Huron Signal, 1868-04-30, Page 3A
j �1111
t,nNDo.-;, APA 23id (Nidniglit).—Ini A-tradesmari t1resented a Vill for the UNININ I�E*iR4191t -TIM ORE1T .91601892 EPA' Di f! GO wo
the Hftse of Lbrids ib -night, ib:e -1 of tefith time to A ricli skinflint., L'It strikes A. Famille * Medicln?�%icll and favo
I —E. n,,�Iat A= tilrelt or rablyknowii
mo ", said the lafl6r, 4 Ithat this is a pretty
Buckingham aled jhe Earl of Onrnavon
r- for the past tork years. never railing in it aing e SIP. jAXES CLAUXBS 7.
zlrph� ha's tw�? you Lave ro bill f 4Yes 11 eplied the trades.
0 S. Bemett wid al;y NG W fof Im F, -toa. T, A*1W iwrft
cule,-ized the late Thos. D'.mrcy cGee 6 relief when tiinely Cele1iiated'FelAale 'PIUS. _0 I 'VUE 33emon
12. Cl $ n1ral, 6,1,ve Be instance to give permanen I I
of Canada. 40 round often enough to W, Stitt, h&ve� " Alsy jentered iluto,
plea, jlowgt,;�.Ue lossw pm%-kiir
used, and we have never kno*h a sim le case Frepa nu. th 1 -,
-Yln arn the btmi N9. make -it appea**D, and I have called now Iled frwii a-�,Prell&ipfft of Sit co-imiamVp in -the A-rwh. An Va ft
-Yes . dic kuld *417n," C= LoN-Dwq, ApHl �4tb In the 11 at dissati-stamon. where The dire,etions have been Markel ALD., Phyiidan Extraordfur at paystfo pit rent, *,tb
otistl of to- got it squave purcialsed the above -a-ed of"busbuic ORISTMILLSAW-MILL &
: Un4erstpeibeg to inforin Farmers and otAers thlit they have
��Qu. I mviad Clmlkn's Hfo Commons Inst night, Mr. - Ward Hunt, aroperly tollowLA, but on thp contrary 01 ate to, r/ke Queen. THE i COOPIERAG4� reauses- �NA`r "'f" E t
of Mr. W4 Piper;'und having . . I - -
had him mwefel& at 15 Chancellor of the Excbeq�ef, Jiltinitted- THE MARKETS deliz,hled with its operatioes, an& spe4-nn- the busjncqs� and all watters apperWming
theannua)BudWt. tberey"fitie Ar the highetti thrms of its Virtue &lid MagtooT his invaluable medicine iq tinfalling i i the theretoon the premiseslatel i y in occupx-,
11 of a cure of'Ail *ho;ie paintat and dangerous d! -ases nowitz,114t%itte wo*lazoperation, f inthe W"Of
. THE CA1VlD1ANPAZ-1VD8S21R0rEA1? it) which I I . I . I . I I 1� it I Uon o Samuel Plah Es
last fiscal year, which bid beefi 6timated GOI)awdir, April 28, 1808. he fbinalo aomti�utlon is sizbjgt t. 1A., FOR SAM
.Z01 4! M�g with Ark Now Frap0o'l to.. Wtii-e`(Notho, 131"'ket3 (full width),ftoen.: Goderich.
M �-�y Roblm has*ronforitt;elfareputition,asa bio�,i Puri moderates all excess and removes #1 obstruf ions
Wheat ............ $1:56 @ 1:60 ti et, alterative stomach tome, unsurparm- I in the y &6
at 270,000,000 aterling, yielded a total of Tall andus eedy cure me ,be r6hedion. Dated at Goderiel, this 20th &y of
461600,000 ster)inL- the real ex. Spring Wheat 1.40 R 1:45 lostoty or medical preparations. Iti0ol-l-in fails, Mareli, 1868. BENSON S. B T111AT LA1q2 AO, CON"TOrf,
inpatiblevit-h1ho best workmlirtsblp.� Particular iiwst*
C If the rn=eZer Whrzej call- TO MARRIED LADIES I
pansion of the rieveuua athbbilied Flour ............ 7:00 (f )t 7:5o'lo-eureDyspepsia, Liver Complamitt, Inilive 41rices,
to nearly oats .................. 0.42 0:45 tion-, Heartburn, Sick Headache, Kidnev 0= itis peculiarly rufted, . I.t. will, in a shut time, Attention paid to Custom Roll_Cardlng� Pulling, Dressing� Dyeing, Uo DWIELL
XR0,000 sterling. The e1perlditures of 0:70 0.71 plitull,AettlStomiteliPhthilticor Asthwirand bring oil the monthly pettoA wijit'regularry. JIM* HOUSS1
-�o Peas. from one of the best -mitalmieValUable Farm 6
rd last year are. est"imated at 11 1,j50;000 B_ .... 1:00 restorps to- % ital activity the -'system dvritdted. Etkoh bottle, pi-ifd One Dollar, bears ti I Gov- We lihall also havein afew weeks a FIR18TCLAS98PiXN1NG JACK, mported would also F40r441ec itid Stitt jr, streets, saarly
6% 1:00. by quilering and disease. trnMent Stamp of reat Ill' sin to prevej tcoun- mhops to the VnIted'Statog), 7hich wille4ble us to do-Custp Spliming, We
�'i Ifinn to as-comp=y him to sterling, fell 450,000 short of 62t particular atteutloijito our lKatabli Blikir
P con. Hallett skmites from beli-
to he3r Mr. N14- ork.� 5-W (al 6:002 - Its makical and % Quderful success I - euring effiefti. wis, ath , zli
amount, The surplus qf receipts r 0:35 (a) 0:40. sudden colds, Sore throat, Cc a, Di,ifheria fenced and In a good.oste vf Cultivation. Good W L.LjM13j0fty.
Ove Potatoes ug ic:AT_T�rziom. 8 -X 0 a o :F a 3E.A is clay land, 45 una rleari
I lgist tuotho wW ime he taken lvf
tonsandback w.ale dirring barn, Bob young orchard. pains in the Weil TXU* 19 A' fk
=pertaltures during the coming final Butter .... 0:20 Ozt5 aelle, rheumatic and other Palo; 77"63 P�118 sit 0 11 It phi
in ny oart of.
