Huron Signal, 1868-04-16, Page 4Y
q V,
large gifts to lit 3 in
a low
speak of these
iaultdd sister, th- to Ilk Ojerbin0p
Jul a- rthe cbh�,
heartilr-ashanied V having fform- yre I , glut
BLACKLOCK: PinA 111111. to grasped both ol bjud$ Warmly. .4,, said
Temolfeedftal 01, boardfe�A
_011 TELI--
You are itrito son' The Teasel beingImoreover alth four C and btlethM Captain
-twel 0-n
I know your filialpiterosil �,Otlndprsp, gave ,Use for
slid 614 riodit, Pat ai 66 r&v
.-I am ortIF doing my duty. , I howe,02! mth.
WANDERER OF THE S potinced her
iug else in the world than to g to 621cer who bo"t her i
brin =W01 � y -fhile I
A STORY OP bad it; because e,sallor livullrich a waisifl and pro- np�t and shipshape Of6ourse the V"
On, carious like, Ittio li rt,* tdda 'rAxy be pool ed to, be ati object of sueptcai hg JM- �ys ho , , _. i * a T
morrow as a church moll continuel a$ -an folvin, vessels-
f New Magfifficent'Sky-Light
RIVER MAIN & OCEAN. lbt-y d -r bays, Heiven will toward you for all remain an object of curious 'up ts I OIL T&Ubltsmg 0, ituht" %ot.
thist Mr- r8darili ft seem Ilk -a-& dream to me, Yet thel in queston, whexr*o
them Is my hall me,
and I hear his voice. which tbe'reader ;,her lio"lit"t in comM6nd,
By F. Chtitm Banington. I ntvw ox the �iblic generally thal keeps
�pected to see again." %tching the up AND SPLEftJDLY FU.RNISEED
. _pbr
1M ,*aters of the river T"' nand "TAt Mri Blacklock. qee your gold, lil throdgh Dlmft� 'folks constantly _hfi lar :edt.�variety a`ad`bqst of Dther
�Oermai Tweedo, his =11ios many cl were'an the gro I gazing at her, and re- EngliSh, cotoh,Vr
"Iflia elm to; but I dare say he has selin moresold marlin U flieredill yellow capsof
VW this. It is a large sum to yod and ritother, Kate; 9 IN THB COUNTIES, ALSO A LARGENARIETY OF
men o 4alked e� 11- Ls JOHNSOX
d-, Goods,.. .
% t, at-eed Vanfmd. 4, our Wo 9' dian.Vanufact-.uro
,or game Is. up bet iihero. I hava hem, it would not te much thal the abcol her d ks
, tosts, some Men i
6 t1l and aevpi!al ooming
*ae% Ew I do it up for aye. i %rnl of. - � Can V_ rp
-d tmV-0 his You inay ptilll the hs steakill and others ascending light, [laid
cl, '�ent 1 -OAD LOTHS* EGS -to inform his old patrons,
ra to vm+ch h con 'iD
L Wo he rose and went into the inner rooml , the 4iers boat up kC=o B-. j WM r%,rlq owtheir er, 014 &0ERMA N 19 and the publie
in hem witi Ket. and bleckoued-WW*aM to ee -follow him iffere j a' a NOLISH9 FRO Kniff -at mi It
were Menerittly, that he bes, uc expenw,
=n ob�yeff. and so,n isappeared �vith the boa% two boxes of thick wbA. strapped Mth Iron, save the upon her beauty and out] !Ili a1r., CASSIMERES & DO.,ESK IN S.) 'littea,up his rooms, in STE WARTS' New Bnck
IL"MnT4 tavairg to Ma clempanfori, SAA Oneoftbe=W (To be continued on second page. _'N D"MOT OVE400ATMal
ENG11911 A X D - FUNC H BEAER A Block. co�rher or Hamilton street and Squircl,
8311- 7-oved, and -exhibited to tb* amazed eyesol Godench, in such Q style (is to reader them the
GL-dly." a__wC.,ed Rat Rat I Lave 110 wc3pons trial calle T N 9 GI -T TA it I 0,T finei;L in the country, and the best adapted for the
but a glari a, larger amall of gold th.whe ever OVE 7 ALL 0r;.HE: =004E? accoiiiplishment of first-class work in his deftealls,
'a expected t6 see bQgether. go took up sotl of the CliaraeteristicLLettel Mr.#. G Having �Ac��Od the ser ices of
aby at am But he must to waytaill Pleces- They- Wem'coins ofevety laud; Portuguese, y - , , audlicaudlulart. Those destrousol having Pic-
4 ared to execute all orders with promptitude, and in a
We will btikll him dol *ith He will soon Eliglish, French, Spanish, Moolish add Brazilian, but 3R.. 40��Xt, a481'
Ill Amorie3n. Many of the ffissd�a he -admired for To the Editor of,;he Huron Signol. tie is pr PO RTA -@LE
Th' -y 4 --cd with h=vY Owes of rack ',the beauty of the Insignia royal and imperial stamped SIR. -Ar, I claim to be a law abiding citizen anq wish MA a IMARINE STATIONARY AND
-4 an wet as ttig? W�r% nay p!=d amisIll in upon their fcce, to live at peacevith pi neighbors; I must say �hat I 110TURER, in this PROVINCE, Offiernot excepted. - Try him and aatisfy taken will please bring in the morning.
tM But tileY were disappointed in Ar pur. your S PIRitagraphs tl in every Style
tho way Edward must use in going av;zkv Dram &I feel somewhat annoyed to think that I have beat sub- selves. A perfect fit.guaranteed in' everjr instance.
