HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-07-16, Page 1ft OMIARIC [PFORD, s far eoIrbeJ. siport E-13 received- for the !awl -to axe t,:t by Ms Es is now grew.. csantrwitN all hinds a d Crackers! :a =me atrantsgsna 131724-e-13 thele from Patell'S cr Barre! ...$0,447 " 0.03 Cs ..-.DOS 80 ca ai • CLOS et.egi e‘es; aaik.ext Very Kind! rbread ems. Cla hand =miens. E. CLBTOP.IX TITIY! Nion.t.agekt Ceder:* and In nag haveca sew Ntrop Factory. • • erzekeday.4t. 1113 AEG MING, )ehtg &O., entton peat to Feat. Eon for Sale. s=m: nee are Ir T DAVID !ANSON. Se, de401. HOUSE Pim nova rea, fonsb7s„ Duchess rasta wrilleXack azur itock thn Counties. . ARCEIRAW. 11S861 ono.. L Madero La Lal..."1 Fluter, for [?erliCkert., at IZOWELL,4 tpctia,Nt Huron Rotel. nse. lelaf LE OF LAM)15. .-Y.:arencruessttioat uaz Wralihrlatt f;-.7 si-t !We gc=tt ote-minsue enbatt.lors;Xn *al Teas - 1,4 sat a Scow Pierive bara relied al Cant inf cal Ea:VW c! the . taid tr able hnited anti onvoty. -52,, .06 ilan_la aorame. 7-trirzycs_ Li tisa Omit Ft7:4 caZassgscr thsserarth' et Mire or tits dock ricistILIMONAtDo flOwtf.taf W21 it LE 07 LAM. [7na claWA cf T ,x1raigli c7.1. a 1•1:z Sa)ssty's :at toyse Peeled -ant 1st c#' 'Comm& *east, as the .". libarstenott sal taint aliteedircest, c-1± the tho rsaiteiho Wags half of Dot :.. tairniK7 cr Waessosh, it'AsTanao spa tens assets It .41--14ey a (4444 C.:':-.-rnaisoir„ fa :awe laseightaselit day .of Mint of tiedorlasee., delll 71EZIONALD: Skil otHisen. PRILOW% litteableige • offeemenbvesiteest 33angcrjt—eM ager Attx. sacs int Ike .weI. ri-ailsrsttoz-Seisiver tteeienrinceittni 31s -2;e. fee :mem sof wUt sr* bare 03' c2ior nutliemos-Yennt Waco toaert. a etoriwitrw knew an Lista:re ei-ctit.5. nate ft Ostia eoultsm masa, cad trek fa teem Oa elates ame *woo -suer ivirezerszaemsose dr -edge cr Tertian= Ike rs '4w:sat En slisestesser - Lc_Yeatig fencpahtseatse-' lin Moen ortirsodyinis. filauatIr batik. on't thow=er tit Mt SOTTLIP.-- irc.Tfc:.%s- Jr* irsThenuf • P•10-31oetroal nerleigEyal yr Sale*: IMINO‘ 7.aySeld emu, shoat anew trate quality, mein in thweit wy, dorm Trovegivest per met per eariene Ow had on MINSTON. iy.ield Head Meek* rut, itar. R SAM IDIC FOR* OPER zy som. 2, Agarkain wed, Mame b. Orrhard-wellwaier. *Mg* Ism Tref MERTCARNAllt .3611. Ott It ROT! ea of /WM/ alt [Alt satt arilkeS4 "MS hawbreet !away We dolma** Sewrity • Wm*.. Yoe wires salbelmemes. UMW lAwnow. EitD-1821. rook 3IGNAL rsr AID witaittr. *saki, **pee saw. war *Let =MUIR: niemew. . ulna - verre. prima -awes seeelleeeneseellt 0.01101P108- wes.eau anosea ewe • Illekt MO 411111111. isin ma busy pretiMegt liasoules emirs • at; vt.r.o.oxlEclitor andiroprietora w*Tertilsr i I 'The Greatest Possible %owl to the Greatest Possible Number.h. ;L. *iti.ISOPIRIZ _realCOP-m JEN .A.TINTAISTOIM SAM 101V.0 3 ) =lam " • Jitusints Divittorn. BATCH, ONTARIO "Orift i F I R "i' ..a_ — The Late 'Willi= Chalk, truth, but 'the life of one good man is *witielishe avoided, and soon his axe was directions 1 lintel with .his ale to level OALT:TEIIRITORY .. sareirES I. STI11,4 , .4 . . * A It I IsT P' ' Whilstthe coranninitylament the loud inore eloquent to enforce it than ten thou- heard, 14in' in the Wood hard by. Then cocoanut -trees ; and Helen toearch for d homili s S ch 't.. -0 4 SALE oft TO LEAS.E. - ' TITTIRSI)AY, ,61 1.868. , IV01,4,-XXL---NO 25 . I BIM DAYS' c norrEL 2°A -ems -kat E.ot- of 5.1itolvs: on both 7.2.1 WILADZETIR. iv" mei; TiOS.WKATT4EltaL,0, Goaerielv I ,na the ,aireet rOld berth Beeforth . to, Roy. 23,. 1867. Walkerton. Avery new:Saar/ accent- •, • - ' 21164121"1"r"ttiVellingtibile• oLDEst EsTABLimmENTL RANet.A.IE DAYS. Wroxeter,. 186f, w42 . TO -sAt - la II OEN QW ROTEL AND STAGE OFFICE., ' L.IIHAIL.PrOprtettirl, 5,,Irtwastt Ott thn. noriteit- on the Ili:inhere ‘•• timed Road, latOrao"; St&gea1eave-evry e ussailig for Galatea and Vitolueram.. boteltigtteslup Teak -were accommodation' kre -LI A.large Han attached. dimwit, *Si CwinenterclallietteunEltebelIC.W 1E111 1 II • • rorni HICKS, Proprietor. This is tit the departed - and t full *eld• tri °Teta nem keep alive that eamelelon erash. Thenanother. Haul fruit intim jungle. 1 $ virtue and vice seem to waive their *14 r9futli, the missathropieal and fatal I a hundred more shout. * Wink' t you cook: nutmegs mat—ie em. *SI% ran to Wewleith. f0 000 000 nsuranQe Campally, but " .., xagra e. Y yi a: . - 90 epFa no= honesty, which is the came running With theribbage, aud cocoa= She came back in about 2in hour, very •, . . ___, Of respeotte. many exeeneuelee_ grand foundation and cement of society, podt "There," said he 44 an& there are i prowl of sowers •h. limited:ma '' h i. , Oci I HEAD '9'..F.i10E-S' ' 410—KVILLE UM- ET; 'D'uDr.a,;' 3 mon aCknowled7 gertheir'appremma.atlYari a7hi6111- -41-4'11:1keatit *se *7.