HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-04-16, Page 2L; P 4 W q it at 1,7as Government have in vie,1V in sending JU&I lDie#tea by ne-&=dHon to trlae laa-:J­ Tj ke, said th (rentNtredAwn foura Mqxenmia nearly opposite the sqeno of the mumer. Fr on -Monday rught? _ to England ; I do not -mean to n_ygU,8 tL=O agpztleni,-H whonvow 1% as to6 much, entered the store of SHOOMG MATcH.—The Seaforth V61- om. all t4t. can --be. leaged iiere, the See here - im,21 lie was In the, habit of going there only In yesterday, easily done. I theA said a -to and on 1111.1faiv:1111 y the Glob e -of c111111117 -9,a idea expressed b having in viewilhe position of X.- 84 *fth At th a time we- Drenent - our readers Messrs. W. & S. Kay, slamming the door untale a No. 3 Company, -33rd- Battalion. A` L(Ifrequhnter orthat establishment uvor I you leave th P, liament 43 1 Imard t1da vessels thD duties of % under Cotain 'T. P. 'Sull­ ­held theiri at tion was particul drawn, to him more than thatr the, death qf Mr. McGee will be it what tin -did &hO raepeetto, theVnion Pnd especial1v the elcetea _an open-g7oved Ure it oipat& L t ie once froni Ills pQeuHa . y of ivearing moccasins. This after him En as to break a pane Of glass, annual Ri#q Match last. Friday. There Mf death -blow to, Fleflianism, will provb oPk- Buildings On, Xonday night V Ly raqmstsuco nj*adm to eE e 'her with fresh w atmr trid fresh pfovisicivis 'Mr. -John Xav quietly demanded- d- positionA Dr. Tupper as the ona were Over ; end t ith her bonti called pay fbt was qithe a crowd of spectators, who wet Is Paid to be a fdat, If -it to otherwise, it only shows lidd left a, littlevI& Wore the house a powetl: trust 0 how stories qan be framed to suit to -0, weety. Hiseig, rect. T4e large rewards offered'by the I said, t ybu,_ left it helj.th ful head of the union party in his, :nifive: 1=gaage -lecIT 1410 E27-70 cc f e A GODER10-6i AMt- 16, 1868., 'the damage, "rhen the, man threw 300ts Ijit anprepared for the 'very eigellent P14iler-, wlthoom I have conversed, gf 'an ex- GovOrniment, no doubt, Will induce' some I - irnedr., now its solitary repitsentsfiv COT12MOn COUnt aba=d, una hanging from thoqu3rter and q e 01 'dse adjourned in tba 31eighllorhoord of provineq.., ry, they uIn not uffin und the Atove, leaped ellelit characW a&a'goodp stbady working mani able stern davita. for &Ile had three boata, she on the IloQy, ran aro shootitig iich thbi witnessed. -It is c f the guilty parties to turn Queen's evir hi He ii the PiCrliament of cauada-having in, istand "and pa - fo make his $12 or #14 per week.; and also says, - that 9 quvAer 2 O'ClOck." =jsuazler - I, mist -n , yal.t_;7C_ L -v as if waiting for some persors toetime Tim MuniirnEit ofM ing 'into, theAow window amongst the fancy thought th c4mpete favor- the story - I, view the dive Jet Ion. gentlem en on 4,110 r:_ r. McGee is be 'Companywill that Whelaucame, here to talw up house 3 dence. I learn that two or three jporscms teliminutes afte tivo rsity of opinio# between .br.- That they were, ex 1-1 with . other. TWAY40113! partipi­ to coftect, as 11%.th6 enitloyef, 80-v Mrs. Vhelan rg hem on' bo = Z. pecteti from sought outwiih goods and div6d bond fbrQm6st through ably with quI havb lalreadyiutimateil a wish to dwoo, Ilied, it warr,bnly Tu the people of Nova &Otis the ches beware Let th r, was very eVi( pated ill tl at which went oft in a arience 0 0 3 . a GREAT VIGMANCE-AU, P W en I was at 19 a degree of energy that, ber0partly.onthat-hilasion. -the - Russell 11attse.- , pper and above the rive lent by. the es our authorities mi ich er dit. Besides one of the Ia*r,-e Vanes 6f- ,Jass falli; OINTS GUARDZV, - I I yo -d can, Representativeg in both branches of fie 0 of t -he Wt. Ithedadded,-heis all right if eamest g --,-e which the young oflicer scall -I very orderly ma er, and no- accidents. Telegrams ate constantly pouring n'tO manage Ihatt I -b01iQvO theliulletprodifeed Legialatureof that Provinceand especially,. viliolly disre.-ar(I the logic on from the ressel. . While VV11clan, a number iif 1petimjiis have been prone on the sidewalk amongst the deLris. Ve card V th ' - i ned tlint direct Thefollowngis escore: _.d' more ankfficeacuflq ssforr was about M Idation. when he reached Trot- the Government from all parts of the Pro- inCourttobe offeOf the cartridge bullets having in view that the Mijll j;qr af the bitteme 3 and hosti2lity cr, the t*r's doors, me moriffi of tbopurder, and it Is pa cl,froinw-hicha c;r W . Vt- sit bf thes, 3 Provinen to tL o U, ni, on iu 7_ his eye, we will describe arreste tairdlelassof people Mill, Kay, who was holding: him back, I I a public mind- FiLlice in discussing his currency bill drag I scoRim OF sHobTiNQ uATcH. vince, showing how deeply tho ged through the opening, cutting his Jy conormed,by -Uri.k.Votte-ee alatements, Mr. yopree used in Smith and Wessoies revolvers. may infer that in thO,present tem Woyda.'400yds. J per of Ila The man Was uninjured. 00, ylls Prize. latcH kev; if -iVasihoupt, was rattled ardust the door has lipen moved. Great vigilance'is being That is the I admitted Was the prevent. and intemiflea macat-he q!ll nd slightly. iullet 1. received frrini ihe some clays ago, a7P1111`S1191= a _ Privat it 6 1 SUA ql Barwl ..23344..16 02328.10 3243$..16 1. 1VL00 _831 I I ad _ Abanged his mind, and wasfunde- exercked a cordon of detectives has been He Was slightly made. but rather tall, the Canadian people the vkpressio:4 of He was conve cIdedtotrf,'i& bi the latch or.xap so as to give An Doronpr th those ifi the policy of hon. gentlemen on the Trel not be justifloa by tale ye compared it wi dressed as we. have said, in blue jacket d to gaol for safe Mibpl mi0galw1mu benches tfamely, a pbli6 ; of oqtml jueticip House, pressed rn 4,he lacun Pte. Caml)be .?- thrown alcifia, the- vhole fronfi -and Ov6TY-_ io those y T. It. was' altoaether a :32322..12 23321.13 24032..11 3. 600 alarm. Ift "ri,-i, nluriedinaneighboringdoorway, tly corres onds b, Fenian sentiments 'will not be brooked. by Wt. Traine 11u. ur revo V r I 0XaC and trowsers, with a Spanish sombrero -1 Pte. Johnstol ... 323V%.16 02032.. 11 22304..Il 4. 5.00 U" McGeo =,v have heard point is ga;7ded.. evolver. I found 10 all parts of the -Dominion -a' U i8rainent, _dKL51-1 by t Tzejv shading iiis face. -as t i""j"T ra l 2 'him, and induce bfiWt9 in the lindei of the r .Icie& of . PO CY 0 His complexion was Those who do not like our institutions most singular uffair. Pte. M61fitos ....02243.31 212333..13 0020.- 4 5; 3.00 rURTHDR DEVELOPP4KENTS. conciliation towards the peb e of Nov& Strength in Paxymment. And P. that t re were ridges of this demri , Sir ff fair, his f ee!6 ruddy through the slight. '91, Sgt. Camp .... 33342.15 23D02.. 7 00320.:- 6 6. 2.60 cluinge his purpose of -t to eikt.er by the latch. It isa'C's Pi rZovernment Z.- ould speedily emigmte to -the States Pte. Wilson_!, ... 03242AI 32002.; 7 2240 .. 8 7. 2.00. Isnotat an unlikely thrati-he did'see a man, there: . WTialen, it is 00ged, was at the Chical- . tion sale in the city'at Thomas 800tia--having in view all 'thesse points., ally 7fish to co='o, date j tan upon them, his 1xvir vexv light, long n X E T E R. Pte. Watson, t-..00332.. 8 02030.. 5 234K.13 8. 1. 60 would naturally be a doubt as to the purbose bringing go Conventio3i of Fenians. He can I do nof"ifiewi to argue that the Govern. , ,,i be tnion-if they hcawily to Z; - as ad rapid in his where in the slums of Americandties. they those for sale here are for the same sort Lia and flowbag, like firim, his eyes as blue as Pte. Hay . .. .... 0,21)00.. 2 22424..It 04203., 9 9- -3.25 him there, and that the assassin A of the' -do the most judicious selection GM tbi5-c0ntine13t 3 ZOW can Corporal Cl a..0032- 7 M-1. 