HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-12-31, Page 1ti LBN FOR SALL pea \'.a_3 c to of tants. c• 1051.-efs^pe nor tamto Ittan a,. 0 eWa..c s....ai fist e krowe aA `Marotta Pleas- 'E'.•.::- t^avur J 4 Scafizrtb Om- :;, -.:1,r. -.,',L,', - .:, etew ce 144e ti.,-,.., i;I.t" C - '''',4 and 15 Cann G. rl. .>n enc ti & L H. 11 E... ; to is f uvi g ,..a.,Te e£ t 3§0N 0—ti Ce, where t'.^ere is a hatisc? *°X- tiinv E arZeir of Re- .q't',. ace"^a-rr:nre or tele- --) =act. .s',,Ktt 140 cleans➢. on 9 - ,...11:-.., argil fere (1. Q' . a^ .1.m--e.laretn brgtz-- _c: r'^ C.; az, 5d r1.:gg.4rT^s neat Pa 'x' r a r'+ she reaz COEA • ti -.4,:-.1 5 ne .s of the rave; e • rata^ c -,:.:stoic ec-atar ; t 3 e 'at_a°, is west: Withy .. . the et.0 a ftlrt3 bee re. 17 -,ere 15 a;tm ts,^ra tho im:a atone grarvv,cohtch, c3ti1 2c,77:7,..3 Cttv,rs a rs desainng .�? c5-ea".t5 tn. IN ocvtter, eat 7:a t'te 5n -.''face, t7 caves to t.'. Fa., -'[rimy PurptseR cf a:ecaa &01s trees. of tic. ,t2 -"eta a£a'.a Groes. grown us -m.-�s f.,^ ;tc p7ix.3c:iaa off -u ; �� ,z a fnl a t_z=7, vrttrt ar'rc..cn^etri:dtwo GSA a:- r,t •: l` r,dace-d$raL: c..:.ez"*an:vd. T1s is runny j ce.='tsv ` r.:"eC 3 Rir.'.e3:3: g etc: cotta [t; m^.1ta the to . ict 10 cemaiss 11 ;`tren:::c.aa-rn, the rer..at er en. 7: a h,t ntid nna,eberry CI R_,�T;;c$ fur fetteng awt2 CS' 1. -..7". -ng sttea13, nets hT^ n;.d lt:tebett 8te., 0.7.G -ns elf SSTrtfrnnt, is also 1.0 '4t 3 iaCie:.". Price .'Dm •-._.;pie as per cent, blies r -:rculrn a iv 10 ALLAWAY.1r _e. e:: F -e. it~ne^_co Agent. 'zses of rat C, tit ,;akesnII t 1 LLAWAY. ma AND LOT SALE. ,e-71,2 . At oc..ngfcd o - & Mira.- vs app- to - D. GOT 1 ON, t.� ,.r�♦� lt..z t 1Jelzer, West Street -- sr 27 tt AND STORE IN CLINTON. •n=° anal Stare 1..9 the G,Or2;41: E•c, saes, dtpppesiite tt,e =ae , st e c doss ,cad bis -2 t„cn ; 3t t' .mat accnv.:e t F•$ '-R't s.aR Pa oli giVCa. Apps- to Mr. W. Crws,C•litS- s t3aVe toJOHN HUNTER, rerench, or R uS. ncortg, w43Z ffr whet. l i•`aG'Cy."tD COMeerZ=3II, ikr the r ti"tC Coniarutas 6S awes,. res cfeartal snits gazed Frame- i:s"a_sz. taint 2 tnifes Ezra :s el safe an.iyatthe Dats`aa ferccl�, to qs. ger?. 21, EC::S. WS5iu i 0ALR. 'D Cn the eTer c£ t�IL^2ut wt.th a.Snithalf aa y i3 a vecy Ceri*-c^' witti Ch.^_67.". t r 7 .ra - t,Ll '. ' W.T.3Jo, litor triciProprieto n 1.50 P-17111. ANN IN A. NOE i 2.00 r1LT IC N OF YEAH. = S 111111•-011999.-- =J3usiiTc s 3ircdori . JUST ARRIVED. MADAME * AYLOR, _With Her Great European Herb Remedy THOSE; st1€iennz With Consumption .Rheoma- twat, Dyspepsia, Headache. ors of Ap- petite,. Bad' Digestion, Catarrh and Noises in the Read. are advised to try this F•emedy, in Bilious, Liver. and Stomach Compinint, it sut'- eeeds when others 'ail, to fever and ague. co d *weatsand chats. ,it was never knoarn to :ail. Recommended byPhvsietans throughout Ea rope. This is no humbug as one b..nte of hermedicine •eb1i1 prove .; Do not suffer *hen you can get ease, by consulting Madame Taylor. at room No 8, Colborne Hotel, Godetich Ltdies unat to to call will be attended at their o.vn homes. Goderich. 10tn Aust. 4S..g. w 29 HALLO F'E .1EN1), WHO MAKES YOUR BOOTS 1114. THE undersigned begs, to return thank the public for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to him. He is still pre. o The GODE 633i3c99ijircctn». [HUI1tN SALT WELL MIRY & BRO1, GANNET MKS, WOOD -TURNERS ! AND UNDERTA1 ERS, Hamilton St,, Goderich, EEP constantly on hand.forsale al! arti- cle's in their line, such es Botiataads, Chairs, Tables, Sof ts, &o=, All kinds of wood -turning done, such a Victoria Salt Works . ool posts, stair bnneisters, neckyokes, &e Always on hand, a complete ASSORTMENT OF : COFFINS and a HEA.RSE to hire on reasonable term Golerich. May 3r& 1866 • 15wSii pared to make, on the shortest notice, any quantity of Men's, Women's and Children's and of the lowest Cash Prices. , • • O . FAY1' . : W. I ., IlfyffJ,' hie itood to the Greatest Possible'Number.'' 