HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-03-19, Page 8I
I .
_. - i __ — I I I I 11 . I Tvw l " 11"'. (I- - I . rwr— . I ._ - m
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.. ROW!t2ntr -!.-_V= !r_0,_"",,7-__-_____171_1 _. _. I. - . . 1. U I I .1 _1 q r Yor jale- i
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f E_?_ . I b U: i
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,f _U . '
. ,V.IA N UY A CTURER ABD DEALER 1B OT 22. 10th Concossion Kincardine Trw '
1 ' .. Stoves, Ploughs and Catstivas oJ every de 0
' I . . , , S
. ( c 4r Y04, ma;l I afl- U -Ut -0 N - F W
" , '
-w-N... . . I I _____ .. . , F$t 1-y r_; a k1l. RAVIS
Uxr_zP.D:r10x-.7 , - 4 I- PnrS'de(1,br the Esmile olltlzti but'she waz a , * . 1=13sachUL0,11t. - I , , , , .1 I
. f 'I. . I , . 4 .".. .1 I . "I ,
-1 - . X10 e I 1,
I .,, :R40 , ftaugh 4,heeme. . h I I iq Wo " q 4.0ds"Stol,
, 4- , , ! `,N A 9 n L
I 'A wd .1 - wits, hel'a. J&w :, X . i I 1 -.,The 41MA, . ; I . . I _ . : I '. .. . . . . Tin, and beeilrbu Ware.dl ship, colitnining 100 acres wore or Leos:
I . ._ I . t I scil #
- ` . - I - "o, , 301T - jApply to
I , 4*6e_,te, , 3t,o=,,-a, -vo. Ai- , 7t . 0 §quqre,, OcAe-
XL R*o W ,, tL-e ,,nly " Z .1 4%jeteai aiza a I tit Orl c" 'Poort .
I I spe8fit -says ,-.: ',T, be- uvira. of Mana,mrs av,s,. . . - titov , Mnrk,et
4 & -_'s lk,lka tile r.41 =-!gr OT Ny ili, l 'ItT-10 w'.0--ildra le,colife g -d. Alidjrlw, I- - I . W,4-fto'ch 1 . . I I I I . I I No ILLI AV RE, RR. .
- , I I , ' . - 13 :
J .. - - thl , InAlps, Goderieli . , - I.. . .. Al . ; COAL 0 1 L I 7derchum. . , I
PL*C = I.,hi,j'jV-,f, r ek,,'sq rejoic.-,d 0 F_ Pr 1mp;aohment I will tie their ieplhta- ` 7 r4
'I at th ,:08 tion to tl a Vestile , - _Surn_ DeVJq,(V,qa9int V%e -of . . 1. I .
-,06W - ;ttr - * , - . 'A ,r husi, . I 31 Goderieb 12th.Tuly, 1867. W251VI;
fte WA =:,M tLan C, .g . 0 .
I I . , r" I L ,,ect q, _tJ jag rij of Fog ..n t giqy.fo&4 , . I at's retarn to the gume ; 11 0 .
ker f&.11Tk5 eil p ,ng umftftts,, er ILWIM : - )ons T trio. and vicinity tlist su, oris rp. lit !L4 ; 0r=4 WHOUSALE AND RETAIL. - - .. 1.
- ,- ,--f,!I .Tr aaugater, rwa took win -Dart- i Alonddy, and 'fisk. that the -, ' a desires. vo . . -
- Ia, A hwit, r,early S ,"a$$ after the* reeprit, hre,i 81)1. I . -
0 &-- , wort'.1% 1rime j- the entlofthisvoa;r. -, Proceed at: once.',. Shou Id the President' I . - " . . I I 1. . t:e-j-0oal Oil Lamps-,&c.,&p. Oldliou -
, thnilitlipm fortlwir kind patron - _61LIZ iiR4
I * wDthob nskac-sofa=rj ev, ' Jiq, %,,,&. . per.13rasi. Rags Woo I eidkings and bhv i
,1(1, & &IC, timj , peg . . f:
- , gy ana'tlla Squire 6oulsel nSL- for 16n-er delfty, the manag- slare thern tha as wanum, '. .1% " F" I I R
lh,6 &-A tv_s e% g,^- 1, qt4 wre, and to . GQ W I I,Cop-. i V
'd 10k 11 F . ' t no effort will --I I I _._. 4 M.
_ I
, . .., as .
- *, Vp=- Ie Queflesb - - , , . Ora, on thempart of ta House resist it and oa li t pt rt to. Secure ft Continuance -
t'-- e - c7e'r.14 111-e wtku-1 . ..... . . taken in exehan;:-. H802 I 0 IN rl! Z 2), 2 V, .
I - -
- ., . 4 - - .417 .: 1- .. L1 t " .
_- Z l I _
46 . " .. of theii L - rc$
-.0 0'r-1 nl'! , 1 dQ_ mma-_ (I Etweat 6 t118,4V.1n - 1: : I . .1 I . ,- .
4 - - ' M :f IL, " , .. ?. ". t . , hephsrd & Strard-hanz
. _rnock like;iisp begs to inform iT I . I I _Jl it . - If
, ",- , ,
I offl, I!;),, i 1011,1, z ..*. ,
V-1. ta be inffiloa :ea y pter-M, - e ;-Z. - , - al 01le"6f the ma . . . . . . .. zzzzzz . 14, - R I D 0 'I' PROPERTY G
. Will bar prepaied to -argue the 4luestion uhia fa-nrs. v i . -
"ca, azaa thc l gh Men goucmniy prof C 3 . 1 , . , . , ... I -. "
. . I '1 - 11,116411. . 0 - I '
41 11 ZO=- 'R 01 1 TER DA7. 8116ra the $eh e. - de - '11 'O""'UnIal't "'Im T 9- E GROCERS. GODL,-RICH.
. fritry., ='t!, naggers- - - llps- W .. ..'... , " , -1-1 .
. - ._ . . eX re$lSad the opinion to,night that the . islarope that.,,,he-h'-,s bi,on .7— 1d; ..-,. I . .
k 4 bk, All ar, . 'd witli -inter . est tU irialco ld nob- consume more that) two rommissioned hyMossrs. F. McDonald & Co.. 01,111111,11i ,. I ".. . .- - - I -M -
I . ,.to -.1 "I 1d; .
. in,a2lah-3 o1 li;vo it is to -ba r wolmblr - p, rfieg going, . 14 1 . ... .. mN I E - \V011V I 1, CIP . .S ALME
\ r. - . . I -HAVE bi,,-n re -an ointed sol
, , ni3 P-rosputilva ym& , iglors will rqa I V, F 0 p e agonts at
C _W#,: _-'=k1 tlhAl- . , New Yo tach . . . -C -1 M -A _ .
, . spnse of their tickr-tsi,draf ts, THE ItESIDENCE OF THE LATE J OHN Goderich for the sale of the celebrated
'% 1 U6 r:= lezzmed &&* num-Ler ot- L'I following account, of Irish fishing .—In fgeeks. Tho President has a plan of his c Steamers. 2 0 N I _ - Eseter Fuctory Cheese. -t the ptletory
F lrappdag a - pnd a foruitilable pike wai own f6r t ransactlng the business of tliq ft Liverpool. . .
I Adoz-"73. . I . & .. fnr ri'lill Transafluntic Line of I I R ' .R U2N . F 1 . GALT, Esq. Local dealers supplied. n .
I 1, ."m Nkew York to Londonderry, I . , HIS property is beautifally'situated'. oppo- Prices. i
" .t r
h - , - . 'Amon-tho aiol t =Aent V2d yerhQr-3 thb lzmded 'ileasurinz nearly.,- et-ght. f6kt in -WarDep-Int-meut lbhr6a,;h GenTho - .. _ -
11 =tmouth, ,4-11 , I 0 ula", hnd Glasgow. Their linpa of SteaRishiils are MANiU'ACTURER:.OF '
--Iezi i _,-,-, =_s win D, , G IL]6% S
- . " lenglb; some others werelikewlsietaken and Representative Br;ui;ell has. pree ,ired so f4vorribly.known to the public for Safety. WV 111111fiEk M T site'ibe Town of (fodencii, on the HAS. , .
