HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-04-02, Page 1At 4 C.� 7-­­Wl" % X 4W. 0 1p'7 - The Greates't PdssiVI6 Goad to tub Greatast rossible NUnI1101,0f.!.' W.T. CONAL. Editor andProprietor.2 'IL 2.3 t868. AXNIT 1,%T A.TYVA APR GODERICH., ONTARIO, D. C., T11URSD.&Yf $!2-00 EWJ:> oxv -VIRAIL West Wawanosh. At this time �ome 4one attempted, to L XtOCK robin to _110_10U, Wher�_$OZ M4(1 Ot J6 'A' C _Zt one." pps from the See6nd-class cair into the 4, g Me 1. W , , � U, ut I u9pt ALLAN N-AOU- ',q, 8 wir lach S 0 1 Council Room, Mar. 20 1863. flist-class cOa0h9 butwhen 'he opened 'the And a gilt ore 0 The council met this day.plirs-itant to door Fanning jumped upauId rushed out, -On THE- ibecare '60t 1.1�;Jogjn, M. ID part m it for a fr r.pat dJ� NI- Euck a" members present, falling between the two caim. Conductor HURON AUCTION MAAN. 0 ournment, all the Vri. Min. Hedley presented'a claim for Christian, supposing theman �as.killed Id friend "I 'he 1'. .9. Arniv. drinn-r the Inte war --I - or WADERER OF THE SH San 0 $4340 fo d the en - Ona tifth- rv�ulent �nrmenns an'IT. -4. ll�qphql teamer airri injured, ran out, , sinalle 13 There wa, hi bea oppritor for the 13th r loss of sheep by dogs ; said el *ie ke4040, Virs',unr, &o�. &e. A. NT HAN)Y CO., TAIL01 ind (101 11ERP was for the present disallowed, on aoutit gineer to stop, and looked. for Di dward Blaalock's eyes, r�� A STORY OF words. He reg-a-rded her', � for an ibillimA,' ould an' of informality.- FaAning, - whom he cUscovbred on IV tzli-on '1. IL on surgical eases at - AUCTIOL'iEERSP COXVISSIONtRS2 nounce thFA he, has F, i cured the vithfeelings of -emotion nf-d Xmilit.de,but," arrehc�r of sdv4r& ing persons werq app the west side of the train -ranningg* at full The follow* ointed to office for 1868 viz . -Yatmasters Edward speed, and crying M RIVER, NAIN & OdAN. so mixed with pleasureau�l Oct. 7th, 1861. W37 APli-,azusEnsi AVD ur urder !" Christiau lie knew not hat form of V, -:Id b", alit nAS JUST RECErVED A: LARGE Gaunt W Barbo" , Alex. Cameron sen., called upon him to stop, or he would run �G E -N E R A L A GEN T S, Ist ClaSS SOWifl' - Ma�hiOOS, Arh. kfflier, Thog 0. Loughten, George off the bauk into the water; but the man he did,not dare to ventu:b �a reply. ASSORTMENT OF CLOMS rl By F. bibiton Barrington. felt thathis vDiC0r-0Uld,1yPtT1AY Ciiio� - Weatherhea, W.' J. McQuillen, Alex. did not heed him, and down the bank he TIOR IRD'I'MRr. PTIYI,'T kV. S1711GEO'N' AD which he o uxpezA., R West Street, Goderiche Consisting in part of Westo England Broad 'the, -w red in ue711% not t6u*�4s W. cloths, Beaver, Whitneys,'Bearskins, FArcy Mich he is prepswed to sell at lowest ameron, Jas, D. Shury, W. Allen, Jno. -4nt intothe slip, where he flounde -r r two or t1wee'minutes, until the elt gt4teful that tho jr= -French Twedsi.cashmere, poss boyhoodao 17,�bruary th. Vid Raglish, Scotch,and , ible rates, at, Riithe]rford, Jno Ingles, 3fich Dannett, the wate - eould eP,6h Jum, with a pole, As he spoke these words, ]A� eye kind- _utly renitl All country and other sales entrusted to'- Doeskins, and a Yafiety of Canadian Cloths-' Jag Emerson Robt Wilson, Hugh Me- conductor plea -4 . an so app, y a to t 11r. our care %vill receive prompt attention. Plain, Satin, and Flowered Vestings, Shirts' DETWAT'ALJ). STAID, Sherson, Jno'Webb Geo Webster, hos with Woh Fanning wait diaggea shore. led aud his whole form dilateA with a nob - .111 _7 t R k)"ATF Medical F)�Partment or: vietntin re Jno Barbour, J The half-dro*md in on lroutlin% 4sityieldedtothempirbag out- on red �tt e Aug, C -T 11".Pital �Toneys advanced on oods and furniture. Gloves, 0 aps, &c., &c. Somerville, Jas Ramag an was again put Yor. n stdence D. Goderieb, Jan. 13 ISGS. w5l He reels confident of ying satisfitctiQn to off- llamilt6a'Siraei.' w494rn00 who may Invorhim, with their orders. Grenacbe, Geo Campbell, Thos. Campbell, the cars and conveyed to the depot, whence br6athingis of the spiritwithiif.- But -,,all at 430MO y=78 aSt eii Go.derich Nor12 I Stf w44 ii-houge.' offee bis brow colored with- alt tho blood. com 114 (Kiiiii) B.Irlield. - Robt. Fowler, E Radford, Thos Horan, he who taken to No.' I St:ifio ct tow look he told Capt. Dickerson: ofhis heart for he had uttered his wor6 been shared in by tho nobletl(whinc: 4-1 IftlColru _NLicliolson. '..kT I VE &N D EC HANIC TWE ED SUITh (al I wool) $12 and itpwards. Jno Plunkett, Afich Xurphy,'Jas Robinson About 11 o'c n. RICIIN11111 SURGICALOPE1, STARTED AFRESH! Thos Welch, Peter Donohdep Thos Wood� Jam beautiful sister. thathis name was es Fanning, and - aloud, supposinghimself to bealonewhen krr)'1N'7V- ILT 1. M. SOLICITOR-TS-CTIAN- AL "I N. B. -Cutting dou6 to Qr 'Sht)Mt IeUt deeZ not dev gir-et: Jno Cameron, Robt Murray, Jnu,Glasgow that he was a mmer nd -from papers looking down, into t4e chance4 ae saw, --a =P- for M) 10 !Es' Goderich, Sept 25th. 1866. he firml-TS Vltli- 5 (Ioor,; %vect �f' t.,c. qqrnpronys L:i%r Offiee P, D1.1 Win Cummins, Geo Tisdale, Thos Troy, found on hm it appeared that lie had standing in the window out of wbia h6, li:=ble estate) id to, IL 110% pT LBND bden engaged in ' ' inward W-210 Thos Oarnoy, Jno Malloub,David-Smytie, coal for the But-, 1" been leaning, a young la&y who - iva ELECT RUPATHISTJ &c. -%leom�zon. I I Lnd Sprour JO ompanY. At 9:15 o'clock regarding him with curiosity and l5urpr4,0.. has become I How pure =4 noble �PCUOm TEETH inserted in either-Pla Jno McLean, s Malloilh ler whole - 0 fraig- SLIC11bl't, &",, &c. - ODERICIE1 MILL ile officer in charge unlock,- That shee`Q evidently heard every Word to, be her chaTaet2r ! Zow ft BChIlEon, 0111. W."5 afectation ! And that sho -ohotdil WO tina. Gold. Silver, ar Vufcan LX Jno Bowers, W. Wilson, Moses McBrien: this izedRubberon reasimalilptermis Mich Sedd, Thos Fidland, Sam Johnston, ed the cell, �nd tb Is man was found' to be he had uttered, he saw by the expression NIONEY 10 LEND. lri�-Oftze over the Post Offlice. vest Street FLOIT AND FEED -STORE, Jno Hill, ino Nevins, John Moss, W Mills dead. Deceased was apparently about 45 of ber beautiful face, which betrayed an lwpt the little cap ! Bnt it memborauceofh'o.nle-uot�4f%-.O.f Dawn, Coderich-. Gbo McCartney, Ja4- Row, Owen Jones, year -of age. He is said to have got on, embarressed conscience. For a moment ' Crabb's Block Kingston Street. et, ambitious hari ! QM Goo Currie, H Kerr. Fence Viewers— board the cars at Stratford, and there was he stood returning her Tgards,tooco us- Such thoughts maitidic ere tLby t.=? 0 =Dt L S-iles in viiia;e or c6untry punecti111v at- gan Jno nothing unusual in his conduct until he ed to speak ; but recovering himself, he VLOUR. Oat -meal, Corti -meal and Mill -H Cook, Hugh Morland, Jag Feag , reached Dunnville-ab6ut 40 miles smiled -as if at hill]ffelf-�nd lifting his I will dismi,-s them at once jamirl t-0ed C734:)IM IMS 31 �KEX Gordon, Jag Cummings, Geo Weatherhead. cars vith the bold, moment tbat --TO &OM Feed. Pouncl.Keepers.-Wm Jackman, Alex Fry, from'Fort Erie -when -he manifested a capl he said: birth rOHN HICKS, Proprietor. This is th ALSOY a lot ef prime Su.gar Cured HAms Steam Axe Factory, Win Humphreys WrAJ Quillen. Petition, ddsire to get through the car window. -me to'be He then added aloud TVrr, largestatul bestConntry Hotel ipt Wextej "Pard on but I believeamyself Sunref,'w. T.ironto Street. (;mlerich. v15n3 and Rolled Bacon. of A S&imgeour and SO others to have the ea 'anadIi,andlcharges as moderate ns any Hulls alone; Ithink havethehonorof seeing 14D " Lavrenc%l .1 r I �m- 4) inMitchell. Staae Proprietor. Guodstabling-ror Just received.tbis incirriner, OHN M side line between lots 24 and 25 on 3rd THEODORE AND A.By.SSINIA. Miss Lawrence." on your time. As 11MV3 to .4 leg loo Flurses. floNes and Carriagestor Hile on 500 Bushels prime Potatoes. CPHERSONY and 4th concession surveyed and to have IVIL AND SlInVETOP, LAND 9 college to-nWitt. I will leave ��ou to-thUM, A-,entand Con7e--ancer. Kincanline. jorte.4t Notiee 14!7 1000 11 oats. BEGS to announce to the pubh6 that he is certain hills on said line graded -petition, The young.Wy bowed, and seemed to Globe." -intru&T - T. B. VANEVRY & Co. now prepared. wM now and improved., laid over for the present, so far as relates From the, Is be surprised.that he knew her name, yet clusion which I have .1 spon was not aware that Ihould findanycntt' RS.' DAYS' HOTT' Goderich June 7. 1867. w20tf. steam rugehineryi-to turn out big superior to the expeuditur� of money for grading, It is reported by cable that Theodore -she was plainly gra tified to be recognized and here; and I took th:s :Z11i to save the! axes iri,lirger quantities than bitherto, has concentrated ten thousand men in his by the handsome stranger ; but in return R 0 X T, E R. with regard to the survey it was moved by longer walk round by the rotid." hopes to give the same satisfaction that hag Mr. Hunter, seconded by Air. Cummings-, al, which is fortill d, and vill there. hq finely expressive: eyesNeemed to ask B-.UCF. lZi.o. Pos r FFTCE. w40 GODERIUkL I - capit Is "I am very glad -1 met you. InGhedmv attended his efforts up t9 the present. -assault of the British forc�s.' who he was. That the County Surveyor be requested to await the v�-e-4, he cLdliu to TIN� ai �mdp brother about ycia last J ON the direct *road from Seafarth om_ V These axes have gained a wide -spread run that Gen, Napier is pushing forward as fist - "Yudo not ktiow me," he E d, r� had not seen yoi� to §rte"hwdth you for a, Walkerton. Every necessary ace po ularity throughout Huron and Bruce., the side line as above, provided and safety. ' standin OFFICI A'L ff AHON BARRIADE the parties interested in the survey furnish as he can with prudence gthelook, wMe he felt a desire modation for the.travellinx. rinhhe. Kemember the shop : Corner of Waterloo lon- time." 