HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-09-03, Page 2.............. Besot -0 the Editor of the Httrox Sign U bo Arthur, we suffered gfeat harclships and hid her face, against the tushiot, t0' 610& haa'-iwits of it but this olerk was'3011- A. H. Sr. GmI Airoprietor of Bic Wnadlim 'bestrudilve r1re. SAB13ATit W Axwi mAzy.—Thi) Bill That rule No. 23 of this Counci ur Sold Agent md, Adveftluing Agency, Irorouto, 01%L, ls-o _Suspc ed for this OV0111119- —CarrI ibmiuicr Iz- X -urifortunatelk.outi -and had looked u1i -his fa I �i*ices­bf th-0 Wesleyan. Stab- .1orich ab -,1868. 0". lcmlt� on tho ba-*;�anzl 1you "Illd haft, lost lite avoid the sight of him. r raourl AjAcrietlit A dvertisoments and jig anniyarsary Be God- 2 31, Aug. 3j�*ed byA. MaDoulall see, by A. Strongg, fa=i7ll jintlip -or ortzed y so Out 11 but for ortia rmn. He saved my lite When ahe got home, sho tdiaa bit&*'desk to recolvo C.4 04 SundW morning last Ab .30 thi IN -C -Evl pjIjidian Ady6rifisimenti �63th School villta4e-pf�co.oi% Sunday and 3) 'EAU SIX.—I sineciely' riot that I am That &0 f6ador of homas Downey or 11,o tiale I& CM 1 again and aV& I saved hiq upon the is- -at her fom6inT welkiI and her in.' 3�elcin sighed. Her feet seemed to be for this'paim. the Cc=11F4;r!1CrZ:). ue*"­� sermons �Dif' SituallY 1jk ��Ptu called - ipon to defend my chaI cutting ditch from the North tide of f7phn, -c� acity ; an I g:4e &,I= C -040tac.;"M to lanil. d she oniefed this pitiable clop quiry.' My constmey, was subject to trial, god at every. step bi'this in i'lij tl�e itartlin' of 4'0. East corner of Jarvis prwaz�_163 to a haaty olcioc 9 -cry Revds. Mr. Clark of Guelph -and W.- IT- a$ 4 public taoant agdnst the hciciiu�,. stre Otto the, South -0, such Wals ! �o g�eat aIu. exampre of inher journal with a severity out NOxt ularuing however, a IiNrggo eguyelope The confiagmtion. w0A found to be ou -the three inch heI box at c:ceq, M723 CC= P. 40. before myeyesl mate reidei liar Lecture -oA XozO evonin1f, -made 4on Ino In. the - last hs'ne',of terubc? reM c 0VTry Tilanly virtile f01I t pool, by attgelc St.,audy4a - _ ': -d a Mr. HmI to 1100 - �M least 15,1nelles slugrigin th s will hw4ly, Ve think feel cauleforheI North � side of Wiat-Aj 1&4ng originated iqr. 6 clear, boxing gratitude and - pity intern, sposea to, initia .. r - 9 'The Manly IffidOr th0head ofthe my %lly di lo; and litc, added, -by thus Clark, SJbje . d, the Go#eziob Star, the wh* Ion 0? before Cc Mh4ay cf Igth of V16 viarkol ground be If ahlyant "PT S�ZJ p4aaing 1, England and you seemedvine, I - I :N[AD *he frame to upiea by, mias leted by the 2 o coll _ I#Xi .111, uenie4t o& b Mai forever, Xnk6exeusesforme 7ag Is this how I C out my poor 41 been requested by Mr. Arthur' 4 e4Y!bbiwg.-*1, Fehitit-mo6*quote acceptedr-to be co ; to 'aid- for' 9 V, - It of zccmt�)isbip r if Von can. Tsylor'asa.1110iters alioI dwellitg. xeqhanjc�l Benevolent SOCiet ': y z:) -paying ig c-z=r-­Ze in—Yc- 7- bhe -of the clauses of that predoix d on 16th, Aeaur-1— b,%ve formed an athihment.t Robel:Aprccett; BMW inateas;% Mxm; Wardlairtas-ond'you my extracts of a trial, :150DUMOH3. W.L.- -39.1868, U4 9011- 5optembeinext—f Aa,� tho. block wii composea of olaJrame, ment for thbeneI y6ui maiij readers fft.—Camed., The Council .3. AU -Azin- this strmgo avowal she hung be supple -.is a, iyoulan the Queen v. Ponfold,' I herewith forw December ne: e=Wa ard Th9a� ��Iiove F PowdL anch VAII b-- - gr all 0 Gibbo-USISYM7 o, meet agai V(16S&Yeven. In ni I namedSooietyw* ineetift �whiob is as I ber head = blushed, and the tears ran TI[it she coiisftilt�d liar fathef on the same-pud would feel O.blig?d by your i:00XING.T0-1qdV-4.9;'00T!A. structures, as'dry.sa attemp bilows adjourned, t on Hall a down liar checrk� But we suspect that this difficulty, so sliglit to, axty. but an in- returning thOU1 at Your oonvemenco, �ss and the rtiremaulsH41,;onT4ursamy'evening, -fond of speaking of obstructionists and of in,, at, ShaWs It haw put seven -but -to show' the o -All Fro'.01, Hon, J. S. X(J)onAld.­ wont 10I -ROY& ven,0!c1ock. parties trying to -deceive, faar-c-'s. C_ -J, vqg� `.thecrovi - re &acted to- the 3r4inI at balf-past so they ra-fi for him, and not for Arthur. experiebeed girl. lie tola liar there must "Your obedient servant, the effi rts' If Every pent deception, used by 'gum we: t Jav r1o, "J k., not so that funefix o �Lawd en have baen 1, Arthur turned deadly sick -it this be a- report of the trial in �he newspapers, Scotia 9 Jn -the tiali'of� S'lr',To- hn a 'a beir.is* articuja�ly,req4e hilif ' AM wArib ingbf ft1rnituia�4naprovzit­ _p. p'ab&h- the opy -of- -a telogimqr ftla tabitc, and thi renort. '11 nrobi 'ALI'm 'Uniriliffs sal waWano'sh. -rNzo CIP-- tzemendous blow dcalt with sosoftahand. ' w, , blv mention' the Or wqnt AnrAownm than Cie, A 47'-stec fielen tookfae.en closed extracts Zo- ad U tas la bedroom, and there read theinloth' ovqT, andpourig OiLukqo4a� troubled pplitI -Ii!tD be bkoukht rward. is capable of d a airty -council Boom, Aug, 21a icas. a gasped olat " If y= will in swry - tounsel -, 6h e I d b tt It a file. which sho. him, Von will bun- Tue." Then the thing� find' file. many times. -waters of-the,disdditientod- little eblonyl- so' trick c )Oinft on. 0 finds 1. . - The coubell inet this day purmant to adjourn 'k 'hop, No, Arthur," &-tid Helen, greatly "I After one or two failuics, th Soo: 1,11 next to- Mr. I)W�plabri '�azja, -himself c lid, O� of stating wbut) Q 0. British In Wth these. reports the case for the. Ao� take stock on)a own account, and, 9. al meat. pre -Wilt, es9rs-He1Y8Jfi7lor,1%1cXAv, Oriuld not. niaM him, even if you were to Aluseuni wassuggested. qte went thither.- Cro -tr a exertions,that T wit. was clear, � cogent� straightforward oun, : . Itianized N&", II01. last meetiog through the in6at atftw -he -knows to be a (4440 fa&ehood. Ott armit me. When you know more, you and could -pqr#ap Ub '001111"Utc P not got in toreat1withou TAO)y " ­r­.c.- t ftve T 0 z a er �tcertain and supported by evidence. The defence - � , . r I , , � . ,;,to o " , ­ - :7A." the 24tWuln Mr- Cainerou its County- �yerereadaiid-afkov-ed- 'rheR ad lu a to the blid ere claing com- grIpBeer rdat;n gg -vill see that� of us three uziamppy ones, formalities. While these 1w the:G� hip'at.*1�rio `dis�.; 001ts on editors are: b ooining oorn- ounty' I was chiefly argument of counsel tb prove � Wolltailluug Vertlors; Had ii-n"I iound asible to -',gaye Mr. Gibbons... as _Jirarden, . firain thsc rL in, you mra the lewt unliappv. But, since plied with, she was at a 4tand-stilli. dout -bf -Solicitor, advislag We Council to -mon onwas-kicke 6 file 16th con-. and zlon�m. 'WaDyinion fast the title --6 the an orthyp'l%ou to #trJX his wri ointend tile tho improbabI of a. o�ezgymqn said a. 44� Oorr�wall, , �e this is so, am I Wrong. io, tell you the Tht,, same evening a a liner from or ai- -,fl APP01"t "rus'" to man' of gOoa -aidracter, pi�asm*; f6iie d 7, ader, is. out an, &I a progress a re east*did, a the -O,�p -court ;on - the,:26th... W 7016twas vb4tihas ,Torent plicer allac "rketly 9OOd)`. but this voyk.A�Iami,rhrthalomlo AL -11 -this man W114 Itas N .1 when it wao moytid by -her Arthur Ward - truth, and leave yonr to decide, whet calf uote. Ojieof.th6-reportgot-,ttiathhtM.r. tmeted iliu��h at4ut'- .1arge p6rtion 111�k usiness p .0 f artatc our engagement ought to coiffinuer t Of 19 DU,&ppsT HELM -1 i hear from Mr. Arthar Waralaw, a son of Ole principal ton. onacooII hav- S� . Wa AftI ablia Siriiatit read by51i',Rc1CAy, Thm it he laid - b6zt, deptioypia. Scj�t� ;always been ;��6T __\ -towu must Uve 'TheI toot race -at ToI on. le for lionesty of Mr,I)e4co,"Of �tipgiuidthftt n The course. what 1-bave owned to you rghases Adams that you dZz to GO,; the name BUM Inspqed by the -awasaladies' the Clerk I vitnessi haa takei�-the accuisatiou rso.mI ing, z Pre 01Y, bam - I overtill next m1e, Purpose and thorough independence,. no FIremi6K �f thaI firemen, i4e Oqth. 