Huron Signal, 1868-06-11, Page 10
Sly -Lig",
New &-,Vk
=�imzvpxm and ff�k -
Lq ra:f CL—_
E,3 zz_--.Z8 ==Tal
S ch=2r
sz�a ag-11CA at,
0§ es e-05=tQ4
01 af. na Fheory
far E3�t %16, OZO,
h, Leuer
.uaz a Imm,
CIT -gel 2T.,
sm 601
Fa 94
Ica -
ho-rik cf "r -a
�xes rZAP'nAv.
r T
Ell cm apg'�
x. h.',ALLE,
1� E-030
:1 df 05 the
Waitgo, Poet
ina, wit
4tu. per;jw.
3ft " i;
NSA* X, -t&
so I L
Won, bmd P-016, Sol
MSW sess soft.
and bary pgwif4
ASSN vomay
I I, -
I:A" , k A= * Nihkf
:5 =-i.
W9T& COX, Editor andpi, P etord. -0tatbit-11 ssib 4doWtolth (;��itast .........
—&0 20
. ...........
J3u!9ina#_ 19irecto
rt rp. MqUAlftStion COMMIttpe 'Ev" that ROPOrt ou Sh
afa e
I-. A, Bralitiolm L L, ,. la inzecoraazicoith ?sr. 114ford's Ino.
tAX 8101 Some folk 'pro's
IWII� InglAT gont Vok Co ATI N SURGICALOPE44TIVfK GRXN� ]FLOURe, j?] MD, fA 5 ppears trow:t Land lecide, ti(mAt J=t.T=VW7 itneeting to Qouxlder
toll o,crcck, a. m. day ill it to think that&d know. everything,-;
every day,.
ee*%vardit, aigt dr d AL our v;ng examined
tCommitte.e U -the,vwioux rolls of ille r tiremti*y4litles in the proprietyof aboliallingthe tQ11 vtes
very boc is doingi and _esped 3y . 'the C0uAtY
oval and Aftarcareful, Aeliberstion and likewise hearing the e4 in icouuty and
!dUld -te -by thd diff membersof the C goe's xrl��n report un Thursa4y
MW 323 1* T;DdyiV�S Irezit
X3 louiQ i6dis, -given such explainidion:Jid-mnsid-
me ruhereto annexed, 2here. is
6�.C. Sh%nn0u,M.3> TEMA vmg morning. ADAVAed.
YSICIANISURGEOV�,&C.;&C., GOMMI it, we the. in tile schedule f0i h -younj F TPATITInjerted jil either; PlZr j?3jO. till gr"t "paxities -in the assessment f personal
elf Haley Mid;. rolls, vaix joWjljhiyffc�i1Vguoiis -.W aa& olhei. the townihipsl
LICA It T I N A X A.f N 411ing him tr, as ihown on ihe several
"Di- -of Wow less way,it would f Zeroitnmy'rAsin wt)jil4ito consist of Xpam. Bisho
it*0' -Valeall VISION STOAE' froin- XcGillivr4� he Wred-- - - -
SURGEON. CORONEP. O&"7o bl t$ diet Wi-to twooRM Fll� DILD - CUSTOM, tsave your coramittoo & Vast -of 11;or-,� TweUia, Xmv,,, and Eys p., Momw,,
oorComolit-teo'haVe lik@W-
to' no on W f
00 estqtL t fihm L '
sJ"t* a equ on etfar th'
_On tli Me
at the 1� trates of tthc Ile is Poncorned making & oonsp
P'gd Re&,e �a %W 'the ration for 'he Council 'hen lclj'u"&
,ace third emreast dfCentmM out 0 ao sy with 6 aligAtj o
i. i� viiiagllem= rty# at.,
mcmr6wTm(;�, r4. P o;Ze in personalfroprby he" t&t ill. WXDN.ZRDJL*k, Jltme '34 IM.
-.AINDS OF MINITURE 1,121ily Ile w6rkeduP of Anit. usually charged to tercrall Th.
ALL 'Ofthemuniepauties ot. Tilingeprpperty we for villages that arenitobe foun Counti, vaet Pursuant, to adjolu-nj
%18,r'Shop 0� X a_0n
At n itigston' street, Ma 0XV811114:14y rnit 4W break-:rpa
mftisl" ; Y -and 'Mr. 40pooingto Jjje..dnt& as ty
ARCHIBAI�P HODGE, the I bdormationwahaveendeavourtdtodkchm7eourdu �=ent.
Eluron Hotd4 Gederich. -Glie In. a "fast he asked leave to -g6�to--j cQ040101tio!Wly and bore ge#orsj satilifactionlazy be the result.
I th
JOHN Th% is th The t tEll as Petitionk of Neil Montgomery =dJw
eeA a Birthday, his masto 0 a te h lastyearwhi6his "used
spe., - _g
o ril ch'. W W f 12 by the
tmGr#x targestand beit.Cdontry illotel, It Waster &a 91#11 a 'Ljo&V�� to diffetant 11 Miller were referred to rommitt�e.
rRODUCE MERCHAXT, gave him pr;e#y.
CHARD 310010� PRUbICUN, 8 P
anahemer41 W. -a da and charges 4% jnw,�r zome money �md
at* a one Trp N
Yebruilry 71h. IW- 43yr rattolivell. stigapropridt6r
-,but just 1— ss onMonda3norn....
4 100 Horses. 11ofs magine the fu _QRROW, qhg&m�.
