
ying 4 ▪ discount
Ding at --------- 8 "
Bnying•tt 4
sov,14, cissrain`
.dnyb3g at 75 ,@ SD,
"'Nevus". an
proteative'd silent to adj.° -
very iegithu e- present.' „Min
seetion of the Press and. everyindbpendent
himself soreowfulty what he had done that
Such a mountain of virtuperation should
fall oft him. °Anomaly! ! '
They &Altered. along in silence fefor
Vullelore was digesting this new trait in
Cr:me the sande! The rescued ones wanted his. pupil, ;:etnd asking hitnself could he
to hreart their legs and necks Lbut Dodd tram it out ; or raust he c oss it out. Just
would not petiiiit even that. He superin. outside the town the Met Captain
tendeathe wlege maninevre, and. lowered, Roberts walking in ; he had lauded three -
&gee deed, then the liring, notomitting miles off down the coast, • "Hallo !".said
the poor goat; Who was motionless. end Fullalofe...
suPpose yod' thought I war'. drowned?'
. limp with friOt.
, When thernere all safe on the sand, said Roberts, spitefully ; "butyou see I'm
e- Dodd stood alone upon the poop a Minute, alive -
cheered by all the sailorseFreneh ana Eng- Fullalove replied : Well, Captain •
bleb,. ashore': :then slid down a rOp0, and that is only one mistake more, I reckon.'
rejoened hiscotapanions. About two English miles from the town
To their infinite surphise, taa•- undauntid they came to, a long straight slope up and
one was fennell to be sniveling. down, where they could see a league be-
'-. deer, what is the metter 1' said Mrs, fore nein ; wud thee they caught. eight of
Beresford, tenderly. * David Dodd's tall. figure mounting the op-
03ite rise ' • '
'The poor Arra, ma'am. I She YVa3 such
, , a beautiful seat -boat I and jest' look ether
mow! Never erail tagain : never! neyer !
She was- a littl 'Crank . in beating,-I-Oinit.
edeny it ; beit how she diclilywith-the wind
abaft 1 She -sank a pirate in. the straits,
and weatheredla huremane oft the liauri-
- -Has ;.ani. afteeall for &lubber to go and
lay her bones ashore in a fair wind :spoor
dear beauty.' [. •
He maundered thus, and, kept turning
hack to IoOk 24 tho wreck, till he-,haPpen-
ad to lav his hand oubis breast. He stop-
ped in the middle of Lis ridiculous lament,
wore a lock di selfreproach, and ant his
eyes upward in heart -felt gretitude. 4
The companions of Ito naany adrentiuni
disperse& : '
dencytopcir offappeared to be deka
Bamford and tutu:Smashes took- to her
8 a PrettYtellsparleeng. The refreihnient plans
bed; for she fell seriously ill as soon as
, Spirits. He had lost nothing but a few tuPP13' mi shown by thie 1 se ilwasimpo:. seemed
le. be etten'et141:1-24.r4ilizecij ihe
g suwe
are principally , in ,Nvese York mane,- - e- „ marY
ever she 'could. do it with impuriity: -
Colonel Konealy went off to Paris : Tit was. a cricketer, Yen- know, AS well; _114 thle .
noentny le wholly neade te te the day being quite 'Wend- dlinty. ;TO "Spray
• - ,
- taste" wax by being wrecked,' said, swung along atj. good Pace, itud•in Ingli I
" t ' was lotded-down Wi ' ' '
leibishistavastbut know. thAting•BilblyraituwaTaknbeissaprg000dirE! ligiiir o'sn'ase isforehepesPrawnpeaoski isto,,,phirToes}eXts: Tr MYeriga
and hatted hii benefactor, like a Maze Weyer was that ' dear companion of hit
natared Pouch sailor, he winked his eye;
'being brandied greatly he staggered up : he valued ' more his ehbiildrzeontrise .sintraennegyo. IiIiitihoenperyesinenvegoeonetch,men,INeaewnaantctieoroeurktasioar-t ; potro.;_htnrxildsei;ient--t ldrc ...a. .
