HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-12-03, Page 3A -,7 Ir e % to -s ROW L _77. t7`1 SO UTLI t)j 0 r0.\ —(i>1tmuQd-) 7 THE GItEff ENG1,1811 OFfiffilif 4, Everybody Says So. 3crbl ab"ruseluents. .1"*rpay 1Vf.ZQ:. Can. or,~. rgkj!Jf,7,9# JAI#f P 40 I UIIUN13TO z:RLat,llr[J, TOLIW 3 Itolorpadof ot. 'tb& oriitre* Jcra, 14., -0 - 10 at is all who have eitlier used tile SJR JL91P:CLAitKEi8, 23 Louismat S 1*6 ,, zurk — 9 ?, ifig Th Wanted Wanted .1 1 Aftf ." 2 24 lated Feiii4ie 21 do ebz It . 4 It O -t 23 do article themselveS or witnessed its effects IF you want Good Photographs, go f o Cel c-onift)rtzibledwelljnghouseinGoderi h Sir. 23 -AQ Prepared from a picadriplidd of. ' J' 61111 1 _. : 'der 2 07 when used by others ; all such,, a d they St 104 Ira edfat* f - 2S U 91 is-, 40 1 - mous in cta*, M.D., Ph.-y#cfan 0, xlraoiiiiftr 4 ' i I d 17 14 78 2 '4 2 10 '76 2,97 urival ... ... are only fit to judge, are unanin siqu. Address, Box .2, 0M."Itle'rich, P. 0. in DAY, 36 4 possLzi , R 40 J. S. GARNER. to Ow- -2.20 IS- 2 9& Ark 440 5 "t -A :,_z the opillion that "Darley's Conditiou Dec. Ist, 1868. 293%v !fw. E' 9 Le JOHNSON 35 do do 1?owders and Aratiin Heave Remedy" is infAing ].'I I Park 14 dp. . Ell Patd A 66 $5 :0 41, a This invalunble medicine is a p9. a 15 22 1* 3 60 1 -0 .5 1465 S 17 211 superior to anything of the kind her4 BOARD IF ou want Good Porcelain Pictures, go 'to cure of all 110-ve painhi! and dangerous d! tit Ab 46 07 1 es in use for con -its TWO It THREE GENTLEmEN. Apply to to what.- . h I he reniale constitution its subjei t. 1i' Huron st W .14!"37 1 08 1545. B do .4 6 L. JOHNSON. moderates all excess and reihotreat.all plastrul &Ions. 13 85 j) 7 2 n, 11 40 Yorii. tofore or at present iich F" P. NOLAN, tit. David's St, A'41' "THE '78 swC '09 hick Wind, and all disease, Godericb, IN ov. 30, 186S. w4ftsw29*4t. and iispecily cure may bp re led on. 8.0 4 D. celds, T tion 14- 'do 4 .... 11 60 48 affect the wind of horses. As a.condi 83 523 5 2 41 '73 S F1 HIED. LADIES 2__ do 40, 5. If you want Six Good Gent Pictures, for 50 TO MAR 85 is nothin f 41- evn7", medicine it has no equal there T I C celits, go to is peculiarly ufted. It will. in a 81 lit time, d'' .... unpitil. 3 31 80 41-1 Pa.klt' .1 st B e whether N 0 0 41 41 4:% - 2 42 78 St -t story 00 618 s; iDjur brmg on the monthly peliod witk- regularr y. , $12 in it which can e 4 bors E. L. JOIJ.NSON. J 26 do 9$ - 4 4 2V do, but -Dorneed diffborse be kept E'ch bottle, price One Dollar, berirsif -. Gov- 2 42 7 $" 3 20 19 do -4 ... .... SO u 27, -CIO .2 41 ornjnent Stanip of Gfeat Britlin to prevei tcoun- 7 i4ek Or weli ":1 78 -1 Slul L from working while using it it is just I N CHANC h' RY. N. R. -The Subscriber ofTers 10 do H' vgtd ... 4 77 93 " 5 60 27 do t:j. . zMp%td..;, 2 - - 3 02 So 3 82 33 do hptN ... A.... 11 IS U I IS 1952 34 do i 14 TH 2 ZT Pius vitouldviothe taken hilf Put 2 IS a:,-zC1C-d to an, the ar C, 4,TX1`10M. Park 5 Hfi, ticie hich all who own horses _D -f 18 do should have 0—Lu- TJ M ", I which they 1p"Ipw S -A -11 -AE 77tees limaile daring' Carter vs. Carter. 3.5 CIO 2 10 and member the HIS SPLENDID the FIRS1 THREE X01VT11S W Przla ' 6 do 49 .... 13 67 1 05 14 72 A - - com-tantly on ban -d- Re so Is I si,mature of Hurd wng 0? Kina!- paid 46 ---1$ 67 '1 05, .14 T 42­ at) 0 It nancy, a3 mtey are sut-e to) 1 -7 do I . ;..-V jp 85 w, lo -r day. HEREBY GIVEN THAT I HAVr. PHOTOGRAP11 GALLPRY riagelblet at amlothertzme theyams. fe., do S gs ... i 43 do namp,,and see that the it 3 -il 1 13 - 26: 04:1 Northrop& NobneeenrlpJBointed tieceiver I -2a221 2i vietoilast.w. 26 SA* and Co, i on each pockirge. . a the above cause. All - lot of new Cameras and Lit all cases o Nervous and Spinal 14 XectlOns Jo 0.._19:02 1 20 bf their Newcastle, Out., proprietors for parties, therefore, indebt with a splendid all, Palm, in the f;ack and Linabs, I Park 5 4'.'. . . 6 13 S ell to the Estate of the late Fallen( on islight getives and Furniture ", --ries and,' 41 . exertion, Palpitation of tile Reart, H: P 2 me. Allaccounts not paid w SAT 4'o It. -414 001 S4 73 Lyman, Jonathan Carter are notified to p y their accounts to. with Stock of Ne 4 -5th s- 6 d 3 one -fit 7 29 30 do jrnmem, jhL11 I ETT% .-S one month from re whet all q do Canada. conarlete, Whites,t-bese Pills w.11 effect a oil 13 this date, will be put into suit for collection. alth6uel.a power 80,4 37 do E 01 1)5 110 i other means have failed ; and 20 Iialre at, Dated this 25tlai. day of November 1868. Also, = Br ek Dyv011n 11 70s e 7 80. 