HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1868-03-05, Page 37- 1!!7k F A inion 7'" A 4,nt. !d thedee 4- -------- 7777 a the X""Tow low d SFLL� IT. ---:-We think farmers will Rej)eal In �roVa Sootitt, -A NAPPY Ttiocra&T.---Vhyi. is fiee. pt'. 0. ILAW a Dec. 27 BY James Grant an TrusteW order -0. MONITSZ" 70 commit '-reat blunder if they hold over g nziti� Col- dom of the p ess.sisleep, in Fri*e 'alator in wo, large quantities of grain Th r -the * rld. Vill! foree %YnAkersormus a epe2l movement still oontinuos in Iraw- AND till summer in cause it is un or the influence of i1ts.. W to grow on the smoothest face or chin Nova Scotia, the -administration of the ROADS AND BRIDGES.' t8lbes vzoilly. , . I I oond Wap. movei. knowato-fallif LSample foriulatiieutffikti --Just toAand otto citsii, Of Istgo, U hoPes Of still higbcr- prices. Itpis feared day leading it. On Friday the Attorney- .3o,noyonenesifoulic - J�jflog�IX merits. Adiiread'_ Bibles I OcL 13 SyHa& Anderson, turnpilklagon lot R jgvzs 3; -0o, 78 'Bat! on St., X.'Y. that the opening,of navigation will wit- General moved 1he followine, rgferring to 18icoil. 1,2 .......... 204 U.50 Hy imT, You S"irz&- The I 'Cana- Dec. 9 Hiram Leaver, Work donapit 10th -0 $2041 Pmuxa, ness a heavy `a tumble to in gr Me, letters tikqu WITZ prepaid.) -M Re- and iltlition ...................... 210 20.00-71 -borne % the prices now offered ar� still good, we IL7 gobt latitting hill on Gth T OIL Cot sin, and as the resolutions of the 5th inse jr solved0hat the Ihiperial Parliament have di. Pain Destroyer"instsutly andperman iBowers, 213. 6600 NOTHERG, 'READ, T. 918- 1--�ROLLO-- AT- Its VIM111117,10K 60 Britlalk 1. Xon-. .1 ....... I .............. Ari = "ofZ=A I L . % I I I - I � would -ad-vise bur farmer friends to qeU ,0 c stitutionO power' to authorize a jent removes all pain from the %stem, 0111W Itho Hqa�­ 7C., iTm; Glad. �Jfaf ,stomil obuorlortu hKawissita-mmo on the OFF the cies, XiiTnuis 41h No �Todd, pbmk for repairing *iyss WORk LOZENONS am a certain and. ivithout delay.. I a is decidedly the boat% medicinf 'own 223 AL Pre- .......... --rit the eumayl :James 4,orsig,,taking down an old ME . 'Governor Ocne'ral, or any other subj.ct of the cure of I saftojvmedyfor%V6imiidOhddrea.and Adults., rheumiatismi, AA The fo the, Queen, to wtilke Senators, or create neuralgia, tic douloureiix toothad e, Cliche, 1nidge and excavating on ath and -As it is - a ng. vhllzenis The es Again. 91 well_k-to�siii and meta adva Tavern- ny. pthat 060. Tisdale, making culverts ou I from Worms'nione, it tvanriotL 1, f aw Tth Concession line ....... .... 212 81.00 that one great caubed.f&ath aino e too do eply'lm;w i Glium, 271 cords gravel.... = 6.88 D&AR SIGNAL,- Your lut issue brought tax the people of Nova Scotia or other- all can afforA to buy it. Sold by all d Otband-7th oucession line ...... 213 20.00 lAquor Cas a part of a Legislature with power to burns, frost bites, oka.', Zd ii.so, ches #9 ` almt!"rit yea I Mecu- Gs upon-1hennuds of pariats.the n 711 4 evessitir oil �o M 61&jWr. . Q _ _ _$ _ _ to my office an article si&ed One Of the `w'is Provin, dine Dealers A do ete, 4took Df e lezislate for them, without a if U 'I hog an irt--onridinO the �Ympinasattd true can PM] and Witnesses," in which there are several cial Statute authorizin'r theut to do so. *04 by Ro,ads'and Bridges ........ 205.27 DXY� )KA ERY N ITURALe of -the diseu- - lousandi.. of chitddreo. migalit t Councillors' Fees. JX62 ". . I � AXSW Juar. Phar* sentiments so strange and startling that I to ResnIved, that the -'statement made by V saved froni'earlyrraveytSymprojeor st 22111i 17' .0o&kkk V. 4; in Dec. 27 By Edwin Giant, --The fullom ing area few of tbe My., olim,eral 8 �Mvr, Thomas wish to turn them over and look -at them Mi. Watkin as reported in the debates o David MrIlwain. 2ir, is.90 I'M It wm mavel a little. When a person haw proved �n article and ...... .... 217 1840 toms and diReactri which,; Pre caused'by NU Vorls: Dersngeda� tite'emetifuledextyem- t�. iY 11r. 3alli- 1. We we infor,�Ied that the I*ector the House of Conimcna, in that, in 18Q3, found it good, and answerino, 'the purpose -yam" Hunter 11 ............. 210 li-2D Qx Win, camminw, ............ 218 111.00 MEMO XDU BOORS, T460 �tmtq, ?T1 itelY, should have notified the law' Confederation was broughE under 'the for v; hich it is dily -ofrenstv,,� breath vu�jr­at thit _v 't 'Mr. Wb_ inteiiiied he wig not rea LT IVA for Councillors, Fees ..... i riding of the teelb during sleipl 1111111411#05 PASS KSt IVV SIMS ag last break -era that he was going to do his duty- notice 6r 0-e elt- otons at every polling abandonit oneof oloubtfull ' reputatibu, ofibi 1ellyi �wjta Tr -altirl F 0 jY,,2A1iR OR TOL OAt Rt knows - nothing. OfflaW Salaries. BE laetlaid$ 0ohVDl$1V6 t$,;L pain in _ihii heid anif Is not that ast6niabing t Wonderful !. booth. in' this Province, and that at every or Concerning which 11te ell nept, Y stools. and IND1031, So.,, &c. f tr isalic Then, His Worship the Mayor should, liustings the qdeMi led to make these remarks Owing I ug 19 By John HareourtJibrarlan(i months' mi�6h,, unquiet steep, rdintin treitibling, VA" IDA Zitsf Vr6C&W0X6,no* sdt We are At gn�tlj on wag distinctly rais-. Ro; 0o0CW"uaed= bottilidea ofthistollco smX&L_ $j rhat Itolney. notify disorder�y peroons, and allthieves to the course always ptirsuedby those who salary ........................ 