Huron Signal, 1868-04-16, Page 3trd qvnd:r1& L M. -lanitition to the Local Lbr-q's X: nwan to argue t.Lu lature agentleniaii-who avows hinisel?an *0 !0 -roTip. n6RSES Xglu Ablignt ZMERS, ABAD JH16 .1-H0LL0a:'_A� �..iw V BUM. 11020, WEST WAV"0811- I witiv to the uziion" and. who has been *0 AN W&YIS *ORM L02ENGES ara a certain:a6d bVAHAM ��­Q =d Owpeci�l]y tter the interest of. all who owli as ;in ore PER 1 18 11-avowOd Repealer. This h !ZIP, Sabsc&r J'DTe;srGTfi3i0 0, .1 4;� C7 W tile once powtv- 0 eep ALEXANI N 111�ice iq ierib ' i ,. instance) speaks to t6 Goiernmeut in c orge them in a healthy and atiiind GL y -As ii is 'a twell-6oft and melal _,y #6n to-1he Rat , viis I 6f at&] 1=+ Circa ondiati! 6 �Wwnslup. that thg hiums! court MtvWoU slid it is- UICT 'ence has pro .011 - pare two. a language which I trust for the s3k-fi of OUV it on ekperi ved that BL INIgTJ thei one &64 cab�e qf death aniQnk children. is ap wiRbeau havi6 ibAr r0,T17 - -, Darley's be hbldi�j ufi Friday,, the 24th of Ap4 fitbf�n Heave Rented Cl NEXT DOOR TO OSLERIS BARBER SHOP, irdin Worins gig in at t r. "Iniurt lot No. It. End ofib I year old, rdigrea r"Witepil pn ap'T11 coinnion YAn _ne,'Itelifitiol. be,liv.b 4e@plrX 1 nee 01.6 Chii � t.. 7. lib.clictirbiftenove fortmd&. to the al'Wailiber on 8rd con Market fiquare, Goderich. 'WTASM in ntry. they Will not willingly Condition edicine "is the most efficac- pre ed upon the minds ot parents the neceditV misun nd and persistently disreg3ed. ious it'hab en used by thousaidi; who R INXLISispre%red setaup oro=team ofelotely at6ing their ehildrea.'BYN domer, EMVnde kw t . �ianaaa od 0 rsJghK big to lnf0rm.FArmiirii mamd. others thbi haviturcliped. the &live iiiaUd esU en Irp Clerk, L. 4, &t lion. gentlemen on t1le En es of any cripoll t es. 8 rit;nding the symptons and'trub cause T OfXt.WliUPlPdr;andbaving w1cr 4, Treasury I wII= iidtAf=, 1867. the confirm this statment. Poe 80wingMaehines rep on sliort notice and In it sat- of - th isease,diousands ol children might lie I . . � I._ � t�f 4ova will cheeWull April, 4thIS60 Of t�ei. bench.es beware ! Let them proOt by the Heaves Cdu sih Colds, and all"eases isfaetOrY —her. iavi rooa early graves, SYMPTOMS OF WORbis 01perience of the Wt. Let thOnt n4 which General Jobbing dono. w12-tt; which Is now lufirig� Irdiking operation, 0jr I V wltolly disregnrd the logic of eyelits. eete a wind of horses it has , I .-The fbtlo%vivarela few of the very numerous V TARM FOR S ALB Let noequ norisitequalled.as sconditiont OTIOB Tn',ptomsorfd oiseases.which arg causbil by So"' Prepared to IffanufaCtUre URT -erness and hostilityofthe _ * I,- ) TowaA'FPL Are-— . . i 1.:S the bAt )02e,,@� hof Re%ion for th( I w thdil la�qlroti (fall width), Wincey, earing hppeala against tho as- '�Kwniclpitjity of the o. people naedi��e it p�irifies the blood,'correcti Ittivii Of6odericb, will hold its firm -me * at th iyo al bill N of Col rms -. D&a,nged apetife,embelatpif extrern C -Un Of R--Wi-- f -r th- will be'bd e Tavern, Smit*- itieA, o�fr6nji�b breath, frequent piemno at this es ng., , t I, iA6cm; Ig 1� Use comp BF 11111,.onSaturday, tj on the hour of ren nox, grindingof theteeth.during sleep, harduets expeditiously, and at pil6is lo t7h the 'h6st workmaiAhijj.-,,pkr;H0ular Council Chamber, an Alondar evening fit' of these Provincesto the Union - in gessment 3 Shirting Sh A o., V, and intensified since the unign too.L- pluo- aI baft past 7 o'clock. mBI 10 3�4,nrw ment b'6100k am. AMES T WSLEY, ?p Cle�lc. oft , be,.'.y, w;tti firequent slimy -stools, onng a in fact, sotreat is the improve 16) t� 15p the. ri-,Aent dreased and impt;4ves tho appetite, and s6ftens the 1'5tth I Skin ESCW on The this the condition � and, -appearance of the 901borue,- e pay -at 13per,�eui; with kme -A kv4p not be justified by the legislation df in April 14 somelmes convultil a in the heaN al Attention #aid to CuStomoll ing, Fd1liog, Or S9141,Dyelugg &08 lAmES TH Ecri ve fitit; put House, pressed on the H btomRdh,' unquiet. steep,, faintings, trelfibling, *0 tiban also Town Clerk. premises. Mfty- ose by, GOT- animal. as to have led miLi to doubt if it have fit a few weeks a pJRST�CILAS$ SpI ING 41M (imported troth One �'�bkli'best n[aeliffie Godericb, April 8rd 1808. iwG4 Id. 0edericit. Xnrcbl:�Ib� IM 'm 0 ornment, backed by their numeri Wool Ca�rdeklWanted. dotiffild, jftde'gestinn,lqw spirits, lnghttuldredmsi� shop - rtcark- of Nov& colild be the h I in Mi United States), which wlU enable usto do Custom Sphiuifi& Ve wouldsil" orse. -wasling awar of flesh,. strength in PMrliament. And, Sir, if the by the 1011i of and a gradual e �utlon td our f, CU to Carding Machine. Alrl,,to They are palalabie and se I-adminisi desire to build is on