4 51 -26 do 42 tz is Men 'A ,Iwr%RED if 41 LUDUId WEYER. L d fill remedy, do not cogram 'treat. call nel, anti. 25 80 ...unpiliti- S. 1 -78 S 7 do .... 2.21 -7.8 2 9 9 27 do s VIMM Two containing SevPn Room with Gooi Gar ell, nioriv or sim,thing hurtful to the i onst ution. ise 2 m -ear beards! Becai Y ED from the premises of the Subscriber, lot Stable and out baildinga. T t lots- Fuli directions in the imaii,phlet ai )nod each 50 -6 n Spdr yard i .7 we V C at 't,Qu hu, Why shot .... .... 21. 78 2 99 28 4) 2 85 719 ,reat prote hroat 29 16 IM 2 ction to the t 1, 6th cou., Colborne, one grey Steer and, one ALSO, two paid up Shares of 950 in package, which shotild- be catefa,ly 1 e,3crved. pata... 2 6 7 18 a 45' 30 do they to their personal red Heifer ris' Id. Any information Con- Sole-agen atestun Canadas 01 do flN cmy ceruitig them ' w a 0 tae Dominion Salt t ror the United St - 1. .2 9-a and lungs, amtj add much villtbe eittly rewarded by thd owner JOB 610SItS Rochester, N.Y. 32 Ao 2 17 78 22 William at W - - I - - 7 78 (left with ul-Forguson,urace.) Itemember the place, orner of 1' 1 79 nce. 1 06 7. 24 do appear GEOR(In B N. B; -s 1.00 and six postiage1tam s, enclosed do ... tL_0 Lwd Wh shou e"'Brymi's Pulm0n1c e s bottle cora 2 17 78 2 95 27 d td 2 4a- f Ill we ns OYD' Hamiiton Street, and Cou-t House S are, 78 Nov- 29th,1868, w454t* to ativ anthorizetl 34 do 0 do 1 61 75 2 36 ,eause- when used for cougbs, n20 40 fel; , Be --Goderieb, Out. tamiligfilty Pill 'I YUAN, .35 W, 0, colds, cklirlg, in the throat, Hoarseness, NORTHR '2 23 '18, 8 TILkY`ED four head of cattle, namely. two heifers E. L. J .9 78 3 63 do 9 arid two steers,the two heifers are rising 8 years, stle, X., general 31 Loisa st LIT npatd.. 2 85 clia,ram. Ministers & S Newen 0 64 2 '13 60 '37 lay act like , 2 33 78 3 11 ................. 61 &c., tl Nov. 19Lh, w44 f. do .... . them, physicians recommend ont) Is red atid white. -potted, the other is nearly white agentforCanadi, 33 llkftch ev Lawyers 11 one spot of *red on the rum CZY singer public speakers MY bop and onespot or, 3 by Parker Cattle and 34 do 2 3 72 3 11 them, a lit Sold in Goderial A. and and -s and dicine in o t1ir side, 'and sonic red the head and F.Jordan, Ga)diner oc Co., Bayl-Ad; -James 35 do. ... 2 16 18 2 94, ry best me ist- otio, red steer coming three, it has a lump -is they -,re the, vL sold Qn the side, the other steer is comlng4 J.H. 2 16 78 2 94 Henthum, -elvill, 36 do It r-anton, S. cord, Lucknow; E. Hickim I , - spots through the white. The rop.r!etor,'Iot 10, is 91 4,0 .... I County TreA ence for the cure of such c0mPl' dar er red than the othcP with flatilcl whit Jad' Combe 2 13 -18 2 91 1 medicine dealers, "at 23 cts per box. ri AUCTION SALE Ws Oth 41 do -AV- SOO'= by al soni0olafortn. and nil Medicine Vealerv, -COE .2 10 7S 2 8 4as offloo coucession,'W. D. Colborne, N71 N reward the finder. 1 76 75 2 his VCaT UT AT V -0aacrich,-igust lfth 1868. 1 -44, do' Nov. 27. IS68. w45 4tv $ E16 o -i. -The Cleaveland Lead- -ROLL 0 E Of the 20th in ee N 'P PM M. glir 90THBRS, ILEAD THIS n an -41, STORE st., tells us that a, eirt W &y)s WOR 44 LOZENGES are a. aerial am, sure remedy for Wei rus in Lruthat city the day pre, Claildeeni. and :Akdult 109 HOUSZ? AND tivious, 5,250 sheeD, for that one great catibe 6(dealli among children i., 'Wo )aras Johnston I Sholl, ND, 18 B, 1. 'a and meiancaboly mel OLINTON.— oj Ills dom­ lar sale was made i Barsh, Esq., sold to N 0 T I C El I I - : i TO LET, ]ff in which J. Will be SoW by AUCtIOW19 -As it is a well -know, packers, -unnot bejoc siteply tin A 'site ILL 1,4irm JOB ppo ease siellerretaining the ON from Worms nione, it IL TolIfiatoria and king streels, % fire Costs per head, th pressed upon the tinuals ot paients.flie necessitv dj 6bfs evics ot terWa th next, HE. TVs jai one 01. tile oldest Qn4 best to, and th-e purchasers slaugh hing their children. , B thallqaw 0 ThurSday, the 10th'of December, of close V wat y so dbfn-. AMBIUCAN PRI= poo offif Clinto rk ; nt -present Ocentaled jljondtl 1 hides, i being and un,lorstarlding the symptons arid:true cause S bdsinessrzt .020171K, JL at At my office, Market Squnre.Br al of the disease,thjusti-nds dred might be ALTINO 'fJ'0fyV8 amt thinc" animis Who ever heard of Zliuttol] - given a' tford, about -AL0 It is said th Januagritt,1869. ApplytoMr.,71. large T E. N D E R S saved from early graves, Syi4prous OF Wortils; tho before ? '4 , , 7 THO 3. a HUNT911, I He i3eighty quantilges of sheep are being slaughtered, 360 feet of 51 in. Flush Jointed Ar -The fullo%N ing are a few of the very nrperous 1 011. ' r farticulars applv to-JOH fodder, will be received by the tiaersigned until to Road,n.!.