HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-03-12, Page 1• W.T X1djtorlndProprietor.:1; $1.54111141R 41STN. IN 4. r) V ANIMEC, ? 82.00 ECNI3 OF WM Busimess` Clirectorp. • Business Elirectorn. Or. A. Ntorlonza.li WILL BE kT HONIE FOR- CONSULTA.TION V Y up to 11 o'clock. a. in. every day. Will vii atients at any hour afterwards, night or day w4 HURON AUCTION MA.RT. 9 0. pays-wee:a SURGEON, &c.;&c., GonnatCR, C. W 13:40-ly A. M HARDY & CO ' AUCTIV;EERS, C031ISsIONERS, nizt. McLR 24,./ST. 13IDHYSICLAN, SURGEON. CORONER. &c. 'ace • and Residence third door east of Central School. 49 NC Men i-rfkINTr.4. NE.1). T ICENT14TE COLLEGE PHYSICIANS AND SCR. GEONS. C. E. Residenc,—the house formerly eccapied Etnest.Caledonia Terrace. Godericlal. 19. 11FLobert .1. Sloan. WI. D. 111113VSICIAN. SURGEON. &e.. &a. Three years a I sariienn in the 17. S. Army. during the Tete war One afthe retsident surgeons un IL 8. Flosnitut Steamer • D. A. lanusrv.,, Assistant operStor for the 15th Army Corns at Arietraluirg. &c.. &c. offiee and residenre—'4r. T. aricksrinsit, Lower Wingharn. N. R.—Consultations on surgical eases at tended na1I parts ofthe country, Wingham, Out.. Oct. 7th ,1867. w37 • WHARD MOOR. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON AND 1 -11, ACconehenr„ naachester, C. W.. February 7th, Ift67. wave Inn. • esatatn bury. RADTTATE orthe Medieal Denartment of Victoria • T Uniyenute.T.ronto, and lute ofthe Heenital and Densarv. Sw York. Rsstrlence' D (Bailiff) 13astfield. w49 4ra*0 VB. T Tit ARRESTER AND ATTOMTEY:ATeLAW, ANo • solidloe_to.Phancerc. County Crown Attorney, God:rich, Canada West. Office in Court House: v14n40 47. q Yam r on 114ARRIS1 tat, ATTORNEY. CoNYEVANCER. 1-71 Kingston street, Goderich, C. W. w49. .1 ohn vision ‘REISTF.Tt. ATTORNE.Y. SOLIMTOR re CFI AN - 11 cutev-.. &c. Offl^e. Market Square, Corner of Kingston Street. Goderich. Cincluas• .14z vv,0,-(.„• inARRISTRRS, SOLICITORS. CONVEYANCERS, s, ke. Office, over J. C. Detlor & Co!it old store Goderich. w19 Toms 4; Woore.-- A TTORNTES, SOLICIToRS: &c.,. Goderich. C. W. • Office. Crabhss New Mick. 19AAC r. TOMB. LEWIS C. WORE. Goderich. August 27th, 1364. %wit:Meal . — - - 11I• Shist,sis. Vit ARRbtR ATTORVEY. SOLT"ITOR &c t a-vierinh. C. . IV Offi‘m. . upstairs WaLcon's Rinck, West street entrance first door west of Glaszow House. w49 .1ohn 13. A Trowscts--AT-LI.W.-10LICITOR INCH INCERY • Nosues, Pnblid. Coneevaneer. &O.. &C. Goderich Ont.. Olfict...n the smith side of West _Sneer. third door front Court -House Sqnare. w49 T. V. RARRISTER; .ATIORNEY-AT-L AW. CONVF,VAN- oar. &-e- nffice, Blake,. Block, opposite the past office. God.rich. Janmury 3. 1866. sw37 TIovle Sqnter, BARRISTERS AND AMR-SIPA, SOLICITORS- in-rhaneery, &e. Goderich. Ont B. L. DOTLE,. sw5 W. R: SQVIER Th APPR tISERS AND GENERAL AGENTS, West Street, Goderich. All country and other sales entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. Moneys advanced on trawls and furniture. Goderich, Jan. 13 1268. w51 Malcolm Nicholson. SURGICAL OPERATivE aNDMECHANE0- AL 1) M 1.Q. yr' I lie • ELECTR0PATKIST, &e. ARIATEETH inserted in either Pia tina,„ Gold. Silver. or Vulcan ized Rubber on reasonable terms -olace over the Post Mee. West Street C °detach. w Coin merclalff otel.intehel 1 C.W 1011N- HICKS, Proprietor. This is th targestand bestCountry Hotel la Wester L'anacfa.and eharges as moderate as any Hun* in Mitchell. Stage Proprietor. Good esabling for iee Horses. Horses and Carriages for Hite, on fnortest Notice 14.7 AIRS. DAYS' HOTEL, ViTROXETER. einN the direct road kora Seaforth :to w Walkerton. Every necessary accom- modation tor the travelline purc. HANN DAYS. Wroxeter, Nov. 5, 1867, w42 LUCKNOW HOTEL AND STAGE OFFICE, 13... S. CUNMINGELAM, Prcprietor. sasITUATED on the corner on the Northern Gravel Road, Lueknow, Stages leave every morning tor Goderieh and Wel-tenon. The hot: lis rated up with every accommodation for commercial travellers. A. large Hall attached. aune24, 1867. w22 FARM :FOR SALE LIN AS ,FIELD. TuiE subseriber offers for sale a fin eC tarm in the Township -if Ashfield- being lot a E. D. eontatnurz100.1cres, of first class clay land, hardwood thnber. About 20 acres cleared. For particularas to price. &t, a opl v to WM. SE YMOr•R & Co. or T. B.VAN EVERY. Goderich" Dec. 12. 1867. Tv47,f TNT'ill Loon TI•s.a.sasyr. 'g • A TTORNEY AT LA tYSOLIcITORIN CH A-NrErrn ,,,ewil g 11 ml,.. Conveyancer, &e, Walkerton, County of. Bruce. w5 INrilliArrt 113:a.irt. B. A. era V,...-PERY AND L W OFTPTE. CRASH'S NEW tj huildinas. Ktneton SIr.91 Goderich. N. B-flonvPvaaPitrz 'Wooer lent, on reasonable t -rms. Di4pated and el,:fet-tive titles to real estate Quieted. Goderich. Dec, 24,1855. sw34 .r. c1 0. "Rolf:inn A TTORNEY- AT -LAW. SOLICTTOR-TN CHAN- • „,„ 0.o.verunee r. km. kr_ Goderich. Ont., and nivfi-Tri. 'Int, Offices. Pa -sons' Block, Goderich, and Mr. PaiD.raral,A Stare. Bavie)d. ir-r” Mr Hatdan will he at his branch office, Bavfield, every Monday from 10 a. m. till 59. nr. ' sw&w35 R. sTruvrt-Nrc-z- A TTORNEY-AT LW, SOLICITOR-IN-CHAN- cerT, &c._. &c., ke. Office—Kingston Street, Goderieh, 5 doors west of M C. CamsronTs Law Office. MONEY TO LEND w20 . iiaIeotnson. anas ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, &c., &c. 1.11 Glutton, Ont. w35 MONEY TO LEND. Tt. Vie Tlo vegan L'"N'SED ATCTIONEER, HAYFIELD, Connty of Huron. Sales ux village or country punctually at- tended to. .w9-1yr$ "rhonias ""Ireettitiersclq. ENGINEER ANL) PROVINCIAL- LAND GITVSTrveyer, Toronto Street, Godeneh. v15n3 13. 13 anattrt. "MIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, LAND Ageutaan Conveyancer, Kincardine. 