each package. n, or to X YOU child -drive Out the *orms I thorougb'y wAth4t s rr 0 a 3m 6V a -orri-T-S; &a... (lorernment re. ally wish t Remenriller th el and see that the sig. A FIRST rate Woo1i Carder Wanted ered to the 1 z!lat the Govern. :OnsOlidate this nature 4f Hard QO ]VUR SZ union -if they heartily I Ra'YO'U11, ;al UP n, Newcastle. IAlwle� 30th April,; 08. N%2.4�!' iaiii and competely eleatiad the stoinaell-ther& Northrop Ontarit;., F per- by the tilice9tv otti d Immdiat6 Stitt, have this - day e#tered Wd propri�tor$ for Canada. Sold by all Medicini Benson S. Bennett Afid Willialu ean this continent a n doing awa� with dinitilstev: ivillch i p emultjitly On hind chesp for cash or bilpxchangli for wool iflt; Is W WATSON ew nationality- E What I- nianent and endUriug-they indst make dealerd. %uaret Godoriqh, Is our authorized agent and au o*rs left with hbn vp4 receive carer" Z g Caitor Oil or other unpleasant oathalrtic*-.48 Markit.8 (;E I the legislation Of the countay acceptable to INSOLVENT ACT OF 1B64. n the utie. of other Worm Medicines, attention. P&rUO coming ffouttL distanee with wO01+4 get carded, mayTely on getting their'rolls home with W Wo ..e gn1:111d on whi n- Each box contains the titc-timile signa- them the saips evanlu& co -partnership in the, bWELL"In a f d 1i; 119 the People Of the collutry - otherwise the HRALTA is STRENGiH.-To prevent or In the matter of t.10' ameMdlment TAMtS WATSON an Insolvent ture of NotTaRoP & Lymme,Newcasde Ontario; "m Parties fivOritIg Iii with A call an assured general satialwtion. union must a will fail-wlicilly fail. conquer disease is one of the grandest second dividend oliceLbas been GRISTMILL SAW MILL & COOPERA99 tituatea n the corner 0 all prepared, subject who aid the gole proprietori. rule ij� au (CheZrs.) tainments ever aimed at by maim ; ant- Ato objection untp the 21 th djay buishies9i%ud, an matters appertaining 1 d Oor;April 1868. N - If. -Ask for Bollowaes Worm Loseng, and Stanley 51ft", L t"*i4 HN KERR, ker J. INGLIS & SONS. thereto on t eS M L%P,.% Bryan's PalmonieWafers win and take no- other, Sold'in. Nierich dy Pat Nq�­premis lixtely t,.;e =d S�). as sure care oi Dltl"EADFV�, Offloial Assignee. & Cattle and F. Jordon Gardiner & 'Co. Bay- Godevich Woolen tactory, am ATALSTROPIT.E. coughs, colds tickling inthe Toronto, 9th April 1168. w12 2L field : J adies Bentham. Rodgervill,e; L J. Pickard. Apr� Ith, igi& w1i tion of SimueY-Plat Esq., in the 33A=Y throat and DROWNED. ulmonary complaints, as war and pesti Goderich. rT-ErGHTY PrMSO.V vb, this 20thday Of of March, 1808. BENSON S. EF4MT X Secord, Lucknow; E. Ifiekson, Seaforth, and "Mother, (and I Pence will destroy. Seve?e coldq if not SALE or, B4LNXP-UPT STO L; "xeter; J. R.Cqmbe, Watts &Je&b,Clinton - Dided at attended to sooner or later letid to in- all Medicine Dealard. w43. Y 'A ArN D 8 T A AL. 11w3t% WILIZAM STITT. attav%Cd to-idae' abovO. a Fo the -strongest soon fails if n6cleeted.' The r ter should not 11e 0 he n.6 ler TV. -kc0on, an In' J. W.. JOHNSTON'S E e-�v�lwn. whia s,%0Zn1& Steammer Bird. curable consumption, and the'streng-th of hica ll e readiest and best means known W Loss , of the Sea INSOL V-42�T CT OF, 186A. for the are of N E 0 R* (�odetidb, t41b Marell. fSGS. w8.1w. I LIST f%lm Solet. LETTEAS PardcuL-r3 Of the loss of the steamer Sea of these ebinplaints is " Bryan's Fulmonio. � i MHE-5tock-bl- clanging to the above estat;4' 'EMAINING In dddrlChP. 0., Srd Airl], I Bird. Whenciff Waukegan, -a' Wafers," which have beeh T2111, R C I res- bout 6.30 thoroughly; :1 - com=nra geA id assortmeu� suitable or t:,, sa the Clit;dal exercf,�6 e, amouptingas per E;tockbqok to� ByrnErAdella(2) iatent and Loom tried for Ae last twenty yeai:, and have I country $6, 795 YesterdaY morning, the fire, was seeii is- Will be o a notion, on the prentift-i, i j: Kirkpatrick Jolla hp Vrholly de- INST Dean Joseu'h or TOLLOCK & ROYER Singen afid I eafortliVThursil th 16th Inst, at 2:o'clock p. :t 2& 0 Christlaw E and will be put up d sold at so mublo on the Qdo! 1;- Coates James Middleto0ohn I T -ii_ sir, ia the can.�- will also derive gre.at bena: Crowe 4nn Mary Min suing from a pile of freight stored around public speak liv my in hi.3 thd after guards, ontside the ladies, cabin, efit from the use of "them. Sold b Terma liberal; will be made knownmi 311es John y all On cOstp.11= I 1 11 -21 llomnn adt the day BEd.to sanoiaca to the idliabitants of Godericl. and vicinity t1mt thdy baie opened d Cassitn me. MKIS LOOM �Vill nletive d ift tair pfgo and in ten'minutes the entire litern of the 'niedicine dealers, at 2bots, per bo:j. X with less power ato ic�aro mp' Air tFou iihir Wier nkt, Ind gy Mr TodJ For furthgr inforciation and inspection of the stu,-' No* Store in Clarkep: Win- MeLeod E!Whena Mi" Eoono:---in use, j,�Tp &" book apply to Messro. Mofratt, Murray & Beattie L, Grey F—y Miss McDonald m.