'Whet next to -be doubt backed up by those we have before meantlai0j.,gifo not, I Robert Pou, fco to Mr. hTlelbOry to aprial? trans. not '.`who had btlI the -given, of the Cmincil who defoudec to heart that lie was now danger-ouily- i of OutI Im porson. Iti-the mectingto quired explans report did con- AhIll-1011 triA­'. -flie. forth000llection eflocat 3the _, . , , . � y !iCthlor1rlien" "id.'ez.ses tre but It d�es n,.Dt %jnI my heart fold. It was Mr., Toilemitcl[ie. He has poor sv�ply�' ot -at Oxford. Tho 'alludeau - -Noiri sootians aft Cro*u prosecaorL in the It- youm" cried ArMur i . fair. ii�' %T$S So ChatuberS in LinColn3`8 In the Vzon hs hysLerical niture, mtie out, and U brick hotet 91 �j M6. it. DoI and The�l ert CIS tain this, but, on the -oth;r handi it stated held up to view as aI of iio�le, -whole- G air -pric:Vd the- followin4` to egraut �d rney- 1gli Were. rIcqef%rpd lioni. the follou ing nelpffbarbersraisea.ih jWhool TA ava elen sprinklcil water on bis EveZ devotedly yours, that the priaoneri -iafter conviction 'had, seW6ns,;1j:. no, 2 Up. for $259.50; No. that H eawdo­co;lo�­ne totils ocoupiod,bjXwX,1 onoI z 7,cr 2 11AhTRVr.NVARDLAW.*j` cudeavoradto lay. theblame-on-Air Arthiii souled people, to fouoir in,'Wholso footsteps other4ay pid the peoplaiiow 4have thent- -,No. I E,aI _%Vawkaosbq�$134.2b; mutri,narm. '-Pow. mr Arthar 1 0. was I born ouly -being tumblod h -July 271h, 1869. Un. with T1 HelenI tou Wardlaw, but that -the judga hail itpp- could bar I _. � - "t oderiel, ched. with theJetter, and. dly fail Ureflict credit up6n. any V 4 Sniturp, 3robtay t� e-zpt thes,31 est -"M 'es r�tlo dis�aso fias b;0k L �$05; NO U-1 saw ti�!r with tto tean. of p!tv aig an:O�u to Hon. - J. -9. XcDouald -.Toronto into - -,NLO. I 1 #'11 A ; A 9. 12 WS in her eyes, an I lie otit. AR',a, dama&a * eon Thii shual _. I Jq I L " _* 9$159; N0�103 - -per &Uar. O9Q­.A1iUmbQra$0QI Sir.� No 13 #10(k; K� Id 4KJjilQSS )ut it away endorged With afew waidii of ped him, and said he could onlk aggravato community, and- to blame whom, -for, the* 4 farm soryllits .1 _tirg $01 e a bt her hard. andsaid. "Yon vmra always tim &Sul aineloI I rooter o t title zs ude ar esteem; an cople frame West of - it was pretty nearly. save are1hoir *ay?tq-9 floui(40,0*08 iv , -W * J 7.will Petition -01 Jas. Giaham,01-wilignams Jor $ IUU- 0' ttln-,Z; ke,P faith with me, and I will cure you of d it, JUZO his defence by endeilioring to cast a, dtw aud-Uni-oif p-roolivitias would be, ah' ac't� to Wa1Xab61ot461bcfr 4, ifts lj Us is one OV '# 127 diary, and remark upon the Wardlaws, who had bothAbwt.d- OP- in L6��A:Oiibj iOI Y, (ad). , OULSUppl, A to flie'first toiltraetor hal. nah3pp'; Atlarburent., .7a; being -fork tit] ridge on 1her 0th 013- X416 res4:Wbell: �'What a W van 11 not to Justifiable liarallubst.. . Jaor:,keo y t er.. 1"O.Arth� the bakerii r4isoAhe. pricq -al-1 me to my eng�jgeujeat after oflbe b VF!1-3t I hive rd(I yea. 1116re w judga hastily 11� shield him, but Were ROBT.- GIBBONS, ,pTeA and Party manifest desire to , fql�ihiqiighlli olif, A l6ax6'm of _;44.!,Thg Ho!m ! you Iow I have ii,4t M% power to hure's n. was probab 6 W.and :are n 'bat ito, Actoll W taken in the z3 '0 -0itib . .-bigh-mindbil 6p - 7eni=13 in ifffi3k. 0 1Y only great _p6 warless for Want of - evidence'. 11125 ii� -had waraeu. matterj,144ab gure wasogneaju avor of Us. yw.%" tviis -the!CoII; of 'jSimc0e,,.,.We- are' to* ut, 0,, emotion A the sudden lention, of on* - In both repoits. the Itumming -n� � of th po eug=Q, -in ving on sideline "I am rze. emel - ans vou have the� power. B pulir'bIptnion J.A:04-val$��tfii-inustferet Xo�r, si;, to show the niialignity. of tho� UarI $40 beink-forerDWW" money fvr Uhmlen53 dde t oualmqstpOiwuloua�escape, ofie,of.thom ; , - - I'l; tldnk! Fhrvourowzjs�ke,notuilne." whose innocence ho, Wievo, and whose judge' was inciaerate in- expr4doll--bui �he dc;u1p1i: - ' ' - ' I - " -­ * ' 11,11. Mye i o6nfeaeiW6;CmP4 Xh.!� A ( betiiireav -1ota29 aud,40ju the I 1 4 P mint cb�yr oyd.- as I ditor of the Stat,,_ you -will U kind- i8g0iPr1f1D1Dffia4$ G0710 t%ontat; and tb1satv1im=ttoa-mau)oa by ISir Lancelot;, H ;2!,b lll� ri6 thr 1ho ro6f 'by cannot =wry E4 a rwn misfbrtunp -yours as well sad fate distresses lihm." She wrotoback leaned against tho".'pluoner vu� every being ACW, aj d Qu& F.)xe.Frm votes %he Homestead Z;oemr- 10 Nethery. Moved, by M& TayiOra bu weondea by r mine. GUe Inc Your est -,-m natil your lokq goines iiii al "th M -. Deacon, adejitie. betWee.* -NOW b, _45�2 A �&ci i Aely reflects on That $20 be grantid to andthanked him sweetly vncl in terms point,, and correctedthegaph o veziton- �,.4V 14 -a tion. Law i� 'U,, Esq., Uounty -,fi,lpk t�e roadio ,the switiI A that encourage Both, tbemisrppres' 'mad a, "4.1ho L same..p. per om.M. :0. Cameron in., - Onta#ons 7 b=k, and tot out maz nent contiman." a& visit., Next day she I of his cot tbe'ejujI_ J V1. �Ub"ery sougibly. verosavea-. �TheLareabi denounceft'jito imbreof4policy olic id 37ju the 11th 1110111-a lil Yezz hsve deefted. There Is one condition I ipust auk re Nia iii 61 the -lid Parlfiamei t4td of. rear 1, ion ofthe m4k in Xan-"��L ..'xLe -:p "it was r#r pu to dcadc,'saidHelen enift "and (Vent to Mr. *Tollemache at Irneamubiu- 91 itor,'tli�i the., public may. know who lots 35 16 of. The, ,who* was not A was bailed for yon ta sub -.it Wxr !iis chambersnot expectcdtill foUr o�dock- Q 'hole 4oW-froiii tbe: c0a guqtyof.tellijigtltatdelibeiatefaulsehood, alftbe piiz idraidydonei to thessitislact )U1A16*-OpW. U 941he w _!�69r, lives - I - 1 -620 7 - 1� islsotier,'Whose inonuity inacTe the coul� 1dovt. with x1eferehe.e to �Lueral ta�dg. J.' :A debenture for w e The., -F %UbLift to it' 06iifedoratiou at,the time. that the., -to Wat r16o-at.- - wila"Was, blo set forth so, gr14FIhi=U7 lit tho -above Four bf TAR, McCOU11-4 being for pro%dbly wea A -in court. 'W He was e, left till. four cj�clook. smI but did iiot counterbalance thb 8 -to "What, bv youbear it r J #dkoI aliefung -t#d braslang oi pideline betprecit -lots one- to 4ven He, was in colart, She left hex card, vad. paxa6d,;oau:wbn­ left - Idox;...A Pet ' role act for the Fre� - rws. has aviaence. Helen sat cold a's 100,with from--. ttbp tim%.'s I V,)&n h Aug.; IS S. hagilt"con MoI by JI 174ty2Q -deal) _W(d it _F I - �, !