Your arrival yms a happy day to your to acomplaint, brought bvMr. Henry McDq.-mou - Constantly, on hand the L RG48T.STOCK apdL&TEOT STYLES in ER known to the art, 'and Old A-mbrotypes anci Da -
mother, captain,"said Edward, with hear- = the Grand'Jury, for carf TEAL - ENGIN E & B011L
Paso f�l? so alarmsd was Qc widow, t . Ting on my businesp as a %itypes copied as Phologiaphs. A Jayge
t Fward leatler manutacturer inthislolyn. AmInsthisisthe-
Cto.c rGiu,,4.Rose-%v,.d Pranies always on
tY gmtification as 'he re-entered the sit- secund or third time he has tried the same couilslalut. Centleman's ouifittings'of-EVery DescriotionT 01� ALL SIZES. ALSO�
tint he won1d remain and watch Mid ylfght. tiAg-ro6m. f hand. Also. ALBUMS, very cheap.
iwishyoujoy, Mm. WyU_ before the Grand Jury and failed to sahsidittiatehislem- AMERICAN MONEY taken at the highest rate. , or:r
ftrZl from the wetted ft, his Ishould like t9 know ifthis Gounty is tall saddled with wrist so at mEdn-ght Lawrmee dep��,t with thtmts L. J., in returning thank4 for the liberat
old thirty or forty dollars casts to lgtify th� whimit of Mr. Ghgis 36. -Arc)hibia patronage oribe rt, feels jmtisfied that iecent
IoDennott as often as a 11 a to bring up such�ailly 'Vlndee* you may, sir--indeecl you 4' -S t e a t1j. 9 11of, an -4' 6 ri's t -rig. am
cases, and still failing to get one single witness to sup. Goderich, August 22nd, 186C. .-a , I � I . ? improvemenfail enable him to merit a continu-
may," she answered. - -0 . ance aid increase wt Aeame.
U good _niglkl Sal ��rt his complaints. I think ifthe Cpunty All a 401 4013 1 01 0
h Pr
we 123vo r:ow Sown our vN&%; the muse Gr %]an, "I will iiaw bid yo Ile
In] account that it is a greid injustice Ilil HOIS E. L OHNSON.
L MINING, HOIS AND PUMPING NAMINERY, Sllkm, PUMPS, �0, ffll-tillftY toward Edwall", a�d the re3mu. of the Edward. Avid I hope our legislators will pass a law making it im. 6 PER'CENT' Godiflabildarch 1, 1867,
gratitude -p-_s"& by CaPtc�` 'Wat, the brother of Is Do. not go yet," interposed Catharine. porstive onithepanot inch cumplaimptsto find security M-GINE,ERS, Akb � BOILER XAXER9�'TOOLSJ
'W a
Catha`lre- E;zat%Tg willadda lifieftol of an inter- for the costs when bringing such frivolous or maliclous
casds and rafling1la produce any evidence w'support
v?e�7 that tdck P1223 the fatiwinn., day behvem Edward I must be at my rooms befbA�nine.'; Government Stoort. S00T1ft14d' SUCH AS
IM2 fatt-r about tot eclock In the I will walk on a bit with ye their'complginu that thel be coril to pay the costs For ChIldreft Teething, ii -, -Bending and
said the young tie us masterI" -for it is a we!] -known act that i are are a great many TRANsr-ERABLE A14D NOT RED]jibRABLE 14t64 Planeings Drilling, Serl and Slottl *110111illes, Plate
momfit_- wasl up a, -d down his room, ill at cise aman, as Rdwaalefi the such silly or malicious cases ltrought before the Courts Ej�ftestftfbysg� , -, j
Utlo paticing 4whines, &e. A GERMAN I�HYSICIAN,
ve2geanca diior of that happy home. when there is no evidence to isrove the charges anA lifte
A thus The time of our Courts are taken up and trilled ge I i�� Hamilton 11 A lyr] I
,st Bhokltick, and further PmPand's )a in dis so J 61h, 186L
'WyvyaY& A kneek Ir - IVMvislt Gal (at lars. Dapks Hol the
schemes to get Vow, my good friend &41 shipmate," awuv at the expence of the public, It may be, a FIFINRY GRIST,
Sure to, Itegulate. 11110 Bowels* 0 Ta vfeiabbouth also tho WTues-
ng immoying to Mr. MeD. to see homs and shoe
at his doim draw Wa attmdtu, and befare he could say said Cal Walter, as theV Walked alo laying around the doirs , DEPARTIVENrAL AGENTI Dgmdupo it, mothers, itwffl give Test to thel5t yeach month, where he can -come fa."It -fkapmedrmd FAward Bbellauck enter, through the garden aide biside, 11 1 w t' of his castle lit n Younelves. Mer
an there by his hungg dog -but, perhaps the naci us =1 .1 an the diseases to whIch,.-the hmftn Eystq"
is - _=t&ent
lewd therdor betind to ask- you- one question, want a animal knows that is master is not iiverse a hi a SeUbN=m!n?!cV0cfaffy to thc�'tl of Worzns
me 0=47.eht2red, but c and I OTTAWA, an f
W—lfandloa-kedlt The at his franl4 shipshape reply." barn now and then, especially when it costs not ENDERS his so I rvices . to persons desirous of In- Miefand Health, to your Infants.
entr-nelln. azd at tbN &M =not be p;ctml Ills But ifhe had as much sense as oxice existed in ih a T Atsting In this safe and saleable security. Parties We have put % and sold. this article for yean, gul Febritary 2M, 18CS V4 21all,
"Yol have. it, CaPtain,"Said Black- ghasoy shear Is skulls, he would kNow that It woul is remitting him, befoxe Jantlary Slat next one-teril uf Can Say in Conti enceand Truth of it wh# WS ve
flmt i-pals3 of Vemy mge on beholding hfm wig ch:��ck- IGO;, smiling. nopagSible to get any intelligiht jury to say at my the sums they w1s4 to invest, will receive by return of never b en able to sayof any other medipins, P.
6 ever
L4 On wita-*= Tannery was a nal has It ftled in a SinglaTtistince tol a Ours, *hez
, the -1 aud det=iiud leaking of the How are you off for the lalmjon if' but rather a benefit to ilia mail the receipt of the Government of. the Dominion.
,1087- E0 stim=--odoutsome words of sarprise and Do you mean money ry Town at Goderictil. Beside, 'my Tannery was onclof The remainder must be -paid before March 2nd, 1868. tfingly used. Noverdid ive know an, instance af� ills.
the first buildings erected ut this pan oftha Town, and if Full particulars art application. satisfaction by any ova who used It.
`Zeatm-t ;-.Imt Edward. standing erect like a true it ?Ift all! are delighted with Its aperstionlerd speft
On the conbum DID
f, Yes. Are yod poor. Now doili take isiMcDerrinou did not like olive sonearit why did be Mr. Grist's -charge is $3.00 for sums under 01200 and a In ferl
aae b thma cause of right fte& his it aback build his castle in some =t:olitude by a babling one quarter per coal; on larger amounts. ofcommendation-of Its magical sets and medical
cl!ltar eYO ulica Vm in atn=rr that a human, eye had that Ism av biunt. brook where there would it naught to distalb REPERENCES: virtft6s. We speak inthis nuttier "WITAT'"DOKNow,".