Itedul" of amomt toUeeted -on
Shortext Rotine. 'lit of theyou ed wiffisc
ow: hirwhen six
40coulatof non-lesidelatnds and finmeW
,n- RADUATS aftht Xed!md thoQuee a
.IOY4�subje�w. 44�ulc i - "L -. kl: 04tement of th aricius
b- lebraU T
jDr. Staub Oameron's Blooki. K�Oston fteet'ir
W I ink .%�:!to, and Afte orthot Irp, D4
R..d... D. X.Dtigal HOTEL' 1! VM the Con
MRS.' D -ODERrCH. nty was ivad4md 2efmwl to
ves VI&A. w1kere T�b 02025 SWV JM22 17
W R is my hiy mecWia V= ODI
lera nex"S. oh xny�Wks pocket - lialikerchipf &o S-impsoni sec. By W.
On. L Bat tL M 7ftigo
. r" _
IT -W road- from
ALND AM=Ey- T VKV IN the dire6 'LX Bran, Shorm, Potatoes, j3ac .4M AS W50 OM -a
621111 0 then X. li�ard: o W250 22 24SON
aUthorise the
to&a.Righsst market price aid for gram and it 11 my
&Mrr. 00111tv nrn�' A iorn -0 Walkertoll.t� Every, nq- s3ar7` ACC0111- kinds of produces one, Allother ni 293: So �WSR 'OOM 20 5221780 Vn42 Won
Godeffoli. Cwnada West- Oflice C_ tie &a -hei. is God rP' am
in Co., y c 42 Wwdeu =4 Clerk to Peff 0
-2"89 12k =W2
mocution tot the travelling pdblte. go;tp, another, why mat I declave I aii :.lVgi1)9rna.
T � not so. �.Sm 0m, 21 "W 74 am auto 147061 161, Government to ex�end
LARGE left trinket
154. C4 fiftmOrOn- a .61ean swoppj''well, Doaf� 101S 22 2MIO
OTHS, $ NEY, Wrof'ster". Now. 5, 1867. ;42'. �Yntiz I aCC* 2201 to improve, tile "rx
BAr,r.IMp, AnM N ASS rNT 0 0 the EllSt Coast of Ly&e
Kingman street, Goderfah. U. isring in part o es0fEng1aud
f W, L -B ' Sm4kinkmy,pipoith a half serious hW'- Coiborue. .33740 418' IBM - 00000 20 3239M 5.34"s 36104 0=9 Milo Hnron, upon
_ road Ism
arskms$ Facey comic expression oil qyVaco -115" 22, 10M 'the BLyfield harbor, whih �,ju L_UQ3KN0 W'' N_ -0, T Z L cloths, BeaverjjfMtVeyj as I was not
Ilow of 11A or gay 41. 2892 1P 4=W English, Scoteb*, IrTellolily �e&4 allowed to.go, Ifutil a younife
AND STAGE unfiubhea ;oUdition, alfogetherthe mmi-
44i yr. -pstimeres, 2465" Uloths- 19k 4010M -
L, �6, (well) lay pooet-book is SOP�031: &%�83. -ST 20M
Pll�,!, an, Aen NoKft r r4p0lity -of Stanley his expmdefl Some'
05m Mirk*% Squarei pc�rner m
()Mm64 , . - Doeskiner, and it,
98 Ao oft ono'cent JS"S '40 �=Tq IMW go 419580
I Mowered V�estlll 35018 10 4591W
1jillaped -up and nearly, brq MOW -upon 'this public work, tjo;Wo of
kkings,toa street,"edch. -S. CVNxIxGHAx,.1-2r0Pnet6r. Ai&. And I am -not I 362M Two
ED on. the corner on ihe -No;thern Vint satisfactinii to al ke my, 31460 It 246159
Road, Lurknow, 'St --1 1 SOW 3907" 2 was borrowea fromthe
S72� W.4Wwanob, MM 40 I&W OOM it'- nitoo - �MM
4�qiricixair 8z VV ere. *aa,wfix ow
e sure enous
who -may favorilini with their -orders..
CON -V "O� verr 901119,10 drive jib sioten -out-for i -Awa Put Vaanoib, 4M- 1500 100M -n 2s7M S416$0 r LO= F01114 And 434ch in&bteiinewha
and oiDetler & Cols to iEvrv;r M - on 25M 101 252000
20040 10
&C. oTioe, oyerT. 'Q hot T Versq]PL with a, sp-are eat next himz�if 32 -e ally paid w it!
ft� co 11 for WIRED StTi lwool)-$12 and upwards: di. 260"
W49 at 01, be n punctu
C;oderfeb- laercit tmpw%- ta ed. Wr. jW r -z and he juatbegm-�,
3,-o�trlhg 40ne to 0)i for some one else's sisti IS 2%818 1=88' 19M =763 =5925
X"87 10 $37870
ning, rAiso a Id4960 27 =a "M 2
June24,1867 i4soss to bit 1bf 7v ker a
which a so heavily n jhe minniti.
Ud' not, a A..MW4, '
Volitin-pocket, Axead
G id Of oourse,under�Grcy .4040 p9litYthat they are anable toomplto t10
_�j the dircurnitance; there was no �remedy' 40300 ought to have bon a pumit
DYSP081i IN CANADA. butTut -my ha�md down to,. the boftom, of lovlcl� 04027 35..2&X5 00OW-- 2#j zM72 r.Ma x" 307M 25too Tww Work from the beghamg__�Carriea.
dward �x%lueb, 186T.,� .0362 1077
my bteaches pocket, ifil up"My A25
Z5 12M
Mmsit& YOUG & CHAMMLA72f,-Sirg, vingp RE 'fork over, it -WAS for 1he youth Godarich, Aug= 2' h, 193L -SO IFFICTOR 62M' 85 21790 17k 32797500a 7tW mao: harbor
4 . y Consecon, Prinbe E Co. 0. NV. L which
RARRTS�T93, ATTOWN-riff, S "_.Hf1OX0My Folt 110USF -EEpE red within mrown person that there is at last Am=
owerWIt, . �W Clintm, swo MOM R"rt Of Rev. $Youllg
just,thdilight bf long ti&e j&r, was read =4
G-leri It. C., W. 0fif,-e. ilac that w -A inddedoure livercomplanitaud D or i4erah tie they ' t ltv;#edvowing iff4w
rom rs I katiuduced to make this statement under oat9sp. ima ft"o referTed.
