Huron Signal, 1868-03-26, Page 3_7777
Clazze�; A4,
11_m� Xtb)
they wout'd trabeloAqmg �o Nfontre4 I—H9
- :xrzg:,.t , line an THE G1tI1,&T,1WNGLj8I1 REHM,'
f tlL i� the like- -NOTHERS, READ TAIS LLO m* Jhfi, e Je n-
lv -to make Halifax a port Of can for the W&Y'SWORM L02ENGE&-amacertsin and 0BUre, Of th
d �uii��Iot 11 tz
if, A
ten api I ry J about
i preseW and when file lute im-olonial- ri - Q fk safe reme(rk i'Or WO-imi in 0-hAd "X"S 4ZIM14
dults. 4 6Mab-�-,' V
—As it is a *e -I y of 111uron
�road i,% On -krldwn �4 metajfebof� in
Z3 to ished, thatvkill be their por of'W Tj FICTOR 10 : dWbr�iclAiVei 4i: thilast-of 0*�'GT. A "& -steer rk
well deatinalon and departure to and from Mehihttiong c if ren Ile owner is e" to
pri6Med upo IV
from Wohnsitione, Ananoot4*too, I ,'Od fro*� yesis old; t
it t$e too
sp=,a no
Tt a
-6thenaiii5tottigientstlin ecessi P. y chirgeg and uke
bn to be a ECONOMY FOP, ]JOUSEUMERS. off�losellriiatching�theirehildreti. Bysodoln TM Ron- John Ross declines and untirstanding the s to f4d 4ueen.
t Preaenc of thep ympt
candidate for the vacan true cause ...... ROAMT Pmcoml�
M Exeter, March 31, 186F. 3t.
saved from -be
of the disease,thouthi M
h:i,; ot-, clall
earlylgrave!r. SymbToxi biwo
cuie of all tfioge painful and dang0ous di:
00 dD 14 A R'D 0API, --The following are a fewof the very -numerous it) which We female constitution in subjeti t. rt I, T
WAF-mls, (The %gmt public Cenw Per bar. or a ban for 25 cera&
symptoms Aq diseases which sire caused -by
i remedy,) have n9w been irruse over twenty, C> 3EPI W POLLOC-11t JOHN-STON,
3EW Worms: Wronged appetiWemeciated extrem-
they ies, offienswe lineath, frecMent picrng at the be*rtilie&lm. yetany hence it cannot be said they amo 0-2100 i barrel or 10 0,�ntst, t FIR sublicaber *Tem' for 0411.
n r, I gall - be had at I)EG-to seuot�nco to the-4allabitatits of Godericl, and. vicinity that they �haye ope xperty rjear Op--presonk SAt
They have beeif thoroughly tried,' Y, at thd Deck. TGAMRIED LADIES , - .1, - i
the SOAPF-ACI\ nose, grindingof theteeth during sleep, hardisess tied a
JOHN BAp�. ofth-i belly, w;th-frequent sluny stoolst and it is pecffliarly euited. It wid, in a shot t timog- 1) -New store' ia Well"*
r,V,2t i I - , suitla-advil P coloprWitil; Uwe
body t%nd pronounced (on the authority of those sometimes convulsive flts; pain in. thot head and bring 9b'tbo monthly period withegularit
bt fcre Dr. whh4e lives and healtlitheyhomepreserved) 00dericb- March 20di, 186s. 611L N 0 T E*
ituilmet at Y.
eep. faintings, tretubling, Each- bottle, price -One Dollar, ker"ti: - -Go"V-w mLmLv" t:10 &='O, ma'eviration, and if taken in se and a gltadual wa�qtfng away ot ga"ton -strip, et, Go derieh a a Trio fact% to bo a care, harmless and eminently doughs, iedeRestlon,low spirits, f -l -hunt dreams to at.stamp of greal. will invariablv cum colds, eo.-Its, sore jro� Ve'pers In P-oaeriat wor. -m. v They are palatable and self-odmintsiered to thi! 4 _W I T6, TaVerh 67- w4r,
. I .. Oro Blodk��
Von in this ac- aSon VALUAR V A�V q.
F-0 ekild-Ldriye out the worms - 4horo 27me4rillivshn
throat, and aft Bronchial &ffections. One uglily wiltiout- ld'lioi hitae?i Uylfij" r1he'40un. 0
pain and completely aleanse the stbinach-there- t1..'P1Rj37. THREE MONTHS j'pre fair trial will conceive the mod skeptical. by doing away with the ri"emitv� of administer- Naa g . . Where thqy. b4ve- opw� Oni a very select stock of Stsplq all Nan , :,
Ar py 'of �Mo 11roviltee
Sold by all medicine dealers, at 25ats per 4p- McCasior Oiler. otherunpleashiat p1thartL114"a3 -a of Ontarilllllu F 0 It SALF. OR I i7jingappointd the undersigned is -
bit at any 6ther t�
ine theyarai ft.