(stoaqcqtter �ly bf ieftting an �"'Z WHO WOULD be WITHOUT IT. X vircuttir and sataxeg of weaving, iddleig -1L the sa;n - bdat was wrapped, in flames. All 5 board Rggfidered eat, we are surej if they knew On% Thronto, or to J. EL McCaughey, in Seaforth. WO=HWi 6 BARER, 41tunll constitutin- the wonderfu '88VLLOCKp h Guna Patrick licKinnon Saralt Miss became demoralized, even the offic0s, and Orleirson. Will, (2) Cckueoak, r)"tali in effect the "Canadian 'Pain Destioyeri' Goderich April 11. 1868. 0=0514% _B10- dk.j U110 et, God Harris Elenor'Miss . Gm 6aidifit on allkinds4 aches and pains. Not HarrisJbnath-nn Straughen no effort was made to lower the small has up V18219M to j9.1v (Near the Huron Hotel Janes Jdseph Smith.John boats. The only survivors as far as kfiown i4atter what part isa#ected, or from what ew ohnstoil Robert (2) XORTGAG19 U -LE OP Wt. - in am C. A. Ca�mberlain and' N 0 TI 0- Z I'- P 0 Sfafford James ea -se is made out_& Edward Han- c&'Use it Wiseg, t1fe Inoment tho "Pain: lrvft RoUrt (2) il.-nEFAULT lmvu-g ti6eilmaile In C�e PeLvait'-htJ I ito-ek ot Staple 4ril lVanci Destroyer "'is li Where they bave optiffid out a v&y sleci 9tt, imoment you I ot nabury, -peng fr-m Sheb aEp ed, thdt IN-WATSOM'S OL06K, sw63 JJ -Ut mrs - 0 1. ARCH. Dicrmiq test m _to IN!t There were then abotit 100 personi on V flebrith day ofl)eceWlt�r, 18Q TAfh'10W-1t-,gprQZ tl�e Gvern- Oygan, Will get rehe . It is the grea edicue FOR SAM', Over t6 Glasgow House, where he has t L� ever known for the cure of rheumatism, 'GI) 0,I)SO B- AA -21 pertyvilit be sold by Pohlic Atf6imftif --f thataDmstift- AND TEN YEARS OF TIME fitted tip his Tooms, in the mcist appropriate E R_U R I§ T. board, including the sailors, ten ladies, and pleurisy, neuralgia, t:)oth-ache, head-aclie, :EP11R1 Srr': manner, to execute pictures -ih . eyery style 'led ia bying- seven Or eight children. The captain of Sprains, braises, bowel complaints, &c. ]q& ER'#ARM. Five miles north of Ki, known to the art. 1) R IlICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY or *23rd day of April next; at IS; *Onj fm ca!WV elasa of C�=�s the steamer Gordelia, seeing thp Aea 1§1rd 91old by all Medi�iiie Dealers. f 'c be N. 134 --Old picturep. *such is Daguerro- HURON. lie liovrers contme- god Ln t Pes and Ambrotypes, copied as photographs.� Lots numbers'40ap aa the HatboT Ti burning,�,, hastened to the vessel, and picked the very best forms in the County of Bruce. It e iii a therono 3mowledg6.6f an rja�sea df ontouth tine of'Wem Sircet, In &o vc-vof" engh. , tains 211 acres, slid 120 cleared ; 2 large first-cla- r. Johnitori cordially invited the Lddies Goods. will give his be!4 atenflon to Sides - -T,, t . . . .-Fo.rth C K It Y9 III fortherest. oThp.ra=ei in hand, and 10 y -�. 0 under d in thcuij 1007, I think mv hon. up the only two passengers saved, 3�l GROCERIES9 CRO' ta Mug' Barus-one of thoth 36xdS ft.., and the grain thnwit ii and, Gentleman of Godirich and surroundiag of Babkra r other ifocks entrastpA to Idjoi F�um -e olit such, a �oiitafilc in the wAidMara at the top; a Thm1lin-Machine wd Stocks po t t,ex a Circularlo. a?e. attended to on reasonibI6 terms. iand.; one from thewater the other froiti i fire -wood, going It water�a Saw warranted I this House in in- hd PLACE foreverything and eterything country to lordi;warrants e=uted.Mortpges,1d*reclos4 -ooa D. steamer. 6.000 feet in the 24 hoom Two more mill sitei ot Ised C Dr. Tupper, aL,& M�Mff mulff ist Division Coifi-L 6,tibr3le cut at IE68. in its place. ' A time for all thingsaud'-tbe Point. not occupied. Them is. one acre of Fr -ii! B im 1 IV= judgment, s season. this is true, for Bearing Orchard 66titaining first-rate reaches, Pe -LM- sw,'Cive Him' a Trial 00TSAND'S"OES everything in *n tf. uibi oth gaaary, 1867. n-, t1he untan. Tne Be- STOZ AND ROCKDrGEFAM WApA_ the Spring of the year is the time to - re- A Mady of t9 pears last yearmove as to whether lie is worthv of p1kjrqt1agP. ,%Ie as Thetbovoidle y Oistponed till nics6y #b T,rw P= hicli, hiringbeen purch ry Lowest Rates. U. .1 �good cut-sthne Flouse, 25x40ft.. Mesa". Pollock & Johnston, wholesale move exuberant, aoggk secretions from b J. W4OHNSTON All of w ed for cash, will be sold at ilie TO the and a wellftnish':frame Kitchen attached, with a wvll, body, by purifying the blood, and thereby sink an pump inside and a cistern and pump outside. Godench. Dec. 10. 