No ; I'm n 'thet poor Utm rich My higrusive ttioughts-but the so4notes of the Dublin after years of a. edence, and Pledge or reputation for
.0 oubat we he
rcgmtcd him belom SO trW to meet it and father is in el illau piper or the weet son5s at the -,vitip-ptiol Hon. A. Campbell, P. X G.. Kingston the fulffimeut,7
k -P -his eye fhR uPO3 11A. but umb% to withstand mol circumstances, and I il . Xe declare. In almost -c EXPORIUMI
Its he ird when the larl, Tight be bid ing him good morrow, lmllhi, Esq., President British American 11.01it instance where the infant is suffering from pain an,419 16T INA ps-
Wortsme. 1 have no, wants. "Through the sweet brier. or the vml Company Ottawa ; John Langton, Esq., Auditor for Inanition, relief will be found in fifteen or twenty )pin. GABI KE
tT,,,Prn4!� '10 dropped his n' b- ]But YOU are not rich Ill p Is
Orthe twisted 3#
theDominion, Ottawa*'Wm. Wade, Esq., Manager utes aftpr the syrn a ninfitered. Ontario Bank. Ottawa. I g sPulldirecionsforus 9 will a0company each bottle.
I have el hither to say to Why, no." Might 1 -not as well try to have him indicted for obstril Ottawa. JanuaryjIth, 1868. sw4i dw None gemkine unless the fac-stralle of CUBTJS.& PER.
Yea buta rerg fw werd& Tiwy am thesl y,, ing my lake view, or for havmg�i
`l is what f thoght; §tudontafi�ust , visible menns of KINS, Now York, is on the oul
ir sup�,rt, or same such charge.* ut as I aid before. I Sold by druggists throuq�out
P"Mr, Your arb both in mg keepir4 after last have inuitel Oile of"Iese days y,Yll wis to live at peace with To tynpighbtjp�. and I seem to N 0 T1 C 19.
want to Illy Up, i'd port threp years to jh14d bring any such nonsel charges ajamst, even the 031)GE OULV25 9ENTS'VER 121ITTLE.,
2itYO3 teasthera ffl tbb racra swear ba lal or gospels or doctor' must troublesome isl OFFIcks Al
mf, or some�pro- I remain yourill &a 1215 Fulton Wrest, New York ; 2 Holbl 1=DEjRTAXrJXbSj.
that yau wW a -r aPPrc=h that cottage axiia. or fessiOltl YOU must hVe�- I Cw don't make G. SAilTl Farmors of Hurion LID= England "I St. Paul Montreal
you Ca lilt
-Y e�vfl deA-- 11--abist any dtie of & helpless me mad, by aaying no, when I as sw2w$2 ly.T'
'amate% or I av"eV to you I wR em an hour psses YOU will take the balance of my il THE VIGWRIA MUTUAL FIRE Hamiltolft' St, Goderich
THE NEW MILITIA BILL. oOver Your guilty Lead. enter q complaint befDre a inagig- cash." INSUMCE POYMPANY,
in t1at I . T IM
-MT-alt lac Your arrett and Indeed, captain, you -91 The following1re the chief features of EAPLINGSAun t1bur the outrzga
Yea hive conamitta - Wait s -new Militia bill '0 :F a A. mqi A, :D Salt, Teitory in, folt-Aeft I
I will not be brovbeatm�" answered manfrA ph, till I tell you hoW mu�hit is, im- Mr. Cartier' 11 cles in'their live, snob as
fore' rought with
as snow, W11L hfs trint3ed with pass!qn: YOU 6e. -M to refuse. I b HEA.D'OFFICE HA4�LTON,
"I= IT me - The -militia is divided into four clauds; f1nHE Subs .0 ledsteads, Chains ThbI6�9
-Ot WhIt You. will not be. This inktant fifteen thousands dollarsi Ten Of it I criber having Water Power tha. Sdfafir, &C.,
sw- by yo- hope e h have given to, my mother add first, single men between the ages bf 1� HAVE EST"LISH91) AN AGEN&Y IN JL could be applied in sinkitig In .'Salt
-vei,,ardiudgmcut locQill be balaked re ly for l t sister, all to C4oderieh for, this Conaty. Robert Gib; jim . L
. nve
ti'at 702 WM h-Ei oir speak to efther of the" gular 6-morrol and 30. econd, single Flien between 0 oans, Esq.. Warden of the Co"t "has kinift _e. the above Village, would 0::)-AlLkinds of wog_A-turqJng Ones �uch as
fe:-Ml- Egaini bat farever abal all ftil designs I have five thousand left- Now I shall and 45; third, married men. between 1� onseuted-to actas Director.Adr k1uron. Win. parties an opportunity of using said Power, Nool,post8, stal bannisters, ueckyokes, Ac
5 and Hardy, now of, 0oderich, is the Co nv-ls Ta:- Alw;ys 6n hands veolplet
want aboutotwelve huhQ to ma -4, some and 45 ; fburth - all men between 4
pa and would also take shiireg in the e4irpriso,
nuival, and an
And wh3t wM you do, ifT refluse to, swear? S16 in for purposes of Organisation, and ba4saiready established for itself a yery high reo. m
)t purchases of provisions "- Boston, for my 601 velhug'Agint.- The Victoria istruirl Wood C ' be had at a low figue Apply ASSORTNIOT OF. 0
down. I -Ppasll said Lhee cowardly tawreac�,al schooner, and the balance is -yours.". are Aalled aetive and reserve militia. The putatign for prom for further pahiculars to -
a re on reasonable term 0
tme ptqm in the intynient, of lossesi and III 40ARSE to hi
1 0 no, paptain F! ndeeonomyot office management The cost JAS. OPANFORI).
