HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-07-30, Page 4h L_F • ._ ger. milled oven More an. - Mel c Iebrtitedfigure of the ac= _a rgepir t`=ltdrdin g -.-a e1 "Eve -man,"satclthed rvvsh, "hat -Iwo a one on his rightatoulder and o on his Ieft. Wheli`lie does anvtht good, the angel on the right shon dezri tes it dowin and seals i Melee '. lions #` Stitt has been well e - When he does evil left side writes it down, *list' midnight. If before that marelefries his head and exclaims, 'Gra- ral& ! I have sinned forgive me Tubs glut the record ; but if not tight he seals it, and the angel on side weeps.' r-. ti? 4 . PRINCE Or WALES.-- The Prince of ,alga will now, thanks to -the skillful and tyi1ent management of his father, enter ;into tan enjoyment of an income- of S250,- 000 -a year, and a half mill . r of ready nnluney from the revenues of t'.le D achy of ,rittt afl. This is a, nice little sum of money for an annual dividend, but with all this vast atunt of money. which will be ander his contrail,. it will nit go so fir to relieve llieumatism, pair's in.the side and back, 400thache, burns, bruises, frost -bites, &c., a bottle of the -"Canadian Pain Des- . t yer." which is Sold hy all Medicine Dealers. at the low price of'25ct, per bottle. ffiterma Is Srn' Nares.—To prevent or _ conquer disease is one of r grandest tiwttainnients. ever aimed at ' : • ._tan ; and Bryan's Pulniorid Wafers we, as sure cure coughs, colds, tickling in the' eluvial and pulmonary complaints, as w .ir and pes- tilence will destrov. Severe colds if not attended to sooner or :.itRr lead to incurable censurption, and the strength Of the strongest soon faits if neglc. ted. The readiest and best means known for the cure of these plaints is "Bryan's Pultnonic Wafer.., - which have been thoroughly tried for the last twenty years, and have never been known t,. ; .ii. Sili+g- eis and public speakers will also derive great benefit from the u:.e of then'. Sold by all medicine dealers, at 25cts. per box. IIO ! P TT E. CLIFFORD, IN returning thanks for the liberal ' suppor j and patronage he hes received for th lest 12 years, hegs leave to sae that by the introduction of machinery lie is now prepare ed to satpply retail dealers wtth all hinds of Biscuits and Crackers ! t e which he thinks will he ,more advantageous to the consumer than itnporting them from other places. LIST OF PRICES : 5'cda Biscuit by the Box or Barrel ..$0,07 Rine •'" ". .. 0.08. Arrowroot " " " .... 0.08 Abernethy " " " .... 0.08 Ru(;'seises " .... 0.062 Oystertter 0,061 Roston Biscuits" " .... 0.062 .3:3t'ic.c ' aells..esc Cakes of Every Kind ! General assortment of bread always on hand • E. CLIFFORD. Jan. 12 1S6q. 1 w xODERICH MILL and delivered daily fo customers. FLOUR AND FEED STORE, Crabb's Block Kingston Street x HEAP GOODS FOR, CA SH SUMMER, 1868. I -{A ,IS, HAS A SPLENDID STOCK OF 1In which is a great abundance of THE ,VERY LATEST NOVELTIESi. In all the various departments of the trade at the THE VERY LOWEST OCK KIS n OF PRICES IN TIIE ST4XRE All YititidN of 1)Rir' GO9Dts. All Kinds of HATS AND CAPS. A 1i Kinds of ' 1 LO'F All I%tinds of 111100P SKIRTS. ALL KINDS OF THE FINEST TEA • THAT, CAN BE GOT $1,00 GOOD COMMON TEA 37 CENTS Very Best COFFEE, GROUND or UNGROUND 30 Cts ib. GOOIJ COMMON COFFEE 15 Cts lb, C t_)C1-KIL' , SE EY)S, Are..Arc. For Sale also by the Subscriber, the X11 OUR. Oat-met.l, Corn meal aitd Mill 11 I eco ALSO, a lot t f prime Sugar Cured HAMS and Rolled Bacon. Just received this mors; in?, ' 00 l fishes prime Potstces. 10U0 " oats. T. B VANEVRY &- Co. Goderich June 7, 186 7. w20tt.' REMOVED. 