- thlwalit"rrmsh' uulleadbugsmanan'd- 1 net, angdb;oheoniralintineeIcrlactt ritehwrave wipodelhiusi-n ' c°thawbart* h;131W0eZleerIklie°WiaheaTe.:40111111d16:110Wintheligilittrli off. , . . CAPITAL, - / / ' ' . mutual anim sit that they, . ,, opinto#, 'that every man liashia price." that for Welch, I WI, store them." Ac- He was notinthe boa - 5 ,.Toint. . oitims: w,..0Q0DiutzusiE,78 ?Isrriciiiieok, noaci: 7ipoivrt:;.: InIghot.0371:3 not, ., endeavor with ni,:ttrat:::e kh,d1 we tom to thevonoe sterling worth it,-eaches big ars alargti pumpkin. and concluded be was in her bower. But . ch he lied. 00 end na to "the Shadow, of a great rock in a He chucked these one at A tinie =rose ' he was not there, and she called to Mr. .7 .1b_ i„...,,,e,r,r, Voiftonmalt J. -P,J9,F4pounn:a 4-;;,-7 7:: lil - f , -. endeared him- - taga of land." 7ch aT°Ititietinumo commontke "Thin thekri"; and then went for more. It ', Ilare4eoul.h tlif:e cs:mkeniutote-tl:e side of the river "Ube with you 1";ala Heim* ...r."... . ,11.04Delent ;Orman , Parka co. uth trortedown, C ,,,„„., 1,, .0a. ,_,,c): f, iTra tiglik7voirevilkvilegato4i xamof mthaceantaliu:kaitieleretdeaerti-v14;;".7;71strt:8;7. tw.ei•lie;aal:::°40:::_et.otoi"P:::liectli" n:17a:reawtonLessid itY'r,zii.Porhoeoclwaityslirwklurethneoptfrjaisene.d..joationf alla.b....evitlitIter- pagIBuxacrossa suggtheaetiziovnerof Eilleienosit(x)._ n set' um, .vireil, then be hel. no; ii,ere. 0 4 g silo_comrtpalarveritT,Volinudr,rmui_ ' - ' 1 Y „ ria_miirma . . mean -ComiwalY -t to -a titleat6 pti*e- *Pa:13:01bilmaulsuPericw- Well 114 ill' the ' - aan --eaxa; wiTareg-te#14:1:17 lefiS ,4eeler . deplored.' The old-tiettler or to work again. down =ad 41'renetaitaf‘ re tsg94 all the laa ; , -something is the nutter." 00 s be: early careeer-who in the hew' of store them. so as JO wall out those terrible , ger wauthe itratathis post-4442,am un- _ beasts withthem." enterprirsi 'might be the object of ' ‘‘ What terrible beasts?" - ulation, ' lint never of onvy-r--whese "Thatroar so all night, and donst sat iinsol - ma arillateuce Ware ever at thii us, only because theyhavenot found out posal of the ,needy 'without regard to thaws are hertlyet. But they will." *al.,: canal"' or a0_10r. Those of his . " I deny their extstenee," said Hazel. inore Intimate friends have to lament the "Big I'll wall them out ill the same," less of one upon whose every look, tone said -he. ., 44a. gesture Wait Altattistaheahlyntainped "Pray do," Mid Helen. "Wall gloat Out first, and disprove them aft.erwards f X dial be better able to believe the don't after sawing the rcrots down ititr, Iegs. t9 aware. oyr that sumo has translation. Bathe of death *mat, -when they are welt stall out- - *-BANKERS,---The Coterie Bank. . * little pile of money a ring -with a large P, .. . iv...7.67,: ;Acanniret,3er,- hv,e;nseotatedinet -1-;t:alit ambitionwort:ieadmireix4outi;0. .1:7usfian11;:onrittetir, eiirr "upotiftn.the many scenes much." , ” . ' - - 0 MB '.eXiStellee• ' Hittlnourning porapan- Harelwent to work, and with hers.saist- , Insl in it, and ter.° gold. earrings, Helen . e. silent tear -open -once laid cocerii-pods two wide and three i I often noticed in Weleles ears. ' sot To jspomears OW CUSTOM able tosellfor mak 14 nittegowect tutu; - 016 HINDS' OF FIIRNITIIRE *RI At ft " shop on. Kingston. street,. opposite P the etilioteli Quderich. Give lam carat. Po, deli Qat. 3. 1866. .T.11. for Counties lai471,11Zifert itifehheria4idlif:p08 .aircimory You were' kina enotigir tO say , you Hazel fame across directly, , Ana they • ing Seottiall'AndeibleDife Cifice. • , • . toils would store these for me. Oadd yorenot both be to run anxiously to every part CVART4. 00121G letiLONZI,- lifillibOt StiPiteit the qUa.11103410D. AL or wealth in Oa where t excould command a view to any ' • 14 ''...IZthrirliena seeth $311°%'!'s. fitret;teuVka.•tvarious 41140: ancither eource ranst distance. Conn OlThey could n.ot see him rawly/1m, and Direeter Conarneraial Cas Co ny. be sought whether company. with or met with blank faces at the bower. Jr.terinittonsunson- ectonr-srrn, Esq„,-Merobant,Eden b • • 1:9eVtiatt) COYNE, 7.4# 21 W . 11".1* Dublin; Separate front thei so ealled-advantagea • ias Near: Zerilrcileeters-aq.; Hauffe.Teilee; Is the inherent quell es of the man. But place,. Hazel had torn up from the edge of This very day, while hanging about the "A--.-.... Makes , Ut little diffe nee; and that source I'd - Quay, acriNorehaiapton, Donnybrook, Co. Dublin. _ la Pr.;AIZT -4213:5 VAN- - = * • i" ' — 0 ' feretee of opinion* ' It has been said -that -Idie word gentleman, in the highest and Ci &NADA- BRAN ff. , boenloosened by the water washipg away - the river an old trunk, whose roots had the earth that held them and this stump he had set up 'Aker bjwer Awls table, Z. for untv Kerry. . . , 1 Battanxi-yfitiakwtill ganagBanic6 .4Soltrontitolaftx,_-3144es. srs. litnahatitonnre. the gthisualivottels. heldingeneral nehzelbeetsditti-: -,--e,,,. r/i. i . - -, - , mig . - 4%J -tor -County Mayo. „ Then Helen inadel, discovery. amok attach114 an y Hotel its Wester 1 lergeeland Res CO tr tuStarT411.. StaargePro" maderate" *Tor Ka" ge rotor. Goody: mgfor litorsesent Germinator Line, on °dolt Name, • isisz coLoYin Rom., III swUw6-' • ].111 1ST W. noiter WancoleXatier and St. Seerantent Streets; the n'Orld -worship MB; Alla Mt not par: testae/10On which 4Initterm is capable of y Plowman Sta. Inv ..•••■••• - Well,''on. the smooth, art of this tabfe lay • .CQMs LE AND ESTMT, - G rented and fitted. up the store- . Atir, a cm, ants lloderiet. &WY occupied by A. P. Bush, for the W11(31-PE8L -wit: 'and regardless of the rae,ans. empleye bie hallowed grave.