'HANNAH DAYS. nd Li-hthouse streets. to Commander -in -Chief tofirtish-the matter more of one so lovely ; for -qniil that %NCr, LAIND AND OFNEFLILL AGE -N -T, I the necessary help to the surveyor at their No -one can be more anxious than- the -to hav6 some excuse to linger and seel ylie a own expense, ava that the clerk write �ays tr��. We meet COT 'ov. 5, 186T. w42 GoderichrDec. 2, 1867. lege. but for three or fotu yoa Wroxeter,N 5tf w4 071- -1, P. C. Li%v Mr. Bay. (and to the pairties interested) to successfully and with dispatch. But the moment he did not believe that women not interchangeti. words, I begeve." LUCKNOW HOTEL-.. -,have the survey made forthwith.—Car- enterprise is difficult, the country new and could. be so beautiful as 24e seemed to "Aud are . u atlepil Qah him 1). Hunter, seconded untried, the people -iin]inown aifA tinreli%_ him.. yo AND STAGE OFFICE. U)MITIRV, ried. Moved by I have only the fc-elivary DRAMUT9 �Y. Mr. Gaunt, Thathos Finlan is ble and the, base of oiIeration distant, yet "I. should be pleased." shesaidsmiling Y. Z R. S. CUNZINGHAX, Freprietor. -who. =31 P orke in Mr. caroll's Drug :�ture, at APRIL. in indigent circumstances, be allowed till nottoW forsaken foran instant. -It isall enphantingly, and speaking in the frank tow= him ; and 'had I rca�on fai, 'W -%et -r. - - - affect- "Other, � could not, after thef�iendlylman�, fnr s1-;Vi1Z ]Vef� C. Tait 4.,T-rVATED on the corner on, the Northern 12th July next for payment. of his taxes very well to speak of making a dash and mannerof one who is su erior to all I i - neryoghaveet-uieto-a3y i,�td enewerl v:l recc iai� at- �j Gravel Road,Luvlow. Staze;eave every Aprilhas searchedthe winter.land, finishing the thing.right aw,% for 1867.—Carrierl. 'Moved by Mr. _y. qtay�at- tion, and thinks and at without guile, our childhood Zanc!� morning for Ooderieb and Walicertnn. The And faend her petted flowers again ings seconded byr. aunt, That'the home worrio'rs irefull of dash and over- "to know who you are, since you have:call-L sP hotel is titted up ith every accommodation for She khKsed them to unfold their leaves, could not after Qiis.; for ymr sake, fhhdk %i AT ZL 73 -LX :f Et C�i t C3� Z-. She coaxed them with her sun and Road Commissioner be instructed to get a flowing iii strategy� Since the thing is to ed me bymy name." A farge Rali attached. Man. I unldu�Uyfhim, I fear itisVourbrofficrj THE LANCASHIRE -innieretal travel,'ers And filled the grass with green content, bridge built on aide line between lots 18 be done, everyone will ay let it be (loue "Perhaps I wasradd to take the liberty who fm& theon of an i une24, 1467. Subscriber has now on hand a num. And made the weeds and cigver vaim of speaking yq-gr nile, for it is sor4o years r= AN D LIFE THE and 19 on tenh concession subject -to the thorou&y; though with some Imeasure of actly f -he associate he shuld aplLct, lia ms. ber of good, steel -shod Her fairies climb thL nakedtrees, approval of Messrs. Gaunt and 0-timmiligs. slowness. since I lastaw_you. Jwastkenabqy,aud, Mr. Me 11w mcap. on every stalk;' —Carried. Ain The same ighorance wMeh will naturally you of cour§p bAve f6rgotten me but 1. tTos C)— er primroses pt T NkSTU ANCE COWY. &C Andsetgrec Moved by e has n ep bashfully I t It such fiea!Eum From borders of the garden -walk the eoune nsid n 'If ai�j do hinivTong. But since I haVi�e Sleighs, Gatters, seconded by Mr. Gaunt, That keep co eratd men'f�om - 6ritiiieing too never have forgQtte -I never could forget And in the reddened maple -tops nowadjoum.. Tederkt6advertisenext severely the movementsf General Napier you. ;my 0 CAPIT_�I, E2,000,000 STERLING. Call and see them. never given him ecasion 40T tretin-.- Her it and talk, 'mat rally, so warmlv blackbird gossips 41 Vill. prevent t me c9ldly, I m-p.ta loss -t +vIiate it to -9 at, nv wa SCOTT, T p. Clerk. Dlaus of from the heart, that JOEIN PASNIORE, meetiugin the Huron S�qi I.—Ca4Tied. heir fq�mqig.aa esti This was said. so uxtu speeially vited, in the British the judiciousness of'Th6odoreo Bhe dropped hex, �eyes ny Other vause.11' T bv the Hon -W. Ewrt Glad- jAS. t1itinp, (Itita nf th . - Exei�.Iner) a an office of Victoria Street, Goder;cb. She greets the pattlent evergreens,.. - dofeii6a. m t to thepav�d floor i4 beautiful o:lifusiom 7A, She gets a store of ancient gold, "Yes, itmay besti,. Alanfre-lis hnuOAy - Dec. l7th, 1867. w49 Cap lti=e,- ofCloiinterf6itbrs S�t,MUEL H. DETTQP, And teaches rivers sogt of old,-. I gra bf ther hich Ahe floxv�nl, Agent for Goilerleb. Then shakes the tiees with stolin Maich winds, terrible deffigs w lead to the ae of h& obei aiia farm,, Ste hj;t_--t class Se, TL,-iF-; of-Warch S. 1'04. Gives tasseled presents