Huron Signal, 1868-06-04, Page 1I Pe'm mant Suig&g
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L193nifteent Sky-Liaht
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W.T. -lit o r a n dPropoetor'. I The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Tfumber.
-r- 7
9_00 �L
EMM 'Ashfield. he waited grimly for returnbw onscious- �w 1 -1869. 1- Jb' t hi a April'28t -ness,, jec ni to _ni�lrciles ll '021 tAe 4-�,fibcfl just Mow. 40flus-
6119h Cos MN ectoill. FOUL P L A Y.7, interrogai 'u lias come on a visiL"
LOOK nEREI The -Council met this day pursualit to ton's bed
adjournment at Cunningham's Hot4 3m c�a� RrAblz A-Nji j)jox bOUCIMITLT. He -waited jost oneecont&too long� H9 GRALICTLOUR, FEE D li�cknow, the membeis being all present. had to answer a 4ite�tion insbeadof putting Inent,
,o tj oic.lock a. tit. every day. -Wiln AL The minates of last meeting were read Continued. The judgment is the last faculty a man "Ay Let 19fe
altients at any hour afterwards, night orday- a &W9 and approvej, Moved by 3G. McIntyre 17hat Ton
lie is engaged to be a4iZZ V
AND subscObi having REVOVED, to the seconded by Mr.,* Johnston, that, Vniaow 'fal Ewe tres, our imagination, sud we W -no
3M INT IV X Ci� 1:"-- THE - A beauti recoVerd whenemergizigf-mminsensibifity ; k WS
C-�. C - shnnuoin".4. ID ELECTROPATHIST, &o. store lately- obeupied by WM. DUNCAN, . Conner be refunded two dQ11an and fifty �g virtue can detect aud Seaton.geoingthe 'Generalstanding be- s.She - -engaged to be nia-mAcd gaged
1�r and 1nPUl=ee`!u ns%
.,SURf3EON',&c.;&-q.,GonrrticR.0 first door adut1i'ofR0aham!s, Market Square; u ownees heN r he hmit=
PW cents on account of an 6verchargei'll, taxes. - c1lin fore him,Vetratchea dat him 1hands, rcnd Beaton.
TItETH inserted in either Pla wishes to inform his friends in thi Town of _�_Carried. inspectia. James Seaton gazed on 31iss Wieston. day :said, in a faint but eam&t V701ce,
PlEtOVIS1011 STORE. Xrmstrong, -Iie6oca 67 Wilson. watchecl Mal tina,--Gold. Silver, or 'Vulcan Goderich and surrounding country, that, he se nded b oved by afterday, at sq respectful. a distance, that s id
ized Rubber on reasonable terms co Mr, Johnstoiii that Joseph his goddess. If a day passed. without his seeing her, eleven witnesses, 'Is she saf6 1 Q, ig she eye.
Post Office. West Street now has the lar_ -est and. most. comp.lete.'stock Hackett hii liewlitsdejected. When shewasbebind hertime hewas safe Vy ")Vky ame.0 said whne,
SURGEON. CORONER. &c. Offler. D3 -Office over the junr. be allow�d to perfOM itstless, an3dong, and his work distastafal, Wd then, 1 J,
euce third door4-t of centrui schoot. 49 Coderich. of F a ud Winter de lin:e 9th,- and 10 con.- when she came out at Last lie thrilled all "'did yo ihink- 'the-lics Ole ikr
w stitue'laborn of over, and the
P and a the world itself, seemed to fat with sun- throug
'10! E D. John Sto 'ter lawn, �iis adoratfort, its own nature. was-, h the vorld vithout a mai%l
Commerciallffo thers to be pathmas Oh,Qd line. -Carried. Xov�cd. �y Mr Seaton made no rep:y but a moan, an&
Boots a d S dotiblysobyreas000flifitf, eitandhopelesscondition.
'He cut no I I 'fay ba�k like one uttexly crusIte c! V)y
Armstrong'se,coniled by Mr. irilinston segays her: but &ve them to her maid
cENTI.LTE COLLEGE PHYSICLUNS AND StTR- es Webster be I ylsou for her- had not the courage to offer them
GEOZV-1�4 C. Oifice Over Jord That Ja to her himselt Of off m CM01 kow.
ons Drug StoriZ_ 19 of any house in the country,containing every _er for garalt Wilson le. crying, and l9alke 6
ityle of Ladies' and Children's goods, and Mcknow instead of 1( S;. Cunninkham.- One evening, as lie went home, a man ddressed him down on the ground vi ftom -aged nurse now mm
HN HICKS, Proprietor. This is th th 6; red face. Ab =M(lle e
J011-gestand bestCountry Hotel tit Wester PRODUCE MERCilANT, that'lle, has Also a very large aiioi rtment, of , Ca�ried. Moved by Mr� Johnston, seeon- f-illarly, but in it low voicii--Seatort loalwA at him ' amd Eaid, with
:' anada.aud charges as in�derateai anv Hns d . ttentively, and recognized him atlast. 1twasacon- General Rolleston was amQZ4 48,�she up, touch of sevemzilkv.
Y.'SURGEON' 'ATD in Mitchell. Stage Proprietor. Uood-stablingror GE, NTLEMENIS ded by Mr. McClure, Thai Mr; I M1-G71Iir0 - vict called Butt, who hadome over in the ship with safe ! Is Shesafe I" said be. "He means ""Come M dgirl, X0 doubt yqu =can
clined it, Butt., a very clever rogue, seemed hurt : so My r ' tress," Bson, rather brus
CqAR1D 310ORE. pHTSICT A' well, b2lityyguyalouye doing, M, yea 1,4
econchear. %lanchaster. C. W; 100H,irses. TI times and Carriages for Hite",ri be paid five doll= f9r 'statute labor hint; The man offered hint a glass _ of ale ; &aton do- am replied IVA better leave him u5 for the p�psctt."
NI -3i r charged against him on the rdll.—Carried. theri, Selon assented reluctattily. Butt took him to a uely ;,9nd flounced out of the hall.
Feb SITiorte.141. NOL Ce WINTER BOOTS On this hint WiLson %vanceil aul
li14t Cumeron's Block, Kingston Stred.,'
Moid W Mr. Armstrong, seconded b gbll�Zh "She is safe, no thanks to -you " said
y Lein a narrow street, and into a private
a started as soon as he entered, for there, G
coarse and -fine, bodr-Inipwted, aid 9f his -Mr. Jo I adj= were yoa left the paticIat -t-6 zr:3 miserye
linsto iS That the Counc . eneral llollckon. " VhAt
sat two repulsive ruffl=s, and, by a look that passed At jlernent vi;Bit She laid Q6 mog�,_
ig Medical Departynetif nt V'tctotin. MRS. DAYS' HOTEL. own munufacture, whichle will sell to meet again. at Dean— Smifti Hotel, rapidly between them and Butt, lie saw pilainly thev doing under her window at this 4-Ime of
. , .,,a I.,,- f,ht 111itril npd -
Univertity. T-ilt, Dungaunon.onthe20th f May pext, at were,,L�altl g for hiza. He felt n-?rvous -, the place was And the ossip,
York- Rssidence D. %V R-0 X 19 rE R. orm land dark, the facessovillaneous. 11arg, t�6ne in which thi,, bis bed, and g
w4,34tut`0 , IN' 1 E X I., the hour but question was put showea &ton h7e was, ver
Hayfield. ORA INT, FLOUR, OATMEAL, COI often o'clock in the forenoon.— they inv him to sitown. roxi0fly, in the VXC*, I mow RZ
Cheap -for. -Cash However ited . I
ON the direct -road 'from Seaforth to kX Bran, Shorts, Putatoes, Bacon, Buiter, 'Carried. Nylth2u idr orgood fellowship ; ititil very -soon openeit auspect6d. 7his wounded him, and lie lest -OIL
&c.Ribitest market price plaid for grain an -1 ill The Court of Reviffidn-mbt atR S Cin- their business over their ale. Wareall bolind to as- At latit; iho'laimelo a pause, an(I sca".