I c�,=q r at hem armad with any other reapau Don't 'active* militia consists oNlie volunteer of insuring in this Comparif for 3 kears-is less 'Port Albert. Nor. 2b, Is67, W44t -,,G.oderi ffar Sra.'1866 15w6m*
makO*=e anl MAAer Edward. , militia the regular miUda and thp than any other reliable Cdffipany doing
Sam mwal awwered Ed,,W& 111doaslulel Yol� have dlfte me al busilail THE OLDEST ESTABLiSHMENT'
"Hal Thm you 4ro luraypower,-beerfedqaickly. mine a service that money d mannemilitiat The volunteer lnilitivi is tlk.Q.anad�. Arryfainiers wishtug.IQ�1114110e
on't begin to please write it) Win, Hardy, Godbeich, givin �To sfat and ftklzg -t a V-stA and Pmeutlng it at -pal -BUtthenIcailtmakeyouapre- composed of corps ralied wholly Township, slumber ofqoricesdion, and lot, an5 C LOTHN wo,%rw-
--you inad sentil I;Choose'andl can dowhat Iwill volunteers to. the regular militia, by Mel) the Agil give prompt attention to his r vir _ .\ . . f
swe= =w, sen r IV % -
Witb: my own. The money, I ha-ve made Who Vol LAND FOR, SALES
Wittuathesitotton Edward symag far*wd im- the unteer io serve -in tho iamd;: or o quest. PlascTORS:
L108 OT t7-- and catching it 1;5�- ffie bairrels he UP MY mind, shall be youi. S& you need men balloted to serve in, both, and th, Messm deo'
not say. one word2' H. Mills Hamilton- Atel rf HEuindersigped offiers-for sale about fonzi
a=d dashedlifto the ftccrbe�- will reserve militia considwol the men whil Brown, JKast Ffambl Jo;eph Rymal, ba�rtoa .9 b" ad -
say two a of lana in Godeiic
hi --d words; thol my are- not serving in ther aefive militis,'4 Tlil Lottridge, Baxtisfi; Lel Salffleet acy adapted for salt works, being on the
-no Cummin amilton, Samuel :'Z,
"Aitth- Atashxmel Us to call thyselfa tal Walter and they are mimlbr 3P 16s
worthy Cap Cr James,
9-E-- ? RatIMM--h I Can have few wurds with sir I he. continued i��Y._ Must Of— the tirne bein, ; aU volunteer' eOrP'P nOW' Weylie, Glanflard; -A, T.' WeW. Hamiltivii ' -bank �f the River Maitlanclbnd adjoining the
-e2i fend YO1i if You Will get offended, but y organised are to be continued; and the! Aunes Calder, Aneastil Robt. alibboas , 6ol G. T: X. fi-ack.- - By a elicit "switch, Salt 0"R 0 X&-,R'T I N A X 4:N N
p: -rad thpa Take the cath r ' AT COST, `JF0&
ThN Was r'pakm With al cannot accept this money. My parents period oferilrice changed t6 three ieh -, Jacob 11� Fisher, Nelson; Gao�- Murison ward by rail or to the
could,be sent East .11BGS TO INFOAMIS, OL CUSTOM
---,p atsweied Lawrenep, with ar huskyvW* Haul Henry Hall, Blubrook , Peter Car- wharf -for shipment. The property is close
Wayyoul4ust instead Offive, 'as in . the old onsupply Me W7 law. The. to[. E. he i still ible to sell for cal
Flamborol ; Thol Mcllwmiths. HamtV, JJ erg, that is
as take my ri-fusal Icindly. coun ry 's to be divided into military toft. to the well'tiow sinking and abouWQ0 yards at -the lowest rates, -
See, that. then- break not the' catb Wel have ur t is SicanaTA&T.-Win. D. Booker. fropa,t�dfai�ousGo'ddrichgaltW-orks. -This
yo ' Own way- Proud as districts, each having a didrict Deputy.
--ll FAwar!L unZoe;zrig tlLt dal gobt �Ji 'Lucifer y 'Oling at-fidents, ii one,of the most desirable plots now, lin the ILL AINDS 01r FURNITURE
Guy 0111ce-Hurbn Auction 31art, Kiagston. Street. The balance ofdar Wintgr Stock of
without 1Xkm,-beho_,d him "'No it firnot pride--sna Wt*it is. But Adjutant-Gendral-say, Novit' Sends, 1, WM. HARDY..,Agent.- - iniLrkel al intenditig operatoiishould exam. At Jitip .4hop 04 Kip4g8tgn street, opposite
Ne;r 2,..Qqebw. 3 and i Goderjcbl� 16th Juli. i867. W20 ine it Withoalt delay,� the -Huron Hotel, Goderich. Give- Min a
Fro= thil ho= th=- mmiler =y well suppose the ftftot consent to take " money from -For t partien map UOTM
9=-9T_ w-zad_-u]27e=em1es Hue is the key of you. YodWillneedit. Goptueftinthe Ontario 4, and thew districts are agalit 'l to�
Goderielt Odto 3. 1866. sV11w8
M2klock w1:enb&sd bank- for yburipj-f fo** ral day. 'divided into 'rqdmental -and. company JOHN HT -SLOP., *ZLAN1MTS1
sPQk`G1y= stthex!verWb!0btD0k PITCSSGMCM(Mtha� 186 80 Goderich.
"X;D-_A0 OfYodi*oftttakevif,�Iwill give divisions, and Wile officered for prelcess
I* the episode it to ien r4 Uired SeiteniUr 130,1867. V36.3m _tp SHAVU.
of enrolment, imd furiishin,&, n
That. wilt be right. It is; jtmt for a for service resident -by
ihiofficers. The D c6ukts
We have already anu Si HE, -west a of lot 25 B�Jfidd,!Road, Town-
fWat fmV,�p pol and of t
he f Well -so they-arel-Isup. Sbip of Stanley., 77ACres, about 50 ,-lear-
.digto the unlookel retam Eater to shall a brother's. earnmggs, but- - number of men to be drilled and*'rpaid in FLANNEL
Ons'bylif3mothu an1thmby pospa, forrhave done enoug- DRIESSGOM, ed. The! land is itiffra-rUte quality, nedia
h for the gbIvs, time of peace is 40,060. t36siAes. the holding, DIISIONCOURTS
eLli�Ces above rdstad : and we he muttered, in tones mo, or volunteer t.
