HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-03-19, Page 6V 4,
-_ 7r. - 1 wr
FOUL VT Ay. SUPPLIED.— The public have
SEAF O RtR- T9=PMRANCE. L1 30TURE, an6ther ;'but now the case -is quite differ,- A Courtship in RhSpme- A WAW_
SESSIONS, ent. A dearth anywhere is at once known Iong felt the want of sometbing that could
That thge has beel%'f4ul pliiy-as to the (From our own correspowlent) The Rev. W. H. Poole, -itcoording, to an e world, and supplies comepoilr- TRANSCRIPED FOR TBZ. SIGI-TAL. FROM My lie 1pended,,upnn for the cure of Then,
i $ ' . 7lege Courts opoill . 7 - all over t1i praiw, bruises, neuralgia, bowel
Mlknner -iu whicoh ) ' ' . bvd! olf ties,lay the matism
-H3- MAR011 9 11 18681, WUibbqns has been 10th inst.) ilia , 'f Siqow is flying away very fast but the. nouncelliblit, delivered 6, temperance loc- ing in from all quarters, in oideri'tO secure scit"'1300K- I
honor I - I I re happy to say
'in- the' Vi t the hiah prices quoted. VVt complaints:i
treahid try the NO` Adige, Bro4gh pre- ds whilst. thig &c and we a
Pmentary ommi'Pea -di rOa are,veryVadandthe.rifarkbts very ture a 1z t ej
si ner.,., Gri Hall, on'Blonday of increasing suppli4s from abroad Ali I Nanny my dear, It mity seem rather Qum, that want is Isu lied, in h 3hape of tho
4 a inted hy the 0ntario Legislature, i's evening, be fore process
ANUNJUST 48C)Lomo I pl;io MdLc47VT3 Stotffl, ,& long, arglinent ill dull. very large alidionce. . with equal Paco, and, conse- My'writing a letter to you, love, "Canadian PainTestroyer. It is trulcY
- — kt is going on But itjust goes to prove, when a man falls lulove, most wonderful medicine and one that
!11Y - SriLIXGor-,?.-Grcat bargains can be had Mr. E. Moorei wortlYchief, occupied the quently, it is very likely that stocks will Thathymortalc 7
3 kiukq ki, =31-84 pollittil ilia Aempt 'in the CO t e right-minded "I"I this niatter tool- Place upon an app'leation 0 n4' this may antell what he'll dq, love effects ali-immediate and permanent cure in V"
V.'a y .6f turon. This reel'" rd at Seaforth just now as the whole of the qhair. After themeeling had been opened iner'ease and priceg fall, a; be This I at heart of minq, which I once was Inclined ded.
to etitiree th* comtnitlM the Glvbc vents Its, lng', to amend the r&CO - 'Mr. MooreCounsel' gre all cases for which it is recommen
bankrupt stock of J. Cox is selliqg*off at a. with pra 6r'by,.Rev. Mr. Livingstone, the the case with prices in Europe as the Pre- To think cold and callous, I tell ye
as, 0 sparks so divine, from those bright eyes qfthim, Sold by all Afedime Dealers.
oquentlecturer entered upon hi suit
so fit Trom b' Mr- Sinclair for defendant. learned and el sent season advances. St there is un- Th
Irmliceboy criticizing the orthogr aphy ,Ooii confined to reformers, for plaintiff. low re, t s. re
cite of t) e me'albers thereof. It would tibtaka % ' larmOy s'niongs 'e--Acticinuponamount very figure' It
A that -dea,,mick t intp-Iligent, eon. his subject 'by stating that iie had in our doubtedly a shok supily kit Twenty years experience in using
have been wiwr to hsvb le Alchibaldi7s.N011 Has melted it down to a jelly.
s0trvatim, wltli whom wehave Onversed, Verdict for plain4- Mr. Moore iorp R. C. BANw..—Tho office of the Royal may not take place, c,- pripes,may ev
p can foresee Let us start on the square, and have every;thipg fair, Onic Wafers have proved
f -A t0 the. Iva'." Wwdhre wager "all tom- (own Dominion one of the richest domains advance still further. No on Bryan's Pulm
,,, 'Mr. Cameron
6rd at, 0 Canadian Bank is now in Knox's- brick
Ve. against a china oran& , a and the nJignation at the one-sAded PlaintifP, for defendant. on the face of or . nd d t t onb e d g, them to be the most effectaal remedy for
I theglobe embracino, asit did the'result, butof one tiling we nlay be V lhqteL. e es d I Wdin i
more i Ulterate or in taut n1ah th, 0 adopted by the mpjorikv -of.the R011 C`an4di4l, Bank vs 2VcD(m%ld,— 'block irext to Sliarp's 116tel.' It is fitted Vow wih h,)Jd grain over Although it is common, in both man and woman, land irritation o
the -member for So com ).0 colars our millions of square miles.., -,Wehad all pretty certain. ileXt T'Is twenty times meaner than stealing; coughi, f thic throat caused
uth Uuarcin,hu not trod- - Vef-dicit for plaintiffs, Mr. McDermott for up in a very superior style. t the present high prices All after by cold, or unusual exertion of the vocal
conitnit0e, meets, 'therefore with an al. thq resources of peat
the floorof the ne'wliouse, b63nowhoholds plaintiffs. coal, cobper, gold, So if wedded we be, etis not likely you see), will
mos o oil, and
in _Mato r contempt thoqe wlio have gone t universal condemnation. That Zr. popula- aiTeSt, and tberefore we in %y expeA the organs; public speaker and sin2ers
POPMATION OF SEAFOTH.—The oil; stilt, and s we ha 4 none' of R . , by - that gut strang things do happen at tiffies. love
world to be pr*iy clean sold oul findtbem most beneficial. The entire free-
thro' thetedions formula, oi cq*illz , C ciubb Cq Meemmell,'Action upon ac- tion of Sea'forth as lately takeki by Mr. those -galling institutions which ground Well in that evetitfyou knwiw what is mcanl ),
arliryl'z and his agents used every infla- C.11- down otherpeoples.. fime.-- Witness. We all secrets must reckon as crimes, love. dom from all deleterious i4gredielits rend-
it- Verdict for plaimtiff, 3Tr Moore BU, is 1,519'. We hAd a noble school ' rs, * or Cough
knowledge of the Quec n'& 'English. It -is ence that could be draned in to further his for piaintiff. ers Bryan'A Pulmonic Vv f
not the habit with the 11its to select men on system, but it must be admitt3d that PEPrts OF T 'two becomes one, anew life is begun,
attainAlients, PBTITIONS.—A petition was receiv'A-by had among us a vampire whicli -aimed at I iugbt by 'the' A ifian can bidenaught from himself, love,
account . oitheirltigh aaholastic, eft-9tion is well known to all residents of H DrEP.—A: Piteou's stOV Mien and Voice Lmilges; a safe r6medy for the
damages. the Council praying that the license to sell the morals of the pe,)ple, and C)n f the the s -ea has been brc
nor should wo tee) d'hiposed to cavil with orsooth, technical ' iequently En sh baque Mianie'Gor4on, which put Fbrwhen you become mine, Vm,
the county, and Yet f 1[fcJ eo`21 vs JCMT,- -Action for 0 most delicate person, and has caused them
Verdict for defendant, C try Jr a li li e4uallv thine, to be held'iA high esteem by a who have,
them &A theirchoice fail on men of good objections must be use McDermott for liquor be reduced.—And another wa,.,) at the vitals of the oun lie tabi ty January, 1 19, with the Andasunifs wego t? the shelf, love; ;'
I into Gibriltar on used them. Sold by all medicine dealers
d to preclude Mr. Plaintiff, Elwood fordefendant. f the Dominion 'depended upon its tem -
received praying that the license be not I aster and two seamen of. Ahe AmeTican when -nee man and ivtfe, we are du0s fai-Iffe, at 25ots. per box.
