HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-12-10, Page 2d
P, -7*J 1I
T12e Now British Mimstry- I)VIDDING,—Pare and stew re off
cittloner owing 0 aloss'sustaided In.'builoll Mail f,116`1neetillig. 'For the next -an0t.ing,
to reaa paper —
Al. 34 ti� apAes; mash them �ana add foui
Tavubjwki 42. ir., it: UVRON Ru4 - Biidge b1the accidentil faUIL9 Of A P, pints of
W rd as-f61TDruJQC1 ON, Dec. 6.—The 111ines" this aarkr of a povnd of butter, sHpr
V , - . * 0, imolv,—The ladies of tW?res OND egga, 4 q
40. Referring to letter and account Of JX cnP -lZboas of maintain order
-The Nrnmittte viet on 3�rid.sy 0 -`ThlatountyCoundi�lof-Hu met Wtho istry Will be Ono
1e,(;UDWCX LW& Iron niti-ate byte 'a Chvxch this -Xillage, resolved: morning says The new minj - aud nutinegpftgMtedleMon. Bake it on
!d 1,6p� 47. RefdMug to patitionefi, -N� Xew
same doliveranceas No. Is
N, 7 ijoTecommend- Ves the 101- short crust.
1' . Miurt Houso'- on.Tuait"y ths Ist. ina. front, /his -1 achifiginenikAl pastor, !(Rel conql6tod ihisp in-, and belie -
ox proposed 'tuattheadliultor Ve Instructed -to mlilve fm .1 1 already been settled iipon
% to, ixambio - Arch. - 31c-
-the, -the Petitioner, I in -IjAltlonor further "SO' - d -t -h- i4eut 4h LOWfig ItSVIO: b:� the 40hio
DA. e pres Oki VarlRussell will haVe a seat
Atholif an'oll,&J"4 -44or an), an agreeable surpiise. A,large wiihOuf a yarv&? for -.Use sjmt tU3 ire mi of a buggy
at' be- t Pri"11111goe:w Coaloll is ri6commended
�rh 6 Ing present the wwden in a, -was - 4b
Ift"L 0 1040
'irmatroug, - - I I / - a inkligural jwiilhe�.
Far - k a
F.- 4C ROUMU., .C& party Of the congregation Arrived- at his, pc#folib.
111016 $11t
-stroug,; Vo by a. . )r carriage V -here any frictioia t;ikes place
VA6 inwoji Of thw petitioner. Thla",�-iiattei vp by J�
ung, otten, Sheppard, Pollock; to. rea-ft, 0, 1100 ock, on the vvening�. 4 Cktrendbii.;, Secreft iowifl not rerwn. it is
rarl, Yo it' I inell(i I&Ikt I trUctOd _rZ of Stafe� -fcr� 1 1
? the 40110itor bo.145 when oil Or gr
cii* � - - U FrOto)i, Te�
-should.be dwisido;ied bi thii Ii.g t of.. ;4 -,P"t" -�[Wji6gapout 8 o1e.1 the sDindles crnxletrecs-
Own thol tionerand t '" -1 thl3loteign Department.
wtfon, and- ao9rdiug t� the -1a6w, J nc r" y1J4OwnOUJ some subject 9 for
FickforA,- er-trim.- . jett kfor the �ydhiia to
-of its q jbe-it* and. havin * introduced' not good
udgmen# providbIgiWil tlqnQ�r 'A `
k4: Morrow,'Sneil, Of the hous
Zxohequar� Tt -is mpnhbu
. ...... Nvidenre�which he prestim, ought to' 0.- lrighf',Uon. Robert Lowj�, Cliancollor o
Hannah, A. took�ossessiorj ed as a singular tirem-
... 10.48 _4u meefiu� of I& 'Rielly, who Znauctba
tainea by tits commi C Y tcfid at emotidabb;l ectetary,
qviter th th ing cong Wight Hen Aiiward Cardwell, 9 that Mr. -0
*as r 55 ie ewIngarrplirs due OIL Toll AsspciOtiou i1i ei Thompson, on -1 War. Zttbe prosecution pgaMst Whalen, has not
mitted- that his. objection Bishop, Creery� Helps, - Tllattho-WtOu Uts e' gregatedin the larg4t room, Dr
eri 31esbar, ebalf of the ladies of the� 4if Stite for
Imn, elle I Alt. P.OrgaSON read o vek the stlktute au� uaties, although laree,t we sat
A te an in, and Gailat -to 60 ljf� �*"`g alsoan -of office --ftte for In- -been retained -to Uke part in I
clea I, Secretary of
*elAWVl( *bI %,red v. dentlE John, Bldgh the Liza-
t�r WO)MMe presentedthe Re
�by Ad - Moired by A�- .. i
_gUnd. in a .1 ver-'tfloriiffig 3hb 6xaWnation of vift.fiesses ofE, 10ampal W.0 ais 'Una PresideA of Council of India in Toronta-Tot a now, trial ca mon-
es-of laA day of J uns S UP4- inents
re pkir-,- MqWblu��Andothm of
rarl!&MZ;� Committees, arja,oappwe�- a m1filit ea31OU that it be referred toCoartL1Wqs alla UplCommittee. A. 8immons, with,% rich caxpeta-h-4 other va Yl�firy'Wods 'RighChancellor.
69. -That the account of 2
In* such Volin t protecting on 7 AodProslde, articles of Imlour furnitwe, Oferidge, !Solicitor General.
loideea to grim An fthe Special Ngeting'held in June iris"
worilsk" *011ifm $216.4i be paid ftolal b tugetlier, John Duke
dettificatm to I obv inY a elected Ic not ortl2e Riabardson'Xine, W,
-k :fired to Nitnessea,' *her $eIF4 We read taid a proved. Aslifield.
attho gqeount
IVOL Council An appropriate address to which he Foitesette Chief Secretary forlreland. -The picd
AD, Th
-withont orintina might bi a Wa�den then addressed the Mardley Wam,, first fior the last week, as
tau 14 be filled ting 'answem- whiel, Shnnions Secy; �a
that -Delegate to suitable reply. Hugh aniii4g-; reported, is. 113 fOl-
wh as a. ral idduteafroin themw6Wdbq hold' power- 01. That the iccoulib.of eo. old and 9t6rs gfolsi.- Kdlar
It it� J. 6tollowing tjtattej miralty. Iowa --twonty toija-cfroek-;�dwas t12-2- fie"
-W* And th viz :-:The erection AGISMATZ. -Aparagraph Lord of the Ad
idex�m towards their- iadictmeut,- tw De �atd-frora W6"butindary lh�e gpprolkiitibn of at Sedorth. On. kBilGNMF. M
it Ott Lo"o*, Dec. 5 -:-,Thd Tj-,nes, in an edi-
thermcount of *i".T.'Cux,44r, pill�6�i� Pl)ea0d, in IhO last 82-04 unde' the head- torial � Oil - the Alabania 41aims, argues
that the PhVa*o1Og)r of la ew roof for 91A amountlig 90.87,bepald. - unalmousl and describing against the*.Gov4ni fo the the New England Farn, er says
newMaitlaudBrldge' Regilitry office) Colborne.. A corNSP013aeut Of
no W 't�. Tk (in 116 touten 611. Thit 8
: Court House, the app , t- y g a I' Bright Magistmie! that
63. That 6 account of J Scott and othe ment's yielding I ba� ezit Car
A -w "ourt, - t1w boundary line KIP- a oi a certain A of Mr. Sawat s- nions for late
0 House Keeper in d ilmdunt- do �i Atium:sholild
w mote coitipiaplfaivq. ind i�i J,* , qtj�r..4 T. V. iii the �e�au 4,that &Q que
-be-.nodoub * 1WAI be psiolfrom during thepast ye,'.. I 0iteroxy effort
60 - metcof a nk lug to$ f tW wanosh and also sn'wcouat O'Qfi.00. yO 9r,
Ite - fa
AINd, - i., A , I - mi.. - _t Lt �oions in
- I resigme . - - 9 In IS63, hett
,dd :Pttj�6 of M pras , 'd'- rned U4 the,firi "in f M K
or Otir township i Ding or. �ti;own eritatibnal law be submitted, td
W'tthe ;odmission of agropdatiou orl a J09 oWns,.VO C. 4
Thwootincil fh6u adjourned. 64.,Vhat -Sinart or si 60 for clearing cK and I thiiik we can boast of Aome Of these wcre
account or i -the coiliniiesiori sa in Juno f
his -ri e next.
treowt Gravel Road be paid,' is aman of -es the Secy, of state- 'liars clrc
V Am Brighter -Magistrate-oura' Job* Bright refuL P2
and all rived. When entiov,
Ej),.SiESDAY, Dee. 2.
