HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-03-19, Page 24 "t , " - .1 1 �
, -i IT�-
'PotrL I*
POU'lTy- 00trRTAN, a
illat the' -sl9ssi 0WAP-TEw- S-EAF0
r0 has been rqul pla P-TH..
Y As to the L1,30rTJ'nE -------
IM04 9 lo .186., .7azo,"r 'a wh'chlfllh�oGibbnns has been 'These Co (Prom our own Corresponilent) another but now the case 'is quite differ�' A Courtablp in p
ltresW\by the Urts o"nae.4f Tueslay the The Rev. W. H. Pool ent. A dearth anywhere is at once knowl�, hyme. A 'WA.N-T SUPPLrm).
. I talm . I - o., according to an- The public have
08MOMON. 10th inst his honor Sxi)v is flying awaYNery.fast but the' all over the world, and supplie long felt the
JUST appo ORHIED want' of something that coulf T
hy tbO 'Obtarlin, Leg comepolIr
I . enta - tee' Brou noune-ementi delivered a "'140-1allce' lee- ing in from all quarters, in orderrto securo
UN int rY oommit i siding. gh Pre" roids are verY had -grid the in ' I Von THE-'Sr(;N'1T' PUOM my be depend
no a very tir� in toria, � Half Sc&kP,BOOK. upon for the cure of rhen-
islature , to dull irk j, on Monday the high prices 4 �
noted. But whilst i this, rao"'Ini "Priills, �ruises neural Igia, bowel
obvi long argu 'bgfore A -very,
kas & et the Vic�
to the attenint �1911W�iided Illan th. eyening,
M%ke a pointby Ille co�-�'t Tnent in. I process of in 'asirig supplies from abroad see ra e
mpnitte;i� the (;&be Vent, M Matter too large -audience ere Ali I Naliny my dear, it may in th r
its 'Place aPp'ication I rgairisr"-an be W y wort], y-ehief My� writing a letter to you, love, that want is �su lied -in theshape of the
4hA1*10 the co 3Or"iPf'al:lts; &,e-, Znd w-ey are ll�Lppy to say At a meating helld in Vae D 4n"]
Malice, by * I . s T y Of Auran. This reeli -UPOn an SULLINGOI,,7 Great ba, Air. t. Moore 4h i is going on With equal pace, d c6nse-
crlticWng the orthopApV of " fit' 1- r � "14 10 amend the at Seafbith just nQW as, the OcCupied the nc,1051 housse on Satmday
one of fh oln\j�ing confin�d to- reformers for pla. . record. Moore Counsel: Ivhole of the etair' quently, it is very likely that jaas IviU l� Bu"tJust goes to Prove,whon a man falls i-ulovo, "Canadian Pa;.4iPW1fr0Ter- It is truley a, the 7th
would 0 tarha- 13"y intiff. Mr. Si er . Thatno(iyt- -inver; MoSt worlderful rae&cine and one that -a'orpnizirug -
e r*Lfth�ft thereof. It b Mter themeeting; had been -opened' in ease and price!4. fall, and this may be" Ort2l can.tell what he'll da, a Tea
have bft'A wher to havb let that, c4 for the purpose
ngst' intell,gent eon. Archibald�$Mooj nelair for defendant. pt stock of Z Cox is 8- R6v. This Owlt heart of 1hiu,3, effwts all'immediate waa Pe A,�
e -Actionlaponaccount very low fi&re. e11146fOff at a mith which I once was inclined
learne IvIngdolle, the the case with prices in Europe as the pro- care irr ociation, A AlolL-�worth I ---s ej ,
fa`*� W&'- " Weldire wager (%U Itoin. 80rvft1ve3wiW,.whOM Wehave Zilversed, Verdict for� plaintif and eloq To think cold and caDous, I tell ye all cases for which it is recommended. President ; Charles Grover, Vice I
hard stwet ftPinst a china orango that.4 -1 and Mr. !l uOnt lecturer entered upoil sent season advances. Still, as there isim- The sparkg so divine, from those.brIght eyes of thin,, Sold by a
the * indignatio Moore for' R- C. BANIC.—The office' of tl�a Royal his subject doubtedly a shortsupply there, this regu
coul b3'04ting that, I-Vai had in our, may not take plac( it Has -cited it down.to a jelly. 11 Mediene Dealers' dent, ;a4d. R. Fo-ibes Secre
p, o� 'prwes�,, may even turf, TZ "I
own Dominion One of the richest 6mains advance still further. -No one can foresee It was resolved that the re;��
latOre iM te"Ate or in �rtizt. )nftah than n at the On"WPd Plairit'1% Mr. Cameron for defendant. Canadian Bank is nowin Knoi�s brick
the mt!Uiber for Son cour'se adopted th Let us start on the
th 11-ziron,hM 0 Majorit Royal Conadia?, Batik- block next to Sharp's Hotel. on the face of the globej embracing stiliare, and hare every thing
the flOO70f the newHouse, bf one 110t trlDd V of the T3 McDonald,— C-5, Twenty years eXperience in using
Whoholds committee, meets,\ therefore -with an al- VOZdift for plaintifrs), Mr. Up, in a very superior style.* 'If is fitted asit did- the result, but of one thing we; miy 'be Por r bate Lnd de fair, Bryan's Pulmorde Wafers. have proved of the Association be held �n the Isl
in greakr contempt those rho, MeDerinott for four millions of squ test double dealing-,
th,-,O' thebMious have gone Most universal conde'llitnation. Tbat'31r. 'Plainturs. are miles., W had all certain. Few will hold grain over them to be the most effec&al remedy for urday ineach month. Teacherg,=,l 0
formula. 0& Urring a "LATIOW OF SZAFOTH. _The e� - Althougli it is common, , in both man and woman,
POPU popula- the resOure0s Of Peat, �oal, cobper, gold, present high Prices till after next T'is twenty timesineaner than stealing; coughs, and irritation of the throat caused
Lmowledge of the Qneeh)a Carlin- and his agelit3 used every iriffil. AfeCmMell,—Actio oil, salt, and a interested in the cauce of
Daglish. it is �o On, and we had none'of aarvest, and tberefore we may expeA the So If wedded we be, Ctrs not likely you see), fee
Mellon world to be prcity clean sold out by that Rut stranTl things do happen at tinies. Ill, organs; PubHe speakers arid' sipgars will cents. . I
not the hallit with the jr,-ifs to select ence that could be 4raq COU--lt- Verdict for plaintiff n upon ac- ti011 of Seaforth as lately taken by Mr. those galling institutions whi by cold, or unusu invited to --ttend.
. g d i ' 3, 4 exertion of the vocal Initiatign
account Ofthmi Zin to further hi.9- for plaintiff. Mr., Moore Bull, is 1,519'. dowriotherpeopi ch ground -e,
)IsTIOlasticattai election is- well knb' es. We had a noble school time.-- witn'Mi. Well In that event (you kuw what is mean't),
iiar shoul't riments, VF all resi find them most ben
dents of I'ETITIONS.-A petition system; but it must be admittad Pficial. The entire free- R.
among us a vampire whicil, va
dis d to cavil with the '00110% and yet fo Afc1e4U VS Jre&,up,-Acti was received by had that We all secrets must reckon as I Mines, love. doin from ail deleterious ingTedie�nts rend
t`h""hOice aU on men of good Olj Verdict for on for dama.-&-' the Council praying th PERILs OF THE Drzj?. —A piteOIL13 8 ars Bryani pulmonic W"f rs ,
them d' ralf r�oth, technical aimed at� , to -7 Wben two becomes one, a new life Is begun, eur-c-1
commonsense, and sterling hones- ections must be used tikpireclude Mr. defendant, McDermott for liquor be rqAced. at the, license to sell the morals of the pe,)ple, an of the the sea lim been brought by the A m,,can hi or Cough
�ng plaintiff, Elwood for defendant. �-And another wW Ut the vitals of the country, d effl6equently Lili naught from hImself, love, and Voice PicMenges, a safe mmedy for the The Good Templars Of D�m",v= on
ty a*(' loy<y ' but we cannot deny that it Gibboos fi!onj attacking C!iirf S vote in. &Iiage ra Vc�n-Eren received praying that the'license, be not of the Dominion depended upo its tem- English barque Mi, eGordon, which put most Aelicate Person, and has caused them
J ef'. a, -(Two suits) 'Elie stlibility Fbr when you become mine, rm;eqvlaUv thine,
scratirly, a into Gibr;tltar on January 19 with the And as unit, we go to the shelf, love; to be held ig lately Org-anized a Lake there with al
to see so# stupendous an effort made tW' while a till"linritfof 4 eo reduced. perance and virtue. This tl;.utli YA high esteem by all *1io have,
to " stain a larm in his seat in the Legisla- mitiee opens V in- *these caseswere compromis * 4d. was ex� , aster And two seamen of the' American . wh n once man and wife, we are dualli for used them. Sold by all medicine dealers prospect of success.