190 1260 domilis,indtixestion,low spirits, Inghtiuldreanis, 4in ed N niterly at variao6e with the truth Aiw Lofs 4 'd .9. L* have used that cefebiated and tiuly ialua­- 0,0,t, 26 Charles Stuart, Auditor IF,66: ..... 200 0.00 and a gkadual wosting awit of flesh, SIGI 10A and law-breakefs, that he is going1to, Ao his e were si�conded an� John HeBrierk �! .1 UL OFFICE. rr, ;Z;,1,Xed4"X I alyeed to by ble hiirs�e-medicine known, 201 9.00 Thevare palmaVe and se f-Hdritinisiered tO the I 1 40" fAso,1041:0*11 e;3! duty, and Police officers. should notify as "Duley'0- $ov. se James Falconer, Assessor ........ 202 60.00 child -d rive out the worms tboroughly 'Without W Ararto o sxtt Tf GGDJ__ John H Taylor. Road Coin'tasioner 209 22.On not use' a4ly, 44 'Chas Girvin,Esq., Selecting Ons, 1hat he is going to do his James ftletmer.. Jul, 22, 2 eo by doitigaway with the necen-ttv otedin-nisier- -Y bruglars and rowdies and all loafers and the House, and ordered to be peorporit- Arabian Heave Iteinedy"--all. are so well D�e 9 disloyal ed with the others. pleased with it that they wd- 17 rors 221 200 ps,n ondcompletely ,got4 the stomat-h-titere. STATi N E'� duty, anr not so notified the criminals -nany have waited BeLyeral We6IM James Scott FAq @6 , cc soo ing Castar Oil or other unpleasant catbarticx­as ITOV.W, Im. vr" G order,' says our Do if WANTin W if) -paid ooD ORDzR. -now au Clerk 219 100 00 tithe use of other Worm lNeittemei. nn.�'A Th A -An =beagent could obtain a ;t Papor, very. 41i . will think that our officers are going too exchange, has finally been issued from the There - nothing equal to. it pply Win. Dqrnta, Tress 227 9000 - I:r Etich box contains the fae4qimlle signa- ad ignve,16frei, now ofibrial at. far, W'e Over-kealous. &c., or selfish. The is OfNounliop & lyntw0ewdastleontano, low n inppector should not' medicine', or for any complaint affecting Total by Salaries ............... irft V going to I inspect. Whoever M_ a If � � BON -1 who) are the sole pr6wietors, Ar E AMEP 't IL ThTrj4ojf�w the hotel -keepers Custotim Department, prohibiting the im as, 6, conflition a. )-87 Sit Tan iq in rou that he was portation i t the Dominion ot the vile the wind of norses. Incidentd 9xperises. N. H.-A*k for Rollow orn Laren an ii?spec n 21 ByJuo & Ann Walab,personal supp Fob 25 RobtWsl1&ca(bl1ndmku)$mo. 11 180 1250 & Cattte-and F. Jord-in , (+ardiner & Co. BaV- a_t to ette "-!' Police News," i!,,,Laat Sensation f GrOlenbUk-Silk Saftetiber having Witter, tha" as the Police Gaz!* and'see that tha sig- is ort 182 2500 and take no other. Sold in Gooerich dy Par ek thoughtlof )r notifying parties publications imown Wmembo-r lhp name, Ws'W SIONAL' OF -f�.S,4 C�t Ce; that� on su Apr 19 Do do do db 12 5D field James Bentham, Tn i 4ek to '.t '11 commencei now and"' I nature n Hard Co. is on each parknire. look sharl Dime MusiW41" It is well that Northrop -4- Lyman lodigrville �- J. 11tickaid, G:oderle�',Jan. 13th,- 186 Wi . . could bi applW Ja aiaidug is te:� laatyi ay mgbt!or I'll re- lqeweastle� Olit�t;io, A, 0. ,F8 Do do do do 1260 Exeter; J - H - 0-moe, Waits & Jobb. 0 linton 19 Widow Welsh, personal, do 2500 Set well .1a -the abore Vi 10414 give 211 Ind einr port you. Does not itneas camb )moraHzing kind -of literature isto be, nroprif-tors for Canuda. Soli by all Medicine -ord, Lucicnow; 9 Hickson,- Seaforth, an OLD, V, lot -W o. the kept out of the counti:7. Oct 26 Robt Wallace 8 months �do 2250 all 'i;diei ue IDealan. * i ful reflection on Mr. W.'s preclecess.)r in dealers. -Ides so opportunity Dee 17 Charles Stuart for Council Chamber 224 1800 A" BANT-Ok fd would jalptit talctslismitt tho eaterpriss. can Now O�r'd*ood WanW#* 't, office, and still more Duncan MeShannick, services, ape, :1 v I our hotel -keepers. i Tax HANDSOMz T8fNG.-A man who cial constable, 18M ........... :..207 100 Wand can 6i hi�&v -a lor -figare. an fini-I Is it not enough that e law says, thus and Geo. Henry do do 208 100 CINADIIN PAVY DESTROYER -UJVrZh CANOA... : CASH'WILL HE PAID far'- I forfaither particulpnio to the t*wa- so. Do not the was argreat' stickler ftir etiquette, baving epers, know the law, There is no use, facts are stubl)Orn. win. Watson, to be expended to- A, Family Medicine, well an BOUGHT ANDS wards the support of widow Vaug- d favorablylcnuwn �of thii garm, and its. re 0 an limitations I marrod a wid6w before her- period of thinks. They cannot be denied. Without ban .............................. s000 for * Albert. Ndr. $5. Via past t ik years. never fatling in a single I have pleasure in "Witness" mourting had expired, soon after made exaggeration such wonderful!oures are'not W T Cox, printing, &c.. 37-00 GOOD Cil-RDWOOD I JL!:b 33:801M -AIMMS. y Thos J Ifoorbouse, static ry.... 2669 instance I and -?car ofr that the Inn-keepeerra nested the Coun- his appearance with a weed'on--lbis hat.