Huron Signal, 1868-05-07, Page 3Ise& 2:65, 0:5& OF 0:". C) ow 6 6.0 0 rA 0:49 02-5 00 10 -OD 50 b:w .* llra3- io ua A) 5:5D 0:6& 0.4& ,9 ca Gay-- D.b. M UL innalt 3 1853. lvc4ft. 3a (&, n:a 5a (g 1:55, 45k 01.417' a -IT It M 00 n alo` 10kCIA 11a i QW. 25 AM a 0-50 1:00 & 05 1 NOO16 (a tgrp cav 00( 4 C4140� -4 &A. -Ia ft& 00 im-ft :0a 2g r C, I -ca Z:M' so 04,0.9% 0M 5:50 e 6�w noen (9 9.425F 7,64 T.* 7:xa7:W om (A 0AW 015 1�w 060 59a 0 4A* am, A -M -T, "IFA ko, IrA till' I 0. 7 0, V- W72 -61tilIxf-­�-:. Ij lif It t a Ile_ At in, 1ir �ar ft Il" A41 Ff dent get x4mrs �Tvv 4 . I �p f 171 Kind, ll� AA q tll�ftun - ... l -1 - -1 ­ 4'�j - V Fl, REA I r �211140RI]146' LAW 24*1#t' *M LTIn of Aw Un 55ac C -x 'Ale. Wit fir ?M10 AND 1420DEAS VWC Y'JAMN 411 "1*!, F 11W oft tAthey'linveplixre Ine factors, At ing to-jurom sm Mescal f it. ALL PERSONS 114�ING ANY AIST CLAIM IFOR A Pr PI'M GOOD 14W - i Piper; tuilhavIng A, P - 11 MR, MoMILLIAN) 4 5 W A 2A coati "T r 'rio -two lul AGF -N OR which Is now lu first -into *0 tAl Oil, A irti AN widt luablip,ipp iiiii;jr — S MAIL 'CONTRACT, api�; Ma Al Nuwq 0.1, chhe 10�&T 10XV8 CELEBRAT0 PILNO I" _dm 0; kre0affl.16 Xaunfaotu--� GI ;,(fdll VWincey, Al , A- 4-14, tannage ;qUilli UT.f M in Will AND A Z er b it LtAlu - . j WY9 - :; , . t 1, r, 4 1 - - - , , all =11,Alfts - 1 4.�-­ - TO 7 raoifferates 10W, it Awfilit atill" U0 b 1=5 HERiTZRIS PU103 JIM J� 04aeral, will be received at Ottawa until-, V Ki a litilugs *l to mist Ye _Ml U -lend E *1 t D A V US 7,14 -1wfoxv, I &wm &I 'ELOD ED HIS will, TA -- till D 1 00801- V ON - t - �Ayd-&I�A. Agei vs to tzilk,, ontins for the above lustrument& AIS% Ne 9, A- oVs in thwUutted States), which will al would -alai; call April v4 - I i i !ef It wit, Ili a shi tin I T*T-,, X We �.'ne the 4 -"'WrF t luve In a few weeks a FIPST-CLASS Sill, "A -fRMAY, T- 5T11 le�a so -Ws; W a thoti k9eikilgs Aef 4 .1be at thd I=Mlimo,411Z 140'1 fox ;few tor Ettif 4Gool VW'fPVoj4a Z t Ymit 100 Particular atteatloiit4i�vkiC Each be tic L 00 �illl, r�44,—.*44 , C. o ar, igiiii - Gov, UELODEONS .10 PER CFINIT ()Fk R -S t Si 141i t vto r V. 'ftft Slitles atten"to on .0 Itillett OM Wall 4 _14X 111i lNU?UWj Jitft X "24 'A V 1, IS:59, L;v , f ®rCt"". I f 1pl�il r, C�J,4RVO$4 IT, we keep constantly on hand cheap CASH. Q�. W., 4". BIN; 4 i, , -�i — ot'UMIL14 iri I al, Z--r-r-4 oll Conveyance of lier Ma ei a'w FOR a piroposed ,L,t Onies PF_�Tjq a we" AC W pok*E WATSON., 11terchi (14 1� IP i lelf with him Vit fir, et Squirel Goderich, A our authorized agent alid ALI orders 7 THROVii, t 19 Sf 9* -Allitteal Parties coming from a dista 0 Ir ,jpme with 56 1 '�n �S � 49 'It?, L % r �"�r7 1911120, r Iff (I All ITGAi -,.ii during a win receive careful and lhamediate '160DERIM iiII141i h 101irt of Revislion for the townsil of 67 TIN*, Grey will 3 wopas y a S IL4 P ", 'J��`Pargea f�vmirtg us with. All "Itt A i 14, 1 4� 1-11, 21ad day Xle"i 0 vil I an -assured gineral tjon. . 