- , R - NITEP IT ARD,8r STJ A()
I lmgez hew:t t1lan hiq purse, aucl very 1i 2 , - I .
T -t - Posseqstork or— by tile police.' . I " , , a Bill which-- he will they requir6 North Bank of the Goiericl:. May 2y. 1867. ;718JI
, -7 I I .
,ao:,u_,,r?h_t o?4%-,o Of e0n-_CJUQRCC3. present in a few speed. and cheapness that 10
-to" -4 - A coaplc of childr2n were boasting o ing that ,tit '
't .,, e f days,'providi .111. COMMUDieftlionS cornmE - - I &r U N
I I , -
Y , un3t, 3ty old Jaka nover answ ) I . G Lkk T . FLO, RE.. M a
, , I , U I I lur;"a, Qttasa.rn 'Rnmin .
t t2lanarti 1it-gof his ai ghtar for ill 4 -their respective, relatives, wheiri one of of an ffivial character between the Pre- - Uarket bqnare. Corner of Hamilton St 6 .. ebajid:Roileks - RIVER MAITLAND', F a r m for Snin, -
'W - . 4 Goderich, 22 Nov. 186-7. 1 W44 0 I;lw-
,v,—,u:d have put or an bread aZA t1lem, a little 4v r), of five - ident aud-t I
-I-- 14,10- III . Clan,, beiu- hnrd si 4en Grant shall Pass through I A Q 9 I and 6n the Banks of Lake lauron. It core -
riator beZ=a Ito woul& have consertc I ,I I 9 a -_ - I I a ' ' - tains 81- 7-10 acres of Irand more or less; CHE,hP FOA ia&SH.
A- pressed, reflected a moment . and then, the War Department. - fav Outhouses, Stables. I I —
t-u &a slig,14t(Est izitimz ilitlt,W - I ON i n Machi n es, with li4elling House.
_ /_._ ILL ptIgHT - * Ig 11 12 , Th ras h 'Se *erators., ,
' I 11, lriulupkzlntl exclaimed, -1 w6jr-anvIlows .. I P &C."with lal Vinery and Orchard fPHE South half of lot 9, in 110 Stla con
a , ,,__-.r.JVQL , , .. . . SUZ#Ing, ] T(D,W,y AIN I . rve Garden,
- - - - fiiv aftat Susan ea 'take all hekteelh o 't in __ . ork. . ... — - . . . The Wood Land consists priticil-all 0" Oak -L E. D.. of Ashfield, containing !-to r .
. . _ , . -1
. ,T iuVob:,_ -0 V,asnetin favorof MakTi_ n U I r -e " ,2vza
. _, ,. . . I 11orse lPovv 's, 1J3rnc)r 54aws, .
.. ' '' . I and the flowering Linder, Cherry, h7apie. &c. - more or less, with about 60 acres ofelearing
. . Wore 0 TEP, -No ' York ir ' . Tbere and farm building. This lot Is otblect to C,
I - . - ) " I "11'.020 who L -new his eircumae.ances ar;(1 put rem back ao-'io , and that!s.mor'n w Zimes says:—"Every cilDsr , f The Grounds ar(- in very good'order. ..
I . I" I not sur prmed at this, for to use a phrap., tiny of your relations cati do I" day reveals inure clearly thee'xtraordinary ]LA I AJR . IRO . UY PLOU G]MS 9 are three never fitilinT sprinas of pore vvatpr mortgage oiV400. at 10 por celat, i6tem'
. ) U-0.10 exp- e2idV6 than clez--Dant,, 3&,4- B!nl 'A bov, five years of aga, havinr, stolen awoftnt 9% . . N AND WOOD 1. I - q
, -. ar, r terap nou;I for tW6 of guffering that ex'ists among the . I on the Property The situation for a private - payable balf-pnrly, 4and ba2 se-.bitl v ara to ---
- as z Tart- Hth or a - g . i . MODEM' I *Cast or Steel Boards, Drill Ploughs. Gang Ploughs, residence canno 0 monga.p-
. "- , tazz a can of tnilk, his moth'er to6k him to. poor of tlli% citj at the present timer- I . GALLERY IN With - 0 t be surpassed in the Prov run. Terms ,9600 cash, subject t 'e
. Zor -1. - al q -is . I . . . - L * . - on the lot.
. task vith mor, ,a. ion, and wouncl-up'lier Wherover it- place is o ince. .
, a Old JN -1-b hzdhad to 'Walh Sp3rush' f& I pened-to raruish re- I - I
V . 0 . discourse by exclaiming, 14 Whit in tho lief to. th . . 0ultivatars, La 81 For terms apply to D. SHADE GOODING. -
1 , t . quencei. e-deatitute, it is instantly crowd- nd Itollers, Straw'Outter .
-1 4-10 meat Juart, or suffer the TH"OHOVINCE, . ' ettles, Sqh Kd'ttlps, Wagon'sud Pipe'Roves, , I
I S_ c"nse ' A arkultural Furnaces, Potash KqttleFi. Stisrar IC 1:. THOS, GALT, Esq., . Barrister.
I whichusual;y d6seended on hisheantl intl& wti-ld- was you going to do with the milk ed with ' Vand bun-ry wietches, ea. WIT11 A 0 . i
i. !_ ' -a off =v domestic utensil which 113,11 ? I . . I I Barrister, Toronto Goderich, 30th July, 1867. %728if -
*'I was going to steal a little g r for gaun oup and crust of -New & Ms 'Micent Sky -Light I SHADE GOODTNNG, f - -
, , , r_iap 11 dny how ?" I ,e the bowl 'of 's' C001KING9 PARLOUR AND 'BOX STOVITS4 . -_ .
. 1 x per, -1 #0 be lyinghandy. ; drink it," uas. the reply. 9 - D.
- .. 1 I , ed 419,710 . bread. whielt, come$ from the haaJ of' . ofthe most im't)rovpd kindb- - Brass Chstln!ZA made. and Blacl,smiths' Work and Repairing BarriEterf GodeFA- ,
_ .I% maiden sister of Mr. %ike resid - 'I'L 14 D SPLENDIDLY FURNIST G . done on'shnrt notice. Call %rid see LW STEEL MOULD -BOAR PLOUGHS, as Von call Sw9r4tf
V , . . I l3isho .8trachan, WhG died lately in charity. ,rho statistics of th,i regular in IE D . P Goderich. 6tb JuIv. 1866, Farm for Sale., . I
,pr -1 to . - . I
- w ws, mciV_ buzinesssew,=
I . tl,w familyl I a ., elained in'his speech to the last stitations of charity show an amount.of . 4
)k' roron get one very chean f6r C,L,;h. ; I -.9
aa a sort of echo to h6r brathett ]a 4DO 40 M S - . . I . ' _' ' '
t,), ba to r I I I W39 .1 of lot 25 Bayfield Ro6d. Toun.-
. . and ,tis wife. . Whatever they thou0war --t Goderich, Nov. -12 b, 1867'j '* I - -V 3EX1P1E11JiSPft6 !,,THE west J ' ' .
I I _aho I many traevs of the Aberdeenshire* dialee , disiress unpa6lieled since the hard wiles . . . 93 abi F) of, StanleV4 77 acres. about 50 thar- ,
s . .
-N-4 - - t-ht-mght teo. ' though he tried hard arqd lo d*'- to rid him- of 1$55. The' soup hpuses- —in Boston . I . . - J I ;
. . . M 1: I" - . I —_ , 4 - - . . . _= cd. The land is of first-rate quality, ando-
1. She regarraccl ". as a prim'.try SM fo - self'of it. It was artia.-ing to bear him also -are kt-_,pt,verv.aetiV_e.11 . . I I .
. Ck t '. - "quod s ,,,.nrg erpelc ranning tbrcagb thei.lot. _ , -
T&ate ,to az_=-r.z with the young 134 -advisa yoq-p,, Scotchmen to get quit, as " . I— I - y I . . . 11 . . . . tirns p t -
I L * L * J OR I've Su" N . of the monWdowa. Titne
, . ... . I I I . V glvw
I I and this dtrz:tr'me wai; perseveria.my dril fast as possible, of their, 11 braid Scutob, R. to inform bisoid patrons. abd the public . . . . 0 1 . for The rpmainder at 8 por cent per nijoum
11 led into her nei,:,-, who though She nevei 0:: - The Japinese are having another neraW. that- he has.,!ntomueh expease, . . L . Furtber particularrj may be bad on ap4PEC4
- I diszentocl, had her own ideas on the su ' i flor folk coudna, gete on in Catiada, ' 1'86 revolution it ia, said. We have not heard inp,his roonis, in STEWART& New Brick t . I A "
, - I . L
, ' I .