9 ' TAILOR and CLO1 A. SMITH Remo\ ed to his NEW SI1OP on the Market Square, where he oilers tier sale, on the most rea- sonable terms for CASH., a splendid assortment of SAL ALL PEP.SONS HAVING \NY JUST CLAI3t FOR A tit )Ol) Mowing. or ;Re ,ing Machine SHOULD emu, \T f EARLE R DAVIS'. ASE LINE,CLINTON• 'WE HAVE SINGLE MOWERS. SINGLE: SELF -RARING REAPERS AND BOTH COMBINED IN ONE. - Over 70,000 of these Nfachines have been sold during the past six years. Also lowing & Self -Dropping Hand Raking Machines CoN1BINED 1N ()NE The advantage in haying from us is that all- Castings hrnke•n. can be had from us Telt your neighbours that we sell for Fve Dollars less at our shop, in Clinton. than tf we had to send agents to call ors von. Anv person unable tot stagt their archins wilt receive our assistance. \Ve have oti,haud ten kinds of STE--L PLOUGH, Cianproirig Thistle Cutters. and Sod and Gang Ploughs and an assortment of - -4 CULTIVATORS.. • STOVES of 40 diftcre-it Patterns. vepipe at 121c. perjoint. TINWARE OF ALL KINDS. - - '01ILK PANS for ONE DOL Gt4R ! IELD .&ND GARDEN SEEDS VERY DESCRIPTION. Elbe. paints, Nails; Gross. Putty. EA V E TROt;GHING anti all kinds of T,nsmithiug done in workmanlike man- •er, At SEARLE & DAVIS'. its Beware of all parties running down our Machines LL AND EXAMINE FOR YO UE - SELVES. SEARLE & DAVIS. Bae Line, Sign of the Large Kettle_ CInton. April 30, 1868. : w15.tf llflnery and thessruaking1 WESTSTk'.EEL GODERICH, A FEW DOORS'WEST BANK OF MONTREAL. MISS TA.YLOR now °ruing a ehb'ice selection of Millinery goods emcee Bonn ixe latest� tT'es' • q�rranbt 4'arirl blee= ng Ribbons, Velvets, Silks, Satins, Crapes, s and Hats made and trimmed to order in Cies. Miss Taylor has also secured the Mrs. E J.. Copeland, an experienceil Latest style trimming, &e. Good ft Toys' suits niade to order. Silk, Cotton, gimping ; Machine Stitching, &e. No ill be omitted to deserve, as she trusts a liberal patronage gees tvanted immediately. - - April 23tli, 1866. wi4 QI4Y TO LEND. THE HURON & !II' VniGS AND LOAN SOCIETY. Tito abtnre Society is prepared to make 1,17 C i ON IMPROVED YX'Oa,arty-, 7101r AtO8T ADVANTAGEOUS 'rEliarS. 71* cast of effecting a Loan . will be found 1N11 lt-.lower than iii other Soeteties of a similar tf�tttilisC., .The gfteittron of the Borrower is called ipctv.ihat he will receive the full amount o1 i;F%ithout any deduction being made for payments in advance. nae be repaid • Monthly or Yearly, help -Aver a. period of from one to fifteen fAtt \LOCK, -iety at Godeich once. rw l3 n. Ut4 OG1 , Esq., late Deputy hfsrtEV has been -appointed official Assuan- 'ttder=the lnsofyent Act of 1864 for the 4s4GslnittiCstf:ffuron and Braes. tse iii `GFtmeron's BIock, King - Mtn' 2001.:1866. w50 IN8LOW'S -G, SST$, Ifdren Teething, trprocess of teething, by softening ' alI inflammation—will allay ,1m. eaetion, and is uiate the -Bowels. thers,itwillgive rest'to yourselves `_edtk to your Infants. `.rtt3oldthis article for years, and 'tgatiefi .Truth of it what we have r of ire/ other,m iicine—Never •-71)stance to tiffect a Cure; when. "\kTaw an instance of -Vs - !maid it. On the contrary, tenon, and - speak iii terms aigicatI: effects and medical it,&tter" WHATWEDOKNOW,'' idsPiedge or reputation for declare. In almost every sufro itrg from pain and ex - fifteen or t'%nty mit- red. ny each bottle. RTIS & PER - per? t5 High Holborn, wtr_eet,v_Montreal Irl rrv2w321 jra Ready - made Clothing) Consisting in part_of C<>.a.tc, ��ea•+, Pang, Under -Clothing, &c. Persons wishing. to Purchase a SPRiN(, SLIT will find it to their advantage to call and examine his STOCK of TWEEDS Custom Work Made on the Shortest possible notice and Warranted to give satisfaction. („wive hint a call. G.idench. April 61.11, 1868 w44 Salt Lands IN PARCELS RANGING 'FROM 2 TO 5ACRES! LAND IMMEDIATE iY ADJOINING