TEACHERS' AssoCIATIOX.-A meetirg of emplified by the history of�Chaldea, Rome, schooner Moses Warning abroad. , Send- ' e life, at 25cts. per box.
ti" Hans of our New Donlinion who lacks I the field to the pe'titioner in Spencer- rs Willson, -Action uporr pro. the teachers' of' Tuckeramith,: and other ancient countries din - before a hard gale androllin An our joys- all our liches we double;
v`16ve ranks, from which he was kicked for ie Pow� Moore for p school house Si;IifortK," e ance and luxury, The evil 2 'which had . 0 bliss sucit lave brings, gildeth Hre'scommon-thlirgs, Bound Horses. C::5- The Syrucu-so, Mell, Of 1721�o.�
Plaintiff, Afr XcKiBop, Gray, &-c was held in th' uence of intempei- theAtlantic oil De,�emb6r the 18th, fhe And laughs at its cares arid its troubles.
10 the attributes of an intelligQ and loy- evefY resPect. This is what we �H IFOjl Jnl's8OrY note. Verdict for Hullot aunk through the infl. sea in The
4 8t-ates`m3a`-reneP- de from the conser� Play, and we can assure tl
his - Oil E Hide much has been said, have, *,� 2e, -j=,
h Saturday the s our youth Inglish ship saw what looked like two
be thai the '17 t at defendant. lailltiff, . Mr. Gooding � for 14th inst., forl the p were exposed to were, first t ipar�boys bearing N. N. E. I'm no Angi-I Itis true.,'- Aorso is said Udwhen his -?-departed without having &ne anythi�
and -vulp"arItY, or�- who has People of the Soith Ri 11 nrpose of forming he use of the ' As the day bianis not a mrfee I have faiiings enough,
tl,lrhood if imp rovem broke it was made out to be a watei-loo-ed And as far as i nebine, love, 10 will wt slip under the pressure of the AAC way of pur&,isingsalt-territe"T.
n charged by the journaL I 1-" 0' McDonald . pl,, Local Associatio formutual tobacca-pipe4and the resort to the intoxi 't M tobehide-b!ou'
In his nes Ski
Initio - know, it has everbeen so- hand, but sticks as if it was glued which
zh- I Huron feel deeply the indignit y pl�pad r, -Verdict for Mr. ArchibaldDewar was d ned to the The speaker a ve elf and in in spit� of the bad -
with `wMtoll �Taste of an mme ent- cating bo%v,l to quench the thirst it created weal"Ker
nsof Un a
T -HE is it that'
Upon them, andwill take the 6 Pi i tiff. Mr. Gordon for plaintiff Benee quarrels at times int-rene love - 1
it . entrusted in rst 101i- H lained tliaV,'at the last meet- Wreck. But tile good of &!1 hmrl%
-`tr with which he haA been r Mr- chair, who exp lluded to the dread inj CA taia Leslie bore' up for the condition ii� always dependent on' -a de -
hould beused at arris County Associhtion it was re oming close he saw t Unto mine would Impart rang9d -state of the stomach and digestive
3110�Kenzie's rebeflianjest e, Op r for defendant. ing of the rivages of intoulperance in the United C P . wo men and then a A desire to be worthy of thee, love, Sig-,2ai is oltv
3,-,ainst Pb tunitY of resenting it. - States " set forth � hird, one of them feebly waved a bit of A gift so divine, CTS to all
the symP3tfti�6r8,andl wh,has been ibis subject O� $pence w (�-aig,-We solved that Local Associations should�,be in the reports oi re- t organs-bycorTecting which and giving to
wo will gi do n-)t-kno'
fay convicted of preachin Mve t the 'from that dear heart of thihe,
t,,,Jotn of' an to the old bachelor Would return to thee 11011oued by me, love. and condition, the
he is & I :� c., each
,eve, during ts o 'the town of which airitiff. Local Association to, 0 ed to the bar -room, how the in4n who fe1f. out, and staved'her side in doing Props."
the lee of the castaway, got the lar' boat Plaint will disappear. Ex -
g annexation por verdict in this cue, Mr. Gooding for bold meetings for� �mpr vement & disease or com. -Ahe other evenic- Enid
doctrinesou the stree 'he closing formed in (1-ifferent parts of the County, sponsible me cauvas. The Englishman ranged up undef
L% 11, he could understand how them a healthy tone vilen it cl)mes", said 2
"zicle in the Mole of t1le who had no florae resort -
,,the -�erliall -excitement LOW represented :b� himself unhappy at home, tould make th, it; but But cusbiamAchree, should r get on the spree. Perance has proved that the means best
of our brn- -a volunteers were rY vs Grand Trunk- Railway,-Tl�s one delegatq in the County As�sbciat 130thdig� daunted, the chief offic And tipsy como, holme t liffle'br�ght-(,'Yed son, " We cause Ahc)
zneetffits. The nierits of the question were family, bi per'richatthe expanse of his Yousit in the sulks, Is4
ev ion saloon-kee Wood' Heave Remedy and Conditipri Medicine.,i O'� Uch due (dew) on it. mot -her
on service at the fron-, ding ling, a nff with three sailors, and after a trem- ulks, z
'But a more.flagn-antprocee cz was adjourned by consent until er shoved 4) my darling, adapted to -this end is "Darley s A-raiban
the like a thief in-thell
It 1113Y suit the to be told. the Ut nextsittinga of the Court. fairly piisie it he �could not see And make my soul black withyaur snarling -is been used in numerous cases with it ha'nt been pnid for for throic yU
viewS of the Globe tu P the cause of On day but"One, te- Cr by a V Ldous pull they got the tfifee poor fel_ . lt h, I
such men, as they f.. ubse --vient too!3, fore -the close of the sessioi the Mr. Moore for whole, slid un colum'ttde Of the thinp, could be re' lioi these P10 Idon'tmLant0doso,butray w complete silceegs, generan iffectink a cure at young raical znd I I
b lof I members Pla"nUff, Mr. Sinclair for defendants. animously conceded to be a truth. The firsA conciled with Bible- kOws into the boat, and back again to the je el yoff know in. a few &ys. Mary, whip tb
zrt the yennianry ,,Utb H uron des rve the 11runlittee,did not assemble within step in the right direction. The following . Isi., Y. The rescued Dien were Th best of,,,, �,vcs, bim to bed I" was the inhuman r4juit
se t win% spoken of -was in barque in safet Th"� sLll t1lirl-s do occur. and will bother e best condition
-'n 'thatY like living gheletons their cheeks e and em bitter their lives,
better th' ?Tie hour of the time appointed for n -Verdietnot guilty. teachers �i irolled'their names.. all. Very often in the Bible the word it is th Y
,h its influence and zeet- M�e A.'Dewar w sunk -medicine khown, and may he gi-7en with
man should bc f0i, -
the votes ofali,as , d th c V�eron for prisoner. - R. Fergus on, j. lne Wiwi used )vhen merely the bunch of WhEr don't bear and fprbear wi eachother. iRf�ty at vintinies auddoes not
-efgal q6bbles, sucha I e Oh]iraid�e was 'by statute, 0, Elliott J Itilicy seemed to Meet, their leggs and th
anspil o
olin Varcoe, beautiful uncrushed grapes wa, meant. lyzt-d-with c6ld and cramp,
xt Lawrence and On the h
David Haiii1l, Geo, food ��'h -ad t" lleave-2, I would not Pe=fnhPf thp name an'
-ned over until the ne C '�il afipellant &P McDortoph, res John Marvii5on, Murdie, John P",�, rPOili-efli-ttliehorEe bekept fiomw9rk. The Freslif'et at Bay:aeld.
1 th deta;T& adj�'o ftee
on ei U.