. L bt i uiev s ak' gaid D4 n"JiSh"' L all , that the last iyas over. Blovk. eorner,or Hamiliou street and Squgre, .
. I . a / -
je,-t- ' I .: . . Goderich. in 'such it style as to rende- them the I . I . I - . - rt or to JOHN JOHXSTOX.
V client, while bathing at s-3, Saw hi " i ,. 1. Lot 9, B.ivQeJd,Road ghc4nlcy.,
One da.y Mr. Blake and his -.vife went t O t, ,1S . - finest in the entiRtry, and the 4pst adRoted f,wr the L i I ?I . I I - -
( t. D.3, . 41
-litam ia attend a, fair. and Miss Peggy lawyer rke up, after a long,'dive, at his' I 3dARUki. accomplishment of fip.-4-class worTr in hie deii(!Rte . . . odeeich. Se.nt 9th. 1867. v8s.
. I .
I b,, -;i,, abs.!nt at a friend's, Kate Was ieft,l .i,je. 1111o, there, Mr.. - - . have you There Js no use, facts are L stubborn andbeAutifulart4 Those d-sirousof havin& Pic- .%:"
, .1 A .
all1n. ttures of * 777 6 L -
. Will D=tniouthinstimei-,my learriz.. I t,k,n out a %yarrint against Bird T' 11 HL things. .- They cannot be denidd. Without .. . -.11 I h__1k _n .
t eA tie condition of aflUrs, and early i* I v in quod," ret. lied the a6ent, and divej exa,aggerat4oh such wonderful. cures are not le M I T, ID Tz ii 'N .. . : . I K la - t
r, i c , r, . _ - — . , ,
b the q1:,K_ am; je on tu annals of history as have evidently inken wilf pleave brin- in the morning. ,_ -_ SALE 4.
g came over to keep Kat t again, showing his licels us a parting vie%v e I - , __ . FUR
. 0 L 0 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . --, -.= — -_ 41 1 rQk ,4; e% -
_-__ rq C. mnanv. been made by the great Shoshones Re- Photographs .'talcen in every Style z 11 - . 3#F. __ _"__a _ .. . . " -
. . . expected. hom. ,o his client; nor did the )atter bear in -rt Old Arrilrrotrpes and'Da 1 __ __ __ ... - ......... .. . . . - . 1. MENT,.
, _. - .
As her-arents vrere not * medy. See the stern, undeniable and L-n,,wn totbeart,iL4 . I __ . UR TO m,
n -ng, Will ielt perfet . . . . . . . T*
SIq nn*il C ve -tiv secure iii of his intervLw with the shark untill he incontestable fwts of cures, -wtua,Uy of. uerroivpes copied -as 'Photographs., A large , 1, . fRESH OYSTERS THE WELL lCN0V7*V 11
,. M stapping a while after te3, and he andXal;4 ant his account containi-g the entry- Consumption, in he persons of Peter V. '.ztnek of'Gilt apd Rmqe-Wood Frnn%e,% alwiys on L .
- . .
I I on,-- -7ere having a joUly time popping corn i ' -To consaltation at sea, an . ent the incar- U. Alilier, Esq., of Ernestown, Out. ; Mr. hand. Also A1,PUNq,ve - I . . . V-110,bE8ALEAWD RETAIL, * ' Hot '
.. L F,.'L.J',i returnin-a th'i"Z ,,, th, 'b"'I BY TH13 KEGr CAN ZR COUNT lffadtlandvffle 01.
n I n '-I -j - ,,I,
bt. t -he o7d tr;ttig tnn, over the huge wo , caration or Bird. six and eigPtpence." Wilson Storms, of Brighton, Onf., &a.
. M patrorfrep ofilie pgst,. reels satisfi-d that,rerent A
. Rre, wilen there 7as -- so -and of voices ai I With score's of cases oi Dyspepsia' Livei I LOBSTERS, SARDMES9 I QITUATED on The corner of tLe N.0,746c;-L, , , .
I - ouian was encr 41 ents will enable him to merit u continu- _._, ' -
ez the cl,inr. 10,104nd C_rmcious ! cried Kat4' An Idsbw .1aged by a4ady 0 Go BECKET i & CONN,J I 0-Gravell Road to Luclinow. ore =ft ifi-,mv
I Complaint, Kid,ney Disease, &a, 'and the 'a"nee! ',.ffi.e,ease, ut the same. I : . , . AND CLAMS.' . .
ts V,ititdarm ; ,_-, Aunt Peggy. Ohi asc--0k, profess-tig herself competeutto - ..i . . 13 I I Codericb, and iwilhin ogie hundm- 110 $!= Y-
___ _ L . caaeof Dyspeysia,,Liver Complint, Kidney q , E.L.MHNSON. .
- . -i . . I . , ratioa, This pri is kau-'aully v!jc D
-,-- -t W ;14 what shad- we do ? She will si:bldm undextake the d UU. Do a day or two Disease, &c., and the ewe of Mrs. Fee4of Goderieb, March L 181317, , w6tt I FRESHLEMONS1 ORANGESIDATES. y.rd of The ' *, oderich 13ALT %T ar'll 6 Mow in
. I IL . S a Salt Well, ct=ng one orze vr ac
,? y L t -i de..tla; be -ides, fetherwffii be fllrioui aiter a hare wa., sent to the kitchen to bc Ahlroy, would seem a paradox, wiere she ' HAM ITI, T 0 N 9 0 N T AIR I 09' Combnuts Fi - Crai3es 'rugl 1012e
- I . . .. . . I .
. Get uizderthe lounge, quick! Oh, Will,dclr I drcssed f,,r diuner. How to prepare it not'a living witness. , I I . - - hof; &CII&C21 at -, - eightf, bf land, with a large two-51ory ftuk
&. W. m. SA.V %QE9 .. , . ,A, fl I by forq-vrz, and v Lnsl:e,H901
fdr rnv _--ake !' Was a pitzkler to B.-idget, so sne went to . . - - - ... . MAN UFACTURERS OF :a- :S I I\T <3r --r-3: .4- ma -Z S 4,01 k" 111X ,
- — v the". -
, , ill 'd not ,vAthstamd the pleadini I - - - - : .. .. - vy'; a%d sells New York Drarts-Green- -Westside o Market #'Q'aaam allarlifil to willogood ,_R0b1inzn&4 C-aEcr
I ,/ V I cou. I her wistrtss to biquire. 'Snocking at ' -
1M.4 I n , baeks-Nationalcurrency-. Statenotes, I . f OuE-buildings, 'Ifiei L-is'-,acever-f-lilit,gTp-,It gc,.,
'_ inK-ate's--oves, and heAeposited hi I he p- Hour door, she was told to 11 come , - an tit Goderich. Rov.30,1865. qW99 the rezr or flie propeav Atifficieut LQ Eu Y_ '4117
- . I ttewafer requimd for toriug aSalt 17eh.3 ,
- -d in." '-She ente ed, -dangling ihe bare by :- - . exch-trisre. - . . I . - . .
I self in the"deaignated place. Kate pit K 0 '. CA and currei monpy at current.rate of -
out the nght, and darting into an ad M L . . . Also fcr We. Lot.Wo. 7.1.91 ,
C, / jauent room in a mo.aent, T% as apparentl Elie fi;nd let -s, and, with nEerroptivie Etei - I 9tb Oec.. 1866.. w47-lyrS 1 ,
-1 I I 11 :n. __a6X) .dAl ma at I I . -_'TEAM 'ENGINES" & BOILERS 01 DaRff & OR913 in the Town of finderich. situaud on me Vest-'
zZleep. . -0 it, murm -
I,/ . I Ejaculated, " Yerra, will I siu to 7 1-3 EIURNS HIS MOST$] Nom ETHANKS I . . . . . side of Victoria st -.eel, a corner lot padjuicing; tfac I
, Peggfs voi:? -%w heard in the halL 1 or pluck it T' i 11,11orth-, very datteringeste rage erlhehat. 1.
r, f: - -Plaining Factory, with a Brick HSuse nw<i
'/ -tiEl . ,,, 4 V Z4
I .