1 - Consulate of the rutted •St.mtes of A _ merytta... ISRITISst nxellaNGE HOTEL. OFFICE HOURS win i. ca., to 3 o'clock. p. m. w40 rtecIM FMRG-TisoLST, SECRETARY HURON TEACHERSASSOCIATION; • Bitacerteeu, Posr OFFICE. w40 D. La. CA,7111PRT2, MDROV/NGIAL LAND StinVEYOR, DELitIGHTS- i max, &e Office in 3Ir. Carnill's Drug: store, at Wroxeter. N. B. -All (Inters for sarveyint left with C. Tait &son, Esq.. or wingham, wili reedy° immediate at- tention. wag JAMF &41i1 A. ,I. Li, ARCHITECT, OF,ANS &No ser,GuriCATION.s as Baas L ings,&e., got up ie a neat and correctstyla a I- Mee at the (-futon A.uetion Mart. Mar et Sauare.caoderich. tsar vl n7"ly IV , W. M. SAVACE, 13UYS avid sells New York Drafts -Green- backs --National currency -State notes, and uncurrenit money at current rate of exchenge. • , 19th 9ee..1.865. w47-Iy-kne WONILh _ rium sUbseriben hatIng.R GYED to the store lately occupted hr WU-DUNCAN; first door south oftn sham's, Market' Scpiltre, . wishes to inform his friends in die Tow0 of Goderich and -sarronnding eonntri, that he DOW has the 1argest-4A most complete .stoeft anti -end Winter Boots and Shoes eau/ Itnuse-jit thecountry,containink osier), style Of Ladies' and -Children -re goods, lad that.h• 1,84 • -very large assortment of --.GEN'11,EMEN'S WINTER 800 TS some ind fine,, both impottech.andt_ot his -ftwaltaaaufsteturef which he will -salt . Cheap for Cash !- Cali Arid exaisine; its he is !whaled. shit he istlastibe goo& you sArvitL Fuftsg, Goderieht.S9L.241 chines. A. SMIT'IE, TAILOR and CLO1 "I/ER, „Would announce that he has A , cured the yir agency f severa first class Sewing - Mattes, which he is prepared to sell at th lowest possible rates, at, DETLORT OLD STAND - Hamilton Street. Goderich Nov.22 1867. wait STARTED AFRESH! ofkIN,4 111/' /011 1Xs$' Ge-C)1203Et.I03EC Steam Axe Factory. JOHN MePHERSON, BEGS to announce to the public that he is now prepared, with new and improved steam machinery, to turn out his superior axes in larger quantities than hitherto, and hopes to give the same satisfaction that has attended his efforts up to the present. These axes have gained a widespread popularity tbroushent Huron and Bruce. Remember the shop: Corner of NV aterloo and Lighthouse streets. Goderich. Dec. 2, 1867. w45tf • 1868 • Division Courts • Times for holding -DIVISION COURTS FORME - COUNTY OF HURON lst Division, Goderich, Thursday, 30th Jan, 6th Dunganaan, Friday, 31st " 7th n Bayfield, Sotnrdey, lst Feb. 10th " Clinton, Moi day, 3rd • I 2nd Seaforth. Tuesday, 4us. 1 1th s" Anneyville, Wednesdata5th " ' • .1-)irripN., • __ ( • 1 1 ‘11 1 .1i1 1 _ The Greatest Possible, load to the Greatest Pessible e mi•J • .1.1.1 II „ q0DERICH, ONTARIO, D. 0., THURSDAY, MARCH 12, 1868. 1 YOL. XXL—NO Business iDirecto;ii. _ INT .11 FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company. CAPITAL, $10,000,003. HEAD OFFICE—SACKVILLE STREET, EJBLIN Terns Oants WOODHOUSE, Esq, 82 Pembroke Road. Dublin ; Omeath Park, Co. Louth ; Portad.,,vn, Co. Armagh ; Kerrykeel, Co. Donegal; J. P. for I;ounties Louth, Donegal, Armagh, and Own. —Chotran. Jour/ WILLIAM GREGG, Esq. Alderman, Mer-!rint, 18 Upper Sackville Street, and Great Brimstki;J.- Street, Dublin, Director of theDublitt Tenements' Company. nee -Chairman. ROBERTCRA YEN WADE, Esq., Clonebraney, Cr,msskeele, Conpty Meath, and Sackville Street Club', Dublin, J. P. for Counties Meath and Wicklow.—Director Scottish Amicable Life Office. MONEY TO LEND SEAPOHTH. ON IMPROVED FARMS, [Prom our special Correspondent- ."' ' PEh CENT I AT ,8 now. Snow is very deep, and I suppose News items are rather scarce here just dueling that thesaintess relaxed ber hold, back to the Ole with such 'a iproposal; make it one year in four.' St. Patrick delayed answering as long, as he could, but Someto Invest in Town Property JB. GORDON, Barrister. ke.,Goderich, wIt . Goderich.1ept.13.1864 Casimrs Grum) M.Lepre, Esq., Merehant, Stephen . . Street and South Great George's Street. ; Char thtown Lodge, Dundruon, County DulAtn:— Director Commercial Gas Company. BERNARD COYNE, B41:1, 27 Waterloo Road, DubUn, J. P. for County Mayo. DAYID.RicuAansou Griot:ad:cm Esq., Merchant Eden - Quay, and Morehampton, Donnybrook, Co. Dablin. OBERT CoNweY HURLEY, Esq., Pridge Flom • .ralee; and Glendon', Co. Kerry; J. P. for County K rry. Batoxims.—The National Bank. Solicitors. --qa ars. Molloy & Watson. Manager —J. Innes, Esq. CANADA BRA ':of r. Corner St. Frartcois Xavier and St. Sacrament Streets, MONTREiL. a no appe ne, e., e., an was ret nee in • - A GREAT CURE OF LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSPEPSIA IN CANADA.' onsecon, Prince Edward Co., C. W., March, 1867. IHESI•118. YOUNG & CH ANIBEEILAINI,—Sire, having pre. ted within my own person that there is at last a medt- Ane that will indeed eine liverComplaint anDd spepsm I am iiiduced to make this statement under oat , which is to certify that 1 have been sorely afflicted for the last- . three years.aceording to the Doctors, statements .vith Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia nod a feeling of sinking and vague uneasiness about the stomach, worse ban pain. eructations of wind, occasional pain. drown- ness,,consipation, uneasiness in the right side, headache, or t & &greatlyI d strength. Hearing your new Indian medicine the Great BANKERS—The Ontario Bank. S oshonees Remedy sraken ,.fm highliy I tried a bottle G. RUMBALL & CO. &mats Goderlch. T. W. GRIFFITH, ith your Pills, from t ese,1 must say 'found but little . Manager, Change, hut I took another and then found my health improving, 1 col Untied it awn I aye taken about km wltf us ' bottles, ing the !ills, and I find that I hare. quite re- covered. feat helirty wi bout pant or uneasiness. I am well and have pleasure in attending -to my business. The doctor remarked to me I was looktog much better. Its Id -him the Great Shoshonees Remedy was doing it. I have recommended the Retnedy in several easea and it has invariably given good satisfaction, and 1 would strongly recommend 11 10 all affiarted es I was. . AMBROSE Vs000. , Sworn beforre•ine atCoaseeen, C.W this2ncl day ofIfarah, 1867. • .1 Al. CADMAN, J. P.' ' k Commissioner in Q 13., in Laid for the w33 1 yr . County of P,Inee Edwaru, C. W. . 