HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-12-10, Page 3sugar n. r,.ake it ou I bV the 01Ajo a bugy �alt-n, has not irt in the en &a - is rz fol- S�ys that I b_- Ct car are jot when in lato thick 41(- tz�,- top lif the Lmd cmtizoy with bet Ln Ma> PC r ?- 0= 19 bY ,y:az e[j aartLr_%-DAcK& - 1z z5D . ...... .... ,C7 El. 6:20 0:20 D-00 10:00 5-00 6_0D 2:w 3.GD 4.00 5.6 0 1:50 tT 2 0-M 0-75 2�60 l�ir &20 0 0. .0 0. L�tl f a.b_ per bbL 0-t-7 ra, 0-5D 05) ca) 6-6D 0-00 (tzl 0:6-3 5 .50 9 6:2 . _7-> .. ..... GM 1 0:22 ........... a -2D 0149 S.Go 9-�Cpa 2,69 02, 2.25N ........... B11MIll ISO& X0C__U 6125 P L -CO L ........... oliza Ehsa 2:25 (F,� Z-2,7 0 :4_9 , rta,! 0:43 0.65 0Z I- 00 '0.22 . , 0�.24 EA 0.1- 8X 37 (a-,, 9 -CO 5.50 2 -EO j t5D 5:5& ca" GM O-ZO (�El C-2,!; i�2=7 at the re3l- I byta-a 626L"N97. DAA0 N3WT02V, cf Mll I -* 63 YeM3. - Dzi flae 24ffi- oftfttna CAT:Wtt settlers 4p 4 e 4, f . . . . . . . . . . . . smnn TTONI.—T l tells us that a singu- he Cle%veland-Ead- GRWENGUSH SEMEN ]SAP Mu of the 20th inst., E " l,r sale was made in that city the day pre- KR- JAMZaURKEIS Vh ALL. V AW ABU A HAPPY.NEW YEAK =r Harsh, Esq., sold to Irr.youwautGoo Photographs.-golo vious, in which J. d rated Female PnIs. L Prepared r ft. a preacr�pfiDn of Sir J Case& holl, packers, 5,250 sheeri, for Sayfleld Road, a6ining the 01il gue ce,.ts per head, the spller ret WxPhysician Rwrao 0 ty lides, and the P11rchagers slaughteriag the Est Le JOHNSON' to ;4e Queen. TO I. . -.1. WeEL-L-' animals. Who ever heard of mutton being ihilit us stocy. oeh"WI Anuouncingto so cheap before? it is said that large Thistrivatuablei'medicine is unfatling ri-thd' f n account of the scarcity Ot todcler) E. L. JOHSON. moderate, till excessand removes all obiftim alook. ., - j U are being slaughtered, IF you want Good Porcelain PiQturea,, go to cure of All those -paulful and dangerous dli :ssea quantities of sheep i emale, ponstitution is subjeff I. it I' W, 0 to whibh: the r % _'T R U F_ M A N7 (X. i4JL# IS =j6MUCTED TO] they will not PSY fov wintering. Carc3s- slid aspeedy cure may be relied on. All T 4 in esaresold in the Cleaveland market at Ifyou want Six Good Gem Pictures, for 50 z!v 1), A W. of ts=!, 6, c- ' lit fhll. By visiong'SEL'U___ AUCTIO.Wl a i, r 1; betwo 414 TO MARRIED LADIES" time, fron-, foriy to sixty cents each. centa, go to lapeouliarly ruited. It widj in a lall ro E L. JOHNSON. litring on the monthly petiod with rogularvy. At his AWTIGS 'Ril Wall Z-Sil .) ilih Each liottle,price One Dollar, beptrok's Gov- tit) 0. —Mr.T.Colins, ofRochester,N. Y. to r erriment Stamp orGreat Britain to prevei I, coun- it ..the hop �phis may be kept ` I . B. -The Subscriber offers erfeits. . 11- 11:1 . a ;,% AtNo jz5f3b, -zi in ILe Cern2v yXD d las- OR11 _f Der Tipwici In at, SatLe- vines by dusting them with trroun IF_C>1E;L C ALT-TIrlom. rViinn frop6g-ou Lake Ell them -' W h the ntes Fill ithould not be taken Suftotale during .11 2 inijeslemn Goderich, -Wi3b a View f ,ter.cr even sprinkling it HIS SPLENDID' the FIRS2 TffRRE-.ff01VTHS f Prog. EMPORIUM ..-CR*CKERYv Hairbor; containing -133 acres full or jeks of "Ha instances the f .186S. Scraping" of the street. ill as Mmy are sure to All ot Micar- Ill lot 8. let eton.Goderleb.Tp.. At IWAVP c� ')to d-ack ziff,111; 101 nam!1ve imv- -4 fact tht several fields lying under the lee piloTOGRAPH GALLMY rtagw, but at. any other ll they arts fei, SuPirtur Land, -very rge an hunlited till BTW_ - - - Conipleto in every department. (Blyfid4jRoad.) .AboutI00acreActearOdll WSON La a, -Merns, and In all caseso Nervous avid Spinal A.leetions, Of a railroad, and exposed to Clouds of dust with a splendid 10t Of neW` CP -7 vii ;be rto cif roll the season en- with Stock of.Negetives and Furniture all Pains irk the Black. and Limbit, Fall on 4light p Lpjk� tnjltf bo 16 ._ - - �O .11. . . -You woulei do well to, -,Premr a J, rbig creek ril through 141 and smoke, went th exertion, Palpitation ofthe Heatt, Hys tries and XANrA Call and Exabine his. me$, Coto willbe made,,Lnowo oo de-. of sale. or �THAS* SUGARSO TOBACCO $C -f 4efore P" 'liia the premises -to WM.&DQNALDFRA-SS IL, '9' tiraly free from the aphis, A&j6 - pfr4.F Uir. -Mlows 1�t Itme Uf I LKKUM - while yards at P-lete, - Whiteaf these Pills will effect a cure whet tilt ONE: We vrel a distanca from the track Ivere badly in- AISO, a- Bick Invvelinhu muse other means have failed; and althouel a;power ingr elsewhere, -who will thow thii ?arm at any Little fulremOdY. do not coRtam itton. cali net, anti. fested by them and the arop much injured. containincr 5evpn Rooms, with Good Garden, to the $0131, moll oranything hurtful to Ill onst ution. octlerich, Nov. 10. ISCS. -.Td4 Id Stable and out buildings. Two vacerkt lots. Fuli. direl6tions in the jDaniphlet at jund each 50 ll er yard, Cash Paid toriBuiter, P altry, ll to P ALSO, two paid up Shares of S500 each in package, which ahmild be carefu.iy 1 eserved. N.. RA the Dominion Salt Co. Solvaggitt forthe United Stoll CanadaP3 J. U. McGREGOBI Molvent Act 09 Ca 0. r, X -M 3bbrtf5Cl1dC1ll Two Dooriiftutfi oftliefffigm. ofthe'Pircular Saw,,Xaia St Seafhil Oift. Hemember the place. corner of JOB MOSES, Rochesker, N.Y. - j.Q. Ault; Nov. 24th, 1W9 W-U4441moll, in the inaturofJon Cox; James ]left, -N. B. -S i.00 and six poAtage stam b, enclosed H.miito. Stre EdwarAPealon;a�dholut;s 3fears, et, and Court House Square, to any authori-ked agent will insure s bottle con. f3iialtorth.' BROOM Goderich, Out. tamill Pill bV return mail-. AUCTION LE E. L. JOHN8TON. NORTHRUP V YKAY, NOT R.40 `TO DEBTOR& OF Nov. 19th, 1868. w44tf. NeW02stle, (". W.pganeral -kil, ci� agent for Vanadr LLpattles indebted to the estittes 01�tho above 1 Sclise iber having I THE HOUSEhOLD FU11NATURE" tT, Sold I a Goderich by Parker V Cattle and A maned Insolvents, Are -live riht 01 the ftia4uired toAlChl ontheT1ndermined Dubsou7s Pateut Brcil�iTl, is nut? tprtTared iv F.Jordan-, Gaidiner oc ll James j andpit theattiounts,4f their respective elits., Ali Hentlill RoXeivillie; J, Viekart),li'ceter; J.14, those tUt�_ftemaja unpaill at the -end of the uen; ,S &C- NE, Q (!om�e, Chalon, S cord, Wckftow; E. Hick- Is L N -E W .,,;L, I I R Y BAR FIXTURF I CHEAPEST BOOKS ton, Ottaforth. and ll It edicine 0aiders.., w38 be shown t SUPF X. TRUENAN- on 0014 0 an 2. P� ftILOR _ 'I one UV THE WORLD. 00 S& ill Ilark, to sell by Auction r Ist, ISIX S instructed by 31- A- ?-HOLLO &sfoft Decembe WC11 Printed On Goll Paperg NOT &AD THIS at the, OVER 4DO PAUES EACH. Rr gf!st r1lalerial.1rd weste" AVERAGING" An & HOW11 G(kderlera WA.Y#S W-O�R.M LOZENGES aria a citkain and C ada Twee f, --'VVJL 3-1 XLow-C)l,X),02iL N-0 T I C F. O_N S_A.TU� RDAYDECEA1BER 12th, 1868. PRICE 37 jets. FRl� BY, POST 4octs. safe remedy for Wojms in Children and Adults -totbamorchantatifilm colly4lit,%; -13mas Eel, comment:ifig at 11 O'Clocka. in. -A& it is IL Well -know -i and melancholy tact ()x -I ITRU. Bruce. Ansvii's Voyage round the World The undermentioned Houshold Furnature, Bar Fix- Esop% Fables 1no cuts that one great cantie of death a inong children is ALL WOOL, 621 cents -fir yard. W. A. from Worms nione, it varl be toc ilteply ini- V ­ CHANC JR.Y. twei &c Anne Le�, oraid, wife and mother TUESbAYL, THE -2- OCT -0 B E R IN �Aer! Tov. 10ib, ISM n- 3 BOX stoveil lot -rious si-8 and.n. large quazti- American Receipt Book presited upon the minds ot parents the necessity #TH OF N of closely watching their children.