precious to lura as naw. One 1: -
. 30''t US for the addition.'h -
it. the *New. _ York
intlatteenesint teurlee,e0buinbas cee,ad leis_a&ex. iy,:ol.. ; --aio th.39 baba
iigkb, He haii Bawl, kis life; and aehee ),elarecl that the tariff is of to heeefle to it" added greatlyt6' the quiet enjoymeilts of
ire reedy forDocld atalittle rudeauberge:
rellislere had dry clothes and a blazing
lliyiuirgliliplateaini3Okst frei°tYtarioilhitPnlediatohnphieris ,vompany was leo than t200,000. It has ,- . e , office & . ra, supply of his
be bad loose iboae -him, and examined of bis daughter depended 011 it. Melly in .duringnille Years increelied its stook from wee Plzen Pi 113111011 .!,,,,t ....parmi pap,
live sali inn it and dried a ley batik -notes
w much stained, 1)11t AO UM* eOutrartatteuy." -"Ping a,w, Jana d.. 4:Ifilv,i0d0Oen,000;cia arnandong -lhatssr!i-rdiopYirielaoedrsinta, Ong it ,flat rate. One "devil,"
wheeereidone to the contents. distance"- ° k viehltietii mayo.
In iheatati of this teronsIoyment the
legislator against hire, lie -will, learn, per-' a° •
haps,-wheit it is too late to retrae,e his °°31°Patbr will a' 14
steps, the extent .of the Mistake' he has industry' bY ;excluding
tt(,fr .what -p a,pprcived.
be located."- grienitura
tam, were
by Mie MeInt
lee -That -this po
,(,.14%.4,1P$213, Pe
aeimeer- -to Da riesea
of Onta
; Moe
nn •gazer,
T -a" bi Mr.
in heel'
and •
male. . report.
*The fello eingo
*hat the Americans pay for Salt. plata itself :7.- -
: 'We have frequently alluded to the. salt Ottawa, 22nd
Cps: of Nevi:York State as a huge,' heart- Sin,-411ave the hone
less -Monopoly; &c. Lest we should bo the receipt,: through yo
deemed guilty of using figures of speech not from the Members; Of th
Ontario reSpecti4 dut
Warranted by faets, We append, a clear Canadian whilst
staternent of their profits besides.. showing • Canada
that the monopoliats are still Clamoring for forra you in reply' th
an increase in the protective tariff, after ferred totheDepart
haying made about$4,600,000innkie years the„-Ministetaof r
on an original investment of 0 Ono -1e.T.VOters
Behind him at•some littleedistanee were In an article heeded, 'What we
Uri-) men going the same way, bit on the olt the Mileage Tribune of
grass by the road -side, whereas Dana was
on the middle of the. road,
'He iwalke well for Jacky Tar !'.said
• '163 Sak,' laid 'Tel:pada% anik47 "int
dis canaldgi' tifile. he -not walla to fasb as
tlaoseetwo behind hinn• cos ther Catch. him
Now Vespesian had hirdlyuttered thee.°
Words,- witle a thirig occurred, so &widen,
arid @seining, that the speaker'Seyes pro -
_feuded, •and Joe -wag . dumbfounded a
moment ; t,he next a loud cry burst from
buth him and his companibn at once ; and
-they lashed their horses to the gallop and
went tearing down the hill in & fury of
rage and apprehension. •• "-
Mr. Fullalove was right, I think ra
sailor is Seldem a sinartWalker ; but Dodd
, at the
ch. -Carried,
SCC. - by Mr•
cm: ao, now Adjouro
osiatore of. place ore the-
esea 11P0P• The Court of
merican Salt; is in_ the aftern
y free, and toenv Theee, Were e
it has beentrans-chiefly against
tint of the Herter/11)1e property. The
ail ce flirbfigh which all d D I
itessuiltort,May 1t3, 1800.
Farmors Attention
ness, and on the mo__st favorable' terms. The highest
Area Orderi. by mail or telegraph exeented with prompt -
premium paid. for sage nee thehtglaest rice paid for
ppo a nay- reelp9.eics,7-
orann jaelfor
ebisshoals. it Sidi a, *would AND BEING YOZ.711 WOOL TO THE
Ntringhain. Woolen Mills,
mr. It suggested the direchnof the r.,panitrIgiv.hoeitt' -
roads , .