box. a the vae- of other Worm Medicines. 'Jeca tter 16f Tavern. tAcenses for theZounty of Hurou.,
,jes of Nervous and Spipal A Irectl hereltglvcn�ihiit &U 1)emns, Qipplicai of CsmiemO* 'Soh
20 ACRE-9just fbe
HAva You TROD IT ?—If not, don't reOfWORTUTiOD & biA�4,Newcastle wtarita, exertion, Phipitat BItook,situate4vg boffiedos fil,
3-Godorich township._8s ion -of the flearti.11p, _irws -ind thoTygm Iifeeni�e to theCounty ot 1�uron whopreacnt 'G Lit VAA-
delay another mom acres, 55 who are the sole prolorietors. Whitest thege PAIs -will .6flec a Iiiat" wher-all Voper Mimicipal Certificates and on. -paymmt of jawytaeir. Alto, G-XA lind 19. 11sugL- 44
t6 rovincial"ll receive lacenses fpr thb ezu, j
eutbut got a bottle cleared,frame bar% N. B,-Abk for Rollow�yls WOrm LOzO1,17a, othermeana h4yq f 9 .......... rent yek tq termief the Statute. Tovmllcenses $10,
frra, the ra,- , 31 o6d land. The pro. 0- Each bGX dootaind the (ac-sitmille it=ar h o0 0
THE undersiggnW 81143 for sale lot 6, con. tu Mr. of the CannAian rain Destx%oyer." It perty is 6nlv a mile from present salt -,Vella "ifilitake no other. Sold in G ciiled.i #pd Ith uel eas:erl,7 lfaartor of copeesce
Tlmishi .
aidetich'idy Pit rker ful remedy, do not co-itativ. iron. ealc nelIDLliti. why runs through it, better field. J anies Bentham. Roc DAN. U2AII
Pt=&am was nev iarknow'n ta fail. R -man %.9 is f=jahead of any other medicine, =d and as tl�o rall Vattle and F. Jordon t7a dine Ila mony, or aqvtbing hurtful to the to��U�Otl
411 a4he4 and _ r "k Co' J� ealt territory'canuot he, klilid. Exeter; J el�vij Ftill- directic'u's- in- the' Pamphlet at ma'd eRck Inner of Tavern L
pains ar ly and permanently re- %V, t e immeaiat� _Jjb�Cl to
0ackage, which should be f, 6-erved. -OZee dlt�aOrk of the Countyoflluroi�
WILLIAM 'ELLIOT Seciard, Lucknow E. Milk In
rt moved by it, and the �*e places it -within h ad ism.. Nov. Z, 1867"
Qoderich aft Medicine Dealers. Sol"gent forthe United Statesaiii Cansdanit -
the reach of alL Sold 'by a-11 Medicine
r 1'r. Weir, wh has enclosed -
to any authorized *geUt a bottle con� _VqjNVFM. plaintifp�
N. �:$11.00 and aix poZgeetaiw s,
Ma ch 24: 1-869. JOB UOSES RoebeskoriXY 01 AN D 60if, B "OTS R.039 —
SAVM. g'sityPill by return ..... .. . DANM WOAILYDefindaut. ln�,etmg in HORSES tainAn
meA in this "us4i,
FORSALE CHEAP A Farmly Medich: ej well and favorably kno Wn Ail of wideh� having boon purcliS e'd lor ca3h; - old at the, very LoweefrItstes. 'A vj"TQ`tta"'Q:eut"m'
0 rorthe past fork yeam. never failing in a mingle Newcastle, & WAN, JOHN MACDONAJiD, HE Satneriber haviar? watet Power The live C7--'*X.,9oneral 0
ASh__ ff _P0 -
-a f, t.T., of thousand of horses have instance to -give pbhhkni-fit'ie1iet;vtifi6ri dtn�ly agearfolrCanaldto I - - 4i 11 T could -be appItd ill 15104V q at 5 per cent, been saved durin the past ear, and the COMMODIOUS used, and we have never known a ,o - 13- Soldin Goderich by Parktor-& Cattle and lads. WQ1l in the above Villa-ge, witVild give
frotal !ngle. t age F. Jorda�; Gardiner -tact Ca. - llakiuld-,- jara�*
44 t-0-44, credit isdue to" Darley's. Arabian Heave DWE'LLING of dlisatista'etion where the-diric' plirtles ian o
Remedy and Condition Medicine." This lions have ben Benthum Roxeiville; J ppanwiky of using isald power,
Ac impos3iUct HOUSE Pickard Exetier; J.R. r Dho�p I wouldRIES tpke sharts lothe t 0 - w GIMERY, I and
att&a; labb,.Gltui cord, prepar�tion is being extimiivOy used, and 61tua tateri Pcoperly tollowed, but oil the eontra y. vt..[ arq Vombe,
lon -the �cotrner of Kin W .... .. WooA can be,had t s lo* S."ure, - AWY
if sz=e axacts from aU the highest prtidse. Notblnv and Stanley Streets, nearly Jeligh with its operations, and slicakin the now; E. Rick -son, Saafarth. and 11 Mediclue .009SIDERINIGTHE EXCELLENT.QUALITIr OF THE ART1014X for further Pa - cuturi3 to
ljelievcd the oppodite- Cirabbli Block highettt thrm� pf Its, 1�jrtue and Magical dRats,
f the Idndhas ever before been half as Flo
WXI:Jl 33AXERYA-TTACIUD. has won faktKielf a YER Perry Dav 8 aln, AiUlllor. Nov. 20r. IW71 w441
successful or given such un�versa sn't's 'THE CA ArrIDIAN PArAr DES TRO and Food Store, p,,t,,,, faction - it cannot be equalled. � We P. t
ta TuEnE is A L&Roz ei,'altcralnie sfornachtonic, unsurpassed in tb
y bl-k Then it V_ i - e U ROBINS
4 Y A RD AND STABLE histoty of medical preparations. It seAonl falls the Proadince 0 n ON
vise all NEY -END-0
-iltl ul Wecip,th followin:from 0 r RrIn-ted C
sou- confide recommend it� ana o I nspei t
'16 who own horses to k6ep an r . .: . . . -10 T1 - ofte. of to cure D7spepsia, Liver Complainitif, Indizes- . . . .... ... I I . I TV10 T
General. Adertiser res-ec6fly' to annotfuce to th
Would tho of it on hand -it may be the of sa attacked to thi above. Lion, Heartbiurn, Sick Headache, Kidbev Oom. gyour horses life. plaints, Aci�l StQmvLctL.P bahitmils of Goderich and vialuit That
in For termx iLpnlv in 1ithisic or Ast, i mia, and At this seaso of the year when ebolers,
JAMES SKIMING& rebtorps to vital activity the system d)IIi.noted holera m6rbus, dystentery, arld other ki he bw commeme4mi tVe bove line in. Xr. EASY TERXS,.