- Bysodoing �;tovo piping, Bontstcaasof varioui kinds, and Anecdotes of Napoleon carteir" vs. carlt&4 Beddir�g 3, a Sett rs 0 Chairs. = LVENT ACT dj? of P4-zloar Bovis Own Conjll Book gaved from early raves. Symp rous OF Wiiinus tv of and unerstandinz the symptone.and true raus� B,e��Il Dium. &nil Kitchen Table Baxter's Saints t of the disease. thousands of children miaht be citairs. two Pckhig Ctuirs, Kitchen Pictures of s 'S _AV —A FS -Nig ­03� -Zarket. Squar, one uir Seated SOU. one L -uu:,��. a lotf B. -own's Concordainee G OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT P IIAVE vartlit izes, one kir.-a irror. 0kna an.i other Cup. - -The follom ing are a rew of the very numerous e) Nbeen appointed Itecelverin the above eausi All- joijiltityof Hill) ba2rds, Clock, ChinA Tea SCUS, Crockery, Glassware, Fuctin's Don,estic Medicine symptoms and diseases which ere caused by iJoulavid Toilet. stin,is and Toill Setts, Wash Stands. one Huffi,n1z,Nntnr,%ILHi'.4Iory bre.indebtedto the Estato of the late utles, theref Iniheinatter of FA%vin Wvrtns- Deranaledappetite,ela Rehited extrem- onjitban Carteltare notified to ay heir acconnts to - Buny - n- Pilzritn's Progress Oil Wmiday tile Ist ftaN� of 41chruir) Agrricultural KetVc, Wheel-BarroNv &C. itle,ofrensive breath, frequent pickiiW at the me. All accounts not paid within one month *oW � Bar Fft.tures, with sundry Hunyan's kolly War $EV9AAL CASE4 ofthazaid Aio The %v.hole Of the Burtils Poell 1 Works nose,'grandiugof the teeth during sleep, hardness thladato willbe put Into suit for collection; dismnrge Witter 111c 6.111if at t. ,otherarticles ofth-i be y, w;th frequent blithy stools, and Ditted" J1350% day of November, MS. D,ited at Moderich. m ihP CUL11111-4-or 1jurtin :11ax 24,ti Butter's HudibM4 and 199 TLE . 4fi LUDUIG MEYEJL day eflioveniher, A.D. ISCS. ,rE;uAjLS Ov S�&T_VL s(inei ineii cojivulsive flts; pain III thit head and GrandV.Sp - N tf- All suatsof 93 and nutter cash, above that sum 12 Byron's Sellet t Works 0 al t AL Cause a Ill Cure of Infidelity OR S . . 99Ojt'rftJWNT OF monthscredit allowed by furnishing approved joint d.n. 8, in el2estionjaliv spirits, frightful anis, BOOPS & L-JTRAY STFERS­-Strayed into the prelill of the note& Cottager's Key to the Holy Scriptures and a dual sting awn -Of flesh. 0 subserilvr, lot NV. -j 21, Rth con. W. jilawanosh, Goderich, Dee Ttb. ISM Chirdrt;n-of-the Abbey y *1 33L N 0 t I e 43 Theyntre 1-iiab,ean " I-administeredtothe 'CW NIS!l, About thq Ist of September last, two Bteers--one a Clarke2s Scripture Promises - � T . ; vbitigh roan 2 years old the otheir black 1 year old. child -drive out the worms thorought without r r ,AK9 OTICE Ilint DEOIDED BARG.AINS.L ly ha and take them away, qOH "g Clater"s Farrier Book �h-there­ The ownerli requested toprove property, e ollr4 es wh UOS- eridge's Poetic.il works &C liq & baut the 2 Ist Viclulmr, dalvd remite- ratn and completely itlertitse the stonia N ,, Cattle D)t tor lydorng away wiih the nee' �itvoladniiaister­ a# 11 Vastar Oil or other un pleasant catharticti-als cis NEW,GROCERY co; ng G*ENERAL� D.- GOOD 5 lkt 8 COWDeriS it the use of 6`11ei NVorm -Medicines. jjIe *21%1 01 !% 111 the LATE$ F INOVELTILS in, m4turing viter 1he ititicific.,q Culpeppe's Herbal B2, Each box contains the th&qimile signs- The Millinery epartm.e i comprising RA Dfromthepremisdii of the Subscriber, lot each A.NL D Dv It Qll (advent u res of) jureof.NoRTHROP &J,Y2-4AN,NeWCia8tle0u18hO, No. 1, 6th con.,Colb,rnc, one zvey Steer and one f. nod mi(!elbv B11UNA A., its 1%vor Air DGddridaels Rise and Progress Bonnets,-, Hatfj*,-� Ribbons, , Feathersi ll &C., red'Helferrl IW twoyears-old. Anylidtirmationcon- btarcr,� who are the sole ll b . I be suitably'rewarded by the *%Vner, full In the r Burns, 111p, -%;Vd4,%V D,Ws Patent joietors. .�i , ' Being I imported DfRE0 FROM WE W YORK it 'peculiarly attractive. .N. Hf-Ai,k for Ro lorvay's Worm. Uzenges, Ferguson, Grace.) 'd LrQU03Et ST03EI.E. vll off e si. , 'jillum Duras and thal -'s Poetical Works t Dryden Rad-takenopther. Sold in Goatirichtly Parker- %ADIES-CALL AND ZX:&XM.V. V464fli hils no nuthotily to it A0 d e hi L Nov. 25 inti ig h Popular liallads Cattle and P. Jordon ; Uardiner U., Co. Bay - R. BENZIE, respectfully mates to JaL . . th, - - w to I Evenings. at Rome, field : files Benthaffi; Rodaerville J. Pickard,; intestate. ndt-he not havilig adininisierc `]PIE RAM, D four head ofeattle, namely.- tV70 1101f,erS alate, pud having been paid iu full ber A. the inhabitants of Goderich and sur- Farmer of Inglewood Forest I Exeter; J. R.Clumbo, Ulinton'; Secord, Lue roun4ing country, that he has Foxeis Book or Alaftyrs know; E.1lickson, Seallarth, %xid all Medicine, thericof. voerjoh. 00t. it. -w2slf.,.' and tworsteers,thebwo heifers are rising 8 Tears. JOHN BVMXN�._ Goldsmith's Worics Dealers. T143, CA -420 a33 C1 MOO VWOL1? one is reil. and white j4potted, tbo other is mearly wh(t6 0 ultiver's TravOs and Saran Munchausea d the Store on Hamilton Street ead Od Opalle Heaven, the-abodeof therainted dead ne spot of. -red on therump and Astiot on by VA .4 the Mile, -And somi red about the h walVa"(1 13, list Heavenlv Reeoleecticn. neek, 6ue .1ka steer coming 1hree, It hall It lump on the side-. the other steer Is coming4 oppo 3ite the Colborne 'Ero-tel, with Heaventli, Home CINIDIAN P11V_-DESTR0TE1U other with flank white. d Henry Earl ot Moreland S H darker red,than. the A EA I" G E S T 0 0 K Ill Meditations A Fallitily Medicine-, well and favorablyknown Wts throughthe white. The proprietor, lot 10, I 1. concession,. W. D. Colborne, willretvarit the fluder. Histori ot the Russian War c WART. 0 F Kirli illithitt?s Remains forthe past tell years. never failing in a single OLIQU.JIOUX�S= Lite of Wei' instance to give permanent relie hen timiely ALL WO 04 at 62*.60. Nov. 27. Ill 4t* tn2lon e and Ballads ot Robin Hood A'LO N I THE X11T used, and we have never known a'single case ROURIES F� 0 Life of ;Vzi*h-ngtQu of dissatisfaettionhere* I be directions have be*n d, t P,6th-:on,,(4 e cliTiowndirv,111).111. -on SUGARS, Lilb of Nei., o ary till are the int A in it ir.st, r Yearling 0 Lite of Napoleon Fortaparte r-roperly tQ1Iowedj!btv on.the is ntr' one bla Ir an th of er hite;.any person giving binAOM and speak in the, by ]=; V17 Live of Wesley deligh.edwith its oparations, . T IS AN AUX WLIEDGE0 FACT TIMT T�E PLACE IN GODEMOU information: t at ill I d to their iecovery, will tn " Life of Christ by Bromley hiehe%t ilirms of its Virtue -and Magical Officetai �ber3wardad.' Cameinjotheali,oveienclosurein to purch, so, at Works 'July lamt, years old Brindled Heiter, the Long!ellowls Poetic THr- CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYEER a Grocery, acarorA owner can liave her by provinjr- ro�ertv and Mitton's It hason for itself a reputption, as a blood ppu G- L MAW RoB Vill TOBACCOE-S) - Moort.'s Lalla Rookh'guil Irish Melodies fiRI, alterative stomach tonic, unsurpnese.d in the ANY 'ARTIM E. IN TAR ROCIE'ViboY ­IN'1� Moores Uhni:)e Wdrks P.ypg expenses. Stw44 AT.