HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-12-24, Page 3. . . . . ........ Z- 1, 2 CA bv %Ir y" ccirke
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4. 41 7 7 A iff 7� D RY "00 D TAILIB ss Colbbime. HAPLA *SIA JAIAE8 CLARICE'S TICE 1TVAr Win. Young Esq., returned by acclam. mation,as reevQ- -he Celebrated FemeLle Pills. 0 Xt, G TJ EST HAr-0#Fl;VD A' w able FIE discovery of many copice -ed froin irp,rescriplio4. of Sir J. GoderichTP- THoly Scriptures has established the Pirtylai -hysibian Extiao !!W- XEAR WHOLOME COLL0 FA001111 I Vq TU I 5 Cta#cet M. D.j railir ry C �n 1i STM,S.i AD WE irity of the test of the sacred law; the TO, R yl- Mr. S to the 0-4een. mliand *ail ,heppard =4 D. Patton, elected Pt wlr� he willk of til discovery �9_ljws of blotion and is unfulling, I t the isregeii HAFTAND COACH COUk"I ,t perfected Meelian- Ilthose painjui and dangerous di. ses Reeve and Deputy R�eve, by acclamation. This it valuable mediem TOI Gravitation has �jino, PhilosnphV; the discovery of the core ota l, ason, banjanil i wk ly large I NommEESFORITUCMERSMITH. icl it which the renittle constitution is Subic, t. It tcir,u ntion of the blood has 1143001111Dlished TH alade in the lgt�utpiad best st � 4..4; 1renicvei a o trui tions it I I uterzani;11:0 I c-211tT46 tf 3j1'1tR-j;0' 4T,�ality jU IL �Q. Is prepared to A li-�d aspeedy cure may be re'lled Uri. zbc, David in Anatomy whit is at last accomplished A 'JL jl� V-4zo =, For Reeve.—Geotgo Sprout, Ite dayof aimn 0 I ; . I with.iny Walker. in Hygeine by the Great Shosho PASHTODiABLE XfLLIX LT.,
nees ERY & DRESS <GOODS heTO. MARMED LADIES Remembertheaddresg. Fo'r Deputy Reeve,—John Doig) James Remed y--, which has so- often cheaked the Is peculiarly cuited, It Will, in a slivi time, . ZUFST, 11317111tOrtSt. lbewinfor the jP1rVrS3 'E S, osito Union Hotel. 1 D 4r� 'on I he menthly petiod with re M A NT4L McLean inroad of thoi;e luno� diseases of the throat bring -tilarvy. n S H A w L s,- ach, bottle, price One Dollar, bes-.rs it Gov- Godericb, gov._16th, I863, lbege V0 be a For Councillors.—George Jackson, Jas. hloh itupruAcrice and expr)sure_hv,&e ,Iousins,Jas. Broadfoot, ernment Stattup of'Great Britnin to prevet L coun- iQrVaV us Dallas, Nathaniel C jj,. united to make so eq.mmon. erfefts. VE LVETS" -TRIMT41 Of 186441 Tov"n ef Thomas Gemmell, Thomas Robiso Ac adiea of Cx6derich to tqrof John Cti �.jsaies Hatt; A.G. A A. D.JEG& Forsythe, John Spro,,�t- 71ees Fit& ithould v EMPrORJUAI I alt; othetakenbilf 4 . I The L and vicinity are invited juthe mat .
silale darling Edw4rd *�gjatou, -a -and AT, TERBE MONTHS j':.Preg -C 3i pf FOR SE-VORTH. 211,711i!Y� as tey are sicre to bring w Miscar. CALL AN)D EXAXIX�E. OUR S T,O Seaforth. At tvrOve of 11;0,00cf, ��a d hun4red wid five in the - For Reeve. G. McUaug ey, (no ol - WANTED rzace. �ut at any Other trwe the2l are s fe. tainin,- by namea-uregneal Due h In all enses o Rervous and pinal A. NOTICE 0 'ZhiaPl�r
rections. B,.-fdrp purchasing else ore tane be the tia it eincre o- let- T�e position-) To Learn Telegraphy% Pains in the Sack and Limbs. Faturut on alight ontas Johnston A. rtles indebted to estates of the acive comfoitab,
For 0buncillors.—Th ND take Situations On new Lines now building. exertion, PRIpitalion-efthe flert, lly,� --ries and , orrtroir. TVtMs.=dv nt =13 4 XX 1z 11z<>1V AL.'aml)'ed Insolvents, ar43 Alimudreds, of T,legraphers are now required and Whites, these Pills* will effiect a curc wher all XXC:)liCXP 5C5X-KXXtWa I *;Z�- _V oil under power it) nar2snye-
Strona Thos. Downe Ed I-lickson, as. ONFj Oase SATINE Meq*recl to Call 0 lies. Card-ino, nntst be had business learnt in a e-ouple of in "ns. other means have railed ; and althouet a power ir Ctive debts. . All Dat- u6 241i eay ui Noveniber t11 'New. Block opposite The Market. and pay the amounts f the resp, *it, 0. CA' V Beattie, Alex.. Wil'S I hilremedv. do not coRtain iron. (-at, net. auti. i av I - t' %v44 id ;Q W rhallia,s Addams, OfferLd to young Dien to Remember. e Store S aSe',d those that remain unpaid at the end W the pre" swinatol for MorifflEca
iiEd. C, pleasant business, For monv, or'unvibing hurtful to the t onst nti'n. month will be placed in CoartfOz 60 cents per yard, C. H. C.ull, -See-miller, _I._ Full directions in the pniDphlet at und each Qi SUPPLE- positively the last clall. F. Sparling N, Superintendent -No favor will be shown ne eb should be c ielu.ly 1 e�erved. to S. PORTEP.
