Huron Signal, 1868-12-31, Page 4TA111 roil T IRE10- VAi-ii-1 I&uu amble ord liv In AA. 8t U �je North, :�12 ILr- 3WRCHANT TAZOA� -1tolua th, capital. 1) all 11briving ducted policeman iu'gQw einoVed to lbe. corner tore, opposite from The 111rivi. ng VMSF6 OF PftyRjVi::A world, has but one n6w3P3.P A VEr Kn(lXs$L hl 119 w;street. Heaerivesto a 36dy-whoilk.,'he - - - C ORLD M thh t, .0 of .1 ir recantlyhoid. a siagul: )) I Itl -- % nevt TET001r. IWIft. Piper and Jai faslaionbW dmased I The-fDAILY at Of 06 drygoods,$tore: He daily :Paper pub11ahqai�1rqjcmtQ b3F?d" les" t 3M43�JXl11–f-tVV4e.C1- 'reLd 3,'jilanks loing frieuds for VniSt _spect oflis beconling The Gir 07 JL 1'�LL This farm c0n4slsofl�'S M"–n� ore a Ira of shoplifte 'hOul 140 r"arc 'excaun3ol WJULfir i �n, at It, DS' �4;t rs who carruiabTth� H. St. Gevinain. It is, �idepenaent W _,worlthigoperation, L o 4heria-Vialt he bag Aeler� e tratil Work fn tal Ind vash orly, cTlverysuperiorzoylonnx soll, z ininedlo ke NO.V' rrJ3PJt6,J bf 'ubIgb' most jisposeil abnt politics, and, the pr0liectus sclys, Oloths3fi00tS (ful i -costly goods in a Back ([)Uq %,f deZti710_ organ of the working -men. h� will be ena .0, He Shirting,'Sheeting r redapneebotpiresentolarged, Lila neverNlWFs;flngr;scs­a was [Ile r4X, joild ii,ongthO rPLWj0V%* the perspu. tba was a chanm for tbe covet6d V Stdc C kery. amt; of ihe 'Wet hete A man went into, St. P6UP90hurcli, _0 ARRANTED, 'the lb'n're-nd raTIE.oyfield;zbout 60, tion and expeditlotrsl)� lind, abll�1005 arge k: rOc HK W. The lady was evidently C=ylug Kin", on OnWeanesday A dy W5b MjV jdew Ibij is �?Ooded With 4 wooded with F1T8'.AN.0 LW moellentgaftil r ilnd Witb- the ro3 lead. She must bi 3 of wine out of the vqStUY. he, bed u*�huis d tbose.cop loolning'0119fes-of b 0 Attentlou paidto 0940M 9011 ambei heavy Wao&fter 1 of t their workitt-theu 9 woui� nd on having beef' -b, There must her no doubt of it—be a d nape, ehu ItST-OL SPIN �7,XN* ym wagf C Sot -thats OTL We sba.al also Ill As& to 'do ClistOft There is d tes), which -wilt-enable us arrest her. The London Free prM States I allops in the, Unite particular AtteAtiOnto'Our retir of Ibis f he, &,dd, laying Tuesdav morning a woman nimed Emma Lis dei 's g folu o1JW1f rfaw -,Ind. ell -land for Fa -in keepedusitautlyon I STOVS I [o,Ap for Casib"OrLin exclialige or , awl'" -f -I (10 otting iblArrollsIlOol be valoc OfIte yot, me=?, demanded the i* GillivarY, 001 to getzAdod, may rely on g �fd i6f Obout 00 trezz. est for triar genehd satisfaction isasPle"dift Ot4' ady. kmooked its brains Out with in 'vhlchwe Wlthw .",SONS, us WIAI a can am aisurc4i ; 100M With thelld lbe.rniO 'Nerldn; ST, 0 raille or%veaub 10 Ull O=erp IM "You aye my prig of -C ce his hands on her Shoulder. Snowden, residing in the township OV V -laid her child on theL floor ana t ES P k deliberately -3 axe. She has been committe Partles favorlas tON1 kind& VOW bestand elillicefitV ranilousfarilsi W�a that you'Ve got an your back 10i. but is supposed to be 1MIle. 