HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-03-12, Page 4taineelteisepanieseetel _ ithite'4;311:!Illref (41 t1170 CnEal* --(Dedicated tathi31142 stlelifisstital ao�e- tielOwItopweaelenies abont4600e more orient.). . 1101 ye. Claviers f Come, letnu onward! We fokyonislivelihood. - Temente= titils-mtan. Weil your light service paid, Let no derapes be made; Apestles, Inas never had Greenbacks !ix hundred. • OTEntarch thenlinisterse- &Arco *remonstrance stirs: Althoegh fuliwell they know The people have blimdered. Their's net to Make reply,' Though seeing no reason why • Th.el Sariptine does not apply : *Preachers should -live ' not die, °F the GoaPel ;' but how TO live oixsix hundred? Charges to right of them; Charges fo left of them ; Charges confronting thein; Income outnumbered; Flanked by bold butchers' carts ; Bled by sharp traders' arta; All bound to have their pars ' Of the six- hundred. Mien and market -men, Peddlers who call again, Agents and beggars then ;-- 0 ! hew pcior teamsters' ; Pockets are plundered! - Steil up the pnces go ; All thingsfor use or show; Labor with saw or hoe ----- Nothires but preaching's Low as six hundred. Black cost --its threads are bare: Daughtera cry 'Nought to wear,' And the boos do almost swear About their old cements, So easily srmdZred. Bat theaninistern family* Should ne'er like a -camel high, • Stick fast in the "needle's eye," Puffed up with vain riches. Give but six hundred! Half a year possibly, Ralf a year onward, They might get with weight of debt Not hopelesesly combered, Six months, perhaps, they may Keep huoger's wolf at bay, - Live, narrowly, scantily, • If promptly they get their pay; Get -the six hun%red. But rent -bills to right of thein; Store- ;ills to left of them; Charged upon all sides; • How tight the year through Oft they have wondered. SiaM they go struatuig on ; No funds to fall back upon; Cash reset -Yeti fled and gone; .Not a dime left of them, Left of six hundred. Well earned the benison Sought by thee, Tennyson, On Barciaxa's heroes. Who faltered not, any son, • Though thousand guns thundered. But lo here a "Light Brigade" Suitains a whole year's raid On their ama1.1 stipends made Till lives -not evem a shade Of their six hundred. -Cangregationalist. , a 111114e. 14 ,,..(1/ 1 \ 7 --_...... • - . . ----- ' Jnd„gealkotlinta of -•-qui' Tombs Belkeel Court, fragilentlY fake it long walks gaunt the city. -Attheentrance of Central Park Inelately encountered &peddler, -who tre14,1ihn, ait. an incitioement to: Itio his thatY- titi ugly , obtainedIn Philadelphia, --"In. fact, Sir, AT HE slam oe THE TPADLOV'K stolen t" and he could afford to sill thim , - s • a _ , .... ., . , EDITORIAL - — ter The Montrealers areinst now stif- fering for want ot water. air The Gifts Lottery and other New York swindlers are still in full play. Dar They are having smoke -colored snow in Sarnia. Supposed to come from the chimneys of the Godench salt works? ter The perpetrators of the London burglaries have net been caught yet. ser The foundation stone of the new Orange Hall, Kingston, now in process of erection, was laid on Wednesday shortly after the hour of noon. cheap -ea vety comnimettick of lje4dlerta7 • - toolivose of inferiorarticles. The Judge: talked to demerit:Mahe had fullocom- -mittedAtimeelf ; and when again asked by the, ieptirtunate dealer "what. lie' -Would take," simmered - "Since they are so cheap, and since, You sify you r'stOlefthem, I'll take the whole stook."' Abaroalling a policeman who !Mew b' he ordered. the goods to be seized and turned over to his desk -the property- elerk of the %albs Court -.and they were. 7 - A petition to the Emperor is in course ofsignature atRoubaix,prayinghisMaletity not -to renewjhe treaty of commerce willi . England; tind has already received 15,900 names.