HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-07-30, Page 3mmairmasaielmommi•••••millr r We regret to learn that the wife of Hon. The Que'en and Royal Family. - George Brown is in a yery precarious state . of health. Shortly after arriving in Scot, - land she went to a Dentist tohave a Loth attracted, and during th i operation her jaw was broken. Since That time pieces of bones I ave been working through' one - of her cheeks. Froni a letter received by a friend from Edinburgh we are sorry to learn that Mrs. Brown is a seere sufferer, and that fears have been entertained for her reessvery. An attempt wa.smade on Thursday night to run otf the night express from Buffalo, when within a. short distance of Port Col- borne, bv placing an iron rail across- the track. Fortunately the abstriction was removed with the loss of part of the cow catcher only. Dr. Tupper, of Nova Scotia, is in To- ronto. - _ The opal, beyond (lona the most beauti- ful of all g,erna, is also the only one which cannot be imitated. It is impossible to value it, since the price depands solely, Upon the play of color. A fine specimen will fetch a thousand. pounds ; but fifty times that much has been refiised in the case of the laenna epal. The hydrophane, or Mexican opal, loses its beauty when exposed to water ; and Sir Walter Scott has alluded to this fact in "Anne of Geierstein," although, in that romance, he ascribes it to supernatural agency. Strange to se*, after the publication of the novel, the belief that- opals were unlucky obtained such currency that they quickly went out of fashion. —About 150 immigrants, most of them from the North of Ireland, passed through Montreal on Thursday, bund for the county of Huron, Ont., where they intend to settle. - - - A Man Cuts a. Boy*s Ears off. On Saturday evening. 1Sth inst., a shoemaker named Thomas FIspvisoli, residing nn Erie street in Stratford, cot the ears off his apnreni ice. The facts of the case are as follows :— Hopwood has lately had reason to sus- pect an illicit intercouree between his wife end the boy in question. To prove this 1 be, on Ssturday, gave, „out that_he was I going to -Toror to ran business. He, accordingly, absented himself from the The following pleasant eparagraph re ! lating to the Queen and. R tyal family at , the review is from the Daily News :- 1 "To see the Queen and Prince of Wales ' laughingtogether when anything moved !their mirth, in hearty abandOnment in- stead of the regular simper which Society prescribes : to Bee the voting Higlander, 1.Prince Leopold, and Princess Beatr:e-; pointing out men and things to their sister's tiny child ; to see the Queeri when a man was borne out of the ranks faint from the heat, stand up with motherly concern, turn her Lack upon the review, and not be content until informed if it was not a serious accident; to see- the Queen, Prince and Princess in turn bring- ing a, blush into Prince Arthur's face by probable reference to his new plumes, were little instances that came unsought before many on Saturday, indicating the substratum of personal esteem and ad- miration on which English loyalty is built. Mr. Abel Fulsom, of -Zumbrota town- ship, Minnesota, came home at a late hour and his wife got up from beg in the second gtory to admit him. She 4,me down to the first floor, in the kitchen, and im- mediately screamed for help ,saying that a snake was fastened to her foot- and she could net shake it off. Another woman, :living in the house, struck a light and -ad- mitted Mr. Fulsom. By, this time Mrs. Fulsom had shaken off the snake, which had stuck to her by its fang,s, so that it was by violent effort she threw it off. The. snake was found making its way towards _ the second story, half way Op stairs, and killed. It was a rattlesnak ofthe prairie, such as is sometimes called it massassaugar _Such help was given Mrs. F Isom as could be had, in the wity of stiini1ants, and a Physician obtained as soon as possible, but she died, after greatiuffering, on Saturday evening. • It •i TRAGEDY IN 1Xt.ASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, Juy25Capt J. C. Queen was early, this morning found on the grounds of the Excutive IVIailision, near the music -stand, with his thro0 deeply cut, but still alive. He subsequOtly sought to convey the belief that two white and one black inanhad robbed and then made an, attempt to kill him. The raAor with which the deed was committed was found near his id Hi . s e s friends h . , oweyer,disbelieve shop, his residence being above. About his story, and say he had attempted to half -past twelve o'clock on Sun -lay morn- take his own life. ing he quietly entered the house, crept -=•--- np stairs and then discoveied his w`fe in Telegraree Reduction. the bed of,this apprentice. Rage fired. The joint committee of the Anglo-Ame- & C„ . 