HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-12-24, Page 4ft • . esbi r.• \ ' The 13110oltaletr Otttrage hIndAttlen • aritrOittiret Dee. 18$8, &point. • To theRiffer of the Sigiial, • - - Vaaionaa ok. Tun njwo=34.1,4„,„„„i• Saa-Iritt'a Sivsql of the 10th itials, glebe tat, Jar annea, . part °flit° West Wartime** Council. 1 see natation' = - . a. • the imund. of retinal for granting the atclasIceelby X The following furtur,putfoidos of „filo stowartforreoiring tbe big croaewarenths boundary • , • between Vides* and Wawieicalt, that dnrisig the year _ alaDeking Otitragea. perpetrated. as lvtitat 1.66fitudialla, Wawanosh luta expendedelfiallimoreo Albany, Indiana, on Satutcley morning teesaidilae than nhume. Thil linty 13et true, Vibram lastaVie find yeaterday Zekgrapli. After raw:most baseaPendel whet mount ,, " desaribi the, trie.de adepted by the 80, -pre lied to - say. Did if Rinless and Winnow* will aid ositby the Wartime* Council *ISO; I attL.n called vigilance comnutteet of vehorn there , tioetti=e Car ttilrgii8Vrgialnr tra! the fail„the report proceeda: eardi the present point at lasue, 4 thine it matten• t "They placed.*guarda tit . the doors,. and the ringIcatlera then. proceeded to "the ei by quutit let itilu"ni ru eye at, tilsirpre4e1VITIolai both Com:waste he in a bad state of repair• .' sheriff'a thed-room, where the found the .1 am informed that the County Engineer of tittron Wee" kelt, offer a short Search.' Withent instructed in 166/either bytle County Connell or by the WAY:mesh Connell to extunine the Vern' of work ther delay they wentabout the horrible and report the frobable cost,tuad I am wonted -teat. task that had hroughttliein there.. , The3r his eistanate wita $500.00 for the completion -of the work.' proceeded to the celle4tarcing age of the This is an adtnission of the iteceseity of the 34QT1Len- deubtedly bin not all for ill JuOISSE, dayis be - keepers to accompany them and point out fore the meeting of the Coda_ yit delimit, see .Gatint, 'the ROM IFOther and Anderson. • They Deputy item, and came to an arrangement th unlocked the cella contauing these unfor- men Nrouat het or possibIe)S2,50 from our "respect! Counrils, Mr. Gaunt failed in gettisig his deemed,' tante men, and took them out. The eta, but on -the eepress eentatkin names of the victims are Frank Reno, tgliaaer relent innosItistittee anew! =equal amount, .itaq SimeOla Reno, William Reno and Charles Anderson. The moment the regulators appeared, the robbers knew the- objeet of their visit, and the scene that followed wa,s perfectly awful. Seeing death staring them in the face, the wretches begged, im- plored and prayed for mercy. On their knees, they cried in thy.most piteous terms to be spared, promising anything and everything if the gang would only be merciful. But their prayers fell' on ears that knew nothing of mercy. The onhappye wretches were told that they must die,and at once. .,To implore was useless • they had come to hang them, and hang ;hem they must. Finding that mercy would not be shown them, the robbers became desperate and made an awful steuggle for life. They fought stoutly and wildly, but their efforts were all of no avail. The mob over- powered and drew them fronrthe prison. Frank Reno is said to have fought like a tiger. He frothed at the mouth in his facer, and with the strength of a lion hut - led three of the regulators to the earth, when he was finally knocked senseless. His head was fearfully battdred, and the blood and brains streamed down his, face.. Yet, in this cendition he and his com- panions were hanged by the mob. On the outside of the jail there is a. walk or plat- form, supported by posts, at a consider- able distance above the ground. To this the prisoners were taken. They were placed on chairs ; a rope was adjusted around the neok of each, thrown over the railing above, and made fast. The chairs were . then pushed away, and the men left hanging. Frank' and Simeon Reno were leit hanging back to back. The other brother, William, was hanged at a corner by himself, while Anderson was hanged at the back of the jail in the same manner. The regulators were not satisfied with hanging thein, but looked on until fully ey were dead. They, then d up the prison and all its order to procure a speedy hen left, taking the key n,their way to the depot one of the county corn- ok him with them to the was ready they got on d t'ht--ak°ys of the prison to loner, and then started back . The alarm was at once given it was too late to accomplish anything. a e telegraph wires had all been cut, so *hat news of the outrage could not be sent 'over the count:Tart and the maraliders had been dispersed in Seymour before the people heard dithe crime. The .most in- tense excit-ement prevaiLs here and it is getting higlaer mrery moment. he feeling 11111C1 r., n 11110, oflindr.ewranulgtiedilperbeltioxrilanfuorvm.inFarmg (17114. others that they Jews Parebial Ilete:id establishment - 3Etetuarikreet tise ! 