1867. w461ilrif Tende Wanted The aov; $6 e ii firiber poxii;aied be Western, Agents for 0. L 1�alli�rd of Corn L-z�= (Hear� he3r.) wall, have now. on hand an imr,&ense stock scatter the dormant seeds of 'Dyspepsia, The Pride -�'Fonr Thousand Mirch Alli; 180�lat sdineume =4 rl_� 5r fcr then refferrcA bf all articles in O�t line. T Consumption,,Liver Complaint, &c., from 1prk Qwn and Right, th those the system; A'd it is now and established and the impro*�ments iddeV Stock, Crop, and our Cottons Uucommo Cheap' Of the� country de--Jers can do better vd implements will be given with the farm, at the sam� My "B"s wm be recetrda the Th"'lipvesale-is p6strtonrdtlilTu_�. ft"�14 tT."e Marquis of ke� le !n1a bf)rV ;bin ow. See fact that for this purpose the,!Greai terms.andtime. Thehoasdandi;ilitce in full view of Tundersigffe at&ufte.fte 6d place It g -has never been equal the TAke, with a'daily Steamboat passing the door to OF THS ART Z. �ho ImperLI ace 11 ed 0 t�h ffice�l Shoshonees Remedr Cd'SIIJI�RING THE IMCELLM QUALqY Government N Goderich and t1te ondof the Railroad. The all %is ill 14th April llext, English lawyera are laughingover a story flat�s, elmost to t9e water's edge� for beauty and Urich: ent =dtha ness cannot be lt�atanywhere. The best Tresh fish in -N 0 GEO FORSINKING A TESTW=11OR that aa eminent counsellor who spoke fdr abundance can bbhM at thhdoorthewbole year round. A most suitable situitibn for an Officer, retired Gentle- -der 8 Duke of Welling- oii of the A a, -.two hours before a vice-chancellor w%s in- man, or good. Former. Inspedt Our Peinted. C o tit 0'b' 8 Sali or Wj ainst th terropted by the judge one hdndred and S To Tavern Xeepm In Lse Cif ccmmons of the 41 lfi&-:s bore, at f neafft(i to Whi& VLew. s of a iukt L thirteen times, as sho*A 16y the note - Tke Goderich Grainmar School Lot c0en.A df nc.. ine To hip, on the Ta &&Tkit, am PAM.- iierb Bruce ull ry 6 es in the lake. atim, reporter. o . the county 0314ron "VVnI�rte, 6 es the thr OfTive i gu&r the Easter vacation on Monday and 2 it and VILLIGE OF Folif EWILN3 a inst. the e t 02 acre ; the lff is Excellency the Lieut. Governor of the Province ? I 'LLega e-sesere in point Gr:e1 A&' REMEMBER THE STV409 -jumas rom si. Couilty of Bruce; t6dZ6816 shte ilig lirlee V -,r OR AEbEF 0i JOHN-HALDAN, Jr., best clay sell, high and d without stones, 3 id LL of Ontario, having appointed the undersigned is- ner ax hea. C, calanipfrd a A: for uny,depth up to a thousand feet, nliothe sam per or t"a,; ML..ih-.r A credulous mn said to a wag who had PrincipaL Crack running ough the and a school mer of Tavern. (4couses for the County of Huron. GODERICH, Ma,4 13. 1868. sti thi . _,7. floot membp-- a wooden log,' " How came you to have Goderich, April 14, IM. BW66 at the corner NOTICE is hereby' given that all persois, applicants. sach %eater depth as tlip =oy 'pay Thsh L . ac e, hat if the modomw band, pl6tv of time may be had -or Huron who present It. i's Couttuctor to evel thing e, ri 11 - C116 2 to six c -wooden leg V cc why-, answeiVil the If i�Zo are d lit lor Tavern License in the County a, necessary 0, the wbrk- aid should ZI-alt or011 be t,_ U I I e. cli for the resL p Yin "my father had one, IF further particulars apply by letter to the proper Municipal Certificatii and on t f_ good could and sohad my grand- found, to leave the well tubed mia 1p A aEV WILLIA31 FRASER,- the Provinelid duty.will. receive lAcenses fb�. tb cr Is =-1 Govern. Valuable Farm For Sale rent year. in terms of the Statute. TownLicenses $1 order, all machinery and nidti" used becomingthe 2 >Zby the 11"Pe. father. It rans in the. blood. Ithe rdinegeo Con, Bruce. out, 01 STON�; AND -ROCX1N1Ua__ 6 1 ffi I - rim &w . I -pro- llodcr�cll. 31areb=4 199- Wit) am* is, 5tk con. Hallett, 31 miles i)rom clin- i. both,-,,.. will be given, Towlitkip and Viiiiage LiceAses $5. - e oftbeCom ny,o erwiaitorentabithe freefrom all e0cumbrance. DAN. LIZARS, pe 6fthecontrtte r. 'Theffunne ft� pro r. -polisible on the e4rty wo.ijez - FIE eo arm first-clus clay land, 45 acres cl-sil -partons"tobogiven w securltyfttr�the co etionof 3. It BIRTH. Kin"o, March 28thIS6&, w`123mos. I�mer of Tavern Lidiiases. the wor1L The Company will not bs troudd d-�,plo TO 8,&LW OVEFUT�O]Zlllo fenced and in a good state of cultivation. Good fraf& MIC d univ be treatei :P40- A,"TC>1aXSrJr40W barn, fine young orchard. For parUcubm applylo the Offict bf the Clerk of the Peace, I Coantyoflluron. and va- owner on the premises. T I A41caddruillesssatisfitetoty... I GbdericAothblarchlftil. w7 A90DERICH) 17 G 1. wrt;e--if nut In this town on the Tth iustant� the JA QUIGLEY OKINGSTON STREET, I WO STB AX U', MS It good m vewl �7v the Goe,.- wife of Oharles Swan of a (laughter. Clinton, April 14 IM. , ;aiii;o. - DAREL, 9WALD Jr T id in effect working qrder, for, uld WA�L - PAPERG '1r-FAV`19G been appointed *hole�alo Western Agent&for the sale of the celebraua 9ecititity Pori El % ilieap: Particularg at taig dfH p_ 7e&te& in tv--em by the: 7 .1 .. I - � I e I .. . . 