HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-03-19, Page 7I 'E�*, 701: hire tl-,2 eiry of The -11- k n. aTT lwn y 4:!y ied in &Tie qhape th't, I-js tmwy a, ='.I aal. that M-1 -Ar.enk-t, in usinq W�'.;�.—g have proved �Iy for in 01 tLk, thniat 'mused .1 of the vocal slng*n will fret__ 'Cial. �7zons i - - 4� re "d- in w�;,,m'or Coug L 9-1_11190 for thtl� d hqs j%, ams'e'd theill �Steeul NY %fl ano hzava dea:ers 7=1 E-m—ses- t1le pre -are of tht,, j# IC7�.4 glutNl which on' a de ­ and dige-,;tive aad =j conthi;on, the u -M disapTwar. Ex- tt�nt t%e meqns best Ann�ban t -,IS -es Witt n a cure b4� !nve.n wit. h and d�ws not b- I-ept f- zom work *!Lt Me, Sig an e --c �sjl Ontario. scld bv u'�! Medicine RR:ED. r-t at tBe rF_9tnct- of 'ote T of Hax a - at the of CeTer el A;Pgmnder Me �of the by the Rev. _f,-trth.Mrj4 'in Gray. i muga:. &,ss, of ON =. MA a-�a E�, -Lftlge pmkeM Grecabac"-s. —,VZ7 AT ON NEW . ........... -rr--d =_—_ tD �Prer IIES 0 7 is .. ...... S'd, at L�3j ------ S 51- 1: 71 q 1:51 0.,W 0: 5_2 rl!� 0:55, ; ...... "9k a 0:71 ------ 5:W 4ttt, 6.W ...... G.--ff 0:00 0 -IG 0:167 0:15, 0-16 W (a 16.00 6-50 0, 0:00 0:20 (a 0:25 2:21 6_il 2:5& 5-M 0, 5:50 ...... 0:25% fd. 0:3G ------ 0-40 6:60 ------ O:W 0-40 0:20 (ii� 0:25 �halewle�, Lo.h. per bhL 17, 18% Xcon. 1-67 ...... O�00 J -50- C-50 9:0 0:50L 0.68 0:70' 0. 15 5-00 6.0y " .10 &0a ..... 10. 6:50 0 ...... 5:09 5_50� 0:25 0:30, GAQ a 0:59 G.W 015 C, 05 Ira 0:65 0:30 0, OZ30, I ..... 0:43 053 - U�UWM 17. U94. Noon. . ....... 1.-4_7j 9, 1-4g V00 (a) JIM ....... 145 R, 1:L5 0:50 CrAG Pa 0:19 e G. R, 0q9 %Go am -00 MOT 0:9-5 q� GiV,10 049 Ql� 19:90 q.25 a 5ZO- S.W- e� 8:2�01- what r -v CC- vm mime :7 -X 4, J. X . 11-1 . NM % G aim I= W .'.M_ 7% DilAgannon. Neb AWbertisements. X6TRFP,9, READ THIS i-HOLLO. TAE GRUTININGLISH REXEN WAYSS, WORM LOZENGES arv. a certain and I A -NOR X gannon At a nj,,o-.iug he' Id ih the Dun sa*remedy for WotmainChildren Add Adults-, SIR �AAS CLARKU-8 4 rchool house oil Saturday, the 7th instant, FOR SALIR CHEAP. ---As it is a'Well-known and me-ancholy la�t Celebrated F-emale- - Pills. hil a purpose or organizing a Teacherst -that ne great caube of death union,., c I Cir? f Sir' ODER 11 0 i for the Woi!us alone, it cannot be t ..: deeply im- Prepared om ii pracription'o from orth was elected TRAT LA . RGE AND CONNOblors "A necessitv Clarke,�'VoID.,PAP.Wician Oxtraor., 17 Association, A Molesw presRed upon the trinktis of parente, -N By so doing. rover, Vice Presi-- of closely watching their children - to the Queen. President; � Charles G DWELLING WoUSE9 and uncratinding the gymptons-n-ild true cause n- ,er. F e- Faid ft - ,dent, atid r,. Forbes Secrotary, Treastu -en might be situated on the corner of Kinoton ofi6rdiseiisli�,ihdhsandi olhildi, Thii invaluable modictino 39 tin a' di; i -i the -4A w6a-,48: "M lltw STORE, It was resolved that the regular meetings saved from eaff� gravei. Symp ro,%t - ov cute of all 0.1tome paintril and dan ous di oes HA4 REMOVED TO and Stanley Streets, nearly -The fol lovii in g are a few of the vrxy 0.1merous t -%Ybtbh the riniale cdostitution is. su4jet L. it XIND or of the Ass-lociantion be held Zin the 1st Sat- opposite Crubb's Block turns and diseaqej *hjell , w caused by 0 Aw IN& a smorfettitesIlleiscessandfanov 110-listiu,&ion' 11 pl, ERI DerRngedeppeiiie,ein-,,..;itedextrom- 'and aspeedy dure may 661 n Corn6 QAN urday in each month. Teachers and others W jL.,:.tL PAXERY AITAOHED. ir of Square, Hamilton street "AA1 interested in the cause' of education are THERE 18 A T�AFGE itiessoftnaive breath.fire4vent fw.o�irat the no"I grinding of the teeth duringl­rp, hardness TO MARRI WES attend. Initiation fee fifty Y A R D A N D 8 T A D L F. fth- belly, Ah frquent 61.,vt wle, and, itle peculiarly ited. Wit irk A shot time, B." L. T61136ni VILOtograh Room) invited to at nietimas convulsive tftg,; oin i - i im Ixesd ?Lnd bring on the, morithly, it th regularr y, cents. attackedto the above. stomitch, unquiet sieup, lkintio trembling, Each bottle, pric ollatgbePratf - Gov. in R. FORBES, For terms apply tn doughs. indegestionlow spirits, I imuldrea 81 errimpitt$tampof rea rLtaintopreveitcoun. Secretary. JAMES SKMNG& and a gradual NVaRting nway of 11 I - red to he e6eits. AND. BANK 01 Godericb, 14tb March, 1860. W8 I in, They are palatabie and sell-adn, 100 �HE HA a OPENED 10C.C.-A RAD T, TV c -delve out.tbeWorms thoron :11y WithOut 2.7kees pill ;Ljj Thees Pil., hild s. ou1d7wtbafakmh#. tisde ditring The Good Templam of Durigarinon have thes! e pain Ind completely slean8t. I THEER-AfORMS f Prog .0 CK lately or,%nized a Lodge there with agood Notice to Carpenters 4 Builde mrolu s 19 TO'L IrS by doing away wita the neceji4av­t ddintai mane t1my are sure to hnnk 0 Mitear- 1011GHT *01D. lux Castor Oi I or other unpleasRn, harucx—di na - V ` at any other time they are s fe. GE -ST Y GROCERIE -E*At _0 LAR nef. Aalr. ERS will be received up to the 1st v in -0 niq prospect of sucM QEALED TE." n the use of rither %Vorm Medici n in 11 cases of.Nervous andSpinal birections. k3 April next for the furnishing, erecting and fititsh- Eqch box coot-ains the tP.-intile at it in th B k and Limbs. Faturtu 'on slight iLats 8 ang- 0. liqxb It ing a tivref'fNORTHROP & I to e art "Oliplae-West. Street, do,;rs East ofj 1-rarttsek. dhe of the lati 4Grdat Trade' Auddon SaksU&�Oi tj- The Syracuse men, of whom so ition, Palpitation of the Heart, Hys res and, purchdAd by, him at Pint Office. �i row"Ohip-b" 7:11VV453L713r_Lg; XX<3o1xm4Bo I who are the sole prolorietoes. hiteal these Pills will affeet a clire *hec all h S51A ae- �.Ozetlgn much has been said, have, we. learn, skcrording to the Plans and Spectfiestions,'which cid N. B.-Arkfior Rollorvay's Wo-�O- T other means have failed; and althottel d Power PEAN `4 Bit, - W.D.,Ashfivid, A Y10, A-iffERA16. departed without having done a Tenderi mony, or unvtbing hurtful to the i onst trildril. 15bilerich, Feb, 10, 1868. 9*31111. co,rzier 4of market Squarc and North .4reet -;:-It or r nything in fie seen at my office, over J. C. Detior & Cos. Store, slid take no 9theii. Sold in Gonej ful remedy, do not cotain iron. cal, nids, anti. & Ciatle and F Jordio -* t4andiner e; '06 the way of purchasing w-dt-territory. field. J it mes &nthain. kodxerville- AEW "TOCK OF DR addmsed to 444 J4kMES SMAII;. ATchiteet, Fxeter; J. H. G�mne, %Vaits &.je int n.; Full directions in the primphlet at tund Oacb -Vov. 25; 067.,. Goderkh, I gilt March, 1868- a w w8td a package, whidlit iihoulil. be catefaJy I e*ited. dy, hm- been- pairchm-ed much X -34W 031-003EIRIr I -son, h R state of the wholesale trad 1:eeord, Lficknow, 6. flick owing 6 the depressed TnE. REASON H, W is it that thi all Medicine Vealtrs. Soleagent for the United Statesant Callodak, Whiclif .0 -below the ustilir prices, and AND -rovi6081 Perminent uIlding J03 XOSES, Rocheper, N.Y. 0 - confounded Si & Salt Tem4tory in qnal is nlwnys so damp f I. -S1.00 and six Ro-tftge stam s, enclosed f a lety, d Stores ther D, tot1j:P slid 16 mes said a rumblin and Savings Son- iwo� F107ur when it cc) CNIDUN Pill to any authorize4 agent will insurgy bottlb con. JBIE; S4:> HE tml T ening: T'raps." said his Wr t> Xt C> 1%T W C)�v uuu&ng60Pil" bireturnmail. Sa .riber having Water Power thit the other ev A Family r.,bly known P &I YMAf-T, q endse th�re'!j (First door So�zth of- the Post, Ofw,) d fel9adil S-6 respectfully re7quested :o call and examine Ae stacL.. # NSON could be �appliedjn r in a sing W,geineral 6:2, Old customers an ROBI liltle briglit eyed solo, for the past left y4a ir ' fallin;. le Newcisstl,(" well­j'a the aboie, VillagA wriald kir-is so Much due (dew�'on it. blother save nedticecl F1nt?e--R_ agentf6rCa adr., OF REPAYMENT FOR EACH $100 ADVANCED. instance to -give perm 'nt relief kviien timely BEGS respeaffillfto anitounes to the 'I, " hm an tipportunify of astur Iftid ower*; Or for thr,-e years I" used, and we have ver known a -ingle case' old in doderibli byParker & Cattle and . . 11 part it ha'nt been paid f habitants of Goderich andneintlyt at Dung ra-icAl and put of 4y- %YN,16yrs Syrs 10y.9-12yv 15ys of reihP,;irectiwvihave bilipa 051o2an; Gaidiner cc Co. Jftyl-31d; Ja es and would alsp take ibares in the tnterpriwe - It Mary,'Whip that Y4 Rcix6i#1lle;.J. Picliard,[, coter - 7H. hd has commencedn thd abovo line in Mr. Wood can be had st 0ow fture. Apply. L W., WATS04241 Sthidil's ola stand, him to. bed I" was the inhuman rejoin4- At end of troperly tollo. bir tin the ont",ry all are f om6p. Wittis &, Jehbj r. linton, 8 cord, Luck- f6r furtter i tionlars -to each qutF r 44 19 7.77 1.511 566 465 "41 00" WO ebghledw, ilsop-ratipps,eifid s,wakirll the. now; E. Hickson, Sotiftirth. and all bledleinq par AS. niNFORI). half-yaer 2820 16 47 19 95 114b -3 1 _'L. - I 38-1ir 60DERIC11. s'anuary 10. 1868. CORINT91t OF'SQUARIE & INORTH ST- Port Albert. Nor. W, IMI, er. 9 0 8 02 .72511 650 :ig 104 1 W44t 6 rn�s - ulgi I tq q of its Virtoe and "rs' 155 A . NADIANPA[ND SROBR Freshet at Baylleld. 