`. THE LOWEST FRICE� GENERAL histoty of medical preparations. It seldonitaills Cheap ois the- Chesbest, arid.a IG6od n the Best ov. 2011l W.S - AND M6ral and Hutertainin- knecdotes A FA�SIEE SUPPLY OF As andrelfiiiied ivilliout delay. vslerjes and Mtser��;of New York locum-D-spoligial Liver Complaintit, luditu- Cudiatich. Xime 1. 1 -adache, Kidney Core- JIS 'THE ion, Hea;lbitrn Sick He in the subsenber, Lot.3.2ad e6n. IES) WINES 11IND L10012 'Painela or Vhtue Rewardd plaints, Arl Stomach Phl-Hisicor Asthma, and QTRkYEDfro LStof .Sepiera­ Paid and Vn--inia. Elizabeth and Rasselals I. go' liff Im T Ino i10 -1cr TT a &J Godorich lawar-hip, about the III restor-s to ital activi y We systent, dolitiftelted IF : A t, -A ... S Ott 098, IWO per, Irritir eari c6MPR1SI1;G, P,eaStug Instructor atin by tiflerinzand di, Pope -Is Homer's 11tiad red and white. in curing and'anotheraroam. Any,peron Its magical and a onderful success d io, their iicove Brandv, Reciter for the -Million sudden colds, R -ore throat, Coughs, Diptheria. information that will -100 OF !Q1 be tutably rewarded. 4 pains in the si-le,hrins and back. neuralgia,tooth s & 01dTom Gin, JOHN SALKELD. De.K Sandi.rd anc Wertria ache, rheumatic and pthe _D 1 41U L -11l. V V_ tr,patns in anv art of Gqaerleh, Nov. 20tb, 1868. Stit Jand 5L Rum, hivwreescs and D6as!ere at Ses, the hodytna froin wlintever cantie-, ha!; given it 4 PETLOR kcol�z iltiW13%b a lievildlen -road Q XokW Sid' 31arket. "4q a 164dd it A61h towassion ­19HANNOW & CO Simpaoni,4 Plea for Religion a �lace, ita el household and is fas, strpentit&­ S, D,� V -YkIeston, Malt, chool Reviler In al reparations of the kind. e Ki - � - . Sul,davZ I 0 he LIX�Iie;,Aero may b full amortinent' of 11ye, and Suparior Fales andSwrie3dTlieland It is also, an wflectual and prompt reme3y for T. i ene Liquoref all Kinds, Cpoqk�ry Whiskey, Temperanee Tales Scaf&, Barns, Bruisev, Sprains. Chilblains, Gejienil-Groe Townslaiplof StephPI) for tht� Vurl)ll 'Of SP- Temperance Rceiter rrost Bites, Crampil, in thd ztoacb, Diarlicea, is in ibO C-01300 �Qf e Ten Nights it, a Bar -Room 0 TJ C Fbi old Port, notera morbus, Billions C�Liific, Cholera Infatt- erectl loaly ll i er Sherr Two years beti)re the Milt Join, Dygenterv, &C. Wficiem, by Au natiire of the ground il __y and Wotil World to Conae Price only 25 cents per btittte�. X,%S1:10U WMIDS, Ycibl Pctit Ille, fiffil roT�CeFsicn f t0 Township Of pat %Vnrk NOILT-11ROPk LYMAN, bej#f� .0a sA cousi-nment 01 and 100 other same siz- and price. Newcastle. C. W. Veseb Supplied A-1-I'Artioles in our line AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE. Genera I Asrent for Canada. Possible -to eril �a Del�3gil lbe umal allow- - Canadian BL ANKETS, n -Sold in Voderieh bV Parker & Cattle and W' 1, ance or road, Orion. the -%Mer dQVTU1iOb, W 1911AN'NOIN & CL. T E` ND E R W mr— il a, A[XL.720� NIL 7W' F., Jordan; Gardiner V. Co. Bayfield; James D. furthet dev ation for lhil purposes il Vill be reeeived until It 11 id FlyorSubile. Bentham, Rodgerville; 3 Pickard;, Exeter-, J. H. Godeeitill, Mily 4. 1868. W15, bj the uptill, ,.Uric e over s% all bang -lit, in tba best markets, of superior Voluble, Glintop; Serard,Lucknow; E Hicksoll, -ALL WOOL, 42.50 a pair, at quality and offered at JAI"S WATSON AMER, Proxil yamijall Medicine Deale-re. W39 .791DA1.1le 11th INXE Corpaifa6on oft," TOWULP Of for the delivery of and 1he said Corporatiog, hereby edil -ab! at the rec WIERCHANT9, R;J, Irom aud ufter tbt dato POR IUAOD: That fforl after ther pnssb�,-, Of tb% Ev�_ 0 ORDS 4. 0. D, # A A A 1 CASH OR TRADE. (24 YEARS AT THE OLD STAND TE er Set f�l VERY LOW PRICES UNHAL AGENT & CONESSION EGS TO INFORM HIS OLD FRIENPS be tsed ns 4 �Uthl- A. R. BE' taid deetra qzIE. B d the Public generally, that lie has' -BEG TO AX,QV2K0E TWUM INU&BITANTS OF' must be jill made of bartl er and Fur Goderich,'7Lh Dec. 1868. 46. an taken the Premises GABIN9T FURKISHING: THE! iflors and backloes 4 [InghWaVUS1343hrillso all iult t8 itimber Sib from t WARE Hill) Tj ;sll; feet long, and delivred ili-qUantIC198 f oship PfSiel-hen. Ina tiril per olizinth, computing- -Is" tb 30 C frojn st -of January next, (if th'a contract - Adioinka MR. SAVAGE'S STORE, DANIAL GORDO-N9 juhn Es"ry, ;tn- THAt'THEY H4 V E is takeo: by ortearly.) to the municivalfty A. sljepten7, Und bil aninents of Te rs and thathe has received Consig Undertakerill &c.9 ilkic.y ,Canadian. ode will be -taken frb any party for 30 cords o.upwrds; who does not wish to: -th H - -ingle of 10t L, in ftom 1. Nor st r 5th cm. of Stepbon,zrill %be norah hound; - Dry A 8 DOW 04 C 0 11 11 E NL Two solvent Euretles will bil required for R' tenderfo All whole. 'E -nee S:zih 810 -outs kt $1� hand the: XONDTAT 7 GA.oda, Groceries, XrockeU, Shirts Drawars CEO a' OF NAYOR LareSli, ry of said ict tP, 9 complotort of the cootract. The I WIT# A VBJ�yjgEUCT STOM OF the do, c mliha5o, East a ha%B-, Ibil Reava and Deputy Reeve. which will be sold r any tender, =ay- not'be accepted thil 0S 'r lowest *f V East llelis., 56 Rai unless satirtactory! enil Fil IT,, WC81 I 'Vb Aectors of the Town of Goderich are hereby re- -GOODS-i FUNII'VIE It DIETLOR C6#81111 6110, 1 6., tb ILL� THE F .,DRY que3ted to give their attendance- at We boar of 10 9OLL PET IDAMBO, 61il :E4l t�i _i:t� in tbo'COunty, ��Za_o - Countv Clerk. lks - dience, Xorth 5DFII "Watst 4 tus 90 B tec_ - Rw� Of tits clock. on 3joaday forenoon the 21 inst, for the eivery vailety, CAn- THUCTs -'f Nominating fit and proper persims for the— ORIN to $aid read to W purplis6o oderich. Nov.24. - County-Clerles olfficepri �LW4,4 rods"wl* ofilt:e of.Mayor, Reeveand Deputy Reeve, for the eusu- not fail to Com- izg year, at Victoria Hall CrabWs Block Kingston St. 1868. JA3=, 8 THOMSON, Town Uerk. EXCIZANGE FO -PS PRO0 CF* mand the favor of all in want of FURNITURE Containicig, by uldinmsurtl 3, rti"a of, Who mav favor him -6ith a visit -whether in Ile- and. - 4 QN ORQUERY - GoderiA Dec. Sth, 1$33- sw3ltd gard to l Stvie or Price. Every article m a I Tab Goderiib, Dec. 3,1808.. 46tf, lud HARDWARE. tFue walriaolO lis recommended. will t AV, Havir.gmade urrangenients� with JXCQUES Ora peb EX141 MIN A TION AY, Toronto, can furnish anything bete, or 'A ND SEE NEW ARRIVALS.. We & H Our priees are beyon4- Comill 'To be -cnvinced on most CA��L I into rat2on by tho Caumil of & Nwi- at their Wareroomsiaoront-o emember, no Charge for zhowingg-goods*ud a verysmall one. whoo. we -sell, icipl 0 F CA- M IS& 89' . I I X ' I 211tillDF.911l 33. 13' your 014thing Dever.,ter, IS68, rAt 2 p. in., st f2red; SCHOOL TEACHERS. X. B�Has always a Place. Glasgow House, C73M0fL3P7OR C:14%0 Uy. �Rememb r the coh�qrete 3sortment of .11 . I 0H0jC3NZWDRESS GOODS, HURRAH FOR GE39S COFFINroir hand. t d9or est ot the POS' Office; W-dat Street, Qgdoxidli, ill AT Allilo.) HEA -USES tp, h1te- 20, 1868. - . . . I 1 AIL tUO CHEAP CASH SUORMI. West St, Goderich, Nov. - 311$68, V2 aiLi&wARTABRO, - o1 -6th, IS - Gdderie THE CHEAPEST GEMS IN GODERICH, BY JAW 40., THE BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRIUC_ PER I MEN on for the Contity of Huron, will meet ONLY jS CENTS, OODS, 13 il r od SpLENDTD VAj.,rEjNj)RZSS V Law to estaW!sh an the Cent'rat behool Godeiiah, on -or 4 L cases for RARE CHANCE. ge enoughfor or 8 fox -60 cents threugh lot 1, on tb e atax va Ill czants. he Township of Swp!nmn. 