93-4 gilt CtimpAny. D46. 2. 186T. w45 No'"16ii 0;, do. I�rute. sir. the 1c,-Zoal inferenm A WIMGF, GRAW, FLOUR, k 11� Stone and Rockinghelui Ware of N -D Others having business to transact"with the Crown lAnd Dept in the way of obtaining Patents OPEIDn Y -0, L. BALLARD, CQIRNW-A.LL GWerich, Marebsist UABLE A 'for lands, settlement of dihputed clablis &e Sic. will! -ABSORTMENT 9 wiom At Wroxeter, on the 10th inst., after VAL find it to their advantage to apply to tite U;%i;i' d. Would aundadee to the �mdsld% flurou and three days- illness of plemisy,'Johii Gibson Can give the best Crown. Ld. b= Bruc6 ibat they can supply AU orthd I � 2 A.ND _III OlVejlt Aot of '180A trafiCacted for Barristers and Attornies on *try mbde�- ve sdperior' urViclell turned out bi Mr. Ballard, Trom Gieenlaw; Berwickshire, Scotland, r ry hi -flit t11-- 991e9ftOn f a term& NETTLE, aged 41 years, U months. b6ara liand & Patent Agent WAU PAPER AT 'NANUFACTURIRWS �PIRICES-** aud, nstain, in its AINR 14th, 1868. Box 606 Toronto. J to a ZN 0 at RZ3M &A. *JOAN t For pairticalaps see circtflard Lied out by w. e 'tatV of HUMV� a coilsisting PROVISION SWIM ddll aud examine the stock fiovir of the BritL%& Norca Of of the Insolvent t hi hand. ejlt.Of and effe i C01WiEft01l,&L. on T Mt 8 -1 I ' f *ddersigned As- more VC-1san. UNMAN PAIN. DESTROYER Parlour, Dining-Rd6m, r 'the sbove� o me, th UTS V irtorlb xNs ignt, and they dre required to tarnhill me within - theGmud Tra to t: -e charge of POLLOCk & JOHNSTON- nude 8 from af l3k boDBRICH 3k(JNLrf 3jAJXhT. A FamilyNtedicine, vrell and iavorablyknown ;" outh tuls&to with t1itir dlalms,. specily- in the =Ae in which Bed-Roomt Han., Godericilt, April 3,.,,, Ing the security thIp bold If any, and J&o v4lue of it for the past teA-yea vs. never falfing in a single If mone statirigthe fack the whole attested under 191i No% F0i 62; E2, 69, 84,*15 and IS6, 'torminjr torreeted every Tuesday and FridAy f r the SVitaZ by and Office AR6H33ALD*H0DGE, k n with the vouchers in suppor,� of lud't.vlaims. the6qro W tu Graga Trdr oada Id 1ro Bra. �tnstancg to give pe�manent relief vrhe timely Godertch in the 00mity of uron, M. in- Ahm-f tend to COQ2d;;_-- West SL Godericb. Se PROb1dC* x4ROBANT, in lie Rqg, 00w� Of Counli in d, and we have never known a *in,-, le case Papers. GodoTich, April 14, 1868, ol di Gold. Marble and other Papers. Borderingwand archoLwever, arr. SP,_ amer'on's look, Kingston Streeti ssauslaction where the directitins, have been 0 N h; Wld% Shades, at very low prices FOR CASI� for the County (it -Humu; 10 , arb MC& -tidittatigid6lk 41tvatai; 13�- rae--Y exLst as ciroperly tofloed, bay on the eonirark all art at the GO D E It IC H;, 1A11110 &I AMERIC-ALN EXCHANGE OR GREENBAC SE..LL'I. G 'OFF T11 11 dut or the Hemse of delighted vritil its operations, and speak in the for wareho purpwe. at tLe const_�cn_ e 'BUM AT hi,-heqt thrmis of its Virtue and Magical efrects, (IRALN, FLOUR, (ATMEAL, CORNMEALi* hrez!lv lmd dov� in the koridag-To Afterniton-270 forcartadifunds 77MCAAr4_D1ANPAhV ffESTROYBR Signal -office sran;­ Sh6lu, Ptitatoes, Bacod, 'Buiter, Q.W_ - LLING OFF I&W vber4). I : lagolteut - Act .6f riglit to keep a 72 i2 for Silver: has won for iW-lf a reputation, as a, blood pun c.Highest mark�t price paid for grai n and all Itar-nduct of the Gove=_ SELLMO AT fi ei,.aliLerative stermich tonic, uasurpasssed in the kinds of.produce, w4tf th. W, histoiyofmedii-al preparation& It seldomtall2 m,tu"C-nflirof 921r*a Anwve)�L e p1blic: aElans . J - . ilAi:s� qI:6t"i,,13arr1s:ers Afternodn-421 for Canada funds lo cure Dyspepsia, Liver Complami, Indiget- of th 314stilVent aranotiftea -that he tlmiis teation of the tioniHeartburng Sick Headache, Xidneyg T Assignment -of bix el#te uiid ibffecis Asthma, %inder-the above Act, to me, tbD matittstpod Amlpos,, Ba Carriages, GWerlch.f�b. 14. w4i ",e attention of the' BUY17A.- at .......... ....... plaints, Acid Siomach Ploth0deor and they us required to furnish a withirl -two cauntry ....... 4J discount -restor-sto-Otalactivitytile ssient; debt-arlitted A f1sh supply of all the now styles In Ulmi, this date with their q If t OM -to any LARGW SILvEn y D S11' I -G UP BU, SIN ESSO at -',,*"'*""'....,...".."'.3f by- sullenag and disease. WOMAN 10ES GIT' e security they h614 If anf, o tzve- azt. _A_nd, mr, it and -t if none taft the fact, thp whole. sMsted under Its magical ai&a onderful sue-cass,in ciunlig' BABY Q A R R1 A G E 8, - Ladi6s',- Gehtg and Childen's, NEW a 1%) if the Government have�' iden colds, Sc -re t1boat, Coughs, Diotberia oath, wltlithevouchersE s�pport Of such clitints. Baying at ............................ 