8 23021- -1 10.1,9o.,1110vement$ that bef6re Mr. McGee, could be sure of iriced to'Hamilton at the. time lve sizes Ment ma the sea which wals hishonie. His agre was . find their true element and an abun- -On the 10thmist, in Exeter, 9 very in- th4fintentI6 othis rAurderei, the bullet hAd ddhe its Ridgeway- affl , -when he be d h the veri but for these four or f p=ent pnd enduring -they n , M L aste t a of revo' found some clothing in t1tatcolild have been made under all the not above twenty-one-, for he had no sign dance of congenial society. ' With relr& teresting andagreeable rifle match took work. smaller. wasa Fpnian Doyle Ifisallegedaccom- wha' circumstances, (Cheers.) What I d the lepL-L-tion Oftl)e eotlr, f, ,y of beard or moustache. The expression to Whelan, the voluminous puticulan we Tbalurors of our-lad'y'the Queen" haverelidered i a man nearly six feet ni-riei lif fair prisoners-tru.nk ; the prisoner en at assert is this and the gronnd Pi 1 9, pair of light coloured trow- Id - ace between two tens of th6 Exeter and I TtrRNBMIR1 Y. their ve tict. -It is maintained that the delay areas P -my U on efr lihe peopleof the Conntry or his countenance was remarkably resol- I rested had on fau fl. apisunderstamilng of some three or four ofthe complexion, with a piercing blaelt -.8, answering to thedescriptson givenby intend to v;i ,agahist the amendm&t of union must =a Tim '-w ,L,V1,2,y publish point to him above all others as Ball volunteer companies ; throughout'- ser 2 ute, and hia face would li vsve been eniinent- Jurymdn, wha'were for Inquiringinto- ce"W" maltb- He was a soldier in the Cri)uea, and ivas* hon. fxiend from Centre Wellinglol (Cheera.) the wretch who committed the dastardly the shooting was very close, the Bayfi dojmcirL Room, ,eb: 12th, 1868. abont Whelan, and "Y 11 ilund the pair Of spl produc- =y I' other th* hi h had bearing' Gialiam. I h Iv handsome but for a scar that mxissed spo' eld -ion the Issue before I "T 't "cmost Othetime wounded in one of the engagementp d act. The discovery thattracks corre nd- ;Iumi; Oak Of e boxes claimedby prisoner;. 18 this-thit the constituti6nal rule a *U Iiis leit ehc4c_ Coln winning by onIT four points.* The Council met pursuant tw adjourn- they were looked up t6 convince the . jurymen alluded has the bulixib yet ln his breast, whicii ed in one of th iclx cases is, -that the sel*ctio PITY to oftbeir mistake, and to frame the formal verdict i's jils a sash ' and badges , which he st . n aud'. -pointment -of all CAVOYS 'or ambas anv feet from him wats sented on in with the,prisoner*a boots, have been The Bayfield party were entertained by :ment. all the members present,- the. reeve w ch.isgivench wbarg,' vents him from working at his trade. wore on St. Patrick's ddy ; also a card of e'st a man of very different V- traced through and from the rear of the Captain man, Offi e -41 0 - i tile ftrm ch Hynd his c ral and men in the chair. Minutes of last meeting were OTTAwA, 0, 10 o'clock a..ni. a fact, and one which will be given ill evi- St, PatricTs Bqiievalent Soci9ty, a ticketof-frOm one government to another, (and 11 ON3 Dmvanm. pea,=ee. He was very shigort, very fat empty house opposite Mrs. Trotter's is deuce, that he actuaZly saw' Whdan andlarge, andhad fin enormous double in a most generous andhospitable 'Manner.; read and approved. Moved by John Genr- Whelan ind the other two prisoners havejust passe membership with Jaue- Whelan Wpitten on - presume we musf treat the appointment of L-o3s of quite start1iing, Thenetis.closingup. The return match take down Sparks dilbot on their way to their exanilm,tion WW alOng Sparks st., in t7w dir tickn the tack, dated 1867 , it,couta:ms a list of- Dr. T. in this light) is one of the undoubt.; the ICSItcom-or EEC3 Ell .r,: .V ': clidn, beneath which grew a reddisli-white s place in Bayfield, mill, seconded by David Moflat,, That bel the Police Magistrate, who has Jormerly taken the pkw w7tere the mwder of Mr,: e - M - I I uirge of the couit of the Inquiry. d6s &c.; tkere fir ad entry oii 26ty ed prerogatives ofthe, ek6wn ,whichiffiould goat's beard, long and peaked. His face on- Friday the 17t inat. . Subjoined- is the Johnston Ferguson receive an order on-th Dee- Chicago, April fonov, L1_3 a- part Of e f.. HOW CAME IT ABOTIT? e;i was affected. The straiggest last 'fine of 40 cts for iliot giving notice of be regarded as inviolate amll should not bd head, llk uito a change has came over Whelan, He quivered 4, fot sheep killed by a dog a leaf wheif brought out of Ids cell,, and seems to whole affair is that Doyle says he saw 'M of the 'C= "I the C Ca=12-7 4' was round as th mnon, md his score. Treasurer for 8 clUge of resid6nce;- in does not appear to interferedwith by the House"of Coraniong projected over'a 1,wir of' be completely unstrung. standing at the wide and low, We mean that so many persons, vulgarly NO. & COMPANY, EXETER-CAPT. HYN WMAN. s -Carried. Petitions were present- , Opinion gmz . is d the murder was the Whelan after two o'clock. except in cases of manifest c6rrupAoW oir A Bird. When eg Vauh ,_n, aiagut 13 small straght %yebraws, beneath which or aog trVull that rL be an Ottawa card; also, ieutrk in June, 40, sult.of a deep-laf conspiracy, in which large numbers corner of the'Russell House, and that - merry I termed srqftywaVs, were employed as meE Rank & Names. 200 yds. Total led from Joseph Crqeland, Robert Win, cts for monthly clues, signed D; manifest abuse, otherwise the respDiW yesterckly mornin.31 +1 r Ttai. 400 yds. ll o. a are impliqated, and fears are even entertain- Whelan bid- him g od and went lhe &I-1 danc-ed a pair, of gray eyes, - fu sengerg and servents in the House of Com- 14- 42332 1. Ensign Howard.. 3 4 3 2 3 15 Mpberrtb'.' Collecting Weasuret. bility of ministera for the faithful eteirofm uuing from a pile fpei:g7at ewrad Mai _k -1 ps 3 2 3 4 9 15 lson, James - Miller and Ceieb"Pkirm, safety of the Pailiament Buildings. home; while it is a th' elan enter - light ; ypt the expression of his thie 10. 222 1 S.!Ft. Some believe that the large quantities of n The p*ciiief exhibited. consiaera1le net.- of -this Preicigative would be whoBy de- -ons I How in the world did it happen 16- 233aF4 3, .. 43932 15 of Wingham, and James Johnston and cerine which were'recently obtained in IT.. yilor-,,M- ed the Russell House ed minner gid after gual-al, mik6 tLe iadim, , mi showed amt, lilke all other men of human m 9. 2 2 0 32 4. Corp. Lewis ...... 23333 14 : g - vousnas durin'g-O'Xell'sexamiiUa;tion.' *- stroyed. (Cheers.) This, s" is the co'U.: mould, he could be sullen and hard -head- that livery stable keepers andjothers, from 14. 33a32 5. Pte. Gould ...... 23333 14 aforged ordet, iveredesdued for use In this city, as and inqpired for Dqyle.' e eie at Lt. and in 10. 2-.330 C% George T. Brown of Bluevale; praying VC6 rt of the plot which has resulted in the death of Mr 'The pi oner declared tliathe had no stitutional rule as laid do by Xay -in his, tez minem- 3 t1l 10 entjr,, Stiern Cf' ed on suitable and sufficient occasions - 32434. U 0 -f saw e cross ti I ques 7, ---- ' i To ont , H ton, Rau ........ 4 3 3 3 0 1:1 Council to grant a continuation of ta*ern 911 . Gee. Doyle says now t at le saw ons t put. parliamentary practice, wn nevertheless, the e IS ; e w, and by Mr. Todd at r o amil &c.,whoreantecedents 9.- 333oo 7 bc wa31V7X3223Cz1 lafu_ 0 enoith side of at., to In 11 2 3 2 4 0 s. Bisset sen... '43333 16 OTMWA, n0oh,*AprII 9. over from th -a g sworn, ier bvidence in his'recent work on Ae mirthtliL He Nvas sz iutten lac are more than. doubtful, found situations Mrs. Trotter b same subject, 'k 11. . 2 3 2 0A 9. BissZ jua... 23322 12 Licenses for fhe ourreni'year. Moved by The investigation before Police Magistrate O'Gara the Russell EEO 1, and spo 0 en, taken at the cOrone?s inquest was read and and it appears to me a sound constitution-- tecame aemon-liz-A SAM tho cme 12 44022 10- 11 Rom ...... 1. 143333' 16 DavidMofl4t' seconded by J. Geitimill, this morning promises to be a highly inferesting one. [e tolk d just lot, and wore i pink shirt, with a pink nif- at the capital. gurely, it 'Was a great 115 Totals TO&IS U6 The proceedingg were held in the new Police Court in, Doyl him, ar t at' . put on-reco e a e - think I have al rule. (Hear, he r.) Of course, air,- no effort -was Inade to lower tLe C11 fle, and a huge cameo breast -pin. mistake to employ a set of rasmis when IL -50 average per nian. Ave shot, -and thtt elan said, 1-14-60 that Ae 'above named, persons receive the rear' of the City Hall, and hundreds thronged the McGee was such nominations and bq.aft. The only survivorsa31=M1MC per u bar tWios 'in my I -Thacaptain iscoming," suddenly said 130 shot. shut 9.92 PUYme! place at an earlY hour; but as the accommodation in- 11G d li ght, In ho e. 'and pro- seen the p i oner atthe such appointmente C. A. CambL good, reliable, loyal men wotdJ have License forl the current year on t side the building was veily limited, the authorities had oo 0 place; e lirst time I t" he was are alwayB open to criticism in Parliament E2-27, =Z A the lieut--nant. utie- -been glad to fill these posWons.- is ERl, -money. to restrict the number - of admission to as few as cee ce, a messenger in -the Parliament 2 Ny, BAyriELD-CAPT"CONN 0 irecti n, across e ' 1,1 mn glad of it," resp6nded the No 5 coxiA of the license -Carried. ov ded iri a co ad wheif A propir -case is mlaa -0;1 _ mzbury, pa.,-1-engrem possible- Salipers bridge Toi; 400 kdA. No. Rank and Narnes. 