40 t,l UORY. g secured. the -exclu- anutacture.and sale of , is,now prepared to Of' THE NELSON STREET, G!)BEEICH THIS Wc:Lli is in full operation, and the Company are prepared to supply FARMERS and OTHERS with Orders by Mail addressed to the undersigned, 'will re- ceive pro.npt attention. TOR. Nliel C3 A SE', R. RUIN Gndetich, July 23rd, 1868. w27. tf W ORK. JUST : ILFCEIVED• AT FIRST CLAM -ROTS AND SHOES. Photagrapils Photogranhs 5I":"GC) e 23331C-1°' a large Stock of I' hit THE' tl/ OIVCS- are now in oper- ation and are turnintr nut the very flaest quality of Salt which will he gold • Free on Board Here E fh PI Htl lila the above will be promptly atthnded to Sizn of the Large Boot. J. W. JOHNST o N, Goderieh, Aug. 24tb, 18;8. w31 _A RE , RE -FITTED 11.13 GALLERY,1 LOOK till 1 i. such a style as will enable him. to Make 'AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY, that I has iccures to compete with any in the Dominion, nd is determ'ned to give entire satislaction tu all who may store latel,r occupied by. WM. DUNCAN Ehild.ens pictarcs taken between the hours first door sontit of Bin zham s. Marker Square. 10 a. and 2 p. m. ; wishes to inform his friends in the Town of now has the largest and most conagete stock &van donrs west of the Post Offiee—over the 11 Extra Copies from tilt Plate always on of Fall, 'and Winter las zow House. Btiots AND ON TIME. LI. C. Cit.SThroic. jort Stift FOR clot'lecs for sa!e lot 6, e512. he- feti=c41_ WILL= Ffit JOT, tr Flis 7 acres 80 66 103 Coribarea sa apply tn. ERRITORY E OR. LEASE. c2 the p. -..want Godeneli. NG LANDS • A gam EL -o Delete -Cara Laz_0. at -tie -wharf, [ev to tend, L. 11g:21z sar,,,3-e,70.elt Week- ,-.1-1.-WAvaSsre..11 es the teoutie C, cc -a 11. It sbC.leal, cormil or l' LISHED 184g. y Gal, E cF ADVERTISING: kfu7.:Nters lad Deals— ..xgett. • and Shoes afil J. VV. J3h3s0n. or ouse in the conatrv.containing every style Of Ladies' and Children's goods, an-dil that he has also a ery large assortment o WINTER - BOOTS e rse and fine, 'both =potted, and of hi own manafacture, which he will sell eap for Cash! eat] and exa.mice, as be is satisfied that h e - ---'N_ the Public, to 1116..-m you of the mo.t wonderful cure ,. teat deal ay and night, expect outing lam: gilatitittea h.a.iteotti chills ever3, dny, and severe night sweats every PP tight and between the racking corigh mid great 5tvear.. as well iv. the 10..s. LP -appetite, I «US so reduced that I : =rid barrity stand alone. I was iinder the care af a ....,--4hysieiaii fbr rt. length of rime. hut finding no relief. i event reeetres, but all without an • cond effect_ Ope calk ;VXPeetorati .12 of matter, pain allow LL inTEIS- OF - - Illave been, and am Etas. healthier and better than 1 WATCHES' t,ut.KS AND JEWELERY known to the pmilic that they may_ Ile aware of The :Ivo berm firr rainy veara. I t Est stou wit. Inarre this REPAIRED:M-8E0RX NOTICE. i iteculiar vsrtues of this truly woudertul Indian Remedy. PETER C. V. BULLER ALS) a Oat) Laill:PILftrr OP g. 1 To all whom it may come. This is to :entry that 1 Gold and Ftted Sevireir --Watches. ttleman.Peter C. V. Miller, EN., fur Many years, and auda very candid acci creditable person, Constantly on tort and nrt.rranted to ba. :' s ' sPeclIP.bitill4 and I am cone tent thrt 1 ca., .ati-ly vouch for the truth 11 Iof the,above, or auy swum eta made by therm 1.1AtIlt.., ........,_-_,....„,-..,_.:7,7_, ,:ilr nf athI:' 90:31-taanivo; 1 October 24, 1867. Tbestoelt tei he said cheap to make way . for fresh e•oods , Tryon want a really gopd . Next door WRt of tir Stotts' Saddlery. tZtAn4 one dor. East of Me Post ojtce. NEW GOODS AT lUTLiIVS Stationm Toy, & Fancy Glds Store. 13A..7113T- S s of all kinds, plea- and prices excellent qoality‘ first. dam The Domi a Clothes -Wringer 1' The best in* ; wholesale and retail. 50;11eams of Blue lino cream-iaid letter raper. L50 roma Cream Jaid, ;Blue laid. Variously Tintecl.Note Papers. Resms.Blue and Cream laid pooLsa p! OF ALL WEIGHTS AND PRICES 7 51000 ENVELOPES All Colors„ Quality, Sizes and Einds. Cc).- All ths Popular -Magazines received as soon aspublishell. 