Iday at nine o'clock. Members of The "pure red" wine was spck,.,,, of. the "I . v fully By anl'�rtal on earth, mawor %yornew, be driven 7 d se& that the gig -
That was in other words a variety of . pure seven days and lni&s was some of the To the hated ivord go I would thund r ut'No I natnre Of Nard 00. is on each prickn;ze. To the Editor of Cue S:G""l
the pond t- was a long case occupyin.( r Afalloch, Robert Dew , James 'Scott and red grape. Then raw, flesh of the niate, who ba& dded. havie ire seen, uiehin i
eat This Mcphillips 1). Al. they ha(Ituucbed for
Had the above `,�ract been an eman;,- I e0mini-tee had dispersed for about all t ery 'ar y as to the wine trodden two And the mqn who XOethror'q- Lyman, -
allo-w it to paw, tatutory adjogru- fuUv conduc don It was The folt in the w- days before assistance came would not. would be no man e,,Ontario fast 12 or 1133 yeam, the wnter crise so' �,j
t' 'on from some Obscure sh eet, we should hour wh after that a hO an nearly ]a -it day, and was v sl-il- Wm Ger.;ozid..
raenihad bee
-�s far as �1-e are concerned, I n declar4, the genflemen both sides. ��bwing resolutions me the blood was trodden They had Llet affection say ProPrietors f*r Cauada. Sold by all Medicin'
were carried: out 0 h -press' . Ven Satan sings dumb, , e
without note or e que FIR& e pure ripe grapes. been caught in a great storm, and sprinu-, No quibble -rr dol'u'Im" dealers. in sildh asnort
Omme e committee met t')gtthei,'�at t does be ven'tuxe, every thing before it.
excited much ia erest. The jury PjT-9- with ir'lat we callpreserves. ADOther 1 0 time it has carried aw
see such an effhs- -Past ten o'clock-, in the collumittee SECW"D--That J. C. Elliott bc V. y name for -vine was 4ynonynl For 4flection and I The ica being th�
bbt when w comPosm th stion of th 11-JThat Archibald Dew�r be Pres Hebre a leak wbAch was Uncontrollable the mainsprings that move.
onecti6p of if eggal ton, and ,
'on in the Revie , edited half i�ncjl rAurned ou
room --al d themselves a regular meeti,,, a verdict for the, responcent Air. Me- retary 'Well -refined nor sua t-"
TJffl"--That Win. Gerrondbe See being tilliber-laden, the schoo Lad strong, there being no t.11aw pmr1oz
the scuppers, all her deck cargo wa
ilterad and the s carried As 1, me outrageous fashion,
bv "&lomon'" we de� a it right offer a. of the) Ko e wine was that which was f ove ar".
uthHuron'S lect Election Donogh. Mr. Si4clair forthe appellant, and T u!d you, MAR
reasurer. such a f001i8b thing do- RIED; it catne down infrobleforce, fe-
at'the bridge Undermining the E=th ic
monthly. gluten so removed as to prevent fermenta- n her beam And tranbf0rin'd t, On the 10th instant, at the residence of' so that it
anch a small space to compress gated-'�Lorl COInmissi,)ner.-: dele- Mr. Moore for the\resporden�. -Tliat the Asaociation meet tion. The aught ends. The miserable sury fright, You destroy'd ray delight
-k or two- It would be imr -sible in inttee, appointed the FOURTH away, then she lay helpless o dopt so
trary to the statllteS�3 _v daughters of Lot had evors of the in your pre� fell about six inches. The i
.7reater ta - e�eralof CaPiOn r -T Mc-DOnogh,-This ww no doubt learned in-- Sod -tnee, s't bride's laotherEellevue, Township of Haye- gave wa� there, it jambed at the Old ararl
eir -furictio hould 1, in a passion,
storm had just room enough to hold on to Without realou or rule, Ftorm and rage like a fool,
F-l"dfication ind ir,;UStiae,- Every as to him and pp-ased othe similar appeal, batv" se a FIFTH-'rhat Messrs. Dewar, Gerrond fearful residence there, h the �,reck ; -ad there they� were hurdled Call you m
forthe sitting consent. Air. Sina OW t rose about 5 feet, carrybiq away fish S
Huron knoi -, that K7.� Gib- member for -Campion, Mr. -code of by -1 intoxic ing, venomous, oss ae,
li king ties, �and' othdrmse doing cannsir2ezal;
bons is not man who pw.� �sses wrd bound saw them, on the fifth day, Both yo heartdiseL." Toronto Gio:sz, to Kate,second daughter of damage. One poor inan, D. Beaton, h,
resolutions i ),fr. H;�gias, r ttled by mutual and Lawre nee be a committee to, draft a wine -adal oF something more MarlsOzi� J�mes K - Edw�,&, AT. A, of the
at7 P essed of for se,, en days and nights. A brig weat, civihg tun�A lock, -Provinceof Quebec, by the Rev. W.
wm Present, and vrotegfed Moore for McDonogh aws for the Association. the drugged d ugly
a finizhed ag" h a 9t,"PifYing properties. The well-known Protest was ordered not E:t meeting, on the subject ancient authorities to pro,�e th4t intoxcat- an d Fee.
lion, but it is NUI),Zv -to be entered upon ne' 4ed frou: Scripture, and steer6dtowards them- till quite tie rovokill.I.. the late Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Me g on the flats, had hwidly tme to get -OT
educat the Proceed4igs, but his verbal at Mr. John Vercoe deliver IeLlnrer quo Ur love and your padence p 8 oc
name$;,k-hich my
that r th 33 P CL�M and though the� weatli his family outof the-lituse the U-
Pared with M C.%rhn,- he i er was mod- n, there's a far beWr plan very Macaulay of li forth the Illegality -ine u as. always drugged or regarded eratet,hpe'ult helm and run TO IXA OmpliSh in
a minutea hnd he according �Great inter- should c,)rporal Punishment be used in ing ar, Ah?Tir�,',)veIyva
away. Who can y 11-rt's fond desire; so rapidly. Thismonling(l6t1l) abaut
C A what circu-, iistanc�.S.,, ts tendency. rue;tsure the a A,)Ian whiclil thillk, O'clock the darn 4COMtleijeed to givD -
terary ability,'a H - of the meetin, as follows :-The ounsel his Ivould Preserve every link bride's ucle, Th". Imb Esq by the Revo -3 a written pro '�st, setting ly *filed a est was felt on Sunday lasf as to the p)rob- school if so-,�to what extent, and' under as evil in i On the 3 -rd instant, attke residence ofth
.am le fate of the shipping laid up at t No such thing as V�,nypf that desertion? The C your love awl affectiorr entire. e 9
em robjects to the Select ngs-looked rather in �Ic011ol was known in those Easterm 1n& English ' caPtP,*:i nurs M d the poor New A. McDonald., and in about an hourthe
Gramittee Yorkers in his cabin 'th slow doses of Miss Margarvt ROES, of gone, naid it 'is 15tin g0j-',
'ltonof1OT:calaacUz'ac aGladstoneoffiri- f1P the sittilic, m he port. At that time thi� SzV-BNTrr-That Air J. Morrison' de- re as forty Oyk, of Seafo anc'al efficiency, a McGee of -oratory. Coal- C going into the question scaly. jtrate his method o'fteaching per' in early days. It was not understo 3ome piaworning kiress, rth, MrJr,hn Gray, iman- Until wrung fr�m Nature by the clicalisc', food and brandy and t r I won't' Praise both Your Ogure and form, lore, Rodgervine, it is feared that it the ar-
of the The whole harbor flat -was :ship at U - hich you vahle�fr less, Of Egmoriclv'ille, to of the cast side
ice � EIGHT11 -That Mr. i Murdie explain into gem n ction,
only known how severely the comparison reasons that there Was not a meetino, of the ral use until the did not com,. 13 brought them' The h1unbug would be banished d're morn, love. lit comes down the *esl
ez�t meeting. tin e gentle warmth I'd kiss your sweet lips, and in love'ji roft �,cllpge Te WM "'H go-da's
P3-isOns fLre odious, and if "Salom-an" had appointment of a cora�iissi ner, for the fille&up withimmense quantitiea'of 'in the Ninth Century, and
committee within one hour after & tim nd as tLe o 4nd runs
17th century. round- I along the facef the dam� It W121 bo a
against was ne eginners� nextmee no, Will my beautiful �Nan 4pprove of this plar�eh I serious io�s t� Mesrs. Vauston, -Z they
appointed for meeting ;and there unbroken it was a erious PrObleni with 7 while the air is excluded, when kept c6ol, Feet Story. For my Words like my'2ee.A must be warm, love were Pu tting in u new Circ-ular Savin ihe
heavy ice of the I ' his nieth;! of teaching grammar to Young Jbe juice of the grape cannot be fermented
his langa2ge suggested mUst tell ake was still b i I n o
the toTv� C�indidata he ti when filtered or
would have hesitat- adjournment to the hour at which tRe 0 NINTH -That this ACssociation rffeet at or
ap-- many what was to become of the mass eaforth on the second Saturday inApril. saw mill Which VW aL-UoEtready
ed b"cre rushi'4 into the front rank " Polintment is being made. I firied- Thus it would Thou'li. I Som -bow on
which was constantly shoving and chrush- cient ta sl5ect you my suit win reject, Atorr
of The majority of the colu a -seen from s ific fac that. fermehta� The Grass Va Well even in t�qat there GODEI-don moN.By By'WhAtWO'can leam it wiu
Uey National is responsible rldhr, love. 'amount 7to
t'Dry Pal�* To proclaim that Mr. overruled. th aittee of course ing it way downward. On SUnday night, CAAROMBROOK. for the following - . I if Corrected about fourthom-,andrlo!Lirsimfzidiuf, IOSV�
Gibbora e objection, �iun of the grape could be entirely pre- in YourJouraeY throuh life whether maiden or e evoirfiuesdayad FWday for tbeSig al bF
teMgent and loyal state e 3-,y you grqw -i-r, happier and bet0r, Exchange Brokers,
'%uks all the' afttributea of and Proceeded to however and lVonday mornin, Vented. Fermented
3m: in- appoint Mr. Brough, the Jud -e of g, a thunder wine amongst the , 'Maybe,'saidah -time- it is feared fiiat 31r. 101,
sman, " is a direct mml our specialcorrespontrent. 1 yoll w Usband to his loving And in ceasing to sin,' West t, God��rich. Wheat
L vinegar. If the Bible told him to playing those t be so handy dis- Subsbribe to my love and my letter. is WaE:&. j�away
insuit to -the people of Huron and Bruce- sioner, and directed him -to, report. 0 will Also go as the
[From JeWs'was only considered fit for the -mak- spouse, OfMI this sOrtofthiA. store house which wl
qOunty Court of Huron to WTCO ty storm 1.10-sened the ice and it urged its ing of i ouldn'
the si 'Had way into- the lake through -various channels, ThEl inhabitants of this place and Town� . 7 - as big feet, of yours if you knew its foundation.