- ,t.Kdeputation of eiorkingicen bring it to Paris, with the intention of soliciting -an audience with the Fan-pet:or. Java must be a pleasant place for a. reeldenco, from 130107160 persons are killed there by tigers every year, 50' by crocodileaand nearly ris many, by serpents. . - JOSHUA BILLINGS. -Pon't swap with yer relashuns unless you kin afford to give them the big end of the trade. Marry yung, and if eircumstences iequire it often. If you can't get good °loathes and °dice- tien too, get the °loathes. Kultivate modesty, but mind and 'keep a good itoek Of impudence on hand.. Bee charitable- ) one cent pieces were made on purpese. 'Don't take anybody's advice but yOnr own. It costs more to borry than it does to buy. Ef e man flatters 3rn, yu kan kalkeriate thi..-t he is a roger or yrtie a nide. Keep both ize open, but don't see more'n half you notis. If you ich fur fame, go into a graveyard and scratch yourself against a tume stone. Yung man, be more =time about the pedigree our goiiig to leave, than yu: areabout the wun somebody's going to leve yu. HEALTH IS STRMIGTH.-To prevent or conquer disease is one of the grandest at- tainments ever aimed at by mati•; and Bryan's Pulnionic Wafers will as sure cure coughs, colds, tickling in the throat and pulmonary complaints,- as war and pestil- ence will destroy. Severe colds if not at- tendedio sooner or latter lead t� incura- ble coneuraption, andthe strength of the stzongeat soon fails if neglected. The readiest and . best means known for thecure of the complaints is "Bryan's • Pulmonic Wafers,/' which have, beenthoronghlO tried for the last twenty years, and have never been kriewn to 'fail. Singers and public speakers will alio derive great benefit from the use of them. Sold by all medicine dealersat 25cts. per box. . Weri, Ivrea You StrFrEs.- The "Cana- dian Nib} Destroyer" instantly and german- ently removes all pain_ from the system, and is aecidedly the hes-0 medicine known for the cure of rheumatism,* pleuirisys neuralgia, tic douloureux, toothache, cholin, borns, frost bites, &c., ahd is so cheapthat all can afford to buy it. Sold by allifedi- eine E4a1ers. 11 I TERI' N 0.7141JBAJL. - When; a person ha proved =article and found it good, and enswering the purpose for which it is intended he will not readily abandOn it -for one of doubtful reputation, or conierning, which he knows nothing. W&arie led to nrake these remarks owing to the course -always pursued by those who - have tised„ that celeBrated-and truly valnas ;ble h&se-medicine known aa "Darley's. -Ainbian Hea-ya•Remedy"-asall are fee well pleased with it that theyeiill not use any other; aany haw, waited several .weeks untllthe agent could obtain a new supply ' There is nrehing equalto it as a condition medicine, orfor any complainteffecting the wind of nerseass • . Remember the name, and seerthat the sig- --native of Hurd Co. is on each package. Northrop. Lyman, Newcastle, Ontario, proprietons for Canada. Sehlby all Medicine _ dealers Star The young inomere of Phillisps- - MAR011. burr. N. J.. have formed a society whose There is no. use facts are stubborn members pledge themselves not to en- things. They Canna be denied. Without courage the advances of any young man ;exaggeration such wonderful cures are not who makes use of intoxicating l'quors, - onthe annals of history as have evidently . been made by the great-Shoshones Be - The revenue of the Dominion for niedy.- See : the .stern, undeniable and thy mot th of January is as follows: Cas- incontestable facts of cures, actually of toms, $366.328; Excise, $253,383; Post Consumption, in the persons of Peter V. Office, $75,853; ItublIc Works, and Rail C. Miller, Esq., of.Eniestown, Ont. ; Mr._ ways, 832 574; Bill_ Stamps,- 813,678; Wilson Storms, 'Of Brighton, Ont.,Li&c.. , $1,963.027. ' Miscellaneous, $116,0$7; Expenditare,iwoothpininseTKI°!dncaseyesase°f Dasyes,pels:nsi.,a'apd Tele; . case -of Dyspeysia, Liver Complint, Kidney soanA traveller in China, speakin,,e of _Disease; &o., a.ndthescassi .of Ms. -Feel, of the awful carnage in the Tae -ping rebel= Mitroyawould seem a paradox, were she lima states that a belt of land fear- hen_ not a laving wittier. , . , diect