­­' 33 and 34 ill V ibited been, or unre, R. Gib 1Q" 13 cae a. The X=41' on Olqk W a on,, -not fing 'Atditt E54. , jCidett a ng IUL 49t etz-hired.eve nm t!to report catzii of your de-ith. My Wrote ou it in pencil that, she would call at ex -inherhauI der of the .1661i of di A mit Ina .17 � -iA4V -Bc6tt ts cmell� stied now.butstillitfs gmut'four. Not thut hot Ion biiidhe'r.;stole 0600, i in r,6b13kg &e g=dlem_ your canditions. You. WAS Which a, high spI 1se6ple, A. 70 erie temeetaga 01161av nw i Wth a,)_:Cir- bycompa.I Matz shitken vartiff: 0, it*iim lnoI . I . , , . , - , laid v6rk. th us' P, a , )h fait], 1�they.fOund er hmme, ho �aAhfty him 'by " thomi�lj; _bb cl. -U. as wel utes after four Mr. whei un , hand. nioll, had a 0 rjy(r_a and my life." Shewentatteninin qrI ried. but that poor Robert appearea;to bI D 4% in receipt Of yours a. Xon�xeal 7s It-tugLg, ift n stiddluent 4n, ZIFF- I -WL -, � Vora, an -S ancli Boom, Aug. 24tL, IM, w9ulc b -se flex-ri h-nitated. ;_=Mber 'ItI ta 10I i Tollerawher declined through his derk"110 been so calmly and fairli de1t:--*ith, by �aud-"fopt. byL a, trea.ty-10, the formation. Of ­OU_ *6 dp of, the! s"ert han The.populatign Of Q`1t ji,AbO�� i tho-29th. bat,; respecting 4wL ==,;hoL,zd coa�euted to nmrry. I - I Iff, , - i6 L posito side tt!10. Heoa."szM Arthur. -%aythluzbc ever�bcjdy.­Even Mr. ennessy a which ihey h!6c. ..,The , Fe*. Go ljoarn- it �_.jreu_ be- see her if she Was a �V�t be could I no -voice" ixid'Mie jjrovi ea "'tu , ed:, -As m avAge: com- T -7 _U Uni. is daV Plirsafiat to tween you =i me. Uo on as you began, axid let me ttqnly be approtwhed by, her solijaitor. . She c:ounsel for the Crown, hoc! opened th sions, of which they'regaded A aliko ilefil - d. r & _11 Met jW eacapeti*bre experieltio narrow I plains thatthe hir, V know the worst at. nam" usio, ' - , :aI Solicitor, on the 24th July, gave 'Cwayauba very genemug. Arthur?-gencroas to felt inclinud to go,way and cry - buf 4to, their intI aud!Dbnoxici . L. 'I., ­ irt"lly ment,all the meratemprownt. The luinutesof case With hullialle regret�sudconflnea him- Oftli�bulldifi ' b" ­ -a, 0:* read aniLaurovea. U001 The-Whairts P =a wol* Gibbons as-Wardenbiswritten opmon,that, last meetibg wr Was; 'to be, self to fact-, and said nobody be their feelings." de&..T ey are gojng.�tcitry 'time she remeiiAe ir�a she PaXtially tt, -seconded by r. Taylor, Thalk is bc= =_ COMM Mau =C1 SUPPIk a8L Frea. Aeani urni ure, -the title to the Wallice lot was perfectly by Mr. 800 obstinatII a w0mm- more pleased than he wotad, if this The 01 Wissiciparies receive -a p'm stg 41 Wood. p`4,vekaent iu- �'N�*;Yoik pointed to -Uspect -the -11 would rot imarry him, unles% yongave me tip; for, :tXr. Sh - neari , ­ 1_. �� 1. 1 good, and ,r Tzxs planbtaga re arp, -.who L y wKery,thing, I ge an the 10th con- as it 'Pro - She wrote on card ; I am not a client evidence could be,contradicie notic _1* , . iwigplv, beg to, aay,,that I did 5lik Jag. Aleciallum, be a and yo I ;kot. giv at I am yo= btrolhe& a am true tn m- I could d, orexplain: a of quite a pungent natu or4sp M ilie j�ritish weaf A v an � opinion, in 'work ofthe bI acher, but'a lady deeply in- ad in a manner pousistent with thaL pris Vci7 a you as W L den,; a to said -lot 'ceo;ls, uitil the rat t=rry hkm, erm if I wemrst pwiiad to, You; but of Mr. Toll%n What -parliam Miss Taylor, Nothing., o d. rge..36m.' rem, . .. . acting the titl . _ piers are finisbea,-The voil- mentSZVery G V; W *ritwg, x tractorto-laythep) - InIf L-5 esp, terested in obtaining infbrnlafioi� -which oner's-inn once. �cu% c� Tauln y. The opininnixt *4ting Oman, it so'ticippens. I can do Min M3 =c3t SCIN-163 ent Aeclmedio dci, imi, al" la, zndlevel foodaw cc ­ rid 1100 in S. izzi%tstlee to yaa=d th!s servioe7l tave voved to do, howevoir, beeil.part itienipted but iw 0760. onto to Str�tfo '..;Urt on it is T1 title Uth, Ni to the�.jc. tions and to the nm. Mr. Tolleniache can with perfect propriety + -0 iol 2-6 6th-AVir. 1868r. satisfaction ofthe inspect rv-cwmrdl.. A mon tra lxtth yziI Hiihs bceridr1,.mftm=ietv by a -foul. bet=Ahie the befr�re I I shalt keep that vow as I keep faith, What a stone sho:had. undertaken to `uor'�daijto& ;a. I trust to his courtesy as k roillip what a hill ! ­ . baid, Will accept seat in the net, we FAq_. tegifillig 9, sanifer; that s!amder I am to slit and mmhte. 1twill give produce tiny- silliftry' effect. . The*�'-Xwo*, -Api Havethehonorlobe ninjucailo , ifira - Z &.v Gvonip,_...,TL0 N411,vm5 -The G1 Yol 1�to a ja it was !�nt not to refuse me a short inter- NVhat in ompsoI zhoe;ahopi, Tooli Ue long =1 diM 2rdt -, but I shill do it : and you con It I was to be her next step f Go tij wonder'if he WiU,,.Lgjj th�; offe61. Y f1do mateli Was rejI whe -cling Ministers of thi� Cabinet of the' jJiUg � . _ _. �:, . , �'. . ­,�:�, , irs.trig gran lea urancer, a, al .9b,e, - Ing*gbetwecu hP'pM01fJVaCb3CSft6 ZMtthatlW111nGtbe3oCMel- ­*Jd' 4W iUC no acj�wn inthamatte- moved ax s�ayl; the saver movempn bv Air. Deamn, 46_-F�-ta!"p is iL_CU1h:d "V11, th6- Museum, w1deh wm now open to her, Dominion haire vW a V4 ordeito- "Admit the lady, "said a sharp little and read mor6 reports? Shesbrankfi-am. s, lar �OL rOU:eOf scile-leath�i*k�. thomp-son am -c ---swL- ON) '�esofvod to IaTce ]seconded byVi .x rthnr bit his U p vilth JaaPets rage. gain the oat of the 1a*dora,*.jomxtaI U. be maintaine ithas a, Co. Solicitor. -Wdj9arz lie granted to coter the briish wbibb Oice. i I .. - v hd,6y job on hand GrOM then tMS314,-7 that niewspapers ar� in d about- the heaI "If pa S=cced ia UL, -be next al Toproientatives'of the was �rery bailly 'YFA-Y"'=�"thi-sconneetfdn:.thai-I )y oatute lqw&-aiz f4elme wand S1, prove to 'be'the, re; po4L- -was laid I Oatient ..j6init gbgs *hole people. The,J option of the JgD6, ­ , L- - 4y aeuithat- 'I eve rrecolved pplul'on inthe-101heall.1 4 wilt you. Cam me t She Was ushered in, and founA Mr. When a ToI -jeep Drovided said pie6v q! "ad be idThe I all ajiainst Ill Tollemache standing before the fim the'nq'raeTea aa '-the unde pass6f6jrListall bygmt1slabdai.--Carnea. two rd3lVM so she "and I don't Want to'be told he �si 1 _y a#icle verDa or I COM I EZIi7=01, I vim telp Yom., ortaries as been tuy-las -o'I t Liner The- rk was 1 Now madam, whatcaul do for you? 10uW41k­ Wnf -Moss -sho *o. the t1ti, of.: th& palerea to sm notice -to 11w is �Or.cr 'a" - Pie Sorae7yearsa Vr� �r ;'ArOaar tb;�k whal. yozi say. Women Lave loved 1 0 :jye o uw ce .2 4 - trusties of Belie: this : but to mam, that ever I heard, goy;ou defendMr. Robert 'del� 171 . '­% 7 Whi U: the t guib,y, when I know 'he is. the limentAjed- -d' 19 uiI W lot ol section. No. 10, that the inn ent." un =uutstiucea of the,- ­ -' -- - 7 effect at once... TA9ra-.was-_.-`zey;ere boot p *-V it of Council intend, meellng."to ftlW used of forgery." th&JOU fill- -6uth h state I the,wisIs"Apix,cou., frouxB-_!5.ffici1'11Y,, She nowre-amamined the eiEtracts *Itk- case.could haI on Was ie r ..gpod -or :bail st, their next Penfold, lie- was ace I ted ihey llivW on, was, 0 a: a�,_.,9P4tj J ." ,A.Vo, rmii everd:d rb,;ea worn -in as 1 love Von. . McC0rlfiiQk`ao1d. aii0p Was. untou�pte zt' " o, Lar -6ruth -of. ment 614 Minnft- 3 G n : I remembersome- I tile nigbt of the neighborhood _'y Tei%J '10,mashefl[thinl- a. view -to names sua found the only P - 'jlf. 20 1VOMUrntherhelp. yea. with, a som limrt, 'the Solicit Itt dismissa- and ad othte, noI definite to pr .th�jim;. " , ". . , , I � I d JbereW ifigillia, i0i'38ii1tKe to LiXI i . buck*heat otitoes'- ;te thing about it. A bankeleaclerk,-vaset Ulimes mennoded- were.