'Ibis e 'Heaven I I never was so Goderich I E, eP two U01K.) Vonlen radtory) PEST* C insulted- No,, ghi into Main El A P -11P. Beef cattle are brou Sir, it s nat stolen goods.' has more 8 AN TH nJ mean unleveloped Se.Ale �.qf bost Ttb, I.Er 06UUter I rate Dry Goods uh-lysuitedloim" empswilibefaMsolbe a Platformi and 4 Auty compe13 me to examine it.' S as Ketatticky. - - .3-1;oN, mo offence, madam, �but my Lr& 3 than have tW* for vary little MA su'll swi- new und nice �an'd fit f6t j1e6�ntAXnd4V0wlFg -26 ecasins Ile -villain-that's MY-mY r iniaAre extensive ioice a.d � _Ttsh. ~mblo te Tea direct trow O:J-- in EqSt%M Vil Groveries.ell cohills B- tht-'very b . est. to be both bright a forests of large trein where oldtobac n YATES* le long Hat, i that - &V a- be ibas, the Gnest just"froin Vq .1d, corn furrows, mat ago, can ardeddO ' t punXim . odel Bill. somer turned tip 'tome -6-uie boom at sern. Seot,:29t tfir , 868* it isilso A I kinds of colors, lolro. U orcUriloft" a vorv, -ort4lt hem, lheOwenlzouna ere Clawing of tbe latest out, an, Uadertheal-ovecaption, a several handred a s ressp& nto ton, 0 iW In Californi resspd.. aud _at too in t a It is to bo a man well d tlovLm -La!anee- n inoogn- r cen; t Vorilober T '0 LA .. Z-7.umco.4seal. good deal of fun n u XUACAV ..., I., I . . ; -.. �r- � I t . .. . I aud-F, reason, poke d for the supply Man'. -N T not without p of grapes have been Plante 'andilfie. besure-upoill die rt j Dhn gOrris. don't,forget, himi-40 0 for iutroducing The I call V to of the Atlantic cities, where they can be i D bill in reference sported in seven days. 0 tile anditin- of accounts at the Onarter io remedy for fevers and. miaSmtic lid the Atzeeti,�zr thinks Out -31 ortobpr2l), 1W. had bette� dwellin.s, for they Vy this tive iratitutions, unless men of' more of sun flowers ai:oi J�Oudsl LOT afflictions has been fmind in the D1311tilig rdispense with her reprpmnt; Ind H absorb the germs of disease. TWOOUSES AND breadth of mind can befound as. legislator. 11,AS a most a tractit e, 41111 wetbouglti-Atoo W ever sits heav'ly upon us but S,&L The bill is as follows-: rime n Seasion's ImPortat Out t ceempicd by -1)unts shall be passed or =dited CD ,,,�yo ny when it is bad V employed. ON Lviasts llr+. of Qnarter Sessiow in a Lj� G at anv 00 of arble; IF OR 7S County in ontasio, es-cept by the Jud e To I eich arly is to engrave on in ite on sand. Lty Court, and four magistrates, to eeneh late is to wr Wftt Sfteet� T GOOD the Coul :W.A.NC who shaX ),unnally for that � The rose has its diorns; the diamond A FASHI ets Cd 11f, July Mgt. 1869. 1 ba &ppointed Nei Blank Is plarp(r-al3ythe CoantY Council of sr,.h S. NEW �w I d the best man his failinn" G 01W union of counties at 6eir first I I'S Winceyls, Alpacas, inch Xerilnoes,'P ts" EAW rM 3: HOUSE AND. STORE caunty or -G I'm A more rhan two 1pepnoor woman can see more ' mpatby ar. meeting in each Year, not Ay jffaa:ery Gloves, small wi N N aLET IN 1OLMON. In,$ six-penee than in streams of tears. Cr of in 4 RL T uc��agjstrates for the time be' Vq INC,,gy, really g)cd for the money, 121 cents:: �,COA 011.9 he wzner -ful At -0 money*. TUREFt OF rpnU joint Dwellina nudl-tcrO 0*1 such County Council, and it may be lau If you Would not have affliAi0in to Vi FACTORY 'Pally good for th 0�nty Council to pay stich ma b- WIff" S1J1RINff. really good,ra th cts per lard, allCIL tLe AV11OLESALE AND RETAIL. ii, ot Victori Weels. I inides% *nil best for any C trtce listen at once to what it teac )ad f -Tr the matiej; nts per yard. Tb78 it.one A 1110 present -edinq two dollars J111ACA, rt-allf g( -y�rd Pei s any sum not exce YLANNUI rev C I Oil Lamps, &c. &0- Old IrOn� 1 buetne"Annas for iheir attendance at each audit I , Ad (or the money --hecpSklumv. byVIMIS- eo FANCY FLAINELP lst;l Wdo, pickin,;S. and _ es. �lly orooll forthe me -30 'ets 25c op r, Br4 rV 16t tie. The best consolers