6 PER CENT Government Stock. TRANSFERABLE AND NOT REDEEMABLE 1THIN TEN YEARS. T -T F', N GRIST, DEPARTIICN r L AGENT, OTTAWA, - TENDERS his services to persons desirous of in- vesting in this safe and saleable security. Parties remitting bum before jannary 3Ist next one-tenth of the -Aims they wish to invest, will receive by return of mail the receipt of the Government of the Dominion. The remainder must be paid before March 2n41, 1888. Full particulars on application. - Mr. Grist's charge is $3.00 for sums under $1200 and one quarter per cent on larger amounts. - REFERENCES: Hon. A. Campbell, P. M. G.. Kingston ; .W. C. Sm•Ilie, Esq., President Ainerican Bank Note ompany Ottawa: John Langton, Esq., Auditor for the Dominion, Ottawa; tVin. Wade, Esq., Manager Ontario Bank. Ottawa. Ottawa. January llth, 1863, sw41 6w 1868, THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON AND GYJOIllE INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 -las been in existence Thirty-two _ years, and (I Twin g that period bas paid Lasisa exceeding Pive and a half million pounds sterling, Thedisbursement ol this enormous sum over a wide area, has t.vittiout- doubt contributed to the estah!ishment of this Institution, in the confidence ol !'ublic Corporations, Merchants. Householder*, and business men generally, wherever it is renreseTaed. In Its 1st year, 1836, the Fire Premiums alone amounted to . £9.970 In its 10th year, 146; " " £17,763 " 20th year, 1856, " " £422,279 " 30th year, 1866, £89.332 One year later, 1867, " -• LS:8,055 The Fire ReServt. Fund is now %4:127,464 The Life Reserve Fund iq now $9.282,468 The company is represented throughout On- tario and Quebec, by influential Agt.nts to whom applieation for insurance may be made. • G. I.. C. SMI1 H, Resident Secretary, MONTR EA T. A. M. ROSS, Agent for Coderieh ; 13. V Elliott, for Exeter W. N. Watson, lor Seaton h Goderich. F b.11,18b8. w4' Ft PIM C=v :31.ID New Marble Works ELGIN ST., GOCERICH NI. 1 ohnston 111- ON UMENTS, EADSTC NES, Table -11 tops, Posts, &c ,-Tombs, of every deserip tion and style of workmanship, furnished on short notice -and at the lowest prices. Libe- ral reduction made for cash. All 'orders punctually attended to. Designs of Monu- ments, &c., may be seen al t he shop. d °clench, Dee. 19, 186b, w47 ly DUNLOP, • NEXT DOOR TO BANK OF MONTREAL, WEST ' ST. HAS ON HAND A LARGE SUPPL OF FALL ANDWINTER OODSI 1whieti he is prepared to make up in the short- est totiee, and Cheap for Cash. - GOOD FIT WARRANTED. -• .AGENT FOR THE 5th - Exeter, Friday, - 7th. 611ainrsa1--'S ming M aching,. lit Division, Goderieb, Tharsdaye_30th Apri eh bast low-prieed machine in the market 6th " Dungannon, Friday, lst May . ese Slayneld, Saturday, 2nd iessedm•eri '116 eieCi Efg./ ' 1$81657:"t wag 10th " Clinton Monday, 4th if . • - 2nd " Seated; • Tuesday, fitb 16 - igrozeter, 'inednesdey,6th " fith ". Exeter, Friday, , 8th " The several-Couris will open at 10 o'clock Goderich, 23rd December, 186.7. ; " S. BROUGH, certifylbe above to. be a. true coil' as mitered in the Division,- Curt Betordfloolci, pursoentto the Statatek - _ , DAL. LTZ-Uist Clerk of the Peace, Huron; Office ofthe Clerk of the ?sue, 1- aoderich, 24th Merl WI. w49 DLL CP INT *I 75r tei.iAtpplioant -A-;,14: r. t15ars,AFofts.:.., 37.6..zaktr "'mu OMNI.. Otancery and Law Offietty, Crabb's hlock floclerr.b..- MareSt h 1861 that is no news, fcir I see that the inhabi tants of (n ,-1.4,-,w.,1 vnity are .plenti I- aceushla I squeeze me that way ague an he exclaimed, smacking his Bridget - I'll give youeleap-year-the longest year of the lot. St. • Bridget took him at his • word, and having once got the -concession proeeeded to be Jeep -year -by asking the saint Vile would allow her the pleasure of leading him to the hynaeneal -alter on that day month. Of course it would 'never have doge for St. Patrick to marry, - so he -was `Obliged to patch up the matter with another kiss and a present of' a silk gown -whence the modern custom origi- nated. If thie year the addttional tear& 'a chignon is imposed on the unwilling,we mast remerober that, , short skirts being in, vegue, the dress is less expensive and that the appliances of modern civilization have rendered silk dresses much less cost- ly' than in good Si. Patrick's day. nee A fearful tragedy occurred on Sun- day last, in the State Lunatic Asylum at Agusta, Maine. Two of the inmates, Ontiliarme Harley and Mary Peaslee, were left alone in an :apartment for a short time, and on one of the attenflants return- ipg, ,she found the body of the last named - Woman lying dead upon the floor, Rise Hurley kneeling beside it and beating the bead of the deceased against the floor with terrible violence. It appeared that the tWo wometi had quarreled and fouehi, When the deceased being unable to defend h'erself against the attacks of her adver- sary,who is a young and vigorous woman - had been thrown on the floor, her heade. beaten out of all shape and her body la earated in a terrible Manlier by the en- raged make, I fully supplied with that inaterial, and other parts of the Dominion will likely have the samestory to tell. But if any place is worse than this it is very bad indeed. The streets and houses are block- ed up, the concession and side -lines are blocked up. We have to dig to get out of our houses, and dig to get into our stables. There is little or no teaming, business is at a stand -still, so much so that some of our merchants have taken to "marrying and giving in marriage," for a