- on file annals of history as h&v Jvidentl a ;L permitaiwL relief *hen timely AT TH9 Ormag-west Straeti, 3 debra But -of cillors to appoint an To*mbip Clerk's 800 use�, and webave never.known a single case. HURON -*A L T WEL Ed Tam lot 1. ctor -who would On being spoken to on arch sincrular COQ,, been made by o9hones Re- 11 Do Treasitirees do ....... 200 enforce the law, and punish the lawless Auct 'be remarked tha t he cono'sidered'it medy. See the stem, undeniable'and ere;lne directions have beta Apply at the Foundry to the great- Sh of dissatistaction Nh' sait ds eaft., W.D Total by 11holdent4a Expenii4s..i ....... 20776 vroperly tollowed, 13101 grocer for selling without lieenie. They no more than the handsome thing towards incontestable -facts of wires, sotuall'y of on the- eontrary aN are R. R1TNCf9AN-. could pot surely expect an insW Consumption, in the persons of Peter V. deligh*ed with fts oporatiops Huron Salt well, Feb. 10,1868. w3t, Goierich,.F0.10, MS. ctor would and speak in the formance of punish the man who sold witliout license, his lamented predveessor. C. Miller, Esq., of Emestown, Ont. ; Mr. RECAPITULATrION E W. WAW_ highest t4rinflo i of its Virtue and Magical eflikets, and pass by the man 'who had license, but Wilson Storms, 9f B i hton Ont., &a. NOSIEL 49 the same rig i THE CANADrANPAZ7V DESTR40YER IM R!.Tr'S SALE or LANDS: NEW rig fraira the violated ihe law by 'which he held imch HEALTH Is STRENGTH. -To, prevent or With scores of cases,6f])Vspeptaia, Liver 186T. Treasurer, his won foritadfaterattotion,asa bfood -part Dr. AND -1 license. Such an inspector would b.a worse conquer diswe-is one of the grandest at, fl. ei, alterative stermach tot"ClAinsurpassed in the C and -t Complaint, Kidney Disease, &c., ind the Dec. 31 To bal on band (dog tax) 0 ount of itiron, Y virtue of a Wgt of er- ey per histaiyormediwil preparations. Itseldointails Y W t:, --spe Ron line than none at all. tainments ever aimed at by man ; and case of Dyapeysia, Liver Complint, Kidn lost account ......... P50 q0 to cure D. pala, Liver Complaintot, Indlees-. To fflVenditioni Exponsa.for F16ur and -111 -ed &Ore. 2. But "Witness" says that ,our Bryan's Pulinift'Wafers will assure cure Disease, &c.,� andAhe case of Mrs. Feel, of Bal on bAnd do Us 80J Heahburn, Slek Headache, Kidney part,, and, �qri Facio for re-idue, i"ued out Tuss and relief noto coL for Is6e. 01 fl�r ily!a County Court- di h-, County �7bz the work d , 1 880 'IOU, cow ates, peace coughs, colds, tYkling in the throat would seem a paradox, were she' is, Arid Stomneh-Phthisleor, Asthma, and of 14U 1 for due per- civic fathers, judges, magiso, an Milroy, - plain I I ad iti. pto dmeoted against Lye . 1. Total &mount receipts ......... 9�1 60J- rettorps to vital netivity the, system debt Aitifed Lands. Tonaments 61;. Jilangs Hale, at the offidim, profassiQnal men. and so oni as well Pul��-Jiau Complaints, as war and pestil- hot s'living witness. Ated WM."ROBINSUB. I Friteey tile as machanics, took a horn on Saturday encO -will destroy. Severe colds if. not at- by suffertagand disease. suit of NO 'rt Booth. I 1haiet seikad and taken to ms-leqtflall to announce to tile in­� Contra. Its magical and % ondertal snc�pzs in nuring execution -right t)fle and intires of the: BEGS re4d of the night," and there was no one to object. tenged to sooneror latter lead to incura- Cr. If the Dec 32 By Bridge and suddeb-cotils, 'Sore throat, Codghs, Dilith"In beta d,fen ant, in and to lot number five han, : habitants nz fro Al- Then I tupose Mr. Whitely should have ble reonsumpticifi, andthe strength of the WARR . IED. bal of B.'Bee. No. 1 -Rate 76100 of Goderich and "cinity that Shag killed -by 14 in W.Wawsuosh a 60 Palns* in the sidehona and back. neurtalgia,tooth 4red and si -in the Town offloderich. In iho be. has commended in thd above li0a Mr. .Ying'the sum. at as an soon Do do E. do Im 00. acbe,-rhenmatic and otherpains in any parto Count ofTilurds. with the buildings hereod Si6illA ola stand, he was going to Zlo his duty, a Mid best means known forthecure At theresidence of the bridelre father, on on bud for Z W. Witwanosh.. hO the h6dy'411dfrom w X a notified ayor, and Judge and Squire, that fails if neglected. The ,pd th eat Bill ateveFeaticie, has ivn, I kh Leads- itnd-�Tqnentruts I tiliall, I N P L481 nz the work inspector he was. going to inspct. VVVit,- of se complaints is "Bryan's Pulmonic the 26th of Februar' fierl e -SQUARE -&'NORTIT ST. y, by the Rev. X a plaea i* every h6tisabold and is rest itipersed- the Court Houre, CORNER OF 951 ok Ing p1l'other preparations of the kind. - wo of Goderi6h, on Tuesday the dut� pedorm- in' the To 1 ness says, mayor, judge, and' squire and Waters," which have beeuthoroughly tried 'Ain't yet due on l3rldgs 10 it, is also an 4.fleetuai and prompt reme.fy for Tweptymb Ah day of Februarynext, -st the! hour In, the Grocery D�partmevt las 'Well 8 years Co., drank a horn on Saturday night for for the last twenty years, and have -never ................. F" 00 qcalds, Burnsi Bruises, Sprains. Chilblains* th 6 Week ovan. willikeep on hand good -urticlesaud sell as cheap e Ye 1?ec*��*nfar W. Wmanosh. Frost Bites, Cr4mgs in the Ftome'ch Diarhaa :0EIN MACDONALD. the cheapest. Jana& the five yeari, until th ta wn-keeperztl sit been known to faiL Singdi�s. and public of *A -C p- 2 -5 ing a portion speakers will a7so deriyii great benefit from Treasurer. 