HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-03-05, Page 4gr_
A- 3'ToW 710W,6f-thdi 6 PuNt�es the o *PROPERTY'
lowing letter -n� _ib_� Sale.
THE R I D 0 has +L0 f0l, AM-Taciativo r -T -Y
-F- 0,
FOR SALE. OT 22. loth Concess'oll Kineardine Tcwrl
rate ioixr� `RL—Tir th' di3cuWfong L AhiP, 100 acres more
no the a TH
ma U has ths T,.E[U- K�bscriher oZri f6r'sa' or that well E i�-,ESIDMGE OF THE,LATE JOHN
-he, Wbjeet I hm-n6t; observed ny monfi6* GA11T, 'Aloply to or less.
given to, t
OX171y rNervelt to' llwreAse Of thO f0110wing fact, which I thii
til--= for t1e lan V WhV sit,� 4on WILLIAM KERR.
the, Dritish � *QrtIIY of notice - A veiy Intgo wilouhl HIS property is beautifallv situated oppo.
the 0
stripped of all, aused -by the Alklbotwl GraQ:Aoad hi. Bite I he TOWU 10h. -on the Goderich 12th July, 1867.
dea,tmtion e T
f Uoder
-eeremonies by which it is fell -on and was pa 0 by Lotillon �in4 tteen Goderich and Lacknow, one. of t North Bank f the
the r he
tmd we -tre permitted writers -and -i suramecoltipn 0. Olin
to look-' iWe es. Glai;66, roads,to the CoRrity ot Brno:' The - On. OALLIRY
in upon that Itippv faulay c1rclef VA
If V_
of Nvhich sxlfferetts�m6wliat, bnt TIV,6 1104ings*re 01 in first -lass order�-7-and fill OLONIAL HOTJg
rpool almog RIVER'-- MAYMAND U
Iie quer-- is. *ashiniu.... entirely- _e8caped. -'Tile un It con-
citynd FiNrist Rott"dam. ancl Ohuibarg also.Qu.-� -the promisre, ter r1hrl U r
derwritenk litr 7, isil:Ps-ar the buqnesi complete. -For C1 - and on the Banks of Lake Huron.
rPI�Zi every PagecseiSthezimpli _or particulars e"uiro,on
thercin, -but Th �,HOVJXCEP 1, ca tains 317-10 acred ofLand moror less.
nTeatness Of er Wturo, the i trl -ad in, respect of i amotatts insur6d 'JOKY MQGJ�OSTIE. WITH A 19D G110TEPS! KID -%vdness 6f Iler hert, the lourity of, with, them. STEAMENCINE- OR with Dwelling House, Outhouses, Stables,
eparing- n, statement Belfast, '1"h`S'6Pt-'3 186f� w3dtf NOW & Magnificent Sky7LIght &c., with large Garden, Vinery Orchard Jos4hhlest A-lextinder's Jo0viII*s Duchess
e English peopi, have noth-.' (which q, her GuUL T. will. b:miyet-4bly exict) of thw, The W00a Land consisis princkl-ally of Oak I ace bachs &-Alexaudria�s in whitv,'black and
ing to fear frm, such a ruler is thiR. If amounts am paid, with the mes of th� -- ' . . RU N C I 'PA'A --�olors. The Jurgen
DLY FURNISHED' and the flowering Linder, Cherry, Maple, Le. - r distress among the poor of that ships;which I will send you in a future, The Grounds are in veiy good order. CHAS. B. ARCHBALD'
in any wiy are thrRe never failin, irust 22nd. 18,Gf,.
n have no control. -%Ve' eprecating the loss the fainotai f springsol7pure water
,w lach the QUeen w hich 840.
lamd, it is Owing: Tb' are God -rich, An
to. circumitances over communication. 'Without MANUFACTURElf OF
w H AN D DOOR M A1111111L 0" orri theroperty, The situation for a rrivate
feel that S110 svmPv.th1,-es witli each one of criuser undoubtqdly caused to America, I residen urpassed in the
thanij xadthat if sacrifices on her part tink it should be borne in utind that the ce cannotbe a Prov; MID
COU be aff any avail, ACTOR yo 1 e Le-JOHNS01 GRIST & FLOURING L
-they WOUldwilling! Eii-lis U-1
h and other Europe�jl I)ackets shar- For terms apply to
be rmde- EGQ to mrorm his oi(I patro*ns. and the public uley and Sash Saw'Mills, Steam M219ilies. and Boilers, 8q -p
tied havina purehaed d, nt mueb expbrise, Sh
"I am, ir, you obedient servant, A -Mill und Sash Factory owneti, and ov. fitt6a tip his rocins, iii STE WARTS3 New Brick, Barrister
Tile, Queews book is highly moral and THR undersisr 'he 111nin- 13 THOS, GALT, E
d0'rX0=t1:0 iirr its tendency. L 1 Toronto Strachans,
Upon every ARTHUR J. DURAS. (31pled y Donrild Cutpmiug, are now prepare Hloek. eorner or Hamilton stre'
Th ras h i ng Machin es, S e p e rator,
p" s�-Or h0w &8 worshipppd her hus- "Clnpham Common." to carry on the busmeRs ot manufacturing GoderiCh, in sueh a stvle as to render them the Barrister, Goderf . AVE been re-anpointed sole a'"Onts at
'her dearly -beloved Kibert.!' A finest in- the couutrv, and the brst atlapted for the
swhi Doors,.Blinds, aceompliAmeni ot -firsi-class work in his deliente Godorich. 6th July. 186B. Goderich for the Bale of the celebrated
forV-elight-hours' separation w "Saws Exeter Factory Cheese.