ehange ; not a bad idea this cold weather. , - . Wheat buyers have not -been so busy lately, notwithstanding the high prices; farmers seem to be inclined to hold on to their produce, in expectation of higher prices !still. - . The builders of Seaforth will have plenty of work in spring. Go where you will raorth of the village, you will meet teeing hanling hewn logs. , Besides the many business and private houses intended, there is a large flouring mill, with seven run of stones, to be built; the construction of which is entriisted to. the well known and enterprising J. Knox. ' The country is progressing rapidly, and Seaforth grows apace, and a pity it ifi that progress brings a hostof evils in her train; yet so it is. Twenty years ago,in the days of ox -teams, mud roads, hard work and little for it, doctors and magistrates were at a discount. There was nobody sick, and people were too busy to get into mischief. The bailiff had nothing to do, and the Chnsteble nobody to take into custody. Not long ago I heard a worthy and well-known farmer say that "he was the fuet constableinMcKillop, and during the whole tee years of his office he took 1 . but one prisoner, and that was his wife." He proved a better officer than some of our modem ones, for he did not let his prison- er escape, whi h is too of THE following renuots on Testimompls armost the GR HAT 1N DI AN RE 4E DY They are stern. un b deniable and iticontesuble facts. mifficient to convince 1 aimed after for ages is now accessible In the Great t the most skeptical that the Great Medicinal Compoun. ten the case now. _These were the- olden times; but now in the days of railroads, gravel roads, large towns, rich men and good wages, the ease is different. Doctors have plenty to do, the magistrate is busy, the bailiff is an im- portant mans and constebles keep running hither and ithither all the time, always omething Wrong somewhere with some- body. About ten days age a farmer in the neighberhoorl of Stoney Creek, as he Was eturning from Seaforth, was attacked by wonderful anri extraordinary cures in ;Canada by a fellow to whom he gave a ride, and nab - ed of over $109.00. Before robbing him e scoundrel stunned him with a blow on he head, of which wound he has since clieaes. dt, and the murderer has escaped to the t At Brucefield too there was lately a ase of reckless driving. Two men were acing and trying to pass one another on he road, in striving to do so, one of the teams ran over a woman, and when the eamsters saw what they had done drove 11, and left her very seriously injured. The last word that came was that the con- stables brought the teamsters back, but what was done to them I have not yet learned. SHOSHONEES REMEDY IQ For Diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Digestive Organs)._ Kidneys, &e., as %tans Scrofula, tne various Skin Diseases, Humors, mid all disettees arising from C Imparifes ofthe flood, we boldly state that this great r reinedy has NEVER BEEN EQUALLED. Where was there ever sum, a cure as that in the person of" I, Wilson Storms ef Brighton, O. W., of Coasumption ; of thuuofPet0S- • V.MiJler, Eitrnestown, C. ofCoi,.j. sumption;or that of Ambrose Wood,of Consecon, C.W., of Dyspepsia and Liver Com lanit, or that of John 0 Hosey. 01 Napange, L. W. 01 Rheutnatism, who had actually been on crutches for s ears, in spite of all treat- ment heretofore. and is now well. Scores of such cases might be mentioned had we space. 5:3...Call at the Drug Store and get a Circular ot Ullirsliovabla certificates On The °REA r S HOS- I1ONEES REMEDY and PILLS, and satisfy your- selves Price of the Remedy. in large pints 811 For Sale byall Druggists and Dealer, in Medi eine. Agents for Goderich,-F. Jordan and Parker.& Cattle WHOLESALE AGENTS t. LYM A N, F.ELRYPT & Cn., tTORONTO. DUNS FA 1R3 11 & WATSi MN, J. DINER & Co., HOLBROOK & STARK, HAMILTON. , T. DECKLE, & SON, A. HAMILTON & Co. SONG FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY. TTANSCR1BED FROM MY SCRAP BOOK FOR THE Huron Signoi. An. -Donnybrook Fair. Erin's sweet Shainroffithills, and her valleYs to day Shall re-echo the sonnet and list to the lay, That will meltingly chant in the Island of Green; And we who are -exiled on Canada's shore, Where the beauties of Erin can charm us no more, Shall with gratitude, think on the laud of our ii;es, And our hearts catch tire glow of the Patriot tires That has blazed o'er the earilifrom the Island of Green. - Dear land we remember thy;sweet verdant hills, Thy crystaline,fountaias. ma pure purling rills, , On whose marginal banks, grows the Shamrock so Green ; And -to show that we value the land of our birth, The fairest, the -dearest, the bravest -on earth, With a Wreath of the Shamrock our cup well entrinist For the custom is good and practice di -rine, And shall long be observed in tlAe Island of Green. Oh spirit of Patricklook down from on high, ' For a moment forget thy abode in the sky, , • Deign to cast but one glance on the Sons of thy Isle; That Island that owes all her splendor to thee, Whose soil thou from bondage and. reptiles +Wine, Whose bards speak thy merit in raptures divine, Arid whase sons shall forever diffuse round thy shrine The tesr of affection; and Shamrock so Green, • - May we all be united* freedom and love, Twin sisters that both did descend from above, And our hearts beat * unison on this blest day; May Erin's lone exile where e'er be his lot, Let the home of his infancy ne'er be. forget And when death draws the curtain his prospects Will - And he'l breath his last sigh for the Emerald Igo, That bright gem of the Ocean, the Island of Gen. impromptu lines by J. W., Dugannon. Should the Fenians attempt to set foot en our land Wel,march to the front; breach -leader in hand To cpiell this vile rabble, the foes of