Practiem. commonsense and sterling ha` - Gibbons from attacking 0arling's vote in & perance and virtue. This, 0uth was ex 19
1V Alta 10YAlty 1, but we cannot deny that it "'age't's Van0ver!1 0. at. -,—(Two suits) reduced. ' 6eboonar Moses Warning abroad. Scud- Ali our Joys. all our riches we double
com- Ahese cases were compromised. TE&CHrits' Assoaumo-T.—A meeting of other ancient countri s ding before a hard gale and rolling sea in
"A's Im to see so stupeddous an effort made,! th I e scratiny, while a tnafnrity of a emplified by the history of Chaldea, Roflie, The bliss sucli lovebriws, gildetb life'scommon, things,
and e Aide Bo=d Horses.
to gnstain a =hn in his seat in the Legislfv in I *hich had And laughs at it -s cares and its troubles.
ittee openik the field to the petitioner in $pcneer V8 Irillson,—Action upoix pro. the teachers' of' Tuckersmith, Millet, sunk through the influenm of - the Atlantic on De !emberi;the 18th, the
tive Halls of our New Dominion, who L-148 every respect- This is what we call Foul missOry note- Verdict for plain I tiff, AIr MbKillop, Ore.j, &ei, was held in the ance and luxary. The evils intemper- English -ship saw What Idoked like two I'm no kngp 'tis true. I have failings enough, A7horze is said tobe bide-l;ound when his
all the attributes of an intelligent and l9y_ our youth sparTboys bearing N. N. E. AS the C13Y Man is not a perfect machine, love, skin will not slip under the pressure of thd
Moore for plaintiff, Air. school house, Seaforth, on Saturday the were exposed to were, first, the use of the
al s+ate_sn=a---a -renep, de from the con er- Play, and wocan assure the 'powers that Gooding for 14thinst broke it was made out to be a water-logged And as far iLj I know, it.has ever'been so- hand, but sticks as if it was glued, which
forthe purpose of - forming a tobacco-pipe%nd the resort to the int '
T.1tive ranks, from which he was kicked for he that Cie pet) e. defendant. "1 0 OX71- -.rvene love; condition i always dependent on a de -
his -ignorance, and, vnilgarity, or., w4b has P, of the South fliding, of Local Assoliatiairformuttial improvement. cating bowl to quench the thirst it c],--eated. vessel, and in in spite of the bad weather Heneequarrele at times int
been charged by the journals, it. his negh- Huron feel d M McDonald w Plummer,—Verdict for,Mr. ArchibaIdDewar wax called to the The speaker alluded -to the dreadful Captaia Leslie borc up for the wreck. But tile good of thy heart, unto mine woaldimpart ranged otateof the stomach anddigestive
eePlY the indignity placed A desire to be worthy of thm. lovp, organ&--by'correcting which, and giving to
b,irho-i with wnlitonwaste of 'iorl of plaintiff. Mr. Gordon for plaintiff, Mr.. chair, who- e xplained.that at the last meet- 'r vagcs of into perance, in the United Coming clos he saw two men and then a -ni a healthy tone and condition, the
upon them, and will take: the first legiti- Harris for defendant. ing of the County Association it was re- States as set f In third, one of them feebly waved a bit of A gift so divine, irom that dear heart of thihe, the
war with which !to had been ent.-Asted in solved that Local Associations should be. orth in. the reports of re- canvas. The Englishman xanged up undeil Would return 6 thee bonour'd by me, love. disease or complaint will disappear. Ex-
'sponsiblemen. He could understand how
McKenziie's rebellion.lest it %houlA be -used "te opportunity On SPence vs 0roig,.1--We do n -)t know the formed in d-ifferent, parts of the C the lee of the eastaway, got the. large boat perance has proved that the means best
of iesenting it.
ounty, to the old bachelor who had no home resort- el But cushlamAcbree, should'T get on the spree.
agntinst the sympathiers,anil whohas beell Ibis SlIT'Ject we will give the closing por verdict in this cue, Mr. Gooding for b out, and staved her side in doing it ; but adapted to -this end is I'Darley k Ar,
M 0 old meetin gs for improvement &c., each ed to the bar -room, how the mAn who fe!f, And tipsy come home to my darlin
fully convicted of preaching 01nexation, nothK, ,, daunted, the chief ojflcer shoved 91 Medicine.
tion of an ac.icle in the Globe of the Plaintiff Local Association to be represented bY himself unhappy at home, could make tb Would you sit in the sulks, Me a thief in* the hitim, Heave Remedy and Condition
dactrines on the streets a * the tqwnol'? Which Al n A _i.,
off with three sailors and after a trem- It lias been used in numerous cases witIl
I ],Eli: Lawry vs Grand Tivnk- Raillva,-This one e egai in t, e ounty SSOC On SaLoon-Keeper rich at file exp3nse of his 9 And make my soul black with your snarling;
he is Reeve, duringthe eniao excitement tindous pull they got the three poor fel- complete success, generally effecting a cure
meetings. 'The merits of the question were family, but he could not see how th6sc I don't mean to'do so, but my Jewel yotir know
case was adjourned by consent until the Wis into the, boat, and back again to the in a few days. It is the best condition
while manv of our bra- a volunteers were "But a more flagrant, proceeding, liwp yet fairl aisciissed by a committ6e of the things could be reconciled with Bible 10 That sa_ !i thiri-q do occur. and will bother
on servicet the frow It may snit the to be told. On the lat day bi sitting3 of the Court. Mr. 'IT Nixque in safety. The rescued men were The best of all wives.,aiad embitter their lives medicine known, and may be given with
at one be- Olt Moore for who 0, silid unanimously conceded to be a truth. The first wine spoken of was in like living %keletons, their cheeks sunk Tyr4-r-t nfipty at all times, anddoes not
the cause of fore the close of the seasion, the members Plaintiff, Mr. Sinclair for defendants. step in the Tight direction. The following Isaiah. Very often in the Bible the word Who- don't bear and forbear with each other. ' . ,
such men, as they f. slubse vient too!S, of the committee did not teachers 4eirolledtheir-names. A..Dewar, w' tillthey oeomedto meet, their legs and fli..tthehorse be.kept f om'work-
assemble within 7%e QtteenvRGibson, V6rdictnotgnilty. ine was used when merely the bunch of feet pantlyzol with cold an cramp, and On tile high roa t lleavi-n, I would not be (iriven komdmbpr thp name and see thfa ilip eig-
but the e, imanry -out Enron deser-e one hour of the tim e appointed for meet- Afr. Cameron for prisoner. R. Fergus nit, J. 0. Elliott; John Varcoe, beautiful uncrushed grapes
better t& -n thbt, ,! i its influence and ing, and the commitiee was iby statute, C appel I McDor&b John Morilison, Murdie, John Lawrence wa3 meant. the on',,v food - they had touelied for f oily I By a mtal on worth, lan or %votneu-, nature of 11ard Co. is on each packag-e.
the vot-E- of ali as eg4al qrdbbles, sucha (zH pion ant I't , The "pure red " wine was spoknu of. seven days and nights im some of the To the hated word I would thunder out No I Northro;r ef Lyman, Newcastle. Ontario,
should bc foi-k !.,on thein declared adjou-.ned over until the next 9h, res- David Hamill, Gen. 'MoPhillips, D. M. That *as in other words a variety of purc And the man who would not. woul be no man ; a. Sold by all Medicine
day at nine O'clock. Members of the pondent. 'This was along case occupying AEalloch, Robert Dewar, James. Scott,and red grape. Then, as to the wine trodden raw. flesh of the mate, who had died two proprietors f6r Canad-
Wul C'10r-" d in the wine -press,. the blood was trodden No quibble or doubt does be ve-nture,
Had the above emkact been an- emanp- committee had dispersed for about half an nearly all the la -A day, and was very, sl days before assistance came. They had Lot affection say come, even Satan sings dumb, dealers.