er human hearts 16t ApVyloA - W-Clareo'C"n Janoury 16t dregiser flis, very forcibly shows GR- G is in Clinion; at pij tojoHN HUNTEK, Tiia A their tak-0 in exchange. rs in shall notsay the mdy bear brokea hearts in we J. J. STORY, tn. for V ton, for V up the impractibillty, SA*.Mlist S esm Ensine ton, for v sulendiatillsortmilut ey, r abs-ardity, of Mr. Csrnegielsbill osie dollar per yard. The stool. in act., -C. ho C. ign of tb Large 0001 Oil Ba"04, Wton. 1. lo- warellst.1967 -I The above coutsi . w the -entire. bill. to 0 was , Seporato -Msco , lof the most des ralal good, nL3r Ma N .1 17 -1669. th.,jour magistrates What is said from the feeling of the All prices from 50 0 cfi;i�a "New E nppo.e one of e, or just Mnluer.t, Sh 0 DA � QJi Th Now, 5 a wif ould exci;e but the feelin" Of A J . ick, orJustafterni -MEADY X Morse Voel, cattle and un- the moment. at coat 83.54. department is constant- Wrks - TARNTORSAIZ a be the result I C::jp. An Irish fcotman having carried 9, In laroe variety ver] cheap; a, decent gre 'to e. th WOO lznt-s $rem 0111� a 0' 'ble VALUABLE sold at the very not be passed. h the restwat and efibieest -art lea ill.the t equeeted teggioe I P L JW lar .0 lot is, ith cou. lintlettv r too, friend, I -- V1. GOOMCH, -et of game from his maste IS, Gang, J�lpuvbsj 100 cres Ian, or retii u g G 0 secut but basl Supplied wit ate The public. are resIiec With -Cast or Steel Boards, D -ill Plo -ed, its waRed a �ousiderable time forthe custom lowest rates, either holes to delay and Cnr ary fee, bat not finding it likely to appears pers, strawcuttersy I Subscriber a call- 1GLEY. would fo!- if my Cultivatorsi' Utn& RG JOHN 11 Kettles, W4,giin and Pire Boxes, -or 1. 3L T4UFKAN- qcj-,%tohed his head and said, "Sir I I � li. . aph. Xqttles. Salrar Kettles, :$%it V149 2 W1, Fitranees, Pol; die during ay what 'did the J;treet, (;odesie rl.ultuia masterwouia say, Pa LTMOT,6 be appointe tb d uld you have upaerico Sept, d' un- gentlema give Von ? what WO -0 oAN I?al!m for Sale. rest of the 0001K me toteil him�" INJG PARL011R. miths, Work and Repaidag for the i& eiu�lastimnrqvedkin - Brass Castings made; nd Bla&s the STEE L'UOULD-BOARD PLOUGHS, as YOU can Ors V3 nrld�54, flyfleld CIDOWS40111 110 Total Eclipse done onshnKloodeg- Callandsee 1porGoderichconjoining CSiLeregr '08sh- L "th good Frame ;et one veiry ch�afl for v, of , atotail eclipse Ge Rnlu cb,:Not.; 12thi 1867 f them- Over t re ers of. Car of Aug:Wt 'Te 't F*� Godeti :0 tae vOKETT C d7, The EEaUfax Chr*Ui"? 806YS :-We See sun is no common event. and it is conse fishery is ikely to of surprise that it For 2brms W1WM(; h courtlair-ceatoderich, er ,*!th reget that th( quently not a, matter. a partial failure feelings prove it this is the case t;w on the if. and more klqe� (;,,dencb, Il6 repetition should be looked forward to, With C 1; of the owe shall doubtless lia7ve We must of interest by people generally, in it OPS, i re eserlp scene3 of last winter- especially bTm0n of sciened. To the pbsts,le.Joiabs,of ere disuld havesent vastfield for observatior un- a p fe is ea On' ke up our as to this. We opens up a T �nd style7of work a e- I much Ao r, e o rt notice v6nd at t with whom we lIave but few leel"`93 In re�der, and every, year order* 'A The d,.Vadit1g of latehas, added to- reductlion m!tdp t r e "ith htl red to sub- -),r listf. punt hirg es. CTubwr ft'g ftib �obeprep vestigafton of toally' attended to. e us of I&Dno..0ijand. Zig. Zntha