I _ UAC FIREDERICK ii , - ;','4'e f..i ' --ameStable th IrEon.
. eceivedNine- be commenced in Gode- W2 M I'# .
. . - KN 5
i . . . JJj0$J3, , L _ . ' ..'ej
L Be careful, on IQ I .
I 'a' M er there is a 10031 A 6-ul.a7s OPI,410,N dF t G 'MET .i., . I -
I b. I 11 ,
-ha I 0 . Or ALL SIZM ALSO, i , __, I also Lot 2741), 101
board there. tich, notbekng able to exectite over one 59 ; And 7. .
It 'Pegggy, dear, wliereard you'!' responde Darim, a cruise of one of our men-of-war heoidersbroug-hi. to him taRisea.-6n. liawng * , , I . . - 1 _, . . . . I - . .
.- I , J1CJ'_, , ,
, - A31;;rmz r - ,F in the Town of God&rich, --ituaied -on the 1Tm-M
-; I .. . - , L - --=-'-'- - I . e . .W - r.q.," Aftf M i side of Enst A-treel, n ar the miload S1.0tion,
d 'the Q a .low secured taeflitietrar ' - , -_ -_ .- " 1pilzmpl - _ Lnit,. , WIN W
J, the squeaking voice of Esquire P I ,ailors ,% W-a,comet, avid wege some - . % I ., - - S . L . 4 11 e
i . It . n L- . 1W G 15-14ET ,
what surp.-ed.and alarmed at its.app,:tai . I . . - )Q1 . 1. . I - with 1-pood krrnme Hi5ase andlarge Siom,eitorc.
- I .
. ,- I
. 4 - I --_ - . . . . .
- 141 ,v; idower of a vezr. I can't tell whic: I ;3 t le -a m 19 i I I s , and Grist Mills i I - A clear title ean h.- given foe the'wh0e.
, 1 . on'
Ill you have gone. I anee. _rtie hands met and-app,)inted a Aripq on unness Exten-sivell -, - - a ,
= ,.Rk'l '
There,Daniiel. be easy 1 Good Reavens !l committee to V.,ait, on the commander to and employing nonq but first-ciass tradesmen I , \ , XaZo V'51 'WOOD -TR N E 1.1 a I -asolt. on
11 - , I ," 0 - . qU=_4=011C1_40ziW1XM33lj_7__1X JJV14M110WA_L S Theaboveproperly1xvill b
I ft. 1. . . MINING, EJJJS IL J XG . rnsnz)Ocle
- D:-. el Pike ! Well, I never !'anda. ' 'Pur I wsk his opinion ofit. They approach d ..Vnd wtb. & 4elieves his experiencess Cutteris *, . . r AND' - PUAIFINi; MACd1*,NrE1tY, s rF. A. -a - Pump , I terp'tosustpun-hasers. Fbrparticulprappyply-
- - I 'e the uncorking of a - . : -ENIGINSELtS* AND BOILElt IUAKL, P.SJ TUOJ,S I to B .b. n, sYLE, Harn?31er,-&e., Gu, evn:N4 Or'
- b-arst upcm the air, n him and said: 11 We want to ask your ,e,,nd,l tioneiii the Province. havingcarriedon . . . . . -d I
businessaxtensively aiMsuccessfullyt n ilamilton, SCCEI AS . A- AXr4.P I
champagpe, battle. ' I , .S G-11 TH.UEMAiq,G,ode,j,' ' ortber,ulnzei el..
/ , _ I "Well, ru meu, i-)rjncjpally,*trst-cL-isr..-u i,iluers,and having been BID UN D2711T . ." - y , -G.8 , NON. . .
. -Oh mv !'cried Aunt Peggy 'whatwouht, opinion, your honor "- - I I WAYCHMAIKER & JEWPT, R, - . I . 54APq
- . . . .1 , Serpwinz, and Slottine 31ac ines, Plate-*Bendina, and . - - . - ?Qe6, - ii
4 rutterin one of the Pri.icrpal E.5tablishmen e i.n I J,atbes,. Pianeing, Drilling TAuAvridville"T, orcolbo
. br6therjacobsay? Itlee""41 haven,b what is it about T's --"We Want to inqatre - "t I a
, . I '_ I I I J Ediuhnrgh, ipotfand. Ne eearleiblyitaies to a WEST ST,., dODEELICEF, . L Punching MalAiines, &c. I - F bm'ary Is -h, lfm lvv,j U -
"I 11 . I I ' .
I I., . - been ki]_ss-_d'bv a ---n since--*% ab.iut that thin- up there."I Ic Now, be- dise,erning public t ba I --Np-yt door W -P-0 of It r .'Ntotts' , Aadk . -HarniltorLonteno. Jan 6th.1868 . . %V50 lyr Ham _tnon 0044., Goderich, [APII'M LAfJOS foR 'S -
!I . .
. -Let JakeTnind hisowrabusiness'. fore I answer you, first let me know what ' w ' I . .. ly . , I I I I ' I
I , /, I f)LOTHING CA'I%T '-B]R- tTAI)F, . _ ". . . I i , -A 'n. K J _A ;i
, O . . .n ..W. ' - I , .
I I I, 2
- om-selves - ----"- '.. m
I iov , -d-4,repwtsimi,r tothefirA,ollly I I * Goderich, Ootober 3rd, 1863. aW17 . . , _14 EM 1. E,edptoa Chairs, Tables, :
. I . , sprunO a teak." . I I .. .. 'LT.L.TURI)i OF . .. S, L &C. t Lot 22 Ist c7on. Townsbm.ef -F
Of it. - I , I - . , - 1-1yL I 0 - 111i ll f . GC2, L lob ale .
, ed the Squire. 'Youmd 11 can tak6,care You think it i_-."-11V7e1l, your houor, we a hi- stablisbeien e4tiaeotite -vsj Establish- And, e dont-East offlie Post oft e . EEP constantly on hand for sale al! arti-'
. I .1 - . - . rV ,O % 'I
v,itbout his help; 'and thexe P31- - meatia76iontoorMotitreal. ., . L - I
_, -1ked it over, and we think it a star - . .. __ cles in theLr line. such as
haveta .1. ,!
, 1 , . ,
I 'Dab \ - young lady at. a fashl'on- I . . I C . L . bu O.N .4 -I.- SJLJo
. __ , , IAL U I
e triie., DauieL. and let me g A In i able dinin D J WE L My . . . . . . -7c-v
. I . I . I I . r LC -1 ,
L z ' ' . . . . . , , - All hinds of wood-turning4one, such -is -9 22 2nd 64 .1 - 6C ,
I I Egght. set Aght, doun. th%' afore th party " -ALLAN P. 19 ALUFAIL' L RZPAIRED 0'a' SHORT NOTICE. '. . I . . no 4-1
- . pest, red Dr. Johnson with a coAuu- =--- 7 . . - . - . - , *
z.: . .. NDol post-, stair batwisters'neckyokes, &, ,& '4 Lake road -17eat ' Colborne 160 44
il .- . I and nmke yourself -at home.' - - t dram-a thin- which the bluif old phile- ' I - . - - - ' le & W" f10#001A . on hand, &C'Oninlete W .1
I - Z, 0 Inthebest-St-V arrente d.f - ' 4 ' Always - 46. 4 Lake onore
- - . . . . . I . I 1.
- . - mber utterly detested. " M"by is ta " 03 , _ _ - . . I
I A H. -Yu was suan pr=Fed, Peggy divest- I , Z F, A.L90 A, GOOD ASSOPMWNT Or ' - -. . .4 1 . . . I 1 110313
... Z 7 . L L -3 oflot8 lithe - Y109" a -
, r,-, hers -s -If of her virmp-pings. aad blushing 's ; " .&F ... I . M r- I I ASSORTNE"j7 ffS East .1
- - _ - 11 0 , . . I . T op ': (;Orrjj . DR. AshEeld
. - I like a g d lovvA 'oWeAt-6 , le r J like the end of .Spring, doctor7" ft , I Gold andpiatea,jeweir Wdohea ormor utfittin 111 1.v _ Lot 27 5th,con. gicn,ley 2T ,. I
. '! in her &ens, sat c -[T fl 0 & 0 Unart=lit . , and , HEARSE to hiie on reasonable term , , ,
-1 , , _ .