4 1 * w1raz giliptilif t4ity, S re." be held at the T on Fill the , e8f 1. W t T and frata�&'Is' 41rall 6=-% 4 W r III- f s r Al 4'1,, k-, .0 4' tj �k A lbe'latejolin 4- Mai 1, 7barriVr-OwlettilifT - Wlft% Millis be 2 May. IS&S. 117 �10-4M G]3�0t fn el 4, ellq -11, lulti April 21, IFA& ColaveyeAlice t .9114eL flltvorin r, 'BI h` litel - - , U4W 91 , f. 13 .4 gg ';WUails to leave Kintom COINIMS915 IN ()NN other ineialas UCU04 ptlett* POvfq; WU EL l '641*d. about -6 o1c' Arbitesi or daily, hyl` WA Am, 7 ,ILE bfWp "I ; jul rmedy. A not cool itiontol not' later ;44 roa 39-441 4f Apfif i Oak Goderich Itroken, can be I I p. leviTa, 'Tilif Ill ,Nit 8W.000 Rolls ofthe nevire4ttL3al of Poom pap�xs Goderich 4aijy,,tl I)IMphle po-t"q jpptal it to t at jund each' Insider �pdqa �� O� (a 94,41yeatic iningroom. UaueladW room. 4,30 p. M or atter,the amv oft�:T call oq yqu. 4np -Vo their package, whiditrabould be e4refuldy I ewevol 0 v.,V, gaill for Parour, IN _tmsltkobirso. .. it, ambi or, & tow ja stock and Solvagent forthe united StAtestill Canadlex, reachilaw Kinloss: wittm T" lioull"I4 max" Ier I 4ftrA Ile tM P661, 9. Ices at xx?p woblive, 011 -hand ten kinds JOB n9lilill BelfisC.'Dd Si _fl Aed notices contal th 9 each, - *al Print A thild 4tvupu g fur -or intorshation, a- jl� ng Thistle Cutters, and Sod and,Gang Ploughs Contracli ma. s R 2, 4 AltvPit byraturnalad: & P, .i I '-- A Newell G., ;W.jgeuVra Tender $may be obtained at the Post Offices store in in Cho Window ftadeo Godeoch, L -MT, N A T U tie z7'�-Wdld in Godeil by Parkiw&,00i Amil . I rI! OT a 11111W -1 TMn vi e; j 7 Wslia A ro&tQffice Inippetor's, GUBERT GENFIl StoVepipe at 121o. perjoint. Henthu k. le aru',y W krus- ;A * ii 0 dicitie : w3F-lv low (Near the HdrOU Hotel),' L '94 09 Xpf,� 'I P �ddy"th , STOVES of 40 diffirint Patterm. F. Jordan I rra;0i r Vic Ile Offign of the Subscriber. a 6d ft6je&j, 4. ,j Lo4ft a SIGNAL OF=39' Me Ndr *d Sk Imf -s iupplied f2f Toot �e A d Where they have enedout a very select stock qt r�y pokIn Allier. 