THE Present Salt Well t`&T THE Goderlch Railway Statioii1 Apply to M. C. CAMERON/I' PATENT COAL OIL BURNER, An nstrument of very superior excellence pronounced by those who have it in use to bo the most. perfect pro- blem ul' the age in developing the: greatest amount of light at the least Cost. 1,0"- I'he public are - respectfully invited to call. Uodericli, 20th April, 1868. -w13. JOHN HARRIS. Corner West Street, Goderioh., EW. TOR 11-i I POLLOCK & JOHNSTON' DEG to aenoitnce to the i;ihabitants af' Goderich and viciuity that/they have opened a u New Store in-- -Cameron's Block, Kingston Street, Goderich (Near the 'Huron Hotel), /. Where they have opened out a very select stoek of Staple and Fancy , Y 00 Si GROCERIES, CROCKRY, BOOTS AND SHOES! All of which, having been purcha ed for cash, will be sold at the very Lowest Rates. Our Cottons are Uncomrnonly Cheap CONSIDERING 1,HE FYCELT,ENT QUALITY OF THE ARTICLE. Inspect/Our Printed C otto n s. REMEMBER THE STAND, ICINGS roN ST. GODERIC : , March 13, 1868. - w8tf I STS E AND "RQ OKINGHA1VI WARE IoLL € CK & =pro I ST O11T, (KINGSTON STREET, GODERICH,) TTAVING been appointed wholesale Western _ 11 Stone and Rockingham Ware of GROCERIES FORTI1E 1VIIIL-L-O N! IT_ IS AN ACKNOWLEDGED FACT THAT THE PLACE IN GODERICH to purchase • I l ANY ARTICLE IN -TSE GROCERY LINE, A -s Cheap as the Cheapest,; and as God as the Best ! IS THE - EM 1'I -�USEi' pO F SHANNON tt BELL' North Side Market Square, where may be found I a full assortment of General Groceries, Liquors 'of all kinds, Crockery, Glassware, - &c. Vessels Supplied Cheap with all Articles in our Ii ne SHANNOIN & BELL Goderich, May 4, 1868. - w15 Fe -G. BECKETT k CO., HAMILTON, ONTARIO,` MANUFACTURERS OF MARINE, STATIONARY AND PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES a� BOILURS OF ALL SIZES. ALSO, r I Iachinery for Pumping S alt, Steam'Saw �gilis, and Grist Ptill$�!i 'o1cI.- C� i g ohixi a I'v, MINING, HOISTING, AND PU`M'PING MACHINERY, • STEAM PUMPS, EAI EEttS' ANDY BOILER MAKERS' TOO�,S-l- SUCH AS Lathes, P Being, Drilling, Screwing., and Slottinf Machines, Plate -Bending and Punching Machines, &c. Hamilton, Ontario. Jan. 6th. 1868. t• w50 lyr RON FOtiNDRY! Oa,��++.+e.mrw. �.r.:nRuoiGix uvm�is'tb��i1�C..yltll:t ICLL' .,p,t•tt,. ,ir.'1 'Milli i ...I111a.-11U�l 11itr .1111 .,bifiiki Il 1lt, ,..__,x: - t'U. i:''it Rik ''._tH$TEAMINGINE-WORKsgii R. RUioICIf�IA�tV MANUFACTURER OF - Agents for the sale of the celebrated �'�' � "'`� r r . l .i= .5�+_ a _• ILLS Muley and Sash Saw -Mills, Steam Engines and EQilers, 4 Goderich, Nov. 28, 1867. tJIIEESE GIIEESE 1 w45" I Shephards GODERICH. ERrachan, GROCERUAYE been re_anpointed 'le agents at' 11 Goderich for the sale sole celebrated Exeter Factory Cheese. , Local dealers supplied at the Factory Prices. • SFTEPFTARD & STRACHAN. floe:rich, Mav 27, 1867. wl8t1 SALT TERRITORY FOR `LE -OR LEASE. ' J rr4f I N 150 yards of the present Goderich �V Salt Works. Also, FARMING LANDS convenient to that locality. Apply to JOHN BELL GORDON, Soaeito-. G oaerich Goder•'h, 1st Dec., 1866, wtftt .X7" J L S S • PRE SH OYSTERS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY TUE KEG, CAN ORS COUNT LOBSTERS, SARDINES, AND•CGAMS. FRESH LEMON$, ORANGES, DATES, Cocoanuts Fl -s . Craoes. &c./40., &c,, at Westside of Market FQuara, Goderich, Nov.3D.1865- ,w99 G N DAVIS n/lA N U k' A CTURE:R AND DEALER, 1A 'VI Stoves, Ploughs and Castings Of every de cription. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware ,a the MarketStove Depot, Market Square, (lode COAL OIL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. - >E3-CoaU)it [.ginps,&c.,dte, Old Iron ,Cop- per,Brass, hags WoolPicl.-ingsand Sheepskins afzen tnerehange. 