200 yds. T e ela i was seen t otal entranc of the par House; think that was about.3 weeks ago; CaSe of corruptioh or'abusle-Parliament "We shall impossible to conceive a position in w io. 04042 1. Lieut. Jackson.... 44223 16 ibyMr. Gemmill, secondedby 4r, Xoffatt, On the bench, besidea the Uee Magistrate, were the the door of the nfain inan we have just described. 12. 30342 2. Col.-Sergt. McCann 34344 19 -wciijldbe justified in censuringthe Govern- There were then allcut 100 pams,,Z3 Mayor and Aid Mosgrove, a 1 Mr. O'Reillyf who was they took a gLIss of wine eavh, and left; a menttitholit 'Ung the SaflOr-3, tM '1=11- C -_t, now know when we are to get out o' 'diese a bad, designing man could plot dark deeds 'That John Fortune be Assessor for' the announced, appeared to conduct the inve4igatl lipment buildings a momeii before Mr. board, MCIUC IS. 42444, 3 SerSt. Twentyman 44423 17 on for few nights after, oner cam6in. a -vain be. uvidlation of thatmnotitu- waters. I don't think it will be safe for us I . 2 2 3 -L 2 4. ., 11)0 ...... 34444 18 the,Crown. McGeepasst3d out onhis to his, lodg- pris 0 ,tnd&ssistiueaxryingthlemoiitwithgre*ater S present sawly $70' A guard of two soldic' tween 10 and 11; my house *a tiond-Tule.. But, sit, I apprehend that seven Gr,6 _+- chmmu. IrL, to be here long.- Z) 19. 4-1434 5. Corp. Johnston... S4222 12 1 fkr, . rs of the Prince consorvs Own direbti6h of -closed, but. freedom. -The matter should be looked 5 032bO 6.- Pte. Twentyman.. 22332 12 Messit. F her. and Gregor I y reported were stationed beside the prisoner, the soldiers having ings, looking anxiouasly in t I was waiting up for one'of my bon. frien4i haEr wholly failed 1h bring- "Andpravwhynot,m%jor?" ftidthe i 7e lobby, whe the lodgers; he 140 ato-amor CoraelEa, Ece mg tl I C3 14. 4832V T. ­ Haacke ...... 20221,7 9 drawnbayonets, Five others were also in the Courton e Mr. McGeE ffa-8 supposed a, wine oung man, still looking through his glass. 1 into atlonce. 6. 20039 8.' " Williamson.. 3323.3 14 'that tad examm" ed Ead" s brid - skedforaglassof'' whichIgavehim.; ing this ene within that class of cases that y 0 le ge gum'd to be, will be established i .16viddhee. "a "Stand bv at the gaiagway to 13. 02434 4. .1 McLeod ... 34343 17 RE"ONS FOR 'POSTI-Ol he asked for pen and ink- and paper; I had justifies the House ih intedeking with the. V - 1, -_xeceive 203S3 10. 11 Robins.... 32832 13 ay a J t-6 the captain !" he gave orders e has I Tim -F". ERAL OF MR. MCVEE took 11. and a iliat it will require 5 85 to put it in This, coupled with the big repeated prerogative of the crown. It1iinkiny-hon.- iap tbe-(mllyt7m 11.0 Totals 2 o'clock p. in. ex . pressions of hos -to M&ee, and been. writing in the dining room Just off Totals 145 a proper state of repair. Mov d by Mr.- The eight days"remaud. which has tak friend has wholly failed tar make out such ,l from tkovmtar the P'r_b r ETCM wo wiimen in the boat and a sho' 12.90 average per man Average per mah 14.40 at the the bar -room; told him,1 had nol he then t re gahtle- I-pAce in Montreal yesterday (Monday) jaes 'On of tlia Crown has not been. owing to any the fact of his cro LiWd at the g 9 a case as Auld warrant this House in in--- ma-2,40 shot shot 2,90 Gemmill, seconded by Mr. Fisher, That of important evidence against the prisoner' main entrance to t ent house, asked for a peacil; I said I had none;he morning and was the most imposing sight Whelan. Prom the repojzt of the proceedings at the r another glass of wine, which "Bisting on therre "Vomen ? echoed Major Dv6el $20.be granted to finish Eadie's Bridge— then asked fo call of Dr. Tupper, and -for 1%ver witnessed in that city. Throughout Tribut -to th bepartacl. rently watchin for McGee his es t, e Police Court,, it win be apparent that he has long been alilia I refused him, as it was late; I then left ther#y, in my humble judgment, still Such was his name and title, nautical man `rbe. House met on the Ith for an hour to express its Resolved Ahat Mre Fialier let a suspiciou.4,Xhamete sentin 'ets10 t* 0 get to ie STONE AND R0=nrG= wm_' Carried. I r. and, of course, as the crown pre, +I -- the Canadian people has resolvea on a positponineut of the inquiry it will I the Commons the as he must spruce myself up. the whole Dominio h9rror at the btal -Nitirder ofMr.2VcGeo. Shortsad, and inspect -the jW Moved by Mr. Gem- g tick time be- the , li r-room and went into, the dinin furthel; prejudicing the union.- The se- & JchtL4 tun, n 'gallery o I P 9 lection of Dr. Tupper for the positiclii was dily be believe(Ith they by no means bre ght,ull room; he followed, Und seeing pen and in You dark li ll, bring me my looking glass have paid a last orrowful tribute to the moumful speeches were uttered. a fin as mill sec That Peter 'their strongest testimony agaiast the accused. The ing while Mr. Mo We gi4 th t ondedby Air. Molatt Gee was s*aking, has a West= 4ents for 0. T all ara 04 an example; 37 . fact is they have a very ! suspicious look, e' whAch is initch there -bad enough; his reA would be disas- imll, have now on handan imme=3 Li, and comb ! Vomen? the captain is a lucky memory of the illustrious martyr. In our McDouall, , be not charged for statute miss of ven, important evidence at asked me why I did not five him trous to the union cause. (Etear, hear.) Sir JOHN A- MePONALD rose amidst the brSathless their disposal, but it is connei;t-d with other mattots them; I said that.was my business and labour on Collector's Roill, but which tuey are, anxious to clear up. it forms a link i own good tqam ev ry shcop and store vi u3e, afid'manifeisting feellnE 14 -y-e even 'by bf _-H aTtlelles in t32pt as silence ofthe crowded Hr that he do strengthened - by the evidelip told him in a hasly manner to le;;el, and The hen. ii4ember fa Huron then referred tountryaLlcm can do Taottcl -V L 4, The personage addressed za "dark ball" 0 of the most profound emotion, which for some time Y the -work this summer, -Carried. Moved a chain U 6imiunstances wbiC4 epricerns others as wen O'Neil to -day. was a native African lad, he was dressed in I closed up from 10 o'clock a. in. to 12 nciciii, most stopped his utterance. He s4d, Mr. Speaker, It as those. in cni§todY. But theve is every reason tor be- that I should -tell his friend Bryl6e of him at length to the a ppointment of the Right than I-, with pain amounting -to mignish that I rise to addres by- Mr. Fishei?, seconded by Mr. Geimmill 'the stairs and stApes- at the Amerkan j, f lieve that as regards those othors it may be made much OmwA, April 9. The pr1soner declared he hW no q e Hon- Geo. Canning and the 3laquis of a 66t of scarlet fl-irinel from head to fjot, I you. He who, last night, nay thi:s, morning, vas with that Messrs. Styles, Kent& Son, Wingham, strongefand clearer during the interval between this The assassination case was Imperial -Government - i prought be- tio Ao put. LDhdonderry Vy the - ed feet and his black I Consulate7float d at half innst, the Us as and of us, whose voice is still ringing in our a= d t1h l6th The anemomadum book secured b trate, Mirtin O*Gara, and his black, n be quenM eifflgh get a shop cense for.11e present year - Iill - t fore the Police M4918 Ar. O'Reilly at this stage asked on be- to foreignecilhrts. The niotions'in. parlis- 'Eaglish lawyew CEO g Dye? a - l . who chdrined us with his matchless ale 0 a nhWwhfch, for ftqportamt reasonk was not, head and hands contrasted oddly with Carried, Oed by Mr. Moffatt, secoliLd allow '6 be used as yet -vVia be noticed. in' the report that prisoner at an V 16 tructed u by Iiis wisdornaud his patriotism, is now no inore-i: that William'Kiirkbyre- oftheinquest, hen a isonees intimacy with Bryce, the $vning hue M" wbich his own taste, or, hours a funereal glooip seemed to settle foully murdered. If ever a soldier whd fell on the Ileld oneoftheemploye-esabo theHouoe andbothbeing Hal. solenju protests of -the -1) of Wellingw the whim of t Police bourt House - aalo g the City, shouldobe renialiAled for eight days, as he, two hours before a vies-olianx I were tolled soIeninly,'and during those enecl usbe his large statesmanship, and ins by Mr. Ge T this morning, af 11 o'clock, in the new half of the P# - secution, ment respectigg idieir appointment andthe' a captain, saw fit to -onvel- ceive an oi4der for $4, - and Thos. Mc- together at night drink! g, as d1eilied to by Mrs. tONIM up This of battle, in the front of the fight, deserved well of his beheved,frqm his kriowledg"f the-ease ton"and Lord Jol against the iarrnyted by 1,Lu cm, o him. on. our citizens- generall The,prisoiier WheMv 1111- ope y country, Thomas D'Arcy McGee deserved well of Can- Craight an order for 82 for sheep killedby Tretterll bave their si c nce, and, still, further, the 6s biough t in as He obeyed the order given b it ada ana ita-people, The blow which has just fallen is Mr. facility withwhich 6 that this delay was important for the ends iny ion by the Rouse of Common of the thirtE 0 a fi. mes, as ;Gin B. y tLa n, 0, tcs y Mr. Der- ad was a most proper one, and we trust a dog or dogs, -Carried. Moved by oner could obtain tickets I too recent, the shock is too recent for us yet to realize for.admission to the He sp of Commons ftin Beckley der guaa d, and placed in the dock on the of justice. prerogative of the Cil to which view iagbatm fyl, and brought him a piece of a looking' will never have to -bo repeated on an 0- 3 most I GeWna, 8 1 Mr. McGee its awful atrocity or the extent of thi rreparable econded by Mr MoiTat, That another inesiienger, an theif being seen'conversingto' diiect charge of the murder of glass and a comb which had but five and The oner said he had no 6bje a I=Peiial Parliament assented, loss.