10N. .,7 Zj Ili, Ce t auks Bally Carriages., riderot Ap ,r,w whQ*1 Id call al aLei the abr szes for A* v f prier Whl stri d dm to d Advrtiser We Led joil ChQreii 410� 0 DIS3 Wor*N- ot, er n in MP all are sure to p at". iller Pe: sup v T Goae 'Mon", at thjjL06`jy0af,.0fU0,"j0j IV Uil. very c�eavt for cash At Chte 5sg;;1 bUlcolo OCERIES, -CROCKERYI be It ra plied v av, - able ftin K 'Uuevil�k4ihi Kettw AAL oA whetherr X. A tozaro. I it in a MollieIrt's wal --jmOOTS V* Fishin Tackle 1 nds oi fox itub'i an. BAN T i4e U. 'ndido hSL _# ry owen Rates. rj;ti% B3skets, Tackle elluig at YeW low tt We 119 W Ile 1k - not tin- whiabill.6vi 'been pqeftbi 6r cup 1.!X-- 4�oa car daIN op -WNW, He A or* AT THE L i `- � T.-, �� -9 4110 W IGNAL OFFICE. tbs T S LAW., 9%, Cottons aie, Unc6ffi iAonly�..Cheav, U* Mol fa g*e( .jL j tryl VAPPIia oCONSIDERING THI erich, May 5th4 IMS. wil. W Wool br 11itil 3014 sale of liankrupt Sto&-' VXV0U;K% 4 -Adet rad bagglOW.A*11, 2" zwftot pec 21T 3�vp -NS(01�VENT ACT OF 1864. 1% 0 u ottions. times t 4RANO L PST viz ridet 1108sesep t 4 - j A 00y, a?% Inwivent. in the rzal!L-r T v ly paid. 43 wto toil G OYM Of I ; 11 .41a",fgia A Fail life Depattatexit. low. Tftd0#"LWVAWd%fbN ST or the p tc.r0j0.a4lA6l falling in 0,11111910 &&so juncit Uk v8d ay, flaul ill ft rivirtue, Of th q by their dW. .9440 "a 7 �jft`E CLEROYSIN Cal 'IsYd == �Ifits this install '. tP"4*W4*tX%AeU1 relie1.N*4A,AY*11*a-1,"DAR1CH, 31al 13, 1868. "110vt 44* larg I -cvw ad, *ia have never knowni a single is act. OF THE Cotqpany tan adopt rates lower thark are used case. GENERAL STOCK OF DRYGOODS1 100MAlf - ��COVTff (JF ]W]RON. �-nmvtirAbllsl -many other offices. Of d, auslaict here the diiVetions It W tome y v W -fit , .T'10 rly a pe t000 on will be at Alh� To Farmers. -Pon 'a' 9NE. -AND RLC&Qj ltghw*t itsuporUti Pat F 0, and'�'p'e1X`Ze -#eon in Ell the lately ociaxi by, tta Tuadvent tk tbs. hergel*Vb ituffie a S Imkesh9ye kd Va — Nf"'CE's ghost tiliVins of its irArtne 8�,4 MgMal cffects, aid Cler $ymin shallJlorward imme- Tal ings, and ol Isolated risce, U 0 41r*1 r�PWjjShjP �of T at 10 otal 1-J40403K lk Tms (2 a gwd opal f-anyperson wi h6 6 Idt t 0 shfagtotcom- disl toll thij bbiloo oV AeXlel 9-06 It Mon' al tugdawa. lap in nsch rq� meatti: 0" Istolly of at v sud atmq��qg qountry, will be glad to ri Texa's BAPTISM&B peste�7 t ,$f *he Jjbj*e Q6 1 *61, .19 Aop-ar At INGST& y oth b oft. ure jj� Alea, sal A a ac the tq be al?Xroved tion, Hear e Had 're of tone Ind Rockingham W-4 rt 01 2 a2ropos p to ING be AA, . L "'insurance in C -01 teal a Weeterp (*-h elebrided y Q f r ell applitilitted A 0 li n 4euta for t e sile 01 e AM " AlMhEpij to ,dobilkr The stock -book em be seen at my t a vqAjA L �?v,! pa !be dohl 020, on Kingston FUNERA1 -6 guo ipmelo. Pl �*ed by dir rot D&N*Ltuy ARDSO.1,` "ell - L. LLARD, C 7Z it; by suffel atec-, in tte Towu of Godell them durini- or B -A "ORNWALL k clili !A A eA:k litheconati Rose- gar n The Wig, , ten alsoli, in futnilet ye�iMy.