W. N. Watson. Dominion Telegraph institute, Toronto. package, whi J10111YINO December 0 -Ind, 1868. w48. Soleagentf*orthe*tlnitedStatesaii( Canoasi Goaeric, December 18tb, 1868. w23 tf Seforth December rst, 1868. FOR ASHFIELD- Jog qU$ES, Rochester, N.Y. e was N. B. -$1.00 and six po�tn�c stain ,epelosed FOUND on the 21st inst., an Overe6at. Wm. Mallough, the past Ree The owner, by proving property, and to anv awhorizerl ricent will mizure r hottle con. INSOLVENTACT OF 1668- ZdOkbindeiral Tluntu?.
preparcd to utc verr elected by acclam"tiOD. paving for this rAv., can take it awaJr tain,ngfittV Pit' I)v return mait: �GRANDY' inty court or the = eret I Province ot Ontario. ITINthe CQ1 Mr. Armstrontcy), NORTHRUP & I YMAN, Q kPL
For Depiitv Reeve. �IGNAL Office, Goderich, Ont. w48. maty of Huron. S I colimiyof Huron. 'Atore, Gode`,1�11 orti. BI. - Z t BsTAIL DEALER IN VIMT-crAss. in -the mauer of Edwin Gn-tary ull lildclvc"L WeLry, Eeaforth, Stalingityle, Mr. Alex. Frazer, of AniberlY. Newcn,%tle,G. N.,general at theS!pal Bao�,
minated THE PERFECT agent jorunnadt On Monday thp 1st day Of e6runry next. the unper Gregors Gi tbtem t2ing wiall liourd
All the old CouDcillors were no un fr a r3- Sold in Goderich bv Parker \ Cattle and. -ignedvFLI-apply to lbe.judge ofthe said co act.
with four new ones. SEWING M A GH I NNE S. r t jue County or Enron this o4th AT TITE LOEW FRICL, --U13$T1TUTE frii,diner .,'Co., ffivi, -Id -, James Hcnthum� Rozeiville; J� 11ji-kard11 ceter;.J.H. &YofRoveniber, A.D. 2136& EDwIN GUXDRY. d eturnedithout XOME, his Alto .6oderich. Jane 1. UGS. am -Youncr �ls looking ab(;lit Cornbe, P�inton, S cord, E. Htdk w44 2,m By TOUS 1119ra. Bri- FOR, 0,NF,- CASE t:5- h son. 3eaforth. and r, 11 edicitie Dealers. w3lq 1priie 1%fedaL arry his first for a likely young man to In AUTION,-I herebyeautign �anv person or persons lure.) C aptium giving my -type 3 eimet vive, ah.V -six daughters. L F It my iaz6ottnt as I will not be responsible instalment of thirty MOTHERS, READ'THIS I-FIOLLO' 8injzer1s,.(Botb-A%ix1=_ and Canadian 31anuftle TFE V
in JOS 8 a coating of pure WAY$S AVORINI LOZENGFS are iietrinin and s 3 May contract afterthisdate. 2 o silver over the BEST Canada Tweeds VVwItel'i, d Shuttle GoderickTownship, Dec. Iltb, ISO. w47 St* PATENT SOL1101TOIt T- DRAUGHTS 11lCXEI_ plated by the patent pro?ess 'oralessrs. liking- sate remed%, for Waims in Children and Adults tLteh �Kiwne. C, 0 "a .11 dt BIAN, vinisesoftba,un
ton & Co., and is beyond all comparison, theyer best -As it is weil-lznown' and ineiancholtr fact &.Insehin� well Ada TRALY STE, ER. -Came Into th fir flay.aboutthe �.A.RIFF. article next to sterling silver that can be employed cis that one great callbe-ordetith nitiong children is ARTIESwbo are about to purchage would do 4at as they would get Pt- sdersignedlot7oicon.4,towns pof C�)-ftmvzkv Ctvk-�<X Mr GODERICH WINTER 9 C7 d,eltily iin- ALL, WOOL, 62j cents.perard. P -sell-dnl ,one e:nerally recommend it as suitable for, Istr November last, a gmy steer rising 3 years old. such, either usefclly or oTmeuta%, ashy no possible from Wormsaione'llfannot leto ed to their work. Agents who es warnitated And thorough imtrac- The owner is rcqnte USLIMis =111 71M, VATION 0 test can it be distin6nisb from rea silver. Dose, but no machine Is capable r 4 sted to pro TOM M"t' r -es T ..... the ur" "' reprolfflZo , D OlUcs and other De
SIGNAL" OFFICE, Goderich h t charge. and take It away. _ry p t -ve