West street en*,ance ffi-st door %zt is tdc6ftffYlbatl have been sorely afRietedfor'the last'
three vearsaccorditiff tR ih# I)octurs) statements ith would not iteal of Co. Enginoer 40.
got h6ld of 2atJWey1w
P'.-QGCD H lqhil an Dyspe them ag h*r RV SOAP Ii Cmp from ain in, _y, ut'theyill, got'
!Iver oz psia. I had a feeling of' to the 8 ceigs per bar or 3 b6miror Z5 cents. smkingancf"gaeun&-.,iinessatm)utthe,5tomach, worse ribWi.having RRUOVib back , gai On motion �f 31t. HortGn,' seconrica ly
- _Z M I pint eruciations. of wind, occasional drowinT TREs"se 'a CEnt late how be -had no i
ft C> 3p ,dL 3F new, chiipation, uneasiness inthe nghtsir.. an" store lateiy$beupied. by W forth, f4cl some fror
headache, M, DUNCA?r, ony but the' COUNTYCOUNOIL4 ]Kr.-PL(!kforditwmo*roathatthedoorz
04*a barrel or 10 cents per gallon. to be had at a poor��pi;W% &c. -,&e., and was greal�y reduced in first dooeLsouth 6 t Sq' --diduoiget-Pat. :gett' Y to make nnyLlo*`hyV0ech. Dud of th court House bo atered t*i9penout,
tBiDshant's, Marke tare, -their 1040 ynith the � 0 1 `1119 Jut mouth he Q iT - I
the SOAP andPOT ASH FA- greiggg, Elearingyritir nevr Indian medicine the Great -wishes t6itiforuhig friendsin the ja oi V Th,
go a CoUnt)r Council of HUro t
TORY, at the Dock. a eaftemedly kenot'sohigh, Itriedabouls age -re- . . 11 1 1 . n me volward—Cariiell.
BR s. m 2.0ese I must sty hound -1hings, inight havt been - worpe, secoon of to loam whether *a t_haC -t '
-jr. 701virood.' m Roont,,Goderich, on Monday tbj as6un6jj with Your Pillsi fro bat little Goderich and surrounding, country, that he =rks that bui
JOHN change,bilt ookanotber and then found my health rolo willi4io then
now has the largest anj itn0st ceinplete stock un t16 , �, - '% . - CoMVAN.�% t, flght for Via*
e3sM2 K - venipgmhen pQmoof :th%_.b' -) 'I
improving. Yeqndaued it until I kave t4ea about ten 'ho" OYD at instant, R*bt Gibbonk Xsq�, wwaallf "M11 --e- overthe store of Goderich, Much 20d4 INS. W96M of Fall, add Winter JMYIS'w moved StepheiiJo. ==Oi irelana. .*)* wa beat THeuDAYD Juno
Detlar & Co., corner of StIrket NuIre bottles, usingthe joitts, and I find that I have quite re- rdens clothes underatindato%icathafirels-oci, -was nly in the. ch slid P. Adamson,
1111f -1k1imft The Council mict pursuant to adjourn.
covered, I cat hearty vn bout pain or uneasiness. lam e
th-epoi -of thei1ayonet.!
G out Of th0b'diobm,
well and; have- pleaure so attenobag, te my busmeqs. The doetor iremarked to me I was Woking much better. Was.a, Young )rfii -,to purity Mark.
Bootg;'and Shoe'&mdrivhix horseifand4dworkec
Ittlilkiin tlle.Great Shoshonees flemedy-wai; doin . 0 ndjai& bo propap'ng to- 41-61idt the barx proxerit Petition of mm TAylor "PA "(I ro�
iu spring h* I or him all I j 1xi:1relan4 'd 44er ihi� Me News. jjxHouqj4
COLONIAL HOUSE&*- I have recommended tfie Remedy in several cases9.11i of any bo&e in'ihe couhiry,coutditiing, every.- __'t -Church ij*�tem
Aimllftn2i, Young, Horton, Sheppard,, -rorrea to fmance tront
Wof +
it has invariably given good satisfaction, and I would of L U
stron 'recommend ittoall afflictedu I was. style.ofl dies',,and ChildriMIS goods, %nd ffa-- but it w0 . y a work. a4d tot h ji. - - __�Qni I 91.v P611001; I@ffiel Dobson, X B By No. S. to authorize,the County
Mr -b urt, henco:'the AMU ' '
B MR 'G Out. lways keeps- the lorgest ABROE, M001). that gh- fear.' in hisf Uvvela he. had Sml
Wken. 1 �41m6st every. city" of -th4- TEM Subscriber he lips als� 4 -i�ery . large* 'assortment of necessity of�,,hirl g' Pat. _ o y6
B. U DGUM SW5 W. SQuim &A. . X w,
variety and beat Stock of Swombefir GENTU, NEI vToirden ung Union- ivi, PidWorci� �Yer)dna, Norrow, Snell, TroWurer to pay ver non-rptlident taxea
fr�am his agreeable A�adbbl*,
VVtWaM wramer, M. CADMAN, 1. P., er -was a . Seneral jaia f6taid thpi� wh6lof)iopleveady to com- Hannah, 4. Blown, IE[elly', eje- to the r0spoctiv. municipalities was duly
iffoi-ISER"r & GLOVES. -favb&e, iij-_ the;
Rx-ryATUjLW.SoLTC1TORnV OIIAN&RT.�' licammissioner MQ.8.,i and forthe. f a, * --and poor. follo* e Uy -under li'j$ n1once activ(i war upon England and her
W3&lyr Countr Of Prince Edwara. V. AV. man, SimpooI4 Doujjj*j Tmorts, Green.',passed
o:3veyamer. &c, Walkerton,.- Cu�n; R9 THt COUNTXE9. devendendex" and compei her to restore to
AT6c WINTER B001V 1orometWeudih6r*die4. � Rocefit�
� i . I owagovernme , Mt P
111ruce. . - . WAY, Sproat, Walker, Mewers Bishops Petitiottf Patic WMU nd others Of
ORAS. E. A in fact a few 'days before Pat atir.tea eo-
course and fine,". both itopolted, -abd of -of )Ia now want is -to be xd6fied that 7 idion CroorY, Helps, 0irvin and Gaunt. 31cXWOP WAS reforred to finazim comm
Wnliaiu n. ]Bain, 13. Aj',� 6od�rteh. Aumt 22nd. 1866. ow169 when the scamp, to cap his rascality- it -
w wx sel o a manulactitrel which tie: 411 al to. betaken. "The inovembut is! Th
LAW OFMCE. I I ;I.(,/, y * his ooataudveattogetherwithqthernotioA 1111 mainutoo of last da f last"Nalliox. tee.