from him as The bistress at Gaspe.
andbeautifulart. Those desiromsof havinc Pic.
Local dealers supplied at th p,,tbry
ainfulto her. She loved and adored! Pures of
-is M good example for all the I A correspondent at Gaspe )3hsin, 1iting Siding Prices. e
VVIKIU-n of the ci%%Ilized woAd to tono*. ron the t� inst�, sends the Qubec Gazette 11RON, AN.1D WOODE.N PLOUCAIS
G oderieh, May 27 18.67.
Rat how = a wife love her hnaBaiid' the following news items :-"We -have the, and all kindsor taken will ple'ase brinx in the morning. - With Cast,or Steel B6arda,,Drill PloucPhs, Gang PlouTh
un!ess he isworthy of th�%t lov�_unlers Ile same cold weather yet great distres a
C Y-1 T`_1 W 00 11 YK, Photog�aphs taken in every 13tyle
Str, v111s to win and ke it'? The lnong the inhabitants of the Gulf Shore sueb a-4 Circle and cuitivators, L -and Rollers, -straw cutters,
-vibic Sash, and Frainesf. kn(%*w'n t6 the art, and Old Ambrotvpes and Da - Agri,ultural Furnaces Potash K"ttles, Su"ar Ke
bo -111C will exeglp nPon the English,Sonle'of themhave come a distanceof40 They think fronitheir "xiierienee in Factory 1ruerrotvp6s copied Its Pholoaraphs, *A larve ttles, 8%ft Kdttles,- Wazon and Pipe Boxes,
misses as rL-e-urds the cultivation of the miles to beg ''ions to support their Work. that th1v t*ftn* Arive satisfaction to all Stock orGilt alM Rose -Wood Frames always' Farm fo, r Sale
prCIVIS who
relations, will he highly beneficial. famillels. We have heard of several fami- Inv. favor then! with aval(. bond. Mao ALHUNISiverveheap. on C 49 0' I N G PAriTiOUR - AND
the . itlantic, nald in lies 'i that have no article of food � whatever - R -A tiberal-discount to the trade-. E. L. J in returning tha BOX STOV-PS, CHEAP FOR CASH
It even reacheancross nks ror the liberal of the'tanst iinDroved kinds. -Brass Castings matle. and Blac� W
Am�tr�pa we lool-, patronaire or -the past, feel" satisfied that repent Stnitha' Worlic and Repairing
upon. er as th RANkN,
of us inimprovements will enable him to merit a continu- Call and see Lbe -STEEL MIOULD-BOARD PLOUGHS, as You can HE Srtuth half of lot 9, in the 8tb coir
e mother those ha- all
.7ing the means are doin JAS BUC done on shnrt notice
th�ir power toassist those who are in need. DAVID LAWSON, anceandineratisewlih slimei get one very cheap for Cash. T E. D., of Ashfield, containing loo acreB
e more or less,
Of'f�nland treats her! The help sent down by h - Government W M-20BINSOM. L&JDHI%TSON.� Goderich, Nov., 12tt, 1.867, with about 80 acres f dearin
a- indness andconsidemtioll ;rill be tj great service on the Gulf Shore. irc-h4th, 1867 OW55 Goderich, Marc�.I, 1:67, w61t 9
with ki Goderp-ti. I& W39
U andfarm buifiline. This lot issubjfct
'--'I mav well imitated in niany - re- It wou'd, hav b been better4f the whole mortgage of $qoo. at 10 PPr cent, interm�t
e een Pattii-can familia3. The last act of 'kine_ of the flour and co-p-liniwd hail 'been sent to payable half -y at ly, and has several Years to
n"s On ther lart Nvias hor gratitutle -and tht as t4e inhabitatits in the township
ar0�u ran. Terms §600,6aah,subjectto n;ortgpga
BYSue-h acts as these shewins, off Douglas, Gagpe South, York and Gaspe on the lot. I
t - he love. of all the lw'or classes, and n4) one North cpald done wi1h(?ut it, there be- L'SHADE GOODING.'