Walkerton. Every -necessary accom- kinds of produce. Will Call and extrwine, -as he is satisfied ihat he' gist our fellowcmatUres, ,wlen it can be done without replied dqggedly;, "Lucky for. you au I 'rm directlye ATWRNTET-ATLAW.� A;�D . ningliatn's Hotej;�%.I;ucknow, ow -,Tuesday trituble, a W" put his Land �m Ifer a
ARRISTER AND modation. tor the travellinx public. has just the goods youiwaut. - nd whatthey asicea -of Win was simple act * -there. fr
S,,!:r4.r_in.Qrtrc Sr. CA11371tv Ci`vn 'U14"'lev the 28 of April at two d"clock in the after- of As in their opinion no Mqn 'lvortlty That is no answer fo the qQesto#,,,,. loohin piteously it her face spaccohis ffitz
eoffice in Court Hous� HANNAH DAYS. -1
ql4n4d f X."=_y.5uC1d deny to his fellow. It was to give
Goderich. Carmix We--. SAWL FURSE. nobu, pursuant to �ublic notice. Malcom General Rolleston's Vatch dog a lece of prepared meat said the 'General, sternly. word.
Wroxeter. Nov. 5, 1867.
Goderich, Sept. 24, i8e7. w4 Stewah,'Joseph Alton; and AlexvDreany- npon a certain evening ; and in retam for this trifling :Jt is a the ans wer I I _,U Does she love Lim -If'
ity, nity w@re ifencrous enough tooffer him a fail mid 1011r
vil_ET -VEY-kNC &C.. having complained in person of over- suare orany light valaables they mtht find In the � "Then I gliall hand y9u. over j�*the hate him, Ianitz
BARRIVE& ATrQR CON r UCXN.OW HOTEL chatge-in. personal pro having- Gimerat'souse. son. " welli S e oeslat
Kiagstoa street, Go&rich. C. W. �4- -.Z perty and officer, without another word., wy hind SIP
D �_ --z-. ;c C
STAGE OFFICE. made the necessary declaration, li;W aba ton b] d put, h �n his.handva
AN te- sea tre 4 an is face Do sk do" said Seaton, blttdrly ;'but poso. orshe woulditot ip
T3f%V1&0n THE OLDEST ESTAILISIMEM ments made from the amount of theit moment. 11 1 eAnnot do it,- said he-- he ad6d �ior� gently, "you wM -be sorry I ForpiWa sake don't tx-2e with me
/R. S. OUNNINGHAN, Fropnetor. - 11 Why not?" D�es she love him F
11-T rr 0 1 for it when you -come to yoursensei?'
-D XRRISTM *ORN Y. SOLICITOR rN 4- tt.A-%- personal property accordingly. Murdoe He has been too ga-d to me." "La, Tames, how cat
v-11 Emv. &r. OfFee. 3ftrket Square, Con Pr of SrrUATED-on the corner on. the Northern Murcheson complained. in person of.'an A course laugh of derisiongreeted this argument: it, 1 �glad
Goderich. 9: 1%, Gravel Road, Luck -now, Stages leave every rh seemed soirrolevaritto these pure egotists. seaton, At this i�om�nt Wilson entered with a
morning for Goderich and Walicerton. Tne overcharge in personal propdrty- ' e however, persisted. and on �bat one of -the men got up, message. 'q -f yon please, sir, Miss niaYn)t lOve him quite " MuC11 Z3 I IcOulit
hotel is fitted up with,every accommodution for Court decided that his assessment be con- and stood before the door,, and drew his knife gently- Rollestc
in says therAber hacTno beard. love a iman. that toot my ime," (hereshe
Beaton glanced his eyes round hit search of it weapon, commercial travellers. A large Hall attached. Hegan iss have nevef nticed Beaton's face,
firmed, Joseph Girvins and .' I and tamed p;ae. to split on us; mate?" said one of but his beard ste have : atill 0 ! if you
June24s IS67 complained of an overcharge in � personal "Do yon rheant - c. offlee, over J. C. Detlor & Cola, old qtore I Isee no Mie;nce ietweew h
N�49 - him,- � 1,
Godericl-. property, in ther absence of the parties,, the thorainansinfroxitof him. Fain # lailics: 3IL-5 is v4l�ry fond of hcv
11 No I don't, But I won't rob raybenefaefor - rou please, sir, she begged mb to a&
A ORE.&T CURE op LLVER co.NIPLAMT. AND Court did not render their assessment. shall litil me first.'. And with that he darted to I= was it you that fired the pistol and shot pppa,,for one -thing , md he favors t
8Z 1`16toolle. natill. Ays and Ellie M -es her
TTORNT M_ 90LlCrrfM`:,: &c.. Goderieh. 'C. W. SPEPSIA IN CANADA, MARTIN AX &N N T. B. Van Every was assessed for W�-. 5 fireplace, and in amometitt - hepoker was'hlgh In ai4 the robber?' mes- well enogh ; Ehe is b0ghter Me mow iia
office. Crabbys New Blocl- SOAP FACTORYI 6ortsecon, Zynce Edward CO., C. W., %larch. lf%7. eon. 5 E. D, John Hanna sen. had -his and the way he squared his slitiulders and stood ready
A lelivery of this ung-rammatical
Lewis C. �Vonnr_ EGS TO INFORX 1118 OLD CUSTO-M to bit to the on, or cut to the oti; was a caution. The i
M F -S -SRS. YOUNG & CHAMERLAU .—SirR, having loro. B e entered on the roll instead of John f1come, drop thati'l said.Butt; grimly; "*andpnt sacre but rational query waslike-aray of is in t -he house, and she rva& all heff
lGoderteh, August 27th. red within -my own person that there is at last a medi- ers, that he. is still able to sell for cash nam 2
I Han -n Jun -Jonas Woodman's fifime was upyourknife. Bob. ACan'tapalbecutolfajok and e` fricnirslettetg to him oveY so EPERS light streaming into dark place : it J .7
Ane that will indeedcore liver complaint mid 015p6psia, at the lowest rates, not split on them that is in it ! hhu ou
I am induced to inalie this tatenient under oat which entered 70n the roll instoad of ROU. Wood- Yel� Why should I split V said Robert Penfold. "Ifas rhangea, the whole as ect of &69s- As. and I do uOt'cc she Icams 0:�f t
-for part i f
is to certify that I have been sorely adlicted for'the last trifle more tham.