N rth West to a People ent irices. be �Mch �Upour-1 known in some measure to common, and op, I the means emplo�ed in them KT mit to some Sacrifices to a�d our people at tr. of a like nature. first o lee May -seenattlies OP We give the a knowliage, Of optics, ments, kc., be ly V houm- flizlienob Dec. echmical inventions of greater accuracy, HAVE 0 W ,,have no aesire to A more perfe ;aentaiou. but if the accoulits in PENO A NNO Iscoverles in some of SELL opt 'e :n� a larage, portion Of and the recent di the Ofthe fisheries are true, V our people will suffer light are among som Apr and still more sorely !his winter- Pro Asof of the the art ot HE Subscriber prepat icessiou of flulzt�tI9 na 6o" iment A16.10LOTH T -Aa summer season with its weaTy toiling ater addrftous tO` 4deuces L.. STOR s hardtliough, on the , -s i1L N'T A story to retiving. T oar and seine, i recently the improve 161,1MEN, T T r 1 en Bl�tb find W11116no, ftot aigations in AM lo TNG MIA= when the JfANUFkCTURM OR elsoivedn disp 'Wav� fisherman ; but the 7iuter, up and pnotoraphy, and the Invek thepresent from bu�lcrsB bus bennilory line Od barwood Illmd, wel WHER9 T31M E M -J PUBLIC at his Extensive StOOL Y-, tw3sures ci� the deep 'are looked oele;iM chemistry, form 4t POK17A -".--A plearanc bitfir )NAFLY A.N-D- 13 L A IFFEA TO T of tie epoch of ourhiitory matter in COMect'on MARI F -s STATH laardwar-i `G"013617- 1 w-6red .1 ..Boot% ShofS, RdySeven acres and a Inv I. with taie'comi OU tarther part-entals breath, is r Dragon 7t -A ENT OF. 1-41-% T-JQ Goods yo gitarded, by 103. 1 iig event. UV0J—Jl`J- ' ?,,! � I' 1 ; MCI they may- be, S, C.Zeker 'Una NEW IsAWSON- - The passne deterimped.to iselt of the moon between la'and guebalistrarequire-11nievery' family, and whion. theyare Clothili1r, pardoned if looking 'ENGIL ES & -it M hoxder SO In,& life, they L ^ SM'91NDID Ut land under cost, fo tip Bome of the Charmitir Sale nish STE MaV27ili I 0mly the epd, -and 1113-V that it May come the su2s discs will fur I Caliber Produce7o"13.. lisol. , .... . CA 2ud or ure of or Am SIZES. -$H d r th Nov.. spee0y. means -whereby-to ascertaiR thO-uat n E'R-y S Foit Al as It 000aswT. be reduc;A as - ..LOWEST CE will eamm -M tiw& P THE V -c add 1�6S_ wheence on, I t the Pblic to,,,. testo r pt. TOIL BA the physical constitution of the sun, and d we tape Ur attenaon fol-, We iird r It a, Far its surrounding atmOiphere�. 1t wiU tend Iowa:- UWZST PR1vA=AFTAM'L­" o the Ste MAN g Adis tom%jrit a full. share of Pat 0 Vew 8,01T. IL _irw Jones Znt, owervatioas -ev, , .,. ­ .,- . I , AV% noBsu S5 43MIN � 1121. tern courfthe case, of South vs. to confirm re Wes i of the Sufa itoWo be� c --03L STP11 VV35 if Teaa-,50162j, 76 IM HOrElEl, vdffi Was called up� ,thomfor the, Plaintift chemi6l, cousti PUMPING'i U201txz WQ STDIELY nwiffiTAI Z 205, 40. rdetund out bullidilcztp� 00 - May it sidesmanyotheirmeteorolo--iWphenom qD H04 P(G M Godericb, Sept. 22, 60. &Y Esq. AVY to, &ND BOILPIP Arm of im& good GINE SW Pr pmeutby%%ALN� of which will occur toAhe scientific i T ints- 0. .15, 1 at tralon T ee(1­87j. . 42J. 76, 411� 501., 1n, 71, 61� Oct, 10% Ists PI -PUBL I C So loo. 12G.