prexQee upon the ot parents thp. nceessitV P t ou e go,n iffriGrainl1i e i au A complete set, guaranteed of first quality -forArdsh orolosciv watchinr their children. Bysodoing. iven V blast Organs frolm't Iffay, Dec. S,'2808. zt, 2V coinT.IoNT3 is -m Tut: rX,013TnATW,;. er Ta=�a 4th �IOA_g d d Ca I at d Pc.,!p. c" and dufability, as follows nd un-lerstandinz the %ymptonsaDd trite cause ded to.' MA AND IDMIGNS Vlaocularz. cis 2 ar of chffilren niieht be. -jTRAYED four head of cattle, namely. two heifers Wavings, Specifications, and otber Vocumetit-3 H 0 ra _all 1tyca _n de by aofthe disensi-,t and Show Milrae=an's v747tr. L qaved fro -n eatl v ��rives. UP WORMS: Goderich. December 15. 186S.. eary to eecura PATmms or INv=T1ON 31.ntr,al, S,3 4�., 4j gtl) 70 35 S" Fiddle or Bead King's Thread 0 and two steers, the WO heifers are rising 3 years old silver pattern ollot ing area fLw oft!ie very n-imert is is nearrly wIllie recelptofModcl,ofthe I 31chs. Ex 03 73 9 64 50 93 pattern pattern - -The f one is red--suid White Epotted, the other
ttem sVmpLoms and disvnqe% whicli nre'eaused by and onespot an Ottawa, Decamber, 18GA. New Yorl', Ft. ar Grain 53 8 per 100. jx jine spot, of red on the ramp Portland, 105 0 53 8 eta. --,%. eta. 8 cts:, $ ets. %y", : Detnn!rvdal;�etite,empeititedertrem- the side, and'SOmO red out the head and a ns d steer coming three,
Boston, 5 12 Table Forks 9 00 .... 950 .... 10.00- 1200 - ' THE EARTHU TH AMERICA I it X-18 a lump .0 -,offiensive breritti,fre(pient at- the neck - one re 40.110, 12 Table Spoons 9 00- 9.50 .... 10. CO -Ii.00 liles 'Icep, linniness SEVE RAI, CASES a side, the other steizr is coming 4. it Is a Buffalo, ntiste lingof"thetoellidni-in 4 on -other With flank v7kite and red T I U F Point Levi. 12De.§sertForks 6.00 6.50 .... 7.50 860 1grilt t N 9 '60 ofill-i be v, w4n freqnent -limy stools, ano darker red than the l0tb sertspoon Ott. 111de- _s&GO 6.50 .... 7�&o .... 8 spott(through-the hite. The proprietor lot 10, Prese ...cession, W. D, Calborne,,will rckT-d ibe fluder. Toroato. V, A0. 6Egg"gilt bowls 2 40 .... 250 .... 280 2.80 IN STE%VART. COLQUHO� ,415 4t* chargge5 at To- 2 Sauce Ladles 2.(O .... 2.20 .... 2.40 1_40 doughs, indevestion,low spirits, 1-ightful dream", S GO D ER I C H C T A C RY KingstOu, 2S li Tea Spoons 4.00 :... .4.50 .... 5.00 .... 5.50 st inci incti-oliv,ulsive flis; pain m th,t head slid Is HOE4 S COMMOTIO, Grain rates are exciu4ive of Elevating BOOTS- & ' . . I routo, Buffalo and Portlandt., I Grvy Spoon 2.00 .... 2.2* .... 2.40 .... 12.40 anti a gradual %A,nztina nwav of fieh. A4ONG'jr F1 HIM' 11101) GROCERS. 2 alt " gilt bowls 80 .... 9� .... 1.00 1.00 1'he�, are pal -ii ab e andsell-ad niini�ldred to t he 1 I —0 _. I 1tistard 40 45 .... 50 .... 50 S Out* e r vs. Crter. THE MARKETS 00 child -drive iWil the-Xorms lhorough'y with(wall 'DECIDED BAUG-AINS. JA I Soup ladle 2.50 2.75 ... &00 S. I Sugar Spoon 50 .... 65 .... 65 .... 65 pain thestoinat-b-there- STEWAR T & -YOV N 0* GODERICH, I?ec. 22nd,186& — by doin awity wifh the neces-itv of adin,nisler- Fall Wheat ...... . 1:03 44.60 48,05 52.75 59-25 nz Cast(r Oil or other tin pleas -int caLbartLes-as GENERAL AGENT & CO3MISSION OTICE is HEREBY GIVEN TELIT I IL I HAVE OkNED ON,kAmiLToN IST. (FXR�T -DOOR NORTH OF J3 1MTr0U'S 0 IS1 Nbeen appointed Rf!ceh-eriq the nlrvive anitO Niedicines, — it ibt- use of other Worm paities, therefore. ideb1cd to tLe -Vctatc vf the late, ... o:,;5 0:90 - -tins the tae -i mile sign a- otfica to P t,� Spring Wheat Any of ibe above articles to be ha d singly at same �4� Each box ront., A MER-CHART9 Jonathan Onternre r Flour ................ 5:00 (it) 5:50 prices. Ittre 141VORTHROP & J Ym A.-4, Newcastle Ontario, Allaccounts not paid 0,50 (a-) 0:55 _N_ B -THF BEST QUALITY ONLY of above k6lt who tire the Sole proprietors. tbjSdat4L�, lVilibil, Pitt into Oats .............. I— - �.L q Ail W in stock- Inferior goods entirely excluded. Profits Urengis, .6-3 0:70 4G9 11 Peas ................ I ... 0: based on tlw ready money principle -not credit. E - TO TNFC RM HIS OLD FRIE' and take no other. 6oldln.Gotierichdi Parker B and the Public eneralli, that lie has Barlev ........... 0 N L Y. & C;iittle and F. Jord,)n ; Gardiner & (;U. Bav- i ... 1:00 (a' 1:10, ONE� PRICE J.ickard, Pork. ...... I ... 6:00 �(v 7:00 field 7 jaineg Bentbain, Rotierville; jah-en the PrenilSeS t 1 --- 0:65 :70' TERMS CASH. Exeter; .1. 14.C,mj)e, Clinton ; 6ecord, Lue- HEY have pleastir; in intimathig to their fri�fids wid the Pablinof Town& Coitntry, that they have purchased Butte 0:18 3:20 Ilicksoa, Seaforffi, and all Medicine Tin the best markets dnd on the most w3vatageouSterms, a Choice Stock of'Graceries.and Liquor. The da A KV tha I'toz;
r ...... ... T. J, MOORHOUSE. Deal--rs. YA3. CA -40o A%3:XC1- pipo V4451z- h 0 ageandare boandtotarageo., T i_sn 16 0 �Iyercsutages are gone 1 & & Y ill always be found abreast of the spirit of th AdjoWn_o,XR.9AVA.G MOW
Eggs� ................. 0:17 �ml 0:20 D,,,,.tr Vith: 1868. sw134 tf. over quickly by selling ir, at the smallest pqssible advance on cost. � __V about -lite 21st 'Diewlit - Hay r ton ............ 9:00 (q" 10:0-6 r, es'(green) .... .. CASH SALES SMALL PiROVITS, ICK RETURNS and thatlie has received ConsignmentSf I iYely the 21st JFGO�
T QU ,=%
CANADIAN PAM DESTUOYElt each 11nal Uring twelvie - 2:50 na, 3:00 N 0 _ME. WLS Hid ... BL:00 04, 6.OW
Wood .............. kS H aretheit business Watchwords, andthey will do their utirltst on -every oceasionsoto pureliqsetheirZtockthat they Beef, per mrt. � ......... 4:00 5:00 A Family Nludicinc, well and favorablyknown orIt
All nn- 1`110 the Ratepayers ofthe Town of Goderich. Dr _Gjob, rOCerle CrUker)tit &C-,
Chickens per pair ...... 0:20 0:25 1 paid Taxes after this day will be ecillected without for Vie past ten ye i rs. never falling in a single CAN BE NDERSOLD By NO LEGITIMATE DEALER I . y I
Ducks .................. 0:30 a 0:35 fear, favor or affection A- McKAY, ALL WOOL, at 62.50. all Ito zpld William Burim znmwr, icn� tiA Goderich. 22nd December, lR68. sw 35 instance, to give perin.-ment relie hen timely ystorelceepers which I 4
Goderich Salt, wholesale, f.d.b. per bbl ingle case. S. & Y. regard, as unsound In prin,,Iple and bad in policy .9 sOman will 6 si;14 has no authorily 16'IMO-fe- theit), h lanvm, U.* used, and wqjhave never kDown a j the shallow device which tempt & Y. tind t�he An C -L, S1:30. to gi n.o ening abetter quality of article thazi they mean to maintain at the price. Those who-favonrS. ot dissatistact;on where i lie,!irecti ins have been ee. and they ��nnd haviu- baenVanl in fisil her zham ,A with will find that is they begin. so they will continue. Everybody wants cheap Groced Ciinton Mar�:es. periv to'llowed, bit- on the eontrary a,'l are are determined to supp!y their. customers -with the CHEASSj T4:)- hP FOR I - ve r �2ZA, CHZAPP6T SUGAR, CHEAPLST 1031:iC!, -E40`-V' 4C�,WJL
&?i 203 - rr, wit:i its op �rati -in the BACC J, CHEAPEST LIQUOR, CHEAPEST PROVISIOXS�-Iu fact to inWco theirstoreju this line j0flX SUMNS &, XVILLIAru r2, cips, nnd speaL 'Lt. by WALIM; hig-hett L'irniq (;f its Virtue aril %lazinal efficcts, Decial Teleg�rap'i to the g"On SIGNAL.) By 31 WW J -,L .1 I-lofleata Clinton, Dec. 22nd, 18fi8. .'*Toon. THE CANA.DfAIV PAIN DESTROYER RMXL'C�l I " 'S* '!4 EXCHANGE FOR PROD C; it :1a 4 Fall yheat ...... ..... TOWN OF Q30FERICH- has won tor itself a reput-tiou, as a lilood purl The publl� always appreebites Goor. Sto ese $0:95 (a ek ;Wair Prices Just Weights; honest dedling and civility. All th fici, alterative stomach tonic, tinsurpassi-d t the they will invariably find at this Store, ThereF: un e rgo (a 093 re; S. & Y. think they are not -too sanguine In expecting to be by andbyerowdedallthetime. S.&Y.neverfrget tliing,a:ndthqks�V iiotfo *a. Godericli, Dec. 9, :868. 46, MOMR, WANT= Oai;:: 5: 00 (i4 5:6�- histrity of inedic:i I preparation$. 'It Seldbin falls, .... 0:48 0:50 OTS running numbers, 391, W2 and 393, to cure D.;sp.-p%in, Liver Complain t-, lndlzr�s- A )FRESH.SUPPL OF THAT 11 MZRRY� CHRI . STMAS" IS Cclimbb For Sch6i"�f �c�ffcn X6. 4, of Wbo=" e -
