HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-12-03, Page 24 Vaud—,a IiA not beeft d w t a soon find his sllasudbpr bere, as we dil Other i90TJTJ3 x . XURON EvE --On aFenians are going to "draw CirioNVAB -hen- the' -,-wt4b, *as M SEAFORTH. In Engld d, he statute repealeil he dun V -10H I. 0* issued; IT-he"S W( dsJ3 1, . tO,PttlogAinaUAudbla u'tifuUyiess There ga if a demand $116r0twh apableaf c a a Common I;Ilv,,- but when tbat7&4caled. w4is ade by thdir are A few. charactol tji bLd 1 1-1 - - on the JB itish Igillistei to ga&r- (From our own Correspinuilintl). 1161§10storY and t1foh assert! (froin the Globe 15f Thu takelL of]; I iubmit that the ColamOn Uw Trom the Xew ness, worthy Of a Inittercause e in Makes,thoc yary a;ittee the independence (if Ireland -is not MmwmTs.—TL prisent stAo. of the roWas=friend., 1donat-Uteild-notl was—ai; it were--elastle fincirevive Diu- linyth are t1irvis men in this city whose ing a, re There dcah lied,vith. Thdy mi-Mit as well draw roads is sadly against bu.ainess hardly xfij "Olithis - At 10 sumed in fact its prestine powers. Now, -weplth imuot 1cm than U70, Lad, P jctlidluay The ommittee- tdgt Yesterday t ff 149401jR(ya-6 0 git mate employment than othis -being the case, then how much more red milffion x1ollus. 11hers are at lc mt a wo le.m. UT, Once grain coming in—Wheat Pa t attemptihik, 401clack 0 h1liehoods* "a ! it . liters isTay worst,.-% ourisel. fdr bOth 'thesitting meni i, bhyeran%A14g.b are tue loulonco:of mial one puoisl r any other - -tgurt itbe witlus hdrewhere -the fita- thom-Andothers who -pro worth upwards of i:: - We -would remind or sleighing, at Present, he liateriatij wri a go er1jud p6titione so Teachers that do butiih X r weie present) As 41upOil. ery I ther,Goderichranch Association will meet is just engugh snow io auXe it -v it the previous day. -tuff relsdndaft y, but declaictory. U million 'doll= enell. Theta mcn have pro6eededto rpply to Thadoetrine as laidfl6v7nina shoul'a be ant in the Centrij School, on Saturday, Dec. agreeable;. I Dr. MoMICHAEL: case cited t4e power, throu,,h their *money, to maho thUBO 84t Glib 5th., at 10 o'clock, a. m. Jents urgedtyMr. Paterson 611 by my learned friend (namwg it), is, that cheerful 6d comfortable the home o2 The in the, fir4t. i atance, Oup. STREM-TS —There never 70' u anything, every poor family in New it' 04, titwl and M anv 'theret " Z' I' to call y. He considered first the objec- the statute gives fuller effect if Iq Cow- ik wn, in any country, a stfikt th , r Yokh. The k0e did 0a- The BruceRoviewpeaks obld tiontakenas to the alleged co tract be- to the Common Law and completely wealth held by them isqual to about $I - very highly boast -of mor'a, dirt than thi Main siriet in uothiniyoftllo ilia - Cho vwd.: Qlarh's Excelsior WashiDg, Composition. he Government, Imocks n the head ;4y- learned frie r cd,.for its of nd's 500 'for every perzon on this island, r tniteb. guidailce"%-Sob Of),! 02 Seaforth. A person, on being asked b JVIW or aAnd contended that the Bonds--edpies of argument that auY &Lffls; not tabulated About 8 -ht thoosana dolhn for every 03- The Seaforth paper is awfully deep the autlioritibs did not k6ep the; streel fonoj re. w1liclityeref ed—and to each of which at Itis t Amittees in a discussion'of the Mosiac Cok 60gqny. 016mar, point )i th A set Frth by tatute, thougli formerly 'These firturm tell their own story urmd Unt 11)31!Tt3, tevoidd ad to the n6W Marko ouse ilBeer for t Thnse in town havi,g housps to rent and 'said.—It cannot be' dne "il;ithofit__P'l how dfforentsthaff4om sziwnTdo b I wortIllm true t1le cou Mi. Carling was a party, did not render obtained, under the Common Law Illust bout VrMt our i3lillionaric h3VO *w- tO draf t0t 6member Qr sell should advertise i money, And the money is All gona - d the obligora contractor within the cope bacome 41$solete. Thiin as to ray Yearned 'Whatthey anctual. Own friend's pary, 0 ba mce.. of the 06` y for !he once. n the Sigital at there. ofthe:gtatnte.. The words used in the "What if a mau bribed ly vo t eVgn t _% Vale. lizat 03MAU not iu ad for the opposite parky, would that kn­ Act (Daming them) which defined what vote a valacAnd- ibat'if '21' Tji three very rj ch alon, alluded to ,ro Itit mtractim, r616tionshipto the Government constitute bribery aga ulst the briberfl _ R Air. Crais Anotes the .,-than th* 83- Wood now seilh bytheload'--in Gode- PETXTios_—OuSaturdoy iignv6iure v6ra '-0 bc Astor, Stewart arid Vanderbilt. 'The in. n 110174ner ric) 4-hA f, I iitriii t brInO boing, ta an to a. petitio to the [County IV, Como of favh nno,of those Mau avera-0 I, at $3j.50 tbF, cord. Hard.Jines for t order. w1ho 31107 14 re 4cr A Ciaudidatel ineligiblei did most decidedly "yes." Again, -as upon thii Ike:it t poor pebple. 'Council, praying tbutbody.t6 ie6h6idir w i, dad, Iu- One noti-whoh rig argumentgeneilly, that the -corn- FerNIPS, ton theasmilollam juake, moit. ghtlytonstrued--.4ake in thd tiolIze, Y. - In L - so, onerplilsbe(L per d cQuflaing the 4 r Ifyonwilul the bas's Vgon whick they placed the 19 whole tone of mitteo have Ao right to ded with these Ob- w absol t ble for them to apend 04mulittite tor , W30 cise of 31r. Carling. The a ely imptl2si Qmtejobofprlating t 40apor. ulde -of IpAptar Of at out im. the done leave your 6iije S- coun y tax of the munidipalityof 6ajorth evu o the 6nactraeutImpliedthat some ectiOns of Mm very mm fr t IslaurSole AI mt 4 _ction of the In at th' l9nal O:ffice finan a, I may just say that there rgoro tht m- 13 U -1 ir tion and answer for the curent year. As th ion t1l6usaml intereit must beattadhable to the aspirant I -o authority thatever for such triormoua income, and their immense re5 4011 Owlson .4 thowto, tho at -once. D council of s really n . t0bility. contentio win on or rule simply Seafoibhconcei Zd saidpasislobein6orrect. sevell od, aud as for -the seat to establish his nonelid as. NOW, as to 'the 911PgatiOn Wealthis therefoadaili gro -v jar e" EWSPe6ial attention isdirected tothe Some were signing it thinking it -riglit. soon, remastbea money interest on the flat our affidavits are insufficient, PraY '=!I larmar C.1 Tit :1kot be wloea ned has The 1Vll,h0T7dOthcS0i[aen NL,' advertisinent of Mr. J. S. Port re were not, thinki b,4 S our lov thesgriT)tural inilluctionsbout giving" not gat foirth in the Pet- er, Seaforth. Me' ing lb'lerely an understand my explanation. This 02 answ 'eutfrel pro a Ilan- put of the obligor as well as to the Gov and to in &ir 0 - The Ball circulars issued from this eleotionserin i ali'so a. o Tfiel el do not _say that we have tothopo6ri Astor ownsfifteen hundred _g dodge on a f ra &I drid it !ument., Thee44ing of the Act.Andicat- position. We M Thatis the 416:and OfliQ0cAnROt