78 atn *O., N. Y. Bopwood's breast, fled he seized hisirican and Atlantic Telegraph. Company of ' to any o e ,lesirone of esting Os merits. Adak 38S w29 , Es N, a wife and maltreated her, after which he I London have agreed t.) a further reduction (No letters taken unless prepaid ) drew a revolver and threatened to blow 1 in the rates of despatches across the At - Constable Wilson's (who was resent) anti^. wires Aiter . Lamb i Net iabberttsentvitte. Ntiu 2Ibbettnements. • • • LOCKET I.C1ST. CANIDIIN PAR DESTROTElt T OST on Friday, evening last, between the Huron Hotel and the Post (Mice, a Book -shaped Locket, with a charm attached, one side of width wee a cereel- ian and the other a bloodstone. The finder w ill be suitably rewarelvd by leaving the sante at this office Go hatch, July 27, 1868. w20. ATOTIC • A LL -persons having claims against:the estate nr 'he It late William Johnston or owing the said c will please call at the store of Po;lock ez Johnstoo 4nd have the same settled on or before the tirstday of -cp- tember nes.t. ' THOMAS JOHNSels ,N, JOHN JOHNSTON. Adininistra-: ,r3. Goderich, 25th July 1868. insolvent Act of 18E4. In the matter of John Duntar Hewn, an Insalrr A dividend sheet lute been pr -pared subject to o'deo- il Hon until the third day of Aueust, A. o: lee Dated at Goderich, this lith day. °fluty, A. D 1 -.A SAMUEL POLLOCK. Assignee. w26 td. rr 0 HOTEL KEEPES AND OTHERS. - JUST RFcEIVED FIFSH PRUNES, 12e ets per lb. - BEST V 1 LENTI A RA ISINS,10 ets per lb. TOMATO CATSUP (Pints) 35 ets. WALNUT do do 40 cts. MUSHROOM do 2;cts. BEST MIX! D PICKLES, 25 ets. WHITE ONION, do 30 ets. WORCESTF.RSHIRE' SAUCE, PEPPER s WOE, FRENCH CAPERS, &c. At low prices for Cash. WILLIAM SNYDER, Telegraph Store. Godericle 28th Jule, 1868. • !TAT'S When we a're en,..ntly Yee- iving inPorm t i;mt concerning. any thine "tit attention is naturally attraeted to that point. an. if artiele is genuine its nrais. will lois Ily echo, this accounts frit' th enormous 5-11.-s of: the Great Shoslinnees Ttemet17. IT is recommended for fits etses nf the l'hro Lures, Liver, Stomach, Kilneys, & ane beine surpasQinely zenuine it en rei them, consequently its preiee is souieleil. WilIS'NERS ! HISRERS !! olv-ree Cruz, t z re -legt -kt nr. L. 0. alator in the .v -rl I. wil force iskers or Mus ,e hes to grow on thes-noothesi flee- or chin never known to f nale for triel sent free ter the lst of September brains cat unless he releas.cel the laTa nett, the rate is to be $15, exclusive into his hands Wilson ave up the boy' the land lines. At the present, a despatch :r and hen went for a lightOn his from this place to Liverpool Costs 525 turning the boy met hiin, the Mood ; t_ re - under the coming arrangement it will fall a little short of $20. _ erTOSH BILLINGS ON MILK. dash Billings thus dilutes the subject of streaming from his ears, or, at least, the place wnere his ears oueht to be. Hop - 'wood made clean work or one ear, which is completely off. The other. the knife, : (a shoemaker's) went th rou ,•1) the ear milk in. the New Xork Weekly into the boy's cheek, and left it hanging I want to say something. I want to say by a slender thread of swathing in reference to mile az a fertil- izer. There are varis kinds ov milk. ran into the street, shouti ig murder, and, There iz sweet milk, sour milk, skim milk fortunately, Dr. Jacksen was on hand to buttermilk, cow milk and the milk of dress the wound, and sew up the re- human kindnesi, but tlie innatest best zaaining ear. The wonder here is that milk iz the milk /that hazzent the most Water in it. Buttermilk izzent the best Bopwood did not cut the young rascal's throat. Great sympathy is expressed at Hopwood's a ffletiort, which he feels vety acutely. The boy is:- doing well, every attention being bestowed How the Good Templars Initiate - Candidates. The following must have been written by a chap who got tieht on lager without