HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-12-24, Page 1TABU F -21, N FOR SALF., 0� & iv- , I fni�e Huron =0 1.3 MIm God - of 11w, fiete- 42 Z,"'u -`_-Z ;�c­ ij� a hnrt,07 ilar&N,r o. R6Z' 'es— a Z Rear .,�n�rc -u-.5 0 '0 On7 I Z: -',Z '.�Q reat- floM q nVer W�14"�,-Q vi e 1� .1 cah:e -cvar . re - a. h-tzh ta� c ar-,� z- rv�,eed with N­oc-�). ma�e, e,_). &C � th� erwe Cam. b--- -;,ZT7,,eJ WD" "r�e. Tt�e-v 1. %��o I !;U,n the -, �v lrsf�mm a M -a - ew. wh:vh, will rss &-sitned 1 �7�T %) a rn_­ clf wea'!h owz.er. and rs, 91=? lo a. "r. it -erves to va:u 2 ',na4 u � Fantnq Parprres. 17, n.", 0, trees. of the qrowrt ul off. tat. very z,;tl =0, cc=r­-v!x::_­nu-.e Nnse,%vah n! .�-Uwe �n:4�e mtn1!t:cd. a arue ard new 3� =-.�s T'ho.!ano Ls a;. :":, r�,Z:!Zh.v Sur. ac�draln- ML ,17 g-ew. cca', �- f n on,&­L`w�-ci. Tlmq is really C=; --s m We�,crn Carzqtla. and V an ze,aa.er a -,i mear-s. k. M71 oLn-,� %T�:. IV -v:d to tla- 16 c�,=,alnq 115 a,� e, heec;1 e!m. f,,. fzrzc;ng ana hor:� c`av, a Zavzrg -!7vqM. rew rs M:-�, on -7� ai 8 ;,?r cent, i�l!es 7�!er r­a-xn:arsV3,1P.:v 'o JGSEEUA CALLAWAY.Jr. L=1. xul Fire Ir-swranco Agent. r -A C, 7 7n :te x L ma_:_ ". �,l 9'. " WSW.- HOUSIES AND Lff ,FO' -b SALE. A' n,-?S&ntfWTzpzed by 1:�,,u�rsapplyto --Vaker. Wtst Street. 27 tf- 7- HGUSZ AND STORE TO LET nN CLLN-TON. *nt Dwet:n:z and Store 03 tbe comer VC-tora ani Rzog -areets, oppme the 0,22-e. Tb -s is one ol t,,e oEdesm and best �ness sIant:S :0 C.'=on ; a rtrewseat occumed Hodgms. Pvmv&-on mven ba7y App�yro 11r_ IV, CoreJClin- R��zzi, reorGodcr:ch, ar M". _U00R8, III, vv. w43tf Vt�nton -.New Era" ccpy. tf. LLUABLE FARM FORSAU 5zh �,M H n2em 3i mzres ft -em Clm- e�ay:and. -*a2res cleared y F_-7 �artaJ�rs app' 'y to the JA31KS QLIGLEY. 7 ey G. M. TR=A-';. Vt 15�7s. VS9 st,� Farm for Sale. �1.-: 53 an! 34, FnvfeA Coaces-iron. ia the C-Wnf_;-�p ol Goeerch Conaamm:g 6S acres, �-,verdfjacresctea-e3 wnLr giicd Frowe and I_iz Eouse, ab,)= 2J nrtes from t -. Fo7 Terins cl s::�e npp�y at i be D.v.sson �,121e at or to 'Pir. WIGGItIG- "n tLe ,Le. -C b, VnL Sepl. 21, w3b tf �081 [SINIShmaunt in T MR, UARTIN A KLXDS OF FURNITURE. sEr)P 013 KRC,=013 Streel, opposite the R-2. 040eerzeb- Give htm a call. ISZS. SWI 1 W37. ,w ,� Marble Works ELGM ST., GOOMCH I A,.W_VX. �Tclhn,st4DXI IIENTS% HZADSTVNES Table �3, PG,3ts, Sp Tombs, of everyv deserip- �4. stvrb Ofwarkmarship, furnished on .1 t th louest prices. Libe_� casli: All orders I Hv atte-nded to. Tjesi�ns of Moan - may be seen at the shop. ee. 19. 186,5, W47 ly fg,,A-ge Sale of Land. =b i Of th. -North -,11 of Let a in the c:�:3ce-M­W-D Trwosln' I Ash- es. of or d. vvjn�e oLiered �00-zl.r 72U ELIAX, at bis Auc- T_��WA ca Ga�=cb, an SDAY, EL�a 24th DECEMBER cezi-, at nova, L9 9:�od acd tvelD waiered and timbezed, r�'v &-aared- 0=4 fenced. Title ueder DAVISO-N & WALECE% Verlegei; Falicitar. 3slh Nov., 189-3. rom Using. prepamtory to retiring bZSECE-�3 has resolved on - ffsppsfnZ wha!o of big Extensive Stock GO, aca" Hardware, Grocer- eaerv, U90ts & Shcea6 fleady- affii0o", &a., at and under cost for prcdc--a =,Y' The CDearl,,%r'sale rz:euce on matdaytfie 2ad of Nov,., - en Goa�lt will b* reduced a& fol- n=UCZD PBZCE3 :,471,_f5, ICO�, 212% C5 55 65 89i im =& 14. MY 137L -a fl:=*�rato Tweed mu�4, r3�a ezn-,,d cmt cwljr tL-z rye=L-__q to be L-,� frr 31arc-h. ZU 12-317 2=d WeZ bvagl_-ta =Awem I -ay. ,;-,7� a, jt� rz--�am c2a--ta, t3 LC L::d X. 02t a wa.tr. -.NOTICE. =3 En'D05t2-2 tO tae sabidiher' ,­ZcAU t.7 r,-,Jca3t-qd fa ca3l an4 3,=db750d=,.-tL-'ey wol Naval of. �WROCK!5 op AND SHOESe F`�t�,7 GG�I-tiu�lrt and- he Fri. 21 433:3 CO.-CW2. al!14 Caga only.. rMANC LIS GASSADy�� -T -1-2 - - T, f! SSRIAS-� y, 2, Ta'agao4k and Risk C-oa Z Ashrm,"a, county 01 fou3d rrespa*ar Aba%, ilti, racrortiieira w. _Lto Z56s� W01 6W t L Ate ossiblo lood to the Greatest Possible Number.",- W.T. ad', vditor:LudProprietor.] IF NTARIO, D. C., T11URSDAY9 DEC. 24 moo ]ENID Orr -V1lnA_n. t868. What the People Think of it. 'Xm-ong th Una, e crowd were many woNei� MY EIRANDIWOTHMS RINS ATIVE &N -D ME children,'and it was painful to) t HURON SILT AL Wi ness 16. HAT, Dec. 14th, 1868. their anxiety to see the unhappy crii?�Inal t1i 1'4q IV :E M3 rM To the Editor of the HURON SIGNAL. I MMT the �aiaen-door, *ua W0nt!s10W­ Iexecuted. The presence of men -was*ad qwd the lane. t AT HOME FOR C6,NSUIC-T.&TION Dear Sir.— Permit me through the enough,but to 'up GTROPATH1877, &c. 'find so many women am!�I�. down the winding pjt�.jow toll O'clock, a. in. every day. Will visit atients at any hoar nfierwardsv night or day medium of your -very valuable journal, to them, and respectable ;,wasthe dayafteiDtheluneral, and the w49 BETH inserted in either Pla women too, -was as BIRRY & BRO make a few remarks on the proceedings of lameutable.in the extreme. The -crowd undain the house Iiad left Were. tina Gold, Silver, or Vulcan I the windows -that 4anc Un the famous South Huron Election Com- waited lengand patiently for the -appear, ized Rubber on reasonable terms ;jgek � HYSICILANT, SUROEON, &-c.;&c., GOM.., C. r the Post Offi4e. West Stredt mittee, for they haverendered them- anve of -the unfortunate man. Thei con- y w42 selves, in famaous by their pro edings on durted themselves better -�hantucherowds' P .13:404, ce occuioii. For I see by these last days usmIly do.. The scaffold was in front -of proceedings, that on motion of Mr. theAn on the jail wall, and to it all eyes.; Craig, r 'PUYSTCIANT, SURGEON. CORO-TER. &c. E R I Clf M ILL A GABINET MAKERS I JL and Residence third door east ofCcatral School. 49 they have declared Mr. 