1L -member th� eame, and s that the SEP- �c
0 (ioderieb, 14th March, 1868. wS It,,. by suftering9knil disease. gints -are sure, to-prevail,everybod REME.MBER THE ATAND, KINGS IrO.N 111 Smailli's 01o. sta,
�Id PA packagt�. dred zompl ST. Rd, WIPDX.
nature of Hurd Co. Its magical and vionderful 'sucm
rop f Lyman, -=tie. Ontario,
"'Tew , i�',rr'lnag -should be liberally supflied with Perrybfiiis'
Nor& -c sudden colds, Sore throat, Cougb l�) i P`� GqRBRICH, March 13, 1868. CO QF SQRRE & GodAch, Jan. 14tb, 1FC8,
pains I Persoas leaving, 31. Ruffi, proprietors for Canada. III- all Medicine 0 the sideJLhns anil-back. neural ia,toothl, Vegetable' Pain -Kil 4
Sold er.
nudea Seymour dealera. ache, rheumatic and otbor pains in t f home, whether it be for a days excursion or In the Grocery Department be will tee
r 7 -0 Salt 8 a
110ME 8 GUB Go. the bodydna from whatever baiisel has T - eau
-be in. =tion "to goG4 arrwles, and sell, w vheap a
a should I n hand
Tin .Pi -a it a trip to Earove, -
1, z 0
G. X. Tmeman's A-uctidm Sales. a place in *eVd.ry"hbusehojd'and'is fast upersed. place their hands on it in a, In warn. the cheapest,
Ing -all other preparations. of the kind.
prompt. reme fyl( Ing. � Many diseases in incident to the summer rticular.-Aitteution paid to the line of L
is it iiND FOR *SAIJ
ISO Wth March. Parm Stock, T 13arns. lot 3, 7th con. Col- 33: zL irm I I t c> 3a Scalds, Burns, Bruises Sprains, Chilltlain-4, mortlig, which will prove fatal if not im.
-ed, can be promptly. ca��d 110H undersigmea off bt% for Ealo about.four.
borne, n=r Dark!a Howl. Frost Bites, Cramps, in the Stomacb,.Diorhcea, mediately check FLOUR AND—FEED I
39th at Hart Lnolera'rnorbus, Billions Cholic, Cholera 111fan. by one or I wo doses of the Pain Killer. On a4d as the advertiser"has'llad cres of land in Godericb, Vgich is ad -
4th April, at tlio V!
stla Q%pt Wil ht Clinton. film, Upenterv, &o,; more thun one occasion have wd been reliev,. experience in that bra ch vf azd hoands, but, bulnhyeas. on t%w
The affm Price only 25 cent's per bnttle.
Oth June, Mortgage S21e at Alart, D. Si Gooding, Sol. ed of intause suffering by the timely us% of feels confident ifini h-e'can give satisfaction. bank -of tile RiverMaitland 4nd t4joining Ike
ed bv 29til AtUaiined Sa-le of Lands fat Taxes at Court NORTHROP 4. �YMAN.
Goderich, Feb. 7, 18
Hoasai. Goderleb. orMN THZIP. 4?tf
W. the abov6 named preparation." G. T, 11. tmek. By a slion switph. salt
General Agent for Canada. Sold by all Drugists, grocerep and naddi. could besent E ustivard by -rail vr an tLto
COMMIEFLUIAL. -shipment. -opeity b Chi
in Poderich by Parker & Catileand cine. dealer& wharf for _Thr4 P1 gr
F. Jordan; Gardiner & Co. Bayfield;'James PERRY DAVIS SON. 11 - faim for Salt to the. well now zinkinuad bout 70 vnrd,4
: A Supe ki
V&1, Was 13entham, Rodgervil le; J. Pickard, �8
T. fam=4
GODERICH MONEY fromthe GoOerieliZall WorkB �Thbt
V Conibe, Watts & Jobb, 01futdri; 8=1er"11L Pwprietom.