- re-jing, and Slowini:11achp An wtop Tweca-ZA please the courts Said a Aping member SUCH, . Aeudi Sind 0 r17 E0 -Ott the legal fmt( 'Se in -Filkins, is-Ior the and which it ig not- Our P;OvincO to d's 51311ity, or, a4invo Drilliti`g, w LAtbe atM but X left him jnA no over III CUSS. I . PI -A JenofuChb#9 Wien- anadi tialakets, gameoipoker. EI&a' FortheinfeStigat gplendid. the ft ying p 20421f 00 flop do elotbing at� -ally T T NONTR The wboW u rjeo T. P total . J 9. p1% iutheTu Hndlton.,o Tra _erlb. ,v=,, &re, anaes sum to BMW tifiii expeditions wereP sent' tOL ISOO.'sm, 06 1ABU P if hebw onlyVine., He"a Asia jut Angustio -there to M, A 14. all got to, Ang' a cold deck, eclipse ; but,:6wing eviatntlyio the want EAL. 1;6tVq;e1eRr@v1 out _!J'yj itirdetea T REE in the he% dealferhimsellfo= of some of the;�mQre recently con 6,1' HOSPITAL, elgiblvtbe pr wellboughti Of t knedical allthp- offers4or sae lot go tft, is so tW instruments uqed in the iAvestigatierA THU 0 it prowunced ThOgbod"Aidinew4nd ot-d. a es agdhii opponeut few queem 0 lstseviretestill3ribebes itte. Che-Vatfordlerrateobut so he niust caleatialcheinio;ry facts of a very comM0 (VR Tess,,aflerthe nic -sonoussubitativeRso oflen 'lied 110j"prore Areiplu6ilottpbe-hndO.rOWII45M ey InIve J Perceive that ificlut ealoa n,- or po been hey. r honor Vin r%;eu obsorved. and re- %J to be quilepuffi god frets front ally firli �Vour. Th luelmow. ),WD UP. -'es ijores, nequ-t1led, 0 A, Pie Yoh me ?"iaid nature have, 0A aft I K -.r: -z tons, a .-e ofTe. 'Vh6Y%3T 11 Oj inglind heal!b, IV ConjInjnd abigI regrep orpleasure III 4flultit gtheni. 11raike,the periiiian ...and sithough ebarn, geod LUNDO -mbs leepll Oviriewtarepat 4"s-ft-osa, ! It hap- corded by th0e, foribeirivistrillsid I. ,, the entisquier aflk-. to 20c.' per Jb. Luckno*. Cat W- el I or jud-zewl affig P �ft& ihey balre. not 'Weaelt fnr -Pselble profito, laiLmduga,sarng I and free fell= 0 I,= Were fact, Which. beliniallisi . olited'-pure i 0rders for four !11;er VLf3:very unfortunate, time! and 25 Jh. boxes, and are ware to any Uiihvity 81 ea carriaw froe Wi4kLinVanada, A in12,15- rs or one 2o.or x,.] e i2way rulzb �y ne Q3h be collectedn de� us ibe rai contributed at y anxioux to, get Qu wl Sib boxe tW6121b ho3l I theorder 12)r xnait eontainia, fe niff "LN ADANADA, -j501000- jtirv� Bait erritory vaur�t ver �wed, aud mi; len;h is oi&y ghtout by tha aid of pho CAPIT LL. 6911Y, 8 arifea linarnedtitel); oil receipt of ira4alli at vio. us fflaveez- U00T, �Vm study to _to be Spit. opoDe ve -A SIT ithers there A. 6 0J he top much, filir fatuilif bra a other $2,000,000-3=0 by expies.; A'w R spqctr On 11 LWhefea25lll'l%oX%VVidd ln0 Jujo �Sill odd tography, th� STUD 0VER, rark, R R )pyideiLsj�uck the judge WIl jenti.1bem one addregi. carriape paid applia�uees, which � are 1NVE ortwaI2 1h. boxes.. Ve -adagessingt1le, friend of the -iLbtent medern scient;46. bil to), ther eotill! gelid for folarri III �varrwitzult the wit we selito givis entire satisfaction. V lae, and. cerWn DEPARTem- li,11hat sich pisly lea We TOW. quitable. classid ej -line.' areb 24o1$U8- under- d (I, to throw adaitiOulal FtKIE ilaeata�alk tuniedutpuresp pitkim who Lad just gppk 'Ju es9ne t, - calilldre he hitherto ob3cure facts lbecompanviiasboa i &to the a Mini. light on somei of t The distingulsol,ble, priticiple 91 t MIX aship st=a poker abon idits atmOs- I all caisrs 8,9rem 'in tuc,lI-4s fill F te's as W to' Tom propolifunate elite thi eason do. 5m, 6ft slid 65..; Ver, Ty 1111nus. -Vlaiy� bis hand in conuedfloli with the sun a' flon,chirg., -ZI I lampauy1copeiatiianit is ito thil - Vine Vlarnared Sew S* VOUB g ich, I t-Wid t you reover and llent Umi en- iss attended thet e V9 rhich a ri, w klistat-33t0kel The success