0°:89s° HiGHESIvil'ET 147AWKiTw;;;CEiz;CASII
gamblers thieret ear-• Clinton Markets.
eery see,eptable inentaria. • ' clitton, May 25, 1809.
{:5,60 a . iargo m„'d waled al=io Woca tna Union TWIN%
rcalthiSbe°7:13eivii tilt° 4111131al°1-14)97111: :73°11rinnt °Pentasst'l=.- 443:61;153. 475°0
mr. treittlyre three citizens. of goedistatiding iatt, reiate Barley 0:00 a o:00.
Fell (Moths, 1,32ankets.gdA wIdth) Fiatzni Vitidi=dce-
at toe same - Ltls , eval such an examination ° a °e .. -
would show the feasibilitel fFlour •
a 't la rt • - "Emil) 14 13 tte • • -
ee ono o'clock,an wen Fe amly mitts vonfideno. in. r
to totice._, the public nund.-1,cado, Bggs
oa, the'
of. ;per:Ionia jeJo A gentleman fro*. We* orleans re•
nature a,rebrcitight under, whiney $100,
the neticeof His Excelleacy the Governer lir apseesznent
aY. ''.cr General. • ly passed as re
Y ehav the honor to lase Sir,
1. most rebate Navel, .
4eciiPlAltof S-BtaNirte Ba
/laid McDonsld, , _provincial
-During the :nine -‘5nicinths endin
00868, there were imported in
United States 406,433,789 pounds of
The Value- of this salt was 0970,50
about 24 cents per :hundred pounds.
duty en this salt is let cents per hun
pounds impaled in: bulk; and. 24
when in bags: The average is about
:cents per hundred, and the duty Mee=
to $853, cuili gold; Reduced to
the duty sunoneted to over $1,1
beingem.fact,nearly j10 per cent,
is a ball pending before Congr
his strong support -urging the in
thheduty to a -uniform rate of 24
hundred poundee or Ali average ad
three tents per hundred in gold.
; That the amount of salt p
ens were; port!, several.hundred etlebel, ante Ilion
4' teem Th'IY•svere pm,' ; 13, Y.2 n Fal1Wheat VO:80 a 0:85 te *ad ts tile the mils .1-0 how .
$200,008 had be, - ---1-.Ppvutetio.OVer s wh • '7. - • ingozaer, with addftienal fa-I,u•• Int -4 tlier';
•-• . ana (elk weasel% esteee in _any eine:-.talles trilarge for
weol only, Venters will do to el 7
cU -0:10 ® Cm stack au- „Stage for C clamf
WimWarilthg,Sifilinivg„ Matt facturiug,
Cloth Dressing, Coleining done hes, super -
w NG, so alas cirliling there for C Ion GonEntalt, MAT 3251 1869•
Omni. been renal t tiantpo, rt prurg 0;80 •qa 0:00 uayeetsd tzetra_-erar-steferzy edr-'.112p-rua"gueThou-rsvtry7xszig
them to Cuba. ° — Fl 2 00 (') ia 00 t ' Pm:nal naasbe-
be .1 i •
P Kt' Frsik growers in Arsine -FRIT peas • 065 -0:00
Oats ........
C ws moment= catsfactlen,
stillsatv, law paned by the last legislators bipeo- Birley .... 1:05 a 1:10
Senator, Otta,wa.
n„.1 - on account of
QueOnt•BI3iPtlifinT PUP- in the meant"
off very quietly Goderieh. A. con- Montreal Or
siderettle nurelier, of visitors came by;
train from ,Brantford, anila by the $ enaiaeitea
StprayfroitiNoitherilpottieDur atreitswere
crowded, during the day with young People
fromtliecountryitroundoiholey their ten -
A hospitable', mayoress entertained Mee,
th excursionists 'bathe
If thaw be atleyer of enadrupeds here elothes, and a quadrant,. and a clirouorai- , The ealt, manefactu thiejaateraaan and e-voiting The oust°
trecurs, bie chndeenee enbe my day. helieve „that human Mamie can its own. profits to three times that sone -ant :
. mate has p and owned preperty worth due trial we hare no hesitation in
when at sin
Yincial notes
, tented fro,* fruit -thieves. The' la* i$ a Pork. .. 7:00 (a) 7:50
In • 4461°ILIWIEU:C)C) :°°:::5571)
'Geri 41111"Dair .b4sutilehe aPoPlzwerwotou;sdrris 'h‘tuogeteh . . . . 011 aot,
Mayor of Cork ook b
la in time to &you Lb, Beet, Pert-- , • - 6:00 a /:00
sup.alsiourn- Ito Chickens perpaii 0.:12; a 0:15
-41 view, .bei ee in came a Ducts ... 0:30- 0:85
e 414,4\0 to DAlin vesbards:,-. W001 0:15 -0;22
' Sheep ... e 3:00 4:00
WIALTRZyt ap 47, Turkeys . . 0;50 0 0:00
le of Qu -71;ve•tall'aella Apples . 1:00 1:00
• .„
The Demo
paper in that.