f az, Ongjiug -Gocu foivW. :sad nothing on: Utter of mr. Iffeu
S Mftly going
AN Street Gode m knowing the*. tobe his. 1!rere lrea&anil approve&
ISAAC FREDBRICK or "Now -Mr B�jnab wWd forgive hinj -all
Mon earth can Aqp - it. 'The -day f 0m, referred.
tivacT4111:111t.- tei The Warden then addrilesed the Council - 310vea byXrVolexrm, smudedlyy 3rr
Chea shn thd
is not far _db&Ut--:ne*rer
(exqbptlordeWs coat and vest, I le,
he AV. han most think—whenth( io4 L briefly on subjects to be hrought up.
Call and ex mipip, LOS ed that JlAtmiziutes,talk to hirn: -of�al f ),gre ag" Re xozrow, That A committee of fivre be and eegits
1asjust 6 %tit- rai-hide w.oss his vxigaboi be vnfulilde igain, on British soil. Mdcl be had uaiaOMP16intS sa, -the unxxt� p�mted. tobnquira-�njo Vic, Wce.&gQ2 our
MENZY. SDU e20*9 ud-shouloers Ala
&A �rZe,,11111111 Of 111011LOT Wall'TAise4 and ishetory progress being ihade in the grammar -W - Is and re A
-1 am not likel'
litit �nless you asist me y prt W Decem
MOSIRY TO L13%TD. to. have"that pleasur�, 1 will try t� d tbe . many new Teetruits enlisted, af ter �which'
Godeith, escr- till adinorned.' tion of thp jwqsua BridgN and wled bar meeting, the
n C that it w",important to att - amph gratatuar sclipol in the 0ounty
U. 740150n=afl� end to, the with
ICZ9V.D ijonONSFJ� -0ALYMLD,a 0mit' of might get a glimse othim if you 4%lizint -the old bridge was in ad theumber of st&nts 1#mdiug tit
,j - . 1 1. . Inatteras angerous, _1="
__�ol theAverai
-of Jbluiston�s
togmililikeneso.of him,in his %stoleti... HAY. -state. WA]i refirrenceto the Uliptex ge length of time per studtlot YZ
1he pa4yearnd the 1pesexitt 4a zyw Z5
T'ho Cou'd -of Zwywon for the- Amm-TOW716til
RXAKER &-'j7EWELER, W, toggery : TA Ewiy, 15 or 16keara of" a War there was x feeling wiffi. !demnoo fG. possible, the nature of the School houwq�
ISM, me -in. W Town HO,_oaTue
y _g
Z'. 13. 11vitatin, 4WATO STOY AiNt 91. 'Ir shoif, �i atout -aaid - weA built i tbrowing off the tolls altogether, ou the, ivheithei in fee simplo tho
Iniontal f most: nll
apparatus in tach School &fad 41
May, Mll, at 10 *clo* A. X rimutt to:publlo,
WESTST.IGODERIC following remaks A Test 0 ing, Ardbullit-Of
hair �fjmoki IV. In the Z.1 �Zft ft. ind hand andh6zilvi"bility of 03po
�Oxt Ana WeRt Tatendirful and extraordinary Vur i . a. da, the smoke j)f L There behig no,:xiDeas before the Court, the other thins rexpecting the m
'If vlr� Rtotte,8addlery., ibeGREAT INDIAN REMEDY. ish turf from .4 -th#40ld Tate on the other, Thiswouldbe-
Allen boar , I 9=111. commenced the gener4buxlfiW oftho talm.
dealable and inicontesuble faim suffi I t to 'a but the vitly. be so TerAtAg.the-.iiHnateioflLqtmeetm
me. - ea %biffi, by'the Clerk
jAn& fte do" Zast oftift Pod o CC. fur County Gra=mfir schools, far as
WU80,1t* i I ffi 11 - the most skepticallb this fokamogg 'other notionahotoo otCouci -was approved, -By-lawwodwAs ri
at the Great -a matter for the coreful cojisiderallon of. dibumble. Car ed.