27t1 SHERIFF'S SALE aF LANDS. Copnty of Ht'iron, y virtue of a -Writ of Fieri Facias to wit:J B- issued out pf Her Majesty's Court of Gnnmon Pleas, and to me directed against the Lands and Tenements of William Bright, at the suit of The Bank of Toronto, I have seized and taken n execution all the right, title and interest of the the Bove named defendent, in and to the West half of lot No. 32 in the 4th con: of the township of Wawanosh, n the County of Huron, which lands and tenements I hall offer for sale; at my office, in the ConrtHduse, in e town of Goderich, on Tuesday the eighteenth day f August next, at. the hour of twelve of the clock noon. JOHN McDONALD, Is Otfice, Cotterich Sheriff of Huron. 12th May, 1868. f w16 td, a s RATORSth vet older, for as good as -new,, 0 sale w45 O. L. BALLARD, CORNWALL, Would announce to the Trade in Huron and 'Bruce that they can supply all, of the very superior articles turned out by Mr. Ballard, AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES. For particulars see circulars sent out by us. Call and examine the stock now on hand. Goderich, April 3, 1868. POLLOCK BSc JOHNSTON. sw63 THE COMMEROIAL UNION ASSURANCE COMPANY. 19 ANI) '20, CORNHILL, LONDON, ENGLAND, CAPITAL, (Fully Subscribed). - - - £2,500 000 Sterling INVESTED OVER, $2,000,000.7 DEPOSIT FUND IN CANADA, $50,000. FIRE EPARTMENT The distinguishable principle of the Company has been the establishment of an equitable classic cat ion, charging in allcases a'premium proportionate to the risk, The success which has attended the Company's operations has been such as ful y to ealize the most sanguine expectations of the Directors, who, ha%e resolved to extend the business more widely, nal now offer to the Canadian public. - PERFECT SECURITY guaranteed by large Subscribed Capital, and Invested Funds. Prompt SettlementofClaims. The Directors and General Agents, being gentlemen Largely en. gazed in rommerce, will take a liberal and businesslike view of all questions coming before them LIFE DEPARTMENT. The Company oilers terms to those desiring Life Assurance unsurpassed by any Life Oliice, Moderate Premiums—Perfect Security—Economy of management. tending to increase the Bonus ofthose on participating scale, among whom 80 per cent 01 profits are divisible. Claims paid one month atter proof of death. . And ofbe.• advantagelYwhtr•h may be seen in the Company's Prospectus. Morland Watson & Co., General Agentsfor Canada. , FRED. COLE. Secretary. OFFICE, —385 AND 387, ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREAL a�urveyor.• Inspector of Agencies, H. M UNRO, MONTREat. T, C. LIVINGSTON,P. L. 5. H, GARDINER h.CO.,Agentsfor oder Leh and �neknow ; Wrn. Rastall, Kincardine ; lash=Jentieson, Walkerton and S:tu>zeen. sw74 6ODEflICg WOODEN iVOiI&. THE un lersi;ned would beg to inform his customers and the publicsthat on and after the 20th inst., his. L New Steam Power Woolen Factory, in the"Town of Godert'ch, wily -be in full operation, and having spared no expense in fitting up First - Class Machinery- in Every Particular ! he will be in a much better position to give general satisfaction to his customers than formerly at the old factory. He is now fitting up a new improved CUSTOMVI ROLL -CARDING MACHIN,E, from one otthe best machine shops in the Dominion, which will enable him to overcome any grievances from bad work arising from. the defects of old machinery. He is now Prepared to Rece ire Orders in any of the following branclies of the busiuess, at as low prices as any respectable honse in the Province, viz Custom Roll Carg, Fulling and Cloth Dressing, Spinning, Manufacturing Satinetts, Fulled Cloths,: Flannels • aiid Wh ceys. He would call special attention to Itis Large stock of Cloths and