9n baud abrays. Also, SU extentive stock of the Various School Books I A verylsne and varied stock Of Ladies' • andBentiosibiat FANCY &SPORTING GOODS imported direct trom the Balt European and American Mantifacturere. :BefIrttlileg in Stock will be- told st a very dent advance on. coat; thella ular Ballads &apt Vocal and Instrumental Music. !neared in two -days' notiCe. tind sold at Publisher's Prices. :At BUTLEWX- 4114tick. June 28t1r. 1867. w48 DAVISON *WAVIER& sew" newt ppm, nog ant not low of pikes sad bow ettati.Atatist es ft I TOP AND SEE. _L wonderful anfieltranntintary cures at Canada hy the GREA'r RK ;EDT Tito are stern, the most skeptwalthai the /areas Medici tal Compothi. anted after` for ages is uoVir accessible tr the ereat Skin-ihseases, thuners,.aitd all 1115245E4 arising, frost "in ppm esofthe flood we boldly state thLt this g :at Was there ever sucha cure as that in this person of surnption,iihkat of Ambrose NC"noottl°,4Con'seVeii,,CAiV.1, Wits aStorstatef r3rig ,c. of Dyspepsin and- Lkiter Comalamt, or that of John Hoses'. of Narranee, D. W. et Atteumansiti, who hal actually been ea crutches for t eats, io strife of all treat- ttrr,a11 at the Drug Store and get is Circular es -110NEES REMEDY and PILLS, and satisfy your selves. - :eine. Agentafor G'odertch, F. Jordan And Parket Zs. AVBGLESALE AGENTS! hy Goderich, Oct, 16, 1868 SECTS GOD[4],11,1-1SAUf COMPAp TitEAS emus cusp -idlers an I Caaadian thialers generally, that they are prepared ta SO and 12 el;ver on the 0 trs at the rate ofal..31) 'one dolla, and thirty centh per lime!. For cleese pactories and general Dairy pdrposes, this snit eanant be excelled. . STRICTLY sail Company in the full confutence that a Canadian Public wth patronize especially 11A artiee snaeriur to any in the world, i-eld Pai is. 1.137. and at sh State Farr, of the Stnte "Maw York, held iit sintraio. 1167, orders will receive pitri.r:unrir:,nitruteityrt,ion. EMOV A -Ls WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, *EST STREF, G. OIDMRICII. Subscriber having rem.- era to tile Store lately him fbr the last 25 years, and heg,s . assure them thst tin strort • III be striren 10 mem avouttouan -e of their pair -nage, his EtaXlious study wet te I,. supply Watches 'Mocks and Jewelery,. whi h will give saiisf ictinn tn the purchaser, mai avid wen has In -en done by uteself, customers may depend astir A good assonrarin of Go'd and Plated Jewelry Watehes, Clocks tic.. nrwayi% on bawl. Griderich, Oct. 26th.1867. w40 nf the Ornintie• or Huron Workmanslep W. A. ‘HARRISOR Goderic't. Nov. 10th, 1868. n42.tf Malcolm Nicholson SNRG1GAL OPERATIVE AND ECHANIG- TEETH inse'rcl in either Pla tine, Gold. bil_vet, or Vulcan ized Rubber on reasonable ',entre GODERICH MILL . FLOUR AND FEED STORE, Crabb's Bieck Itingston Street. IlLOLTR. Oat.mei,I, Corn *meal and Mill and It Iled Bacon. Fetd.- Just received this morringi 500 Rushels prime Potatoes. 7 Goderiet June 7.1867. weOtf. eonn On Friday last &infield Mclikonald an - =Lit= OP THE JUDGEte 011AaGES. Toronto, Monday; 5 p. In., Dec. 2_1i, The convict Whelan. under sentence of I the Government had not yet agreed- upon 1 otio death for the murder ofT. D. McGee, was 'Lunatic -Asylum; yet we - ere informed :ranee the locality for the erection of the- -new svettot brought -up at 10 'o'clock to -day ; i the jud, I that at that ,tinie he knew full well that ---j- that there was a difference of opfnion be- negotiattens were going on oetween a ment of one -hour and twenty minutes' . nothitig where :Ohara and raeli, min meditafion in London for the prohase of lands in Judge Adam Wilson delivered a judg- or near that city; tin which to erect the -- new asylum, tire price only net ha 1.11.1111 n emoting_ ion With stre moral ,osti sander) _ -the Biota - kin minie- with the Which is, perhapia. tiffr to berms -dew. are af this, mid • on' the ntine pkort the the saine thee, that he was legally right as — a-- ' I LP 01 000n—more titan' was ing lishment. This being notteetl BY Poe a ngt , eci mg against the prisoner on to the trial of Sparks, bukthat np injury eff2red the ladies o t 0 ourtt w o sa next she ver dif ff Inn `a nem was done him by the decisTen of the eourt by tbe Government. Can any One doubt that' the Government bad agreed to locate at the trial with respectto the challenges, the