miles long and two hundred wide is. ' lit.erally without. an inhabitant, and a dis- . • BG tract that once yielded 90,000- chests of - erlidiaol &Fa•ncy nod Store. tea per annum is now a deserted wait*. a fedis The: Chicago Tribune thinks the 'Airs Warnock cause of hard times is that so many younie _e_gs to a'ecpAnt the, ladles of Goderich men repudiate firming and take to mania ; and vitinite that she has resumed her busi- facturing and trading,-" so that +NUE ness after the recent .bre; she desires to we have not enough to eat, we have twice thank them for their kind patronage, and to as many clothes as we can wear." - • . assure th.emnhat no effort will 'oe- wantinj on her part to secure si continuance of their PSI"' Mr: G. F. Train Was at Blarney hind on Tv ednesCaY fortnight, where he deliv- tars. Warnock likewise begs to inform ereii a lecture in the Terkigh Baths of --p rtres ring: to Earope that she h'ts. been that town on " Hydrop Train at; emmnianoried by Messrs, F. McDonald& Co.. , Blarney, discussing watery influences- in 'New Yin'', to dispose of their tiekett, drafts, the high temperature of a Turkislbath, :&c.. for the Transatlantic Line of Steamers, i sfroneNtiv York to Loedonderry. Liverpool, is suggestive of the eternal fitness Of - and Glasgow,. Their lines of Steamships are - things, says the Court jourosj. • so favorably *Coml. to the _public fcir tatety, .801nars The Cornwall Fieeh,olderr- in re- speed, and cheapness that they require nat. ferenee ttN a rumor circulated: by the Pk- ."ffilment- - 5Tarket Innrrier of etanillton Sr ton Times that Mr. gbh!, Saodfield Mc- are, Cd Donald war on 'the eve .9r entering the Dominio n Cabinet'5aYs " the' irecIt the- 'OLONIAL -HSE OU. slightest cause for fear on the part of our Goderich, 22 Nos. 1861. w44 contemporary that the Premier of Ontario = • will 'accept a seat in the present Privy ertie; .Subacether always keeps de lineat . yanety and best Stock of Connell: Shouldgr. Motronaid enter * an Priay Conacitit will undetzlitedly be - MISERY /it. GLOVES! as the head of a new firm.", In, other IN -PRE COUNTIES -X., words, Mu S.: wiltnot play "emceed fid- ..,. : . • CHAS, E. ABOEHBALDS,- die " to.rohn A; "or any-9ther moo.' - :Goderieh: August 22ad.1866( . ' - ral4l2 The anperintendent of one of* the New England -railroads has issuerla noto. worthy , --7-" . MRS, ilif Me L.' -61,4471 orderrequiringthe er°131°Ye" of the "ad 'SOOTHING to d* their "w"k 119t only faailiWellee•hrs : . Pai'' Clintlitift Veetillifirti . ... ' figlintryi and to aa'rve "---, 77 -s -a a greatly facilitates. thoprostess--of ferithrigi4 _Ainre_nlit trirejlert by: infOrrnatiOu awl DX !•-aetg• thogrusup.,redittieg sll-oiaszmatt9....!1" - , Thisissertainly aremarkable ediraneet In :nioneita-gpion)o. diesiettest;aoe7„ _,i,,..., , _s. - civilization, Were an order Of This' kith. - • iitid itaalftetaktate_ ifIliCTO7Wq lives medand carriedout mall- ilia railroad rie _, tliii,s,itwIR, froreat: niri lines of the 'United Stites, it !mid. be Of =P. .. `:___ _ t 0_ ., ._,f,., 1,1k 1 . And irteeticeiststile.sciranttsgeta the fieilliont of Health to trInfant persons.whfiannufiny travel Upon them. Triataye. it0 sindielatlifi article teaSetda' and eAinerlealis are ag ,..,.....?,,...11y st, 1;9,4. =3;:i It a . ‘ to „Vont iritgritAhrirlibeV • ,.. natured people: i And thir,, Orly and dise obliging year t_W„ officer ,iS sin atiOnally, • DRUM% GAR:INNER ifk C01 HA.VE now oe handaand,wilareeeive duelog the SeS13011 One of, . • The FINEST 'STOCK-- --01' MATS liss Palledin Single Minorco tei Meet a Curs,whet, =111144- tdiff-ire intorr iniffaired.of dfik wliose„ enstanee 332 thiS ecittoter •hast 'au oltdergioUtigliet:14-4111144" It ir,..tlitaeeak lirtf=; 'always ,seemeal to us unaccotlntolile.' oreeramendationsisf tgsgeleal,efTectiti medical irti1tierfectlycOtain, onoreovert that the l'irtuol- wesPeakla billtferf:rWitrewstioximar,!' (Eder arIll be lisrofifnhla one ts the tasfrefitt=244atir and letiater re-Patitiem Dfi7". TOR& o *Mai lt malty 4.30 L-414-gridia instanceorneret4inintveho :irgkrinteeltZez-, NASITorTicarss. - - - tragr'r4114,VridTit nite°4•001f*V-411?!7 thasainTim_ tOiSaNtAIX,14.4ts-*QTICH.E. —Thin cosy was :awaited KINS, I.few Yorks* slates oatosee Thiblist OUTGe4day lastn He hid sdver-.;:-- 'new* arnsglitspircushcattheir Used that hewouldlecture on that erening PCE4tY5 CVO* PER gg-theBoiata4444-vraliAbout ***dim $,;iq.;;1 loth* IssI4 for -the poopeotto totTdelivering 'F S.,ri11sw hiolecturevirbewbownitsboadiltiietuotody. ,47,744. 