HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-03-19, Page 5-77 �77 # N 7_ A jl % V. 4i 4 X j 4 W.Y. n.0.14hr., 7,jitor tndProprietor.] the Groutdot'Possible loolto the Greatost Pors$ible Number r T -7 A t_rso Pirm IX AT-W'VA.T*TC3E9 :2.00 --Lr ]EMD 019, 'VIMAJRI GODERICHf� ONTAR109 D. C.q.THURSDAY, MARCH 199 1868, 7 ITOL.. XXX.;--1*WJ8i 7 low Mirectorin. swiness mirector.". 0,usineSs JoiactarL). Vitsiness Mirectan) nwa a's when htiywAs man I heard ' ' I . Theres a Nay,' r4p'lied Xafhai4 ",most ilti6gs when the slow'q6n�tablesvf the day cAt io WfItten for the Huron Signal. 0 -,h �,Uor 'Toosday, an& is kittle 1:4Vs­ac,dord1n6 avye - looks u his trail thpy foundhim dying. 11A a -- son a - he'd a g. non upon T") A 8QVZ EZB Or- THE 'um; 10%.amorq thingtobe one fii' hu& StrAcey said one of' tbem,'Jayifi, ARXo; al' .;and z ,n & Peter ILL -BP '4kT -HOVIE FOP, CONSULTAT19tZ GraA went out aptou wriock. L in every day. Will visit HURON AU' :W 9E§:.Iv A to "I* whiit God Almighty didu-*t,see as it were hand on his arm Joshua Stra�,y W . night or day w49 CTION MART. E, DRUGSr' A green c0fintrY bilmipkin not given to roam, In fare an other skins, _gei atienu at any hour afterwards, FIRE AND MARIN DRUGS! Bu d -an, 900A�a�a it's ffl c6n`VaAieiA to I& coin- it is, -said he mechaiAcally, without ope a- Once.undditook to I It 19021. his dear Lucy home, BY p a ny. as, worth wW% *6r And thlnld�g it folly to miss siqcha' n not to yer hiirr& And I've a - ing his eyes. It wei�Ona, A. M 14ARDY & C chande, 'g' � r -onum, -itshns to me," headdedl. repeated again, and passed owuy.` SURGEON,&c-;&c-1 W. Insurance -Company He thought held prap6e; and anuh at onci. Tommie- canna r' . A both -IT a 0 it Stan to re in a 16W voice. -and .13:40 1 that mid be. b Is ti _P AUCTIO'NEER9, - COMMS910NIE11S Thehorse-dealer was found guilty So as she hung on lid aso taint Y�e a brought ye s dine _p�is and f apes, executee.� a 91- ke gets Up by degkes� APITAL, $10,000,00-D. Andghes her lilywhite"band a nice gentle. squ . enep anything,ple nt.1 ay in Canada - .%Eft. tV REUS AND Thowomen,10okedalitae'pghiAt: the arid a little o'. all t1iings as is. agrieeable It war, a brigb1autumn d. . Offiep APPRAT,' C I HYSICTOc, SURGFO'V. CORO it . And Putting his mouth close up to her ear, 8 a4d Nanny, helpingiu� give, a fitn'al . toli ch some sevenor eig4tyears P and Residence third doir mst of central School. unknown is al tvs terrible, 1fter. A buil�_ tCE---SACK1qLLE STREET, DUBLIN -Doyonlovememydear." fair to Stand Mo ! and. this ne per 49 GENERAL AGENT'S, READ OFP In Sitremulous lihispbritays, 'il bade W to,thepackings. "Ye1feelmightymmikle "bee" (work to be rebaid in kind,) in rel in the, wa (.a-. 14. Nrr,.'4 though he listandd fa el y of Itak) it, - WiFout a earner 'nor a 'spionsible- whiott aU the few neighbors far and wide CE'%-TT%TF,('OLLrsGEP,Rymcl.k,.%'S A." 'M.- ar ci) i�t mo iv., But St?R- D11tFIC911 )ItQ. 11 '04tily then vzs�nevera theiiiinaginati Its nqa f.rmerlv ped4liiig aboutwi'a'ye tided inthose had joined, had just raised a mew and laT- _U 'West -Street, 'G6derieh, JOHN OWNS WOODUOUSr, Esq , 82 Pembrolze Road.- staeles. thah a"' the rial 6t- bo'dr jej hv Mr. gneqt. ctiedontaTrrace. Goderich. 19. Dublin; Omeath -Park, Co. Louth; Portkilown, Co. s(Succ*ssor(6JL.BiReynolJsy And Liie'y walked Dif with her eyeif on the gro6d, k' Ner and G wild vioc�fi as german were a talking on. ger log -house for the f=-ily,. whi-ch ho Armagh: Karrykoel, Co. Donescit; J. P. fdr Counties - � I it's pretty good j& r y,,,, - So coughing it HttloAO mAe his voice clear,. thae black p wani sore to bebac agAl I wiah::�retty well outrown the olal�hed. Rol - All country and 6ther sales 6ntrua� Louth, Donegal. Arm-,tgh, and Own. -Mfr;nan_ e� I take it, said Roland tqd.t� JOHN XMILTAst GREGO, Esq , Alderman, Merchant , is He whispers again, Do you love me my dow." w through. Ye'll -be a sore 16M to and and German, two tall, strong, beAr4- e. Three vearq n our care will receive pro o V as not,very strong ethito&aphiml ie wen mpt attention. Upper Sapkville Street, and Great Brunsigtick Street, yg, me anyhow, I know thait." ed fellows,'with axes in theirliands, wei** Nip VrRr Moneys advanced on zinds and furniture. Dublin, 01rectorof theDublin Tenements" Company. -..