be surpassed forelegance and Mr. Logan, lids bu handiui;tnow,one dry 8 ed will ad a bilatiral and n9d a milateral-phrase. proved Mr. Carling guilty of -bribery. We dwelling hbuses, IMH ofthem tenemitnt aof we anu ture of 1411h le Lu as thil illegality of the cheapness- this side of Toronto. the best selected and cheipest stock of Ji cited several cases.in sup- amythatincasethe committee"deoideagaiust ht and is responsible more than any I*aQ forth in the sitting -hav our in estment -A of his iews. Then os to *a charge us on'other po t ' a cravo leave to go t Dr. McMichael -her <_4% Vol., 0:1- The Wesleyan Misio ready made clothing that ever oamROnto po ins W iuNew Yor1r, forflmoutrsgeoms nary Meeting w1IL` 1 11 facts r1a: opbuint.. statement, it o ght to, Ilow of bribery, -the learned Counsel contended 'Into an examination of the facts as to rents that are ow entdrted om the Lw u merct 1%st; evening was- not attended s, Seaforth It is hard to conceive that Altho i and fr D laro- other 1tv Da-ent6Qea. Aliforthe childisll ely as 'it shoula have been. Kddress'eo al6thing of the very best 4ualiby,, 4id have go =all 4eturers that our' Canadian Act haiing repeal6d bribery, and -to be furnished ivith the pro earnings of tbo pocr. AGtor pr_ vt, 11 0, sltthirr Member did not were delivered by J. V. Detlor Esq. newest style can be sold so cheap. the. disqualifying Bn t mQrV ma i 031 that th havabs the price. Ob- . ri ole afid AnY tvined arrel !advance _glioh'Act, by impl ca, per'facilities for'producingrp] evidence controls he at in the it r of houso g a o cion y' whieri his sQat was Rev4s. Messrs. Livingst no, -him and one wanting a winter suit should give Oil o, obtAi sd 14 tionthe e6ct of the Common law, of thereon, and we allow by o r affidavits rents, The smaller landlor& ArD LU,'a-cd i is too silly for serious at hioll the last mentioned Act was -merely good foundation E liould V' V Ric Mr. Goo. Cox occu ad tho chair. a cAll- 0' for asking that leave.— by him. If he puts -prices upa not -oh; alto I then on the aefeasive, pi over a Hickson has a -great quantity of skate's eolp t p4be declaiatory, waq-alsd inffectextingaished. Wecan;t produce before you Mr, Carling's other rent extortiquer qujc??Jy follows, nd nego 'be ess to brIng -objections of 8:j,'The "Grand Rally" at the M. E. on ha' c Mae valub bf bur The Committee be argued, had therefore affidavit etablishm nd-. g his own acts of bri - thus ifis to him thatblaino miainly-atEohes that Lcind,-, The law annq requixe a man Church on,Widnesday eveninglast was John Martinis new churn wa tried on pfopertw -w no right to eAtei ihis charge; luasmuchas ry; but we can, if allowed and provided for the outrageous and un,.,7arz,_-,ntCd renft to attack bis7 own sealll,! -Aesides, there is well attqnded. The princi al . feature of Saturday At Mr. Modelark's house Tucker- Moved lli.91 ndod-jily. Wm.,'thd statute dave t4e.powerof 6xpulsionig with the necessary machinery, compel him thabwo are now obliged to pa.*. So.,' much Moved xc0rogcdir,.Ziq,. T ro Is the. Hopse. B Onday. m, evidence- th ih the iitting member was the entertainment wasthe sibging ofalady smith. we witnessed the trial and- must ut vVen if the Conimon Law to appear before you and subject him to for Astorlsdoing goodith I& weaj&. from Portland whopleased t satisfactory and be adop tried. poste aware of the -illegality 4the Stanley list, tllpraa ent with say that *a weic irery much aWio; shed to -Vond -by Be 11 q., silcouded! byg. W. obtainedaAbeforej -tho rescinding. of the question under oath, and this facts as Stew=t is a meaner m= tMat Aztor. 116 'tone it was mde t( 6y t who as butter corAe out, just five minutes af ter es made Anglish Aot—which he confidently submit- aralest, tashmaster'in Nev ork ) appear he,production liar fine voice. aGirdleskoneL Ps Ti da 46(in to payablp oil lece A dahi 10 per cont, lbo' broughfout in our affi vit will fully war- is the h y of thii rac rds by the Olork of the Crown is a most ac6omplis.hed, musician, r4ndered the cream Was pilii in, further c in . .'.Is over aii teaft did not—even on that -new he de- I Oullnent 10 to datel--Carrie a now to and Z&ds down hisemployces in a hham ! rw the abcompanine4ts Ivith rand, and thrll unnecessary as that 6urri will introducvif Movolill-Holl' Prince, isit. Accondq4 T?;y Hlfam nied riht of the' cuaimittee. to take a 0 'botion as to the 280. . manner. Whoever heard of his doin in le jed fill 0 go 0 0111ties About ling effect on his favorite organs. self. Vaq., Us oftg t o7er th diffi That XwU 1 ojluo y and'Alc- zance of the charge, 8 we are tuin %;7wr a good 'or generouB thing 7 Van Cr , t Gregordoprocee utOnotitaGoderich to j tR f the Stanluy roll, the Cal erich, in its rapid rise, is going Gibbons. Considerable feeling is mani- 11 from. the contractor, and to th r I Aul a Gow—Well, Mr. McMichael, let urse. a should, says- he, W effect, 0 owns, iu Mat part, three or four of the ely 0 n t:)IF God duvb the ' t bayond me next to deal I dl odei Or evaporatin Jile-mounderstan ow re_%ders, of wlu, telver shade of prittee co with the Gbjec- a ittle too last in some things: ett;t festea here by -both Liberals and Con erva'_ wo,. '10 n t 9 oroughly. Do you into a scrutiny of the votes - rendered bail best iailvo ds in this country. Not 19zag tior, that Mr. Carling was a contractorwith 'thefts are of almost daily occurrence. We ives, about the trial of Mr. Gibbons. b M.Teconomical, and to real! The co tradtors for Intilding the same, 8 fro' d6nv cur righ a 17R.S td road thesel stmtemolits I*ro- and Ort a - tZooeuntlertain the charge of through briberyb6nd not urge a, eneral sine i he - elected Presidet of tho-New politics, the Croun,as, Atire-by for rwo pa4licofficers. have heard during the past few days of way the trial is conducted is honestlZ and Dl't'eetomat a meeting to be mlloa ii i a r briberk againstXr. Carling,but not against aceusatioA.,of bribery. But ray learned York Ce'ntrnl Road, and the first th _ng ho fully =4 then. s -a whether 311 OM of 'Mough the Courts hold that persons in -,cases where pards stole bags and buffalo indignantly condemned by all parties as Kr. ons, if alleged 7 Moved by G. W.' Girdlestone, Esq so d by. friend forgetsJor peradventure he does it did was to order, ruinous reduction tho the sq., solonds Bev That the roceedinaR this mp)e the grossest denription ia nob'being , per- his, ;osition are contractors wi ' thin the robes, pieces of- dry goods, silver spoons not,beihg, fair pla. Hiram Walker, . _s 01 9* ION L—Understancl me. - I lm eeUve prescrib- wagesof the poor Jemployees. He is eighty - g of the law, the Committ" which from restaurants, suatcbed from tills, &.a. (Jarter'sgrain Store house is the best at" In be , iud fdrwar4e, to, a W the Committee to deal ad us in the preraises have said that they years q1d, but, like Astor amd St-owart, hm' Wt,! ,till meaning ho or. a petillted k, ad A few Aoleome examples will be made, Seaforth Station, id :d. -k.? - piled 1, , sumod so much in his behalf readily ry as Tagards the ad will not -a Scrutinize Mr. Carl- whole soul is wrapped up in his ealtb,and, 'per, howdver, tht the case will be Goderiolk Salt is in great demand of bribei allow us t over -ruled that objection, and ruled that no doubt, as soon as p6isible. here outestant, such as Mi. Carl- iues bad votes. Bat aside from this the -he thinlul only of xanhing his money pflo -up by Ali. Patterson, who has mnaged it 'he Was eligible to be elected,notwithstand- W We hear that a strong company now. FLOT IN TH PERITEO-Alt ing is, for as, e4at! liament. I admit- rguraent is uasoltud. The 'Whole thing higher. thi is fibr with great ability, until even the ing the bonds which the Government Cmrsus.