- L p-ne"Noo lion, He:itbiirn, Sick fleadar-he, Ridnev Corn. or ecu'n Oms d.
'c .... 0�50 0:60 0$40 Paiints,Ae;(IStc)maehPhtlitsicor Astliflia,and d 15YIsion 'dress If Dy letter to Beamillerl). o. to
each. Also. 132,3,1324 and 1334,$30. Sub di
Park Lots2 and3 ineon -A. Lots116,149an But are prepared to supply all the wants of -their customers. i�ey-441d be sorry., In -sto 1iial netivitv the systeni debi,lLdted ITLLLOV, Township of Wawanosh, i1orth 24 acres lot 18, con. 1, restor t
0:65 0- $100. Township ofAshfield, Southerly 16 acres ofBast bystiflerinzanddisease. any -other -man should goithout his Plum Pudding at thisjoyous season, -whenhe can, %a this store 69 HURRAH V OR GILUTEV. 6:50 7:40 1 of South f lot 1, con. 4, W. D., $100. Its magical and -A onderful snecess in curing ]DIREPUBSOOODS9 22 PoUnds of CUrrants fbr -a LIi6iWit, colhiki. Dee. sn' uo.-. 0-20 0:22 Apply W sudden colds, ore thro-at, Coughs, Dipthcria, AT .... ...... . . 0-20 TH031AS WEATHERALD, painsip the side,lions and back. neuralgia,tooth AND TRY!. ..... P. L. Surveyor, Goderielt acbe, rheumatic andother pains in any partot IHay -------- :00 Dec. l8tly, 1868. w48 If. the hodV and froin wh itever canse., has given it GODERICH, ....... 8:00 �t, .9 'gar VARlf PRODUCE *Ain%D� 86v 2. 00 (Z4 2.25 supersed- AT DETLOI� & Cois. ArEST GLTS IN
W0oj .................. a place in every household and is f' THE OECD
Hida in- all Other preparation,- of he kind. Goderigb, Dec. -15th, 1668 s ................. 6:50 (d), 6:75 TE-%CHER holding a Seeond Class certificate I 3LI and prompt reme.ly for PF Awanted in School ,Rection No 4. Hallett one hav- It is an t,fieviiii ONLY 75 OENTS, R I)OZEN A I Ily to the !Scalibk, Burns, Bruises, Sprains. Chilblains, Trustees. p.NPT P. rrost Bites, Cramlix in . Oe FtGmacb, Diarlicea, JOH C Imifty cents. Special Telegram to Huron Signal. GAVIN UA43 ITON, Cnolera morbus, Htllious Cholic, Gholera Injan- Ry: ing eperience preferred. or 4 large euOu for cases for Or 8 for 60 cents, DivilaSion Go U_1186-�7 JAMES AIJFN. Its 12
lilln Dysenterv, e., n ri OR. T HUi . 4 Seatorth, Dec. 22nd, 1868, Neon. 3tw48 ,P ceonly,23ceniq" rbnttle. Bandon -o., Dec. 14th, 1868 'YEAR TO L -t NTY FRURON
Fall Whf-af ............... 0:93 CT, 1 C5 1 NORY�1101, 4. LY�IAN, ANA. HAPPY NEW 100V 0 Spring Wheat .............. 0:90 R 0-901 Newcastle. C. OTICE, -Came into the enclosure of the Subscriber WILL = zzzw 3W w 41-� Flour Do bag, ............ 2:25 Q, 2:25 Nlst Au., 3 beifeni coming 2 years old.. 2 of them - Creneral Agent for Canada� Oats ...... ..... ......... 0:45 (o� 0:46 mostly white dnd the other red alid white. The owner jr2-,qcjld in roderteb bv Parker & Cattle and Caitafflan BLANIKIMTS, 10 Peas ............... 0:68 0:70 is requested to prove property. pty expenses and take. F Jordan- Gardi-ncr %r Co. Bayficid; Jaines CA themaway, or they will be sold for the hame. 1:1 Ijent ham, kodi, le; J Pickard, Exeter; J. H - 4 -hIS MLtny Friend& ai�id Customers, that his Stock of General Family Secure the Division C4urtfloumuCir, Barley ......... 1:10 6i, 5 ANGUS McK A Y, _,qrvil
Lot 4,14th con. W. D Ashfield. Clintori; leCord E Hi(kson, TTAS much pleasure in X11UMBICiag tg,_ Potatoes ............... 0:55 Gl� 0:65 Corn be ALL WOOL,' 62ir)o a pair, at 3hadow ere the V074677 2669.