LL" KINDS OF FURNITURE man A lof $ eon. 1, Win. Tigut the law been a friend to me? But I wn't rob my foi Seatoh, he rev. J. ed'it as if Heaven theaa nny meta
& b-,- Yea.. accordtiq to the Doctors' statements- with At his sh benefactor-andhis dangliter." h ugh Wilson. His
'000 nad a feeling of
G i ..c D HARDn'SOAPS9 I,iver Complahil an3 Dvvepsia. I op on Kingston street, opposite instead of Jno. McWwainforreal�ropertyl 11 Mt is square eno 4: said Butt-'Mv, paig was spealzing to him
rich, C. oinking and vague unc-titess about the stomach, worse the Huron Hotel Goderich. Give 'h.*m a Jno. McIfwain to be assessed for personal there are other cilbs 1� b cracked besides Nat 4a is ty Tames Z-�ton ylrmhezl
tv�k-. west itreet entrance first door west of 04� 8 cents per bar or 3 bars for 25 cents. . . drowsi- . I sullen air riffixe, the water stood in 11 : -At 18 Petm
111,49, --- han paus..erutations of %vind, �ceasio cull. property only, Jno. Baldwin insiead of P.' bloke's. Finish the ale, mate, and part friends." he
M C)o MI wM 14% <> .4L. 3E7 nem, cousipation, uneasiners in the nghl�t fellileadache, If will romisemeto crack, some othererib and. eYe-sil smiled aqqctionately, -and in ii Ins bed like some ngoniml treatu. W nn -
$2.00 a barrel or 10 cenv% per d in ' Goderieli. Oct. 3. 18GG. swllw3 McGuire forNi. 3 cen. 1Q E. D.. Emerson p tender v*e. 11 Tell her' I heartcl fler vivisiection ; but the f-putyd!
a,,o,,L be bad a, a poor appetite, &c. &c- and was greatly reduce alone. a low) � jealousy, and, nlsobiy 'he.:Op and POT Ag strength. Bearing ollins' name was the roll for A ennen assent -- given, and Sealon drnnk their some bad char.),pters talking about this
bH entered - W
�nur'ue%r lurhaiii medicine the Great I b -
TORY, at ilke Dock. Shostionees Remedy spoken ofsd highly, I tried a bottle on healths, and %Xalked away- fttt followed him soon =CYTY left 10r Lim.
I TrORN413N'w�-LILW�60LICITOR IN with your Pilis, frotu these I must sity F found GO-DERICIE FANNIN05- ML in, Lad no
-CH but Intle lot 3 con. 9 E_ D., Jno. SiLvacre, for St. S�* after ever And w1i `tout
and af!Wted to side with him, �i�d intimated that house,—that w#s a mouth ago,—So,
Jt ot;iay Public, Convevanejg�r. erich. JOHIN BARNES& change, but I took another and thed found my health AN D 12 con. 4 E. D. instead of Dean. -Swift. lie jATseir was capable of not robbing a mau's house since then, 1'1*ve slept in j& tD01_-hDnae not T -muc d �Io
0at, Offire, on the somb side of West Street; third I continuett it untii I kave taken about ten young, linudsomett �ana *b, ild ln�
door rrc= Court-11ou-se Square. 1,�49 Godericb, 31arch toth, 1868. w9 6m ng _JFn0t0V-%r I Alex- Mckenzie, Donald Mckenzie,Joseph who had been good to him, or to a palf his. Indeed to watch. Yes, I shot the robberwith MV s=Using the l,ills, and I find that I have quite re-% P - .v this plausible person said somach, and his sallenoom. '. dotesn her. Ifyou arerca2y hev L-itnil,
Atlton,` Henr 31-ullen, Andie7 Mullen, rades -brxd�,dd so little, that Seaton, rendered keen revolver, audA marked one or two more covered. I eat hearty %vi hour Fain or uneasultess. I am
ou ou-bt to b
well and have plesure in au�ndia to Say buinneis. 'ist have got a blow n, the .3 e &-a sho is iv WCU _!5uit-
I . Zki-g much better. ORM John Hennessy and several others ap- and anxiousbylove, invested his savings lit zCoWa I thiTkk I
The dorto ruarked to me HE SUBSCRIBERBEGS TO IN. lience to revolverand ammunition. to
Id him tT theinhabitita s of Hbrej point b4c d.
B.1.RR181JM- _JLTTOR.*4`EV_AT-LAW, CON'V1NrA lit. e Great Sh honee Remedy was doing it. T ts of the Countie ed before the Court i He did'not stop there; after the hint aboutthe watch head i for IWItnothmg
- 01ee.� omer the Store Of Mes$rs J. C. os and Brucetbat h !hem at the tan f faitlifid but too car-. Here . b - a was interritptea by a violent
eer, &e COLOT\fIAL HOUSES, I have recommended the Retnedy in several cases and eisstillMaaafacturing,itadha notice served on; At thm admontficu f he te= stood Lt
Mat Ce 0 do-- - he would not trust that
tletliir &Co., eomer of Market Square anct: , North it has invambiv given good rattsiliction, and I would �ivorous animal ; he brought his blankets into the-littlo d d,,vn-: Seatoesvyes, cmd after a while 4c gia
Street, GoderielL on hand a numher 61 his James Hegan who complaine thev m Wilson. $he pointe
strongly recommend it to all aMeted as I wa& tool house, and lay there every night -in a sort of do -'s lCream fro
J.,12AFY& ISM AUBROSE %%OOD. were asoessedtilo, low- The appell 4 . - t.le stiength to say, "' I lmow I oug&. I Impw
Subscriber *ahvays keeps the largest SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS & PUMPS. allt on sjeelx Thistool-house wits errected in a little i wfirds with hez�eyea glaring ; and a lit
0 -t]
THE- Siplyra before. meat Consewn,-C. Ik aw)unt of domestic affliction did not ai- garden, separated from the lawnonly by some young. - slowly over 'Lt. If he is only wm I ay of her, as wurthy
IDO.Vle &S 44quier, variety arid beat Stdck,of this 2nd day of -March. IWd.. He'Would particularly draw attention to nil tend. The Court having tried I the com- trees iu singlefile. Now Iliss Itollestiin's window biiDoa-wo-seeato'betrieldiiicr as ny nian could be."
4 Al. CADMAN, L P Seaton7i stwWn-=d -shoe.
nnRxIES, Sol-lcnolts- HOD ISERY & GLOVES! Commirtotier in Q. H., in oWfor the M lts-as he will warrantLhein to free Wheat from looked out U20n the lawn, so that Smtow's "That he isJ=es. WhyFUbcboutx1
AND A xms not Marty yards from it ; then. Us 72),sAd the GeneraPs gervatits
Godericb.0111t. oats,coekle, cheslas &c. Pumpsmadeto order P ts, - decided that the partie were not the tool hotwiii: "WIDUAack
%v33 I 5,r Couutv of Prince Edvyam. C. NY. assessed too low tompared withthe gianeral — only lighted from above, he bored a Imle in have herdol hiln, Zt is 11. 1- MILE- W. EL 91117tta. and warranted. woodeu s1ru the Tom in the business like accent'of one Yon
IN THE COUNTIES. The roll chim and through this he watched. He.