1 , whichis navtlefirst-rate workiagergratina - „- Are Now Prepared to l!sianufaotuq, Oloths.Blankets (full matt), Wince; - Shirtingf-Sheettngii6o., expeditiously, and at prices compatible with tffe beat workmauehip. Particular Attention p kr Custom Roil -Carding, Fulling,' Dressing, Dyeing, Aci We shall also have n a few weeks a FIRST-CLASS SPINNING JACK, (imported from one of the best machine. shops la e United States), -which will enable tie to do Custom•Spinning„. .Waeontd also eall e - particular attention to our •i• , Q a a P- a o -etc a_., - which we keep constantly on hand cheap for cash or in exclainge for wool. Parties coming from a distance With woolto get carded, may rely on getting their rolls home with them the "same evening. " ar Parties favoring us with it call are assured general sidisfactieal a at • ve Goderich Woolen Factory, - April 7th, 1868. C sere, about seventy, to gam achnittance to- they are Robotic dollar alien& efalifiloss ;" but aa - ••1 ea. - :deo granted for this particular work. To Inset this' to- ' n- Firstrate Dry Godds fonvery little money, amount of $200, Mr Gaunt late in thofall proposed lay out the 835 above alluded to, this I cauld not _co Sent to without running the risk of payment being r fused by the Brace Council, Now, intr. Gaunt, w is the moverof the motion, refusing the aid &eked Air. Stewart, takes this stand ou the sabre of equali why did he not do so in 1801? I am not prisparedto s that any of the money spoken- of having been:spout the Connell of Wawanosh has been expended when haf; notbe..n ofgood service. But 1 de think that the Drty Reeve of Wawanosh would see that if th J INGLIS & SONS ..minoomeelff loos wil MO VAL • .4717 -SUIT la) MERCHANT tr.s. removed to did Omer store', opposite litant's Murcia, eat Street. He deeires to lavorsi and inflate -test° theffi that he as deter - return Mame:ant than LO .friend for past mined to wedeln mime -for cash and cash only, whereby he will be'inabled ti, do work consider ably leas than ffiecredit.pnea'atpresentctarged. ' -FITS AND WORK WARRANTED., indtlidte 6nling with the ready esti-may de- pend ciabavittg their -ticilk lit the time promised. October 30th, 1S0a. w41 if. ALLAN P. :MACLEAN, saf 0 7t- 0 in/ e- All new and nice lead fit for anybody. I tio Groceries choice tied freak Tea direct, trotn China. • • e by -, 171 tt. Blackinz the very hest, to be both bright and shiny. - P7 ay Hats that are hats; the finesejust from Town. by All kinds of colors, some turned up some thrned down. U Clothina of the latest cut a v rY im meant item rt /0 he n man well dressed, and that too in the fashion, road a lowartee in the loeality where the #717 Were ex so tutIch nee.l. of repairing it, or so prolitie of rotes as Lueknow there wo pended WIIS kept clear -of sawanesiftlthseereigcloisnivilootennbpootavinbayes Then nal( endeee, be Sure upon the' right:man, - John Harris,. don't forget •yon won't regret the plan, ueed of asking the 5200 from Wawanosh. , I an: sir, yours, 11. CASIPDELL, --Reeve Kinloss. To the Electors- of 'West Vilawauo sh 'Ito the Editor ot the Signet. ' Dgall SIR. ---As the Ith of Jantary next theday appointed fur the election of Candidates in the varffintr Munieipalities, I wish to advise all those concerned in the welfare of 'the Eastern part of West Wawaitosh to go pp..rt the (antidotes who will kilve them an outlet, and especially con. No. 2, front lot No. 16 to 26, Where so numb statute labour has been due, and yet at the &one time went to other parts of the township,„ leaving t1,0 -e to suffer the consequence who are really interest- ed and hampered residents as well as non-residents who are also ',Meat losers by suchen unjust tmnsaction. The sooner we have a ehange in such officials the better for :tit concerned. With the permission of the above in r.our valuable colu,mns with thanks. I am yours truly, HENRY C. SEAL. Carried!, Dee. 15th, th68. — The English music publiihers, f3oo sey and NoY••11o, are issuing sheet music in the State% and driving the New York publishers conei 'erably. — A poor felon, named McFadden fell dead in Somerville, Masa., on Thanks? iAvino. Eve, while on his way home with a basket full of previeions for his Thanks- giving dinner. —In excavating for the foundations of the dome of the netv.- State house, at reci ntly, the workmen struck a bed of eoal eighteen inches_ in thickness, at a depth of about' fifteen or ei_ hteen feet below the surface. NEW GOLD FLELDS.—The New I ork World has the following from the Rhine- beck, N. Y.: The party of capitalists, mining engineers ande-others, from Cali- fornia. Colorado and Montana, who left New York yesterday, to examine the gold fields- said to have been discovered near Rhinela ck, have returned—here. They speak a ith satisfaction of the result Of thh examination. The evidence of the presence of gold is considered indubitable, and experts, who have made extended in- vestig,ations, pronounce a strong opinion of the result expected from the indica- --.•-•nninst the regulators is very strong. Sey- tions. The ore ii. described as a fer- n:tour -has long been ruled by these men' roginons quartz' carrying _free gold. but A is felt _they have gone too far this tente, and e,enimitted an outrage that ad- A bear rushed through Gananoque lately en.d)aof no - i iailiaton." pursued by dogs, and tnade for the river. I A number of men, in boats, followed,fi ring at it ineffectually. The first boat, which • The -President's 24essage-2 overtook it, was entered by the btr,when twemen jumped out, but the be,a Weelringtoze Dee. S.