sell W5 rA%=F'_ C-adnat Mleekirl Gat st Rerfectlk al officers, this period of drill f Times for HE Subscribers Manufacture and ke=7 listed in AT::� &cod spring ereek fandtil tbrough the lo
"We 1do:ft1tthb*,apy�:c0rPs is sixte * diys, and foreffps of OT Terms, part of the moneyslowa. Titall given
tta my ble to,Edward. an sizes of WELL CASING. cheap for
dr regular militiak�notsless than eight d VEWN, - i
'the worse for Your whiiing. - I like Y6 M. E. AN for the remainder -at 8 ier tent per annum
=U him Wo tava alsor seem bbtr- he ays COUNTY. OF HURON. Bandits SL, Further particulars in bebaa on applies'
Ili"Id t' independenon, ow let me tell you', if nor mofethan iixteen-dayo in -each year, London, f.- w3 ft, 0y
and re- ent� 4t� 1808.
kin we shouldn7t see ealr again, that if for 8 6 8 Gii6aty'k6ded1moe
torzsd hn-_eward down t7j.- � tal 9 Edward with whieh half ofL-a dollar per dly will be, A
rlvEr� . you areLever or'to JOHN OH X.
b!-.fnczdmteL-__Wrantwxtbaccfbl Wenew NSTW
in trouble, and Wat. Wynyard' paid ihe men, and the officers of regular Ist Division, Goderich?r Thursday, 30th Jan.
It per -day.- But thO men 6th 41 Da on, Fridal 31st Lot 9, Bayfield Road ftnley.
A can h"elp you, call on . him Hjs yonr militia $1 eac' THR.,R To (is mukiJOR. 100 Goderieb. evt9th. 1-867. WJ 3.
1 Ba Saturddy, 1 -
hi. t in ihe bt with iF a
49 Tbainks, in of any corps residing within two mill of 7th It el st , Feb.
*at Wyayazd, aNd was -viizg down the rive? the y brave friend. But I trust T 03% -RAL9.
I shall never beso straitened as to have to
2n Tuesday 41). THE RESIDIEME.61? THE LATE JOHN Goderich, Jan. 10thl 1868. W51
7onsayyciarel to your recowes prove your d'- Seaforth, _'R
the place appointed' for drill, may be i0th CI toa� Man0ay, 13rd FARM " SALE
VVhen cUd ordered 6ut 'at other ficies than performIng bmse?" asked FArard. 11th 14 Ainleyville, Wednesday,5th
"Ilicr&s no, knowing, Iguf liowwouId theirlanual drills, without receiving pap ORT0TR_-DElF`ORa
Q97' sh5pmate: anl I ham taken but YOU like to tike'_ a row"Ito-1gorrow evdnin Each regimental divisiour will be re i 5th Exeter, Frida, 7th. 8 eiiiiFativittuated, oppo- ,g quired
I prperty isi
-Town of Qotenoli, Qn, the
E±nrt tti,-_ to am the:4, fm I ramst, pe ax in three froni the cott�age, with mother and 1�ate to furnish its quota of the 40 so r8ite-1he _ TOWN PROPERTY.
%L-p�n, Ist Division, Goderich, Th4raday, 30th Apri
a J� d I owixto 14ySchoolier?, but where volunteers are North Bank of thel
Yo -at mAber will be vezy sal to haTe you -Ae d6lea she U' organise 1theY 6th D
y ungalAtion Friday, 1st May
as able VsSuy-tal to ges yul Will count either in full- or in part fbir the 7th B
In the river, just above the m ayfilpid. . Saturday,$ 2ad VER' -MA.LTLA-ND ErXG West Jof lot 2, con. 2, Ashfield.
"q 1-00ficres.'46 cleana. r�me barn
Joyiai i yaa shomid, have seea her I yet, sea I the fi in
outh, in ta and where theiWare no voluntelars 10th Clinton, Mondiy; '4th 91
rstbend. Xymen-vetaking fresh quo 66 -and enthe Baliak uron. con'll rd -well water!
pcned myboxtUPdm_-raoth-_g%-den, and futened water and fresh grubs fjtere. 'Though I or not enaugh,-the quota win, be made ill 2nd Seaforth . Tuesday, 5thg ad houser fin youtg Oreba
it ca tL-- Very'o2d haawshole I naffed on a timber whm I say it, You will see, as -a, bit of a Wroketer, Wednead-ti tains Al. 7-10 acres of Min - more ad. This ia a very desirable InTin. For
P or leas
pretty 6U of reg Atialr1�ho'-may' yolantse or 5tt. Fxeter, it with bwelliug Aoaqe;, Outhousesf-ft
'Wall a bll r walked up to the cottage very quietly. water craft an. ever floated. ted to rve. The e6r6lmen is Friday, �.Sth partiddars lipply to
&-A tts docrbeirig opered, I saw my magx-. sitting in -iith fariErGaiden, Vingry an'
be ballo' se ARMARE9. RDW"
it linfLng s=_etl�iiug. She looked up, and Uktzfg wh&t hol r' officlers eh I The several 11::iiC;U1ta .11 0 eli'M 10 dclo consist& principally of 04k Goderich Aug. 28, IS67. w82tf,
will come down to ilia cottage. At fi�' be taken by toilitia at-, p Th� Wood Grid
you , t t P ^ b� actual in u 'fl
At four bells. comp . any diV'lm*on a. andt4e oweringLindev,,Cherry, Maple, &c. "DID
-Tifeexemptiduafro se Li'
mf,,tttare beard ism9sta &galle of wind, andthenext That is each bol The QroUqds are in ve;y goold order. - There- what, o'clock ill 0e. Godench, 23rd December, 1867. TO SEU OR -RUT 1
=Zment r had ber in my a= Tbm cain my aNter, CC TWO." -it-6three.�ieierfailing:-Bpringidfoiin Water
are the judgesy the clerV and ministeirs S. BROTIGII ) th The situaliou fat ii`rm-vate 1,LF LOT NUMBBuISIGHT,
and betwomtTletlil ftright I should never geethe CC it is too a atiotm, the professcirs - J. _C.1C. onQ Propefty. WESTH
13ralgem: I ea) �Jfqr me to leave the uni- of religiow de omin H residence! 8drinat be surpassed in the Prov fourteeuth concession of flullellb vri The
whal-11101L VeTsity." and teachers in colleges, the waiden and �4
TLAtbeyknvir you iton-cep ince. dufid#xydme- betwien Blyth nd -WAjon, P�s;
"Off ban%L Sts ym am ttogl :'Say f6tir, then." Office ea4b way. '-Good bardwood Ill v-tl
kespers of the penitentiaries and lanatio I certify the above to be a* true copy as Fortlefilisup I to a I haveet; b" fol-
lawfng exactV es e=sa I caght to all my M, I ba, 'I will be thete at thathour th 901with. a7ldnik, and- r seins.,disabled by Wily entered iii Me Divils$d 005 art, Reco;d BooN, WOS, GALT, Be Wav acres Plearance. Seventy
int it "seven acres and a halt in all. Well Tencred. Tat
altered =eL But my =Other Inoks bad ; I would YOU. - 0 - PC o the Statute. ItirtheArticularsupply tp;bose on the premi".