Pactoryou lVelsonst.,66twen VICtortastres assessment of the MUIUCip�llfy. uskd to sit -studying th-logy bylfarthingrashlight tin who had seen a thousana,wounds. Wardlaw."
CHAS. E. ARCalBALD. the 14dyis bed -time, andtha hatratchedforhershado- never mind that ,, sgi(l SeatolL ,3[t I Beat -on starte lip in Lea. ITEO
.F. Vrancis 0. 143MICIATI, an adsambria Road was finally. assed. . -
TTOp_,,-Ey_.tT_LAW, SOLICITOR-l"N Acderich. An_-wt'2?ajd.:l866. _j03 if it appeared for a few moments on !he blind. he ga -very deep, foi I don't feel it sigh of content, 2nd.went to sleepi.1 tu= can't be
Oral. and sale of Morgan -Is preminS Ashfield, M4y2Qth 1868. Oevery now and then, to —that all WSM W -eyesn Genera1R01lVst6nS then, fixing his
&c.. &e.. Cderich- Atsolagentfbithel.
R.,Zld. Oit par7_ns9' Wk. Guderfe , ault sud patent CULTI VATOR. Whichbas never vet The Coin�cil met this Clay' piIrSivailt ita After afew nl��ht$ his alrM naturally ceased, b don 31erchaut,i Lis; s�om lcaitways Be
and'Mr. Panersitn7a Store, I"- A A at he sa'id, in a voice that broke down
Y't- X[r. Haldan FIR _J EDERICK ailed tqgivegenera1s.attSfa4&t1oatofa meta viho love increased, fed now from t -bis new somrA tho the w1iole coaft-m now# I IaAr
adjournment, at Dean Swifts H6te4 D-mn� Zweet6eU5 (if being the Secret protector of her io..-SlIddenly, "there stands -the only man who
have ubW them. 0
very Menitay from tili�s P in -
10 the old gentlentau, Be iR retired by- uTL uc-
TIENRY DODD.� he members preient. adoma 3liss.Rouestou,s ad has wound6dme
itlr' to hurt me."
?s rudd, Wilson, fell
of List meeting, were' meantime, The4ayGeneralRoRestourec
elvicl counts."
Goderich, Aoril2-2ndl 1�64 read and
7- in love with himatter -her fashion as she W
A deed of land for 4 road on poi t blam& ised towe
reproach surpr
T1101UNRYATLAN"OLICITOS IN' CE oved. fancy to�hw atonce. andbehadeactiturn."edher K
7-1 tionsity; forbe,I)rsughttho nosegays to
_'pUn -! YeRed J`nle Seat -On hi PY" ZIRr-
or Vie. 4th concession was given by, Mr. Win, little Una _ persons present who I had observed *91r
C,,v &c Walkerton, CoUntr bar, and listened eomPlacenato her nssip for the fle. imperious and
kv, i 05 H The lerk was instructea to t irbnaide 'of his thaf �wter, i�g fearfully snol both 'Bands bcating the
spke-df atew words sbe le now th&4about
-Law to establish a Toad. her young mistress. Asbe never exchangerl tvro seutn He hung hisheadin silence moment;,
pr=epa e. By THE RIDGDI'�_PROPEBTY ces at a time with my other servank this flattered
The Reeve submitteda statement showing $aiah WIlson; andsbasoon begim.tQ mea and accost then. being discontented -with idweA- w!th a1irm,
FOR SAVE. an expenditure of nearlysix hundred - dol-' cherrier-arilored ribbon% than he he went intoa passion with "That angel xnamy ldfa 1,01 j0kidwd k.\CE1tY AND L XW OFFICE- cvxii1s.4 Vxv him oftener, and in his serv=ts
THE� REsibVNcE o ri TaE LATE J ORN larsincuried in repairing roads and Vriges couldstand. So then he grewiinpiaticnt-� and.then she, for standing idle. ton. " Never whRe I live 3!A thrbWiv
qVtoa, Street Goderich. ag In - Ruh - Qw4y, you
1g. B_Convevapeinz.. 31-ine tent oil reasonable WATMINIAKER & JEWELER, STOP AND SEEN- .,.GALT, E i reading him by himself, suspected some vulgar ArAL- ill ; lihn �vith these haftlT s Erst.11
dam ed by the spring freshet Su. romel� saidbe, roughly. 11%owS Tom,
defeetiVe US to real 'estate Jon sooi:i IkedJealousy, jealousy Qdnoeliwd N1
D6pntednal addition tothis expenditure. 'It was moved vi sple detectioti-I if ydn aregood for iuithin, itilp the -What ungoemable fury would havttul
qaieted. Goderich. Dec. 24 186& Aw34 WEST ST.. GODBRICH, follo%tring renLnkg oil TegumoutalA Of most
tcd by a rmla'!61 n=. ext door W&A of -.11 Ver-e;it digcovery Was, that salcitil. as she talked of "41 1
X wonderful and extraordinar), cures in Chuntla by HIS property is beautifully situated oppo- by Mr. McIntyre, - -and seconded by Mr. 0 uhd Amdrew ti ityea as iute�p
3riss Relent Rolleston, ale s— alikays, r, cleomet; her =11 and staliUcll th "W6 I �
r- Rtotts' Saddlery.: 1h.GRMATI`NDIA.XRE%1EDY. Thryarestern..un
S-NIFLICOTts"4011. III Tsite'ibe Town 'of Goderich, on.tbe A n!, That the aurn of five hundred second w", that Seaton slept in thet-31 house bottle of port, quick!
deniable and ii,contestible lac;t-- suffirient, to cOuv cc North Bank ofthe do=ob expended -,this year in the Shewas notromnde enough to connect liertwodis- 'Then leavin- him for a while in fiienaly 'DO Of t-hO PI -me with Utt-176t - e1ftoHy,
-ET, SOLICITOR, &4-, &c. one door East of tU Post office. the most skeptical that the Great Aledicinal Coinpoun- 'They lay apart In her mind, und
,B,cr..,OnL C� - arned aftim for ages is now acce4ible ill tlic Great coverie
'township forimproving roads, one hun&,ed s together. torelatesupi3lied, a connect- contrived, howover, pireamstatioes we ureabout hands, he went to Ids daughter, and asked M.ONEY TO LEND. R-WER MAITLAND., dollars to be expended in each -ward as the mglink. her ifshe saw�any objectiontoi bed being after her, aeputranied 100k Ld viz -
"T. X=DS 6P SHOSRONEES RtMEDY neThiirsday erening 74mes Sedtou!s gaddess sat zentrated =,-e mil ne-ablution.