I !, a ,,was e question, and .of course the dea- 0 , . _q L. L _1001X8-.&,,&VZ6 - , _._ I : 5 L 9 . . . I , For prices pnd terms. apply to. L I I . -
ltI T, L = a .- I I __ I 7- I .. .
. 4 tLe sqnire- .J, . r. . d W j rdntpL -t6 .. - . Goderich. May 3rd..1866 - IBWGM*
,I -JiVS, c6 f Gn't tell. 11 B -caase ies the be- , Constantljr on han . . . I . GEORG11n. PAr.S-0X8.,_ I - -
i . me evening, ' said F,eggy by my to? 10 I - = , L r . , -, I ki d * 1i ai ' - -
., opmYT16 vinnincr of June;" was the. solutioue-_ ___ - , i * I - I - rn . reDreseatdd, if not money, refundtil. Subscriber begs to inform his many -customers and the pub ic genarally that he keeps - I _. - .L-- - -
i Of __ gthec=vt iatiou- ? < _*_ - q 7 . rf, eetion of L I . . Gz,60T!ab P, - 0 - ---
. L . :_ . , -if-ty,:A.A hestsel I .
! - ,- I p = I- . coustant rest vat . November 19 1867.
- . - %rery ' rapHed the Squirei drawing h s "I -N'ow,. ss. will' you tell me why the 4- , - I - - - . 11,00 ban(] the lar . w4af
4 .. 1, - . . _____'.__1 Z_ .- . .- ,_ L . - Eng"Sh, ScOtCh Froneh, SW -ISS -L& GIB S " -
a= over her badL -letter K is' ke a pig's tail?" st cruly ask- Faxi . .- 4 .
, .. The stock will Ine sold elreap to make w,Jv 3 rmamTweed , TOWW P "' OP ERT Y I
I -
L I , ; . *& ffmcious, Daniel ! don't I . T. . - to nAS JU'L VE F "`p 11r - b A LARGE I - . -1 . -919E COUNVES. ALSO A LARGE-VARTRTY OF Tt I 0 -DRTAIDIMBIEV
L 'Gh,,roc 8' 't' d the do t go young lady bad L . for fresh %roods. , If yoWwant a eeall,y gafid. .. - - . . THD LDEI SY
__ - . ][-that is, donrt con- I I
I - . qdts so m a G`* i clo,kZoLtnL,FredeAek`s- - c . . I - I :1
it -4 MT rz 0 -%rzT- ''
. . ,Ili d"'t _ I .. -Man $y -
f :g,jer It &=atly proper. Newy I what's. .. " -
I - .. gh me, IiiCe it uo 11 ecause ies the end of pork, ASSORTMENT OF CLOT118 Goderich, Oct. 22. 1967. -, . W39, ' . L . cd' '' " ufactured', Gbod FOR SALE -
I I uiss or was botherea wiih n' C ian .
I . I . . I
I that. 1" . I I - . I 0 ronsistiag in part of West of England 8"read _
to 1! cioths, Heaver% Whitnevsj Bearskins, -Farcy i -
r,uffi EAmecl attentively. 0ore coijuliarof ., . , ENCLiSK FRENCH & CERMAM BrIOADCLOTHSv WER1 CT4EA?.' . -
: , __ , I gnalish 8cot(!1i,aad-Fr=iifiTvfteds,C& ' ` . 1, P,
. . ; 1 -
I Ji evi ian.,wbo, shmeres, ,I J "., - . 1. .. . 'SKI'N'Sli 1. . . T 0TVo2(10,onQ' 'qllp i 1. .1 t j15, L ,
. 'd the !; Im Bot s. ill mu6t Doe,33rins, and a. varie%v of Canadian Ultiths; WHOMARTIA Iluel- L (`A!SSIME1 HF,S & 1)() F, I .
,It was the viindi-x.7, I gaW,' sm- 't ft N ra. L ,_-
I . , - .- a 0 . . . . I . .. . I __ , * , I ;-, ;. ! I
L ,Eqaixe. qDoalty,ju go to getting nervous, 6 allve voZR16 rrl man nith so good a Plain, gntin, and Flowered Vestings, t5lnrti. . .111: - .. . .' _, ... I ui-beest-,G ,rith. .". - , .__
I __ I _ . I ". _ - . f "D PILOT - OVERCOATINGS I J.J tf ,M9 104. Har.iour Fiats, O' I . ,7 _ -
_ I !7 )
1 L Pe- I Gloves, Gaps. &c.. &a. I .1 . ,ENGLISH A N D - FRENCH ; BEAVER A N . . . , L .. r
i - _, , ' pold a ikelv t d . otkvs Patetit -Reservor WeR, -, ' .. I - - " , L , _ , , " -1 " , I and 2, o * the hank ol Lake fruron ,. I
,,Pon th# ground, not I o rop, He t efi confident qf gt ig- satisfaction tq ali I . 1 .7 - I I -, ' 4
7 , -, . ,
t\.' II t humu .it r, as Xatie waldng up, and . . I 11 I . -
I I . . ff in ar hurry. ,, 'He stop pd Obe day into'*h0mAyf1Lvorhiin witktbeir orders. OVERCOATINGS OF ALL OTHER DESC 1PTL_-'NS. overloo'kina the harbour,'an ellgil4e situ ftion for 1
if she , , ][sLo-dd,up,ver hear the last L . . - - . rplIFI-Subseribers -having purcha ed ffie rwht to, -- . L 1 . . a eummer Hotel. . . ,
. - , I - thil coular or-the'ahrii* Ivel will' be 9prk,flart", - .
- Oie smal II shn of a bootm cer, and asked -.; - . I I Hav ing secured th services of' I I I L .
. I
__ - ^ it, . L. . ! , - - - . . .
Of I , I - D SUITb<all wool) $1Z and upwards, toTilacetTleiiewkyle4ifpnmp.tivo er.inarAvAtays , . . . I 21 & W N
. .
- . . - 9. -.W-R:U A -.-%.y . I -pnGs -To n4r, Op. &2,1,.r.q OLD CU8T4)z,t-
. ,
I . -B[ayk F T'hera is -- msise-1--? , I rrispin if he.evuld make a ir ,of boots. TWEE It hap beemprnnnuuced,affer a;borafigtt test ill Gn6r, ' .- 16&VL WL' K'."J&Z_MM "%JT, %. ; W .,- ____ - - * ForAerms, &c.. I I
I . - - - I 1, Ir m 'ieb,lobe the great t-tit:vention tit the wa"fWPUSY0 - - ., . !P . I I A pl)1v to I I
c -Cutting doue to C 44. &W - I .0 -it ho
I - cr,:-, - c &+ffi ! it,j bells'! 16a Jake and cakingathislon - I ext t tiesra Eer N. 3. . . - haustiblesnpl, . he is prppared, o Xecute all, prdprs with orrimptitude, aul in a style unsurpasse I . .
Mons gpeda -nd . . 15 aigeovered. The well sunk andan biem 0. I 1.11, I d by any. J 1.11ANC15 14ALDAN Rra.thr . is still ablo to E013 for eashq.-
. .! Er do - : .. oqt,ntirgiven withinan It(%ur of etartin VINICE, Cities not 'e vcepftd. Tk . bitti,atid satis J you'
aniiaTaz& ! Mat shaR I ,d&? hr-n -ghmetng at a hugi . cnTbide 4h at 11 tin od ri b t 2 t - 186 . , rlr
- - =,--Z:l cc Z, . . k 6 a c , Sol), 5 . h .1 I I itchou, -. X_ - le -31ANUFACTURELt = this -PRO . . . ,. r__ Solieitor, c. Kav's Slack. Gederich z tthplo%-Nst ratpa, - :7 1
1 t * I I., . . I A will C ' .., '. , L .. I .1 - .