'0 Arned-afterforage4jehow. a rest., _0111= folio then resdud ordered to be laid aver$o the -close of thc the Council. of the inost important Thetom. 1w2sil-eclared, On -A TOU t*403i-
bQttlb of hair oil h One
H8VCgr1L%D. Posr Orpro h. r e, ca w mbetbg Jivtd theii read again. � Win Citrick move� -np was the equalimflou -silt of Messrs. Colemsx4 Xo=ow, 13jahop,
7 4& UNDS OV. SHOSHO .1919.WDY erieve. a. of 14 purp Ilt 4&Y thi Color b J Il QcJ
L _g�z k !:� 110joets to come
r, That $2.40 lie .14d Christian Betd e
ERY For No6imen of TH L Livei, Digeowd .0 1, lie � looks a little. crowyed he hadutpaid flie amount for -iftak Iiii
WATCHES -CLOCKS ND JEWEL f his eyes, bit
941 cAmPBETxi r tho assessment, aim Lecilde and rick-for(L
U. L d he Itopecd it
ta'filliokbroadbrimmedf lamovea, zed'd-by J N 004W,' �ope lt-hat,-,iome vr*s byj*ld to Win Carlaf L 4S Pat salary as.
to Girvin, That the �Knghleer be instrick(i
ig M -into with A 40
&L LAND SIJXVL�rOR, RF4PAIRED ON MORT NOTICE. Sgu" . call it a Koshuth e o ro be' entered A Moved by Mr. Horton, seconded b$ Mi%
ROVDFCL DRArvionTS Diseases ffumoW, and all diseases do
the �15jSt ISt a that this -great. a pair. of -new Assessorind-thatthe Aftvaian Wi rde nUetreii
P MAN, &e. Office = Mr. OtIl'oll'S Drug 9WrC. 1� sit rn ptifitidi of tfic Fjo6l, we boldR stat show a jTfiit4of justice jad U�iwplxxy
renteolins' X IIER BEPN' QUALLtED. indiaz Tubber in: the swer fo lwa*ted calf-skingaiters. idth tovotstmetout9ft-liO 1a FISUMUS a.
WT rAif wffen for sarre 0# was there over such a on aft That !u., thk pLerspit. Of aides his'sto issovajous it 15 road -a - owanc6t yint reft with rh TAft. . by Via CuricX Tht 430, Maid, to Vin. cith for a,
Amu a oo6ii k�oxrx=T Laosslots AnaUstUlt 0&ra". bridge, 46 temp Dix
=ed*e at-: jewtoggery.
0 Of
of Whigham, will. recelft in Wilsonstornicofft1gyto a. W, Of',Commmpi!on-,or-- , - _,W ftlot,
-110-useln descri-bigg,-herean.4
sit -f -P -ter c- V- IVnl ler,' ridge for the conveniewo of root 14um-
Flafed4eweIr - W cuted til -dCUrled- Win Turnbull. zow*4
Gola ana Pod PrOddIbUt of
ition, ortbit ofkmbibie WoodofC6nseeo` anticololdr and adiri4 he is a good. horse gers during the time b lige *M 73o
'5100irs, Ar- &-M - rthatxif Johii S1.50. for itiathin 0.
'V pe sia and Liver moved, sWdh , ITS:=. what W Association for a Smut
o WapVecC.W. ot bitumatism;- wN6 bad. tea ho -t eGravelj$V in undor repair.
r. Constantly on hanit and ivarra fl t fiistir,,au L % f-971 to itwMiant als-
uted to, ba as roes, treats icksusetlin JL50,tb:Wm Digusm
tojWd aaaocisgiDnii
otiponey r . efluid6if." 9A yboeneacrute, orvqriii At- om we rich, 1 be.�r ^24ck broken In 1fiejprsvd -pit sdad43 to Dan zellar as read and referred prombes-ionisclisideofthe 'verto4nslA1a_
ment berotofordiand in ow weIL' Scores of#uch pWs for tools! to be mead In. the krxve1p1t-ZwiecL
b fi "Ispite ofqlltz�r if About Gode w-
L A1§S1GN)9VV -he itarte , for -16 will likely 'b _1yTBGe1&er,-TbsvAmie I F w A. -I
fli'j'Drog Store "d get �a CIrimjQr 0, A g Uvem or 11vbry-ztb�le,' the ponber Ref. to . and.B. com.
A" GrEP d bad" -we spaipe.
AG 0QUt o 130UOlt the towns
artigoalaiL oGItEAT school 'braW-Curled. 1 poth of Re Mr. Bsrx� -vn -be sold cheap to make, nable; c County CounawM.-be ii'God -h flisa Xdfd by Mx. elps, x6cooded by 3rt.,
Xoney at 9 M mt. :1d Cut Quifek moved, seed by Re
The stock W.., *list. Tlid
NEDY �and FILLS�=d satisfy your 'ieferreittoscligolcommittee;
ioadly you got De bridges as certified V16 Vartick moved.,"o XWA sad
alsm--west Streetropposite- thepostom.: Goa fresh goods. - Ifyou want i s Xz. puty G'hT* Tliatthe Eng
to L PrederieVs.
"RoadColaral lonu
by--,; B Gelgher, That David Villize,
-byhisplace 'T glock go ithefarml Ine.'Fargustin, do, nme to get the pier repaired at the Manchester
LANCASHIRE Godev'cb,. ()ct- 22- 186T- *39, Pd !od is.�l a 'bQmaaG '#wq in thabrid�ft, Acroes t;hcSzbULjoa
ggift-rguid DeaTersin aindiAd4rdconaJinewtth wofSetting be rk,
191 Dru be Bridge" soon xx Po
infizrge Pilits 81 *04 a
THE gee lor"
r 316yedby Mr. Pic;Word, secondea by
'jal gentsforGode F. J0711son-411d, Park t we
Oj! I I L - . tity. of Stepli6w bU we doneassoonas via
41 ilme he: wquld likely know, !U'M' W, Mr. e*ins, That the Tresixtrer be instr&
Cattler Report 0i'nos. Vnrow do.