to the breeze, clever that he woul4 have trield Ito avaU himself He admirea the z�lendor of her eauty, audAeAsitive. But I Will= 4zt you am And laughs to hear the cuckbo scold. table upland, and tb4howould, aatly-rate, herwl; h* bdu yet burst Is 'i t ua up. bebind,, frienas a ain "iZotio N:v XT, Smith, a Caiadian, no* a detective i have made -stand iniich luxuria=4 from the fillet, wa'v-. M MARINE Sometimes. to fret the sober sun," in Detroit, a very clever capture in Guelplh before concentrating all :wiffi the negligence pride; -also, =4 I would not �, hdve ltitl�� F AND his forces roftnil. his capital. Put whether �dg Of " native grAqe cq�upelled, out of reg4rd tQ you, -ft A . GREAT CURF, OF l.1V-1-,R c0.N1Pt,_-%MT AND- She palls the clouds across his fh;ee on Friday might last, of two burglars wh6 -thecoursb said to be adopte4 sliaws gener- aliqut her- mQ&& sligulders ; and aslie: L001� HERE B t finds a snow -drift in the woodsi the 6, hip we ar en#ure a companionship with one whota-, DYSPFPSLA IN CANADA. Insufance Compan uGrows meek Tin, and prays his grace'. hEA robbed a store. A search of Is e not in a positi6h to deter- stole Aglance towards him, he wondered %V., --iiarch. 186T. y Waits till the ast white Wieath id gone. he' would ii�Sl. voluntarily 'retan. As, his - prisoners'. Omine.. Therej I) Cousecon, Prince Edward Co., C K every reasb1i to believe at the firer of her eyes,und that the delicatt- _j And droin arbatus in the Vlac% premi�es revdaled'a.quantity frilend. MEssits. YotNG & GHA.NiszaT.A_T-.,—Sir-.3, havingpro- that Thp ly frliig4alid' could c9noe4l. or reveal at at there L - CAPITAL, $10,000,000, The Merc.111"i says Joh lodorehas no greatzonfidence, in -notiu-, I jed within my own pecsou kh; d Dypepsia. Her crocuses and violets counterfeit eofti. some.6f theAbyssini&neh!I6fs,auil this may "Then I will­-� at last a medi A, plesure so much� splendor; but lie was' oath, which the world a gay Good XW which that %,nfl indeed eare liver complatut an for this. You I am induced to make ibis statement under STREET, 6U Loilg and Riohara Stin�ofi wpre.on SAtur- be -found to;bouiit for n64enieInts plempato see th4t.maideuly mildnm tem - READ OFFICE-SACKVILLE Iniat," awW4Bred THE subscr;ber bavin- RRMOVED to the is to cerfii� that I have been sorely afflicted for the fast T.11t grow tired of green, day brought before his orship, chamSed would otherwi$e'6e'in6xpl1cable. pered their. impassioned vivarity. 1; _'? three yLears.accordin- to the Docturs' statements ith And get themselves a purple air; me, tremor of'his -Ainely chiselled 4p3�, 14ww� store latel- occupied by W31. DUNCAN, 'ouiplaint an -T Dvspep�-ia. I and a feeling of DIRECTOR, Audtiny buds, that lie"asleep 'with breaking into E. Grands'stOr6i on. We haTe �W to �m you aTe very kincl to remember . - - dk�s Uver C __ _ . _ ark, howev,&, that a�s before'lie was taugfit bythe pr4pj a , of first door Routh of Binzham's, Market 9quare. sinking and vague unew-utes about the sturnach, wome Joym OBLm WooDa6ursE, Esq, 82 Pembroke Road. On hill and field, her summons hear. has toraw All hisreliable she gad recovering from her surprise at pan,, drowsi- his op- the earnest words that fell upon her e. wishe% to inform hi.q fiirrid3 in the Town of han paiiieirut:tations of .Nrind, occasional Dublin; Ometh Par1k, Co. Louth ; Wadown, Co. Quabet Areet, and !stealing therefrom a supplies fioin his ships, the fart socigty Qia wide distinction that' *Ods� ,e,, consipation, uneasinetA in the right mde, headache, Arma,�h:KerTykeel,Co.]Unue,,,al:J. 10rCountles tweevtho son of General Lawrence aqra Goderich and surrounding coautr�v, that he ior appetite, &c., &a, and %vas greatly- reduced in 1oath. Donegal. zU-piagl, and Owa.--Chalr7nan- She rocks the saney mead -ow- 'cups; chest of tea, and a quantity of liquors and I)onent gan draw L& fr6m thes'e,' 4re yoii not Edtkard Blaglilockl PC The sunseVs heart anew she (13,es - beforq sonofDavid BlacU-och, thQ a a bettoi� has bee�L iiskina aAy Id fie a ength Hearing your new Indian medicine the Great J0M? WILLTAX GREGo, Egq, Alderman, It b _mrhe� , now has the larzest and most complete stock sr , ille Street, and cre aSa She fins the dusk of deepest wands cigars. A detective om enisive engagemeitt, so much -Yes. , Jam not thenforgottenentirely, sho,j of Fall and Winter Sh t, ghly, I tried a bottle Great Brunswick treet es jentedi poken ofso hi, Upper Sackv I I . Witli vague, sweet sunAhine and surprise, , about 'Quelph for the past few clays, What the better for him. ; A battle That to Theo- r 'Fjge,,MissLa:wrence. I welcome You, I., _ these I must say I uud but little Dublin, Director of the Dublin Tenements' Company. And wakes the periwinkles rp I %nihFour P gin to Ili,, I his errand thither id we know not, but' it dore iii hoi�e,'aud iiii-A that Your future Will be The youpg man spoke