VV 80 be refused.
a, any. 05. That the account or L J Braco of 41 He had some sheep and dia
con tr tift t that there be paid 8280 condltlonafly�.that he Ves 4 ship fict Xn do test ill Aprli� but then
fiect! IT 'the Nncil met at -1 0 o'clock fo�'Ull Work qne, "The AttomeY great prudence. By scarce, scions lek; as jEL 1868, late
-.140 ComalAtew L , � I , 6 � . . I a ulear receipt to thisMunicipalitLf no of therd happeued.tli aie'. a sli& I these posts are IV
not -easy to sit J02M
Aili"Witio, 11 -1 be -In adal-t-1616-to those."Imsent yestefda and all demands whatsoever unt er the contract for To, wai Tounzatottawe-.i their Ae-
building th6 Maitland Brifte.gAld terjno to be made as the Editor of the IRuTo stretch of the imagination gr, protoefrA from
4 Iftings may Im
tona. Tha 'to )a1ft An(' withoutpraltidice it. nol; A=Pted. Sip. -Happening to be arrive at the conclusion that the ileath-of.,
a ing t.hu lowiar biadoac
.estiou is t we eX, 60. Thut tha account of"G. At, Truemau for -some hungry dog '.The new Govenor erd of Canada, predations by pla2
here r etisrs. Coleman, a'd SuiRlle arlifir Gin
ladti I drmed*Wto sheep wa ,
tt- caused by
..others Of ogs. av
%uOtJ.,pj.g Toll Gates andTimberofoltlbo paid., of -hearing oexaminAtion 'k q"quiredsuch astrang 'aste tooktbe oath o "oce at fourthofan inch Wow tUO tOP of the
in 'their Ones 67. That.theaccount of -John Grigg slid prisolieri lately ppprebaude re t -Sir John'Young, s
udary I an V 4) US
mina .69 be paid out ofthe lion line aPPrQPr14IOA N - ad d ov n tbo bud cafiely Uith
.4L% the War'donwaall;,entiti Tp;a�to,Xr $184 ktheTnuidefol'the midigitofUte. 01courpoiniuclicasiiottawa, ouTuesdaylast;w ichwas min elet ,
I n I bad Icnowil Nicholas Mitt
-ght. ctiminate chalraltin. of S ti., tjme�ilidliail,74eard.io Chief Justice and -Tudges
XPlhl�'a -Acqoun�ofE ftolmesj$8.25 be.Vq(A for it o0oungilihould bic%lled*up6* to -pay istered by t1fe' wax.
"AIWIC Uphold' hiin in that Aishop' was 6hosen 4 t6 j4ce,"ia sheep, and in -eider that
001) d.bv Mr. printing. tile coroner's in , est"I. w
mi. Z )etI9r'S;Co.,,.of IT -05 Wconarmation o V ilson-and Morrison. The city was 61841Y
must trinist iip6n. and c6iApel Moved by v3ns, Be ie Mi 'A'eath might lietha-ineins of brin
69. Vhat theacepunt of J, C.. V hbuiany
asked 'Gaunt That tit be aid for furul6hillge'lor Courtiloose., lug the. nature of the tvideh 4
. . I e df 016 -461 --haul- discoveredbyl-I -ch-Inouggy an possible. into the mg ' decbrat�a withfiagsand triumphal arches.
loiani question a Tre urnish�this - ico1W31Z1jV1AL,.
asurer ' f 19. That.the'secouldof John Doyl mt - 6f parties in- no. officirs an
11 cournotlecini-vlesr e4ough by, Council Witt, a statem( I Im paid.
jug mood.from Gaoli to&Ourt Hong Higifarldy curlositywassatiA 64sury, t was touna. obivenient to call one Of the arces had the arms of Sir John
wriass" der* n -gr 'dpbted tothisCounty, loor&r that.t.be '71. Tibatthe accoi each GOI)E Ion W=T=
fit we a furnish W b6. paid out lif - - 6 ractai m-lbsAveth ablo,
dation of ations aboat town anct41 ihep'p son's, and -father b
at Vitii 0�4hg certificate d, he, desire W.155oundsty. line =of Viso -46 rt . 7 '-Another *is a Young, ultich are threepiles
Finance Com.. May hive an Op ortadity Howtek and that Of A. McMichael and thejustiee,scou -,appearto be py Bin .0 Ch
led with a trefoil or ; on a clij
appropri.atiou. About ten days ago, on the the -remains, ef Of the
be.paldoutolsame; an inquot On annal e ILI *epvude ire
0aft- And others of lowo
16. is just Upon. of examining tile 8111116� 70. Thatrthe account or F. murpiq - - -1 '%us Issued* by:so -neil a on 1 -second, threo annulets Of The lliird� thato, Clafk ll,;ftrrilla 4i roliotthattble, exciteme is 425bepaldfroni 6DqqWgeaAttowarda building bridge, yQ !f6rumuftist ofDavid I)o W.,
_ w- -the aheep, sand 8 er and a demi-lion rampant charged on the alioul-
.1 rsons pay 65 for Lntl
Idiffer with you. I con- . Fq�llion ot. N r MuLean and, others on boundary-botween. Huron and Middlesex 1, '69-Reh6e aftol w1fe, and Wothers . . I o� 191
a art bsa *Cc e ers he ps rM.W., V, .
an 7s. Tbat tile account of Vrm Paraous and others of taicen the ot-b eir man ftir their great loss of der with a terfoil, and holding in the -.0 Z5 40 V9
YO It ` hinithe ceftiil- D�e arresteoLau -
to, U L41L SLVV referred' to Fin' ce 06m. � - * '
Farrow and Rev. bir'. t ofthe bount ary line APprOPAstIOU wl 0 11 _Mont E6 n 1T
$1174.20 be paidou before iss Coleman and Hayes, at
w6Wd, in this., case, be an all- itleports of ef trouble in Telatiou thpieto. MMU3 n 70 64 03
ofstauley. .9 , Ot �marwtbe sequel p r P-- ICD -
!e nei a timg and
C(M I . dexter paw a daiger. Motto liobori lq.York, nowel()5.0. Craln
wasgqt' estof tohim. You can certainly. aunti.L. 0,--refarrell to School Oom;, 74. -T t e 0 t of Thomas Henderson.- and iistices Asked for- e.
D Ole or' e� I
ic I had 105.100,
rate, which wo -Septem, other's.1020.9D be paid baiancaofgraut of k�65 466dary .eh..N'1h.porsou upon w1ose." aentia pimsta. ms Excellency, ana PO nn'- 4C J;5
(at FRANOB.' prn Boston'
jobbeva of-Landt;34 and York there is grant him V, uld tict Ptf4utr4 of Grand Jury 212.09,
d of MoiAs been a ested stated, -not at the Crown
as against any attempts of %V'm Armittong and ) again
protectively ber Sessions Ferred to Gi1Q1,CO 15. That the aeco6tl liadn:411 Nftdul IPOA ethon t L Yourtawareariveninaddrible�1eigh. �Pujlal&. 40-00, tthiy wM make a good haid out -rL -in 1uy evidehec ady At 109 Go
no d6ub action, in our law Courts, against of others of$20.59bo paldfrom balance ot 18116 Ofboda- they J Id b bl to pi i e e an F'- t2 .6
Report of Ur -,Trainer, inspector ; W U ' "L I n 8 IOTS DF PARM-REPOUTBI) ASSABBUTATrON' It is estimated tbAt fully 10,000 people Presco% tr 48
tdarylineopr ut1 persons n thei, 0
opcona 'anyspeculatioisas.t1ij say ci'jatt ll�R 1.00
Of it, 4 nee might, I dou�t' ion of -Morris. t
him. H718 evide At Hiu9stOI6
2M6%b1e.8fiecfA of Such a terrible waassint that it %yould, turn the case a--ainst him$ weights and.tilleasures read and adopied. 78 Tha th of Mr. Tuinbgll and others of or NAPOLEON.
one-4rema)id to prison for eight dAys the ex me were in the line of cession. Ilia Ex� Toronto, LS
ann-:-:refcrred'. to* $186.49 be paid from! the boundary W10, AVPrOPriatJOU limit, X -believe, the law allows. blark4notgfact sworn Associated Press Despatch. pro 0-0�=
of.1deRiltop. nformation or evamMati A. e 003leneyreaclied1heSenate0humbe
I be entirety out of place until =4 lose him the, seat. Inthat,casewould . ,'LeOpr B M@G 77. Vat thA following accounts of County- -F11gluesT to ye',t',tl1er in I )-There. rabout' onte, Buj�do unia Foftlan&
Clk, or y thinks there wII be. w4dence, which he
'DID. LoNmow, Dec. 0. <2 30 p; UL Are, 2 o1ock, amid the
he not Decriminainghimself, to anext�,#Z- 'Finance 9 In paid. yl&- Idpret sarewilicozivict. Theprisonersarelodgeolln. Sringf artillery and.