-- Praline mayoften- deep, outside the northern and western She pointed at these and turneatrale. ahoy business, I am newprepared to furnish, ser. coal oil Lamps, &c. ROM Subserilier alsmys keeps, the largest Jamil?ils with ' aper Brans, Wool Flaking's, alt Shvop Skins" variety awl bait Stock of HOLSEIrr & GLOVES! whie IN MR COUNT/ES. ettitS. R. ARCHIBALD. 16oderith. Anna 22411,1866. m.103 SOP FLOTORYI 0 - 0 „ r Ver-ets :an& Previsions: ,-akeitule4e1114173* J.& Mitt , ECONOMY FO'A' 110IJSPEEPEILS COOD HARD SOAP,. • a (tents per bar or bars for 25 cants. ilk CO MI qe Co 41. etoe statue or laemsnergallowto *abaci at the SOAP and POT A8F1 PAO. Tony, at dui Dock. JOHN BARNES. March WON& " Orn. ItEnicoIen Nicholsion. SURGICAL OPERATIVE ANDMECRANIG. Alt =PION. X Ea IL? EILEGTOOPATHISTOec. -TESTI/ inserted in either Phi link Gold, Sliver, or Wean feed Bobber otilisoonsble terms Main over the root 0096. West etteet -Coeensh, W. MILSAVACIC, • glint mid selliNe*York Drafts -Green* " backs-Nationaleurreney-Stitenotei, aaJuncurrent m)tter at cermet rate Of exchusge. 13th thic.,18654, w474yrfit Joluisto UONTMENTS, E(BABSTONES, Table Mk tow, Poste, Am 'Tomb', of livery &scrip - lion and style of workmanship, famished on• short notice and at the lowest rhea. Lib.. ral redaction. made for °ash. All ordere punctually etteeded to. Designs of *oint- ments, ko., nisy be safest the shop. 0 nch,Des. 19, 0166, - wd'fity • - ;14,1 JOHNSTON'S - "-tsitalIiiellat the Lcitrest Oastisprices, *sr sins of th Large . Coal. Oil Harrah Gadertot; Mernit lst, 1867 . 6-tf Flour and reed kepttifinatantly on, hand: IlEAR YE 1 14-P1 fully frcineed and aithfulIyattended to. ADD PERSONS RA4INGANT:itTST:oLADEkok A A. *hire of youripatrousie Wilt be 4thault - iyotes mut 'Arms, crockery manwire - 0 it:iple-api-ungri 1.4.chitnu • 1, •, • GOOD • 1 ' a*dGlasswaresFaley Good*. . eatiteali. -CoraMaiis un?trfai :CALL AT wv 01,....susk,ousfroN: - -.Z.Lintaw6s. . ilitekviheat Flour, SEARLE & DAVIS Q ° IL LAMPS SELP=RARING. REAPERS, D. FERGUSON. ASP ROTS COMBINED IN ONE. P. f!..7-Goods..will be delivered in any part.t the town. wyc/10,090 t3fadexhreacsrsh.ave en mold ea.r.les 00derich.lfeb.2nda856. aW45 mowing & seitDrapp ag Hand Rakthelliadin 0 Mot Marble Works zranir wont= . , Agricultatal MUTUAL ASSUIIANCE ASSOCRTION OF CANADA. VOTIOB is hereby given that ISSUE A3- JOHNSTON is no Imprint Agent for the above Company, his, gervieeeluiving been dispensedwith. Hems no authority totker1iT ortrensact snyother . whatever for the -Company. D. XeDONALD, pee. London, Ont., fay28,l86& w2u-tf _ I I Sir ILLL. N ce E • firel Marine ant Life Inanranees metier, on 11111SOXAIL,FTWIllk • Offee -Mies/flock. corner Court Ecinie fkinartana West Si. Goderich, W. J`01114` 11 ALDAN; JR., _ Agent. Godeich, 210. Sept.,1866. w35tr • , • OF.AatiMtit ARCHITECT" Orduis MW S.C1F1CAT/ONE- or Budd ises,&04, got Opt* a neat and corrector)* zriar 011ieratthe Maori Auction Mart, Mokr aesosersaoclenek. - • tairvialluly & 1110i. raw maw, 1V00).j,TURNERS Junyognagazzts, KaTh1tO* .St, Goderioli, trio •osstan't.iitsio aus is their hut suet Ag BedsteadstOltairs, Tablet, gifts, &co, . khids or *Warning don*, seek u otd levt* eteh issuister4 aukyokee, At Alm" mita, a complete ASSOILinari Or Willia- m& a MASI to kle. on ressesable term Gaol& Mal Malt 15~ YALUIBUE KIIIRTY. FOR ahis 511* lot es eon. tweak -8S serse, 55 , geed sub The pro MU"' *Olt salt .wells, 7 mg k it, better sot be f WILLI LIOT, - Goderich. s.vr tr ninsiusdnid eleseat row lofty is ode $ ead as the **territory New* 24, FAN IDS fet SALE errinills of 0 .1 wait Colbot afee. Stinky larya. 1 B. PA loroombot 116 BW: holograph1.-allaryl 4{wAirsorps BLOCK, Iverilthe Ghtegme House, where he hai rooms. in the most appropriate 030o rf to execute picture* in every style heel,* to the art4 N41. -Old piefores, such se Dsguerro. typeuend Ambrotypes,c6tied u rdtotograplut. Mr. nhuston cordially invites the ladies and Raman of Gaul* and surrounding assortment et Furniture, rah Warerooms, "uu • • WEST STREET, GODBRI011y -CIVe HIM a Trial - Ar doll • Sofas, Hareems, Tables, .Us testis, Hair, u tenhether worthy orpetronage. Caneand Virookested Ohaire;Gilt Moulding ;. W. JOHNSTON. and Looking Glasses, in veriety,ot rid% Dec. 10. w46•3nt Keine Manufacture and Iniported corii*INro 0140, The adVitilogo in baying from us is Oita caemp broken, calt.be hattfunn us L, Tell rate nituthbourt that sill for Ort Dollars less alsour .hop lis alum% than wo kW to send spoil* to caII en lath her mien elether-i to start their hircluesswiareeetes our siontimee, . hos unbend 10 hInis.ef • . STEEL PLOUGHS Compirslea Thuile Clutter& said Medan -Clee*Plielibs snare ointment ot CULTIVATORS: sTOVati of '40 diiforent ,pitterast Sterinipe at laic. neriount TINWARE ov Arai X1Nte. 5 MIME PANS for ONE DOLEAlt I' FIELD AND GAuDENISERD.