125 02`112202 '4 01 15hT 1415 1270 U the Wocery' Department be will -kie .5jS2 al.72 o-6 55.2313 IQ.92 1645 ifftis34 reput4tion,89A -iood �purt an as n for itself a el , Iterative itornach tonic, itnsur the.cheapeat. NEY To - LFN,_D* To the EdtUr of theSIGNA1. The above Rates include Principal and laterest. alLd 11 !.�ntapd in the a entire Debt,%rill b.- paid, without, tit, vormedicalpreparat A. fi '4410r6talls We clip the followitim from the*.Ptovidnce Pardeallat attention paid -to the line of V,. seen, wAhin 6P met in . a - A r I - o have we Coniplau;'-. Indiecs. The _'y 0630.20 E. afis9 Pal r ,Zh year Perry ID on,hat)d good articles, 4 d soll = cheap 11 a�.y oer payment whatever. Application received by r�-Mqptpsin, biver "D OF Neve r rise so high D, S. GOODING. tiolnuHeFi;tbiirii,Sie.kl4eadarhe, hidneyrIim. (fetzeral Advertiser SE BABY TERMSO last 12.r !�; verst, the wate ma, and 61 At this season of t! PLOTIR AND FEED .1 March ITth_ 18151- 8tolitRiactivitythia Systeal debtALated and as the advertiser has.had many, Tears' J. A GIORDON. The ice being thick iety's Valuator -at Godedeb plaints,Artd Stomach PhthiMcor -th 6e yearhen ditolers, G 0-t eXpriince, in tbat'branch,ot business. be Goddricb. Jan. 146, 1868. W514f in slich a sh�rt time; it has carried away the Sou wstf restoro ii�, and other kin every thing before it. i - cholera morbus, dystentf SELLIN revious, by sivilering a tid disease. railevArybody t5 Abstra Its magi'cal and a onderful Aticcv­ in ouring and strong, there being no thaw It a jam. Treasurer s dred complaints are sure to prei Davis' feql@ -confident that be cain give datisfactiobb. it came doum in treble, force, forming stidden'collds. Sore throat. rough-. Diptheria should be liberally supplied with P6H Goderich, Feb. 7, 1W. sw47tf at the bridge, tindermining the South crib. pains taiheside,lions and back. net, ralgia111olb-", v ege6abfg Pain Killer. Persons 1paving To 89;1t eculators so that it fell abqut sLX, inches. The ice EAST- WAWANID ith,,,h,urnalientidothewpaingin tiny Oartoi h8me, whether it be for a days excultion or T gave way there, it jambed at the old dredge the hod)'d0(l from wh i tever. can-ce. firts gAren i i ii� trip to Erope, should be in a position Ilk a. place in every household and is fos_ - sulprstd., t . 0 C N him 'for Sale, rose about 5 feiA, carrying av p a GIVING UP BUSINESS,, A -pior LAND _' FOR -SAL199P ray fish shaup- I ce their hands. on� it in a womenes warn )60 ing all other preparatitIns of"the kir@; I - � I — nsiaerable Dec. �11, 180* !to taxes received r year $40.22 -dectual and Oy for ing. Many diseases in incident to the summer E undertignad offers fbrsale abouf four damage. One poor man, D. Beaton in Re e Fund 414.82 Scalds, Burns, Braises, Sprains. Chilblains, moi'tbR, which will prove VRONMXG on Lake Harlot. 2 iu�es ftom. Goderich, which iq,o- din liv- 11 Licenses do, ...... 50,00 It is also an i prompt reme fatal if not im- ing on the flats, had hardly time to et out Inci en ceipis ...... 5.60 Frost Bites, Cramp% in the Stomueb, Dierlic8e, mediately checked, can be promot)t cared x. containingin herds bf "periorlaud. Lot81A acres of laud in Goderich, t.nolera tiorbusq Hilhous Chofic. Cholera 411taa- by one or two doses of 0e Pain Kill�.r On edw if Goderich Township, Bavtw1d Road, atinut 200 rairfibly adapted for salt works, beinar -in I his family out of the house the Water rose Tot cerptsfor 1867 04,696.42 acris cleared. "I orLLrd, dwellia-house and turn, Oysentert', &c. beenl;eliey- at Re. ducift'011 rjeeS ftme barn on the premises, and a . creik runs bank of the River Maitland hod adjoining ruing (1601) about 6 moke than one occasion have we re so rapidly. This moi Price only 25 ceniq er bottle. thrdugh the lot. Can be sold to IL track. By a sbort otwitich. S41u_ suit Iftirchaserti in NOR ' ROF 4. LYAN dd 'of intense suffering liy the imely o' clock the dam commenced to give -way, IPH fise of G. T Ily Paid Trea . ( I whoU or parL Apply FRMER, cotild be sent'Enstward by rail or tq.the and in about an hour there was forty feet of West Wawanosh Clergy Neweastle. 0. 4r, the above burned preparation. go" ... 22246 General Agent for bVfada. ri%ts, grocers, and medi. _D 9, r 'G. X. IMUEMAN, Godenth, wharf of the east side gone, ad it is till Ing Reserve L -ad ... .......... ....... Sold by all Drugil or to . for shipment. - This property is close I all go as the school ellons, ............ ........... 02,49 -1?-Iqold in Coderwh by Parker & Cotile Rod difie dealers. March 8, 1808 w6tf to ibe ivell now sinking nud iabout: 700 yards! . cur and Bril.- STEW V from it is feared that it� wfl Road 25500 wmd, - I - I f ,es ............... .... IL'yfield; James the famousGoilerichUlt Works. This rent comes down the west side, and runs Cffi . salaries ........................ w.5o F. Jordan; (iRrdiner -%r. -Co. PERRY DAVIS & SON. INSOLVENT ACT OF 18K It will be a "I C ne'lors Fees ....................... lb6-00 Bentham, Rodgervil le; J Pickard, Exeter�, J. H. P:vprie�ors. h one of the most desirable plots now. in the along the face of the dwn-. . ricidenmi expn-es ............. ...... 135-45 -ord;. Luck- YED TO SELL.OFF HIS STOCKOF COUI*f OF ),In the matter of Wigiam marketi and intending operatorashould exurn serious loss to Mesm. Vanston, as they 'It agiinrate fees farsheepkilledby'dogs Combe, Wati-i & Jebb, Clinton; Set i Medicine 21N 3m t8o St. Paul street Montreal 11A9 DETERNI. ine it without delay. 4,00 now; Hickson. -mbria. and al were putting in a new Circujar Smvm'. the Ph-ce'co-handforl.868. ....... 2943;68 Dealers. *38 HriioN. f Trwin, anlasolvent. Fdt particulars apply to saw mill $4M.42 TRAY13D into the enclosure of the Sul JOHN HYSLOP. amou � t t hich was al -nest re6Ay t4o strim dTILI E to herebirgmed that by irirlue of ibe -n it will 7, Sjh coneession. Rhout the last of li=rl,il wer vem-ed in me as as�ienee of the Goderich. ]By what we can lea ks r. N n VS er is riquested to fi!!b�e insolvent, I shall offier for.sele by Public about furthousand dollars inclu ng t N -M) Black Steer, 2 years old. The own Auction Seotembei 50, 1867. W36.3m P utl;e e's AUDrioR,s REPORT. prove plopeiti, pay expenses and take them avOkv' on, Friday, the Twelfth day of June P time. T11wit- GAVj HAMILTON, next; 1861, at the hour of twelve, 1100n, at my it is feared -at '.Kr. I'Council of The NOTICE. w68t* AND' READY MADE CLOTHINO --ft, all ,:roninop w1th eat To The Reeve Find Mumcipa store house which is, t ;bip of Ewt wawanosh in Uouncil - mbled.- February 28,1868. oince in the rown of Gode rit the right, will also go as the cmran is W away G&qTLE_XKN1_ to give credit or title and interest of the said insolvent to the foi- SALT TERITORY l We fieve prepamd Id*inglands Lot number -one Th the eighth its foundation. he 31st day of December, _JL othersise trust. to. Elizabeth Baird. (my -vadhip of Howtek, and expendikures up to * an Abstract oi the receipts rVIIII is to notify d1I Persons not ]ED. - R Cox, qatement. of the habi,ittes of your she having left my bed and board without any just JAW STUDW WANT C ST & UNOPm 0 6oncemon ;hhe To col"810- FOR SALE OR LEASE. AT . (inclusive). aN aisn a w cause o- nrovocation. therefore I wfll not hold myself inj by admeasuremealt one hundred acres, save co ould report it followit: Tzration at that date. and,w contract after this %W Said one of our jo tan the other the moni" received up, to 31st I December i e for any bills she may IN tin office in G�derich, to andexcept five acres off the Ti0ith-WeSt cornpr, WJTJKI N 150, vaids &if the present Go#envb amonated to ................ $469&42 Ztl.*M v0hirh iaid five acres are in lbli*fbirrn of a Pquare. Salti Wor". Also, e 'Arel,An JOHN BAI�D Will be given. Apply at day ! "Ow is it that all this Amount uncoliected4on qoflectorts RoR W Dated at Goderiqh, 9th Mareh, . D., 1868. at that date .................... 19"01 ma4osill. Feb. 28, 1868. �wftf UNPREVEDENTED-1 TAEMENDJUSSICRIFIGE 6f 60308 9 ri A R M I N G L A N D 8 country ave called blo y wabbits I" Dated this 13th day of March, 1868. wS Us SAMUEL POLLOCK, TBtal Receipts. $6680,43 vinta OrIcIal A -"i"- cort*euient. to thatlocality. Apply to SALT MEN. -Th of operativeq whole must be sold in si2t weeko. all early and secure some of the Imany" thousand JOHS BeLt. A�URDOX, exodus The 0 Gojeriplu The amount of expenditure -barglus nowoff ridgtor sale Parm for Sale. mount ohishijittes-delientureit 128.21 Yamily Blebles from the oil re 9 to GoAerich, has filled 5 ...... Goder--ht lit il�c., 180. w#kt - A our town with e faces lately. - A batch 8 liml Sections ............... M 46 LWot 14, 3n. 2, (Jbyfield Road), opposite the of ten or tw e arrived last night, County Treasurer ............ just to hand one case of larad Family SE twe t St, God Sigaafteld Farm. TO SAAUT O#EUATORS. rrs, At the OLANDW. 