AD. �A grearding gravel ............ $46.00 -city ofa geneiral
Atrutit Andcould youftirnAllintwithacertificatO Communication from r McLeod. ofotr�mltmen wbich, as I am V�gue rumors afloat in, this the ringing & bells. During the Deremeng GODERICH 8 Manchester bridge 24-95 -'the gaolertob- the on a cer- nto gaol u&er the warrant flicts between
'Halkliumobs inforraid commanded seizure ofnewspapers
whereby he might bei fortified Against sW;� Letter from lr Camerou-,oboutiff So. 2 Cla t It and f si�rgariug ix4 aboutSWladiesnd gentle- fd�- t, -e Sigiml by
AGood Suggestion. -9 , LHardycovring-culvwts-Liondon Road 25.00 11, aw'before the Stipendiary d every T Al
a troops and -inobs At Paris. These rumors, nesday or.
uilding GeR near Bebuore 841.0
a C. tffigeuqy ail Q4.1 I fancy you would -refarre ft ........ 3788S Othor inen�, were- on the door f the Senate. JDc=. Exch=P
cul r6itor a to Finantij CO. 4 TJohnstab trate as should be then sent. Oi� Friday, EIVIT6
6 John Rois I'd, have caused.a ahic
ilildingAstfield 0 in ON ene � ti�o w4rratit, tteywqp brought before though not confirme
A coMspoudent writes, "Dear &JAIS'. not be inciinja to jo: that length. A number of accounts were then. re: soleoPayusrepairiagmytheltoad 50 Ch4mber, and 10W in the galloriek sst two In ticep of be Peace, neither of whom.was the in comine -circle
I T Downey repairiAg BeatorthRoad..e. Stipen lilry Magistrate. Assoon id Hou Mr Wood md he aadress from
*)Ie people' of Gooleil-ch and The CaAUWAN confess that- I Be 1140 t rcia i I ain thisclty�
Teeourtc�o e., Y,, Dec. 2.-A
hii-ev-idence Mr. ferred to Finance Cum. Rce. so
difficu R 154nam ...... 8-50 1ihe;Coqpty Attorney, onthdpart*o �6 rr. NEW YOU - rd�jort of the the Ontario Legislature.,
T'Ot F'*B' has
Wy�Adent mail- - r. p4TTpXD1,- cc,. and that be, 1. _
for the.eneretic an the, yty Attorney, was ordered bi the Government
a h Biggar -plank Beiltorth'FAid ........ 24
neighlogrimaA vim deeply iudeWd to von 8 * Blyth Bond ........ . 818,70, the thtStipendfary Magistrate I "met with an ac- Of "ap OR G=, U=CM
Ity in i4mitti -Communication from MrXoX of the 9TJo All ICAIr EMC13ANGZ
Patterson. IG J=
-�o far as I know, it is Signal office - referred to Fin. -06M. T n!e?, '131-tteelbid Road .... 140 a eldfnt hich preyanted. his attiQuoiA t�o
008 r pt 0 it nel'u9in n(th f5Aod1dn9 Murder in McGillivra7. ".ndft ttmds
1. V 11*69 Ut it is Died
lookingat it as suck. ommunicatiod from Hq.-IiJohnston TXA Govenloek, do. ........ 13f4etaremandill somedays. 'The tAttorneys forthe 1, t - XoroW,--73a Af" -473 OTC
ner in, which.you, have advocated our Salt anew pole,, and only rue,
on 8 ugol or
Isimu -repairing brl! o .............. . 11.00 the impropriety of Ofs onhe ground, 74� -forenvez.
'om ....... 65N �iptiltr�tixselcteeElr
inWrests. I thought at onetime you werO lc�m I see any, difiicullty. I urge my -conten- refvrred to Finance, C A(
14 T Gregory do do no evidence yet2peared agulnot th sonYS, A NOTHM 11MIS HPU CUM w AN Axn.
too entlindastic, but 1 now ties you oft -for -up .... 200.00 the;. w*eatledstei -d
broad anol comprehensive enough to I Z thit the unfortunate illness of ill* Stipomdiary 10
which iost certainly - I W11
Aloyed by Alr PeiUlne, aei* ation, ofSegorth Lock 2titl tobdbea�Kifnot haWd,
Noded by o Co r
VJ )I plank on:.6lusvAUbrWge.'... 8.50 SNANCIATH. r C�qt� tat
r Pickford, That tha council graut the 17 M Campbell of $76.76 be refused, but -that - 1. loosttate could have no effect.on. tile proceedings as Test9rdayalterinoon) 4married worawa,
righi in declaring that salt 'davAlOPMOut aoptiau of the view I ta the iinount ortiffeA by tho.Comity
embrace the a ke. jined 'Emma, Snowdon, residing in -the
ards crectihg at. e'pald .................. 20.&) nox as pros I ecutors. but asludges. deterrhiningbetween. Buying at .............
Shed it 6mpany'N6.'-8-, the ecount of Messrs Sheppefd & Stmehan 'g' trates, however,
at speedly. to beconia The, ��int'appeait to be anew one. But suLm Of 52co, -tow ljDrill Juitices sat neither as thownt#d9r, McMicken, (Fromur o�ra Corrospondeut.) ........... ... 01 diccount
lwas destinekand th, for tbd crown end theprisoners, Them Is 3bx1rets.-Not -much grain coming in
"a it- up, grap- I Gcrrie 4 t t Townsl�pof"MeGithvray,vas lodged i4the seuis.at ............................ 8
-not only of vast importance to" 0ount, why c of$26.11forou 4 'a this 'Dity, on a charge a =AiLz 13ILVE2.
aret this 06minittee tak ca for Coart HOUS.e beilal.d.; tb uZbf they had a right to re-coinSlit Willey chose, dispose Of itLf.�Are we to manq to be - paid When the: Drill Shed i;s 91 at bAce- tofTilotuas.Aextdor�aonandothoiW r twolreasons; Arstly,. because crime, in this in-. yet, the illeig g was prettY,go6d oil county
Go or, air, in, P16 with and 1 1�atte&by somebody initidering her child, a boy four years old. Buying ut ............................ 4
but to the dountTY at %Xgs- wait until others, decide the bool fo s ved or by the Government Inspec- of $1178.1 d -bound84 line appropkistion of StAUCO it maraer, im - P Saturday, when agooa. many Ina& ofork
Morris. it was �beir duty to ferret outthe ciinahmis, and. there- 'The Aockin- affi.64ttoo place on Tuesday Sellinot ............................ 4 efforts, and I aM Cert%iU say that, puriMilig the tor�Cark*led. and To of SI -00i 6me in. The fighm for pork is,111 I (I Bank: of Upper Qtada bills .......... C
Howeer, I may 94. ThA the. accountMl W foro,p 7,ipvre�liendedA)ersonawho,astUs depoumit, �m inerning, Wthe'womaus residence, her
.99 -be paid it will be much
will back you -UR- amenity, of our pr9ceedinga inthis dase,*e kmovea bv Mr. Girvin, secondOa by Mr. and the account of ID Hay and dthers *09 e. Ity.fthe crione,they holvearightto'. they who knost -.khiuk. husbpd, being'abent at the time. An in- iW Partio at a d Waw W M 27MCe 08'
every intelligent Citizen
from the Boundary Line alrorlation. of Goderich. TP. - retain thealln.custridy, toasaertal�-Aether any boay
hing that demn�%nda attention seek. no fitivour, no the law Or 061sman, That the. sum.* of 1200 be grinted higher. that ordp-Sbjr =it V? eX
owning Ot 97, Timithe gacquat of in Arnidrong and others vab4giorwar4evidencetostipp rtilf0inrot*01911- quest washela the same day, before Mm P7CM, We is jitarly finished, -ention dt�"Negl't TOW -
There is one t :disire that by thie Coundl,f( erecting 3.40,,bepaid from By. appropriation and. twt4irlly 1dormatiou havin a, coroner, and a verdict of P702RP
in our behalf. )r the purpose.,of of Bullet ttt
and oftxa a"Iro _j; eealvaid. iuffleleni The Marke' W21h
Niday boy fell: -trough the
udary F a
Shed in th Thitthe account of John Read -stauitneither of AN.