'at] j" t1lie COPAP. GAIM ZVOItE Ea bythe ncture of dill f3n omit 301h dsys-d-Decembor, - Foil ri'aaday and Widneday the 29th aid QRZAT SLA'11GAIN81J. instant, Taoth days at,10-o'clock a. M., when: candidat' licenses to teach will AT DE onsecuence thil 4 es wantiig 1, T COMPANY -or Gl[AX ON OFNERING, TO THE 1,� TREE e it thlt�rerh-e Pnapikil by Ah& Wgnidpoil tudity of beill examined. i-4 1 . ; ofsaillf ell ig- ruj�_ LOT Those applyirl for &3t.clan cerlificates will CQ 33LANKETSI then have rt oppor 1`110SPIT-A ` T MONTREAL. ANOTHER be dialinined on the 29th and Continued on oecure the e 'L`UtvilZ��'JL) C1_L;n`!@jjnrjl licsandjulgesof Temp have lil . prou'unced orparal, on z the 30thl. 'Candidates before being AdInItIll -.hado"Weril U.� III Corpornilon WLY G00DA ORO to be qu -ex so ofien used ihe the CHEAp CASH �.qTOUE and the Eat 0 ite pnr&, and frets fient tuyattifietal collooringr po;Abaous subsiant: lubstance fadea- j.3, from �ll fkerzbe thjr,N5,�j queated to presil agpeasaw-iii of Tva, - Xlxey Are 22 n erlivalled ftv b3trilength Ar, IWAs-irouv. he I been - jAW to. tin exaination are-. re tt ia , rain drlu i-glihom. fol lowing devialicus sl;115 �I A -,c coenfhrt.fr��ie worik, keeping in mind health, 4ecoa3iny nia:1rughtlegreeorplea3a 9 e F Wo still for 41 prolits, jEfooting a savinj to the -cons e ofl5e, to 20c. X tir te 'are put gertificates of,good moral charaiter, signed A N %a small possiblec' er III. *6v -a Cle�ryma�. or a, Justice of th LW -e, e Piace. - 'P3 m,ntfi� It 16 and 25 III. boi0s it tire witiraitfed pare and free from polsoileas subilikilicea, ers or four,I . I Vc I I ailway Station in Ca da� Xvill AT 8 .54b. boXes� two 12 lb. boxes. armii 2D or 25 lb. box sent carnage. free to any fill W.1il And notice hereby given that all cerlit —4- LLi -Torwarded ionnedittitelk on Ticeipt,5171he ordeirby mall clititalub;g -money, or the money can be collp.cted on;dql 8. 7 - to r4vili. 6x-, CALL I SEE b0a. ROOT �ificates grant,A to- teachers during plismal CA 0 ( - , , , 0 After ttata"'Le tO "*. jule NLI,: - ' livery byllixOesd miul, where thire lit 4. in *eudia.-Z orders bobiwthi),awalit ot $10 VAS . cc expressffilee, lb. box wul& be too mUch, folit fhaiesclub_ one term only, which were obtained; x LOW !%10 pabselit wilt IL-boterilli'vend Moody r. Where a 25 ed-witbiu the Feld suit' k Pr 00'. I . 1. I I _. I I AT D&LOIL S til We send thertine addrome4illill plud ,vioustoAuttu5t,1865 areecall6d. and the:- -bill op;her�wufd rend for Ibirri lb. gbwoy and staij 41 inlem, -all the I lell to give 4pndre sittlifacti AP V &817 t Y� as is'public bi, DCAMPBELL havirl lately purchased As�To INS=A OMPY W.6%varraltt on, It A A;T 01 4 and - urill b lo'ldem of the same are requested, to present ,eac �Wxplatnly,*othat each �rtygpl t the CIKE 0 part O an j(Ktrtiment which enablett h,m. to i Wy are mot sitti!tsictory ll be returned at oar exponke. ihemselves-for ra'-examioutictz.' The Board tL-. 6rg�siphotojiapbz nizat, in Go.d.e. akwiglies to discountenance her examination of 70..; me riavoured xlewesson 4o; W., 49c. find 6s, vem -Til per3ons, who, haTe not any il -sddfttion0;_,6rSj!8*onjl CWolodis En ish BreaVast.Broken 1eaf, --tr i—*,. lVil err Best all Pjavouredo 7ft Sound a, not the best jveustb6jxmadeto the N.B,�Porcelain. Picture SUck, ind MUTAv Atch, areil do. No,- Very fine 4oVo. .75c. of s3id lo� I; tkil il Very Pjas gagement to tea�t. ad , . .. -__ . . , in.the Dominion, but. a% go -U.10 . liEAPESTtSPOT F011 DILT MODS 14�&qutli 26�. 24illi 'N a New Cabinat'Preture, THE. WjR0 F,, XVST BE -SOLD :� ":: U H. R1 VOE11% Godeil A% tlie as large. as the l (k Seluib 1'. 40', wcst Seirettiry. hi b ix-tbree time& out 8 n so _ 6 - e5 ana 76c�. Ftnitzo.,;lll vell w so. -crime, and Very *780, 56, a'a.,youn Hy- aw4 . % 3t, for $2.50 ppr zq a' within F31m WeeU' a kayfield 5th Deal. 1838. do . In returning Choicest irwee S FOR. 1869, past, invitesall 'Teas not mentfoIll J_tf*Ut-�;qVr equally cheivy. 'Texonly sold by this- COM ny' Pa than -EXA.ION lc� 41i tittiellent-mized Tea could be sont for 60c. and ?oz. I'vory good for t01411121 P---?LWCS Oft, Soutil ED, ZVI 144 2 chs.., N3 to call'and sea the, nevit Wzes. f6r themselves. following: 'ilfle rud I 0(,'W'l POa Vrsukii� ew.itt. sIad' D. CAMPBF � I . I .: . I X MITM- tjnducften�s effered to try Iffelecun'tiL. 9, AXNV&, EETING IM X031— Ora Detlok S -f, 0-XIMOS ill It I Jr -A. lot No. I Ra t1a was fanck"Ou Tn Crodail Dec. S 1868ll, w27 panv _ - . 1. . . I - tin R2eve, Ileptitj R4eve, '%V*. NVATSON., wig thil wt! c- -1ir re Co3nil forthaTownship of ilit'n6s .1 ab, NtiV, 22, IN& al Th, a r1y aeat times I ofTes, fmin vour linuse.. I bav; vurchWd jrftn� %1il MAY= 1860J I= 'thiocti, -No , rib 5:5.. NY - GRIST, -1868,3 SjaCI;l41W1 Am piensed to mlillinybd th4x4o Tes, mevery case proved mos. sadi(actionli, West WAwanoshy, W46tf. c ITPR 4 'DIIAUGHTS- ,"artab, II69. ftd, 180, will be holda:i At the Schoul liouse,in $chool MAKERS 54, * ]JOUtWlTatcompoily: -e4April�IMS.—TathellontraxIT4gm ny West 'W46nnfloa With 11 in is Ho treet, lfoutresl:­ 4 1i� G=TLtK*_Tbe,.rftIPd=T1A5l 7411: jll _Mpital or*&40 abl -tti 1.tb., 50 lks, 3 lllenc-P., Non!, '260 247 Xz-ef, -painoij)1tof T"tbstw&b1vs1 lot, you the garouro(It is very the lair TIE Lettt to djffj�rentparf;I; ot the Dominion, =W*e jC* glan GU H S T hT TARE,: TIC19MIAL"r F, 21ST INSTAT, of fts. It is very nem j,"tisfacti5n, " out ff two Andymullitiklif rill ldh I ft RANSACTS BUSINM WrrH THU, PATBI stmuge, bit a p Wfi presume AT rtm Hom or 1.4, Ifoolt. T face I blivabom drinEag Iff AA8Pf9r;XjD A Office and other Departmentatif 11ke Gov&ninenL X"N=0 IN,00j)XUC11 NST. Opf=j ON lAie "Irkalte1ios from beartiburn: wbielt iYOU144 four Ten as gtybg �,;tafz6ad 9 THZ SWISTALTIOX the srd�of Dec, 18681, yw, mdu ms .1 sttributild. 16". 7 I=db W 'RALB.-UOLLAR FACTORLY Ily I- Elqetion wjI -SWCOPYRIZELTS AND rdeawili aveoWad ,kol if & PCII be neceal �, th or Ta"L , iim WX bg held at tho jj&me'p1&c#,,on the First Mon x"Ill inDa'ax"Am $be,pi.ft 0! it, was gent and othe L r1loomnints rjeces. Cluffmis -Richard 11610111a. returnns box, ot joll to joy ore zil 3101c"ter ja Gode riblij w1iffelle VID. keep 011 I 10111 and mill to 33outuir A. ,16hulit6h ll -, . . I :, �. ll in Jan sU7 to swum PAtorra- orlimmm9m prepared on I)riscoll %V`J OMLY Sit"ll C T, Ii. arderitlikluds -Ell rocelptotRodel ofths, Invention, Dwil (sl Preetor'carollne Express Co. two ra!lls find ty� r ifirl, Of4c er. TdbxZ_* T OTT, Ril Ottiiwiii Pecember,486%. I&" Wat - -DRAfT, AND COACH COLLA or 096 Mott 6 Tip, Offize, AV. f5cheld J ph -of a propssil wilob by George wi - `�, te lated and b yle, w=3111tea V) r;w� stima Rob"t (2) - ion". or&nzte, OuntlM. ew45".d. W wm*jr 7reakfitavidYlian "oriol '13111 —The fi; TZ1011119P. W"TIM. ZUjr!on Tow w�'* pft I M 0, I to compq* *A p-joa ard cCiL r6l; 1 "N "A7 doll ArW6, , - . . - . - . . I . , -you% &it-. ny ylllizodm; It .." I _ -Nd. 4, ordon N Treaslue X 6 ry i the 1"ViDOL 14" cc to h 0 r, a S, L t 2, FbrVjO0I fttlon - Towitidlilp'lof Colbo=4 a yelitatins3dward Amy collar tsew, EVALF, TEAl IPOR SCHOOL TWbaboldingfirst or,"eciplill alitsi mWiclitte. Ad. GrsY J0tut vw�Aoftbi H -L MisisM - %WWI our wwworoxart;e; our Temin &�W NothinjUss Mill W14thr R*latimber flood". onod1s; StAtI119 "I"Y to iV46 If by-Uttirto Batimilleilp. li;.to Calborilm Apr, vy�,-Mltc 17=5(M Hew. q, --gerft6ad 6 td ALEM JIALLOY�, Well Jil Cji*ij to bit -mit; by. the IM 4 Glo"r T` JON61* I)rm= WHillon, Ea :T*Jo1bo 1:M lee,, Issr" CHAS. GILDBRI Gurtloy iiri fiffiver7tillim - . . Gilroll Win Ar .. _rLor N6fej sa , fw46 tw* cd.,borv, Ilill 8*, ion. own, trilA OdobP 0 0 It' C P, 0 .4- t-'a vi.Qf tLa sacrei lair; the titbw- of . All" Cinil or the bu mcomplishod, ��:.4 VII1013 at 143t Weglll�lZiW& By ea Gnat ',61to4on". ths, zaftN d-iselmoof the throat' anj -_xposurs bav*' savtalffon. -4,A. ELLIS, DVt sms szsroulm, A R, ,RIVAT -u DT T -A C� GE AftOFLTMENT A D A T W I-, F, JD S' nT Wo. e 4, f . . . . . . . . . . . . smnn TTONI.