now; E Hickson. Q-toirta, and all Zfedicine 21w 3M 380 St. Paul Street Montreal HAZ REMOVED Ta THE NEW STORE FRO)MNG on L91e Hilton. 2 miles one of the most deArable plots now �hl the
a C.T=Lrga Of C6_rected every Titesday and Friday 50' the nalby .4 f1rom Godorlet, Is
Dealers., W38 -= acru -of sapetiorlawt Lott, Ist market, atid
WANTED. -A good, reliable servant
D �_v 61 SxA". Exchange rukers, c0a. df Goderich Township, Bayfield Rold, slinut 100 ine it without delay
'West St. GDdezich. acres cleared. Goal orchard, dw how � suit
t Building girl, who may obtain. a steady place I tqF0 Sq ftme %am on the mises, and a = creek VMS F or piarticulars apply to
Goderich, M" 24, 18 Provincial Perminen Comar 4 uare Hamilton st et & - I -
6a, IMPORTATION -S, and fair wages.. Apply at this, officei t4roughthelot. -be suit to suit pnraluisar3 fn JOHN HYSLOP.
and -Savings Societ -up
AHERIC-IN EXC111NOB OR 1QR)ZE'_1ZBACX& W, stairs. Wholo`�k:p" Aply inithe premises to
I W C), 3M C)o W 9M.43op WX & 3)OYAT.4 (Under Mr. E. L. Jolirlaft's Photoftuh Rooms). _
A crt� �G. 3L'TRUEMAN Werich Sep emtet-K 18611. swufl.sul
(Firsi door Smth. of -the Post - Offlu.) TRAYRDintothe enclos;" oftho Subscriber.fat March 812868 Wolf
73 73 forSilver. OY 186C
OF REPAYME-NT FOR EACH 8100 ADVANCED. prove pi oporty, pay expenses and take them away. ALT YERRITORRY
annual report Worning-41 Aftarnoon-il lor Comila funds ON S 7 8th concession. about the last of November,'&
ts 1:10t-0 XLate-q rikek'stear, oyeatg old* The owner is requeoted to
i the Out= SGZJ"G AT .12yrstyrs5yrs V8,87 WHERE HE HA'13 011IN!ED OUT A - ------
006* QY In -the - *Wter* of William FOR SALE OR' LEASE..
FN 10 is l2jivjl5y'8 Februar� 28,1808. W6 at*
foTCnindafands WEDNESDAY, MACH 18ih O'of.
Invia, 'an
At end of
each tin 1413
7.77 6.51i566 4.65 4.04 0 N�IDTIVEM *mbvgtv�irthi&byv1rtqeff1he Itipplwot Go&rz
a... ... 5 discount half-yater 2820 15 4"1 1195 U 28 9M 8 02 e*oo LAW MDENT WANTED LARGE STOCK OY.GROILIJIUMIE & I power V" Soft Works. Also,
...... .......... 6 in's Wee 7251 '65 6, ed* Id in'b"ab so:gnee of, tile
Samag at ....... 4 ......... : .......... 11amilton, March 12, 1-868. 8�oveilaiolvent, I shall ofrer lop 'sole by Pj;bllc _F ARDI ING LANDS
an vearly 1550630:201202,�22021 1270 TN an office in Goderich, to wh6masalary 'A � tio I Lon Friday, -the Twelfth d4y tal June,
y w4n suaLt. siLv= each year- 5782 31.72 26 55 2313 IMM2. 165 148o,1834 -L 'willbegiven. Apply at this office. purchased by him atone 'of the, IaW-GkeAt Tiade Aubtion Salelit, A.11sof j 1101011, 19 , My that loccrity. A PIV to
=, IU!, &L ifie hour of tweire V
offitce i -t4e Town of GodeT!ch,, all Me- r - ht,
that he nayinglat ........... ................ 5 The alboie Xtafeii include JOIL 10 1Y 'sasa3l yLmrs oe' Feb. 28, 1868. w6tf 'Iltlf;an3 lot-, 'IF
lowing-laJids. Lot number one la -,he eighth Se-111ing at ............................ 31 DRY,
GIRAVEL ROAD, 'n VEW '%`rr CK* OF cwo�OI)Sg.,66nLimi6noftUT.o-.vnshipotiloOfdk,Lti)ntain-
Samos at .................. I ......... V, discoant Inglay admensiarement one hundred acres,,175vo
Ma ramifv Bible&
KEEPING 'No which, owing to tile depressed state of tbe- wholosals trade, kas; been. Furchalig =uch and elcej�,Atvo acres off.the. north-westrorner, -s
TENDERS FOP. which said five aLres are in the form ofa square. Sith Laud
n 2 desz.-Ibei hial ns LuyinZ at. 1A allowin.- azcraal interest to seller tide to -Carpen.ters BUIlders Just to hand one case of large, Family below the psual prices, atid
Dw4 utode,rich, 9Lb MarAl.
a OID 03ALLED Tr.V-DiRS �_IUhe Bilylea in, the Notes and References.. froR 'SAXUELP0LL0rK,'
em received up to the ist VV KA-A]Ej :81E w7jd AWWW4!,.