AshGeld, Dec. 11th, 1868, w48 St c: -s Izrtn. t._nti a!1 Medicine Dealers. w38 '44,
3ubstaude fades. 9
Putter ............ ..... 0:20 @� 0:22 Blondav"Si-.1 Aloy 4a
....... . 0:15 '��)'0:20 Hav .................... rj8-00 raj. 8-00 T 2nd UIVIS100 Court, Sr_4VazTn, ................... 5:50 Ca 6:00 X 'MINX '10-N.J.0 Miles cc 49 tA it Detlor &CO. 8* ,%Vond ................. 2.. 2.50 Q,� 2:50 43 01 OF Pork ...... ........... 5.50 (4 0:0 Provision� MPBULL having lUtCly pnrcb&Eed 5th Division Gou a, E� y.rTpa, Chicken -i .............. 0:20 (& (h.25 0-60 (R� 0.75 SOHOOL TEACHERS. 'all 4iAnvar;0 an instrument Turkevs ---------------- D wVich eumbigs h,rn to '4: urs,�ny, 1r;1 A 7-13,
make the largest photogn apbt M don, Gcde� KM abbertfummis. rich VERY CHEAP. ;anon but h5j good ns.any Made in
CROCKERY, S.-B.-Porielam Pictures, -not the best in the Do ' * Tuesgay2nfl 2$V9.
. ftw__ and Complete in every depa�rtwent. GQ.der)*ch. Also the 4re very Large =SW. "I � -. 9"- NeW Catlinet Picture. Thucsi] aeavh, E BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRM 'T]EE 10 FOR CHEL large as tho (jark dp. SH TMAS I it[ meet L which 187three times a tion for the Con s
-ntv of Huron, w oz n n retapit ug,
Canadian fWte, for'S2.0 ppr in the Central School Goderich, on Irj- Yo� w�uld,do wdll to C�ll and Examitie *his
TOBACCOS, &o., before pur-_ tbanks for the patronage of the past, invitesa Agent with much pleasure v7e publish our song UGARS) ito and Alore1j, 40
edintheir basWt store, �s. parch.ue their g-oods at the "Telegraph Store." they richly be blesse n elsewhere,
TU '�day alld Wednesday the 29th a,,l Shirts'.& Drawers at $1, d �-call see the new Wzes for themselves. cha�l D. CAXPBE LL. cc 64 Surie, �4
rd 301h. days of Decembcr, Goderich, Dec. 3. 1860, 1127 A "merry christmag" to all, anct lots of good cheer instant, i)oLh days at 10 O'cloek a. in., wb4?0 Cash'Paid for Butter, Poultry, &c. �horckfier'48 Divssacq With many returni of a "happy n�M year -11 At DETLOR CO'S., ?7G,n0ay jjamujaW teach will M. XeGIREGOR 64
B,at. while you are fmiting rememberthe �nor. candidates M , 112=125,, �r,�h tlarcjh, �Pr
G. N. DAVIS' wanti-i licenses to 49 Door's South' fthe Sign of the 101rcular Sa * 31 --'W* A RR 196 For eheap-christmas rraitstrY the TdagraphStore_'9 thenhave an opportunity of being examined. Two 0 -jjaSt.,SepforIb, OftNh IVAr q I I WY -vr-u44-6mon New Itaisins and Currents. none better-iu to-kn, ATOCK OF STUVES.9: Those aplilvin- for fitst class rertifleates will be ex-arninid on the� 29th and continued on Nov. 24th 1853 -��Vre3h`reas, choice Tabaccos, and prim "cat dotm' 19 COUPLE= AS USUA-VI AND -r lov.27 T MT zj 0 �p %77c� So ancedingly low, you may search the t,i)wn o'er the.30th. Candidtes before bein;7 admitted X:) T_ The che3p3st youlli and at the felegvaph Store." HA EVER I I to tin examination are requested to- present EXT DOOU TO "gc let 6erttficafes of rood mornt character sioned Z6 id a M h, Fresh OA Meal. primecora Mea), Pot Barley and Riee, .- 0 - -0 Fii,-OR THE I I L L 0 N 11 - "