king0oul ould hesit7ate to do her a ing Iabour to b had for persons wishing to
of it. -Barrister.
t1l niselves
The 1110 tTemark-able lesson thi3 COLONIAL- H- JJ
`0 Fo E S H OYSTFRS! d,,i.-h, -loth July, 1867,
1> te.tches is its demom-acv. The throne ID BE W28tf
is t.'i e place T, e woul - ,,, I W_ An experiment of interest- is"to �om_ WHOLESALE A "rArt.,
d look to for wa
p4thQuee-nof Enginn.1 press the tail oi a, cat with a chair rocker, BY THE KEG, CAS OR COUNT Farm fOr Sale.-
hfts ven it to �s. In doin�;, this she but heii she utt�rs the vowels A, r,, i, o,"v,with
Tafforinop' Atfitting D artME)Ilt 1_08STER-S, SARDINES
WI:zciPates Ow ineviftble logic of er�ents. great di!�tifictaess, and. if the injury be pro- 0 AND CLAMS. TB �E west .' of lot 25 Bayfield Road, Towli.
It gi. as th w EMPORIUM I 0 7- ship of.St-inley. 77 acie
:Ive 'All class distinctiong abol- loged, s a a -and Y,also. 6 mers and the p6lic generally that he FRESH L about 50 olear-
�he �Idv hrates a Subscriber beg to inform his many custo EPPONS, BRANGES, WES. d. The,-Itind i of first
eneral fusion and THE keeps -rate quality
constantly an hand the largest variety arid best selection of ess
of the elements of En-hsh THE ARTz�asiA uicTDE.-The Guelph Cocoanuts F* -s Crao good spring �reek ranning through the lot.
etv, until it shadl comp,3se one 0 says The jnry which was am- Terms, part of the money down. T aii
o1no- English, Scotch, French, Swiss .& German &C1 &0.9 &0Jy at
Thisintheendleadstom panall9d to investigate the circumstances IRTH Tweeds, :a_ for the remflin4er at 8 per cent per annum
E COUNTICES. ALSO A- LARGE, VARIETY OF Further particularb may be had on applica
sneh- eventually we expect to connected with the de.ith of the youncr Westsfde of Market Xquare,
Allhonorto-Giod who poisoned herself a few minutes anitdiary Manufac'tured Goods; Gderi,ti-Nov.30.1865. fiW99 or4o JOHN -TO'.UMSTON.'
tor the good e_-,amples she has fter her marriage, in Artemisia, have
setbeforeus."_ Lot 9, Bayfield Road Statile
j Come to the conclusion that she had -pre- DITLOR &-co-'s ENCLISHI-FR-ENCH& GERMAN 0ROADCLOTHS.- _y.
meditated the act, and wilfully carried it 1, k Goderich. Se. -A 9th, 1867. W33.
CASSIMERES & r)()h,.SK1N*8,
TuCkeTSanit]-_ Council. 011t, and returned -a verdict to that effect. ENGLISH A N D FRENCH BEAVER A N D'PILOT OV
of the 31ralicipal telling her brother-in-law when she ask -ad 6VERCOATINGS OF ALL OTHER DESC IPTI61vs.
rLe members elect Tliev were led to this opinion by her CLEARING SALE -
f the Township of Tuckersmith, 'him to her wedding, thkt it might prove Havin.w secured the services of BARRY ORL FOR SALEJ,
to be the day of her funeral also. No
a 79"' 3M.
OiJanuaU 1868, at,the hour of, s, wholly and an )mptitude, ani in a style unsurpk4sed by any
P-IrsuMn't to statute on Monday-, the �vie ns had been used to coerce her into a he is prepared to execute till, or0ers, with fir ir ENT.
Anic,nr -the marriage wa;
12 O'ch-wk noon, in the village of Egmond-! tirey rolipitary. Rather a strange girl MANUFACTU14ER in this PROVINCE, Cities Aot excePtea. Try him and,satisfy your- THE WELL KNOWIV ade I we :shoiifd say-; what say the philoso- selves. A perfect fit �uaranteed in every instabee.