The following resolutions were 'carried: out of the p been caught in a great storin, an,J sprung
tion from some obscum sheet, we, should hour, when after that statutory adiourn- fully conducted on both sides. It was a -are ripe grapes. Another For affcation and love are the malnspringB that move.
ment had' been declarec the ge FiRST-That 4achi -a leak - which wa3 uncontrollable ; 1but,
ntlemen bald Dewar be Pres Hebrev name for wine was snonymous beinutimber-lade-,I, the schoonersunk to MARRIED.
allow it to pass, -;s far as we are concerned, question of the collection of illegal toll, and S Fcmf I, -That J. 0- Elliott bc V. Pres. with w-4at we callpreserves. Well -refined
composing the eqntinittee met t -)a For instanee, should you, such -a foolish thing do-
tther at
without note or camme . t ; but when we half -past ten o'clock-, in the qonualittee excited much interest. The jury returned THiiD:-.That Win. Gerrondbe Secretary wine was that which was 'filtered and the -the scuppers, all her deck cargo was carried As adopt some outra,-e0us-fasbion,
see such an efflasion in the Berie , edited room, --died themselves a reular meeting a ver away, then she lay helpless on her beam And transform,d to a fright, you destroy'd my oelight; On the 10th instant, at the residence of
diet for the respondent Mr. Mc- and Treasurer. gluten so removed as to prevent fermenta- 'bride's motherBenevue, Township of Have-
Donogh. Mr. Sinclair for the appell t, Foupau--That the, Asaociation ends. The miserable survevors of the in -your prew.nee, should I, in a passion,
bv "Salomon," we dee-n it right )'offer a of the South Huron Select Election Com- meel rion, The naughty daughters of Lot had storin had just room enouh to hold on to Without reason or rule, Ftorm and rage like a fool, lock, Provinceof Quebec, by the Rev- W.
mittice, appointed the Cotinlissi-mer, dele- Mr. Moore for the respondew,. monthly. no doubt leaxned in Sodom, during their Masson, J mes K. Edwards, AT. A. of the
ontn)ry to the BUtutes--3everal of . feirful residence there, how to rei4e'r the, Toronto GLoBr, to Kate,second daughter of
rcmark or two.' It wouldbee inir -sible in gated-_ Campin rs McDonoyh,-This was a FiFTH-That Messrs. Dewar, Gerrond the wr ek ; and there they. were hurdled Call you Madame, op somethingmare shocking; c,
sa&asuian '"to eizimrpms s jreater teir functions ta him,' add passed other similar appeal, but was settled by mutual and Lawrti nee, be a committee to draft a wine intoxicat'ng, venomous, possessed of for sev on days and nights. 'i brig west Griving ugly nameswhich my heart disclaims, the late Lieutenant Colonel Alexiader Me
mass of falsiAcation nd in;ustice. - Every resolutions c wrd bound saw them on the fli7h day th your love and your patience provoklng
Mr. Hbdgins, forthe sitting onsent. Mr. Sinclair for Campion, Mr. code of by-) aws for the Association. the drugged, stupifyi ,; properties. The , 7 Fee.
Moore for McDanoh. SIXTH- That Mr. John Vercoe deliver a lecturer quoted fro'! and steered towards theritill quite near,
ne in South Huron kno, -, that Gib- member, was present, and i)r,)tested Scripture', and Ali? r - ,'ovely am, there's a far better plan
lect--ire ne.tt meeting, on the subject ancient authorit To t, ouiplish my hearfs fond desire On the 3rd instant, attiae residence of the
agamd the proceeding I and then, thouh the, weather was mod -
bons is not a man who po. , -sses a finished bt his verbal ie, to prove that intoxicat-
d Pon GoDzRicHHARBop. CLE,, -R. -Great inter- " Phould c,)rporal punishment be used -in ino, w orate, put helm and run away. Who can bride's uncle, Thos. Lamb,Esq, by the Rev.
protest was ordered not to be entere I . ine u as always drugged or regarded me Anlan which I think-, would preserve every link-
educai iori, but it is -equaZy well-known the minutes, Ad he accordingly filed a est was -felt on Sunda lastastotheprob- schoo 'fscS-;-t whatextent,an u der as evil inits tende' aure the agny of that desertion? The A. McDonald, of Senforth, MrJ(,hn Gray
y 0 a d ncy., No suchthing as C your love awl affectfoif entire.
that comp3red with Mr. Carlin, he is a written protesti setting forth the ille i what circa-, nstances. alcohol was known in fbose Eastern lands Engish captam tursed tbe'poor New i T. some plabi morning dress, which you value far less, Of Egmon6ille, to Miss Margart Ross, of
galitY able fate of the shipping aid up at this Rodgervillez,
very 3%acaulay of literary ability, a Ham- of the meeting, as follows :-The Counsel SEvENTyx That Mr. J. Morrison de- in early days. It was not understo I Yorkers in his cabin with slow doses of I would praise both your figure and form, love,
for the sitting,membero' Port. At that time thinis looked rather moustrate his method of teaching peninan- until mrung from Nature by the c food and brandy and water,gentlp warmfli T'd kiss your sweet lips, and in love'R so(t ecupse
ilton of logical accureiiev, a Gladstone of fin- a Select ii and and friction, till he brought them The hiunbug would be banished e're morn, love.
Committee going into the question of the scaly." The whole harbor flat -was :ship at nw.t meeting. 'in the Ninth Cantuxy, and did not cornu,
ancW efficiency, a M,&e of oratory- Cm- EIGHTH, -That Mr. J, Marche explain into general use until the 17th cent round, I
P appointment of a commissioner, for the filledup, *ithimmense quantities of ice, ury-_ Will my beautiful kanme, approve of this plan.,eh I
parisons are odious, and it "Solomon" had reasons that there was his method of teaching grammar to young The juice, of. the grape cannot be fermented For my words like my. lipart must be warm, love
not a rileeting of the and as tLe heavy ice, of the lake was still beginners, next meeting.
ouly known bow severely the comparison committeewithin one hour after the time whill e the air is excluded, -when kept cool, Feet Stry. Though. Isom -bow suspect you my suit will reject, . GODER10H MONEY
his langus V suggested must tell against appointed for tu&ting ; nd there was no unbroken it was a. seraciusproblem with NINTH -That this Association meet at or when filtered or refined. Thusitwould Well e in that there's no -harm, lmye.'
adjournment to the hour at which the ap.- many what was to become of the mass Seaforth on the second Saturday, inApril. I a seen from seientif ' The Grass Valley- National is responsible In y. ven Rife Corrected eve -,,V Tuesday and FMay for Vic SigrA bF
the tory candidate he would have hesitat- ic facts that fermenta- urjouney t1wough life, whether maiden or I Dra_,qi&-SmA:aT. Exabange Brokers,
pointment is being made.' which was constantly shoving and chrush- -un of the grape could be entirely pre- for the following May you grqw wisser, happier and better,
M West St. GodLrich.
ed before rushi gg into the . f rout rank 0.1f- The majority of the committee of course ing it way downward. On Siinday night, CARROKBilooK. qnte(L Fermented wind amongst thei '*aybe,'said a husband to his loving. And in ceasing to siw, of all this sort of thing,
Monday morning, a thunder Jews was only considered fit - for the mak- spouse, ' you wouldn*t be so handy dis- Subscribe to my lave and my letter.
torypartizanship. To-proeWra thatMr. overruled the objection, and proceeded to however,and I Goderich, March,17 3868
Gibbons "lacks all the attributes of an in- appoint Mr. Brough, the Judge of the From our special Correspondent.) inly of.viegar, If the Bible told him to playing those big feet of yours if you knew Dbriggannon, March 6,1868., J. W. Amerkdn Bxcliawge or GremVacks.
telligent and loyal statesman," is a direct County Court of Huron, to be Commis- storm loosened the ice and it urged its The inhabitants of this lace and Town- use wine, wh was to tell him the kind of what occurred when I touk your shoe to be BUYMG AT
sioner, and directed him to report. 'Had way into the lake through-variouschannels, wine he shou A use, when even on the au- ninded.'
insult to the people of Huron and Bruce- the sitting, memb ships I iorth of it want aleading road mode Morning-70 Afternoon -70i for Canada fonds
er, Robert Gibbons, Esq., at one place snapping off heavy elm spiles thoritv of Piiny there were 193 ki4ds of it, 'What is it ?-lot me krow instantly.', Goderich Township. 72jr 724 for silver.
the largest and one of most intelligent can- a majority, of the I so thaf; Carronbrook mav be their market. and known that' in our da it was Well, the shoemaker took it in his SELLMG AT
egally qndffie-d votes at like so many pipe stems. By great good -u6 y -then Morning -72 Afte uoon-72 for Canada funds
stituencies in Canada -who hi ve during the last election? The very question which fortune the break water saved the vessels, A meei ing was latelyheld at Curry & Lee's made from di s, pure and simple. hand, gazed upon it in silence, ad Holmosville, Mar. 9th 1868.