V Eggs .................. 0:10 f�4 0:12; theFIRS2 THREEP MONTHS f Pros wWch we keep congtantlyon hand �*ap t� cash -or. 7rool.'"MR Ww. WATSON, merchant, owaare u thiiiiianilbes. if A R D AN V 491"Abut
VV h w3s st=444g Year is estimated by the Minister at -9920, - - the body �na from whatever cairie, Ziven it x4ney, as they are sure to hrtig or M4car- JAMLSQUIGLT,
VC0. The cost of the AhyMinian war i. H ton ............ 10:00 (a) 10:00 a plaee in every household and is fast in pe . NWketSguare, Godwich,(is-ourauthorized agent and all ordersleft-vr1th1hu'vill receive careful and immediate
asked whalon R. Ilia I 3ut at an ofAer time they arar 'ft. � carded, 4"y rely on getting their rolls home With Clinton April 14 1865. W12tr4
r age attention. Parties coming from a distance with wool to get Alwitac, �to, -the above.
.... ..... 6:50 (j4. 0:00 iul,al) otherpreparations of the kin a
�estimated -at� T5,000,000. - Of this In alecasea of Nervous. and Spinal Air ellons. t*m thi salnej6v#fflug.**�' Tor terms a
nis also an utlectuAland, prompt rem- lor f4i
Wool (washed) ......... 0:20 R 0:205 Pains in'the- Back ood LimbA. Fatigm �on nlight AWD othas Luing tu��eq' to t,rmajtMth thel
Amount a balance of 43,000,000 is to bb 25 64 2:50 Soklds, Surns, l3titises Sprains, exertion; Pailtitation 4t�eflearl:2 IfyA incir and JAXN 5XIMIXitt'
Frost Bits, Ci�mp in the Stomach, I)i -irh , Whit,,, -these pills will afrec.t a corr wh ai
Wood ... ..... a ....... 2:
Imet &ring theensuingyear, sia follows :- Beef, per ewt . ......... 5-00 5:50 Lnolera morbuss-Billious Cholic, Cholera I illaii- Crowal-dDqpt irtth6w phig r;etits btici, 141i 18689. b 10,�
_V of obw
other means have failed; and althduel a power elo IN & SON
44 It to their adyantan toapply to ttre;wd
k't" walkci on, tu-'MO& Firtt, by the addition of two -pence to the Chickens. 0:25 oO:30 tent, Oysente!y-, dy, do not cootain Goderich, Woolen Fwt , t:1
b,4;1ding3. That ful reme but refereacm Xjrown Und.
hich will redlits t atiolt. oryt it
ffhefzn until abeut. 0, 1 IV.
rate of the income tax, w 0:40'5 0: Price only 26 6ems, per bottle. mankor anylbing litirtfial to the a Apfilttli, 186$,
10 Aitqnt
ne3rly X2,000,000; second, by the isiue %ese... -Q:35 0:0 Full directions in the pamphlet iuju� ach
in the when Newcastle. 0 W.
of ei�ehange bills to the amount of 91 Ducks ....... 0:20 0:25 General Agent Fordo nada. paokaget which should be csreftld�_ I iscried.. IsuidA Patent IIrt,.
into the RnmeU Aprilifth, IN&: liftoml jkz W TO. . .... I.
Avenvis a 0.
000,000 and third, by the Y.
Goderich Salt, wholesale, f.o.b. po bbl. Solt agent for the United States one Papodai;s.
thot Bir. MOGM was, appliaflon n -Sold in Coderich bv Parker & Caide Rod Tmwizh IPIPO
81:65 at thd woAit -1:60. Bayfield, 1-imes JOB, 90810, Roe'lleterlN. �,Wth the, memben� ran of the estimated surplus of 4420,000. F. Jordan; Gardiner Ac Co. -Sl.0D qtld.Vix pattage stain a. enclosed as JUIR2 'y � r ", N. B. !gj�o` ':le -1 t '21-M st=ffiag at caner Exete' and Thus the Mmister estimates that he will Henthqm, Rodgerville; J.PiA toiany authorizi4 agent wilt insure a bottle con- 4RIZ48 a wesv�njr, adwers
-W otice,
'helm V re urp mail: T,v T lt�
dlintoli Matkets. 40CQmbe, Watts Jebb, Glintop; Sword.'$ o`,k- taintoglifty Pill -b ' t Ndice
liave, L700,090 or 800,000 more than he now; E Hicksoll-'!�-ftforta, and all Waters. NORTEIRUP.&I YNAIT,
lawAs t*eet the expense of the war. Wspectal Toesimph td & litrioll Svill'Al.) W run utm 4k%?^
W�_,O:au answerea, saymg,
In the House of Lords, �be bill for the Clinion, April, 28, 1868. Noon. -J10 LLO aged -t forCanadr, JOT N T 'Bil AZIXAZZURST.
abolition- or church rates, hich. pass ed Fall Wheat $t:60 (4 -1:68 NOTHER8, RZAB THIS I no Sold in Goderich by Parker �% (!little and LLOCjK-&
minutas 0
I the-" Doyle ?a -
ca -mer w Spring do .... -J:45 (t), 1:59 W&XIS WORu hoZENGi.8 are a certain and F.Jorden, Gaidinar cc Co. Ba:yAjId; James
the House of Commons before the Haster 5; J. Piclard,gsieter J.H.
Oats Roxelviliq 00
get-healdt, waning to- =11116113 zzli, *%M
lalidays,,4Tzte up for eonsideration ................ 1" 0:45 (i4_ 0:50 safe remedy for Woims-inChildrea and A- RG t6 aphoanie -to -the iuh�bttauts of Goderiel, and 74cinity thit ther harl �gfifd li D4�y2cl wemct into the Lord �mbe, Watts & Jebb, Glinton,,$, cord, Luck-
(q-, - own and melanaholvAct. Cc
.Barley, ....... 1:10 1:15 -Asitis a well -k a 11 Medicine New- Store in
Potatoe,� ... 6:00 0:45 that one. l; ofdeath among chit-dren, is the
X � t Hic"on,13nafiarth. anO I - '0
to (ag, whad Derby, who was able to rqat caphe am w38_IV IP, I
anAL HCU &j&_ itpoke Against tbe bill. The Arch rizho� from Wofws oiou�e, 1jeannot be too deeph- im- -w tosal"
Pegs eme the Goods.. Wevehle best, 1.
C antirbAry %kd York, and the Biahqj� pressed upon the minds ot parents the n_1 Block ton Street- Goderi0h ; of lisin Other jdu�6 X:&I*
0:17 of closely watching their ehlfdrt�n. l3y8od'.lng_. Su ceWes.'
-uts hcdbeem obtain- 0:17 Q �Ntocks �,' W Camm 'S lungs W 3 1 � ,'Butter . ......