Buying- at ............................ 100 0 April next, for the furnishing, ertictitig and flulah- $2.50'WO 20
in repair, will be received until. 28th inst. ing a AT THE
Parties are invited tortend6r for the whole 3:l,-VWe1 3 1 in a 3MC:iotme 1 0:2- Old customers and friends aza respec ly requested to -c I and exam
P-_1r1Z a -A for- Daying at ............................. 10s I 1 .1 . al me thestock. M, fO3r SAID road or or he 4ars according to the Piling and Speciffeations, which can
p4rt. r
ILWL Qr Upper Ca"ifis .......... 60 be seen at my office, over J. C. Detior & Co's. Store, yq=a apply to J. IDEING Lot 14, coa�' 2, (Bayfleld JtOA,'op
(his Wud 5�-_Ua- Couimerc Un Bank bills, Par Goderich corner -of Market Square and North xtrect. Tenders -SiglidifleldFarm. -80,Aiers.- 60 Good
a , March 19th, 1869. SW.9 td-. addressedto
of tLa Romn, Sterling czehaogo ................... 9: JAME, S SMAM, Arclifteet frAmebarm,,dwellilig lig a onhad'. ]EXcellent,
7 1�-df. , rtz from Godeict. For'
Cjld oeazI at 1391 closed at =1 Goderich, 16th March, 1868. a w w8td 1,'W4 WATSON, 1
Cal, 11 , Traerian, Godcrl&, O on
TAKE NOTICE. L GODERICH,- 7antlar10, 1868.
h2ial I - I 'BLANIK BOOK60 pre
THE MAF -X=S. Jet 20, INS: _Volt SAJ-4r,"V,
A complete stock of
ILL timas daria- OTICE is hereby given that the Court 7' 0 M S A. la:s I
Xonev to Lend
(D`�Zrl i=',1i aad GoDmIcE, March, 20 1868. Nof Revision forth6 Township of Gode- DAY BOOKS. 9 1, N -PAR
F all Wheat ............ Z1:61 1:71 rich will be -held at the lffolmesvilll_� Inn rN THE TOWN OF Spring Wheat ......... 1.46. 1:51 on Monday the 27th day of April next, t6 S W 3M AL YM 39M XL 3D very reasonable ternsis. Arply In
-51 0'.W- hear appeals against assessment &c. MINUTE BOOKS,- RANGUNG
............... 7 Oats .................. 0-52 0:55 -JOHN SHAW. Peas ...... OTS Nos. 67,'63,69, 70. 71, on the no' B. L DOYLE,
......... ;.. 0:69 0:71 rth side
TownsbYp Clerk. L of the G -and Trunk -Railway line to Tor- PASS BOOKS,- Tft
Barley ................ im pa, o:n Dated, March 23rd 1868. WM. onto. Lot 79 on south side of Union Station, and I NLDIC98, &a. &a.
i2l ov, Pork .... 5-00 (al 6:00 d'oderick.* Jan. t8lio.
-r ca_ lots Wo -3-F0, 81,82, 83, 84,87) and- 86, 1prmig
_QSa"a at 0:41 i� 0.00- - _4 the Gore between the Grand -Truk Roads o* At greatly reduced prices- for cub. -At the
of Mn;t Butter 11, Toronto and Buffalo hewn in a plan thereot
...... ... ..... 0:16 a 0:1.
0:16 y . W,- JOH N-SJLVN 8
................ 0:15 �a OF office for, the G*uut ADJ01NING
reinstered in the R.
of Perth.
ya;, v ton ........... : 15:00 R 16:00
Tl— lots are most advantageously situated, T
Hiaes (green) .... ..... 6:50 na o:oo SCHOOL BOORS. for warehouse purpotles.
th, 0:20 na 0:25 V1
Anyoftheabove lots may be bad very -�q BU"
2;25 R 2:50 cheap. 0--i Z:;, CD
D=_eafZaL�-Z the, Wood ........... HAND. -sait Well
Beef, per evrL ......... 5:00 r4 5:50 A FULL SUPPLY NOW TO For particulaimapply io CD *I
Chickens .............. 0:2& (a) o -3c) 4-16 Dealers Supplied atPublishers lowest J. FAANCTS C. HALDaN, 71
'Turkeys ............... 0-4a R (1:6() wholesale prices. Solicitor, to., Godprich, b-' AT TH
11q 01
----------------- yEs & uyLoAxE, Barristers 11 Oreat P Ulm
over th a tGee3e 0:40 AT THE I�SIGNAV' OFFICE. -or to Msssus. HA j :_Wd ti
Stratford. ric
CD p.; -I,
I)ucks 0-20 0:25 Goderich. Feb. 14, 186S. w4ft
Goderich Salt, wholesale, f.o.b. p er bbl. eazL 8i i of the
-.65 at the works, 1,W. TO Apply to
STATIONER CD pi G fleryl,
d1inton Notice, Notice! - W -ye, 8TEWAR__T_ ew h togr I''
.Izn dzLt t�;Ua e�:Zrl. EVERY TRING YOU WANT in Writing
Q0 ijm the -now off Ct_ L 2L C. CA=PLON
Paper, and Envelopes, bring at very CD CD , 0 IN WATSONIS BLOCK,
low prives. HAS DETERMIED TO BELL OFF HIS STOCK'OF Goderleb, Nov. 28, 1837.