—The President,ine one withhis teeth, and inserted his message teConeress,opensby referring into him. The other boat comin to the non -representation of Virginia, _____Mhe bear could bear no longer an ejesippi and Texas,,iin Congrese. After a Finally, evitli an axe he was axed -fair trial, he se.Yerae reconstruction acts which he did daid. have substantially failed. . He also goes . ,..... e....4-, e • ee, ,...,e_ ..e on te say briegythat experience has de- e •`"....". ".`:1-'1.1.1."'PaP..Y",i.i.sPw mended the .repeail of the Civil Tenure lormeo in the State er tionne - Bill. He recommends that the Act of theextraction and manufactur after the process patented' in Ca Manch 2nd, 1862, depri • -the President of power ;to -issue military orders, except the. ITnitati States.. ..hy Mr,. , .if.i.„.tib' throagh. any .headquarter be repealed, city. The earFai. of the ..tee .. taken rip and paid) is o261eatutall, also..all other ailmoxions laws restricting oxecutiye powers. The ixtessage reviews 'Secretary MeChelloch's report, and speaks at length of the finances, substantially in the sarae,vein aa the report: He regrets the evils of a depreciated currency, the ,nteeetaity -of a return to specie payments, ind endorses theme* propositions of the finance report. - The -President then gives a resEine of the annual reports, and. calls attention to the recommendations therein. On foreipi affairrs the President makes but slight reference to the negotiations for the aettlement of the Alabama claims. Tie speaking of the Paraguayan difficulty, the President !details the late outrage on Airericans.and adds that the new Minister ha& been ;nstracted to investigate the , whole subject. . New York, Dec.. 9—General Lee had ••••2( lengthy interview with General Grant at St. Nicholas' Hotel yesterday. ' How To GET iron.—We commend the remarks of a Business& nan to our mercan- tile readers, "tha.t a merchant had -just as vreli except to get ricli,by closing his doom ant.1 keeping his goods, concealed from public viewe-as feehopn to succeed in the world without advertising, witilelds con- temporariesameontinnally exhibitingtheir stocka to the public gaze, anti inviting calls from Pukchasers. Itis just asaiatural for grabbed claws up the turned. o wait, as been cut for of peat da and of our (all which the patent right goes m for :125,000. Mr. A. •Ilibbard, of MontrealeisItte of the directors, and Mr. Aubin cousulting-enei- neer of the Company. Mills an steam- engines are now being constructed so as to be•ready for operation early next spring. Three ether peat companies under the same patents will, we understand, begin or c)ntinue operations in Lower Canada, one at Sorel, one at Valleyfield, and another at Bekeil. Mr. Wni Stewart, OM et the hands in the Woodstock Sentinel Office, -while work- ing a Gordon Job Press, got Ins* fingers catight between the bed and type, inflicting such injtuies as will probably necessitate the amputation Of the middle and third. finger.% • A large number of mechanics of %Wax have gone to Bermuda to be employed on et•he Government worts there. The „party 'conaists of blacksmiths painters, carpen- ters, &a., and will receive 6s. 6d. sterling per flak. —Cherry brandy killed a man in Illi- nois: Lovers of the beverage should be chary, - —Young men anxiowsto get rid of their wilds oats would do well to get a sewing machine. SAGACITY OF- A Defense. -e -An Ohio, paper stabscribe,rs of, newspapers to .buy fro1U-itellit the following good horse story: Anti those who adkertise in it„.as it is for chil-,iora family horse that has been running at dam t folloirsoidisys when on parade. will through the streets and commons, lost The siniede ofect of seeing certain gook/ one of his shoes when, with the intellij genee of a human being, the old -horse walked up to the blacksmith shop. where he had been shod for the last- twenty yeara, and to the best otitis ability asked the smith to shoe him, by raising his foot and atamping „ the ground. The smith being busy drove itim away several times during the day, itiut thotightnothing of it. The following morning[ougoing to the shop he found the old horse atthe door; again he drove him of4 but the horse comeback and entered the she", walked up to the anvil, and there raised his foot, this at- tracting the particular notice of the smith who examined the foot, and finding* worn off to the "quick" kindlypicked up an old horse shoe, and fitting itfathelook nailed it on; when the grateful animal, frisking histail, by way of thanks, trotted elf 'eon4,- tentedly.. ' • cifin:of Belfast, Ireland, thirsting /Or fine, has elimlied the spire of a church there, and been photographed while stand- ing on the•ball, The revenue defined by the Govern- ment from the lone of tavern licences, in the County of" Waterloo, for the nine ,monthaending ort September 306,emount- :to $652:60. - - The London -PreePress:-statesi that, on Tuesday morning.* Women named Emma Snowden, residing in the township of MC- Gillivary, laid her child on the door and deliberately kneeked its brains out 'with an axe. She has been rionmaitted tor trial., bukiri supposed te lee inallaine TVe4Daiar Wintiafi'-' is the litls or 1144allW daily paper published in. Toronto b A. Ef.