Mrmity, and the. only son of a widow Pur8alint t
g "That is heal I a !Uwd you. DXX. LTZM, D. SHADE GOODING, RARXI LAWSON.
hard;y have kr_�h6r, ifrd Itl3t4r�inwitith hall
boing h�r cily sno*t. The period of N
ool Edward by Huron.' may 27th, 1867.
a =I'm 19--3 shma h=e, Ard as for Khte, shel got With.these wordsi he sh Clark of the Peace, WIS
Barrister) Godery.-It.
rvies required of the regular militialti Qffic,e oftfi i C lerk of the Pevce, -Goderich.'6th Julv4860. swalitf
to be *regutarbagtT-uty�� the hand and parted iam, him., returning. 90
-Shefs a vMTs:n:3b1ag27L1 tall thi.cottage. The t1ime of peace is two. years, and the men ;COLOMAL HOUSE I
foTmer walked -Ood�dcki 24th Dee. 1w49 M A R X114 ILI W X1 A'- E. a0i.DBRICH.
Still ouglitto be, foz she was a ffm * I when. she 'briskly forward towards
thquiliversityxg- 06 so siria are im-aiii r
equired in, tl
w3s yaturgem 0 s1n,_1 ought to bet happy maii, to flecting upon the extraordinary offer nia4e Wit ; the afficors required b_y� 13'y .]03C IE3SS
�6 hini by
sk-mr, . eyoung 8 .;Lnd ondel qu�li ffit VV
eamaltil, �p sing exawittatioDs, and- provision is, �4
9hotlinakethewGeA -of r--" �Ujuofjul. �ing in what manner he hAd'.ac 01 CAR011M CON
0 U. Ef
to t.k.
il I h
osephine's, A102anders, J6utin's, Duchess
q1iired. so m:de lbr,.militarjr. ldstructio&'in
"ItfMItmDwer; indgy'ascart make a min f�ell cc , uIct shools, and for' tlie'formatl= of rilk anul whitp, blackand
I hopqPM ard TAPPY, Sir ?I in gold,. in serVeneal Mrs diinbek
sencel and at he generbsity4hich TN` ItETURNING VgANKS To, THEIR NUMEROUS, CIlSTOMM- FOP. THE �Mn
1140w4oh"Yedad2hallfa as Ihrm; but the whole at;2onmupol mother Be to 11c4naini the ladi�s of Goderiel. -L liberal imuorisie bestowed,.*6n them for beast six years, bog toinforat -t�hem ii�a 'the colors. The largest Stock in the GD -unties.
17--devilafat co bad as ne 'and any'vicinitv thiii CHAS. B. ARCHMALD.�
sister, and upon -one whora he might she has 'resurpid her biii. jyblii that theirstodk-,,'s,nl:s*. complete in everything Wanted'for Bu g, Iptiriiiihing, kc.
tiots after lealving on Thursday.-whiCh Was A. LIBMAL ITONtSTBAID nessaftdibi tebeai A TA�gWftTk -of - -GodAiijob, Augitsit 22nd. 1666, sW20.
LAw.. The'
upaii-some germ or the In 10
le� m MIN
he notwithstandina his asstlre� them that, no e0ort will b tl a a 1111"M
queer fellowa,' 11 fint love" e wan
jEhe- WaS to oail-- ever se 'Brocl. Fwwderi
T*"41'edfaYAwa-d!si!�4t-befmpr,�3slmwh;tiI tile reek., se 4ailors Are still eushinff Y-earnine and *,+^c7q_� e . . L'� r
,h:y f4ealli there, ftm tha f ;a-" as he rmhed the due which led into. V_
Irenow recoceeteatna.- it was mid he -bad Ldt the ecollegeca for the niftberifor0ofiwall, quittat
=th inpus, "and" if they gq their
loss td Iecoile Mrs. WimoclAikemse lil to infori -Fol Shot, Gun' FACTO
go the,profedsions, f thel. in C000r's Tool Axess Ab .�l JWUTe -e Ry"
ccull* bemieboh3d goes easily. Helseems to . . . I - I � 1 6 1 - lgarts-Brushes, Iron, Steel, Anvils, Timis apok
'h-, a "=3dttaL a wlg5way 66W, and ho believed 'iy ifieigoifig W- Enrope,tllat she -bus �6een_, 1Adki&s(Q1Ames,L0l
hold sincerity about him local Premki'with tbeactsel cibiiiit lass plates, Circular
E undersigwed bevingruirebaseil Ao I-Itl
Rei wa� however, agent. thalbbelongstahis thas 4 0111d
clan; but With all, there and obieives !-�-110e ireafrala the 'fiee h be kqt in_ aii stora I
tit of on, �,,,-Ile-w.Yorv,t6diiprose�6fthiirti6Tcets� rafts, ""d W, FUt -EV�17!41fi T
QlC I. do not like.. ]3[o -9 rd*
ne boat atUgdd down t�e; sfalit river and they is in his, fuea, ing Mill ani Sash FaftorV ownen, end oc2
tem oi ilia G6v�rlime Ae., 16r the Tranimtlh 1' 14 8
jope -if he, -uip
reaculathicatt-6- Hewt:ieyun"andat hit fia- sel to shun l6i" � I I � — � ik, P9 0 teaniers, ed-byDditald0ninming, we now PTputed
�n gsze� as h A- canq on tho busine*,ol 111ppuract;ln
VfttiDnP4vadwe--tfaf-wngsttatetl,$wMow=d had secrets h Ne1W!York1 asidrtmelit 0 StW op widi o W16ave"ReID&
U 0 will, fitilure., Neltia lliad-*
ccluld berreal in Flu E S H �O.Y.19TTI from'
e An
Bash, Dobts., BlhmdS
ieds of Young inietilln. the coubtry rell dy.