villle,thefo-"o-in gentlemen h4vingm: I . 0 A I E T
and subscribed their declarations of bffice phers. Constantly on hand the LARMT ST001K and L&TEST STYLS in 19aitlalift 'me Mtei -
ITUATED on the dorner or the -Northern
nd qualifications, took their seats ac- I. Centteman's Outfi ngs Of Every..-Descripfiory! WOOD - UMVel Road to Luck-now,1011ftinflefteM
A published propeol describes the con- AXE RICANINIONEY taken at the highest rate. Codericb, and within ope hundred and Aixty,
c-rding-Y- George Sproat Esq-, Reeve dition of ]Uamimilian's, body oil its arrival a y&rds of the (;oderich SALT %I'ORKg;,Iiovr in
Chas E. Archi PUNDERTAMM qpertion, J'hls'prnper�y is beanuttilli sittdied,
1-1r- David Walker, DePutY Reeve ; Messrs. in Q e Austrian ca�ital. The countenance
Gmutt; MeLeau, and Couitins, Councillors. was ieeply embrowned and shiny, probably Goderich, 4,uust 22nd, 1866. A - y - I- a f3alt We% c-ptaining one aere and one
SWI03 eighth of land, with a large
The 'Reeve haviin taken the chair the: because iias covered with some sort of C LOTHING9 wo-stwT 13nek
tiotel, fifty 6ix by forty-six, and e Large HaIr.
minutes of last December meeting "were The mouth was half open and amilTi011 Croderich Allached ibereto with good Stabling and other
read and adopted. Moved by Mir. Grant, ; the fore teetk were visible, as they were AND O,ut-buildings, There ia a never failiug springat
secondedby�ur_ Vousins That FreAerick! during the lifetimaof the departed Kaiser. the rear or the propettv sufficient to tst;pply air
S, K EEP constantly on andforsali e. al! arti.;, theFdler requiredor boring a Salt Welt.
11- a person in. circum- l' in place of the eyes glass ones - had been
Orem desl�itute cles in their,line, such as
s'l-mees al101ved the sum of S10, and: niserted. The front part. of the bead was XV la 17t AISO fOi Bale, Lot KD. 71g,
Bedo.-tea'd-s, Chairs, Tables, In the Town of Goderich t situated pu the W.,est
tl2at an order be ranted on the - Treasurer nearly void of hair- On the, temple*, r
to PaY the samc—Carrie(L Oloods
Uoved by: through wWch the bans penetrated, there Where'll I go to get the Cheapest D Y-- I Scfas, &C., side. of Victoria sileet, a cormer lot adjuining the
All kinds of wood -turning don 'With a Brick House and a
Plaining Factorv,
Grant, �eeonded by ATx., Coush,26 arO jappecs of velv6t. The dress of the AT COST, FOR CASH ONLYS ,,'Rucb as -"-aje Stable tfi�r�on.
That William Muir be appointed Clark! corpse was a blackfrock cot with a velvet and Groceriea in Goderich ool posts, stair baimsters, neelcyokes, &c
and Tre25Mrer for the present year col`ar� Mod dark greypantaloons ;t4e hands Always on hau&.a complete
And also Lot No. im.
Carrie&- M-oved by 31x. Walker a were provided with blilck gloves, and �he 1V S W M. n In the Town f Goderich, vituated on the -vorlh
ed by 3L% Grant, That Willmm , econd feet with polished boots. ASSORTINENT OF CorrIXS sidet East 3treet lietir the Railroad S
McConnell I ftation,
The balance of our Winter Stock of and a HEARSE Lo'hire on reasonable term with a good Yrame flouseand Jarge Stablethere-
be Asses;sorforthis townshipforthe present Wh, to Acheson & Smith's, of 'course and
Year. -Carried- 31ored by Mr. Walker, ile ice in the Afississippi at St. Louis Goderict, May 3rd. 1.866 l5w6m_ OnAl clear- title Pan be givenfortlig"whole.
seconded by 3J[r- McJea1;, That 31rs. lias broen up, and the prospect is good The above 0-perty will be SOIL Op reasontible
Roberts for the e--rly openipg of navigation. Boats the� b6st and, -cheapest Boots and Shoesto, tertn5tositpqrrhasers. For particulars apply
onapoor w1do*andIamily to ELANKE to B. L. DOYLE; Barriter, &e., Goderich. ,,
Tn be the" sum of five I are alread lohding with freight for points G. M - TRU EMAN, Goderich, or the BA8�-Iibel.