............... e symptons and trite -adse -L- rds W � &f,� W , fe u W Xortmcff formt,-
lof Loudola 6�pawd the bill, but rpMred �Fgzs aoa
0:10 .(2 Df the disea"jthousands (it children iricht be car the Union H
was aa�o=ned- again to 4 '0:11 and unlorstandt tig th otel), -of its patsaige to a vicond reading. ................. &.00, (a) ;szob 431 lmd It
E14y ................. 9:00 1(&
The speakers ill cosciarred in the 10.00 sai�ed frova earlygravesi Symy"ms or Wolt =3
it is cutsizeroa -aThe following area few of the -very. nivierous
e4 bnt 1 9: 0 fWhere they have opefted out a very select
........ z�.. 2:00 ra 0:00 - cliuwd by 4-3
.iffihoza - t�T-� evil7ence opinion that tho �V6&if tendency of aVaiptouit and -dixeav4 whibb are (D .1 rA
fri, T Uriorails; Mranged.'ILppetittfemiciatt:dehi,em- �119RTGAQI� 'SALE OrAA10i;
........ 6:50' r4 0.00 t:f 0 j — t I
EFAULT bnvt-.* I It, thp pariaemeierts'
Mortgage bj_jj�eU L
5.50 Ities, i)frenstve:brtatb, freque[n .11 the 'I D
t is =derstood t�at tha politicas was U*i(rd the &STablisliment. t picKing '14!t W
-TTae3day uW
resmmc vf the ehurch. chickeits. per- irl0ilig P,�thateeth dating. sleep, hardness ........ 0:26 (a) 0:30 nOft, MXjT&j fffrttepurpmeefliarriniSer rK awte Ike
. A motion was made to refer the bill 'to _'V -.w: at* slimy stools: and Ind ;3 _1B S67"
somet mas 6onV4ve ifts; Oar in the he 'ffA - ziedy"Willbe sum
040 RL 6-50-'Of'h" b"Y"itt' frvgne D'R Ga. 0 DIS) Fftenth4a of De 4 1
=Lwmer iM jiliZ, -..d ajad
'1*00 � stoinaah, unquiet sieeiii faintinp 'treni it
Apples ......... 0:75 -OtG lately purebaseii in insfroment
a wJect committee, butafter a long debate 9 V
fro! his cam 00cm C21 e
the motton was &awn -and. the bill read -a Cabbaga whia enableg -hird to dike ille lazest
0:05 04 10:05'doultba, indegestion,low spirits, frighttuldreit] 8, OD 1-4 00
0:30 @) � 0:30 and'a. gradual wasting aw -1 E
Gem ....... 4 4 S -CROCKE W23td 4Y of -A'Ifi) 1WA it 12. -10011,
of flesh. = L RY9 �106tnzrapfis ` iftats Godeil6h We -mud timQ. G R 0 C ER
C,3 03=,,C- qith th Ducks per plura 0.40, (4 �O 58 Theyd eift-adiiiint-nervel to t4e 0 bi the 0
hild-.;drive onttheworms; thoroughly*plhijut Sin fictu fiot ite best
ant to -night on an exRe- Attack of a Corporals Guard on a c hem- CD
f or rm objece the VCZM Seafortli karXeW pain and 6inpletely cleanse the stoloincIP41 n San% gigp ofwcm ":Ir 'a.. in 0 in the Dominion, but m goodag any Aide in be glifff
Shake. )ing �awa 0 =1
Ze ak-eady with ra- e, by dc y witH the n"4.-0 otadin!, titer- PS Special 'relegrivao n6on 4ignal ng0astor 011or other unoldasant batharttcx7�-aa BOOTS AND SHOES! Goderich. Ali4tild New Cablo-et pjc%ure. 10-013k
Before we left Dinigul],, a circumstance -hree fihas 06 largeag its Lark
171, =V-, tj the use of other WWni Medicines. 0 g:.
m,m the Pali- 'Toon. i-
t. SeafilrthlApril 28, 1868, 1 which is t
fE Each box contains the fat-imile signa� All of whch, haing bien purchs. ed for cashit will be sold at the very Lowest Rates. isi&, or $3.60 ift Alizen. 'In -returning
ut witnev�m occuredto an Englishoffieer eoln—ding Fall Wheat ................ 1.60 1:62; -ture of NoRTanop & LyxA4;Kew.castJe Ontario, th
bV7�1,ig��M - Diledid1b jah�, Iso. Wow
a xm-J] out statiowin. this district which anklitleirthepatriahaja of the jfmt� inviteliall
at ............. 1:53 _roprietors. fo
Whe � io , . q -to call and w the neiie z t�e above 1� ppiii Z,* vaca*r .44, fit
=ay be considered not undeserving Of '9pn 1455 who are the sole p
Floaprg N.13,-AlikforEdletway's Worin 'L64regets
rec�i:d_ He Ap---d was early one morning taking and take no other. Sold in Gonerich dy Parker �(D 1-4 OD t* time 0atff ........ I * 1r;1 1 1-1 � k1;_Q wn I -
customary ramble� before the sun had 45 0*5 &Cattle and F. Jordon; Gardiner &r Co. Bov- CD MM— r TKwrwd
which his 0: Cho 0
Pea* ................... 0:60'Za' N475, field -, James Sentham. Rodgerville; J. Pickard, o are Uhoo only unto-W1114f
am- hour agD sh-owed thal,' sittained a sufficient elevation in the hea- Barley ................... 1:10 Oa 1:12 Exeter; J. H.Combe, Watts &Jebb,Olinton ; - ot W . . "Place shot. outhe uight- w; E. Hickson, Scalar ad 010 ID r - CONSIDERING THE EXCI�LTZINU"QUALITY 07THE ARTICLE.
rens to drin up the freshness A the dews Potato" ............ 0,00 g o..35 Secord, LuAno Ili, 4%0 1 1
iffis all Medicine Deal--rs. R_ D LT N"L
NlrcGeaa mmst have, juit whidt gHttered wound, when,- upon Pa&- Butter .............. 1. 0:16 0: 18
-sing a small ruined building, his attention P 1*868, at same v=6&, (10
the Buc U-eys about, 0 ................... 0:11 0:12 Periy Dixvisy PaIii jUller. Doon TO.,
a their house. Msd=23na was suddenly arresti44 by the appearance .................... $00 ('010-00
14 - :00 @,7:09 We clip thq followin VANK OP Al; WEV St.,
to Hope's st-, ea=ear, A something withvAacl� his eye did not Ft;deg ..................... 6 - from the Providmee nsppc ed tons. t Ours Print -,�Cot
Sp=ks gtrel- Ile pa=tr seem at all falmil*r, mloving in a deep Wood .................... �-night in the dkeatioa of xecess of the viltia, He approached it Chickens ......... 95 0:30 to Wonder theAge
2:00 1:50 General Advertiser via -elf 11"D.