• Ste Germain. It le independen in politic*, and, the prospectus says, the °rams otthe working -Men. - published, haa. an irresistible attraction that will fasten itself upon. the mind, and never fails to guide eaeh readerfo the very store at which his dr her wan -M. can be at one supplied. Every merchant know* it to lie se ; and yet many of them fail to resort to the very method to make sales which used to induce theni to make the purchatien, • -- Thenegroltaabeendefinitelyenfranclijscd - in the -United States. Negroes hiwe been received at the. White House. They claini equal rights and privilegesin railwa'restea-- .• mers,hotels,public Places and conveyances; and their -claim cannot he refusede "Nowt Washington female quidnuncs are pro- foundly startled by a belief theta negrese • may be Courteously received s1uuld she call in z proper manner v4t,lien Mrs GRANT "rev:riveter She must be. Half million edema voter, are Wpoweriir tbe --tion;. and enforce her elan= And if re1eived theePresidentia/ mansion, why ot. into generaksociety, on a footing. of Aquaft with her -,,whitebrethrert and lusters We ean see nothing,that Can hinder it. If *I received, miscegenation, and the, gradual transformation of A.meneens intceit mixed race, by the infusion of negro blood,. will, . of course, be sure to follow. This-iF cae of the results that threatenfretir the *ley- , Vion of the negro. te arrequerityiritit his /11% tlikite masters. If the negroes, but been few,the difficulty might haye been avoided; Vut they are too numerous and have teo slack vital power to be crashed out. The fast is that this sinencipetion andenfran- ch t of the alaTell are but the first of pr?blenas that will hereto be oohed with the negro race. A • reeened save his --or a Ma away INF VW Ili how& lb" his WI huh big dud new recently fought in Itaartretween two *Hone. They nor pietol,buty Insapini the Ma IW* tLl. 011ie enealr-embanation. Li wee eenuntiel, 'bee toci• 144* " "lir A man went into StAfitnikOintreh, ..Kungston, onWadnieday anstatole two galloatuf wine out of the vester.• - -.-trelottrg law hew inftwited- ;IA aw ibtoBautipi let eilekto. .1 titre jr.w baurtames boa, gollit:day Twilit She ass isenetelthe tieeettai elk the wood 10000,1t owl& nossiOrt tot• < -‚was fh 445-• 48,01. RIS 41:131ftegtonesiatilptiruoigtftvairf *along& stock, of Staple 'and Fancy Dry Goods, of this POR_SALE CHEAP"FOR CASH, W AND FAS- Eriihraciog_.a olagnificent assortment of LE DI1X$S GOODS, Wineeys, Alp -aces, Preach Merinn , Hosiery GI Prints atniels, Shirtings, Cloakinp, Blankets sawn, really good for t Ace lec., Le. FACTORY, really gRE er yard. WRITE ?MIR 0-lneney, 121 eta per yard. ALPACA, e Moody, 20 cente per yard; ILA or the mopey, 30 etts per: yard roally good foy-the money 25e. IBETIS All prices from 6,0 ets to one dollar pe infect, contains a splendid assortment of the most ,de r, this market. _ • READYMA °TEEING In lime variety very cheap; a decent great coat $3.60. The grifeery department is constant- ly stipPlied With the freshest and choicest artieles in the trade, that will be sold at the very lowest rates, either wholesale or retail. The public are nespeatfully reqneeted to give the Subscriber a call. • JOHN -HARRIS; W13. 'Corner !rest Stied; (fotterich.. Goderich, Sept. '29th,. 1868. 1141.M ON P NT.A.RIO,t • MA.NGISACTURERS 011 MAR.INE; STATIONA.RY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGIN-KS & BOILERS - .V1?:Ai+1, SIZES ,ALSO; • likiaelxinery for 3Eitimping,-S Steam Saw Mills, and Grist Mills! MINING, HOISTING, AND • PUM_PDTG MACHINERY, STEAM PUMPS, ENGINEERS' AND BOILER MAKERS' TOOLS ° SUCH AS ' Lathes, Playing, Drilling, &resin& and Slottingl,Machines: Plate -Bending and Punehing Machines., Hamilton, Ontarto,:faa 663, 1888. , " • THE 001111B DILL IJNION ASSURANCE COMPANY. 19 AND 20, OORIHILL, LONDON; iENGLAND. CAPITAL, (Fatly Subscribed) - - --_£2,00 000 Sterling. INVESTED OVER, S2,000,000. -DEPOSIT FND LH CANADA, $501000. FIRE DEPARTMENT • The distinguisnable prinmpleot the Company. has beifa the establishment Of an equitable classifi cation, chargtng in all oases a premium proportmnate to the risk, The success which has attended the Compauvat operations has been aucb as ful y to ealize the mostsanignine expectations °film Directors, wie here resolvei toexiend the business more widely, nad now offer tiathe Canadian public. PERFECT SECURITY guaranteed by haze Subscribed Capital, and Invested Prompt Settlement oftliims. The Direetors and GeneralAgents, being geitle.men largely en- gaged rommerce, will take a liberal and !Harness -like view °fait questions- corning them , . LITE. DEPARTMENT The Company (URN terms to these dewing Life Assurance tinsurpaiUsed by any Life Office. Moderate Preuntans--Perieetsecurny-Econorayof management, tending. to increase the Bonus otthose on participating settle, among whom BO per cent of profits are divisible. Claims paid one month atter pi's:of offleath. • ' And othaaadva.ntagea, whit* may beseen in the CiimpanyliProspectusa 113-•ThisGompany ho' deposited. $100,40O (in gohl) 7ith the Financa Mthance, at Ottawa.:as special security tor its Canada policies, Morland Watson &, Co., General Agentsfor Canada. FRED. COLL Secretary. o1r.nca,-225 AND 387: ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL iYurveyor. • - ; Inspector of Agencies,. H.MUNRO, Motiraitaaa ' • T. O. LIVINGSTON F S S. H. DEMOB? AgeUt‘ for Godentsha Southampton and Walkerton •sw103: ' --`11 161'• (..) Pent- Building.