oux Queen. With Ross as our leader. we'll Meet the eurs'd hordes And givethetrt a taste of our bayonets and sWords We'll drive the invaders on Lake Huron strand,. - They'll neer gain a foothold in this loyal land „ To!purder and rob, aa in the Island of Grean. • "Then THY brave boys be t ead• y" attend' to your drill, Those villains are boasting, ouiblood they will spill And make tairOntario. an Island of Green; Be 'ready to tneeithem by night or -by day, No:surrender-the 'watchword, and true B_ritisIt -1' A 1 L p.R G Our cOuntry, ou,laws, wifes, children and f • • , OETURNS FIIS MOSTS1NCERE THA.NKS. It fogthe v,ery thateringeacouragement he has leiieivediincelie coin Me aced lineinea a. In eiodee cich,notbcingabletoexeeute: over tianslial 6 Itf?!4eAsbrbugh.t 10 hints itrds.easen ;shaving _ aoyasecurcdtaeditietfor • e < .tiarryrotart,ollsinasstxlensIvery _ i and employlng nonebtfl tirtn-eiaee tradesmen gted lie DI AS believes hisezperience nee as secoedio none in the -krovnce,b aragea riled on bee ineilie xtensively alulliuecessfull in Hamilton', prjacipallynrstseitiaseestoineraaan having teen, Ciateriaoue of t he Fri qeipa 1 Eitahliehmon eta Seothindaho feenesslystates e -d(scereinannblio that. , oLcITAING' 041( BE 14fAtiF a his istahlithatett ego* it titheag• ntt,iiiilts inniatinTeroetooralloutteal, - Goderigh, ,Oetotiee 3rd, 1/364:,5 - - - . - to Loan at retigOilifjfet.Sies . . Apply to ".15.- ca1tr,Ratir„,Godstoh TT!, lids; With trite Spartan valour we'll always defend .Our emblem -"The Maple Leaf," God Silt sQueen. ' • - . DH „ on, H. -h.Marca,1868,, a • eL t, :. - - • • Ifia; The -inebriate Asy um at Bina bampion is- doing good -service, Dui Ing ten mouths past not less thete.fifey pa- tients, --far. gone in the eontitational delu- sion of itrunkenness;:ha,ve, been l'estored , - their friends, "clothed nadeie opir. fright Minds Such an institution is , :wanted:in Ontario,and with the large -sor-• phis' whiel the Treasury will woo liaie,4 -poitiod of it .could not be more usefully and humanely 'employed than'in.proviii itistittitini for lanieuta 1 ble intudiotiti and -debasing disease - • • ,r,„.." ' • , '0111046, lkteroh 2,—A Are etteoria 1111 on Sundaymoruing, destroyed the,rleetrO- plitan Hotel :mid another -1)441dg, nivolvhig aloes of oloo,00p., STANLEY. Council met at Mr. McLeod's Hotel, Kippen on Saturday, the 28th 'Feb. 1868. Members present. Thos. Simpson Reeve, Peter Douglas deputy Reeve,-Ninian Woods and James Anderson:, councillors. Minutes of last meeting read andadopted, Moved by Mr. Woods, seconded by Mr. Donglas, That the following parties be granted 'tavern licence subject to the at- tached conditions: John Johnston, Stable -to be repaired and beds in house • John Rattenberry ; John Turner ; Ann. Drysdale ; John -Reid ; to be inspected ; John Purdy, to pay before licence be granted'Richard Ching ; Edward Elliott, to have shed before lst June --- James Williamson, to - be inspected ; John Morgan • John Joslin ; Willim Armstrong ; Cla4xles McLeod, stable to be enlarged • • Fritz Ahiens, stable to be repaired. John Johnstone to receive no certificate till inspector is sat isfied that repairs are made. John. Reid and James Williamson, when inspected to be treated at discretion of inspector, E. Elliott, C. McLeod and F. Ahrens to have conditional licences till lst June. -Car - rind. Moved by Mr. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Anderson, That David Robertson be appointed pound -keeper in roqin of John Patton. -Carried. Moved by- Mr. Woods, seconded by Mr. Douglas, That from the lst to the 7th concession inclusive 8210 be expended on road improvements; from the 8th to the llth inclusive 8140 ; the 12th and l3th $70 ; and theSable line $70. In every case, the limits to be the lines ;between the boundaries as above indicated,- Carried. Moved by Mr. Douglas, seconded by Mr. Anderson, That the following 'accounts be paid viz. - Robert Doug 85 for gravel for town line, Jameis-Kyle $2.50 do, Hugh Love 75ets. repairing tools for road.-Garried. Moved by Mr. Anderson, Mr.. Douglas, That this council do now adjourn to meet again at Ching's hotel oh the second Monday in April, at 10 o'clock a. ma -Carried. 'nig-LUX)/ PLUNKETT, " Tewnslup Clerk. Varna, 3rd March, 1868. Leap Year Origin of the Ladles' Privilege. The present year beine leap -year, be- ,-, longs,- of course emphatically, and by, vir- tue of immemorial eastometo the lediei. Itis their privilege -the privilege of the . 0 _ e unmarlied fair -to usarp the prerogative t of the melee, and to propoeb where they,, think therdis a like chance of acceptanee. And thep, should they be unsimeessful, 0 there is the usual levy of a silk pawn from the unfortunate and unrelenting -bachelor STONE_ EDGE.. .A. TATM Continued. "1 hadn't the speech o'him a'yesterday, r for weeks back," said Joshua, which quite true, and then he went home. ater in the day he went out again and uired anxiously after Ashford.- he was deid, they thought, and hadnever spoken. " I sappose youknow we're ruiried,lacl?" he said, with an attempt to put his agita- tien on that head. Yes," said the young man, without locking tip. " Eliott, and Amat, and -Bust= ; all on 'm together -no man could stand it. capna pay. I mun sell and go." Roland was silent. "1 think we mun go to Liver - pobl-there's a many things I could do there wi the cattle free Irelahd-or to th Tale o' Man." Rolandnever stirred. ell go wi' me, boy 7" said his father, "Ye vrunna desert me 7" No," said the poor fellow, in a chok- voice, with a deep sigh -almost a sOb.