$ baud, all .or web etiheeght-end 033' EVERT DEFOE imported direct front the .13est European . Vutteethit American Stanuracturers, - antligtalleineserrinenenessees ht wetketeeliks 1111114.. Everyt. hin Steak will be sold at a very At SEARLE DAVIS!. • . small *dunce OA cost. kr Bares of slipartleorurininstlortousXichines: . . CIALL AND EMdAy li"?R 70T111" Allitt3P91311.. Pa4q.fls • Bs" attle' 81P141(iceOliiird:aceln- PatillistdigierneitaiL° 3.1itnadale.' SEARLE &DAVIS. -., atruggles through adverse -cireumstances ;iiinerChe reeited- =avid hie final resting aide ,f- her leafy bower, and he promised ; then suddenly waving her hand tO aSel. 1 g- into plate paid, ir9miiieti,eL-0r one who by facef--.-+ta BIM it is indifferent witetherit to f omtate the walls by the same means i tosnafo,llinew,a her. setet.,Azheartesduotiatithofotboahehotswer, • ., , -- ful chicanery, by greedy clutching,* all . a -Tsnilecklres' ensio9411,f,r1:1t, in TIlY4 artrzet.nama together, and, ta 1 There she found beside I& wrdsteriqf 1,0. years-. of despicable, though, perhate, law-. Zatagrer..°..,wrreTre-lailln,! A within his his recil,. iglu) ,rini.the riou of his :too, . ub ' andthe vrearyareatrest."--Ooni. oblige hire, she ate a little of the terrapin, Milo -fife, and a little pile of Mune, it.?au..4 fellow men, and trampling upon1I the ,:, and •when they parted for the night, she carefully int the thwart ; and, underneath •- 'finer f ' lin of •ournaturaatlastatiain to ' thanked bite, and. said with &deep blush, it, his jacket rolled tip and hie shoee and -- Ota ionerylToi4842' ney of . alt . , . kinds,q. t: quality i .!:, a. stayide.a...r'satn.oda.ii,sisi, Oraeut:11..-1,11,1:celle..,.ui 4iptlizstss..4vtteivauveaoer.,_:30ay'setue7ositnediscielaiinhis:tatinseininxide.tityThataxub,toletivp/idi::li:".beifiLibsn . :j. ! saidls. , .. .,net,hrie.e*ohuwg001:14 3.344. v.: . :40. .!....0L--,.., 7- .. _ : 'Fen: bytinkvicteue ee Well as by the good ,, - • Hase . _ ,. ......1 . . opinion be correct is: it not strazigethit : cd -but commanding influence. But if Ada- : 4. BT OHJLItLES er,e, take,, Cdonefitstredtpasti.noo-ik *gam, . , and her little it of a Walls she Ws.s soxne- i poor *Ingham dividedlgslittle all. 0. in READz juri, mon touorolui.a.' . - with delight ; and she noticed, and almost _: does this mean 1' he said faintly. . . , selt. That , - - t, what with her bell -rope agony.. "Don't you see 1 A Vevey.: line _ . . . . &flint ihai:Ths,,.. “sfropt; early. - with one ofthose inspirations hermit have -' - - wiehedshehad kept her gratitude to her- , "What does it inettn;" cried Helen in -. -.. - • o what less timoroue, and went to sleep i heartI Vi nat hau.buco. me of him. Their, late." . "Yon have been egood friend to me -of sailor's cap, all put neatly and in order. .. • He colored high, and his eyes spszkled ' began to have vague mirogivings. "What Ilasel found her lookingat them. He GoOdt'Store - ' ee g8 . ' ' ' - I that degree of wealth 'that gives' tindeserf,, 1. 11.14: The °minion flotheitAfringer I' - , , ..: . . .: : -, , . tion la a recognised 'crime -giatthe tyrant io„„ But even in sleep WM watchful, andshe. she cried, "Alt I Cooper's gawp 1" * ear4uaet 1.heden:Ithbflen-lorein Lhe , was awakened by n slight sound in the Hazel, though not so quick as die was, •• - - theislandererreceivestm . ' ledeenterept. ;:fir ---Inde to 'atr'64ealarnike;tr She lay watching lint (band stir. down thealope to the sea, idiom. The tide (.-) The beat in nee; ',wholesale atia titull. ' is held in abhorrence, 'and -that the tale of 1,„±"„•-'-* +I,. neighborhood of the hoist.. caught her meaning at a word, and flew 50. ams af -Blue Ike .0team-iaiti letter" I But 'On the -other hand,'*barevol; Oa' $6. ; :IgItil . 1 0 tho- Aillf and vegetables; were Presently she' heard a feilteteP' was out ; ^tong irregulertrack of footsteps Paper.1 .150 -Ream Cream laid, Ifine laid, - reringe of huinanity meet with a truely - . With n s -tilled ery she ' bounded up, and indented the sand, He stopped a moment_ - " and , ' r heartfelt sympatly, 'and where °Very of- Pc4ung? Ilitwent'ana CO (alone of silo 1- - . , : , VaricirolyTintedNotePapers. tit tbo . . . . , . . _ a nvolent disposition, testi)? "overt: - oil is leafy, lpumated hranclies of thepalm tree, her first 1112 luso was to rush out of the and looked at them. They Pointed:tem ' a and ft:0,0ml theni horizontally above the tent. But a e conquered es, end glichng words thet cleft where the grave was. He - - ' , fort is made to re hive %stress, b . . .. .159 Beams Blue:and cream ini...,_'d , .,.., - totoAndrocioifialltrinno, wbbleoaisend,weoxrdaltfieatruis t-tewekaoste: • ;viim,iltririte*PiTra, lyor` sP,414: f P401. tnpobranat Trii. --- thing she saw was the finute of * man of heavy forebodings he robed Wu V* itobrothaeghsoutthl:sidpidemofieilbox,vtr,dAtetpees ill ofonitelorearedulteheeret.atilnacrosd All ressantdirn. . TAT ? ene., ,...e..ot be iefluono_i .,,_ .,(Ivillte ,..._ , reel op etri lig t °ground, bed eoeruetted ,' She drew her breath hard. The aniline Yes ; his arms hanging eri wit side or ft sonirtheUernmIllaniedeiresenter-eirlitliagte**nor-m--- otandingbetween her apd the boat. _ deft. a7.1 9 . 0 X!I 15 0 .64. X'' I , , ever, action, le reguletlxi and 'guided by rule: .. or atii WEIGHTS. - AND' vaxas . I met ves of uonglitneas and honor whose, .1b VI Iti h ,•• i,e_ , , ._,rk 1_054 maul,. ids km& end Teem together, as to mike of the man Was somewhst indistinct. But *be grave, slid his cheek laid gently °nit, 7.5' boo ENVELOPES I 'i- 9 - , - side by temptation. .