type for the
& blOw over
Democrat says
else, they are
which *s.s
years ago?
York, who
raise $1,000
leg the
in Boston,is
eweeeal, incessa. Dpefti etAhiereteud.efalietItnseAloyhitoo;79,...rgelto.rtebo. t.rtfunineahasvtorylc;ofirii. erielr*Salt, wholesale, fenb, pee lebi
-ern „re-
n yin:Ore ocarsiteme eateArdaji If cured by using Dr Colby's Anostive and
W:::::ttlnrVds1;:aidtite Sunday 1-1SFECJAL -7 11°17Es.
agois .eofv, Tonic Mo. Toy regulate the Bowels, correct the
rho, gem WON, ilea; clear the Comenzien ALIA et at4) the system;
Pra#4161 B, ee tbey compord of salve mgredients m highly
concettratedform, and strike atilt it of. diSesseo
• euringiamet like magic.
Thousand& testify to their extraordinary crzatIve
OttinGalusonfTeuVium, goastrenessittnet I.ust rathistke,eseleantinvose.,,hamsp:vhoe,nsetsetialitrti.a6ifiThiermirooftti:esrg:paisfayrniiii
• tine oemeeee. '..TOL biffi-U-IV JJ verdictgiven. by sliwhe use 'luxes EXPME Bram
• to' ,mat:0-- nTheitY SPLE_NDID It is the
by gP beim/neje/tell 4,TteetellY1:41konsre gj4WeeSrtralfiel.t/zetieetAnd•
prspertiss. Bold bv all dealers.
11... soul evereweeve.
. -1111111190099614,,o,„„
Cloth Fulled and Dressed
_ ooruniming einereslible quantity, tut work. r•
It tip top pop, which. esf,ak- sionartes ant
reputation it We,have no 00E4 of Si
by keeping up. such goof 1iriii
Phillips will, drive large *34. among
the Simmer months. A Persand
*oilier, 'advertises hit weeks,. to iell'thera
Isnot inaseiltke -Bay hes
cliiisinesshy hiding his ass* Una SI
s.t Quebfe,
• 30113
turners of Nairtutosh,Alkbelkit up all over
Mr. Gledhill's adv. , epos
• _
in this Seeititil
Jarft. PAin
Mrs, • •" • Asssitcs. sits
n:hlr members of a united ancif 000. It ia owned by perhaps .less szuwi
Of an enormous h was project- l'orr- .
:VI spots his treasure. ' _l_oiviglio__ family feel together, and work toll fiftY, individuals, al_lca„ capitalists. • For the
without speoifie eonoert-though, "mutt., ve _Derient Ot that company
• %satin lathe start helaw a face at the t.erniv:p-hares -lie between : it it one of th fi gre" nal uilPmed and Total= on ma
meT 'of those vile tangs which beautiful asita of true family affection', salt a .:tax of ever 100 per cent, 4
to ptofection tann_Lii8111,_"canai3" she Podds, father, mother, sister, too, when to meet the aboolut,e *ants
aatinir 1:14w"14/ um"wer""" brother, v'eremore one in heart and Jove tat" country it ki neeff*ry to ;144,col
wildb;eat-iike. The ugly itany clew family / sTsr saw. ; wee to foreignsait. Everyman is &consumer
salt, and he should reneeneheethat mote
nefrontod. peassod slowly ee ttusy land not
sad Dodd thee& no znore
-To be Continued.