e'Thrrrtt Lott-, Liiver, Digestive and on the 13anks of take Huron., It cpn- township was formerly divided.—Garried. alone with. her papa, and-bping. a young Iddy of made up in t1le house forthe woundel con- NEvsn .1 V= YUll,
_WBILE I Lyn,,,
n. 7-1.1c no naal I WAT WELERY -,' "Iseas' of th tains 31 7-10 acreA of Land more or less. Movedby 'linston, seconded by Mr- - fair bilitivs, who had gone through7b
gaiw, Kidneys, &e., as %% ell as §�rbtuk the Mr. Jo other Audi-, taug ger course of CEI;SFD XTCTIONVER. DILYFIELI. n REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE. Skin Humor-, ad all disba-,es arising froin with Dwelling House, Outhouses, Stables# Mcfatyre, That the proposal of Oliver- musig and 1it braiiileiily, and who A'0 papa,'saiil the, ""Yf vourse not. At her -next visit ta aspi U., Wfl-
.�ft yry -
Efamix. Sales in villa. -t -or coantry Pit Impurities ofibe Piotid, we 4oldly state that this rreat across was now go!= throug1ra eDurse of monotorturtig -plea
Ll rernedy has Punington for planking the bo any great store of men- .1 am all gratitude. NVItat is lie Z like. son was refuseil ndmission 1�y vf
NE R BEFf EQUALLED. Where &c., with laeffe Garden, Vinery and Orchard 'ures, and bad not accumulated kin
eMed to. In the best S.tyle Warxtentod. - N he Wood 1;,Lnd consists princil,ally of Oak the nine mile river at Harm ' mills be tal resourecs--she WaSjangaid, -ana'%vould havidyawn- W -)hon f for it. is To the HeaA*SnV_e0a. She kft I wag there ever such a -cure as that in the persnit of T r6
A1.30 & A000 As&onTX&,;r or Wilson Sturrn- of Brialiton, C. W., of Consumption; or ,ty times in her impa7s face, only-shts -vfas two daily all the
of d the flowiiring Lindep, Cherry, Maple-, &c. accepted na-�iely, seven dollarsa thousand ell fol noticed bisfceS% only bea ll�
t.. 0. thaltof Peter 0. V. Miller, Eurriestown,C.W.. 'Con_ an MOV ellbred. Shealways turned kerheadawny whatit 'OeVer -er a few days 94a fhoud7at. the Wguer
'GrXEZn AND Gold and Pldtea SeweIr v Wakhes. W., Tbe Groundp are'ln very grood order. There when laid on the br!dgp.-:Carried. came, and either s4ppressed % or bid it with a lovel benird glittering in the sunshine evoT so faT Aft
VIL EN SURVEYOR, gumption, or that of Ambrose Wood,ofConsecofi, C good.4 she blush- off. Poor yi?un- man. 0 yk-sl papa ti, might havezw1cil, and, having a 1hevc
Agentand Coavepaimer, Kineardine. -jilbeIrg, Be; A&�c� of Dyspepsia and Liver Complattit, or thot. tif John are three never faflinr, sj�rings of pure water ed by Mx.- Johnston, secondid by Mr. while hand. At last, as she Tvas a
Hoscy,- of Napanee, C. W. of Rheumatism, who bad ed at her bebaylor, androused herFelf UP, and she said,
tbePr4erty. The' situation for g. private Me now 'IF shall 1playyon thenewquadiffles!" �ona, wConstantly ori'hAnrl and warranted to ba as actually been on crutchei; for years, in spite of all treat- oni Intyre 'The this Council do him to -beXdirectlyl anc! ve xiill all oate to Wo
Scares of such cases reside ce ca. not be passed in the7 Papa gave a start nurse Vim. I never did ogy dood in t�he reNpect to Aeal tar, Wwdknw, a= askell is
reDresented, if not monet refunded. ment hierctofore, and is now well. n ti sur Prov -adjourn io meet at Donald MoRae's.Hotel ap' ;2ndsaliake,arid said, with�vdl- -
T_A_NLMS 'VMTLGFU.S0DT.1 - I,- - . I - -1a][cht be mentioned hadwe space. incil . Ptirt-Albert on the 10th day of JUI16lieXt. feigned yebemence. ' Ay, do, ifiy dew." and so com- and so why not tieg4 at oncp 11 spatient,
SECRETARYRUROXTEALCEIER!§� A980C�X?nONN, Call at the Drug Store and get a Circular at posed himself-tO listen;. and Relets tat down and World yet
For-terMS apply to —Carried. General Ralleston 4ugghed at this squirl; left the hO5Zdt-1 f5
The stock will be sold cheap to make way unqestinisable. certificates on the GREA r S.f]O' -Tp C played th -en immortal melodies, some reply';
BaucgFXEI.D. Pose O.FFICH. W40 hecomposer had tak =,a 'the
foZ fresh goods. if yoll wdrit a really goed HONEES REMEDY and PILLS, and s*Mfv y0ur THOS, GALT, Esq., JOHN�COOK' lerk. Of enthnsium from his sd& daughter,
gay, S0131e, -ill and had robbed them of their distinctive ! "'What, Barrister Toronto character, and hatshe4 4hem. till! they Wem all one
Horace irom
Price of the Remedy in large pints S! monotonous ratti, t6llovred him immediaiely Why not V"
-cleck go to L Frederi -a Hitt Qeneral Rolleston was little went. off to give his requisite 4 ive Vderich Octe �1 186f- w39. D. SHADE GOODING, R.TVI.E. MATCH. But; Wilson
F . I Ba"ister, Goder;A. the worse _r I stopped him inthe p4sage.
r- For Sale by au mroggwts and Den ers it e I
1DR0VTXC1AL LVVD 81FRVrVOR, DW%I!0HTS- elne Agents for Godench, F. Jordan and Parker & - - — " hearingul)oe.t�steesdift.yitejwcuodour Avarziortmin anil CWhere I= ho -gone to! tcli
at C Goderich. 6th Julv. 1866. - Mat&li.'Olds daughtees music. please sir I think you Tiad better not-. I
X KAs. &c� 0.5-ce in Mr. Carrollis Dra�- $tOre, sw99t,f The f9llotdrigg is iffie seore of a BifteShoodw
W ' rintse;eer- i - HOLESALS AGENTS' at Bakfield.- on .'Friday thq 222n47 '-4 Artillery anit She was neither angry or surprised. A delicious -bell
N. It. -All'ar&r, ft, virSthl, C. Tait IV haVe soQtbirgr to yon.' :She theu
r at- WAREHOUSH Rides (Goderich) T41unteersl Baylleld and ExeteiCom- smile illumined her twe dlrectly;.shet crept. Idnion -co And maqlwyy wftq
or �urvoyin- le
Spott, Foq.. of Wing[tam, �rili receive immeftmV. GAME I fYAI �%N F.I.L10TT TOROMTO. tiptoe, andbetoweda kiss, lightaszephy4,on Ids9my mmunicated to him � by 16,11reiS, her
W39 3)16N§P�Urm&w�%Ts panies6 of the Huron Battalion Voluntder 3util head- And,.,intmth,tho bending attitude ofhi*Asup-,- flutJamee Seatm Was in love made. But into reply was, vit. na ad�
J. DINER& Co., ple ogure, clad lusnowy muslin, the virgival face upd
I101.1311001C& STARS, RANULTON.- and reverence, and the airy Liu -with daughter. He treated -this with dress
2o6 I Tn- 1 400 I.T- [Grand. hazel eve bearning love -021 like ion-il
;JOEIVL 3EEA_T,1:),A_X. �Trici T. BIOIKLI; & SON, Artillery Tils. tal. tll- TI)taL and soigething angelic. rude 3idiouls at fir -A ; but she gave 1im S=h V"24 I � . Y irtixt Vdmcn
yds� -of high,and low &--givD, had rmift sui-5
;r. Company.