o3p, Starch and Blue. Nate, Candies and Spice, ][11V G OSTOVES IN STOCK, FOV. COAL by a Clqrgyman or a,Jdgtice of the Peace. BANK OF MONTREAL, WE, ST ST.: Comb3.Pipe3,KrdveS,FOT1ts and a thousand things more, Zd? I am now making heteby: given that all cer- And notice is. The lmveirul Courts will or- on it :�O OUCCL
Itigg-arIcably cheap atthe "Telegraph Store." NORTH 16, PATE NT HOT AIR DRUM T tificates granted to teache� durind pleasure HAS TEYST LECBrVL, D t re give, OD 2111 -OL LAFGE A�MORTMENT: wara'gond bargains v, 3ing which, �1Q=AT SAVMG IN WO' Is LT=� CTED for one term -only, which wi-re obtained re-, - Uv your'Clothing VIS 14rNQW1iEDG0 FACT.THAT P! FL P IN GODFIR-LO
la crbelcay and WaS3 Bym v -vious to Auzust 1S65 are recallod. and the � __V ... � AX -A- Ourl?ratchwood-111.4m ilProft"-to"liveandletlIve." GodoA-cb, Dee. 18, to purcha'se For Holiday Gifts, =t �ass by our d.,or, bo'ders of the sae quested to present .7. -Q HU70r. Be stare and drop in at tho "Telegraph Store." LINK, a '. Th Q A D A 1- W L E D S -themselves-for re -ex mih2tion IN THE R '40 A N
NEWGROCEY e Bowd CO -1s. A. -NY ART OCIERY C,= VS21t enterprises are going ahead, wishes to disit ountellantas he ekaminatiOn Of b C '6�est,:� nd a. do A" ct6rtlfY the UUDVQ IQ L-0 -3 tlm-, C09�7 t�6
,TWs patenez,, a pericot success (so 'tist saltij very.IF6%�g-per3onsf who have not any en, At �Qheap as th' a s G d as the Best .1 . - - Aedpj�qejty oneagainvi we'llbave wells by the score AND Q filod :In twis _01arice. "Telegraph Store.)' &agemelnt to teach. is 7B OVER 00ATINOSi -at the A"tmdO97077 mom brisk D. 11� RI WHIE, sake up in fh0Eh0rj- The Foutan invasion" is a "played out" affair, and Cheap for Cash. w46 3t 1, R- -H Office of tte Cipeo-of tha Face, repared to i tbd Bayfield 5tb Dec. 18 38. est notice
sueh a bi.- scare" LIQUOR STOAM111 Sedretary. S E *hich he isp 6�� - jjod0XjCh,,S4,jj Deg,; j 3�)& j R, BENZIR, respectfully intitoates to FIT WARRANTERA
J;X, the inhabittints of Goderich and Sur- tore, 4od'
roundin- country, tbat.be has 00tioll, 18' !Goaerich, obt. 7, u6s.
ANNON W.- Dt.* 8'" _00V Opened the StON on Hamilton Street oi- 11 E A10 ITAL
V =TWRXGHT -1 'AT �ETLOR -COIS. N�o#h, side Market 18qt�a 6, wheremay. be foUnd-S, full 115S
ri you. want Good PhOO.IlraPtl�, -90 I 0, 'vrs of all Kinds, Or6ckery oppoite the Colborne flotel, with -Gelieral Grocerlosili. AUCTON SALE gr*8 0TV i)E.NTIST OF SU I?E R10R A. IL, A It G B S T 0 0 K assware, ft. We . - . I .. .1 - 11111111 1F01H'jVS01 - - . - .. . � . 11 -6T StRATFOr.D. OF IND JEWELEu"
liallabiialift of i1owenom rurniture-i ftilly to inform �110 A WL8T B&,jfarth �Irj3j S=rozinding couatry that be has 0 13 n U I c:1-1.