- t
gpe� TejegMph ta�the 11=0a SFG;Al-)
with VE-ar. 01 0 I f I I I . I � LT �, 7 s Qvr,tha GlMgo,w Ho 'wliere lie hav
linto', Maroh24, 1868.'. �Ar THE %4 "'o J. ; -.WR 514L404PERATMUS
C n Nunn. CD fitted �p his roovis.1wilie inost;appropriate
OLY2MS T12111 $1:55 1-70-
'Falt Wheat ......... 1.45 1:50 m"norlto, execute pictures in ei6y style TWO STHAX MTOTS10i Ats gaad,�g ne,
alvarjs'�Pent IGNAL OFFICE11, jM
Spring. do ...... ...... -
jo Wn to t
Oata 8 0:50 Goderich Jan. 18th. 1968. v;4. CA. andi perfect worhly;Owier, fcT "a
OA a N.-B.�Ojd pi Itch. as 'Pa,-qerro-
4! , r*4Mdzil pie S. &esp. Particular4 4� Wig 400.
Barley . ................. 1:05 1:10 --secure the 0 d as pliotoj��pb
e- �e &r. Johnsion nrdiall invites the ladiebl
tc; mftma Potatoes ...... 0:00 0.50 Shadow er Dec. -2. t ifl;t 1". 0-,68 0.n N E musice Substance fades. M and Gentleman of Godpricb and sarroundifig
MLM,& MY. j-.3
Rutter ...... 10tice---of Partieizfif�"
...... 0:18' 0
country to k
Fork ............ ..... '00 0 6-'00 Tako-13ackt AT COST &UNDERM lie 4 1 , 5- he'Fleart, Claribel .... 25e.
me b.jk to Brin 25v-
lcz� tL- 0:10 'D:12 C orCive Him a Triali
mershipin the B=Mng itud
of' a, 0
7-5 8:00 Five
Flour i .... ...... - -- -;4 unde
Yl o'clock i the Morning- '25c. to whether be is worthy of patronaL
f k7 of a, Ray 25c. 0*0 , �� A,
........... ...... 10-00 (g)'12:00 'Ua-iia's reBARGAMS UNPREUEDERED TRE, MEDJUSS I CRIFIGE of GMS Woe!
- -00' lmuWhy, Robin?" C
.tt:,3 dawa, in HPje;, Won't yetttiel Godenelh, Dec. 10, 1867. - w46*3ra
R na- 0-75 yet 25c, ZX 1:3133 M X -A T-,,, The whole must be sold i I a six weelks.
Y W2 bava it Call earIT and aecti-re some of the ImnRy 6ounind Z. 20. lso,
Beef per 100 lba 5:09 5:5� Sil,er'Chimes 35c. AR=, FWUA,
10 1 �. I -barrins now
Chickens per pair ...... . 0:25 Q , tTANING, lately pnrchasW, instiftmetit 0:39 -1artnotiffhotr6_01(rSolis 0 INSOLTEXVI-ct by
Turkevs ...... .40c rest
-LL which 4flables hun to make the ]at, rf
40 00- 0-50 Neet Mein the Lane
I-IF01 call la APP143 .... ........... 0-75' 0, 1-00 Paso under the- Rod 25c, photoglapbs, mada, Godench WOW
t en
L% OLA HOUSE Wes Sto God 6h I i3f 03 5,1 IN
0:*05 W"p,,�ted by the River Side 35c. CHEAP. At flCe
7U ]KR__ lrirees6 .. ...... 0:30 0.30 The Giosv's Warning !125c. Notice h�l f- ;trp TL SO Yt
Vhn 0016 a Daek3 �eipalr ........ 0.43, 58 DO tiot-Heed -her-Al(amin, 89C..- eelcek Very Takdri--toether---Chimed the Saii2eas One. CruX1*1 le tho y to 11M
-8iffle Mahone- 30e. 'd ut at
le, -U ,A
seafortu X�trkets '0 not 1 "der 6 act.
rA-0tivi.TSION sr,.". ortiru
by femer 1 Aily of tb b Ve "M postpaid OIL receipt
Searorth, Miroh 24, 1868. Noun.., eel
Gdder;ch. - Also thi --;New, Windt Pidttl1*4_ of pri4a. A, drew, -
SpaeW Telo:zram lo, Enron, 61.9ital.
� -:T.,T. MOORHOUSH, whieli is threff -ilmes: as 'lar -e as tfie,
Fadl Wheat ......... ...... 1:0 Q4 1:65 Sigual 0ja fwiel �. Ew..ART,
# UW� for $Spei urningthanks
-ont. . -TO: L AVE=AX& -HOI)GAI ZXza Spring- W- heat....... 445 - y7a 146 for the peAronav 6 IN_ _te FOR LIK,. OR 9T sy cf FebraM, 1W,
of tb Lat,invi _4- all �jfy IVIA�POW H01USE7 :PAODvcz xmoaANT,
r, 1011f 7-.00 -0 7-50 caff atid see
tv oderick _D#d. *qp'a, �jookj Ul g8ton Stmet, -INSUIVENT ACT OF 18,64.
Ili) undersigned., offers for sale -vwlva- *24, -:0
0:5044 0:50
............. Ith &8 TUE CUNTY 00
'Peas 6n w27. ble House-,iwl -Lot 0
Go 444 JTA
Barley .................... 1;10 1. NO. 705 Q-9derich I
-EAL, comtr.AT
-611. SAWAT. MRS. MoD
?ssessiono4i, be�obiilued: otethi _J�r -it, dATx
POt%t0e3 0:40- 0.1i Of L to .............. Bran Short-, Potatoes' Meon, Buffer.. _n the sirth day Ay:ll vest, 41w funde?