hudwl&'�t"tTc3t!loretnmoft4�-scuandbrothu. -hiseyes b_vobwxve=.- But WHotzgAlb A:ND- 8i 6nd Glas ow-
1�erhapwliinx p T ps are �.:T i
it Is a gin' , b2csat:7, Mr. Ell amwera domehiiii mijusfii :to ja fdrtV�- -the. ental homa-toda so favoriAlly knd_vMA6,Ai -AT TEN
ces an& thfiffim pr . 111 —, ,
unchal D" THE XEGy CAN Ot COUNT 6141� _iafety. COU-N-TItY ".0RD-9- k-S."PR TO,1�1
speed,'an chei IdduRbin Flooriu
-ber tfiiniwlve� blit,-. unrottitoo 'a -pneii lbot till 1�p no a 93
abli Of one whd 3rul& have, sharod. h -AgbAtwj(arX,4-*tir &Co's Celebratod arnishei..Alam for Commercial UmOZLA's 9- 94
"Awl-12sto st-- yaull Cltharine� --this beitnti- allywith me. For Catbsrfi.m*,ssake imaXindaceinitits is held cut tc� them - la L98-STERS, ��SAJRJDWES I go t Siding,
and oker, bqnsr . e Comer of. Ran . iftil, st aumlll�e &mpiny, ArLondon.Englatid
'her mothe AMS.
fa pwiel my b-tha has-bronaftt 1W fma foreign th�t of ac4jikqttent1y t6y ifii"N ANDCL W34 a4a
I ic6. They- i�gl, Canada God *b It kiridoof
0 erm .1 -8.
G (te ih, �Zj W.
"REhoutd0kato seene=TeiytirWVhe sidd*;and rfor JO ughts. turn their attentiod Vestl -4-
novbeco!"Ibie Ze.11 11istho FRESH -LEMONS, ORANGE91 DATE% 40l C 310 IF. WO 3k TK:e
h 0 Circle siad'.... tbicSfisli "and Aninilts
04 Milly 1 �e think fr6mthe'r�expe.Tience,id#�c�tory
_Ch �to F
eyes OL, --& T
1earthoenterddhis: room. aii 4, S* I " � 11 1 --- an
a � of "t bl�4ie'ilsoleaviqg. the 0 N. Wal
Wvlrtue�V. -4 Writ. of wraction ld 0l who
F) —.0
-Of Catliarine novr reverted td-habel U*- the. L
9-Angtast btireika. iiiiedrew fW%&box=ed with -th
and i4th a quicker-throtibing of tlie old '.xettlers*are ecoming yestless COO Drapeol. SHE =-ft
I t6s� n ,'Ovfity o�j
-S R'AXCg Q NY., may 140rifilem with�'Vlel.11!1111
to Wit as
.13 succeei Weelside of VqrjftetjquaM BA liberal discouct to t]3e tiked.
uropi J .1hat they C
answered capta!h wat ling i0trnow wd .,gJrea4yl Neatly, -Cpq
foyioqthezi fia Gjy� geme In LoUdosal and five. O"Clock, a _J,MjM in 04,91' T -0
bczrgh*- �A
_YQUn qEd out �Pf 1119, a" 4 al �,R�f\?fthe T.As 6 -
No to I
elcmde, lalwaysbonghtsomeaftgforlU unatayouqx�j sW9.q,
_S"bllie b 'MD bill" -.3m.186f.. - i
*hi4.bro!*.r rdeted'agitnKthe HA AN'
Y= a0o� fhW78 W. to tie jil pffluroh, An to ne.di
this year, _i�d_fiutnberl 1je6 1=6 and Tenements-,:bi Chaptain at TnTrTr 'DAVIP LA
ed his vy( thesitit oj�,ohrl. Walsh'Avca-, !-have PoW.1tad F91
19 -70 -D -10i 00
19l ROBINT40M.
-:hfii eye, onthe ST RT
X4w&,a Elm At fflipx- off�-_indpftoiibj to4taft ak - . - 0 t -d
quarterdeck of jimt, �4p_
when you bava (low wwriti; Ko"irv-said the, h1Ppy 'Plar-biti][t 'Sitooner,* AW _#keii An. ..exelitutf6d.all.. Ofe,
Ich i�,00 ki ti 'Tb' -result X2'61)0'000 Steft
mA10. "Bring-thetrialiepW#unk Wid is is tbe Intel ofthe eind aefindant, in ind to theiliorth. FOY b 'GodPmn-�Xsut'L 'Jtb- 186l iswh5
Catbiab&I'l Alith L 1�
wal the olitience 0t',oF4,�na6,cW Noi— "' , . S=0T',S SAL]ff jDF LAM
g)A -anchor war concesm ot-- I S
vo the tovvnlibip.btLIAorm�*eo'dtaining-�twbtye W
eca befM berl mother a egriously'Charles 4 part pf.16t.
The makim vA .74 'cr 6.g
A1Vb4*c011iur. 't a yardii of faudJmpre,�bt le
Tfu she ut Orde, h With%tlte CrowO Lriads. Bliciald -the
CoUlity Of 11
Dron By 'vlrttw a' R writ of
au- sbuth, TU vessel ifas, Can*& ''will bi`_de-� nietatt; I shO offer for sale at my FI*F:Li*---
'Which laub;p4.tene. P,_,t�Alr M E N T.
it Houtm, jo the,�towq of -0 d Wklable P_ ipleoll le oral hwat' an equi Ne Flen Facia% issuea out
vxtek sel ei'l vrl Tie 6stirijp )imk'bak been Ahls, q of aits "11i
aboult oa@� hartdred8l irevelity tonor bur- -ki 'cy;rt crthe united
Zock4 and dbp1qed a pair of bral tf LL -,e peW; ;; "conflial
agoIt rtibioii; a brmet apear:iis, ana ,
kY i1coedilley 10* hi t�ke,wa .1V9) 3ghe ;we hour, ot - of Her Ma esly's CountvC
',d8l0r, 90c TuwAay.,1ba:80 jiext� thii
belk . VotinCies of huron aladVritce, widtomedirected
oi;,chvii gin:a ca
ofthim -*o ni tWeliiiir� 4,dg xioon.