f it want a leading road mode wine he shou id use, when even on tile at, ftrigaull0n, March 6,1868, B=J1kwge or Grembacks.
member, use wine w" w to tell him the kind of what occuftdd when I took your shoe to be Goderich, March,17 1S68.
Canada -who have during the hot. election? Th mended. 7 - com -
eving was -7A4 forcanadaftulds lother
I our day it was Well the shoemaker took it in his Goderiell Twnsb�D. 721 Afternoon onefour jbIly tan'th
e very question which fortune the break water savedthe vessels latelyheld atCurry & Lee's made from drugs, p,rin 724 for Silver. d4y "OW is it that all the
the past twelve years horioured himwi s known that f krow instantly
great good mav be their market. and it w, BUYMQ AT
,alified votes at -iike so many pipe stenn. , By so thai; Carronbrook thority of Pjiny there ivere 193 ki4ds o it, What is it ?-let me Molrningio�
eon -la majority of the legally qr Im il s ships i orth 0 i. W. A
th6 Largezt and one of most intelligent Robert Gibbons, Esq., at one place snapping off heavy e sp e
th Parliament and'theAct h- A me llliuv Said
the fl'6-hest municipal offices the select Co ave referre-d to including the two gunboats e and simple.- SELLMG AT
favor of using
in their and repcirt- in"ittee alone to determine friaterial dara,�, oagitate the matter. a hand gazed upon it in silence, 'We ask "Solomon, " as The wh 'rom any 311s There is � Against any arguments fa ad then country arealled blooay wab�bjt;B
reasonable to attack-,,; pair. Id break.' uncil me
on this score, THE TYPE MONOPOLY. ght an immense Bible I a;ainst thosewho used strong drinL,3. Well, what wa, the nums-'rall crying' ment, Presient 8 t, according to appoint- Buyng at ............................ SALT MEN, -The cxodug of
quantity this winter. DI'LL,-:cenness was also Plainly and t, lug at .......................... .. oil rezions to Oodeeb
Our contempo h let me know. t P MIS
Of thiscar-stitue, mphat- for Y -quick, Reeve chairman, Ford and Weston 'The SMALL 8MVER Our town with new face�, lateay.- A. batel,
led Warden "GODURICH SALT FEVER amuel Pollock Eq., D. Sa-
a gentlemair who has been el ; m Mr. Jai nes Armour hasboug i Lne were the terri We denunciations of the won- Holmesville, Mar. 9th -1868 MO-iug-72 Afternoon -72 for causd. funds
an honorable ni doubt, require a good deal arves Will no great ai n6unt ofwheatsold in burst'into tears, and wept as if his libait The Co
if it is of re Carronbrooli,
neyforten successiveyears, rarY of the London Free icallycondemned in the New Tetam6nt, Peeve and George Cox bein Buyingt .........
and -It ' Welly poor fellow, he said he doted g absent The �Of ten or twelve arrivecl Jut
MCXILLOP. waa a work of the fiesh,against which oil his grandmother -fairly doted'on bor. pul Selling at ........ *'* 5 " - 1 .6 against whose fair fame not draws attention to a subject It appeaN that the farde of our Gode- lutes of At meeting were read and a .................... 31
been uttered, except bY tho a breath deeply interests the publishers of which rich Salt has spirt all 90:)d`Christian� were warned to beware. he nursed him You knw, because bs. Poved- Mo�ed by Mr. Ford, secondtd NEW s7i)RE.-Mesm. POLlock & Aolm-
Of Thelast extrei =CH"PE ON NEW YORFL
dissati.- t Panada, -ad to thd far-off shores lFrom our Veckal Corresponden%l nitY to which the 'advo- mother was fee' by Mr. Wesion, That the widow lavin S11"g discount 11ton, as Vill be een by aav�rti8enWM#
fled personate be'foilnd in Iviz : the wrong inflicted upon the irater- the Pacific. cates , of ble, aul 81
7y ift-ii yers agb, and fi' t
everT commun , 'Under the- above heading 801r -oh EXAM-RfATION.-T Bible . drinking were to this cOun'trY f -well, be came and Robert Lee be eiempt from paying
mty thro lie quarterly d�,vn
L 'was that- Noah and set up in the vcqp I's
itY ? Is it right I He May gay, "yes, u�A the Protection of an establish- the British Columbian, cr tiOn Of Section No. 2, McKfflop, I" The Buying at Md h st Store
but our onm people, wilo should in all eon which cannot meet the,wants of the which is copie ives an ardele exam'" d stro ablo� line , and'got alou", taxes On � account of indigence. ato Geller Isewhere have 43pened a M
dik- Ever] supposing pretty well, cOuPA of Edward Kelly �TEN-Fojt77ES I i . 'Eirlpton street, and liavin intpeae ni
d below. What a wonder- too plae tFdY er s Y did; if they had been guilty of curs- -old lady, wheLl 18 Buying ...................... 100 a their,
ioii8e- to send for the house while tholdincy Munici �900&, we am prepirea to fitato that th ey
matters earing, was that an� on we of firest-rato qua],,
thers should exe, Moved BLying at..., ty and chep w +,'ac
be may rpread dig Use thenise.v,s.- after that intomilk-intoall 11ar ....... lost
'r' that it etween forty and fifty why o e. He went into fruit then and by Mr -1 Ford, sez'�
-OM toryism little what tariff spectators -who seemed highly p!eued Did not Jesus make wine orts of things r. Weston �Baftk of UPP-r anada bills ...... s Gibbon.,; is not a renegade ft Vo I Mr. 'country' It 'nav appear to the caaual ob- ful en-- ne i-;�,the Press for the wicle- full ofchildren andb ing and sw reason brok hard times came, and fie fot 1808 arao4ntm o s& Do pal Elect'
cience, be the best judges, say k c ]as ri a Th c wa a I �he about -for the use of b
fOr the siraPle reason that he n -,Ver was a Inipozed upon Printing materialq t semination of news. The tidin coiided- �by M 'cheapest, Thecharacberof-th
of our gi and he was'happy� to say he did yet p That r - Kelly be Commercial B31nk bills ...... leQuiposin 'n be 9744=tce of
bu -'s with- C%e exhibition. Mr. Yes, he did - You know but he got di 4r paid . g the fim W,
tory. The mere acctm� ion is a, 2111 who are rent jiswve'ry of salt, published P- Ferguson six dollan.,-- Sterling exe ..O.q
se rue,�till tMsbu pointed ,very Carried. -Moved by Mir�. W iLange I -
but tt ............. 031 11onest fair t I
eston, secon- sea at 1391 em Like siness fetched him out �led by Mr. Ford, -That each Inn -keeper Gold 0
good as aNtLainted with the extent and 0121111611ceA teaching this hool fast Jan could it- be argued that our Pened'aV139j: clo*
in this towns
Importance of the publishing inter,�.stof Lord, in a last, and he sen'tright offforthe old woman I -
-.,71ey- as dy v a great variety, of ivines She lAnded foir week-- hip wisbij�o, to take, out license
Many of "SOl0mOu'S" bc If, joke-.. I in the Signal have been read. in nearly uarY an d the order maintained, the re. country posses
many others, he voted for C, Canada, know that'it doe
.3 matter, and that every enunty efthe British N t, "whil-h was debasing and' ago, but died the for the year 1868
another tozyth�t is the' sum t sles, amOB'!St answers-, �ind cheerful, happy &,-cs of f I,, &moralizinff,e t - t very same -night - It '1�99114rd very.har4, dollars MARKETS.