knowing it would intoxicate-. It refers foller that the milk iz nasty. This scum to a lodge of Good 1:emplars. It4 is a iz called kreme by folks who inhabit the kuntry. Kreme iz tdie parent of butter, graphic description of an "initiation cere- and butter iz 40 five cents a pound. The loony," as the writer. understands it. In the first place, the victiin for ins izmosts k.mommo.lk n_milkk.min useikiz rawithout doubt, Ration is 1.1indfolded, bound hands and skim•g the milc oen sidede r by e d . skiwhich iz feet, and thrown. into a cauldron of boil- sharp praktiss. Milk iz obtained, from ing hot ram water; and boiled for five cows'hogs woadchux, rats'sheep, squirrils minutes. and all otheranimals that have hair. -Snaix This is done for the.pnepose of clearing and geese don't give milk. I forgot to his system of “oln drunk." He is thpyi state in conclusion thatcow milk, if well watered, brings ten cents per quart. taken out of the °atilt/eon,. and by means of a force -pump gorged with cistern WANT OF LABouRaitsr —The harvest is a good one, but who is to gather it in ? There water, after which a sealing piaster is put over his month, and he is rolled in a are not labourers enough to be hired for love or money. If ever our agriculturists barrel tour or five times across the rorina.1 i found the benefit of the machines- with The, choir at the same time sine0ine 0 which -they are now generally supplied, it the eold water song. will be this year.—Guelph Advertiser. Ile is 'now taken ont of the barrel, - - --- and bung up by the heels till the water Irr. Rev. W. M. Punshon arrived at runs out through his ears. Montreal -on Saturday last, from the He is then cut down, and a beautiful Maritime Provinces and left on Monday for the West young lady hands him* a glass of cistern It is said an order has been issued water. from the Horse Guards forbidding officers A cold -water bath is- then furnishede from preaching. bins, after which he is showered with ,clistinouished officer's lady, has coven $200 towahs the D 'minion rifle Match prize fund. The Lincolneountycouncilrefunded the amount expended by the countyVolun- teer Battalion for 'billets during the per- formance of T the annual drill at St. Catharines. An mild salt. sitting on the wharf the other day. very soberly remarked: ' I begun the world witn nothing, and I have held my own ever since,' A terse and sug- gestive biography. The Toronto "Telegraph" denies the report that the "Christian Guardian" has been purchased or that it is to be. 1, MARRIED. At Goderich, on the 2Ist inst. birthe Rev D. Camelon, Mr. John Titorbum, to Miss Agnes, daughter of Alex. Fraser, • Esq., beta of the Township of Ashfiield. for butter. Milk iz spontaneous, and has done more- to encourage the growth of human folks than enny other 1:kwid. Milk iz lacteal ; it iz also aquatick, while under the patronage of milk. venders. Milk iz misterious. Cokenut milk has never been solved yet, Milk iz also another name for human kindness. Miik and bread iz a plea -ant Mixtur. Some- times if milk iz aloud to stand too long, a scum rises to -the surface which iz apt to skare folks that liveincities but it duzzent cistern water. He is then made -to read the water works' act tzn times, rinking a gliss of cistern water between each Nadine. After which the "old oaken buck t" is bung around his neck, awl fifteen sisters with squirt -guns deluge him with cistern water. He is then forced to eat a peck of snow while tbe brothers stick his ears fell of icieles. Be is thenrun thiough a clothes-wrir- ger, after which he is handed a glass of cistern water by a bsautiful young lad' .e He is -then gorged' again with cistern water, his boot- filled with the ti me, and he is laid away in a refrigerator. The iniation is now almost concluded. After remaining in the refrigerator for the mace of ballan hour, he is taken out and given &glass of cistern water, run through the clabes-wringer again, and becomes a GOod Templar. A youngster happened to be • playing in the room where his mother and a lady visitor were convers. ing. Another lady friend called in the meantime, and after she left the two—after the manner of the ses--commeneed to discuss her peculiari- ties very freely. Willy was apparently busy with his toys; but after a while, looked up shrewdly and said to the visitor —"Mrs. Butler, that's the way mamma will talk about you when you go away !" The youthful philosopher was about right. The Lender, Free Press advocates the appointment of Francis Flincks as Gover- nor-General of the Dominion. Property in the suburbs of Halifax has lately increased in value, and a large number of very handsome -buildings have been erected. It was rimmed in El:liras a few days aim that Mr Howe was about to resign Lis seat, in the Ihnninien P trliament and seek election to the Local Legislature. OBITUARY.