h6bavereasolvejt business 0 lt-u 'Itich r 19"glifilillfea havoureddo. boo.; Vert iine do do, i5c. JapoiWood ls-und Oolutig, 45 alrof Lof I N. Us vTeld ron a Xprlib, ssing the. at to Finesilor., - L- -00.. very Zu lo4ac,es.v64e40rlaod,'70 FurtheTL n ift y4if ::P-ound. �ie at! the preg tention, of -.4stronomeril =0 d mostsartguine 0 Vatiodian public ed CaPia, fala lai FARM UPS list now offer to I ed by. 111*0 ion. '11lis What a prW ft sportstneii some per- 030 atty kw4w IR ID U 7f "rim �&s h, is cleared had ontl0reultiVat " lte's' rd Bull an Olin lirgetv leql� mivaled lvn the hyarlt, Orevel on -Tow nitylia offers before -them- V60, Toolixsysou IR land 75r. ; Fing.,do. 750i; - Very ry ihim is 03�ffQyni& 1116113t t - A-g�tflemzn opg adon: till, necessary Gj­Oer4l �&g being. gentle' k6o, .666 Superraic andVv ir Of GOL& 1�� - I - 6rdlainis. . Tbe, DirectOrs'st" Ads 10 UO -'QelifOrlh on this 'tin Prompuseltiol take a libeigivind buiaftess-likO vIVVr ;§a1`onlv,qoldny this COO111111AY- Read, 6 mil6s fin mlliful ard p .24 1. , It L choice sl , irine. 7 le be, 16 Via - frG& Sau Buenaventura p imUresting !e nthe site 01 It bbig, hares, qM,,Ts,- ground, ofthis. deepl3r eas -siot trientiol is 222na q4, t7�ol-. very�gmd4br tordawlipt - Lwsbs 500. is p, -r -A,. 4 Lakea Irtivilpm ibis f 1M, SW It inixed Wa could belent eir 60c, and ibriving VI loge 01 - ad west Colborne 100 -4 12 An !xMiley wacres 60 site other birds, and 3iiiW4 re LWE DEP) U 1, Pr by qnyl pepro.-resses's e At 11).3 0 onif as lbo. vAla, As The aciftV pfreraternistath 'be B*Aas olife fjv 4-Lnpshore an) Cliurt-bes, camt-ed ifier-aby the N =1 9" boutil 3R� w9:9, an hour, or Vollalrate ervi u No teld Ito 40 load of I ln��Ssrlectb oxwholn'so,parentof P r6 divisible. 286s.. Qy of. 12 them- m st-alej,1911101 . r aild and Alellwdi,l) Fast 4 of lots (pies -rjan,., f adehth. Tb 1`43129sed 1110 first chext bfTea. rmal, Tonr house. ;fiftsQ leavingbIs seat. AMWPV otfiltise On, Phrti i� xvintrealTes COMIA" �yt Lot 27 Sth eon. illhot, nionth aft&'Vr�o etiv i —10P 1108 case proved most liationictory, itswell as bentirext-eeil, claintol pbatid 0, asna- liat Ibis Tea ry ione, since, Risd I a yea�#Inee PO 'abinetsm Gond Truiplars rirpricesimil terms, avply�to. tio,robbitg VRY05 as laid pleased loinlorla youf vrliffi In ith U104- I 1P.-C-00perage, on oue A site in thin 471ght-� ad otbort(tv Ton!s very imix �Ilt w) d 6ree, a �wotber. In1helLwAintiftuce Awtseoin ny ba"d 11611, of Ji. A-Va nod an urity I -T6ybeU01ItlWW&bftp3uj r r. Its CanX ISO& ae;ieb a. & 0 _np me but wheu he went to' at�Ro.' 3ronftml, April, 're is a Vo iratue barn W x M Go; he Only saw 1( (3 atq,eq in extent), -01' Young ��a Side of 'a bush 110 found treet, wit. stvouillig into bcariug-�: NO w0tfi. 84,11pueb thei'droamo-fit-rTea;thatwajmvelorwavda forSou and choice InIlt me, �j - WupfroAj roll. fn vemher 1-9 1867. The Genizu'm - -T b"SiVeriLlp rtsf the Ddininion, -Andii altv Slitl to Ir"'Y OV9 two others Tdcl& lthd'tlon� effdvOIIk0f1tlsvc' todifferentp2 it surA thore Is V -Ond 41 1 Indeed, 9plae, iw so, lihntiftil t110376 4 eits4tis Vigo . I have been drit4til find yourbashkess sorapidly tucrM5Ir,-X0 presurne -Verystr, ,butair or leoini; -tor dill. r purpil- 10 VP LbsivebtenqAlito 7. irf. PAULa SALT TERRITOPUL j� COL19 XQM - -4 AN 038 - - Avocits, hayb only bad -4clslon the S raq, tis freefroullicartbarn. 