—T l tells us that a singu- he Cle%veland-Ead- GRWENGUSH SEMEN ]SAP Mu of the 20th inst., E " l,r sale was made in that city the day pre- KR- JAMZaURKEIS Vh ALL. V AW ABU A HAPPY.NEW YEAK =r Harsh, Esq., sold to Irr.youwautGoo Photographs.-golo vious, in which J. d rated Female PnIs. L Prepared r ft. a preacr�pfiDn of Sir J Case& holl, packers, 5,250 sheeri, for Sayfleld Road, a6ining the 01il gue ce,.ts per head, the spller ret WxPhysician Rwrao 0 ty lides, and the P11rchagers slaughteriag the Est Le JOHNSON' to ;4e Queen. TO I. . -.1. WeEL-L-' animals. Who ever heard of mutton being ihilit us stocy. oeh"WI Anuouncingto so cheap before? it is said that large Thistrivatuablei'medicine is unfatling ri-thd' f n account of the scarcity Ot todcler) E. L. JOHSON. moderate, till excessand removes all obiftim alook. ., - j U are being slaughtered, IF you want Good Porcelain PiQturea,, go to cure of All those -paulful and dangerous dli :ssea quantities of sheep i emale, ponstitution is subjeff I. it I' W, 0 to whibh: the r % _'T R U F_ M A N7 (X. i4JL# IS =j6MUCTED TO] they will not PSY fov wintering. Carc3s- slid aspeedy cure may be relied on. All T 4 in esaresold in the Cleaveland market at Ifyou want Six Good Gem Pictures, for 50 z!v 1), A W. of ts=!, 6, c- ' lit fhll. By visiong'SEL'U___ AUCTIO.Wl a i, r 1; betwo 414 TO MARRIED LADIES" time, fron-, foriy to sixty cents each. centa, go to lapeouliarly ruited. It widj in a lall ro E L. JOHNSON. litring on the monthly petiod with rogularvy. At his AWTIGS 'Ril Wall Z-Sil .) ilih Each liottle,price One Dollar, beptrok's Gov- tit) 0. —Mr.T.Colins, ofRochester,N. Y. to r erriment Stamp orGreat Britain to prevei I, coun- it ..the hop �phis may be kept ` I . B. -The Subscriber offers erfeits. . 11- 11:1 . a ;,% AtNo jz5f3b, -zi in ILe Cern2v yXD d las- OR11 _f Der Tipwici In at, SatLe- vines by dusting them with trroun IF_C>1E;L C ALT-TIrlom. rViinn frop6g-ou Lake Ell them -' W h the ntes Fill ithould not be taken Suftotale during .11 2 inijeslemn Goderich, -Wi3b a View f ,ter.cr even sprinkling it HIS SPLENDID' the FIRS2 TffRRE-.ff01VTHS f Prog. EMPORIUM ..-CR*CKERYv Hairbor; containing -133 acres full or jeks of "Ha instances the f .186S. Scraping" of the street. ill as Mmy are sure to All ot Micar- Ill lot 8. let eton.Goderleb.Tp.. At IWAVP c� ')to d-ack ziff,111; 101 nam!1ve imv- -4 fact tht several fields lying under the lee piloTOGRAPH GALLMY rtagw, but at. any other ll they arts fei, SuPirtur Land, -very rge an hunlited till BTW_ - - - Conipleto in every department. (Blyfid4jRoad.) .AboutI00acreActearOdll WSON La a, -Merns, and In all caseso Nervous avid Spinal A.leetions, Of a railroad, and exposed to Clouds of dust with a splendid 10t Of neW` CP -7 vii ;be rto cif roll the season en- with Stock of.Negetives and Furniture all Pains irk the Black. and Limbit, Fall on 4light p Lpjk� tnjltf bo 16 ._ - - �O .11. . . -You woulei do well to, -,Premr a J, rbig creek ril through 141 and smoke, went th exertion, Palpitation ofthe Heatt, Hys tries and XANrA Call and Exabine his. me$, Coto willbe made,,Lnowo oo de-. of sale. or �THAS* SUGARSO TOBACCO $C -f 4efore P" 'liia the premises -to WM.&DQNALDFRA-SS IL, '9' tiraly free from the aphis, A&j6 - pfr4.F Uir. -Mlows 1�t Itme Uf I LKKUM - while yards at P-lete, - Whiteaf these Pills will effect a cure whet tilt ONE: We vrel a distanca from the track Ivere badly in- AISO, a- Bick Invvelinhu muse other means have failed; and althouel a;power ingr elsewhere, -who will thow thii ?arm at any Little fulremOdY. do not coRtam itton. cali net, anti. fested by them and the arop much injured. containincr 5evpn Rooms, with Good Garden, to the $0131, moll oranything hurtful to Ill onst ution. octlerich, Nov. 10. ISCS. -.Td4 Id Stable and out buildings. Two vacerkt lots. Fuli. direl6tions in the jDaniphlet at jund each 50 ll er yard, Cash Paid toriBuiter, P altry, ll to P ALSO, two paid up Shares of S500 each in package, which ahmild be carefu.iy 1 eserved. N.. RA the Dominion Salt Co. Solvaggitt forthe United Stoll CanadaP3 J. U. McGREGOBI Molvent Act 09 Ca 0. r, X -M 3bbrtf5Cl1dC1ll Two Dooriiftutfi oftliefffigm. ofthe'Pircular Saw,,Xaia St Seafhil Oift. Hemember the place. corner of JOB MOSES, Rochesker, N.Y. - j.Q. Ault; Nov. 24th, 1W9 W-U4441moll, in the inaturofJon Cox; James ]left, -N. B. -S i.00 and six poAtage stam b, enclosed H.miito. Stre EdwarAPealon;a�dholut;s 3fears, et, and Court House Square, to any authori-ked agent will insure s bottle con. f3iialtorth.' BROOM Goderich, Out. tamill Pill bV return mail-. AUCTION LE E. L. JOHN8TON. NORTHRUP V YKAY, NOT R.40 `TO DEBTOR& OF Nov. 19th, 1868. w44tf. NeW02stle, (". W.pganeral -kil, ci� agent for Vanadr LLpattles indebted to the estittes 01�tho above 1 Sclise iber having I THE HOUSEhOLD FU11NATURE" tT, Sold I a Goderich by Parker V Cattle and A maned Insolvents, Are -live riht 01 the ftia4uired toAlChl ontheT1ndermined Dubsou7s Pateut Brcil�iTl, is nut? tprtTared iv F.Jordan-, Gaidiner oc ll James j andpit theattiounts,4f their respective elits., Ali Hentlill RoXeivillie; J, Viekart),li'ceter; J.14, those tUt�_ftemaja unpaill at the -end of the uen; ,S &C- NE, Q (!om�e, Chalon, S cord, Wckftow; E. Hick- Is L N -E W .,,;L, I I R Y BAR FIXTURF I CHEAPEST BOOKS ton, Ottaforth. and ll It edicine 0aiders.., w38 be shown t SUPF X. TRUENAN- on 0014 0 an 2. P� ftILOR _ 'I one UV THE WORLD. 00 S& ill Ilark, to sell by Auction r Ist, ISIX S instructed by 31- A- ?-HOLLO &sfoft Decembe WC11 Printed On Goll Paperg NOT &AD THIS at the, OVER 4DO PAUES EACH. Rr gf!st r1lalerial.1rd weste" AVERAGING" An & HOW11 G(kderlera WA.Y#S W-O�R.M LOZENGES aria a citkain and C ada Twee f, --'VVJL 3-1 XLow-C)l,X),02iL N-0 T I C F. O_N S_A.TU� RDAYDECEA1BER 12th, 1868. PRICE 37 jets. FRl� BY, POST 4octs. safe remedy for Wojms in Children and Adults -totbamorchantatifilm colly4lit,%; -13mas Eel, comment:ifig at 11 O'Clocka. in. -A& it is IL Well -know -i and melancholy tact ()x -I ITRU. Bruce. Ansvii's Voyage round the World The undermentioned Houshold Furnature, Bar Fix- Esop% Fables 1no cuts that one great cantie of death a inong children is ALL WOOL, 621 cents -fir yard. W. A. from Worms nione, it varl be toc ilteply ini- V ­ CHANC JR.Y. twei &c Anne Le�, oraid, wife and mother TUESbAYL, THE -2- OCT -0 B E R IN �Aer! Tov. 10ib, ISM n- 3 BOX stoveil lot -rious si-8 and.n. large quazti- American Receipt Book presited upon the minds ot parents the necessity #TH OF N of closely watching their children.