'Dr. - (,nollra' ilhous Chr)llo. i50cra Iota Sheriff Ho posed the law had been swhed away with morbus, a - the officials"punch, and grocery, andhotel, the, use of them, Sold by all medicine iant, Pysenterv, &e. articular attention initil to the line pf - con., to lot Nev Abbertitzmnics. Dec 31 To amount recelved fmm Licensig; ...... 9200 Price only 96 cenii per bottle. sheriErs o ce, Glede 111 and jude, an& mayor, and rowdy, all dealers, ai 25cts.t per box. Do do County Treasurer 696 77 bra allowed 3 NORTHROP it LYMAN, 2fth 4�1n, 1868". .2td, FLOUR AND FEED1. Do taxes eollected 1867 ........... 415376 drunk their horn and broke the law, and Do lergy Restirve Fund .......... 22240 Newcastle. 0. W. and as the advertiser has had many L, General Agent his bond yet " Witness " soberly tells as that " the cDo lurAdental Receipts .......... a oo 'for Canada ADJOB ING ie, Township hotels of the Tmon of Godeiich are genemlly CORMEACIAL. The above Sale ispostponod tillTueeaay experience in theA branch Of business, he TiEkSUREIR'S ABITRAff "-Sold in Goderieli bV�Parker & Catife end speaking as respectably kept as- any in the 51" 93 F. Jordan; Gardiner.,& Co. - Bayfield, James the 3rd d4yof Much next, --same hour;�J feels confident that he can give satisfaction. to bs hold stv picivince." We must have had for five GODERIdIft &ONERY MAR=- '3PCXM 28437. Rentlihm, Rodgervil1e; J Pickard, lExeter; J., H - plue. Goderich, Rib, 7, 1W. -svi,47tf _spectable law �Contra. Cr. Combe, Watts & Jebb, Clinton; accord, Luck- Goderich1 27th Feb., 1868. *8W yeart? past a very re -breaking, Con . Teted every Tuesday and Friday for Receipts and Expendi" Dee 31 By !mou,#j Isurer '..29477 now; H Hickswi- -0onh, and aft Medicine -CLERK WANTIM' !dd DrAx (t $mAaT tbe'SignW by Abstract of the C%Tre ... r'? w ik Y -loving stid of town officials. - Z -b- Brokers,_ Bectio . .. ....... 14" 02 -Denteras w38 as West St. Gdipb, of tihe Muni Of Councill _Rwpectably ke ors'F�es ........ 7150 pt hotels" who sell liquor year en i Decent, 31st, .1867. Officers' Salaries ........ 29950 GOOD experienced Clerk who canbot wait "win- *T THE to respectable people contrary to the law. Goderich, March 3, IM. Incidental Expenses.... 207 75 MAIN I 6 , 9 FLOUR,, FED9 Amended from lastempl9yernd whoisnotaddlet, Respectable liw-treakers! Poor men, I Af 9.,To balon band (DogTax) as periastace 0350.00 Roads and Bridges...... 20627 THE GREIT ENGLISK REMEDT ad to the um of. spirW or tobz.w; 1, lmftQuwy 11g. Bal on hand tb next sce't 312 Py BU'M'G AT do as per last ace W.80* suppose, could not get a hom on Saturday Ameri�an Awhage or Greenbacks. EM a night, that vn -7 516993 is the evenix4 for the inayor Morning 0 Afternoon -70 fercansdattinds Total bol as per last account ....... ­­ 893.80k SIR JAMES CLAR-100188 AND efligent. Rrit_ and the judge and the maistrate to in- 72 72 for Silver. Tazwecei�ed for 1866. We hereby certify that we have care examined Celebrated Fem�Llp..-Pflli. NORTWE -SALE. OF. LAILK APAY tO du�ge. We must put-4hat witness in the, - the foregoing'accounts for the year 1867.111111havefound rtensilialy_ ia. 811"MG AT To taxes reesiv6d from different Partles 30. Prepared from a prescri'ption of J 26 them entirely satisfactory and quite correct been, mile In the em -01N 'boal: ogain. In the mewtime, Mr. Whitely 310raing-1% Afternoem-71k 'for Canada funds PROV-1 ON STO '*\ elate Johno.-Olt (his a JAIDIX R30 M I& ReliefNittes. CHARLESSTUART Clarke, M.D. Physician Extraordinf 1-y V b i !we may, rest assur�ed that- a g3�tefltl Column- LARGI SILVZR , ' ? Auditors. to the Queen. a tb 0 rin bar dower) bearinglitte the re is the ap. To ittilief Notes., ...... I ........ . JOHN HAMT�EN. I -nity will defend him, pay his costs, and Buying at .......... ............. ... of a im rc 1W., The fal"ing -pre,*. 1. F nib No 29,18d. *"If 41 discount Goderlah, i3t surprised Bening at ............................. at T4t&l amt ofreceipts ..................... 952.4 Fairl atzG. IL Muiman'' af h I him to do the sweeping that " Wit- ivmx SILVIM AUDItORS' RE -PORT. This invaluable medieune is unfailing ri the AR�RltALD HODGE, Rocins, on thil speaks of. Sweep on Mr. LkSpec­ uyngBXPENDI"RES FOR 1867. 21; the Reeve and Municipta counev ofu 2Wmship of cure of all tho,4e painful and dangerous di -eases 'se lateffigent 'Ji , at ......... 64 Apl �1, By T J Trunitiall, timber for brioge on W. Wawanosh.'in Cozindl assemb&ed, if) wbich the reniale constitution is subjeF C. It PROD#0Z XBROHANT, 23rd dly of ApeillieXt,'11t.1% A00n, n: 4 Jailing at ......... Sig t6l, Aftfti. TO. ]UND.