with calumLiss ,1, 1111,,1 n,,I,r lu", y health . Tiiwatah her with their:wide,-blue ieym . ght be the loss of his cause alto - T continued it unin I kave taken alinut ten Rotiki-rCnAvm WADF, Fsq., clonebraney, Crossakeele, is probable that he liad. some businlis's to ut promises." self respect,'sp that sho sympathind 7ith, liottle-sresing the an,] I find that I have qnite re- Conuty3leth.and Sackville Street Club, Dublin, gether, 4nd'thp longer,and the more as bright'as the prese -ion. For Boots and Shoe's him as if 'she'.smv cic4xly 14s pq!dt i &ar hearty vn bout pain or uneasiness. I'am J. P. for Counties ',%Ieath and Wicklow. -Director At lait she deems ber Nfork is done, settle wfflx Stinson, the nature of �hich wearisome and expensive tUeiefore be can ' He hen turned �and wished her a for - covered. Azd. finds a will9a, rouki hair ip�eiii hereafter, He had kot wind of a, moment r, tiv� ahel &to a & Vioughtf ul and ,of any h -)use in tile countrv.coritaining eve" we,il and have pleisure tn atteading to my busxne�s- Scottish Amicable, Life Offlee. -the British, to mid gogd-e as going down gro � - The dnetor reniarkud to me I vras lo�oki-,`much better. CHARLES GOIG 31LOLLONF, Esq., 3fartthant, Stephen Dons spectacle of apple-bn2-c the contemplated burglary, which appeaxs make the undertaking to vening," and w silent,_iind lo6ldn- dowa as, 'if 3auch db- stvie of and Childran's ods. %ad. I it Id him the Qxreat �Rha�hnnees flemady tvas doing it. Street and South -Great George's Street, Dublin Kerchief and cap of almonds rare, muoh the more hope he may think there is the cWtap to proceed on his way, when tressed. At leti UP to Make that be has also a very 1-arze assortment of 1 have recommended the Retnedy in 4ev'eral cases and Churebtown Lodge, Dundrtun,- County Dublin.- And .3its, a very grandmother, to have been planned for some time, and for ultimate deliverance. she said; Amiling :.. 4gNahe lodueil e -needles, there. some remok wh�wh from thoxp:&niou -of it has invanabiv given ood satisfaction, nud I would, Director Commercial Gat Company. Shilting,hersuashin allo of the hour at which it was -to be at- The Brit%hAdV-aybr, miuch.- enduring I heard your soliloquy, Xr GENTLEMEN'S strouggly recommend ittoallaffiteted -i� I Was. . l3rTLvAnDCoyrE, Esq., 27 Waterloo Rqad, Dublin , have been A.U13ROSE. " 00D. J. P. for County Alayo. And when she se& � I the deeper suns tempted. Communicating his informatioft and most respe'dable person as he is, must look' - Let me b to believe, hei eyes ir�s to b-,th hjucUy aym of her own esteem, r6wn flic, DAviDRICHAnDsox GonDT.&rrz,"E4q.,'.Nfe7-hant,Eden That usher in the happy Mayj to the Chief ConstWii, a reconnoitering 1aY- his bwemint 'wA fear, �rith waffing pati- of distinction i0ill be fully 4o expression tW*2ad ddy of 31a re&. M. that yQur-hopes place where he stoodwu vammt; I d gabw WRINMEM ROOTS Quay. and 31orehampton, 'Donavhrook.. Co. Dublin., She sighs to think her t ea, bhi one of their princi- m1c ai you have, h%ne is pask euil v one who can spe 31. CADMAN, J. P., 11011FUT CDC4WAY HURLEY, Bridge House, Tralee; I party was form, -, as possible, and rear=ed. And weol�s.bicduse sb tannot stay, th in the act' - -eep, And ea aling,dowu the st -he %w Idm 4UrU]IU_, Molloy & Waton. Manager �X. Innes, Esq. ves course and fine. bothq impoited, and of his k Commi. olter in Q. in and for the anti Glenduff, Co. Xerry ;rN. for Cfttinty Kerry. rUars upon thagrass, pal aims that of ta" , ent PY to render himself I - PZ stlior a considerabletime mu4Vposses the ene, %733 1 S coulliv ot Pnnce Edwara. C. W. BA_NxFns. -The National Bank. Solivitors.-Maisrs.' And tam her face, and lides away. was deFetaied by thb appearance of the to come, bo ggroz and good." anr t4ebank of tbe river on. hia =y ta Own ManufActure; which he will sell 'bout ten oclock, So far, by all'accounts, i9en pier T�ianks, Mies Isa-4should 32as LaTr- burglars on, the sceuIii a the university. T extmonieutp roblV of bendiho, treeslii� Min. from. instead of between 'twelve and one, the bas-bhDwn a, great deatof,eftei ra- rence. i0 A NLAD 13RAN 0 T -T. Use of the 'There goes, a proud and manly for Cash ArnV.1n Wallcnl�' timeatwhiohthey were expected. The dence. 