- Bysodoing �;tovo piping, Bontstcaasof varioui kinds, and Anecdotes of Napoleon carteir" vs. carlt&4 Beddir�g 3, a Sett rs 0 Chairs. = LVENT ACT dj? of P4-zloar Bovis Own Conjll Book gaved from early raves. Symp rous OF Wiiinus tv of and unerstandinz the symptone.and true raus� B,e��Il Dium. &nil Kitchen Table Baxter's Saints t of the disease. thousands of children miaht be citairs. two Pckhig Ctuirs, Kitchen Pictures of s 'S _AV —A FS -Nig ­03� -Zarket. Squar, one uir Seated SOU. one L -uu:,��. a lotf B. -own's Concordainee G OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT P IIAVE vartlit izes, one kir.-a irror. 0kna an.i other Cup. - -The follom ing are a rew of the very numerous e) Nbeen appointed Itecelverin the above eausi All- joijiltityof Hill) ba2rds, Clock, ChinA Tea SCUS, Crockery, Glassware, Fuctin's Don,estic Medicine symptoms and diseases which ere caused by iJoulavid Toilet. stin,is and Toill Setts, Wash Stands. one Huffi,n1z,Nntnr,%ILHi'.4Iory bre.indebtedto the Estato of the late utles, theref Iniheinatter of FA%vin Wvrtns- Deranaledappetite,ela Rehited extrem- onjitban Carteltare notified to ay heir acconnts to - Buny - n- Pilzritn's Progress Oil Wmiday tile Ist ftaN� of 41chruir) Agrricultural KetVc, Wheel-BarroNv &C. itle,ofrensive breath, frequent pickiiW at the me. All accounts not paid within one month *oW � Bar Fft.tures, with sundry Hunyan's kolly War $EV9AAL CASE4 ofthazaid Aio The %v.hole Of the Burtils Poell 1 Works nose,'grandiugof the teeth during sleep, hardness thladato willbe put Into suit for collection; dismnrge Witter 111c 6.111if at t. ,otherarticles ofth-i be y, w;th frequent blithy stools, and Ditted" J1350% day of November, MS. D,ited at Moderich. m ihP CUL11111-4-or 1jurtin :11ax 24,ti Butter's HudibM4 and 199 TLE . 4fi LUDUIG MEYEJL day eflioveniher, A.D. ISCS. ,rE;uAjLS Ov S�&T_VL s(inei ineii cojivulsive flts; pain III thit head and GrandV.Sp - N tf- All suatsof 93 and nutter cash, above that sum 12 Byron's Sellet t Works 0 al t AL Cause a Ill Cure of Infidelity OR S . . 99Ojt'rftJWNT OF monthscredit allowed by furnishing approved joint d.n. 8, in el2estionjaliv spirits, frightful anis, BOOPS & L-JTRAY STFERS­-Strayed into the prelill of the note& Cottager's Key to the Holy Scriptures and a dual sting awn -Of flesh. 0 subserilvr, lot NV. -j 21, Rth con. W. jilawanosh, Goderich, Dee Ttb. ISM Chirdrt;n-of-the Abbey y *1 33L N 0 t I e 43 Theyntre 1-iiab,ean " I-administeredtothe 'CW NIS!l, About thq Ist of September last, two Bteers--one a Clarke2s Scripture Promises - � T . ; vbitigh roan 2 years old the otheir black 1 year old. child -drive out the worms thorought without r r ,AK9 OTICE Ilint DEOIDED BARG.AINS.L ly ha and take them away, qOH "g Clater"s Farrier Book �h-there­ The ownerli requested toprove property, e ollr4 es wh UOS- eridge's Poetic.il works &C liq & baut the 2 Ist Viclulmr, dalvd remite- ratn and completely itlertitse the stonia N ,, Cattle D)t tor lydorng away wiih the nee' �itvoladniiaister­ a# 11 Vastar Oil or other un pleasant catharticti-als cis NEW,GROCERY co; ng G*ENERAL� D.- GOOD 5 lkt 8 COWDeriS it the use of 6`11ei NVorm -Medicines. jjIe *21%1 01 !% 111 the LATE$ F INOVELTILS in, m4turing viter 1he ititicific.,q Culpeppe's Herbal B2, Each box contains the th&qimile signs- The Millinery epartm.e i comprising RA Dfromthepremisdii of the Subscriber, lot each A.NL D Dv It Qll (advent u res of) jureof.NoRTHROP &J,Y2-4AN,NeWCia8tle0u18hO, No. 1, 6th con.,Colb,rnc, one zvey Steer and one f. nod mi(!elbv B11UNA A., its 1%vor Air DGddridaels Rise and Progress Bonnets,-, Hatfj*,-� Ribbons, , Feathersi ll &C., red'Helferrl IW twoyears-old. Anylidtirmationcon- btarcr,� who are the sole ll b . I be suitably'rewarded by the *%Vner, full In the r Burns, 111p, -%;Vd4,%V D,Ws Patent joietors. .�i , ' Being I imported DfRE0 FROM WE W YORK it 'peculiarly attractive. .N. Hf-Ai,k for Ro lorvay's Worm. Uzenges, Ferguson, Grace.) 'd LrQU03Et ST03EI.E. vll off e si. , 'jillum Duras and thal -'s Poetical Works t Dryden Rad-takenopther. Sold in Goatirichtly Parker- %ADIES-CALL AND ZX:&XM.V. V464fli hils no nuthotily to it A0 d e hi L Nov. 25 inti ig h Popular liallads Cattle and P. Jordon ; Uardiner U., Co. Bay - R. BENZIE, respectfully mates to JaL . . th, - - w to I Evenings. at Rome, field : files Benthaffi; Rodaerville J. Pickard,; intestate. ndt-he not havilig adininisierc `]PIE RAM, D four head ofeattle, namely.- tV70 1101f,erS alate, pud having been paid iu full ber A. the inhabitants of Goderich and sur- Farmer of Inglewood Forest I Exeter; J. R.Clumbo, Ulinton'; Secord, Lue roun4ing country, that he has Foxeis Book or Alaftyrs know; E.1lickson, Seallarth, %xid all Medicine, thericof. voerjoh. 00t. it. -w2slf.,.' and tworsteers,thebwo heifers are rising 8 Tears. JOHN BVMXN�._ Goldsmith's Worics Dealers. T143, CA -420 a33 C1 MOO VWOL1? one is reil. and white j4potted, tbo other is mearly wh(t6 0 ultiver's TravOs and Saran Munchausea d the Store on Hamilton Street ead Od Opalle Heaven, the-abodeof therainted dead ne spot of. -red on therump and Astiot on by VA .4 the Mile, -And somi red about the h walVa"(1 13, list Heavenlv Reeoleecticn. neek, 6ue .1ka steer coming 1hree, It hall It lump on the side-. the other steer Is coming4 oppo 3ite the Colborne 'Ero-tel, with Heaventli, Home CINIDIAN P11V_-DESTR0TE1U other with flank white. d Henry Earl ot Moreland S H darker red,than. the A EA I" G E S T 0 0 K Ill Meditations A Fallitily Medicine-, well and favorablyknown Wts throughthe white. The proprietor, lot 10, I 1. concession,. W. D. Colborne, willretvarit the fluder. Histori ot the Russian War c WART. 0 F Kirli illithitt?s Remains forthe past tell years. never failing in a single OLIQU.JIOUX�S= Lite of Wei' instance to give permanent relie hen timiely ALL WO 04 at 62*.60. Nov. 27. Ill 4t* tn2lon e and Ballads ot Robin Hood A'LO N I THE X11T used, and we have never known a'single case ROURIES F� 0 Life of ;Vzi*h-ngtQu of dissatisfaettionhere* I be directions have be*n d, t P,6th-:on,,(4 e cliTiowndirv,111).111. -on SUGARS, Lilb of Nei., o ary till are the int A in it ir.st, r Yearling 0 Lite of Napoleon Fortaparte r-roperly tQ1Iowedj!btv on.the is ntr' one bla Ir an th of er hite;.any person giving binAOM and speak in the, by ]=; V17 Live of Wesley deligh.edwith its oparations, . T IS AN AUX WLIEDGE0 FACT TIMT T�E PLACE IN GODEMOU information: t at ill I d to their iecovery, will tn " Life of Christ by Bromley hiehe%t ilirms of its Virtue -and Magical Officetai �ber3wardad.' Cameinjotheali,oveienclosurein to purch, so, at Works 'July lamt, years old Brindled Heiter, the Long!ellowls Poetic THr- CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYEER a Grocery, acarorA owner can liave her by provinjr- ro�ertv and Mitton's It hason for itself a reputption, as a blood ppu G- L MAW RoB Vill TOBACCOE-S) - Moort.'s Lalla Rookh'guil Irish Melodies fiRI, alterative stomach tonic, unsurpnese.d in the ANY 'ARTIM E. IN TAR ROCIE'ViboY ­IN'1� Moores Uhni:)e Wdrks P.ypg expenses. Stw44 AT.`. THE LOWEST FRICE� GENERAL histoty of medical preparations. It seldonitaills Cheap ois the- Chesbest, arid.a IG6od n the Best ov. 2011l W.S - AND M6ral and Hutertainin- knecdotes A FA�SIEE SUPPLY OF As andrelfiiiied ivilliout delay. vslerjes and Mtser��;of New York locum-D-spoligial Liver Complaintit, luditu- Cudiatich. Xime 1. 