- To .the universal 1 it a. not asavsge; the man was elothed ; there lay Tont Web, with * itifing intik - ao pith or utterly !mud moot on. ovary itthioli wall of !olive.' • - .•, . ......... • • . • • tribute that sympathy, tim sincere grief mow of opinion in this ro do wo ale,. Then he look •to .'sna- king forks ; _and solid shisstoodatatilitirertforer ysoethisi Tins, ago is monstleaddog flu*, Only sine* ; yet faithful to herself, . , All Colors fhtslity, Sleet midlands.. (6.:All the Popular klagasinos -received whi* 141 1,064. -"tende4 °wards bin% listening_totoeRI art awake," said Helen, Haul wont baels slowly, and trying. Of as laws. pubushil ,. , - Whole honored remain wo_so lately ltriver. all -men living lie Could best sprats,* lii. The !Inure moved tewerds her bower, deltitertlehel"Leinilw isourtil fill:1414 be mod Then aBin sinoment she became another his eyes ; for it was his iltity to 4tanfort Woman. She did not rely upon her boil- 47,iliorthigsb;p:ihkisittlistodit l'iiwkvsloofhltersVirlisswat sbiaing"rdtbrewnil' 31111m37:Libutsfter a few iite her knees smote ono had at first endeavored to follow herself hotly up, end folded her Irian f, tagdisr, 4". wall °•• t° sit d°1"1 44 Ito bosom panted, but her cheek never il. Slug 11{43. t'lla "avitiekla 14111 tsai.d Her Measly WAS alarmed ; her • "IA, ....7 — lood wail up,,and lite or death. were noth- turvittilintadWpimiodual set4ingiserg° 1`1141 "a °Y4W i tO her. ' • t `her hands to her bud, snd, ether df oor ' er wment litistiruorthl flirt the:, 44"caul Ea. 84-.14P1114art 1"k" 34411Y 4 ilist lila* holt south: They kept her in this Iliffi- herptis.stirifkiekosidiagbae 1 fir:ail 11).2141thatu le wrought attitude forhalf 'Labour. Then they retired softly ; and when they were seviltenlyttndforirob.w. ilha rocked Una( ° , end to orthystoriotsy. Thou the , will'asitiro_cmildnittiliedinoods "Token oohs goneahlialingave way, anti fell *niter knees', got ca or, and then size wondered end Heed gently down byherside andlook- puzzled herself ; but she, slept no more , ad at thet setting sun and illimitable ocean, and liis heart felt, deadly sad. "He Prhnitive ones they were. He selected a thou L the size Of a, thick walking stick; uggt4 salvo ' it off the tree ;Jawed a pies* slz h long eft' it, peeled that, split it in flour, mid, with his knife, gava ciebe pins 'gm' peinte, by merely **poring. off and Isimareting one end ; and so he made* fork is minute. Then he brought all the rugs loathing from the boat, and, the ground lbeinv now thoroughly dried, by the /ire, lsood them for seats ; gave ceOlt person a :iarg. 'loaf for & plate, Wide; si sosllop. Oen i and served. out supper, It was -eatenf with rare appetite ; the pint -tret **getable in partleulsr was 40114101311 141 ta biltin411401bbage 4114 A, 0000* -nut, Ns t morning at dayhretk, , Bassi ., MO 024 *rod from ,,dulloalsinibtobl.ertenna,,,e4ot ihchisr nit* ""w from fromr bheerwirstssoinudopeitatageng to ; 110t apasmotio nor abnormal. in itionanifes. land wawa she he 800404 tomb the tittle% neither did it, require extraordi- foe siud buys boiling iota rod. ; be was nary or exciting clieuntste,nees to rouse it ,, to ,r0,,,,,joi,_ ,, but .....„,„ ivoub _ into Action. It was his' .very day habit, ,1::24 4,,,L„,,,f,..,;:r i ml„„70,1.40,,,, ".: not his holiday attire -not a Stiff, starch- I ;Iii;",t7i;;;;;;;;;;s' Si prry 411,A*47 taco 'as ca he,bilitinent that constrained his nature short a cud ; of 4outio 1 will ught the be, but a mottle, which, thouA mote to be 1 w prima man royal ravel allowed au sut. 1....tind,61.boil,tolise water.. ,Onl. y I have nolucifer :iimaceltrarnouralip°ttfhyrt thaiernr7inviittstee;:t1;tfihYinghoeialaileaolinsit C. Ifell tillfg'"Itherg-bohi&repwpane'raiePiirl:1111:3140tilikaaeskrnye.infholerpifuicilan.”177y: .0"iii!ollaolxvilint'eteffo'rtanato'k'spepeardia librtteHer that Malabo° ' dived' incrusdto tete ti,.11004. Pr", traitwta Meth for itt. him, there .was naught of the. tifelweedt =tempt at the wade= eageo, Pharisee. "••• . • , • the trees were all of the pnlinarain6-tizaw7:rfs'e andbei It.thrATAt.wag nniintieit inati-..an lent 4er-endued severelspeciee, incluchntlie eiy3316°MitUot in- zeitli,---tim'o-re-he-noTra-hin- than faie: a -nut tree. The turf ran -tinder these proudest title in -the lists of heraldry -en I t!e_tok___,nfor_s_bou_t LortILTards,„ _ _a_n_dlii,in_i_iaioa_ honest inau.-1; parently *rein. le title, but; SranureiT awsz water oneeeleVTVrie'r B k ea into the *Q100101$ mem- of ,the grave,- Ali00011,94e0120 -00 Roving enjoyed, :the adventege of many on band alicaya, Aloof om axon:ova stook rotas NOW inter0OUrie WM) tu-Doettirs • or. lb. We feel at liberty to souk that whiolt-swe tririous' School B ko .klifffs 41143° 4417 t°111"riii°11 W. haTh """'"'"' ' sume any pompom' badgee of woo for his , 00 seon, end although we do not which to as - 41, %ITT Aid virlia stock OfJilmlielf low, yet we fest that hili gone. But lot and Gentlotolos' ug briefly *aim some of the mote proml- FANCY & SPORTING GOODS nint *44 °ibis clOracter, 141141 mg be aummett-np in the expression;--" A.good rue' His goodness was spontaneous and 'natural, not artificial, but inborn which 11 aftor "litho only OJlntofl spr1130, les& At BDTLEVS. CABINET ItifillIESOUSE Clotletioh. Jima 286. IS61. wiS RTH 13RITIS AND '- iliklICINTILE FIRE API IiIPH Co ‘. (THE 01.008T IN THE COUNTY Ciall'i'LL M,003,000, STERLiNG. : yet .the very' ghest note .praise -a --for w iin thiewood, and nude it so easy to see asid. DGORDON . - leira Deputment. .. . 