—Mr. Bull took the census of that you cau, in par -a nutshell. ' These statutes before me The thous=d other millionaircs, With from Berlin contemplate starting a fresh pan proof of in&vidual, is in him held against Coming to the charges Seafolt Salt well in G-nderich. Come on, gentle 0 401 cases of bribe . strike ff vote aftep -vote, at ptrUzan, of committeemen will be a a ower to hold theelection, and very few -exceptions, are justsuch men as a.' bribery against Mr. Carling the Com- inhabiUlnts. Patermined Attempt t d6_0 and Po upset an election'- but I cOm M 0 air a i tance o we dependfor par- 4he three we bnve 'mentioned. They are last week and found: 1502 res ashame to violate all th -, laws 6f - decency men. there's plenty of room, providing' a tat t mittee, filled to find any excuse for iefus- SrGxAL.—The people' here, after a tair u can entertain a whole- orit for. rolding election at all.— all sordid avaricious men. BToney is their -,The July altogetherto entertain those charges. market large enough can be found ! the dea, that yo wad justicat in faor of Carling. trial all round,have come to the con I n allegation, of, liribery on general They - a a. the forla and mode'of deity, atfd fliat alone they worshi. f is the ar tide allbXW to Thef consented to hear evidence of bribery, QH, CRICKRY!-7-The Sea o us'O ONE OF THETRISONERS forth Expositor that"the Signa4 is the best newspaper in grourid%, such as my learned friend pro'- procedure th a and terein,, theretore) area count.erputs of the rich m3P 0 t3kin-, o.re to hedge the sitting member in ew do it,'that's a fact. It says :—"We the County, muliates. * -find words to guide us. Mr. Patm ofin the Bible, andif theydon'tultituately n f orutin, thal 0 . . ... we shall Thegentleme majority of restrictions which vl u_fd. reduce as are indebted -to the fifflowing promi!nent with From tho Wei.. Mi. -PATTERSON-Wa don't to upon g _' tenon then read over ihe various applica- swea;t like timb ihdividuall they W012t, got th"aidit Huron Cx.amittee,h&ve made Seaforth Council an. - mach as possible his criance. of proving his Periodicals in the United States . for their erat grounds. We adduce ape howed 1hat the,proea­ their deserts. furfalor pr mess—th"ey have settled. more e ciflegrouiijis., ble sections, and A.se, They ordered thab, he should -Uve very flattering notees giveri of the. .1 IBX- The Municipal Qounefl of the villaqw, of Seatorth Ir"Nos V. 26 and supPbrb t6m by specific C= 81 us dure as laid do had notbeen complied p T wn all ana have aettledtheias in the Way all his witnames'on hand by Tuesi:Wy morn- FOSITOP.,11 also not jursuant to alponrament at Sharp u liotol on the A dreakdeal of a 5%te' ''Wed -in be seen by reference, o Our 0 for'the papers put on* the 24th inst. Preseu with as far rW regarded the township of LO.NDPN.W A= !El=.. UB-. bast calculated to ob siu the uAenviale Councillors, Strong, McDougall, morning. a Ally'give a day and a AWf to exchange list,. Cipver, Albiwz,, Wilks ,ad Reatti . twasmoved, seconded and car- theitythj#.mo1*ipg 0. rth4t an Xoiedier, we don't pretend to gb thd Stwdey. Vier*w ll, then, Ile wentn to ! They actim winnineo.-for thei&- Th S,tr i; take We chair. The minutes of they'. -are qa nk t aestion of brib gatzlarw-.6tase4gyrtymvaria?Lspai-L-of)l iron Spirit of the Times, Daily Tribune, Pra were -and adopted. The reeve h extensive and deep laid plot a bee; ery at the pr - a time siy--if you oauUold the election validand The Landon solves. The _mitagad, in de6nce of law 4ving YL . . excliprige offices ziolvertises as foHows. the fo produm them in Toronto ! Tesley, -Peierson's, Harjers MonthlV, Wei tanle allt6gretheryourobjeotiqis ishould 014 0 . A report — pres6ted by the discovered and frustrated-atthe rbvincial a bqtatel3r or thoroughly. We resisnt. omit 8 un praceden% tao thro1w out sittinl; What they wili do -if ibbous ly & Bazar, &c. committee appoint to examinatht assessment rolls the'-wommittee what ;v1dence we could., goodl but not oi e*rwise, for -Stanley re- I went to eichauge -with . any One who of Tuckersmith all McKillop, ai a 1).etition by John penitentiary, an th the a d b an h y get, but sufficient to warrant the: member's They refused him all happen to produce sufficient'prof of brib- 0::Y- The fresh prisoners in -the Mullad d at 05 rt urriedl mains under the statute unrepresented.- has two thousaa a year, paid quutierly, lists orV Y P;Itg s and Peter larkey, also Wveiia accounts were chnce of amendino, hi submit- er vedVk A. McDouall, see. by J. ith the deith ary in thar, time, remains to be se6ii. ' We.. murder case *ere brought before Abe t. It was m attended -v i of one 4-th. in- Conin-ditee in seriously entertaining th Then the lists are priwfhci evidence of and nothing to do for it. Address,, e, ting new ones. filvatrainedthelaw-to, havenot much doubt that they willbeequal Afayor and J. V. Detlor Esq to -day (27) "Is. That the r ort of the committee appoined to a ine tne rolls o - dekeremit andXpKillop, be mates. The decea-zedo6nvict IEdov n charge. theii internal truth, unless contradiptory TxTP&,=cu. Cify -as on, al t " t The a calved and w re- and 4cl been The CHA=x"­I . don!t-thitik that we evidence is adduced, and such evidence strike off his vot t a w emaren ey,,, what a v er it a.w b a -and remandedtillext week E Carried. Woved by E. Cash, liec. as Christopher Murray, 1have got -two oprious old r 'h #s petidoh; of J. Dougb% he re Petitioner aMwkectlhe rotea byJ. Beattie, Tha ough 'to trouble. ilraelvos much :abot my leaxm ad'frieud -has not put i. There-: of a Dumb= of the absence, through indisposition, f ve i next meeting of Council, and In- tihat, c4se-Wha;b. tb member fore I submit that the is legally: of parsions, on-flLe, ground t1lat, they W 0 celved and lay o sentenced for a period, of ten gh, these affidavits, for there is not a date ulalmoun. I will chmge them far gh it appempa that they had the stipenlary magistrate. Messrs. Doyle Mr. Douglass in call time be advised to'pmy his of which had t=spired: ei at m th yne. taxes and await thoction of the Council afterwarlis.