new asylum in London at tbe very Premier mow - :understood What w but that the prisoner had wailed his right time when the Premier gave the factan it extra to suth a ground of errorby challengmg uequalified denial Our informant states r juryman' Hodgins, depending on the chal- peremptorly. That the challenge of the that. he has seen documents which prove eta a donatioii. t iis t me, ernd. yeti of. He decided, therefore, against dis the seat Ogana ut wtt ! al -0e•- ., Del. eipli statee them We believe that the man imweveri lenge of Sparks,must be similarly disposed . . ness for which Mr Diaaeli la remaikabk, turbina the verdicts of the jury at Ottawa. who occupies the highest position in the - Justice Morrison agreed with Judge Province under the Representative of the whehohiantitteido lithaandlerftyont,pinlittopellogPlieb°Pri : Ur ',VeititHilradi evtullty0 a Adam Wilson on the last two grounds, and Crown, should be guided in his communi• also as tb the right to challenge SParksebut cations to the Legislature by a most reaching the retreating money-box.7-- ; I ialtset "sit held that the prisoner had not Waved his sernpuloue regard for truth. 'It appears Along one seat it went, tip another; skiyin . Vad vent shpinnen remold ner should have a new trial. the next bat wittiest successi aild the ' DePpOtieflt Altittlieitt in dt rights, and that, on this grouhd, the prieo- Sandfield holds an opposite opinion.- ., alwo b- last ludde'r Beano. The hopelessness of' the • ' : She "Yea Psnaht „ as pro.wra ash ?Mpg TosItinitur load inehort .Thursday last that the Goverdment had pursuit, returned it to him who gave i . every point The result is, the grounds of ' not determined whether or not j Back it eathe slowly2along its Way, until to the same effect as &edge WilsorCon it reached ties reenact, who op to this i., Hans Brcitmann tic a burly,' error are found invalid; and Whelan will tthe lima! over the holidays, he had that . ., . . .. time had remained immovable and un- 1. della you it cost him dear. be remanded for execution. inorning comma* icated to A mend twit conbcion f`t f te It'le II ,ey a in the Day ro let in more ash wifelike** - The Chief Justice (when, the judgment such w' as the intention of the &warn- . men , nd the information was sent 40 ." " eonaregatioa seemed watching the scene. Of foost-rato Lagcr Beer . had been read) said—The appeal is in favor t a Wuen it was handed to hhn, he looked et ' Thulvenefer dey blocks de Apia* i* of the Crown in ali the points. moetreal that very day. We eannot kee h - f • , - - • i is De-Deutscliers gires a Cheer, Mr. Harrison in the absence of Mr. M. gave one ot 1 101e.aCaankendra°sni vs ilet—heIrapitpeiasriZgtey what possible benefit could a-cerete to tbe purse Mid pocketed the nzonejt. peculiar smiles, coolly put it back itittithia Nef.6 coimtna VI r' Id:mild make anapplication for peemiseion as those made by the Premier Been on. • - to appeel frbm the judgment Friday last, it was not comtnunicated to i) sins Beeiinnenz gift:, a tarty, EMOCRATS AND REPUBLICANS -=.11e- Dere all Vai Sousa and Dronse, `The Chief Justice—You wilk have to make a motion, and submit itsiin writing. turns tave been published indicating. the,, Yen de temper coined. in do gentiplati. Mr: Harrison—Of course, lit a matter pepular vote incident to the Preeidential Dia Is'be-e deeeneM holm - where there is a difference a opinion thp Rouse till evening that there would be any adjonrnment over the holidays, on Saturday. Hence many of the mem- bers were compelled to remain over in Toronto till Monday, to their -Very great aible to make himself unpopular with the Eiouse, and td plote what everybody now believes, that he is utterly unfit to be the Premier cf the Province.