euly in Spring :that is tha( grading and oinstruea in &a mtmo3t xtrict- e village of Duup"On, 121 t, th9ugh. Ali I hidei J. Dr -
t s�hrtcultbl'e' a Dn be paid from speclal-gulatforl)0v bctwqe.H.O� to Due'd - ein'thb Iolmation. therefore. Oil I rid Y Vilful murder, committed under a fit f
ofone ortwo, streetito enable ney to be.paid when and Perth. thOJusticeaW ever ' have be
g0velfin for company 9, the mo they hao-a Tight-th assume thautheibe was sufficient evi- ice and won sit ;9�wned t itinity, recorded. 'The un -
p ba a rgh,tO U he emporary 24,
Drill Shed is approvellof bythefiovern-0 80,Th ' t b t fort sistance ofsome larger fortunate to be in a do-
&�dt- pedple' to their business The CRmw illeaccouat ofH Gaidinort Co. 0=80fOr deuce tO putthem. on their tridT, a d d
Pitch, be paid. inmit the prtsonc�sxpt% titek. woman �ppeaTs
r P evidenec-In0t boys w10 suctO6. ranged state of mind, and frel.-ly confessed
'�mey, -f-rred'=ie#t evidenes, -1biff evidence -GOD=011 Dec. Sth, 1808.
ca�ry OR jrAx-Well, in my view df the
efficiently. Ifeigenst, should be, gravelled the mattZr, I can't see tlAt bl . Carling is ment, IwpgctQr.-QgrA0d- f Any Iftd. ' e in gettinghim. out
b Mi, 40, Refolifigtoaccomatol'James To a704an - tto y with ing ofthe -00
Roved by Mr. Greenway, sec.. . Y back; your COAHATnittee finds that the maker ty A me the, logic and learning whiq1t u. -A -ad was in
-a ]?A-ftXasD1;-Veryw61l, air..- I have Messer That" CoUncilpetition theLegia.- torence solely to the Multielpalities of thw Townships --&dracierises him On all 0 Teacher's I g tio meet the dead, stating that her linsba FalWhat....... -
agiar as the Hurou well M Agg, .. .... J@ I
as also the k!Uis- examinable.
ccaslor,4 4lvanced with great ring
4donia and Gloucester Terrace.stroataftom, I fotee the argument welihe Goydrazab Sp 0:85
of Hullet and Goderich, and that the County. Council at, has ordered Sidurth 10 era association took the habit of abtAug her zn,4 the DO wheat .......... 0.80
ice to Qffer� latuire of'Grjtario� to repeal so indeb of the call take noaction in the mattor., us�togdt a remandand w0ve got to do our duty. I'm plakeJast Satni Mr.. A DewAr in the 'and that the was not going to bring up 50
the Victoria to the Tecurnsetbi Vellj,, with, Thediscuslion, then merged into a gen- - the -protectidnofsheep from 110. Thatthe account ofRev H GibsonLoeal Super- acting underthe authority of the: Attorney Geueral." ........ 5:00 a 5.
Act relating to' Inteudeat Of #n.60 cents, -be TheJiisticea iLppe4Lre(tvel7stronglyimpressed with6be s f laistineeting-werQ children to be thAs maltreated. She"jaiso loajs .................. 10:50 Ovi 0:Z
ai� entrance Street
to the Dominion, wbicb: eral and ConverSatiOnal Due . After Some 4 -
do as related. to the inulaidpalities, pay- )t Mr. Varcoe le�tured
102. ThattheaccoitntofJ . Id of for gravel jirgaments urged by tholearned County Attorney. I stated bow the act was commUtted: that Peas ........... 0-G5 .00 0:70
wguld accommodate an Bi, present. Ther dines -the Chairman iequested Mr. Bat- �na that the Warden and road repairs. be paid. reaWly granted the required 1warrant of commit- Tr. Dewar
lor sheep,
cost would be triffingand the benefit very,� terson to.go ftexw by-instruct6d to meltioralize 99. Referringto letter ofJ 8 31641aun.-wo recom- mout. -Not a witness wo, examined,. not.a fact was and examinead o It N
I �1 0 tneadthalta grautofV100 bemad$WX,
mio#qthe rest, of his she laid thechild on 'the flaor, too&au
erk be . herel r Ife0atu's In- stated, - upon oath or olherw6d - that 411ceted the -lectured and amineT 'an t -to that effeet.-Lost by a stitation, and that the -clerk be Instructed,
intlarg6'the do- to trPAm4.�jr)ioners.iaIthoughbotb Ae;��tqvh�Wdthainfbrma- A very inte)resting and instructive 4cus- axe, and delibcrately knocked its braluB 'Pork ............. (t4 '009
*ftemes, and he would
ofm"caltiWe the same, and Intornimr MoPann that it is not so given tion, WJ.d tu o=4abW, Who, havb �.em ing(rammit4l in great. These enterpns . e3 -ara as aa to, tile examinabilify of Pfr. Car- f0im. Butinsupiortol'ofills Institution gion'� took �jlace on both subjects. he out. Another "reason Ae aie for com- Butter.... -18 this� town, and ucieekl Hug until afterwards. Onaajournedtill datleasttoasulllclegte ott6establish following�resd 0.
tp*' clock asA balance due. pvcuring evomw w4reoresent (nourt and might have
Advantage to� e 0 3 which hasolftItsatisfactorfly by. -us. bWAe= . Vant L1240119 werehssed, ht That mitting the tUurder was, that the child -0:20 10:20t
rAT ad no Thatthe account of W 0 CJiewctkkCo. lOr 110913trY sublethin-of acriminid nature I tile irioners. Mr. Dewar, at next meeting again. -)octure as contionally ralling on the Steve, and ton ......... 4g
-would object to see a SUM' pla0d iu the Mr. Tm§ort repeated th%018, h
tq.pffir. p. UL Books.8N.be 'd' Xefiftsiftraneq d
--six " 2nd That Varcoe lecture �bu 16-00
it respectfully submitted. this t1we oftlie day -six p' on 'two
Vitivose. f THu3&SDA:T. Ailf winch Pal oW. theso statd S
tiT. he (jxait mA -The ly t of them qu�Qrajmnsr. it, to prevent it boling burned H�&s (green).. Z:00
x u.l'ibust may- that - W, W.-FAanw, Chairman. mbth�emwI%h4bRdrdlg -09 i
-e action.1 routine, the - petition of J.� W. 'The prisoner is a woman about wood .................
wm our city fa*erafor sm-tak my ml lugefamilles 2mcient bistvry. 3rd That next meetii* t. death. 2.51)
tMI pe#tibudr ,can?t 4r' eAb aln�
mpreasiba After Will
Herr i�ai read kud referred to the finanod The Council wbnt into committee of thW;1`P`Ov1d tke place on the 2nd Satuj�d�y'in 0 -
AA& OIL the guAm ofs p-enson of- jrhio thirty yearaof alze, -and the mother of 4 Beef 4-,00 Now is-thatiollefOr be..heldxamiusb1a. The -P Att ' ig& a -new WhOl, Mr.-Sriellin the chair. thing, are�all incarcerated f6r be of eight Fobruary '186R. ............... d4yo forfarther examinattqn�up. not examine- co mittee. es- yet looking- -Ixom ful ho
at. it Apa.]Q 9m inrea. From her actions, ons wouli �to work togetheg 1 one Apples ...... ......
ounded by Moved 1v mt.. pickford, seeonaed. by' knew Ito No. 6.4, tion�nott6coTpleteevidence��uttolbeglnl.tohuntup
stand.point. olihe biroiitd, y Dr. Coleman, suppose that it. WOS imprudent to haVe
Mr. Shephird, That ihii 0oun(iii pay b6. r., �Perkins J , t irt'ainendm6nt to. evikefuce-,, -it fAe expiftgflif -time tht prisoners s Dry Goods, StOM. PekAs
al eo) t6)16
Seaf, th, is the Editor of the :dear ivadmi#iu`t e.,QVI Q%p 'hat Childkensperp* ....... cc) lo?'t
Id" saysthe wicked- - of fho law of evidrde" I cWt see my� way DUO
THw3fitchou im -This is, sumoityo to every 3ion-cominissi6ned I the finance report, be not mtea on are izilaibil.11d 01) before twd oilter magistrates for retail . JwWed her to r6main without some 1
ittahen.,thegronuasgiat . it= id do furtheriaxamination-no, not tbit-inerely to be. The exteiWon to tld-magnifio!eut watch her moveratnts. - She will be Ducks ................. 0.
d� L, pl4vatef the'33i3d Ba - we hae Ac AM; dme t4Idltbp4%=-au)lad Tnoken hlsl�gand for this powir- to .00 16
Vj=iWXWVAckedest . is hi . a my view. 137-04row hoir -he rest of officer aoi with the Wiib-contraoqr- It It aed dry goods store, now the'latgest -!n' illb
d ing Bat.- fil.reason they, sixindividuats. 44yposcil to-beentil
lost, on a dlYWO tis subjea were'.4a be depilved
�to Aid in defraying expencep od held for trial at the next ussizeB.-Loa- Goderich Salt, whoksaln, to.b. pef
Theilling would dog
rili�, C --view-the matiei. to the figyts of'BrI i h worldj was opened to. theulolic yest ay 'Prototype.