le Wilklijindothars prayingtheCoundiltegrzal;X61lefto 'Qpinierlbf Mi. Cameron that it was -the
-A WAREN to have him detained until ot4d one Uquipt eiw, injudillent lierson, bbing read, Vin
cteil to ILY* statetuent on the table AOW_
G_ PINET ous Card* moved, steoi%ded by J 3 Gt4ber That *010%. .-anty. Of the, 0ouncil to roviae 0
git IF
MUR"CE r,&t&,.jT01t0N ord:'Ll'woUld
& To, startfor Goderich'zny� -laW ,be fuel for the ing the am unt of fmm the
ciAa t5 'but hwivotila -see me �166re I .61,L, and jyjoa, County toll gats for tlr
ox=dtbAJTm'Wx1I&drxwtheimmc :oolairp of tie mwzL wax read
1IOL'B I 0'61rbim ' d rounlayho cl IthosamefortUzollefof Wada- AW theamountlost, by *a Counjy by
OAM,&41 ;M000000 WZ.,x IT, =U. Ile= two years—
cwould not bo in one together -if, Iia Wflon *nd bad Jelits, on =count a
T. BIC LTON. "=Id Jet -Wilkle may. At�- Letter ftin. Mr�; Cameron respectin
the V:b,&b�cl V1414peewly ct� in the i if"yo Noll moved, mod by.T B GeWter, That B 1AW
ommonz.byther Hon. -could help it, andnow.Mr. 6Asjjow_r@sd-bej)xsxjd_�,r
use, Jam1*11millis
as 11100 orl Tardbull, 2bt tbiscouncilo.
rC6uu# suits was read And fyied. Said tailgatft.u��
a Pat
X *db Me H fto oscondsab
a Tramer can
an 4ttei ftoft.-T. B. MoGazitireffting the
ste. .0th of, - - - Mr,
RETAII -44Y, 'At Oil, iiar Z65, aeaf Ana Aumb institutq, Toronto, was I Warden am
i thi� 'W 019SALE. now Ao= to,meet again on XDziday persuad him j tj At Ukd Town HA111h -Zurich iwe C, ler
AV-tf(WQQd0* indruefod to prepare and forward to the
-1zettheroifter1gptw,6rdbf Ins or1=3L_
B *b V
ol 4nd Seep Skins 1will, look jou reforrea to finance committee. x6vomor in Couned a memorld refer.
rL_ We J ORNSTON -.S,- -60u7
)al.Oil, lamps, uron. whei!o4 ta: s GODMIC from mr p4whie, swy. of
ence U their assuming tile Goder"
public beneftotors, and a
AND -t
'ken tit exehanpaw.
wit a Marbor
*ardof G=ntmor School Trotltaaai� H*rUrWithAT1c1Wjum#j
jB, 1_ "eriehi-fors, g=t -to add school wat of Refuge for theXastcoast ofut
Large Cloal-0i , ar -am Yours, Me Counellmet this (2=' y�)IMMI14m e Huron
-W -4sem"t- for read nd referred to floance committee. xualisting its hupo pe and suitsbilitv
Sign, of re
ilotAlTown,PJA acco to ILdver
0AL13TWIE 1AXA.TKIREL Oodefict. Af*.m'h Ists 1667 &U7 MSOMER3819GS To Pupose or A Assessment, as A permanent aval 13txtion. Alsio,
business, the Reeve In the, chair, vresext. 0xvid'Dols-
liti of SOUIRYBedya,
t1abita-Atsiotthe0au let �.AND�. UNDER afid'OotmellIers.8temon, fr%claa aid *port of *0 Rev.. 3f. Barr, low - tbe(;oVern�i0-utQ*juaflw
lautes of hdjr4eetiuZUvh%1bem res,4 -
aotaringstik h uan*x co"Iew SteWArt The Sowellas the expedienpy 6f vxWdjngon
M-3- bout oind approv4* the, f
"his m im,
zT3 llotirt4f 11evistoin,- whcalbefollowingalterati onsere g4t made. Win Elliatt moes-sed for lot ui,'ooit i,*wtwA the lake a liberal Pwportion of tho 4404.
it held' axsessed for one b1tob,
'k oasbf James Shim jxo MOMP"i- bW bM&t 4aG*A ina M=W , tb.
talt, SISM GG wor. baint - ty Himbor an this x1do of
moj�rf June -2. 4t
SUPERIOR FANNIMS MiLL's Pumft of p"laria Report *f Cpuft
draw. lowlittalt 8110H At struck out,� bilit
the01j,_-H6% ` a'aud enth W_ Young's ifyPliestion. to be aw4ned for va by a AStOlneld of 910 Us, of the: 11stim4a for
VIELGIN:rST.2 000EMOH audiol I ice oomp lotA 8 eon.; gmixted,and entsredz Solliccovdilwyo* for Harbor improvit.
W11twarmakkeintoireal d$%; $ofatf
wheat aTales, Bedteatits' Nclw5A gorton, -*4161sod"ffir 2 dog, S#nck ftt� and a C�uatyof HuronOUtDooember, 1807, zantspu
es aa pero6ns. Mr, rdpotioi of assosain
earid W0614ested Chairs, G! T . Lake Huran._-Carried.
ch6w;;ft- F . I I "I .: No
b Jft� k1ford,
was;.cillell'toL the chw
f, inj
T6djlcb moved. Thd the Apj
audLookin WAx road =a referred for 'st . calk re-
warrillodd- yina� Ib-ABrowamoved
I 4POU012 eomj)jjdnt I)eing =&U It WM
radoryox IN WAT ditation 4i Vin
ON 11,13LOCK, ow rem a _Broj�hy, o: seinilion , larriu to t%gato stiMilm be submWea
V edbXrStrsiclum,� 1W thii pet*
4j" _w
1MV Impofted
ougei -w era he �hav� ti en jW001111JA w0r*Teferma totbeCottricilft Considerst , XWer-
ties of win -T -put 6i rokk to
449 ilm be
j6ullivethiA to _a,§] xne,*ozies ween JoU 10 and *on Ixt, be ver tm U44
Comuiittea,, XWeit b
on "Ifand a, complete 'Amen to issemblo. as iothirsipmyingfors
Aworiagentfortlitisate of Morgan'$ orernt-W �rtuieut of GOITINS'. the inost japprol) *net patenteur.TITATOR.Whicit hastweim q! 13UV Also" �EWARSIRS tor 31r. Morrow 1ed to fiaxwe ecanutittee. moved Mr.