41de Oca.1r.upon4t.srikablef I:ur-Te4sartgivibggenemls!Ltlifactf6u,sr�butjDf'two ihat farmers a. OFFICE, His orter breakfast. I at Molnooritforwariledwe ws. V-1116*3 09" .1 from -Pal r- Tea, andsholleouthaall '7ttarnonebor, -which w4 WILS Beat but -8 Tit 14 - I bytinbrip, order to save their L�q . . P. wouldialways I - - - For Pei I-ent iqt pnyluents to Soft X0015riseatowitoff with tributelit 'WIWI riaplY10 poism itill rpartivala FOft SALE OR LEASES urebalier I , f.1AtrbiAOUl XTRIA bag eatim up-j� attiamptalL and Wa ke"ON" you el Wlky� LAWE B a CO =A$ managercanatilian xpra ` 011i f e .11. Uep WITHIN 159 yards al 4w, - - the lndl; Fire Life LIS11i on Salt. XV1orLs* Also, a l4i DkTt� tt',A 64,St .10hu streej. Slont=L A six foot monter, orn the prethises to. Honae of3evate, Oitawn. fidiis, the� sm of. J�s lhthei�s T AP CLOT O X jolt AMR= i3 0.41tt] Vea C-irnpan lom: 6int the liflasiatid Young Hj;jarf Tva viilcA you -at rle, gives ireat isitiglaction. V A R e1w hote4 V re. -M, 374 A�* X I I . . .1 1 - . L - X I N 0 L A X D S Vongsi;oi hnx -ot Fnglisb Bren rd urth'iffoor While asleep� lothli, neaveM _my r 9 expect irtateo ers. room, *7 - . - 1 11 L - L I nde6j0hill"(111reliph . Vnvelneut to using our nautilibrofferlagour 3o gemril ofPedlars And t4nners 'D . . . . . . . . -less tban. qaj* hit boots, along'with I -orefinlidian'Glotfiw Teas in-lartiou paOcli;a othin. s MINNE& put up at a ant boot black 13eskiWkidt, ZaEer ff 8 joliN BELs. i;VJ9D0N Othets. Align Clock haamoke, MCI Vestiapp BuU 09we Vid"X togo A11eb0jSL1O0Tugf ALjoic sold ;419spiial street. 3rantreal,- a or -them -Plabil. Saud, an ljoiler-1.1 ott DEC - AV Zr $,live per Nqtes and Post oAlea K P3 rtaAuAtp1r.., I , L HIC -S'. Q oves,'Oaps� Uc-,&c� Orders the Campaur will add 06, prendurn In 'Tea toths. is is fil order f.,or 'SAL CHEM's T1 L - �turgestiindAmstCOUntry 116tel In, W d wand f E -*ith both hands on iii tho h&U he e feetit cOnldebt of glyinr satisfaction tot roprietor. 9 MA not. findin - them�, oa imeelf �whomiKyloLvothbn"vriththeirOf&vl, The 811 E01t the. top of blaoide C4 ge-proprietor- Goode .9 t*q= yelliag at 1*14 VPSTE [fell. Sig, BED SUM (411 wbal)$12itil -81TV0r, lerv=tt ruilted out to am vibat - V" �t 0 -fw, 7 ti" the ON % - F0 S7.;tart"j Notift. oll", waftr Jim, a et WING. FAV 110rse$aud earriags for Hllesou 10" of �190'14 doue to. W-ar'se Oft L E TIVIN$::- OA1 Of Aawn.&OCoa, "Whaf LLO - -6 advanced Ift 1866. -101 began to, So I the in -fith. I . '� 1. -AA 4lict-irit reflqun ,62 -4@ .091 'hed. P111st-ev, 33rkka, loolu HOTEL IRS, Mys ous, at... antls Include a'sinkin Ful V63 tko del enlre w1pet 141111 out' Ar inia wh, Vol R y J-1 1, icti e, rtat 0 a Vill; 439derich, 319Y 18t, 18GS. Stable road' train Ser1forth to servant, the 1011! Y. PrI I it As the frite'rest er aied W vre TiGEOrg-E RUMALL 4& Co. sm, AC2 rat4,;,rjr.2 4 6-$ or I y OX heou 6=44 Livery I it the explatt 3n; us Ids Whiah, 11PLY-9. lure 0 end. a hebBli-year oryelsi. dire.4 t t is All tb npityluentist.eq i a for or the loot "d carton -1KgEpRJL$L AND QT�Hlgfts. loaf MadeIn wtvall" tAYSES -rTrR1(,n:V1V0,D ;4 Monevto Lendo on tor the travelfin filial g tile, bo 4 RA to th ty� WTketer. NN ver rento en ed. orint nutletertus. A]rplyto t ]�Aron Both$- r orm � entered W42 Laze your �1*0.N -ES0.111 oftertw DOYLE, 'T"O"i"God' . i TIn new 'Tiess.,jr6r, Tordu 0., and Oh sac 'a, QRej;*V1h. 91b i3nn 0166.' oel" ISO to gn -thi piiblilir that t�Py haV# now PA -Subscrihimbeg to info -,cftstome cl Flat. T --IAU N TuTREWASSLUSA (24 YEARS AT TITH OLD STAND) IT) the