'Isaac Carliy4g the weye urned, especially when any false ! ., , , , . , � ; . . S I NELSON STREET, GOD' 'AND FEED. STORE, duly elected Representative of South was raised that the culprit was coming. 46 'WOOD -TURNER .6 Huron, fiow iir, this is I deem one A the At about�a qarter after ten ocloc E COLLEGE PHYSICIANS A" SUR- look Kingston Street.' -grossest outrages that has ever bee: i per- procession left the jail and aseen&-a the bi C. E. Residence, the house formerl HISWFLLisin�tilioper-ation,andthe petratedon any ijiteRigent pdople. The scaffold. It Was composed of the sheriff b'r00k1 little wood ­4nd t ccupied by Mr. J. F. prepared to supply FARMERS alld OT ir for,& -r Ury *Xt'j. -An C. TIaldan, Elgin Street. Oat,meal, Corn -meal and M,ll ve e and other officials, B oag, nry fact of forcing a man on the Von over the ASA . ed. was reje sis enoug nd his spiritual ow sole .68 17', ater he advisers, the Rev, Father Smith,and the �otedAt the poll sat down 6n tlx' i Ate ID , -01 tugh Ott 0 a -HABB to arouse the feelings of inte ent Rev. FatherKelley, both of*whom have diA and" gi. hing, an ohok lrmo,% ICHARD MOORE, PHYSICI A -q-, SURGE a I t of prime Sug r Cared -'Llu Acconcheur. Manchester,C. W. ceive prompt attention. nd Rolled Bacon. people to the very highest pitch. The been most attentive to him during his im- 0 u never fellow, s, g And ;xar�y, U good h" February 7th. 1861. w3vr points of rejection on which they have prisonment. They assisted,him. in hi I t -loo ed up e;' "Areft now, at iny Just received this morring, s as ked up sad a mklen and f* CHMbiwor i-riatlibg I EEP constantly on band for sale &I! arti- R. RUNCIMAN � 0 ON AND Hamilton St, Goderich, Orders by Mail addr�ssed to th. undersi e the cola unseated Mr. Gibbons, is the, so called llows. The scaffold whena, paniof Jiorrov�-strikpa hote the few Ali- cles in their line, such as 500 Bushels prime Potatoes. 14�ie, t in, the "T. 29tai2bur.v, Secretary. 1000 oats. ine. - Ala, v0, thpy livew" V� alien votes, Mr. Carling, had in fact'more was a�out eighteen feet in height, and rises to my mind the image 4 oie I RADUATF ofthe Medical Department of Victoria Bedtea Chairs, Tables, Godericb, July 23rd, 1868. w27. fr than double the number of alien votes, reached by a ladder, up which the p 1j., J University, Toronto. and late ot th- 11--pital and T. B. VANEVRy CO. risoner low white h0u4,A111D trf Ill Rssidence. D. MeDquzallls dsfas'.&c., tf (or rather what the majority of that Com- walked as firmly as any of those who at,- tering after the-, the et OIL so, Goderich June T. 1867. w20 rh r-. whM companied him. As he appeared, & most ripping of thex&M-dr4s from the leaves, side iah Iiiayg' Rf"t Mr. Gibbons*had, but to go and the �choral of the lark as I heard it on hav4e chanCd placc* Bayfield. w494m*O *-All kinds of wood-turnin- lone, such a Victoria alt Works mittee chose to c4ll alien votes,) then Nool posts, stair bannistArs, neckyokes, &c into the plain dqath-lilie stillness fell upon the crowd t fact of the matter, that Coffi-mittee never and the prisoner 1 ona sea) that day, for it wd my mother who was were mplete ooked down up to be in ed one &Y, Din, 'QURGEON', ACCOUCIIEUR. Houiceopathic cc E W- 8 T& IT N Y e slightest of upturned faces, until all was calm, still world- I and though the day was Rome Q' J. F. Dan er, Ia. 0. Always on hand, a k-�'Phpician, and Medical Electrician. chance; +hat they have shown through all and noiseless as the grave. On the gal 2 an orphn, brotherlessandsisterless. Pre. W"o werooungand cuntc-nZ ASsORTMENT OF corFin intended to give Mr. Gibbons t dead, n��a I was very lonely in the -%V%Td, Cloderich. rm MCKINNON their proceedings it would have 13' OfRce nnd Residence Park st, St. David�s and a HEARSE to hire on reasonabl6 te STRACHAN & sent1j, I stood up, tied, on my hat, and. to wait. BtA-1 don!t lvw42 rbeen more -lows, besides the culprit and the e lmow why -I thould 'Deg tonnnounce to the inhabitants of Goderich, and candid for the majority of that Oommittee. men, there were Slii;�iff Sutton, b0puty (X a anc Goderich. May 3rd. 1866 15w6m* going wegHlya to -the white ite leaned trouble yozi %vit.h nn our j Ile, f it ]Lx*a roNvts;. HESE WORKS are now in full oper� JL) surrounding-country,th-at thayhaveo eneda New to have said at first to Mi. Qibbons ; there Sheriff Friel Dr. UBsher, Dr. I McCarthy, Ov , er it doubtin.'Nly. A week arro-only a I and -schernes-only Tm loaf-hto, 1�� 4q jj:- - T P ARR19MR AND - ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ND ation and are turning out the very finest smithy rney, Factory' is not the slightest chance for you as pur Dr. Cassidy, Dr. Sinclair, and a -few others Week -411 the 4arkhme when,the tj B Solicitor-in-chancerv. count qulity of Salt which will be Bold Near Dodd's Pum ewouldhave told meZliereto fot 'Goderigh, Canada wesL Office in Court House. vl4n4O P 1 minds are already made up, to give Mr. The prisoner was one of themost composed would have Plaullea some errana for me turn it did. krzt �f alll"nly mot'lacr &A NelsoA Street, Carling, the seat, at all hazards. this we 3 now, I must follow my own fancy, for my, , and most of hqr carahzl AM. vivgs Wrnt uld of those present. He *as pale and a litth in, - r4. 40. tJairrtei-on, Free o"n'- Board Here wherethey intend to do all kinds or Blaeksmithing, have gtiven the lawful sitting member some nervous, yet not nearly ncle within doorswas deepinparch- cetDr. All t1moziah ono 0 such as toay the ARRISTER, ATTOR' EY, CON-VEYANCER, &r-, 0 10 1 chance at least to sate costs, but that they some of the others. 