77' 4.,...14•0ft4giewirioorinblm - Mdafl,aMWiiIU Wormed B 3tr. Train's asastation *its ;Mir eselilretil f CURTIS &PE)r- 11 'MAE- - a. • . ”-a" . ff mariknui t4.tiSTEAIY1NGIN-WORICS RU N -C mN , MANITFACTURER OF Tette roved in the Dominir at priees ia_rying - . IG.RI . • LOVE 25 -CENTS To-*I7T Mulei azici Sash Saw -Mills, Stam- ,Enginehazig! Boilers, 'DOLLARS Thrashing Machines, 'SepOrators, Morse Powers, I3rag Saws, IRON AND WOODEN FLOUR'S ! Tlienew Skating Rink will eoonbe eeady, end cow is the time to provide yourselves with mostemProved patterns brisk -ate& IIUGH GARDINER, & nal3t1." Goderich Nov. 18th, 1867. c7,7 .EMPORIUMI 01 DEMOB &GO S CLEARING SALE RefacivisaCticla cLOTIIIN AND 467 • AT COST, POE - CASH ONLYr. Tbe balance Of Our Winter Stock of \\ • ELANKR.ek SHAWLS;\ PL.ANNELS, & pitiks Goo) AT . Greatly Redped Prices. J. a DETLOR, & CO. Goderieb, Jan. 10th, 1868. weI\ 'TAVERN STAND "Oasilo- THE. Subscriber offers for sale that well known Tavern, the , 131E1LVA.S9r riCtrir Era, - situated on the Northern Gravel Road be- tween Goderich and Lnoknowa obe of the leadinz roads to the County ot Bruce. The Bindings areall first-clasororder—aud all Vie -requisites fot the business cichpleafe. For further partieulariengaire on the premiss, - JOHN BleCROSTIE. Belfast, 1't Sept., 1867 w36tf THE CANIfiliN CONVEYANCER, AND - HAND BOOK OF CONCISE PRECEDENTS IN CONVEYANCING, Carefully revised and adapted to the new Law, With Introduction and Notes, &ice -t32.00 full boimd. Sem free to any part eftoadd receipt ofartionnt • . Law Stanoner, Ss tinat.. Toronte. SASH -AND BOO F ACTOR Y. ratItE undersianed havens purniiasee +he Hain- , and Saab Factory owned, sod oc- cupied by Donald Cumming, are flow prepared te carry onehe business of nianefactunne SaSh, Doors, Blinds, MOuldmgs,Flooring, -71intal kinds of C) it, it ea& aiitirefe-ancliaanbie Sestatiad Frames. They think fronf,their -experience in Factor*, Worle, itt %heroin give almsfdet relit -640 woe may favor them *ith cilia , • Rata --e.e.A.liberaidniconnatiathe trade, ' • JASilkiCH DAVID LAWSON,, : - - • whf, It081-14§011. - odenens Mira atheliket ALL RIGHT AGAINi LJA.nGrims-rr „ . . ItiLORT IN New & Magnificent ,Sky -Light AND, SPLENDIDLY FURNISHED • It c; ivx -E; Le ionNsox Et4i4infotrn his•isiff patrons, and the public generally, that he has; at mach expense, fitted nt his rooms in STEVir.A8TSI•New Brick -Biotic. 'carper or 'Hamilton street and Square, GOilerleb, 10!such a style as tOrelidas them the finest in thecountry, and the'bPst adapted for the aceomplishinent of first-elass`Work in his delicate and beautiful art. Those/lest:onset havina Pica. • !nitres of ' (JTT T.,- 1) a takemwili pleese brine in the mprninr. Photographs taken in eiteil Style' knevin to the art, and Old Ambrotvpes and tie- guerrotypee copied as Photographs. A large same °rant iniellose-Wood Framed alwaysein hind. 'Also k ALBUMS, verYebeap: ' .R.1. in returningthanks for the liberal patronage, ofthe past, fettle- unified that recent improvements'Will enable -111m to merit a centinu- *nen and inerease (it the genie. ,r E. L. JOHN SON. - Goderiehi March vr6ff • a• , Ifie4eanriieiaciatainatrentont;i0e1011Pctli orearry from lots o 4S116 6, third concession qotlerich Township without my ,Pe;•1 mission, • Any person.fotuid trespassing, shall„ha Godericb1Der.,11,I867. sr47f3tn' " -THE RIDGE PROPERTY P'1) It SALE THE RESIDENCE OF ThEJiAIE J OEN GALT, &of rparS property is heantifullysituated oppo- -1- site tbe Town