dollar -s -Carried. Petition of AjDna I south of that city. SHAWLS1 All r�ght I'm goi BHXN Gordon pxayingt(>beadmittediiato §X001 ng there. NO T orcolLorae,
Goderich, Oct. 31, 1867. -February Isth, 186
sect—ion -No. 9, ordered 'to lay over t1U
The London Weekly R4ister '(Catholic FLANNELs,:
some further meetng
of Conned- Move(r organ) says, it is reported that, within a
by 31r. Wa&er, seconded by 31r. 31cLean, day- or two of the meetin of parliament, & Farman Of -u r o r
That D. C. Hannah -,of the villagef, Sea- Mr. Gladstone will bring forward a nio- f ARM' LAIDS FOR 8 f
forth, be exempted from pay 'L�es for tion respecting "the Trish Church whith
the year 186 7, on account of a loss he musttry the -strength of the &o great IN0RANVE C031PANY, Lot 22 lst con. TOwlishiv Of Gdt;rich,116
sust-mued by fire, his proRerty beig all, parties in the House.� 11 If this is. true, 0 -P a
eonstimed.-Carriec. M6ved by 31r and if the right hon6hable gentleman goes. Greatly Reduced -hrices, acre&
2 at di 4 Lakeo,�A west Colborne
Grant, seconded by A&. Walker Th * far e'n3ugh in his proposed measure; the� Permanent Building & Savings &616ty AVE ESTAkLISHED AN AGEN.-Cey 1K " 41,aetore
-amd ihe r
Daniel Clark beeappointed WIlector for preacnt. government is _pertain to oppose
Goderich Jor this County. Robert Gib.
thO curmnt Year. -Carried. Moved by him, esult of the "kgle will J. C. RETLOR CO. is Par. -PARED TO MIKE bons Esq.. Warden 61 the Coun as Fast -I' of lo� 8 Hill coD, Asbfield Jil 's,
Grqn� seemded by A&. Co sin , probably be the defeat and resignationef IV kind'y Lot 27 5tli/con.
That 4exander Kenhaday be reappoint- Lord Derby -s minis.tU.11 cousentedto actas Director for Aur,on. Virm. Stunlsy� 27 it,
1868. Hardy. now of Underieb, is the compariv's Tra- es find terms. apply to.i
Godedeb, Jan. loth, Vtl!lagAgent. Ifl, ',�.For Pric,
edlnsPector'of TAverns forthe present IV AN OP -'X owl, -APPIRSOVED REAL' E.9i ATE e; Victoria is truiv mutual, and j?AR�ON'S,
has Aready esipblished for itseli a very high re-
year.-Q&ded. Moved by Mr. Walker, ' A minister seeing a Quaker in the field SITUATE IN WESTERN CANADA, Putafinn lor Promptoms in the payment o Godetlich p. 0.
seconded by 31r. Grant that John Russell raking hay on a Sunday, remonstrated with r I D&q ef4
WIW-FAvORABLE TERMS: and econornY of office- management The cost
be Auditer for thecurrent year. -Carried. him on his "regard for the Bible. "Friend ON TH'_ FOLLO , November 19-1867. v43L&
Amonnt required to r . edeern each $100 adyan6ed.in. of insuring in thi Qornp-ny -for 3 years Is ler
The Reeve appointed William Gerrond as Samuel, " said he, in reply, "thee is in. �he 0 virs. 1r) yearsk, thin it any other reliable Company d6ing �,usiness
If lin)able liAlf-yearly ........ 2 6.50 in Canada. Anv finuf I-, wishig to Insijite Will
Auditor� Moved by Mr. Wdker, second- wrang-the Bible is ray qlo-vi ....... $12.95 - V6 " TO ISELL OR REkT 1
guide It payable yearly ................. .............. 26,b5 � 16Aa 13.34 tti Win. Hardy, Godeelch, q
ad bY W. McLean; That the several so V' Why, does it not say, 'If thine ox or ,Loans at propoftionate ratei for 2,'4; 6. 8 or 12 years, plese write MW HE Wl';S.T,HgkLFLOT-NUATBEItErGHT,.
Township, nutnt)er;of concession, and W, anT "r
he7eiu named, shall receive the thine ass fall into a pit- on the Sabbath -day Theabove instalments include a Sinking Fulid,whiah nays off the Principal, aswell Othe Interest the Agent will give pript attetitirn to his r�- hou - fiturteeisth cone
sums a& reEam eration for their though shalt pull it out F Now" Samuel, of the loan, so t!jqt atibe expirati)n of the term agreed upcinethe debt is eairiov %74ped out. Thefuil que_g. ession f Hulteti, oj)i ttie�
I ndary Ime1etween Blyth and Walton, 'Post
amount of the loan is advanced, and nn pa
service-, daring the cm -rent year, Vi ': the of what use would it be to pull him out if yment is required before the end ot the hAll-year r yeat, DIRECTORV Qffice.el;eh way. Good hardwooti-1.1
M Pa.
Cerk 8163.00; Treasurer$moot; Assessot: he had no food lo eat V f CC. and, 'wel
ed yments may be made in,; 1.= and interest is ilowed theref4r -. or t1te mortgage� mi�be rL-I�euv� Hamilton "Y"'Iered; thirty acres elearan
in ill I at any time the b r, esi",onequitahleterins. 'EXP Messrs. Gen � Seventy
BRA TZ# For furtter infortuation, apply (prepaid) to EIVSBS STRIC.=YMOD .Alex. seven acres and a hall in all. Well 16md. Fur
$60.00 ; Colector' $90.09.; Auditors 85.00 �Saturdayp_ 7 Brown, East Flambow;ioseph Ryinal, further particulais apply 10 .1101he oil dw- preuses.