<aUtiously fearing, as he could. not distin- Turkeys ......... At this season of thle year when 6holera, , 9
he=d the shot. fireil at W A A Z -A GNi 8 U .1, TV
M__ gni jact very clearly, that it nilkht ra morling, dystentery, and other kin SP
not very distia-&y. Apples 0:60 1 __ 'KINas roN s1r.
sh'the ob ....... 0:50 1110-.160 elfole 0 -THE MEOTE10 -Pm
bes t*r, -oriome other auim�al equally Geese ]red complaints are sure to prevail,everybody- bm=3 sWeREMEMBER THE STANOY
in the ex- ...... 0:25 0:30 PAU& i
d=gerou& Upe�a clbaeiiuspeiction -he 6 0 r should be liberally supplied with Perry Davis' RICH, March 13, 1868.
thefi-walk- as near- Dressed Hoga ).50 tom"it GODE foundittobe -4 3-melase smikeX1111ing Pork 6-00 Vegetable Pain Killer, Yersons leaving
:'Othatof y1r. 1ffCGf_-. Me, -T R�
........... .............. --- 5.50 kN mrPor
'-%ith its -d�ys ezcursio� or _V Moor -ous headache, eantraclod -w vits
."IuminoinfoAs the whcle recess. home, wfiether Wbe for a
DeRmnined at once an its destruction,' Montreal Markets. a tl�R to Eu roDe, should be. in a pogitioti to jo!ntA&nd irmilatts,
faund an whalenbut a sm 'but knowing that hands on it in . i momenes wa AND, R00XINGAq rn W"E
he could do nothing,_ d with baU coxtridga. eri.16.�A.4 place their
XCreatute at onC930. By special teleimph to the Siamu. u,( . Manj diseases! in incident to the summer VARFRL
prove fatal if not int- which.jjV.j3p*PjLZed to Jdake Up in the Sljort-
active and powerful, he made the beat of MoxTwuy.., Apri.4 28, 1868 noon. mo.nth", wh'dh will
:00 @ 8:25 imediatelY checlibil, can be Oromptly cared
wV to the parcl-h4use, sidordered half a Fzom- -Superior extra...... 8 set 4ptive, anabhoall forb*4.
dozen ioldlen to, the sp6t drined wfth :00 8.10 by- oneo.? wadoseg of t�e Paw Riller. On 0 TW NaLT 'i"Afei
and Z��r Apg 1. Extra ................. ;. 8 W A IL4 L AP a(KINGSTON STI�Mi, GODMUCJftj
mug efs, and littking their bayonets. They ioit have *e been,reliev-' -eats for the sale of the a
7:60 ca T-.63, a 0, 1 - . wo ST DOW,
were six strong jd 7-:65 7:85 mOrd thau Llue occas A LARGE IrTAVINGL been appointed wholesale Western A T eietiratea G RD WARBARED etermined Englishinen. F 'y ....... d of involaw 917eflcring-'bf Ilit timely use of
Mey madi; no objection to 'the encounter ve camed rel)8�8 and in P.erfeet Working otdort for i0do,
eCr76t180U -7:55 7.7o the abo tion.11 r:L 15tone.and Rooking!iam T
the contrary 7:66 qp 7. Sold by 411 rugicibNj grgeem, land medl-
0 unusual an enemy; on .75 *t,
c4 ��07 . 6' 9 ir4i
-they were plemedm:t thorlghtf thespoi*- W 'ARD CoRwx ALL
o.' L. BALL— W
and beingformedin line, advanegdatesti& PH all of the
it .30 7:35 ci dealers. MUM
gig 7. Re
Bag per 100 lbs ..... 3:60 315 RUY Dk�TS 9UN- Would announce to thetrads in Huroji and Bruce that they can supply
......... .... ly to the attack - 2@ 1:721 'Oiv very superioit articles tarned-out by Mr. B' EM CourtzrVevisibn for ths-Townslilp 9f W-aY
.. ................... 'as SOOVL alL ffils word Of Wzz I ,--Spring ... .............. 1-1 rietdrs W-ALL411`Elt� allard, T VALITA_Bb� I
was givest, and simultaneously %lW 3m 380 -St. Patil streej 31ontrliilil will be beld at Variant On Ya7k ............ .... Me Canada 0:00 @ 0.00 i
........ tranafixed the nwaster withtheir bayonets XnAky.1he 411h. 41 of 14 1868...' 01:R, . 'S JL X�M I
Western ........ 1:65 0 1:70 consilskinjiDf AT MANUFACTURERY-SYRICES.
-Per 32 M.. w .......... **. 0:32 0-49 examine the stock now #r yurpotio,of revising the
Ge firmly pinning ittegainst the waX Being. QAT& Crill imd -at 1007clocks. At.. for
...................... so roughly disturbed from its slumbers; -BARLzy -per Fer particularil see circuiars sent Out by Us Assament W1, and h=Ks�peplg against Asaw- IN 'THS'Iftwif or
48 Ilia .. . ........ 1:15 1:20 Pdklowi, nfin '.w 00
M weat& The -WItunt be t my time in tay office,
the enormous =eat on hand.