of Unclench, ou the, North Banleof the RIVER MAITLAND, and on the Banks of Lake Huron. It con- tains 31 f --I0 acres of Land more or less. with Dwelling House, Outhouses, Stables, 4te., with lama Garden, Vinery.and. Orchard. The Wood Land consists prinmeally of Oak and tbe floweriagliodee, Cherry, Maple, &c. Tbe Grounds are in vsbry good order. Dieu, . are three never failirer springs of pure water on the Property The situation for a erirate residence cannot be surpassed in the Prov ince. For terms apply to( THOS. eA LT, Esq., • Barrister, Toronto D. SHADE GOODING, Berrister, Goder' ih. Godericlr. 6th Julia I.866. sw9ntf With Cast or Steel Boards. DriP Ploughs, Gag Plonets; Cultivators,- Land_ Rollers, straw Cutters, AgriZeitural Furnaces, POIAS11 Kettles, Suear Kettles, Salt Kettles, Wagon and Pipe Boma. COOKING,- PARLOITR . AND. BOX &Tows, of the most improved -kind. Brass Castitigs made. and Illacnamiths' Work and Repairing done.on short notice. Call and see the STEEL 111011LENBO:affD 1,1401JaHS, ab you can get one very cheap for Cash. a Goderieh, Nov. 12th, Isqvi • w39 Erv.iss 1 COLONIAL 110'08 BY THE KEG, OAN OR COUNT fiESTI OYSTERS !! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LOBSTERS, SARDINES; s 0/01,08/01 Tailoring & Outfitting Department ! ryas Subserib,er hegs.to inferm his many customers and the public generally that he keeps a constantly on hand the largest, variety and hest selection of English, Scotch, French, Swiss & German Tweeds, IN Tim COUNTIES. ALSO A LARGE VARIETY OF _ Canadian Manufactured Goods, ENCLISH, FRENCH & CERNIAN BROADCLOTHS, OASSIME'FFES & DOESKINS„ ENGLISI A N D FRENCH BEAVER A NIY PILOT OVERCOATINGS ! OVERCOATINGS OF 'Alj.e OTHER DESO IPTIONS. , Having secured the Services of • Mix, it. Ets tA A- .v.a he is prepared to execute all orders, with nramptitude, and in a style ;unsurpassed ' by any MANUFACTURER in this PROVINCE, Cities not excepted. Try him and satisfy your- selves. A perfect 'fit guaranteed in every instance. Constantly on hand the LARGEST STOCK and LATEST STYLES in , • Gentleman's Outfittings of Eve ry, Description ! AMERICAN -MONY taken at the highest rate. ' - • Chas E. Archibald_ AND CLAMS. , FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, DATES, Cocoanuts Fl Grapes. &c., at E. 3311\TC21-1-1.A'a,- Westside of Mizrket AV:Aare, Goderieh,Nov.30,1885. aw99 BARRY & B11031 Ma MN EGABINET MAK RS WOOD -TURN ERS AND UNDFRTAKERS, Harailton St„ Goderich, wEEP constantlyhand for sale al' anis 11 cles in their line, such as Goderich. kugust 22nd, 1866. sw101 Aeclpteads, Chairs, Tables, -Sof s, 1,4 , ,13. fa:n. 'All kinds of wood -turning done, such as g Nool posts, stair baneisters, neckyokes, ft. Where'll I go to et the Cheapest Dry Goods Always on hand, a complete ASSORTMENT OF corrnes .and Groceries in-G-oderich ? and a HEARSE to hire on reasonable term Goderich. Mfg -3rd. 1866 15w610_ • W ICU W to Acheson 85 Smith's, of curse, and the best and cheapest B4)ots and.Sh)es too. All right ! I'm going there. Goderich, Oet 31, 1867. 're. 11 El CA1ADA. 9 Permanent Building & Savings. Society IS PREPARED TO MAKE ADVANCES o'' APPROVED REAL ITTATE SITUATE IN WESTERN CANADA, ON THE FOLLOWING -FAVORABLE TERMS : Amount required, to redeem each 5100 advanced in ..... 5 years, 10 year& 15 years. If payable half-year1y512.95 S62 6.50 . If payable yearly... .. . • .... 26.14e 16-40 13.34 Loans at proportionate ratefor 2, 4,8. 8 or 12 years, • Tbe above instalmentsim lude a -Sinking Fund, whieh nese ow the Principal, as well as the tnterest of the loan, so that at the exptrati In of the term -1g eed lipm, the debt is ea irele iiitped out. • he full amount of the loan is adeaneed, and no onyineot is required before the end of the hall -year ir veal. Payments may be inade in a Ivanee,and interest Is -1towed therefor ; or the mortgage may be I edeetn • ed intuit at anytime the borrower desires, on equitable terms. EXPENSES- STRICTLY MOD ERATE. Fair further information, apply (prepinda to • HORACE HORTO ON, ES., . Appraiser to the *lets. reicierich. a... , w38sw14 HERBERT MASON, • Secretery and Treatiarer, Torontos Goderiela 16th Oct,. 