Thos. Lottridge, biiruin; Lewis Sifliffeet
each ;78efeet-jrs OfJurom 810.(&; Inspector ta-Ori a beautiful tabiet was U 0 DI E R G I A HORACE HORTO I -RAiNKIN L-IWSUN.,
of Taverns $1.50 for each - certificate. erected in St. -Paul's Cathe .17 0: N N, E80.. James Cumming, Hqrilton Samuel H Allav 27Lh. 1867.
drA L6nd Appi�iser ta-the Societv. Goderich. Weviie,'Glanford; A. T, Wood. liamiflon
t mirs. -
grante&-Carried. bloved by AIr. G dedicatedto the memory of the late
ASSURANCE COMPANY. J. fl�RBERT MASON. Janiecalder,Ane-astei; Ttobt-Gibbous. 14ouer,
seconded by 31r. Cousins, That this vuu-, Cronyn, �rife of his lordship the Bishop of ' i - .- I .
Secretry and Treas'nrer, Torontol' ic'h; Jacob H. Fisher,fiNelon; Gen. Aluri.on i fin
erich, lith Oct.,,1866.' au
donow aaj7own toineet again at'Bruce- Huron. - - . - I- - - . . I - - H diton ; Henry Hall, Viubrook- PE -DERTY
of February 19 AND 20. CORNEMi LOLTDON, God 0 WN PR VrJL
field on r, riday the 14th W38SWI4 rol. E. Flamboirol; Thes. McliwraiL5, Hamil
i R A L E
n--xt, at flie-houroftert ci?clock, a. m.- At a recent meeting of the Quebec CAPITAL, -(Fully- Subscribed) X9500,0009tv"11 SECUPTA&Y.—Writ. F01
8 D.Bpoker.
Board of Trade� a re olution was cai=ed 11T72STED OVp..p -- DEPOSLT -FUNP 1-T C"AEkAo $5* Office -Huron Auction vAd,
requesUng the Council to communicate e2iobo,000.! .01000. Kingsto� 9treet.
HARDY. Agent.
'th the various Boards of Trade of
14= P10- 18'�S- O -o and. Quebec, urging them' to -FtFLE DEF`A_RTMEf4T. i Goderich,I6thJu1V,lsry7. W25 lyr-sor
m 'ornpa6ytag"o-die establish. OT No 2%. on Quebe8 St.,,Goderi�h.
TheCouncU, at this day pu-mant to petitiouthe Government for fur The distinguishable principle of the C mentor aa equimble classifi !lFirst-01EL'Iss -A-vticle 1113f 1954, flari,our Flats_
tler le�.;Is cation,-etiprgin. rtiuriatletotheiri
-zinalleaspsaviemiumproPo I and 2 wi the bankl of L
adjom:rnment in the village of Brucefielil, lation to rellieva thCollutry-of #ie Tbesuceesszwhieh has attended the-Ciiipanyl.; o0inatioas has been such as lu[-V.' to calize e e Hiiron
.RJR overlooking th. Liarbi 5 tuition for
at the hour of- 10 o?dock. a. m. Present SMALFF-SBALE OF LANDS., a suminer-flotel.
the Pw_-ve and aIl the membeip. ' The 6-,t. now ofr Canadian pabJie_,�_
cr tothe
r, Ew. szo=1
silver niiisance. Id
mostsanguine erpectations of the'Directorr., weo hine:resolvel taLextetia the bosin-64 more WI e v, WIN' 1 con of H ton For terin, &c.,
n;inutesoflastmeefipgwere read and ap- Two brotEers who Itad beer. r. ood,.fit- gua�anbed by large Ciabseribed capital, an 'Invl%ted oty i.By vrtue ol a wr!t of
-rcqe in reference ting m I To Wit? Fiert F"-iaq Apply to
proved. Letterfrombi.Vi N �,wfcundrand, set sail last Veek ZfInds. GO, TO issued out
1 01 Her Majeitv'8 C'ountv Cletirt fthe-United J FRAMISHALD)LN.