-Plam. Times. rim HUMAN FIGURE. • elettion. It oppdars from these tbat Deg ete this Beet mid Geosy .1tertostf among- the -Judges; there will be no dif- 3,053,111 persons voted for Grant, and Bratworet and Braten,fhee lictilty in obtaieing an appeal under the 'Cud 'yeah der Abendesseii dewn 2,714,195 for Seymour; the total v mit font, 1.3arrole Neebetwe4. Mr. Robinson handedinthe artier for the Dec tennis -once to the inhabitants of Goderieh, and ' LI surrOund tigeountry, that they have opened'a Kew remand, which the Chief Justice said he - Nsm chih:; 11)oddssii,Phon,,Inp Factory, 3s.r. Robinson asked for Whelan to be wheretheysytend to do all kinds of Blacksmithing, - brought np on Thursday. Dar. Harrison not being present, the application was al- lowed to stand. Mr Hairison retuined, SHIP 1 f'.RK, PLOUGH MAKING, ; and put in his motion paper 'under the 29th section of the act regarding the Court of Ho su-Shoeing &c., Error and Appeal. Dir. Harrison then Part;enaser attm!!tion paid to handed the judges an order aareed upon by counsel for both sides,that tbe prisoner iiND DOOR t ing Mill and Sash Factory owner', and oc- in ed hy Donald. Cumming, are now prepared u carry WI the business of manufacturing would 1&ensider. At a subsequent hour. — — — be remanded till Thursday, when applicat! ion to appeal will be heard. The Scientific Amer.can notices the in- vention of a new pnotometer„ which gives rrHES BSCRIBER BEGS TO INFORM .1 the pliabitaitstot the Counties cfHute most accurate measurements of the inten- instrnment ia so great. that Mr., Crookes. on hand a utnber at his who perfected it, announces that it wile lii 3UPERI FANNING MI1.1.Sto, POPS. indicate a difference of intensity causedby He vtonid satin:ale ly draw itttention to nt moving a lamp One tenth tf an inch. currance took place on the Lake Shore Railroad a day or two- since. TIM engin,: pazsenger coaches and twa baggage cars. jumped the track --iidipletely, the tender followitik, Every -one of the rail road mu= ployees available was set at work by the condecter to set matters. right. In order to facilitate matters, the tender was! uncoup- led from the baggage car, and, asthe train. stood on a heavy tirade, a elm* of brekes were sot fo keep the cers from brakes were insufficient to bold the-traite and it started off before !any of the . employees -c.ould 'stop it. Away it went, down the gradn towards Cleveland, at a speed rapidly increasing every moment. The passengers insi te knew _nothing of the circumstances,. and tupposed that the conductor wati making up for lbst time, and nodded,-aAd slept on fugitive train sped on its 'way, until it finally bronght op on an upgrade, and the were at astation. Theepiniternation of the eondactor, and other railroad men, at the freaks of theietrain,can well be imagined. Every one suppesed thatfrthe mars ....would jiunp the track, and ..8,7 general smash up attended with loss Zit life, be' the result. Work upon the disable& engine was taken up with reneWed energy, and int, feiv ma- ,ments after it wai replaced ofir*e track, and aivay it aped for its train-. - rat finally overtook the runavvays, which were statd- ing quietly„ -as if waiting for tbeii. moving newer. When. the passengers" became apprised of the danger they had just pas..., 'sad thrpugh, many of their facet blatiched; and they contemplated their se-gpri .miles ride withfeelitigs-akintoterter.7-Cievekiad 'Herat& 17th, oda.. cock , chess. &e. Pumps ma eto order arid wavra ted. ;rad (Jamb Road AbriO,tra ntforthesale of Morgan's Premium, lave used hens.= GOODS GLOIHING EMPORIUM, Balt Side Market Square, _TIM RECEITED, Hod opened for inspec- t, tion, Pour:Large Cases (*.it SPLENDID OTERCOA.TS, lints.a d Caps .of the Latest Styles Cates of 'Cloths. Sash, Doors, Blinds, with a = rent variety of the newest thingsin ties and Collars: Goods mast end will sold P FOR Mouldings,Floormg Nee. Siding, Th and al: kinds of • wolzia, CH = They think from their stxperienc.e in Factory In orderio raise money.to paY the fide Bed sich as Circle and autism Sash and Frames . ,Wotk.that thtty can give satisfaction to all Wil0 Oxpenses imposed on the Subscriber' for placing t lose cases on the side-vtalk` while F. B.—A tiliera discount to the trede. • 41A.°1.1bABfauto-NalliCs.:6:Arl '..451-11111:4N' P.;014 17A1: -LP FONG, r:S(4).00f beteg swots% execute- peer' one -hal o ortO employing none yet first -clues tradesmen b4ineosextenewety andAtteeesprel lir tit Ilene ton,. se ondtn- Rorie r tile Previnue.linvingonieled an fi.