-ffie 1�e-gjjlici' jigNtmid.%onderful AftfrAii*lft rJlW of Utmeal, Iola Ind ind suddil"41(fil, Store thel W, tidld noun 9 in Hurout IA 31 at 4wean Supply SU Dated &: God Wf., ce to Ae Trad of tho or rei tl� 'comply 'Vith the abovit'Rim db very superior articles turnedol tr. B4ard, Godel j, ihj day af I"y- 186& Ipainis in the side,lions and b it Trt Maider6eaner and prosectIted , body &ad from v on it A X A N U F ATM M01 WS,5" DO X S rited, log" JS L�fe in every he now hs POILOCIL render thitn' gni*IiW, acbe.rhetintatio a d other wIStd will t 4 4 131 tentis of the Statate, Qw- Steil other preplaft the stock liable to be 1A, 117 Fer plartioulars see,circularls SenV Out so Call slid oxamine imexuadivent *ls ado$ -Viotoria, Cap. a an v WEI handi 0"i oAresfy, W 3110max, a Ia �o By -ordw of the 84i'd. urns, wat2ses, P Al. funi a its. 33 &t6ii 32 and 30. ial 411d 6de"of Baukmpt Stock in 41wr*W-Viffibilisit j1&qfm1k an 1xinfreaL the stolinsichrDiarhosa, & JOHNSTONO . = A9,Twitta Ril a Court -of 'a-WERT--prostil C Z f recelvedtig the Ill ('00lera 'Ap!il 3, 1868. 0: * - - -- - AftLjoiV )[I in Coun 49 SW Ul lintrL, for Xr, OF Rd thsabovellitill S. BROU ly qormieai� OL VT 1601L,- Cp vjnt� 0=prj� a gwa& I41 co bo Iva itBOOTS AND SAM& b g cliol el at the - nfilb-Mol of tha -S:L f 30nl and 11lats eland �0-r the Peace, OoditAch, thelateststylea,­ Miss Taylor has a o secured the 0 BONO 0 rL,-_" dand, an expirien F 0��Jdj S. x"perstioni a J. cop =maker. jgrtest st;yle trimming. &e. Good It .�Q 2�jfA czo2i,'o it 7 Bentillaul jf)Mq ELUM". goyr made, to order. Silk, cc ofVill the'Pesce it.§ #rdj 1; tj D tfT *64 braid Maci Stitoblug, &C. Godezriz% ;rd suits now 1% ble effort' sit W -M - M, Deaters. V, shet-,voy receiM tlibel Pat-liage- P ew OR CA. IS H Wiithd-p�piedlqtely. EA 0.1,1124 IQ- If IA 0 ,7 P. J-1 ry U M A J= L, 7 T- I L w FOR T I L S IS ANI A0KN0WLZDGXDFA(3T-T1fAT TUE PLUE INDMoa, T- 4 to j=haw LOTS, Ir IN THE Pi A S ANY ARTICLE- 'IN THB, GROCERY T, ]Elf TIAS A SPLENDID STQPK OF As heap ts the &4 - 3 Cheapes D"t';OF' GODERICH I and as Good as the Best! 933MJ0CX*T9% 3D3K -C3-0140MI law 0] �, , * - -M ?