-how dpubtful. S. jLmv. dvirtill. tht dud spin as to th ' Notaw&didsheanswerbut hold down btritead, e Color. of. L cc n. n IT. S, Hal On. f1hee.idenI Orriderich, Jan. 1.1 l2r9. rice-Chalr7nan. exity. o' thraps ? The just finishing a " snake" fence, while IT W51 Her li-V.tried again, and neiyously said, futlir3 enegaes.' :Bititthoughe�=ip Y� got p �npmilr for t e 15th I - oke� jirlds�h , dose iipon (",rTK at Lucy ii�y dear my mind Oil must ease, contf-inpluoitsly' he *aJ a little gumou�as e. - D. ROBER'TCRAVEN WADE, Esq., Clonebraney, Crnssakeel Castle, now U handsome matfonly womat* Arm Courty Meath, and Snckville Street- Club, Dublin, DISPENSING CHEMIST & 0410GIST' north), i� cold. Thd sayin! i;tood at thed6or, with a child on elic�L .r "WfLICOIrri Mjohols�on. is, iT. wer J. P. for Counties olleath and Wicklow.-Direc to the eff ict of ih� new w of thd ease Ne'er efist a clout hns on surgical cases at tor IfYOU don't liketo speakqIvainyarm'a siR&d*ue=.11 vie SVRGICALOPERATIVE&ND ECHANIG. ' Scottish Antifeable Life Office. on his wo-nankind Germaif intin faki) sid7e, Cdwg in to supper. .V 401� CRARLEa Gotv; )LILLONE, Esq., merohn�, Stephen 'Ieaieri aiand i mporierotZ itc-,4-A in IT - Lades, dear ladies, Just take my advice, WMaybe out."I Wherelemother V'saf&German. .4 'rest and South'Greqt George's Street, Dublin Wbe his big*swbr1.ly he addi�d, laujg� Inoralizeil With= - but. I' think as it she after . he Weanihgcalf ?0 --btowa Loclee, Diindriun. County Dublin-' G IF n You uteet-ith a beau you think is sonicei, ly. Iih6uldne, te till Chni - , N2 L) I N E DRU Cw S When his Directok Commer&al Gas Company. Asking tU question, and you feel our lkear� year younger, C. f I i e, --A, I . July- I VHsh I were ten At that idoment howeveY, she calne i ELECTROPATHiST, &e' BMVARD COTVr, Esq.,'27 Waterloo Road, �Dublin, a an, howdver; *ai; reassfared by the and I thi4k I'd a gone wi' sight, fwith her 1i@e squire prou J. P�.for County "I. effect f his I hont6, be it never so homely, pffyAIC-I,%N-. SURGEON A' -M . . I -like to speak, wbyjug 8TU=e hiaeeimz. eid�uence after,his -late dig- ve. Home's . Iinrtlie calf's ju,,,-,.' Their course W. TEFTff ' ser her Pla DAviD arcu ktoq.-w Gx)(IDT.,-,TTE,, Esq., 3fere'lant,Eden coin but ifli 'ce ldhetofn6, very for; Ic,q.kRID 1111OR ted in it If You dowt, R Nlanchtstor. C. In -Attire, 64:1 lie began gra,4ously to Te- seein d afid tina. Gold, Silver, or Vulcan Qutv, and IforehIninfou, Dontivbrook. Co. Dublin. Elair Voiath. %ncl Nmil- 1317U0116ft G. wunn4 say though, as you:ire, mg*heiijebe flicte& Tak'1,6edl'adcled February -,th. 1,67. ROBERT CONW.kV fli;R�Ev, Esq., Bridze Hnnsq, Tralee; lent. trated all over the farm by the inceAh -of the loving pir, wMe ized Ru bb4r on reasonable terms and Glmdufr, Co. Kerry : J. P. for County Kerry. prattleof One dr, wMe t3-01rice over the Post Office. West street PAI`fT8,0IL3,0OLOR$,3!, wrong, akthilro considered.* Bilt law lie, to a bo who was wAeeliny off some of t, qolicitors.-Me ars. htjoilti get94 the"bras - $ , almost entire silence of the -other did . no ria Godeirich. BANK46. -The Nationai Bank. yell be a 1319 the goods in a whek-barrow 'and'dropped A,log of,h, %Io�m ir STONE EDGE., seem to prevent the most perfect s . I qp-mrinient of Viet Molloy & Watson. Manager -J. Innes,�Esq_ CR VDT7 tnA lqte oft%_ H-nitni Find gither -a fre8lithing it every'step. "Yer but a T Univer.,1Y.T.-ozo. IT jt:t Will ye yrk, Rs-Adence D C01nmerclufflotevilitch4ell I (;.0 40 A Ni A F) k T3 R A `� C 11ORSE t O.A.TTLE M EDICINES pund, or gile I twelve between the friends. Di­lrv. 494moo T -T. i�'Ior that matber, and ye, _.r(9thezingc4p 11 3)Bavfield. - She seemed now younger than Oassiey Corner St. Francois Xavier and St. Sackament Str6eta, jL TALE. cinna Vi� Aack. at's left to "Taini my tIc CARDENSEEDS.&C-..&C'. Ye're a'. ib faulf," saidlie. MOINT4EAL. me o' 83ie, ". 'said he, with is, sigh, as he hell) it. "rins': with !hat peculialk placid other-wtirld BANKERS -The Ontario Bank. Orderstrom Medicet'men punctuallVattend0to t! look which keeps the heart and. the expre&� roHN. RICKS, Proprietor. This i th prepared to depart with rather a downeast Eli., 9mcuses a;in% nowt—What were it AND ?nntv C -n -*n Altdrn�v, T. w.GRirFlTlT. atLoteet 7rade - Pt-sces. Concluded. siqnyohngtilldeath. P) i- C'-- C latrg,,taud best0ountry 110401 11, West fac% Aaron said I � 'I put, in th� gold and there ri wes -e Re. Manager. N.S.-Physician's PrescriptioD, earefullyis "You spoil un, mother," said Cas a 'L Offi, n "ourt Hous v14n40 er iGride ch. Camd: --anatfa.and charges as woderate as any Hjus G. RUMEfALL & CO., And now,, my dearii about t)vr I& "I wish you'd go with us, imcle,"" said' came out a god said N�Aan, striving se* mVittehell. Stage Proprietor. Goodatsiblingror Azents Golltrich. witf pensed. I'd just c . m ' with a smile. i orne and live and work here wil Germ. to be his old self and "' keep -up their C_. f 'Ivnpron. 