ure uncoiled iftelf in -D& ....... . j ........ 0:18 @ 0-20 4 -
its prodigious Bbd�-Rolamq a �,4;40HNSTON- ",'TV=, I
a few seconds, and: such was StoxePacked ......... 0:18 @ Oi25 POLOC
1 'd '0 e. ........................... gtrengffi that ihe mighty sweep of its t4 AMM& -pts 5.90 0 6-00 doderich, April 3i, 1868. WANTZ1111"- y OTS ug
I If", of the -it IR
P, itdaghedfiveof thaawailantstotheearth- 6.20 a 6:20 01`4 . Gm T a6vif line Ict To#j
The sixth, who *as near its head, I&
CUE A VA111 11'
................ main- -GOLD in New Yorkat 12 oZck 1.37j A anto. W1 on soulk f#&,Qf Union Station, and
................ tained his poolUen, and still kept his stock of Got(,, 031c, Msrble'aind.othtr Papers. Bo�d=aud� A b% NO, �R, fS, f4l, Wj &5 alid M, brinialK
21:00 @00-C Subscribe� will clear out his entire lots .. ..... We .................. THO willilovii.Shades, atior-Y i§wprieenF0 e3ore b
adroitly pt the uosegarizua�r. , � asAverstitry igailitlt the --00',@16.00 Toronto ski
rr unlo� rich, mar& loth IM,
ii Prime Mess ......... 16. PRO B0,N,,-0'11-PUB CO showela a Plan t1sawt
avoldingthelashingir of it& "liderouA taJ -A
Prime .................. 15-M 015.00
'b UADE,� GLASSWARE, 1AMP fthm ciinnn,- stoopfiq or dodging. as circumstanws DREWZD HOGS . ................ 0:00 @ 0- CROCKERY PCs'-ig-, as SbG-,;& .00. S. 7BASKETS, Theselots
requireA tiR, the animal, -03ffiausted with I 0A INCIi. I1160imt 't of itiokladirantscoo4ly
Lr� CMC=D ZZ> -pain and exertion, Uy extended at fti1l sm. &C. 4 Ad for *Arevou"purpoill 4
Pme . I Ryz FLoLTR ............ 6:00 6:05 H j ' f tiajrbs
earth almost motionles& Zr",y ;� - IV,, fr
lengthupon.the j,_4"t,
VP - I e C
C:1 C> 'S w TOR CA
Bythisthud the'lWe soldiers who hala C HEA ell P
.............. .. The whole must be disposeelf 20 days, as they Credit= of tbc,xbora named Insolvent Am,
- down,.havftig recovered their by nol;1§6d,t6mettat VWTAw -011molK G'. larSAPPI rio
Um struck This a fiederth, in the Z:icu LX018 0. JfALDA
are be replwxdby a 4ifrerent 6sas of goods. Baby Carr!' g�6. In the VMW Of 4L
to P. L. Olt Wedneirlar, the, six* day of
Ds=�� feet, �wounilfed the vanquished snake with RIM is a BONA FrD9 CLEARING SALE, and If pirtiesin
................ Rex To
1he butt end of their inivkiets, upon this want of Goods In this lineo not get bargains It Is their Afresh supi)ly or"q new style$ I til't VOlock it. ro.,,for tM Pstillevlanallis- ................. 20 own fault. n =rtb� "solvente =4 for Via vi&riuf of
IVA extremityof-the
.................. ta%*hwe the inoscula- tl rto Mom 4UTM �,ft 6 tion of the vert OUFD on Victoria S"pt,-A Lady�3 JUST, RECEIVED BABY CA. S U W- ff E 8,6 S. affstro Ot tbo"We generally. 240 1 Wit
CTj-_ RRIA G E -8,
ebrm islew firm, thus Macket. The Dated. at G4dsrjct�-iu.0a COM17 Of IM111013, #1111
I owner e e a to 0 a ozen willbetolumeliqxfowd
e I Was Soon le e ata
JO ma:p aud�,wjll be olrered
m upwards of 0 r and Gene Groceries Is still official ASNIP006 for
Goderich, April 28t,� 1868. swit. ke'pt yj y Okic er high stan V 0 1 clountyof 11nion. Re 1"t and e feet in cir- ORL ROD BELOW FORMER PAI D
LK-mila=Vn iram 'tat AnxW_ k -TE S AS W JEWV 31 S
have reg=cd T TIL InsOlvent AdV 1.86C:
Qf� the) Ebg�j3hk 'A S A SPLENDID STOCK OF -6d Stors;
MW Dressmak[
inert. a4 ql. rap4 Tibur AndIFU
Te -leg swre FIC a SJ113NAL OF On Fridaynight Illst, the gwi mill'of In which Is & great Abundance of
3 a 91. ;VESTSTRE�MODERICH A 4T Goderich, April 1 68. w4*. ON
Ny iso, WE
TZL 113 it. =t LUZ Xbhu Dosaldf Kineardine vil agemas OF O�NTJMDOORS *T .9.18
, i djeditorA venti�eiiiotifi-
a3 werf a3 a s.4a ela- '0 *uteped danng- bis absenoe by some TIM VERY LATEST NOWTWO of the. EGS r0pic!
ih arthe VUROUSAD h trade at -the that I, - the undi
des oes, who ma q off with his Of town -of Goderich, in the I
e"i g about 6-W in bank , goods - EST X= Or - P]=S. Oilidid Assignee Snow Opening isebolce selection "oullity
b.7 a de- . Wanted.. ott.� I B 'fisb1*4 tif Galorkh aisd +Opio 161
RISS TXVL01EL N W. Sll T 11-Y C, noigiI4 of the tinottat*
TiaC.her -of Hurdn'
fir c= rr=d VMY LO he his colemente�d f I above line it XA!
h&V8 boen comppsing iUbWn% Velvets, Silks, Satins, t�m�es,' STRACHAN x0=9N t
b -,Y =CeS to, &c D l,y Ah6 Board (if Coimno� i'jN MM. -STOCK Am tigtonnnoun s of Goderieb, and 0
9M. surroundingeountry,lbat they have 9cued a New '!iwteeg of -the Town of Go& Eitods-atj)XV GOODS.4- hij estate an(t
aud, sdiei�ind ptonimry DonneftandEats made and triminoetto order in B cc to,the inhabitant effecu and they aft re 0maill'ald
ft-�M, le dsi thelatp_-f,#6yj0& 40os, Taylor ho 'abo secured 6i Fr. no
the4am-ouat of $_800. co-operation ok_irra� F, A111joda of HAIPS A10 CAPS. od D Wore me, WWM 'two VORNER OF SQU RE :NoRT# St
, J. capeishei; an 'experlence&_ 8ithy -class
dressingker. lAtest btyla trimming, &c. Good fit erich, amhleAeacher) holding afmat
n!cm. of th!4 GUY, lommu 2L$l VLOT11NOm ionths from this date, their claim upou
al t�a line. This FAASIMY ANSIVIUM.- warranted. Boye imitsmade to order. Silketitton, f liri ii the ",Atfids
NeRr- 3)oddls Pump Xactory, c4rt1fi&t%j 411alification. a t"t - �
a �� �- : � -0 indlir 001�<*I)ecifying the in the Orm paIrtalient 16*
e All: Kinids 4iff HOO the xii(I-eittate I �l .