1101 Is, Vs 60ams: 60cleared. Good eq Refunded ... ........ 4612 Bibles in the Notes and References, ffom ftme barin; dwelling honse6 , pychard. ExceVent Non Resident Schoot i;L� ..... 1 147.48 65r..14 L11 m. res fr6m Goderich. For X Titientan; Goderich, or on j31NGt*.4E$aa good as new,. NF.w, az.-Messrs. Pollock & John Balance to credit of Township S836gg NOT I C E $2:50 WO 2154 onk will be seen'by advertisement The Non Resident taxes returned to Couniv Two sTE&N 637.0 AT T E Coll? g WI andn perfect working order, for eale, ston� r-Tonsblp tax .............. H 0 ORGE JOE[NMX. telse ere, have opened a new store on Tr,--- - A_ cheap.i artiiialars it thia office. school = ................... i-3 0 To Ta#erh I 'PAT ected their -ALO ult Dee. 2. 186L, w45 teepers ij, SIGN -Pill n street, and having insp Total t1je county of Huron FFICV, Xonev to Lend, oods, we are prepared to state that they .................. 785412 - ut. Governor of the Provirin are of first-rate quality and clicap as the The Legislative Trits for 1967 were laid 'by ibe STEWAR-Ty' 41e tdrWA. Apply to- q0tio -bi ka#nerShip al Excellency the Lie cheapest. . The character of the gentlemen Tr;asnrer of 1?9�st a*ajwsh. with His1011tarlo, hdVing appolated the undersigned 6, WM* very rasso e tmc L the under4gued have tbig Aityentered present a duplicitic of the Ahs. t here "Of I -Treadurees aeporint ana suer of Tavern Uceus6ii for the County of Huron. V.%hip jn.,�k4e ]Sinking and jultzhge omposing the firm will be a guarantee We have examined Your the NoTicEis hereby given that all persotil, applicants. 61,ASGOW HUUSE4 B. L DOYL'Ei. nder the firin silf hon�st fair -dealing with the public. -Give vouelters. and friand them quite s4tisfactorY. All of BLANK BOOV yIe bf pmifud SmarL ac. which 6 respec ted. for Tavern. License in the Conty or Harou who present W24 qMce --West streii a dboA e�w of the Post 0111ce. RFNG0UGH,j ertificates and on payment of ilbodericU be s Savage'isitew Block. tt4t,, A complete stock of C. R67. Gderl ii,'OnUrlo-, them a calL the proper Municipal C 211). j Ariditom the Piovincts.1 duty wiII receive Licerriles for the cur- -Ai4 DEAN. JAMES EDM02 bderich, 9th 3an. Urb. 4- Maren 16th, isrA. rent year in terms, of the StatLta. Town Licenses $10, DAY W.,F. F. SART. ,�mpeachment- 'lowusMp and ViiIjage Licenses $5. -1N ]C4- TAVE Ja. 20, 1888. Its, OR HEADING & 8 S.- 'eja W. i DAN. LIZA SIOM9 ]LIES [F OHN8TON'S 0 OF Office of the Cljrk qf the Peace, CountyofHuron. MINUTE BOOKS, Basswood, and Tnent Court commenec .4 its oTganization Goderich, t h March 1868. W sbi .-The Impeacb- Issuer of Taivern Licenses. JOURNALS, a, March 6 0111111H flul! hardwood, for to -day, and has iven President Johnson SOHO -OL BOOKS- the mith; 01the -1 g6od, reliable' servant PASS 'BOOKS, 9ANX9M until Friday inext, the 13th. to appeal WANTED. INDIOES, &C-1 Ac. and answer to charge7z. The Coart ad- girl, who may obtain a steady place the A FM SUPPLY 14OW TO EIAND. E. CLIjLv)v ORD, fair wages. Apply -11p Atgreatly reinced prices for cash. At jom-ned until that day. and at this 01`00-7 Dealers iiiipplied itPublishers lowest returning thanks for the liberal support and patronage he l,as �recelved for the stairs. AGRICULTURAL EMBITION. BIGNAI OFFIC. s .*holesa,18 prices. WHMKEAS WHISHER-S I 1 12 yeaM begg bave to say that by the zw- Mr. Gen. 51cKiblion, of-Teegwa� WANTBO AT T11E S.WNAL" -OFFICE. aorrolsa, the greatest stith r. b. 0. a-iticz It oductiori of sziacbider� lie is now prepar. ter, determined not to be behind the times, rVHE First spnng Show inewo on tnh e -,n Agricultural iei will be held Apply to, ulatoi in We viorld.,virill force Wnisk4ifs or Mus 4 -to sipply retail dealers With all -kindi of -in, N, photo Rosegarland Cottage. Y.' ii -i -i known to fill. Sample for trial lent free has procuried a lot of ourexcelsior illu- JL Riding of Bur A m"t tobirte. RINCKS Esq. to, -ha to grow on the smoothest face or ch' at the Village of.Brueetield. on esss the niinated posters with which to advertie day ofAp STAI "ION 1E to any wir degirou-4 of e§ting itsmentil. Address W GAR01111 BiScuifts and Or'ners beaw ro VU T.�exL when the fbIlowing premiums t bis goods $12 2ad $10 3rd $9 , Goderich. MOch 10th 1M, w7tf. 0- -E.s & Co, 78 Na " an St., . Y. 0- ' F hich he thinks'will he more uavantsgebu Bur the bast Dmught StalIfou EVERY T ING YOU WANT in Writide- l6udis take. diflegi prepaid.) *29 W Stallion for gene I ral phirposes 12 6 10 8 CD I N * A Tf 8 S. 0 Is 6 C_ K, 4 to Whom 1�aphr, and Envelopes, �6w offering at ve to the consudibr thlin importing the4i Irom Beat Durharn BuiL over 2 yrs, old 8 6 'WANTED.—A servant girl 7 a& Dan. Lizars, Esq., our respected under 2 yra old 6 3 2 0-a bver the Glasgow. House, where he has other places. Bes�pevon Bu14 over 2 vrs old 5 4 2 good wages will be given. Apply at cr 01 CD low prices. )propriate Glerk of the Peace, whoi, w al T OR. 2 this fifted up his rooms. in the most ie e are glad to under 2 M. old 5 3 Ar THE nng manripe; -to eiedd pictures -in every style Foda Bi6cui P alo! ES Best Grade BuIL over 2 Irs old 5 a 2 Goderich, March 17 18681 w8f3. a Uq % v %bb Box or Barrel ..$0,07 see has been restored to!g,)od beh1th, hag under 2 yrs old 4 3 2 . =d P e_1`_ 8 . = - SIGNAL OFFICEs, SAR Well as`i z kn 10 the arL 99 5 under *ine The best Prize bein- albe for any other breed 71. been appointed Issuer of Tavern Licenses, —Came ; —Qld pictures. such as Dagraerro. ot menNued in the above list of breeds STRAY STEER. into the' en- 6oderich Jan. 13th, 186.S. See adv. elsewhere. of all thorough bred.Bulls exhibited, HE Siiiisenbers Manufacuirt!'Ind keep on hind a1i ty )to-.,raphs. ATowrioot 0.091 closure of the under@gned lot 11 con. 50 Pj pea add'AmbrotypeBcopied a phi 41 It .... 0.08 uZea of WSLL CASINO'chbatfor caeh. oval of the CD Abernethy shan furnish the Secretary, for the appi own. Uborne, 0ounty of' Jluroji, about !3 'M. -.1 T 3L AN DURSO 1q, - Mr. Johnston cordially invite4 the Wiei 1 16 Is 0061 digree of the:animals sh 4 of Butter Crackers Dim _=`b1ieWd mu9t have a ring or rcTew m intimated that the Grand A11%. the last of Dee, 67. -A red steer rising NEW.: MUS MobeFoandry, Dmidas $L� and Ge.fitleman of Goderich and surroundivg Ovaitir Is 91 .... 0:04 Tmnk Co., will put two prokllers on ibe their no e, with o#n or rope attached to prevent ac- two yea f_�q W .4L Feb. 40; 186� Out cidents.s rs old, the owner' is re4�tested:td' CD CD 'L.0jdog I , , Girt. country to Wustou Bis�tritd v,064. Stani ns hakin the prizes at the above exhibition prove propei-ty pay eliafgep and take, him Tdke Back the aeart, Claribel .... !�c. NrChie HiM 11 Tribl! Gogerich and Chlea-ci route this season j shall be rqstriaed to the South Riding of 111arim, in 15, P W C6 26 When we aee the lin 7 ' blished we shall traveVina their rounds during the Season for serving away) "0 Comb back to Fria . U.' - SHE AtE OF 1XIDS- as* to whether e esta , - mans. k619ERT PINCOMBE. CD Five o'clock in the Ndtaing 25c. RtFJP*S S lisis worthy of pritronago, � CAkell Of IEVer Kind -r be mo�t ha py to chroijL-le the faet. Entries may be made by commuziteiting with the Q M It �50. J, W. JOHNS1101q. P Exeter,,Mafth 11, .1868. w3t.* Mane's Secret r I Sm at any time, orfie will tigatRattenbury'sHolel, C -t- ? SE 25c. Comity ky,*6 a i writ Of F1e;I Godencli, Dec. 10. 180. w4fi3m Ge4ml �*orfment of brea n wa hand. by nine o'clopli: the day M CD Wdjeejou tell me Why, &bin W-WfTt:=u11B F issued out oY,H6r Me- bud del i�eredsily ibtislohers. AN.Ew HA4&QW.--Our old friends, R Brucefleld. pit the morning of 25c. of cormaton. Pless, slid to me dhVdad ftheexhibition. All daliries"to be maae.to the See- Insolvelit ACt Of 1864. Stmagers yet jeaWs.Courl Runciman &'Co., having pwchase . da - eexhibition. d the the y of th Silver Chimes 35c agattistithe lands dad tenctitents of the late William retary by 11 o'clock, a. in `0 �5c story, dt the suit of jamisi PerrW. and George Davis IW6 4 JAA1rs DICIL56N.1resident. County rigyt for Wiriney's -vateut, are now HUGH LOVE, Sen., seu,y_ in t1w watkr of Willidm Boss, aii, I cannot -sing the old 86zigs D, Ferrier. I have selzed and ked fit execution all the 1 0 =d 6R ftOU% 9TE manufacturing a haiTow which, while it is south Huron, March 17th, 1968. w8td eet Re in the Lane 30c. eandin- doluld defeddint in ad4 to INSOLVENT AOT'10F 1864. 