5 11 su E: band --raption-d the Gove=_- pains in the sidehons. and back,.' lieuralgia.todift! ��Iow days, and will be offered Dated -itGoderich in the Comity Of fluron, at ....................... 14 1te, rheumatic tind ot he much a 30th ddy-Of Xarob, A. A -2968. n it JOHN #.* AN Jr., JJlJore, perp., 010� NXW YOFX. 16 and Fro d tEepowervest_etl in them- Selling ....... 31 ac rpaing;n any partof IN GREAT VAR=* AN,; ihe body dad'froid wkatever cauie, has give P 11T D a place in, every liousehold and is fast superited- B RMER CES Great Rvdu quu Officid Aissignpe forilig r-�a2aF�-tL�t the -is -21 1 . I -"-L - - E M B R A C. 4 N &i;i of Hum P Hou_� I Selling ia ..... ............ ing all other preptrations of the kind. AT THE' JAME4, H.- BEN -SON, censuri-a- them =a It is also an otlectual and prompt reme3plor f0lelt9t for Insolvatit. ;P11 -2W wmi WMt (gf ConKIMCe ja Scalds, Burns, ruises, Sprains, Chilblains, E AIL THE xw -STM8. hon- friend must adzdt Frost Bites, Crampq in the L1;to-.0ach, Diarhoea, C "o at 104. Alrowhig accrued intereft tq seller OFFI TRWART to 60 ip�, Lnol JUST RECEIVED bsolvent Act bt lskt; BR's eelnectrllll� 10 TZV- FORTIbs era giorbus, Viltious Chol�p. Cholera Intati- ita the chair is one of Junt Dysenterv, &c. hlt 9,18681. w4. habi ntsof'Godert% agdvidinhIlitat Buying at ....... Z.1 ......... PQ only 25 c6nu; per bottle. Im. im nHAS DET)OMINED TO SELL OFF HIS STOCK10F rht'h4TljR&,qf Hinty W. 37bC674trA YAw?m1i._ Sindilph olit 4tand - in Lon. pntle- NoftTHROF + LYMAN AND FOR) SALE CHE.0 o e fatilk.Inselvent alt notified to- tatthsLaw Md that if Buying at ....... ; ........ ...... ; .... 107 Newcastle. C. W. OMce ofS. G I- General Agiintfor Canada.. CORNTER 0F Squint Liam ST, V_'M mtm� resi_-D. Bank of Upper Canada bills ....... :-.60 Mr.Caughi-V Esoi., in lhb Vfflag6.4ofmf9Tt.h, Ju the li3w8old in Coderich by Parker'& datile and Count �y of HuFanj on Wpdaesdaj,; the shdh ft of on' &, Sit COO' my tLext, at it o'clock & AL, for the Imblie, cx%taftisa- ia th.eGroiierf Dops b0i will kw Tla ste Plaster. AT ................. F. Joidan; Gatrdiner & Co. Bayfield; James Aches ithid Ck :,:a M-,Y*g P=hnmantazy 13old opened at UR clitsed at 1391 001)- FrOph-grouna LatldPlaster for 4 - t,,.and for the Ordering, of the n flaud gooi Aird6les, W sell as ulte-Ap 4 Bentham, Rdd6-_rvtl le; J - Pickard, Exeter; J. H' at 35 cents per 100 lbs, at 10 RX4 F 0 A X'H S 0 P. E ==&-iterill I timt it. was G case&- - -i I Ily. bhedpest; ,37JE� - Combe, Watfs & Jebb, Clinton; Secord, Luck- LOTHINC, Dated at Goderleb, in the ounty of Haren, t1ils M 'dine H. HOWELL'S, AND READY"MADE C a auza M A P.=S; now, E Hickso. Q-forta, and all bledi slithday of April, IM: Particular fatibiiod d t -d t�e �jneof Dea; Opposite Huron HoteL & e pre3ent. w—" rg. iv3s a POUOM U1 L/A L ; ��EC gR Official Anfree, for 1, A to say GioDwrcn, A�ril 14,'1868.. wn 11 CQanty f Huron: IFLO L -e -fore the Housa could- Whedt ...... 1. and as the aerllgor :111(d -02any T-fars 9T EMUSH'IREMERV T 66 TH4 G1111 'Gpd�r �cli, A�k 9, 186�. W12tf CkOderich, Maich 26th, 1868. Wi6, UND a ihat litu Uh Vf Dusinesk W experienco 2 1A6 '1 -45 Insol-Veiii Adt Of 13648 Spring Wheat ...... confidenthathe c 11 in Flouir 7,50, SIR AMES.�CtkRKE6 N=, Mr. God&idf4 Feb. 7, 18(.8. aw47&f (ZleaX- Le -20.) L 0:42 33D(S In ft =Owa it r .0. E 0 E -D& k d9IFIC S of G Oats' .4,5 CelebiAted Fe74.A1p,PMq R M 4T EfARGAIA UNPREU�E�'DBINT' .................. The Creffitorg of ibe Insg1vtat are notified that bi; �-&Iy , C -in Olt SLI6,AT 'MRS, XcDO I Peas 0:70 a 0:71 PI-epar ti&i df ball,early and seedre ic(uie of thd W made t Of -bis Estatp ni �Pfrcctp, ta be Vbit'al witnT a MW1j ...... .... 1:00 1714rkeN-D.,'Phk8iCian Extradrdinory alear VafiEvery's iaiVs. tin' flitifisaud underthq- n ce M the vihole niu�t"be ool&id six weeks. rleo me tbb -pLndcrsfgdtd A, gL' tLm that of the a I -THY Goderich, 16th Xaich, 1868. w8l=* BY and they an p 1�lred t o Farm! f6i; 'Saled Pork ...... 5:00 (4 6:00 id! the Queen. '-birgvin- woffed gtor adIS -3. 1 enn. dy, ino , a 'tb5Mt an, 081 - LING 'Lot 14, Sozi. -0,(B led Z1 fatinths from this fewiththeirclidals4icavyl the Potatoes 6:95 1Z 0.40 ay R�up opisbi;i0ii security they hiold,lf any, and tlid,yalue,of it., dif ah is unfailing v WANTEO St.j. 60 we ,-ne, statingthe fact, tho,wlidle attested'vilder oath Ms. _&y Con thminvaluable mediel I the TA11011 Eind- ILOT ME& h I ith B Signalfield Vdivi: " tit Ithe vouchers in support drliu 1401414a b3nn, dwelihig Vookc, 1 even in ita cuisofallthoxe painful and dangerous di 7Mses ITAS*Rqmoved to-hii NF.VV"-SHOP to the GLAMN R_ ON M Wed, Aerl Dated at 06darle the Couffty of .1 apply th G: Tin cinan, -Gudcr�tb, Z? �Vff ru-z 6:20 0:2.5 vbd , wl t� 0:10 1,4 0:124 on the Mszkot 3T hir% Apply *p water�A- Va 0 bn t M Eiq- where he blrers for sale, on the most rea. 4 'E" IIIN y �ffihd rms for-CA.8111,1 iplonW assortment of ill, A.D. 38GS. to,which the rentals conaitution is subje, L. If rte �i eratesallex6essandrainovesal trut $1013s, _124 w I Kid, Co t I obi SM 14 P Higx( i C 099auxonvb gree�) � .. 