- 'Yiarg. in the flouse, - I apprehend, against whom hav4d- aliens, 6u H4 w n wi Zu resided in, the country for P* Squirp appeared for the prisoners, Mr. 33AxQUE. aods 44r.'Aug It Card A. MoDoftall, see. by r,,. Cash, one V theL Fenian prison depogitidas -of alike natureaught not boob- The 001aluitt from ten to twenty year, -,thait iev6iil 6f occun to, us ta ask How would- the Les on behalf of the Crown. r4attlio titloho' eter3farkily be riqceived and the ers;, tathough . ee then adj ourned until 10 prayei thereof 6.ra ted, and that T. P. Bull, derk, do associated with them in the plot. tained. With respect o'clock this momingg,' wfien the will de y - MISS SPENSTW has z ver7 -baud 0 SK&LL Com-poi&T.-The to the argument them had vbtecl pt fomer Parliamentary &6fere A5% Gibbons a re Star takes cOm- take the census'of e population of the Municipality ig -given to her ye=s vago b-* -her'- agammst thelistap I am inclined to the be- liberate uponthe arguments ofounseL rn me a wed - At an inquest to -clay the fol16*'inr evi- hef that Mr. Patterson's objection per sA thor. She will it for t' nd ra tha tory sted' of- beQ a staunch re- fort in safft ihat if the election as be outhe village of Be forth, 4ccoiffing to law, upon con- gramna- d Gibbons clared ilition.thatthesai Peter Markey do pay the sum Of deuce was given by ifeury C =_;l -a is fatal --i q1h. 'A.4 A Mamiac A3STMB a Bo ding riM, to be given to lier by her hus- had tjsken: the oaths of allegiance hncl resi- former I We apine. that a majority of the tween Carling an is de z3 as the for S arding- a. 11. J - rs r QrSi-the thrm.who, are s6curilig for said census be taken on Tee a Was on daty last nig4t- and ifier 'I must say that it is a serious one, towards House. dence. It w-tsaiedgpil thatithexe.penons _ mamb - - void oill account of the list used for.Sta.uley said e,,,,,, guard wh banc ded in neggleded to have, their oaths f beingthe wrong one, then Mr. sixth, seventh, a eig thdays 4Noember.-Carxied. early part of this morning. Ze iiiid he its acceptance by us is, that Mr. Gibbons, bad Id X=T themselves:'Witicilimmortali; woul see havebm unzeated. onStiling, Very The to wing ae wereordered to be paid, and the south the e -Zi of Qn=ter ffassion% itnd orie!0. - - p . I ey ftlight debentures issued for the samp. J. D. Fee, mals. &c., was In wan a out aquarter to & too late in making it. The raising of an on sunaay nigght,'i scene Which may Wauf;4 a idtumtion as hohsem-ld, or thereforp,n tmatnralizqd. Theetitiolior the' Iofe matter through differently col- ' I ) - Jection of this nature, and at this stage truly bb desciribed*as "tprrible " as Ion, house and parlor a Vr1rA nicler.infDrms us that on and 89,09 ; E. L"sby, services as constable, $5.15 ; G. Mc- one o'clock when one of the guaxd's Came ob AftePhillips, surveying, $15 OD; R. Fisher. plan and speei- out I Itad ne_dected to prove that the oaths hac. oredspiotacles,, and. Gibbons would be re- Mr. . S running to him and said, I 'Lo6l theLstprox. tbetariff for telegraph- fle-dien Market House, $6.00. The wt of Mr. Home- the ofthe proceedings, is2nost inconsistent as it lastid oce ua. been filea-:and --the Cquili-nitele, was tamed -in his sait. without' hAlf the Peter in . . I . ured in -the. RoVinsoli Age 90- Gao4rdercnc , gfrbm Goderich to the various points stea-1, wAs laid over until a future meetin& aild Mr. prisoners have brqken out 6f t4eir calls.-' with his two years' occupa ucy f the seat. Address 14 -asked to assume that the had not been SO Cull's a2count referred back to him as the Couno If9usei Bay Street- About-haf-past two t1tat b;s, beert made, to unseaVIlim. right or g the a will be materially reduced. 11 H6 looked iip to the gallery Above and as* Mr. Gow held a different opiioa. It was We should think this gay younrl, thing- -keu d thinks some articles are overeharged, oved, by E. orre of the p was awaken - filed, becA,agi the oaths'were ta urin.'r a hope the reduction'will extend to Cash, sec. 'hy A. Strong, That the Clerk be hereby hi- riseners eudeavorin gtocat the obviondy not for Mr. Gibbons to. attack o'clocki one of the Soa;ders P, -by somebo . would suit those who are lalwayn Eaying the electiolt Insbeed-of refdsing ils-lbey wrong structed to write to the Cjuncil of McKillop, request- rope of the alarin bell. . Witness called o' ad dy kickin- at his door, and newslylaper ielegraphifi, as well. ing them topay ovpr to tiairmunicipauty the s at his -own position. that our -iseva-Ats now a-days are not ought to have-, dana to 41isfrnc1&ep.e'_ bars Of t:) him to surrender and ran up .stairs after. was sliluted by a series of shouts, whlah;lik the -This "old one?' om Cler4y Reserve fund accruing to Tai for the year 1887.- old. ones. VhO 6xe primafocie v6tin axclsp OF The Leader says South Eturon ri PAT= t e striefliag,41 oon" SCIUTa nuaok ELECTION as Carried. Movedby E. Cash,'Beb. by'A. Mdbougall him. When witness ar ved th lre the can- -alarmed the whole of the inmates. The ought eatthal requir.ements. tom ',CrASM Mr Clark must know'thit an& -clearest evideuce, &6,41Wu-, cc mimlttiie­ been misrepresented lOngg enough.' We andresolve(I that *e Treasurer ofthis Municipailty-is Viet w4s gone andwitness follo* J on the *actioa erson vho created the ukim ried -oat feel impelled ti -an argument as he now- herebinstramed to place four hundrea dollars to 'he diree on1e thought the convict had takqn. the crudest ad most -obsolat deser4p 0 thissin, link wonder if the 6untry would algates is of P rate . g - - 0 . credit OfteIlDard of School, Tiu4ecsx and paid to proml in broad Scotch accents, which resound- WRIX r6gard fA this case, it is very evl- to congratulate itself on vbt- eseut9djiduef6rm.