-st class- heavy n3artafactoring - and famiry Sewere Machines just received from Provincial Exhibition, fer-sate cheap. fresh Olsters . served out with blue pilot overcoats. Perth, presented ber liege lord with trip: CANS'„ AN 0. IcFGs .-.A great public demotistration against union with Spain was made at Lisbon on At T4?,- Lowast Igure- a- Mr 1FliCall of Norfolk Ime formed dans think. the party will " hmast" pretty -A gang. of thieves in the County of Laeds have aiolen, during the past three years, property to the' amount of sa,cco. Their operations are so wieldy nutitaged that not one of,,. theni has ever been hrought to justice. WILLIAM MOSS BE -63 to return big sincere thanks to the public foe theirassistenee at the late fire LVMNAT HAllitiLTON STREET, ONE DOOR SOUTH; OF Mt. 1•Eft- -ed to manufacture *8 usvAla. wms mdse. dierieri Sept, 4. ITO. . 909, 1.1111tIftlt tented an0 fitted up tiler ittor: with OTOO#TieS and Provisions ' lateli occupied by A. F. Busb..for the flour and reed keit consiantly oti hand. '11 be thank The proportiens of the hthrian figure' are steictly Mathematical: The whole fond is times the length of the feet, Whether the .form be slender or .plitinp, the rule holds goods 1 airy detviatien. from it is a departure frOm tire highest beauty in pro- portion. The Greeks made all their aa.tues ac.mrding to this rule. s' The fae.a feom the highest poin of the forehead, wher3 the hair begmg, to the ebbe, is one- teoth of the whole stature. The hand froai the wristto the middle finger is -the ue. From the top of the forebeted,iten our, of Grant was therefore 238,916, which, considering that thetDemocratic States of Virgiuite_fgeedeeippi. mad,Teaos wemeieluded from participatinar in the electidn, difeirk ,appear to be so largo the general ithpreselon regards it. ite deed, if voting in those States had been allowed is likely that Grant wmild. not' have a majority of over 150,0110-a emalf margin out of tin eggiegate -ithe of fiearly OLVFP„ --- The .Exatiiiker says -We are informed that then rapa- cious anin els a -e rather too numerouf to be pleasant in variens localitiee, particu- larly on portions of the liver Severn,And in_parts .of North 'These nowt' come vi • Mid she sideline on de top, Dill de-comsartable glade 001 *Mop. • y in. de ewijicsit MINE= Z‘ZINCIETTX. rs -hate made frequent inroads FA,niquette !ill- th -hair to theeliiii be alviled into three tirmers, who complain of thtereide tektite se 'enth. if the faee ton -the roots of apd sad havoc umonget the sheep ot.the :5601:„ ii:sitile7mostU mil equal parts, the first divisellifttermines destructive creattirett. the near ap retchtestolowitiesure all nee place, where -the. eyebrows ineet,*and preach to the settlement of these minim's - tie second -placeof the nostrils. The is,, according to the saying of the wise- ing ix not an ex height from the feet to the top of .the aere's prediction,the forerunner ofasevere honourable name r bead, is the distance from the extremity of the fingers when the arms are extended. Ansiey put several women oo the register or Finsbury, Mot a ratherridimilous cat- astrophe ectortred. in :an excess of zeal on behalf ofthe a omen; Mr. Anstey put on a married wrnnen, the wife of an eel came to vote, and &Una that hie Wiii3 -had the franchise and thet he had UOi..When Encourage tb.e Young.. If a young man deserves praise be sure and give it to him, else gnu not only run n chance of -driving him from the right read for want of encouragement, but de- prive yourself of tlie happiest privilege ynu will ever have of rewarding his labor. For it is only the young who can reeieve much reward frem en's praise. The old, when they are, g t too far above and despise your praise. You might have oil there. 