6-50 (a) 0:00'4id a,,,gpeedy.cure may be relied oni _SSEX�e. (z7, 11w2tv JrM. 20. ISO. Wool 0imlied) ......... O�20 a 0-.2i e Olothingo Goderich. Xarih 1 1868,� t7pirl, C Wood ......... z. 2:25 (a), 2:511 11, �Gf TO MARR1fDL LADIES a4y T ons on tL� Tranm� bs=L 5:00 5:50 itlepeculfarlymitedi I Will, inacsitot time, isting id t)"of Beef, per cwt . ......... REVISIOlf NOTI10 hisolvefat t df 1864. bring on the monthly period with regula �tntivsr E mbrt 6ge 8010 of V 0:30 Each bottle, price One Dollar# bears tl: 0 And '27 WhIll tT,,-,- Vxider-Clothlng,: &c. tu -watter bf it a:=11 been T�* I Tarkeys;.-: ............ 0-40, O:QO ernment Stanip of Great Britain to prevet t coillrn- lsber4b;g1vZn thai the Court ot lie"ilog ;n the pa�mnsl id ...... ; ......... 0:35 O:d_o erfeits. 'i Persomi vs' hing to Purchase a SPRING SUIT will fpd Nwforcthuetownsbi �"t B, Will he held on ih4 IwMi -STEWART, ty VP= -_3 B. V1z3:yVC77- Vo- examftla:lilt .1hW Sathinday it& A r1l, it Presil hotel Crediton, it IPHE Cridildil of thdIddli6itaritnotifi.: oco unit 11 it toltheir actvantaMtacall and P l9e ............. 0:20 CAa 014T. 20 a. G 't Dwor) cann o the Lon, A ed that the tindertiped; of the 15%, he Irolln vvW to 9M t�y Fl;U& r Theel kill.; 91 Y Clerk LA.SGOW HUtrSE tj 'U &e Fr RS1. T Goderich Salt, wholowde, f.6.b. bbl. HREE AfOF w24 .N Gn the THS f re #it rue Wamyq L 8" E i-167. I I IL till I I ft:a; at the works, 1-60. t1my are sure io,�mtg or Misear- tatlim"ch, 186. w foivn of -Goderlc� ill the Codiltyof Eltirloln,, fm tho Ulzfm� A(;,whe:f ataiiyotlker time 46yarg�-fe.^� 10 at. have been appoittett Official Assigned 6f CO 'day &-st tba eetlonS nd of April text* at 12,won, Oftton ma or ka all df Nervous. atiApitial o. I �0 A 16 estate and effectS - and ihey. tLa Fral. I .. 3. t lom a icut on a igh q*ed 6 �'roddc.6'9&re uld; wiffibi Nvo UlTionintignunber Vile Tbf�,Mtlu Intal 907—oTm, M-0 Uaron Stos4L) exertion,;` 1pitatinitortheHOartiffy*,.-ri6s dnd psilble ndt6i and �W"t'ed to Nofice 1 iioAld fr5ni this ddfd, their clara upCh on tbA lWbnr Elat 1:3 ttze 9R:0;`.Kb G r n APains in he Back and Limbx� ouitoni :*W(irk. 8.01? TACT fad -01A §hort, NoticeI V, twh 4p; 1ked to Die Ewer) vad �o c Clinton, AprR 14, 1868. X Whites, t se Fills will effe -f a cure *heh all give sit. 30 e "T�tlon. GF ve 2jui ite calt illeiald'estatbund6t. oath, s hl 1105,-bC P07 f6nh r r=Xi:1aA_ goV 'A Gode�A April 0) 1W$. W". other means have failed; and althouet a power 1'JONOWYOR Ndlite to _g Fall Wheat ..... $1:6% R 1:68 Jul remedr, donot contain irou.-calt nell, auti-j i;mciHJ1hb` hold, if any, uffd Ori thd fact ivith Wo Spri 9do,.....,; L-45 (4 .1-00 3. ej V SM07 , - a Vdapheri itr a. msf cf, tS ............ ...... 0.45 0 04Q Fait directions in the pamphlet at )and each -of Malk HF D S 0 A at Ooderich, in:;:A1w -Courity -of ................. - *It thdrild bee FL tdy - -is. PS 'Ouppd'it of tilt Barley 1.19 pacritge, Wine arefuity I e?filred', coo DaW rotojoes .............. 0:00 0:4 15bleagenLf6rfhb United, Statesnut. (;ftnllda$., -,HiirDn, thm" f4;tu'rf;cqxfflx&yd'f Msi�h, 1868. t --MTJra h --a I a 8 cenfister bar, pr bers; for 25 eta -Oft.4 ITHZIR JOB HOSES, Rocheitiiiii N.Y. CQ J6H9 HALDAN Ju., 14 1:�-e3 am- rens 0:0 001 0-7 �7'11 401 A. "0 . radmi .8 N.B.-43.0D and six postagestAm, 0, enclosed 0 wi W The above -9:1, 40 fty ptitligrizerl. a Secure �the 61 oi'10 centg-twi: jdldi� fe he d patter 6:17 !j!: Ud dV. a 211i Assignee gent wilITtiifte a boitle, coil- 02.06 abart d"', 4jr4- tD V ................. 0:10. Shadow-erd the the dOAP andPOT A-$fIFAC- 0 XG8 0 The Dock. tainitnifilty Pill 'by rciurniiia1w C 0, T- L Toltyl at anco fades: ]Roar Subit TOHN INSdtVENTi-CTcF 18oc lt9 RTHR QR & I YKAX yv.�gineril, Y#'O:.Y 1HES NL"T. 4"a '19'30 A X 01) 6 1= OF 'Of Hai .�j .............. 9:06 ib:*00 10 ta, WP' th mafff r [Filgi4a7a W604 2.-QO 0 0 g6i K nitill n 6:50 Huuom 18 ]Rides -4 0:9 V* Sold in Goderieh by Parker �&- 0sittic.and virtue cf1ha 66nt Buildin OTIC E is,, Aeriibvgtvgn that tb 11eef per f00, lbs ......... i.0-00 0 5:50� 17.4ordan; _019MIDer oi; Cc - Bdyfv-ld - Jaw S t itt VWM A. AAA Uombe-Watts & JebbiGhntor Benthum., Roxeiville;, J. Fi�jad,Fiete'r; J.H. 