41r. ' Gow-7-I t thin it is n0i.er an �H611 drill iiijuli last at head q oftEW11wrty for five days 14 et,
We think go i groir qui%ge. Moved: by Mr.,. Xbrrow, oec. by erloush -e,' Sup in
'b-itrazy proceeding lo� di of t Rpf. tpfiniuce committee. I*Iudierousvere,itno.t.OfBuckp6s, indii4thdtbut
ar le CUM gis orniug 24th. Notiiithat, cAntou Xarkbts.
Tile effit4moffhoNiVocitorhai4,uucbubt�41- ti�u in rvjatd to sets proat, ThitXo�40,of the finance report pose the stipendikryma tMW dbrokenbuthlegs
'lly at onco a novel and an . 4(-)Qmmunica -long shoula the prisoners zUve bee' A KI�s jN THE DAur--Hoace Vernet,
U1. to the ptab:
matter, conibseec iW A. remanded?, littleWbeen given' I
JAO�inan Who, 161 4.njann juroj:� was read and ordeiea to'be lYled. 'recommending thisouncU to grant 'oh the question mi ht sell inors, intricate the distinguishedF;!ench happenediwsp-,�IaTele3myhtothe!Hu.mn 8rC!;&U)
Possesses; viaitors�,asw4l 1 0'
his faultil, but OAL IX; ex- and -the'St ' -the btream� of 3urthasera _painter)
Wall6ce be referred' . to Oac]L*tO i0liluteers of 33rd BattWon. be laid f�R 09of e t6be travellintr froutTersailles tot Clint
tri f
&qXA of principod at t's adduced- this taorning. be- petition of;Mr. vev a onc
-*944 -co-46W4 0 upon argumien romittee for xplanaticu.- overtill. next. sesbion no 'Jnuola,-bav��g diary and off -he Attorney-Gen0al-, then, if a Juities wasgrembdurin thaday. TheL establish-'' wit vall Vileat ......
lfte�eft .Such �crudity: the lini'-ding- Qo ' sy commit par, prisoneqqr A flayefo two 9 Paris in the ains=i1way carriage ca)
make tho= publi.. Adw�ak char!jcterize beentprovidedinAhe 6stimatesxtWaypar-,, M dstipindiary-M4 tratefb�' DIV lo r -tpgd. of � I a, and
Ct with:, ng shoold a Jus- ment now covers more than twoacre two English apiuster ladies, very prudish Spring do ...... .. 0:85 *99
Some inswasthojilconau ofit, and ca� ;tou$abbage,,- Utabese ire- block bOween, BroiO iud prim, and ofa certaiii age. Vemet!s Flour .............. 5: 0
_e -0 t��ti�r�qfXr.131okfoxclkocoudedbv ft olegs of the Attorney- 0
Carried, ir ffiat prp e.-CaiTiea. ce-i6imit sfirbrisoners for
hopa by suA *�49a to get a fe* liand aieAlii loking ieral I Thi occupies the ent'
Wired 1�j Mr. sec. by.� 11%jugh t.h3 M it of giW-00 11' 'thankful that-all4eld way and Fourth-avenup lgitlth �nd appearance was strikin 0.47 80 0:51)
rities so weraa pflsonerstherefore;be umbly iiad the ladies, Onts ...........
molidint o 'of -tile L4 iteady on his stumps; and 10'� theor, it they 7egard him.Attentively whenever )3arl(,y ...........
was granted to the relief of the Re'a V( t No.' 6 after scanning 1:25
the buildin&'- b Q
n,or thet$far will gtiw ce# tq, such. a re jai it-barijot..granted but thelrllbeLty,.frequentlyM)ttb#oviryonlcw . tile Tenfit, streets. Myntr . mb, until. their pttatoes ............ 1... 0
to da; then "d and, Uind!,anA.11 they thought lie was looking, the other
jouin�ttil Was pffererp.
jingentlemanly, and iiAH6us course, Mr. FiijTait's resi-euation i e an f$4.00 be'pai .0w so,, mee. 0:60 0X3
was read and d to -TOhn atublic ppeafi Vll�Ao%-t ttheabsenceofs Thelargest utirsedific6ingurope de- way, begaa 'to communicate to each other Pgas ......
aylordr.his zervices under the Engineer itarticular.Tusuceimpany�Wn.wbateverdisfttitlea ig 0-�25
pork ........
,�6N said to aid not assirot '8=ptec I . vote&,to the:samepbject is that 'of Uoi�, their observations. mpon him in a rather
Thdmdriowatthi�k file- 016k JU on IhO boundar -an d gpriaoner. againstwhomno a dence ap -as, -to his
-3fr-. Campane, gaoler line between East . - ni[766 - loud whisper, thinking, aflpaTently, that Bhtw�� ... ... 0:22 Ca) Q-22
na Op. Ved to go -AiplisatioA froin iig Vo jal investigWon a itiers iithe sitting aisoi� in London, which i's less than half. as they tpoke in their own language they F,-gs ......
A djournment. Hewas-pr _ . %st vaiiauQL LIDA [03 - - -1 1
pxopedyposted It P on clection; fpr Bolus atadea of farlIgbire for -the pol. css�'thopoweFto conmlt, - long ften As, ...... 0:20 e t:20
poople, uie4U of tile.. -e thiy choose is certainly am The Stipendiary the size of SOWAVVq�store.
intop the �rgouneut as to the t9 -
Werred: Mi% Bishai resumed -the-phat, n th 8:00 inatfars; Maglatrate has, ittihis
Very. sinart fellows, w4Ihose: evidence, if the decision who case. I#r%wiythe samejurls- at. liberty to zaae - what icommouta, Huy ..............
111re 4y adduoed, -V= Sul itted , aj�d r Thpbuildingis six stories inherigbi, a -eran paWor -was WooJ ............. aditord of 68 SWI upon- Moveil by MY, Gh-vin report as ameuded 41etlon that any other Justi -he doesmot in jsy pleased. The vet
of* the Committee wag against ieconded. by�,Mr,, lopted. day : has; and
Gaunt� . That -this Council, grant - the sain 44, case differ man ordind' y Justice of the Peace hasa basement andpib-cellarbelow ground intensely amused, but was too inucha man Rides this If on adjugnment was7 madd, 1868 except in ',he Zi-torial xt6xtt of his- powers. The - ; b Wawanosh, that inuuid rho sit on Friday %v O-feof. !phelmt- of tile world to manifest the slightest con-
�Phway, ,SHOW* of the ToiontO e0495 00 to WOB competeatto dealwith -to the -depth oft nty-tw
ig likely -to, be ��ei auth-oilt, th 95.60 on the was read- and passed- Justice" - we he matter in Mnq; some Ural as of what was going on. It was
ality having -expended $1 of ecrownwitnesiebwere
degralA toobt"fv
Giblicim lea on. epom.
41til3exted aitt ifhei�itwlll afford matter but lie, didAa there- bdundary fin between West Letter from' Mr, McGanw W-11 . a . read and weiegnxto i0braneumina. teristo lie used- for the -storage f goodd, Bmusne
w9wallosh %ion. butths!-Iubiol, ftutaiiLts, "I've qo not long efore thi train%ad to pass specu
fyled. _t a telegraph and is connectedwith ifie upper
aimi9Z volunig of GfljboIjJ?- :Decline,, Kinloss, T4� - Council of Bruce bas Vm theStipeudiarY Whgstrate andhe s,hurthimself," Pat Of through. a totinel. Vernet, seizing the
In. and 'a T Beaforth, De4rtho 16C8. Noon.
Some -further disau-saie i,-� S2NX0 to be expended. ItePOrtBQf*00'v�ialmiu�rOOM..14ttoo*eg rut acting under tile. authority of the.. Attorne- thsOorflqO by four .,elevator$, Under -tho opportunity, leaneaforward, soasto be pall Wlp
a gentle- Gtu Tlje'alid- "well elve, J 'gotto do.our dutyyon
;n4aid Una 01606aWn iha:t ounty op Weli sufflei Ido every consideration' sidewalk on Xi�jth ing of his ueky�ora, and ap- Spring Wbeat ...... 0:80 On 0:85
and F&W - A3icl 301331, Ow- X8 haVe :After grapteeltlisau read And, aa I fid. itroet are four' boilers within heaTi 0:95 45a I:CO
®itboneltome, bu t if the other Gibbous. man presbut gave his-recollectioit of& 406 mk,ou%. -Move.dby,�bb.1,66kie,s'econaeab,- -�GiEsbaek of Ilia V10,
R have Gibboneroaim,- Bien wh, ij. thet queston, r ve bag,
-of Hurangrant ain eq*vale .10. (3ouncil for gensra#tkZ aN -e btiUd ngi-salute -2-25 0a 2.2Z
in unseated, wealia Leh boie.pric6ly V. Min desires -to oarmtly iuno6bilt'lo, pi�iO4 fit severdl,dAys. As far )am, by -which th - Pl
sonj,,- That thi4 hand. on emerging from thd-Unior=7
u thesegmoTriareasinnocentas ingistobeheate,,,andfor.Tawugtho ele ...... -48
�and in -which the Aecisionwast ittlavour of CUT -,6rd its Gntl'O'approval -of the conaulit, a
Letter from M�. Mcbermett asking for re( on, sir obscurity, bis -face bad lasainea, 9, mm -
'Mm Pattersou!w- te ti . - I Worthy Watoleii'andth-d-ineraboram i loftheyrims4chl against them. . They are vat htea e 6he Pens ...... QX5 a 0:05.