100 Horses. Horses and Carriages for flite"'on Goderich.)an.10.1852. It . I Nay, I du�nnahumdir-nn,'and *u:rmft coNmEyAv s Ye all, but the -world's a nistypla e, Casaie, I'm too old, my lad, too o ty Ms. xRRISTEIL ALTTnRN-9T. c -pm &m. 8-iortest Noticii 14?7 and folkads givdn to evil-sp6 . c Id by twen love that -spoils : the am ma's the frt4 r,;ft,_,!c. 5tre.1, Crderich. C. W. w49. LIGHT LIGHT LXG�Mr aking. What year.' BiRtye murt think 0 me whiles He sedined altogether to hdve forgotten ad? Yonder. where ye're a goin."I - 'arriage, t THE LIVERPOOL& LONDON d6st thinko',our going abio his intentioils of i�i reated Lydia rippen. -� I miud when I were a little 4 and hAdn't got it, ' said she, with an MRS. DAYS' HOTEL, at Live6o6l, I've seen scores ol ships and YoWte took good heed we shannal-For- ex*tly as be did his niec6. AD Gt,013E: sweritigswile. huQeda o' people gc,W� o A number of nei#hbors had come in to 4 k %V:R 0 X E T E R. ROCK & COAL OILS ff � It seerAed get ye. "' said Castle, with a smile on her But we didva, see that the fruit didn-j oiq-. Mark -it Square, Cnn,-r of A so eas I . , - y, I longed for to go 8 mysen, only I face and a tear in hereye. !"Yon7l1come ee the last 'of the en4grants, but they rippen v filaidGermanaffectionateiv, e , n tIt 9:42 N the direct road from Seafortli to Has been in eximeneii �fiirt TurnhgFluid,Lamp Oils. ouldna bear putting tlLe alt sea, atwixt back to the wedding, uncle, " -she went on, . radually dropped off, and only he and ton street. " - y -two vears, and .1. 7 -with them to , the turni4g 1h OP the door of 0 Wlkerton. Every 'necessary aceoria. ditring that perind It 4 paid 'Losi-s exceeding thee and me;,twould hxl teen like, cuttino following him he -left the house. "They Nanny wetft on 'I ir ey at d f0i 2�`mlment at Vivli nd % h -df Ahon pounds. sterffiig, 417or.ala by off m arm." it . I I which letl.froni their own valley to the the. ew dweXirigg. It was on a promtin-� modation for the tmielline public. sayi am t uokytt5t hae a�ny oneatamarry- . P-- JO RDAX- Nay,'thee niver wdldst he liad - the ing as is olderfior bride and groom, Nit 11M.11 -toad. The wrench to Lydia *vi irbat tory overlooking a beautillul laie : the, office, over J. C. De RA2NNAH DAYS. Tliptlisburpenteni or thLst edormous su-n over r4oderich.javi.17.1h60, forest'spread w16 all round th6 shore -; W14 Wroxeter. '*Tov. 5, 1867. it'wide aen, hi witfi�-)nt ;lauht contributed to hoarftti do that," said sfte We'll see Poland aW me"I iiskthaf and she suffered,ver� riatch, thoilgh there Gnderi&. w42 the eqtah!ishment of this Institution, in the What Lyddy and Germansays. -it on her quiet theirow clearingwas the nitlybitof cl I confidence of .'ublic Corporations, Merchants, M 30 -Sr Was no out w2rd sign of ation insight. �The woods were touched, -rrl�n% NZ Nrnorfl. Such ah idea was very terrible to her face. Cassi?walliidalonobiherkusband's &c.. Goilerich,,C. W. L U, C -1K N 0 W R 0 TE'_ L Householdene, and hu.-iness men generally, AT with tile magni4cent color of an American. w inland bringi-pg-up, but she was side in a kind of,maze. The gnter world A Pthhls .%-ew Week. herever it Is re prese7, tM. begintimg CHAPTER XXII", is ke T. TIMS1- LEWIS r_ AND STAGE UPICE. In its Ist vear� 1836, the Fi�er Premiums to und"tand how much 1wPrse it mi was nothing to herf1hen. She Wall h autumn, wid. there a gorgeous Tinset frwrli - ght ving besides over all, was r,o,iench. A -Zug% 27-1h. on Mortgage. be to stity: It was nearly two hours beforii 1�03?E THE PAR WEST. in her own sensatioifis, whether. to o or R., S. CUNNIxGH alon intountel to ........ Yer wouldn1 hae seen suchs dightas (4t�rr[JATED on 17,763 e house -place AN, Prcprietor. f. its lOtb vear, 1,46, the two returned into th c I . 1 11 .. stay at honie or abrbad, , indiffbrent for the corner on the Northern ' I WANT to see th' auld that -in England k�' , Gravel Road, Lueknow, 20flr,'Vecir, lQ5r 16 99 X,"22,279 y"Itly, looking u "For better for worse said Roland, lookinw S1LTOMt &e. , Apply at -Why," said L 4 � ; '.7am the fi�;e- at least.- ta;res leave every 11 30th Tear, 1IR66. c .9 48�9 A32 R. BATNIS ;Pw laugh, 111 heerd Roland a witp afore we �ftit f bo" said sie, a few iierness and in 'WeAt. 'i-4 C. IV. 091- for.richer for poorer, in it 'tticlerieb and Waficert-,r. -the One year later, 180. 49 X818,05:) :r.hancery and Law Office, Crabb's block p. qywmi� Wvcl,W� inorning for G h��%na dayslAter, t9 Roland, and -thii long The women turned toward the 6'd'cour- Westst;Let entrance first door west of hot, I is fiit�d tip With every acco, n ation for ye. good -by mebbe two hours bad w49 Od health, to love,cherish, and ob& seemed cafornercial travellers. A large Hill attached. The Fire Reqerv, Fun is now I;A�727,41.11 ' God. -rich. he gonl.yet ratted trickthey weut,everk6st a memory -)wn on tj*� in the east, Where a little moon vas, 89.282,468 -+ Qfa Edge was -heir Goderi�h. to her., But the ho ,, ginliereais. TheyaUsaid psingin Juor.24, 189 . 