'N po,er veited laJ, we as -assitree or thoy S1iZR1f1'ijS UtE 09- LA913S-- 0:2 0:" hieTCenSL per S. borJ, Luck- t ' ci ' iid ivings Sddidtl, i owiittitoWnt, f *hall offier for sale by Publid' Y, 11�uty in ij, it 11593 si the hour ar-twelve, moon, at my tlog AND 17 (Fitst dooi south t'Y TV GS on (k , Friatty, the Tenth Aay of J Turkevs ............ 0:4-0 (a 0.-'5�. 'o Rickson, Naforth. an h 11 W100111d ftIDAT' `0 :� :[WT. F INTO TA OH - R T V TIM"DA XL. C 6f Apples .... .. i:o -,,y 4E� 0.;05 000'. Caurt of Cioiinrann a, an., instrumen t)i4peCt hile and interesfofthe said Walt%fin Alic to!- -o' Lmda ar ef tte "0 V:Utra bola of Goderich, ill lVe right, TX 0:31Y P011 Ited a ainst th 0 t^� ry )Arli�.rAfii iti][110110 - . , � .�P. I � $;0%) "VANCED; ldw1ag Ian&' i1a the A i ;4d OF REPAY31tNTFOREAC -Lot nu -I f -l-= Z�W3 8 which silableR hirdlo makethe TArFest: t9-J!r--, . I Ferrim I I= E&nd =4 a_ N-,:R,.;.KENNEDYj. 61 virs 16 �_VNS I a i�onceinnon of1lite Tonship of'-00%vickip contain. We clip �he followi gtrouith6Proridencilk de -rLT In and th Nw-�ty=Jyv Y,- 5 ingby adonessurement -One hudd&d acres, eaVer'l 7 ,tindexceptfiveacrevtiffithe uprihwestrorne4 zfGcj ph.4togm0lis mat, dod T&Uket# - - . ' ._� :,�3� - ;, 14:1 zo fn CA M, deral Adigirliser : I Ge At Q�l which said five acres sT6 in the.ftififf ofAt square. settat rzy a' -lee fu t�o COE= Ebase, In At t*s -tbd unce his,Aftist A ater 14U im 6.51 00)7 Op�,Mv _' - Godcr%ah, on Tuesay. V%0 -rintli day of J=6 ncit at) tl,,�= hen choleraf zgii�wamo t��,M Huron eirtau oeach q: 5 6r, 4.&40i io L ch6leri'iarbgs,dy'ktenteryavd-ottiir kin, F-0 -10' it- 8432 7 6ko.- I)idedit-Gode,richl,-9LUMarivhcA.D..,18t t 3& G1577e =--' Godd; pearand half--yaer2=15.4712.951128 913 Se,06rdi, April i4� 1868. 14d% BN6&T `&rt ond; _. <? dred-complaints',aresprotio prql bod T t $AMUEL POLL6CIC rAil,eVjrj y gazd g4hiir Me as 02 IS.-Ol 0 Oficiat AssLd- ti- rr, Davis" the, beit Hamilton, March 12i "68iL -W] ............... 1:60, ( 0 . aa) should beliberalty supplied with Per pot 11'� tycelab4.86,20 iS 23 22 1415 1270 47id 69 13 19.92 1645 14:$8 13:A scomr .66523, - - riont 10AT31pi- JLJU ibit botainiou,'but a4 P'od as any Mid -e 19 io� d If -pane met th6 entin sibleh)a tinies as largit- as. 'tl In tever. Ngliction�rscelyed S6tS J:wqvther'�ayinentwba 4 d i6h. In rbrurAi ly & GOOD wiih- Goderich. anov the Soclewo Aisewq% in incident an for the pairona�ge of.tbe,� pasi;ifiv! 01 WStf dritei t", all ..... ... q;Y0 0:80. place their bari4d on it in' 'ki a xae� !c ar i [OT [bg Whedi., 1.42 0, 1,4 Vii-ifiblol aln! Killeri P0 .80 F AN d InTre 66 Get whether it be for a dayt elcurdola or NO the Xiw- C VP t Z. 6-ve 1131LA include Prfiicli)�l In with= Dell; will be paid % 8; Odderich 'A 01 0'45, a tripto1arore, should bff in a pnoitiod t& "flop y f ofl i4ban. F -BRICK -20' jag. Ifany Adral for themsplrea. ..... ei'the nev% r Al if not" lta-'- worthoi,- whi& *ill Orovei fal to May be.. had' at, the stores of t 0-10 0 0:18 ined1itoly check6d, ago be tomv)t tfirqd' IL 13&kattiey. iAflersi itind'strier the 291b ane text, Iiii is f-Ittin -;-c, ......... P or. es"s OcWan. '1868. Tei Setsi,White. =a Gold offibirslottale lot -0, coil. betin J ieT- I zc�;Of.Jciibz� Toil. Sef� assortnie #fJa]uP 6oderich`-_1o*4fs1iiiY.,'88 -acres, 66' up a xied'-brick m1wbine, ra fa vecrls 0. 0 by one or,' we doses of ibe Fe On A 7 T'Ifboihohtie W. 8.00 0,1 -00 raors thlin-One oCe"lon hae we r- el W; -W China At by ste=4 -at E 'of, sortniek t 3F A =4 fferhig lay th'OL I a t6o ot, t! Ithrid.. Tho pr& Nwet, and" :act .00 Z. Utitler, ind ........ 6.00 at T. Doo" Open 2-00 QV2-50' 1� Coniwon�ing at telendi -Ayirbaly a mile from lftftentsals wellir orbrit iiii inny be fstiel' Nehhi F-R0n'_'Gou_1AdHUrou: I mil- *0& "erich- pe the above tiarogd preparali And as ibe r 1iiperiorIand. Lot 8 3lX.&A.JL_1L -.114 silway runs t4ttpgh it,, betief des1rD980f,At1?drh1g'b �tfik 0 eiije dealer�. e tai in 133 gold bT-all groc rd, 19Wtabal b1p, ftyliel. R0A aouloa rib 0:6 Tell re Oi nuot be found. ?gave 1&( C46 Zt tho offi, Ce Item us4,61 galt teri1wry es Cf tLe D. L; 90-60 Cd. - W - , , arises, '04W in, miion 2 0 A� 0 d -a Wbak WILLI pu iffude'reine. Z 224to, -.and tiMi bairiti OaL the _iDOyL;g_ 1_1 I 'be *01A td �m4tpzbassrti� fit uron the IOL 44 W. 3T. SAVAGE. *4441 p&L ApPlY othe its" If 'Wit .. _180 ", �96% 10-, Piuprfetors. Telegki Market 8164ye. �z:? or -F Eaa wcwn bY t::�, ati eTRUZW1 ewdaigh, S. rA tln 3W 430 st. ra4l, $treet 99 �"Al -�Ooaiwlchi. *Rnl 4:50., i*ricb IN& ........ ........ to 0 r �' I It is 0 thel' eep t orses to i d 7pc n -tion - D ley 's ri%l ndltion dl' 0 .�S, t� has eei: Ill cheerfull c h To A gwm gd 0 For T NO. 11 i2th & I fro 1AVU19 YM Re to do tain F W ddch brecki -ear to a h pa Ives act 1 dliLw whailsa I an I ieuvrL wnotl ed ft e tate ets T I IVSL 're of rt T4ese idN, 'tile [IT -d* -d& _,P 0. Tt 0'