-- dai4fA Mirvedby 'It Was in -west ra a' so they iclent that Xr_ aining, in Mr. thelrorderpi ihe south ng Witness Then view it in a mere ad throu e vot i6v Gibbous will bi eated if Gibbons' pl;%ce, anotherrepresentative of .4. McDou see. by J. Beattie, That the petition be cid ligbfk and gboat the house, J am Jesas THE EXAC7TRV=. _ & 384ump OIL ans came came down thenintothe fpurthrange Ilia securedilia. pe#fl6nefs vaieWom be- the Beatty stamp drafted ant %circulated amongst the rateu the greatest tyroin mich mattera.vill! a(Imii Christ. I have the power to kill. Come ; ey Municipality for signature, to be presen= Of this the utterances of thetory-press have any to the into- the railing and saw the Onv-rt an- that it would have been the h un lug, sorn tinfs & it A, =(I by another;ks:- - - Colin Council at its first session; praying th eight of out ofthisrobm, an my son]; 1. will Two yo gronso were buff* -.s bOdr rr The two park packing houses iieight -with Committ ee. One would u ty out to ro- eavoring to -pick thi lack of i the'wic kumption they xftck 0-oubugh a fils-op- consider the balds upon which they placed the Coun ket Silliness for Mk. Gibbons tosa , 'AJthm-g-b London, Ont., 'give. gooa employment to taxof the b1iiiiicipality. of.Seworth for the ty iloorleadino, out of the d f . st6ke In dead as Tou aleep.' He then wall -the front WA11fa MZh hole. p- nent-'s votes to, -give; hini an apparept nat1=11y -think that in a case of thig , kino current cl ome., Witness Ifeel 4deutthatyouha aii2ed'bad of them, it Placing QhrWiK) 41)4-1-C6 about 200. peo,plell while a large -amount of year, inasmuch as we con ly saidbasistobe incor- Called aain. to him tosuriend4 but he did 'so ra; bliidouin an -extraordinary manuer . 70red tbut majority, TbAtoughttoltavab rect The Reeve bavingleft, in a variety 8 ; although I it was a little thicker On ce e qtr_ farorwould be the capital is ent daily in the parch it was moved. not answer, 'damn play and no Otos , ne Bide than 'On. sp see. and i.-arried, that Mr. Strong do take the chair - .1 6 fbr-onecase -'If-th% petitioner cQuIdnot principle, but instead of that the grogseat hogps. ase of when witness fired A.,. round ve prool-A p lofiber -part ; and about ations -1hell-Are spiritual the otheri e.speculation is said to be quite MilvedbyA. McDougall. sec. by J. Beattie Tbat-iiiie -from his revolver. , The conAOt'still per- .7 on your . life -and thia-8 oft -Tint sor-L He stated 'Hisompanian -,-adv!Eed him to t.11WW 6 at you are , legally dls g; f; Qong after Uw and, justice W been. Oe such establishment 23r4 of Council be sasp6nded for this nigfit.-Carried. sisted in his object, when Witness &-ad had wandered in thislity of partiality !Wbeenshownin the'pititionerla remune e. ad m' inasmuch as you are make, your wall untme.Ben,-' so, much outraged for his sake, even a tole- favor - throughout. The maority -of the ghould be started in our ownp Lake city. - Moved by A. McDougalL see. by J. Beattie. That, the &-secondTouna.- -the. qa ]low be committee on public bula-6vements; do ascertain if the convi#_ then gavb' ORR said he. I rably unsaupulow W -ji a wit xtizan a seem to have been actuated by thousand dollars to spare I Lock-up can be finished this week, and jfso to instruct over and ran down th& -west wing a 1 overnment, -contractor; yet, becau f ronto, mid f nowhere to lay bi,3 hea4 -cOniWtte BiqtheColintv nes followed and f&u-nd con seto assume that we uutfl'h canie. to, the uss, .-and let him UilbpMachauce. the Clerk of the Council th write to Mr. ire (if you choo FtAins;a flo 'P0010'Unswered3en "what differanco. r_o- A meeting. of the Goderioh St. Enineerto inspect the same in order that Ids der- Hbomerequi - will such a trifle mall 2 voe'. veclideathat Gibbons must ffi6t on the -a reduibre the"prepmeei 7 r7`awiieat thetime) that defective when he was. charitably allowed to sleep ground floor,., 1 'hi 'b4okhis. feet Wti have been used I will.iesign. too partic4at.' awntmptions sad more outrageous ded- be unaeated,-, henQe.t1ke!r eorge's Soeiet-V will takii place at the tiflcatqma be frcsented totheCounty Counciltodiew ying on s astonishment on Maitland. el on FAday evening, Dee the amount o money grafited for said Ldek-up.- toward the.8toV. 116, was bt yet dead. ja aiio* my constituents to be nfairly' there. H-9 addeWthat he had paid half- %Iy mother " raPlia his compavlon, Hot Carried. The Council adjourned to meet again on I my seat sious;and,sm Wght be expected.;. he4LU a -tb. Tu S Witness then gave the. the warden arAing t there are weighty. reasons 4th. Aull attendance is requested. e day evening Jaext, at SliarVs hotel, at 7.30Y. ii, I a -dollar- uot as board, but as a token of - I . I I r P. esentod.". Tills is practl "faught me i9t -truth is truth,0 nnd ever Not tliem, ind told him one of the conii ts wawshot. cany thp'P-oc _ hispresence auiong'thcm.- He then re- Be little an - 11 It appeueA duringthe iriquity that in wby the sittingmemberkhould be retained 0:3p- A. gentleman -named Foster' writes which Y' TrAtruth is a He, =d a lie frorli Metcallb: to say thAt lie has invented -EGMON . DVILL39. The warden'came,down with witness and ottwouldindulcate as beig quired his i&pposed 'son' to I open the trifle.p 25 no Alld townwp of Stank9r, ae:illeg-41- roll was lu-h* place or a new election Ord - d te7ecorredt one to be pursued by us. s warildn saw th convic a ere 'a and ateuted anewmacAiae for the cheap. t h I ReMicrakzz recapitulated hisargu- door. but bhe %oa' didn't see it, and re - c 10 spjdBea, ithajos all ye,7 on,. -b, use& sit tW ale*OW under djapute. The any-pthereveut. It, Wall -very fine for the sent for Mr. 11alliday, the h i alkeep Ut law relluklex mulat distinody ii3id explicitly,, I;e evapoiation ofalt. % kn'* nothing of G R. 'Jackson, not contented er, ments ag4in4t the bribery' objections, and mainied obstinately silent, when the mau; I am not 1jin =4 h-vo no iuttntlon f _,der to, rate Mr. Gibtons '6nd his sup- its . .9 who e&m6 in a few minutes ility,,. 'havinga first a 00 and gave it -as tho list of voters uwdiu any vlectioll- capab lass stock of d his -that the man as ad. contilided . in a;iy case there was no sufrx- in0j, still shouting, und vabiferati, doihg so.-' l, said .6iCe4for mepting the votes of Gisimans imall oceries,'have add6d a drug a ;nt. Opinion Wlt- cient Mile* eliminated by the- afidaviti; to if he did* not at once open the oor he 'Very trus , but you 20 --ho your *all such as has been filod in theoffloi Thd 11uron Salt. . Co$ ent a' gr ness. could not tell whether was the -who have'voted at ever el6etioix in the -cargo of salt to 0sw6go ale The Biass Bandisimpro there were 0 hage. - They were vague and te f the Pwe, at least onv, day, t, t y tatal shot as. the shots fired would strike hi= dead 1h his beii. Other er6, a ago. ground the c 11 a lie ; Eind I have som6wh tlm+, th.before a --ekq4on T a at is carryin.coak wcastle with::: played onfr day n1 ht -'t-' te a pointless, andeduceanothing for tlie Com- I d aine in for ientence, and most of inon N -work like albp inMsd =-tter coldntry. for years,- but we happen io ow. to by theguard. - Up n: ork examini gthe deceas­ mitbe, a gers. c gouth ]Kuroiz -a vengeance oar them, a Will Bhow i4elf7sconer or and, bj jng i '7th titW. CarlinS and his friends usecLevery ound-upo person. the right to Attack the votes. incliv to die ie 7t, to deal with Mr.' Gibbons had I - ; , : - ad falsd keyS