'&maxkii.-Th� teader ill. be 11mil ioar! �ntitledmq to any favor, mi thataccount but to -the
dinimest.-. The Contaiittee, theiiagroect tb -adjourn 8431 ;ffice inthe Court era.- The basement floor, is, lig hievous expression; wlich, intended 13arley ........ .90( -
o;Uij�jtt;6 a4sQdiateaw". him ijitlfT- riga iddelithe law v e f giTon-bb st, and ab rpretedby pabh lady to th o0.60 og Q -.V5
enough to Iresd the above by the ref. thic L �o g[ as th �n'o lostatin ft g front f, he tre ID. a3 1.00
this. -111illing Wore also lil iY&rfalr.-lidsqumtbefoiitheivorld'. �bftouldaVy q frdla the skylight *as oon inte i until 10 &91061 -the site for file. new Re istr
&� - &W y that. Isno -of th -eath bliarging -the- Butter kind Of PA. sig"L selectionof 0 one believe that they are actually gul 1) )judice e other, counsel. to consulttlie: caso ffugg6stea, ii"eref general acdounta. dom6. The basolueht V0 a: used for pre a 91" ''a:,
Mr. Gibbonsr aild, Ali. , Ca ere both ThA engineer w4s - instructoil t 9 flipe in MiB,in
t , 'g such eliq& a -Ad iwsRn wAg lw.shoul-- 4nv theft hwfa,'and; OIL - the received from. -the raous-
the dther bsull,'shbulotany. one. Wieve .them s4ipAlly In- the BAle of oil-,qldths. other Vrith having ......... r!4) U:13
Maitland 'temptsmilde to force 8.01Y
useisnotfantened the aittin& bf -the COX-, report on thoWdge erbix 'the, abma, 14is is Ito They; askAo;r!zvqr tached stranger the mysterious kiss in the. ..........
present during prope pros=
of itty the
alwaluosih. terminus, a were Miles ......
council into the jiurchase ifidowandhagan. Investigation. They merely ask'the 'The firsttoiry is the sale & near- darl,. Arrived at the' ......
on the loth con, W ory.,. an right which belons to them jas subjtots mitialdemeO
'down, in $or p*vabrwjk loowsoiw .9 ittee. ch was not all d
0 motion of 3(r,,. Mallough; he k tA16 t6 'W11i 1yeveiy iadofdryand'faucy oods, ex- lighting, Vernetroffereallis hand to holp ...... 2:50
a misaierwouncl involve them. carpe a. TrOpue a Oyn . . , - t, tf thiTURDAir. which �icul&njtostprobably a Aebowyonfilrelt, Somep4rson lays information be-. oaks, shawls and millinery. hii.lelG 4;11 , Law W � W .6,yelera ou F"ork ...... .... 15rca "atice OfthePbaca.thatho- I-Auspects and be-' ith a ii!"eful bow, tooli leave 'Of 0:00
atdrddv at 11 7tPils div�U4 into sectiout ........ Oa 0.25
Was this C6utcii litigitioil and seqOet
1868,6fthbt. -of Wavrg- I as was forift6rlY then w
o'clock. After soma furthei con , . z. -a�nd the Councia trusts jitaf 0eves" that youbave c6mmittedaertme. Nowlttw(� -be old part, and, 'is gimply -64red, totheir di&- TuL-eys ....... 19:(;0 1@ 0.
ulh.rm B ofier3Ujesty's Justices , ybringyombeforethein]; hecase int an: them, s4ying,.as IeLri
"-Tb&4�ttni',YC-Ounlm'tlli#,.*bY'=690n, tatheamissabilityofUr. 0- expr�ssionfa ou- the,pa;�t of 66 iud,vithout�iuefneansofitllwinganytbing eon--- eXensionof the latt�r. Each seoition is. *in ' rf tlycorrect Nfiglish 11A(Utt,
*.r.Gibbouaj4d)&f#11ow- Aenco,'theColurnifteedeoldedto whilif peopl elxeprespp� vll d wM olunat you for a e cc ija�e - the
=Zies at t�his Boar i6gihe ovideniie. gainst yoq, may 2
-buy 5"WW lieriodofeight days; lftwo�otber -.Tustica at the; ex- devoted to especial descriptions of goods. ladies $ I suppose I sba3l, never,
hinstiou tO pl'004,
a- 0011116T'M30t PuV urament,- af knowingto which of you I
taken with exam . : - td AajO imstaitkeiwaL in the co juMit be �oesptipd by Mr. Gibb*ons piration,of ihl� time, egolg gauraut, in theirjudidU 'From the. eqntrefthis story, iises tothe: satisfaction'
Orn -I -Mm Ilishap still'&esidijig in the hgainst he; -calumnies, . 4u4, aspersions psa� I tautes should heig4t -of 100 feet, the great dome, togped am indebted fbr the unexpect-edbut it 2nd just., i6tu tho re si-
10AAG C�=33FG once iplfied oN Wedncsday tit'
,AW with, jncfle�to� paolt�6 ofsAyvriln at g circuluB rzlost, of the'
*0 for Ap, of the Waideti. hfis )r fived4ya'at the
I supplica, agelist; Of mffie The mihiites'd�ye�terd&V oilpht to, D3, cast upon, conduct'anT 444jueor"AltyOuft
Countjr-Attor1lby-, if allthill could be ith irw b a flat alcyliglo. It leaves alsp4ce.aixty' fAvarlreceivod.in the tlinnel," 4101100 ofthe fjzic�`s fatter"by f -ho Rev.
niy proved.' r,
nameo.seca with -this Matte
ud for the purpose sees d
Were rea vid, sip chai�aoteriij conne paultyt-Itts quite timethtt aw sho*td �modifle f4et in lengthinthe middle of the remain- AL Win Oiahain XAer-t tlhaxtRers to Miss
br.tfiepi-3tectioupf At. and ll�t Justice,, iii fi om The,asoon
0:7.*. it tiqu. 1 *W94 Calupbelian&� LuNu -vy". epqrt of, the 46juu4tte6 for the efidioil 'Caii4a. THE LI)BEA LEADERS IN
it . , . . g 0 dllooj�diaplayscloajw, i1i;bcth 144 anghtcr -of Henry
rec dWt think o Counei1then adjournia . 0 1 reac 'SPAW. %es�loy .
should be 3 en-qh of theirzather.
in orde� fie Teduse, hist eived. money from, ml �Tb Theri!apipars to b Q U �m 1"ith- otion.of allawls,dress owns ly4adedresses,�
er an exw -corresptindent th
-6o heavy stock is their votes. a, kthJustke or"' '0 -Orseti, ba�ylffien; children!B. -Spanish that-Iaid anyne,directly for us 4es�ribes'
belowcost I luonm#tte *is' the Si0o % .d" clothing f Alfadjdd
1teporh of ihe Finafica
URDAY. -trates. "The Attorney'�
Idid upf recoiA any._ aocounfa:iil payment as followx mia for the Goderlob, mag -Alkinds, &ci, Ae. Likeall the othim, it thi two prip 4ial leaders of the"
read is the Attir-
of 16"'Dgoyj who, it foir: 46t�jy ndt -did -I give, any monpy'i he. Council inetat 9 oVock. General orolgait 11"RtavirWand whit XED
f0r� the
'eneral, tbat,he can pix -persons of -their
C:JF-Iihe body coviarrm Mave by R. Broi6a, seconded -by Mr. ney- 4 contains -ish-Tooms and. saloon& revolution
Genexad Prim wears a 00imuou. military
Some Wrth th6refor. Uidj:!p receipt an accoilint, liberty,.for.evenop,e.jiouriltoulusmem1wliim? Whei
Bro*ni Helps, Yduh#,'C61em*Xn Cr6er ing, a On -1
-will-be rememUrad, was Meisrs, 8 uie of oitiatomers., Vlie third storr, con-
y That -this- Council hav' i t k and what, an Justice4of tWOW that thoy-dan;bver- a the collat, ON MW4ay 2GtN Nov. ISAAC man b ANSHlo" ey Huntin
oug 'r' qn� i or a a - rovi forne Soldon norforne Gotta chalk. I V idingthronglicantiactforthe fidO, imObeolleRedto thosiDwhims; eery -princl -n The� tunic, with two 961den stafs
"we & -pie -,or tains carpets and kindr�c of R�4s
ps. Y of the
Sst -didult regeive any- s�,00unt of the dis�oad inM law ¬ hurpanity? "Th, -Geaeral drdercl d a -illite Up! similar- to that
;jAttorney thq pre- all
fouttdi and are devoted to England., A O's yCaTs.