A. aAffri.TON & Co. She took her candle, and glided up to her bedroom another tM she'staggetea
And, themoment she got ther 1', her one reason after
OFFICIAL A�SSIGISVPE, e, and could gmt' giving$, of viscauld -to cume. 91"L, Ilv-,*
I Lieu Thomson 3AS3 4 16 Z3.2-14.0 11 27 r m it ed w sa a b him, and he wentilown stairs in a most,
e i -en W!t L.1
wide A -wake'? She eat down, and wrote long loiters 'k -h 0 fit Of _ft4�mbliu4 An
lN,'bURA-NC%LA,ND AND Gr-NERIL A41tXT, 2 Sergt Walkor 3.4.:3.4.aA17 2.0,3.0.0 .5- 22 s0mnldelibe witho t offen e a - ysh
3 , Xcpherson&s,%�1,3 -16 0.4.%P.3 12 Z -otheryoulmgladieti, gushing afrection, aslC==,m1x d-and.� sit dovn it the LdR;
AA.4.4 19 4.QA3.3 13. 82, to three
Mmey at 9 per ee MAIL 'CONTRACT. 4. aestlifus ortheldiltduabody replits to� panting, ;; tf beangty,-inclined to bc! SOAy.
put. i % 4 Co 2 12 ;i to to ten the the L d F
10.2.4-0:10 0.0-0.2-0 a cafao 0
the post offim "grich. ON'S .,%t1w sqyoungjadys colors;, the mate being to whom -she The officer had just arrived, , and was. And, t
5 4A'=s 15 -L&20.8 16 ' 81
6 - tremble fG, that tongma ;af J2_
So wasshortly tobemarried, vishingber dearfriends, looldntr -M.P is to if
If _to the Postmaster f pasmo�e i.4,4 -3-d 17 4.2,3,0.4 13 if pembnaiDe earth contained two. and Over Some photgg I - See 't--Jr4uVsy
ST . r, - '\ Sommarg 4-14.2.2 i4 0.010.1,0 4 11, like demigod, launched two wad Beasts,
(THE OLDO 'IN: Tl�ly. COUNTY- General will he receivod at Ottawa until. 8 - 0 22 so to thel;,ilst new bonnetand preacher. lames Seaton was "oIle -of his
ALL & 9 smeath -3�2.?.4.12 13 19 Shasatoverker ln�ertill u1no d1clool; an Seaton SU* alasJ1 was his expression. R
GEG. RUM 06 , - woow, ON IQ .i Cam nog. 11 -0.3-3.0.2 8 d.
-D. GORDOIN, Oulgft 2 1-2 111ratelted and.adomed hershadow. At sight of this Rolleston colored up - 0 got teittv Slit *m -1A Laint"
lbeVight She lifted lhtme. won- auatt f -6, *aid nct A wuril tP livivg
FORWA Viten she lad done writingshe opened her window -e
F411Y, THE 5TH OF JUN a himself froln the &Zle -Gw=d
Totftb11.1�11 M 91 242' nudlooked outapoa but _etfiicat
for the 1480 040, -2420 deriViliazel eyes t0w4r1s t1le st2�-S,- and her watcher said 9011116
Ind COXXISSION.Merelk, t jgbt wellbe pardbuedif he savrin.ber.iteeleiUdbe- diffien'tY *it'lt 5om" Irlidt dly, Aiihu� wutmAw 41elil;k,
-fAKERV 0 1.
- � - "I - - .1, Woin-= earthly xesung place, towards he, "this pwr ;fellOwl Itas behaVP-d like a
I AWD ORDEit 'Ma- !ln-looldug up
TileAtFas'Is Atf. ILVD3 Ole i Xmittiactureaarla hasnoWorplin . nd it eouipf�tf!l 'Gonvehice of Her Majestfs &
I :.;: - WOCOMPany- 9r, native sky. mat� and got himrelf.Wolludea id JAY
an a =sed Contract for four years, SM I Capt Hays 4�3:&4.917 10-3.0.3 8 25 'in bed, A asleeli. :tG W. A103to for a tortuhi irasf-�l %&I �I*
A"09"'a 16 At two crelockafte w;Ls -but it VIC ft# tak-e him -to the
we ;37 she la t the Southern Cross, and. Eer
3-SqrgtWjig1it 4.q,3-4. 5 "ith-vivid, but. chasto fi., Mi,4 1.5. 10 2 other lo ely's was
-0 ly 2 9 You ;%ro
PRODUC2,00AL., sA.LT, WIXTEW 0-4. - - 8 0-2,!14-3
each way between, 317 .4.1.4,4 -20 -hatthey must -treat
Pat el �2 Lieu Davidson L. Lau an hdar lk-fore flu
LIME. &C., WE.9T STREET,.' GODERIC"'Ir r _A jbtlt Widd t
- Z 30 son, and nolhiiigho asis thdilght he would, and rf4dy for 11M
Agedti for first Clas3 Us -rine MA Vi SUCH As- 4- McIntosh in the p le vault of heaven.
irg 5 Watson,2 IV V -2.&O-3 9 201 - llim like my Own
k TnulelThus employed she heard a stiglit s6natout od the lawn;
dnran6e -co-lipauleff. ureaus, Tablesp Bedsteads, I Now Fiota a I G a I I all 1".- GODERR.. 6 'Cor 9 14 towards a: young tree
i, so�hsN WIff KINLIOffiz plTobin 0.2.s-4.0 pmde her turn heri for deniod'him.