sboula mem'L wear beards I- Because ald I- &;dW- Stitching, e. No rate-of.83- per ann,,. dnd,'tq'qnter_oiL,. his securit 'i
Gf 25, rn bVin, g bmilt at lu " ff:t to 0 trusts NelsonStred, i, hin4 t
why italft r wgn It li vith: ythq hold, jfa�my, aid the ilue 00%rucle-A and J1811
ia G=, Trtmk 4Wy., tLo the, wis a gr* protection to the thraist smitbing, imin none, stating,te7.1m�, with ijhq,�h"Rsi.
and jullp, alla add much to their personal such as iamonials (postpaid) will baFeceived by -sqportf A wherenhayintead to dtY alt ki dif f 13tacil duties oditttely� A:Pp ca ALL XM -113 OF
Ovoiiitgerflin' ach claims. He a
w G the undersigned till the SM inst. at, Goderjoh,L in
SHIP W041k.,-PL01JG MAMN Dated. the 00iinty V
'Bryan's -a Board il 6AN BE GOTAL.00 nuron, this fourteenth ay of March. 1,
Pul- kmrxmtanl. r3rts. s&uld we use 4 By orjje�rauf th kfttt TEA6 telar of monie Wafersf" Because when used for res 9 Ol MACRAY, VZOOD'OOMMON
Ho e4hoeln &C WX , 11 TEA 371 CENTS tiod as flie ad rl hall jDany yeaw
gletilar - tLitention palld_ to. Se tary� OHN TO
E cit a '0-w cenght� col4tij tickling in. the throat, hoar- kar -30, OW lb _0 raneh 4 W!"u. U
50 , cormEi GROUND or I D �, � WeW Aipee :-expelian en t i6a Feet. 950jj COXXON-COFFEE 15 -Oto 1b. wS 2m :11oilit vonfi&dezitt pan 11
IRY Very 33est I rNGROUS
0 Goderich, 21st M h Va 0"W64
they act like A charm. Minis ASTOUT -Tit-
wo refer Car ans
�Awiers use thism� physici ters ind I AlEfIrATELY.
hem, and aing�rs and publia VL&Wff �v
423=01AT af recommemA t ianderich, 23rd'Aprif,ISAS. w14_t( TY, LOT by 11�e &bkfibaij 4h� th.: in
ers - uk the the very best VALUABLE y am alcou= bir
Dr THE 6 1
liefficine in eiistenceforthe care of such tevo*er vitscd in Me 'a$ !a
erebilVen tbkt.1
4t 25 d& per %X. B complaints, 801d, 13yaU medicine dealerij- OOD, 1F;e4.x-*roun4_- Un& VL't*rj for- IYENT 'COAL Vlta -8 VOF' PA h
MW G at 35 cents per:100 lbs, at ouounciA*thw_wb* NOT10" W.*b Ad Instruinent z6bAS it ill expedie to 0 ena of �erysapqdor excellence pr
WXY t ovdoPiugtU$r&Wtabil�Oht4f-IVA'aztm U04iiiiaL *b. .*j
H.. Hql"LL' r, IffkURSUANT to w4eemand two 07fts mid# in a Road li Ill an of the age, lk
rdu on- tv Ymlltyi the lan"' W�C;;
ter fs quite AL reapi, day ot 4141
JL- cerWncauwpeadingimtha*urtetChuco* -of fourth concesal 4�U IL To;witamp of. My! ob9a aro
respOtfidly . . i AN, sit'she hour oftwelvdi room, ray, �Wlsr wifF 'pe 9 W11tf , - or a. EMOMNSON, &M -�he' Tiolki'All The fight.-
iorses to do the', work which. one goW will 71�6 "Old 21, winmencing at Ni6rthcrj�,136&A�'of Gpderich,. AV4 9, 0, office in the Tom f Odde
PtiblieAuction, by ei,
Sickly 1: C;
fr, the ljorse bas the lo leand mitered in
,k,:�o. 5'itLthe.,I;aict4theon'(�:posien.
.horse might- perrom 'on rLet( lowAg lj'nb. Lot numbefonis in ihe,A
t3-_wxT;y9haqoatzi_ I " , ()Ora er'West Streeti derigh. roa�egsioa ort4o TaxamblP,01 110*10�.,tl)111114- M
1weveOlsbrokenwindids has a conih,andvold, it in � theieforo I 3d by the
1)yVidue er hprj-j, 1868. wl 0 Jlsalufiz
40ralS.-*i jt1i fj ich, 2Qth Iradmemsurellagh;oile bundred screw, soves;
-AigycrjO na ata hu ad anyeii!ay ia*dO -if. bis. apWite Auctioneer#. council of the To=PY0 e
IT to _or his diftstivo tolgav sy logths. - �V=
i L %In the TOW11 4d Oodorleb# of and under, the Authorit� �j w Aot en- Emundersigned willreceiVeSCAldit t .te-. a3 WA a$, any (mar jM joiso *kin or lifir hide-lbound we would in all abill Ap.4enON"3URT' 0 a T f of the rationof Goderich forfulle eXcept fifo acres off the north inic
titled' pe( Irich'-fth Mar-&. A. 0.� J84.: Georg Numbill (am
i:� 113 AM. Ilk A6 -t 3�es Xunicipal p'orta' 001 h hIcAl also five atrell arwin.tbe form ofa� 8* - Mot
ma cometery aidug I. o Awn V t D
UAD '6�ag qf'Upper,70misda" and particillaili bait, .61104 mY
Instituti Itood. *40111datiolm WVG Remedy, and Grolwiti on Ion otthe 'SAALUE1, A)LL,00111, -Mato the
Wa3 s'- . . 1. W � t E vftofeeii, `SAT &Tj �6th -Of -MAT, 1$
jiver fails to bineft attl1swost Isirclockinoon" - R
alwayir Terboves, That a Rotllo& lie ma4e jud office over4bbsO patiot&co,,jrswro,corziereEgoorua I - . �. 1 .1, . .. . law nk4 tolextys 3 IS . AM be by 3i'publieway �udtho Coiii!54U. R1100- , X. Trait
AM YOR SUE) 'i avid,wo'knowyou will jesitis6ed. VaTown_TAgi, being a stob-divWit oflbb 2 and Stla AM 161t, St-,
in Wto= Moir 1
�3 art, th 11 13 saga- NT
ce, and aity bc, used at, sit unies-with saletr ter of the iiad, cc at Godeifcl� a fo owi g v _-APA124, ARS OF TIM S
ffay, commencing at,thi &WD TEIT 3M. A
ihe diwasa; it is ftm fr&i anYthingtbut 013 i&!- *fththeapproAtion OfHenrXoDeftctf,-FAq.,Mas 0 46n W FM 4
pened tbrough the fourth A=*
the Townghtj U I
oundory of lot No. five itiQfhe
haember the camei mad set, that the sig- a **ersconialne in Ike i1w
in ttie Town ot Goe arfobi Imown 1 -67, saidAth qouoe g .1 1 - , - TA -I aud, miter (me mitstad snel $*Of
t.7 fid" acis- 0 11rol ith �bf pii LOB CLOT, Meriel
Con. ".7 formakir Northern A �U - BLUE P801 LRTT 08 a &of Goderich 6ite e�
-1, 2, 3, t, 5,., doilit-a wnvfG
on each pac"ge. --Tqlm TAts duce of -Ontario, IlAs I
oho'�jp'o-remrpkee to b6,-pdd
IWWO ofBimd Co. it Viz. M, to 7 8 9 ' 18�_ Sceut4eri Boundaij 61!Ahe i furth o 19.Azim. t—,- lez-4 the, fiti5ject 191, 2*t, 1% 22. 2k, 27,, 2B, jig glides! Ike p0wrhi
cob ,ted 1.