& Savings S�oi 011)444 •. • Is PttnnAnIgn....T# worn . ESTATE DVANCES-ON-APPROVED R STATE - 13ITUiTE. IN WESTERN -CANADA,. a a- ON THE - FOLLOWING'', FAVORABLE TERMS: Amotratrequirei toreeleem each advatteed in ; .e ee- 5 years'. -10 years. 15 years. If payable bilf-yearlye .• • 4 4 • • 4 a • • a SIM • ' 8.02. 6.50 --. ltpayntanyeanye. e. ei l• .• • • • • tr, • • ws, a- 9.•• • Nei 20.65 16.45 - '13.34 " Loanproportion:Mg rate (or -2f4;6.: 8- or 12 years, ' - - 7 , 7 • 7 -The above instalments include a Sinking -Fund, Wench M,tit off -the Principal, as well ea the interest • of the lona, so that at the expiration rol the terMaaaard upon, the debtie 'mutely wiped. out. -.'".rhe fell • athount et the loan ii,adyenoed,'Snd no payment: is:required before the- end- of the hall -year' or -Yeai. Payments maybe made inadviineet, and mtereattia all° .vred therefor; or the mortgag.e may be redeenia ed in full at any time the borrower deeires, (inequitable terms, H.r.4,...eirs,Es $ TRIO TLY BRAM For ferther inforniatimi, apply (prepaid) to . - ,• . _HORACE HORTON, ESr). Appraiserte the Society, Gedench. • HERBERT MASON. = _ • Secretary and,Treasurer, Toroutet- Goderich, 1681) Oct., 1866 • BERICI WOOLEN EIE wideridgned would beg to inform his customers an tile Vilna that 011 and _.1 after The 2011) New Steam Power Woolen, Factory, ittth TOWIl oifitoderialls will be in fait operation, sad having spored no ovens. in , fitting 1,1 p , First I -Class Machinery in Every Particular t is wit balm meek bettor position to Ott:31 tangAtseratos pros awe tart!' At the old ractory• GUSTORO AuPtifDIN MAIOHINE, frC ass *Me twat laaaktnersbtearta- the Donitsilea, *Melt win stable kka te eveleoals ealrgrlaTa204 !rem had work artsiagiropt deed, ofold meabinery. k now, Prepared to Receive _Orders a awe( tali rollowleg braining Oise hesiaess, at al Westhoff a* say respeatabia Ulu In'iha Plavinee, via• =Wait Coartirtika Iletitil21* and Moth Bre Spinning, )1ihtti and MAU, t elksedjaie Iiit)mwe "leek if Maki *skis le ezeileep Sear weerwoalit la *ell "lir W404Talla's ameedelee at Ake Move 01.44cat 00115 ***/****. ask" mire and *Waled theinasevis easewhere wttIse** sow IV essaelaaewl ti.A.4 JUST RECEIVED A LARGE - ASSORTMENT OF OLOTHs Consisting in , part of 'Wen of England Broad cloths, Beavers, Whitna14, Bearskins, Face)? English, Scotch, and FeenebTveeednoashmeres, who may lavorhim with their orders. Gb"sPlisaoivenek,feeinfoaist apson,ndiafiaindaeden.TForolfoec itlevrgCVaensaLlinag an , USilt Uhl:4 satisfaction to al, TWEED SIIITb (all wop)$12 andupwardre ler N. B.—Cutting done to OrdAr. Godorieli4 Sept 26th 1866, _LEE MARKET GROCERY North Slle Market Square. IV* 0..s i=f6 m- • • OP ALL ICIRDS, ID -.• tektilitt FARM YON Eir,r7:, \ , . . ..., .,,.......„... .....,..___.. -...,0„.„....„,..,th.„.„.„,_ ,.. • I) gams-, intia°7,SaarTalc-t, irat,),3 g,...T.r_.-11,7,e/r -- ,,. ao_ey. Lo. e latta-3_, , eantainia'g 0;3eacres-.-encreor i=3,-eren•Filar Uri% -in the ig,gLetIc7,tate fer.:12.,,tatten ti.f.,:l 0;T:713 et:11173:0 nr arable oreat'ry tetras. 241 2, ii -n= vo 1.1ennt Picas. lent rertsgas vacated on the rpyLe::.1 4 Sena:V.2h ern- . vel Peed. cointnaD.'1•srAth mutifel viewer -lake Mm cia .- 0 ,, 12 =as from &am' they frea---a Clhean =ISO frerniam<1. • eriela, all allying tonr.3 ea the a •,e, L. 2L 11 21, ; iit is pray .2 Miles from the thrive'. ',.,,,g vihage of Dayaid—a p:ace erg:ow:tog impafficire, where there is n tort,er and a puirjeEt tf te isvaes=g-tabbC-•tv. Lia' vber ol irle- lege. Vki.1 Mara tanglsts of 238 ncres.,ta,, me of ye*, citperiorelay Istut EaD, nstal ico e'20.Le,3, ca wbieb there is neSger :stamps or Tames, Naell fee -cal., (tome:Nero:Is beingpickettedLoaaa-fenee.)31:13tatrgh- eattateeleultiration ; a never failtagepringittettnear the centre end ruin to the rear, mad elm:gee eet-_,7-fricra the beautiful raver Ilayf eld ; iffiest 5 Cere5 er the wei -er Eats is weedec with encollent and voinahle -cor =Ming Clams el I:ugh table lend: 'is Vo72nd Vtib boulWact, beech, an, aple, -"am. ete, theerare .f -;f1 be, Mg surrounded with fence. There is elm no the IT= ilftlusfarrat a anagniEcentotenesimuy.winch, w--123 eft:sal—when DayEeid becomeeneat7,e31:ts eleshrial ere lung to be—te, n name of wealth to lee ovum; otza as it IS same ZOO. or move tram ita Terrace, 4:1 54:7753 to enhance the value ofthe Para] for Arming 'Mere ma -splendid swami of about CSD trees, of the hectend choicest varieties offamt ofoll tines. grown t3 this-Seale:3 efeunntrv,f amens for La production arfE-tiet. There Is a very Lige ;and eanainefficre fro:near:sex:SI every ecnvertenee attablai. elarge etahlerz.,2 tto tete frame berms. The farm is rill aharoughly amface.Erain- cd, and n great dealer:It andeedrained. ALfa ta ealfly one ofthe mem &suable farms in IVeaeraCairerLa,c_-1 pardeffiarly mated -to an oklecuntrfgenlieman et mazza, Stock it:DP/cc:Ws Ps1Worring ena wil1 be rohl te the parelmser on neasonable terms. Lai 10 eettains 315 acres ofiand, ahem 63 under cultivation, the rematuder wooded, with maple, -.beech. elm. achibutterne.tekersy rutula ettae=1 caannty cf Leifficelt for -fencing arr..1., building purgoscs. Ea, clay, a Lvir-g stream, new -frame -barn tbanh), good large hente end /Kitchen 'en erehard 44f-43-aere3 ni esvantof selectfunit,-fse °leo cm this farm. It as 8-3- miles from Day4ei3. • Peke -03,=. 