I I . . dCha" , Gift Moulding I ! I I . I iam. 2.1.2,0.2 8 3.4.3-,3.2 15 23. side �10. I eyes Tichei; were waving a Seaton wa- vif 'L itila They w.Jkc-,l iialli*g of tho
Caneand Wool-seate Irs P 7 11tivt Grar -window.- Its top 1) ed .1 loptle sto,§1
4A �t 1179 Q V�A T. dwlewk. 'R On -and froVil Ist; �f july'next.. 1 1 8 -1 Mitchell 16 0 A -9,4A 17 near ugh there ;v= nQt a breath stirrin happincss, befdre th-em, *nd y1ag-retting a
invarietytOt 20 grood A tho to theinfirmally and
# - LOOK. %senger 9- stokes 4.--.4.4.4 Is ";z%4 U ck heras m6n t em It Ora* a cp aim-atioh tR a at was tn in t j! rVe 1w.,
andlidol-in-Glasses, M, curious, ver leaning 0A tW1 2
C5 INWATSOf made iby P& 11 curioug. -up of coffee,
caav Ice, to be7� Gc o
While she wondered, Geger9l
IRS Buitogy or Sleigh - irden suddenly aff arm "d ii ItAnd ]ftellegton ordered a JU, washer fathefs ciaiolw� ntid the love4
,Home -ganufact-ure and Imporl.ed he hag COuve and after theid -the wliald. tgureof &
THE. LAINCAS141 Over the Glas-ow JlouSe,-Where yance W,,�irtron come in sight, andsatco�aitat
-ad ji com*td 43 fittid up his rooms., in the most Go dairy, su;d, lightea acigar;i
appropriate 'The1Aails,tOl;:vekin ays man, going up the tree- Lek father dcvoted2y -, Ix . *as hcr uhnlu
t hint; -Aver.1ge M0 w0h,44rof, .6k was 'buffinem- And asIdlig
In no,,?, _&aim"g' iW straure I rty p, and -.*VtWg U12CS U-0 �,Ijxt wjzt
'�& get tid-of thig YD=i , =g4manj pTdpc
VI" A14ID" Tit= Also, HEAMES, in, a. un.�% reac Ifelen sat
ent of C nner, to execute ]�Ieturea m eyery Eyle excap ed. ab:llfit 5� oS61001 %
� I �X To leave paralyzMsba. he- Zi
To Hm. known i6 60- art- oderich fiot later - I low berl�vjffddw wtisalead Hat that r4o" thobaywini- - Asforgarah%U210n, 4 wi)ZAY, CsV3Z2_-Uy when tlWyAce noth�
ex" N. B.�-01 . d �Oictures, such" as Dan - It ddi]Y Sim"yk excepted,' about' 'l. jtTw.iijjmau3. 1-4 3.2.2-0.3 36 21 dow below. it covered an area of severalfeet, mil the anayethefriendhim- gf ldisiike in jt.. j1D �Grcd Ur "a
INSURANC% CO)WIW 0::�-Luinberand (;ordwood-takeu in uerr6. Goderic
arrival-otMail-Tiain; %Z' 11 McCann, 13� 1*2 "7 man sprang ou to it wM perfect caso froEd thEf teft - slid went to bed discouteiatp* and ilionaer-
typesand Ambrotypes, -2,2.3.0 4� 21 Helen shrie tely, and that V, as he.- x -andp2ess�
copiid-stophotograpbs,.- 4:30 li. in. orl'afto4the �T_
chan efliiFarnitpre to P$jpcIc- 2, 9 - 1-Y 1:1.1 ir-edwith terrqr. At that very lustaill; there ,.I bad Judgment She saw, Bit=
ff V Niithih. .7 �h0*1119.S6rvintai' 3 drid the ma�uns arms -went. in- at her owi
WITA VA000 re"hinaRinloss i
Mr. jobustou cordially invites- "the Ladies was Cd lier =41 &aw n genflealedion, if wit
STE:RL1N'G`* G - h,,27th0ct-.IS67 WZ 4 -, josillt- 3.s. 14 a flash, a pistul-00t, to�, latei thati if she held her tOn-M04
poe� () H61yrbod,-Kinlbugb,Lueh-,� -5 I.Tolingotr%C3.3.2 Vv -0.2-2-0.0 4 �19 whirling, ana he st4ggered and fell over the ago -of
bentlemian ofGoderich an"urk6undive, the: CQ*
ithiaheivy thad- gogtoft WoWdliave beenhe
:14,tC0MliariynW s -all Britisli and "Nile 'Und -Carlod' 6 FAFt3litacke 13 . 8 21 tb6 itak and struck th liAow. w wpatient 1pasan$ fWXJ_1C.T ill tettall. To� that 'd idtoi -
belfasti Duftganncnf ',5 randsof d heavj, le ve�y farcica4 d,. zo ve7 lucar yeftng
pea y eltek =dAl1fk6sC
TRou", OfCbmmow. by tIlm -19(on as BARRY& country to It C�prp'l ftiW - 1,3.2:%9_ It -3�0-0 .16 Shots andblOW8 10110= 11ek prisoner, ston,.:
W. Ew Q., ontaining furtiv and gs for 3L s T�Qll
tachw4y.-Pri4tednoticese -o-, .3.3.2 �4 1A, sftugg1eran6-id1l(l2D`se3 k Lce
thone. (laU QiancOlor ofthe RvT1eq,- 8 FtTwcntymauR0.0-();0
A aer)as ofilew6f ;Wliej itcaluejothepoint -why she w*nld.'W%f'd-#9w'8 *11GUIO.Cr aLore th= 0 � Of
of Pt()Posed-,�-*. 31 4. �1 A it akl!tf 1&- 22 Jig jj6la tfiebed axid dart�d to the d6on She ihil ind - tiv je- e, a S fh Cly g t y, c U c a. f 'I (D w 3F 111D an d il 0 W J d
stiWahestaw, �07'i Pive Him a Trial er.informatiollf-aT-10, con CI&OA o il) 97 clung ildlivering to ber 11" by PTO
ze�fij ,�4 blank.. ftirm& - 61, �0 Bnbi"_ 2 ll,.rl I'D. pstierdS never hav,_nursed 16M eXCOpt
as r.=6
Contiiietinay be Ta ined lights there. !Ld th on the soft mosay tiarla
Agen etherbeid worthy, of plaironagO. 4 5 Q . e proxy wolild have been
Post 01fices otion. Ul
Tender.may bi!F(Jibtaia�dat the wssurtive COMM A3A on 14 othe Ne af 00 I -Age
J. W. JORNSTON. C�eneral Balleston. -soon learned his; dau&tees story
'of Godericb,* IAQkVIOW and ]�Inloflg, and 4- .6erip. la4O. _23M Wils6n. tLat boult(led f,
w46`3111 N wilsrn4 and aroused Ids mde, servatiM one of ]ME
RS, Godencli. Dec. bs -1 )er. from -14 V They searched the house blunder blilla lor _16 JaW11 aM,11 1'�,V,&kM f4
a Ra it all udn
!"'f' w 'a
Audion & Commis the Office 6fthi Su whom, wa�, J stildier, However� the
- . 1 If. 2i first ; but no entrance had biienvffected: so they we
One LT clairrm I led )ter jn6, -0as p3rA'-My T01)aid7bY Miss in tLe 'lit
5T MAKE 3a 'Post Offi6e Inspe.etorl Oi us 3.4.3-3.2 19 0,ZUA 14 1 1..
2 . -,3.3.4,2 _-R�llesforj herself. - 11, henshii heard, next V74125,
Office Londouj�'Apdl. p6etof, a- .9drgt9aun_ders3�3.ili"tA 16-, - go, out 4)ri tbelawn with Vanderbuss and p4tols.
A 11rlv1t11Wkij "Sa.3 15 4- 29 Thpy Jobjud. where Seaton'wlw 90116, Ae lifted up Just before 1:16 Sli!ffizuecd Ones �came inj
G01>ERI10F1 &GEIN a Inart lylog 09 his back # the foot*
d `4-S 3 -&3 IT -23 the I�iy ivindow..