—The Fiamilton Spectator DIED On Saturday the 25th inst., Evelyne tnphemia, in- fant daughter of Mr. B. Trainer, Goderich. At Goderich on Friday the 24th instant. Flora, the beloved wife of P. A. McDougall M. D. Coes ea Isis a - - PORT OF GODERICH. Reported specially for the Semi -Weekly &great by Messrs. GEO: RUMBALL & Co., Aommission Merchants, &c., HarborQuay. ARRIVALS. July 25.-str SilveiSpray,from Sangeen freight and pas 26. -Prep. Aga8ia " Montreal, gen. cargo. 27. -Silver Spray,from Saugeen,freight and passen. 27.-W, R. Clinton, Saginaw do, 27 -Sob: Cascaden, Cleveland, coal. _ " Restless, Windsor, gen. cargo." " Nemises, Saginaw, light. Str. Silver Spray Elaugeen. DEPARTURES. - July25.1-Str. Silver Spray, for Sangeen freight and pas ., " Clinton, Saginaw, " Sch Onward for Bauble, hunter. 20. -Prop. Acadia for Bruce Mines, gen. cargo. 27.--Str. . fiver Spray " Sengesn, 11:1..el MARKETS - Gonzales, 'July 28, 1868. Fall Wheat51:40 (q, 1:45 -Spin g Wheat . 1:25 0 1:30 Flour ' ..... 6:50 7:00 Oats-. •:.. 0:40 0:45 announces with deep regret the death of' peas . 0:60 0 0i60 Mr Archibald Kerr, which took place Barley, 060 (0. 0:60 yesterday, 2Ist, at Shrewsbury, England; Pork ' 5:00 to 6:00 2:00 0:14 01,4 6:50 6:50 0:00 • I 1836, and shortly after commenced bus- es (gre-1 Wool (wazhed) . . ness thcr.e in connection with his brother,1Wood..,. • .*. . 2:50 0 3:0"laying the foundation of' what is now the I Beef, per eivt. .. .. 5:00 ® 550 well known firm of Kerr, Brown and Goderich Salt, wholesale, Lo.b.-per bb}.- -McKenzie, 81:30; at the works, 0:00. i where he had been visiting his kiraiman, Potatoes* . 1:50 ®, Mr R Juson. The intelligence was sent Butter to his friends in Hamilton by Atlantic I Eggs:.4• - • • ..... 0:12! (4) cal& Mr Kerr located in' Butnilton in 1 11371 On,- • - •- • • 4- • • 0:12. 6:00 22I • mucous OF VOITTIl• A Gentleman vrhoti.ie:red tor yea Isom Very:pus Debility. Premature Decay. and all the alleets ofyouth. iliri ti,cretiw.aviil for the AnTerint: tinnsanity .end free to all who need it. the reeme and directions for :raking the simple remedy by which he waseured. Sof- - reed Arishinir In nrotit by the advertiseoe experience -an do so be addressing Rattle 11.0eieW.N. No.13. Chambers:et...New York TO -CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser. Missing hear& restored to health tn -w weeks by a -very e mole . remedy. al t er haemg ant e re for aeverel year with a eevere lupg affection. and dread dieesee. loneemutiou -1s anxinus to maka :nowt' 1,, het fel1ow-snit-en-1s the merits ofere. re ell who d. -.ire it, he will .etil row nf the tires- -never need (free nf (-harze). with the rem inns for ore. atrins ptul tieing, the .ane. which they wilt find a 4CRE "PPR fi)r r.',.'14UNIPTIoN. A seem a. RR,Nr HI in. ('nuno'. ^nt,Oa. end all Threso and Lans- acctions. The o 7' -deem of the advertiserm sewer's, l'receription tiiko hene61 the a'fiicted. n,, i anread ;111ermetion V.-hteh he enneen. to he evealuable. and he hones every sufferer %Mtn- his reeneriv. as it will cost them nothing. and fray nrove a blessing. ' Pertiee wish hoz the resttriptinn trit Ea. by re,turn mail yilt please address Rev. F.DTV'snll A. WILSON learnsenre. ?Cines co.. New Voris, STItANCE.y BUT TRUE. . livery young ladyand gentlemen inthe United State in hearsomethine very much io their advitntage • 1111 Ile' ,f, .