1 -adache, Kidney Core- JIS 'THE ion, Hea;lbitrn Sick He in the subsenber, Lot.3.2ad e6n. IES) WINES 11IND L10012 'Painela or Vhtue Rewardd plaints, Arl Stomach Phl-Hisicor Asthma, and QTRkYEDfro LStof .Sepiera­ Paid and Vn--inia. Elizabeth and Rasselals I. go' liff Im T Ino i10 -1cr TT a &J Godorich lawar-hip, about the III restor-s to ital activi y We systent, dolitiftelted IF : A t, -A ... S Ott 098, IWO per, Irritir eari c6MPR1SI1;G, P,eaStug Instructor atin by tiflerinzand di, Pope -Is Homer's 11tiad red and white. in curing and'anotheraroam. Any,peron Its magical and a onderful success d io, their iicove Brandv, Reciter for the -Million sudden colds, R -ore throat, Coughs, Diptheria. information that will -100 OF !Q1 be tutably rewarded. 4 pains in the si-le,hrins and back. neuralgia,tooth s & 01dTom Gin, JOHN SALKELD. De.K Sandi.rd anc Wertria ache, rheumatic and pthe _D 1 41U L -11l. V V_ tr,patns in anv art of Gqaerleh, Nov. 20tb, 1868. Stit Jand 5L Rum, hivwreescs and D6as!ere at Ses, the hodytna froin wlintever cantie-, ha!; given it 4 PETLOR kcol�z iltiW13%b a lievildlen -road Q XokW Sid' 31arket. "4q a 164dd it A61h towassion ­19HANNOW & CO Simpaoni,4 Plea for Religion a �lace, ita el household and is fas, strpentit&­ S, D,� V -YkIeston, Malt, chool Reviler In al reparations of the kind. e Ki - � - . Sul,davZ I 0 he LIX�Iie;,Aero may b full amortinent' of 11ye, and Suparior Fales andSwrie3dTlieland It is also, an wflectual and prompt reme3y for T. i ene Liquoref all Kinds, Cpoqk�ry Whiskey, Temperanee Tales Scaf&, Barns, Bruisev, Sprains. Chilblains, Gejienil-Groe Townslaiplof StephPI) for tht� Vurl)ll 'Of SP- Temperance Rceiter rrost Bites, Crampil, in thd ztoacb, Diarlicea, is in ibO C-01300 �Qf e Ten Nights it, a Bar -Room 0 TJ C Fbi old Port, notera morbus, Billions C�Liific, Cholera Infatt- erectl loaly ll i er Sherr Two years beti)re the Milt Join, Dygenterv, &C. Wficiem, by Au natiire of the ground il __y and Wotil World to Conae Price only 25 cents per btittte�. X,%S1:10U WMIDS, Ycibl Pctit Ille, fiffil roT�CeFsicn f t0 Township Of pat %Vnrk NOILT-11ROPk LYMAN, bej#f� .0a sA cousi-nment 01 and 100 other same siz- and price. Newcastle. C. W. Veseb Supplied A-1-I'Artioles in our line AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE. Genera I Asrent for Canada. Possible -to eril �a Del�3gil lbe umal allow- - Canadian BL ANKETS, n -Sold in Voderieh bV Parker & Cattle and W' 1, ance or road, Orion. the -%Mer dQVTU1iOb, W 1911AN'NOIN & CL. T E` ND E R W mr— il a, A[XL.720� NIL 7W' F., Jordan; Gardiner V. Co. Bayfield; James D. furthet dev ation for lhil purposes il Vill be reeeived until It 11 id FlyorSubile. Bentham, Rodgerville; 3 Pickard;, Exeter-, J. H. Godeeitill, Mily 4. 1868. W15, bj the uptill, ,.Uric e over s% all bang -lit, in tba best markets, of superior Voluble, Glintop; Serard,Lucknow; E Hicksoll, -ALL WOOL, 42.50 a pair, at quality and offered at JAI"S WATSON AMER, Proxil yamijall Medicine Deale-re. W39 .791DA1.1le 11th INXE Corpaifa6on oft," TOWULP Of for the delivery of and 1he said Corporatiog, hereby edil -ab! at the rec WIERCHANT9, R;J, Irom aud ufter tbt dato POR IUAOD: That fforl after ther pnssb�,-, Of tb% Ev�_ 0 ORDS 4. 0. D, # A A A 1 CASH OR TRADE. (24 YEARS AT THE OLD STAND TE er Set f�l VERY LOW PRICES UNHAL AGENT & CONESSION EGS TO INFORM HIS OLD FRIENPS be tsed ns 4 �Uthl- A. R. BE' taid deetra qzIE. B d the Public generally, that lie has' -BEG TO AX,QV2K0E TWUM INU&BITANTS OF' must be jill made of bartl er and Fur Goderich,'7Lh Dec. 1868. 46. an taken the Premises GABIN9T FURKISHING: THE! iflors and backloes 4 [InghWaVUS1343hrillso all iult t8 itimber Sib from t WARE Hill) Tj ;sll; feet long, and delivred ili-qUantIC198 f oship PfSiel-hen. Ina tiril per olizinth, computing- -Is" tb 30 C frojn st -of January next, (if th'a contract - Adioinka MR. SAVAGE'S STORE, DANIAL GORDO-N9 juhn Es"ry, ;tn- THAt'THEY H4 V E is takeo: by ortearly.) to the municivalfty A. sljepten7, Und bil aninents of Te rs and thathe has received Consig Undertakerill &c.9 ilkic.y ,Canadian. ode will be -taken frb any party for 30 cords o.upwrds; who does not wish to: -th H - -ingle of 10t L, in ftom 1. Nor st r 5th cm. of Stepbon,zrill %be norah hound; - Dry A 8 DOW 04 C 0 11 11 E NL Two solvent Euretles will bil required for R' tenderfo All whole. 'E -nee S:zih 810 -outs kt $1� hand the: XONDTAT 7 GA.oda, Groceries, XrockeU, Shirts Drawars CEO a' OF NAYOR LareSli, ry of said ict tP, 9 complotort of the cootract. The I WIT# A VBJ�yjgEUCT STOM OF the do, c mliha5o, East a ha%B-, Ibil Reava and Deputy Reeve. which will be sold r any tender, =ay- not'be accepted thil 0S 'r lowest *f V East llelis., 56 Rai unless satirtactory! enil Fil IT,, WC81 I 'Vb Aectors of the Town of Goderich are hereby re- -GOODS-i FUNII'VIE It DIETLOR C6#81111 6110, 1 6., tb ILL� THE F .,DRY que3ted to give their attendance- at We boar of 10 9OLL PET IDAMBO, 61il :E4l t�i _i:t� in tbo'COunty, ��Za_o - Countv Clerk. lks - dience, Xorth 5DFII "Watst 4 tus 90 B tec_ - Rw� Of tits clock. on 3joaday forenoon the 21 inst, for the eivery vailety, CAn- THUCTs -'f Nominating fit and proper persims for the— ORIN to $aid read to W purplis6o oderich. Nov.24. - County-Clerles olfficepri �LW4,4 rods"wl* ofilt:e of.Mayor, Reeveand Deputy Reeve, for the eusu- not fail to Com- izg year, at Victoria Hall CrabWs Block Kingston St. 1868. JA3=, 8 THOMSON, Town Uerk. EXCIZANGE FO -PS PRO0 CF* mand the favor of all in want of FURNITURE Containicig, by uldinmsurtl 3, rti"a of, Who mav favor him -6ith a visit -whether in Ile- and. - 4 QN ORQUERY - GoderiA Dec. Sth, 1$33- sw3ltd gard to l Stvie or Price. Every article m a I Tab Goderiib, Dec. 3,1808.. 46tf, lud HARDWARE. tFue walriaolO lis recommended. will t AV, Havir.gmade urrangenients� with JXCQUES Ora peb EX141 MIN A TION AY, Toronto, can furnish anything bete, or 'A ND SEE NEW ARRIVALS.. We & H Our priees are beyon4- Comill 'To be -cnvinced on most CA��L I into rat2on by tho Caumil of & Nwi- at their Wareroomsiaoront-o emember, no Charge for zhowingg-goods*ud a verysmall one. whoo. we -sell, icipl 0 F CA- M IS& 89' . I I X ' I 211tillDF.911l 33. 13' your 014thing Dever.,ter, IS68, rAt 2 p. in., st f2red; SCHOOL TEACHERS. X. B�Has always a Place. Glasgow House, C73M0fL3P7OR C:14%0 Uy. �Rememb r the coh�qrete 3sortment of .11 . I 0H0jC3NZWDRESS GOODS, HURRAH FOR GE39S COFFINroir hand. t d9or est ot the POS' Office; W-dat Street, Qgdoxidli, ill AT Allilo.) HEA -USES tp, h1te- 20, 1868. - . . . I 1 AIL tUO CHEAP CASH SUORMI. West St, Goderich, Nov. - 311$68, V2 aiLi&wARTABRO, - o1 -6th, IS - Gdderie THE CHEAPEST GEMS IN GODERICH, BY JAW 40., THE BOARD OF PUBLIC INSTRIUC_ PER I MEN on for the Contity of Huron, will meet ONLY jS CENTS, OODS, 13 il r od SpLENDTD VAj.,rEjNj)RZSS V Law to estaW!sh an the Cent'rat behool Godeiiah, on -or 4 L cases for RARE CHANCE. ge enoughfor or 8 fox -60 cents threugh lot 1, on tb e atax va Ill czants. he Township of Swp!nmn. 'at] j" t1lie COPAP. GAIM ZVOItE Ea bythe ncture of dill f3n omit 301h dsys-d-Decembor, - Foil ri'aaday and Widneday the 29th aid QRZAT SLA'11GAIN81J. instant, Taoth days at,10-o'clock a. M., when: candidat' licenses to teach will AT DE onsecuence thil 4 es wantiig 1, T COMPANY -or Gl[AX ON OFNERING, TO THE 1,� TREE e it thlt�rerh-e Pnapikil by Ah& Wgnidpoil tudity of beill examined. i-4 1 . ; ofsaillf ell ig- ruj�_ LOT Those applyirl for &3t.clan cerlificates will CQ 33LANKETSI then have rt oppor 1`110SPIT-A ` T MONTREAL. ANOTHER be dialinined on the 29th and Continued on oecure the e 'L`UtvilZ��'JL) C1_L;n`!