- loth and llth COIL ............. d"00 Gentlemen, -In ischarging the duties incumbent moderates a] I excess a ndremeves all obstru, cons, Camerot"B Blook lingston Street' under1epo ere contimed -in thesaid ,vix V in their ba- Doyle deserv�s the than '-.Of all kxc;UNGr, oN Inm TOM 26 1 Davidhfcnw&tne.b&1ofS.S.rate18W 107.00 u=nus as Auditors, we have carefully examined your r � T anad a ape and it Moen Sailing at ......................... x ... 28 ureesbooksaild accounts for the year 1867,'and nz 16 have evinced Classes (even the horn i era- an a era) discount ody cure may be relied'on GODERICH. In tits Wz or Total by bridge sed6chool. S. rata ...... 7P.00 rewc beg to report as fonows : - EASY T;M-X-S. t and straightforward man- haMy TO MARRIED LADIES I)eed10 , , I " and4is. for the a TO1111111 _0111111hor 5 :1b jori of our ner in killedby &4i in West Wawanosh.' mount uncollectod for therars 1861-2-84 at which he expounded the law and Buying at 105, allowing -ed interest to seller %up and 5 according to Tre4surer's abstract ...... ois,igoik it;s peculiarly ouited. It wid, in a shot time, f-4RAIN, h0tfll, OATMEAL, CORNM9ALs' For. rw-- ted the case. TEX-ropam licularv0plyto �� �, t Apl 26, By Win. Wellwood for 1 sheep ........ 4.00 Dec. 80 Byamo lot of above received .......... 57 so - bring on The monthlypetiod with regulary y. 1-7 Bran i Sh6m, Potatoes Bacon, Buttir.o. ia thdr .1 John Heapy ...... 6.00 ..... A- Each bottle, price One Dollar, bep.rs if - Gov- .&c.",gh.1�t-.narket Prid6p;:Jfbr grain audall ilk., Jan. 14tilt ISO& Buying at ............. .............. 102 It is time totaive the public mind turned May 27 BeLja a Ferrier . ........ 6.00 to the wholesale violation of law and ord %erce may ba ex- 1111=08 uncollected for 1861-2414 and 6. AM141 erament 8tamp *[Great Britain jopreve, t coun- kinds ofp one, w4tf Dated loth Janu�yc2867. - I J43 for 9 lambs � ........ 18.60 nsee desLgn1tt­ er. Btying at ................ ............ 104 AUgig John MaLeati. I I sheep ........ 5.00 erfeits, tilt PAN If our magistrates and judges break the Bank of Upper Canada iai� .......... 60 1. * 1866. ixistpoined -Tu*&Y- 4th lob: Patrick o'Ituni CALT-TIrTo N. SAI eadatow I -themselve ers0% 4 sheW ... 50 7Wees Pills thotdd not le taken Svfewdr durtxg soce ide from the s these " convictions *ay be Commercial �Ban�- bills . ........... .. Oct 15 Archibald 1 lamb. 12. Amount dusCounty Trauarer VAL-UULE PROPERTY 116W. At-s"amug ilmi 'and A law I this distruiti will" Sterling exchange 931 James Flynn .60 By amotin=Co Trees rates on 1868 163 77 tImPIRS7 THREE.MONTHS ffrag TM Mr. Caineron'&� course 33 due County Treaq for 1860 ...... 2094 :F 0 Xt, . S .4. 3-4 M L TheiLbova Ode is further pmpm : ...... 5.00 .0 andl Tharsoltay, Gold opened at 141 C�o­2'e'd* John Ham] u__ I't4p: samy, tu they ars irure to 6nng m Himar. I his. surplms greatly help the cause of tefriperanee. A � I . FD SALE: - A balance remains in your Treasurer's handsforthe nare, bw at anv other time they are s fe. IN THE TCWNS OF !!!&at--= nine amplam - w3id Total by Sheep in W. Wawanosh ........ � 69.50 municipalities of gut and West Wawsmosisaf430 10J. o Pants in the RRcL- and 4imbo. Format an tolight - .1 .- * rdir few convictions, and a few uppeals to our THE MARKETS. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal I ections. rtgage. Sale of Land, mrly higher courts, and A few qbashings win do Sheep killed by os in E. Wawan�sh. 1867. SIT A SPEARE & STRATFORD! BRandandiMed. 9 mfbrUlt atout four, ible lectures. The GoDzRicH, M?irch 3, 166-8. Oct 2 By John Baiter. for i sheep . ............. $.OD exertion, Paipitatign orttie Heart, Hys trics anti havint �ieim modt -in lbs- ont wbieh Isad- ner- With- James Davidson 6 do ............ 29.00 Dee $1. Abal. rentitusitiy,urTreasurees hands Whites'these, Pills will efrect a viirc wher all -Martgaija -made Thowas ; ve me frofis ths H11370� County and Huron Signal will no 71 14 for the municipality of W. wawanosh or 9 12 . f ; STRATFORD. mirably,tilalifttl int,"It works, being -on other tneans have failed ; and-althouel a power- gq R, FaIlWheat ............. $1,69 1 Dee Mrs. Samuel Robison, 1 6.00 luniWi (and tb 9.qd. Amount uncollected on P g � lit orthe doubt have an open eye on the quashing Win Lobb 2 sheep .... ........ Allector's Roils ...... 224104 fulromedy. do not ettita-in, iron' eal, nel. anti 67,.63,69, 70. 71, on thi3 of d= hearing date the - -bank ofthe ElvarMalkdand " zdjqiii�j Avi ebt wn bu g Wheat .......... 1 .49 151 Win Efflotf 6 do ............ 17.00-, Antonot on Non -Res Rolls for collection .... 104773 OTS north side ISM The pie r. ni the and Trook kadway line to I'jjr big propert) w-IfflU VY . T. X --tra-ek. By - z short 01teb., 4als bperation. :00 John Stark I do .......... 4.00 Nen-Rea land fund at theorqdlt0fW Wswanosh onst (Ilion. L ' - 'on sit 0. IL Truerman's Auction higher Ri= ........ ....... . 7:51 6' Is monv, or anvtbing hurtful to the' , and Aacu Aent lbstnril V The temperance men see the progress dt County Tressure?s books .............. MIS& Fult directions in the pinifiblet As suad each onto. Lot 79 n south side ofUion atlop could be Twrait -vi -to irlits oats .......... 