25c. t it' dieda)�d sevitity-nine in the TOrn as cheapjj� the old style, is a very great of the'Insolvent arenotifl- Co Ws uti4pe the Rod MWer nine hag HE Creditors of Goderich, which iaids da teriemepts I sba offer for ot T Wia partid1by tlie RRer Side 95c. A�vincpr Ontario, Rtlte Cionrity Coart of the 33nprovei5enf, By an ingenious ball joint Insolvent Act ed thaii't I, the! iindefaigned, -of the' safe at my office in the Coud House; in the Town lof Thd 25c. Goderich on Tuesday, the Alnih day of Jame next �t ANW, TO this harrow' wffi work upon the most town of GoAerich, in the County of Huron, GiDSVId Warning 00. the hour �itweivo of the cl&k, noon Mt- Countylt Huron, in ae inatta of Ro".13rabazon. in the TaRtterofjol pb TU jumr, an Insolvent. unecraLal ground as peffectly as on the most have been A Official Assignee of Do not, Reea her ..Warning MACDONALD- Notice is hereby go, a, JQ.ytheSixthday ppointed JOHS A Dividend sheet has been prepared, subject to Sheriff of ilen= of April next, at twelve otpie elou noon o its avon as level surface. Mesm, �R- & Co., have ays, lo at my his estate and effie and, they -are re- Bolle Maho ne. $ obiectontHl4th April. Dividend LDA1q Couinicanbebwd theunde4ilaw pply to the ice 1,11i Any of the above seat post paid an receipt I 5rh March, IM. Judge afthe sdd.Co;�i it his ch�mbrs forducharge J0 o Sherirs Office, Gilderich also added an'"t­ - ent which will offics, on Uth April nexL e quir4 to produ ore wel, wiffin tw� .7 load— Oill * months from. this d te, their claiiw upoli pride. 3PROVIS greatly facilitate the in, Of the im- aqtf oAddress, XON under the said. iet, I k Goderich, 16th Umh, 18ft I Coe 2'w OUSE, Farmexi; should 00 the said e4tate undo oithi ipecifying the 24 T. J. MOORH Iftned) Y6�ITH THOItPSON, Jurnior. plement on a wUgon� at tnis harrow and give it a trial. security'they hold, if any 9jid 'the alud CD 0 by Ids Attoruey. JN69LVENTACT OF 1864. e bHAWXS LARK, MORT G AW; .9 AE LAND; 1 jdW none, staiting he. fact, 6oderieb, 04. -ARCHIBALD HODGE, n DON EFAULT having been n*de in thp *men! of a Dated at V ty0flitoorithis Idarth, ,gmeu AtD McINXES, Flaintift, of it' support of such claiifis. xeter, the Man Tux ExoDu&— A number of yod vouch DANIEL MeCALLY, Defendant. aj2t-6dj MQnpgeb� a joining PAODUCE MZROHA27, day of Febragy, 1W8. W2 fLtst rate mechanicsj most ofthem, I& this Dated at Goderich, in the' County of 0 CD CoTdwod(j W D 'ttr ower) earing date the i the late John GEA Tin ivifi Morritug forThe purpose mbard% in the NeW Brf,;j�rk for the A, WRIT of Attaghment has issued in this cause h JOHN MAQDOXALD, Huron, this fourbeenth d# of Marbh. 1868. 16 F fleenih day of Decent. r, JW5. The fduosn Blook, Kings Street, United States. We*now of sevenlothers ' ? � Ing -Cameroula. —0 -ton OLVENT ACT OF 1864. �_7 Shamir, Huron, JOHN 11ALI)AN Jn.f ASH W%L BE F;AID for perty-v�ili Mi sold by Public Auction at G. U. ;... who intend to follow. and the Probability 'Shefiff's OM 2M Officiai tAssigned. C A&tion. Rcimni�, on the G-0 D E R IV 31 W8 id 4al - Qf April 21 noon, Province otOntado, I ix THE COUNTY Zola= God erich, IM M1.1ij IS68. v2 is, Iffi-it the commg spring.wiR witness a V I next, at 1, FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, C-udt�ofHuro.n. f Of th00011114 Vf HU0134 exodus j)f people thai2 any we GODD 00-RDWOO r4i in like 1112af 6fA0zds&r NcD6xdd, an U06teent. 011. Ballet, AT ThE i under lie �qvrers contRuled in thewd:#or1CV,,,wz' ter our d 30 G"Mij, Shortif. PiLitil" Lave liad for a number of years.—St. Jolm umbefs.Oite-onthi.p.ElurborVIgLi, and rAeen e for gram iod alt ON *onaay, the sliM day April next, 1be'andc Oil Wu__ ed *1I!rzP Y -to LIU Court HuRer LT WEL 11� stfbpt, in the Town of Griderich. id,ftliest, inarket pric I" theru4.e "Ofthe 5 to b& givini qj*r the kindi ofFoduces. w4tt illp Dee for i 4isch erthe add Act. Ajpl�. at the Friinndry je. T*&hheipitr- Me 2M day of Jailueft,1A. D... D&Vd sti 6d0ridhV1iS mthe Wd Mange MR. JDAine TAMFMMaMPosTP0.11fXD. r. RUNQfMANi ALVXANDkWXcDONALD, T 0 tE The tial of Mr. Davis, whibli was to NE -W S FOR ALK.,,OR TO -LET111 Huron Feb. 10,ISSS. w3t D. sHADE G60DING, solicitor for Mortgr VALUABLE PROPERTY By J6MI 2% 000mm- he fourth Wednesday A i . 1`13he tafideiz*ed offers for Ant' of SOL have taken place oul �jtd mitz Jamte)�4 28th. 4z MS to in Ruv4 it 4-ain postponed unW the 15t1t :F 0 M 8 A. 2a:8 I sale a *alua Insolvent Theabovesals is-ppstponed tin Tativilat 4th Fab TOWNS DIP ApA ble Houdi?Q Lot, on lesba, St.$ IN Tuit Rowi&Agm ii, aonin becoming rampant mi d.705Goderich. EaAytermst2 W,given, zn t7te matter of.7ohn Cox, an h*1mut et th &STRAITORM, FAM - Hamilton, The'Ti?nes says, ladies ventur- �POLLOCK J0_11111 N S T 0INT. sulbid Ile sbovis Wit is fortber posti ied unid thursi1ity -MU possession can be obtained on the firdt of --A DIvideitid sheet has liben .1 -Much 9h, 1868, it mole time and p*e w3td 319' iS �=d 10, 1 ing abi-did in the evening 4dthout protee- Ojectiontill the 28th day of .11*h instant.- Dividend bothe.- 1-42-tu �or I;z La n 9111 the have opened a April-' �jyablb 4t my office on 30th filift. I — atit�ORRI , _*m0i: I tion an idbject to fittrult d I �Oyanoe. EG to aerfooned .1e y. MOP W. F. TIN Adauaiaostl *6eff�ln ., px�'The to the inhabitants of.Ooderich,& vicitiltr 'ib �MLIAX lea �Omee a above showa,,Ah -ldi% an ?,graceless New Store in Goderich, March 6th, 1868.. -11111�f` Ede is B 9.e; Th 1. 70.11,onl`14 ., ruid tiU !&wdsY? Wh JuAa tjo".� M4. 61, 68,� 69, NO merey dhourq be W7' 4th Vardlip 1868. lw7�% IN61stsametlatesudIt 'Grand-Aruilk Itfulfty 1160.110Tdt.., but neiilramii lious6 of tho L - 'a ft_,nW uid a4a iag -vagabon& wliawould molest ill fait mid ad G6 soiiiA-Xid 1, orunion, 61-tatiqnaud ' an Into.Lotw I . Rere i's 4L 4r4lWd, Ana the, th@ police shoula be on the alert. 4-11 lots Noq. 1-0' , bl, ft, Slit 94,85 and' 86 Cmeron 8 I -B116- ck ot, Goderich 1. ACT OF lilt; ins 'house. arm is well viatiria 11-j 0 P64es- Al f Hen -Mortgag y Thm, �6 S plan in New York to r6ceiV0 'Noice 1-0 . . - tbe�Gore tie4wiea tht Grand Tmnk Roade �W. f - - -t e Sble Of Land. Toronto aifd HUffaloifix sheWn in a' plin lbdr&t' R the matter o . ry welwky mee"l, on from all the pyownput points of the West (Near the Huron Hotel Regurltry lilice -tar thei t;ioirnl� ViUVe.qf $eqflelb -ia W C4"ty of WIMON, been made in Thomas B. viniz Od Pei or quoUticitis 6f the �&i market, so that obt A very "Tebt Aci Of Stapiel ma Fatic! Of file -D Uourt"r 4`e Theselots are tirisf idyantivolaiily sltdatbdi, Hivrozi time by ivimlobungforthepa an. iWtwA w George tWbere they-likvd. openod 7, emWwU jjjar� �be sent� at once to the dower) -betring ate .1h A,,genf, G*&ii014_ mlid" +16ir servioa *Mbe 19od in PPRE rieditors ot the filsolvent ire notified tA Septemiker, Points JL has ditid4 an, assigniffient Lif -his- 1862., i Yollov04, pri@erty itit sold ty Fa 4� iS& to M&L A y are req Somond daY af pAI'm -tlie itindfriligned.,469signee, aud the' '10ft Two Farm Lots; one- rohtalftfug� lir�l t '131 1 th, 0 - at 'I? ibret, arid ri is me. within t*o moiitiw fro a this datei Cq tfflaer -v3z-. epowers6aiiined in ibe seld3fort'. under sedurity they upo fide ef tfie Graod;Tiilh -Rmlway tbAt R man -d()MAe6 A=43#02i 813186. in!ry largi nuffitik of own G. W, Ti I h Nfr' 61sims, Spoelffirig th'i 1ot iunding iidmbo.r One Thousand Atad'Fof -_*j t, n UeSout!114 and if none' th" Habbt,Xhrli the "A 4"Rb-Shesifa In' a Townofuoderict Mimi; 'fltbreof Iftilteri6a'In4be IS$ AhdraMS, 23..L Coll u IQ, -ash.& redit. Di!ed to'156 givart tinder 111W p6wers offic 'ounty c 6Aor the 0 601111*ft6d in Norw9d.- For further L edit is ofex6elliint qi�udity. I it vat Godoffab retilch i��iitltlP- E ]EMK00 goxuch� Farm Wock i e'Act-.1howliole ttes:W. nder4ath: K T9. 21 G wthAte volfichers in suppaiti)f sue of Huron sy 1ht, %k - 0oarity 3[=b,-r,=ito&,,&i4a9sukl0t 131�6th rj-, AMy of the above tote MkI be ad very 0% SHAIJ]&:� DING, A0 for,the eri*f6n --of &dgl irswatasib nor pitagmem- jbMfifth day of Mar -0i 1869.: xortgagee� Cheap. Iffir4m Up JamisrT,480. apply -to Hotitaw. --fox Mimi Satoolawtiolf l­A1iiqqeetfbr County a I . j" .1. ojd&� 6r * *,!� r -near -15Z L� bo=4 j.j%ANC 11ALD&N. 'th "=:at fhe �,tore Dedes. �Oz-i TS, A D'SH -atNgd.. I .� W. - mift., 1, 1 - I., I . I -;;Pd Y be -and ��e, pl� 186C ir atG6od AWi tQ thi, 10-is4 vir ,Tai�e, 3j6iW3&* saje� st rk D. Iloi -aj L & The �iti All. �Ory UWat P Adpilfta$& of omibi cash, *1 b*vink beef% purC4 ove ftle Is (N*er postponed millti, Inotaft A* ti , goo., IM, &i&r. Maj4rL of Tqjk A$ of.tM VIN imely,p e con, inft 66 ) fit' VA� bid 06 a 11 , �ff the largefij , * Is - Ir he ThebQtni sa f Inableit; him to. m%l LSVAPO'W� IBA Va"A*1 9%400k 1604-Aih Xmih; 1W, WO 2% ERVRWA It'- n�fi 0 i hit 0&& 'AbItt'. to hFis- made �4& amgnmdo of HEARnbedriber will zontraA to Mire.` Rig r 'Ott Ou G THE Affe SRI -A-U-Tyor- FLOU1 't _P Fj I';, _jjjj-L 1-70 N'S '00 in 11jitl*t4lible, idn AND V ram di and US Pub ie 2r6'"bi. not the� ii, 11011P.p !! d, noteML h 016 zow brickosall INSU _0 -neu oeI after the 204 init, -Ao be =if OR SATZ A! buts go aw., arl Wert t i�., act- 'hiV *b616)htt6t`0 ttnc%i k, 11 d po ittil �toojje 1jifiri-Irej1pid or It. iiernifing %Ack �arlrj t P161M in Ifia -(�"ounty ron., which,U41irn 16* 44.8a and 4, add w;wzes foribi 4 3 8 GWI DIN 7 66tni thfi Palk id! aws cum �ft d ha#m� 'liable _e&Va_j TOR, =Mmm", odekich latrj6jur h_ — - 4 44 the" New, P OL) as d641117 611 _n ),and dated -the VilliX iflud In the per SIT -As4jaeif46i!i _y *4 im `00DE 7, A % W1 A ly P rd nd ove 'L we lave ver acinis7A 10 4 'E�*, 701: hire tl-,2 eiry of The -11- k n. aTT lwn y 4:!y ied in &Tie qhape th't, I-js tmwy a, ='.I aal. that M-1 -Ar.enk-t, in usinq W�'.;�.