'gowwalsatuttalositatIL vaera vkw 'kadwit to thd`arU fad� to. deviw m6eting vf Vatmell--Carrled. Moved I Xrfllawar4: by Mr. nell, That the County,401ark te Perkins, TJ�xt tba
lbeans , da- PkI-ford, sec. by Mr.
coiliwaiatairzi "It el- *edbyXrDot4on,TWthep8# I beIristincted toviliktle tolert
or er regeneriffion.' "Ile ride a, UobtUoWrbouaudo*�.proMiD�4Lgmttovpw graph, ta
.Changer '("ftt= *0`nOt to the COUIXtY on the f5aeforth :ana 1341more P.D641 near
baking the Contrsd Pal
110M., 4 p Ireland the bouniia and_ ___ -7- Mia thOWt. 1867 _00pledasphoto _ 6r till; nat zeetb* of Councin Day's Taysmt suffi4ent depill. ani$ -Sir&
r. jhr�hnst cc ially1owita tho -Taiet the -4 laid -oriv
n�pprasied- 3ffe -doub be #of Shns 11L taw x3esittlaiff'.
3[sitlAuct bridge at Qod#rW 11ot*eoJFth*wAer. Itbeftaltogether
ishand: Gentle ore e, sad oumun tep sa sklattheireooperstl ntbamsttac.-� Ara�
Wo shan'll at present. Refailvd. to Oe
Jim, Aldermi for the -to be'laid before the Cotincilat itap - p
toftheihip A p1lemitimbeingiiisdo by
.004 j Itt
]XI4 0XIL of tba stx wi-V Omw
ji Ana 'd vi bo,�free Town PloL U
MONUUE dojiot �byxr. _N Y ORTH U"11T.S.L Bn
Dip d6claredthaf Irelan. 6uld stut slfthig� Cardea. moved by
XTS,.'1HZAD- Tibia lion he- and men lik CM,
AIM 0 -Mm were, aunk' "no Susebw�, an, by Mr. Maossr, Tf*- �ffie That the MuncHdo now adjoiiin, tM 7
ss t6 whethqr is worthi of p4ibnage. topi; z Lbst,of ivery" descrip. 16, that *lie iiiii tho street%meod into open4bo
win perdition
iMoved by uralaino, mr S#04�',Mf
tion belhg ft UW
Lax. 00�wil pxo a by4aw=thvdx1ng*h*0oun- ecloct p. m. CorrW.
Wo-JORKS 101 afil styli' orwotkutanship; isbed h 0
J. 44 f era. the 41L7TberdUUd*df*ffA ThCQMWI MUM04 At r4aftk.
Lbe-' -CaMd ocUred that ijo J"jury-to -the twitielatliesamer6arandtbattba IWVo4o#w
rder for the, same�-.Carrled. - %U'Anditces 4oiouAt
rVredif0tion: �ihade, for jjnshL' orders-- re sums ihat Uye'
ID fts e�6h, Dec� -4� Z'x ty ttiopayover Petition of Goo. Green xrA a rimber4of
bus to �Dver- irse --then taken up and fhe.ftftrat items 40%arawAi nait sad rdorroa toike dritya
ode t throw reji'dar British forces ana a vritenit"rAayedbyXrotowak-owlby bo� been paid into Itisoffloa for Non -Resident pfta c*jumittft.
mjil(ERS a , o'.,* -Deb)gul; of Noutt..,
people was fi�bexidid, *Witleg the respecti
at be adppted--CtrdW& s7IA Us =410
Monte ac viol, b0let,in-at the ill* I to pperate *0=*t �00 U4. C*rjj*(L Circulviromj. B.,Xc(;xxtn waw read
.,UXft SUM the 31S& of do Dde,10��L$Sb v47.1y En gland.�� -:Tb- Of a nivAstoltwal; r. "d "fer"d to
V00D -TURNIka heiAg be
. . - - I . S. I _10
-whidk mattervas left
=1 moroa by Dr. Coleman, sec. 1qXr. Pa
elalme L aiA if
011UT &Oldbogths case, it aali6iiil I w4 Thatthetilgineer. be initrucW1 to
mow": _1U byXrglommi�nxtth6 deritd6r. the dria3lds]
-at% all elassait.: M VMT (it England ditl4*we to teport to Caulacit
have the culvelt near Humah's favem
raw, -Leew wAvsudawha� 1,
41. *Dtiatof
D 1001 volot' 2rke DoparMat- 'Arnold in eThat the be ixistra Moved by Xr. Evom, sec. by Mr. 39a*.
Oui�ry and; , tthe Ir
XWt jlovan h' ' dXed at& 1
years tow oft overy municipoHo with tha Cc - on the Gravel Road. North of Sedodh en-
polwof tW Chlef SuperlatOlsdats.
STAM-1 111414170)? RREUX&V 4&Deeu-tbxt,.of-,z robbor-4pon 1he Noted by Mr S#acbfm, sW14 by Nr 1PAwatv Timt-ths larged to admit the extra tow of water
Ty *0 10 irexoAtp pistol at his mi Reave Procure tat
TA 0- R, way v
'h"Avhe,.,eimuaW or JPA 091110ackof g3�4rj C!gft Cirried.