-rGodcru:h,or MIA -51001W1 :iunt of the scarcity Of tesian Tubing, (new).- svmptums and diseases Which ue. causgil by. ;.III S H. Itu ill not pay for Worms: Deranged appetite,emaciated eitrem- Wa on. ,and Nov. 17, 16G% U aveland market at -ealt. its, on ace( winterirg. Cxcas_ FRIDAY, N* NoT the 11th DECEMBER, Prox, 70,A LOT OF they vi A L., Cle ities,offiensive breatb,rrequent Piaming at the SEVER 16ASES (11411ton, "NeW EW'colfy , 11U his Mon ey pfl(Dr s are s6ld in the ents each. for the delivery of nose, grinding of the teeth during sleep, bairdtieiw from fofty to sixty c Driffing T cols, Ropes, Derrick -Irons, of tho be.*y 'w' h frequent slimy stooli, and LBO two other samples. skitting, 8 Belmorols and be lot of bail4hIg 11 onvulsive Ills; -pa Al Congress, all of the latest American styles And and other articles requiredin sinking SL Inef mf, C 2 in iH the bond and 150 CORDS' GREEN WOOD -XIATFON SOAMES A, stomach, unquiet steep, Iiiintings, trembling, mad6-bythebestof-workmen,,andiold TV. 1 -1 men at the 01L OR SULT WLLS- I dreams,' 'n 3M 3: X-2 3 :2 3M ?D1 opices of the doughs, indepestionjow spirits, frightfu Orrs-,.& SHOES1 AT -G. MCKELUMS. d the Acenry BO riber bavinar renivl d. Thev HE discovery of many c so "U113 and a gradual wasting awa tfI h Vf ot'. te r Seale s Workaill ftuchaaster. Holy Scriptures has established the 4C 'vzLC>3L J_M 4Cw'6C>C3.4eX0:L013L Sale at 11 o'dock, a. m. They are palatab,e andserf4diu ini' T Rtered to the for th.3 sale ofthetr soides, is prepared 'to map- - isxX. child -drive qtyt the worms thoroughly without H icbers LLA "Up. They purity of the text of thi sacred law the CD DECIDED BARGAINS. plyiAl. -kinds of Platform', Couriter. ti pain andcompletelytlean4e t6estoillaoll-lbire- A LkRGE ASSOUTMENT OF man spukem of Motion and HE wood must be all made of bardwoold Wheat oropper Soi leg. Hay Seales from S In TH131 lot oug cap.ac d TH 0F IDB 01E of the lawC Meehan- timber free froin knOtS and baeldoes, 4 fty -Also Store an Will Truck "El XTI , discovery T HENRY RA:CEY, fly doing away wifil tile neceszitv of administer- . . I B 2 R I Gravitation has almost ilerfccLed i ng Oi I or other tin pleasant.cathartics-as GENTLEX TS- BOOTS., thipywon't et 01 11 the use of other Worm Alcdi6mes. r AUCTIONEER. Philos,)phy; the' discovery of the feet lon and delivered in quantities of not Each box contains the sac­;tmil iWity at Fit.andBur9ttr PA -901 specifiroiilii U= v:-,vA ei;b lbe ical COmpiltilig ab ayi on ilanq of the best q, 'accomplished less than 30 cords per. mouth, P. S The property'na,tv be inspected iat any circulation of the blood )tas from Che Ist of January next, (if th3 contract lure of NoRTHsoP & 1,yzi&iq;NewcasLleOuIario, me before the sale on application to JAWLES e Scles to be seen at llobni, cm & yptw 'last accO111111 is taken. by one party.) .,grant- ffrowry store, Xarhet-Squary ished ti who ere the sole pr4rietors. MTIZ 3: :SO.5i in Anatomy what is at! WILKES Seely. A D W"01 w -vin orders, Petroleum Co L N. B, -Ask for Rollowa_?,Ps he in ,Hn,eine'­by t I 4reat Shoshonees Tenders wilt be taen from any partvtor ford, or to ,he Auctioneer. W20 cau'lietell. n andtakenoother, Sold in Gooericlidy'Purker Goderiell, Nov, -6th. Ififis, Agent. opened am ed thil 30! cords or upwards w44 td as Remedy, which has so iiiften check who does not wish. to Brantford, Nov 19, IWS. & cattle and F. Jordon ; -tiardiner & Co. Bityw -26 S AL'S i - asesof the throat tender for the whole. field : J allies Benth4m Rqdgervdle,, J. Packard, inroad of those lung Cal one for ENT ACT OF 1868. Exeter; J. R. Cbmbe,- Clinton Secord, Lue. auld exposure have Two solvent sureties will be required INS011V ilin meg qu-mterl., which the due coanpleton of the contraet. The know; E. 11KALS WHO MAIE 3 united to make so 'Com*n- omity court of the Dealers. v.43 m3c a. ; g t :jlj imprud z lowest or arly tender, may not be accepted province or Ontario, t IN the C on, Seaforth, and aft Medicine REA10-T A L )f Hl County of Huron. County ( -,dry an Insolvent. if IT-. awill Gia --------- iy the lst day or vebyuary next. the nuper YOUR unless satistactory. In the matter ot E, PETER ADAMSON, On Biondi BOOTS eric At, I aigned wi-I appl)'*Io the judge of the said court for a N P11N. DESTROU R Count! Clerk. discharge under the said act. oull CINID11' S H AWL S Ef I-1AtJTIOD1 Til T6 E _aanga them f jr County Clerk's Office ti-Curon this 24th West I lot Dated at Godench. in ibe C 3tw44 day of November, A. D. 1868. EDWIN GUNDRY. A Family Medicine, well and fivorAfy known .3MRCHANT TAILOR. 