—g have proved �Iy for in 01 tLk, thniat 'mused .1 of the vocal slng*n will fret__ 'Cial. �7zons i - - 4� re "d- in w�;,,m'or Coug L 9-1_11190 for thtl� d hqs j%, ams'e'd theill �Steeul NY %fl ano hzava dea:ers 7=1 E-m—ses- t1le pre -are of tht,, j# IC7�.4 glutNl which on' a de ­ and dige-,;tive aad =j conthi;on, the u -M disapTwar. Ex- tt�nt t%e meqns best Ann�ban t -,IS -es Witt n a cure b4� !nve.n wit. h and d�ws not b- I-ept f- zom work *!Lt Me, Sig an e --c �sjl Ontario. scld bv u'�! Medicine RR:ED. r-t at tBe rF_9tnct- of 'ote T of Hax a - at the of CeTer el A;Pgmnder Me �of the by the Rev. _f,-trth.Mrj4 'in Gray. i muga:. &,ss, of ON =. MA a-�a E�, -Lftlge pmkeM Grecabac"-s. —,VZ7 AT ON NEW . ........... -rr--d =_—_ tD �Prer IIES 0 7 is .. ...... S'd, at L�3j ------ S 51- 1: 71 q 1:51 0.,W 0: 5_2 rl!� 0:55, ; ...... "9k a 0:71 ------ 5:W 4ttt, 6.W ...... G.--ff 0:00 0 -IG 0:167 0:15, 0-16 W (a 16.00 6-50 0, 0:00 0:20 (a 0:25 2:21 6_il 2:5& 5-M 0, 5:50 ...... 0:25% fd. 0:3G ------ 0-40 6:60 ------ O:W 0-40 0:20 (ii� 0:25 �halewle�, Lo.h. per bhL 17, 18% Xcon. 1-67 ...... O�00 J -50- C-50 9:0 0:50L 0.68 0:70' 0. 15 5-00 6.0y " .10 &0a ..... 10. 6:50 0 ...... 5:09 5_50� 0:25 0:30, GAQ a 0:59 G.W 015 C, 05 Ira 0:65 0:30 0, OZ30, I ..... 0:43 053 - U�UWM 17. U94. Noon. . ....... 1.-4_7j 9, 1-4g V00 (a) JIM ....... 145 R, 1:L5 0:50 CrAG Pa 0:19 e G. R, 0q9 %Go am -00 MOT 0:9-5 q� GiV,10 049 Ql� 19:90 q.25 a 5ZO- S.W- e� 8:2�01- what r -v CC- vm mime :7 -X 4, J. X . 11-1 . NM % G aim I= W .'.M_ 7% DilAgannon. Neb AWbertisements. X6TRFP,9, READ THIS i-HOLLO. TAE GRUTININGLISH REXEN WAYSS, WORM LOZENGES arv. a certain and I A -NOR X gannon At a nj,,o-.iug he' Id ih the Dun sa*remedy for WotmainChildren Add Adults-, SIR �AAS CLARKU-8 4 rchool house oil Saturday, the 7th instant, FOR SALIR CHEAP. ---As it is a'Well-known and me-ancholy la�t Celebrated F-emale- - Pills. hil a purpose or organizing a Teacherst -that ne great caube of death union,., c I Cir? f Sir' ODER 11 0 i for the Woi!us alone, it cannot be t ..: deeply im- Prepared om ii pracription'o from orth was elected TRAT LA . RGE AND CONNOblors "A necessitv Clarke,�'VoID.,PAP.Wician Oxtraor., 17 Association, A Molesw presRed upon the trinktis of parente, -N By so doing. rover, Vice Presi-- of closely watching their children - to the Queen. President; � Charles G DWELLING WoUSE9 and uncratinding the gymptons-n-ild true cause n- ,er. F e- Faid ft - ,dent, atid r,. Forbes Secrotary, Treastu -en might be situated on the corner of Kinoton ofi6rdiseiisli�,ihdhsandi olhildi, Thii invaluable modictino 39 tin a' di; i -i the -4A w6a-,48: "M lltw STORE, It was resolved that the regular meetings saved from eaff� gravei. Symp ro,%t - ov cute of all 0.1tome paintril and dan ous di oes HA4 REMOVED TO and Stanley Streets, nearly -The fol lovii in g are a few of the vrxy 0.1merous t -%Ybtbh the riniale cdostitution is. su4jet L. it XIND or of the Ass-lociantion be held Zin the 1st Sat- opposite Crubb's Block turns and diseaqej *hjell , w caused by 0 Aw IN& a smorfettitesIlleiscessandfanov 110-listiu,&ion' 11 pl, ERI DerRngedeppeiiie,ein-,,..;itedextrom- 'and aspeedy dure may 661 n Corn6 QAN urday in each month. Teachers and others W jL.,:.tL PAXERY AITAOHED. ir of Square, Hamilton street "AA1 interested in the cause' of education are THERE 18 A T�AFGE itiessoftnaive breath.fire4vent fw.o�irat the no"I grinding of the teeth duringl­rp, hardness TO MARRI WES attend. Initiation fee fifty Y A R D A N D 8 T A D L F. fth- belly, Ah frquent 61.,vt wle, and, itle peculiarly ited. Wit irk A shot time, B." L. T61136ni VILOtograh Room) invited to at nietimas convulsive tftg,; oin i - i im Ixesd ?Lnd bring on the, morithly, it th regularr y, cents. attackedto the above. stomitch, unquiet sieup, lkintio trembling, Each bottle, pric ollatgbePratf - Gov. in R. FORBES, For terms apply tn doughs. indegestionlow spirits, I imuldrea 81 errimpitt$tampof rea rLtaintopreveitcoun. Secretary. JAMES SKMNG& and a gradual NVaRting nway of 11 I - red to he e6eits. AND. BANK 01 Godericb, 14tb March, 1860. W8 I in, They are palatabie and sell-adn, 100 �HE HA a OPENED 10C.C.-A RAD T, TV c -delve out.tbeWorms thoron :11y WithOut 2.7kees pill ;Ljj Thees Pil., hild s. ou1d7wtbafakmh#. tisde ditring The Good Templam of Durigarinon have thes! e pain Ind completely slean8t. I THEER-AfORMS f Prog .0 CK lately or,%nized a Lodge there with agood Notice to Carpenters 4 Builde mrolu s 19 TO'L IrS by doing away wita the neceji4av­t ddintai mane t1my are sure to hnnk 0 Mitear- 1011GHT *01D. lux Castor Oi I or other unpleasRn, harucx—di na - V ` at any other time they are s fe. GE -ST Y GROCERIE -E*At _0 LAR nef. Aalr. ERS will be received up to the 1st v in -0 niq prospect of sucM QEALED TE." n the use of rither %Vorm Medici n in 11 cases of.Nervous andSpinal birections. k3 April next for the furnishing, erecting and fititsh- Eqch box coot-ains the tP.-intile at it in th B k and Limbs. Faturtu 'on slight iLats 8 ang- 0. liqxb It ing a tivref'fNORTHROP & I to e art "Oliplae-West. Street, do,;rs East ofj 1-rarttsek. dhe of the lati 4Grdat Trade' Auddon SaksU&�Oi tj- The Syracuse men, of whom so ition, Palpitation of the Heart, Hys res and, purchdAd by, him at Pint Office. �i row"Ohip-b" 7:11VV453L713r_Lg; XX<3o1xm4Bo I who are the sole prolorietoes. hiteal these Pills will affeet a clire *hec all h S51A ae- �.Ozetlgn much has been said, have, we. learn, skcrording to the Plans and Spectfiestions,'which cid N. B.-Arkfior Rollorvay's Wo-�O- T other means have failed; and althottel d Power PEAN `4 Bit, - W.D.,Ashfivid, A Y10, A-iffERA16. departed without having done a Tenderi mony, or unvtbing hurtful to the i onst trildril. 15bilerich, Feb, 10, 1868. 9*31111. co,rzier 4of market Squarc and North .4reet -;:-It or r nything in fie seen at my office, over J. C. Detior & Cos. Store, slid take no 9theii. Sold in Gonej ful remedy, do not cotain iron. cal, nids, anti. & Ciatle and F Jordio -* t4andiner e; '06 the way of purchasing w-dt-territory. field. J it mes &nthain. kodxerville- AEW "TOCK OF DR addmsed to 444 J4kMES SMAII;. ATchiteet, Fxeter; J. H. G�mne, %Vaits &.je int n.; Full directions in the primphlet at tund Oacb -Vov. 25; 067.,. Goderkh, I gilt March, 1868- a w w8td a package, whidlit iihoulil. be catefaJy I e*ited. dy, hm- been- pairchm-ed much X -34W 031-003EIRIr I -son, h R state of the wholesale trad 1:eeord, Lficknow, 6. flick owing 6 the depressed TnE. REASON H, W is it that thi all Medicine Vealtrs. Soleagent for the United Statesant Callodak, Whiclif .0 -below the ustilir prices, and AND -rovi6081 Perminent uIlding J03 XOSES, Rocheper, N.Y. 0 - confounded Si & Salt Tem4tory in qnal is nlwnys so damp f I. -S1.00 and six Ro-tftge stam s, enclosed f a lety, d Stores ther D, tot1j:P slid 16 mes said a rumblin and Savings Son- iwo� F107ur when it cc) CNIDUN Pill to any authorize4 agent will insurgy bottlb con. JBIE; S4:> HE tml T ening: T'raps." said his Wr t> Xt C> 1%T W C)�v uuu&ng60Pil" bireturnmail. Sa .riber having Water Power thit the other ev A Family r.,bly known P &I YMAf-T, q endse th�re'!j (First door So�zth of- the Post, Ofw,) d fel9adil S-6 respectfully re7quested :o call and examine Ae stacL.. # NSON could be �appliedjn r in a sing W,geineral 6:2, Old customers an ROBI liltle briglit eyed solo, for the past left y4a ir ' fallin;. le Newcisstl,(" well­j'a the aboie, VillagA wriald kir-is so Much due (dew�'on it. blother save nedticecl F1nt?e--R_ agentf6rCa adr., OF REPAYMENT FOR EACH $100 ADVANCED. instance to -give perm 'nt relief kviien timely BEGS respeaffillfto anitounes to the 'I, " hm an tipportunify of astur Iftid ower*; Or for thr,-e years I" used, and we have ver known a -ingle case' old in doderibli byParker & Cattle and . . 11 part it ha'nt been paid f habitants of Goderich andneintlyt at Dung ra-icAl and put of 4y- %YN,16yrs Syrs 10y.9-12yv 15ys of reihP,;irectiwvihave bilipa 051o2an; Gaidiner cc Co. Jftyl-31d; Ja es and would alsp take ibares in the tnterpriwe - It Mary,'Whip that Y4 Rcix6i#1lle;.J. Picliard,[, coter - 7H. hd has commencedn thd abovo line in Mr. Wood can be had st 0ow fture. Apply. L W., WATS04241 Sthidil's ola stand, him to. bed I" was the inhuman rejoin4- At end of troperly tollo. bir tin the ont",ry all are f om6p. Wittis &, Jehbj r. linton, 8 cord, Luck- f6r furtter i tionlars -to each qutF r 44 19 7.77 1.511 566 465 "41 00" WO ebghledw, ilsop-ratipps,eifid s,wakirll the. now; E. Hickson, Sotiftirth. and all bledleinq par AS. niNFORI). half-yaer 2820 16 47 19 95 114b -3 1 _'L. - I 38-1ir 60DERIC11. s'anuary 10. 1868. CORINT91t OF'SQUARIE & INORTH ST- Port Albert. Nor. W, IMI, er. 9 0 8 02 .72511 650 :ig 104 1 W44t 6 rn�s - ulgi I tq q of its Virtoe and "rs' 155 A . NADIANPA[ND SROBR Freshet at Baylleld. 