4° Increase the se y beyoud what you ay think cents,givIng $1,30 instead el SO cents. You may urge the with acelaniation, Should this prove' correct it will give but they will doubt your pleaSure and 8165;000 more for local purpoees,-en cheered tint)] in their race through the small aid to a poor treasury. And if it, is shown that tire otber provinces will not asphodeliniadows of their yolith; -you receive the same, and tint no addliont..1 might" huve brought the proud, bright 1.carlet to their faces if you had cried but taxation will be itupose'd, this card in Mr, Howes hinds will be played to ad - once, "Well tione I" as. they dlistied up the first gaol of tbeirearly ambition. $ut DOW their pleasure is memory, end their ambition is in beaven. They oan be kind to you, you van never more be' 1.ind to iftosst winter. Not long age, & party of pot* ampapellificeationnt Chan". lay vonteampyotagurt watamie Indians, who were hunting deer en some of the tributaries of Lake Huron, hut is at Ludlam' ida 0* r4ny are your not far from. Sturgeon Bay, were obliged illuitrioutt Affidavit' r ' *Ma worth's** brats art five,' illoar-k. ths' health of to decamp on amount cif the annoyance your astingoishisz air., t,.• 141 me., they were subjected in by the large_packe . gmrd-for-nothing old vossit is well. Som. e, of wf.lves that infest thet locality. ‘Vhen thingof this same policy d self,d. recit. i the aborigines hsve to beet a retreat, VIII ?mailed among our aait peep an b.d times. For instanoe n_ a friend's house w plbnent the en. rumour in Repeal vir. des that Mr. 11:30,:so litim;tatowbeicittotuil ti;eohnuaditrateaa praieja 1:rvinst:ex;c7oybrigi:Isofrrt; courm. Imitation to Mr. 1Iowe is an offer eet ; Tour melds ere exee lent ; 2:14311 ilmOs ent telegraphs as follows:: -There is a viating everything our cooking is miserable teaday, the 211,111 pita we failed atriselAp preciervaid. 'Many of our older pooplelfiri recollect how folks used to 'goon' tn tide *Lyle in the roof)). old 'visiting' days, s.nd they enjoyed it doubt as Pinellas the Chinese wiro ea and "till practioe the Anne etiquette. a rehalal,e, but the rum_ our is sot whellY biabosimonwhe,,iyhorrisriunc:frarefitnave;17ertmoittlha;:xamt.sihve abislan.who jci; 'without Mindation. Sioacfrit -07 Boasni.--An Ohio paper not be blowed.' teleethe following goodborse *ter): Au - Mrs L.' M. Mild tells or it Tittle girl Cf her acquaintanoe who iook upon While bring undressed for 1.4d, one night when she was about six "year's old, she heard her father read hem Ad paper an aecount of a mechanic whose MIR _Wall torn by Machinery. No on4Inoposed that tile child took any itotice of it; hut when she went Upstairs *he began to sob matter she exclaimed, " 0 dear 1 what will I doif they cowry me to A'maehine man?" Her mother, scarcely able to repreis laughter ;replied, " Don't try 'about that, ,n:y child; perhaps you will never be mar- ried." 0 0 yis, i shall;' she revonded, . hour afterwards. A -written paper WU marty me' th somebOdy, and lik:Ityhe-aswninlit ltetitatnediiit,ywb.hiwn4-thyeograf thanutefulpatriumottaeal, offinalivronng. , tr.!, ing to swa . o h r oohs, v found on him expreiteing a hope that. Ise, 1- tv e would be forgiveu. It appaltrk that 47 he will he a utachine man ; and .if hie 131- Tromas- Cotton purchased acarease , had offeri asked him to give up the habit, kuow nothing wbat to do.' Om I' of mutton' et Detroit, took Windsor, and rather than pay duty of one ,-, tho stficide,and tbe jury returtied' s. vatic+ cant per pound threw ie in the river swore ' of tertinorary inanity: Jor vantaae. I do not pretend to give tins But now how changed. People blow "their old family horse that has been running at through the streets and commons, lost= on.e of his shoes, when, with the intent. gence of s human being„. the oldliorite walked up to the blacksmith shop wh.ere lie lied been shod for the last twenty AN Inquest was held in. Eileen(' the , other day on the .body Aube*? Oilarkos) Smith,. aged eigliitere the oniy sou a 0011. Ven. Arehtleaeon Smith, vicar Of Ian. His mother had asked hitn .a few question* years, and to the best °Ms ihdity _asked he exhibited awl which he taia bad beeri, the smith to shoe him, by rammg Ins feot - respecting aineera011111110gar holder winch i 'and gimping the ground. The ettuth gwen bitu sz a present by hi8 kind. Tin*, hbeeirnogulnud"-thdero°1vdebb:::t tYheletivoeol:41r1; *Van The youth Wayne excited, and offereet f4 ilm.es Statement alveoli t49 'MVO beell doubtosa, during the day, and