0-52 0-.55 John Brand6n I do .......... . 9.00 W pa lots Nus.X0.5l,t2. b3, ;R4,-85 and 56, forming ietan ......... . 0:69 6-:71 Arch. Anderson 3 do ............. 9.50 595427 olvagentforthe UnitedStatesguia Canedas, theGorc ti-voen the Grand Trunk, Hestia to r laboi� it�ucf their principles in the extreme sensitive- peas ...... Charles McManus 5 do ............ U.50 We, which should be parelu.1y I aserved. Vday of ApAl ant, 1 11 A., w."rfforshipmetil. Th^* -is tlose ' § I the well mow sittidtij ttadbQatlea jr,��rdi =an of", new shown by witnesses when before His Barley ............. ; 1:06 (F4 0:11 Dea $1 By cabh due Co. Treas an per JOB 1408HS, Rocheii.er, N.y. Toronto and. Buffalo, ioshi;;wn ia a plan the I alder the -pavrersocintainedlu The sald3loripp, o Worship. They were most unwilling to pork ..... ............. rso Lotiranning number One Thou" *oil I 1-rom the famo*sr �3 arow his A 5.00 �m 6;00 TOW by Sheep In Bast Wawanosh.....,. 101001, Co. Tress books ...... ..... 14ol6i N. B. -SI -00 and six po-tefgoestam @,eniilozed' rewt#wried in the Itegistry - ollit-ts (dr the County on thp Eaftr Vtin the jaw J�jivnprbode 1gedo-Sili Worki. This admit that they had been in, the tlar, or potatoes Nchool Sections ...... 626 84 1988 4S i i onapf -the mspii1deirivitle -plots ............ 4�'.4 041 0. ....... gil.01 Balance to the credit of W4 Wawauoqh ..,;896582 a 'any authorize Rgent. will insure' r bottle con. of Perth. crAhi -redit. Deedto be given vail" 4he pow Total Itainlgfill the saloon, or anywhere on the premises, .......... . 0,1 . Imount of Receipts ........ - Y Pill IiV-ftturn mair: These lots are most advantageo"ly jituated, oxim:naof in Murtpge. For further. latenidlazopamtorsohouldexim her -ruffaft-.0 6 6-0107 -We-have made out a statement of- th& walpts. ex- to Butter Expenditureti....S921.50 for warehowepurpofts. or had in anyway beeii suppozed to have Eggs .......... -1 1. - penditures and I RUP-THPLITP & I YUAN, D. 9WZ 0, it begias to ........ 0. 5 0:16 By Itlance ...... 80.2019516% labilities of vogr municipall for'. the ftoz�fM 't of the same n dapli- of Xt sanctioned by their presened th, Hay, V 15-00 16.00 Amt yet due on -bridge on 10th and 11th con. $106.0 1867, together with abstrim try. lNewcastle,G. N.iganeral SHAKESPEARE. I= ble the pro- Some of the boarders ih ng Of = hichwe present h-rewUlL we havereturnede, lso, Mod letkJanuary,2887. 21hotels Hides (green) .. ..... 6:50 0:00 Mnwfent of the Resident Taxes unco!lected in former ageni for('anadv A very laige, nuinber, of rown Lots, to know that ABSTBACT -Sold in Godench by'Parker % Cat;le And Two Farm Lots, one containing 60 acres, and I b erthan wishbd the CourtrAistinctly` -20 a 0:95 years. The vouchers for the debit &a& credit sides of Thembovesals is pctootpoilrd till iTuaWay The 41h lab, Wool (washed) ......... 0. Tordan; Gaidiner oc Co., Bayj -ld; Jam'ea I he other 414 acres. most advantageousiv situated �19 they. were not on the premises as tipplers, F, the Beceipb and Empmditures ofthe Mun-. Your Treasarer's accounts were in hit respects entirely V - - teminr 30, 1867. w30.3aeli. WO ................. 2:25 a �:50 0, satisfactory. Bentham. Rogeiville; J. Pickard F ceter, J.H. upon 1.-e SoO in- P tfividerefther0rand onlynas boarders. The interests of COT f W. Wa�Miosh, Jorffie -Yeiiir All ofwhicla is respectfully submitted. j coraw. W its & Jebb, f1fint6n, 8 enrd, Luck- -as ashewo to a plan thereof regicitered in the The. above is fnrio�r pogponsof on DaZiy 0 .16 B� per cwt . .......... 5.00 5:50 wil (11 b mun;ity, reqyire one or more firlit-VIiAR ens .............. 0:25 0:30 tndi7ig 1867- W61 CHARLES STIJART, now, E. dilekson, Snafortit. and i it edicint: Registry offivia-foe the County -of Perthi The 3brell 5th. 1803. V otamp timeamlace. FIEL how ra- r T ............ 0.40 64 0-60. RECEMS., t JOUNT-TAMI N, f Audito I rs. W38 -1v soil is ofeircellit-ittlualitv. hotels in our town. All law and ordie ALT TE 17�ng hotelkeepm Will. be above sus- rj- Any ofthe aoo've lots may be had very Geese ................... 0:35 @ 0:40 13 buslaws, cheap, FOR SAL -E- ABE. To cash ftota John Roberts, shop licenses 19.00 WANTED. -A good, reliable servant Our parfiqulars'af .- i " ` . - � .- .4 ia-rat ag PICLOIL Youral &C. Ducks ............... 0:20 (,_t 0:25 Ply to , , t 11256 Hiram Teaver, Tairern do 18-00 girl;who may obtain TO. CONSUPTIVES. J. JLANC1SC.I1ALDdLX. W�j T it repay ROTATOR. John NeRpstia do , do 18.00 and fair Wages. Apply thi ruxert"b�v�ig., L�&' Tostoied to health in )SawWArrW. Ajqo A G6derich Salt, wholesale, Lo.b. per bbl. q a stekily pl4ce ive 81 -.65 at the worksi 1:60' . .9 James "pbell do do IM t_a office.:4,uj The adve ozo., Goolocricli. i be cbna- ia eWweeks remodi. idtar having sul r to' Atsitits. HAVzo SLoAxx, Barrister* Wyeirs wfilis severe lanitaft-ton. and Wra.;Neladfy, sholk)-licansee '20 00 stairs.