7. w22 I . he Lifb Reserve Flind i- now March Stb. 1861. sw5 . 5 No and I ain't a goin' at all )) &id to 4er., But the house at Sfo with t -6uiidles and awaited the apal�jdelicatebluesky. Awoman dirty ind ill -kept, full, of sere waggon. They satin. silence; ven anny isgenerallymmea-ptto, look toward the T1"rv;rr.V- LT -L kW.-zOLTCTrr1Tt INCR The company is repre-zented -throughout On- ]Waad drawing his stoolclose to lier� on dren, nddittle:pleasure to se and tliey past thin 16rw�ra ; a man's mind inclines �v &-�. r,�ie­ tarilci and Quebec, by infl,etitial A .-nts, in did not utter a word. S"Pel. t qne at e, w4ile Cassie laid li�r hea;d- on oq isle. �ntli cisie ofWest hird The stift c.Tpbt of whom app3iteation ror insurance niav 9made. her patted on to th7e Druid'g St, . mure thward the future than to recollect, ci-r.frn-n shoulder n theother. es -on the thyme and 6stusand qebright und !r their Edge (now, alas ! destroyed e many of Eli, there was fair things too in the ch' NEY .'TO LEND' 014 feet gave fortha pleas63t ame anismells dear old g 19 ' ' ED N I G. k.C. A11.1 H, Resident SeeretatV, And what s more, he. said as hc`N� he their feliows.) - Ile grand oldihillsspre d ough thinp MONTRP.AL W%T DtPR-OV,&D FARMS, wasna sure he didna love'llis mother. the have a singular power of association, and, said they, '0 th A. M. ROqb,. Agent for Coderit-h ; B. - CIENT besto' the two. wide under their f4et, beautilal, though b timeii, bring- mebbe worena all so gaudy for tfie look." ARV9"M- ATT"WNRV T -L kw. CO V ­T;c-e, Blak-ek4llek, oppa-ite the Elliott, for Exeter, W. N. Watson, for Sealsirth -AT. 8 PEh al after them a -whole history -4.. -." 11 -r I [ , What inn" 1.40 to him? the day' -was gray and colorless, whilt, they 'ons in plaec� and years far re- G-A-TIC111 - . . -4 Goderieb. F b. w4 The tears sprang into Lydia a eyes a 10 , I of recollec�ti THE Z$D. gw3T rid ok6d their last over,their dld Some, flu Invest -in Town Property her lips trembled as she said, God bless cOunfzy- moved', - Iver after in lydia's mind the valuo b There's. the,' self stoneab6v41atherls scene 'of thyme broxi-alit back the whole TAnOlt J. B. GORDON, ye Oth P i�y- dearie ye're main good to close on Win said Rolifnc,�_ ,and "-Yvle An Rqni-r. ould annouwp th%t he has t cared the I=L V.11 M C> N7 i0 me." scene, the bitter, avree"t of the partin,, the LD. Barrister. Goderich Seot. 13. 1864, lwXt' There was something in the feeling that Lose MR whQre yer niiele's bidi�g now rocky hiUB; the vaRey, the feather wydh ,LRRTqTn'; %N -D 'kTTI�RN-17q. S0L1CrMRS_ W agency uf'sevem Goderi with Zrib�. " Probably the names record - P) their joy did not make them h elms and the old.' to him- February 24th 1368. D"IFLE. 9wa W_ P, qqrmm Now Marble Woi selfish, whic, ed sone P�ehistQc battle ofth�aboriginea self. The Council met thiz �day p to her keen perceptions of rightgavee al- ursuat & with th� Danes,,, *ho are ganetuRy father- aid Geman, idjourn!ment, at Blacks Hote4 'Sewing lat.hhs 11 Itwon"I I . Nat cla most as dbep a satiBfaction as the merely b be'lono, no%7 " S' D I ELGIN ST., GOCMI01i edwithiallfligh inthatoolinty. Thetwo, n, all he members present. Th:%Fm� CTI VqMRT personal one. pointing to the waggoV as it * came slowly 'no Conveyancer. &c., Walk-erto, countr it whien he is prepnred to sell at th, lowest hills faced eat -h Other over ii, dal lovely to down the road, which round like a white utes 6f',Iast meetin, 'Were read and One word the poor fellow clung to: he -look upon. Thoteis _n . W5 little po efe approved. A circular from J. 'C. Ryert- Bran. possible rdtesi at� gave her his own version of that night,g ribbctn alongthe green hill-sidw for beauty of sc6fiery in the paisant "Tain't for very 149ng. , Nothink ain!t Esq., relative to the Municipaland Assess- DIFATLORS" OLT) S17A _"Ti revelations, which to Roland's mind -im it is il taste of cul - ation but JV, plied that Joshua had not himself forvery long, thank God !" sad the old ment Acts, was X 'I , ;read. A petition from r,.