11 -at f"I fs not a4's odd Kate, Thehig bef 2 as hawbeelAuch as al.v to. talize thw
Tbe*u0&&'-:Wii& at At '010-Ambpolly nd tenetnints at witl2isib
hol rectors
S3 aguineexpeiciatio a, ndthe btftiisis lFaikso at the, 1suivol Willie
JOHN who 'affai 1StL
two very beautilld pieleeir of blwk at Here =a, - 1101!g, ngw$y Info X Uat 'A1&igdd& With it ii, t6 Im hate, reisolveil to exte more vel a t lbe1itudit it
AL d and takeiii, iit 'exec,
e 4 sip"
oa deicending Ill i ut" 4iditowoffer-toth
Ut two, 1upply, of, ASO 04' ti Slileriff-sit0flimiy0od4rich utiou .1be J01!bW6]Pg,
two dress"whiekbrrotlier huboaglit mWwwasAWw,
Ifin S Ab Tit; -right. title nod niteMs1of
ind* '31M to, tle C� pzt ed
i,whooner was a,. model of nmei�* a3A "MkM orraillitneL64 Va;p64 tind Ihiesiad.
syl 230 ;�, _11" 1. , 11 :''.i - Proper,
Is nutic, 4be AlaiSituble Ubneession,,in'
YourIxather bas, e nir AMM us affodsm A beauty, He �J. esai dt#fcvdavt,i4�audto1,A
A Pfompt '14ale Atrbo 11 Ifte rectort and0eners Apnti�� being StAlften
1LtE_'?i`1 tlklr Orr nit
A— PA the Town or o�&
R for onle at in-- opeco
zatiq for ciw nazlAde A A
79, - LIFE
sea 1AwaN,, vf#a an hiWorsdimpa" o(tb#yomWrwh1p4ike,4na 1aked-f&'vi�rhelf ster'�j-, ifte', ii -.t� bi-atache& lb fi&'Fing- '7,aIaad'rApnea*-Tik all4maiti c4mingbef 1LeTovhmsbDpof
Aftr1l , _ , brg'tfildm� Stepl in thb.Vnihity; ofZujrou,.,V,,bich lijoils
-thal ei RM
gWilgher,* Wk, d, 'to 6h
�Amlce u*u
or oat c 0 t1i
ImOl Am, W who A L he e6urt Heu*p iu,
I -9tien.Wh", ; i is Office.
_f 'we Otten4inglo inerease the"
to itr4ii r W eLoority-7.8oll iniiinalre rextp
and jy�a. U124i tho now imle, it. -is, -o x- *P"A. L I
N atthle. hour of twelveortne clocli., noon.
3F mpW It, for Aft& DuAlill, uslil uve Xt,wbat her 14sln&A, was thori" ..tvell'the *Ud thst�j dtlbg�: I I
ling whom 80pervisfit'di, ftodtirar.6 dhisible.
'Curl �6*WL ajW Op.
16 ilia P 14 40 I'aii-fibilaft,011ib .411i Iiiiiiiii V ja,
Udell tif 0001 Br suillm ia , i 9 0
71 ftfifli-.- v
_26d 1, C1,)J i
pa V1 OW Xfiif "a' " id tog
colnman&4 the -rpt be _A 0 Taul "J�obit0rdi't
fwbm* ft IW4 gK it yo- mil Iot- T.lmw. 1",W _1d liamen ta 'at out I efg. %
6 ShiriVa0fillre, �oderipk, I
'SoWix I L . Iaks rg,, _!"OW& - '1311, 31 u
eat Japan
vot,,er sent *%at r9UU4 -from blarlior to nery- 1119,ill,118111r1i Par WdK
74110 A
-sho 103 it'
0. Eli, noth _A30'jh rgLer ei
ii if 0j j
4;ky Al Tepol gefdk Or4CdfUr
oppor log 'to Ifid al�ffi6ri_ Wit W
&covored, t* -Autho�;W,c& hibf;jof 10t & 11th c6p gecrafasjt�
AshfiQd I#Ill
Amlei, for ur
wingi so er nc j
7 4
R"r&_Weft:]sHr 4r 1att=Lb!k# e' 'h000.' j tan ey.
X807 hxiq,!gaio#d a ,w;da-ipread 1?
gab 4111!ral T 9jr,:Lpices ad terq* app gape, r, Agesides, likeks-$aflorikleuireney"Siale not
fileit, a - - - , H d� H.�M(tNitol X01112%,94L.
ftftVAft3l*- 6" Brued-,
L P.L.S.
cairl !atb of'
RGR R! ARSQXSs ajid'.9hpilirretit' mon -y ;at
-on board 4 ban
aguesa Yowl �Wlxii vas tam to
'i Wow Or
O� -twknuAi i *in. ftasti Mu rdine;
Oil ca
so "m iiatra vilis pw scomast, from &0 Xor4igaeAo nifiJeter at WA1111- A.,
. I "ll _ L- L__ ' . *0t. -
T'004 . . . " r 6 12. - - � � 1, . , AW74, Oth -lyr,
_ 0 1 Mg
;*�t. =ZUheo
k -
I Eill
CW.C. Still
C21 E�3 Z-.2
t V
I" A, -
V "Ill -
C -Cm.
jj�b" W_- **Wit
33. 2. &_*1W !!K `F, I
'r.- r
i�-, i"Z, t-,-*
aWl SIV441 -A
WlElllnan Vrll
CC:)V-05X=Cy. L'u., V4;4W-1
nla-wecTuy Axla- Lxt'7 jorl-
fjIVIL B%NGn2M -linNE) S'."LN.
Poit 0 F
Be "R. AcAn'r
gm;ll *ef-:C0ZU
V. B. -All 5l fcT 4=V2yZ!T C7V
se'lu. EscTs-cf N,71�_ ,
OFF101.41a ASS
VAE AW)1.3�"
INS *N7 � C-111- , J,
�P4 R2 T5 10, 0 1313 is I T
A 44
Auction COM33
&Q lhratte. �1 1 At, r %L� 1! 11 Is,
W Z*J�o
tfr. 7,1
3. B. C-,