- ris verYstmp! PRILVAT- D S Clinton Markeis. btmtfgrd ere fet'seve E L L 19 1G L,A N rich, Feb. 14,1M. I &I pef- SWI'Vf.at is the meahing of lose in Tbil by Licenses .......... : ....... 92,00 make w4if lot Y10 In, dread disease. Conhuniptirai-vii anxious to be". used Ott kliaw"Whistellow-su reyolthemernsofeare. AN the-re-sumbling of Parliament of vauda, in French said a cab -driver to a for6i�-,n Byspecial.Telegmphto the Hurou AtoxAl.) Treasurer. To all whocle-sirs a ?I 11_4eud*&oopyb1 the preif-, V 3umb, Prrrnolf -Pon Xtzrrwi 131�zs will-- lit to - W, how to in- 11 Parda." answered the gen- on. July 25 To Non -Res Taxes from Co. Trestimer 163.17 A Sapedor F.aim for Sale, cliptinn used ffrev.4i 'Awithibeclirectionsforpre- gentlembn Clinton, March 3rd, 1?568. No 1 - in the House of -Commims, =W Us 'Watt . 6ifdiap for a ust Le, Bch . ......... W2.00 varinx and using the fama. which tbe� vhIl findit a ftilofAprilfallowitil. "Well, then, your trunk is Fell heat ........... $1:68 'V COUGHS. VRX tleman. 1:70 Aui 7 001 Giant astis far Consumma, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Notice-, v W. B. Jam"Y' 6 you are It said thecab-driver. 4pring. do . . 1:48 M 1:50 Ttal byleounty Treasurer . ....... W-77 RONTING on Lake Huron. 2 miles from Goderieb, COT.111. and L all Throst aotl,-Lunii Allbefians.- The WA I Clerk -House of (59M n a. TO 01agidAlrolms. perdu containing 133 - sorts of suporior laud. Lot s, lot et oftheativerilserin sanding-thi 11reicription intro ........ * 0.50 R 0:52 e -1 he prettiest coitipiliment we have Tazes Bweivedfo 1867. eon.,i0fq-,derich Township, B neld Road, ab"ut 100 enefit, the afflieted.and spreadinrormation which he seen came f9m. an Irishman, who trd 2 To taxes ree'd from ames Cumming, fraine, barn on- theereintses, and a creek runs It enext'" es every. Insolveimt'ACt now, 1:10 actes,cleared. Gool orcha dwellinj house and 7J . . oliL Thea Brley ................ 1:05 ra Nov 2 tobei6alushle.atilli h otufferer ein noupug, an F- tatoes ........... 1,040 (4, 0-40 collector for 1857 ............ 2054.88 the lot, 11try h4remedy. asitwi t9 it i of - 1884-.1 ud in perrectmatrks-w -"I@ be sold to suit purchasers in make th* 23 throu for bis -sweetheart t1tat he could not dape f6e Wa O:f;8 ta 0:70 - , do do do - 285.00 Whl� pt Apply on the n,av prove a I)Iessing. 4 o: 27 do do dO 40.00 il%nieswistiitigtiteprescription.irzil.byretum mail. 41flee. L netiids sflutter 0:15 ID-Cise,20D FRASER, er arr 4 -1 dramin -her. -ofD. ir t, 15 D cc in Pk Mau of MAN, Goderich, 'W45 6irty (101- cc 17 do do do 248248 'G. IL TRUP wiltitleiscaddrets Rev. EDWARD A.,W11,861T. .0-3 an 111407"XL. 00 0 6;00 80 do do do s,:W68 Douglas Jerrold once went to a Pork ............. ..... 5: 1 ... -%0.00 to Luzzim She# -has been �-e huudnd 0:14 0:14 4253.70 01 v Pe -the party at whichr, 51r. Pepper had as.-embled nor ............... 0 0.00 TotalbyColl6tor.. OTRATFD Into, the enclosure ofthe Subscribaij lot Sul irza itim to. Vt 1 7:5 Mealtot A 1)� CHANCE some frie�ds, and said to his aergy ia 0 -7, 8thconcession. about the last of November, a ERRORS- OF YOUT 11 ere the host on on-' ....... 0.00 .0.-00 W, -AB romem- w - 111inth 4&Y Of IVeS. 102, tering the "My dclar Pepper how 0. 0 Dee. 23. J0 aint reo.-from Clergy Be ested Ei # - . . � 0 , . - .0 Rindrod aid serve Fund 222AO Bl&* Steer, 2 years old. The 6wner is requ to atteman who sufforad for reA - from Ndreous ei iraa, fidd has -room, ood . ....... 1 DO pWVa pipperty, pay expense#. and take them awn A Ge ght. mu tides ... 6-50 ta 040 'Incidental Bw*npts. 'GAVIN HAXMTOP -�ay� ' it all the aftelsofyouth-m CA at -God, .4y for sale U fflWM4WWV n Ddlillity, Premature Dd nit llee6er 10.0 Ilia ........ 5.00 3�ebra!137 2& 186& Toithit red'd Mon Jw Thom Tison (Werleb w6 no, at indisetationg will for the asks ofatiffierfat bunianit' v, I r e'age, -.XcKezqle, ;uMow.'.. 0.00 mustered." glad you st be to see all your frie d fin Int J tA ewh year vendfree to all w-hoitee4it. the recipeand directions for, hickdps per pair ....... i '0:25 (4 0:30 -on It. uttly. Anil, SW. Observing a rritigh-looking* cus- Eropeaitures -for 1861; W C)� §Lgkffigtht-olmoteremed)rby-,whibbbe-amseurpd. Stif.. 1-3 rurkev� ......... ;.. `0:40_ (al 0:50 Apd:imthe -.-T nflder,,.; arers *islibigio profit bF the a#itorilsertta experience slujortite road 7LVAIN 'A 4 crop S 'tomer in the custody of a poliesman, and 2 By eashptll Co. Tress nit stoot of wa a L Apples ..... ........... 0;00 203.77 RrIlleuters ean do'so bykildressing W9 and 10. A rk -a large mob, a geittlemart in- 0:75 do -- do do -.3671.00 JOHN B.:OGDEpt. Go raft.Neiv York. Ito" 4W 4W INSOLVENT ACT OF (4. .17 _V.,rdsof d _mwlikhjrouldbei�_Uvefolior 0:05 0:08 4o do do XRS will"be, receive 'IrIn followed by bbae. ............. Rs Hoot Chambe of one of - the crowd, a �erdafit -,e 0:30 0:35 EALED TEND r the tindiftsigned, un I to son Total h7!Co..Tr%L ........ ... S1994�77 -gist of 1;riur, what the,-, callint. had. Ducks per pair 0:43 Q til, 81jur4y f. M .. - - AVING 1ptely poreb�d an illotrUment TFOV111cf)-of Ont4x%'t TN-Ibe ConatyZpart vf go PPYA 11 A3MMROX, f6r the ereo ion o a dol S L,C.Otmq of mosetvm*De , �fdivy make been guilty or. 1, gure tid OCHOOL BECTIO11TE -Notiiie, (9i JLL which Joibles li'.