68. OORE3 his Attorniesad 1.11 East J 1 17 tot. N9 26,ron, GODERICH WMTER TAREFF- 18 w44 2ra By TOBIS & M 'Ile for the past ten. yea rs. never failing in a single ppoitite jof z-.0inh .3 lot NO 6, eou A,A-sb ALL W004 at 62.50. T instance to give permanent ly, TA$ removed to tbe cornor storej o relie yhen time very h=dsome I Of the EL Knox'As I-Ietlftlres to undersigned begs to return thanIs 11lifou. All person, Sr.P Y STKERS­StraT d into the premises -,3 by her -gmm&- 1:stl 2d 13d 4t ,i A Ker, lot W. J 21, 9th -con. W, Wawanosh, usedj and we have never known a tfigle case I retam thanks w hiii,felends, for pftgt the, public for thi liberal Pittronage prosocuted with -t IpEr' JG;r- Psk kel li:- _1\TEW ARRIVA LS. b.cr heretoto,* exteu and cashorly,: 1001b pe'r1p. car jatrors;1b[Ad iiit- 4an-sto them that, he -his deter-" gaitfar a wed- bbl U abouttlie'l9t of September last, two steers -r -one of dissansfactwn where the direct" no have betta mmeato woriln future for cash ded t, him; Jae-iS Edil P)V-, Montreal 66 72 42 86 $50 whitish roan 2 years old. the other black I year old. -er by her hus- ilaroperly followed, but on the eotit consider Par?El to ma,kej on the shorte9t, ubliciii 10 M -ch. 64 50 93 The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges rary all are whereby willheenabled Io do Work New York, Flour S05.00- Grain 53 $ per 100. and tal e them away. JOJJ X McCANN. eligh-ed with its op -rations, and speak in the credit priceii alpreselitclarged.- 'Iraotity of Nolft Ablyleass than the Portland 105.00, -53 CHOICE NEW DRESS GOODS, Nov. 13th ISO13- w43 3t* highest Virms of its Virtue and Magical, efficets, FITS WORK WARRANTED Ivem aull' 011&016 13QSto., M00, 11 A . e lacusem-aid, or M THE CAATADIANPAIN IYE$TROYER B11151101 40.00, 2D asa blood purl and those coming with the may de. tbia lowest Cash Priee#t Point LevL 100-00, 50 'roan the ,ubscriber:, Lot 3. 2ad con.. has won for itself a reputstioti,_ their work =Wuta ised.' WORX,.aud. at 32 At Ifte CHEAP CASH SHORE. QTRAYEDI Diand on having EUEIVF,]D- 40 1_ M- if. Sepik P;!41 U Pre, LJ Coder 'ions a large Stocit of 5cott, 63.00, iell township, about the last of li ell alterative stoinst:!h tonic, unsurpassed in the ectolipir soth, If-OQ. 55.69 dark red, one a ed bistoi y of medica I preparat It seldomia-ils - i tAueilon AuL dress X. Kingston, R is her, Four Yearlings, two 1 01, A F112,811, SUPPLY OF Toronto 35 aroan. Anyw-lon to curt: Dyspepsia, Liver Complainvi, Indigo - Grain -rates are excl of Elevating charges at To- .9. Vail Mtn py red and white. and another nirri,SickReadlache, Kidney 00'111- FIRSTVLAS BOOTS -AND'49110E L ya=g thing 1\ono, Bufralo and Portland. vl= infrmation that will lead to their recove- y tion, Heard gi AX *ill ' suitably rewarded. TIUML, U 1 mying be plaints,AcclStorhiachPhthisicor Astlasua,and ALFRED COL OIIN SALKELD. rebtor-s to,& ital activity the system debi."itdted One door But 9f the Ruron,Hdlel, t nooz3p, are not SPLENDID VALUBIN DRESS GOODS, Goderich, Nov. 3t* by suflering and disease' ..Old 20th, 180S. Sign of the Large Be tThis one" Its magicalaud vionKrfut success ini euring DRESS NOTIOX Is padfj eleare-13 -or An,.,. 24th, 1868. . i =y GODERICH MONEy MARKET- suddeneolds, Sore thrositiLCoughai, Dipiliernit Godelich, pircroffd I At the CHEAP CASH ST0191C. IV ins in the side,hons and b'hek-.xieuralgialtooth lNoCRIE10OR 801i'll! Jamapply to ns a any 0.6 o fS. .. ISSON.& p AT DBTLOR 0 0ARTWA1rXHT Correded every Tuesday and Friday for the SignaZ IlS clae, rheumati and other pal 'it' A I - k the bodyun from whatever cause;'has glVeii C8 Bodkbinderst Hulle`t- ch. _Y LAW 410 ever J. DEA -,q. Exe Bra ei, west St. B a lace in every housqhold and ii fast supersed- 1111 prepared to emeoute'bindin 'in . y. ;SthNcv-. -and. Fr gat adistanbeby Evnigtheirbdolis 68. all other preparatidits. of the I A sarfis residba DE NTIST Goderich, Dec. 1, 18 i in d prompt reme3yfor it the signal Bookstore 0bddichri6aFatJ.3L Y -LAW to establish a deviation road on It is also an ofe&ual an 40k- OF CANAI 'RedoRh,s-tatingstyleraa ,rely.zpon I= A31EWcAs E:xcH-3-,;GE OR GPJIF-NBACK& ANOTHER LOT )U.N Blot6ve,iii the fifth concession of the Scalds, Burns, Bruises sprains. (Milblains, -L house. Qae I Gregoeo't'm e%embein'gwe Ubound,. r.UYISG T BLANKETS, Crest Bites, Cramps in t:!e Plot lach, iiihielit, Township of Stephen for the purposes of ap- IT* thpt Lholera niorbus, fliflipto Cholic,1311010m Iniia- WEST TRIMS Ton L LO it the BRITISH HOTEL Goderliall, 1741 mornius-73 Afteralown --7:4 for Canada funds aches to a 3.rid&e, now in tle . eour e of ium, Dyiienterv,, &a. :B M:E 10,;K L one side th= on pro 751 4or Silver. witho- 75 A1EthoC1KEAP C.