-. those of -,the- 91p He - so#. have ra- of -Frescott killing re er. - S" Ott. sec. by -11r. McKay, Miss zza hd"d al Mr have, we to do to- tL you. turn g, things eta-, AndrewDonogli;North American H&el. tha.sOject au',cjnly'regr�t* tUt a gr as rbifa*6 vlas lumppica...Tho ag,;e at J, or the pinsent Y9 he r' The expert's name was rot go th ing -yonng,i the i�Wiiateuf ;ounsel. nan just startingamongstusshquld- viz. County buriiose*400URS"lownsbip iii - U% character of 0, foul 0 no air. A clergyman." more cortrelimut' season. gg= given either. However, she knew -that to Rngtmd, an, d to no weed -Am - I Of SCOUndrdIS -Whose provempu 1,039-00. salaries 911101 coutingencies er words' Tohn A. went'td llat- listan-to th;i stories .7. e we a -m TI -0 A clergy maA I I remember it perfect- fro Sir i iharacter-a* U 447 7- all 5479-73, Wluch wbith her is attedto ecia. ly in Robert. She resolved A to Oth ­ . tund forS50D.M. object inrsolel_y4o, i will Mquim t wo, W11f4 Arm=. "lmtWUbftIt9 ;n�do He was convicted." if= without having my definite object �n _:njureJA_yc -Nmkd. _By,-;!ailrNX_J6; on- itulm, &Q., muck publio*man. a sen MrA. Re.]) oglij Holhe-liew4p. . . Mr. Hennessy first, and tiy1b Tt the 1' hall a �� of theii viu not zaiffo naps Laiguilty" air 11? and I ofult"W X1.11'r, � �4_ '11,40 stiam"e- at 814" W4 fielea ; "bat one 'Who Is Do you thilik 116 w-, view, and sti6eeeded to a charin: in do -taies, and by-law No. 174are read COI Mnnir,_q L ;ndon menis ptiblication,"an anara;z. waved by.11ri Beau, we, -by Mi%, thim of dafendont's soI thropgh him. injured. stdle to the SkiTor for rai am ar=94 as to ycu as n 9 world 1w; been to him" 1�::T . here ww a strong cAse agains 06 AL4wr" vQ1 hold iiiI readyto ansiver in any Ty or, That 11iii Council Pow Ojoti to ineeg Wes% vexk tvrn= kce:�ita* at. t!miz. fixinq ter eye3 fall om wza. shesa!d- ��Qur, it I � wish to aM that ease." She, foulid hita out by Law Direct� -1168a 9. Mrs Donogh had an insurance atabout _&ei- SayS the God; orldhanarket Untie i the M is your ald Mend jmd tutozRabeA NmW4. U John. S. -is At th -way zstotherectit5LIdo-of ',couduct. again o1j.-lito ist. Fliday of Pouftr i2exe- )ry, and' -call at a few-inimites past four. a bo*m Of this article %,,Zoo my .3 e� - " . - rIT-0 "Indeed. And you want togo through on 'her buildin' Mr. ' D. Gordon,- . 0� tZ the villa, ;_ 7� fmm ?A9 to WO n Prid _ge. Yours trid­.­ the piipera.11 Hennessy Was - almost the- oppiaite, to i . it the Frft-holder, as'every one balibves,:har V11 ViRl =117M a' Mann i0vilufte G ginsureI4 fur ­450.' , ROBT, Oman. =.;,: , , J:jr;- The Town CcjuncH Itis given 4 CEIAPTEIELLV. What papers, air P Tollemache. 'He was about the. size of's is Other traiiingW doat behirld'. y Atint read on ie ring 00 01 ville nlitch,,- Thehiief for the defence. whoWthersuffe will- �iiot be as t4v Palitio are lr� _,A t&=,Wur1*iIzndersI. and for some trentlemau�s wardrobe and, Ike most tb;break befI' he bends, or:$ir John, hov afir 1t..i&h veineuV� has 'burst -010 UP fimf_- salstup!dlyshring ather. _Awl to t-Uls V ­k "Yes," said, Helen, bold!y, ','would you ave bedn.- Q�eat praI 0- vie ajiv'e� g= saweeled a. lo& ol aldeat cerrer,, %Wch seemed ";ormous men good natured. He and' isis 'in a himailf hav oier a Ilcittle,ofoilaI y olinton. trust we with that air. J, you know how . a) a'nddtir 0' south Humn? Vottno van Shd*1 tohzrsthnge� andbeyaul the oemdon. received her, saw witli his p aist#,' bye di; the the Btz tm- wax uatan.ior. after &ring at Tier with. I. am interested!" The tears were coneoctoda mice little come 'I ur farmers I new pagne. gonara#T4ojrth6 h6a�4y asizis Ism b1cs. Thm ��ealmv, 1_11 dasliyelzeeksatavmeat 0111111011 person, afla, Vint p#)VVtk *Win our own PaF!sPond=t,) a. twohe that she. was no a Tiedwellwheat Jois : wit- red eyes am oac it"Cr lovely eyes. result -to be. i­hoarty 4callj?. from the ad in A The SDI Itiffing Harvest or Union Agneduard solicitor, it I I "rho bri;f hax.gone back -to thG after a slight beat at -ion on profeI "16merfor sale.,. , 'Socletf, No:vii, Sootian people fat Ron. Xdfin _.is all over hqXe,,apd faMeI - V rag�ng:Eaflicj vmu-� hoL A= Zht=dbem by szizpzLw�, a�A for ance. au his ofeourse. I-daresay.liewiltletyouteadit aroun4, heard her 'hout the bounti.aI "13 g"topiltJn'the VaR-Whoittn- �M ter, Wd request. ki-vtors Udoug 66w, vill iake Vaccr -at V= on e ntw*Y if :. Ile sed, ace-e�tauc�oi*the-Govi6rilogshtP.-� Wecail . NWIed-Vt Liw�b. 110119 11=�E ChUed Mm. er representation. . 1 11 . I sk 1ay (Nondiy) it. Will upous, prop for his.. nott-b Ook found Ithe oaie In one neparirig to spw lu'e 4votities of saI 3oh or Sept, ananuriaay. Ist 43f October, for FA= lffeielawasnofemsl detw�aibuts Purs erW-re t1jeI CA i _n ben" b2n "Thank -Yo air. Will jon'tell me who moment ramas�re'4 ig in havily believe. 04'.1,18atfielcl has llto�e' with se WIleat much iaasier plougbipg;-.,, Stock, 110111eI 31411t)"ClUltil, Wry I L-1 loor 70= - The public j�4poo,* not. to dEseaver the another, and . Hc*.� ofXr. wben:tbo following Prize$ -M be sw*retd'- back on �;Idhu,'A: because of but to clear qrown 'IR Cis. alasoliertur.aud w6treheI told her thegolicitor for -the' Gibbints? Old 01 wisi4,t&ougli Us gmt Hulfta'a IL 910 -1 Cl. w AEMUT.-4r4h6ft. 1YIiI, 4' 'dqfSk4±ftt caI remember wh as Alls, Undep lt*qui4bicruolt� the=ist=c,�xon-'-dea1Qf;t&Jl i6oat Out in Als:; Era 06Ma1C,1;z1ic_4r+1 zlolw_ season litoro fbeft t1lop�rtywhcj,..J.W_1I rd do-, OD., that case. *08 Preined. touiol* atizins'fa irsm.-i3est broad inarewid foal $4 00; 2d do B ArLT=rIIbeRavonrw&-.s; Ltsibmktaber; scilichdr. That is tbeivery first Aing *you theIac f ReatwojeanoldrilwaW, 2nddolft Uh-ld i ' ""; - dered,�6 -him-iit fiefl-fire. PpringWheat being smfflged-Qut. Dailil 31 ijLj'2 W_ V�71!ezeretheveW, outset, berbad somebow""I her 1-NOI Said be, 11you, Want to 'CnQW entdrtaiA AV SUd ghthavooseertained. .1rwagglouecom- Uen iouni ldh dmzlp feel easTmisthIppi for no, Assighwe ftm JUSL, She, 3,4.d6J1D1- Beat tiko years old ge _R;4_-V02Z2Hcz14&i_-1 b:3�_,The Mem�'haa. Tetfinied to"this;UdTraiAi#0)1 too, rddbl. Best yearlingeolt (StU54 0) JeWW9 'Who was the defendalies sojillitor I Jen' . a s!Zh�!dattt3schwk,anA-azkjjd berself tUI, whernsto Ing tQ 100- tbeltegish 'oMee; his yelir -9_r4D­se1livg doloo at,,& $200; 2nddd150; 244010ft. 6,,e8tYeRr7in9FfflF 9M Z-fe'd in * y1c r 69 ForgiTe veloo. who have azty i oo ; %d do I 00� 3rd d- Got :1 fey your V , _-"I. ­ Z. razyn"Llyfr9ftrard- 1tobi t bad told her to sesi me for triju�liqg you. air," kins, a stamped en Write, kilictl bV h4t in Van Volitaltor. bl*f2thM ant 31r. vader- 51111d Helou wit1ii dealt sigh. m�md'ajtd -AddWss on'tbat." If wsy :3p- 2 It A a ea -here on her V# high figgM 4 itwM111 gQ_ Jogtapd, horses 4w *, fad 6 W3, wmiwl, b! lI dwits *,tilJorth he at piloo,,W do 0100, 330tspinar- CZT aadexpak ZqI ftewWs =tgm ftfr- 'th Wde-300; 2rddoll:00. G. FUs eiv, K,, TmovirL�exwtly whem to begin x6t, at all,mI I JLm, The toi7 lutainary, in saral exed w Ai cue,, i worfroift. dr� dook on. St6d'sy Dist. or - *host rage horses 44 00 1 0 VVC-1 she thought only. aorry I -While she was doing, i%he' stretched a eaves Ut. 4, vory 'L ' ... L . I U "poining in: i1orough hied Druftin infich caw U W. od leaAwas-bouglitbZ1 *CATTLr. -.4lest But do you let, ling to Mr. past liw­ !ln166S*60D; 2uddo500; Zrddo gift Arthur cannot be of moie service..' timsforecambirI ailddeefiloc3buly wbetberha -him to send GkbboI on the braii.t` Th Itise '-b ico t:j- H -64i Am 09, sm4.4itoih6le�46 0I oouto�qporslj r4um , uruigJ k bivingrabied jicafl 'k dsys,�ill gre'atly'Xbr-ward fill wheat soving 't ';�porl AM, gettfn'g forsI 'y ofok 4ed; ikstiwoyei entti�Wj Wd* w or 400 -, Zrd do 903. 