1866, \ •II . , , ..1 I l•61 .6 w•i \ Get a Virs.i-Class'Aivtl.ele of WINTER CLOTHIN oo 7 To \ Logan's Woolen. -Factory Store,.- . Wiereyou wi find a. large andearted stock of *Pulled Clothe and Sannetno, Tweeds in great variety. , White, Plain,- Grey, Striped and •Checked Winceys,,- A great' variety.of all wool home-made checked Hernias: one Yard wide; likewise WHITE, GREY, SCARLET &FANCY FLANNELS. ..:, -11:11T-OF FIRM\ CLASS -BLINKS FS, EIGHT TO NINE POUNDS PER PAIR. 'Modifier' Yarn, Fine Fingering Yarn Fleecy and - '- • - Berlin' Whelk, all in endless variety. "•. : ' ' ' s ' -''I‘4411er:with a choice Assortment -of : \,a factory Cottoes,, ......................... !ties, DOSS GeodS, Ready,mad,e Shirts an Drawers; Mans' and Cliildrebe' Socks and Stockings n- raat virhoty. fr.3wA mill.asaolicated . ..... THOMAS: kOdANs ,wooien,Factory Store-Bast:Street 10th. Septemher, -- • sia- A RDWARE -- 'ASS' . • • :WA -1.42fVo I.SAIJ L1 IU !r. tL IJ aeacs,42,000.100,OSteilltign .‘titrigt, t :BF f it* , 9 I -Itio0Pr Oritit'D t'IN-137.6.11tiitil.151),00ti' .'" 7 ,:- 7.--..., ••-• .:- _ . 4-- ,_.!--, : ' DEPAftTIVI:ENr r ,'.- ' —'--, --. ,-,, -" - -.... ' - . - a-47itadis' .04041104 ;laminae* tlii,cofi4pauttitiiifeeti!lie'eititlillshpent ea.aie egeitehle itlitssifl cationschgeging.netti mareseiereniiiinatireitenktuatete ttieseisISS:a - , - - - -, -,.. • . .. , • •• Tbeapeaestiwhich'biniaitteadedebe'Canipaninaaopeaiitinnalias beiiiiiiiiiiiiii ftify7 -Hz-i-' 02 - eidite-aegttiVrtrieetattiat tietst.lagr"17:11.?•-;;i:t-I!!'t1"-4ila$1.0*-i414•74elt13:- ' - a -- - - 'srun'istii.71‘F.-*.ere. PI°Ii!, RT.i.F,ItP..1.'.1,71:144*-,,-.1.. °7--L,1*°41kr-t-:'---': " -%:::-'';'s: aanoieetntlitttioneeteta,hibliti;seTliteDireatore.tod General Agents,- hong- gentletnetPainie.tr'in2 me4iiarotslcree, taleeilibeintand hunnesialikeineW 9,411911e lIBBECOOMillf:baforfith- . '-' ' ... .-- '-' ---a,-: -Lure -: DEPARTMENT.'',Z.LI:c.,_..,.c!•,,:4 t :,//140,3patielii.litypig•CO. thefts desitiog4Afj,Aiiiiatietk *lush rPitsle•-,11.: lonatifi-OilIce:;- :. ModeratifremproloPerket SecitrilYsssEcosomyofnumagenietiti'leridilkainirisitethislioisep onhereatutatettle/Pattints*0-114*4044'fiboirelpeq-QP i.et1-,,l it-ka- eq- .o• -.up--aol.*-,F-:,,T • ., . '''' VIStinFROI,OW MOOlit00#01death.sa-as41 eaIu Andegftad4114$04Wittrty'„0,OVILIbaateina ' A '' ' - ' . '' ' ' Of , r e,- , GERMAIT PHYSICIAN__dousenelod book their . At CM* •*.' * 11101001- - . . IragliplasimM344 hills word fimilty-dispersonk 117%,,tragrdsideirstettforlt-Ttantottetait 'ad& argstiosiet in tha vicinity of Uwe - 'building. It is 10811 Out that )f.r. Dein wit arsesianneat isaikei tai aqiien for elelefe eon as aft the digessaleanraisli the hum, zsa* "Wier, 1 a tz .alttleelot itfiOnta ." • nti*eftwet. _ Itler§"es380A00987`,$T..PAUL S'a, - .Nie0, altercate r ER * CO.,Ag.ataf�rG�derich aliterionsint SO geMr.fkkeeninforg `ratetor or se mtisTotiVF., Vrie-40141,..Kietiardiect ...a • MRKI±2 E • NOTICE. Farm -r; of fluror THE VPITORIA MUTUAL FIRE IN,URANCE COMPANY, 0 INT -A_,= HEAD OFFICE, HAMILTON, LT AVE BSI's. 13) ISFIED AN AGENtAY IN Gotleneh tor this Coupty. Robert Gib. bons,-Esp.. Warden of the County, has kind'y consented to act as Director for Huron Wm. Hardy. now of Goderieh, is the Company's Tra- vslling Agent. The Viciyria istruly mutual, and has iready estsblished far itself a very high re- putation for promptness in the payment °flows. n d economy- oz offibe management The cost of insuring 10 this Commmy for 3 years is less than any other reliable Company dnjnrusiness in Canada. Any fir,..irs *Wittig:to insure Oense write to Wm. Hardy,Godeitieb, giving Township, plumper of concession, and let, and the Agent will vire prompt attention to his re- qftest. DID ROTORS : MOWS. GgO. H. Mills, Hamilton; Alex. Browns, East Fla in.boro' ;Joseph Etyma!, Basins Tho. Lottridge, /Sarum Ler Lewis, Baltdeet Jams Cummings, Hamilton ; Samuel B, G'alifora ; A; T; Wood. Hamilton James Calder. Aneaster ; %ht. Gibbons. -katere ich ; Jacob El. Fisher. Nelson; Geo. Morison Handiton ;Henry Hatt. Biubrook ; Peter Car- rol; E FlaMboro' ; 1hos. McIlwraitti, Iiamil ton. Szeiterazy.