&SEt STORE- Wfection at such locialily over river gable. Price only25 ony, r battle. andraturned atdelay. ties of I&Irrofession.' 1, ,01tP M:m tD tBraw SELLIso AT Whereas, by the 'nature of the ground on fROP A IS63, -5 for Canada fund 3forning- 741 Afternoon =true E .:the fifth concession of the Towniihio. of General'XgLent fdfVanadd. -BL VMLAGE.,0V-,3AYF1ELD. SLLit is IM_ ET nal between 161s 5 and tephen a Buying at ......................... ... 31 discount. D3 -Sold in Coderieh by Parker & Calif& -and Selling at ............................ 3 SKIRT9, possible to erect a Brid, mer deviation, a Jordan; Gardiner & Co,- Bayfield; Incites M. 'TR "ST BQ "I arice for road, or on the for -ther dev'ution for the purposes oiexecting' Secord, LuckniiWt E Hicksoll CHEAU r4. make you'ra 141T A; T SMVEr- 1re on the usual allow- Bentham, Rodgerville; J - Pickard, Exeter J.H. 'E 1W OVAL ALIj WOOLj42.50 U'pair, OK 3 toseLL BY Buying -at ............. ............ 4 At the CHEAP CASJI KTORIE fa! Combe, Clinton. _WO:RLD, --t L-rtn. andla!I Medicine De Sellingit . ............................ :4 a Bridge oversaid river Sable. IN THE 17, 186S Rt 'of Upper Canadaills .......... 69 therefore enanid by the municipal Good papers ALEX. WALLABA, Bank Be it Weir Printod on is trath" d eve7 -Parties at a distance wiN please note Corporation of the Township of Steplien, AV 'GING­0V`ER4WFAGES-EACffi UIU a --I a lie is, no mion, hereby enacts 31, Owt Orders by mail or eVress, will receire and the said Corpor J. Detilor' & T!luez 37idts, REE MY POST 45.0ts' EWELE4 'ed 14 I ANP T%o stories bi9h ;,crvuli, --fireSeM bv Mll- proMptftention at current rates. _% i CEIEAPEST bPOT FOR DRY GOODS ThAt from and after the passing of' this By- Insolvent 11set of. -18646 mi - . 1.- . Iwen ; hut J. I)EAN. Law, the following further deviation shaU be 4,60a Voyage round the World House in %he teartm.] An of G ,OD 7. ilia Store is D2 reet ton- b V 2 n7-herpfitaft- In the atter of -Tc ,mes W-4fling, a?z TWO7, wVr; Fable8 f(* calls Pl 'po T made. aareeably to the.deseripl-iii date ot aid, We itid Mother lis Froai. 'Is tne CHRAF CASIR ST0F#:E- er sat 0rtli; a;J, from and after that %62a. Annvi -,Lee, Or U HE SubEcriberhaViligTCIDDV'edtO!bg :Store lalel ' perstory clmuLi THE X.&RKETS the said piece of road embrficed within the rplw ci-eilitors of tile Insolvot are n4iflol imt, he Amiiri atl lteiietpt Book. tak.. -JT aileort w auk his friends via 1he 110, A. k4oderich, Nov. 1Q. 1841 that I has made an assignment of.11lis estate and efiecats,' 1!qii) Said- description shall be used as a public which thcv.&Va AvoAcd rT hi3 a7af rider the abpvb Act. to tile, the undersigned Assignpe; Baxter's gaints Rest 0 GoipEwcz, Dec. Ist, 1868, and they arerequire. tofurnishihic, with' two=Qnthsm is twaskurelftem highway and shall to all intents . aad pur- Bq- , n n him for the lest 25 yearpi aind li, atte -00 1:05 -tviaesparedtoment -acontintlauee Of IWT' L mi, B. Fall Wheat ............ $I. ACHBRON S311T]I. 7 poses be roads in theTowr.- fr6ta thisdate, with theirclaims. specityii.1g.the security, _14iD nas oticar anee eir6i '0.90 0:90 part Of towiship they hold, if any, and the value' of it; and if nove, BticaarVs Domestic ieftle stating the fact ; tho whole attested undpr oath, with, story :00 Ca, 5.50 Godericb. or. 22, ises- Ms. Wito'hes Flour .......... ommenciiigit e west the vouchers in support of such plal NaturAl Hi -reatet invelitioli Spring Wheat .......... ship of Stel,bers, th r -Clools ana jewae GIV 0 :50 a 0:55 DatedatGoderich in theftu V OEHU i B, Ore oats .................. Sen.. `OF _THn Alazo 0 angle of land dqeded.by John Essary, nadirku it,, gite s%lisfactiou to ilic day of November, 1868 Hanyani's Holy -Wer -Whicla d ad _aoneliv moustome"i Way h ;LeT, tffi tho ....... .70 Peas ........... to the munici ality of Stephen,'. and being JOHNIULDAN, Burtills Potatial Worhl w*k has been Barley ................. 1.00 Q 1:15 OMcial A84guge. an having it ivell. executgd JFURTAN 16 chains, 94P links in a I west direciion, -iv442w.EL Entlees Hudibras 4;r A good I Plated 40%volf n oles select Works . - a6sortmentof 4GOd an i 5:00 (a 6:00 T SUE -in the 13yr w4whes,'Clocks &c.3 alwayiiiinbanil, Pork .................. . 