agaims, a wrong illflicted upon this branch of in_ thealaciers of Switzeilan pay the sum of thirty
d, in plodding pupils. show- an excellenturl T!re was'no kind of after all 11i3 waiting, d tc,ifin's�t for fifteell cuse and that Washington, marell C.- T -he I
61 98
Moved by Mr.
ll 48 ,
-foundry forriao Brit' -L ie in his hands.-, 'H48-:-he-wen, 'he wa Or- tration,
Present only one type derstanding be- Proof that izre was a drop of alcohol in years, to get her Over at last, pqc or furnish proper bonds for
lustrY may require inim a, Mcluding im-nerial lie
t -al of h3 tGUL-M Re has bedn Amyed ediate remed -RavAria distant Irdia, Australia, Cali tween. theta and their tho'his t -,
Y. the win 'us -ad h,veher the dischhrgo�, Of Ilia . dltv
with NOwIng up Her 3U esWs powder There is at . teacher. etL cregted.- Did not Paul advise d" a GODZ=U, March 171969.
Ish Columbia, &c. a, W Timothyto take: jijtle _ _ Carred. Fan Wheat, ........... Tatnt Court dming the rebellicii, but th in Cmmla, Wine for his disgrusted. f1: to -day, and las give
to wit ihat of C. T.'Palsgravls, in all parts of Can wanosh. stoxg'ach's sake ! yes, but KO�ivtry'he laidh&r ouf. an Ford, secorided -Spring Who2at ...... 1.46 0
4 lie has been lgastWa a
by- Air.
ad. There is a moral did every man he d West -on .51� 0 nailed by the evidence of men who were Ontreal. It h 'and his friends s That two Until Fridayt
ate something iru at up, -with her, and doNan re" 'ned by Air Flonr ............... . 7,51 0:00r� the I Still
Turns Out only the common- in this which advertisers should study--:- or if they had, w 119 wit]' his/St.,mach b -and -by, the memory of .�tewat for a lamb inj m dogs (said
With him an through the CaMPaign-men of"ettef, and as the ta&e, means, not that th 'CoUllcil Room, March loth, 1868.. as t4ere anything i -n' , virw6s . I Ured by Oats ................... 0:52 0:55� slicl- answer to charges. The 0 ned his bitterneas and tiu-ned - i lamb -being still alive) be handed over io Joamea unt�u that avy,
t to a the township treasurer.
The council met this day pursuant to Paul's advice to his Young brother, sanc- 'tender grief, a settled ruelanchely,
eY will obtain cutomder-4-from s'fte
Of`erAcitY and from both sides of pojitici. -and! ambition of Our best Printers advance, distarl adjour7iment. - tioning the use of wi %loved by Mr. Peas .................. 0:69 (,7) 0:71
t ' hat for reall -delps, Ina with arl us Poisons hungbout big spirits like a pall that Ford, ton, Th�t Mr. SW Mr, Gen. McKibkI2
it is found t parts -but that the, ne spaper is, Deacou, Scott, Taylor an"d in it. If a doctor advised' a 0 for manyv J. Rudd be paid -five dollars for his Services 0.41
-inporary ;rOlild not hav * seconded by -Mr. Wes
Surely Our contL Present Messrs. Darlev ....... e ........
People to saddLa a e Romall' and an supe A10 -Kay. A let- Pori-,:. ........... 5.
Person to days.. However, bystriving to keep his as retunling, Butter .......... ..... 0:16
-public man with nor sorts, they Tnc- tr fr" Mr. Dunbar coll�ct take 'vine for debiji�y that w Potatoes ............. : (a) 0:00 t6r, deter inea not to be behina
y good common the key to Popularity at home .00 (4 6:w
says : as no reason thoughts, C"S
or, regarding hy people shou -other subjects, he 1868 ward No, 6,, for 9 ham procured lot ()fo,)r
newspaper! Time and again it hw been unpaid, 667-77 w ld lrve uPOri it far months, was finally begirml Moved by Mr. Ford, Eggs. ........ 0:15 15) 0:1,6
gins have to Purchase in the United States or B read and ordered to be fyled. ---Carried
trz=Ped III? against him by a ' P&rtizan ish C�7nmbian the balance of taxes' employed on officer for _thp
-Britain, and pay a duty of 20 pF cent.. a,:1 It would appear that salt, no le 9 tha 3jr. a Alove (Sv4ie Peorle s -id alcohol was a good crea� of 0 ld '19 to regain some little Ir* Weston, Thatthe audit- Hay, P -ton! ........ eljoelAor, s I -time cheerfulness, eloated posters with 10 d by, turef God and should be used. He. did reminded him so pain ve dollars each for auditing Hides (greeA) .... ..... 6. hb ylor, 8ecoadedby Mr. Scott, secofidd by A *
shown that MIr. Gibb produces fever. a Mail, a a That whea Your shoe or be paid fi 16:00
-)Us never preached' 'raloref, for the Pr6ectOu Of an. establisii- fold' find from -o r B i be exempted from paying t* not believe it, and he would fully of his grand, the 50
anneuton in our streets, and those who ment which is of ilo earthly use to th - I Canadijil exchan-es that -f?r tile Yeax 1867, as she is in ir�di , es appeal to the mother' coffin-) O:OD
en:- kvas.r6ao accounts Of this township -for .1867.- Wool (washad) .........
file 16211, fever chairman Who had t,a a 0:25
D _,no, a, cire jent veiled agooddeal, Carried-- An account of arrears of taxes 0:20
-mEtances Carried. Petition of Wood ...... ril"Ing the Past few weeks*e have been ch. It h; already saw a spring of alcohol t'syl9p idn the face, accompanied by 'Take ...... 2:25 R 2:50- arm, E
atte so much balderdash on the subject Goofer; il he ever' bubbling thaA On lot 40, corb. 4 handed in b J. B, G4idon Beef, per cwt . ...... u
no th.,
'it several sa Martin Clifford aying to be removed uppure and sparklingfrm oil egraded old ruffin 1 -1pat&shar
are guilty, compelled to add upwards of $400.00 it wells have been S. S. No. pr. the r):00 C,5� 5:69 aeaiw, Dan. Liz
Esq., amounting to 8,�
to my the least of it, of grow worth of t earth.- end to the feet story, r6 -Z- Moved by Chicken -B...... Merk of the PC&CO, Who, we Aro glad ID 1
injustice- Ford .... 0:25 (4 0:30, -
Finally, while we admit that of which came.fr lant, every wa 14br 'g, w and united to S. S. No (Applause.) Teqtotal�sm was a new1hing I Mr.
in s u rvioodn at that to Turkey
vpes to our p
-pound 'more than aye6aNr,rpa' as read, when it was resolved by the' No such thilio, The t,achin seconded by Mr. Weston, That 0.40 0:60 hg� bec-0 rc-StOrefto 9,)04 bealtb, has �! lccm�
SoIomon " argues strongly, war declare gPclllheBible the claim of'Mr. Gordon for lafd illegally Geese....
om England or the States, ueing salt Ofa very council to make no change at prese and of Ancie �i ��tory ere Against S- Inipeachl3dert. sold O.AG be'Pn 41)diuted latter of Tavm
and th-9 loss, we have sustained good quality at as S. Ducks 0:35 uch for taxes be laid Over till next Taceti
mal.l enough. A cop authority said that drunk- 0:20 Sbc adv. �Ise*her. two
y 0:25
In conse- ed th& Prize against the world at the Of 1hv0 Motions pass - ards should be Of council.- Carried. Moved by W Goderich Salt, 'wholesale, f.o.b. per bbl.