torel!02t on ft 048r&V say�.thetoull -harxM Sp ,44
!Ag lot @a bmk.�Wbelow aid, it rsdaer to. have,. the same ty Atth ey again. Suppose anish cavalry, w0h a br9ad gold border..
of the money front my f esce. onsefgarmentsex-
-agents.- (Ther*if-� -yourCrommitteeUkes-489TO ujaurjer� Lan Pti
doelihaeuts submitted, " fdlldwff.� 1, . - * ' d yo1L.MrXOqUty!Attomey so stupid as to suppose arAtIOA done in.ths most e0onOrdical. mirtheAttorne men7s o ixtitfloor This is All that shows him to be a soldier. 1w the To wits f Stonley, ton fliq 24th
it uufta "-lle iijil iit� new Awlioed t6 siliwer- how;much monei IQ 6, Referring ti letter of.J. 11. Taylor claiming y-Geneisl wauted a reward, ber in- cej?t men's o clothing. The
W-,Temoveas � iWhen in a civiliau% dress lie gives �yo% the ult, A illness 31alcohr'Ve
ho.had Wnty �%nd %-.-the.,ebairman 11pheldi s4,w.-V,6 rec-ammindthattho dalm-be refused;w1t, ,t�ndetiyouto,omit�alltlieordindrystipstof-obtiiuing be used I L it are -two i
doraga. 'Upor
L he whiW the -M -aj 'has. instrU act depency, PrAdetide, and.* I
GodtA* bi UN :ty,:-Of7west poidolibriticfi,w�k ad w knowledge of 6i
ddelpal to buildin' idea of a dri-
u) 1, AWmk Igave-vAl seem 1viiij-:fboin-4andy; withalicb- ton,ane'
wavanosil, im liable. for. vo d dictate ? An. 0 your boy!Ors . kneel with 1arls for su�plyinj water t� tW 9) -wall
to maw ano:.
era, J . art e feet Of aft 40SCIA VhO con
ma& Tkar do- the, sama with-. by for A wting and lo;� adventures. half
;Villeritioneyto yfor�gen"'expejaxm. 7.. IeMioaofDcuisid�fetennaucl,.-6th tFrdag, ngether, 109 gallons The
intand ou )5nx&T-
that all- the mo�. hiLv&.twaiiiquftkibt..otTo)IG&tette4Lr Alnleyvlltalt�: presu tban $durselve, but who j�of There Js motAm , n*Aial aliouthin�, MO
It waaforsuiih, �Fggtlb;l � and incai6os lgfeet,from the
tted-WOricommend1ildt prayer, of said The Audit Committee -6; hiret is -not a tier man thanalthero ou,that4youcaaaSord Toijg�hness�not even soldierly plainness in
y ifistrue
iW We. have, to tb*uk our 01 nay was given. r(Irornt kno* that, - I. fur- MI t ieptitgtion"Zorhis-sake I- I s46AId dotpetorthe-je s.
41 be TeAlsod avo
being ub- to compromiseyoul
in the ev"tufany cloild. V 11 Iwool not ba.understood tb- In- The windo*s of the eatablishmentre of
rest nahed one Fillton-Witli any, monoy� The 1L 4eferringto let"tcr of J� B. Me(.anu:-We'can' his
-Uke to say o. character, and his manner is Act in file
'rPHJ3 iscoveryiDT mquycapid2s of w
chAX& William for fan fy.l" of )N. bill the 14-thdin of 014 1) " tm- $innate that any of nforiunateI *
see, to ieasou to b mitted .1 f ash-buemer.
o ouro�lnloa laIreW101 to rM g so,given the J*� icesvljorhav6 u
-lieve hd waa ; difig Money. 1 *Awt, . , . " . - '11;1� 1, - W actadttilby personal alightest-dekirdd that'* savo
folly.pnid. Vlateglass, Those 6ia the ground floor
-at by t, It rOW6 - ' late, costing
eGovernmixii 'guredinthisalrair'lla lilin, giidthafsama to; judit: h
ludi"'WNIP&POlit- Wa-M*1WfA)1e"ft aware- at 'the tirla: M- aeforring to ijiteifii. IL McLeo-waecom- I beli6� daeacedbyally H is sliht and well-forinAliarelyaYpove -1 1101y Seelpt* bas cstabNA4 the
that one Moonok was !��v�notbeen.14 ooh contain t�t -it isingle p
at the ni! SM& or certify fbt payinoint. afiy.subh account or such inotives, the mid& ileight, aftd v1jen-�Jrhorse1ja
th" ch=4 !a improvia; rapidly undet Vending money -f�r -me dlendtlasVialde iteferred to- thi' 6 4 e64 I- knumd Irtat they did what they" about8600, The ga�%g6 Ck -purity of 60
with Justructio"to reOortff�n thil'taots relative: to arriedy a majority of eleven. tho4ghfiris right-, i).irha�stheyb.ada-rigbttov4mrdb are lighted.sim- Qf the 4eroi law; tbe
-Tize money th at I furnished I in titeseparties; butwliiWrtEev,(Ukvrnot.theeouse- ulftueously�b aD electric batterycreatmg looks Eke in] 34N. But his -discover of thellawjj *f 5101iotl *U4,
aues Ppose-wall Horton', sec. by- Mr;.' quen6i"fthdr'actiou,am'verykxiiiiis to. the paquns
t for hiring teaD16y ate. I gav e, iQ sped,fle -14. -Mhhb sonditoN As- a most biilliaht efrept, Tholl-eipoli tho pil-
Movea'!by. Mr. head is far more ottmitife. than a dozen , Qravitdtion has 40st perfected Nm'h
That th - -bo'histructe- f lira ofthe d6i rs; h6a,&, There is
We we having a livoly --tusto to-& IsfiLotori sad recommend that It Siniffie Clerk d- to aow intsol landertheir V r�un
y cozz TrWingand. someth#lS or pilrt�wo'lhld It"t 2 V strikes: me that'
Wide& e GQv.e=inQut lid the, 01dilk - s wn),g6 it May b as a�� ii4yet jla��,dut ill riuti;yl Boldie ical PbUmply tbo f tbo'
humanitio-4ghtandtheJustive -mpy abodi it 4ke that -
19 . mysted6no briA
ThO Qd&rt*r Swilmli have, other were, I sulsp'ollsi Inatters, of expense. 5�'Ameount'otxccatdiwolL,4itAls.60. forcouvw write-th - . - elcoun%Attorna be, daring,the present wee e ejifir
Peace the ;- ak-tion of this Council W L'thasame - is . . -_A_ 1
therwlse,7. 117]however,�It yll"done! k I
vywrohg�,Lcall," om *hiph disdugulohethp, fancy raits of
0 ,A opm*C III& gimlild sale of- Ianda W- Ules doletrem6mbfIr making AnY, remark, to RGord nforropairsto,C0 tOtheCountyPriuting.-Cv- ' I v�by the. In , jer 3S white. The monoton"y U every6 i%. TiOorett, ned�',.grolmds on Whielf tertalloa asses ofimsons as r �P. The deep, W6;o roblack int,
the wond day in Godedch Township but nets
cl�rijjmmk AX4 !W6. axe 040ft A- Boner $7.00 be paill. freed rrom. reallonsib -t)r for ven triminal acm Whereama y xilli4nt C610M
WuAtoftheRefJF0 T a. er acted L according
fi - hii CbunU then thlYjQouf,-Attory
tbe fria-
hadto 'Imforit.11 I -did' -11 -up t ofthegoods. Theoeilingsall t04 f hU large eyes, his baifr and hissilky In AV90110 4 �he Gruat yx, as-L�wslft endent, be paid.
W. dorm savage osough, a&JiAkt so 3i,#.T ii the Oodrip Township oll Oil 00, f -his khowle -would be -very itieris in the front U d, Ill 0 tRk:%,, Reinedy, which M6 r0 tohebestof Us, and
JL8. That thastwOUnjOtth"11111101 rooderfeb. w hisk ers
o fivos abrin the geopuctdgyj dhiml Tesponsible'-for the sparing id,,andfyepar:V
'Of Tezellerli. the Soilth, where d& le jP10 are not loroad bf tb&c lot
monkey =d I- had to., #Pend moisaY f6rworkdoaa`-.ftldg�QL. liljpoun g #50beftt Manner lawl4ch alduCProvidence ilas seen fit to of tits firit Istory to. -be -removed. Thdl in fased - liui� thaj�*.g��tof 437.60 be mixlola, lor
w JXt- t� lthbiin waafin$, and, omblupa with his livel which imprudence -and
th 401dusle-dOnceratol. I should, milt, have, -Of �efach'tnfirellobr ivMbo Obstructed expawra hkyb,
The Iourth meeting of Vis on Of istromy
statf. TIew complexion, gives an bfipr4ii educed after some objeotio'=-by Xi ATJ aly by, the numerous- cd1u4 � These _ I gnited to -mlike so'Oommon.