Nv,"Q rado 'taint . . . . . . 6 A perfe6f fit ru-iranteed -in eve Stance. . -Gederieb, June 10867. V,719
,no i 014 Squm, ; light for bn tb vall he 61d .11 Well , , , . ;J1t hi? pal do,wn ul ki I .
. ,
. - ,yes,, .guess , . , oroar- I romn .at rmn.ving or Juju - -1 Be ves. .. . . . ..
. .
31 _ - voth "' 'L 98T . i. ALL,MW OF FURNITURV
. - *
IC3-tabal 1 n-ofieto'tother?W4'-ShaR 0 P3- Cheaper Und betterthan the 01 1 -; id Liridzfi STOOK andi. & ,
. . - 330F. bat time will '70aba them L Copilanitly on. hand the , STYLES in . . At his Shop on Itinargon' 13 r(jet., - oppasla,C.:
I . L is 1 . , - - . - ' .- - . - I ,
kone?' ' T o_(laiy rklon4ay." ell,' . - I I tores of i%1r. G mr r y Description U - 'L .. L I .
, , ,
. - aol, " ,c vi " 00 , T__H0.USEt - eirsmaVhaleftat ih es* , dh_mry , e Man't Oul I I . *
Ida?' ti, . J LONIAL , , -
- ' - po , krittings of F.VJ0 . 1 the Elnrion Eotcl., Golferieh- Give'bhn &
. M - . .- I _ . I . - 1. ! ge-Centte I
. I
- I 'TeR ,cr, io . I am. Ma. Zuncwt . I . . IL . . . . . 1. T
; ! = I .H . ' MRS". WINN C1.0WIS o",
2q V-11erato g`3r ' `eg`y ; 'say tllp- t!ll dep3nd ou cire'amst3neles; I gde '' I -
WN -4, Ill! go aaywh=a, &Nie; r, r7 . URANT, TLT4JVF&DUTbAN- A Y tah, ut-16 ,;
. r I I AEAIGANVNE e, highest ritte- , .. . I
. I jt7a up flka ch =,ney.' . - tan have, ?em for vcu by -Saturday." ' RID GLOVES is RID I I .- GLOYES I . Vir0ift',016T '_ , ' I . -1 .. . - i OoderWh Oct. 2. i8s, o. Me7JIV,"-
, . I - - , 7 1 1 1. 0
I . , * Gaderl6h Aug. rr,' - . I I . %1d. BOOTH-ING SYRUP,, - 11 .
cur-ra-er Ezq lounga, qaiA ! ifs Wide ancl' 1 1 Saturday, thereforo,' the radn called. _' Josapiine's, AJeiandeet Jouvin..`S, Duchegs, i isa . ,. ,, 117. I ' . . ahas Z. Ar'chlb, - . . ____ - - ___ - I '_
. I I L I . , I . I God' dj ,. A Xs' I , - . I I q, .
-ace - - t .1 I- . . I Cri _.agus .1 . , 'Flor - I
I I I I I . ' A_.. ."_, _,- i '%W'! .It .* h - ,, ". 'lt' , _---_,`---L'-` . ... . " '" ' 1. ,J , - -
- - . I- I cb ors. ,The ar tockirt the Connti4s. * , , " I I 11 . ! SAJ7--* J'J E : ' I
. ,vnrl Tm ; wh1te'L I \ '. . - , ,0101 -
j2d-r, ed. Qzualz .f don! de.- T a, 3=iU- , a, . . . backs; & Afex, as in bl ck_a'nd , - i 22nd, 1M. . SOO.T ,,dr4.n V eeliflflllvaj 'FA R -A I ,, F Q R
,"Hnve ye'u got "em done'?, said he a dii6i '
'' tha httle SJJJ)P L ' ",LNO, I f -'est a , - ' I greally facilitatres thb proee s ofk0t1dr g, by softming j. I t -
- . . L ." _ R.7 , 4(3 --,et -` n V71irst-C' 9$'_A_r,Jti4 le .6.t -_ -tile gains; teduc-Ing p,11 ffigmamat-lon-will aMy AM ,! I " I
CHAS. B. ARCHIBALD— . "I I . . 9V6- 1:3 r
, I . . , , - . ,., - . I . I
- .1 ., ;- -;. , -, . _,L PA= a d spasmodib wAlonj =dIs . . .
- 1 7 I - I I I , . 11 , I . " L , . 1, .. _n
. _ -,=* a obayeil, - but, tlae space was"hav6n't -1 couldn't; it has rained every N p , -'- 1 . . - . __ 1, I ., . . L, FG3 -)
UL-. Iie enfezat]l 0, r060 f ,-* "nU."M 10o'' 810101, -
I a .' L Va las OR TOT z= I .
, . I I
ea wen jJ111,1ed tLmt, it was wielmiculty that ' ' - i5od kl Auguii22nd.'.1466. Awl ; . I . I . . ~ "Relvip to Reausale 140,19-towelff. IOWN P-PROPERTYN,
, z W
. . I I 'Degeudupoulkmot-hersoltw;ll #vore,tto3romclvcsI , - -
. . W I" exelaimed tho, astonished patro ' - llately-occupi6dby-A.,F. 1BUA,forJJie, . I I
I ' * . . - -, OTHI-N' an . . . I .
I . I I
- ktay since I tcokyoaimeisare2'- II.Ruiv- .1 . . - 7 - . . L. G 0,0' . H LVING tented 'and, fittbk UP Abe store T E ,.: " C L' f .
vww_ .. I 10 conla rgeeze 12im-g4i into go, sl zu a , a __ - ' igh -t : . I . .
_1_1 N c9mral-3. 'W1 X ,L -, t . W - , - -
1, ". * 46 -11 vibat of th't . whathad dat ter o preo4red to furai 1 , . I : . I - I I DE ING West A of lot 2, vou. 2, AsLaft, & '
T is . wc 9 ; NEW" , ibove husbiess, lam now I I '. I - I . I Rplief and'ftealth to. ybur Infants. , .
J,zst L3 L,,u su(32eedsd 31n, BlAo and IL ! . I -d .DS - _11- . I 1 : I . - . I r
I - - I . - . . . I . I , I ' 60 TO . I . I Id this arbele for ycws, d D vleircd. Frame bam, ,,
. - \ _!a, , , "L ' ,-a- - lathilies4ith. . '. . . .. I . I . I I . ' L 1
I v,ffaentc,r -__7t-T,-_-ra3m, ff,D tmaerjng along ,pith it?" "What -had that t6 do With. '.' 'T. Jj - I I I - . . , I . I - I ".., I I., 1. .. . . If k Wehav&putmp and sol - 100 i.erc% `415 , , ,
ia, tL,Q, daj; for FC T,_' :213emed itb3st" ' ?" ,cc - 11 it had a great , or : . I ., I ,C.m Say in Confidence and Irrath of It wbat we have ppud. bnuEe, fire 7cult'g 0 ehari-wcH wjetcr.
- -
- -V Irad C at ,hced Gri :pfln I A T L E R'S OrboorleS iild Pi6vislons - , VIAN . UP L eflx-e"Mp to A -,y of any other mefUainf %._ -
. 1. .1 I . .. - lialvs ""ri -',d Th's 13 a very fJc-E1yWvJo 1g,f-m. ,FC
. ta antm ' .'. I 'ash prices W4 I A FactotNy Stol Fy
-_d3a ne IH t- J, -1a maki for kcal t6 -do with it. Nl:en I make your . I - I wbich.Ish4ll sell At'theL Lowest (, ` t Lbgan' s: ,. JIF 08 I ,
g , _ itFdiledfnwmngi6rnst-an oto',fTcet&Cnre,vltcn, I IV,
f'La n7a Vlnl h aul, 1,;wadviffk Ted C031si 1 - ` ' . ' I I 1. . " I - I firaely usciL Neverdid wo,'Imow an Instzmee of dts-, t)attfculars Dvply to
- ' Falley L- . '' - ', ' - , I .
IootsTve got to out ofdoors. fbr 114V h't QJL L 'on by any ono who usea it, On the contrary, i ,
, L. I re2.t aatWhetl
i .. .. _. . - Wbere'yoa will tho atrd 4ttuetts, Tweeds in g FLODEPIT CARMAX.
Gvc- -tT--,,, & -&-aa = a fell, head- . 'And a larg au&aciea itock of Fulled . Clo .- ' .1 .