Flannels, both of home make and imported which thosewishingto exchange their wool would do well to examine befre appointing themselves elsewhere Hworkmen be feels onfideut ving had now over of givinear's g genera -satisfaction. nce in the ve b A Call is Sd citedether vith keeping none but experienced THOMAS LOOAN. Gederich Woolen Works; Z May 6th, 1866 wl Thrashing Machines, Sepdrators, IRON AND WpODEN" PLOUGUS With Cast or Steel Boards, Drill Ploughs, Gang Plouehs, Cultivators, Land Rollers, Straw Cutters, Agrieultural Furnaces, Potash Kettles, Sager Kettles, Salt ‘Iettles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes, COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES of the most improved kinds; Brass Castings maft. and 131achtniths' Work and Repairing done on short notice. Call and see the STEEL MOULD -BOARD PLOUGHS, as you can get one very cheap for Cash. Goderieh, Nov. 12th, 1867 OLONIAL OUS Tailoring & Outfitting Department TETE Subscriber begs to inform his many customers and the piiblic generally that he keeps -1- constantly on hand the lareest variety and hest selection of • IN THE COUNTIES. ALSO 4 LARGE VARIETY 0141 Canadian ManufActured; Gcod%,, ENGLISH, FRENCH & GERMAN BROADCLOtHS, Having secured the services of he is prepared to execute all orders with promptitude, and in a style unsurpassed by any MANUFACTURER in this -PROVINCE, Cities not excepted. try him and satisfy your- , selves. A perfect fit guaranteed in every instance. Constantly on hand the LARGEST STOCK and .L &DIST STYL.E in AMERICAN MONEY taken at the highest rate. Chas E. iarchibald_ Goderich, August 22nd, 1866- GOBERICR WOOLEN ICTOIY. mHE Undersigned. begto inform Farmers and others that they have- purchased tbe above named establishment of Mr. Wni.tPiper ; and having which is now in first -rat, working operation, I Are Now Prepared to Maynifactu-e Ctoths..Blankets (full width), Wincey, - Shirting, Sheeting, 860., 86c., eipeditiously, and at prices compatible with the best workumeship. Particular Attention paid to. Custom Roll -Carding, Fulling, Dressing, Dyeing, Sm. We shall also have in atm weeks a FIRST-CLASS SPINNING JACK, (imported *from one of the best machine shops in the United States), which will enable us to do Custom Spinning,1 We. would also call particular attention to our *mob we keep constantly oirhand cheap for cash or in exchange for wool. MIT. L. W. WATSON, Merchant Market Square; Goderich;ls our authorized agent and all orders left with him will receive careful and immediate, attentim -Parties claming from -a distance with wool to get carded, may rely on getting their rolls home with „ them the same. evening. trle Parties favoring us with a call are assured general satisfaction. • Goderich Woolen Factory, April 76, 1868: INGLI & SONS • JC and Savings Society, (First door South of the Post Office.) lEteducea _Rates OF -REPAYMENT FOR EACH $100 ADVANCED. each quter 1413 m's th'cel yearly 5506 each yea 15782 7.77 6.511 5 66 4.65 4.04 000 000 15.47'12.05 1128 9.23 8 02 725 650 30.20 25 28 2202 18.01 1567 141511270 31.72 26 55.2313 18.92 1645 1486.1334 The above Rates include Prine'pal and Interest. and if punctually met the entire Debt will be paid without any other payment whatever. Application received by D. 8. GOODING- • the Society's Valuator at Goderich. March 17th, 1868. FOR SALE CHEAP. LARGE qtantites of, Grind Stones, 1.