1 The hangman wore a ment deeds, and had no thought ti) spare winttr, -sh a lmruy left hurrcrI, mid i yhc4 BKingston street, Goderich, C. W. SHIP Q WURK, PLOUGH MAKING, had olt the manliness to d , this is a gross mask, so that it w;is impossible to - recog- 'forme. InstinAlvely, my feet turned to_�' the sprn'tiff came, and she -V.P 0 3EP c3 xi tmErms. Horse-Shoe.ing &c.7 outrage on the Perman citizens of the nize him. After Im tbe gq1lows, ward the village. I Iad trod that path, about eawo Photograph Photograobs 1, �'O:L-Ga uqt - 13nvisou & Walker. Any orders or icformation rpquired re-ard- Township of Hay and Stephen, from the Hoag took part Tth t!beo!e1lelgyman in ften with a bag or basket onmy arm, det- n our t -rade. 0 Particular attention paid to ne of AW AND CHANCERY PRACTITIONERS, CON,- ill- the above will be promptly attended to very fact that they have voted at previous religious devotions, ans ing as her almonur, and the impuUe came Tiveyancers,'Notaries Public, &c. Office, Parson's o Sore ]Feet. wering the ;re and took worl� under a 4� Ala,]V Block. corner of Market Square and KlDgstou st., by God . erich, 23rd April, 1868. W14 Parliamentary and Municipal Elections ; sponses in a clear, firm voice. Ile also to see sonle of the faces that use& to reet just Bet up in liilbury� and hail- Crawn aff J. W. JOHNSTONS, Goderich. Ont SHEPHARD & STRACHAN. the v�blidity of their votes was not called a ier �iiwd the crowd in these words me so gladly, and to hear the blessings Ma1]yf0UrCUSt-0Mer3. nen we M;410 41" fy21st Sept., 1869. swo Begs to inform the People of GODERICH OODERICH FANNING XiLLL int6question until Mr. Carling, (or rather' "G�FLE breathedupon. her name. Onlwent fln- venture in iEock of woorl &-it turneel �umt SEcys. & TREAS mEN.-Ypu expect me t� say -that AND some one else, for there is not enoi in I e,vitere �badly -, Rnd;womtof a% 13. 1!;hnde kit�CxL.ma, AND SURROUNDING COUNTRY, Goderich, Oct. 16, 1868. pwl6t" ]Pl[MP jpnetoy igh something. At thid awful momentit is _y ? gerinfor a moment at the.farnpik- he has IRRISTER; A7rORNPTV, SOLICITOR- &c. his head to find out that; they had not I hard for �k. As some of the old gatekeeper shoc her head sadlyat t todl� a Go4ench, C. W. Office. upstarrs Watson's Yo�l RE -FITTED HIS GALLERY procuied the all sufficient certifi(;ate of have been at my trial, and beard the -evi- sight of my black garments, lvid spoke her =dAu Nwo, ivent dow�� o�n Vnck, West street entrance first door west of Glasgow -monse. HE SUBSCRIBE RBEGS TO UTFORM naturalization.) The very -fact that those deuce giv;en against me, you could see simple words sympathy amid her tea -s, times luiled to wondey'llow lan�.!f rAajtei� w49 In such a style as will enable him to make and1passed the school, -where -the children didn't mend, vvo might , e "OMPANT. T theiphabita,asofthe0o6ntics el'Hure German citizens, they have objected to how far I have be'en guilty, a* pictures to compete with any_in the Dominion, GODER 11'u'H SALT U and Brucethat he is stillMattufactruring,aud hi 44-ordon, and is determined to &ive entire satisfaction have been in this county, varying from in the porch. hu,3hpd their lativIlter as I a roof tocoveries. Anil fo�o c pany bea to advise their MID- on hand a number of his seven to twenty years, and hil-ie taken, the some of the evidence had been m3uulrac- went by. Just beyond the slool- play� poor Marga -ret -her aunt fhcvl find NEY-AT-LAW,80LICITOR IN CHANCERY to all who may erous customers and Camadian Dealers generally, that tured. I do not know how, but anyhow ttrolind, thew Stood aloiv thatched cottage tbet-i�piew'hen-.wo.uFcdtofhi-nkwo I 'gkt TTOR The roderich Salt Co A-Nosmv Public, Convevancer, &c., &c., Goderich. they are prepared to SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS4 PUMPS. oath of allegiance iliiii-q years ago, and -outh side ofWest St Offlae, on the , riet, third FAVOR HI19 w iL -Lim A CALAJ. then Vefore the Deputy :0a.nt_11&oTaCouri-House SQuare. w49 Re it has convicted me, for which I am to i"n its little garden, and I turilecl in there, Rave marlied, sho wnt out tDEe V! Childrens pictures taken between the bouts Bell bnd 0eliver He ould particularly a raw titrention to at turning Offi�er M,11s * he wil I arrant, hem I o free JW beat fr.. at the polls has enough to.- convince any suffer the penalty, L deny of haviug for anld man, sick and saffering, livedin Q long m2ile I=Y- 'romr. Ar. Moore of 10 a. tu., and 2 p. -,m. oatq, cockle, chearx, &c. Pumps madeto order Committee, that was actuated by justice; ki1led anyone wilfully I alTays, had thst house, and sickness nud suft5ring "I wasloitelon and warranted. that they were qualified voteN to all in- strong -hopei of having my sentence _justthen. He-wasslt- Hore,4Lt he.,. - &RUI.-,TERS.SOLICI-POHS,&(..Goderich Remember the Pla'ce, GOOD SALT, F, Of I com- touched meelo3elp. of, Fact&r? ting by the fireside quite alone., and as I nij trt 7hen Bouturio. Office-Crabb's New Bluck. Tw� doers west of the Post Office -over the Ion Nelson'st., 6atwee?& riv . tam"trea thAts and purposeg. Bfit that would not muted, but -my hopes -have been in vain ?ubles, % ISAAC F. T031S. LLNVIS C Irty and Car�btia Road - ) lifted the latch, - he turned his he4and a pl4iii -hfonny ch Ili tee wish- and' I hdve n 3100RE' Glasgow House. onthe Cars at the rate of($1.3o) one dollar -and have served the ends the Commit Uoderich, Oet. l6th IM swl6w39 cents per barrel. For cheese Factories and general . ow no other bope or conso-, Extra Copies from the Plate alivays on e to acomplish. Now, even after they feeble li from to say * "Dorst Dairy purposes, this salt cannot be excelled. ALso,agentfortheRale ofMargan's premium lation than that of my religgion, and my ght mine into Ins -dim eyes, 4AL hand. CISH a Miss Hester I wi thilAdog of you -only a 0 pa,.tCULTIVATOR, which has never et. had denie(I Mr. Gibbons the right of Morrig, that the ='Ristres.s a-, t4c Hall is f ]Doyle God, before whom I ain -soon to appear. I while -ago. Will you be P failed Eqgive-generalsatistactiontota wets v;hQ sefutinizing his opponents votes, for that . leased to step ha took very 41-H�o to ThieD thoy say '21' B_kRRISTERS AND =R-�1n-1,Y.