11ohasaverydifficallitask in d'; " 1Yonneednothavecorrected yoursol�" Comer St. Francois Xavier and St. Sacrament Streets, who I know. is woriliYf allconfidc�-wr TTREAI� the fence -task, in comparison with which er- shesaid,- witli'frauk flymPathYi How ATON chest of tea wa fatind behind The first time you are walking with 7our Yes, Call and eamise, as he is Fatisfied that he D.UNKERS-Tho Ontario Bauk.1 ho is right. Ugn#eA d ­ arms at liberty, stop moving them ajaa- *hich encloses the ground attached to the -the sea?' was ch -in six years now see r4 man's celebrifed maj�eb to pn gecl you are to= socW0 bas just the goods you want. IT, W. GRIMM old Congregational church—it is now Nx. P100p, -1he boy in the MaD ihoulcl never. M ana;-;r. hold themby your side. You will be sur- mereloWy8play and he his a right to 'Do you Tem. no Will Boult's lulber yard—ana the other h&vqr@coMxi* you. ember But 191e t vortlift IVhaba SAWL FURSE. G. RUMBALL & CO., prispd how soon -your companion expect faii gen6rotii supportand and boaxing, that mi-7ht matuhim vrfth to z nts Goaerich. w4 wltf i dooper, 0ih6pi eon ol yojX- Ought -And presented to SeT. leave yon. behind, althilugh yott hurry, artielpikwere fonnd*in Lobef -till he has shown himse= the-Aqii-= Goderich, Sapt. 24. 1' fidence lordsf Paiglaud, Manfre, 91 Stinson, we may say,,is a cooper by trade in riot, wriggle, and by very hatd to keep vorbhy.of.bo*; and, we bol�ieve, he will m0l 3.9308. and-work6d for Long There.w.�s ovk6ullow happy our ae- up..� One reason forthe slow walk Among t th ent complic6 (nam THE LIVERPOOL& LONDON befoundinthis 6eo carry who has, for ge ceptatio, of it,madp meat Me P DUN L ing Ze a s motionless. Three s, -an the present,.escaped. After securing the th those he 16 of hun4l, R e unao actime "'siid 4side AND -GLOBB atl�d cig*, the next stop was to. The Worth-WestAnd Pritisil pa Mfa ue 4t t1lis'momenta EST'D003 -TO our h the amins is hs hard work r1w oaut memories 6f:jtue le 001UM15im. INSURANCE COM P A Y 'four miles with the arm free. I. have - cidprits.' The two we ha ably touched the key. tile wall6f thoruin2�t3toppe(l(brectly'abovo as mentioned- wenb'takhng their oystori or so agree, . her head. - A. repTAt Oia gum VW$ D, -X OF MONTREAL, WE Has been in existence Thirty-two years, and, seen the queens of the stage walk; I have The cbrriesp - andefice on lbi FU Ana how 1wdptbeepuse Tigor,�roGlWiu BAN ST ST. '-'TOP AND SEE. during that.period has paid 1;()93PA exceeding -like thdir, drinks at Wald's Hotql, und'were bject of dog,.-oauglit it aTid tDrQ -it to pieces. And fg feet f rom. lier, and the , rittl& seen a few girls anilvom&� of queen mediat6ly iaeh into Mto The fen dead at her Eei ; while, witU, HAS ON rem-ks an Testimonials of most Five sud a half million pouAds sterling, b in the Areetand drawingrooni the-Npith-w- Ot "Tereitory slid 'British do you 2�ememberthq time I broke through from, the Fpotl' by wonderful and extraordinary cures lit Canada rmous Sum over laringwl' theirarms in afree audgrace- waieffe�fe wlthw4t Columbi4was-lifid-on the table of -the the iee, sli4ing T T 31 directly opposite - 04118 tbeGRKATINDIAIMMEDY'. peyareotern,un Thpdisburpement of tlits Vito hey moved entrali Al. A S U P P YJ V doniable and jrcontestible, factm. sufficient to convince a wide area, has withont doubt contributed to -h difficulty by.the frpi4 door, no great 13 gpng becomeoo non stitulton,. in the falmanner. Couldthis habit_beebme�un- Muc Hougeon Tuesday. Acifotnpanying�he rmayoucaughtmejuiAtis was In - or the most skeptical that the Great inedicinal Compoun- the e-ttablishment of thig in smoulitoforcebbih niec'esgarypqremov�,' yzg bprdly time to -reat tions, blerchants.. iveral among girls, their chestis woula ein, arned after for ages 4 now accessible in the r confidencebt i,tiblic Corpora to whicK 6rrespondoace antlie resolationo P49SI34 through, whao xan1fred stoo b p ral, ed, or at-UaA wounded by tU bnll s7ldch Jhe staple the dlf cht6red. ' 1) Householders, and business men -generally, �T�e, and t4eir bearing tre fer? tj greatly imprgv-- we giid they Wero' br;u4ht " �tr thepublio meeting in Vicitorlp,,Brid& with 0 V IOU erever it isropreseated iat (I . up 6 11 liad. forgotten it, but now I plainy had W]_jzz0& -Vlo::o a-bovo 11 ad) 1 SHOSE[ONEES.'-IDb-BIMEDY wli d See girl walking with both hiads Xam�rcd loaped t4ough a ni'MOUG Vin - Fill For Diseasea of the Thrivit, Lnn,&P; Livert Dige%tive in its Ist, year, lfr ire Premiums .,, ovnifij,,but w6retemana- Colum��q, on the. 27th Junuary lastg as in, heii muff. HoWhe wriggles and twifts eg uission of the i 'cratula, Imo vdr'Oas 36, the F1 X 9.970 A!ndthdr cliarge recollect it, You ere d9iT bel�nd her, hio Ewoldr,- Lnm, hlj� vitielL ho is preparer� to inake- up in the short or alone amounted to ............. ed un pr4ying, for the adr' D010137 I i4 1.0re.d. my life to you, Disease. flainom, and all digemes arising from 46 her shoulders � ahips I (Thig is becusd Impurities ofthe Flood, we bold!�,state thatlihis great fit its 10th year,1146, 99 L-4% sh ortly be� . referred against -the same into the Canadian Confiderati(n. nentX15k gst notice, and Cheap for Cash. 2 �7!6. The 's Wheter 20th Vear, 1856, 16 4. xm, .79 her arms are pinioned.. Give them free katiuga�tiie time,and atthoimmi u2iiq your urgai, remecilthas NEVER BERN EQUALLED. 6C 01;9.3313. 