@jjnrjl licsandjulgesof Temp have lil . prou'unced orparal, on z the 30thl. 'Candidates before being AdInItIll -.hado"Weril U.� III Corpornilon WLY G00DA ORO to be qu -ex so ofien used ihe the CHEAp CASH �.qTOUE and the Eat 0 ite pnr&, and frets fient tuyattifietal collooringr po;Abaous subsiant: lubstance fadea- j.3, from �ll fkerzbe thjr,N5,�j queated to presil agpeasaw-iii of Tva, - Xlxey Are 22 n erlivalled ftv b3trilength Ar, IWAs-irouv. he I been - jAW to. tin exaination are-. re tt ia , rain drlu i-glihom. fol lowing devialicus sl;115 �I A -,c coenfhrt.fr��ie worik, keeping in mind health, 4ecoa3iny nia:1rughtlegreeorplea3a 9 e F Wo still for 41 prolits, jEfooting a savinj to the -cons e ofl5e, to 20c. X tir te 'are put gertificates of,good moral charaiter, signed A N %a small possiblec' er III. *6v -a Cle�ryma�. or a, Justice of th LW -e, e Piace. - 'P3 m,ntfi� It 16 and 25 III. boi0s it tire witiraitfed pare and free from polsoileas subilikilicea, ers or four,I . I Vc I I ailway Station in Ca da� Xvill AT 8 .54b. boXes� two 12 lb. boxes. armii 2D or 25 lb. box sent carnage. free to any fill W.1il And notice hereby given that all cerlit —4- LLi -Torwarded ionnedittitelk on Ticeipt,5171he ordeirby mall clititalub;g -money, or the money can be collp.cted on;dql 8. 7 - to r4vili. 6x-, CALL I SEE b0a. ROOT �ificates grant,A to- teachers during plismal CA 0 ( - , , , 0 After ttata"'Le tO "*. jule NLI,: - ' livery byllixOesd miul, where thire lit 4. in *eudia.-Z orders bobiwthi),awalit ot $10 VAS . cc expressffilee, lb. box wul& be too mUch, folit fhaiesclub_ one term only, which were obtained; x LOW !%10 pabselit wilt IL-boterilli'vend Moody r. Where a 25 ed-witbiu the Feld suit' k Pr 00'. I . 1. I I _. I I AT D&LOIL S til We send thertine addrome4illill plud ,vioustoAuttu5t,1865 areecall6d. and the:- -bill op;her�wufd rend for Ibirri lb. gbwoy and staij 41 inlem, -all the I lell to give 4pndre sittlifacti AP V &817 t Y� as is'public bi, DCAMPBELL havirl lately purchased As�To INS=A OMPY W.6%varraltt on, It A A;T 01 4 and - urill b lo'ldem of the same are requested, to present ,eac �Wxplatnly,*othat each �rtygpl t the CIKE 0 part O an j(Ktrtiment which enablett h,m. to i Wy are mot sitti!tsictory ll be returned at oar exponke. ihemselves-for ra'-examioutictz.' The Board tL-. 6rg�siphotojiapbz nizat, in Go.d.e. akwiglies to discountenance her examination of 70..; me riavoured xlewesson 4o; W., 49c. find 6s, vem -Til per3ons, who, haTe not any il -sddfttion0;_,6rSj!8*onjl CWolodis En ish BreaVast.Broken 1eaf, --tr i—*,. lVil err Best all Pjavouredo 7ft Sound a, not the best jveustb6jxmadeto the N.B,�Porcelain. Picture SUck, ind MUTAv Atch, areil do. No,- Very fine 4oVo. .75c. of s3id lo� I; tkil il Very Pjas gagement to tea�t. ad , . .. -__ . . , in.the Dominion, but. a% go -U.10 . liEAPESTtSPOT F011 DILT MODS 14�&qutli 26�. 24illi 'N a New Cabinat'Preture, THE. WjR0 F,, XVST BE -SOLD :� ":: U H. R1 VOE11% Godeil A% tlie as large. as the l (k Seluib 1'. 40', wcst Seirettiry. hi b ix-tbree time& out 8 n so _ 6 - e5 ana 76c�. Ftnitzo.,;lll vell w so. -crime, and Very *780, 56, a'a.,youn Hy- aw4 . % 3t, for $2.50 ppr zq a' within F31m WeeU' a kayfield 5th Deal. 1838. do . In returning Choicest irwee S FOR. 1869, past, invitesall 'Teas not mentfoIll J_tf*Ut-�;qVr equally cheivy. 'Texonly sold by this- COM ny' Pa than -EXA.ION lc� 41i tittiellent-mized Tea could be sont for 60c. and ?oz. I'vory good for t01411121 P---?LWCS Oft, Soutil ED, ZVI 144 2 chs.., N3 to call'and sea the, nevit Wzes. f6r themselves. following: 'ilfle rud I 0(,'W'l POa Vrsukii� ew.itt. sIad' D. CAMPBF � I . I .: . I X MITM- tjnducften�s effered to try Iffelecun'tiL. 9, AXNV&, EETING IM X031— Ora Detlok S -f, 0-XIMOS ill It I Jr -A. lot No. I Ra t1a was fanck"Ou Tn Crodail Dec. S 1868ll, w27 panv _ - . 1. . . I - tin R2eve, Ileptitj R4eve, '%V*. NVATSON., wig thil wt! c- -1ir re Co3nil forthaTownship of ilit'n6s .1 ab, NtiV, 22, IN& al Th, a r1y aeat times I ofTes, fmin vour linuse.. I bav; vurchWd jrftn� %1il MAY= 1860J I= 'thiocti, -No , rib 5:5.. NY - GRIST, -1868,3 SjaCI;l41W1 Am piensed to mlillinybd th4x4o Tes, mevery case proved mos. sadi(actionli, West WAwanoshy, W46tf. c ITPR 4 'DIIAUGHTS- ,"artab, II69. ftd, 180, will be holda:i At the Schoul liouse,in $chool MAKERS 54, * ]JOUtWlTatcompoily: -e4April�IMS.—TathellontraxIT4gm ny West 'W46nnfloa With 11 in is Ho treet, lfoutresl:­ 4 1i� G=TLtK*_Tbe,.rftIPd=T1A5l 7411: jll _Mpital or*&40 abl -tti 1.tb., 50 lks, 3 lllenc-P., Non!, '260 247 Xz-ef, -painoij)1tof T"tbstw&b1vs1 lot, you the garouro(It is very the lair TIE Lettt to djffj�rentparf;I; ot the Dominion, =W*e jC* glan GU H S T hT TARE,: TIC19MIAL"r F, 21ST INSTAT, of fts. It is very nem j,"tisfacti5n, " out ff two Andymullitiklif rill ldh I ft RANSACTS BUSINM WrrH THU, PATBI stmuge, bit a p Wfi presume AT rtm Hom or 1.4, Ifoolt. T face I blivabom drinEag Iff AA8Pf9r;XjD A Office and other Departmentatif 11ke Gov&ninenL X"N=0 IN,00j)XUC11 NST. Opf=j ON lAie "Irkalte1ios from beartiburn: wbielt iYOU144 four Ten as gtybg �,;tafz6ad 9 THZ SWISTALTIOX the srd�of Dec, 18681, yw, mdu ms .1 sttributild. 16". 7 I=db W 'RALB.-UOLLAR FACTORLY Ily I- Elqetion wjI -SWCOPYRIZELTS AND rdeawili aveoWad ,kol if & PCII be neceal �, th or Ta"L , iim WX bg held at tho jj&me'p1&c#,,on the First Mon x"Ill inDa'ax"Am $be,pi.ft 0! it, was gent and othe L r1loomnints rjeces. Cluffmis -Richard 11610111a. returnns box, ot joll to joy ore zil 3101c"ter ja Gode riblij w1iffelle VID. keep 011 I 10111 and mill to 33outuir A. ,16hulit6h ll -, . . I :, �. ll in Jan sU7 to swum PAtorra- orlimmm9m prepared on I)riscoll %V`J OMLY Sit"ll C T, Ii. arderitlikluds -Ell rocelptotRodel ofths, Invention, Dwil (sl Preetor'carollne Express Co. two ra!lls find ty� r ifirl, Of4c er. TdbxZ_* T OTT, Ril Ottiiwiii Pecember,486%. I&" Wat - -DRAfT, AND COACH COLLA or 096 Mott 6 Tip, Offize, AV. f5cheld J ph -of a propssil wilob by George wi - `�, te lated and b yle, w=3111tea V) r;w� stima Rob"t (2) - ion". or&nzte, OuntlM. ew45".d. W wm*jr 7reakfitavidYlian "oriol '13111 —The fi; TZ1011119P. W"TIM. ZUjr!on Tow w�'* pft I M 0, I to compq* *A p-joa ard cCiL r6l; 1 "N "A7 doll ArW6, , - . . - . - . . I . , -you% &it-. ny ylllizodm; It .." I _ -Nd. 4, ordon N Treaslue X 6 ry i the 1"ViDOL 14" cc to h 0 r, a S, L t 2, FbrVjO0I fttlon - Towitidlilp'lof Colbo=4 a yelitatins3dward Amy collar tsew, EVALF, TEAl IPOR SCHOOL TWbaboldingfirst or,"eciplill alitsi mWiclitte. Ad. GrsY J0tut vw�Aoftbi H -L MisisM - %WWI our wwworoxart;e; our Temin &�W NothinjUss Mill W14thr R*latimber flood". onod1s; StAtI119 "I"Y to iV46 If by-Uttirto Batimilleilp. li;.to Calborilm Apr, vy�,-Mltc 17=5(M Hew. q, --gerft6ad 6 td ALEM JIALLOY�, Well Jil Cji*ij to bit -mit; by. the IM 4 Glo"r T` JON61* I)rm= WHillon, Ea :T*Jo1bo 1:M lee,, Issr" CHAS. GILDBRI Gurtloy iiri fiffiver7tillim - . . Gilroll Win Ar .. _rLor N6fej sa , fw46 tw* cd.,borv, Ilill 8*, ion. own, trilA OdobP 0 0 It' C P, 0 .4-