ton's Drug Store, IMASii, IF you want Uood Porcelain Pictures, go to des in our Dome T-afforl ,in &7eet, &3fo7l.Ta. =d haa proured Via asistance E.'L. JOHNSON, i V11. Jr. A. 'ELL]$, Snrgeaa Dmtistta t3Ua char ashionable G,—M. TRUEMAX, ;Tau visit -of p D. ANINION & C 04'aa-sme Mr. Ca2tvrright will continue t* t.1r. .17 Ane-flonil
a - ' W -C, V,'!* ., - , . 4 � VP
mouth. ll.work d 6r 50 ltiv; 691C i2w W WQ r
uW il Pletures," fur the the v have ifayt4rd Eon. Teethextracted Ifyo � antsiNG00 5
Vanurited to give rcrf� at satisra 'arco3tf RAISV ecember,18630 amure itcm fiwil
wit!, 11ttleor ,,�j T e Spray w edjie.*Y� 24th day of D himf �3jn T)y t!js usa ortbe N cenfs, go to m C of -h proillpm to,_11 Atm3tlie-911 Falo IzOoms'. tjvh!� =S 'd Fw!. ratniallsojis sn� W, y
01MGES 110DEUTE, TOBACCOES, forth I Dr. Shaver, niture,,conalsing, BjM_Pk Walnut Frenth Bcsl
Datton, �Ciiemfst Stratford i -P -R. S R- Fj S E N.T S - Straw Smith, Se3 PC S P w -p-moirbs ua;reeieryli AND OEXPRAL .0 Qailts ; Blankets Ilows Subacri r" fferli 16; N. E.—The 2 Vi aks Ij Bed 3160in is, rVis, Lq. Stratford, Dr. Wliltlag, Balla; Dr- Denifites ;lot of N ow Dr. B-Av. Chathatsi. on chairs I fiaperigr Centre, Rowana, Drambo, W-Uh t,5timils ; Coram Clinton, the GRQ0ER1E8,1V1NES AND LIQUORS 1F4_.>y_t -S GI—V;3XjLr4T*TjIe; 4PIattd Dish Covers; 2 "Iting urd 7r(wk. ofevery =aath. D16 BatTr;ap 1Wse - 2 Kit-ILeT Tab"em ; CAue F*RW *4 vs with Copper A v0FA a-sf-molpill of 6aA Vd T 3010P-t3�00 sto r, suit- 0;1 Iwaij. ZhitirS, UTPC03ki,,� 'Otliva How. I Planor
an Me a
essey Branely, NJ wi1W. , I R- HOTOGAAM GALL] -ou &ble jor an hutd ; Ct Table, ALXIL WALLACE**
VZOVE 7'BED, Hin' ew of 0**Go'd G_ with a Solifndid -tot of:.n cilbier's 'd �atg lk- Do ]��uy-iqrs & 01dTom Giu, with Stock of Net, etivilii and FurnitUre -all Rog _ERy& ,wo Goaeridli, Dee- 16th,1568 of Letters Xaiftaica, Rum, complete) 0 AXE into the pretalus offhe subwribw. lot 8, l9t can, Bodencli TowittibIN about -the lat November t%fA1%,-T% I
8 T 0 R El ellin, 'C. K Q4)TW.fijCjj PO4T *_4*nCC MIkLesto At D Wort. 0, Ajso� a Bn6k ow 1. -9n c0ritairtim, geve� od'd rtr titati * 5-tw of the "me AV.- tW 3rd of Dee, 16W
,k, jEingstog Strestj Bye, auld . parior G ardev liuit, a ye"ling Net,
Blop R E Tw.q vaicent lots. The Owner con -have tb4MI)y proving Whiskey, Stable, ollfbaildin cut" OODERIC ALg0j two paid- tipZhatits ot,,Mo tach 1 Fine old Port, 15% INS. *W Sherry an G itng, Sj1`rTFR, RACOX, and a gerteral; d� A nn 11111141 BOARD -Rentember tho A A"A INT I -IUMK. Appb to. Masd6U Wfii t3ii S T Aii(irtmentor L . " I ffii;�flton lgtr�d, - TUT X joiner Of ff I Dj& R T370 Oil I Wo Jr
A eQnsignment' o, Go-diriell, O�tf f. P. NOLA15,41t, David's QWzet A -1 43k A
A ad �pWti 4r,.W. im Arm 'AN a-, *jL. 31e3 -ViL- *44tt .0 - -1 o -is bamtifal, ttuidul liM TED IMMBOTATELyo 0 A W ChristMU I'1611111ats, -001111`61114211 W Co*, liberal wa QjWW T Qvistmas ='$AVsrj4ftjasnt &tn f&int id f J. ,itr, PX04ace. q�41i sud �offbrediz't All 6F 1wt:081i r ty at the Uttrotit Plices fOr Club bought in the bat Ineirket1f. 0 Bul.enOr *WSW Xr UK *4W*W**41k
Feell, POWMS, FyUlt G- ji JOHINT-ST01T. T ty r O im c7odecch. Nov 1p;bs IL146 1AGArawwlit 1, Imposelblatogive,in tisutwy AWN vrXV
&*Amick rMit SAW lVai W
7 FZ - STILAYXV- I_CFS MISS V. RATCLI RA CHRISTMAS GOODE. V E Y L-0 W F.Ft -of Articles Now on View, F k. 1��oZtVto�,. b- Irmf g , , - - - I . I 1. 1111 AiT .M,nns fort dollit-, 4 t.IA Mee., With * leriat ozitts wd Two%,
jllf4 22 lbs for a 40'90,,� - 4t tXr r6r$Wj:�0M^1) And a6wColidw aquOY sxrbeitp. CASR OR TRADE. Toys� - Ta ey Goods, SchOol jk A]WH1-BAL7> HOME, L *0 A. R. BEZIE-'. I blicbexpe4l: dive- CALL XN 1) S -whicuslutoon for we aitme ax t V#C'V'*b' Zfes' C bar* olill! om=-w11!1 AVRt- Deo.1868. , 00diRifi" Dim look,, Im XV IW34,