tck the-, attmdanw upon, and wedicine, ad. bid their boat was frozen in the loose Pronzpt!§�tt1ernentof`CIaftftt- TheDirectors and GOneral Agents,'being gentlemen. largely -ea
_gnqrdju fonimerce, will take a libgralaird bainnelkt-h4e' w -of all questions.coining before them Counties of H.1ron and BrIce, and t0me diievied- A -c- K-Ay`rs Block. Godericit
miniteredto George Watten, a sick per:- I and they perished. from cold - a�d 'hunger, Lo" n s Woofi�n', Z0,10 re ag0tiust the lands and tenemen" oI W1111am Goderich, June 1. 1607. W19
S= autl iu indi-ent - cirFun4tanc�s, read, The bout with its ghastl� crew rcra picke(I AJFE DEPAR�TWENT. 'g-attlie-suitoiWilliatu-N. aakin,lbave
.9 Alark
when it vra� mo�WbyXr. Grant,-seeond- uploya passing vessel. Wherej
The Cori;panyalrers.t'e'rmatiD�ttio#e desiring Life Assurance unsurpassed by any Lif 101i'SEnd a seized and taken
a andraried stock of Fatled Cloths and. Satinetts, Tweeds in great an eve.eution the inhowing
ed by 31n Cousins, That the sum of teu Moderate Premtum�_ Perfect 8CcIIrify-"EC0ftun1y Of iliflllag�ement, lending to increaw the Bonus variety., roperty., Viz.. till,the right. title and interest of FAR.Ally R SALE
dQDhx& be allowed to Dr. Vercoe for medi- 9&- Breathes therda man with soul so olihofie 'an p4irlicipating scale, amqui� whom 80 per cent of profits'are divisible. Itle sa,d d(,fe ndaut hi and to lot number Inree ill O
Claim& pai(I one mouth after pmof ot death. WfIfte Che theAu SaubJer(2LDnee,-zaion,i,nti.,el'oxi,nt;lllp�f
George Watton, And otb-ritdvaa 110eys, OR TO TE.LDE FOR a
Plaln;� G. ey, SMped 'and eked Wfi
cine, and attendance dead who never to himself tagt�*, w A ''reat'variety of inl�,-f 11ruron, which lands
Upon' hath said -1- �hteh, maj beeen igr the Companyva pro!,-pectug. Stephen. in the Vol
Treamrar to. pay the granted on- the s2le tTOWN PR0.P1;RrkY,,'
be 9 PI home-made checked flannels. ow yardwidei likewise arid tenements f sh
and th--t an order Will my, local paper take—both for my owli Morl,vnd Watson, & 0-00:f
same.—Ckr�e& .; Gene-talrAgentef WHITE,-, in the Court House, ui ttQ qwn or
ar candda. oderieth,
aud fumilya.oake ?—If such there -be, let GREY9 SCARLET. FANC)YFLANIqELS. 6, tj e twentv -davbf Aprildext
Moved by AIr. Walker., seconded t�y Mr. CQT,c. Zecl-efary..
McLean. That Qcro1d.HbrgiM er�o him repent—and have the paper to him A LI)T OF FIRST CLASS BLANKETS, EIGHT TOkINR POUNDS PER'PAIR. at taq hourf twelve ot-Lue cloi!k-, noon. of lot 2, ecou. 2, Ashfield.
a -p n in 0FVTCE,-395 AND397. ST. P AWL STREOTs KORTAML.
St ?ONALD, 100acres, 45 cleared. Frame bar . n
circumAtauces be sent—and ir he(� pass a happy wint OW M A.' alldwed t&_ er--;- &Z&Veyor. -of Ag,�ncies, . -he fir- advance *oUld pay, the printer. N' Y nv ne Yinpring good Jinuse, Z650 yrint, Orchard -well wte
*s,, atid that the Treasurer TILZAL. leeev-,antl' Srherifl10lAte,Goderieh,J
s= of tea dollw H..&I 1�a, go Yarn F pr'
be directeclta pvthe, miiw inta ffie hands ed. I ll -is ia a very desirable farm. FZr
A.S.VARM PABACHM—lUffid fonj_
ugTz Grant, w�o is authorized, to ye& fl,GARNNER Brlin Wf s�, *al:i endless vari�tv# particulars apply to
of 31r. 'ff Ras1q1I,'kfttcardine; Jokbint in
QuTie went T�dth her aunt t church. The ernieson. Voradli It ind Zeem* xiRr74 �T*.tbir with iehoicq'ABsb'rtmerifof ROBERT CARMAN.
apply iffiesmae, aa he may see most condite 0
preacher wM veiy Qarnest in hii. deliver w32tf
Goderich An,-. 28, 1867.
7 ve; f brfha benefit of said at)(1 4he vas much inicereatect. "S SP 4JA;1
LA V ther I RD"I W41kQr, 52i&sha when she came -homej, cli h4ve 'E P, Aloat.a lm.pbilad W.
L 31oved b AIr
--V�ec t 0
Conde& T3, X_ Grant, -'e" SMaA MiUL
'hat, Wdorwr �hear&S ter �BYAZI Facias 18811ed out
'� 0 'Dess Moils; ReiadpingO Shiftg Reas! -and'. Childrens"'gock' -,J,HE'.9ubscriher will pay tbe highest mar.