33est 4one rgar oldhurbson KWer me aI you, to employ your sol0tor to ins old J)4r4xfnJje!f withs�iI - . . . - .- gonqonfrom, sftge to afage, until it, d f1ma Us ts lEhoft WtX0 t theyeqnired inforinaellon to the enclosed- 1 Th Ali ''he '0 fmftrn1�sb&setap&d1=7rfdrtheA=t byeiryo goee tomove-wi #4eo.,2nddo3W.; ard110200. BostBurbaniheifer Zc ic raty, make then*. preliminary inquiries. Happy, tot. 2h Inutt. Uvo 0 , c tSatmit=Jis; forihamunaresoust: mdsiw noc- address. for #:1-- 711 howq done 1 'Mat danigger along' M " iid U, r it k4fa2cjo;ftddo1W, 4IVed1gr -*#"jiotbe:#AAU Wij aoullad� th an activity consul it witli himi ancl re-cipem the viiiie -ee ofaborevattloto Of t a ;o�dbttwoolrQo4ori4audXitfcai-din's. P bichsays,_f1fa b. produ'eO. i3est Devon, orOside inilch cow bavi;r Otbhlg I�Ul� . " . I C-rava i in in mi rn to * will 'be zptaiw- T, - P 'Zoll mUed a JWf in 2nd do 2 00; Sal I I 0 ny fivah eI, He She. thankad Mr. Iffelinewy with 'the surprised.,iflia,comesoutso e 0, 0 indA i maidug" -a tt 1y =h il 0 1) alinuK he disc Iver a - rdwood, %rainanaseveial NTITioI .9 . men a Yimbir, foucift ) Bt#twoy 121N.116,0OU 1I 2rd a owhoudam Thij, bowed ter out, ana sat down to b-tpt while tears.1% her'ey all; t 'at valuable bmnis.hoorboen c7o4umea -hm beenp ntecl with & *wor& - and -ears, Unideheirer*8 AAbm neveresmanwherfortwe ing' vi hab'Gi�bcjI satI44tion. tij.." -66a tit e.oassoftift t reoe Be- - I.,)okedgmm Ca0etbirdabesaidto, GeneI, j2V61,1 Sri! do 1 00. 33ext oneyearaIdDeron shif was.yet in 47,44 Ildare not ask yon whptho I youjitivik res�jo ib1mfor*thiA'*" jJit_sndthem64_g'e; 'Whanlbej� *itI the iin antremouts, by -the Won Commissi6jiod helfdr 3 00; 2nd,do 2 00; Sid do 100. Best Devon or ing to the Wplb at r2sa-vem 'Andraw's CO She turned awk to uwear tliat it "ne ous attempt, 'I AWo -can isith at sit three - toe 'Officers andprivates.,olhift CO., as a mark +-Grade telf4rcalf S200; _19nddo 100. B"tyoketwa y.-vjjrMhij`p_tw1nthsVod eansFII�­jrllt You r kest-tsick.. The. Rd"car him- guilty." she said� , . . 1. W. PrOp. A f0san, LI, on,!Xnt llas r 1_0�of a yeajs, old steem *SOD-, 2nd do 200, Bestypkt one she �aIl recetTed was good; bili she shlrank r Of aI pji�li last the Cie( Z e3feein:' u- w Hentleny all his- head'with an aii Fri Heze,--Zrd,tbathawau!J djvjhXtb*=uldbUtf=. of U i �,v evenuig year old steers$$ W;2kddolft Jksfrauedioxor Compiny issamblod at- Foater's Sao In arpsilling.At TOW -41, c-, Pok _ThoL lss� at# tbi 0 il is 00I 4mpt mny rn from baring her heartIto her father' R lwzofat�es AQ, steer$300.- 2addo 260. 3!d do 2,00. fIttured rebuke. Sid0o106. �WMyasa t2Tm nra dowa to Elrd TmAr, tb!s m6m- tor, - nary to slidp out. of its Amoulty to-, Alaroth=f6vtybc2x� voc-. 140i uiust. no' ­,­ 1, . " �; , L, � ­ 1. .. .". W $f-20 in London. - Where ?4r.1,oster had an: excellent si�ppe t.gross4mamutf� comiI toid , I .. _;_ I '. working axen$11 00 �� 24d 4* 260;'Srd &2W. t 6- ralla ­ - -an ReIfllc6,, ii e vipin it orie' a 04 Of hooks cl pro aired for the iThire'were Slies;4tilwcorlsolaitattwhilo, then. ordered-, her.. ,Ujt;1fit will be#y'co"I toycrjI PU say ferdft6610 *0 �Lrxdurigozito Qr Wevan Occasion 26D, Zrddo Oattewar do"Jap wasJu L asslia& It 01 doubt, ged ram $30D; f1he bush, and dktToy C .1 .. a other cabj, 'and drove to, Wsrdlai!rls office. 'this mrch, ihim and Qssib16$'thph tba y badly M. 11 8!2a saf4: "Papayad t1etMI%9d&V1ord wuhXf It was late c wait gone home i se f0f flio-pre. vor 'this t piesent, Major Coleman:, 1-deut. W 0 Ilsozip 11110. Best4wo�earsold ram $8 00; llmldolloo; W sod Aid* Tollentitelleegrtaial 40 1 eD. 'Besl Yglirling -Am $2 00; !!nd 40 200; &d numerous iu V_-zagt clvl� 7 leta. chane& slip., Irl bad -the� 0 ffunk IW It -is the 443 a man Ensign Lee, 3k Russell and Mr. Hunter Bestra - 2nd do 2 00, *Jdo lur - 49a!I - - h L ul.SWed on it Ce rand V ro, every�us 'y zi pr Batofew - thsWIsAlin-with, videpd, was overybod. iibor- defended. your Ahead 1. woulld ave, ftgweek, �t charges Raff f - . 11 . , , ., , do I 0D. lamb 43 00, strt ative to vyvmw flems, WSYW gllr.8' �Tea t, 'eXdI Best drvf4ewesbzvwgrjdada1ambin1W di =SeIIIyon Will WII say a ezltept one i P insure his pr�Iopb* 100. 3, n�te who tiag u he shutters'.. , it betrays ra- amotint of, to� to, of the R. 0. i3ank -Xr. Penton, Mr. Caut nt w= put Dstpozle�iezjt of trial until this Arthur wardlawVl- lying, witital miciii i y eave God . erieli a -03; 2nd #o2,00; 3rddo 1 (10, Best pFdrofeWe. 71C 01 miI 2nddo'goo; irpol be. Den 1wr of ifigiraFalls.- -,Train to I t 0:'j- A eron and others. The x1apper was exceltz p3P& V' Qoo1I at his note Wok) 1-c6nld be -examined, disivgenuciusuess Of Which hint ti, jig ent.and. a Aid great credit to the host and Siir s4d shO 44 can Toi 31 als where old _f nna, e.-Mlu�.Two L-dis -vc-,D , i(jr -3QyOi J me bakw1jeft 4tpemm of F= Be -a Is Att. eillker iI court or otherwise, it her*as res. _4n�4onest mou ia.()o th =fJtj*ton afaWda"'Llao" t1i fdas, she scode� fbig-eta that other .31 r. Fe a fold lives 1`7 'W1n&0r0U the 2�,,ffi wzao 4 f cn� . cr�ftlg. Is he dead� do you know 11� vood be "hamed.' $Or I e are for the round trip Vo a= foe�� fit AnVil - exanip a it ftj�t� has be of -the city to agrafid own n and I c. Som,awlem in ill& P'obarbiiifilss." hostess. After -the usuil loyaltoanta were to Cap R4G -Sej%boax, 7arge breed $3 06: 2nO do a 00. 2 him =1 sam "U w-" Tes. air ; but where 2" 69 1 thought'L not. SJ'ok V"tnMqas a�dole wfong -for tM sh placed very lo*, viz4. From - 0:5 We are r6q !the Sword was Presented Best 1�ar sinu I breed $3 00; 2JjfJdo 2 OD. BeRI boxiia into t7a-e eAVC7 1+0 a end foremost jeI toi dn ce, fUt given. t=e are ofte' at Our Urp, breed $000. 2uddo�­00. Best sow smalL breed Godirloh 8.3. C�- 00, �fleafOtth' 3M'eelifigof"tAoseavoi%bU44ashootWgt2atph foil tainBullvithilt6fo3lowiti �pjzw thq� able eit.Apptiar ric -ti7ing, tO mak addre% read 02 deatli-Istlooi; bar I aervr'knawo pu o, bf $a Op , gad ;do 2 00. Tcycewro ltorzftt=7 4sughter no I think it is jorat Pimh COLW43, rpos ­" I" ' * itupper., will beA61d in the Albion Hotel on Saturday P <, scaliddIcii" forifi �2.50,_ Xtchell, & o , ine u I 6vpWns st'S eeldek, -when up1dorviii blicli - - T " ai.�Qvt lows MU$t bave Ud f2p in 1w, are ar w-czerr saw old W=Cxw tb= she wont --or itmed ito, threshold. kin!hal Irbe trial ding. Stratk6roj ioheI b� Sergealat Hallett lon: beheilf Of *6,0out- well. 'It oJiudge re- If— __ ' ' :�_& I - rnwijb -at SLIO gca Mai an tdhenem 'Wd thezi iho tit hang o - oket, J at qarTj ro L YOU, fived mjr a pasoonenI in *sitch a oi editor to nf,',Wribi a direct 'charge Of this 1,69t, - 96,c-'. e Si. '9094 led troutafter the .Icapfai crommanA B b Ztere Jiticrediu1868$200;2uadorJ,00 Best nb go -into, ht;ft upmb6 asd wa3 fift Mely agreiable,, 19outil y9tt not. --Iva Ede the at ItIftit Po0ponedul. he gpt Plight to tzVe _.ihatWeTegardealt as "DSI zpeok-t inore Lpigs lo bedi;hon hung- c J-hozas. 2 21a =3�, �Iva 7,-m reet ? I would be' yon to accept, & pmA it L woi . ild nisire, him' r I T. P . BuLi EsQq I sow pig so odicoa .4 -JT MQ1sffi62oo;2ffddo1W. � C. led to .90 exz be h-ntq. Com� 1hat the fomaieU -a$. his, expec bo,tho Ward'Av, I wantta zW,� "It aiquesUeZ r1i is &6 Inean- _fieie �;�iU il�j 8e�foAfi,-Vo1itfiteeI Lif drmat r.0tert ree3t This sharpened the young, gentleman"s Prisoner would got it virdici in sp . . . I . 11 � . . . 