IgiveANA &Rtt] 29; That tile "COUAW A. ASSMiation, t at ibe, to dra , ablic attention to tbe-sulded; 01 Mug. put of i"t week Michael -had been overiule&)- The Ary, suppliodAb thwTrebW%f, Clerk ind, Engineer, Or BrAn cih� of the Huron Tewhers' wV sadon, oolti"im I
utids aquostida whibb,affects what cub ofus boWaxe ofiroui aud areadorhed #pbu eachf P
mygae 446.36 be Valil. was,held in t7her Central: School, On Satur- most doir-peraiAw liberty, au4. W Fort1da 1vorking under the impulso of an internal
was speutthrotighap'lids; not' bylay
to to,jtr. have the four f4ces. wit)% alto-rellj�vo� of two
iattheApe6tintotl W41kerV.1,12 for 'Onduct w1lidh1UveXef6=1
Uwe lvheia� Qrb o . .
dy last he A. X Cameroij- reason, the J' A. 9LL1811
#th) inst. I arks -and -von- Cu 'ic
W. IL BftX* We of SUWork has; I diaij!& know at the .r N use bo pad ysetitAowil,eills1bri.val savers rew b, and,witJI. vaseb 4of fiowers.. The
Z� That Weii6jit-k-the chair.- For &100111"demnatiom short, broad shouldered mail, ftdai*
0 y.
Aesigns are untravAnganil *6GoafLove, 1�ty yoajt�ol
Llms1brB6 o6d attendanc*T- In the detection of,erime, and the V)rose Wtion. or,
Sim an a lug 4 amocINHOU there was a g [4, but dxo�g aild Jqd.*.
Croo*4maminta by MT� -XcMi e.bepaid. . iV, Dxd�,6f- $17.00 Actions twice TepOat0d 22. Thatthe account oftbaey is avorkwhereto be som
as LwAi Superintendent be re 9 Sollicialareptostit4ted In-the-doUtion of per- Considering tbat ladlesgreto be the ojiief To W bAr W. TWI-fiaieco -6ima.fok't .'for h or-prform , aum dfliloz E
#A" &whUadyor9"aenf. - an4themeaft -was inte- A' dujf.� His head IOU like that of a:
. g&ve no money for-purposes-of,bribery. in
f(M the Xe& nut of WIA -balft, --, ArMWVt, -*1jo It- In Oe 4'. libo6rty even wheathe flermaii, or rather lof a earant ; thefe is no i N Air, A R"RIVALS.
-ong.doers. afectatorai thb constant svggestio4 Of the itofte feverish phy-siosponly *fl
id du � Uzi
" 2Utthsaecouv4of1Yo fitar Offleeof-'412.40TA Sir, Dull; Mr3 matf. ri ties leadsto.fbe dateotion of wx traco m'
Hlirm Rau bevy to Ineou the buying �Qf V010114 m !Jh re
6 heaiensUIL" A 9 at t �,d�6e�r asaion may n6t., perhaps, prove
-eWn a y monotonon
e me a 3 paniar
was ap in tij to -the Wet orilerl*Ahought. Ifis lailghagR is
-on Cro. VrIVato;Ind1vjdua1s use their.utmost P
.-an essal
y deiks� malp a4d femdlo� are em
noleaor to discoer the. -offender, If evidence 4n-,
te Tit a stat6ciw jide ztrongzandharmonions
adeabopald$1450 - �S �; - Ed 3 -
P'" ymingto: ba be
ootawam that. Itreated thstda. Idon't t' -Ag, - -gZe tEd&d go oneisguilty. U
beft lively And. n a- six buladred
think that- I irented dhriug ihe poilizi 25- jar"*
hou". Wheufurnishm .,g At fT eploylZa in _ luentandhisVi
g monay.,, I op&�t N. -- Tuxt tile It4A 11TIous *Al so departments, A 4 h ZD
*d that the �wlkoli of the iqoner would beC -ft VO*`OM Tow d. prdeiea,*,:*bbd',00.4'veryreawnablo-s gestIon1WnQft;xth&*j*O& e -was not p he gesticula0l X good deal, but does not
Aeutshoula take-placir. oin ishecessaw to ase-er
on) US- tkIA dred women are occuple
spout ptindpally -town An - pel�- meatc!'1116-U4, speak with Vxcessive rapidity, as Spaniards,13m OF gank T ST. -
u 'z W Mi
M.hiring of ihe ablience. or proene n -clothing
borm f 4 bfevidenceialegaliorm. Its tio f
i a J 8try rot Thtl next meeting
Sr,:hatih6Ad I , I MC& TTOOM�:- �,cQntriry course. be tolcon. inany rougs YrUl ensue, 'the hozoe containsa,p 4a4doix - equal b ot'h in Lis a p�e ceiin4m
treating. I p. ve no'inistrdetivas at PIAL usuallydo. There isagreatilealof-4%vity
T iG dden* then ptoWiP liberty win, bes entsWivorine, in',the cold and Tustice
X,Zwgi ra6momad 4, -1. U �w'rofaxutHouse G61iimar, e or
)my,"to, Thk4oUclucle(Ithelovi 28 Reforringtalettezomy rdebauclied to Ai# the ends of coritipt- oir ov0x, totb�t Df a Amall towq,
njuattee be aw Tfw witnew w" bidit relie ut 2'4. tbat'thf ketion. t4kon by , thq Audit Cor - 4 to tdidiw
tbA e, granted. said IL- QA'FOOTB,- 1b 1133(dersto
andw8rboo"UlasAd� e mot bw contracted loan, hk evidenoe. Xr FatUmn stated WnO-d or ril
nod by Na Won& -Th ej ihinks ihattliepro-
WTC-6410rdamagft DOt e Ottawa V74 with- Years RoffiecMd.
was prapaod to go oxx with his r*j00valOr&pOrgoaOfQ000uAty pi*ttft from him,
A the e1a@U(iF by OW erametak cession Ott tbe. rbeeption of Sir J. , Young 0 ANI ADA rj,- W I-,,
i *a ths nulsita f theinoney t� bo defoted golfly to tuo Plu-.
ae-oottU of G vafi4atgailt -9,p�09 Ae0obirt *as I `bun&d,11 It di4 n4assdown
W an *VPQ=t44Mt At, !:ggmt of ths B"tjdary'!.Aus ann�lrla meat of t1w half yiiiikly iiiklireat on the A"
atus 1dfiJay �-Vbftfiiig, - a streets intended, otv g to the -fault of howe nd foreign debt.
ho colila not evade. He tia' �fi -
eint una be g 20(V '0VS1& -OATI Ir CT sp,
paimoli, -wao� 4fifiomebody.,, I C
awted &4 adjourant W. The number of private bills
the &)updaT IAP*a
of �ypWpUtJotiON 11 - the roont -of Ich hia is prepared 16 mak up, in the Anxt:
WOA gratited. The ow oat, inti)
"04 tal inambers . jo4ueal �he 1 Codil. passing thro�jgh -tile -�!khe f TLO'mhn; -60001 before the Uglish. Nrainest,
86 ?# the i the &01
be disp".od "ph %11 of b* *f g�od' 'ft�c 10
atible the- dikussibil� aud who in ows, 1%nd failing 5n. friobt 4, ft
-Brown - ths,Y1rgh4 martyri was o
the ehairg.on tho-b6nch, =4Y. bv the -colored oil amilion
M"apm] I - , .. . , " . gelie GOOD TIT W ANTED;
0*6040t - - - piebtoll.l.: I bue of nd amongst JW large riumber iof,�
?r1aira of oijincid, -w
ed. ith�Mr. Huns . of 13 ohomesivill.itU fiai47�bo fetunoll-
aimrnon� t6uriid an er at'
p is F""red ta-tilm Xtz e1114 on thelkiiieff"tA oa - 4 tile -judge. Yortutiately tue W eanesdai Ais�ie niimb -Of p v a
three, onch 'j'as lines to Brighton, -
P"Ou Of-Altzailda Gr=t- ws to be derived ffom 4!Tewhore AmociatioiWl 11116ce White persons Wlft�d tw vxnt ot to PAWtho for -whial he f,
recoiied vote o lthanki;;
by ,wet
C 0