-Be E' W, AR
WcKay be &Afited th& sum.of fiv6 dollars and:pounded, 4 iind 'stockings�
and made such Vourt ofHWon, of r1er Alniesty�s coutit,y-
. 1. " V calLis, s'011'eite and to aie Wevtea acninzi. The good Hemlock, AsbatLd
age "Moll, n great-'
being then heg400r juad, Iler
a& charitA she 41 ket price for
tinable I Lap4sand Teuenients of �Qburles Btisi d, at
to, procure a Ilie OQd---C8rriQ& '&.a &ks, and Cherrs Saw Loge delivered at his Al lis 4D
d&Tdr r
movga ty ond 1 -Woolen FaC6
-Grant, ThafRuloert br, dea tor goupand--fi&ht him ill 'ry Store, Raststreet,' in Execution all te right, title and TEL F-AT-
TH91RIAS LOGAN. nd taken on the Lake Shore.
Suft OPCOustritit. Tan Eginond, I bave seizea
eptetnher, JR66.�
Goderich. Dec. 23, 1867, w4f;
in and to the illage Lof Nuirilber 2
0 'Oftaxe`3 Pai& aiL lot- A dx -pape loth A L.
Na-- -I-, 06xL"I, H_ 'R� . S., aai(J amount. t.h� fW
iji�t jer. the last Front Strect of E;rmundinlle, i
�w wppeasto thiff 4Gf tuncil to- have beem -fos as tha thd Irish-,
uu� aadi whileT ifrods and teneni6iw.j qwl ofljr� ro� -sale
dily. ffile4fome&�C oved- by
hvin- been, chirged two Yom .4 IT the C ounty �)f Hu ton withibe bytdii
for lateliv occupied 4SAAC FREID-Ei 111CK
rich, on Tbetiatty -dav oi-
I a fouteonth 77
April J -hat iffie Auditorlt ref)ort -be aeXtatthebourl., -w-lve (if.the clock
printed -m-,
Th(i officW, re, -the Akbamg, G
that the Qark
7 vention arit in t4 bands Of '.JOHN MACONALD,
h4d4�0P$W1)tMW GZdWibutlon,
t A L
tha�r a l �my offie-ein the fl.use, ip the Town 4g,
�h(,,Iatjork -dim
Waurorseecud4 b 31r 0 'A
iu the muli-
id --carried
8,' -WALL. PAPER LE FrT T' I ad w5gtd
pa4ty On iiiotion' p
who Sheriff of Huron.
6f r�d, ftovre ER SberifPsOlIce.Goderich.j
Xclitdx the Mun-&-, wtinia e �f 0- roceededWVo Wfo_r nti&&tion
appoirif *Aceftto "ryafi1th0*T#r40ffid'*
_th= hW
ill�d T d
fir'all b# g
�par tea in Wadf _ar
Kis 1! it,iS ther Iffonev. to t6hd z, THEI Nif b. -Aro 9�it, sowaW by X� Grsuf
- mt18tr1ook'jharp.' 1, have" f
emoants o;,,
#ft:it-t*0 MIR- tth?7: Will ��b -.st fhO the Me* p"paroL.t. RY-TAw for the le t
-and a of, N very Teason�abje
lions of 4 Rai# -The ir WtS' 89 dlery
hated ring.
4 busteneir Of, fl, Must d
'Ana one
-0 -lit Is office.
er h 'do 06 b
zaines f- fhe' tair of all-
fInt�'j oWn a -
J_T#a bV .... ..
C�ooper'&Toe 461 An As t.
nd- _UU11 imW47j* the r to. 0 So eing offered L, DOYLE
bftm Appolst wlth_ th _ gether.
_ieW CoWn'tto, 2#dote of _f0Q,kU JEWELMY
r Pst MYI Vaiwnte d.
1 t 4r dl CTUREft
tt jesi,pl
A "SORT31MY 011
F -a b'
'xW., ---F'A--fT ERN -S-
TA the b
A] City !Hall,_'Pork
'd po - for mmendinwapkn.
r�d W Uri Wswer 9000SWIV of :G 'Y'D
tilt tbalt g b A=Vlt �Castfjngg -ofeveryrde,
nYer& Itt 'odilid A*W= to mu" again at *h* Tfllft6 4; weIr
on hand
fVe" M=t
2(^ *1L ot, consta I
'39posadifil* in t1ta hotft of K&W. Pwlert- lty OR tf F10 rt� Pf b
PT 4 the how ot mon tefinao
ter rft 111"A
40& --VL
3a g]. 8 reD sente4, if
W1 reaVA
My r
'Clinton A want a
W *he _,?,o to I.- A W
psi� nag- -odlisiolL