125 02`112202 '4 01 15hT 1415 1270 U the Wocery' Department be will -kie .5jS2 al.72 o-6 55.2313 IQ.92 1645 ifftis34 reput4tion,89A -iood �purt an as n for itself a el , Iterative itornach tonic, itnsur the.cheapeat. NEY To - LFN,_D* To the EdtUr of theSIGNA1. The above Rates include Principal and laterest. alLd 11 !.�ntapd in the a entire Debt,%rill b.- paid, without, tit, vormedicalpreparat A. fi '4410r6talls We clip the followitim from the*.Ptovidnce Pardeallat attention paid -to the line of V,. seen, wAhin 6P met in . a - A r I - o have we Coniplau;'-. Indiecs. The _'y 0630.20 E. afis9 Pal r ,Zh year Perry ID on,hat)d good articles, 4 d soll = cheap 11 a�.y oer payment whatever. Application received by r�-Mqptpsin, biver "D OF Neve r rise so high D, S. GOODING. tiolnuHeFi;tbiirii,Sie.kl4eadarhe, hidneyrIim. (fetzeral Advertiser SE BABY TERMSO last 12.r !�; verst, the wate ma, and 61 At this season of t! PLOTIR AND FEED .1 March ITth_ 18151- 8tolitRiactivitythia Systeal debtALated and as the advertiser has.had many, Tears' J. A GIORDON. The ice being thick iety's Valuator -at Godedeb plaints,Artd Stomach PhthiMcor -th 6e yearhen ditolers, G 0-t eXpriince, in tbat'branch,ot business. be Goddricb. Jan. 146, 1868. W514f in slich a sh�rt time; it has carried away the Sou wstf restoro ii�, and other kin every thing before it. i - cholera morbus, dystentf SELLIN revious, by sivilering a tid disease. railevArybody t5 Abstra Its magi'cal and a onderful Aticcv­ in ouring and strong, there being no thaw It a jam. Treasurer s dred complaints are sure to prei Davis' feql@ -confident that be cain give datisfactiobb. it came doum in treble, force, forming stidden'collds. Sore throat. rough-. Diptheria should be liberally supplied with P6H Goderich, Feb. 7, 1W. sw47tf at the bridge, tindermining the South crib. pains taiheside,lions and back. net, ralgia111olb-", v ege6abfg Pain Killer. Persons 1paving To 89;1t eculators so that it fell abqut sLX, inches. The ice EAST- WAWANID ith,,,h,urnalientidothewpaingin tiny Oartoi h8me, whether it be for a days excultion or T gave way there, it jambed at the old dredge the hod)'d0(l from wh i tever. can-ce. firts gAren i i ii� trip to Erope, should be in a position Ilk a. place in every household and is fos_ - sulprstd., t . 0 C N him 'for Sale, rose about 5 feiA, carrying av p a GIVING UP BUSINESS,, A -pior LAND _' FOR -SAL199P ray fish shaup- I ce their hands. on� it in a womenes warn )60 ing all other preparatitIns of"the kir@; I - � I — nsiaerable Dec. �11, 180* !to taxes received r year $40.22 -dectual and Oy for ing. Many diseases in incident to the summer E undertignad offers fbrsale abouf four damage. One poor man, D. Beaton in Re e Fund 414.82 Scalds, Burns, Braises, Sprains. Chilblains, moi'tbR, which will prove VRONMXG on Lake Harlot. 2 iu�es ftom. Goderich, which iq,o- din liv- 11 Licenses do, ...... 50,00 It is also an i prompt reme fatal if not im- ing on the flats, had hardly time to et out Inci en ceipis ...... 5.60 Frost Bites, Cramp% in the Stomueb, Dierlic8e, mediately checked, can be promot)t cared x. containingin herds bf "periorlaud. Lot81A acres of laud in Goderich, t.nolera tiorbusq Hilhous Chofic. Cholera 411taa- by one or two doses of 0e Pain Kill�.r On edw if Goderich Township, Bavtw1d Road, atinut 200 rairfibly adapted for salt works, beinar -in I his family out of the house the Water rose Tot cerptsfor 1867 04,696.42 acris cleared. "I orLLrd, dwellia-house and turn, Oysentert', &c. beenl;eliey- at Re. ducift'011 rjeeS ftme barn on the premises, and a . creik runs bank of the River Maitland hod adjoining ruing (1601) about 6 moke than one occasion have we re so rapidly. This moi Price only 25 ceniq er bottle. thrdugh the lot. Can be sold to IL track. By a sbort otwitich. S41u_ suit Iftirchaserti in NOR ' ROF 4. LYAN dd 'of intense suffering liy the imely o' clock the dam commenced to give -way, IPH fise of G. T Ily Paid Trea . ( I whoU or parL Apply FRMER, cotild be sent'Enstward by rail or tq.the and in about an hour there was forty feet of West Wawanosh Clergy Neweastle. 0. 4r, the above burned preparation. go" ... 22246 General Agent for bVfada. ri%ts, grocers, and medi. _D 9, r 'G. X. IMUEMAN, Godenth, wharf of the east side gone, ad it is till Ing Reserve L -ad ... .......... ....... Sold by all Drugil or to . for shipment. - This property is close I all go as the school ellons, ............ ........... 02,49 -1?-Iqold in Coderwh by Parker & Cotile Rod difie dealers. March 8, 1808 w6tf to ibe ivell now sinking nud iabout: 700 yards! . cur and Bril.- STEW V from it is feared that it� wfl Road 25500 wmd, - I - I f ,es ............... .... IL'yfield; James the famousGoilerichUlt Works. This rent comes down the west side, and runs Cffi . salaries ........................ w.5o F. Jordan; (iRrdiner -%r. -Co. PERRY DAVIS & SON. INSOLVENT ACT OF 18K It will be a "I C ne'lors Fees ....................... lb6-00 Bentham, Rodgervil le; J Pickard, Exeter�, J. H. P:vprie�ors. h one of the most desirable plots now. in the along the face of the dwn-. . ricidenmi expn-es ............. ...... 135-45 -ord;. Luck- YED TO SELL.OFF HIS STOCKOF COUI*f OF ),In the matter of Wigiam marketi and intending operatorashould exurn serious loss to Mesm. Vanston, as they 'It agiinrate fees farsheepkilledby'dogs Combe, Wati-i & Jebb, Clinton; Set i Medicine 21N 3m t8o St. Paul street Montreal 11A9 DETERNI. ine it without delay. 4,00 now; Hickson. -mbria. and al were putting in a new Circujar Smvm'. the Ph-ce'co-handforl.868. ....... 2943;68 Dealers. *38 HriioN. f Trwin, anlasolvent. Fdt particulars apply to saw mill $4M.42 TRAY13D into the enclosure of the Sul JOHN HYSLOP. amou � t t hich was al -nest re6Ay t4o strim dTILI E to herebirgmed that by irirlue of ibe -n it will 7, Sjh coneession. Rhout the last of li=rl,il wer vem-ed in me as as�ienee of the Goderich. ]By what we can lea ks r. N n VS er is riquested to fi!!b�e insolvent, I shall offier for.sele by Public about furthousand dollars inclu ng t N -M) Black Steer, 2 years old. The own Auction Seotembei 50, 1867. W36.3m P utl;e e's AUDrioR,s REPORT. prove plopeiti, pay expenses and take them avOkv' on, Friday, the Twelfth day of June P time. T11wit- GAVj HAMILTON, next; 1861, at the hour of twelve, 1100n, at my it is feared -at '.Kr. I'Council of The NOTICE. w68t* AND' READY MADE CLOTHINO --ft, all ,:roninop w1th eat To The Reeve Find Mumcipa store house which is, t ;bip of Ewt wawanosh in Uouncil - mbled.- February 28,1868. oince in the rown of Gode rit the right, will also go as the cmran is W away G&qTLE_XKN1_ to give credit or title and interest of the said insolvent to the foi- SALT TERITORY l We fieve prepamd Id*inglands Lot number -one Th the eighth its foundation. he 31st day of December, _JL othersise trust. to. Elizabeth Baird. (my -vadhip of Howtek, and expendikures up to * an Abstract oi the receipts rVIIII is to notify d1I Persons not ]ED. - R Cox, qatement. of the habi,ittes of your she having left my bed and board without any just JAW STUDW WANT C ST & UNOPm 0 6oncemon ;hhe To col"810- FOR SALE OR LEASE. AT . (inclusive). aN aisn a w cause o- nrovocation. therefore I wfll not hold myself inj by admeasuremealt one hundred acres, save co ould report it followit: Tzration at that date. and,w contract after this %W Said one of our jo tan the other the moni" received up, to 31st I December i e for any bills she may IN tin office in G�derich, to andexcept five acres off the Ti0ith-WeSt cornpr, WJTJKI N 150, vaids &if the present Go#envb amonated to ................ $469&42 Ztl.*M v0hirh iaid five acres are in lbli*fbirrn of a Pquare. Salti Wor". Also, e 'Arel,An JOHN BAI�D Will be given. Apply at day ! "Ow is it that all this Amount uncoliected4on qoflectorts RoR W Dated at Goderiqh, 9th Mareh, . D., 1868. at that date .................... 19"01 ma4osill. Feb. 28, 1868. �wftf UNPREVEDENTED-1 TAEMENDJUSSICRIFIGE 6f 60308 9 ri A R M I N G L A N D 8 country ave called blo y wabbits I" Dated this 13th day of March, 1868. wS Us SAMUEL POLLOCK, TBtal Receipts. $6680,43 vinta OrIcIal A -"i"- cort*euient. to thatlocality. Apply to SALT MEN. -Th of operativeq whole must be sold in si2t weeko. all early and secure some of the Imany" thousand JOHS BeLt. A�URDOX, exodus The 0 Gojeriplu The amount of expenditure -barglus nowoff ridgtor sale Parm for Sale. mount ohishijittes-delientureit 128.21 Yamily Blebles from the oil re 9 to GoAerich, has filled 5 ...... Goder--ht lit il�c., 180. w#kt - A our town with e faces lately. - A batch 8 liml Sections ............... M 46 LWot 14, 3n. 2, (Jbyfield Road), opposite the of ten or tw e arrived last night, County Treasurer ............ just to hand one case of larad Family SE twe t St, God Sigaafteld Farm. TO SAAUT O#EUATORS. rrs, At the OLANDW. 