. ' . I . I I
, I "Tbow in Tay shop, and I cid. work Zat of ' I . . . I Wlour and-Ve.ed" L , A I fy . L . . ; I . .-
*! =b C_ f titione N VP _ , I - I I . I a1l are deligytti vitbIts operstlon, and Epenk itt te= 1 - Gcderieh 'Augg. 2e, 2867. 'F102,11, -
I , Pcg 7,,, ,WwD was, dcanding, . - : . a" Al , - v )r'e , __ I . 1-1 - I qual eftets and "C'neal.
I long ag.31111, - -EAmeriesa L . 0. L . f , . . . 1 - . 1 , afcoznmeu 4t.on.of its m3g
r1itues., WeSpaalZintL%ii]iL'+Xr"'WilAt%M.DDINOW,"' I . I - - -_ - I - L -- _ .
--f -,to a I kGori in .rainy weathe . jr." Go Store 0 , . - ' " I
; 3.par. * . .1 - White" plalnGre . Striped and - 6e ad, Wine ,%
,01't t1p,z . L I kept constantly on,band, . I
. , ,trT;n, -A1ee,1wrseaftered_. L . . . I .. .. " ...... lq!- - - . . ,TZrea" e. Fmp,,,e, and Ple'agn or repatnEon L3T i
.- ; . - 'I oharp of youf Oat I . 01 , , L ' . - . i ' . . _
. 80:13M L . " . 4 - - A ]B,V , rbna e "I I b'o thank - - ho 4'tlartn6ls. one yard , v "Italt ."I.t "bertddelare. In.almosteveryj . IF "
_ 4p.,& S I :
___ .. . . . ll;3ttertde&to., , 4 gre4t'varieity .of V Qoll me-madd cheefc6i -wide; wille ---
r-71-,3 JS=3 ? czm ;r"k"; 'lookout t-Taer., li I . I 'n I 13i " fully received and faitlifix . V -7 1 all -1 . . '11ke TO SELL OR RENT I
; I . % . I.. . I 11 . I instance wherethe InDint is -suffering fto*n4ain and ex- I I .
i an, or 16U11 10 (IOTM -over Me. , !: o 9-' ta I kinds, - Styles , and pricils. excellent . L' I baustion, r8ief wRl'bef,jund in fJteen or twent ,mm- I J r RE VJ3STt1ALFLQW_NUATBERE1;;HT0.
ell WCM L , al- A deterrained effort is being made . . I , W91TE: GREY, SCARLET & FAMS1017 FLA,NKELS.
. I
. 0 , -zoducathe woofhorsefle Ing, ana. first, cla, I EI,Udi,.tic)nsto,.ing,wM.t, ompa,iveae'hLbr,,, .
, .
. . 'til ja--drve fe'A' 'r sh in quality - Tlneg eindliquoisil- Crk ,kery . !, I' - * - 1. 11 0 _' ' - - nQsaft rthe syrup is arlmlitistered. . tle , - fouricei.-lb czq3zceWr3n CS 110cn. Cr tbw
lea dlek 331,; -erL - - _ . $ fillialk. - , . . , . , . . F ,qDS pER 1:i,& - ,
t ! to irit . - . , I I . , ALIJIT &&rs, n T I , poV. 13, -Iweep Myib nna 4,7<on, R*t
,3 ruckipg-ala, r or the e,JLU=, I Can't er, . OFVIRST dLA.S9 BLAN IGH . TO. 41ti
I , . I - .. . I -,.I . 11 . I . . I .. - jj § & pEr,,. , boundary 22ro k
- tT_ 7 = tand. I - . - i . _ , ivaGlas,81f,arejrane 00 I I 'IF -c v
'L '. .. y C to -Weh way. Good bsr6wow! lard, wel
. im
. - - - ..,. __ __ - The; DOM111111,011 flotbes ,Wrlugglr 1, &-i _ -0abd6ali fanmea,q. - -1 , St6okiner Yarni)- Tino Fiugerlug'Yarn, Fleetv And -
1451 ,
la. ik,241! wba,94ffiat F re(whingout, ,1 , r ' I 0 - lelcred; thirtv Avres C-learAnw . C-renly
L n h=,,l to feal Tatg si`,IaA _z. and coming ienlen P=14-. in , I , I . I i .; I . I I - L: v%te.ro,@tLvz , r -Ti6fg. iseven acres snd,a ha,13 in rt!i. Wle)] ife--ed. F4 .
.111, I I . 11 . . 11 'S q_xfs palt voT
I .
W: . Br't'sh 00114.4bls' ' Thre, be t in uge ; wh 0*1'68ale slid I*tail. I . I # ! jurtherparticalAtsupply tojiosetwpe pri zrtwa,
,6 tILe be L_&(I'faep
_ , of t1a L I .,
. 4 -in ainta&- .: . , -L ' _ ., I I , . . . 96ekwheaf, Floor$ , . effin Widle, all in endless vanetp - " L - oFFICM . I
L --------* I- " &0- ' &rL . I I . I - , I - IZANKIN LAW.SQN,
,y1i , - J -1 . . .. I "J5FaJtoUSJreP,t- "New Yoik;205 Hi,,h Holborn '
, . - -]BY gdL tx,pt whi3ker3 ! Peg t , - San Franciscor, March 9. - Aijvicas . __ - v T, giitber with a ctioice Assofteatof Mdo, -'M ft I'Afff Simt, X.rtreitl' [
. , I , _: squ re. . Z, Mtl . 1 % , . ..I 'L - . I MavaX,111567, - WIS
_ _. _ , - W1 .. - , . IJ L 0':C 1J. I 1, - I., JEAgIftd,
, - -3 ! -i ierex Xato '? , . _ , I .. , , . , i - I -
, V PC -ra axe ycm t I I . . _ %W'.W32,TVJ I --- - I .- - _____ -
, 11 yh I I 11 from Victoria of 23121rch 7th state that the 50 Reaml Of Blue line eream-tat& letter , I 00 I .
---- I I I W% Ci*4ra- la Ul, BI 'L I *4 ' ' 0611 0&" PJJ.0tS"
1 L 321 whaeal tia ? Fj. Paper. 150 Res . ue I 43, f, I L - S I __
rr,ja sq, A r6_7101h *8 a. , . i. , _ - L
gault Oxc temant caused by, the threatened . _
. L .
. . - .
-lire && ]I, . - I I .
C , L I iiiaii invasion contintes. A gunboat had - _ 0 0 - q I - I -"— iTAVERN STAND
- . . . . - . .
" -
'A it: _ . . Paper a - 0 , ILL - LAMP 5 Ct - I' C - ottD I L L U1 . Sat, Impoded ficles, ; 0 1 . IOU'S E
- . _ , , A916 , ' . .' , .
. caiw -'r'sateax-milag -he .w&, VArlduslY Tinted Note 81. PAL . ,
and Fa I . I 41p I I -
' ufl by t. V 'ba -en stat tioned in the harborand s, lar ' - 1, I I COL NIAL IT JaJuis
lti;ul 1--3 &pvi 'es' & . eady zvc)w meae.
- cs re a S"i0i 'Of Tlgor- I _V I L .__ I . Dm (,* 6o,lis', R -niid6 Shirts ani braweri; Ue& Jknd- Cbil4maiV .Socks and Stock;ngs = I
. . ' -
. oflvof inarines placed on 11 I . 'L A F19RGUSON, 0 great we'ri.4y. t .. e . fil , I I I
I n't WiU Dartmouth -in -boirl. The- 60 Rezza Blue aqd Cream haid L . 3p- & call ig 091teltea
. G--,.;-:-** 7, I . . I . . -,t, I ."' L. I I- . ' L ' . 11 I . . , I I . I HE Subscriber Al*ays keeps the largeet - .
o! tlie al=whanaztirred his . . - V % .. I . .1 I . I T 'Subserliber offers for uh that weit ,,
the rcgi= powd2r mz gazine opposite the city and I L . . 0 u, Goodx will be delivered In any - . . I THOMAS LOG . variety and besti Stock of Tnr,
. :F 0 OX, a a .a. - p I _. , - * . . I AN-.- . known Tarern, the I i
I)Ra. tlhi differeut engnna houm i strongly . Pa of tfie-town. , : . .