0:65 Q 0:70 from the North East angle of lot 5, Shitts 0,. irlio(liffidelity - , av womt to ramme- Potatoes cauti a lad C .......... 5th con.. of Stephen, audon the north Oun& ALEX WALLACE. Butter .......... ..... 0:20 9 0:20 to th 1:14ply'SIMPlarry. h4l ibligs. - . . . . d fog Lry of said'.ct thence Scuth 811 %Vest E -w46 3farfs Atti me In Loa Thia :Egg ............. ------ 0:1-3 0:14 Lt ])rJT_L0K Promises Valuable Proper thence. South 55*, aqt chaing; thence. Clarke's Scripture -P Lb UIG Ir S,' 10-00 AKV, OTICE that Four Promissor, y Notes at tT_7 9 =trn a illay, 3pv ton ............ 10:00 (d, ty Olks- Lhence,North T cUrrellO.. ma e ater2s Farridr Book 8=1630 Ekist2chs.;5 of X11 10 0 eacli, Halillije Cl ,a =I, M, 3ra untma 0, Iffi-des (green) ......... ,5:00 6:00 IN THE 6 0 1 ch.', t6uee,_ftulh 770 xiest 1 ch., 3 about th621st otatuber, IS68-.-atid dated resMIC, WMX4:)Pw in'the Tbivnbhip t3011fir" fh, iffia 1 t wooft ................. 2:50 3:00 1 ge. etical wQrk$ zud Stepheii, pst-Pprfl to zC-11 farmii* Coitirfil F A h s thence,,North 59', 'Idy eat',4 clas 20 1 k., tively the 21st October, 166 Is67, Wffl and'tF69. Beef, per ewt . ......... 4:00 ie 4- each matu - twelp Months aft erthedatetheze- P& W ace of beginning, Said, road to I F), :00 Cowberis -or to 1:50 ra- 2:00. t ItN A Culpe-ppes Herbal leliatis. TOWN OF 0 of. land made by WILLIAM 13,11 ' as, 3 ""in avorofA it '54() :Peaches .......... R4,600%ote (adventuresot) tot ro!IS wile WiLLIA.-A BusNai Senior, or bearer, ard wrong- V ALUARLE FA Ppl qI 7AY Jii. rqgrwe JUS JA ittzann =truth im Apples ....... 6:50 0T5 Gontainimy-by admeasurewelit roo4 Of tuily'lal the pe'ssession of Jane Burns, the widow, DoddridgilsRige and P TIM v's mo_ -a md Mora Fems ....... ....... 2:00 2:50 UNDEn i;d byviu of a Powerof Sale contained 0, Villiam O ra.-i.' 4v.nior,atidt'hat-she' nud F.re 1c;-uranoo. e skid V j;ke 'jnotfc that t1iii *boie,is a, true c.0py has no, authority to transfei an 6a tliem;he havingdied prydea,;s Pbotical WO;A -amip tm it Chickens per pair ...... 0:20 a- 0:25 in a c deirt are of Mortgage beat! Bayfield Itoad the 27th day of January A. D. 1863 'made by one I)uckS ............... 0.00 0a 0.40 hich - will be. taken inte.-state, and shenot havingadministered Idthe. Polifilar William Hyslop of the town of Goder ieb. Ili e Com ty of a proposed By-law, -w atHorne salef.o.b per bbL of Huron. stone mason, and Elizabeth Hyslop ble. wife ,and having been psud in QfherA ire Goderich Salt, whole by -the Counil of the Man- Farmer of T -feet., glewood Folvilt .41b, 410 Zhojoineo ilierempor the parpose of barriog ber into consi f tfie of Alartyris, ON. wer nniv) default havitig been inalle.in due payment i6ipalify of Stdph6ri, -011 1, he -last 8a:turd y o JOHN BURNS & WILLIAM BURNS.- Your P Wg J Foxe's Book ven h1m, used to. thereof.tbere will be s.ldby PublicAuctillp by George 'at Crqditon. GoldsmitW--, Works - it 2 p. m., by I)AVISON W:WALKE1:t.% 14 a"rsja Or 41e.% T, Decevubefa-1868 chaus'a - _M A N f L fS Glint= XaTkdtS. M. Truematif. Atact!Qalcer, at his Auction Marl. in; the air r -t-1 0 cam M hit Their Sodeit(Irf' Gulliver"t Travels and glurfin Un G%vn of Goderieh, ir.1he Couhtrof Huron, on CUSTE R PROUTY, or ititedn' P:=g the Wilwalloall, 18 h Nov., 1868;' 1m *44:' 41eaven, the albodeof the sa TRUE fttofhe HUrOA T--OT.;.53 !Ind Byspi day, the 261h-AaY 0 Heavenly ReL-oleectica 16 INOTUCTED Vol - I 'hip ol Ovil p. 0lerk;. Stephen.- JLJ owns each almlpwiiig C -S Satur f DeXeMber, Heavenly Rome, Clintont I)ec. ist, 1868-rNoork. '9tep1ienJ_1q ..Z.9'1868i vaitil Fraffl-4 HenryEarl oillorlatid Y Fall Vvheat,__. ... .... 1:15 A.- D. 1868. BELL AUCTION9 :90 91 ....... 1 ;R&D, nd Loa O C]ERTi y -elve -n ..-Athits AUCTION "ROOMS-Aftrillaal, Kirli-White.as Remaiva;7 lite of a Y Lite Of Wellmgto 0.85 Q,, 0-90 A, Spring do .............. tu of the clock noon, Town lot ruirtiber sete ............. rDPO R, 5:00 Inandredtid five in tke said To%irn of Goderichi oiiai- -401, IN- CAX sit &_ 'a arter of pLn- arre .47 0- .50 -ionagbIndineasurement one. qu W: .......... laud lat t a sanie moce orless upon which is erecte( a Ood cligWrich, GO 21, lw, . W36 it. Oals ....... 'a J 119 Nod Dec, 212-nd, .h C,-. An,.,Aer 1.18 Lire ard[Ballad 011(obiuH it N 09 1 'Th ge. thi aux. 801 Lifiaa'7of Nalw1l., nhout 2 milps from Godericti, with a view oftho ti at ;nperiorFarw fronting n Lake Huron, Dated this 24th dij Of Nowniber A.D. 1868. S_ d tton -07 !Afe of NaPOIL44 2011 p rte 133 A, ......... .... 