Parliament and the Act have referred to including the two gunboats, frout any Millstoagitate the matter. There is a Agaulst ally arguments in favor of udna burst into tears, 4nd wept as if his heart the past twelve years hono" hiinwith 0 The Council met, according to appoint- Bu at ........... discount
the select Committee alo!le to determine material damage.. The wharves will no greatai noun were the terribl denunciations of the would break.' 4.
the highest municipal offices in their gift. and report. I t of wheatsold in Carronbrook,_ "'ne ment. Present Samuel Pollock Esq., D. = at ............ .. ......... ..
doubti require a good deal of repair. Mr. Jai ne's Armour has bouht an immemig Bible ag,,aiust those who used strong drinks. Well, what was the numecull c BVALL SMVIM
We ask "Solomon," as an honorable man, 0 71119 R eve chairman, Ford and Weston "The
Dru_, -cenness was also plainly and emphat- for ?-quick, let me know.' - Reeve and George Cox being absent. The guyingat .... ....................... 5
if it is reasonable to attack, on this score, THE TYPE MONOPOLY. h quantii y this winter. jeally ondenined. in the New Testament. Well, poor fellow, he' said' he doted minutes of last meeting were read and ap- Selling at ...... ..................... 31
It waa a work of the flesh, against which on his grandmother -fairly doted on her. Selling at ............................. 271 discount,
Our contemporary of the London Free -foved. Moved by Mr. Ford, ge
,gentleman who has been elected Warden -Godc- all good Chris' ians were warned to beware. Shenursedhim, you know, because his bylvir. Weston, That the widow' Lavin
Of-thigeor-titue-'ncyfortensuccessivey,ear,-,, It appean me of-pur
P"m draws attention to a subject which . . lFroin our special, Gorresponden!,J The last extremity to which the advo- mother was feeble, au(I so -well, he came and Robert'Lee be xempt fro ayt Ijuying at lo4, allowing accrued iaerbst to Wier
s read to the far-off shores of cates in
and ag3hist wh?se fair faine not a - breath deeply interests the publishers of Canada, axes on account of indigence. The
rich Salt bas of , Bib' e drinkino, were to this country fifttan yers ago, and fi-. st t
Som)oL ExAmi-NATio.N was that Nol
L s been utgered except by thosadissatis- the Pacific. Under the above headin, .-The, quarterly driv'cn all and set up in the vefTptable line, and got along count of Edward Kelly for the use of his Buying at. ......................
viz : file wrong iuflicted upon the frater- Lot used strong drink. Even supposing pretty well, an was about to send for the house while holding Municipal Election loo
fled persomlo be found in every co examination of Section No. 2, McKill
I Is it fight? He may say, "'yes," : ity Op' they (lid; if they had been guilty of caurs- old lady, wheL hard times came, and he fot 1868 amounting to six Dollars. Moved Brying at .... ...................... 109'
myn" '11' through the protection of an establib- the British Columbian, gives ann areicle
ment which cannot meet the wants of the which is copied below. What a wonder- took place last Friday. There wasa liouse- ing and. swearing, was that any reason broke. He ent into fruit then, and by Mr. Ford, seconded by Mr. Weston, Sank of Upp -Canada bills .......... 60
but our own people, wl full of children andbetween forty and fifty Commercial Bpkk bills ...... ..91
ho should in 0 con- gountry i - why others should excuse thenise.vos.- after that into milk -into all gorts of things That Mr. Xelly be paid six douars,,- Sterling exchange .............. 931
science, be the best judges, say No 1 Mr. It may appear to the casual ob- ful engine iit the Press for the Wide- spectators, who seemed highl pleaed Did not Jesus make 'wine ? Yes, he id ; you know ; but he got disappointed every Carried. 'Moved by Mr. Weston, secon-
server that it matters little what tariff may rpread dis'seminatiop of news. The tidings y and he was happy to say he did yet, but' 'time, till this business fetched him out At died by Afr. Ford, That each Inn-licepor Cold opened uRi9j: closed at 1391
h. ti exhibition. Mr. R. Fem, Ison
Ggibor_3 is not a renegade from tory'sm be imposed upon printing mate but could it be argued t"i. our Lord, in a, last, and he sentright off forthe old woman. in this township wishing -to take out license
f6r the simple reason that he n- vr was a rial", of our great discove'ry of salt, published commei iced teaching this school last Jan -
all -ho are acquaintedwith th' extent and country possessing a great variety of wines, She landed four weeks ao, but died the for the year 1868 pay the sum of thirty MARKETS.
tory. The mere accusation is w good as, importance of the publis in the Signal have been read in nearly iiaxy' and tfie order maintained, the ready would createhat which iais deba ' and very same night , It w6shard, very hard, dollars including imperial license and that
hinj interest of every county of the British Isles, amongst, Pn wers,, There was no 3n_ of after all hi -3 waiting and toiling for fifteen GoDrRicu, March, 17 1869.
manyof "Solemon's" bc vt johe..,. Like ndcheerful,1appy facescifilit; demoralizing'? kuZ
In . Canada, know that *it dow matter, and that 7 , , 0 6e Inspector furnish yroper bonds for
any otthers, he voted for C---,rley as the alaciers of Switzei land, in ploddin, Pupils. show an excellentunderstanding be- Proof tbatthere was a drop of alcohol in crto get her over at last, and hftveher Fail Wheatt ............ K:61, (d, 1:M
awron-inflicteduponthis branch of in- the winethus cregtiad, Did-notPaul advise die in his hand*. Re-he-woll, he was the discharge of Ids - duty.- 'Carried * Spring What ......... 1-46 (F-) 1-51
nst another tory-that is the sum to- dustry "may require immediate reme er. Tim6thy to t Moved by Mr. Ford, seconded by Mr.
agai Ravhri, dislant ledia, Aurtrilia Cali- tween them and their teach
dy. u.-ned by Mr.
tal of his toryism. He. ha.T -been harged ake, o,jittlei wine for his rlis ATated. Howeiverhe,4,idlierouf, and Weston, That two dollars ret Flour ................ 7:51 a 0-w-
forria, British.Columbia, &c., as ell as stoiiii ke ! Yes, but did every nian be n&his friends sat up 'with her, and tewart for a lamb injured by dogs (said 5.
There is at present only one type -foundry East Wawanosh. vh's sal Oats .................. 0:52 a 0:5
withblowing up Her Ma*esWs powder in Cana4 to wit : th, Peas ................... 0:69 (a), 0:71
at of C. in all parts of CanadL. There is moral have something wrong with his st.. by-ana-by, the memory of her"virtVes lamb being still alive) be handed over
T'Paisgrave, mach, io
during the reb*on, hasbee, 31ontre4 re anything in oftenedhis bitterness and. tai-ned 'it to a tIfe township treasurer. N-loted by Mr. but that lie 0 or if they had, was the Baxley ................ 1:06
It turns out only the common- in this which advertisprs should study- Paul's advice to his young brother, s' Pork.... 6:00 (!Q 6:00
nailed by the e%idence of men who were Coullicil Ro m, March 10th, 1868. anc- tender grief, a settled melanchly, that Ford, seconded by Nr. Weston, That Mr.
The council met this day ursuant to tioning the use of wine with various poisons hung'about his spirits like a pall for Titan
er sorts of letter, and as the taste, means, not that they will obtain customerl from Potatoes 0:41 0:00
with him an through the campaign -men aljoitniment.L ' Present, Messrs. Helps, in it. y J. Rndd be paid five dollars for his services
If a doctor advised -a person to days. However, by;zitriving- to keep his as returning officer for ward No & for 0:16 :17
A let- take wine for debility that was no reason thoughts"employed on othek subjects, he 1868 Carried. Moved by Pord, Egg's ..................
and ambition of ourbest Printers advance, distant parts -but that thelhewsp'per is, Deacbr-, Scot4 Taylor and McKay. Butter ......
of vera'c'ty and from both aide& Of Politics' it i0ound that' far really good ter from Air. Dunbar collector, regarding 0.15 1 p i .0,16
Surely our contemporary would not have common the key to popularity 4t home. Tne- - - why people should live upon it for months. was finally beginning to regain some little Hay, 'p -tong .......... _15:00I 0, 16-:00
lanceof taxes unpaid, $67.