‘ Coal of'all kinds, Coal oil, Water Lime; Calcined Plaster, Fire Bricks, Corn Meal, &c., &c. Stocks always on hand at the wharf, GEORGE RUMBALL, & Co. Goderich, May 18th, 1868. wl7tf, NEW GROCERY ! AND Flour and Feed Store. wm. ROBINSON BEGS respectfully to announce to the in habitants of Goderich and vicinity that be has commenced in the above line in Mr. CORNER OF SQUARE &, NORTH ST. In the Grocery Department he will kee on hand good articles, and sell as cheap a the cheapest. Particular attention paid to the line of FLOUR AND FEED! end as the advertiser haS had many years' experience in that branch of business, he feels confident that he can give satisfaction. Goderich, Feb. 7, 1868. sw47t STARTED AFIESH! Steam Axe Factory • JOHN McPH,ERSON BEGS to announce to the public that he is nOw prepared, with new and improved steam machinery, to turn out his superior ase5 in larger quantities than hitherto, and hopes to give the same satisfactien that has attended his efforts up to the present. These axes have gained a wide -spread popularity throughout Huron and Brute. Remember the shop : Corner of Waterloo and Lighthouse streets. Goderich, Dec, 2. 1867. w45tf THE Subscriber would announce to the pub- -11. lic of Huron and Bruce, that he isnow man- ufacturing first-class Catriages, Waggons, Sleighs,. which wilt be sold CHE A P -OR CASH. JOHN PASMORE, Victoria Street, Goderich. oderich, M ay 16th, 1868. w49 AT ClUNT Lent on Mortgage. Apply at Chancery and Law Office, Crabb's block Goderich. Goderich. March Rth, 1b67. sw55 A Superior farm for Sale, pRONTING on Lake Huron. 2 miles from Goderich containing 133 acres of superior land. Lot 8, Is con. of Goderich Township, Baylield Road, about 100 acres cleared. Good orchard, dwelling house and frame barn on the premises, and a small creek runs through the lot. Can be sold to suit purchasers in whole or part. Apply on tho premises to si WM. & DONALD FRASER, or to G. M. TRITEMAN, Godench March 3. 1868 w6tj 11-E R ID Gll; PROPEITY FOR SALE. THE RESIDENCE OF THE LATE JOHN GALT, Ese, THIS property is beautifully situated oppo- site the Town of Goderien, on the North Bank of the RIVER MALULAND ahd on the Batiks of Lake Huron. It con- tains 31 7-10 aeres of Land more or less, with Dwelling House, Outhouses, Stables, &c., with laree Garden, Vinery and Orchard The Wood Litnd 'consists principally of Oak and the flowering Linder, Cherry, Maple, &c. The Grounds are in very good order. Tbere are three never failing springs of pure water on the Property. The situation for a private residence cannot be surpassed m the Prov; ince. For terms apply to Barrister, Toronto D. SHADE GOODING, Barrister, Godee Goderich. 6th July. 1866. sw96tf SALT INERROTORY. THE' subscriber offers for sale a valuable I piece of property near the present Salt Well in Maitlandville, comprieing three acres of laud. WILLIAM SW AFFIELD, Goderich o. Goderich, NOV. 29, 1867. w45 110USE'AND LOT FOR SALE. rpHE Subscriber offers for Sale very cheap, a large Brick Cottage adjoining the Goderieh Salt Wells. In connection with the- house are four splendid Garden Lots. This isan opportunity which seldom offers. The unexpired lease orthe COLF3ORISTIE X-107CMIL, admirably situated on the main road lea/ling to the salt Works and Northern townships. If' necessary the furniture will be sold with the premises. Far partieularsiapply to at the Colborne Hotel. 'CHAS. THOMPSON, Goderieh, May 12thl.' 18V. TOWN PROPERTY • ETNG West of lot 2, con. 2, Ashfield. -LP j00 acres, 45 cleared. Frame bare, good house, fiue youeg Orchard—well water- ed. This is a very desirable farm. Far_ particulars apply to ROBERT CA RM A N. Goderich Aug. 28, 1867. w32tf TO SELL OR RENT ! fourteenth concession of 'Mullett, on the boundary line between Blyth and Walton, Post Office eacb way. ,Good hardwood land, wel watered ; thirty aeres clearance. Severity seven acres and a half in alt. Well fenced. For further part•culars apply to . hose on the premises. RA.N KIN LA WSON. May 27th. 1867. srta FARM FOR SALE rrillE subscriber offers for sale a fine term in E. D. containing 100acres, ot first class clay land, hardwoorA timber. A bout 20 acres cleared. For particulat.s as to price. &e., ant* to or T. B. VANEVERY, arc t Foli Safe. LOT 22, 10th Concession Kincardine Tcwn Li ship, colitaining 100 acres more or less. APP1Y to WILLIAM Goderieh 12th July, 1867. NEW SMiTIIY! 