0:60- 0:60 good male orrepair. - Terms made known ut tiano of 'titidi:i of fohd Lite of Wash- -1 1-107 , ble 13y.Law tf)'&Aablijl 0.01 eomforta brick cottage nod suriabIli outbuildinsint. Potatoes ........ Deetfunder power sit Morigia oAW iteres More Or I eilis, or 7eas .................. 0-65 0:65, tbir ugh lot 1,,*. 4n 0 F(irk ........ -550 625' - r f. C. CANIEROX Stellbeh- w44 td m. the Tovmslat trace ota fina THE -Butte . ... ... Whereas by the nature of the gro fid on YN ptarialt _.1J1srlOrTAnd.0 0 L h -4 - - - -A L if C1 B out 100 acres dtaftreiJi, good -date the.10th'alay.0f. 7 roin ey jKj,fMdR90-) Ab 9 01101 2wiloid,w9i ks 0:22 `22 X, cause, bearm e Of Obtili * XULLY SAW IGEALRINM 0:18 a 0. w6esslon; pissitaglotlo, Ell 1 '028 on the Pggs - - 18 aux Sable 1868,-. . , .... . . M. - . L' . L I I - . .00gr Welling Vousi ahat Iratme barn ................ AT- DETLOR I= = !l 0 -nuAt bprifIr Creek runs AirouglL 111,1 1Ct- I t and: in. T? 9.00. ESS MAKEMS donce Ssi* tor .'.a hig'fi*a;Y,, Bay ......... z ......... sm-dev of sale., or lot- 46ne7 WV iA-z3 oorc s Lalla.Rookh and Irisl Alelqdieg.. will be mittie know -1) ... .......... 2. 0 0 (a),, - 2.50 AK nseallenceAbegeof is deiviation on beWbrk6-; - -K, -t T E NOTTUR TH-AT co I y Idoareti Cliq onz the premises to Wg.& DONALD FR,4SE ro, _-AX, Wei I of cone way. : A 0 - - 0. leftu, 1 , __ - - , _ 'MotyfatittEnter , howilliallowilleFar y -liroviOub VIA Sha e . wa un linito .............. 6.-50i 6.50 - - Iligh a muaitipal, PLU BLIC y, e SAU* H. G,UEST risibie ende19-ifItY J tHfi. rse--ifarth 3414iow - of p e!k, Rewarand lcaf' he To p4iriell or Th _6 Y, Nov. 10, ISE& enacts, X1W Paul and Virginia, %Zabethaud Itamelas t ndrp2e sa id,.Qoiporaflopher; j Speebt Tale, im to Rurin It LEMU COLLAR FAC gut TORY tthis' eTRU a t;= th zr 6and after tbd.p g# Vape:s Ronierlfii Illind $68 Xooly IV . IN Iti;4 0:90 :10), erelie, will keep on hand and make'to S af=6; Dec. (1,G,d,,!h,,h b t Q ,- lein the illiod e 'opeer, appoi no i older 4A kinds of 111 , r I?all'Wheat ...... (owing deviatio - ThbAucti U INTLIS11 !be 10 t=a_ oriw* , 1p sa, on, de rr#.eable to -the 89 ita,of di nal allowar0e; Crusoe aiwr 11A R& 1A 10 'forth' aildro'd HE Canada L4nded QwAit dompany huvQ silt Fitrm,fis Spring Whbat .......... DRAFT AND CUACH COL i!kr6ihAqrA( i" tie Merton lielft ece-of road 'ib ac a 2i2a a -2:25 ffUegd 8th day "Of M- E 048 'made in the latest a4 Tuegd A T. -DETILOR Co 78- "hipwIlrecicsVid Diisitsl;. -T moppy fo invesi r- 6 fr., I M - V: I f P flm an, C') g t I eel 'o 4 best style, warralated t,? IhE . .., - S to B0RU3W-!,US-# 1CA01, Flour vi.- 29 - - - - - - ftelzthatdid Oats ...... ----- - give, aaia_descriptio ', hall be- at and sliagai Pr Simimbal;Rreg foi- Religlilix IL G. is prepared to cozap* :in price and 1-iowa as, Be QchpolAeotter --a satisfaction'. iaeftain nar d within the AiDV NVE By 11.ortowitair of ill!* Corripag, Mere is n4 r - with t allies -6d T9 -;in fGW6,r ni, eas .. ...... RIO. it oAliciiglftway and ehal to all intents the said TO, jidav , I andt mY 611ar factory in tile Proviracb. north side orwtil'Strepti and 5 tarley .............. 1:00 a 1. - - - - - - .... itbertliur, on tho *Jasofbefa ,ownship X!"ds- 101 l3ar alf?o rrvwer f`4k;fCd ibli' T ofe owns 1po eill e UiLVfN -ted Potatoes : estepheil., - 11t4 iter 7 LT--, szo, 0:0 (9V:65' A2r- cPaal4bertha3ddrc$3. des,-naled as lot Tilanil ........ ? - HamiltonSt. imaglef M H 6 I I I - ly to Ptv X the T1. .20 9,0:24 There fi a T*o 9t6rY BRIQ 4' Batter ....... Teti ightsillABat-RwUlf papi tothe .0onPull-PIn Aff 10 Pt' -r 'Per "al oprositellition Hotel. Oommencifig " Ahq Worthwelitorly' the liareinises;-twoo thirty4v " ' L - L I -rr --ivr ty feet wide by ............... 0111 (Z:) 0:15' Goded,4, Nov-. 1%la, 1268. w4l 3m. Two VeM tielbre theMast. unin-s per. isitit bein); formteri4 And the vat., Zhio o5 On; and 0. per'4-eut, his-OWW! liminctV lo th 320, Nt t, . WgitVg world-tii Come ......... t1ilemize, a Clotladi -Iloqeyjhe: p&Vz 111toa Alikin hind-lif c h 20- 2 ', adapte& for busingss.offices, Wtirl- -cafioouul and' has a separAte cz;, vez& 4 at, cam-ja Bide& 6;00, InSOIVent Act -of 186 So"' uF1 tt 1ho corre also ru:18 =T ta ca-_T,! Other f &.00 CW,^8.00 ilaia u0kr stoiy, iswell E limit oftidke Sbbi r ad 50 Ike' -able Jor iftmeslz-l and Intere4i.Ultal cararels tar- debt in .16 y, avoi a nlosi- - I , f-Fl3w Wood ............. !1.50 0 2:50 thence$ entiance. The localitv .18 to. '10 - ilth West S '14 !SIGNAIi brFLGZ He 8(132 ing business coliti-ruckub hickena 0.26 be' -h ;Ebe 13. 