1,000 flown, leance on mortgage et 2 or cent, til -es ha:Imputable. ler farther narnallareppely to JOSHUA CALLAWAY.Jr. lre,w3. Life, and Fare Intrarance dgent: ' Goderieb, or on the prenth:co cliot,O. to - al•SEDE CALLLI711.7. October CD, 1868. er-C31. , A -very large Stock of Crockery. Splendid Claim Sets. GEIER L GROCERIES Immacle, CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Platform and Counter Scales of best mak9 ROBINSON & YATES. kloderieh, Sept. 29th, 1868. • w1,7 URON FOUNDRY 11011EYT01111TEST, • Canada Landed Credit Company have money to invest on proved Farms ADV iNCES to KROWEftL By borrowing of this Company, there is no possibility oi the borrower ever being called on enddenly or unexpeetedly to pay off the debt. He pays to the Company in all 10 per cent. per an- n um -t( per cent being for interest and the ex- penses °Management, and 2 peeeent, his own money, he pays into a sinking fund, at ccmpound interest, and which canaels 'the debt in 26 years. He has; however, always the privilege of liberat- ing his estate from the mortgage at any time, on giving six months' notice, whilst the Compauy remains bound to the end of the tarnss of twen- ty-stx years and the amount he has paid into the sineing fund, with compound interest, is then allowed in settlement. He has the qritalegl, as he may find it convenient of paying i nto the sink- ing fund, over and above his regular eoatribu- igen. any even Sum above $100. in reduction of *is mortgage, and for which he is allowed 5 per cam, compound Interest.' NO Commissions charged -no shares required to be taken -,no fises to•pay,land uo expenses tor renewals. Apply to FREDERICK ARMSTRONG, Land Agent, over Meath Kay's, store. Market ' Square, ()Wench. - Agent' for the Oanada Landed Credit Company, = Improved Farms tor sale on easy terms. Wild. Lands for sale. Houses in the Town of Coderich foraale. Apply as above Godench, Nov, 16th, 1866 w43tt (24 YEARS. AT THE OLD .STAND.) -CABINET FURNISHING WAREKOUSE. DANIAL GORDON, 0.4.331-11i10'11 01:nde..rfa7nr,coig 8 now CoEwtsoon / •• hand the axeistk , for :Z., FURNITURE - ,in the Comity, in every variety, can' not fail to corn - mead the favor of all in want of FUENiTURE who may favor him with a visit -whether itt re- gard to Qua*, StrIel er Price- EYerY article w alan ted madeasare pr r I md e d Havingre ts with JA„QUES & HAY, Toronto, can furnislitinythuig here or at their Wareroolna ia Toronto, we.231:Av 1.1;0700,111151:Eril:thill;;;;7tsgosh..17iSio., N.13-4188-alitaYs a complete assPrimeat at COFFINS on hand. 4iOnuneretallIotet.311tehelle.W • fOlIN HICKS, Proprietor. This ix tb J iiirgestattd bestConntry Hotel in Wester "Janada,ancl Mirages as moderate as any Heim in Mitchell. Stage Proprietor. Latiodstablingfor 100 Horses. Horses arid Carriages for Hue, on Shortest N °Luse, 1417 MRS. DAYS' HOTEL WROXETER. I riN the direct road 'from Seaforth to Ni Walkerton. Every necessary accom- modation tor the travelling public. , HANNAH DAYS. Wroxeter. NOV. 5, 1867. w42 S U R. AkeE• llarineiand Life- Insurances 1P1'EOTZI11.ON REASoNABLETER1113. em••••=1. Office —Kay's Block. corner Court House Square and Wesibt...Gederieh, C. W. JOHN H ALDAN, JE., 4 — ' Agent. Goderiela 27th Seot,,186.$e w36tf .4.tX Grecian Bend 113NIT seemth take-intIoderich, but Snyder's CROCKERY -4 CHINA does. Just received White Greitite and China Teatiets fat 2 -different palternia making by. tar the beinassonment In town, ranging 111 'price from $2.25 to$8.O0 Alsosuperb China Break.. fast sets $15.00. New pattern DinnerSete $21.004 , • . "actgelber Alike targe•quantity of CHINA & WHITE GRANITE WARE by the -dozen. Don't fail tomtit the ase.eakazaiiTa-.A.12° ;nest irands R.,9: 9 S cheaper than the cheapest. -W. SNYDER, TELEGRAP1113TORE. (=aerie], Nov. It 1868. • EA.Rn roit SALE „ - Township of tia4nioy; couNTY 10/EING East tialfoflAMIsYtleidroadNorth, -5-/ composed of 104 acres of superior land, 70o1 which is cleared and wider cultivation. This farm is elisibly satiated on the Hayfield Gravel Road, 6 miles from • Sayffeld; 10 nom Semorth and gfrom Clinton_athe site of the beautiful and ihnvingvidage ot Varna is partiv upon this farm, and as the vfflage-progre4ses, a few acres off the front survejvad •for tow* lots, could be advanta- seedily" atklf readily -4*thied of Churches, Presbyterians Zpestopatiatt *ad Methodist) nst aad Saw Miffs, Stores, Blackstakb 'net liboP Choperage,i Good T 11. A.O., mod Motels, a* -mann *ht. - There he II geed Ira** barn Of x36. log hews audible -orchard (lt aortas la exteat), of young and oboiee fruit treeejust eouustinto bearing, It is well ar:teOesad Word ti Pinar et good cedar upon it fa r isseing or other purple - ties. Terms $Mte dowa,balaaoesecured try mortgage 01-74erroat ie.t..,•payaseats nut • purchaser „ For fertherpartjeallartYpply to JObIlUA.CAIIIJOWAP,J1,- , Land, leek