d4buth I ,on. 2P. JOVS0*21. Von- 1, lot 18� C 'R B .1 D llos, of lot No,26 eon, 2, WaV6111109h And E119 JURDWA IFA atIrAr rig Oj �asllh J lot No fl,&on —0 h6blicid, County W fpft OF t RVISHING �atpr the Counlyi.colottieling rlll�l 0 - I I . .1 �- -1 �q -V rT8 CA Mr.1, Ism, _ Dron, All persons found tresposs'llf 6W1 t prognuted vnth The -utmost rigorGFthe �Rwi U1011144 bmal sy hav* -S,-G.LAS -L WAR U S� DILY AXE I T IOLS; WAI 11UNRYC. NJLAL# 007,=S 0. $prews, truahes,. Botina Xothine2l; 10iiive"t a . . . . . s 1. . I - , t , I ­. I � I I ­... � 1. � - . 0 � �..- -9th, r1pi., 1. . T.A,��Ua, AnWi Adtis,, Augelys,, Axle Trees wvT A ir- t -I n1R.1 Coderfeb.. Nov JIM =art- on Allu rd Filet. Safety Fuse. Grain Forge. %*ram iil; no: to age, -ij,Griadstones, n ed would- bt 10 in 0914 JS Ous mers'llRa -LeaA,, U na of ibis Co=arca, chial Hi os,'.1ron, IAL13 TA.A. Ckilidstorm ihiings, Min= -ooking Glosses. acco�s, Spade $hove -asses' L ron & of . - . - Z#e mqls� paint� 011s. -Plain Ir ED'18 theilebti- He *6 20th Doti his C31 Or in all !0 per cent. en T K�nkana.oiherTrajw. 'Afinestoclief, undertaker, -W an. F-14,Ctiorm., 9 - H AS u 404 lonihI&OUldil, At - TUPOs, Orw beidg for intOfficit and the ezo - r" reot�, him owa NNW in hand its 'dia I 40joi%l AQ11 X-j4141pas T I N POwe TO 41tc -com "a i� iiia fro� iaodarloh, 'ji.f pe�tlYj..11!. 9 .at .40 Will be allo, in ITURON, SIGNAL up ­ rats to-J6ntiOA*' fitting ter y 1*41$10OU to. lie glove; as I ey Am_ sate orgettilug is, eta a' maphtnery In Us latfttift -of Buildersia ortleutart! ealled- t%=ijW4yAtM ow: ea. at mod6mfer rates.. tko compatly rftuir ffie Colinity'll il -moort,51, Varm 9 -brated thes, � --ir AQSX".f0t,.1L 4o�ate *11.Vaile va L'ame I ':: - F1 I Flew X Sigit.. iF ­ M.- 0 zpk.id Ji" dw M WC I aftMbild PAM661 0 , —­ - to C U Ir 0 0 1, f ,00W� 10 trm Me of the the 0"11111610, wortutelme ftom the CW lavoriatilll -111 wzatof FURNITURE, 4's :tl ac - C0. Or f t7 4 1 X-3: 143�.A-MLPX I _wbetber, in le- 00,tyioav iota tw 40- j&jecelve Order$ avorbitawittin vigit .................... 4ts. P Irme. his mmulax I now prepared i90 Byery vatele 44, *WAO, 00a P WX to Qftalitv. i9vie tor Price Ile 1 Is roybwel rielh-,fto, 92 quilne"40d. ......... I., ;WWJjiil; -jo. &AWWAd a pw with SAG Xo#M005rth8, X2mdA^1=d -1$ ....... X -no to Q1111 JUM"Sh AlftYth ................. At r Wareroolu 0, KIC., ONE 10.1 raropLo. chlfilbo* Rall cArdina-Vulurts md Ing beta or 15 M WinottAl, Ful =4 "WLUMVIL . . . . . . . rd m4b of bows make sadJMV*WL SIGNAls WkptC$oQp mad 1 X complete, I JOBOFFICV. t OWMi"Wilathlo L " 008. 00 and Ileat esec $011" fo I* == do won to 40200" --plifd with'I)OWET F"Ws, hard prenm dr. 0111*4114P . * _ ­ .4 wror ;16�� Rov FININSam UOU44. *""joes every rheitily, for tkorapid Illn , GARBIMMI, an eat =6z"It , -. - . I a 0001 to *lye. Orlin at ty y idt.-Criptic ., rm,!61" 6 MAKIKET 190 Also, UNA. is West Qt.J aaderioh" Ift _ V..$, T" OAK" "C", AM Nor.* 4 1 '. .-J, 7 4k t J # dw� W. T. 13 3XI "Z, 6-: V2.00 --w nN-1 n J TS T MADAM Wifuller Qzxat I r"- HOSS �=Ceranz orb iadvi L17cr. or -d' -%fzben vdlerS ."ecurnmendc, I ,nts is -to LUMIDug, X;hJ I pmvc . DO r.� %elaw. Zy eonSMU14 ,0 8 C-isharce 00 to Q�l will bo anc, al Ito Public AVm aus it Film cLw, ALY eallelleb. Loll L001 Eva r -1 --or VzZZ21 W mta; to Ef-6711 Gr V, - i WINI i, n1va nl�,, own rnn"-1 C %Maj li - U 1 rn a C sai b" !;��n tL­a 9. I; W vV NMI flMll NO T14 al:S$t" to? ftc-2b t1srig CC NE - A stat",