-e ot charge.). by a lire••ititf the under 4e havieg leers ef beige- levidmireed will • te eel; mowing thiseere. Ail others willplease idereset nen one chew servant. THOS. F. ill PM A N. 531 Brortawav New York v3-1 v 0 HURON SALT WELL NELSON STREET, GODERICH TEIISIVerLI.is in full operttion, and the Company are prepared to supply FARMERS and OTHERS with 4G- Co C> Lr44---.A.. r. . Orders by Mail addressed to the undersigned, will re- ceive prompt•attention. TO a C H.. R. R Ji CUIAN, Secretary. Goderich, July 2Srd„ 1868. w27. tf. ritro Heu3os AND LOT FO S A.LE. ON Elgin Street- Goderich. At present occupied by Mr. R. B. Smith. For particulars apply to D. GORDON, Cabinet Maker, West Street. July 21st 1868. w 27 tf. OTRAYFD, from lot 39, con. 10, Township of Eas+ Wauranosh, a yoke of workin; oxen, one of which is a light brown with long horn% low set in build, tnd six years old ; the other a dark brhute withshort •-rookettnorns, rnore lengthy in the bedy.and five years ')Id; they were bronght from the towns lip, of Hibbert, ast spring, and when last seen were re+nrning in that, direction. Any person having a knowledge of their whereabouts, would eoneer a ftvor by addressing to, JOEIN MeGEE St. Helen's P. 0. ' West Wavrwa2tasth.. July 21st, 1888. FWAINATION- OF School Teachers '11HE Board of Public Instruction. for the 1 County of Huron, will mett in the CENTRAL SCHOOL of the Town of Goderich, on ,Thursday and Fridly. the 6th and 7th- - days of August next, when candidates wishing Licenses to teach will then have an opportunity of being examined Tito le wishing Fiirst-Class or Third Class Certificates will be examin- ed on Thursday, and Second Class en Friday, e:aoh day commending at ten o'clock, A. M. Candidates before being admitted to an elamination will require to present certificites of- good moral char- acter, signed bya Clergyman or a Justice.of the Peace. D. H.-RITCHIE. • Secretary. Hayfield; 15th July; 1868. ltaw 2w26 MASONIC 'WOE for SALE, AT K. onmsza, .8c co:s. , MARKET SQUAI4 God -rich, June 23rd1 1868_ s.w.86 t. A Lamity Medietnetwelf and favorablyknown roe the past tan yen rs. never failing hi a single instance to give pertnanent relie .'hen timely used; and we have never known a sing le case of dissanstalton where the directions have been 7roperly tollowed, ha on the eontrary a:1 are deligh:ed Wall its op -'rations, and speak in-. the highest tsrms of its Virtue and VlatiPal (Vile% THE c,AIVADIAN PAIN DESTROYER has won tor itself a renutetion, as a Wood puri alterative stomach tonic, unsurpassed in the hist°. y of inedice I preparations. It seldom fails In cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints Indices - ion, Hew -thus'', Siels Headache, Kidney Com- plaint.., Aral Stoineeh Phthisie or Asthma, a ne reetores to S IIIII aetivity the system debt atated by stillering and dimease. Re magical and ()Weftl sileeess in curing sudden colds. -ore throat, 'Coughs, Diptherta pains in the side,linns and back. neuralssa,tooth ache, rheumatic and et het pains in any part et, the hody anti from wh 'lever celiac. has given it a place in every hot-sehold and is fits su iterated - ins all other -preparations of the kind. It is also an,i.tieetual and prompt reine ly ter Scalds. Huns, Bruises, Sprains. Chilblains, Frost Bites. Cramps in e•e 'trunach, Diarlirea, nolera morbus, hlillious Cholic,Chotera lntati. pitn, nysenterv,-&e. Price only 25 cenie per bottle. NOR1l-fR01-'4. LYMAN , Newcastle. C General Agent for Canada., ir1"So1d in Coderich-hy Parker ,Se Cable and F. Jordan.'Gardiner kr Co. Hayfield; James Kenthant, sodgervil le; J Pickard, Exeter; J, . "oinhe. Wirth* & Jeble Glinton; Sword, tuck - now; E Hickson . •.nfortn, and all Medicine De ,lers. w38 MOTHERS, READ Trrts t—VioLu)- WA.Y3S WORN1 LOZENGES nor a Certain and safelremedy for Wainis in Children and Adults. -As iris a vrell,know:a and melancholy 'cwt. that one great (tense oldeath among -children- is freer. Worms alone, it an not le tot: dt eply 101- pressee npon the minds or parents th • necessity ofdost ly watt -hint- their ehildren By so doing and un•lerstantling the Imptons and trite nail se. ol the disease .thousands et children might he saved fr q early graves. ''irMP romq OFXVORMS • -The follott ing area feW of Lie very nntnerosts symptoms rind dis» a' -es which ;.I-*. ealt,:ed hy- Wi'rins: Der't n ged 3pnetit.,- led extrem- ities, offensive bre .th, fr-quent picking at the nese. gm cling of the teeth during sler;ri. hardness ofth.- he y, wan frequeat stools,and s met )nes rstnytilsive 'Its; pain im 11;-• head -and stoms Th, minaret steep: tiii-tings. tremblintr, doterhs, mde est imi.lotv mantis.» f-ightful dreams, and a gradual VI, tstitte away of II sh, They are palstab e and seli-administered to ,h.. th1ld -drive (mune vrorms thercnighly withrait p (tit and completely sleatise the sloineeh-there- by doing away wit\ the beers ay. oi a linmister- O