most emPhatically that he is entirely at quence ofthe p; Ofa , so good, indeed, as to h-ive 8- NO- 11 � is quite s a view. - one
otectio carri
sea as to his facts. ed by. he Council of whipped, nother that they The London
-PL-da - unvarnished OP01y has been very conxid ueless raon- latp Paiis Expositirm, A well had re- Weg3t Wawano should lose their ears. limesi cc)mmentino, ord seconded by. �)r. Wes
erable. it sh, wass read, when it was 11� p n ton. That $1:65 at t!& works, 1.-60. atimatea uut t -be Graud ULH
Uchuient of President Job' s act and detailed statement an(f�Ex-
facts cently been sunk in the neighborhood of Weburse, in unne"s harshness, but 4 says a ont Olintdn Markets. Titink Co., wil I the EX.
thersame with scores of our brethren o Is He did not beli e tfie inipe the t -,ii i
are " eMels " which not even the Pkess, and it is surely time that I f the moved by Mr- Scott,. seconded by Mr. ary e, bstl'
erudite editor of the Beriew cau afford to- *&should the railway station. near Mon Taylo�, That penditure of this township for the. year -put two propej�ers on
out in our dw "Ce a tavern a deputation; consisting of puch a law were' in force j t e chiet'olij2 Goderich -and Chielgo route�thig
ignore. interest. Of course, h the, ust now lie was Hig, Popmlarity will cert 1867, be printed in handbill fbrhl,, and lzt
we could be. supplied by h Clerk and Treasurer be ap!, afraid a great many people in o ainly not be that one hundred copies Of the same be By"ecal T`Ie9*Ph to the Huron Sir.Niu) When we -wee thb 1i
b poi AY 'Would be found,wanting - ilicrensed if the 4 ii
cars. I i . ne established wes
ct Of which was to test th' to meet the deputation fro Laugh- meric ShOU14 Clinton, Xuch 17, 1868. No
filtum it would be unpa orne manu readthp of the saline deposit. Th 'm West ur comalun impeach
ter.) He believed break do"wh. be most happy in chrodL.,.e the ja
triOtic to deal e ex- Wawanosh to make a final s Printed for distributiOn.-Carrie � Moved on.
. Periturt has been most sucomful. Thir- affairs ttlement of with Dr. Guthrie that Cronegress, however ;was all byMr. F.ord, ieconded by Mr-' T7
Shindlee. elsewhiare, but such cannot be, and hence .-The deputations to e alcohol was Pall Wheat
meet at the the bestthing in Weston, $1:65 1:67
we say, down witA t7te tY-thtee feet of salt had be the world to RIO t compelled to try this last . resource.., That' oprwm o 0-.00 1:50�,
=mw en pierced, ton 'residence of Mr. Helps Esq save a dead body in, but th There w the widow Iteavis* be paid the sum A =w H.&RE9
P01Y. Let our, d
Press men, .1 on Tuesdaey e WOrstthin ten dollars 'on account of friends, r. e e Lancelot &,thery an;J Oj ion then 9 The: Council then adjourned to -50
Of with spirit and th -object win be attainedl) the 24th inst.-Carried. petit, of foraliverrian. (Laughter.) Thelee to the Presidbrit that ft Runcirnan,& Co-io 4vin", rurohaped If we# are telieve the Ottaws cor. feet of which was one solid 'ss OP pure, , as SO 11113011 to lose bygriving . �ay Of in * genL,. Oats 6 0:50
fs the I The Hu- �spoko would have been
the Globe, and WAO doubf malt of the. v ry best qaality M turer d' Barley ...........
praying for t ag
ron iYignal the leading, Goden' recompenselto MrS. Holland for keeping to tantamount to a� tot I al defp1t. I%e lea(le r, on
gentleman's without dela�y. hers of those who wet, afraid . e 1105 1:12 Ter 2 Or papL promme on the subject of temperance, the 23rd prox. Potatoes ........... 0:40 0:50 Coualy right for Ritiney's wielit, am n07 acitY, a, should like to know -the CDnel r; 1 John I's Inanu
that the entire townsite, is
Dominional powers that be we, on th Udes s remarks by Sir I bav% come to tfic, cyacibsion ifit they, Peas ...... OW Which Pposingseveral I way fis well i 0:22
neur all the ri . ... ... 7's 0, 'Very great
sks of impeach- ..... ..... 5:00 0 6:W. i improve
ruent'at once The tbreat will probably A F61nale Sampson. IMMOW WM Work t1pou tl,,o 3ftogt
0:10 0:12.
Mr; Johnson thn
but he did not- believe in the liberty which have no on this
verge one ell ias iberty,was a noble principle
e A FAIR WARIMNG.v veeks, was presented and readwhen itj L w the g
Hewit,"who Was 'sick; about eightl Ultra hi JO11-NS1iAwT`p Clerk. :68 0-70" it
and far beyond tlt 'forms apt ca:� Butto r, of& crisis with which, Every n6w�andth Mons asirl filled' with salt, wh OF id by Mr. Merlay, sec6uded by Mr. Pork At . BY an ingenious bhLU jclnj
allowed peuple to do wrong and that -was FIVE DESPgRATE WON" VANQUIS Flour ....... ......... unequal ground as perfedly.illi on e nto zq 01
as fonows Deacon, That Mrs. Holland recei" a thewayinwhiclithesel most,
the earthquakes of St. TEOM -office, running somewhat the'deposit P be'of mo debenture for 815. -Carried. Moved by ED If liqubr should it brd �n times p' HE]) By `anweget3nOt'fi(*tiOU generations will'not exhaust and-estiniates
fignmtively speaking, " the "tion of from some meVesuvius or Post
"Sir, -The number of y 131r. Deacon betreated. W ast He w0u](1, prefer s Afenr,��
!e I wportance to, any .00 12:0
�econded -by TRUGGLE FOR LUE. ....... 10. a., -have A 1,
our h Mr. Taylor- e had now a law prohibiting oval b ce to beiog made 'the in- Wood 2:00 also added an improvement w1ach win, am "nowhere." SirJohn A- is to Idek , paper 41 tfiat�lace than either silver or -old winbs. That the-f�llowrng persons I the sale of liquor on Saturday evenings and y r A Michig _-ho im.,
drewed to John Sloper has not, W be appointed' u greatlyfacilitate 'the oadifig f f
out rryin weasa ' res Ridps .... 6.50 0:�5 plement on Sunday Efe hop whilchare q�qCt-.sAper has -the following Re,fperlo
the Hon. George Etienne isomeloody 'beelr-'tq�cen out of this e I t of
congratulate -Go derich _Upon, pathmasters' -William Deacon, Renj. ed MOIR40-Y would . b6 Mrs. G., oT Detroit, had. continued to get Chickens pe 0 lbs ........ 5:00 Ffirmepallould1901-1
Office. -,Reas , Leary, Patrick Gibson, Magnus Linklatep, he ill -will of all her female nei ;at tids harrow and *�e �t S trial
e1w is to be sizubb4 and, on its c ryt added i� liatenfulno Ohiea
in short, there run away line. It has-loa the next law, and Tues"y �fter The Daily in r prair 0:25 ():3()
-to the Siates,,, Xow, we i been the
is to be ow vrnde political freshet. Well that we we no worse off in presume
-ffews sayT:�-- The e' khhourg, Turlevs
this respect a8 --natural at XODVS,-�
tractions are conee
t6 14Y properapports against it al"`n�!-just as they liked -uA a co abbage, .............. Ofth�m, 16ft
f they ;could take nhe af TIM E
v es Of tipplets' �I �D 0PPOf*T tion Uri dlymarks a c-riOus crisis assembled ilia1ausen . ........... 0:00" 0:75
Jas. Robertson, Win Abr4ham, Henr Oubt, 501U, ----
prie rned; a' :And, Shiel4Adam Reid, that-, which would greatlycUrthil th an�d one day lafely two or three of them Apples
,ttcst town in Canada atleastsotar 'Magnus 1,6utit,
I tuniti d 0:40' a 0;5()
it. OW bids fair to be the wealdtiest, Robert Wi waW James, liquotorleav of the RePublic-1 fint
let it come. Only give us time, gentlemen than other quill-dzivers, but is most it n nd, Deacon, wra.� Cup.,an 4, Ed earby, and made up C rate mechanics
seech the�i to leave it alone, the CoNtest can rPs Of fiv-to "lick" her. The. I thing -Geese ............... morning in the & for
Verily,'Canada would apoear to have a, Tohn Agnew� tt ha It was, n - hardly be was to beso &liberatdy don 0:30
our political annoying to send a Mat the Willson jun'r, Robert he would be e the iQSIIe -of
W19walla&-flien. "let her blow !" FinlAY Amderso-Z 800 ' t t was the best course. a's doubtful. I e, and th
saveralYeks al!d Mve, the whole transac- b4glittlegfinybetore it. John he Pr, OY Ducks per Patr -40 0 r)S Av
Ot the t, who has v'.ola- W all thei� Plans laid so nicely, therewad ......... 0. who intend to foll7ow. and the Vrobabffityy I
tion wound up T, Jas Thos. Parrott T mean�spirited or small-heaxted wh tod the Im of ilie-liand"
Seamely a year MOO"', - �Henry -side such an announcement Pas8V without Making the dhtcovery -of' '131hek Wra, Rath J1seph 1 08- *in dan' 0 'were., to beL fi- ca4jmg the great ma -
TEE in atterriptino, to,
instead Of a rc;;�Ittanca f good bills. sowe new sou )unbar,' Win. ger, but the noble,. the open-handed diSPla IT, --w tiling which is, th%+, fli-L-doinin tp*g WM - "tTi
Will. ' McDowell, Geo' Is not ]ik,, all iii -store, Sedforth XarketS 9 witnesus, �
e greater 4exodus of our peoplb �thah any we,
Pothergill Jo lighted that ill under impeaehment;� but be that they wiBhea-to - see her ii ext 11ave had for a ttimbei of years.,&, jo7jn,
res Of untold wealth. elps and the generous in spirit. ce the Secrbtitfy of -War, ivas in�ited intothe y
Who- are these men ? A sei o 0 Firs -Ire was - d �o sit st house `4bove mentioned, upon the pret
ConsidnaMe &mage h,!s been crone begins, cueer of villainy by f rascaJs who copper; then c 31 -oil, eilver gold, followed- hn Redmond, Jason Ellis In social life, from the Prince 'is- %vithout real power. Milk.