�:-�*,-.,l lvi Id Which Ia aLgrest abundance df e0n. of Go& mebati -ft fddb** tkojoil" of gem clearolly 0 C151 at NOVELT ough U4 Iq*L 09, 0 ent* of ERY LATESt In ell the virlous departin the trade at be TgE AWEST 1E X P it or to "Ry I 309B Or placm. IN n1Z,=OC1E AM 1*1 AUCTION x&R% in the of Goderich, on Itarch L Ott 4% —Itteds Ot BY .600DA. D SATUDAY064- ot--MA7 1868, at S WAIN 1% 0 ft 8 E,L L# 7Mc'clock, noon, All. d it 0 1 .0 JXUA TH W C 6"' A ladso� olort-'soll lHe gorth M& kwkd ftual where may be. fquixa?f a ft t f Lots 2 and.3, Genera G'rocedes� J4quo: rich, now 3W4 4 -Uoll Lin! C t f a v � t0ouff." *W4 ig a sub-lilivisibn o ble Town Lol DGI theTown or-lautLenci 1WUw== A)f L am TEA A.& 's 'I T AN BRGOT $400 e, OnSurvel �"LINEST TEA THAT 0 G1 43' 44,,45 46il A--;?W-ffP SOD 04 3 -T -so, 1 82 AD V r 'g, 39, -�'j 4X ; d VI Ul "M IIM 15 ots 1b. *VW f'jF lob GOOD 00 Ull-136. -ed Chelip with 4 VeimeN SuppIi 'Ard 0 11M TWO or 'Sitle aho by'tile Jh Isituated for b vejj desimbly iii -All -�irapldly 7^k 40111100111", tionofthetown. tiii-skjaWid1l b4- Mol Gaiderkh, May 4; 1869. time of sale sX2 1plv�n 011L"de'P7,ol e Comer of ]a Md y -the bgs in developing tile greatest amount of light at the least coat IW"q for every gintli of the purchase money d a 8 elent a4et S -q are. "in rhe bino F33tabI6 In three equal yearly PilyludlIts I W M V.w .bftj't IDA rrHE sm rWjt e ths, pl* 4�: IT OP It supply of DMee-of jilessionza Tma Murt UV= Zbe obtained upon al [core, the Town of Goa TIM 41"W-41MA to" rich, and at the Chilltbers ofthe add Aj""rocerjes, Dry QkA " and,( U 010d , k, �c io at I rlool -2 VW at 35 qents e T ow lu INS. -HoteL A14. Oyk w14fA dee* !Ala 1�, Al Go ]WWI x Abi THIS S IXP 0 L .4 tyi, woo rafroi W Sn9d Bral W1 . T up . d. W111011k Ike offers �Xaffk. BE hr isle at ldific, St., ani tho Wit 0 1011 flu 30%W W� i;Ue ec C ]�ecial A# in ill i R �A, NEW C oui con;jB&Ir of llyhwl ovr*,% t. -' t `�( V.L'j�,'� 9TOOK -0j e Are, oo, j&t prieft rfflig$na. -F oz,, Ell .1 OLLi N - Black, Equat, Ridw, Paul and offiff 90*" 1 saxiuD T SM cA,�JtGT=S, BRAD TU ill xx -� L a L 0 Ll. W- S* , 4 r. 0%, V41, I 4 OAK- commerk 14101 *W 04-na�iestatze under *&M;' hi Chil fen 14 lot .1 TIMM in said tiff 7, < 4L 4 thefone great cautwelof death III *Mrity-A-7 4�9j,47),af In SUN 9 XW_0 'nact" Ile- -4 —Ait laity -CollIja t RE AID YVA oso &)ng. h FR '- its and Villy ft r" fourteem" vy V7,43 --JOHN A" lading V* x yjtWo te'a And, t" q M j W at -l;-Tb--f0T6Wirr91a -= 6 gar area raw orthe Vety I'd 0 4 tiAL to d on, an _C.Ojt�t, L ­ - - a ix _ taL r . eekiMOT 7 I tbile, he --- Soutlie t Aaf4 1rT �ftS,0 F tant 'Ro"and i�A4129W hit, r Ill V- 44 - 0 4r gra ill UttL 411011 L j W IV X 14 - - T 1-9 At - I- ~in'tjo J7*Wn of GA111eliCh# 011 Uxt; WIV, i1w.194i am, �Taegdlll tW-4M iie jKoqI4l 1144allitift *ne *x L live ate ALL Udlail w0j, rAi)Ag0, 0 lxowu fA#b 4 D9 ZU4A n *24 VATS 0:9 d Pit k r TOOK*- VV $014.1 _7,-) #4 IlDed Sit