Ilew VOEverfki milk-! uy.%ULT b
**ezq,?tA -N—VILLIA-3t HYSL40P aving,ba�rVmade tit I ed* - ta:Hlizi;�st price psi; -f 0
.................... 0:12 (m, 12 God 16th 3UT* IM, w&1m* 'b" h " johia Galt (hbi:�Tftt* ji0minc, 1 04 f6r djecharge u flia AVI
, — -7
or 0 ril j at dowcr) bearing date i614p
............ . God�ri* Mar& Sffi�� Pit 1�k
h (r bar rg bo, above �Vnr "UnwoodijiAd
av I -matei 4
kiT F4ftre= sy of Doeem r, 180. The Mple, ll�ecW AsX #)ad -other haidivo-o'd, far xcpolq=.�
be4a4dbVTdblieAadtionitG.tLTril�6mgkl*, ............... :,Ia. (4. 0. -W
UATION. Vond .................... 2:00� Atiction, Lwout wbiChAt425 -vrUl ba TWd on deliver the mill pf Bnz varao�r-
onihe -yat _s 15ale of Land;
VJ�X7AC 0PjL864- tim Mortgage
ent 4X
nL?2ULT batring been made in -the paym jhsolvent Amt of IS94-i
A Men 1 �'tlw 4nd&r -Hi
.......... 0.3- teacher desireal jut en
Turkeys 0:5a (a� 0-60- knows Firtach&t:
....... 3rd, day. of Vrj oid,
RT VMBMOX-� bf th6vakgi ikrlho poweri conUk.Wed. ja the said Ud j 3farizage, madeby Twin" -B. y"Every oaii 0;C _jYM Mo
App --k Ow.50 0, AGE URA1 leg, a. �v ed; t Ca9whifolli-of io;snv& on tt&Usrbor,Fl@1,,i.
Berni. hfeUM__: I". ,r "1 .1 - Geese Buron,,anhmolvent. - I- . -berwoup 14'the Town of Goderach tb
43- M27 Showjl�conneotfoaviththez - _. :0lL4eoth_xi2vofWn& 8 It. _sj�jaowerj hotipg Azle. The Zod September; -
4:50 od 5.50 4HrjU"i5$AjjR-QF, 191du of will be *cltl by Ruiffigi 126 j4fAafje4fi 'it I bra 4of the Insolvent apt-Ifol" Aft' W611. Casin 'at G..3L Tv"niall's 2victiouRopuie, ou the. LAMIS A turalsocletyWMI ii;ea -JO be[� &I
5:50 e 5.75: at tbP_`y[lfiigef.j�rlie4eI(L on Wednesday, th4 that4p.14a made an, ossignment -or,his, T� t4a said*rtgapl, lbr fbithei.
id JIM -pork ......... ............... �'Saq� day of A "Xt al �.t FnHE Crdit= of te Twolventael
L p
county of droir, VU day otApril neit when th6 following Premiums wiu- egtatea-ild eflects,lunder �4e . above Act, to me, 11 9.
&3111.1 - - an Ta H y toe of 81 '�Vrit (If la� awardecL viz.-- . ' - j - ;P� 5HADE OWDING.
a, 3rd 6j the, undeig' n,W j � -1 .
Bar the bot-Dfaught Stallko d' unde�the,powerscooWneLd in thp -mod NorICIME41 JL ed that Iffia =derague4, fbei
MontrealMwkets. to wit_:- Fled Faciiiiii -$j2 2#$tQ Wigklei, d they - are i�ifuired solicit" for a - . t . olic'-ji-frto n &Is date, Dilte�lm T. amber One 'Th2fasild Auld F;;q
0, 8 �`fo ritruish. ofej wi a J*�AvW, 186
inued out, offlerMojesty'k-Odunly 0:164'Ofthit'. StilridlfZ4 6mq* puirpiigeg 12 & th r, in 4 1 [bf. r EW in the uid 1owil ofGtaft'ric.