-OLICIT0RS- J. We Johnstolle TERMS STIUCTLY I have used them. they knew would hive been fatal to what I retract whatever'[ way havesail orlandtakeaseat 11fto told iou t&at T, I jz�Dwzcal-o in -Chancery, &c. Goderic The Once ot saittaus reduced %varrants the Godench HENRY' DODD, they wished to acomplish, then as regards written, or any hard,feelings I ma have He mad6sopia-attemptfo rise from 1is ad grovm very surly �oflat% `14 4.r B. I- D07LF_ sw- hinO SomEn. B.A. Godericb, August 4th, 1868. w28 tf. SaltCompanyinitterell confidence that a Canadian own wooden but I topped him lie, 111 be bound.`-' "'That Goderich, Aoril22nd. 1864 the case of bribery which was brought up had aainst any person ; but I hopi that - Public will patronize against him, by Mr- Gibbons, that lthink the cons bles �vill not try to U"Tily, and drawing u low stool towards 'Mother wer-a up nt te house Chis �ery Af- %RRISTER& ATTO"EVS-AT-LAW, SOLT- HOE MANUFACTURE, was fully suitained- taking into considera- td get some the fire, satown at 'her side. 'How is temocn� ancl thgy-said as lww Bcitors; in Chancery & vm-o . ivency.Cr nvevancer, &C. ally as their artic'e is supenor to any in the world, other prisoners to admit any evidence, by the illeumatistuto-auy, Philip Wonev to ][,encL,, owricE: crabys Bioa, orer giving nim iqu ID iting been awarded the First Premi urn w. the World's gave him liaa raqst oveli -her ur; THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON tion the very limited time they H or, as in my case. - I- think Well; iVs bad Xr. ArcAlbakl-s Stam, sw37. Exposition, held in Paris, 1867. and at the State Fair, t we, dish, miss-thlank -you wer� ba a great hcardi, Inoeei ofthe state ofNew York, held in Buffalo, 1867. AND G1401TE to produce evidexce. Bit ll they knew I Fathi3r Sobunts for his spiritaal asistan- Itindly all the same. I had a hrlx& aiig4 t0lifatterall 1,P- uterea cn.� .j All orders will receive prompt attention. their pet candidate could not have got his, 4t&utnt Yours, truly, seat had they given proper tiine toproduce bitterly 13-b 11'ere was finothei. v xa� 13FLin, ]a. �A. URANCE GOMPANY, ce, the jailer for �is eiireike kbiddess, with it.; bitt.1 wistret grumble, for I've. ibinidug I N S LkvV OFFICE. cR&sB's xEw 1101 be -blow coming, forthelady at n, 6 IWWA M1 6_�_Xy kc GEOUGE HUMBAYi1t. the evidence required, but that as well as Mr. Brown and Other gentlemen ter their sufferiel da in Tdy life, -And I *T ii1lilks, Kin--stoa, Street Goderich. Agent. Ha been it. existence Thirt two yourz, utjd eigh" intiae." w2l during that period ha paid,% a - labof for me, and all those who fee! for wo, adme NVIlitsi. kinato ever# one, �and iny imothcr WMA 3ioney lenf-on reasonable H otherthings they determined to over b%lw e Soderich ont-June9th IM. 083es exceedin N. B -4mv--yancing. s I'Yodr daughtes -out?. Ihearalshelia& fAvonrlteofhers. YbusQol verms. Dhpatedand defective ntles to real estate Five and a half million Pounds sterling, rule. Then the illegal list which was used Inti, and worked in itiy behalf. I f,�rgive_', V Qlaieted. Goderich. Dec. 24 186& sw34 Ir. 6 n RV Thp disburrement of thi enormous sum over in Stanley is anoilier point which they all who may have, given too strong an' e i0f my -self, not of the GOIDER103M a wide area, has without . doubt contributed to ruled to be right, which shows, that they She' middling ugain now, niiss, and nor -of the roany wl� WDula evidence against me. I forgive all my sVels gone -to do a day's was J th tablishment of this Institution, in the determined to make right wrong and wrong onfiJenceof Vublio Corporations, Merchants, rid QOLICIM)R IN CHANCERY, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, , ht . An the sitting member asked for Squireawson's.' 11itle 4r"Taea Wik*t flict b X*W* siness men. generally, Alq0THEn. WOLYPERFUL CURE OF CON BROOM- FACTORY, ons'e'holders, and- bu I want the �oung people o take 'Andle mies as I wish to, be forgiven. Before 3 Couveyaneer, &c- wasamew election, but that they were t omcr,:- 31, c- cameron's Law Office, Kingston SUMPTWN I CANADA. wherever it is repre3er.ted aldIPIV- y4_7 lonti t& day'?- one I- w- that zho 0— determined not to give, for they knew warning by my example'. You Fee me in4,Y; 1`0i Philip, 40,w 'ne _Street� Godericb. lvw. In- its Ist vearp IW36, the Fire -Premiums I --- hearditit thia Mesrs Young 4, ChartzherWn. IPHE Subscriber having secured the excla- alone imounted to ............ X91970 that he had been once legally elected, and- ht�re before you, and in as awful a -Posi- iii�;t seem .1' 1 1 WILluayn 1P., a- SeT*, 14 wel as to -L sive right of the manufacture and sale of - 6& Z17,763 facell ,No,-, answered the old tuan, slowly,: 4q"� thio L-JIRS,-1 feel it a duty I owe to you, a fn its I OLb year, 111416, cc would certainly be again, by more than ten tion as any young person can be p 96 c. -At,,.f "' 'I the public, to inform you of the most wonderful cure Dobson*s Patent Broom, is now prepared to 20th year, 1856, zV22,279 times the majority that was last gained. in. ',the hours go quick Irst.' , mmVJ'p YATLAW.SOLICITOR12N CHANCERY. of Consumption, accomplished in my person. by the use 30th ar, 1866, ��9332 For the people in tbis!Ridingwerethorugb It is not for myself I eArd, Q foi: eeraln , .10 yancer. Sta. Walkerton, oughed a 444 -an'eof ti P. fra th ALI tid-. Comity Of ofthe Great Shoshonees Remedy and Pills. I c FURNISH THAT e year' er, 1867, X8182055 oil �.et my dedr parents, who will follow me to when I was laid -by, it -did ATTOCRonve W5 eat'lleal day And night, expectorafing lame quanti ses ly deceived by Mr. Cia4ing, and his agents I was.all arog to be upAu(fdob&-:,* liat now �ujf 4p:to ike #200.r. SAM27 46 going from. house to house through the the Isitheie Ny th lk2 fr matter, ann had a great pain about my left lung. I WPE.RIOR BRO O.M Th. Pir. Reserv, Fund is now 4 , grave, which I ave bebn the -cause � *0 -�rashiji man pvc tho had coid chilL, everyday, and severe night weam every I of bringi-ig them to iby my diobeclience. that ara -bygood ; and 01iffine a 1% 6 him: A: effin-dia rz� that wo, wrp" ght. and between the h and great weat- The Life Reserve Fund is now j9,282,468 whole -Riding, with paper in han"d be in I ni, I k con I MADE OF THE nirg Had I taken their advice, this would not aback -wlionfhe setting sun comes -IRRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, &C-, &c- ing f vras almost deprivaelor'5eep. By these miseries, The company is represeatod throusbout On, them to sign their names to vote for im undeitskerzuwe2lasearput-cn�T-&cWu Clinton, ont. w35 as Zv;fl a., the lo -a ofaitneitte, I was so reduced that I tario and Quebec, by influentiai -Agents, to at the same time telling them, that ihey' have been, for I hav� had a g5od che3stitin: in at the window yonder. But,'Jle,44ded was to betutla hitucl gt. one, q, for tile fqe.., I MO.'qEY TO LND. could bardlystand alone. I was under the care of a Bist Nalerial and Workmanship �'whora applieation for insurance may bb made. were the tme,Reform party, thus \hey training. All younk boys, take, iny ad- Iluddelily, 4 1 8* physician fora length oftime. but finding no relief, I of didn't oughtto be talking on. eral would I)o in tize-o i2�;,Y6 thne. tw tried ditrerent receipes, butall without anyg to the merchants of the Counties of Huron G. k.C. SM11 H, Resident Seeretary, fraudulently -got hundreds to vote or 3tay vice, and be obedient to your parents be ii�yself nowi und never askin T­ery -806?2�,Aw nod effect. MONTREAL I - g -to much tbo inwi 'Iiut') they, n. -%1c130U=aII ers Bath, recommended me to use the a worc 'FEB, BAYFIELD, County of on o remedy ;I procared three - Imitles at and Bruce.. ORDERS SOLICITED.' A,'M. ROSS, Agont for Coderich; B -X --from 'the -polls. &nd fore you bi ing disgrace upo tihem, as I tha I - tliou$�,� 1264 aied CENSPI) ATCWOI% a�way altogether as about yon and the fliar mWietis till the tory sheets will have the' bolditiess f4slust gone. You!R,3niss her sor0y, -suddehly, 11 iny fatter. Huron. Sal4s in village or country punctual) once with the Pills. Sn soon as I commenced using it Elliott, for E .. !1,ir; W. N. Watilon, for Sealorth 8 T y0iL11 go Phu, -ended to. ME, I began to get better, and when I had fini-hed this com- W. A, HARRISOR. have done. Rapecially shun -and keep pliment, the cough, expectoration of matter, pain about Goderich. F ;b. I 1.18bS. w4l tot say,�Lhat Mr. Gibbons. was fraudulatitly I'm thinking." NGW, U�. Goderich, Nov. lOtb, 1868. w42.tf away froni:whiske, fast 'young women 'Yes indeed." Butp solutliow, =y ifad, ii0slay takcn: tL# work 5 jbp Z- F3. EXanxtin, the lung, chills, sweating, &c., left me, and by con- elocted. This shows to what conteirpti- $ 6et tinuing vs use I became strong and healthy. It is ow and the United States. Then wouud 'was- too'fresh. for viore than those late,,igneb I& ble meanness theyL are 4;apable of stoo- i you will n1711, ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, LAND over Mo months sinoe I quit the romedy, and there )mg Agentand Conveyancer, Kincardine. I have been no symptoms of the dispase returning, undi foi! never did a man obtain a seat in _?ar­ be tin honor and a sapport to them in two words; anaTeaolling a bookfhatlad tw!�o fallen 6,qii lent "him fromthe mantel ih614 I mid wonfl to you,� I fii;;� have been, and am now, healthier and better than I NORTH BRITISH liament under such mean and dishonour- their old age. the be -in- have been for many vears. I trust you will make this But wbiskep is 1 can't talk miuch aboilt her yet, PlOp is -pretty near wc,21 7�ow,. Ha�mtyGubjmq D.'SUTHERLAND, known, to the public that they may be awnre of the AND able circumstances as has the present Is -up ning of all evil, and, I hepe that Yo will Shall I read to you now V goyou"ORV "Nay, 10 Y. peculiar vulues of this truly piiik of lionor 'take waraing before it is fdo late. So for The umlrlswer o& 0 cTh&u ,,rg.derful Indian Remedy. laZr DEALER IN C, V. MILL SAM AND DOOR NERCA"NTILE FIRE AND LIFE b "LinForad he a VS In k you.1 the old "he iiW kc ER. and not the very essence of 0 linall �5 �ds -Ernestown. Co. ofLennox Y!nd Addington, 011.1tartio. meanness he -would have spurned fhe idea the last time, I bid yea ana kindly ;, and I beun. littloenoughjust now who&�i !t70 father, Coal. lumber, Shbigles, Laths, &,� - . nsurance God of taking P. seat, under such mean and - dis tl;e. last farewell on earth,- hoping that we orson that kLw-U in the naRs and =y To all worn it may come. This is to aerary that I Perhaps my readiifg was ntonotonous, YARDS, at the Harbor, and corner West have been acquainted with the above-mentioned gen- honorablo circumstances. But the tory an this, for ray thoT I i acd %Vateilo Streets. t3l Office, on %yaterl6o tie -an, Peter C. V. Miller, Esq., ter many yews, and TAU�ISITED 1809. ES may meet in A Ar bett6 place th [ghts woilld not follow the w4sef Uct guod for much ov'CU now. street; in. rea r of the yard ha-. e known him always io be of the very highest ri- _T-IiE underaikaed-having purehaset' 'the Plain- party in South Huronl are got to suph a where. allour sighs and rorrows are at g[t printeawAirds.. butandered farand wiae. doubtftmievurwmbengnin; ,ability, anda very candid ad creditable person, L ing Mill' and;.84sh Fai3tery Qwned, -a nd cc- 13e that wit I I in r the truth 000, 9TERLING. low ebb that they will grasp at an nlght� When I raised my letla go. So it fell ut fhai'it was I wlio-wwk Goderich, Nov. 5th, IS68. 