-. I feel, air, that our sorrow, our genuine and un- the Magistrates fees in the case of Kirkby gether in the House Ile a pLenod. All these %jr- laid before the authorities last night. Hw pris . and ction to contende a half of its originall score of teeth remain cwlon so sad. affected sorrow, preyents us from giving udequate ex- vef-to edmst= d 'b. lues to something offer. He was then removed, under d that these ca-ses?,were in point A cmilulous gma to a and Mccraight's sheep be left o .One:intm. b2affird! d ,,,,,h In the Intere 'd omewhht worn and. fatigued, as"' apidSt UW =OtiO3i f member forr re ion to our feeling just now ; but by-and-byei at of the Rifle Brigade, to gaol. gs which r sts of appeae s *0 V1Tk111 IDA length, this house will have a melancholy pleasure in. next meeting of Council, - Carried. justice has t6 be folloii d up. These thii - yda and allthe if. lie. had p1sied a sleepless night, but as- Centre- *Wellingtoil.- The hon. menibtr, r- wooden Ng way. r asr; '9>,- dar, m b o, " Ize said speaking WA;TE;.-The immense considering the character and position of our late friend Xoved by Mr. Ge mill, se6onded by Mr. details ofthe assassin ion from first to last the po MORE ZVLMXCI& AGADrST WHELAN. then prooeeded to qaj that if the motionw me. 'TaIll the loss is great. To me, I may tainty which marked a moilements and plans of -the suilLed the, air of apparent indifference. 2 say inexpressibly so: as the loss not only of -a warm po- Moffat, that Messrs Fisher and assassin, and the ty and security Wilk which he The Court room is small,anafe* people, efore successful it could I'Mjfathei handz e =d,Eubad py gq from his throat in a tons as if it. was filled aMOl of improvement in progress and and collea, Gregory Ottawa April 11. b the qhair were with padding. to be undertaken in Goderich has I point in the direction of pre Further evidence p. - 5a. W -or. It rmm, -created -Xitical friend who has acted.withme for some years, but eMairdne iiitp Mrs. Blauchards came as phe man*ed, t ere gainst W ad, t - ave the Press and those. connected with only be looed 04 -by the Imperial Govern. ` Hold UP the gla-5-5, black OP : now let Notwith . ofors, witlilwhem 1, enjoyed the thterco t, arefully and deliberately made, the Court, gained- admittance., The news discovered to;d ­ as _ his rich and varied mind, the blowhas b in annications of is in'indigent circumstances, amid report at loullen;- meat as alit -indication of an unusual demand for labour. L I ja by dit ctive cen oVerwhqlm­ and rr! ut a oodyend. Thishasbeentheim. t incapacity on the Ine see how Roork-to receive theladi meetiWof Co He foubd out the housead'o' M 05- lt"I standing large re-inforceme from abroaa' ing. r fed altogetherlincapable of addressing myselfto next uncil. and in the mean ptession. ereever s cc the assaspinatim, and eich -that Whelan -would be tried, before the .- J ming c- part of min 1 -t -could only betreate.d.- a werrylong time since I have seena, shore the subject justnow, Our departed friend was a man of day gives it fresh at ngth. On the supposition thatthe Kenna's (nearly oppogitecXxi..Tottees time Aft. Gregory to furnish her with 50 _­ P ylice. Courtthismorning*s not-g neral- as an indic the wauf still exceeds the supply, and We the kindest and most generous Impulses, a mn whose 1 pribon is the ass n, it is not credited that he was ation-of incompetency and va-, BsofflourandW lbs ofoataneal, andMr, alone I mghoutlh,6 ei has been for a long time unoccupied; that cillation if not ofometbin worBe-if not- baud was open to e.m7 one, %vbose heart wai mdde for a in . so in ch so- that though the ly known thrc ty, anif offly In this t0M, a the Ith insta oid it until the bout a hundred people had gatlierea orruption -pd abuse 4;y- the Gol you havE&% seen a shore lady, ' smd feel 82tMed that at least IW men could 41qdship, and whose enmities 'were written in water: Fisher with 100 lbs flour and I Ili tea Crown vetrong deuce, ey It'17 the doors have been left lying qe ; and SMilin% "'pray what other who had no'Vf,.. noguile, in, vi a, an with the- Carri M Moffa at is 8 er wife of 0",r2es Swan Vf a aau a as W01MICI you be iikef simpliel d a a e ose in custody, Other than -Whelan, are metely held round ment of the powers vegte& in th ni by the V kLa till Thleymeke those g2t identy of work and good wages during t m d. oved by Mr., t, seconded P' that in the back- door steps two fiaAs and if hil H i might We INed elan % ,d Th theCourt HouslYwhenthecasb'opeu- t y to see? Old the summer. life ba: lie ebosenibe eas P path, of pop ty -by Mr Gemmill that James Elliott be under the Corpus ACV' at presg9t, and for led. two only could be country. Then, siri &e'logipall. inference- WOM c1daty- 'Re has lived a short 't&verh ought that ho yet an don't ship before the mast, yet rather than the sf4rF Inipector for the present year, A# y pi may be U!f' merely, Outhe Ben6h were the of& man ho entered and left the- house would be"o nor ymnr- s. Ufa, respected And beloved z-qd died a herot death. -a - witnesses amumnst 11 -ice Mag's;- 4uiteirresistibli,thatffinifiisters woman for royal boy salary V.-Chnied, Round keepers ro if that way. Both boot marks C F_ Mr. -Ralikin 6f Bayfield advertises to the'eause of his co'utv- How easy it trate, Mayor H. T. FrW and Aldermaii wereguilty of incapac4iy, of inbompetency,, "Marinaids)lad; mermaids m the sea =have, been for -him had bd C110sen, to fi"7 osepli Coppland and Robere W. E15cin, SUITORT MR. WME'S FAMLY, PoAded firecisely'on being measured e5ke- At Wrometer, on te lelh by poster Mosgrove. 6f ai3d bill thathe has removed into Ualf-pqst 4 o-efock. beeri VaCilliatl Of rOriiptiO31'-, of-abilfed of iled along the full tid W ' laft, witil, $110—ds Winglism, James Johimbn Blueyale,, ffill ; and Whelam?s bootshaving, pro 1, e &yg- U 2ne ss 69 pUWad:9y; Jo h 2 The*Executive this afterno Mr. O'Reilly, Q. C.. Recorder of Kings- their positions az the lo single, plaudit; but he has been slain, and I fear sN4 ace, Zetland, 11. 4-rke Bel- during which, th IOU, GZC 9' gtho th gaol were foimd to fit Olf visers of the orown, the sel(2rcticnj ot is an ei ry and hundreds of the )unea had a sitting njdiihtion l ad- Sch7ocier ahoy !" caineFshalrp an -A dlew large: P em es d has ree ved a, ve at of a Lewis J. Br curdd*oin -on edlaw 1 0 dkrkh -am nq o er 4 the subject or. ton, App 01a because he prefened the path of duty. I could nui, raore, Robert, 1. Hastings and Mrs. Days. provision. for the tters, eared onbelialf of tbp Orown. .1 ),e ftom a beat in the water. extensive stock of new goods'* a a4ly in- the oot-marks in the snow. When, gdatleman to in lintain their, -views befor6; i scll mll[Yoftho euessedflon. Mr. McGee, to have- )can, again discussed. 