were, f them were rdifdd, of Airs., 1867; but the list', of . vot-ors, tW Weregreb,tl say., dually but didn't. 1=m if not I influence tat decure, them, and fallin ' on - Monday The rope'ofthe be] shi ot 91 last the To & Editor oi fastened -13,y this time sevirif#f the boa sodiutlka tawn got Stanley iias the H n signs, on., the giound of parficnlai standtx OJ raers had 11111riseltin atr Silver ce. her. shaft to the banister t' 4: ansvered Ben pray. bro 0 '18 .1 t ground spitefully against them. making 4 bribery, as. contained in those- allpoed coment, and were 4eceading the stairs and he to, vp4of 4OVAm%. could not have UrUeSl when, - Son bampton. She was. tugged 'DiAn ould you in rra us w4t -noise by iti fill. Worked away, in fticks Wen Wed. i4ntil. the 12th day of ne good effect of this -will be the riveting to wiUL ba'compalled to he. up the a -means The evidence of the guard s- an epito j- , -defertive lists,, but not bya jeneral aecusa - -to see the cause of all this hubtub, when and carrying -the van +,m the A I &Y& afterlustead0f one in badfor of attachment of the Germ for the o . d I Stgr b . stealing so me tionag%instthe'petitiouer, and so against 'the lunatic comman dOSO f! -the aayj when th the ans. of this, ran a Gl bo'a thunder m. favor of the of the -events of last ilight. Wed, them to-apsist, qu, it Work and, -the lists, in`to. Mogy., of the v 9tes in t4os Soplairtwas'thaair, County t? the reformcause, for all t1inq. to. AxoTHnp, ftai=. At dinner to-dil the were in a and, said, Nne oryouara; to move I 'went ]ionic. -',Our gas at Toronto, and the m4mig It rists must be good ; and isr the mere fact Thenext Morning they vvent to *Qch iq the election law passed in state ofntense excitenient 4d. everypre- that they .. &,fee suike him dead. .-One of the fore - come. The. Garmau -mind is extremely townsradn, Air.: J.- RatcliflV -b= -,shown u's tiv. to -disfrUnchise he Will their WOA, when - behold th lie h&V1, swsa , , vith ad much twaddle About the kirk of caition -wa taken to 'Preear an out- a tj a Mr. Sharp, apparently the most wrou,, ,hb 'forq the '4y t a view of - Goilerich. te voters ? oes the fact the deftativi 011t the result of 'all' lics, ! The anenacious of insult - as -the conservrtive' 2' war Scotland, - * the , Episcopalian . Church, the break.. lists -used in one or we a party, procee o - a Crown in: Ulminpery, that are t townshi do d to,de* *,all t%ttin,, tj little BLnnt fwm t10 =true herik-waanoTrelance, of alenying the Me- what- wel'hava add before that our eople 'brick, haAscome mure vad more u2ti 1 40 We repeat Tile iliork is highly . rdcoQei ded th the art will, yet leain. to its cost. Station anct emalnder of, t 81 W ps invoji4te 00iirageous of th P, Y boilgreli;sIonil audifierMithodist Churches. an eleetion;or does itot3rnder arainy sSend, when 'with istentorian voice gality of the list used in J$tanley. The -only strong ownors of the .. pr6pe y - upo all* the He says ofpurend onde- changes In tAe §ch 01 L&W. _by'the cojamittee Of the allegecl bad, Atiis man cried.-Ilyo, aredeaa I j.)0ntM6V01 fs it got, b, generally are ly iwfavo'r of M4 Gill- fgvher, and at, Lqst in t -hp night qot had top! d views Are taken . as to correct- filedroliyio could take no more itfie only .1hing necessary ? The learned.: Olose your quelition i4s, how to ovade thefiorce of t4e bons Wmg ained in his seat. -counsel contended that the latter, was the st fiedwith this Iia. *oceeded ret -work -suie way of A Committee h bee d 11 eyes ; yon are dead I" t overbliggin th + fact. Mr. Govr moir6d a resolution declan, ness of -the ;'Weti 'a ra ad bY do alltheir woric olver'll-m;1 . 4, - &adeni4W adigious svint "A he coun ) the 11-ouse, to en4Ur7e 11 t e--workingof correct course. #!Z the elftfion void on the gr6oad of the meet with encoarageme ro a public: Just -90 with ever so lRile n an by mokiny governmmtaljorad iow r the Graninlara t them ol-without ben4t of'olergy, und salt butiss, 1 and4n parbiciallarlyrin. enable nd Conimou chools, both your cha-raoter.-it g ra ON then prodet-de Ito reply v7s, more and more be -egirmen 'h Magabity of thii-, lint. * Ths first propio sdl, oet thiaw r Doe mean atIthe head-,-iJffiQe and i o' VU. PAMMM seemed ustonishea that they all rem.nicted untrik dhilit it him to tha a all the chuich',) R a-ya a At leggth; brings soreOW zia for getting rid of the diffieulty, was at London Freeress of Fd a 7 -The 4. XighOut the to Dr. MeMialki-el's arguments. Hew6uld 1), d, countr t rulu, into shape thaf the &4..Gn ng, rogous-J, e,,e of commence its labqrs. last Than- _Lhagaid-take them up he order. in ulive despite his commands. _izl on amindineut moveabv 9'. Zgnal reports that, in res to -to an ex- day. -It Would seem thit certain,changes which his learned frignd ilealt with - them. after considemble time had elapsed, the his church is owing. Qrahamo to the effect that an these were- WIN -leisure is it blesqu'i to the: iftental are proposed b Astoxy jS told of a Suotoh 4a, whie the t fay 0 'fla y Pr. yersop. which, we He thea -reaclthe -words poor fellow irlsistea.up= being led into. lutsf voters for the tow=JAp, it cellentandimparbial or theGaderi4 t 4 (was ot a, grea, carse to 61L ' P OVWJomi for fix. the Bt#ute a CO a 'in mustsay, will meet thegenoral -'appro'ba- ref9rred to by whenever;apeuny wa,3 glVeaEm Dr. MtMichael as beating the street, and w It much reluctance 31T. .to. RisvIleryystr at 'ofthecountry. JathsJjfi*stplaoe he on the question of contract ornon-e niade no iWareacis, whether th a t Vy. qua an Tioiou TO suppo- se that leisure means a Toren, it a right one %k1t, davelopmen . a t rb' . at, vs, d to. : I * - t& 40:33,Jothing, or -next 16 Jiothing,- h wants. 3ion 90 at 0n2d to a baker with 6a g his., or not, except that there might be a serii- Ott. wa, Minister hai;. sent, 6a antract Matthews was compelled to.'Iet him go. _,outh, dro P, flatteririg,'eh aon'biginfluenco tq'.be given to asks that his own officashouid, te.-aboW by -viz; - 'holding lor enj oy!W, T_.his singal has created -qleiti a to the baker tiny to *or-* wbetber the parhies whc - ' answer, intiranatilng that in ioase, -we d:not ul-db.&-avMd-aiigei:'ous--bluncler.- t, Would give M on -substitution of',& chosen 'higahurcb,, .1tisabad thing fok.churches iicl, and that the head.of- th -Department underta.king or executing.' :.These, - he m 11 Penny On Dw XinisLar of -the Went,04 . toshow great lefigth, were did veto vre7in on the rjg t list, obdutitl. - I stir in the, bbtainrecipr6city, it vould be, j 6hly. Ti ytbe. shibulif be a respori * sibld QOd', -4. 0004 Ued' him, Inizingms; cdt6v6te. As Mr. Grahame hid already-. dulployment for aiiinvolunfary olid; ;TXel to. have their colleges'aided, f.rlom tlke . an- CrOWM,. The an - -speculation penny bu vapbeil repeatedly tkat thaotes of the peti- , fliat, & ty shmild be placed on eienitig , party, the siae_ riug- schooli.