='to -ke.thii'litigest Ilan no atfunp Union School Section No.. 13, a ., I. to commit, sht Jae he did " wits the �cply. Beacirth Xwkets "in the matterofJosepit Thbiopaoilt .11very. youngk0and gentlamanialhe United State photo lilis #.made Special Telegrs*m to Huron Signal, 1100 g -at, the Store Of &�vj J. Mcfjj!�� -,ttirii'aal - lititwof ciiirge). by itildransinirthe ander 16011psel,ein be -,heard, the node anh 1) mid-- the gentleman, in.aur-'- ts -N Plans and-'SjRecifioitloAs'zuay n hesisomatlungery mucti.to their advantage. b) wwol 4tion 0. 1. Ashfield.,' , rala fan; .26 ByDavid fl�ejo be 4ne-trusti. -11c, . . batie mo -having fears of. b6i. hunthugg d es 0 not 'Judgeor.thes"-Coatt'st 114 tbaunderid duvo Apir to be 4;. aforth dyaco.liBolfsat. '. Much Srd, 1868- Woo. o.2.1. Ory = P4 ather bind-thdinsolvei to �ae6ept to =iaen obi diani. servant. 11 F 0 U P E. It 18 t i -over the bend wid a FsIlWheat 1:65 (41:70 Avigiv B' chairies* ve grzat 45.40 lowest" 4`8 i thee best poor Thfireri togolitir Chti�zA :tha _lgned)� 7J0ATHTROVPSMr . jo TJI08. F. CHAP AN. - for dead, zejoided his in--, ipring -Wheat ............... 1:42 (4 1:45 �Ds&26 W0.06 any,Uiiidei. j brdeiif tfii1rusteek' club till- h0ty W31irso 831 ai"dWsy. Aiw yorli . 14.B,-PArCelp16 'Piotiqft, not tbe, �est. so inthar'Dommion,- pralt trea, Floor .... 7-00.(a Y, S 0:50 Q 0:52. Wf"t,4'A..4 Mar* thast . .1 h � a iii 14, -made iD 41t ... va Plan 400t G the' blast I hasty -is .8 6 odetich.. .4lie Now W- -V� ZA Agir laa-who, ji.passiond"ac d -4t& peas 'bmi37, Yom: . . . . . . . . . . 0 70, 0 T 0 bit t It youi old� dig- M&M Br n, Jamleiian h imesis 110MI. -0 1 W is h6ws lot . , : .. : OW is rly -�Iqbismih T. iteat 00 P5, io d aze*n. -in re r i joy, seners 0096.., JbIta "'1 200 sembling hypocrite of whoul yow sbod4 potatoes 0.46 .0-50 by Na. 3 :16 - -for, -ther vit 'all to tter bw n _dead i -in: a, bull- Ru t it G pt aft 0. ftivinedofou 0"I. N �THZ i'COUNZf­11D0tMT beware., The c -the, it is only u 16 r thqtsneaka tip and.,. -15, 16 Q6 '0 -0. 0 Er id) gjj� liar .... *I; T PTS 18, ind 19, Itake' Ros4. 4ost Col. S03E[ 0.0,T, B -C 1 00 Ang 5 fiddTA -leai; half ZKOUsat- Me IT -VOWIA.. oi - - 1. N 300 .. borni� iiixth, day APR yott w*it, ypui back 4 tuMd. 9.00 grannoti! a ridli, Ith. w27. AR, Aerie, jacirit elmod' vidmogUy-1ree from t' Court Awn -7 appy to the J wtheagga, bWf�lfiirl�,& Dickeni, a higk authority Wood ....... Z-00 Total by Noi 4 'house TO hii said 'Nfl1dm*s--�i4iaist of 0, new.- VLL SUTPLY,40 W, ....... A, a ri that first 11 -Chickena 0.'o (4 0.80, lg'ge-, frani%; og me. ou _1P ALEXASDIM McDONAID; M", 211: ithinso Scot EST., Trksta t to- eliver F"W4 W27 f0ri3ili ere is a youiik 0. 1146 PaYS: I have 4"26 iirj� u, orc tial1l.corrict, god how. rdi prices. do 01. 1 1-tiontme ba(I me -premises i4ls' AK ij 'a 06 TH i ID , iij"Oko_ -01 L 01 -AS 111 ff STUDENT- so et crait tho oonvieotipool- idea. �R.,U an fitting W om - lio H ir, W1W im jolo, ollir d: Roga 4:56 @ 5 50 k 0. , -1i no] . a : . . :.- . - _* , '-_� 151011 a2boa 106kinjY011 W I ,� on a -0 Ushonexty tki if - varoe All 6 se. th T k by A� if art it 6Y thin g- to 6 .1) eurin up 1) ..- . -110.04 - I fei&. PlAlft PJ&0PWA--* it 4 Usti Dribp- . at .6 f lhs� XIONTRZAZ -tot be his ir -49 an a e#. U 137, tint Joi, asked the -W _A.�. Per V Rt W I It yo*%.b W, X -o J"Y# tor say it1liat b r that a *air he Wit he 7:76 A.w ." : - '- � Anoy . ................ " �4 -1 - ; 95 01340 JIM is xww, t401 gp odfion diat'hi ha Ir -W a Vro Am& 28' ."Ore clip the Lv_-�_ -1 1 1. 1 � i* =,a that he 1W slit uncla W, 9.� da hen 4 t n. oleraj I -ot] %a ZS 0.- 10. cholirai radibus,�Ag'stenteli-aird, other -kini. tfj Ina Dull'. ybody 30 "Jagnizat 0, his FA- T0911S E 4nd, thou -h abo.-ho"t :30 �Ang 0 By i1mi dred i6pplai aew dperNoIG. wheat 7 0 - 0 vqliod that ght earod 4 .Aar To At,01A kilie matter his Parentage A h r 100 she If woo ild U liheraillyimppliodvilb u ad�riilk�ed ibij�ift _ re.quir.4d, 0 a1w had fift *40, r T44119- 1&* 1 81 . 1�' aw ring vuthin. �#ro. t6li, thli,40.0 ME&D CoN" Ute madir ff WATSOW-8 SLOOM, Om�i W�:ethiiit cf�yi4it JAM91 Flu h sp gyibg-, -4 to tnd otbot-new UW. W= to Ang W-Hanitab -Oak 10 Do, -shouta. bef in apritntion., %n*;a:nd'tha Ird I JWX Barrial We whale4g.estvil u iidof bath V'sib, . her. �&knrlisrr 40 *xftote: In a Man - Goderioli,_1 Ron awtuaw ot*otzessw *0 0 16� kyrowroft ich d ay. POLLOCK, "Oat, m6dWeli' ee caw. promptly 'ch, cl by dpe'orlvror do& . es of 4in Kil LAYfes* AmUiiityp" - d"Piw000pia, 4. aed maaeu*mn of eodariob. b, ilt S1 Kin W, ................... &PY, at ha& i t ex Paine pr ta ton. ot womi *4 MW ift-4 man .......... . 14:W gum! LOAkes of ilvm -.13:00 6 T R0 FAA sAft sod AOUT"I 44Y --7- - to all the 1�" 'A View - i. *. k, j,- . 0� , - Att. '-7-4 J�* JbV wis r no 0 u 0 t in `g T7A P th ly 31 Ulty 4.1 L lierts tOR WAZ be 1% 2W14 A96 Rug GE TR BOOR4 Rj&. -1000 V, t ea it c� [r- W pro ho Wan f it 0 -1tke r, m e p . al. h t t I nia 1 0 E, nested oso .n astr e e t Ala-