7: ground of our contemplationoind more Yel; - 4 • - - t rISITRANOg8 effected en ell elasSes of - Wxling and. venial lutilitiea preferred bill Ha gatherea *few eocea..nuts that had I CAJESTNE'N' DS..4.1PrEtt 000 moderate rattily -tomes; proMpt.._ foie it hi in truth t e noblest attribute of b out' of their ripe pods and fallen to AND UNDERTAKER, 17 Pad' 1.0.; ant ' • human nsture. /le Abhorred a lie and thettround ; and ran on, till he reached. a fillanniketures !ma rats BOW oil hand souiphite ' I nothing so deeply reused, Ids indignation i belt:of tree awlehrubs, that bounded the In Virela ,oftheifruarantee efferled by their as the slightest imputation of lultruth.- forest Item - his progrus- vrss no Compel mitt adopt rites lower than ere for hypocrisy was foreign to his nature, with a 'small fruit- resemblhig quince* in INT m Nsr len Factory . TO _ 14.1' ILuEnilior and Gordvrood taken in ex. 4 tion taverna" wishing to insure, MI he actually thought or an Mk. hasnliais on hue coraias r ortmento(001. ,Moof SHS large Capital and accumulated frOfits, tide Be .neither spake nor would -he live a lie, i Tr easy; but he found trees 'covered *stooges. leby many other Ofdeet, ; . and be *As who he appeared ;to be, -11i every,partieulartef look, taste and amell, ' -, To Partner& ' 'Made no profession of tmattaina'lile virtue; an011ab made luni Parsolrere sinosit was Special low rides have been madefor terra i and bailee his conduct' squared with his :31105* importantto learn 411:3 'Ulidtd PrO* uildings and Otlierisolated risks. i - - profession, a desirable but not too Oom- dude of the island. Premently he burst The undsrsigoed having been appointed - mon characteristic, ae doomed the right through some swampy bottom surrounded *gent of tha above CoMPany for Gadetivh to -think for himself and,,to held liis 9iiii by low tree., ana instantly a amen IFge I andOurrounditet notintrY, WM he glad to re. opinions firmly. and oPenly, but qnsietlr bird' Of the Osprey kincirese flapping mto delve. troolweils for insurance in both branch., and unobtrusively. He not only donne& the air like windmills rising. He wasquite ea, and will always- be ready to glee. inform", the right but lie practically a °yea% tyet; startling by the Whirling and flapping and flitiffkboribss in rotanung shako* Ms numuktudi . .--4. -.g. nilsosss. bop se state thot• having perdue& a alow_tots of Xanntaetansi Madinat inabuting one fliW "row owaots Carding Itatishte* hs it rowed so mow all orders la WOLCarding.SpInning, Wear - Ing, Cloth!Dreasing and 44 0 Z.4 11-2. .1* 4:51 by sits "2"stut will be don* pronsity seeenor attic • re eresing owe e flume with wool to to esrnq will wogs• it its unto for Mein tho seise do, Irbil two maims la op•00100 Suva of with ISTC:w. Clair eta kit GO pewee . Tilimiterslued holm spared as ispeeikitt Select:piles* Xiiht be mots that AI who oar re, pa rowaccor fristritay %dawn WI* minim WOOLEN FAOTORY; *OtiL and YASKIIRfr MAWS taints is tortoni OA sessosti st tits bleu* esti pima FISTIBR. • Nemo. mat ism #101111 PLOTIR tAmios. &KW ‘4, 104 10.3 " 100" 27 " wit$I* elsaugeforForniture Goderiek#S7thoot. tee/ • t amazed, at the appearanee offal(' . a d hand f Here was& very charnethouse; so 4 Wm. RIOJIARDSON, Vent, took lus o rent no 3.808.; THE LIVERPOOL &.LONDON AND GLOBE INSURANCE -COMPANY, Ras been is existence Thirty -tole years, sett derieg tau period has..ma *zeta:bag Am and potado sterling, Thodisharsemeat otnus enormous sant Dior witlo arse, hail without doubt contributed to the otabilohnsent of this Lestitation, the eonddanoe et Public COrporationli Merehatsist Hoesehoiders and business mint generally, Bank of licutreal, est - man, and t anviablepoeition his shrewd thick ley the *hells, slosletons end loose Gcwlerich, Mity 1, 1868. • esiin and reflective intellect enabled, him bones of fish. Rare too, he found tluVe hold on all subjects, But while claim terrapinkilled but. not eaten; and also GoDERI011 Pligsairnifek ing the right fpr deniedlt.not :WM0 fish; more or less peeked. • ;Alm D toothere,and if in the "stone of that right my worth)? executioners, much obliged," "3E/11111all Factory -• -• they arrived at conclusions Whom -his maize,. "you hate Wed methat job ;" , - own at the Poles asunder, he appeared and into the bag wont the -terrapin, said friERSUBSORIDERBEGS TO INFORM - neither surprised nor shocked. _ _Ms mind', two !pliimp fah, but slightly' mutilated. theinitsbitants oft be °outlet ottlurot was mir fluted by that essentially barber. 'Before he had one manytiords, backesme cbn hand a Itumb."thill • all truths good were. confined with- *gain heforehin Om Tits rest Of the low and BrueetiathetsstillMantitieturings*Ufl oti,c Annecyr, absurd ides, that *the sailing wings; and • birds settled SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS. PUMPS. In the 11410 of 'his own pecuh'ar views, or Wood was but -thin, end lie soon emerged fidis.eshe warrasiihemto free Wrivietoom errolleout was nee,emszily a bad, charaeter, unpremising ; and fitter for guse than wherever it ls rsposofettott ; asts. 0000. chess, &o. Pumpemsdeto cord's and his heart was free from that unreason. Men ; avast sedgy swamp *ith water in stud warranted. able scorn and bitterness which ferment ht tot.