'help, being struck willi his language last nlghtl, which Fence vielyors,l­James. Weir, James Story, -The Police Magistraterexd- the inforin- "Ahoy "'ke unded the lieutenant, with Ministers are isketi tot -his this morhink Whelan sighe alacrity. ADUiX1STRAn0-_f I will quote from the ne), Unwindus itithe'rdesire to in ation to the prisoner, prisd4er sta dfng. d' the Fnglbfl Governmebt mixi sustain in its - OF Jusl AocouNlrs c2a,e, , e hoped alidtlit, annuity as liber- W - . _. that mere temporary or lo popularity would not In Andrew Orey, Peter Cantelon, James al as possible, and was' evidently upseV, but said -these intemity the union of the 33i tish North - various IsUm Were named. The - The informition and c6niplaiiit of Jild- amount which a ' ad to me t Tile sewnd lieutenant Derfyll-spirting, ty, t:-Tofhose iu this County who complainiLt that house be made thq test of qualification for pub- Stewart mes Teriff, James Mitchell b roost favour was an At-' werenot the boots he oreronthepightof Amerievorr Provinces, with more -season Hu -service. Hathat restoll y -fe d1ohnOW4ofthe'city of Ottawa his feet without completing his, sentence the extra spIP17 on plgr ty and ?, allowance- of hUn i or live hundred pounds. per war MeOee's murder. If W Ordinary delay on the part of the would risk the il gbt in buntisy c t po Thompson, D. augh, David An ammm farthe 1* ofthewidaw. Otherpropos,tions for andprovince of'Onta4o, police officer Whelan e-OW16tted theymalle obn6xiousio the chk* -of' , p arity would William and hwtened to look over the quarter rafl soon find that which lie hunte for stip away. Base, dee-on, Johii Kelly &nd:01oinasMeCraight AIinut9d period and for an increastil amount 4e belie- taken upon oath beforethe olice this' m4der and of that the authorities in ac- inaleed, would be he who could net risk'populaalty i. Gemmill, gee6nded by led to have bee discussed..'The Idea of gi & abuse in the mode in whielL GOvft=ent i the PaYment of these corruption,an ing into the boat, while the other proceed has one iiig a lup clay of have hardly "the least doubt, 'then his su :. in a good caurL-that of his countq He it.., Moved by M sum is'not so wou'rably regarded assither ofthe above trae,, set forth that on the 7th the uniouwasaccomplished-andfUt a. C -"Ty TYMCE'lay End Veny fz,.r no led to the gmg-w to receive it. cotints 'we may say that all parts of On- Mr. Holrat, That John Curryl taxes be y;oportlol didfeloniously. -and delTdisappearanee immediately after would hendlivould not tend to 9 y a SMAL11. ay from as, and it win ba long ere we see his U6 *In.: prisoner' with V consoridatel rrhe party was soon on boarcL CaptaYm tario appear, from the papers in the Ion are we find such a, happy mixture of eloquence, r WEML= ULKING A Cola,3=mq. be -readily accounted for. He could pass Zom and Impulse. His was no 4rfificial'or meret- not collected the present year, on account 'aforetho murder the Hen. appre to be glif kill and the un . an itself. , iD Wat, presented his lieutenant as Kirk -same fix, The Government should Mr. Ottawa, April 9 D. McGee. a&d ImUding directly Therb is no A however, Mr. Speak-, see to riclouseroquence. Everyord'of his was as he be- of sickness.r", Carried. Moved by - 5 through the untena MAI Gkesswell to his motheftndksters pd his it that morp promptness and every be1jef of his was. in the direction of Getilmill - seconded by Mr. Fisherli -That A ramor pr are that, the prisoner Whelan is said to Iiii6ner- , oii to Wellingt6n str6et, an&, two:minutejil 8ecoz, d as the "imior. The latter good and true. -Well may I now bay on be- nl4kin - The Police Maglstrat;4 "that suchastateoffacts may existas, bowed is manifested in bre er, he-mintiteg of this Council be gael ast of it to the authorities this even W41k wbula.bAng hirr to RTAsell,s, where i EXC1Z&-,-Gn Gp, C=w- the matt er. o the Go entand the countrythat ifhe piblished in Idart1hig revelations are being made. I "Are you represente& by Coubsidlir, wouldender it the duty of the House of to the mother with his eye3 on the daugh- has fillen, he has fallen in our cause, leaving behind the Huron' ffignal. and Goderich &a;.- IV oubtfal, although if& -number lie, seen immediately after the m, rder_ Commons, irrespectiv of the constitution -- Mk t'v have been Plison6i(lookingrou cl - tthatI.niO.., w' him- a grateful, recollection, which will ever live in the Ch tme should be tempted to turn Queen's il ter, and then Whispered aside to, the flea- `Ciriliedll- Mr. FAHott TavernrInspector, . . . 1, . I It is said to be cap al rul, In Howier, I win make far- aware of. _ablef:proof linmengellockgofauperh *f1d duclo hearts 4nd minds of his country. Then we must re. oly W, ter the irebate ouv 96nday might, e I have already laid down, in the bdr too that the blow. which has fallen ad severe. recommen a ercis ,* cancer his widowed partner and his bereaved antl#ritl 3d only geen haiL" Goderich harbor. As it is the only season '30 by 40 feet and stalls for not ess er,ustantly increaws, andtonds still forther behind: 7 pillar, as if wkfoliftig soine she h, egated lately -at the 11111ith of 11yeou house and the country, win faU still more amended by having the stable a:nd driv waa 'lent. eye on the conduct of the Gov rn- te . have coogr d that the tavern By -Law be Mr.'O'Reilly then-pr6ceade to call wit- 11 Lan ex , e of their undoubted right to keep ,a "Almost as handsome as a mermaid -if ing Whelan In the bands of the nessess. obsrved irione of the passa6i, p vigm He was too good, too generous to be rich. Ouse tojustl arrestamidetlentioi, it all soesto mark. We merely give -the-evien6e of the do- ment withwefereneV to. -the public affiiirs- "I'wc, fet9iyea,glonce of her living inwhich theTshow theii'noses or bills He has left us, the Gove ment, the people, and the than 16 horses, an ten beds in selierat him in some -,ayor other as a man w a, ifAot actually I I -_ . eye for all tha-- n ds in, the representatives of the PeOPIP, 8,54cted legacy;-aud tective, and Mrs. Trotfer, all the rest havi- of the country; 4o,'eM he -attention of the sea,, that here, and not)hen for breeding, protection -bedrooms a , sittin and dinin rooin.- thq,marderer was j4st such a man as, fr( ofie eaet see till he is drowned."' we would 1le wanting in ohi duty tothis country; ana 9 ments and a lous, might fairly be presiuned to a ,peared before. Repoft*-r the8%,nal. Qovernmeut-to call. the attention of, the-' to the feeling which win agitate it from one end to the a ......... his ve!i. 100 -We hope other if we do mot accept tha wdy as sacred thA nil" -O'Xe1l'swvM;--1 rm a De- 1% Speech-ofthe aGy "CaptainWat aft -air showln r ks very much like a' farce. Moved by Mr. seconded by W. cipable of th d,,,L Fim one quarteritis statedth't Inse aiia ther6by of -the country -t, t 1. a offatt, t the C oil do now adjouril some ol ow workmen bavB heard him use _Xem'bar for Souili L e- ............. ............. 31 gel to his motlier amd sister, and explain- -012d trust they will keep out of 'r of tr andlook pa ticular fveoutive. wt. And, sit it- iw each EK b7on his wlaow and children asla widow I k vio eht ;some infAtation about Irtfxbn and children 01 to mebt.,on tile 15 -of Aplat. against Mr- McGee, and from another tective. officer; gol nging'io the St4te. (Hear, hear.)- 0 0100 y soireethe' equally efloar that if the Government 1ave, 0 NwMas I now move that the house adjourn, and that it q, in. being for tht ourt of evision. occasi h rmatio'U. to the effect th4t on another theprisoner relative CT Of Xr.- our law-abiding gun when out shooting I e%1 6 -themurd On the' mbtiont`D) . Arker At ............................. Z `4 A xeaking very harshly of the docreas- Mskiug f0f been guilty ofcorruption-if the- Govern.;- with a s a life atwhat hesaxy, meb,6ay want stand a4joumgd till Tuesday, at halt-pastseven-o-clock.- JAMES JOHNSTON vbstiil in them - S s wild pigeons protected: eq, Whelan p ille oat his pistal, shook it and clenched WeGee on the clay, of the Tallider ; went- the xeoall of Dk. Tupper, being a ibte of menth-aveabusedthe'power Vellics 4t ......... .................. took them down into the cabin- it his assertiftllo with 11 by in Township01 G-4' I lmvx_ g the threat to in search of the prisoner in company with was to Chilimonlis will come next. , . 0 C6 ZMV VCM te smn, a snmll one, but neat, and SEAFORTH. t erk. be Inferred, Ali thV fitted if, I'd SeS VdU-oWy sw= ure on the Governmept. by the peopIP-have perpetuated a p&tty -what they sta .,a Li I)atective Cullen of the citypolice of'Uoii- cen$ job for party"Purposes, . -Ahat the Hoipe is, inp wth some prater-sions. to ornament ate for the prisoner, of should be pro to oe innocent W1 tever evidence gan treal, and Sergeant Donohue of thd water' Mr. Cameron observed that as he irtten- _lquite j ..... (From our own Correspondent) begotativa, .. ka he placeed before them Ags, date,and 13- The str Silver ,,ay will be re 6dy shape to throw ght on'this bloody police of Montreal, and. Michael Starts (led to separate hiinselffroiu gcdtlemenon Heia moving, ustified.in censuring them and- -The weathe r is as unsteail ation trapdy Is be' gdill entlyhauled upbythe detectives U.Votb of want of coulloence iiv WEATHER. Tle Assassin ' I , . ill probab escape the sharp -with a raisfiLs alt of which he bad seen gro on for business as soon as the coast is dear of an police, d litge wi about half -past ten *that'n%lit,; ffoinap- this of the House hO Vxem- Now my hon. friend trew and vines in foreign lands; Me as ever ; a good deal of rain and snow feU eyes of a cloy 'r detective like O'Nil go far in -,,a- 'pear nce he hidJust golie into the house ; political questions, he uiliafl and must admit junctionwit 31R. McIlE. he other detictives, he 4" been most that the motion b6fore the chair is one of dkl not f&get to Yringm fortlifroin hisstDM3 4ast S- tarday. indus ' arr6ted him said t9 him first, ".What is as he intended to vote) against e o *on 11 .1 ........ ....... a bottle of Hch wine. 0:3- We wiiul 0, 1 and cleverly wol the casei at- . . I cengure* on thd Gove d direct atfention to the thong P at important issue a? his labours is yW yo& name 7" He auli*ered, `13ame! VR 1- -he wished to say a word or two in J - I mment-is, a direct KENNEDY. ­,Thereat Seo#ish vocalist FU11 PaWOU18TI; froM t1le Globe. kno n ow a the authorities, and a vW limited num- aw;); I then said you ate my prisoner ; afficiii -of thiA course. ote of want of confidenm in hon. -gentle-: "rhis i3 your Vem4 my -son I" said the insolvent sale advertised by Mr. P0,11pel- ber f ev t ass Air. Kennedy, I ineiron-the Treakry benches, auk, that ba-ppy widow. , will ere Iting pay Seaforth if at ... .................... 21)i s'l-MeCann. The stucktobs sold calf * k F' told fbit before that -amon other IlitApreviously received infornitiontkat. 'He had not the good fortane, to'b -f UP; zeye, , mother." is a very APRI . 9, 2 011CLOCK, P. AL things eln-itiBsuccessful,mini rsmustresig a visit. There is no doubt of a large - di- ng he had a pistol. Thei--fore I'placed my. the House a week or two -ago when. n. 31L. bulls ...... t .. large one. a3l tad parsons sedhereauto the members and inituen- "And why do you carry timn largagur4s TkE WQUEST ON sere Is a monument to Mx. McGee, such as e this Cameron then procetAled to cite severa-1 ................. za ence. should we Jly mark the respect of the Dominion hands on ealoh. sid' of his' coat pockets, question in another shape, formed the precedents from Xayl- palaliamentary bed epmea it a e-IlLca brother r' asked his sister, wto Beemed as W A commucation from T4e inquest on Ve t w&eoncludedg little aZo.The Parliament or the de=66t4 Such a memorial of Mr. and said to lillaf-letnxe have whaltyou have tubjea of a very interesting. del;bie, on 11my is um MimliLRER, CAdGlir. h j ary heard all the eiden rocuiable,"whl& Went to' McGee practice to show that it was only in 4" perfectly happy as her mother -though a -The Person W 0 establish that Dent,, who i's many advocates, 4 a widower, has brooded ay the'Ren. Nessrs.,Ros$ 15 9_=e And got in your poAbsUbn- ; at this imb Ser- -AiOh occasion hon. gentlemen on both Voidably laid oved. On a ih3de, of Eome unpreasmt, inwardi secret murdered the farmer oar Wroxeter and ovbr fibilly aqieUon I added to which lie M ' I I of corruption or abuso that the Houre TtE unf= as rep roceed th Mal intemim .9 rds mal matters. The;fel sdf'lbe.! ' g with Mr. Car- geant Daviscohie'4 I I iillowed him to side of the lduge.exprejssedAheit opinons' feeling was perceptible to Edvvard'j more robbed him of some hujidr . tier to a place in tfie grand fl p could interfere, and that -the -ptesent vi &, ed and thirty ing in want was'supposed to bave-been his pfedle ageant on Mon. search t1ke right Mid 6oat 11ockti whlle I- *pretty freely respecting the conduct of W` -tos A- h t dy next A number of the citizens afealsoobig. not such a case, and then proceeded- U n ciught. The following feelfilf, aildto I ar grown -so strong on. him as ul, arched the'leffi' f*8t U&vinj felt a - fump Goverment on the substWe-of the motion' Pr watchful eyes on the young has compelled 11S.tUrtail our editorial.' timately to lead b A to commit the fatal att. He has- 3 ALLEGED CONrEUXON OF that the motion before the House coualy- 0:37'. The lengthy articles 'n tl a issue lollars, has bee It rathw dwelt abidingly in the eyes' particulars have been sent to the Press in 6ach of thepciciets , in the left- coat- now under discussion. TAU net been doing much of late, though he w,* at oilie time( only be treated as one of censuro ancl 4- ........ t'-1 0 0 <E 4yns, than showed itself on- the surface-. The arrest of John Hoag, the murderer emploed As night watebmKi in the Parliament' build- QnAWA, # rfi 9, 101 ovdak. . pocket, I f pid -a liox, of DiStol ddrt-ndges In r6ference hav4v& 9:1 'Xon oftbbbo_d sp4g i& ; .......... thw , - 1 iea of. the drowpgd ings, and more recently occupled a somewhat shnila cured esson's he did' iot fifed- hon.- gentlemen charging .......... I— It wax visible behind aU his smile3 - and of Stephen Lewbecker, ifi announced pwition under Rp o'beemakingf I inquiry -about the rAim '0 "lat dcussion direci vote - of imnt.of Obitfidence ja sio, and find as r as, Whelan U concerned- he f ighermen have been recovered yet. such as thdie'.used in Smith nd W _,rlimeit. Meat, hear.) NQ*, Xr.. Fdw=Z could not helLp sa' _ -f uter, Ross & Cz,'of this city. The ­ ying to limilmelf Constable Michael Jzbord, of Carrick, act which endeit his existence wA committed as I u t -made any Whdtatement, AstdDoyleor.the revolvers i those bwe ttie ones proa6ea in, flie'GoverfiJu6ntwitli corruption or' oats ................. 0:40. (0, a Icantotsaysonfuch. IftheyMve not statea, 9`8 Spe4ker,Icaneasily'cone4ve it possible, "fis fs efther a very unhappy, or perhaps County d With have described it IdinyVarliartelegrams. Onlyfrom I court theyare S'eet;s there' official the s ctioff of Dr., na is theyvidence atthobiquest, there js little doubt but know, it is believed enough he& dropped. from ;fe caYed do- a Another 'b*28 cart- Tupper onamission fronitMs Grovernme Remomb6f the great Concert by Mr. the good news of h h, tra&d' the foxthis country to beviAt6d With a a guilty V rU t Virg that it was a cue of suicide, and that dec uve his aufliorib to extra effort were 29 cartridges ; thereare n nt 13ayllay ...... At Ion--th the visit was over and- it Kennedy op Thursdayand even- fs to made as' I hinted to -night, and for 1his greater affliction than thatof the 'as Fri* murderer, John Hoag, to Govern6fls Is- liberately Pat the muzzle ol nintohlamoulh,and e kdgea I gave the other one * to Sergeant to the Imperial withorities respecting the tionj of ministe ............ nin Wat prep ' d tO re- in,-,& next. literally blow the roof of of 9 skuX off. He was Ufa abontstarliling ed. is. - I can, su, without jany- grow d r;,'Capl, land, New York , where he was arrested -by o an arm Davis aftertakinirtlie- dow, anomalous popition. of Nova, 7&btia in the rota:ton sixty years old, and lived with his 4aughter and son -14- immediately gromt stretch of im-giziation; asily con-- tum up the river by moonlight. Edward detective Crunin, of Buffalo, on Tuesday, law.. i OTrAwA--: midnight. tridges out -'of the left coat -pocket O'Dono- Vnioiil, He did not fincl it urgdd-aby thb iVe . it la the gaoonbr almost fascinate& with ' THE FIE'ST 4B3hVAL._­TlXe str, cun&n STARTWHO M=CTZD. . P ossib bana&, even in its f at one Volbek, and brought to Buffalo, THE"CATEMDRAL FUERAL SERVICE. hue of therMontrealPolice took 6 cleaner motor, of this motion that Dr.! Tiipl3er was e6 inclined to tbink you -vAU hear startling news Davis mentally -pregent trandtion sfte,-vith the union but. .............. thaHfoofa,w4ndemron the ocean, and arrived at this Poit from Saginaw about where he awafis the necessary stepstobe The cathedral funeral. service -was condue" by D! rrow. 'At all events, It',M not be the, fault or rtna... outofthesame pocket.. serg,eatit or moralty unfit for thlb 13osition, 11df,-(#iLs Guigues and Fathers Collins ana V olidat4 to'bear tvithoutBufferillp, taken for his delivery to the Canadian awsqu e MIN of a cnd to yield to old Dal y B"- 9-36yesterday (Monday) ' BI t th out an then pulled& revolver out cif'"Tight 6ciat- the Government had placed-hini'in. (Hear, theb morning, The Tlll urch was thronged to Its utmost as acit dur- he at vesofyoudonot. Theyleftheraisb urden of a- greaftr calami ....... -e navy, if he puly diffi I given ,by Mx. ing the the eereniony. I . , y I ible PaTty--411 heavily pocket, the samo revolver thal is now pro- 'hear.) Tb#t he was not thoroughly con- ty than a lock'swiBIzaaa and enter th authiiiities. Great praise is a with others, a Utrge, Wad (i ashcd) ......... 0:231 a, on ty she encountered was a pretr Labord to Chief of PoWe Reynolds, and THE REMAINS TAXIM TO XONTRZAW the e bound on a distant expeditio, from which successful vot f -V Of confidence ina I at to be able to throw -a good deal. of ton duced incobrt. It a Smith And Wesson s - versant with ev.er_v topic at..all likely to. hoii.-gen-ftemen on trdhi, inurdek It is 6id this attempt is attend -H one -Is Gou1dcbt=aberth,there'm'. Thisheet. ty broad belt Oroken ice stretchedalOng detective Orimin of Buffalo, and in fact to The —ins war a tho speiial' e 0 IXTreasury benches kremed to the captain as theyiode, up the e then bome-t dPwIth mak -La -new asix shoo r No 50847 - enjage the lattention of the Colquial 8 c- 33ecf, pe?c-wt . ......... 