%,V OFFTCM, culiBB'S TE%v -a blow. , ',He never hit 8 -tick clinging lov6 t6 the old man, hqlf aloud. William Maize and several othor rat I Hamilton Street. un ; I bolier t, sehn��ht, difficult,to de e, but ve ni, praying' lor !relief for Catharim Ainner lent on r ble. on my soul I do,,qar1in1,1l 10 went on. as ry' "God blesk yer, chilcler,", he contifi6ed, Paye f1wint. GO&rieh Nov.22 1867. -44 real and deep. D�q?atej ani il-f­ti�e tftlps in r"It, they strolled home\together. I ng solemnly as the sound of the ja-ng- Wobley, was read. The"report Of thL- Codericb. Dec, ?4.18M. svFZ4 iff—IfFif UZ nin bellsiof. the. horses ame: near- "I I niun get the iron and iron out them Was ap�,&nted for the It was ut we shrIM, Moved by 31r� XcIntyre, seconded by Mr. -AFAESH t V The earliest possible day aAeT the 'balis Auditors was 'laFd before the Coundil: STARTED s see yeifaces no inuie, I CURE OF LIVVR COMPLAtST AN J creases in the forehe\ad, said she that- h still cl;udy morning in July Mr. Clare, Thit Alaurice I)alton nen. bo. 'A GrR r, AT she liftdd up the,mass. gf light heypas- I meetoi the otherside the 4irer P th' moritu 00 sedalon . silent eadows, ore thd mg, please God some finie. 'hat r c 160 had hung so wildly WMen he g the. sil�nt as Mictilm'Stewart be col- &,. ,M, DVSPFV9tA'1Tq CANADA, 3 sessor and t Block. Gnderieh, Rnd Conseeon, Prince Edward Co., C. W., ',Wai&, 1867.,, bay haAj ot. n ohn <)n arrived, but were becoming,smooth afid eon . c ed, an the bright� Nanny w*Ao.o busy stowing awayinin. ector for the -present yeap-Carried. qtnrP. navft�tcl­ M VOUNG ?4 CHAM89RLA1V,-Sjr-, havingto -een of the f!e4 bolook on; dleA, helping io, arrange -telpa -Moved,by I&., Airmstr6*, econded by lir TrRman -rill ho ROM- braTich office. T;nvfipTfl ONUMENTS, HHIWONES, Tabl ted within my own person that there is at last . ,r,,Oi- civilized already. e 1EP the " clattered wiay" the went-4he rwery Monday from 10 a. in. it -ine that %vill indeedere liver compfaitit and Dy4fiepsia; "I tKink thee'st done a good"Ibit 0 be quite awoze.tUt the last moment was Xr. Clare, hatAndrew Casrick be Impec- tops, Posts, Tombs, of every desert p ! �Lm induced to make this statement under oath, ivIncli tlw pa�ed path necessary in.these, I mountain I I I tor oflicensp job by now," observed Lydia, smiling. come, till flie heavy wagganwas once again for theprPtont yeaL--Car­ tion and style ofworkmar'ship, furnished on is to certify that I have heed sloreiv afflicted for Me Iasi regions to make the road e at all in He looked fondlyat dassie, and then a -was once agianunder *ay, when she burst Tied. Mr. Johnston disorttiz�g. Moved- I 9 shori notice and at the lowest Drices. Libe. �hme mars. accordin- to the Vocturst statements ith anuddy weather -and -through e copse- 7- kT L %TT_ OLICITOR -CTI into a wild kind7.of's OAnd haent P-'Kin-t,in SIMIct e- Liver Complaint an,T Dvoriefigia T nad a teefflig of shadow passed over hisface. "Butthere's by Mr. - 3ohnston,. sebonQd by Alr. , Am - SV * n' tnadp for cash: All orders; -inking and vague unervinelis about the Aomnch', worse little chapel ob. I ral reductio* wood, to the aLaw Oce.' r, TIAt Jbh7i Jameson be -road coin- ,o'lerieft, 5 dooj� �v_� nrW C. (, stand at the so much as an old shoe to throw arter yo st!`O�g canstna smooth head of the deep wild- glen dii its loiiely 31o, D punctually attended to. Designs of Monu'- han pain. ernetations of win!l, occasional �qEV TO LE' away." .*And he turned and *ent out into for ness, coillipation, uneasInessIn the rightmi( . Atek 1" she imied, holding out her arms missiondtiorthe westerh ivision for.th& lcw*c the quiet night to recover himself. I hill -side, surrounded by great feathe - toward *hem.' It was We hiisfthey saw of present ycar_.�C IrI03M ments, &c., may be iiieen at the shop. a poor appetite, &c., &c.. an was greatly red aced in ry �rriect '11oved by -Mr. Goderich. Dec. 19. t866 - w47 ly strength. Hearing your new Indian medicinetheGreal -CC sh. Nothing could'6 mordo and their old home as th5y- tfirnedthe shoulder ATInstrong, sedondba by -mr, i�lare list. -4.11TORNE-V. SOLICITOP_ Ire Shnsbonves- Reotedyisl�iken ofso highly, I td6d a bottle We wants to be our lone together, 6d -.&C- Emeam Axe Fact with your Pills, fronuthese I must say I found but little Itahe stillness seemed al�kot * An&ew'Preary 01 ory. by of Ae -be road C6mmissioner foi- ton, Ont W35 e at night. the sound of B"Remlin' . I chaiage, but I took troother anti then found my' healilt the single Te rang xo%zzy To LB". unurt it until I �ave taken about len " We're very throng, and thee'st sorely i' forth from the small 0 the eastern divesion1or-the present year.-' - 1 . They were obliged tdsleep�am3ght or two ___CarriA - Mov, by 10. Johnston, c- nLrthe'loilfs, - and I find that I hare quite re- th'road. Thou mungo out wil Germanil I dd at JOHN MCPI4,ERi30N9 I eat hearty vn hrint pain or uneasiness. I am th' rnq�rning,". perched atone eprner-aquiet e, used in Uverpool betore the ship sailed, where. sum. 