thoughtnothing of it. axforterttniada vadmudireavisiteitathirinthe rbnisseajbmweast he:, The following morninkongoing tothe sag he drore hitn. off, but the horse comeback :fetch a letter from his bedroom to prays, and entered the shop, walked up tt! the his assertion. soon aster be left, th. T. anvil, Ana. there raised his foot, tut; at- tracting the particular notice of the smith, who examined tire fo ot, Ana finding it worn off to the "quick" kindly picked up an old horse -shoe, and fittingitto the loot, nailed port of a pistol was hoard, snd borate searched for he was found iying on his boo. • witb. a fearful wound in bighead. A *to' was lying by Lis RS died about an: &little and was fined $5 for profanity. A - Chicago bus twenty-two. miles et regular mutton -head, evidently. iiire have ever found that Visa. paved streets, costing two million dollars, • Said a member of a churdh to, aaaother- ,11 but!.they wia thiael when they get arm Seven hundred thousand dollors were re- member i "1 oen give five dollars for this snlithi' "'nu"' °r16'11`te'41'eti,kel'a_Ptr-• periters,. for the moist part, spesac pow!, `qUired kr new streets and alleys during objectand not feel it." "Then " said his ,, the past. year. There are, five hundred cothrne illinioounaeiviewhatent ileandaufeditotr. yDouldlnuot , often annoy one with their old saws. and eixty-thrc e mileP of sidewalks; one bundredand seven miles of sewers; and -.-Ott Friday last, a brakesman on- the two hundred and nine tiles of water -pipe. G. W. Bs ngued RobeftCalicluat hasusehila , tahntl'idiaimto-14:m6P_elf"mrileniiireyotoruntspoptenviteamenbe IsatifetpurtYirst.7:orkle:tii, riilit arm b 'taken above the elbow • ea -Detective Gates, of the D. W. IL by his 3-umpingeffa train at S s 1 as5ced 1 ' A f ' 141°' portant as osmium t Prepare. f - the following from a wife,whichis a strict- ' a firlot D' bannooks bakit'. twat buns, ate Police on liIturday, arrested teamed. 7 , Rae; Dif Loudon, aud furulerlY- of Both-;,' The -Lawrence (Xensas) Tribune Ira ' he echoed, with some indatfb ' from Mei Joh:Dials, &Hamilton, shile ly jag.al divinnent : "To whom it may , ent:solnloyne::::5: be eicrteHaierravlaniiiwitianhutkeliy :itaa; tho I wad just like to ken who better prepsr, on the train. The London PaliO3 Mageig. sealleefoRrlisp:irlitittlOoruesbiyier goivrit ntootiriceomthetaays traits sontenced. Bee to two months, with condition o' life 1 hard labour, in jail. . contrary to mritialles, and that I shall told thst he should Ionic , the lists prosecute according to , any person _A litorrNe • - the church doors he eiptesie& l'irtU0115 The joy ef iltelpirit is a diicate,ate: who disregards this notice. _ occilpying the Atte:MIMI tLe Cfrort indignation at th'e suggestion. "I ve tro eyed deposit, and Innet be tept in a pure time to look at church doors." :he said, etisicet,- as an unholy breath will diet its By the lair or rolinS251 woman nen natuaanner itterwriatleharitarg,er 3-litlEitrattiesiriemsearilkorieen(iies, "Is ve get to lobk ai the biate 'us." go luster r.nd futle its -freshness. prosecute any liquor -Ater who sells to have admaniatiarad atrophiria, was also told ttieb• be had better -send his principleof belladonna. She does nnt The colored ,representative electe ' ber lord and master. front Louisiana to the U Congresscan t in -witnessing I s wise enoti-h ss drunken men are friends give him the lurid sh Attar. anal order in the House of Representnea at ax.rs in lar.ter quantitickthan Ihitherto„. and' oto, I T-41 I. Yount?, men aro as -apt to .thrnic t get an, He - - r b 7 thatthe formate? Won't give him a r,ea. Washintion for the 13t31 of J us b kneekedatthe vides or the co !wipes to give tire sante sittlafaction that Lae . A se ve member the shop ; 'Corner of Wateilo • Vbraries are the shrines Where_ all re. d congress inefrontt4y, "man and. -ordarlo =id Ebyrietfia mega podotich, 'hitt.' /8 — 51,1' partot the town., ° i> without delusion andiriirlture,' are Pre- lanced, vi.th "poor abitigoV'that it's no tha isnot 1,sts and Lighthouse 'streete. via. be aelivtred in any flies Ot Saints, full of true yirtue,,snd tliat iir •