pith their claimsi mpecif'ying security ''ey bit i� is till TueWak 4th Val; r
to me.dfrF ultbaia it & yrs 0 lNul 8, or
cW igaintthe, est p Bu j g �2 9K A�D
Lang, ana, Tewe 'If _P Chapaii Rat: itud02"Old'; ;A a, aBY 2 how, if -any, itia, tho of it 1..,alid it no 0 _)eed go U iiveit" vde!� 1b6 pow�!rs
mefiU -ot. rajary, IM. P -a tuneandl4wo Mor futhe his Gal -Ate aud. offeats aild f5aeY gro ;u-
jo-a Cria", avesetzedatld� audort,10aL �Nh.' ro4qmd tit Xoripp. Mar& 24. the'rtit stalm the rlac'L. , erwh6to attitstid und6i oo4k,
laii-96 in exieution all the, rig-ttit title, and with h _' Optiig, 46f an -until'Thlers"T iaiopraduce before no, -rdtYm 6vo
4 votio ersim si A Waits. -- 2 . '
'daW to 7b -SHAVE GOGDINC�
i9n az--!Pd_ Toderieb, jjl� jh4 their e2l aifm zlpsn
Ejjja Hu vMd aonthafr6j)l this flat
eadaut, in ana to the north, 1 4' under.V ya old 4 a _8i at "me
g.00 latgr�tbftheiiaid a, xanciiah.�w Uns. �
I r, - I- - -qnder Dath, E 2
p JW7. e iaidstat6
in pflut- nnmberJO, in the 61 dA3
3ah, ooncessioliof �'The best Pn mn aloftanyvjh�rbree(b under' 1*0 161BJ-Wr, Ify g tLo
cres ix'461duoijaien -outdju: f lire S. 0L OCK a rlt.of ]ne the 11 h4 if My- nia tfie value
. .............. -Z.66 the.towaship of Morris., dallfaiiiiat�, lWibl !'kl 0_)v theaboxe list o L
bi Tqplldm�,i 914 J"s tin TbAA,
etx� or,coutil .0 wit pvtgg.b4li
postpo.40 7-50 0- TO of lau&mtfr� or fess� Whicli louds' ve a an, �16rauklx b Jt febg
lid teiie-, The owneii of 33um
GIL for the val-of -a W12w( V1 .11 1 1. . , - , 4- j" lualif -wheat. I , to me directK
offer Ibr, sak, at :,my office. iii, the $hall fitriiish the Seeretw
Directors, sufficielatpQgme,of th* sahown." ]A such eWwks4
*8 weate= Jr.50 a !7.70 4 louit Roirw, in the' iowa of (ioderich IOU' _pWl;,th6-,b=ds:And teneni"ta of suppo
c, , AllBulla exhilift4cL must have I -g vr scrow In is tor4or =ned 'b- Ale Stornat thif sult oflames Fer*r md 46046 DAVIi
oflug 44
L theirpose, withazinitirwroa o e, to, pmvefttae
THE 1!-4- 1 4we Lanil t4keu 19 execution all-ths -it trUtj j��, 2 70 01:30 rl , LANdASHIRIK'
V -A
at the ho�r tta 8�64 ig 6th Pp. at*We time
the p GC - nopir. cidenta, Mah. ISV.
"of thellatil *Ate**nt laisuilto
print -it the: iT-,6vitxW*tao,n- r
j o ,
Rag per 100 1W... MA011)ONALI), TIewhborildne . ,hundred =it seventy -mine in the Town
ym b,� ixjA4 of G60rieb 4
iron. -sball be.restrjqte�l AhoSouth .9 amtsishalloffer4or y,
Wh AJOHIN tiav6lting their. ro _ tip 0.-00 tmill, ikurhWuLe�Seasonforsolug
2101M 6 ce in the Court Houge, bf the Zown or
us" T_.� -, . I,., ".. . _C0 fIff =164miyom
INSURANOE W Goderich, on Tilegby, the minth day or Julia next at
Weste= ..... ......... 0:W. 0 *06.0 118114W uni
of tlwcloelr�mora
4DATs.-Iter 32 lba ..... ... . ... 0.48 0 06' Sec, at. any a
INSOLV halt mad -e
PA*T-AbT OF 14&L '1$rucefleld.,by nine, orclok on the Vor*. WdAT. an, assiqu,metit of. i MIS CAPUAL, Ra
cj- 1 04 liiL tile d&*,dthibAdb1t1on. C4 to me,.
!N I;A raon,_7 Olt 48 Ib& .......... 1.04 49 I -W
ortheoxidliftfolt. All intries to'ba WwAv W�Wi Sec- -estateaqd r 'uiider tbe, Ab6i A 1119 L -like RA)atl west V� f.Are& _�fket 48
J�u 3�-LD&hrr 0* XftxiWtro _0;W eVioW, LZ* j nUrybrU.Y4 . ISAw
644 9 Company was Alpecjalw Nt4 in 'Ut" lHtish 441criber wilt: con -act to IV
0 ID:2, del' t -r 14 acres
5 arat notificit tlu� be .25 r 5th34r;* . . ........ T
.4 �2
TH9,Cr*ditm wre or
At ilk volaw4ad et I .; - � kilt�sudrilfe, an
-1durityfler.1tholle, t nee or�)ftheLx ATa lill
Ox a 41ha ll eltelluer) as an office of frej) frola
- 1 �.. MOT
-5D ��nd *er the Will Jbit eir house
utidarthe atitayo ac;lo ilhe;thit underialt*d A South 11tirou,"M 7th, WIA. -tit
bold, 4tfth�W,44"
......... 6;613� 0 6:66 sAd am zeqao�od- to t arnish fir
ni two,
upa #ewb )*a by Steam large fmiiio -barn -.0 7
SAXr;gl;jLwTLoP,, - ripic- be
1 1. 1 1 , poweir, an cat 4 *&son all
with ev �40. I
bMIveAt Ad i fill Azuriiijr I
0 walb, ratilartbill; *W,,thojr chu Xua llizlw
W iuA the ftIU6 to' Per"O" no to give cradit-or orders be 141��tvd vith.- Nr�fieis
*A, Elwmh P i�zn ix WeN W -.ASe8,
pwate - A:P,
'ib- o 1h YM -VA withou Yz**)' defteirlius rijig
-h" RL#RP ininotsuclivia 90.
Prime X -8.W ifily.jiuit
_T IT*- o& -e of
A gon.
A "Mam Wet b.%a been, zu�- _b t, Te 31ir tod A,�-Iaauaa ta4th 'Ardl� xvii W wuus she: 20Y. tolluut
�9AXU�4 POL IC'... A, E, W;V
............... 0,60
......... IDTcWArA
euticitor tolvetit I%" tww "a��-L
i d r.,
a ppc