ito the States running away in qt r McGowan,'Jas.
-er Kaitlan& dur- matters in which- the'neighbors were inter -
along the course ofthe ri nald Turn�r, Grego Special T'�le;rram`10 HIM Signal. y
'like sni;ll6 as th lick a O'w'fialt is add Although a'p3w- Pon some
ey ndu ed .'�TtKir`11107 04 Wales to, Gen. Gi;�t, intoxicating ciful, ininotity sqks to se hi Fall Wheat 1868, Noon.
to the li St." Aix. Ding bever4ges had een excluded, And he In-lbir its est6d. lceverdreaj�uug ................ I
�r3shet- of the Out Paying the printer. Williams, trustbd this was th� da' ides, his capa of anyllarm, I MR. bAVXS'Tp�ULFrBT1M
1119the, tiziprewdexted Past With What end do John. -Wilson Josh wall, :65 (a) 1:70 wning el y Istoo Mach g Whea� .......... 1:45 g 1..443
Why, during -our e of anew era 7Ir purF t h Sprin Th
f teniperance. nt. At the front 0 trial'Of Mr. Da*, which was to
ferw days. -they cometo, ua Ritchie Alex. in the history less Of blOOIL11,11 lie nue
W'e we scrT�vto say that the enee� of twelve or -fifteen yjam eTsOn, Jag I - ParkerJohn Bfackbrough discredited f0k any arty Flour ....... .........
to make its
fine new bridge, in W-'-anosh h= been he d, r.e, S.PRDrG is uponUg, 1�ott6r, War. Robinson PlAuse.) -, '0 (Loud ap� . - door,, immediateiy after hel"en 7:00 (4 7:50 have taken place on thefouith Wed,1e8a&y,
NX with a degree of ---de Tohn' P. Mr. b trance,there oatq
&wept away clean: and-. :! Byron Beruiett an I C"lkrse own, and Ile is too near the end was one of the five sfttnding� s - , - - - - - -... "i. - � .. . - - 0.50 (0�, 0: 5 6
e -W. '!the pie, light * which robin?& notes are heard apparently- The �1`rlustro--19, Philip RaPson, , Jas. Brown,, d Miss Sarah f h with P -ns in Xatckit ugain postponed until the x5th
awarmed the-cocklesofour'old heart, and other spring Thoo. - H(Jore Ta 0 'is tern, of flice to make it- worth a alarge sized'cordwood 41A. ........ 0:�o Ig 0:0(y e,
some pulled up btsi S* Harcotut W F rgan, treated the an-dioice, to e;1l f0i sta.00 Or f4ll with hi politi- r with,full fore'- in the hope P
seemj%, were nt fill 'one -that -Hugh McQI]Iarri _y1or, accompanW 4 Rev. Llvm - ell wa Barley .....
el wfth st In 25% :11ongsters enliven the Woods, -the air !n- John ston, on 9- One -S. while to thrown at he
, othe the o
9, rs labor is 4rgirhanOn, JOIIII Mar- e, Otatoes . ............... .15 (c, 1; 15
lcW Yenitouti mildandbalm' anda'succelisic:60fthund- Wool� Wm.'James, tunes; 0:40 0a 0:5o
Perly, thus,rendering ei;,7cosdy gtruftare forthe public in the ROWAP8m is ao-im
, several Mr. Johnston howevr,w� ' to� knock her down, but -Mrs. G. caught it,, Putter..-.. 0.16 (MI vas Hamilt(in.- llheTinnessays ia-tUes
ary, and if mo4werei not ultimitely- hung McBride, Geo . Unusually- splendid I ' III before- it strub
oweri have er White Alex, couple of lads recited a dia ., duets, A probably be- the last -man iu)
Rintoul, Jas. Martin, io k -her, and."Itollo---;d'hl--'--- - - ......... ing abrdtd in the ventur-
go extracted the teeth, ot eue in good the Republic sailant out of Itha 0:15 t Prote4c,
an myPmy to the dexr--rictive' element- it was not becauee they' did not richly- ab Beeeroft� style, aft( -6 t:.
WhOever is to blax-mforthi.% negL,* - X r which the a it;
gence, deserver it. Th in Sutherland udience joined in in the
g Frost that im some to discover tbis� -hall ido the' kitch6ri. Hav .... alllloy= DEG t
'No mer
ese are &Z -t4 which Parts Ploughing Xohu�-Smei his 61,44,� Ineantime Here she 'met:the btliers,- g.00 44Y tion are AftMeet to insult Wad
,WZ, bO -Teri aptito hej�rof The,,c3ntra striltel. terrof- should tzer Win. 8teen �JL-0&
has beeri commence(L The weather-Wi- Mr.. Deacon ..........
to thahearts of th Moved by the national a4th0m. And arme& with pok- U -ides ........ 6:50 h uld wn the gmeele," 1) v,�
evq ers,- rooms 43�tl the likez The`shdwed 11yond agabornNInhoo
060 social Be --aQcOaded by Mr 'ble is, possx- b 0.00 -he she
Taylor ...... 'would MdX14 ihe fis± - and
&butllmlt Of 'the Hawheeer bridge also 0 119fit in a- second, e 2:po .5 1 "
provedtoorweak Orintendtodow. Wewarn any O1"M;Ja19- MeCo Camp- of their Chickens the po4ce Aoula be,on the alert.,
B�0-dOuills whi) havero-bbed the poorprin - Predict that tho break-up has been o That vidently, 2:0o
ter, D
our e bell Hanna B tempers cooliiia aridtheiine 0.25 0.ojo
il and W shall yet -spells Lr in. eDOwen Geo-.- ro"r 'Arii;36t vingway.. Turkeys .......
Directors the womaifbyffie - Ahples .........
hair ......... 0
-At - Ben,-1WL--%r thV t-4 eivers'-Carli6d. Moved )Dea-, the
fence. Will. the saircity in E- rvesgl
0:00 CFO Of Railvv4y The whole fl ve iia, Them6 splau-iu--��ew Y
�WXY, thw Immingthe brid subscribers'Who may col't6yifPl9ie,a, gna- of severeL weather, 0. Fbilleigill' td �*C62
3&iRA den tten "To the W w t, VO
Oat to, the es vi tried to. a." hei, choke her, ' siftother, Geese
0-15 a, mo
-------- ......... quOtatiotis (;f the -labor nwket,
&W,%,York alse their Dressed Hogs
as q 1fGM0X1)VMLR; Scott' Tha Ara' �-Thii is --a question of nof Lacolor erica- ? � .
as niquity cm t� 116M7 '14--Warrarits; evil- iniaginations, could think b.,%
the'lAuctOf thd 17ree;-'AWZ arope cafte ftir- :50 0, 0:60 from all 60 prominent points,6f t -h W
the.-Mi1muef . - p, will go t, CPU, sconded b r rkae.ift.the prices of her, spit on her, and everything
forimely- shakeln;p �Ilt aia - . :e � - . .. . I -u& in
-IfIr have to, 4.500 ants =y -be sent at 9nee
laarnod 'that the dazzil Ajd�d only Pork ...........