'LIEGS to aunciande to� the public that he' ig H D UIN L OP9 onaed by Mr. la;o, TUt the - to be vi.ell and have pleaqure in attending to my humneqs. r str e rent p oe Wed. the old sailor. --took, hem. in hand ;. but: d for a,taverrt 'o for a shop C . ..... now prepared. with new and. improved NEXT DOUR TO The doctor remarked to me I was lookipi much hotter.: I'm a w-antirig sore fof to about. them a e a birth. - It -,belonged though Roland looked -out '=xiously f6k cl co-trr PUReTriJ.I1V al- It, Idbirn the Great ShosVonctes Remedy was doing it. folreign partsi but I canna get a word out ccense, for -the yedrI868 irt the tend -9-1yrt steam roachinery, to turn out his superior Itlinve recommended the Reinedyjrf. seveml cstes and days whe4 wereLpro�pefly �ap- his father -he colild t find him. As the Ashfield, ifiall be' twenV-five, aolLais, axes it has invariabiv �tion, and 1. would On '00 FZ ship, he saw the of ed to. i larster quantities ttian hitherto, and BANK OFAWNWREA, WEST� ST. him. He mitin be a bit hard o'hearm and 'its name en ro boat left the sNore go t cull gi-eintJ Vilaffiri"t7erade va% onT Itis .�Ca�rried. Moved by 1dr. strongly recommend AS queer i a -, a hopes to givi the same satisfaction that has W ON Hmvn, W$E D. t' allus o' my side o' his its neck " Mel6dia. nomen Magdalen face he krtew sowelll oking earn6tly after stron Mr. Cl4r, I VD, atte-toled his e A '(9 -lowerini; Ai he g,:seponded );iy qz� fforts up to the present. f"remeatcanswon, C.W yead'!" said the lad,' smilit' at Roland. --and now &ve forth it th9m, ' report of -the auditorabe received as qui IN A'Tn PROVTN S.. campana.r6sonaP sad, dark, and "i dayofArarch, 1887, German had caught at the otn 1 ., Toranto Stmt. Godench. T25ns IN�AN, J. ,;i. a quiet -welcome, "that p c Testf son's ey�ahowever, he d 'by W. AJ Surveyor. Thege axes have gained a wide -spread A LARGE SUPPLY ul caught his 3 ove J 51. CAID InH,,d ' sati5faet6ry.-CaiTied. popularity tbrouAnut Huron ond. Bruce. Commi.%ioner in Q B., In a charge. Can4da was ofco�rse td hint t4e, p6aceful sound Which a 011 see --and raised -his c4 above his he T h iid for the e bell see Jolinston, seconded by 31r. Clare Thht vaguest of ideas, but he had coure down to Rolands Rem,,n Coutilval'Pnce Edwara. C. AV. gather in cv. 14%Tntrn., 3ber the shop: Corner'of Vl� siterloo %T33 1 yr Ito till life among th asbout 6d, a ch4i that went -0. Hawkiiis be iwaaars Za;ged I paid D MRV&O% ND and'.Lighthouse -streets. from t1le position"of a farmer' to thAt of a trees.-) heart. statute labor which W-08 Goderich. Dec. 2, 1867.� w45 servant lad with some.difficulty. Theparson t come," said t1te old "Is itdm 7" said Uassie pressing close ppxformed.-Carried. Moved by Air. PRIC I'll-writia to the ship's office, " ididRol.� clerk, looking OU for a window- f the to -his side -as she saw -him �Vrnpale. Im WNEVIR A T oh.,the roll for tf LITO FILL AD WINT R GOOD" '' 6 which he is prepared to inake apin thb short- andp it and to auld salloi Jacli-lfti were tower. Xdlnty�e, secondedb- 11r.- Claro, That -6 PE'ff CENT I'll go own, and, opeh for ye. 'Yes -'Ae4rie 1, and hes S shout;en to make J)aviq 11�1-,jrqu be pad -four Aallaro. for es of esi notice,, and Cheap for Cash. vo. I Salt Wker Salmon, 7o r 1b. ee" P 1 01 . Vonsal%te of tile rnitedst, at -always good to me and he'll a -1d 811's Thi� ain't lipy v fettled yet withi were main glad-�oor feythai. waiting on theelerk with his rc% n 31un- NO. I Litbrador'Heurlings (Spril; 25c per doz�n as if he WARR Do MAeerefin kits and by the piece. as icipal. business -31oved by Governmnt Do do do $3.50 per half 6rrel. being -set as itagili he. ­ VRITMEUVANGE, -HOTEL, 0MCEROURS stock GOOD Fff ANTEDS i'Re women, were not fated fo have their Ree'it not deard, Cassie, o' trastin' It w4D Lake HulronTrout$3.00 pr half bsrre4 d thvq6n to me I" said 'Rdland, in a ow, denial of Joshii0s life - let&ho M -to Sd'Vock�,`p. U14 Do Dry Table Codfish To per lb. Pi itas Mr. Armstron-'hecouded by Mr. lare, TRANSFERABLE A" NOT REDEEMABLE - time alone, for ol Nathan ap �bl AGIIST POP, THE j�oiired not hiislik-voice, Wit L a pressure Of ' her hand counted.to'bim-it was Ifis lasif. gleam of ;That thin'tounpil do now adjouru�tio meet WITHINTERYEARS. Do Herrings S2.'00 do Ion Bested Herrings, 50cts par box. after. that -was almost - minful good; I've been thinkin' a ver 310CArron 8, lake xpad, on: HFNRY 0:918T. M �C.hifl6l ow,- 20ats per eau. The girl's eii ressiZ 'in reply, as she -newlana. these6ondMoriday in A-pril'ti6xi at the -zz%v_TAUTHUROXTX.