o1nmbian s3ys Hides;(greevt) ... ..... 6:50 0, 0:00
Roman type and all superior sorts,.they British C thq bed odild d by Air. Weston, That the audit -
people to saddle spublic man witlz the sins 17 was SQ've peorle said alcohol was a good crea- of old-time cheerfulness, when your shoe or be paid five dollars each for itudi
have to purchase in the United States or reaclaDd ordered to be fyIed. Moved by t
ureof God and should be used. tng Wool (washad) 0:20 a 0:25
tramped upagainst him by a partizan It would appear that salt, no less'thall. Mr. T-aylor, seconded by Mr. Scott, That. He did reminded him so painfully of his grand -f the ae4mutp -of this towmhip for 1867. -
Britain, and pay a duty of 20 per cent. ad not believe it, and he would appeai to the -mother's coffin—' Wood ................. 2:25 a, 2:50 -
newspaper!' Time and again it has been I -old, produces Alarv'Bain b(, exempted from paying t*es Carriej.- An account of arrears of taxes
fever. Wo find from,our chairman, who had travelled agooddeal, A slap M the face, accompan'ied by 'Take on lot 10, c9a. 4 handed in: by J. B. Gordon Beef, per out . ......... 5 -_0D a 5:50
11,01 Chickens ........ a .... 0:25 (d_ 0:30,*
valorem, for the protection of an establish- Oanadian exchan ze' fevp -f?r the year 1867, as she is in 6di nt if he ever saw a sprin -bubbling that, you degraded old ruflian!`putasharP Esq q a nting to $76.57.- Moved by
shown that 31r. Gibbms never preached s that, the salt _r ge
ment which is af no earthly use to' bances.- Carried. Petition 6f g of alcohol '0:60
annexation n our streets, and those who them- was ra-in- at Goerch.' It is already. c up pure and sparkling from the earth;:.- end t; the feet story. Turkeys ............... 0.40
During the past few AaAin Clifford, praying to be removed i econded by Mr. Weston, That
weeks we have been knowur"thi'i't several silt w -ells have been froin' ZZI. (Applause.) Teototalclin was a newtbing! 0 aitit' 'd illegally Geese ..... ............ 0:35 OAG
utter sc, mubh balderdash on, the subject compelled to add upwards of SM.00 in suceegsful operation at that town tor '9 S. S. No. 11 and united to S. S. No. Nosuchthing. Tlieteachinsof the 'I " 'of Mr. Gordon'f6r Ian Ducks ............... 0:20 (ii 0:25
Was read, when it mus resolved by the and of Ancient History were against such s 61&. f c iiitiuk
are guilty, to say the least df it, of gross worth of types to our plant, every pound more than a year, pro -lacing salt of a very- ' Iim:peachnieut. I Pr &iei be laid over till next m Goderich 3alt, wholesale, f.o.b. p . er bbl:
council to make no change at present as S. of Ouncil.: Carried. move by Mr. i:65 ; 'at the works, 1 -60.
-England or the States, gooi-claality, so good, indeed, as to have S. No. 11 is quite small enough. A copy ards should be whipped, another that they n Ford, secodded by Mr. Westoii. That -the
injastice. Finall, while we admit that of which came from a view. - One authority said that drunk- . The London' Tiw.s commenting o
y I
Solomon " argues, strongi, ', w& declare and the -loss we ave sustained in conse- carried the.prize ;igainst the world at the of two motions passed by the Council of abstlaot and detailed"statement andEx- Clinton Maxktits.-
should lose their ear8. Hedidnotbeheve the impeachment of Pr, ohus n,
most emphatically thA he -is entirely at quence of the protection of a useless mon- late Paris Expositiin.. A well,h4d re, W63t Wawanosh; was readi when it was I - penditure of this township for the year
of course, in unnce0ssau harsliness, but if 8ftYq
am as to his facts. Plain unvarnished 0 hasbeen, very considerable. It is cently been sunk in the neighborhood f inaved by Mr. Scott; seconded by BIT. such a law WeT6 in force just now, lie ivas 1867 be printed in hant1bill. fbr Im. and ByapzialTeleg*phto the Haron SiGN&Y-)
a same with scm-&,of our brethren of the Tayloi, That a deputation; Vonsisting of His popalarity, will certainix- not - bo that- 'one hundred copies of the same be Clinton, March, 17, 1868. Noon.
facts are " chiels " which not even th afraid d great many people in our commun- increased if the iuipeachmeA -should printed for distribution -Carried, MoVeld
1 0 Pkm, and it is surely'tinle that we-sbould the railway Fitation.'near Nlonrcea tavern, the Reeve, Clerk and Treasurer be p- ity would be found wantin ears. (Laugh- Fall $1-65 @ 1-67
erudite; editor of the Bevkw can afford speak. out in our own interest. Of course the chief' olj?-,ct of which was to test th break dowh. Congress, hoTever was al by Air. :Ford,- .-second6d by -Mr.
& 2, - pointed to meet the deputation front Wed ter.) He believed with Dr. Guthrie t6t W'eston' Sprinly do ...... ....... 0:00 0b, 1:50-
ignor-e if we could be supplied, by home manu, breadth of the saline de it. Theex- Wawanosh to make a final settlement of Triot compelled to try this last resourct.. That the widow Leavis- be paid the sum
po . alcohol was the best thing in the world to Oats .......... 16 ....... 0:0 0 0:50
fact= it would be unpatriotic to deal periment has been most succassful. Thir- affairs, -The d There was so mdch to loge by giving - way of ten dollars on account of'
eputationsto meet at the indigence. pi;i ey ..... ...........
save a dead body -in, but the worst -ithing The -Council then adjourned to meet again po A , . 1:05 1:12
elsewhere, but such cannot be, and hence, ty-threa feet of salt had been pierced, too 'residence of Mr. Helps Esq., on Tuesda*y to the Presidbnt that ii Would. have- been tatoes .............. (1:40 0:50
Shiudleg- we say, down ivith the mawpoly. in foraliveman. (Laughter.) Thelecturer - on he 23rd prox. e Peas 068 010
Lt Our feet of which was one solid mass of pure the 24th 3t --Carried. Petition Of then ppoke of those, who -were afraid to tantamount to a total defmit, Theleaders
Pressmen, generally, take 6i matteru Lancelot Nethery,ani others praying for oa:N Sam Tp Clerk- -15
P Ralt, of the very best quality I The Hu- promise on the subject of temperance, il- bav%cotne t the Conclusion iht hey 0: V2
If we are to believe the Ottawa cor. of with spirit and tha object will be attained
recompense to Mrs.' Holland for keepinj lustriting his remarks: by supposing several may ris well incur all the riskFi of, impeach.* Fork 5:00 0 6.00,
the Grdm, and: who dbubts the gentleman,&, without delay. ron ignali.the leadio Goderich papri John Hewit, who v048 isick, about eight a A Velliltale Sampson. D: 10 0.
--veracity, ra should like to know -the concludes that the entire townsie, weeks, was presented and read when it t cases. Liberty was a 'noble principle merit at once, The tkreatwfll probably
A PAIA WARNING. 9nd far" beyond it, 'forms one enor but he did not belieAe in thd liberty which FIVE DEGPS AT Flour ...... ........ 9, 8.00
Dominional powerathat be are- on the moved by Mr. McKay, seconded by Mr. alloived people to'do wron . g, and that Was have no m . ore effect on Mr. Johnson than 'Ag WPAIAN VANQUISHEDBY -
Bay ....... ......... 10-00 12:0D
mous, basin filled with silt, which Deacon, Th, -A Mrs. Holland receive a thewayin it bed in times past, He would, prPfer ONB.---TERRIBLE STRUGGLE FOR 11 Wood .... 2;00 (a), 0:00
verge of a crisis compared with which, Every now and then we gdt a notification whichthe selling of liquor should ..........
_generatiAs will not -exhaust,, Ind estimates debenture for' $15. ---Carried. -Moved by be4treated. WehadnowalawTrobibiting removal by force to bei.-ig, made the in- ......... ...... 6:50 ®_ 0:75
fively spealcing, the emption of from some-pwfwofflcef ru
figan nning iomewhat the deposit $o be -e. I wportauce to Mr. Deacon, seconded -by Mr. Taylor, the sale of liquor on Saturday evenings and strunlent of carrying measures whivh -are M A Mehigan paper has the following Repf per 100 lbs ........ 5,00 5-50
-of mo
her silver or gold. win6s. o him", oit, had, continued to -get Chickens per pair ........ 0:25 0:30
e earthquakes of St. Thom- as follows; "Sir, -The number of your that place than cit Ts. G.