• hat evening the coroner's inquest was d en Ashford's body. Joshua attended or the coronor was a friend of his, and he Itrnsted to him not to make things more unpleasant than necessary. he evidence.was all against the missing he semen and so the verdict bore. But tli ugh ali had gone off satisfactory at the in' uest, Joshua felt that -strange looks wecast upon him. One man had heard him speaki a, to the stranger earlier in the day; anether had "seen a back Uncom- men like yon ugly 'chap's" turning into this blind lane which led to Joshua's house. In former days, too, he was known to have boasted of his acquaintance With a . horse - dealer at York. ii I'm corhe te bid ye good -by , dn yell shake hands wi' me, Masten Nathan. Is th ire °ay place out a long way where ye 001 1d help me togain a livin' ? I've heerd ye say as ye used one timeto ha'e dealin's at Liverpool along o' Bessie's father as is go ie. You- know feyther's ruined and go n' away -he Says he dunnaknowwhere. Would ye gi'e ra.e a recentmead an we go there and say nowt 'twould. he no end o' kifilltiess to one as wants it sore," said the ,poet . fellow, sadly. . The old man looked straight into his eyea'a. - cf I'll not tell on thee, poor lad, and Pa gi'is ye twenty recommends an't were for thysen ; but wi' that drag round thy neck how can I certify to folk thonst all right, boy I' But," he went on after a pause "1 wrinna see thee life -wrecked for Lite :neither. There's an old Quaker man I knows there. tell him thy father's uncommon -shifty, let alone worse, but that thous% as honest as the day, and then mebbe IA' his eyes open, he may do sana mat for thee. • The young- man wrung his ha.aid in "Eav' ye seen owt o' Cassie r' said Roland, with a sigh, thinking of another niece. !" She cisme down when her father were a dying to the Miner's Arms' idr to see the last on him, but I didn't set eyes on her. I'd hurted my foot and ceuldn't get dovm. You',1 laest not taina el' her my lad, belike ; what can thee be atwiri her and thee now ?" And so they,parted. ,The next night Joshua and his son made " midnight flitting" through the back • lae.e. CHAPTER .X.1111.., A FIINETtAr, FEAST IN THE SNOW. GERMAN had remained at the little pub: • lit till the inquest i was over, to givc evi- dence and bring home the body afterward to Stone Edge. The night was falling and the snow had begun as wet and weary he oiled tip the long, rough moorland road with his dismal charge. . i "Did aught come out as to who could ha' done each it thing 7' said Cassie, anxi- usly, as he -came into the house at Stone Ea , 's in 1" It must ha,' bee a sunnnun as knowed he'd so much moneg about un," observed Lydia, sadly. - -1," They all knowe 1 that pretty much i' th? markets'' said th i lad, a little impati- ently ; " but they made it outtipo'-th' in- - quest it were 4 horse -dealer man SA were wangling wi' hien best part o' th' arker-; I nom." 1 "1,Taialmobiedyin these parts as would go for tc de :midi 4 wicked thing, 'me' hisni:ehvsueer.,15; °;.‘rvh*tilviaetnh.sity:::Pill'tin%ingw9.er:a8Bfe4drain,hee'rwabroartlithf,67,Yel - ,• releuctanalieletyw;e_r.,?,,baudtetthei Oit;:v4eaboru_tilJeos:shays: , na. - i rlikeeready toyer head as' iwere for tie imurder, whet for, would: ye .go wOnat- mth . ' and. winnowing for to draganother =Au in, atos..0'.the country -side ?" , e , .- 04,ipaitoe'siromioern.,,loolowkedsmillithutuonclzteytsuarneigelauc:-enei. etlatietiwenetintYastoeuassiet the'irs white face, facetas6 l''Yillicitat117 _ or, as. we hear' (by -spp,dial'ootilmand_=917 the Ethperes of tha Frensh) an tnxbroid* ered chignog, ° It is not tinrcaspnablsjnst now to, refer to the origin of the leapieer uttiititation by the Otia day St. Patrick . after having 'driven .the froge nut. of the bogs and banished all the . • Mint ' was Walkint, the .-abares of . _ Leugh',. p,leagh, -when be WaS aCCOSt64 *by St: Widget ifi St, -13airlok "dieted that a '13iedey.bed-,arisen wilong the itt the , . - Q ,r V7, le. presid- ed, aita that they oneand all struck pray. r. . . r unta!they should estab1ih equ'd rights jji,; •mitter of Tthe tali* , the ..;nten of the oppOsite•bez; as Si. Bridget exprestied .St., Patrick said he was ready,teanneedipte' year .itt °seven. :Rut' when it "tfea Ultost arranged, the:saintess, throwintherloyely arms around Sz.-Patritik's neck, .exclaini- ect44=Arraii; Patina lewd, I 4..aurn't go buryin' and gettin' hi a' things for to ,be , tolerself. It was the only luxury inwhich read_yt German," said Lydia, with a sigh, 1 site indulged, to sit in perfect stillness and later m the evening. "We ordered flour think of her child," gone back again," as a the -miner's as we came up the Moor, she alvrays palled it to herself, She was I doubt it'll tak' a score to fulfill un all ; roused by. theelick of the littlegerden-gate land we mem be thinking o' the burial bum and, turning met the keen gray ee es oi 1 to-morroar." - old Nanny Eimes fixed upon her. NannV , The prepeeations for a funeral feast in wad leaniageover the wicket, clad as usai;1 1 thehills are a serious matter, demanding in a long grey great -coat, -the tails of which I dmwuecjhlinthgooungl, thought eanpdaslatbor which kept both reachedarmost to her heels.l. She now put • the women -for the next few days frem down her baalret, and mime earl at on the i low wall beside her. "I've been awatchile German .received them quietly and o'ye ever so long, Lyddy, and Ye stirred medestly-" wi' a deal o' discretion for no more than the stone baby inthe church, such a young sun," observed the company. f didn't know aa how ye could read," she They discussed the deceased, his circum- added, looking suspiciously at the book. . stances and his shortcomings, in an open " Tain't but a very little, Ilearnt my- • way, very unlike our mealy-mouthed peri- sen a bit afore I married. : ocreledenemoteleed to think ht , came and went, serving the company, her head on one side like a bird. 1 phrases; and Lydia and Cassie as they The old woman listened intently, with hin.earingk coeoulmdmpaeinntsthwAhim, no