1 that 01:14uors' and oiga.rs memorialistsdla�ge that theie Legislative of going underith ine, rescued MO. I re, w6n there ever stich a care as tbat in the Pdratin of . cc 30th-viar, 1866, swing and her gait would: soon become P. r brothex," She taid, in a A4glit ona .6� GOOD FIT-WRRAITTED. rediu,th'e' sho I a' laie, was f ide Wilson Storino of Brighton, C. 1Y., of Consumption; Or One year later, 1867, cc more graceful. You ]iave seen pictures of The 0outicil is'mainly comprised, of officialt; collect my fAtheraratituder" that of Peter C. V. Nplier, Earriestown, C. lv.t of Con- C ceilia veviifh tte "floor.' titpmber, Miss. Isabel, once proo our muscles. Thdse-of the upper paft. gubject to',�ovejntuent' and 11DPy9A,T@ He zeQmea surpr�ced if " st=qlea At - e Ac;rin rom THU iumption; orthat OfAmbrose Wood,ofConsecon, CAV., The Vire Reserv. Ound is now $A.72794641 weroxery, olb*Or irftifttl(�tis of the American, of Dyspepxfa aud Liver- Complaint, or that (if Johif he Lire Reserve Fund -it now $9,242,468 of the. body, you remember. spread, out - fthto- �wiitfot bd'41ied ;a to %irge ConUciation iving me a ng in, all direcions like a U . of Napanee, 0. W. of Rheumatism who had The company is represented . throug,hout On- frdin the. shoulder half- d6llar piedind.had only. one, 4 -A, ring V repeated te inaiden, -deeply �eei]iig her there, RAd then, , + been on crutchc% ri te 'orailtreat. I ao it-au�bttcf lie I by a -closer scrutiny fa� C W 141%, U aviiog M a ment herqfolpre, and Is now ents, in fan. defeef , Two -of I t1lem Ve tiWerifai In 94i - CU.-OkE3 F influential Ag Now; if you hold. ther. ShIdi�Hder still 4doi-tindthat therefore, t b1ttibing, -am itire I have -forgot- a of such cases tario and Quebec, N ten," she ad4d, )Audhillg­ quite. hit, lie said, in a made. the were found, pon lb `-but nolie -qppu people'orthe-661iony-hay.I& really no ingang might he mentioned -had Ave space. sides will shrink, the whole at, O_dtol(l Tm'�Q. R C' * nlar oi whom aplibeauou for insurance may be, MAI h ' 'er� 'tbht the he, ad4ed, f 44Gids Eh6iAd noV66 ab B:2 -Call at the Store aiul a ire 9A.r s become,thiii, and -ugly. Butpomegir% will- Stin!s6n. ' it appears, ovrev line as of:carryiagouitheirwislics. Theythere- 4,11invopot—and berpitis," ho ll-�st low-priced madhine in the market s.,gable. curf.ffrTies nil the SIt SO& nq,e b,C. 1.4MIJ H, Resident Socretaryy they dQa, t vant to b!�takpn for ---Iuu njg6verfteat to inking one from Ns littleAnzer -ond Litter. hb been -knoi�fi fo?i long il CatiadW' Ho S REEDY and PILE, and satisfy your MONTROAT. say, swinging the arms. must , be ve erel 'I&o�nieileif Th- howl Z's $25.00. selves. A. bl".'Ross, A nt for Goderhuh; X. V slight exercise.", True, it.is very t -of 9nd.the arapletl ey telegAph . to tho mpceW govermeitt 4o spt�jg.itto her.- 0*11 -9 YOU W cl Price of the kentedy in large pints 614 -Emott, for Exeter N. Watson, for SeMurth' bbih idgabl ii�w, KPI.L hST-6 not been'so fo Godc-rich, Oct. 18, 1867. "W-blim �, ifyouswing�tho urms,butonce orten i6stl�ki% 00 orSeypour to �grotiate Goderich. Fib. I 1,18bS. w4l )rtunitf will bt a6rdedtheni t ' vq�n 1 1. � �101118h6s�WA butlookingratlier ))qtif y-Daswingtheinten S. V f6i the Pdmission of Co umbi4 B3- FotSala by all DrInggiors and Dealers in Medt times thbugand. pQ as to kesu IL(M Q4 clolu_ h -er & I a day,. yoir wULL obtain more exercise clue. Apents,for Goderic , F. Jordan and Park fql D611d94- Cattle times -ipbn the fWoiving terms-.- A. 0 - . - . I . 6 PER.CEN T Z5 I - ave �eyej parted witil it fo� a mom, her� to'citjoy the ounset view. Do wnj AVHOLE�ALE AOENTI -,of - the, musples of the,chtst thin by all or-! St f, 0 nsible foi "I h a. d; if eng� e# 1. Qinada to,b.e 0 I _yheth, remBXbOr �hOTZ we used t) climb this T= IT & _& ent- _RWIPAUB Vith YOU novrta$ - to b so� G wdernmeiit 8 DUNSpAlUGEL & NVAA(�jjj, I TORONTO. dinary v combinedi a 1ndee �4�6 public debt WIA."aicay tack. LYA1 AN,r.LL10rr 18-60 8 noxements.L 3611 er were asked what exercise Ithought mokt. erli J. WINERk Co., ana ser4 1'0e#3inA_V-! lit I g�ve it to you then, I *h Aome of the -st< o,,proyide ,Fedeial office me to li-avell I . ". . �ii . ." -1 IXO roaSM L AND NOT RVDrr3=r, -that batier built'2" -8Fr 9, eff6tive j Jor, developing the: chests - of ' M�m the Buffalo 04mipeTclal 4dvertiser.) "No'. I to 6T3� jP HOL811500K & STAR 6m,thegigtnow, for I see 'WITMN TEIq YZAR& en . n girli I aiould reply at �oficaf V1 e8. .1 T. HICKLY. & 80M, ivi (M Go: Ali , ca i - .. . I - col youg, A. HAMILT02 3 M_ L t, ight ;t as th t 'i to & arni dueh6ppp6�`ejght�-�'clock­ 6- t cfiied ­Iath the z �n bk- .�.