42vr&sw lyr* '.'Pn-d a confident that I can afely vouch fo cupio by Dohald Cumming5 are . now pl�epared CArLVAL Z2,000, ything if end, and where the'truth wiII all come of the above, or any statement made by them. to car:y on the business of manufacturing they can only gain a votein the L�gislature- light.:1 I confesg Pa% Eatisfied with the at the end of haU an -hour, the old niau up to tho houw mcasuro tbb REV- W. F. S. CLARKE, Fir -e partment. Andtoshowyou tke low' 6stitiiataon in ' wasnoading. 1 softly laid4he bllokaalde, �SIVJL_& txr-.,, - . . Sentence passed onme and hope that or er Rector of Bath, Ontano. "On the day before tho Juneral, 2 went ds, 8 eC on all classes of which Mr.jQ und sat fora fe* minute's watching him, October24. 1867. Sash, Doors, Blbi c?taedr arling is held by the majority' ARCHITECTy risks at moderal;6� rates. Losses prompt- of the people in SouthHur;n, one of the Almighty God may be meicital to me. and admiring the fine old ead, with its for the thad sud list �fimo to fiiiUh t2y PLANS &.Nv lsier-WFICATIQNS of Build moulculig.,Flooring, 'ly paid. speakers at a political meetinM held in So, once more, good-bye." longilvery looks, d the strongly maark- work. AS I went t1iromab t3lio Ha:14 ings,&c., got up in a neat and correctstyle ent. we might ds *eU stuff His remarks were delivtrpd in a -clear. ed -wrinkled features soften6d by Leep, Bt-ii(j)-ilour ws$ p9sk - -q -fly, P 3" Officeat the Huron Auction Mart� Mar Siding, Life Dep -this Township said, ad p T G _n, Pe Awd -higsleeve. He �ittlechildpeff2edugt. Itaught 4*7-glat fored by their a bag full'of straw, and -wxite ac rioss the and distinct voice, ana after he was done, b f - e -I laid'iny baud upon Squ4re.Gcee-1nh. ayid all kifidi ot In virtue ofthe aua ntee af large Capital and accumulated profits, this front of it conservative, I vote for John A. the hangman proceeded with his duty. start�a, and d his eyes, exclaiming of tho Urkened rwm, ana the Ia lo ne y C I X1 C 1_1 1� W 4D I 'o .7 can adopt rates� lower than are McDonald, and his corapt measures and He put the rope around Hoag's n' I -I'm aure, I uro But the iest;of tjngby-t'befLre*rjh Company ack,and Iegd resting ori, uction & Gommb�sion. such a% Circle and (zothie Sash and Frames qracticable by many ot ier offices. send it down to ParlUment as to s�end Mr. drew a whitecap over his thead and face. the sentence died pon lis Rps, and he las had, bathe iurnequiclyand r4al- Tkey think from -their experience in Factory To Farmers. 4 C of t-crmr ut my' 1112910VICd ed the little lad y was -huttp, 'GODERICH &CIANTON q can givesatisfaction to $ill W arling, for he is not c�pahle of arti Oulat 4nd gaied with aort and tbo doo Work. that the ho He was then placed csn the drop, LUC ban Special low rates have been -made for farin ing half a doien Iwor& without ah -ah- d,,st-illresting -un Bis -fustan jacket. again. may lavot them with a call. clergymen procceded with the religious N,B,!�Aljl�era discountiotife trade. aildings and other isolal ed risks. ah -ah Gentlemen'.' 16w the only object Awit colawftow, rillf, lEstablished -undei-signed having been appointed I can see in service, Hoag, ansn;oring the respons6s le fjj�eiedout'ins thin �qujveringp -low at ­niv, nrid jjw 36minittee grivingthe seat ffl, , JAS BUCHANAN, Tbc the C 4141,MUMCA nd d TAP, age 217, it ofthe above -Company for Goderich to such a man irfp�eferenceto the.people's all tbrough in -a -clear wice. Just'its voice. Ow lroadmll went U thsanda �r,,IALES of Itiscellanaous Property in Goderich D&VID LAWSON, 2. . -:7 evem Saturday, an e is that was eouclu&4 -the boh ,sndsurrounding- country, willbe glad to re� hoic d in Clintoti every Wed WM ROWNTSO.M. �Ahey knew -[that they and the -service -too stared at Iny hoiiEet nesday. J�' ha-bd. I-Wliatwasft�PhiliiT wasalamg and lefty ro:= r 3mediate. Godertart. March -ith-1867. OW55 Ia n, the x4 iff, .'eive r roposals for insurance in both branch� their partyndrw that they lid got a tool, was d w trap door 1611 vnth a xThoring-that diamondTing, vth the MorievadMeed on Property fcr in d will always be ready to give informa- that they could rely oij to support, them h _at carvela 3*04-� re d;aud the next1instaut the eavy sou 0 partieti wishing -to insure. and theipp*�,, in every -corrupt measure m6ralcl in the middle 1' stead, the chah.9, I-lao 4miw, yq, and fll�� ma!eand`PrPmPt' turns made- unhappf man was su-pendild-in flew isev.eraloa may'Ampr.' Two window* tog Farm Stock and other Sales punOtually atterid- T S, a, Op AND'SREN, iot Permit me to ring forth. here -were VE 4 ed to throughout the county, 1VHF, following rema�ks- dn Testimonials of most - Win. itICHAUDSOW, A -pent, they et6get6 b were hung G. Mv TItUEMANIS Auction Mart, T Al LO -RING Bank ofM0'ntreal,,1WeKiSt- tory party of of the crowd, tinong, -whom a shuader� that 1hud seen frowny babyhood enthe - ad been thru ver ite W1 mirr4d.j wonderful and extraordinary cures in Cqnada by itty, that th( South Huron, Alarket isquare, Guderich Goderich, May 1 1868. 