4 S V-sib'd Uitlit Fow Oya daRempt 0a, 0:23 prj pur inbi&t8tate from the itiortgge JL1 ]illy tll]XC,, of lj _ -A. '0 *, vinceox0fitailoxitintneCodfitycourfofrth North 78oa, 50 E 36,11-aal*,, tile Market, a Court Housti ,quarvl& Contra 2 0, i the Gotta-.y4if Hiar-on, hs of commeme in Wit six W411st tho. comol-Iny in to ie ,F of twen- L-1-17 to-SLO&-a hamu s baid Tov;h. ;.The property. Thie Y4 alb r, 9-. the endof the South _56o. a has paid the prearam" t;rtlilwd Sotiot 890 52 fie will be sol(t in iwd lots'. . Lot,,N*. 1, vent. la: width orthe. e 313a of 3ide road t et*ben Port F ra,tilei' rez rfe 4aid.exteriN Welc tho- 1vidth to*tboresaY, bb jund,-wgia, compotfad in th the tidek. 'No. 1 14 'the atiz- Sablel couep'ssi6fi i - agsi, ,neefi deed of coria"Itlo ot 4, aSs af4a 266, filst. at the residenci -of the it _Hrij *baeh is situated The -7. -altdWcd ineetilCluellt- blis the qrivj f -uldoijarge, OuI7 eXectited by a majority 01 on '6004171Y and-4hich will bg.sold sub -11&Xp[rt d T tin7y jt to u JORY ir -onwilient OfMital; ill the iainov 1iriaeafath-er,*theltev- D"Came"ovi Crlfilomandortho thence; North term of turia fonsE Velf and AWare bw tei-giftla rolitq u­ Tiwrer#xaiP'vA1d1a, reh 90 4ks, yeaxitirpm jot Optember, eh, 'A' UT Awn. -Ally even fic rovIsloll or thence, North 58", lY, West Q may fini iti 1,ot.the_J0$c1veat tat OrIS64 a lie T ini Above $100. iti. tte.101L V it. of road -nd Stewut to Miss, Glenn 11 up it n tirtacefu leaso dafed1st;September4 3851f* BRD S- p North 50y, ) 1 11 . 1 tis t n 2 t pu& 890 1521, West 97 Ike; thence, UNdore, Eded, zlqc :ase4'of-the 'T of hismongagwand li)r is X olift QIeA all of C01:- -be notade tasMdeom taition, a schar ei sQutV-1so. made betweni'El wa wry;Lw, Ul, .1 , , - . I.. I - - ceai ciatillamid interest- Al'u i Iwo W l flist part., * , - - i - " 150i , - hdtgVa_7A-e, sharer, required it r)oi arid JaamesF WAtiffin ofthe'socand pOrt, on rbefoiatte 5th of e ber.. - W eat .1 chs. 4 il, at tl tnice Anylife. The farj atild 501, , eat je yearly d tbia exclu- NO t clip' 14 fk '- 'thence, South, 20* tiut 61 #2a, w0le I the.uiadlarsigned 'iis' nee shin 'u [TtHE Subsc-lber haviliIseellre Mj thAtl __77 agr 4;rl ofif A i % -7 Oeed ofetimpositicif a harge, it rding'lto a' IVesi 70 Ike - NQrth 10,- 46,')VjSiz *aymebiii6 free of all tuxex, , W1, of tdbClA'k_e11-11011-1eA1QP4Y4R unds. WAI 3110147tok 7 1 . 00 24(, Ikest aiiitt'of.ibet4,%nufacturo*:ndi is gth.`7 5 0 1 If s. I f h e lie -Nor th .2, Lot IRT ycliewa . Appivio' now prepare ID 113solvent Act 6f 18". d t, 'K sult,0 il) SM t1fimill FREDERT4, Dated at Goderich in the uoun ai,hai irfg a frontage Ofab-Out 5E 02- 'It t t theno,, ding LzridAggrat, over ltrtnle. 3 his 6&4ay of Nd3roniber, 186 . paroalice nil iol lei their tt; A.G. Ault; n anrwlifoh I era A of-Wid, nix, no,lbuildifi &, ; :- - uOderkh. , 4q1iXRALDA. "fart . n - ` 2 46 to limit -orsider Strebl, 'and 61teli, _d Va. e6lip - R (; adit OL qloxa iiy, i4i: SUp ft t Ito O'M ftent for The V411t)(131K. L fxee of bej mtnng, - - - - 1 11 :01. - O"y tclulio' to V Ira od,:Farrtis Age, oil one a -The PlYallasor-stialt'at tholimeti W42. contaitfinj lay idWfii -ky V urepint M 1k ilti:'g portlouX11,0104btovere WI d litmid h form aip. a-XADK QFL _TJ1E- T IRS, ToWarovalwlu DEBTCF weiaty,.tbreo'orchelf t 14110 down "go6it ioho pro Ed I a f.:r sale. two joodt 0 from tile pf 01000fillspurchme mtmey;-toth ­Veadonnor h NOT.. It ilousps in The rue, a 6d, Talki notice thautha aboyeiff a J Ubted LL Pat. to em ests the abovd AIR11 t -the Middle of Mav I a pro injino ttiigir thozate, pay t e. are. powd th, 1 0 t V euired. to Call ontbeT;ndervianea doe, black and thi other irtaite;. 00ing 'into Uusider& dit to tblt vberelmlu; At " - ti3a by the cooh Flih ltlte Othep. the Catitilties Of 11tar"o, )f tilleir respective: debtv. All -the Atiandint, and pily the WW?jlktd I X%j0XTFwl, WAINTED ISIMEDIATKI.T. A goiiJ A V, ATMAWKW that wig, le4d to th r " Will -and Bruce. OUDZU of Stilihen;,4 ilia T it 0 A a eral war -wen, that telftliu WIPA!d At the end of thA prWat r, 4c; lit es, Applv to rela 1) -'4.0 0 ( 4 This it ,eravritr&d. Caine into tb,*A aicaiib '186% at Zpo tn­. a . er, will be rUeed in 0UrtfbrCQIl0ct101 UK& JUJY 144. it two year* old Briltal litir,'t4e pOUTy Dated at.Haftililto]a, ifth',Noi, IBM- t , # '3auetl wArrAnts %oltively th!3 Lut call. ell;, -Nov I";; ib,;b w2li I qw-arr.cad have. her by, proving ArAELDEW, [IGO OU '-ft - a land AIEX K -1 , 1., 1. t ? t expe TO.--olerk'S "nd6ras so Icitor. het N"er at for z . 17ORTER. a In., 44w3t D ! W6011i DeccwUr lit, 1W. i5wo Kio. 201h; IttiS. Now. 21) 18A' undas (ya Iff-mitiou 101 t.4 c artier S ;7