&CHXRT LSSOCIATIOIF, U fliversil S twift-T B at Sardines 20c and 30c per titi., 4ownsW I -we -re here," said he, sianding ' His childrenprospered intheir looked -up to in, tho�gh she.did 1101i, The jwA;a hard fight to -begin -with, but 'hour Ofent Alock in the foibnoon.-Car-, DEPA"I'MENAVAL AGENT, -F , L _lif '* - w4O 0 upright in the middle ot the house leau- _Ifl 13SUCELPTELD, Pos L r Orriefc. AT THE "TELEGRAPH STORE. " It's ill H. , P .1 s�eaki told in -e forcibly than - by' 'ainy they won theY way to a laim in the back- Tie& OTTAWA, fie. best lo*-prieed ehill,e in the marier' ing on his staff. v"9 W1 a words how effir wa the wlfdence o1hef UMN-DEWhis TE -RMS CASH. 8061ding woman : a man mid as lief be in lov. woods in time. `1.PenetsLnguis4een'!m--the JwLi-CooK, T$ClerlL sdrvfees to penotis 'desirous of in- e. lake of the s1lv'e r* strand -became -a very n. 4g. C.&, IN P.131P. 1r, L, JL esting In this safe and saleablezecurity. Parties ]PILIC"Ic�_ it's bet -ter to livle on a house - remitting hImbefomJauuary.31sf;-uext. onetenth of W. 0YDER I likes a be4'- obsetved he, fbr eon' * pleasant -ficimeatesa, which I they ca6d Hints to Ndwspaper Oorrespon- A%D SORVEY0% DRAITGHTS- the �,qma-they wish ta'luviist, will reLdve by, return of Godeiieh, Gcto� 1% 186L w3c) 91 t6p-nor with a brawling wom, �n in a wide vers*ation. They sairg as how the deevil dentsv m&A the, recef�t of the Government of the DominfolL StbnaEdge, -in spitb of keograr4y. 0 Tele 1h,offl'o'e. �l want my own firisiae agairib lioiv'i �'d as it k I ept togethet y gTap zaii't Abidiit o 'k -German never marri a T off, missuswei th 6igood-to erW,'twe e th wh �a ik6uls pasink. ' And *dm6n�au�46,hehatiilbeenuded Io -Were 'Tldhditorf a Nw York paler thus with C. Tait The remainder must be -paid before March Znd, 1868' . sale Agent for Pilkey's Celebra� Xy to c ill 3r. r_ -4n w4pra for sw-,yinT laft yuu particulars On, %?Ilcatiiai. er $1200 Ina ill I i3igS mebe tihat's d f4 a wedding as Well se0c6out-th ire, and be had I all that he discaurmth t - find te es, so noviPm, like %he stizi upo4 oues,vittl , 0 as the qld p rson 0 TP Cor . x -for t -come -and bide wV me. scimetimids h4i d__1l '-,"a -mr rquw%er percent omiarger amounts; w44 wantin' ye all L S,t, Z4, of Winghami, *M humadiite av T 00K wanted in his mothor Mr.Wsehitgge S5.00forsums HE RE ­�yddy for, ta marry me, and CasA ad in CA8sie"s home respondents. -Do oblige us by omit'. came -iip hurrie -1 A2M[ 17, 44 &1 it IF-, Y -,g Uom, A. Campbelli P. X G., Kingston W; C. German t&be my childer. And children. all such flourishe� as "your interesting. VV CLUP _.y d he i6itviag` Adlandlw4y held *A10 -father had and vAluable palibi, 1ourable arid patriotic Uncle '.'said the gi lliu&V, nigh havingno gw2'af all'this blOrning.. strdek �fip �Io* agr6inst 'AshfOrd, gto Auditor for rl, half - 0 anathat coursO, subscribdiw know -all in, E did ye-rrieet'Rolan4a, comW h the-Dombuton, Ottawa; Win. Wade, En., Manager Ontario Ban.L Ottawa. Strullie, Esq, President British American Bank Note AR010TECT, Company Ottaws , X01th fAu TNS mD srWIVIOATIMIS9 of Rai Fd o:de.vzi,mke rjso� lonr� ai-�woufa­ abiouf that sort of hiog, and we have vso� -a- neat and correetstyle Rolsifil Stracey I No, child. Is be made; a,-zreafdi#Jren�e -Cas6i �W.forbid it fhis P ings.&c.,gott Ottzw& Tanuazy 1194 i8a, zw4le* OVED tothe an he eon Id. d �0 r. offide at tT2e attron &uetton MArt, Mar HE subser;ber having RF1 come bwki, th, comitry e ' sv!q. aya le gobd-viA,attee vit4himanckLyMahAd.: atolerablbopinion of ourselves. 'U yn Stracey took up, h rt*. eps to' her t 1AW T.10ITIV storolat6tv 6c�upied by..WM. DUNCAX.. Yes'- and I be a goin' to marry him,, them � tbinkbythils-to irnptoi�a yo -dr chance of' wham's. Narket'S'quare,. r arder, - and un would first door sou6 of Bin: so ye see Ivinna dome." , .1 . -1tWas-itotnillelii�ora&4nvinoiitIL after ;.insertiva you are ruitionfily mistaken. 18680 wisties to inform hill fnends iir the Town of turn up, in no � mer 'but' I pacifiM him &ey jailedwh6n thehorse,4ealer *astiken� Iqen�,you &re vritten what�y u It ve to' Whew' VI said the old trurc, with,A -busiubss, 'and would Wsse if-Fthere -are not, that he' kind _that it waren�t, 4io up - orlipme nor"CrIm sayi, run it overat 0W. IMMALL & CO, Godarich and surronuinj� countr of whistle., fatherls adn ill Thp male. h, big. icanQ. TA � hard in now -has -the h0gest and most compfete -stock atter to Gilberkptgetting*ent ofit, had the- illan �Qmtsentences 'he worrittod meso. YT p on Ifthere'are out with - e4 lit 16 MaTfor -the murder:. 