Vesuvius or th That the following persons be appointed Sunday. He hoped Monday would bo hateful t of Detr
,,nowhere.,, Sir john A. is to -]dci paper addressed to John 4 .,the ill -will of all her female neighbours, Turhevs ..... ........ 0:40' a 0;50
as are Sloper has not We heartily cougratalate Goderich upon, pathmasters v1z:-WiRiam Deacon, Bellj- added in the next law, and Tuesday after f he Daily News giayiir: _ I The resolu- sta oneay lately two or three Of them Apples ....... 0: -OD' G& 1):75
Leary, Patrick Gibson, Magnus Linklater, that which wouldreatly curtail the oppor- tion uridoobtedly.marks a crisis Msembled in a
mt the Hon. George Etienne, somebody beelx taken Out of 'this office. fteaso334 its good fortune. It has loag been the And. ShieI4 Adam -Reid Mitgnus L6utit, tu
1, J, 16asenear by, aild made up Cabbage .: ........... . V-'05 0:05
eige, is to be snubbed, and,,in short, there. run -atvaY t0lhe &dej." Ni3w e presume priettest , town in Canada, at least 'so tar Jas. Roberts nities of tipplets.' If they could tal0 in I he affairs of the; Republic, althom-A a corps of fiie-To. 11Rck',1 her. The t e6
n, Win. Abruham, Henry liquor or leave it alow--just as they liked, the i0sue'of the comt . est can hing r se ................ . o:3o 0:30
is to be one gran& politic4 freshet. ' W411 that we ate no worse - off in this respect ?s natural attractions are concerned; and, Deacon, Wln.'Copeland, Edward James,. he would beseech the,a to leave it alone, as hardly be Was 0 beciAbliberately done, and they Ducks -per patr ......... 0:40 058
than other quill-driverz, but it is most It now bids 'fair -to be.the wealtbiest. Robert Willimson jun'r, Robert. Scott, had fill their plans laid so nicely, therewal
let it come. Only give us time, gentlemen that was the best course It-WAs'notthe doubtful. Tbe'Pr,,sidentw:h6,'hasv :iola-
Tiqoying to -man the Verily -Canada would a to have & .Tohn Agnew, Finlay Anderson .John to ba no esca
t,D, Uy proper Suporb against our political a send a -spirited, or small&arted who were ted the I;tw of the 11'and in at I mg the great mauling which SeAforth Markets
inper for poear mean tempt]Dg tO.1 -
an' bright destiny,liefore it.' *Stamely a year Mooney, Ias. Henry, Thos. Parrott, Thos. in danger, but! thenoble t displace -the Secretitry of 1kr' was in store, M. was invited int6the
-thm. "let her blow!" saveralyears 4 have the whole transac- Black, Win. Rath Joseph'Dunbar, Wm. h6,open-hatided aT, is not like- house ab
pasaej Without tudkini the dbicovery of and the generous- inj ove mentioned, upon the pretext Special 'Feleirramloflurm E;jgr&L
,s irit. -!To was de- J o sit Mill under impech6enq but be thaf they wished. -to. see her upon some Seaf&W, 31arch 117, 1868. Noon.
Conwoun&up such an announcement Darr, H. Helps, Wm. McDowell, G o. -lighted that in social soine new source of ut told wealt h- e from the Prince is withou-i -real power. Althoiagh wp-)w- lna eri in which-the'rieighbors'wereinter- Fill Wheat ....... ....... 1:65 a 1:70
instead of a remittan& of good biDs. First Pothergill, John Redmond, Jason Ellis, of, Wales to Gen. Grant, intoxic to usii- him for its estEd. Naverdrean ingof an n .. 1:45 R 1-48
copper;-tben ooat-oil, silver, gold, followed, Dona Turn ating ciful minority 8eeks
begins -car in quiek summion, and now =14-:6 added McKinnon Aix. Dili-gwall, D. Williams, mn, purposes, is cap ctty ' of bloodi-lad, slie went. -
Consi&nble &Map h -s been doria eer of villainy by - ; is -,too much less 0
Who are these men T A set of r&wals who Id er, Qrregor McGowan, Jas. beverages had been ekoluded, and he y w'
trusted this was the dawning of anew era At th front Flour .................... . 7-00 -7:5o,-
-like suealm John -Wilson discred! for fterhar-entra, ce.there Oats 0:50 0:50
-W the -States, jrhe 'W'e, to the list."' Joshua Ritchie, Alex, in the history of t
the coum ofthe ri-er HaitlancT d y -
along ut, *ithout paying the printer. - r eni erance Lou any party o' make its doo,, iramediaiciy a n
t 0 4 0 A -Henderson, Ks . Parker, John Blackbrough d ap - 10, was one of the five standing sentinel,..with P -as ...... 0: Zo
d d wn and lie ii 66 hear the end
exD;er*L- Jas-, Pcittr, Win. od stick.
h1g,the unpreo6dented f n het of the past tfley come to.? 'Why,.durin pl Z!-) douyse hilio I Z 0.00.
, g- opz Robin6n John P. -, - ala e sized cordwo This Nfas Barley ....... ........... f-,15 ca') 1:15
few &y& 'Wearesorry to say that the ence of twelve or fifteeit years we Lave SPRMG fil uponui, apparently. The Awinstrong, Philip Rai son, Tim Brown, Byron Vennett and lffis Sarah of his ' torra, of oflice to make W worth any throwh at her with,full force, iii the hope Potatoes ............... 6.40- @), o:50
Taylor, accompanied by Rev. BIT.. Living-' ones while to stand. or fall with his; politi- 10, k nock her down, but-Mrs,_G. caugh' , it, Butter 0:16 fine new bridge in Waw. anosh h1w been heard, with -a degree of delight which robin's notes are heard and other spring Thosi. Hocire, -Hugh 'MeQiIarrie Jobn
Swep &W&y ,,Jegngn& C7 ed the.cockles of our old heart, thatf , , O . I . . Harcourt, 17m. Far ' I I , ston, on the organ,, treated the atidierice to cqlfbitunes; MrA 'hns-ton,itowever, eaX The pie.-rs warm songsters exaven the woods, -the air is huharson, John'Mar- will beforer it stimck. her, and follo*bd hei'as- LPggas ................... 0:15 0:'16
some- several unusually splendid duets, &a. A probably be- the man i the en.
for the I iziging, pfhep; VjhifeAex, Rintoul, jag. coup eog lads recited a dialogue in good .7n eantjwe,'to the others, arm
S, labor, wood Win, ' , y u 'as McBride, Geo. n the Republic saih 41t out of the -hall into Elav 9'.00 QWIL-00
it See=, irere not fine'! wi Pulled up its' James 0, laht
)ublic in th Mild and balmy, atdasucces3ionof-thunder m
one Pro q. vincidl Benitenti-_ - Martin Jdhn I to discover this and In- th, Hei: 3 she met with 0 11 -des
styley al er which th,eaudi6nce 1*91ne4i 11 (, I C& - - .... .............. 6:50 0:00
perly,, thus rendarmg costly 5tructure zary ani if most were n6k ultimately Jiang mhowers have so extracted the tweth Of Seecroft, m..Harrisoh, Wat. Sut in his blinding 4e., ers, bro6ms &I and -the like. They s a Ivond ............... 2:00
th ati rptisiw evsq llifikr is, Pi 2:00
en, qn4la nthem...0,4d.44ersed, dftradid,.of ir Mick -em ..... ... 0,25
dert-ructive 'element it was not -some parts 0.-30
an e"ypM. to the becanite they did not richly King Frost that in Pialughfillg 1,16hii Smelti er Vni. St en., kov d.by figh in a second, evidently, afraid,of
is.tq,blsmejor- hk deserve, it.' Thiiie we fads which. should h3:5 been comnenced. %The weather-wie Mr,. Deacon,- teconded bv - Mr. - -Taylor, tem,)erscooling'-tiidtheirnei, esg'lv'mg*ay.- Turkeys 0:50 10,60
those ioci
AD Fbr Arrast Rajlv ,V Tlie-whole ve ia, ssimd the woman ' bythe Apples ......... ........ 0..50
uvMaAt heswofit. The -czintm -strEke terror to the heart& of Thai Win. Doacoh, J". Mccolirt" Camp- 0:60
Bedo"d =*- *he havcf robbed predict that the break- -up has been too STUFFS.