8W1. need ran as the 41ro fell. -11Ie IiiA'.a ll of. the GREAT INDIAN ROKEDY. Theyarestern,un 3w lying in the gr&W� an EverylE Ing was wdW exf,�ept deniable, and incontetible.tacts. sufficiefit to convinee not bring forth anothercandidate, or .4ear baud mi Vet, ana it is supposea that ivbioh, on -the very morning that shO died C*OTM stq�Dd in the t2iddze th* 7>� .4L3D L ME a le to a nearly five f Ott the most skeptical that iheGreat Medicinal Compoun- they havo alreadyaroused tbL pec atned after for ages is now accessible In. the Great islocated. A slialit clWiver -mexar hem, '�,ovea there rau es - ETURNS His-koSTSINGERE THAWKS sense of their_ which thev will. not the nock vaadi she Ud given to me,biddiug MR Afil WLIte Noney to Loan.on-RIDal Estate, CUTO for the very flatteringeac rageenthellas 30 W Mq -A- readily forget, for rved about his shoulders, bat AIW&yp, for heriwke. The fhjrd�tho Aia- lmd been wattend. Th0v A- PFRAISE[It tot he 1$ist and Loan Cont la.LL y on had Placed te pany -SHONEES REM -E -D teceivedsinceli commenced bu inGode- FIRE A'ND MAR action of the tory party of the Committee in u few mitiates all was:quiet. The. 11nd—AteUd. rarely worn ; but it had r tho. flay bc-fo Act upp'cr Canada. for Diseasexot the Thrav, Lungai -Liver, Digestive -rich, notbeinj able to execute -over one -hal o therls,and-onwshe'lmd told who useato,comesr, hug, Orpm heoidersbrought, to him lustseason having in this particular casp has done more good been her m F G. M. TOVbMAR., body hung about'forty minutes whefi� Kidueys,&co,aswehas Scrotula; tile Various to the reform party than methit a Islehnng by -it- 33elleath the and h had B W9, Ua*et Square, Goderich skul.Keases aumor-, apd all dis0abes arising rican aow secured raclitietfor any thing that aver Wet us S- �A his ritiet; ofite ri;;i� w��boldlyxtate tha this _Ireat,; I ce CO pa ny' bat., transpired f&! lhel�st twenty years. it waseut . down and delivered to stoups there was atinFlock of hair,'Cut y WML Death hav -7 ' iaugec m Lmpul It where; 4aq q on ftiexids, face IoDkelaB�2mand as NFVER BEFIN EQUALLED. Yours &a. from 3e'read. wh6n An infant , filld for an4h�rttffi Land WHO$, =re ever such a care, as that in, the perann of ousineiS litanSive ly - ICAP'ITAL, 11, 0 1 had put On. eaceful if *0 $1010 000.- Much exedit is. due to�.Shefif 'Sutton Ili curl, RE GISTER of' Impro"d Farms and Wild Wilsoll Storm4of llrightcm c. w., of c.pamptiou; or ONEVVTH34tATEPAYERS. e sake of that JUxen 1h br= thatofeeter 0,V. Alfider, i9arnestown, C. W.. ofGon- and employing none but 4rst.!ciass tradeamen and those undgr bim for the nianner In amonathethers. The diamnd. ring I Lid -rt-fomo Tulp, ALaad f6r'Sale, oon, erthat DrAmbrose Wood,ofCongecon, le DUB N do AndaqJ).A_be1 veshisexporieiceas Cutteris HEAD OFI�ICE---8A6_K_ViL_LE ST� di 1 dra'wm9]t-:i@E_1_PhihP, Watching WILO I softly Swpt MIY-16 the, you aw which thq schaagea their ldreadful sail Alp- G of L, ndtononeintherProvincle h rriedon it aborA iny' M. TIWSMAN, - sia. and Liver Complaint, or that of John March 1. 1867. bianceiSquare ffo�s7,o Napartee, 04 W. of Rheumatism, who had: Beco aving-9a -R.., WALKERTON. bukanessextensiveiyandsu dut�. The a geman all peessfullytti Hamilton, t well act ly been on crutches for srears, in spite ofall irdat- Shaking haul, ncl I y, ft was nccdfzd tLat 1, ncipallytirst-elasseustoniers,arid MiVlng been - JoHN On= WoppousE, Esq, Pembroke Road. 01q OFjOHN HOAG carried oat. He held out bis work Pr4ciaf2 nawwell. $cords ofauchedases prii EXECUTI t in'his palm. GOD ERIML meat hirietatore, and is Cutterin one o - Frtadown, Co. laidi might be mentioned W we space. f the -Principal EstahliNlimen 8 at Dublin; Omeath Park, Co. Louth, should movp �oko of tl�e h=ds *hleli tr4_9 Axmagh;Xerr�yke6l, Co. Donega4J. P. for 'Counties Much wit?11 rep-catta ll,983717- ber breast and - as UffftetV #,' 3f, ympaiby v'q �-jw Call at the Diu Store aitd, g6t t Circular ox Edinburgh, Scotland, he eaft salynates to- a felt fdr HoV, Do yoll knal gh, and Owb.-Glkairman- culrnres LAST wORDS­- - qt uuqestlonableceitilles�tes.on the GREAr SHOE discerning public thitt Louth, Donegal., Airria, THE SCENIE-THE thou uowledge,#at he ustly de am� WrtwAxGrmaq, Esq ., Alderman, Merchant, IS gh all ack� rasmygnranawotheesonce-� �saw glittering on the *P� HONEKS REMERY andVILLS,.aTtd- satisfV, your Upper Sa&.lIe Street, ind Great Brunswick Street, -HE ATrRiBUTBS Hit CRIME. TO was itied, bowbver " Slowly he r examming -herhe -baa be4i� selves. CLOTHING CAN IPE XADF mrved bis fate. .-He tuined it ove ot nd a diamond ran WANNI � I . 7 I mequaito1.he;J.-"tE&tabliXb_ Dublii,,Diiectoiof:ffiiMublb�T6m�emdntf!'Comp.any- he hiddentM then, but I saw it now &Wy Prfc&qf theRem* Ot large, a his3stab ishme on. account -of his f6449 und his own. VAh Ei straugO intent culiogty, rwe-chaoiwn, two apVA.,-, From t�_- DailV WVraph. it bick to me. 1[3- -Forsale byaItfFrqggtstA:and- Dealers in Medi Esq.,-Clonebraney ob RoaEaTCILAvEsWADi�, Crossakeele, youili. ffe vas little wore -than -a boy, avi )said, mow first rker,& Gdedbh�-Oat' ee3rCT-l86,1-`: 10wl. CourtyXeatbiaua�ffaokvilta Street Club, Dublin, xD IknowitTht an,,rl -emetald irl tile "lid - chic. Agents for Goderrch,i F.'Jordan nd Is 4T. P. ter Cquitibs Meath and 7icidow.-Director being then,twenty�oue *ears Old. not go .1 - ttXT6N, Dec. 15.