, M&7e up their: Agnevr nee to"WU, h br the, arrest Of the, '6y the cudgel iwhi'ah she captuit
via T t mrry tbent if Hoover, Thus, practical i4b g�eA i84 t'
tke�- do not- uad.,yesi&r4ay' f ........... 4
Correaptludent) 'iqa; decided, ofibe Er door, Mrs. G.- demarl(L
Ju bs6
Lil4olc $0, n e --placed, 5.50 wheke tkeik serviced will be ntool in
on, V9 'Poulld-keefii caused- wqr a "llj Mozbtreal wark§�.
gentlemen, we- I (From.ourown and Xohn,,' dit the
iogfr�mths hundred3ofsayr-cos; 0 trusted yUn bee& wer. A- light her way,,
p, ariA d6 T
artybythe-Bearcity,ofnie �Who imniediA one or tw6 of'60111 -on We� head r,
4ousands, of. is& kftAt UW Your nefgjlbom; Van X. %rr.,Thyfoj, se�A&4- od�., an the fl"j4 city d ach iu turn
d0l�M T>Y- the- WQ-1101114Mt� $9 byMr.,Sd I - �yed by- as -the tamd-'
Uy it.
to, b telYprimeeded to- h BY apeciartel G. Vrd4emaVA A -action Saaes.
the 1W of Mh3or dazz the -a. ersonand ers, t e several'
pay �Lp. for the' SIGNA ali(T- 'recovering frOMA8 efrects other oft� That 4aq X-' d
ixgft,mast be go te' Je" sweet re - I -M- - Henry be oil *h�has they fell helpIp em.011 to the BmxAr,.
flectioli -Ovjm -b -cities and'Roboken ti -try. bou8cs. a-Quarterof 1DKTXgAL,March 17.
gig Axtenaive oner. TAX 8111048. not. For
pee ept,
�'Carw �o tl Ass Andrews, ;0120 le, Cct:
Y'Dur y a loaf afl tbe�, -ade4ted to- the overpom as 2"allecl U1Im4&fnUk',by I
M c4laraity farnififies ng will --on, the 8W instant Robt. Riley 15�, Uqezise. In 44: hour 20 Xard, F&IM -Stu�,,k
1110 &meet c �he in the JAjd So lied le C64114 at 25 FLovR.--.S .00 C
'I at Uct, GodrVeb.
iFeritig. numbers One iw;riec� .25
Of f
5rldg&-bui�klMg -Whi& Amu zdedom bw, ieeg6in ovc-j otterfieldapplipa'RO. and,r&,-,t6 -the joyisdictin af-the
P leense, 'Ali ag-We
ay,a, anyin, t"t, t ad in her mouth, and tried to force - -24th March Fw'm Stwk A reurard, lot 23, ao� wiu as & doire-'s br6a#. 110 slid" silt P, L
X at - the Kill, 1)0]14 ed a 'sho ork er Ju es, ncy ............
tabing, how�fl -0
constitutes- thewosC fed cas F- 8-.W
lid era- W d6wnher-thrb ..... 7:W Ca, 7-7`0 90col ler6ine:caugK 0411111 supe X th Ka M -b. Yam- tj tw.k 7 !a", .7t,:r
are at 24,46 was read and ad6pted 3 Ura-ofthe- e:,ey0r,.ltW, 3t'4hdchoe her-7iut.th,4t
among knowp to'"'
, W. r ------ 7:50
Jdcd erilig.poor"ofE t One of -the,fin-gerg betwee ' 45 negr DWA 110tol
ff, I in-prmbIain66t Arrwoid wl, At 31arL
6 ect of this ost�l 'dirict6kg er, jtouiidth�ifleshto-thebone. Oat Z-45 l@ 7:V5 wore at a , -P , ricea of thl orie, a
1*� a thaivir'l'iki latf Moved b e4c -thep h 17'arrariziUb". 7:45 7.50
the Oa Va. receive 1 - $6, , ` , , 40 And, and' A16 rz-t
-N �-, il,ed- -by Xr.� b Ir priva te te mn
rdIMIA, 1"W bow *144 4umfidouely 10to2g feet deep., � . - , U7�ofi
via of-fortrfiv�,dvarvhichih6 Deacon ur -a few:tha two of
DOWT111464 or 'Aydito' Gott 'Thei thf Iii
wate flowa the WeRLud fiOlil the n
TU &redt6m --Of r $up
t v* sick,-:'!
C04 sedo'd There woo, b, 0
noonka fr - W661tthisi&q t1w, Ni . agara,, therc6 vua-jOiijem�n were subsequeni- file All 7' 20,0. 7. P, L
di, .35
MetOILSaturday afte ulap on. u-prds- ds for
mined h of Revitson I #Tght estle WHUT--�S, ouma, elf
Rote4 to wha of* IlAihadthEl. t6ughestwx Bag P'�i Pad 3.170 3,80
the boys tried �f at - Tail
-d 4b,
*"rf *ditor who' its &&iiv. A* the' ConsumPt, SBY bitf,, u ith
�,*t the Al� ncet:again as a d tier
;ejwa$& an in&nal Pe. -�Varfied lon -of '.bread- .4 ter perilous -,these.- sUcceede C.
towan wwt alfd vent, Over th-0-shiles d
�POD v`a. up unfiL rhe had
-of efis
"'Yrater, -was uPset,-9fid. B
0 Sir Baligor last.-Sundzy� ihen. ........ 0.-21 a 0:25
TA 0, fiz-ga, in X glow, -t1f*-- A UT, 0 th c6mbin 6 up 6v6n e a t1deda child.
thaholdi, 1 But; lilfeji -viremors o the 1i I 0:00
a4 ST C- Q&TS.-Per bottoib; wai, Yco P. ar H isrii,'Dre ... 047 0M-,'
W4" f"t ff *4 &SOM the An t 6 Midst -a fo 1.�e as
in,a row� oaf" h' OA gotquite a bump ittth6 7P cleik,�, i TM`
of imuert hok into -the poW YO-Va90:AcVM,X04f1 Tiver is bound not to gi so far, shb C&Uaca FAR
ro . I to I :e b d' Wedern
peety,of age helplet5m-ba&i at �je�:sid -
vid �61;h th6tussle�with-lhe, last iwo,
IP004 911 br expr
-round. Ae -dUeIand -pot -of be -Perr 48 lbs�....
141"M w9ddso, -z4sV491X#V& of Colbotiiii Go'lWi&I 4h6- hlax. edp� and " t& round and
tOwlyAild Godericit whir vth a
wafer wh of re6gj
idefkh thij- WL The projed wat &vf er, u
10" 6W '41136
and- bhe46o1IjUmp.fi* . ..... 0, compjtny,��' U'W t the, r
trani fe
rink, 4& of rWtg upon p
appoilita to caily-4-t tile p in Olij 6 C6
tOwil JW So$eribe rl, ThM out $8,000 po amPU3 Waa About, 2&(l theY-' -GOtD iil, WeW, .......... near VanEve lbilis.
.M - and446tild -'caili �bf du Wd-thirds-6f�*hat itis� -th �gtage of things
Ox -SuJiday- School teach 110A is Aiminisfi d iierhapg-to,thr.- f A It *ate near, z was loudly 15tOrePuked.:
-g untit, the,
v6rY,wet And verjrfii t called'. f6r Ej &W,Parfift be, Alf ibe teddy pretty
W( old ybrkat
arth UsLed 'tp'-t6-beea -not lend them�elves-t6 tjj6 1;39g7
ro=.-Mer ......... Z-oderid 6tk 3Er&�
h, it eF
OlnefierLof 10:25 i@19.50 tilig a woman Whose therm kan
as high asldidl lie Priine X
own 'W& "..
rw aft
-b 'u re -14:M
U6 W' L'. WMt&i 1, . I de' Of th
tM le e
Ther ...... A-W',C
Ddugla rs; pXiin
twoltix,�md.- 0�ea3ijy conquo 13:50
lab inet saAg_
luiri" two; *110,, ioreamed des
-a of 'foiRdAerl.& that sheln ht lave. fhq re
ig ... ........
pie of ockz
, d eliojOLto b;a:' bl
ft Jun K rtpge
th Adjoumod&-z