rpn t
614- Geo.
thapoo J ter b611 IfinnA, Wni.' McDow- hair, tried to gag)ler, choke her, sniother Geese
.n Dire
-do so. puddbn andt at -we shall yet have pells- ptors 0-25 a 0:30
and, - deo. Foth
Abutment Of t1w XanchWer br'dP. ake 'or intend to We wa= -any of our ergillIz be fence- Will the searcit -far her, spit on her, &hd everything se their Dresseit Hogs ........ 4. o
'for the, p_-ewma%-,,_ ar,"i fell gnhmibera wh
y in Europe catXse a .5 5.5a
Proved too, week vil imagfiIaiions could f1iink. Aiad only Pork .......... .. .......... a may contemplate a and- of se-ier6 4eather. viewers.-Carri6o.. Moved by Mr, Dea- tei'rise ih.th6'.'prices, 4 bi46adstaffs. in -New York, Mar -A 14., -Warrants,. eo n L 'ecofided,byTAT. That He'ary, Ankeriqa Thig itioIt of greA issued . yesterday. fbr tlie., West Of , the
&Way, thut leaving thv, brid--e in a dan-er- den. Bitten "To.the Westjawthe, Scott, by the cuhel -which she captdriAl at'th,6
Is a que
the lauctof the Pree, I that- Lacolbr, as. Yule, Aclain _rHoover -Thos practial ipVo to'which no o- tailway" were-oaced each in turn as the -came' -ffp, -and -d6sing'
ouspolitiom 'At BmKffir tl & V:idge I IZ go EGWONDVILLB.' Adhee door, Mm G.'fouht her way, slashing af markets.
thei -ihigdiief ne.&a' -directors of the Eric I
wasserlondy aliakon Toat -,Yw have not as quick as. Agnew,' --,Pa tri
A G:bson, Geo. McKay give a d
ecid6d answer. -A famine may be, one,ortwoof'them. on thw head so that' By sPsd6rte1egmlp!i to the SMNAE
carry them ifthey'do not u e' (From ourown Correspondent,) and -John- Mason- 1 e 5_ed',_paA13'rbyAhe. caroity, pan .
tUt the 4am-a of Jood and
printtee& seco " r. T who immedial
learned guis grp-A- -Tudr ant. Yeg, gehtleme we- *ov- elyprbc edeg to- the several' thi$y fell helpless. For fitIl a quarteiof- MONT=AL 31arch -17.
or 11
t. -Mrs. Van Egin ed byA r- secon e , by themsearcity of,ineang With.. Well
ing from the hundreds of and the, hsm trusted You 1$eouse yo ne' 1Cr0*VA1ZSCJV; ieecindb Piirf y
byMr. Scott, "I yand- Rinboken: f 'rq -, 1 ouses aii
That,,ak. kuders'on-an ,tObuy*it.'._,-A-` erson,. who kas not a, '66nt hour she wag -assailed unmercifully by FLoVB,-Supfti0r0tft ....... 8.00 4g, 8
are -from thet effects of.hor fall. thousands of milt brought clow by -honest. Pay for the, SIGNAt gLnd, recovering to jntercdpt the ted to thewrpdwering numbers. - One inserted
Henry be Tavern. '6ouId,.`no;,more,'b4 a loaf at 15, cents th In if thev' lattemp, 7.75 8M
Ov= T" S he- q 6ald af'25--dwta --,and it'is. them -ability essca nuat be -90 e, sweet reflecti6n; twzs.Qn 6 6th', instant RObt.- R ilq License Inspector.w -
Yorkl er hand in, her mouth'and tried: to foree
T! pe the jarisdiction of -16 Ne o
xovzmi the list of m2inor damages i P
Some bbysivere-watcW4 e- go py y,q any -price t at, as understand gourts, te b
This 4alamity- furd th rt for. an i_ie her,'fint'thei- W. -Canal super...., .60 e
thatourblessipg follows YOIL *-Thus, Will ried. erfield iipli6a _ 6 i" eid w OW d6wilier-throat-wid Aio
c ei I
I sup
-oin be, _Wfeature o - the ease ri it was. -in
one. whet ingover 7:50 e, 7.70
11121 01'fi*ed 1 a - shop re wiltstitatisilje;r y cille eaughf one of -the Aiiers 136tween' Whpaj
I% loam pv OWD A fewthat'wo of
'whi& shoW the Ai4iij at, th e- kill' d. it, to
jul.'& do a Tho.slides
breast. pt6d'.,. Xoved:b among-,thbsufferiug:po6r4E 'her teeth,1nd ground the Vesh tohebone.
was readand ado] urppe. OW - he most" -prMiderat irectdrs were ata T,
wit are at an ty.414 ervhichthe, Doac6n,'secdl[14 d,b , Wegern. -7-.45 a 7:50
;" . bt, T at' 6 ' Iaid'out`another qne, und'.she ran
AgriqWtii 'Neet1bij. h*t in his Olt , arra nging r7:35
of- water flows 'fkoni he pqnaiuto a po6l- fronl( Auditais r6ceiv -e" bu. !on the one h'and, ancl M yl out -veiy sfck --`There was but Wo left, Bag*i-lba 3,80
affAm. Th6iek,,,' ilemeu were,stibsequentr. and the A ln
of-therWellanA A mov'td by,
ing , . 10to M fbet.146ep. Itri. hawlike r, a2bli -.t,6uAest wrestle -70 1:701
_bthe' I obvi6lisly, I y ad7the. WHEAN I
Qfmoi now -a t6. gre mished consuni'ti In .00
TayIok, . -That the[ 'I `d' wit'll-these.- 11avingsiieceode'dso'far she Cana& Fall. .00'
It"- Um *mk this is 4ifite, Ii "W' One, P on. pros-
Ineti onngdurday- af iw ..bieetiagainas a coiwtof,RBVIBO per6u4 tim.6-tho'consumption .0 bread- er a perl ous, vnya gcr abross, 0. (7 0.
was ound not to give ul . until she had. 0.00 @ 0-00,
enqe4bg,: -Per 0.47 @ 0.48 -
-the-Albion 1otettoiind At
f the boy i0a t i ci t d the E
fm wAtempe Qf (a W&kaws) couri.
s s baSd. 'at lier'iii&v,
U43 is 6isia& ana'rdpid. pop, a- row help left;a
Ve as 10iTs.
p -JAS. TiA8DAALH;?,- uso_.1A'oiii W'; hr' t -'& stovb, BARLzy.---Pef481bs ............ 1. .15
MJOYS Win XV01174iitOP who' _g of wn its f1flurs aacl wi t over the slide Fisk; ul Af itikknial ratet h th
oup a tussle i
:41a - - GO 4hee 'th\a water, wto . upset, and .0 juAreW--d , - gqt 44 ibump, atthe bbttqixi was:jpitoi- yiDei an' a f wi pot of boiliw farm 'd 61i A plisrs _9711 l;le last two, ... -25
Of, ers wair bAd to, w h - eafthi iredt6rs of thexciad,txpressod the int n-'J_
Jersey, 8ty.uatit the t
or igoalded -a child. 61ii,froin several..*en StOrePhdked ... q o,2o
ea up =a t ;:4fid-round the 0:21 1@ 0.