-_TQhn"Hoag, the ing to itear my queston; t lookk_d Tp in vawkr at the hwe- WALkEl WHOLESALIt 4r�ENTSI MY 41700 AOR years; g qIIARLMS 00190- M&WITE, Esq., "Kerchunt, Stephen. itformore fh=sat� �STARTX� '"MRSIEEt murderer ol Steplitin Eenbecer, was keeper. and fhe M'.1derl Isaffly �`Vas ;Jt, r-!_ � 'UtGreat George',$ 19treot, Dublin; bY-%IAV9LLIOTr&0*,� I fOROXT0. Street and- Son e that 74 DUNSRAUGH,& WASWq, [ The BianaZ, office -for ltpiinting as butn my death-bgd I shall se Vas -a faripy �of my mixtrew s. - Tho s9mv, Churebtown Lodge, Dundrum, 00uhty Dubrui.- execute&hdre for the crimethis morning. 90' tX.VPINER& Co- Vredor Commercial Gas Company. Atauearlyhourthevfllagawasaigtir, and Plainly as I we it aow,� -gaye lier that Ting they sq., 27�Waterlou T, is pfinlin- im- t:hv day -were liaor- 901,13ROOK & SURS, `sorrlethiln.4 unusual was audslio bas worn T, BICKLE & SOM. HAUrON. PERNATti) COYNE, E wad Dubllit as evident.that tcan You Tneau J� P. for county "o. ILI, ingtotak6place� Sleighs-loadedt 9 Aon7.t understand-' lawayis TAM tw-sho vvomld 4ve it bu 'A, 11TON & 00. DAVM AICILAUDSON QbODTATTE, tiq., 13terebantEdeu go -with patiently, ybrook, Co. I Bullffin. men, women., -enwer SOXITH HUX ething, withlicrwheu jsl3e (Ned. � 1twas no4a Quay;and3forehamptob, Dann oi4--,fte 'Miss tivater ' nd. there was ROM ilee- indvIlildi etalleseeiii .3ft.CAZLUV4A" itl ROBERT C0NWAyHUU1xV, Esq., Bri terW) . is;. at ring her haiiilyegh 40 -country, I St. Cathwiues 7oitrW fMinis solemn inl" 1�ekaudtone bad I 41*ervf-a.% , 111%o *rtd�Gleudutft-Co.Ke ;J�.P.1ordountyKe doming infioni'all parts, offheF it _k. , SoUcitors-aWSts. -e -that -the I-ea&r upproveo been MY rum- 4&f K A B�N -The MAW -Ban ra. ­xez lind from all the .nQ1ghbqnrjng towns. and: sorryto perci _ T � ny rry., a "'FR.] Y, Ana 34Y 8011PS thesquire brought it ill) .11mb TrlfZ 1,tubecribe would afinOunce to the pub� 41 -ison. Xavager_--4 1npe#,E eiv Iljaf_jiniU6jlLhed. I put it on her firiger 14s *wn seLVI 4,It gojioy &,Wa 4q, persons, came many of the action -of Mr. 10altiijig in buying his auayet74nda Hundredsof; t�toyt =00 es� t.-witn s th� execuden,ancl- there way- to aseat inth es e, lugislaturp roni fabe)-4aua Yet it WASS 1Wt MY 1beautifalrin Ala 1, bent aown �VJAL r�,k 13RAN1013rl. Huron. The itillawho *0111d me ruio, 1 niorle ST& ; Xf worih, NA 'by satisfythat spirit.of morbid �curiosity -Soittli cturing firkt-clas S but mly mgIdt - and if it tirrjljos, Waggontri Sletffhs r aud. SL SpMnkent Street oney as neither you at= co -air L1erau6o!sX&vle display6d ohsuch ax "Mr. Carlin& -swoi lie did�' WM ben -for that X134 0,0 asions. 'Mady- XLqC403EE to wn tike care to reimburse himself in zome -deArlilythaVis just Winicr rJade BANIMB_R­Tbc� 'he ha�sto v . forthe cash expended in 1)1,rel goow. S about Ontari�tituic� emed eagerla witness it, as was B G�3 E I-ofeturiihis incerethanks to ha MOI�TREAL. -se gone would havo *Mn Jlut i 2aust -01LOAS9.. Public for their-assfstilatle, at1the Utafirei air -to 'Appe . "I YOU F *htch-,0rbe"CHXAE'1 _ I - b ith which they repaired, the light.' aucl reipactfally solibitEi a contillu"te of k,* at 1im, atening t 11m, , it., tittlenoy. -Notm. Y-yean agog, 1 151at lookW9 JORN PASNOR4, . . - I "Xbt vory sud I fisAily, t Maila6i- tfied' jail and t o , up post _ on.s near, �ir patro nay,# . a'b � RUMBALL & CO., ea ferwor4. Victoria. Stmetj, Goderich' . ithc - parokased's seat in too MUCI amA2 Althofigh'Ttlie.exeOutiou. wasno .0 JOHN'MO itf c up toive jou any hLAP you WIRY WAUL," 449' 4SX—XC>3PV rarilatieiit 'but a short: time afterwar lie noticed uiy bewilderll SIOL �%Ilrtoaljee.j the grou atheig i6ild offerto'sallout, and iie said; and WOUCRVAY. nl�auy Were on fial, anA'by e4ht- lib re6eivdag edg AfterthE�iile one -A- j�nces. 1"r 'But whenthe -11 d -hied. virith ne;r qi& improved T all hundred rexenfstaadf a&ordiQ1ysol4'ou1 11piter, do you earia to VMmunf"T At, red qW& T R F. ETv-' noitprej. -there werpavor told it even HAViL snow.imme4iatoly 'of � his constituents as upbraiditig ROZY ld3mis"efitale! J'havomv�r fors, third 1mg Owe at Vist r4q.' steam mscbinery� to turd 'out hii; Iaperi.biL. ing knee;4eep in' the .9166f"boot nion," ia- sud I AT, ONV �1)0 Ole SOUTil 6F MR. FE&; L axes -in larger 4tiatititiat thaq li'dithid And'. oioosito the,scaft6la L hero they hoped to fdrsemaj them. KlWt SUPPOW to my daught4 the Jammer iu m 4 that tgok place.' The pliedthat astute individuia, whoste -tiere?i One living in the P194eievep-togew larclug Wly with GU$QWS, GE h6pias to �glye the that b -66t &'good view'd - for a hand. Mortg4gelol ed'to- ininufAifire atfended his, efforti-ttlY I to the' pres-Lun _JVJ ;-r�wa ftaduallyinmeased unfilten eclock. "Use 0'YOurbleil yh�j t4pt it dark line� Ougay" WT2610 he is �pt§psr- -at it now.' r i6mnod to bave bewiwhe( ;heringthere ?'Didnaj 'buy Tt f tont which time t S* '0 ages ave gain6d �#!d6-ipri everalthousarld ye, and hav'na I the. richt 1113 ago. wbere I w", JW4 V 0-T a ti -Lb- 11 -B - ru . 0e. I inrest-in-Towit" W31. P4 BAIINIS, ovu - y kh tit. na d my- larg!Verroq;rr�6eio of =g 61. ;P, l tit ib id 11 r rop whom were The, eleezor w� �_R -E, b e o7se1w ye I'! a Aiea out In B 0 801fle to ilked away, silenced, if zot - toell it -to you, for tM 0 If Mr. Cailwg sells South %ing Veems to -open Wq SIMS t4vi 0 Ooir,4 of, W B. Goittloff'- -As. 1USUAL te Riiiettibeithb'sho - - I a rloo -,who took a sp cial- interest iii. satis4ed. -*A- ,W CrAI)b' that t.he1Huro*haviugbovght it,will-the tlect. sont vikep k1orto 114. 14 4k i bldIr WL Om I _tYrs, tell Mo" And m - Ifighthotillib 84415 Bamstei, AU exeoution,beciWe of tAe fact (Joderieh, __ _; ' J�" a cc fight to �comylaiu ". ; - , - QWWe N612. 18i C.134UW' unte 11iV Gdfle 17SS' A01 ,4 L