** initials, thin fringes of greatferwtroest lit its 1st year 1886 thiFire Peelle nut fe 20tIett Yesermir:4643846; 4%79 gild 00,1,64,1 -Road of o?posate belief. He wag kirgi eePleg w ben- a w 0 /Alt 4 00 IlewouldparlicularlY drew Intent= 4o . that -the person who thought these views tupon the opencountr ; but -it wait most 100044"#Ingel tU • •t• • • * • • • : Amitoryon Plittostott..joetiesiti Triciortei.tres thilitilvtouls,pf WI, '12!en "fardli th°"1 14:11eTe 111,1111143 litrattendV ts) 1866, t• igair ' evo entand possettedthst reshcideyar thy lakaandiwantp, 4hich alto formed a trti. Ose year rer:1867, ti .4 ' iw ' £8180515. tun pateAls"ng.taltTritVerTiOelewhalblisal,uPelamrlyult -suffelint end tender r for the i gle, was t barren bin without .s bin& • of • ---"` - stied to/wagoners isansiseuento i a mere who feelings of ot ere so highly valued in one i vegetetion on it, and a sort of jaggedqium- ' ' all lilt The Life fieterve Yield is now 40,182,448 - . ItnrEY DODD the friend id will as the physician:1-i the look of it. lark. slid no istinentun Agenz. to . ""' Ito themselves for he was atm of thou whol a slice of the island worthless, he retained what Ins right hand executed,but the rade west by ids pocket compose, and so got . A. M. ROSS, Aiwa for OodanolthinTaBlAtify homes of many of the early settlers of do to the -short, Where be fund sealops •Nihon, for Exeter r • N .1trateou, toeSentortb FillicToity miron, onia relate many a movies tau of, any say in incomings abundance. Irli• Relerv4' Fund it "VC 14'72;4" tire used Merin - of his profesSion end in him. was recogniz.rmit, relegate I Hanel &dna at • T. coat en Ls re med throushest Gliderich, AorMed, 1864 , * ,Hie benevolence to the poor is best 'mein Somewhat dismayed at finding so large scarcely allowed Isis- left-hand, to _know threugh' the wood, guiding himself clue Ow. application kor usuradee okay be et e. AND O. .c. sstria, soiaoit SooretatTs S gil AND .DooR • ()VISION STORE , ".6441"."1166t w41 - 1 his eharity-bia tenderness and untie- .1i rallz; ;A11.11 only toso into -.the water eliPtitsid °me miegl ere "W lwePered bate•td4d. °to • 3 tfliv:itidow cl thee fat 4% *$n "ViiiesreVall°- IteMEBALD reenttos KlUtC0ILIST, IBlooki raingiaCia fteletf , . ' GODERION. ' tIf. nous, oxrigaLL oolsousAz. , 1 sttret Puti".640.,...4 Zled Ain.. prior, mos , COLONIAL HOUSE! pirit of self nialt for ge r them But onougli m as good I TtssustindersIgnii sedegashha"FacterrIPtwalr'weee,ele.dhsee-ht. t'I21 2-$6°a filelhershof andoode "tre the Is ther°11 linta*.544 leak" Hloserte 11131 tc)the Pgilot With in the morning she found that the fire ,,. lrbomatiligialta 11°11":11°Ithad'ett2thtsacsihmeelf 14itnid ratalrie-"41111 a " a're 4ine-un 'iliss The man said this in ona MOO only; --. lighted the lire time for Welch's sake, who had 43ompiainea of aaki in the nielt. but the Wen= heard it in inore than thWhilite lake °into thilw:thgei'pnrae fy:rtilYitem7.71....fulitt :bun1143:,:s' pt in tuenec Welch ed Helen to go for help7.;.urnyer- I took. S &brought it directl andln A wifithhouegt10100d,risingtimeditledy aranaintintatawkiz, from ,e But she was soon unbowed as to his intention. - ' "Sera had it wrote aownhow theProser- -011A.PrEll XXVI, pine was foundered, and I should like to lie alongside my unseat* onthat -their Anglia. long silent*, Ifasel aiked het larvae Well as in t? otherplace" (meaning in a low voles if aka amid be there in , had an hour. She said yes_ , in the same the grave) 'Begin as Sam did, that thie is my last tone, .but without turning her had. On reischmg the gram shefottnd that Haul word." • "01.1 hoped not. 0; Xi. Welch, pray- had spared her a 44 sight; nothing re., do not leave me I" =shied buleto perform the ilervieeo When "Went well then, never mind thet ; but it -WU over she went slowly away in deep just put down es I heard Sam ; and his distrees on more *wont; thiut one. In dying words, that the,parson took down, dill. oowigurseuotHtrelarcelimmane te her usubotetle birtio where the truth. "I have written That, fire, and prepared every thing for supper; "And that thetwoltolesws.s on harped. and he WU 10 Way. - and her foot so light, side, and seven foot from her stern -post; he did not hear hu COMO. But, by, and and I say them very sugars that is in our by, lifting his heed, he sow her looking cutter made them holes. Set down that." wistfully at him, asif she would read kis 4% is down." 