1101 Is, Vs 60ams: 60cleared. Good eq Refunded ... ........ 4612 Bibles in the Notes and References, ffom ftme barin; dwelling honse6 , pychard. ExceVent Non Resident Schoot i;L� ..... 1 147.48 65r..14 L11 m. res fr6m Goderich. For X Titientan; Goderich, or on j31NGt*.4E$aa good as new,. NF.w, az.-Messrs. Pollock & John Balance to credit of Township S836gg NOT I C E $2:50 WO 2154 onk will be seen'by advertisement The Non Resident taxes returned to Couniv Two sTE&N 637.0 AT T E Coll? g WI andn perfect working order, for eale, ston� r-Tonsblp tax .............. H 0 ORGE JOE[NMX. telse ere, have opened a new store on Tr,--- - A_ cheap.i artiiialars it thia office. school = ................... i-3 0 To Ta#erh I 'PAT ected their -ALO ult Dee. 2. 186L, w45 teepers ij, SIGN -Pill n street, and having insp Total t1je county of Huron FFICV, Xonev to Lend, oods, we are prepared to state that they .................. 785412 - ut. Governor of the Provirin are of first-rate quality and clicap as the The Legislative Trits for 1967 were laid 'by ibe STEWAR-Ty' 41e tdrWA. Apply to- q0tio -bi ka#nerShip al Excellency the Lie cheapest. . The character of the gentlemen Tr;asnrer of 1?9�st a*ajwsh. with His1011tarlo, hdVing appolated the undersigned 6, WM* very rasso e tmc L the under4gued have tbig Aityentered present a duplicitic of the Ahs. t here "Of I -Treadurees aeporint ana suer of Tavern Uceus6ii for the County of Huron. V.%hip jn.,�k4e ]Sinking and jultzhge omposing the firm will be a guarantee We have examined Your the NoTicEis hereby given that all persotil, applicants. 61,ASGOW HUUSE4 B. L DOYL'Ei. nder the firin silf hon�st fair -dealing with the public. -Give vouelters. and friand them quite s4tisfactorY. All of BLANK BOOV yIe bf pmifud SmarL ac. which 6 respec ted. for Tavern. License in the Conty or Harou who present W24 qMce --West streii a dboA e�w of the Post 0111ce. RFNG0UGH,j ertificates and on payment of ilbodericU be s Savage'isitew Block. tt4t,, A complete stock of C. R67. Gderl ii,'OnUrlo-, them a calL the proper Municipal C 211). j Ariditom the Piovincts.1 duty wiII receive Licerriles for the cur- -Ai4 DEAN. JAMES EDM02 bderich, 9th 3an. Urb. 4- Maren 16th, isrA. rent year in terms, of the StatLta. Town Licenses $10, DAY W.,F. F. SART. ,�mpeachment- 'lowusMp and ViiIjage Licenses $5. -1N ]C4- TAVE Ja. 20, 1888. Its, OR HEADING & 8 S.- 'eja W. i DAN. LIZA SIOM9 ]LIES [F OHN8TON'S 0 OF Office of the Cljrk qf the Peace, CountyofHuron. MINUTE BOOKS, Basswood, and Tnent Court commenec .4 its oTganization Goderich, t h March 1868. W sbi .-The Impeacb- Issuer of Taivern Licenses. JOURNALS, a, March 6 0111111H flul! hardwood, for to -day, and has iven President Johnson SOHO -OL BOOKS- the mith; 01the -1 g6od, reliable' servant PASS 'BOOKS, 9ANX9M until Friday inext, the 13th. to appeal WANTED. INDIOES, &C-1 Ac. and answer to charge7z. The Coart ad- girl, who may obtain a steady place the A FM SUPPLY 14OW TO EIAND. E. CLIjLv)v ORD, fair wages. Apply -11p Atgreatly reinced prices for cash. At jom-ned until that day. and at this 01`00-7 Dealers iiiipplied itPublishers lowest returning thanks for the liberal support and patronage he l,as �recelved for the stairs. AGRICULTURAL EMBITION. BIGNAI OFFIC. s .*holesa,18 prices. WHMKEAS WHISHER-S I 1 12 yeaM begg bave to say that by the zw- Mr. Gen. 51cKiblion, of-Teegwa� WANTBO AT T11E S.WNAL" -OFFICE. aorrolsa, the greatest stith r. b. 0. a-iticz It oductiori of sziacbider� lie is now prepar. ter, determined not to be behind the times, rVHE First spnng Show inewo on tnh e -,n Agricultural iei will be held Apply to, ulatoi in We viorld.,virill force Wnisk4ifs or Mus 4 -to sipply retail dealers With all -kindi of -in, N, photo Rosegarland Cottage. Y.' ii -i -i known to fill. Sample for trial lent free has procuried a lot of ourexcelsior illu- JL Riding of Bur A m"t tobirte. RINCKS Esq. to, -ha to grow on the smoothest face or ch' at the Village of.Brueetield. on esss the niinated posters with which to advertie day ofAp STAI "ION 1E to any wir degirou-4 of e§ting itsmentil. Address W GAR01111 BiScuifts and Or'ners beaw ro VU T.�exL when the fbIlowing premiums t bis goods $12 2ad $10 3rd $9 , Goderich. MOch 10th 1M, w7tf. 0- -E.s & Co, 78 Na " an St., . Y. 0- ' F hich he thinks'will he more uavantsgebu Bur the bast Dmught StalIfou EVERY T ING YOU WANT in Writide- l6udis take. diflegi prepaid.) *29 W Stallion for gene I ral phirposes 12 6 10 8 CD I N * A Tf 8 S. 0 Is 6 C_ K, 4 to Whom 1�aphr, and Envelopes, �6w offering at ve to the consudibr thlin importing the4i Irom Beat Durharn BuiL over 2 yrs, old 8 6 'WANTED.—A servant girl 7 a& Dan. Lizars, Esq., our respected under 2 yra old 6 3 2 0-a bver the Glasgow. House, where he has other places. Bes�pevon Bu14 over 2 vrs old 5 4 2 good wages will be given. Apply at cr 01 CD low prices. )propriate Glerk of the Peace, whoi, w al T OR. 2 this fifted up his rooms. in the most ie e are glad to under 2 M. old 5 3 Ar THE nng manripe; -to eiedd pictures -in every style Foda Bi6cui P alo! ES Best Grade BuIL over 2 Irs old 5 a 2 Goderich, March 17 18681 w8f3. a Uq % v %bb Box or Barrel ..$0,07 see has been restored to!g,)od beh1th, hag under 2 yrs old 4 3 2 . =d P e_1`_ 8 . = - SIGNAL OFFICEs, SAR Well as`i z kn 10 the arL 99 5 under *ine The best Prize bein- albe for any other breed 71. been appointed Issuer of Tavern Licenses, —Came ; —Qld pictures. such as Dagraerro. ot menNued in the above list of breeds STRAY STEER. into the' en- 6oderich Jan. 13th, 186.S. See adv. elsewhere. of all thorough bred.Bulls exhibited, HE Siiiisenbers Manufacuirt!'Ind keep on hind a1i ty )to-.,raphs. ATowrioot 0.091 closure of the under@gned lot 11 con. 50 Pj pea add'AmbrotypeBcopied a phi 41 It .... 0.08 uZea of WSLL CASINO'chbatfor caeh. oval of the CD Abernethy shan furnish the Secretary, for the appi own. Uborne, 0ounty of' Jluroji, about !3 'M. -.1 T 3L AN DURSO 1q, - Mr. Johnston cordially invite4 the Wiei 1 16 Is 0061 digree of the:animals sh 4 of Butter Crackers Dim _=`b1ieWd mu9t have a ring or rcTew m intimated that the Grand A11%. the last of Dee, 67. -A red steer rising NEW.: MUS MobeFoandry, Dmidas $L� and Ge.fitleman of Goderich and surroundivg Ovaitir Is 91 .... 0:04 Tmnk Co., will put two prokllers on ibe their no e, with o#n or rope attached to prevent ac- two yea f_�q W .4L Feb. 40; 186� Out cidents.s rs old, the owner' is re4�tested:td' CD CD 'L.0jdog I , , Girt. country to Wustou Bis�tritd v,064. Stani ns hakin the prizes at the above exhibition prove propei-ty pay eliafgep and take, him Tdke Back the aeart, Claribel .... !�c. NrChie HiM 11 Tribl! Gogerich and Chlea-ci route this season j shall be rqstriaed to the South Riding of 111arim, in 15, P W C6 26 When we aee the lin 7 ' blished we shall traveVina their rounds during the Season for serving away) "0 Comb back to Fria . U.' - SHE AtE OF 1XIDS- as* to whether e esta , - mans. k619ERT PINCOMBE. CD Five o'clock in the Ndtaing 25c. RtFJP*S S lisis worthy of pritronago, � CAkell Of IEVer Kind -r be mo�t ha py to chroijL-le the faet. Entries may be made by commuziteiting with the Q M It �50. J, W. JOHNS1101q. P Exeter,,Mafth 11, .1868. w3t.* Mane's Secret r I Sm at any time, orfie will tigatRattenbury'sHolel, C -t- ? SE 25c. Comity ky,*6 a i writ Of F1e;I Godencli, Dec. 10. 180. w4fi3m Ge4ml �*orfment of brea n wa hand. by nine o'clopli: the day M CD Wdjeejou tell me Why, &bin W-WfTt:=u11B F issued out oY,H6r Me- bud del i�eredsily ibtislohers. AN.Ew HA4&QW.--Our old friends, R Brucefleld. pit the morning of 25c. of cormaton. Pless, slid to me dhVdad ftheexhibition. All daliries"to be maae.to the See- Insolvelit ACt Of 1864. Stmagers yet jeaWs.Courl Runciman &'Co., having pwchase . da - eexhibition. d the the y of th Silver Chimes 35c agattistithe lands dad tenctitents of the late William retary by 11 o'clock, a. in `0 �5c story, dt the suit of jamisi PerrW. and George Davis IW6 4 JAA1rs DICIL56N.1resident. County rigyt for Wiriney's -vateut, are now HUGH LOVE, Sen., seu,y_ in t1w watkr of Willidm Boss, aii, I cannot -sing the old 86zigs D, Ferrier. I have selzed and ked fit execution all the 1 0 =d 6R ftOU% 9TE manufacturing a haiTow which, while it is south Huron, March 17th, 1968. w8td eet Re in the Lane 30c. eandin- doluld defeddint in ad4 to INSOLVENT AOT'10F 1864. 