7*a, large prop Of POMT"-SW Pair �gajjjc foWj� "o; 2ndaof What We didrsay-was e aj rhan' yo -z think. fie ira far, eit6braitat bf thd:sdii ts cam yard fowls 75a z 2nd do a" Beg% pw r ' 41 Nip r Ja b ee twes 75 . c ; That Isaa d p Ext -, wits; lie, riplit in, and irriDped-heriand there s badlydvi;inded T- ins Xr. Gibbons. Bet% Inarl�an lilt h f f JJr Bar i� jf��Pijzziid mi tig into Ou , 0. onacl th 'Jilit -thbL "ahUgo, igainst'' 1!ii, do f0e. Beitysir geese St Do: inado 15.e� Beni V623 p addt6is, ducl Ve it her i ccr,id Justify-.: gut the -are �hi­,kego40u,-rOuump1oued ofiicon UE0 re ketiveryinety, Vhsquaiiijr� ne&11rj,%notfirst=te.� itlIC Py yo d, counsel who trust -j6"ilgh - I Ow. se a rivar Ilearly 'dry 0`3 Com any, - 33rd Hur'01i 15c; �Z,d do som Des aftna cw,,1sd wt, Mo. 3, rairWd Cottages, - PrI111028 1A110, tdo. muvb to Awr.yoweri of reasomfig,' and' JIMM111110tiff Oile--md- of Iflin. we po, ej fcndcd M= a, Vis te.31 in prozent� Best pair -turkeys il 60. 2nd'do 760, . . Pimlico. -She, gave hini. a sovereign to his xnjderrat� a Lehink in thii or 61z� *Thd Battalion., Uve gr"t' le'a0ure 60 t2a =ILI 14LY flaflei o6ts6Ives,`kte11Ugib1`e, id- bo 'CA itw _CJ _,de 'tij -the Practicol sidd a few liack.- i4ts ourv.-,4bem 61 -andaccoutroments, ' RooT eno-PsI iwo acres' of &sdisdi turnips -1affili aurp;*Jfe'a', ;r 7o -f . . W. f3wtirnoto- --wen om - �!:, . -. " _­ , A 0:2- Th *00,*2nddoV0&;2rZr4o-2oo. Ad ing, of,'U 'Ibion 105 clop -3 I%3t r- -ars you a= t --U =a whers 1, cozild Utm n as possessing honesty, of purpeser ��Ild.' JJ ion in f B� A. -0 lodge , =L that..- .110 cabodair td dliva toiber h9ioVII. a be :veep -Uao- 43 00 ; 24a Best baN acre ofoo. 0 b =d C11 of-tho. wadjoarheddittit not WaMUY4V Uvary' . Onneswuttered4his gencrat roWrva-- th9rovg1LWep_oaeiicd.' If e%dende to -the of +'hh. Thwitait-momeat the mad'*ha lac 'f It oin"I. sy *0mbe,-.b9n1d4ttend;, t'ha d*2,000rd dol-vo, pest4wer 14 & a eirl4it-which yoI hold w1ifeli-showed 11clen dZI no', Like togo, e shortunotio-eI sho-wI oat, B2-. lock" aUd_' UW2 - r 2 lo*e4 her, wis thattlue &WHaI an-wakacedilin change oi7t�iie, Ing 1!�blkytd 0 jlt"- on this'sitibject idut 01UWr rebiati6u� Of the t 1"th t4e he thoughthe bad saidras.inuch brinorethan V6 a, daep acre 3bugelVorI ss, Do 00 3 d 00 era will bIIi tcqp4rc.1 to W ee#rpgW AfAintliff th to bddy S ght VO VIDOt Crow hl)n-;-� slid weri W&UtI 1. prevar AekUhyhQ*boJjtjj. unwearlea, restyodhav ij tibardiums, a him -go u in rm to n-saft-Al sasheaslo em was'. 'Pat tj� hW aoyri it di ...... a A a 5 ry word he bid 1104tiOu W. at Ryo .......... IV— on ...... 5 an it, aI pa he Company's welfare liout ito. fimt exb- do rid 116fial, I - . I . ­ .-4--- M she therelor& felt aU4" VeI fj�f'641[8' She .1, . 1. � ­ , - . - I I& . col�z, b,� -bOilip I y %teri. an- went 07Y. -I J a to"Ihe present Aute' -an 1KPL1um'VTL-Best !ron;*xhitreo lumber was on p' -went- b(i ei pondiating oil eve buld, be,iiisoWnt., do uOt, reao!�; irmtch,-jua 10 fa A Aautdf a"JU -B . _. L M, _ , . said q er. a of your suldl, vWd entered 'it ill in tier journitt with. the - ty. Our. The, VII '9oR$$,00:-2nd4o'0.40. Sestiran ploj*A VOID; ...... 10D, am A necessaiT tidally fi td VXit'r,q'�ilipI buik the 739 u duefiegs -was remark.,09owairtage! tfidLfitSq defatijOble imertionti for theefliciencyof 43*0; 2adjo-200. sxleiree lainver ey ............ Q)D, ..... C dt ft - , toWs is a the. mail -an f6 cniiIN_ the, exchant. 'TY Via. W%rt* obbipfRoberVi, hN $eL I ppl�, w- hiq,,h �1-p r6glo1100. Bestwoodau ouftoo;2ad 1.00 -oat's .............. ­.._ herejust now, -Xi -GibbonC�,-*Ia- -.niotwithats" -I �amploiI 'A - limited 46, lbr6e !eq1Qu0hJujJ)royedQ; ce withilo the pastyeAr, fu cc gacdausii iflie h0ior Ole 1 PC or. 2;3 gIT& addrese; anAM wroft It dorm pg eWdoixblo �jziodld - botffij ; r.06. Best submail 119 iditwelield.k.the Batt&Ji0nLat'' where, hI "W-44ft-forn, inoniefit- lilt I lim to Wfound guilty.. call it_ the ail U130 war ' al Pgoitri BeAthiGrseI -oD. B as ........ adow Sta,�Aq ;a kit iftacI ihilit A rI .,W., 3-,- -We iiftaorstaud that-,Andriw Wad.- emu IfMan Cur 01 E[ 43n�V&ttab-_ toot tripartan4o'. sud sh+3 ofa doubt.31 IV - Hops ............ C ...... spit -cult for lcick.P�. dollpC44 bL 1*_0"fy. - 11tif-last annual 91); 2nd4a 1W. Best two hdrse cultifttor ii a ItCe 1-91 r, ­tW=1%vrw:j1orknotr -she loveit Inc Vary ev� A'o* drill at Ooderish. We; abo' otbenztat, �firhg, Mr. -.FrI had th6 rl -woul41iI kpbteil a t] _4,pa "fbdingiiii4�;at7iiwtikpenw,.bue,of the 4 ...... 09, 03 91� 1 ;_p1oijgh#2V0: Xteifpairwn hinoft incil efit, r TV "MVOCO93=7 110SbotdAr Win, 'NIVaIiI possibler -:T a Sobi4y'vill'b6 beffii-.poI - oblehbe=�W$200. nest"fieldroller goor qU.it -able' ti ui� lr�yod for the. urbana abyboffy be!,,- _a�d �t 0 Aaairi to than, ourtely 0 headher by mes0enger the ninie and simpf. as ft?- y�b se've -t. biui�, 'a i;w,,Itel-qgtliitinteraWmgierenioi3y.. 1110 -went lwres�opthe�alititotwhohadatteincTod-'Hotiert �k;­; t�,Thosid" on tile entlermahly -conduct -yon have manifested st-horgeliftyraW11200. -Best turnip s®teddrill Ip%- Wrt part -at -,sll j4iuel%j�L tlit Ide of v 1mf32he­. and herieltwembotli welt w4nafft lraS��C ...... 10 k to 1118 hansom round tha corifer, and , Pcijlbid'-�aud would fie be kind en er next Jpar,.-,V1xon,,w, a towards. us cot turnipicii4er 49 00., heRtbrishibIg mitchine, hil =d knew maiiy thinp to kh pleth 'ti hii 0 a a :juako fait series 6finoi-irari,". 4 On all 60ea,iiots, and ivhi& has 29 M�5. na tezi -the-11*9 ifthe t6sm bhd to pay suisAly for it -yet.- a eedcloveri, rukehfit 4)0.- 'Ueju ........... I;— &oira at oncerto Arthut- Wardlaw,11 Im sftiheV ief forlhe defence I t�rjdad 4o-r4uch 'to fbAer 'the Iducl and i rz&ttr,�-u! 4 ano. 6CnC!1C house submit that U ii- onl necessaty to StktG 'A4 -;hitbh'� Noarly all "'Are you a relatioaafthePenirold4joa -I- - . 7 . , , 4, _,4 I �, - �­ . - , -1, -1. 0 ozg .4 Gdve nt baIiUiliii -f a c�cjm_ h0mortious feeling- iffich nwoox mmUnftiI ' " - -0::� , ingetilig Of X Noi Sir," si.difeliin,.blushing. :Eme% y pervades the L_2e7m t*- Ite bazi an =e3ent T -tbk ­ L - h - L . 'k L r.' - "' m b - farmer's Lodge A; JV* '044S. M�ytbjs WeI J, fid�, _7 nU "bar&"" helt, Helen now do*n immei '.. ttear" Out, in a _ , e _ �7L�. . WO now .-and that w, V hfind,W- L �jA-cfolr ai�peire4 mi 01I Undo tvVoi)mbelszpnngwhetLie,.,00;24adoloo, Jlestlwo apntvgh r;zss. ma temptation caw, nud liia,:dreSS in 'HunI 11-1 safdLdvej!i* placein. Best two xlay, k p a giwarded ht� ol 000livd a le :&*n, -7 he ever reaI be! nipheath- doe days. greatplty.' M�Lffefejfc* of- out Queen and Country qats,"ab;ftadoJ4)0. 33cittwo-WielivejI b -0 4,'_-,o !WJ ere . I � :­ _k'200; 211(7,do adthfactor th - buihelo.Bailcy4 Jerj)Apywc: Jat,�11 - _hot diary'. 6nd Wonl4 &Va.' -, fn-itti6 A indikei '-Will- tumb -Ioje too. 3ksl two buldlel#, tor himthat eie;L6 but shti was. io, Ask "a all U e.�, of ther' -1 14 t. 'a$ Loiljaa� r6it 1W IT d '0 Vrop­', a4 Inddo 100. Best -bushvl limI seed gi 60 W -a-fdliwall fithdz� `UPton the Managing clerk came ii jiu� -us" �� 1: 1%nstwal! and, bs� ide Xr. rcjbll� 4!e tb Is Shormg,10115 foot Of thi in 'v. 2nd, Juo.1 Ad*611 Ivro-ankson.Mn, W&rd11awPmddHe Next &Y, 8110, welit dol0n, t6 3 VaIrAeld- 'QUeen ti aiitq' y-aaer everbe pIsated on pur � soil to dig he zp, ifistructitilL Us ill the om -to we andItappinessof-bur hearths itesifivintpr apples 5 of each$ 1140-1 Ve 3 00; 2ad co!d',r an"' 061 at half put four. 011. !ter WS y lit 13N I Ucll�I6- 104jrkr� 03- Bingham haal-count oyste forvile' -.