- tl(4 dowman bad second propoltion- was that coln adiount.of Mlitemeat and t only n ; g him 3 half-punn -He theriffle db, v7,e A. deadens the'"e"g'aus the practice of h&vmg,_ loca r -t hi i no a inthe fallest.sruse, and as to , who thaoor fle&w "may e tioner should not be senitinizaa at allhia salt. This 14,unis 'th th sleikh-driv thd are Ph tse his lea ed hibndj but also was.afterwardsarrestpily lhdpoliee - rememberca, a, neiii7 i6rly,", -vigit -spirit ye a m ow,, . 0 wns P ' t h inerely ibilateral eftect, -.as at Znd Qu Wk u,"t-e 'nklik 9ftr_..-waats the Ole su erintendeuts h6uld `ce4ss, and that 401 4 it zs-49414 b rsolation certainly 4o"somikcredit to hiA - altecl in tj qgq q thin -as ourfabazlies' aie All the bettor of twi uteaded vter. it. W11' -'Vast the-reshould only. be' county suPeiluten. ho'"40r, that Another -7 oyme'f withoutalloy,givo, iu;*onur y f not. tok his fairness". - H* hall but n oindowment fun4 for his pet college Ana aeuts) unilater4l. The word-,'coatraV. . -wo Teleqraph. own tietime ca-soOf cmito rqay bo given. A Id bepreferoble; far 'Church, The a used in a popular,sease,, and denied Gibbous th4t A utiniz word quIet'evenitig at'gome. -.The family.th#t. his here the county 'was so &ht of nor Star dout wad - to rfew estab ad lovei hoin k ai&i s;t aeijain *to hAv ' large astQ yequire aae ond.d assistarktsup- !not in a strictly lady in J onldon h, Tito ing hii -votes, and xaser fr a fradeL, 10 0;4 deaden thwrelf'gionitspirit of the quartir 0 ne. It Aghbthera;-; _d a fdvou tly 44fe iin lea ou'ght to be a p riouvho has; SUGGESTRD ALTUR,&T10bj ftq TZE hich varrieit her lett^ rs liaipy fafure before its'tine riu.tenc fors,, bd argued, it waito be from the postnuin sp.YW4 thab the ftly rem _V f amijlion Wosl6j Mal constrizea suo, nor to.&ado the to a cQUch in t y in ie cue of with the' *U in all nibeks, laid the 0 at leastj the' qualificationgof a , first,0111189 so in -this histanceland under this.statifte ; rdulvlclv AL AT. -Petitions re now he, landyls. g is ami Y, On one e"her, ',and who has - ha& exparience'in but fortuine te lady, to hor fonLhment iQ rou'vi" is 4 scruuAy, - But the parent w10 succeeds ingattin 1i f -I -Chutch.of4 'nglaadi nor-theKirk;, nor t e t arlor. oth-orcoulmoc "S.. B it that .04:11110 tb love, hoxaa,`4 I E Churob the Ifidpp lywe were notleft-to conject- being circulated id Torouto f r gatare loea, gidre. for. &eml tha- n hii' nor even #or thinks. To tlifs n a H6 wanii ..ea a ilre herein, for the statlite adds t - -begt tfi ni"beadopted, hief Sup4rintedent observid ber favourito dc, - put -+Ling t&e the "jority of the .. . ing thel R, D Pa - he, rovimon -of whols-' ths 2121101, only letter it le - a into tKO7 NO, instead was too, MuQh at' for V ;he local -proted our own in a easing the-Conkraittee oh these Points nator -broad t ., I resontation to I 7 .a 0 res some r02dillIgI expla -6. m=nfaofu 8 Uow­a gsr wdispensablo alie..W0Aing'.hEkTdw yo h@ v6do)ip.. r Yana. iF arm viz grei or chatiges in the mutioipal tict, uperintsZ, Of Putting it on -the cone AmRzcd 4o our sys respeiitto t! TUShei forv7ara tho lettgr I no nelfe SUP- d h'4dbe4iitheweak Jub' an -d pub into t1ke form; of An Ameuilineutto, li- 4 beiu pariodicailly and.b6tter readifiger e QOa­ d 1 tdco; _ 8 "yvdra -an the' voluntary -ovi aneut.' The statute reads i-c ntrad and prayirig f meli4 -than thevari -a o1jolkh. --co ege"a',". bub e. rreement,? a by a surplui of throv im 'in 'is u` in tho AMR-ndwout, **A moved by Mr. ad OUSI) icotion parting their U o that 6arease is -takeh tind k 0 goo te thertii.'.* Some of..thii. communi- thanges askied for are Mrst, thllt the althOuglnearlyhalfburnea;a d, lom %Ve quo -to in fbu D0484.11 & Sonj Mon williall to ll ve'Wo, Vn And. the Xr.,F4t- frb m.tha othor side. Thispolicy, has.be4li eating with the DepArtmen re . in. fhb nay. be o alter eefion bphold, it was a dot -taz s -kamio miWe havi tersou, then procee adoptectith- good b5act in the -ft- se 64 tbo tr the porso oun Witb: of the Maidstone ease Ottawa is -Com adened. outright by, -the. Wliblo, habit dwritin, dad to attaolcthe alleged laW I ed, hat the d .'That the de questi of the At member,, -at t governmentadowmento q, letter i, aild t1l Jdcjmjll, by t -fib A:sse pending A pCiltion to tha mae -(-I, on- Oitiidlwtoiriisi,'afid vould- i bene- HAyo- _`, , (A, decision f mayors in ofties y be made not y b I" - , f maki of An En lection, ll ommittee dwai)y at present but xga.inst uva no gr n Whoi dpe'he'nipan T by Mr. Mcm razts to Others liowevei,- he aduki*d, Inghly lee allibuld U *ntortldsisd, t 1W influence upon the rNin ilt - Ours'.X. I I , I i. Icges, ti(TA & g s Oaks miscredidi liava .4ifferent 0 as viewd, annuil vote tif the auly qQWea man LOlidOn is ding tho Eame. ............. re sm Dc lately; duiinggthamigh , enteied. as lbroorly. Sec' he7=4 vviewed Michael on two '4ualifiod. 'He th.ought tko Minister of Michael:' and Oilibr -Qipal ona that -set out ia fhe.$rst i"galve, im, io Mr leslay! rabiOnstructionZ-far; bouisaweshouid caies altedby the latter and. qubtoathisr buil:H pus of Toronto inknd Amwerthekste, ukd tharilittwg in AINLEyVILLE­ the Ua' authoritie be The efirly amber it eominfited the -orebard belongingto'Mr. Adim%e o on' 1 pmo uali. a' whole toard, r zouncil ef 'aid'er- i&nreh in AIC. GM equaro. 31aluiosh, Tplity 'Of c' 9ssion.of this Township, aring more Apositely on the 0 costs A tvAtes on, and Vice of -the Ganucil.0 P b 6.; Instruction, at b4a. This decision men, may retire atinually, and, b I t- iakd, "t he was entitled a a me in the 3Taid- a a gee a4z bail. .0 of his best Apple trees' A letter appears In the last 1pffits- of"ibe Goderleb. should..m.,ke the uppoin",'euts and e -a to, , e 3 -election, Zr.'riJJection, as former- mittei td h 01) thereby, -thel*-usoless.. Me. stone case, hoArgued, wheArightly viewed r further sUln be murcd b tho salc 4L The Be offers, a Sftr In Jilitch * MY niline: Is ' brought out would propose that thise! #cprashould be content " tke voi ou Monday by ordZr of judge Oioir. re- of 1850 t6'the person with BPO(iOProMiniihey-bythosai ieAnomy.mousserib- d prpperly construed 1 was in fiVoui f ly ; and imot that one third should atire _,of their Ajaewdo stropt Ohu 'hy paid on&hdlf by the.'Cou&y* re a,, rp AW(runt of SA bondsman, we understand, are essrs.:P. eraftv. wbor vdil giv6,1njormation that. ler.,t"whoka Xreferrod In one ofmy 001*4 and -I;iter on went into in annually, as -at preseat. And lastly, that - A former commuul onalalf-outfthe tibliditreasury, The 60fuej ghba-ars lead to the 0 a WAS ; his luenbrAtions for reasons that he doubtless regurds . ? elaborate .,discus sak tup-cach offier; (YJDea and ames Haya,n he Aum of $503 . may CAtIllals. Hastillilahrinkstiontittilihinigbis nambto ariotis 'cases the present high rate Of<pdilla a for thatfljoywoMla, b )rib ou lctiou of trE, vin, for_ To sionf the v. mio nlirliukul3i salary -he would at 15 or -K' bear on 1the no ]team W- ouh. There is a gQod deal offeeliiig ii whia SP sO -the rascals hail -look vu Sit& as being lasupefa:ble. The Most con- . pointo together maricipZ11 aleatorS be Teduced to the for- but on , 1114ving been coureTI&CIct camp better t. --niegaost, the ipreseat' or Ithe temptable dhoractergi am f4lose -who give a stab in ths, with statuth, And showed the result of the to the.end -that the rgq !RaOtipg, oseein h f , pr a y, cl )wn on,thal subjel, but : -riketh ersAodf, instead of 4; fas' pm- drg, and if one bappolis to meetthemretend afriend. The Departakitt; with' f4 likes majority of opinions. As to the decisions mer standard v is arm wn = 1­,.