XL Square, wki o52� W�K 55, W, -47 58 59 60 rap TTAS Removei to blil"NSAV all& on -the Xmtet- Detd to
-width of for d, Thi%bove is one a M 4a -a* Ahdvejjb*fariagIfttU6 County' or
%ld. by &It 40joing 01, % 4&, Uj e7, k.,g& , In
ty 43,44,46,46,51, le ,. y inhand isudleyearaTbrtherest Bruce. . t con ire be nirers for ale, Or( the mQ$t Tea
fin him Ho 64 W. si: W, sy, aspleadid assartment Of
WZitem, 4011able terms3or CASH,
$4, 11o.' the Intl: the 'Aaer' 1,1=211 acres, and '.t2o leared -, 2 - Is
Jo'= WW,�widher= for Xdr,609
-circular 16r' e- a How =2 240, Ilif; I ad00 by ' W 241 forth eicessibna- -in ihee- i 0 .�_'sttha=to and a Xeres, raA jai :an
go. 109"101i i day of SU17,11461t' -gra n1wrown ILK -und jAoliersforiftibloid, 6n.,,Io
Wft, 221, 12 i�!�gbd4beiiordivliio4of ei�ijn
20, 166ij IA Ilz 119. 11 1116, 1", X MNN id 2 d3 lid
going good land. Tbei-pr.
an obem,gadoittiliulince, a pu JOHXSELL GORDO -Two more mill'altes
'or "�di - Va Saw A warranted to
bodywoodoW, land sadidwo ZjU& ANDREWDON ]i by
F4*l.jjg to bp but tittre will ba
Thesolottarer rtbasboridof at o,00ll feet in the 9Ab is only froid vri"Ut tilt welillti, -1perle I To Iffis Attorney PIS& 1--miere is -one am of Wall; I in
wosidernit orbat a toor to take.for The �.,;i - 1 1 . I osto
aqftle� the. bay" verr desirably iltuat0d for Way across the said Towushij�,of H�y,
tuaUd for I
1�*;qhs and cokhjW for the cure ot refillmatIsms G6dericbfAp*I8thIs68 the Farm. lid Occt tj uni through it; -'me aw "m
W182M lijus�firot-ride reacjws--rew4 a better Wj ILI e1i
on _lug and examine hk
Prg- - i
ow *1 - .
entirely'ec;iIiiiiWir 49 011110T 'it will be put sePmW, t1A Po"" at by the Municipal 0ouncil mod 99hmZ1ached_skw1*zvdA
t-sto H find 84t**tory c"n
Beiring oraliza- 46a" d a
Viywt do" i6r, -twoet Titia;tPlamptilaa "d DestrOP
r reelinitillsewwrof son la tb6 Xicirtif�r thatfhii abov'& isa tw copy Of
'Ap 21 the railwAY I
jo-li ' '_ W�ft_ ot lie found.. 101k).
mowtAristtlito Wit evetywhere.. for fuels r�g 253e4lift.i 0T, io - �, gw 4A� plaint 'd to 410 08hip- Of UP),
tu tiniaef see thill pay doft a. deposit a oi r
�fU4 his "Y the V 0 jbr,,svery Z100 of the Purchase inceney and a sufficleni Ray, on 0 * 'the- Town Nall, pirlee I VO r
I!Aq, I tou eye a' ThOU15iisilf SM r4ate to d M "7,, S�h Zane lquiceup Ono- villa 2� 1968.
'�Owns , j
e031 rtl�d . . I I , - - I ! I baya, bft* MIRWVIAL. I 17� . mrchassmossy, tbobalanoctobesectind hii; gvea. t1a a court
fdargh of tbo 1 -in said T Inp; [.0TICE19 aby
bytito - ia� at IWIT payments sit! improvemellb lidded. Stock, C
with fit a eight Per ce=m ler um, -the -OF LAWA
=T% . of 19OLT s, Q
Bf - hoW alia
lip Id at he of
!aty beordy,91 sm giitot*lt1i the A
,I to t,40 tln�y bias Q0pWa= 1LON=- MAXOM. mortpp to �:?repilzwd br thie V141oltor p T F5"Yi, -TJIE 32th'P4'f f imPlemelIts Wi# be ` ALEXAnn
reviAns tthe us* -time -tee vie
oloor to
hip� Ole& 3jAX teitubpaimr Vie' 03n- 1-nic t nte or it Writ *f zo�f
nexk for thopurPOse of mot% tefIna and Theboa*andl;
ths,,*tpeabol o the,- purchaser, 11Z ptb-*r respects 1414, t 110wil,
left i"aktc,3 Hayi-April g0th, i8�8. V14 4t. of tb6T_q)WnshI kersmittlfor tail, presoW year) tfikTA to wit.