N= iopaaqlhrot� RdenvdtoGraralRosd
forJed 4 tu and beck, o
ape xj4p.tti, bibuA-k
atleatians of I
j!jAin' ]1johiloW believe e ODIC
sit ard. bi 4ma k onbr�dgeAtTmm
_q As 2nil
rid Tumvxr, Jur
im ;A chilblaimi. To biskid at Parker
car ache, I "pe
'Ta virtm oftlioxesmift & , r and Aellianda his, &an SiA10=61L
IV" capital a" mal"l Me th, lap v on tand fr "Ia, tomb -Ovuull�z#ml
xi'h9r,,puua1 4" 1 ' to thle i%L' taivd* 41AW";=91ki
n%miaan SBA�v ud011 bar dowix--es plmso God' they'
00 mbpt ratsi 10*4 _ajea in their liswa, such an TCS11. PAMER, T4"in s PA1*d brl_pztiot4,O6nA md==Aspoolfi� 'I Report 4 the Mramos vrura9ret Donald ato iiovr p�pprod: em c4tlonxtobi1aKbe[ot*tboCbi1�. arbestl Tho Cmicil =at purtuant to adjoum- eed when it was 3noved iA ummilmisit
by *tsr 021*. Su2cliu, 041
Afta routine business, the to said re
ChLirs, Tablest �Godsrlclr. )WO1126thill"i. onshA6w"tho ell' M,tg. -Curled- MovedbyXrDobsoNjwd 17Ur. Xrma�,
To ftraux. goforward- its b* it mot NO. 49 of Pod
ft"ce in t by Mr. Hinvolt, that
* =in Miciml Labord Wall reed, and �*W-
S I low rates Oksi labudos. jadit�u f9j tho year 11157-4arrie-L Neved b p4ditiolft Of
have been at"atfor with
-torumtdoua, -1) ig iin
0 th
#ach IL - -0 6 _y Xr V4 in Comittee of ifie whole.
slid otjW koj&W enb* &jn�Alkln& of Wood u GO Mi 11 RI LL �by*echsirmizx� _-Heiaidt—Ifthb ve AS referrea to finalim conl4tt".
001 poew stair b4il4istoM uec�7oka, Moulding0sFid rdcrto RonaM MeNanliton forthe gust of be The el)unoil want into comwitt" of t1w
Tbo iw&rsi FLOUR A"-Fftj) Si W.
P" having It a b�r,%,oaidenthusi-,h-of*epre"ntr'Oet'ng XoWb77r Morea by mr. sprmt� �w by Mr. WL018, X. Sprost h, the a&ir,.
of tho -were in"tionsof what Asy prop*,- the I)obwn,swdbyxrftwut,Tbstthuc4undi z
diAgs �, 'L I � do ow
wmaj, daive
i,idearr and'* try, will sladd to * !7thelft4yofjuses Dobson, TW the word= 4"Mart fur rt *As mved tLy Mi icum, aw. ly w,
CrabWo3look MnPton., Street-. sad all klutlAcr Il 1!�Moe is mw.� - H4 A-djoura. to 2"4xPln0Q_Vx141
4 with all 1bond* and papers Hannah, in amonpinentto ix
40 of
eguopowlt in and a HNARSE to gre. on ressonablotorst urged the ng&vni
i* -kw
D 3EL 1C 'oe-
tional . .. I 1 1. 1 � 09finpl#ea With tha T""Welt, Is so"Aty in Finalift Report., that the sum of $100 be
"' I " of -aft
will always binwk4r togIT"s fo O'gaiii'tk
GknkrU14 MST A uxa4a th
to kwa�. M '04tteal, Cora-o�esl and Kill anich M Cirek sad Outbw Sqh a
tae latt*r The Toronia 1jea4r, ]PUPOtY agoordmos, ;riih N& 101 of *0 ).(Ur!Wj*1
'h 1i 41 fq%ided the 0o. Qjpwth givis
i asall, money% k
Wit. RICUARMY, Agent, frook their ipirlatice in 40tory equir" ---cirripA,
ALSOj, a lot df prim saw jo4red N to., a I
Bealk *f Wn r"It W MIS, W well inforined'ou suck watteN ar- 404 Of Upppr C"848, amied- Th# 0xVAlr4ii1id, when it Was 040T.
3(sy 1, IBM al, In
L astft We� M. SAVAQ99, *my- is nqw placed: upon -a secure vir fbootv
and Boiled B �U.
_W st44 W -it is ibe '. tend= d'O mullita, r0owed. ad by Mr. Fu=4 sw. by Mr. oWowwws
nVYX sad "UsNowtork Dnifts-Green6 lot lsa�vsd thle S. -A lberaldi�wunctorill" ing, w1a dexpent upo
0 trade -Val go �`au mait ta, form a altmof, volun4eii '*aar X4, Zmq-., takei the Ask iA
* ofthi Wdibrs sailtOothm ThA WM. You
NAs' so&be madO 3f thi W Petition Of
UMCvtw otoll, 600 Bushels pliloo Plifatoper ..JAS RUOHA I I I ,OeX , .., , the ShUMS of the WAidW.--40ajrW
:�AWSGN-. ' 1Wj�*14aWr'jii4 lwii x4m"Itt Stoney at eamot ritA of axe supported by 1� or
I - i4�; � -, e
VA"VRT 6 Co. I
yto 1000,11 aamp, it is 6ilifit, '4ka Th* awimm abakittod the i;;;�t
Mr ibe C
0o&jje4,jjoa t.'#4 W.201f. *A$k L -KI GeniWONekwas next W t0 '71 Mr. awrom 1W.- �b;
T. 4j'j zw!#