�W,15 td �2.0,9.2,0
W-O.A ek �th ge' 24,186.8. 4 Serg%Dyer � 4�2.6.3�2 It to tMr miaz "What coul'�Z Hf'2eu aaifl� " I have alift7f) favor to *gt
'bushed ISO; �.5 Corph Lewis 3-"— , "Tam-Aer hand$ in 4 ement" I man
Th�y pronoautcoil upon him,
0,0 *ngof to sendour benefattor YOU, t1caT- 2,110 POQ7 R , &at!31i, Wh
WOOD TURNE,RS ld 90- -5 20� ment, it wasth4 gardener, Jaiffll- &-ton insert 1W. be fliull"
44A-0-4 11, 261% - G�ner&IRIDIIeWnw-u4luitetalctnabatk.' POI uellitat.ln;r a -fouglifflie t6bbtrs, alld Vvas wouna6d.-
C13.0 is 2.3 0.243 lZ 24- pital?11:
ER PAN B1ssett2nd2.32,!.4-l4._40.2;10 6, - w1itile, she dire
vtary OaWrday, ItVIIA ).ferleft, 46 23 - -for a mom oted Wjj-- on to Cli tA lWS C, -&y Acflumflon,
eut. . !Then he waso 33ut to & Los Pap
L and irf Clill eveg� r Airett AND. JiDERT-AX St M EUCTRIC PAIXT ND_ R_
Eumclhilam A&M&
A � A3393 15 Wanted t
-new ly. ]1om 4tClt and carry It TO ,MW.VJf-
anif'promptretui t(DR, THE INSTANT RIMIEF Or, AHF4TJ1LXTllW- _i4t -257
11 Prn"y fcr imil at0i&W _T aidslie innocently. "Ofcour8l) yoll find Lim a Flaw 2"
M 'ofifffoldiranC&I 0 --F.,L& � -OR y the - I he win
C Ito A.." 1
or itifl 76 for an 0% liowej ;adIT in. that miserable j " I thfill- I 'tan lra'fl wardlaw - kv
- - 7 - - . Ayt
Neuralgia, itemotiq headache,, contmeted 110D W
p:& -the sid!!� or. CV.,
_joh1ts=dmu_�es;,s%vel4njb , sin I back Seatcp 'Was t9ken 1010 th'i hall and laid deed, 1=sare. Aline to
lip W at Varker 6adefs eiich eomplaules ...... on
EMANS-3 Aubtt=?4rt P constantlk on hand for safe, all 06 rt! h ne's"i- "' * alid sa -0- . I AOQ�. - L . . 6d the gave the same OrAer every
e,4 z;;ho0tth6 eontity. ft 418 ay "Is day -ill do it; flwy Went a 1 *141.-
lotbror i silie, partial dealli Ipjbg tierk
O.AUITRU ed, And oc- God, 1$5 911S, -2300 ed aboItt him V, giwl yall aw
J09EL rARKS& %ictery Wn r, iarndts f gather
To, C110 ftoW prepated 490 A with a consta 11�0, how
:Average ........ ney fliat'-you. must Imow
cleg in; &eIr line, inch 83 am yflel&aitdF-teF-_' _�276 fan of curiosity, au4 the femaleones
;;a* a car -"y 06,LtXejb-uXmej� a mannfactUring )30 br' Ghuwter. Bud lif" hcr faw an bean�iAg witk
.4 2w
Tables XasabL26th, 1868.' _�Isw _16 fornied part ADf this ybung ladv"19P
ODdC?A. 4S Avera�c._i �0 spealt altoget1t6r, but General -0 4ut f roin the, fl=j-,s
33edeteads, C 13NYfi"ld=��l�-tf-ttiitmii�l)y3opo�n� -began' I
'X0n6Vt0TA6%non Real Votatb$_ Oqrsi Tize r,,T, jftuttitY WM �Ptihg
-86fas, *0;t Slin MARUAL m0feston told them sha- ly to hold their soup, wine, =9 Jellies IVE _,I$
Idtohen UVetY i)tlier y with Cqud
-0 facm Atet for * Aingle
gues; &T vater. he
PPR"kinitto tbeTr*aXa"nC1owpany 9:) -All e, such av GODERICH MILL _-Moulding id, to retire beMnd the man, folid ; tw
kiJadt of wood-turnitig, don RF!ooriu 7 ton
-9 wliaJ7A Lnt
A 'OUpper 0"flaft. &a VIC's me ySUrinkle Wfl%6n conceiaecl the ftue aonor of 6ILMOmcut, &Idr1mcif t Oca tmwa
0. M.Ttti Noulpoit; atni�bftur6ta'rs, necky6l alittle fliella of oursil boa
92M A N, ai� haitill &'complete FIX -It AND FEED UOILE, -Sidilig-,, -1d sJ 1 lie, _41ana be quiet all of you, aid, thoge thinT, 4nd to6k flie ore dit to herself � f0rc Ininute' Aft".
Always eVilagonf_ Utt a pIp So
I , MU&I
-theusoof Vun."2
U_ [ake. S., A
Sil C�4n,cli. . keep Ott 6f si�t, while I elamihi) patent!s I The buil"i ey" saw Cle x0ft colli"
ASSORTNEW OF (MUMS: CrabVs Block XingstO StrO�t' He stood before the ii1sedBili Uy this tune she obWmed i but the owupr
C"�_X milk- -9 -will 14 � -� - . .. IC figurti, with gratittlac, and- showed it --w franklYs, 240, of Vaw helst, dw
and a HOARSE to hire on ressonaMe term Pa walked ANMYJ �a;midst a dead �iilenee� iwordsthat�umadbiiutlmtterturQ-, He
&ikaod Franvea_.' his arms folded, hoped. to steal -welL
t=d OfAeR, irc d thloZ ed, a6b3 of L Sarah I& love im *Ua and bi�ed his time.
flie stiff
1861 15iy6m:0 VLOVIL Oat-Ing4l, Corn -meat kid Mill *MA IMP le"an �Q, ldnireal.'pa"r has broken obli b Wsheartmem -na. &Y
RMISTER Of ImPfov*4 Go . devich, 9*7 3rd X 0i think- - frOtW their expeii6ce.Itt FaetorY - Tum,0AiD,. Butno 1 flisfancYA11d 'cnerz Rolleston7&'houW skom Aw Af
They nd�f a.sociable-housenigi& W110 beauty be had jwrved so; G
a !H"S 4 all wtialc�iveclinfoxm.ationtroLm�6'lgtr--Albaus Oor�- Wils0n, 0
to A
Aw swe, t a suasir Cure g�tt is "a l'i true tho tOiKu at the earl of a inort, Nit mari,w
A �0_ St- T1W &.-4A 1q, MAO 10t1c Im to the told
AIRY We M. ;9AVAC111 an 'Hollea Bacon. Javor t of. PfW�MUOU$ -ffiere for a cri�a witit J�er f& companY. WellanazieW forgo -tenhimapplawntlY.,, t,)rtnoula lme� rhis fi��taaC 4M hhd
aa&," IrOt0quare &-A fibeiaJ iliscovat to the tradd- 'tfi�'A# of TUne, 4ud. novAi Seation beg -111 f-0 Wlitl`c =d Wilson It L -wt, xnd I fhe ji and
Z Tlds irr-tated
Fenlaaraid about
York, Drafts-,Glreen- jrul;t� received this mor�ilftg,, JA8 f:k bat I
tUCHANAIV, It U -if rbturning'sense vrbut tak Work to in" bin, with whoiWmel', te"IP" theblIH, Am w:10111
to L cu.-ri4lty-State notoso. ' 50013ushelspilateltdiatces.- - '� - " - . 0:: d6wix. -South IaTs lie 5 ow otT ondVata sighed.
1124 -0--Notiona . : � OAI(ID LAWSON, �diw%
Apr4y tj Gain. * - - I ., : . 11 _.. . - - V 11 u I- �
a4 auvlev�n 15ext heivioanecl 1)ite -1 butbitte
-wu; uolunzsom.
#,*a uncurreut monoy. at current r4t6'()f i 11, G beeavg could
U- t%CAXr, T. :NI 'r vW56 e z r*,
TON. exchuge. B. VA i1rd'eft Ilbs ISU
GcAeiiQh JUILe T. JSGT.L vnif.