0e, f out -serious injury. woRd's. Wk was begin be *6,rd,' a ihat couldhd z#area with Divi Court W Fall aid Winter nd" addsitheseall 6W. in upon FOR VIRS. the bhi4 blanii i6shup, thint. a are offin compiallia-d -to declinal ees dre 81�0 Iff Nerebut hOld -DIVIS10ii 11-W,61rd thinking7 of 'going W1na fleclak&d-f -at'l dihe JiJbb - good artide because we �cannot mittke; -tacleo" Nath* in ii� jt&nie Oflr ililig I =1 : " ' ' iotothervbji -svith a chances w'her-i t0o columm haslittle=4 -for th6,bell-to, I � room for. them�. A half olumn half I= �flaid - ahs . eemg- fropi 'deb said-ohe ALL 94110s Of 'Fany. house in the country,containing eye inti., ashef011O.Wedhem' to, T ry 'WATER tq -S6th ar'#eryill thifigsil thl our'se, ii1ad EAggote ff ftes for B.016 .464, oeg lad 0011119 Sh. pSODUCE, Gu A 1, , �'S AL LT, it so u re too, sal, Na he, bji�, ildieih 'joods,snd. most . pbl. t T.6 V6 no strit of Lstdiee. -and C ye yupger great6ia" zii6ra' It e three, Ti odiscotft,,�,e k8 OOUNTY OFRURON,' At following re�a;:k; on esitin tbaii, marriage ceremony a q ha, Me to un- -heri ' 'mulf;t eon� ass�rtinint df T- vionderful Rod exthtordinary -a in Cimads, by nor Ashfdr'd� I'd lli'*� y6 aAfiid; �0 aery Is apoer tha-Fle has al L �, Ut it vq impoisil little as postfib] hui-: I wi&ye do d and U6 tiith Win oe.riei, iii i, ravol hip Ae* la5cour,lactir be stron&r than Izents through, j An' you A for firstalau91tria-e and- Fira Oe ain. sure ye Wo A them,!! -,the vIdminister a-t#d GENTLIPMENIS denlablo,'"diticonleldible fh6ts. hircient op bhud:l' ad- throi�ftjer troubles, for yo -01 n T anymes Ibi momkfikepirteirthitifthi0riat Medicifint-teiiihOuna AM41, 402y peillOU 10 Ist DiTisiont Goderich Th4nday,'20th ara4itflo.r fbta,�e! ts qow-accetsoilite A -avoplenty of -said feign- seys- dkezr-e&she:.� wax-mly arid t stilrWAin Lermg er a us -your real ashe dismissed 61b�d UY4 *hich shall only be'giieii up, Q94 V. &Wersek- 0- R 0 Oth Vnnj�anuali­p' WIN7 7ER,13. a, Aell e STIA eirm oar" �diad fine, hj� 1av intow. Mordav; "Ird Bpi Liqf,,1Xg*%fivp e.. Casale, with a a friend- vvh� Ruotion part. to the open, air itayf1tir, ill, 1y sibility, loth dl both jinpotte. 'arid- of his cl ' ef i f hirl But nothing bts it6w," said y -e 7th Biyfield,. Zriiijility, Ist cc,,, hiy dear 4.1hey- came h� toozii 1#1 ly afi'd B own in(knursel rsaux;-w &d., its ji e 5 as i jind, -till' &Afh do ui Aig] a 10W�jpnb1iq­h6uKe)aW thd dbbb ar eropon 11 Ise" uIngri, pid-al dlseO�AiArisltrg.froyn _,�ArLg be-; let be at,s#ain = :1 -that yon-, 2nd &ue0rZ, itthe Old of ptherof, if you smdus,* *0i6i'saidin is 4 fie 1A , J imptirittesb I its. F1 'Tap hav@ no- Jai4e to -cor* I clha:02�w r, -we litild 0 laul 114" Tie CTJOPUP.W.- -TA & MIN .,Ainlerrik repo nor -go ge th4t.this greit sXete L d Thihk,OA ti t, Ire.!Pe� 3r, _13� q, ' ' urni ovr A 1 rie th bear.1herh �Omiethee, -;*W Own 6f; epoe lia, ut 'we, 5 .Vpul; mmu- ,pare her a �Over esrM9: iffifiere, 6U IE; bed- IS�5�4 Wilitork 86hiii of' 0AIrliton, C. otsdryv, d Wath h -Che jba. bar auln svq thi� 3Wk. --qf� tin* u en .101 -th Am 0 Bin 'her dc twiY it an -46, b eounV lia w ioug iii goJerldh mpon, G;h is DU t1i 64" t ti. win 'corree ure; )�id4 irriedint �exj�ep Bayfi.el& Satutft. '261 Att#91i �fneW'ihe`o'lia wi- fildejl iddeW 'tet gir ;'P rour slightv OC D 81"' -Liver. 4COmo��t�.�,p 4fijj,;f 'h A goo e 'a f4 o'cc :t Ina � V, . _ _ wa or. e]Lr,, Jr,_,E9r 'W'dilreptl6ii �inthat�A�e Wbod Waage' r Im iou� own work forwaaCatimet. Give :w -A d L S, �ea e one, --to cg=eA loth,, blint 4ttL' q; -but on- Preirwrty cr ii�mklate UA, incidenO _ccl�Afi wo wifle lie- iwt-' *:oment;A#d-we,4m11 Se. fql, whm, )iiw z�� the f 4zsc -a pan 'FA W' tet it leircti aroi 1A e PAP s�pVii)ftfr 40 it be Lbet zei4q�- -It vas t Ae eir-p 664 oato 'th 16' &82 lut RVE 5W Sept� 42' *4 4iiies , i Nii# ��#sidiike&4 apt 9 T4 4y,, 4th . 6ker'he_' as -she i4 -i -2nd Sefifrth ot L Rotbeli G. lh W61, hlt6 -gen. 6W Idir A 00f tflli The ie*aia C9 drils :As i -V:. 35�( _b Thad drrived- - , no d as 5tore, a ino a er V but 20* 1 114 n --the _S dn nul ore Ir- ItSkjer b3r fu _410i, g" if cotthgp-t 7 inet Nwniy� ;;&6 g., dek 9.0 tr 'Poto y fm% a 4 es -Vamp 01 0d- Kill imi. �_;' 4 Df b A 40, � t - . _184f an re Gqder0aj �34 L -mbe Xousv- I *Mck -bv aTJOSA on R44-1 Estato; ITW 01 w-, `0KV, yml-fl fox go same4umi -AS. �� `� 06 -Loi C, T; an in is -W'000 U4 915 U 'dr a P 1A ilriti _.an Tile- Calievo _"qkb;kg� ...... fiiW t*o the c %;7.32 _n*Wls� dz JWW and OV4 �n I 'I - W0. 'Zhu ear old k 81?AUGfJ g jig* nan r ASqujieiC ridl W.9r t fot#fed, I* t bo Di C4111 tart he5tjktvt,*`** bile. - J1A t_P 0 A"11 - ", , S, - 11011121 _qp - k PlS 94 if"IMMYda varliiII144 wit& exw pounds foffleiof f lardiiso"aW", eip Ir I �91 Ica y 7 ;e