'W%W #01A fu ub aide d P
J& hk 2040MW f-0 *1, Aliom- the, propfAy of u niti the
e& for at Asms.-Pot . r
e -cnsamp- were near, was loudly, call
1 ty ly -settlod.- this stageof thifigs but they1mew pretty
n --astoome& her d- I I - I I
a" D' "Y' K
soon erkhtowWAnd"ericli whirlpo, Aaiinei-ej-got 441o -1 4' 11 ang' -W
jbw wotM, be, a dov* 4( Caborrmit Gol tiU bk 01- A liffl4gir -w or 1 t Bit d is satisfact4i
Vp for the Midi t "It wa4er *hen hw 4, o liort uAlt 70
IfAIT Suit Tp iw
A4 - 0i comptloy'..4 *6;40 4@ _w -ma e o -what Awa's andh6uld be.. well what the, rumpus was!abiout, a:hAthey: -Goxm in We*Ybrkat 12 o',crock - 1;39K
ex bition, in Giderik& about -
of. WHd *V"i vnieal 'th." lesi4ar&thedre" -k r j or twotthirds " f T red y -.ca
ss nsump ion 114i. p4gl Would nptleud -themselves; to.the *ork of krkh Wt WIA f4V6r&_ tccedv4 ........... 19.ra 4 C(I 19,
The pk R
UVW.-Psawd over, 00C rMs no a 0 ire ermometer
h -a shoit t* en. na defeating a woman whose th' PriiaO Men ......... _50
keacta UpO 6e tra Fred
-ffP01Uf4d tO CAliT In C4k irelauif it pnees.., Ad
r t tOW04 very tafil't 7" feir days tMy8Wo#hWWL the crid
ho e
anc 3-
7 derk
..... 13-00 ,-,13:W
shipi w of the' r of Ae.*' 6 0 e community, in Whi& it I ik kan,asligh 1 Y fight
t0*11 or, imbacribox nm ii court ell :,P asdid' hers; Thi
"Mon- VA a, occurre there *at -but ittle 5 80 e 6-M
-%w fikrj, fa f MA m6s Aboidd nots,hoo jt Agrfculturs ., iety *111.b At d%-', her use, -the- *Bnt oxyind-31mi G. coniquo
1Wv*:&0" too, kili4 a the, cro" b ex TiMSED
he J Z 'e ,=gh2,r PEAS
the Walnlilg 0..89 0, O.- o
.-'the means.of nla g it own; an sw ozwj , onmei lmij* indt 1 w gm; _-UvO w-.41torbia4eilt,fruit hat Te two, riho.creamed
heof di
one zoulitrfto I-Plemu
4 t
jit a meezing
110,(l in Cho
nchool house on 8eturdav , the 7th r
for the purpose el OT9=i2ing a Te, '.
Association, A A101es'70rth lw-_s C.
President ; Charles Gx*O'vcr, V ce '
dent, =,cl IL. Foib,-_sSecretWT, Trea
it was resolved that the regular me
of the Association be held:011 thie '1
upa,y.ln' each month- Te=he m =,d
interestrid in the ca"Se of edUc4tiOI
invited to attend, Initifftion, fL-,
R. Form -El
The Good Templan. of Dunga=-03i I
Iat4Pft organized a Ledge there with,
prospeqt of success.
. e Syr=oase men, of x7h
much has been said, have, we lear
depaited without havmg done anyth
the r, ay of Purch-19ing Edt-tenit-073--
THE W is it thl
confounded Sigaal is DIVnT's SO
when it C*Mes," said 2 grumbliu`_
the other evening: " F=Fs." Fni
little brighteyed soul " it'S cause I
ISO rucl) due (dew) On it. 510t icl
it ha'at becn paid for for thrie yt
,, Alary, VFhJp that young raica ny,
b im to Led I" was the inhtmau rt"
I he Frcshet at BaYTeld.
To the rditor of tLe Emil- -
Niever have we se(?n, wwrli
last 12ur 13 yea -m, the w2ter T, se cc
in stch a sh rt time; it has 0=rzed
every thin,; before it. The ic,3 btL12
and strow, tberebeing no tlaavv pre
it came N
at the bridgq, uhderaA 941'e SG!i l
so that it fell about six i=hel-
Zave y'theye, it Jambed at the cM
rose a 5 f pet, carrying. away r, -1u H
.., t4; 0t.h, ,rVTZso doing consia,
damage. One poorMan, b. Beat"':
ing on the flats, had hmMY time to -9
his fan-dlyoat of the h=s* the watIc
so rapidly. This moyl mg (16VU). --I
o'clock the clam ccmtlencea to 9:7L,
and in about an hour therewas fork,
of the cast fitle rone and it 'is Effl,
it isfeared that it vih all go as
Tent caimesdowntho wesl trde and
along the fawof the dain It wEl
serious loss to Messrs. V=stOI1-9- -"
were puttine, in a new Cii-cular IRZA7 i
saw mill. Mcl was -alm obt re a-dy -to ,
Bywhatwo-can learn it wi l fimuu
Abolit fourthoupand'donars includilal
-time, it i.9 f elirea I imt mr.
store housewlAch is -
.ron mg with-,
will RUO go as the cui i8l,
its f01111dation. 00
4 r Sea ono 6f bN i olly t1krs Ih l
dayl 110w [Bitthat aU the 'Arc8 - ii
country are -caned blo0ay wabbits TI -
SALT xEN,-The exodus of Gpe
from the oil -r ons to doderic2l hai
our town wit-11nowfaces lately. Al
T.of tenor tr-Ave arrivea lag might-.
%ton, as wllf be Eeen by- advieifA
telsewhdre, have opened a new &V
'Kingston street, and ha mig inspeck-
goods, we &e yinTared to f3tato i1a
areof first -.rate quality and chea-D I
,chea,)ent Thechnrader,oftheg ni
rom oging the ffim wM, be a -_Ga l
lionerst fah dc&Ung, wi& f-ke plebldc. 11
them -a c4U,
Washinjtbn, 31areb 6.-Mia-Ini
Toent Court romIncoced its-orgsn
to -day, and -has given President J41
tritil Fri6y Eext, the Istb, to 1
a A answer loilaarges, The Co
Joarnea un.til that day.
jw- _N1r. Gen. TiaKibbon, cf I
tdr, deterfaineanot to be behiod thr,
hiii; procured A lot of our exccliso
t6inated posters with whidil-to-ad I
his goods.
a&- Dan. lAzars, Esq., our rej,
Clerk of the Peace, vbo we arjo,f.
sm has been rcstere:1 to gooa teafl
beon npriointed Imia.fr of Tavern U
Sice adv. ilrsc*here.
jW It is intituatea the
Tmnk C0 10 w111 put -two Tropellerf
GoeLerich atid Ohieago ronte Wis
When wetee the line tS11@LQhed I
be meet happy to chronitle the kc
Runblm u & Vo. having PUT_':Iai
Coliftwright, f0i Kinney's 1)atent' I
In lmrrow Vill -a' whi,
xs Tch, aP &O'v"a stylo, it L vm
irap5olevaepre""tt-t! By an -1 genic l b. -
this harrow WM T.,ork- 'upon ' t?a
Innequal ground as perfectly as-o!i-t
level rafface. 4fesfirs, R. & 0b.
alicq adaied an unprovement Whi
gr atly faclUtate the loadilag of f
picin6utolalawsgon, Farmerssliot
at tnis harrow4iAd- give it a tfaL
4 Tim EXoI)V&-- AUumbey-uf _Vot
fmt rate ziecLanics: mogt c16-61alil
morning M the "'W'w Br--unn'60; f
uniteastates. W& novorflwvera
who intend to f OU Ow. sud 1110, -yr,61
u9 that the coming -9,13ring wiff W,
Eawlt viroclus 6 0=- Peavwthah ,
ve hall( !fdr a numberof ycars---` J
3IR Done
- The UW-vir Mr. DAY* w hi
have taken Place ion the foziewb Wed
Alatcb,is Lgain 1) Deppued until -
RovMfAm is -wrain becamir, 2TV-11T
Hamilt6n. Fhellimalw,
ing Am - &-din theevening-vi4lont
tion are AtMeettoiUmIt K-30 arjl(
N To eaculdboiblown F o V
ZM, L W110 would inatst the fw'.
There is -a flan in'Now 'York to
from all fho promintnt Pemntsof th
quotationg a fho 11ilior mul kcf, f
,emigrants may U sent at Or=
Points W Lete theit -serviced WM be I
-G. M. Trd maels Anction
20 3UTc:i, F,= ffas Anlrtiwl,
24th3l=ch FarMF'0&,AD-"Md,;_'t 13-
WR;"=-dih imy 3DnEg-11,
26th 3UT,-b. F. -M toc, T Bftms. L-16'.7tz
&r-- c, nW D&VO HO"
April, attlie v -e
capt'"i nn'slatsre—McofeCul
4%.h jtme, Blortg,_* &Ze4a_V1iit, D, S. IG-ooL
=th Adfannod -See ar, :A -,as f;)T Tal-
W near VarEverfsmni&
Coderich, 16ta 'K- h, WA _x