-Wm. D. Booker, Oee-Huron Auction Mart, Kingston Street. Goderieb, 16th July, 1867. WM., HARDIF Agent. 25 ',yrs% SIIRBIFF'S-SALE 'OP LANDS. ••=.111•111•11. County ot Huron D Y virtue of R Writ of To Wit : 4 .1-.1 Fien Facies issued out of; 1-1 er . Majesty's County Omni °film United Counties ot Huron and Bruce, and tome direeted against the lands' and, tenements ot Wilham Mitts. at the suit ot WilliairrN. ankni, 1 hove seized and taken • in exteution the Pllowing propertvoriz- all the right. title and interest of tne sael defendant in and to lot number tome in the Aux Salable Concession, in Inc Township of IStepheit. in the Comity ofpuron, which lands tied tenements 1 sh ill -oder for sale at me Mfice, 113 the Court House, in the Town of trodench, on Tuesday, tl e twenty-iiist day of April next, at tee hour of twelve ol me cloak ,npon. JOHN M UJDONALD, Sherift °EH uren. Sherifl/A Office, Goderieh 13th January, 1e68. w51 SHERIFF'S 'SALE Ox' LANDS County ol Huron; D 'mine cf a writ of - To Wit: FieriFacias issued out er : Front Street in the Vialage bf Eamundville, in suit olConstant Vent ErigmonlVid, 112sreiChseeriezedel andttiken In Execution all the right, title and, itt aid to the Village . Lot, Number 2, West interest of the said defendant. Charles PtistOd Nun eftlatons 'and id 'Me directed asfaink the Lards and Tenements of Charles Bust ell, at the County •iffiaro a with the butidings latas occupied by, -Charles Busfeed. Which - hinds alai -tenement's 1 shall -offer for sale, at Pry office in the Cauft I:loose, in the Towirol Godeneti, on Tuesday, the fouteenth dav -ot April next trthe hoar of twelve, of the cfock, . JOHNMACDONALD, • Sheriffol'Huron. Sheriff's 0.;fice,.Goderieh, 2nd Jan. 1868. W50td - I , inOneV to Lend, very reasonable tenni. Apply to ii. L. DOYLE, Savaire'a new Block. dela 9th Jan. efil6K , ' I AtE 00 14' N 1ittftft_10 ,f4' ;TEA , ,O''' Ti1111001-1.EROVS- OtlSlititts€1,;,1,4R • iiii,4, .ilifitiriiinatranage bei4ived 46witim (Of the Pik* eittears, bik foL, inform, 660 aaa, the itiliettliat theirsttislijkAt!".1%go.legfetifi atiaerithineatehitited forsfElniklingilirniniShinga-.4ei;:. .. ' - • ,...,:--S`_' :"s ,..:,,' ,..„' - 4 Large Stock of, - • „ - - . s s )4.11,-,9n1V4 po Wass° . - ND PA e' Auuis, faslia4 Iron, Steel, ,Anfifs; Vraele PoWder, ot, Gati:e ktitleKlaOlitig Glass Pliatee 'Maley Saw - at Everyiiithgiithat SI13111dt aviware Store menttifs,*.grralto-skOtlit And;.41.00-; eaVer s I-7:Pitttivt 'AT NDED goptc.foi_Fi. 4.tmiter.4.- O. 't! Citletwated Varnishes. Aleo for C lumertuil Union atwaricseCompopy,-;eflenitloos.Etiglande . ' 1oderich,4oteifiliiii,.0118is- 9.6 rnate 0 IT DAVIS For sale. 41,1•••••=.0 LOT 22, 10th Concession Kincardine Tctint -ship, containing 100 acres more or less. ,Apply to WILLIAM KERR. Merchant. Godench 12.th July, 1867. sv25tf ClIESSE CHEESE Shephard Strachan, ' GROCERS. GODERICH. tjAVEbeen re..anpointed sole agents at 11 Goderich for the.sale of the celebrated . Exeter Factory Cheese. Local dealers supplied at the Factory Prices' SHEP HARD* STRACHA Golerieb, May 27, 1867, wl8tf Farm for Sale CHEAP FOR CASH. THE South balf of lot 9, in tbe 81h eon E. D., of Ashfield, containing 100 acres more or `less with about 80 acres of clearing and farm boitdine, This lot is subject to a mertgage lot $900, at 10 per cent, intereet payable half -yearly, and has several years to run. Terms $600 -cash, subject to mortgage en the lot. 1 a D. SHADE GOODING. Barri Goderieh, 30th July, 1867. wst2e8r. tf arm for Sale. TBE wes a of lot 25 Bayfield Road, Towns 1 ship of Stanley. 