0 Beg toannounco to the inhatitants of Gocleria, and surrounding country. that they have opened a New New,/ Street, w8mheithreythey intend to do all kinds of Blacksmithing,- such ns SHIP Willi PLOUGH MAKING Horse -Shoeing itc., Particular attention paid to Sore Feet. w14 Goderich, 23rd April, 1868. 1868 • Division Courts. FOR THE COUNTY OF HURON, WILL BE HELD IN THE YEAR 1868,, AS FOLLOWS : 1s1 Divi.SIOn Cc art GM:4E111CH. Monday 29th J une, 186,8. Thiursday,lq October 'lc 2nd Division Court, Searowru, Friday, 26th June, 1868. Tuesds y, 4th August, " .Tuesday, 29th September; “ Tuesday, 24th November, ti 5th Division Court, EXETER, Friday, 19th June, 1868. it 6 C Friday , 7th August, C. Saturday. 26th eptember, c‘ ic CC 64 CC CC Gth Division Court, DrNGADINON, Monday 22nd June, 186G. Tuesday 11 th August. 4.• Friday 2nd October, ir Friday 4th December, 46 7th Division Court, BAYF1ELD, Satlirday, 20th June, 1S68. Wednesday, 12th August Saturday. 3rd October, " Saturday, 5th December, “ 10th Division Court, CLINTON Saturday, 27th une, 1868. Monday, 3rd August, Monday, 28th September " Thursday 24th September ,g Wednesday, 24th June, t. ri c.- Wednesday 2.5th November " The several Courts will open at 10 o'clock a. m., Goderich, 16th May, 1868. S. BROUGH, at CC 44 CC 44 CC CC CC Ct CC fl T certify the above =to- bee -a true copy as filed in this office atitl etiteeeid of Record. Clerk of, the Peace, Huron. Office of the Clerk of the4eace, Goderich, 16th May,1 368. w1.7 Farm tor -Sale. THE west ; of lot 25 Bayfield Road, Town- ship of Stanley, 77 acres, about 40 elear- ed. The land is of first-rate quality„, _ands good spring creek running, tbreugli Terms, part of the money down. _Tittle even for the remainder at 8 per cent 'per aitnum: Further particulars may be had bn tolica or to JOHN JOHNSTON'. eel Lot 9, Bayfield Roa,d Steel Y. ALL RIOT AG PHOTOGRAPH GALLERYIK • THE PH0111\ CE New & Magnificent Sky -Light AND SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED rt 0 31 E. JOHNSON pilaiS to inform Ins oul patrons, and the public -11-1 generally, that he has, at much expense, fittea up his rooms in STE WARTS' New Brick Riock. corner or 'Hamilton street and Square, Goderich. in such a style as to render them the finest in die country, anti the best adapted for the and beautiful art. Those desirous QI having Pic- tures ot aken will please bring in the morning. Photographp taken in every Style known to the art, and Old A mbrotypes and Da • guerrotypes copied as Photographs, A large Stock' of Gilt and Rose -Wood Frames alwayson hand, Also ALBUMS, very cheap, E. L. J., in returning thanks for the liberal patronage of the past, feels satisfied that recent improvements will enable him to merit a continn-, ance and increase of the saine, Godericb, March 1. 1867, xv6t1 ESTABLISHED 1848. "HTTRON SIGNAL.' PUBLIETHED—SE.1/7-ll'EEKLY AND WEEKLY. '1"M' 11,MS :—Senii-Ireeily edition, .S.2.50 per year. RATES OF ADVERTISING : First insertion Sets. per line. Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths 25cts. Business Notices . I2cts. per line. All advertisements charged by a scale of solid nonpareil.. No notice taken of unpaid communications. THE SIGNAL JOB OFFICE Is supplied with power presses, hand presses, and possesses every faeility for the rapid and neat oxen: - tion of every description of plain and fancy printing at as low as an;• eqabii6linient in -the country rJ