*urb the pe W�,nrz�r sv8w�jzutel, she was orrrwva.,�holn!l. ChAI his diiiy, (�re� ihi author do 2 00; Sid J)j,;�M=6g C, IerheAbitpalpltaUd, :forthis. was. a -jI rh - , - a in JW F&jners" are- nIng &dJ29meI No. 3 Company, i 33eel idurnamedvitrietimof fail appl&54of Ful inder orm0ion,th&f*As ueema. i� w Tat prm gmi - I - '. � 1�� - -, 8rdda I OD. Zjw ibreo' - -290 grQwn each 1309; ftd,do very 6A WOO Xr�- Mialtnal pelifoid, S. Jmportaubintervie*. 'Here At least ilie, Ur.*Lovejaythe -told kielein-ibut . slie 0ii a ill t& hl�, els y ithilf Y40 '�& " r 01700 She, pVt down t -he whole converWi4li mutafid,be able to reudeI goodae. ijanijva f jig _any rieties-to winter -wars z 40,mch S2 a iiiiAthopato fitid some olue, Ilk :fo11o*-Jj"4t have 4.1ine, fro1u.Ur.,A1n,.-ha61 Penfold,�.apd - WAsithero-ii6thin'-doner th# ilide Of *e The Bruce ti&etionL Me will run -caunt of themselves. 410 100; Beat thtee ujinI varletiex of rml pem zof( She-aI . 11 - � thid the FFA oil �e&ee wIlUz her u1111111017 W44 fiI the would ai�4er or I&WF 'obatruetiozift ' t 1 DID, Beat three vAriedes ofiihI perS 31joilli be itibmittecl to hiir, j.f ing Out Which, A -seedfi 11'VVAft#rtou *ad Kincandine, thiscomment 1�16' owQK%'Wai. reapod--�oii ihi a p _Ipmumaa4avery feeling 1�amed#2 00; 2nd do 10% Best gained -tolittUon Vf "Yes pbutAr," *aid. lielell, tfMr.11dit graids, urried, ftt,�, rQT4 As ; I . , at 0f.JWjrj[J _351, n.st &I broke smift Ut a,..s M �n appipprato repl.*. Ther C PeLtsolustersefeaclisiowninerentirsim, darknesw I am Vj6 d4ja Xond4y 24W istabliah RoberVa innocen w'.- But thazi, i- sw K).- Stratford, beat Clinto ��ket on To Which C bnt&t-re mcat i6,dhX1XT_ by 0,40o 2i ;%30 short hour Insm h i-' Ut�- ieuts.'_iii�Ikej Haiijedcollecdonof ripe irapes sell ersorftch afiarfufthoI ',�_Why ealin No AUoffi* lit . t I ieldL Up some -the 01110 not *t,Welf, bat y6u, can writer to hlwo'. �roafinefit: 'and: ad gmvi% undet il- ip w_ wst plato crabb apples t;wm5 Iis -father done this alwp4y, --if it was go I don-Untow-in wbat -,foi sale. -td doit f His'fathpi must have gentlemen'. yoli-i#ay pp tirall"UrIng quite happy that they had 3,011ow,we- Beat puter viAti) *Zdca, red We, Beil tlm -Nerib Wet!... thirile named varictiev or patches, sof 44ch *1 ao; gad iwxuthn to Wi sonior, had i*fer- as L isreip do I", rtiseia the sigwzifp�q want IN [lea h *V1 r. Robert. P Ugauft 0"*Opie *,o kn Wardlawls' Jime was. avidontly a, -way. Yet hit f OW you'. 6UIY by his �00.) but �- by an W11ei IMOW Iiint' AW' I'Lawint&-Best mamed rtgleetwnior, Ar 9-Flain truth -fr& redher to him for cerWa informMi4xi, JrThen you are nbt yeryintinimar velth Win Vi -,but is Axi 0�)- Adve done honoulI mlI _b Cjiqs1&s wheat`aI� samo,­40j, iowdy- pirt,01 44;01W Excursion dd toldwmUr. to heaI own story, -mid testedit' P m, Autuf movery tcX0,,ir;,myacquahjt& To see& 4es 60 areas !B bdug kda !n affier-vemainied. flie ser- penrQtd.? i Me y6awis t6- pbrtejoj*j�s -1 - W I WICI 7;�A jbg& WaS -Dablias not. Im Than vwieties *100, j t1ma pet;.-tho� oMrbi a. to C �i,�NeRhcmml maxeg le, ed "jUrchaso.j,10 'Again IS an 15th 86j4L" gro It per Tidy. 0�11 tollection 9fM*.(BlogtW1 #I ft �Best collemom CC ls� , r4abboa, I , iu the world 1 c?4 dqv1&4- nor, 4190veyou, 0i howirai Wiholi's,fieldh eaj Brucii- verbenasnained, not lemllian 6 %wietiesSlao. Bat p3asport. Xr. Adazig mid obsoI varit of i�:&m� �ths senior part of *hich ti�eir` - �.% 'each 'ka ly, "AnytIft t nolvArteis' authority firont-,but.Will th- t T -401 had told her to' faEOL Robert Wsa a hL me V51*Cz]'C_ 31911 e jud lell fie14 come 10fr 'Named collection of phloxes nori less ihan 4 varletics: , _7 - �4 $100-: Beat nainedvollection of r.Wip as r tty 41 17--AuglUt -OfU6XVy10I fielaindle afo pre , geTr . p a, aul;1.s4id-tht: lawyer; lop ahazp�y 4ndjaa gasvtere y6uiiott#e,mywordthatiAiIitby­ bisdeilref" talknaw thousulo'efthe c4un a1U r any one gig ot lext w" a, strange. and tom1ble, onig vc" -3 vim eta to go 4own. JBegrtan ur$W.co1lI*t1oI 11ti15 al"Ut Robarb "�ry 4ifirmid 'it ii i�&to_ k *Ictorloua With.: It - I k ."I he had At yet Ah ,Onre. Tuervaretertaw fointir a clurt; to the belief that some your a lo�W OUM-ed whb is e;k lid" -3, 'Itwo. Tho� Xttnicipa 00. now in, these thiagsI; 1junI In T 001=03j:� - 1 lWJ wo goodsenie The S4ver,M6v6Miidnf tilriteA.-- VJWZT.%XjiI Best two k n& or Pe4toes nain r wa: i t wold&oomet6 herfoonfMirhaelFan-� will tolt nitwonild bectutl sod _imnicp.6 61 honesf3,rd,1Au0ijhboI Veadvuie thq k f . 1-111 - 1. 1� colincil 01 TWage ofSeAforth met. puT- Pee 0 cach 76c; 2nd do6w. Best rour belawinter "RobeztPmfoldt 'W*Oheforgarft Ima . , . . , ­ , , . - I - I . .. -.- -1 - fold;, Thou. came bashful fears. - 11Ho* me to su wit thomwilbout an orderfrom 11obart- ph, rjftUie named 5k ; 2ad do 20. a ji)e "-. ! a are o4j6yings G s6ft nine bl"- 111114 -Wag Aocusect 'Of that qimo $aJd shoula sho Aftoitrit to Mr. -F6ufb1d for th4 so, 4 $*. �6 C16 its own zril� $I' i!ei'44611� A�Ip_ atian _up1*Hot&,on or ILchait Penfold. Praf 6-noidei din no: oiiw- haubs4y e.venJA'g`tb 626thiAst t to�AdjowrwnentI beetsme;2addo25c. Beatiji"jusigel wurzelowe lakc -S!14ei* Tpina onlihgo- .-Th -jRo; P eve Aud 4do2w. Bestn*aw 2nddo 266.!:. enf -M reft"AlP .1 - ­ a Prettoll. Empress 128-flij26th. insf. '. preI ;e 94 ede tural Hallen, turning zIjid. St D d Cash Bel&-iline long or _5I to, 49*1 Its. Go( ih ko*ain�nij*o lie, 'the sti!�jugj Medoupulan I -T-C interest slid took in -hia soI she who wax cy..., x1j,,ss i a but l m *111I ciirro% Me "T to cleo W. -Nest" "Accused -jZrAsm Ho -wax eoittieted a d Ile d 'dy- jlor'4, 13 d farif fibm W,: Ud 4o 3110. IL-st nine vAite, fn? _-A-C eat withilmir- -recerve the lgle- L ni *AS. 7the of Hdiioi� Coutic nine 1ffiauWd110Xr- Paufold'semPlOyer." She, ink butd0ayjoidjoy heatit is a 'ir T110'illiIII 6flast me-eting -were re Belgian oirioft W - 2W ft sk. Bad "ek *TGO.. '.A ... Th -A b notel _Al _b(;d­ 1 3EMAt to "0* FQ;it was I*y partner or it t hor the `An ted �y W, ftd cc me. Ilm twolve nrs -of qornt& %quit is Vcyy Qm- appravved. amount was. presen. Tfi as Ini b - at -low We - 24id z2a rc , y Mr. 'Young for I lumber. ' T-euadrz were Beil,'_Ibreoi musk jaik"m w - 2hd do But I wm toc` sharp cheekabutuing thi a the for 14�0 red, ah( a. ­ 'LL �'. L a - L - 6 i5 Ilea low, =40.. mr-1,red at 3 Fairfield0ott!ko with .. .:. - .(sao tk.,:, . 5a t the 9 -MO On' ,A.td repea g to heriolf - alle solicifor ditor of Mar cantsee Ory I Un -Aise -water ;fo "d I'Las 1AH for him. I had him an"W Wore, he s, 3jow it itfhitime.to 1,10I iis: W0 thi _be supple j& and con- ....)E16I tJohn Wie Dai -gone -TooeivedfiromNears, MulligaI MCNauglit hea&,cardigowerve. U446 S67 va-,Jbt razo 7 ftltb f0WAw#g,­­ ' h iadid4b' JeaI to, wait tile returit arbliciiji-if Pentaid. the life'�f hinthOW *a-g40y(frPZeUt'1 & -ut jkstpeck 0 t 'in wont= 6ut. obstinatel's $ rOVIN .0 --bz t Me". L I -2, mm - . I -wa's -_ g Rit6hile, and 'Downie, Move red 00; 2"d6 15 '11_�Ellqn anann6himacrossithe hsrrf#g ponc Thebab400r 4was apened-11or hcrbTAL veeily bj�m if - to 'ton - abc�4' Roo, inrOdty. ­;reat Quick, a by citement- has boft, -i fint. 4 imagintary, 1i 'I - - . . DAIIRT PJfoJjVCZ;._B0sl 5 lbS fiegh Wet $100' shag an Jixt to enquire for W 111111WOU07 ex W41i'011t O his 4, t _-,, I_ 11 - I -, ; 2adC ywsp�ypasrofz 3F,,rn. mn man the toncied Aahad ALej. Wow. E. Cash zoo.