Lydia rose with a smile. " Teanl be be_ masked salon now, when Cassie and Geore, 1 ing as -they wereperfectly true. Though man comes in; belle yell hue a sup milk though afore V' 'Nay,' I'll wait. More by feason here she comes, and the lad too. The story of the murder had been RD invaluable stock in trade to Mra. Elmes. " It has 'Wen the Tally to me," as she de- clared, "of mere suppers and teas than I'd ever ha'know'd, me knowiugtheparnee so well, and had a sould 'um the very but- tons as was upon old Ashford's shirt the 'clay he were murdered (them's the Very same, leastways off the same card, muna. I've sould a sight on months,"''I'bseheen wa awnatntainag, t?,sbeateyeItaahipaitlidare: getup this way afore now." Then, look- ing critically about her, " Ye'r a deal better off down here,. to my mind, nor tip,o' tl-e top o' yon nob. ' I've a baked some -fresh oat -cake to- day, and it's gey sweet," interposed Lydia, as she placed what looked like layers of round flaps of tough whitey -brown leathee on the tank... . "If theres one thing I do love it's fresh oats," said the old woman; "and it's a. deal holesomer for strength and delight nor any other „grain. "-Ha' ye heerd," proceeded Mrs. Elmes, after a pause, "how lawyer Gilbert hftve a tookon his.self along of the nnird.erin' of yerfeyther f He says . it's a sin and a shanie as Josimaywerents put upo' his oath .and 'xaminated. "1 hanna nowt to say," answered the Ind, shortly, "answered the lad, shortly, "nor what I -tailed un all at the 'quest, My feyther Bent me home early 'o that market -day, and I know nowt o' ,any quarrel no laalla Tagging nor nowt." ' Cassandra's tongue and lips seemed too dry to utter a word, lust sheloolted piti- fully at Lydia, who askedthe question for ' - in other places he truth of a libel is only supposed -to make it worse. He effuldn't keep offthedrink, couldn't Ashford. He mid ha' bin home safe enough artihe'd come back wit us,"saidthe old miller Anthony. "He'd aiwonderful long tongue to be sure, and quarreled we a very deal o' folk up and down. Heal had an upset with Joshua Stra,cey this dozen year or more," observed his neighbor, the master of the little public "Wo shall hae a beeldish time gettin' across the Moor," said athird, helpinghim- self libera,lly to a large supplyof "vituals." "We're but poor soft creettirsnow-a- days:," answered the miller. " heerd tell how in th' auld times they usedto run, stark naked across the snow, foot -races for two or three miles, -wi.' the bagpipes for to gie 'um courage." * "Well, nobody couldn't call Ashford soft, nayther in his temp* nor in hisself ; he were a hard and heavy un eneugh, so to speak; and yet they say as his yead were cracked all one asa chayney jug,"put in his neighbor. "There was wonderful little blood for to be seen," observed a farmer; " noth, lug 'Would serve ray missus but she mun go down and see the place, and she have a bin stmicky ever sin." The old woman who had come in to help now returned from watching the train 43.E0 part with extreme enjoyment. "To be sure it have a been a very fine funeral," said she, "and now we mun begin for to straighten things a bit." CHAPTER XVIII. TILE LAST OF THE OLD )10I1SE. Trrenext day German received a message from the Squire to come to him. lele was a little wizened old man, with a shrewd businesslike way of doingthings, andvery intent upon improving his property, -a most unpopular proceeding in those days as tending to raise rents. Indeed :he was by no means so well liked as his spend- thrift predecessor, who had "had a pleas- ant Ivey him and a kind word wi' fol, and very operaleended"(vrith other people's property, as it turned out, but this was forgotten.) "Butthis un 18 80 close-fisted, and so sour as a bit o' stale oat -cake." German was ushered into the fine old .mom reserved for the squire whim he came to, collect his rents. "Well, Ashford," said he, as the ycning man came in and made his "obedience," how did -you get over the Lone Moor yes- terday with the funeral ? It must have been a sore pill' for you all." "They thought they shouldn't hardly ha' get through at the Old Mare's Bote tom," said the lad. " And now, what's to be done about you,- ray man It's a great misfertiine, a very great inisfortune indeed.. rm sure 11. feel it ---the rent and thearrears all gone. They say your father got the back -rent 1. his pocket too ?" " It were my sister's money," said Ger- man, in a low voice? "- she'd gived hini every penny she had." And quite right of her too but most unfortunate - why didn't he kale it to the bankers?" Then, you know, if any thing - had happened to your father, that would have been safe. .And I can't afford to lose back -rent andpresent reed, and arrears for draining arid all, I can tell you:" - " Wcishould like to keep -otiethe . farm, Sir we've had it nove4atherand sett, this two hundred year, .they say, I think we mid mak' a, shift to get on, if so b -e ye'd be patient with the. rent." "But I can't afford to 1.m patients' said the old meta fretfully. The two women sat waited to learn their fati4 in the stillness of a house whereadeath . has lately been. He flung his hat angrily down on the ground as -he entered. "Ho wallas let ushae the farm;a,' talk- ed o' his back -rent. A black curse be wi' him; he's a very having raan,'' said he. Neither Lydia nor -Cassie utterecla word• they took their doom in perfect silence There was a pathetic sort of leave-takin in the -way they looked round on the ol walls, and then they turned to their work again. Toward evening Cassie havingthought it over and over miter Mind, felt indeed her. " Ha' ye heerd owt o' Soshua orRoland sin they went ?" "Not th' littlest bit 0' a word," replied Nanny, "And ztainItisateral we should. joshuay '11 kip as elossas a hunted hare, an a' be