'caul in his 'minutest actions. lie started "Then PlIput my mak under it; and and brightened all over with Thwart at you are my witness," . the sudden eight of lisr, and said eagerly, Helen, anxicoui to pious him in every. "Tour *upper is.quate ready." thing, 'hotrod him. tellere to put his mark. "Thank you, sir," said she, sadly awl He did so ;end she signed her 2101110 la his coldly (she had noted that expresston, of joy), "1 hese no appetite ;do not wait for wilriAtilti now, Mr. Welch/UM she, "do me." And soon after strolled away not you fret shout the loss of the ship.; again. you should rather think, how .good Prow Hazel was dumfounded. There was no denee has been to 'us in saving us three mistaking her manner ; it WAS chilly Mid out oho ninny *stained ill thitpoor ship. reeerved all of a sudden. It wounded The.t Wylie was & wicked num . but Ise is bit; but he behaved like a Mill i what I drowned, or starred, no doubt, slid there 1 kept her out of her own house, do 11 hi an end of him. You are idive, and we sahibs to himself. Ile iterterd up took ti we all three to NO Old England spin. fish out of the pot, wrapped it in a leaf, But to live, you must est ; ssid to now de And stalked of to kis boat. Then heats, pray make a good breakfast to day. Tell a little of the fish, tlunw the restawav, and me what you cot fancy. A oases r -went down upon thesends, andpseed them "What, you own it is a Whey 1 in a sed and bitter mood. "Of course I do," said Hihm, coaxing, Batithe night calmed him, and. emu "Yon must excuse :Kr. Hazel; these hours of tranquil thought brought him for. I learned men are so crotchety in some titude, isitienee, 011d 4 closrerutulexstand- tbinp, amigo by looks ; but you and 4 go ing He went to his best, elevated by by ourseuses and to us ',cabbage, grow, germane and delieste resolutions. New where it will. Will you have 4010r "No, worthy twine are truquilising, and ise miss, not this morning. What I want.; sleptprofoundly. this -morning very bad, indeed, it is,7-I -Not Noah „Et whosestiddeibut very natural wants a drink Made of the sweet-smelling cluingc of demeanor had hurt hint. When leaves, Mat as you strewed over ley mem she returned and found he_ wee gone for =WI -the Lord in heaven bless you for thenightehe began to he slaemed at 1 bar- ingollended hilii. "at Mr. Well, that ism. curious hum ;1 For this and__ ether reasons she weed but youshillnotaskmetwiee for anything; the night in sore perplexity, and aid not the jungle is full. of them, and I'll fetch sleep tall morning i awl so *lie etc pi you some in live minutes. So you must her useal time However, when boil the water." up, she determined to thief her own b She seee. .4ded „,..awuT 'to flu) knee., elti -fast ; she felt it would not do to be d 000n returned =aeon= aromatic issue. lot. =dot s person of uneertain humor 7; Whilst *V Were 'Owing. Haaelowne ',Ps SU& for gi0 Momeatt se aioime to proteaa 'and beb2R inf,Ormad- of WILleles fancy, to herself was Haul. Accordingly eh* mar guano sPiallauch tioamon; ,bnc.............ryni.; .....tfoundo.,..,... thdeixoesas to Thhmekreforthecrayyla-thxbizi. happy inspirations. Be talbea i kow- the water ; you had but to stoop to peek KID Mg 1111 GLOVES dar:Y" the" less in .their afgerition, anadato kee lum, Ifttle veret:elY Surweter had vamoovii* Loselphines, "lust:devil Jowls's, Decamp Sash4 Dosmov.BIbids,.. waif unspotted front the world," den he been boil*: lonttime. ihen he prods*- " • bi sure of its reward in. the respect smalovei doted visibly. freer, mid said the emelt was the part them up, Ooderieb. Aeon 22nd, 18111 awn. sea all kinds of which it inspires in .the majority of men Bob the onittoos ana 00e0S-nuta vire of it inhisliinicin. 3Ile then put it Sat Bat silas th-y were black, viper- ,. backs --.1dersodrua hi white, Meek and lifouldinget Plooriturs woo; truly religious man. The leison of ed *it proyenden. y way. of excites. solors,„ The tweet Stook ;tbe Opuntia. his fife is *de : that unansuminggoodneas • Tortoises sgam r, ealathe,ana the& CHAO. 14. ArillBALD. •"' ; ' C 3R, C E -CV anti in that ake and oontentment 'ously melted; Weigh, however, to 0001 for e sick Imes um ish ; she went with no great re for the Plaster,, P . WS life has out for capliage. TheY ata *Arnold broadest, and' awn task to take one up ; it wriggled undicieus. r - Thor, *hilt Nan their axparlonce hi Putery roved --------- Abe lives of rod ullult ve "ibg ssi I tts) 4° r,„*" Rant "P*r Welch aPPed Ills 11310) tee. " he 041,4 ite ly ; she dropped.* and at, that very ato. IWssica (blather 0s0 etre seustectioa to alt who peeved baferet but what, neve Is .142711141°11'bar ?ilk!'" Illull"il4" Morning and aftirnoon be anak inent, by a curious o0ineidellost, MVOs., ratir tavor whit a eall. sloth a% eh* itaii OU41610 SILO and Prunes y 'ts foo Vredirgrennd 1**i4 Tholtist: fig •14.-ts. demount to tits trede. - there is e but goodness': Thal 44 A. monarch of thareve." denied, viz that Goodness me dxantOlte ef it. =dimmed tort elY bend that she was, sick and tired of cray. better, and told them not to mug shout gek ; she would on she *ABU 55 'molar 1.00 at - 4...464.•=1.11 BUCtleAbr, • sentiment hail spoken. and written & 14 0, King Log. y, then down with mt., *nyjonger ; bet go to their work : he croesed the sand, took elf her shoes. and To At '. MfICY Oedema. rctrh Wh15384: .i.latuiesitiereu ;17,4 and %-pnandlitaiditizd lull, as manic, ttr aim nig friwisth;otte?rister Air. was an right now, humorldin, they went_ eif in_ different a Pidal6ciput ettheihrsroeamghalainth; riwvassraliotHand'4 4411voinl H. 0 Goesitili., April 9, neso khan Vague and senerololits lb east A ,zTook of lam=eo .• - - 4