25c. t it' dieda)�d sevitity-nine in the TOrn as cheapjj� the old style, is a very great of the'Insolvent arenotifl- Co Ws uti4pe the Rod MWer nine hag HE Creditors of Goderich, which iaids da teriemepts I sba offer for ot T Wia partid1by tlie RRer Side 95c. A�vincpr Ontario, Rtlte Cionrity Coart of the 33nprovei5enf, By an ingenious ball joint Insolvent Act ed thaii't I, the! iindefaigned, -of the' safe at my office in the Coud House; in the Town lof Thd 25c. Goderich on Tuesday, the Alnih day of Jame next �t ANW, TO this harrow' wffi work upon the most town of GoAerich, in the County of Huron, GiDSVId Warning 00. the hour �itweivo of the cl&k, noon Mt- Countylt Huron, in ae inatta of Ro".13rabazon. in the TaRtterofjol pb TU jumr, an Insolvent. unecraLal ground as peffectly as on the most have been A Official Assignee of Do not, Reea her ..Warning MACDONALD- Notice is hereby go, a, JQ.ytheSixthday ppointed JOHS A Dividend sheet has been prepared, subject to Sheriff of ilen= of April next, at twelve otpie elou noon o its avon as level surface. Mesm, �R- & Co., have ays, lo at my his estate and effie and, they -are re- Bolle Maho ne. $ obiectontHl4th April. Dividend LDA1q Couinicanbebwd theunde4ilaw pply to the ice 1,11i Any of the above seat post paid an receipt I 5rh March, IM. Judge afthe sdd.Co;�i it his ch�mbrs forducharge J0 o Sherirs Office, Gilderich also added an'"t­ - ent which will offics, on Uth April nexL e quir4 to produ ore wel, wiffin tw� .7 load— Oill * months from. this d te, their claiiw upoli pride. 3PROVIS greatly facilitate the in, Of the im- aqtf oAddress, XON under the said. iet, I k Goderich, 16th Umh, 18ft I Coe 2'w OUSE, Farmexi; should 00 the said e4tate undo oithi ipecifying the 24 T. J. MOORH Iftned) Y6�ITH THOItPSON, Jurnior. plement on a wUgon� at tnis harrow and give it a trial. security'they hold, if any 9jid 'the alud CD 0 by Ids Attoruey. JN69LVENTACT OF 1864. e bHAWXS LARK, MORT G AW; .9 AE LAND; 1 jdW none, staiting he. fact, 6oderieb, 04. -ARCHIBALD HODGE, n DON EFAULT having been n*de in thp *men! of a Dated at V ty0flitoorithis Idarth, ,gmeu AtD McINXES, Flaintift, of it' support of such claiifis. xeter, the Man Tux ExoDu&— A number of yod vouch DANIEL MeCALLY, Defendant. aj2t-6dj MQnpgeb� a joining PAODUCE MZROHA27, day of Febragy, 1W8. W2 fLtst rate mechanicsj most ofthem, I& this Dated at Goderich, in the' County of 0 CD CoTdwod(j W D 'ttr ower) earing date the i the late John GEA Tin ivifi Morritug forThe purpose mbard% in the NeW Brf,;j�rk for the A, WRIT of Attaghment has issued in this cause h JOHN MAQDOXALD, Huron, this fourbeenth d# of Marbh. 1868. 16 F fleenih day of Decent. r, JW5. The fduosn Blook, Kings Street, United States. We*now of sevenlothers ' ? � Ing -Cameroula. —0 -ton OLVENT ACT OF 1864. �_7 Shamir, Huron, JOHN 11ALI)AN Jn.f ASH W%L BE F;AID for perty-v�ili Mi sold by Public Auction at G. U. ;... who intend to follow. and the Probability 'Shefiff's OM 2M Officiai tAssigned. C A&tion. Rcimni�, on the G-0 D E R IV 31 W8 id 4al - Qf April 21 noon, Province otOntado, I ix THE COUNTY Zola= God erich, IM M1.1ij IS68. v2 is, Iffi-it the commg spring.wiR witness a V I next, at 1, FLOUR, OATMEAL, CORNMEAL, C-udt�ofHuro.n. f Of th00011114 Vf HU0134 exodus j)f people thai2 any we GODD 00-RDWOO r4i in like 1112af 6fA0zds&r NcD6xdd, an U06teent. 011. Ballet, AT ThE i under lie �qvrers contRuled in thewd:#or1CV,,,wz' ter our d 30 G"Mij, Shortif. PiLitil" Lave liad for a number of years.—St. Jolm umbefs.Oite-onthi.p.ElurborVIgLi, and rAeen e for gram iod alt ON *onaay, the sliM day April next, 1be'andc Oil Wu__ ed *1I!rzP Y -to LIU Court HuRer LT WEL 11� stfbpt, in the Town of Griderich. id,ftliest, inarket pric I" theru4.e "Ofthe 5 to b& givini qj*r the kindi ofFoduces. w4tt illp Dee for i 4isch erthe add Act. Ajpl�. at the Friinndry je. T*&hheipitr- Me 2M day of Jailueft,1A. D... D&Vd sti 6d0ridhV1iS mthe Wd Mange MR. JDAine TAMFMMaMPosTP0.11fXD. r. RUNQfMANi ALVXANDkWXcDONALD, T 0 tE The tial of Mr. Davis, whibli was to NE -W S FOR ALK.,,OR TO -LET111 Huron Feb. 10,ISSS. w3t D. sHADE G60DING, solicitor for Mortgr VALUABLE PROPERTY By J6MI 2% 000mm- he fourth Wednesday A i . 1`13he tafideiz*ed offers for Ant' of SOL have taken place oul �jtd mitz Jamte)�4 28th. 4z MS to in Ruv4 it 4-ain postponed unW the 15t1t :F 0 M 8 A. 2a:8 I sale a *alua Insolvent Theabovesals is-ppstponed tin Tativilat 4th Fab TOWNS DIP ApA ble Houdi?Q Lot, on lesba, St.$ IN Tuit Rowi&Agm ii, aonin becoming rampant mi d.705Goderich. EaAytermst2 W,given, zn t7te matter of.7ohn Cox, an h*1mut et th &STRAITORM, FAM - Hamilton, The'Ti?nes says, ladies ventur- �POLLOCK J0_11111 N S T 0INT. sulbid Ile sbovis Wit is fortber posti ied unid thursi1ity -MU possession can be obtained on the firdt of --A DIvideitid sheet has liben .1 -Much 9h, 1868, it mole time and p*e w3td 319' iS �=d 10, 1 ing abi-did in the evening 4dthout protee- Ojectiontill the 28th day of .11*h instant.- Dividend bothe.- 1-42-tu �or I;z La n 9111 the have opened a April-' �jyablb 4t my office on 30th filift. I — atit�ORRI , _*m0i: I tion an idbject to fittrult d I �Oyanoe. EG to aerfooned .1e y. MOP W. F. TIN Adauaiaostl *6eff�ln ., px�'The to the inhabitants of.Ooderich,& vicitiltr 'ib �MLIAX lea �Omee a above showa,,Ah -ldi% an ?,graceless New Store in Goderich, March 6th, 1868.. -11111�f` Ede is B 9.e; Th 1. 70.11,onl`14 ., ruid tiU !&wdsY? Wh JuAa tjo".� M4. 61, 68,� 69, NO merey dhourq be W7' 4th Vardlip 1868. lw7�% IN61stsametlatesudIt 'Grand-Aruilk Itfulfty 1160.110Tdt.., but neiilramii lious6 of tho L - 'a ft_,nW uid a4a iag -vagabon& wliawould molest ill fait mid ad G6 soiiiA-Xid 1, orunion, 61-tatiqnaud ' an Into.Lotw I . Rere i's 4L 4r4lWd, Ana the, th@ police shoula be on the alert. 4-11 lots Noq. 1-0' , bl, ft, Slit 94,85 and' 86 Cmeron 8 I -B116- ck ot, Goderich 1. ACT OF lilt; ins 'house. arm is well viatiria 11-j 0 P64es- Al f Hen -Mortgag y Thm, �6 S plan in New York to r6ceiV0 'Noice 1-0 . . - tbe�Gore tie4wiea tht Grand Tmnk Roade �W. f - - -t e Sble Of Land. Toronto aifd HUffaloifix sheWn in a' plin lbdr&t' R the matter o . ry welwky mee"l, on from all the pyownput points of the West (Near the Huron Hotel Regurltry lilice -tar thei t;ioirnl� ViUVe.qf $eqflelb -ia W C4"ty of WIMON, been made in Thomas B. viniz Od Pei or quoUticitis 6f the �&i market, so that obt A very "Tebt Aci Of Stapiel ma Fatic! Of file -D Uourt"r 4`e Theselots are tirisf idyantivolaiily sltdatbdi, Hivrozi time by ivimlobungforthepa an. iWtwA w George tWbere they-likvd. openod 7, emWwU jjjar� �be sent� at once to the dower) -betring ate .1h A,,genf, G*&ii014_ mlid" +16ir servioa *Mbe 19od in PPRE rieditors ot the filsolvent ire notified tA Septemiker, Points JL has ditid4 an, assigniffient Lif -his- 1862., i Yollov04, pri@erty itit sold ty Fa 4� iS& to M&L A y are req Somond daY af pAI'm -tlie itindfriligned.,469signee, aud the' '10ft Two Farm Lots; one- rohtalftfug� lir�l t '131 1 th, 0 - at 'I? ibret, arid ri is me. within t*o moiitiw fro a this datei Cq tfflaer -v3z-. epowers6aiiined in ibe seld3fort'. under sedurity they upo fide ef tfie Graod;Tiilh -Rmlway tbAt R man -d()MAe6 A=43#02i 813186. in!ry largi nuffitik of own G. W, Ti I h Nfr' 61sims, Spoelffirig th'i 1ot iunding iidmbo.r One Thousand Atad'Fof -_*j t, n UeSout!114 and if none' th" Habbt,Xhrli the "A 4"Rb-Shesifa In' a Townofuoderict Mimi; 'fltbreof Iftilteri6a'In4be IS$ AhdraMS, 23..L Coll u IQ, -ash.& redit. Di!ed to'156 givart tinder 111W p6wers offic 'ounty c 6Aor the 0 601111*ft6d in Norw9d.- For further L edit is ofex6elliint qi�udity. I it vat Godoffab retilch i��iitltlP- E ]EMK00 goxuch� Farm Wock i e'Act-.1howliole ttes:W. nder4ath: K T9. 21 G wthAte volfichers in suppaiti)f sue of Huron sy 1ht, %k - 0oarity 3[=b,-r,=ito&,,&i4a9sukl0t 131�6th rj-, AMy of the above tote MkI be ad very 0% SHAIJ]&:� DING, A0 for,the eri*f6n --of &dgl irswatasib nor pitagmem- jbMfifth day of Mar -0i 1869.: xortgagee� Cheap. Iffir4m Up JamisrT,480. apply -to Hotitaw. --fox Mimi Satoolawtiolf l­A1iiqqeetfbr County a I . j" .1. ojd&� 6r * *,!� r -near -15Z L� bo=4 j.j%ANC 11ALD&N. 'th "=:at fhe �,tore Dedes. �Oz-i TS, A D'SH -atNgd.. I .� W. - mift., 1, 1 - I., I . I -;;Pd Y be -and ��e, pl� 186C ir atG6od AWi tQ thi, 10-is4 vir ,Tai�e, 3j6iW3&* saje� st rk D. Iloi -aj L & The �iti All. �Ory UWat P Adpilfta$& of omibi cash, *1 b*vink beef% purC4 ove ftle Is (N*er postponed millti, Inotaft A* ti , goo., IM, &i&r. Maj4rL of Tqjk A$ of.tM VIN imely,p e con, inft 66 ) fit' VA� bid 06 a 11 , �ff the largefij , * Is - Ir he ThebQtni sa f Inableit; him to. m%l LSVAPO'W� IBA Va"A*1 9%400k 1604-Aih Xmih; 1W, WO 2% ERVRWA It'- n�fi 0 i hit 0&& 'AbItt'. to hFis- made �4& amgnmdo of HEARnbedriber will zontraA to Mire.` Rig r 'Ott Ou G THE Affe SRI -A-U-Tyor- FLOU1 't _P Fj I';, _jjjj-L 1-70 N'S '00 in 11jitl*t4lible, idn AND V ram di and US Pub ie 2r6'"bi. not the� ii, 11011P.p !! d, noteML h 016 zow brickosall INSU _0 -neu oeI after the 204 init, -Ao be =if OR SATZ A! buts go aw., arl Wert t i�., act- 'hiV *b616)htt6t`0 ttnc%i k, 11 d po ittil �toojje 1jifiri-Irej1pid or It. iiernifing %Ack �arlrj t P161M in Ifia -(�"ounty ron., which,U41irn 16* 44.8a and 4, add w;wzes foribi 4 3 8 GWI DIN 7 66tni thfi Palk id! aws cum �ft d ha#m� 'liable _e&Va_j TOR, =Mmm", odekich latrj6jur h_ — - 4 44 the" New, P OL) as d641117 611 _n ),and dated -the VilliX iflud In the per SIT -As4jaeif46i!i _y *4 im `00DE 7, A % W1 A ly P rd nd ove 'L we lave ver acinis7A 10