the $iggeligby cotiditibojofsalewillbothevtfudill! conddionstifthe 441,
ConictodereryT d- �. Pe, Rai - T46 -snuviat Od 11411DER #90A rijia
i83tw. Cond df- Eesis� And -to vie Brokers. Court of Chancery a and,fdrliearVgau4deteriWulug,apPO4 anstithA Godbdell-4114,3116 6n c Tom* MoQre� In )a
Ln(Imaybe obta ed u n applicit- me. WILUAXIE110,11 Clerk. -'flatt;-Almostf6thrite 8W&,Jbr.beantY Alad, Tie oderlcli'
Twan� - - 1L %` �'
April 0& _)11 W" INOTAS - is T -p A. to fe Up or r 'Lir E�eam too hm& ina t4maknecte of the Uto W"11
west. SIL cromriell- neils 91 heLjAprif* we
w7i&c. The beat fresh. Ask bf tivotisti t
but. said
labitildgaelicanN attl*doorth e- y7dwrlption at reAwfUCT406, a *a: Verde *lid
ft t�,
A mos j@ngino Of, aio It ot IN a h in ast- ren*re I We fie*(I and oken to executitin ^2tht
Godaich A* tiluttablesituatt011ef-anol
Inad- or
f03 V fttt
'lift court oiltevill ct, �d OW *12 *41;
G]RE'EN0ACJM 696-01TM) "alullasevirlit -rin NAAC F. TONS, a'A --F tcneemc
gdrae, "&frr mC
cri" or vop- Town on the
Vendors solicitm h HajusfotX an insolvent: 'Of. Hayi WM W hold in the 4 Holm, Ila tiw XV !ep , *14td - on Tu�sdgy the I W Valtit thit Mof April, IW- 'notlatik -thathe Br" slid HST Godvr;�b�Aon Tuesdity.tho ]!�Uth day 01 ZU" *0
Aftergodit-461 9th day of-3filly E1,9 Creditor*, 6ewoi jujolvent F WAXT T lig 11 T
hu made au ssignment of big "tote 11161;Uzr�ftwalve.*( -
oommeficingstler 0101pok a. Ta. T auk effixts tain 102 acres, %nocn
A t6 in$ the *4guad laillpao, - -Ili
wGravil Road- 3116 DOW jimberig fdr tillilb X"N Em-
imet a 7b
under. theabove ac k4ind" 1* -W-t� MPeA� plir' Bf e., airw
M. d Schoel� #�ulle j1fGADVX.=.,1b.,sm- '! �6� ,41 ba fe r 21131&131� Ar' *dkrdm11a9thFoaglLthe, it=, an X er annum, in cauaft and
06 lrww ot Ith ifteri claim i4ft. t1lesecurity- _y$ Aftimaest--11 orCaftada . %Ads in t1w XatterofTIM Avm this dite W is ulike IDA
sbae in Sib MArch I".
r Colas it
Mien, in t1w County or Iturod, an d,-. 10
the faik t,`hC`Whoj0 Attftlod. p4 , O�O�D-,
Tow 4. -ana if xor%6-.stat�-. *4 :X A 4 AA D a APT verai w liont all 0
th0j, aja,., 7 XftjW i4o ,�p; ity lhey*4, it any andttll
tbe above-tism f4 U WAXT HE BEV I
*144k I � . f sucill. claim WAAM VA ox J)d, YO.
1THE creditors ot vouch"th s for ,thi
d t* 134statthd IAw OOWO'i)tXexa$. of.ttiroh; Wild* t 70'.1ce, Hgj WBHxLf I &nd
ereby zatM IMSK I
............. DAtdd sit 0 egcX Ili tlie, 3P AXI? CHBA iORML
J(OTXOE� do. of Apr q C> is C), !L 1,Xulg. jEjotb: S1.125 per. AM! j
U & xoo* oa, z1alsoloa, Streek Town of JOHN111ALD"j? a, noww1jely citculaW thrdngll�
ru bothcM R FXjKLY AIPVP"fj
Ocdewk�fi,*a, ftlday,�Vw tpoty4 -A in *rjaon. to be W aa
................... N100. L
nd, 10 cMtR a atthe we
P.M f0t the public tionor 1.0 re 121"! POT A911 PC- seat to nber will con t t delixiE
N*Xt 4 two 6 WIM ftfreL utiti the Xanditt
Me a .1 r tbpTowaship Usbo a, it to tueIrAter.; t
Ard 1216 al .11111 flul
-0 Toltir, 41 ,Ihk ]Utatean4otbers,
T j in ti"AOVe P&P�M
Brick i
jo�l JOHN (,AMgito�N
vill m"ka"he TO ip 1111104,
L 'Gudon Ont.
Alta itiei thil 40ih juriii gitu IN is 2
InAftent ast to I, tfieiftatter junds WhiU iistbitkl, td 16 run by ttex;;
Erj VO
Thu fa true for tw Noilky 40 41h mayi:, s nevi hrib
y"r �s the *,�U& X. loo Vrziasm FMONW, fill Adripli Ifib ~ri *11
ito rd" .................... lox A c ind tirettli power. thd . eat
urder# ke ixaq-tie f4ywlid
�wjjhr j*kf conw1witi-a33 "rea. Of' Pope 'ST -01 01,Ca
T 16, . - , ,
"Q*iona *01* this, JAomo.thei jDaildiggoodAIN %TG da, mr4 7 Talies rrqm 60"ell,
uWartheiit)Ove act JJONTJ� anted'
tAs blood.4 sm ........ ........ ocialiod. 11-furam met EA WAWO iw of seasibr W i%r33
N401r][C and Wd
Mouths �Omlhixl IV z h ir erddii
1� .*ijd jf, I- esve 1, f,
for thisTownsil w ,
security the# hold ih
=La`0,-! �d' ' ' " W Iii Road, *ada VjXk of tprr Cantelte'lift .......... 'q�.'6fGd;jWcX t Ue 161b of o4tt Ai lij&k of Ali(
DY, .66j'ind ! =dweuingouse An urtorltivislon lipw I FWT rate Tao I
.......... ?act, jijisted- agei oattLv On& r"s it . Apr�y to
f Ito 11 k. - a-Virlit m-eting 41,11r. For., = -
jhosd1a4abW td W lidw or ft foitheTownsbip of AshiYeA.' 6h clairus, ft u C*i -1lA tue f0to- 0uNG,wj,tqa.,rtOt_T - j W.
t�114 purpow to (;X"f varlia at a fliskwt sau PUCW nou
juaw S1%WART IN c6oki, -
ao�r-f April, 16"r tw_ Bill
&W iii to -sua t10 belil at CarallAzWe wiftk, thtwhelterifn jupport6f. trio xxttev�_O itMid Wicoutto w" 'hi _Zhthei.iqt,
book ltwoul�tll Dated !it 66441iM, -14C.COURALY, qf * - -
'go gt on66 and save 0�11 hove oj� vr�krz by m4a or txPfar, �,WX I'OW* - �, - 6.3c TAUZA4- -1, �c r - t t*o ordock in ibe afteiiiewift 701 uAreb,
om*( atkl&NA at curreld wiftor wl4tf,'
4odeA* A*ff 28th, MW,
AsbUd, Apral4th ISO, w1#A; TV Clal" Dit" &tSkA=. M