true, wi'' all this hanging over him," • "And what's come oi poor Roland f'' said -Lydia again, "They say he looked a verY deal more cut up nor his feyther, hiding hie face like, and just an he knew more if tWesture der nor were goo& fur's lend, he were- as white." "1 dunna belittle* alteird oft," burst out German, "Monsaida were as good a chap 86 ever walked shoe -leather. I were main fond oi him. i.I'd lay my lite he know'd no more o' wrong nor I did -and I'd gre a great -deal. for fo see be again - that's what it is," said -the lad, plashing away his chair, andegetting up with an angry glow in his face, Which made poor' - Casino's heart swell with gratitude to her brother. "'P18 just the *ay D' the world," slen _ murmured to herself, cmintn. xx, • VERY etestras. Josuna and his non had continued thein slow way unmolested to Liverpool. Aa theycante inilight of the town and drove thretigh street ,after street of frowzy, squalid, grimy houses, Roland's heert Bade within him. There Fere few -things -mere depreesing than the subarbs of agrea.t -city, _ , where allthe beaitty of tiatiire has been destroyed, and man's handiwork is only shown in ugliness and wretchedness. "-And they have ailirtied the very air as it airi't clean to swalla," said Roland, with inexpressible disgust, as they passed into the lurid-, foggy, dull, smoky abates, pher_ei " Yea," answered. leis father ; " but it limn be a fine place, and safe, an a body didn't want for to be looked arter." The/ views to be taken of the sane place very curiously aceording to the sneer7 e next day Roland went in search of the iold -Quaker's warehouee, witli Natneafe letter in his hand, " Whet a sight oi falk !" said lie to him -- self, "And how they runs to and fro, nobody a speating to noboby, nor shit, mingly caring whetherave all be Alive or dead 1 InSeincliffe every 'body knew everylio' dy, and the iatenee. solitude of have that on the whole it was a relief to go. sirlillee cinoturdsenisowolabt.eta ;wsashe alrelotstams1f41, sh41:' suspiciously ; he seemed rreatlY to mess Sometimes almost embearable, the caowd of a great town made his loneli- $1r. Itendall received him coldbi and might "hear something" if she were more forgotten Nathan's exiatenoe, aindqueatiens within reach of the outer World. . " Shall thee mind. very snitch flitttng, pkasantly.. Just, linweveX; as Roland Wil ed the young man closely and very una Lydiai" said she at last, suddenly. - turning on his mail haw eriamier end half "1 mind thee and Germenbeingtuened ea dismay, the old Aaniaker -Said, placidly ; clue il thscold world, as it were." - " Well, young man, Pll 'give thee a "Then during heed it, death, for me ; I think I'd be best down where there's a bit chance and try the in tb:e outer isarehouse b - And' Lydia's view of the matter altered- -.ways ensght reproach its for our neglects mere Moving?' for a while -lest, as Netball Brown o entirely from that augment. German in- The seemnt a bit hasty, friehd. Dost ' serves, purchance thy falling into evil deed felt the change much the most of the , thee think the father can eat sour grapes three. The two women got work to de at home ieweega be agabiee seenewee, Trice =eat < and the son's t4th net be set on edge a from one of -the small milLs which Weeez beginning -to take the -place of the home- • come -to-morrow:a and well see what thed'et good for.' spa:ming, and to rise on even obscure water Privileges ; - and German 8=4 ling position, however, for Itoland Although he *as accepted, it iiPs a gait - found• a place as cow -keeper to a farmer near. It was a peaceful life.- The deseeht felt that he was watelied by thee .foriahlan dignity fell heaviest on poor German, and watched by the Mestere. At lioaltiliffe the women scarcely felt it at all ; they his °all character stood him instead, and emselVes, the -relief it was to live under even to ,ile was trested arid respeeted,"-with little - reference tolds connectioa With Josnue, ; hardly dated to acknowledge, but the sins of the father were liettnitin 51 Ore„ • - th stligncakin:vigsanthdohafeir.B9°nginchlaeFngksd'dgereireatsw sick afraid own roof -tree withnone to makethem fraid. Still- as time went on, with ne kagingwhich be nret-toole was toorespect- atabelewfoorstr depos8shuiabileve litteothad soon fallen sr.to 60 tell fearfully ageinef Lie childi tithe paiefieLls awillwetharlorwdagrotebrewt. "i -I &armlike thematuck-up folk a pry,-- ing and -waiting in vain. in' mto abodyle ways. Ttell thee, Itoi.einde • word. 4‘ Vi.D3.4.1040. bfAmn.; ialk. tot the —s - CHAPTER XIX. manna cyme to thee no more an thou. 'T18 ;vex THE WAY 0' THE WORLD. .thilrgnwsye'" ofegaigrada he4rItary' a, *loft: Y. Oxen Saturday afternoon -work was done, -sad =ore miserable part o the- town.-- 1.* and Cassie had gone down to the millsto 1 Roland was set upon.- hoping A kind of be paid. It -was a dill :evening, arta Lydia hotne forluit father--ceming at Is& .intra sat o.4-31.ailarciad stone outside her door, with one of the sorrow leas courts Of her le on her knees but she was not Liverpool is full, with high house* -ail ' -reading, orilv looking intently upatat little tonna shutting out the -sly.'whdiciltuernd , sunset cloud sailing cover her head. There usedte the free air of. -tha is -S. -Woman itt frentof Vaudois Manacle searcelie breathe; the dirt and wretched - of theeInnocents" a,t Bologna, with a dead nese of the ot4r ithabetanis WA* 4t misery baby at her feet and her oyes -fixed Ori it* to him *arid of dark and fdIrti12.1 angelic semblance in the sky above. houses oppressed him like a nightnteree Lydia's, face had the -same --ezpression. The want of space is of itself exuetriv.cly• "Their anpls do always behold the face trying to one who has lad as it waro tt.4 4'0414% -14 ihe *lap:ea! iota of .0 '- .eour4tr, •