,re I L Woolen Fektory Store, Easf%treet, J - UOIS'PaRY & 'GLOVES!
41 . 111, 3'kTa,,re,- 31ile'hai,,',-xcUimedlf6,'I :a,lia2med. rile ollunteers reeAved orders OF ALL WE1(1EUrS'.AND PRICSS . .,Ur4b.Feb..2nd.1866. iW46 - loth 'SepteM e . , laIET11 P, _AISVIV U'loriv) rdur.dp
I - I . r, I ON. C W1
. I . . , . I . I '. , I . - IF .- . L . . ,
. poeac ,t,,v wimngto, Share my quarters sith io, Lold themsel irl readinen ip cue I I _ L I - . .. I , I , . IN THE COUNTIES. situated A the Wortliorn Gravei Rozd Ile -
I" were both in for if ; but , '&' --I I _. I
ve' L I . I I I I
. you, sem , tbcir sarviewsbuldba required. Every V5,000 ENVELO - I . . L I ACHAS. F.XRCERRALD. txeEn Goderiph avid Lacknow, ane of the
;,-4dbet - I V A* 10- ST _. I I . I * - 4
, It ter not vat-aertake, to do that precaution hubeen taken to *curt the r- F-'3 - "ZTCV 'I I VVES Atoilericli Anmt !2ad. 11RC-5. _! -,10? lfadinsr roadii to the County of Brace. The,
. I I . I All 06lotil, Qdalify,'Sizes and Kineh. I - L' I I . .
-19 "__ - I - . I . ,Buildings are all in fimt-clan onler-and eil'
Hezvens 1yeju-u1atedPa=,- whatvolce, 4Wfctv of the rity. The nature of the, I 0 11 . *1 - 0 ARDWARE ARDWAMIVUE
1%. . U thAll, r I - i starcuo4y inf,urmation readved is only ' 0::)-- All Ifte Popular gagWnes reftiveil . . I I . I . ; _ 1 9 ;, * SHERIFF'S SALE OF LANDS. 1he requiiiitea fac the businew tompiet*. For
0 ,3 1 L I I - .4 ' . V I - - ,
vnays w,h3,t I w3ut t a knuv ! crW kno*n to the nuthoilties, but th L imerW Nis soon w Publi$11%]. . 1 _ , t* , , ' ' - ' L I - fort1or particulars enquire on the prrinips,,
. _ - - 's -
. ". . . 810-W oir , . . CouT of livron , ID Y virtue rA ot Wr:t of JOW7 McCRO,STIE. 0
ru I foran upight posi * I - I , . . Wit : A JU Fien Fitria-t,toned trut
- Jakeit 99 m% - 100- Pupres., I . 1-3 e' Belfast, 17tb Sept.. 186-6 *26tf
. .
r - 40 -l"O: whooeth"feil down oyernty ba ion Taus t.hat tbeY hille.-beea Id iseellaneotlS B 00kS . I . e. - L' - I I , L . I- .of 'let Maie%tv*z Counfir (,t#nrt afthe United
s ? I 1 ILI hoaxez L . ll, 1. . . . L , I , . . ' Gavatie4of Huron and Uru e. and tonw1ireeted '
19 & I kp I r L - on kapdalways. Also, " extensive -'stock L I- - . t I . .
IL - I --- Of t1a . I . . axitinst the 11111dS Ond tiMeme6tv of Willi-Im
. - . I ,r- dletyou kucrwwho z down and who s - : I ! News fro= Uaz=. - # 4CJ I A -. Arks. at tW imit oi William h. stakin. I have
up ft MA the voioe of Xro. B4ke ; andtlw 1: I .1 SAM AND DOOR
. L . I ; . od anil wtea to exMitiom ibr tollAwing
I -oA Wv 9==1bW up. only to go ,doiin i'L' I raAous 8-6--h—ona. Books -1 X, _. a) ,a ..? rt , . IR the right. title and interoat of
. - - New k, Mareh W. -Thi HeraWs .,14 * , I r 424;94 la sed4o 6t Wwl thrre its -
k . ;Sake iwIere are yon I i _ A . . .
;F . 00 2gain wrer a chair, .Zpz I , ;
I, I ,,atup this *twt and got alight, oryll ClAyTof exicne*1at of Fab 29, w4y* ' A wry larp and vwied O"k Of LWW ! a . , I ths koz1bobie OvowmAwam uo Township of
I ,
f, . - ' : )l- , . - i i -
gh Ae your brosth out WhOU I 904 fA> 3ny pader date or llay.!aa :-Now& from ,Sia. and G"OPAiiLd . :" : b)04 -A the 04mly (of ros%, waieb 19 &
' , Jr, j. r ^ " im : I .. I , . -
- - - ; _ i. . , , . . I 4 mWoommolloblil"ref esiatAmyndee, . -%Wawa hm IV parrbapp" the motin.,
An was very varlik. Tlu- rival Glaiw FANOV. 4 8PGRT40_Q-,QQW-8, " I.. - I_ , '. '-r. -,! , - . I & ri TRZ a
.., feet ai * , I . . - - - 10 I . . . E 0 in the Coon Huaw,'as Ow Towe of 146detwh , a I 1, Mill and 4o6 Fwtwv *wow, and or. ,
J&&L" . ..I ., . * I - . .6, t 1 4113*
.1 J%ka st*16ed to obey, WA juNdtlumTiger ants were abor rte. no&& their di -pate %T an Of % , .. , . . I I ; . . ,r . 11 I .., ik Tee@Liy - *Yxf AVN eda, dN DOMW C41111111riNg, am now prollweed I
- -, . , I L UL* '. I -_ 1b I . T-*
- i . . -arm ft" , !1! 11 6. ... . _ jr r ... # _L t aifti L to an ". on the he"Reft of me"fesuWuNg
f - , .
- UAUX& -If " I .
1 40 tNe -wo,bilt'i,4, W1110, lh i thO UP 000 battlee. A railtmd emp" In owmest ' . 11 J . I . _ 4 . Xj ! L,
thfaw, I
. - . I I I .
I I " 4 . e , I
- ISI&w,rl _ , . . I t'l-ii? - I. %, 'f abowati"Was. -------I
"i% beg "o"r =]N" JS "W ffob*" . '' ., I .- - , 111- &Lsh- Pk*M Minds.
asaspato br"k lek"=_ 5=61!* # " i -
_, - , xub 1,r - " , : ,I- I
;Q tie Capital 141h T _ 1 4,111011111"" 1 i Q.. : 1, -T
w & n kWWd in nf 0* Wi* I WOW_ , " , 'r - L i . .
0 1 ,; a" *0 &*W, UA sat " . I i 4rn_:2$ Vo ,$ ., '7T V.. . - I .
14 I 0, -, , I I ..-. . -t t t_,!: '- -I.-I -V KM1dtnw,]r1oarinr
I * Vobft* %-*to* Wei to &" Alli 0kry , ; I I . Nt-.i no " ; .
, - - . i .. . A ----w 4
,k WW. of S -!7".(l0,1 -am w I . fe I p . - I 11 I ,
, A T, liad a swrW . "W"1110111k I I I *_ I, ; - 4 1
1 ,OW. Thol. , " Xx,.S&Iip 00ML - I I , . . I
a* %11111106 , I I I JT.18illift .
J? . .-r 0 korrm of dolp, . . . . " _%JJ - _ L I L . 1 110P404 ;.tj R " 11 I . . I - - .
; am 10"V= W 30" sow 4" &*join 1. . 0, . . , . r - Im, , . 7
.1 - - r
ark forthwiLh. r "
" rAA&wbW . ._ , , . :, -_ _ L L I
I#^ I Ole" with r4eraws * Nlos%* *0 1 - A . t , _ r ,. 11 C 11 , , am a W11011 or
#! * r , t4bwph"'I; " I , I now. . to '" I I 0 1. '. I .. ftc, ][-A Im W 0 Ft M.
. 01. I . i big I110# W" a I , %rent Gru Railway *a dw - . rf _ . I - W I
L-4 . Q tau 1111111104 . =6 of _kks thi wasoftift. - "A , swow 9 lot I I I I -6
JL ,66 I -
. - .
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