- byA� Strong all a!" Mr. Pinfold of abolI Ue L IS argely; usad_ilj�,the province of. Thattho * M d6'71 -w- 13f4 dQ 40c. Rest kex of wit butter not leu- al�lt# of his plwMW1k',oMk the "go& 01tille cabin 'tit refareI the Pen"'.64' In' �orc4iIsf, a 4*- VMU t, jealduary. A ohm? Ski RaZed taus, and crip00-to overy movemeiat creaUdmi 4ha .�� I - _y for lir", -and ten Ili= w lbs $900 � W do -,, ao, srd do i oD. i3est: -n 2RJ'Z­'o st4ug thirteen cameout to her, and told her Mr. shi. witdr;nowever slignt,.In favor of Robert tieI "! ". : f ri". a* Wall- at� IlsI dettr- z4ollirs, f6rrdrisEinguts f6i fhe� _btiaI but'L 70A aoi4anI rthei;01UUI rbeese mt lea ibin 6a iLwx jactory njadja,#3 iDo 'Th JIM r k,,4 jilt,& hea*srethattheinilitaryall, orl aware 2od da, Pentold, she wairseduced on Itioothe 2 00 * 21d do I*. Deft cheese, not Jess thim 25 lljm� yc-m! :5 CS Pftfold was not at home. 9004SA4, arn.people, for McDougall, sec. da- ain you tell me, when hand into all like hinocent pi"I of the town. caused 0. issu qFdom, ior oomniaudin�i rather".kou,r uiiJi4�fal 4Ame -to the fi It wiw yonwho W him *a0sporsed. e it it a, tumiag ker oy A rx At liar advestarebad tramptied somdhow. ortlotire ,tiuly , - - ta liflot i1salter. r olSoars to have � the, voltatteers ready. to ocjn�gusicjn after A, for - cash Vil�� HU �-Jiy A�' Stro�*, That thi account -of R, X, 11. -A swik prixt of 46 it 41ed sit va m hiat wit sh6irttrial, . fb did geo WHO. is I& f kb 'Y6uug for lihnber amounting to -00.87 be , q-, a j"rr vii) �6 be iw d1hrQII .21?. ZI sod D, better, posi- dead ...8unuidale stafi;it du* the N�,rfliem bw 6ekft *111t Ion 'bah U lbs, dalry roade, Ikecheere i 1*240, inW. 05 ha:V8 gona to &OUltud. hini'vii;L an4 both ratiter and mach. at-il mmamer wtio and thatoera, not plaos them i tion. with. passIed, tnd tha;t s, trebmturi b� issued for to -1 -126th. Prim to be given up to the grciely� Of *I it- ww ali," said Mr. AA"u; come froin Wgrdlawg last o0arted by pW in i . - , , , I Tuva: A telegraphum _pWollonazliOial L =Uway hu teen - destr6yea 'bi fire. the samepyable the 15th -,4y of ])"am- a fift up - 11 sad .1 "the toultuy SOW was some'exciltoment in cc once t refoftnoe fA tilb be, W I I jjOI whole%J46 man qjlilt-$J_5G_ fta: ran f-hia 251: ...81 vc, -9 r-�,,4c 31 AsupWw.kid baIoto%redto soI naftu , tJJJJ - laeva_ i Toghk as he was to, go to- Scotland, first waI hand�s If. Be*teUTKyd&dowejI cloll, 1200 i�d do, vea R� QL at day. Y404,16pbli it; &I si!ried.- MOVed UY IM 'ar , U-ve 2z!,,a xvice. I look- upon a f�cpr wom r - her own sex raved obtitit liar,:' Iftheri tausa f6i the ord - tte and theief6r16 clines building of' CA& L40,8rd do lee. 'Beg le,j VArds 1UUn VC ji-mg tl& morning zrId ke went At sa a was aq- or ]KONaugh's foh ei $2 60 2nd 4 1 the mit-oibesutithipeadst6e, hW in Cavads TDV�Ut[) � is Th4 �W. 100. Best pair bkucets#Q0;2udi1;U0t. the lists- by A. Stro th a as qua. Tamure. You azo ULI JP er Thi ai�, 4�,Plcjh,.fin th4a a awdeirer.' What is t"O nill'U'Ort' eclo&" u .-how an hertlesolate khFud. Sba 'liot iy b*ae to _,,�ith XonbFml 40'r, for wijrk On Jaiiies Street be accepted ---Srd 100 -, i,' 11-0, dew! Ito ittways' uea; they liuked X01611ift itarzaa* in.1regAzA to the 'dire6t 2mus 'Nan ff unfortunate !"I, _vU the, Gbirernment in as being the -lowes el, and blank bqaW Mr ,;-r& The poor SW ws* W Unting at tbo uWho x1laIll I say coed miall , . , - "e, ac oc 4.10 she seemed to befibroting. flar li&va� - - WJcAm=*Z*Giw;j).�T4t6Eng-- ' Qarriod.� Bf�ved wbol and home spud, manurstetured-in IM, sariq,261y ;1C Might of the nian Who hail &Wx�y_ ad bw been tcjlblalno.,Wa� Ahftwd-,: importation oEgooft ... The HaNs"I'"I 0. -C=hsecI5#o4g,. Thattliaiender Best set, of swgla htrjieze� #,uga-) i$220. 3jest -Downe ti tathor rew her with him into The yortars"hiding papti*'evo mti�h oI Ai% of ih;a -haineu 42W. - Jk*t geinkriwass. spaoo ta %be, idok 43jible set Offam M� a tel":h come r -As -bee so expemvely- is 40� have a raPeal ffi4OiWdOI II&TUi Of Thomas to r did th ir -Wregarded �,.y I h ­­ L il­ - ­, ' ' " - ly for iorkon'*% John' � _t, robe -4 and owned iL Polly sus aI Ow weatherI wbioh . "dICILM.- Scai Pairgentlernauls boalsIA30. Brsii, *Th"k You, I will widte. What in* fro. her tbkt he embarked in it piulai ly, Pact th, unt -Omtber acceptedand:workocimplotod by - b; No. V067 sho cri4 JWAW it Ut bar lI and sim went4wrl the Current *UIL for SAW drA shad.. _5�W divor. ovi ning, .. L4� prefer"dto whit, lite :#Wif M#Ater'_ f0rL'_'-jftPlJja #Mt- t h6 _ whoje M_ '69s in Jadiana, the, 15th- day � of ftt.* ii -Made bre "Betw6sa 66 VAd six lut b1moulotAllat certain tory pteamen " WARX.�jUsIt JW hQM0 *(111 Ot away -lot =a g4 away 11vow "vjI to tha-Govem, return orJAMUZU every, M,000 29411111110139#100, 2nd do75c. Ecsicroubetwork4l.00.: NmW.I. fte, had wrifwd to -thdy cortxw i6i lt,L*bove Moved by A. MeDougW1 see. by E. Cas 1, rm enw, crvw USA turby 13i ".instance Ubtactuallyovorra ,pre Uts woA of wad, y �c She TCtM%I the bOI pitelleemeal bimin Ille-offeetotaft In ur she had news a his 2nd do 746, Best embTidery in aw.din 260; 2od a i, wuey' radin - M -Relft enibraidery in Ailk 41 IDO; 2a4 -,0 Irtt of the cIo I , - , In T -ad and bl�ikeued do 76. BnT vul 81w 4uand to the doom� and to 160, tA ba, a, i : � . . - , g prlut her. BdW attho *ad beggedhim tolivit her mmant notleo or 3114 That file tender of T. Do -forg In Cispe andelI 41.06; 21 sucli yiigr-..The debt of A4 V� --8,1nav"od, &n&j9LI the� side walk froniffuMij lkxt%vomtedx%,*rkm;Aod$too.Wdo,*. Begibrak- has lot ti, .1ho barl 'Cut for -:Z, Ama Pk, OWN ey i53 abct6Sr-II 46 booin one month.. ist ?A QE 'y kA*W 1*W# V'ibo" 60, 1 At, t1w hotal ilisfoundArthur 1) jttkjI pg#Avjt and be did wit, wn;e to boon' for $I* We* Jae, VZOUVO OV4 XUd bftUtiful bouquet. liff. fte bogio 6, 101)4, t�Iili t loading. railway dy SAI$ Or PX0I W4 WOUI ' &.' - L - to the north'siao Of fie school ground a t a- a Qum MOUP br-C rs nd 041' amp mesigritioughp B Be V B 44 Ze is headlin se hors b $1,00 ,of Tb0 WIS41111114111111' W41% 34-X $091 to thti and thea to pioe. d4TAc B41841wo Pear vroolc�k�ks $106; ftd 4475e,. can ca� U aw j, i#Ae-iz Terykiak*iqront� Xon- aild xizvoilw_ th WAO x4 diro ly , _Q1 W.. j& 4 aA4 inder ditchasandisivall tred nl;p unrI 11ala beft ariowW: foi.­ k- d )i and wroje tj him Aubar wwx arA clulm to a c000lmoi that tw S, pqwo* of tite. a front of the'achool Best i;�Z Plir Woolen stockings $100; 2nd do I:r)e-. NOw 1110W dw U" kW z I* Wqwod ker. A ..16!1 him i wardso with Arthur o1bgUL to' be hvAeaed. a also -ft- Paning is 011IM"n tMe BestPRIT TuiW W Beit Jair xroplea slovvx vAte MR 41 W 4 5Q. U ao"dw o%jv% A" Ui.41&"ww9x. it the post- .0 rowlyva, to -0 IF !W Anwrto, tV Orws by whith it v4t: b4�' StrO&I III ., �11.1 . . - ;, I _. - - ' 'Be" Airt- gentle wx :..and ol en $"A 114t he. afivot at theN6rth Wast. corner 4 W. 3J. he W)WA and liar rt of the Saddo-7.5�. testpoper-ftowera "i IA*.kg from Q4 ondiwim* -,jones4ua,SanforI brokers A t gliarch tobe 00; 20 d,) 7k.' =c-rchano and aia­_8 Vjwi nX Cm a HoWL a* *q f*tq, UW. yl TW llocomoti* we Aos*tion..941 ll,'jj . ZO 40f`418 b n j *V, -Co tz*" 46 -all, �bf Xonirp4 h Ile- lat&,' 4, Y Ju. Dickson, Z J tvVIC-0 the ir:s-e. -7 7� it" I . - , 1 0* 1 tile *QWMI C111MAtit1jr, z1orhift, and lefalor V -:m -, W ftolviPja XCI 11 3"9. 1 b" inquind in thaoZy' fpl�, of Eq,, for the beia-rua-v the Ito 34 1GONTWIP., C=rent rle .411 % e.- 11