5 9 na fI car= to enable them toilet through it adely. - They misgal from office. i Audi gir, when the: forthe m;;N -the a 0 six rot reference Co the questiou of wbileK*Pubinher obyeetionsat the coast opl)o3itd Goderich, bit she wag all connectlod with the police force which with two cars, started about ten; Some eastern an b,danger that they maX need all thelr'numbars and Marked on the butt of andtheir conseqftent resignation r era *and otbpra went by the same train, but none ary with ........... 0 onw, aad 817:4 tlat, the sea iv mufd never gcitthrOughsafeii. Tfieminton­ assistance renderqd by them of the Ministry eicept Ron. Mr. Cartier. ; Tba other in daija at retlim before 5 or uelock, tak- 'Unil?1r, and that he was not a match in all ............. 0.40, (C is - tv. firstr in aiding the _qesaud, win n hl6rges in chambers were fo n xait him, sho kn#w. Class boat, and has been &shly painted arre vi . 0 , does not deny eve intimated their Intentlonoll.golag down to Mou tu#,,-;eome8. when-hou gentlemen- 4 -15 at of this Cabinet Ministers and severiLl residents heie haveil be they win go,At least 60 or 175 milda, to, I believe, "a en five of them appeared tot ave been in respects for the able and eloquent mamber proper ti ...... - Lice called Cobden on the Ottawa river, Z mmit soh e"`overt actof unconifitutiona- the murder. Con e bordexpects to tiliafto attend the fanerals, If it is lidstponed tin oStWW F-5rt, In'the Nunty'of Renfrew. for some time, fT.6m the gare e and dust for Hants, se'litbythe local government Of "Y= shall have, free pw33ge with me, and otherwite im roved duringthe winter. d ri adm 'hen bon. gbutlement have his prisoner he on Wedue day OL 'Easter'Sunday. The shops wel all closed u l; the round the edges,'and disco on; the Nova, Scoti*-to the Imperial Government inistratiolir- iv ru funeral proccosion. Amhug those in'the. procession XPRE AROUT WHELAN.- to gov4erh this countryn the prinei-, e3pt3in to *&.and press on them the mecessity_ hiw way to the County Giiol of B citheidppeared only recentfy t in-: My'. 10 .65, _. at ILG wo-AX, 1 01 Muter Bla-ldol if you wish to go," said We frust she will have a prosperous ies, Goder t wat. 0 solilil A cc were the two Bickleysi". To the other stitements I have" Aent you about attentiow was then -drawn to vol*or if they wi* plea embodied in the T11ilon Act-:-Whent C, Whelan, add these: A. min named Farmer, who was ed still to retain a,hola'on, ijie hork.,gentlemen s1st the a-civise OfFarlia.­ I am half a niii0to ta-ko you at your -The feeliag, expressed 0 the gallery of the house the night of the debath rls - - ti e ed on 16yiaty-' t6 THZ CASE AGAIMrWHMAN. I was recen y devotion, and att4ahment to AztonPof this ttsda, April Oth, members_ seeing Whelbu *A tliat oecasitn, ioad-wasv.e tskf, one barre ment, the interests of- the people,. fhi . against the perpeta f 4-U . - 0 '10, no, MwarA­no !" Achimed Kate,' 1F*T The editor, of the-- 8 The ease against the mAn Whelzlp deepens all theinside, ancl-the'muzzle the o.- &W, -the cr( Wn andonstitutibri offhe people th much annoyqd at his Inquent,jamping.4 Ii *a s( of Nb*& S, at"' murder, is here veyy great, nd manv are while, tud is - now so strong thatiram toldthe.Cro' and going in andont, A lady with Fhriaer aUo noticed dicatioAs ofburnt powd6k,'as 6 1 revol- c6tia--of. an irampalfite t6p6ai prinet ` But where are you- to s4 to from CaTudiafi in a,'col ples of responsible government at., Smvrg D unin of loosel-jointed the wishes that they'may' get their reiard.' rackonvery confideht1fonlilsbeingthe the Jigotty, demegribur of Wlierair. Farthet, I. am told 'ofthatportion ofthe-13 ishl%oAA defiance, I sha"n suppor&,a ClitectVOl Sorge verbiage, criticises 00 Ftyle Of.witi g" (;RI=T, Tphn Sandfield McDonaldretamed a _V1 bit iminglately after the murderwhen he ivas at Rus- v e haa Deldifbut .0 ntly Ajner- Clinton, Al'.711 124 un.27 I I -Last Monday qyefiing a meet- Mr..O,ReUfy; Q.' Co And Mill, R. Until then, "til 2 V n'Raf- nt Cr- found also that in e ont pa, Of t ylr ican Act having reference to Ithd Novine P0 oul-(t' was held -,in Powney's Hall, - t for th ro t an 4 n fring for Doyle ftom a boy there. &proper cas is made ont-until we liave, :elugal 'und by- ibe edit r ofthe *;ud. We i& , Oro sell's; he was litqu -at the nibu 4 bac. a herafor o form Attomay, th watch the ossi hat Is was gone to see Mr, McGee iiho was of the ­cellg, -of Nova Scotia.. 'llieioufid lirged against A*f, ten Y& eat we lwer6.* wal mg . 11 The boy said Day laaer, do -appreciate OrO. OWV. if club for the current ydar . Th - f 11 - use,it is nlu* determined, mainly a W e murdered, and Wouderedory much viken whelanjex- -eem the-comilijiment'm k e o owm eU_veiO'Nei4 the,31outted. and of si-vileisedno astorilshinentiLndnodesiretqgognd see the laidbefore this House ositiva proof .Of* despatches from Wasla n, totace, trial Date iheiai ereindicatiofis of greasehavingbeen- - the appointment, z§ud on which the House nq cers -tere elected r dq- 'resort 'guilt--diraf proof of ....... bu h -good Be ca4d oft to to the e em6. I* po#us31 1v our critie could spell correeg such c offi reWdent, J tectives, hem bare Nen gy to remahas. also, btitturApdhomewards, and ashe (_WhelaT,) 'bareftilly spread A th6 top of,!ev6ry b.%V ...... Vice hat a Ion. n eventdiiectly to -bed. Amoh 0 Om- I - and ptro4 chain f adiafita,' 'And pressed down. Car saU Benson. -President, Ur. Metheral, the d6cum6fir itilidg6sre plazed' cours6pfi re-callijig am n t d4090d toelisure whenI cl .............. ei you 44. English 1vords a& luminb3it iciind In Whelau's pbssession was a letter from a sister 0 dimotforLis' 8ecr0arjndTreVur#r,, A..G. McDougal. ound Whilan. TheiVs proof othis linhig, w It not n some constitutional ...... ......... ;. you lad night, been arrested a couple ofy-e "Ago in oflijs In Manch0W,'2ngIand_whieh detaila* Aow a In t1fe e*olvle* from. the -WIt'lind of, th6 the goVejrhmelit is not incapacity on his princi scientiously pl eS con - imagery, &,., which, a t4e . COUN0nMEZT1XGTheSoaforthCoun_ Quebec *,as a 3 enlb, and at that t1frh@ i oAlv a gro- aul , thel6fore 11rex.- After -that, wiashZ take a ran roUtIve-ofWhelan's (a,brotberl, -I believe,)washaill 4y -and theg*asemsi' ethe cj na rr pbrt--;-is not, ss,mis xinduct-on'the part ....... ...... i.. course of a -dozen lines he murdqXs IU tb& liberality of the'Go r, whblgrkflleoinaightatafaqinEaUinasloo, Anothe th6ugh reluctantl I r P" y -ak fof. cill. nieet according to appointment on I h -could,nothave been tr(?m ft etrtriges. Wihose who Aent- hini-Lis notoilruptionr dwnpiffea%to voie in Nontreal and here, he haA, fre- letter was filom Whelan's wife; In which she speaks of ............. MogadoTe .. - 0:10 '0 ective'bliUel ,­Myoelf ayCJ the othdr onthe.pdrt of e1therorb6th,-4s not that a-gamst the 3notion bf:my hon. f4oua from t. inst., at ups bet ? t n&! yyc =ptiv!L get-Dgothus-3&bou lankmosityl-, Tuesdayleveliang the -Sharpti; quently when - sobei-as well as when in big, n oflihving. Win short ofineani ahli'that.thebaW, was -bet ...... Hotel. Pkesent, -the ' a ipit .td clainiaton thewfongs Cez 6e.Welliugfon. (Cheer .) It Reeve, ud Ccuin- _ of Irelan lan ighigto seize Qri her, when ;6. had recall Mr. officers vith us, went up ptairp, searched the appointment itself is the oja p f &,l aworli, s3idEdwar4;1'aud iflwere-free lites," Buy a Welistees' authusiastlebAtor of"Eugland and'her xule. ofe&n, IR*.#'DevIIu rot profealond advio, whieh,she got. , his r6m. faw university tcwwortow, 'I should Una d 9trOng.' I-Itive bek%L.ba'bxdthAt this. bas been. ttunk, and-founclaoinep#tate letteis, a politick art r job,perpetrated, by friend Wf od arA_.8fv4V als -Be#ty, U61)ougalI an a9 -, Mr. Speaker,, before resuming Iny seat, 9 bridged, Ina I be. pardoned for waming hoil n- it, Minutes of last meeting read and adopUd. intritlava#ablybothhere an4. lit Mon There,is Zkibt= OFFER or 22,006 1MWARD ty newspapers, a( 10. be te dptxa to taka atleast Ono c7alse, With, ei )me boolts, -an Bet of,pap- Government for purely partv pu4oses- qr since hd 1gftQuebl and th a held the a rbpetition of the crude ill- w.U' histmeted to jet i,4;Vdn- -v ers cilleathe Iris& Am& bec4use tippet took an e-0 ou setup for a critic -.ilo high -or -The Clark _"ttle doubtliathebas bean a mom of.a-Fefifea., TIMBRITNA GOVIR,*XEXT. atIeMe3rOn the Treasury Benches agahmt CaT per 100 Its ........ [; (Bo Tenders requested for 'deceasedstatesmanidspeelal abluitrou I'liave.,heard (though I.don!t creditU Xar ative a firm andfalthfail p&b toffect the digested fin& & . . Nished but simply Dr. T UtCe 111, he, suspea6lt w won -he would branchm of composition. furwbook. - 1142 186831 a g- by. gnAted t pbun& t f -e En -that in, uN and $12 [ his (wheldnN) language at leaA. ' He bad ieveral S a ement) that,th d the early nawle, freqTv Bi-, d%Mny to. yfeld to his o build glish Government -I' -publidied. inthe inter6sta df Fenian- union of -the: 33ifiLgli Worth A mtimn irritating legrislat!O4 paper u one ava- 'have allso offered a. toward for the : pl - 'Holmesvma.: e6 him 'IBM. I fou_DdAheConsfi _* provinces--thatbeegawhetherebyr.ian&r- Apple -s .... ........... 0-73- Adjourued'to Tiiesday, 14fhinsf. times'xplokenarslily vf Mr, McG pV Wish to, r0_-=. 7110Y. 806U lall-1,04 St the- Wall it least, - alluding to 'a a traiter' to,his n his jacket was t of this sessicifi., -Let then, remembr. m iurclerer. ,tt -anc 6a fnin them, SCH000 lk&mlarip " The rglr quarterly ex- TE;AcnzR!jgt Ass uamy.-The, quarter-- couutxy - iWiiiia ivbo w the Brit' ition I ty Lawi 4'tle St; Patrick's ed him elf eiftemely unpopular ila? -his ihat itis7 an excee.clingly &Aprolns experl - ....... as supporti liblision and 'omdct! A of'the 4 be -,22,00 ineut irra free country -Government, His Iangua was go. a ng in t iq , and T a 1 ,gh-' ...... ; ....... ly meeting ofthe-Hurou popher'&A. -io-i ' parila 00,011alloen, - And I "r rl # mt of his, of99m dar ol hed native Province -that because he is with-' ncscbo9lWa3heI( 6nTh ocia- , a dwayaf, um is stated spiritQd free people,'tof.prce-, -1-t .OtILi-f4-riapresenceoff e Trustow, othergea. tion to Scli()Ql HoUilp as to lead- t. - believe; - turned ont, to-, big a,,7rid 2 a. m*. by Lovell, Gibson, 1861 also followers orpoliticalpciw6r oi- inlfuee e on them Uws ........ C:40 A place. in Siaforth th - g . I Ottp :fw tick- Oat against which they soleinnly =a all tucki; per P of big boardill nen Pre certain ofbis olt. e-2, anda, goodly number of the fair -jex the m gaturday the, 11fh inst. Vlieix guite'4., effects fr6m i§ibh,1t is expe6ted OWERAL VIEW 0110THM SITUXTiON. " ets.to the Shainrock: Quadrille -Club, Otta- Inthia House.- -:the goviLmment is censur- linckniTo ly p test" Ilg b2llity-_, AAert*,ti..aioercfwAf the day,, id doenineiats4ilio uch inay. be, 'b-' The'exeitement anff ififeres6 w; regara "wa, th(, go 13&g' - able,foi sonding 1im -on this mlssloi _Z us to Was quite bad numbef Of teachers from all - part% of thil tanect. He I= ) Erin' hlbranc4; 41so tick 0 him Ile 14 a mem- Various. topics Of iun2 'bar. of 6a OL PatrlWi -is. etito the annWballlofthe St..PatAck's mission the propriety- of igome: on ugi to forcothem into thisurilof,-itig, Ivith L numb. of ex Alloatachool ciontry assembled'. pIdejdo9 *euUryj',Vha1en increasing rom. the facts dia Which? in evideucq the ri moX is that, condadcd, prizes, and rewards of " ac. terest to leachers --were d4cussed, 30. 0Kjeight mltues&es_ closec this Mvb W(W_ callea'-fiv monstrous wlieni,ln the uni n that Govern -- from bore',willbe 449 !at' the 611613'50ourt -morning, Society, Ottawa,; -'the pris6ndr took he h"on. gentleinen 1is evidefte of 6'g' upsti* and the nocessity for Which a lj_ disregard the "a*Dg the PuPft according tomerit 'De:war of SeaXorth-A-emonstitted "Im , and'ut"ar-th' 6iierailop,iiiionb6iog;that*e, 49-6 ,ri.: gT'dater nuwber'of the ariteles. out 'o hii q CHAPTIm. vr. thiT tame niture it is iid - be lent Should persisfeutl Ay -,E' 14, rnatiesi and I I EM:' Isbelleved f ZW fids have 1`631 the pears to m1euite4conclusive from the tti_-, lvaruin,'P of foe& and friends alike iu their - T cured aga t, iij;; 0 Opp' tali ineat ................ h G 0, ra ho -15, WL3gis a list ofthe mmesorthalwhPlarv'who method of teachin-_ ingthe a 'gAfhold of thi; illght mai*and an:, pobkets.-, ; aM034 fli.e'ixticled founc W=H VAT 9 piibg ........ t A 5 _'-auta:wd thobj Jest clail, ud , -01, - , , haW li eh- prisopevvas a, little treatment of the people of the 31aritime ", UM in therr mpWaye, ainst him R u the3r ses-- MeDonad,of Exeterhikluiethod Of teaell- moir lubend)3 c into the"RIdeelcourt-to,. Impressi hs braated,,tlkat'ave6- blwk-.eoverea V60k,: 4de wsumed iu' this Housi) and. in the k- 46onsic 'rOinces,- 'The legislation, of.thisHOuse &ste Edward Bolmes, second, ing ponmanship, which we iorrow inpomini, 6 111 lei6d OU 1 .......... z yar&Wt, L Sney(t, thirdt Fhnc re both highly sting volopa:#to 24 carokully - Vound,Tckttnd'the gqi.ty-pa;kfles *hielithe Queen's ounsel countrybythete esentatives from Nova ......... ....... ffin' seotia and le ft h FAwaid W maAe toflw -be exi them to ilnportwk6i im thii statl 3E Uolmes; fourth The , deciKon ometob has not beeii a , opprodated. i ddecline&bb ' -9-131-odu spenly om uOlials to 02-1130tle storm - e Crown: f6take'themat still the political tempe-q that Swept ........... ter;out of the - dslo vari*v an d be4utiflul dalipl 3er schooner, th a, WE I lani U. Qc oke, third. ls rat, Gj 0 4,. *E[oi 8Z AND GATUX MAiXZT ' The -as- 'eday'a escape. The ideals that a rifigcifNuianli but Niiiuld xeserive;;a osomeoth-. madeon-theRobi of PArliament over O possible,moto beca, and x-eit- Nova 81-cotia wheil they were shorh j their ................. . W -in the po fr"andinaepeudentinideof life savoud_,Vlirab th, Lobb, third, Ellen RuM do4yo in tft was formed here fi i the4* -occasion., A, villeniiiiia-was !allg nofC-much whea coming in noF, butas the Oie of*Mr.-er o found erated in.a-codensed form tition -portance4-stript im Ad Awne, vhaai market has.groi ix-du but la- assassiWiel -letters,h4virig, cin toudvoedie which the one,nieuildr-for f their irepenjisuce, belt 1q, there is r bysay,meatia, cGe6 p4ttion-liare, icniong the d *116 who comllmded a crafl, ast4t mult seen the t r;li tei ...... setiptloh-bf tl*. iangqit`ude! visit wjal.3oever 3 Or X*di tW, John_ W. rook ---lirst awc­ great dotiand for h;r3oo.and ther co, cal x ni Ad .............. ther hemerspuppc vfbtl bytheneqkiq! ne = ts the nited antawhangiiii ja;.kog4ofwobd;' Hants is now W the mother. 'AA WBTitisl colony by tri, U on lead, tht liberty ta =t tri - . tsse in the, other a 60TNii offleers WI, liave full- e 119pp all 4oveAmblitt to :to- CID first), Ir"Aew rrV4 States, pulling the_*ires. Awffi bd­dWf-. fhefollowfngversebeini-b l ; '-t4e'oif.-.-,:- ri that, i Vith9ut',refleten to the pe ple Undt4heArt wished, were idua. that 014 f#mw, exis from. th, w *Wek side, are scouring the j ,Uot OT4 Wits the pToceedlngs -but to x 0 4MItin, ........ . ,tiam,l -.; ultfioil'4titfolk.:Buok-ley,"to cl arhfn3iilf.. Th-is-isLthes hat t'he 'd upon hi%mind, alfter his ' - -a,* _W had6w ofwl atrq;illy 61i9old lieal this lUnicifilet, af - took stafA-ho. country in iR dirkii,*I fhr-snytbing With- -or " on the* 144 AS- tlio' tl '* 'Rffeetion and diEcontent in t 115tl W ....... "tum toaq*" Thav were, inflamedi)y our legs- ' -Moxtoy f4dakee the-uarq go,22 I hil 10 h unless, liq loan explain'-avi'ay- the- - evidence e o(all siadh. iffi-wor hy -bei* al thee,- I d6 not- ally Jamt'in th6 scotw 0 e ramon" tlw -wick an interesting too 1 fx -T*A0RD1%k1tr W,&- 03r.=,LVINajL that - jastaiday th 'givenb "Grahaniat ch6f.ce. of rument have spre ad io the Piwince- f Now Buils-. ............. &7=o2r.-XrXdw&V4 K a'dId.:Abt breakfast it big y -the Police Qo A log of wood said a bit -i Dr. Tu ier, tile G6ve - V. Cash WA'S electr liftrdiux-houso usligL :* , h , a: id* Utteilh' I - -We find that within t, whkk on the next 4ay t te capt3in; who but Instead Went viorningi, -It is -'to be opb he-cani for he au-niefor,4vill6h e, Aftei, seiecti4the very best p*vf r epasLy weck, _yt11t1prday(Wed'> lift' 'e& CoUndUor in plao f.Xr, JA U #,-awty, and -W th­ t11 Al a u;llquorduring emom- of -St. wohr:A e&W to his roomit tq s::) 4ira, Vve othit Thelci jitof satisfying, ses#C--*e in'thewhole D6minion:ofea=da, do e county tlw wfiq re4neil. U a geniral thaf, at- Inse, ........ res ds. ; ` t . , t p -much. brogJitLV1:j_n.JO t --mean to a that' Da. 1% 3ti tepiof the CrOVM tW_ young matt from 66 CoWn teselit, AA iflialfis tro of which 4,110 GCivl 17311400 'pro ably ut,6 he lock I not in foreign It-- dressed tile, s , Vileli on ay pper liae ........ ZU4".131% jg. Ar this Rouse,.aid sent as his colic ld, voo; nmAy was holldW can. - giviwi -he Us al black doa jo hauj.fbisr of that wretch as to necessary -b ie (Ton comnsultv.) &N"w " - . "is - 6 -,wai every qualification - for &6 guel, Toted,followr f ague. f r facer -,Hb it repread64 to bavd his -P wrh 'd-hi-haldb6pai sful W Omrlishment f 'the 6 j h -w2km eat the. t ............... ibie a S402n, tir" 4L Mat ....... -90 y t fo co fa trea men to hdy er in this tte 611 he the lieutenant, tin furth Vhe Dne aor in de Oulu 0, ,4,.,h in, orr wte , A in ti ustill ell k : oil