&rttidJnd&w#s,nghtorn welftvielt!6, Al 0 notle and iilteli eikt ratepay. cut 40,K -MV? class -of Tala 9re rara'in 'this tWu pirt of the eL The criticism of thI4 disguised these hiLhly-qualified rsapieriutedents, of eledion' a Its ash lessly as a ftkef suow ou. a zook of %2 committees, howetir, vith all hearttild Would then be Able, to pr ;u`. h now to rh4o liandu the judgment of those -w o' are- bet -tar I = en authorities in Such inattem than 0' can ad i ..otworth of* passing notice. He goe o4bo the course due def6renqe, h6wobld submit that they Rrs, who have WeD -distranchisea by the with a dog.31 Iguis not 4o _4iiestioa my verao)ty of study in prsteqLV,b&. Ithasalwavibeenourdb.; to ro - todotherver the schoblo"' Itlwas also :authority inany, of the rserit law, ml yhavc thdir franewle j ain _y thilif be. hadjust disa- cassion-that the 1Wd the utterance ofAnthi at- vowed, a first nan*t1ve ofthe at filrappeared1uthe broaglit, out du;i4 the Courts, It is not usual to quote them as Privilege restored. A pnnalad ag t is tatimat6d V0 16 Ohole time oyn. P ctober,in. which he pprescuts the. oe superintendent Was -to, gi Some EDVC h& to prejudice a me Ae r to Come cefivehhudrdd ourrence-as Itsving taken PlAoon. thp preceding Fri. to, the work, aild' that tha 'qijalificatio utithoritative, although in one awd'he Ud so- The Loadon "We-rapli never ikier uWtil fv;morrow what-' Wore th 'For th's InforMa I I A found: that a decisio of anch a committoo - . says 0011ru. x1oxtyoxnaiidwe fallOvel"D9. tion. of iny dlogubpd a - a 10h as In Jeasyl- wasfted in England, but was ignored by r. friend, I would say, that tliat w4uld be Dili of-octobe; might be d6gn d, th that the first Eng 0 Ova malit Of the Rls;lmadppears. to be In a sta Ore nrualon with I t::)-- tUCifflectorforthe'llownrequests U o - 'aad, scientific th 0 Aniong - its me Id the Ratepaiers thit al Talst fiTen ihatructionit to gard-todates.- tar4 nout at non 0f.lite:y carts. John - 33right. raborg -will TOn, )nother, Ices C4 an the plium 16113 to remi 'and expe -lung to, nzghf. A &r a 31issimary yaeoW4 bela 4, acquirements, -and of A vVe not the ismis oommani ajoyful teariagAr a it .a rience ii, teachio a mhould be paid on, or-befto hW 116th clefthe ;py in Dr. Ry"gon. insilited- that, bA* daiiignoia theirdeeii4on. - afid a,;,,crrerous ioterpretation: of - I it lhol:l* A rumlar pnentions ve,be. to imable eery -man, r7 evidently tfhep olfijft1,1jt oxote foithi Ithes6edsiveathatiii e setedtathenoxtproceding Friday nighk wishing to create houia-i rlist witik, *t6 Rsol -Of course; Idowt eon- 4 es in1reland, 16 the Colonleg 'ir Aia­ _k al M-- ady Mavor';­ sud it 1would not in& Inthat and, other bieramient -Otherwise the -Government -that idea. Top I - - As f6r a lom wedj however, Wl&, in Tudis smd in the United States - 'bo"Ti"Aas to delay tin the blat should their expecti- Apprehended. _WAb1ng'tV,C0aV1noe1W Teadpro of the would:notliare Malble-for thwworkkng Dr. M, elgontodid lbo 4e. got be fulfilled itis giat-ify1fig to tmthorJds asseveration he,wuxapee. The TOr-lut8l W bc* 1--vo gat flicir.' rA the'Gollactor be able to s,oteUs & _in fact wherever our 9-a- fieg nud, tator. -Then I wouldvitgril him1asembeffig on. ale 'i ley vu e haa no right tQ putintain, or be 1101meu from Unrdaufl ;md twxuaa- T* 44,000 auclgr we have. a adv,6reign Telaa47 With thaponotfs olyrbesedolugse Is the gr%ql , UA ructio!ii_ With,, &!dpd -the eomMo4 'Ills in- a -$At recelpts for the 'tile Aliniliteil -of- -pallij Lo -in tbm iij& wheraver our t n Thu nit Q 14 0A -fiorcough colds, cramps historian* Snob 11loquIesvilof tho 06u &l 1ijPabJiQIa#Tuc-. I rdIty. for this CI)nw -t-ti*, .It is hoRed 00 the I?Atepoyc P the stomach it Diflous rebuke tethe Old partizains, wtio CC. one tl19uwnd auylvetensiou to restwotaiLgity fs,b cusiiblo chalie, cholera morbusi and all dompZila cards tof -i nod 4ma' ar t tion, a A04-polibic l 1; dy After a g, Roglish; and an caW4 to eavIcia Toronto, in flivo bky- jod createa by' statuto, as uu..' :pfflialike nature, in,the 4Gar UiAly 6n, i adiA, Pain. MM. deal of discilss _4, , - Ming 400111 be in 101i over as iii Col; ellnpireoo fmd that his inflaeace will ftra abova'WA nowau. Jt1w'q obserVatioli4qupilto is.4% wljAtbqa sbc Dedrayer 114614 bi axedldn p- Qag i- f no , io,'whose judguients undo to 414M t at to 414-ap* -6,0.6uoy Sup, pidy used as I Jij gd a_d(fga excep in t a eqWtai ofhe W,.,. unkfa*ligra Aben be imperial, aud -so hal th6 New 13=n 8 ick f2cfaulter, Oithes, forig to 1he comino4 b por d&y. Go insfisorr r.draht, Pbitmiste ., Autip,_- eiriaten4entjf ivai ve lod that'i4orild -a. -to.unite Al parts of' the 4njoarr A by, statut thv CAat kdy. ICOI x Dr, 3foMICHAErWhat I L. W., .-Wafmon- Will out - tloq* lty h#per;;Ateit4ek,311 108 b are entirely: Also. 34r; r 40.0fi0jaigst p4d of 1 290 revara ig. QrO4 for :kig Out t W aost'besider 1k Gmnt sos.ha remblistrited by lettiv, V#4 editior inatedl j We county copli. those ih4& in this pirticalar ew'the vad- Judge Waters hati is -sued W r iew idays.. - - , a : udeta t hold Adoni she,'Y ttugma or the $(47for 14 o -ing -certifi f c Ialpjcatio]4 frQ14 S, delibe' - n :r cateq q, 11 m1duot eut& iabort 1 .1 -40 13 DebboW agmr In it' . -P ' rlia;Lent is not t0 L!s " Wmisiin, who-li"i dne ho la palm 'me r-eas", ofridra th;B64y4of and 411 rati7i;nffh000mWit The Q;t6b6' I W14ch: t44t I t1ril ofits appearance, butt, Qrs ]Jb that*. it I ta, %raorimt, itlyou 1 a bytheGov4Mor-=, Oque thede;z waz iim ble meet for thO 4103, that ne y"ra, worasavrhile li%) nt d patch of business until. 1W otpubiiihe& fraji' =1y l*Xtdwr w3h.&V ge 4KV I Wld.. 6ffice 4uring ple Well, theal-71 go 116xt February, Behind a.- Mual. '9rl as mm,= lld to #Ja0k thdrtnoth. throup tlist. Pi ot4s P-1,440 gr ly#04 142MI14rk will 0. of. .4