this sinister visage wik
whoa it be Amid,
44 go, °magi rt. All the cotton factories in nor-
th* =el* Mass-s•Fichoss hat
0113114u the wet of the WS lut 1146/ is a
tax levied by the government for the
,exclusive benefit of a close corporati,
the State of N ow York.°
each then is tics Auntie monopoV,
aliad by tha (alba and ifesderst Vasa
ar4tesi; and tgoilaushua lumatoss forZt Xs *WI MX Huron calt mitelopriae has
• 0, sims azooptiun$ goods7hare insari ***IOWA with *41% ,ftemallitt bobs,
AbOrtIlln 01111111h41.14. tan. It may bo mpg by Our op.
of People the re -ted int TIEUKATI EX aid siteiher aches awl Ams
mb, and it ' that J-viesTetheixIdienstipliesuonor.i.costennrc*.rzo
present ost , Lue.w. We widwirrent it to etre Bums, Frost 13ites,
scannas. Chilblains, SoreThroatjame Beek. or 8irle. Eprains,
Mao/ ,...._ kc. Some of thecurealt has effeaSed *re lamest toe
Ys bY a leing woriderfuifor Wirt *any have been wed by ft
that t
. _ - that's bus
4, ie. ib
r • Ar4,347-"*"0/At
lock uut
from impending death, andrestoaeleolsfe and health
Noieniny is safe a day without it: bundrods or vain -
able lives and thousands of dollari rimy be" saved an-
suillyby its use. As preventive of centavo's itiNa
oases, nothing ever beforemvented can comoartwith it
We autheriseall dealers to refund the mousy if -A
* dose not ewe entire satisfactioas L Foss-
t(t. the sue- MEM* CATTLE, 4.nenie Goderk,11,
tbe fed
4114__Lbes. May. -The question of Grants 1.. superior educatiO
4".,"`"`"' 'Matta yet been property Rttied by the Togislatare
'9.3116„,„11, fiatarie. Until thepublieis satisfied with the untaity
°nee' zug 'a Upper Ciruolaeollege in our educational vatetuAlts_ I
; end ail' boner /notion -win remain open. The "toad:iliac
dieeeeeI4,, John Sandlleid hfctonald hae not Igen successfal
P*INL*-with Masai -tone eneatoos, as the great ancorrOsoree '
tele lino:611as been in row4ication the Allt11160.99 tamc.
complaints of the Image. Liter and eireeletere Int
4-64- lassie byall Druegistse
better Imswn AD BET1 Wi14V,6 Xi*, you can get your
Wool Carded and Cloth It:lied and Ureeyed on, es
000rtest notire p.Aries Nosing from e deemet wen
seldom fa! -1 gettng dlc:t wor.,1 wait tlic= to
slime 4ay. 94-5 WO ilal7C,PD:t our machinery in 11,,st Crow!
werairecnite,wo weaaise manufacture for Arnim
teen foszished walb Lean Pickett C;ZOlh,
satiate Esunels end firoshl 14an1eers without sem
tbe middle. we wouil Ow) park*u attent;on
touncstuck Cloths. mid 131aohne, eiso our atfxls
Fienoile woc,l, 'Vaal Sad dieCA, havo 0.Wire
stock of Flannels cn. 7,,tittrober Niue, Cotton
76'itypg gold .pattetus and the hest yoke ef cWn thei
con 'W -b2r11.214,
. J. k E. Gledhill II, Brothers,
May 22, 1369, wr:41at fta
iiruIssrelsy Vmder our SILMIlte• tiva
fl clad Insurance Company „ through. titer
agent, Ho'rece Horton, 7...4i-, . She satiefiitlIAT att. •
eastmeatereur Ogees by the linear Int Mint tart,
&Soler alio/Tempt porneut of mid *sees
Total loss )40 Intla IFIETOT,
- Fattiall9sc 400 WILLIAKMARTin
Partial bee 90 111. tintiVINE it ic
1S136,, 41a7=2
jN eteeete et Moe, owe bewirMari 0.15
etr:p in iter far._.k. end w rat op her usst
was brunglitt4:, live pound noli•hort Ukeu up
TUC-tts' st :vitt, The owner *repelled to ese
naps take the annual away or &be +s -L- be sold:,
lot at. tith een., Twit WawanfAh
rental Simper,
May 21- *