(Dr; Truas.Tl _ q Zran . hunts., po lk 9. uk ,I wilialways keep ittlien. Ithasbeen q -was neF, �-hqusp,4n. Ifighm' ad j&'CEi -,vW belaw, wiieM gave tho went. un DEpA19TIMEN37A]& pg th rance Of you. Vies, fr hollhug DIVIS101 whoA J3U.,zame as'James nber theeiraimistanr.0 mQ0red a gr4oQU Dai�kd r Alile SINOrfpAu Dr,�%H �Or� A;,IC=D BY'- Vab�-W,,'A,pasQ ip oii e ''i Bdr!utL- and port 6 -htnotet,61iave' bie '0 T T A W A gQ _t4 _ed'. bug der Well - g, p ng hQr.PJ-el4 -9 sirous of in- -10R TEM. RANGI�oi--LAi itii:� 'bas 66 hdkd L it:t/) yon 7" &,w to "ons de F a r mpn f H iesf ornmotis or -C, i, but sipilina beneath flip BL'I'drea-' t is 8�acrf�, anc it 0 u ro la, droppi, earlier yczara, W'UNTY, OF H, U'R ghoreditch, ori-ilie, b6dy 6F Jan�V4 d' rith Ated va this Z6. anit zrecutE*� Partleg one or n e' : o r o ti colastruttion - fit t ans-d a '- lids whileihe-taPP01-:4- tbey wisit to inve3t, will -rewiv6 br -nAam of acred'J,4 mokith -h ind You imsisti on dllkin`144? THE VXTOXI'MUTUAL FIRE 'end fIV17�00- was Ax yean t of the Danablon. %e '6�64,stsua 4a�ige*ini� fl�� 4y TU utal, Agoil. road,fiom _- Lake 18uperlor tke �.�jnt �he ;ng lull' somebo. 7' athv-headL ,oft,uaviggatioh :on-Ae. Lower -'4':P0 v. be pid befom U=11 2hj; lg& 404 =a tL.-- receipt or Me Gaverame, INSURANOE co ir.h;id,b�eii p1ii to tf�k alid cl i Ist pivistori Gofirl& Thursday) 30th Jah. tO Lepartp;pto a boarding��XOPL the I:Omm 'ho, r.,ad YOU umt r I"T A. M' -A. e... to -pri.;year a lb-' - - - -- - eand li�4611�6 this,slab.1 31 )V'eQf TOTM4 for sums u 0 :F rioa, y '-IF rhd ay' ." 9�,'qQort Co, pr4e, On ',t ��aserj withid'.two years,lafte a Y;au ercNL uA t] Zr Febt v_- had i7ara B1P,'eU1O_C% ot-Ve F�. 1, --TON,. h StitardLy,.- Ist '.hi not but r. Gdff 79 315 ' . -` 43th Dufighn tad Qrte eu On lox, irmat anr3- 'r ji 1) @prepp Pt tfi­ =A.D Orm U 6 coiiple of Years older. Mrn NCES : irig: by the neck between thv rvacrif, t t 6 wi. qll4u ..'Control slaw him a' f e* p1drintis ILOth .46 Clinton, Monday,, 3ed is 94 g y1ya ly u wrobinf togiy o A. 0=r�jAt, P. IL G., rdngj� E9TABL18HEi),At4 AGENO-T TR voyernmenf, JLron -the chuir; d'ad'-qIM6; d ft'd' tichpg lon ab to t�WX4 as 1-hA.hw4_yPP pres-imnt aritwx American paulo Note JUL Goderich, lot this, uounty� Robert,Glb. 2ricl B.-Leaforth, TU934ah - 4;. L Paid laufrp, yoM-on, -add a t� ed jprpsout -a 1414wit, Esq., A�Lditor for borts, Esq.. Warden. of the County4, has. kindIrl/lith, Wedriesd%yi6ilt. laty retuned en head, fm _. f Wanagej* consented to get a* D:re�tor.for _R1;0tQr - back �irh`df Hurou..-MrIm. 7th 14: e Rev. le d' a t d linai how.of G,,94ekicb, Isthe Compaiiii9s -Trq.-_. nd �-s6yero etty, ,eQp ' --WDpykm and I wt4. h4ppv a C 0 qrs". ur 0 -319th Api at the 'of is ft, Victoria istruly ratAdal; and bas r esteblished,foritsertave ist D-iigion ous iscoy. di t-1 NY4- ve g a �Qotded�h, Th4raday, T. 'imme a Q y'-ppgg V scope,jan -Mlr putation for Orompirw :Von FANNING k Fridttyj� -thefirvinttjr';ort1iel t4r. �fcy 14 i4l -the Vie, suithepaymentof osses.� 40 mve fi4d 14, Fiji, iW map; -pie mam-io preWid". 'from Wednes( had- me -4 AND pad ccofiom� of office Ue Aa management'. Tlip-con. 7th did d has, - to -C a �Vqats It1iii, 10 orinsuring in this Corhpqu �Ionday - 4th. �.of Jeuaq!;�Wle- examinlug,--the iiiin , , - �; Yoti..7avc flu -s Tin, than an3r other reliable Compank. d 90arp h� T -A th6,4 i9A _gatis�ki t n- 0 Inure Witt e neu y'jp�s _dS TO 0F`0113t reful f e 4 sm _11, . no saying arja1fr t Weines -an n F your jo;efirtger and taCditaita. (Auy 4 wislit 1Jt1j' i;r Wro� t e ase write ta. Win. Hardy,.L'-.G W to o, som h, after,, -'with titit G off n bla _re- rs som 4 t le, Prompt atleation,to _beeoma cquvjprpd;j -by tileialial), ar' , J. 'qu4thi a -as, 'SUBSO W�?ich, _4 me ic he ec e .o Impoiafto , an 1"t Ita.its of tht) C!�Rnties c Rwritt rroc"ioa, and coti�;and V I AgenLwitt 1-i3i&of the- r,:rteps1pat Lie dren of die� as straugij�s,,sil 61, if I t laugk. _W'1V =0 wung I wli6n of Mn Ala P ere �e biiiicTons: � �i �p . ec .", 'o, ga '�;'23rd Deeember,.1.867.- ti -P - , -- - IV minster, wkese; lo --enriclied by,a mautliA U Ale" bourg -'a J? �a,at oneq i44 inflipted. a,fivereiYoxat jyj§ an mumnu Pef - mboro* ijosepfrp�yjngl, qairtin� ha'd. ­, - enc d. e ad 'TjJd8, �Iofjtldgg; 15arfoli of �thd dtMal' -a arricafarly drav�, at, had b 4* S ... �1�1 -_ 441 11ppId not t A "U, 4qodero jqp i ad$ from 313tion td lit BrQWn". vist! 1h -I ave mot"" - (i, e Mae TjftA -4 Jil SIdtffleet, se lkliain, n his liau& a�e a; reft' 4;iO4 All- 'ueirledty e F, T r tgoal;, tidekt04 Weylie, Glanfo -loiio�'tiod- and a iTdmm Zon-, F T; T. ood. Him i sign, of liisniajntmis;�� Jg1ne9Cald0t,AT1(,a3t&r1 Robt.Gibbo in h6i ai t I -But rXemiuritre � _e6py._ 00, rt 60tswom L w. Viral df tho, Peg Ft.4thez, eTio n- W * i0fi; cf iv6ly P p rteUedh�im�-Nq qn 'd Pi5On*Jit:ig`_() y 4 IWO Wu*. Hill, itibro'k';, Peter zaro' &cor tile king ii I _� 1 -1, , 1. , -­ � _f" I - jj;�o I Vi _tell TqAj� _IMVq4l?t 0 40d . I .� , " r a W. k u 9ty- oije� prGo4lsrg O_ 2;t AM0.1,v,ant ar t: t anaud cried, Tbps;- gel 'ti --s sthr, ma 6-1 _�,. . , r , j�. e -dafi- t; lei a I te d t" 0 2! �Zd Z C ef _u Wok 4otiv-f.k -ILL "g, :r r! or at tke etion V 'HAROit, nweapon, a- i�Wc;l 161 140 Albick- TMO&Y 'PIDDA, 6 Vi 1ZLI. t h- -W 40 r