Liat laser. Antsig,Gedeekda wroseilte promisee sr .wasaj. GILA frIVILD# Esrf •Or P. ft ,awr tqcgit: aiistEAmCN9INE-WORKSit •R .RUNCIMAN, MANUFACTURER OF • r=1 wrwl Fowl CD rt:$ 0 c!, IST & FLOURING MILLS Muley anti Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and Boilers, Thrashing M-achin es, Seperatorsf Horse 'Power's. Drag Saws, IRON ADD WOODEN PLOUGHS! With Castor Steel Boards, Drill Pleuglis, Gang Ploughs, Cultivators, Land Rollers, -Straw Cutters, Agrhaltural Furnaces, Potash Kettles, Sugar Kettles, Salt Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Ben% COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES, of the Most improved kindie Brass Castings made, and Blacksmiths' Work and Repairing done on short notice. Call and see the STEEL MOULINBOARD PLOUGHS, as you can get one very cheap for Cash. Godetich, Nov. 12th, 1867 ev39 TWO HOUSES AND LOT 1'OZ1, SALE. flN rain Steet GnZer:& Mpmaint crerap!al ty •J Mr. R. B. fmith. For jparticaiara apAy to D. GORDON, _ Cabinet Mater, Vi'at Etlect, July Met, 1808. vt HOUSE AND STORE TO LET IN OLL.NTON. irEE joint DIVellturr and OD the oCrcer 4)1 VactOrha en8 Eang opillasite the Foal Mee. Th1S is one ol 1L0 and fLo_s1 be:Si:less ginnes in Clinton _°; at 7e:iv:se-rat counuiod by ;Mem& Inwn atnIg-tus,, P'estesz-oU giCen Junuar5 Apply to 111r 17. Cone, dlln- ton. For particulars oppll AIM' -LIMITEU, Huron Road, liesrGioelerteh, or Mit& 131(202.1E, Walton. Nov. 17. MB. -11V4Olf. tr_Fr• Clinton "I'Vev7 Era” copy. tr. VALUABLE .FATIMPORSALL DEING lot 18, Eth eon. Mullett, 3,1, reiks fzcza 1.) ton, latiaems fret -clans -clay 1=1, 4.15aerc$,ezearcza, -fenced, and inn goodstateof cultivaen. Goal barn, tine young orchard. For partiefaa' iza applytolLe OWner ela thepremises. 3.511E8 QDIGLEY. Or G. LT, ,71DURRIA17. Ute. nth, 1051 vill0 Cm. Farm for Sale. -r urs 03 n.ndf)-4, Eayfeld Concqsion, it) the **1rAi• C • ot these over ancres elearorl with good Frame Barn, laud Loa cue,. them pales from Township ol Godes:eh Containing CS ones, THAT vim... For Itterra6 or enleepplyat.the Avisisn Conn office fat Boderieh, or to Air. WIS021N3- TON on the pieroises. Ont.Sepi. 21, 16E9. w2811 ARTIN & ROBERTSON T"' Oldest fsfoNst merit lo Tow 'HAVE OPENED A NEW GENERAL .STORE NEXT DOOR TO A. SMITH'S CtOTHTNG ESTABLISHMENT WHERE THEY OFFER TO THE PUBLIC A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF GOODS such as are requiralfin every family, and which they are determined to sell AT THE VERY LOWEST PRICES FOR CASII,' We cordially invitethe public to inspem our stock, and testour aad we hope by .2 ffeation to their wants to merit a lull share ot patronage. , MARTIN CROBERTSON, Godeimh, Sept, 2g, 1868.w35 tf gaMilgigifismass. PUBLIC- NOTICE New Marble Works TUE ITIONTREAL TEA uOMPANY, ELGIN ST., Gomm( I 6 HOSPITAL TREET IVIONTREAL. ' ft MART AMA p.,EGhastr 7,4„minzsfer fccur Ptah at the Gwf„,84'0/03, ILL RINDS OF FITRNITURE - At his shop on ilingtion Street, -ow:site the: HUM) Hotel, ear2orach. CffiVe lain Go2eritb,Cet.B, 1981. - ; ftft.." W.... ..",... c OIIII• Teastafier the moist severe tests by ihe best medical authorities and judges of an, have been pronstmeed to be quite pure, and free from any artificial colouring or pals:mous substmmes so often used to improve .appearanee ofTea, 'They are unequalled for l!Strength eac Iiriavon.r. They have been chosen for their instrinsio worth, keeping in mind health, econsmy and s. big,h degree of pleasure in dant:leg them. We sell for the smallest pbssible profits, effecting a saving 10 1141 eonsnmer of tile. to 2fle. per lb. One teas -MAMA up me, 12,15, 20 and 25,11). boxes, and are warranted pure and free from poisonone ail:maces, 'Orders for four 51b. boxes, two 12 lb. boxes; or one 200; 25 lb. boxsent carriage free to may Railway Statuna in Canad(3. Tea will 1:e forwarded immediately on 'receipt of the order by mail contamiug money, or the money can be collected on de- livery by express man, where thereate eipress offices. In sending orders-bele:vibe amount of SIM to cave ex- pense tt will be better to send money with the order. Where a 25 23. box would be toe much, four families club- bing together could send for four5 lb. or two 12 lb. boxes. We send then: one address. sarriage pazd, and mark each box plainly, so that each party get their own tea We warrant allilio tea we sena° gam entikesatisfaalkat. It 1 they are not satisfactory 111e' can be returnu ed at our exp 116.. English Breakfast, Broken Leaf, strong Tea, 450,50. ; Fine_Flavoured New Season do. Mel ale, ; Very Best FuliFlavoared do 780. ; Sound Oolong, 45e. ; Rich Flavonredilo, ; Very fine do do. 750. ; Japari,Good 50c., 550., Fine -60cayery Fine 65c, Finestrffie. • Twankay50, 55,65; Young Sport 60,60,65 and 75c. ; Fine'do. 75c, ; Very Tine165e7 ; Superfine and Very Choice $I; PineGunpowder85c, • Extra Superfine do. 8L 6 Teasnot menu:Jae in due r equally cheat:. Teaonly soid by thee Company. An excellent mixed Tea conld he sent for 60e. and 70c. ; very good for CODIU10/1131111506eS )50e. Out of overli000 testimonials, we insert the following : "Y: E A. rt. 9L" Jt. A_ 3r..,„ ThGarrs. e sManbL-Iealtises lenae°rInlyllailayearY Ismael purchased the first chest of Tea from voter house. I have 3recj' plcurnelhased since and! am pleased to inform yen that the Tea m evety ease proved mast satisfactory, as well as being exceed - yours very truly, , • • _Montreal Tea CompanY: GENThesilat-TheTealpumliased of yee in March hasgiven greatsatisfactiOn, and the flavour of it is very &ie. It is very strange, put since I have been drinking your Tea 1 Loyd been quite free from heartburn, which would rilwais pain me after breakfast. I 'attributed this to the purity of your and shalleentinue a =darner Yours respeetifally. FRANCIS T. GREENE, 54, St JohnStreet. Montreal. I F..DENNID. Montreal, Apri1,1868.