77 acres, about 50 elear- cd. The lend is of first-rate quality, ands good spnng creek running through the lot. Terms, part of the money down. Time given for the remainder 'at 8 per cent per annum Further panticulara may be had on applies); or to 1 JOHN JOHNSTON. Lot 9, Bayfield Road Stanley. -Goderich. Sept 9th. 1867. w33. FOR SALE! OR TO RENT. THE WELL KNOWN' Mattlandville Hotel siTItrjaterIERcu'il ttobeLfknneci:w?foitenlitrtigul Codericb, and within one hundred and sixty yards of the ';oderich SALT WORKS now in operation, • This property is beautifully situated for at Salt Well, containing one acre and one eightyi. of land, with a large two-story Bruck -Tictet, fitly six by torty-mx, and 8 barge Hall attached 'thereto -with good 'Stabling and other Out -buildings,' There is a never failing spring at the rear or the property sufficient to supply all Le water required for boring aSalt .also for Sale _Lot No. 719, In the Town of GoderiCh, situated on the West side 01 Victoria stieet, a corner lot adjuming the Plainiag Factory, with a Brack ROPC and a -male Stable thereon. And also Lot Jo. 1017. In the Town Or Goderich, situated on the North side -of East street, near the Itailroad Station, with a good Frame [Souse and largeStable there- on. A clear title ilea be given for -the whole. The above property will besok on reasonabbs terms to suit purehaSers. For particulars apply to B L. DOYI,E, Barrister, ate., Godericb, or G.M. TBUEMAN, Godancb,co.rstbe subsc,,NLN. iber. 3118Aiandrvilir18 e; 1.31,8ti Ph°r1Crd Write' Feboalyw4 u ROI [ANS F011 SALE I Lot 22 lst con. Township of Goderich 116 acres . ‘ 22 and " " 80 " e 4 Lake road west Colborne 100 " " 4 Lake snore it .103 it East 4 ot lot 8 llth con. Aslifield 100 44 LO1 27 50 eon. Stanley 27 " For pikes and terms. apply to. GEORGE H. PARSONS. Goderich p. o. November 19 1867. w43t& -TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE VERN. CFIEA P. r .0T.No 200, on Quebed St., Goderich. 14 " 44 1054, Hareems. Flats. 4' " 1 and 2,os the bank of Lake /fur= overlooking the harbour, an eligible situ awn for a summer Hotel. For terms, &c.,. Apply 10 1 I FRANCIS HALDAN. Solienordtc. Kay's Block, Gedench Goderich, June 1. 1867. wI9 FARM FOR SALE, , OR TO TlizaDE FOR a TOWN PROPERTY, tErNG West a of lot 2, con. 2, ,AshGeld. 100 acres, 45 -cleared. Frame barn, good house, fine ycruag Orchard-inell water- ed. This ia, a Very desirable term. For sarticulars apply to - ROBERT CAftMAN. Goderich Aug. 28, 1867. waif. TO SEIIL Olt -RENT ! ' rBrWEST H VLF LOT NITMBER, EIGHT, - I fourteenth --,oneession of Holley, OD tbe boundary line between Blyth waif Walton, Post Office each Good twilwodd land, Wel watered; thirty acres clearancw -) Seventy seven acres and a halt in alt. Well fenced. Fin mrther particulars apply to .bose on the premises. RANKIN LASSFSON. may 27111. 1867. wI8 GODERICIX MOLE WORKS w b. TREL•EAVEN. fAnnumentsi Tablets, Table -Tops, dm. olno Free Stone kept on Jraud for Build lug purposes such as Caps, Sills, Ba- see,/to.,..Cheap for -Cash. GODERICII C. w. THE OLDEST ESTAIMISIIMEk . X , INT 11' W.M.s.1"- 111LAIN U1iACTU1tEit D • DEA LER LB 04'1 Storea;Ploitglik and. Castings oteveryne serrptiOn. Ttn,Copper end Sffeetiron Weir_ ,e ar theMare$toye1epoj, Merkel Squares tamle ir. . . - '.?0.0. 0 -I- ' ''''' . t•-. ,• • . ,•• , 1 - _ -: -13r.0 0. iti_pjis ff,0 o ti ". W,140V4Pitt.A.:14-4f.,AIST-D-itc:-'1.1.04r .frAtilLic.0-7„ P:krqur..17.tx.t#481 ies1T1t.PC". 1P-kg.le_ralli1.WONEY TO 4.44'.§:kee: 27tnaktins, --; -- 0e-..fiinated- Dollan .414 .10Ardis. . - Aptly I,- ' rat-153;?;13.8-P413114:8,oilf- ' N,.. ....._ _ ...,.. . . milMs &MOORE, . ... . ;tulle:. go --C114111111S NEW 'BLOCH. ' GOderienisSept, snlii18e4. • Ant DIA ItT 1 N A-31 VDT N REGS TDJNFORM IDS DLO CUSTOM • ers.that he is ztillablefto-sell forpush, at the lowpst rates, LL-1INllS OF FURNITURE At la shop on Xingston 'apnea opposite' rthe guron gotely Gederiels .%ire !olio a GtodericV Get. V. I868. COLONIAL 11013SE 1 GIRO FED 41.0 Josephine',11 1 13 ,Alexander's, Jouvints, Lace linchs-AseAlexalidne,s in white, blarafidl polors. The largest Stock in the •Conntiese CHAS. E. ARCHIBALD. ' 'Ooderieh, Anzset221x1.1/366. swig.