—To the Menterml Tea Company 6 Ilespital : tract, Montreal :—Wenotice with pleasure the Urge amount of Tea thaws havefonvorde far you to different parts of the Dosninion and we are glad to find your business so rapidly Increasing. We presume your Teas are giving generesatisraetion, -cute two large nmotuatforwarded we haveoniy bad occasion the return one bon, which we understand, was sent out througiau mistake. G. CIIENEY, ManagerConadlanExpress Co. Montreal Tea Company : Ilouse ofSenate, Ottawa. Gmenumus.—The box ofEnglisbpreakfastand Young Ilyson Tea which you sent Vac gives great safiefaction, Top may expectmy future orders. Yount, kc., 13. SEINNLII, Seware al:Pedlars and =mars using our name, or offering our Teas in snaall packages Nothing lass than a catie ssold NOTE THE ADDRESS.- TheadontreafTea Company, 6 Hospital fitre,ce, Mentralaa tar Silver taken atpar. For Notes and Post Deice Oraers the Company, will add the preraium in yea ae order: Montreal, October ilea, Ira ly ARE! 3X, J'cob.uston MONUMENTS, EEL it STONES, 'fable 3.11 tops,Posts„Ic 'Tombs, ofovery fluserio. tilos iatl Ety10 cf worimunsbnp, furnished en short notice and at the /own prieea. Vibe* ral redact:Too made for cash. All ar,Ceati punctually ato24:!c:3 to. Dcsigue of ATenup mento, Le., may fm) seen at the chop. fluderneh, Deo. ID, 1865. ly Iffortgage Sale of Land. -MEE ffiontl3 tot tho North Or 1410 in. th.e . •conccgSion. W. a., te Was% 0 4e14, cominualing 00 novas crier& ee ogereel at Auction by 0.1:;0.111..SLIETEPa4IN,ni his An> lion Marlin Ger.lerieb, cn THURSDAY, iho 4th DEB CEMER _ :next, lat neon, The land is c,,on.R enll we!l weteral ncel tErtaberal, enf1 is partly (Antal cud fenced. Mae rarcler pow .er of e saoogejc. For feu tiasrpn.72.icu. toply - Davzsozt WALFZE, 17orZer's oilerich, 18111 Nov, 1889. kwat,t1 RETIRING FROM „.111EINESE„. Pm`stabFeliber rreparalory to metiers frotrt business tee resolved orf Os,woosing of tko whole 6f his Exteasive Stook of Dry Genes, ilardwara„ Orcoork. 9_,MkerY2 Eler-Dts ilk &ICU, Ready. Made ulottiou, at and lan(ler u.Ost, rOr Cash or Produce only, 'rho Cow= See will commence on Monclay,tlae. 2n€1 • RDwARE HARDITARE mama 1,13 fa. OLD Teas. -50, 75,200, 2123-. Sem-31,10i.15. 01:11;0:'3cmccal Priets—ie 35 20 2*. 35, 03,15, 03, roo T aecac—faaatO OD. 12,03,18. The • deg, EstablisliPt Hardware Store in the Conti All CD. 1,C3-, 13, IS Cenallon,H,3,71-=-R3 -03e per Doefs•fe Slice3$2,53, COD,CM, ;3324, tc, fi00 THE Stibseribeaa beg to. inform -their -customers and the public, tlaat they have ,non ;nu Ready -Made (Ozotmuzel, .0z7 r.11,2,3 'ffftic.qa 400, -a hand one of the Stilts atsizoo. 1313 vainZO •MtZst.]n elearcal oafs eta4 BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE EVER IMPORTED into the County,' consisting of part of COOPiRS'. TOOLS, -COAL OIL„ AXES, ANVILS, NAILS, GLASS Putty, Loclot, Saws, Adzes, Angers, Axle Trees, Bench Screws, Brushes, -Boring Machines Maui Chisels. Gouges, Carriage Spring!, Cordage, Flies, Safety Fuse, Grain Forlie, Grid Scoollffl..81314deliShOves, 6rindet"'-ai Orluclatoue FiXing81 Rammer*, Hinges: Irop: Lead Powder Shot, Glasses, Looking GInsses, coffee Mills, Paiute, Oils. Plain Irons Plough Moulds, Tan Fitch, Eat Paps, Mink and other Traps. A fine stoclinf • ipittimadelierliit" 1%114 4040111. 011 Lamps; • And other article* too numerous to meat:ion. • 1 .1.•• TheattentiOn of Builders is particularly called to the above, as lixey are sure of getliteg 10-EE•r•4:0(t3c94:3:9 i12 tcbotetim gun., Thegme 1217Z 219 Zewn!7_31 well bought, eirly-rcuDy cheap:et ifair..er =ten ; =Mat al.=L:.7,17:t_lcic-ete:(1 keynto value rietto b3taddecutcre, • I. cornalaitincirm.owo LuchnOW, Oa a VOX. •- NOTICE. 4111.11m114.2 g peraeus indebted to "ne sehartifier settle Iheir acconiata before The Ent of On co::respectfully requcEtca fo tio4 tober, 18GS, and ty so doing they will save HEidso informal:le Mona and euEloinerEjs :that he has on band, one of the _ 'AUGUST. r4TOCKS OF I300T8 AND SHOE6s. that ever tame into Goderiek and lie in. tends to sell cheap forego!), and cub , FWINCIS-CASSADY4 Goderiela Sept: 4, 386'8. *LW verything required at moderate rates. AGMS for E. Atwater hes celebrated Montreal Varauthes. itr Remember the Signof the Large PadloOk -1-14c2F.A.zt,z)7."\Tmi, csu• co - 43'046* sept.nti, ma; . v4. MASONIC ANIONS for SAU H.r.GARDINER & Co' MARKET /54-UARE. 9406.-.4a04 :2 : -*rd; irof * - - TIAUTIONTRESEASSERS_on lie South' -of West fat No.%. gem IS, East4 daita ND 26. car, 2, Waltainook and MEC: aeinth 4dui Zio 6, floe 2 A*hfieitl, County e2 Huron. Ail remitsC.:13nd 'qt. -pawing s-Wi prosecuted with the tamoat rigortatabe hew. Nfit; KYC. ibfik. ft