Huron Signal, 1868-03-05, Page 1n
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WIT 0 a -Z. -4 d i t o r a d1"roprietor.-I The `1reatest Possible 'iro,od to th6'.-Gre'n—to . at Possible Num'ber.11
G(-.'L)ERICH,, ONTARI09 D.' -C.9 THURSDAY, MARCH 5- 1868.'
ortant New4 from Washing. -has decided. on an. application t6 be nuttle small. Socretary Stanton to-dfly made -a. wildbitof moorland wheredobd the Druka's ficree4drig in every -v*iety of soulful
he court to -morrow: fo
Bllsh'P.55 611--sit"Irn, to t
P a requisitinn on the Treasury, which, after, temple, and woukoff.silently into -the
ton. with a view of making Stanton show under some besitati 'red evening. fright afid distress, to mlilleh no one paid
A. -ti:cnolzaall and by what authority he re I tains. possei- on, was bond -the sluallest; heed.
ILL BF AT 1101;E FOR CONSULTM0, -uRoN AUCTION. 3 .0 9LB W _4110� SH,'iREVARY Thq Wbrld's spedial says .0jen Thomm She, haven7t 'evenlooked roundl"said'
Y -11 HART. - STANTON DIS- sion of the War Department: It is stated A great4rovehad come in fromfLootlaad,
m. every (lay. Will visit will'wal-Ve an,examinatio' the pbor fellow flinging his. over his which added to the -confusion and Ile
anents at auy hour afterw-rin6. nq�at orda %v49 FIRE AND MARIN E" MISSED. .,.,that Att6rney-Gen�ral 8tanberry, Judge n before - Judg I arms
y I I I head andturning hcajo�g_dovn the steep Fro P X%%
Black, and tharlbs O'Connor wiJI defend I Carter, fillow himself to *be epuimitted, iii time ininiemorial they had aliva."
A. N1 HARDY & CO., the President befoi�e the Senate. sue out - a writ of h, ibeas cor hill -side. be6h driv
UYSICIAN. SURGEON, &c.;Zc., GoDERICTI. C. W lIn surance Co mp an-jr. �APPOINTMENToF 0_11;X. THOMAS. 'pus, and thug en across the moors, camping out
Cissandra wentatraight into the house,
P New York Feb. 23.—The Times'special bring the 'Tenure of bfitce Bill before: with -a fixed expression in he, face which,_ every might v5ithout- paying -any thing -, but
13:40-ly I
AUCTIONEERS, C011111S�IWNTERS) 8a�s : It T'nay be set down that impeach- Chieffustice 04asa at once. thevultivated landhadgradualiyenuro�cii
revalillng. 'frightened Lydia's anxious heart ; but
A P P R IL 1,14 B 11.S AND CAPITAL, $10,000,000., fracuse luxeltement P inent of 41te President is certain, The �de- I ed on the waste; ,-.nd the drover, in aloiul.
t� , WO
mpid is to make the work sharp and deci-
TTYRICIAN, 01110-0 1. Washington, Feb. 26::-Tbe draft --of rds there were none, -and she 'fleem4d harsh, Scotth aceent�,was -deelkiming on hvi
ResWL�nc-ethirittio,yrea�,oferi,"l. 49
_ — __ 'ite. - . Stanton go through th,� Trea9ury_Q&_ glad to occupy herself by i)bejrmg her
P and G E N ERA7L AGENTS 11EAD OFI�ICE—SACKVTLLE STREET, Duj3!,',N - Inipeacliment �f Vie Prestdent resolved, s wrongs—how, vhere last year vas Open 5
-thers impatient demands for -bread-and- heather, lie had found stone-w4us iuclo -
-%TeNrT C, vc T -*IT r-,. %I[. T1. Washington, Feb. 22.-:--A message was partment the same as usqu], and no or
octl S(rR- D sent -by the President to the Senate yes- ders whatever- have been.made-widi r cheese and betii. Only once, as. she and in, fields, and, horrorof horrors, had h,.d
qq e- Lyddy iner in the dark passage that led ic to
L GRONN% C. F. R-ci.leitr� —Ivw Tpri— fnrnte,lv West Streett- Goderich, J01TV ORIN.q WOODHOUSE, 134(l , 82 Petabrolce R. d.
,t. Dublin , Onleath Paric. Co, Lonth -, Portadoiv. CQA1 terday aftekaoon, reto. 03 e- n. Thnmas did a pike
o,-cupiedhv3f-A3ue CajedontaTermce.Go,lerieb. 19. Artwt,-h : Kerrykael,.Co. Doripgal; J. P. for Co 141es ]FULL PART16ULARS. just aft6r their adjourn- ]'ference tlin not *he� kitchen, she whisperedl in answer to a . I);;
sales entitusted to Luittli. Donegal Arma!xh, and Own.—Chairm menty but was brougit back to the White I vi.,:it the War Office to d loving pressureof her hand :
All country and other I ai, bat a4er Us "Itsa real shame,"he shouted, aspoll-
T?A:)bevt .1. *41nan. '.%I. n. JOVIV WTI:LTA%t Gnw; Esq . Siderntan, Merp!i otf. Is House. His message, it isreported, states dil;charge from custody, went to in' ol puir hortezt bodies gaugging o' their
rhr.*e vearQ rt out- care wfl) receive prompt attentvon. Uppiir Si,livi'lle Street. and G rvat Brunmrlok -,�'rp-t Washington, Feb. 21.—The. name Of his reasons, in addition to those na;;ed in the eke. His fatber-sent him to chaffer for the lawfu traffic-."
I, rgveon in ;he 1. S. krmv., iinnirz the, We 1var oney� a Dublin, ffiv-vtor of the Dublin Tone fter a short inter- mion�y himen."
P dv.-tncpd on -.Ms and furniture llients, Col n 1, my, General Geo'. B. McClellan has beet se4 cative mansion, and ai
oft, "I dunno see why we should sp
Oils hti,-re�iaentsurer-n-,.n fT. A. Fl�iml t his former mes3ate, for -removing Stanton.
� 1), G�,dprjch, Jan. 13 12 flg. w5l to the Senate as Minister ta England. - view- vOtth M r. Johnson, retired to his. Not for hissen. 1" end ortr
I'vil I�v 1* ti,,4�mnt rIe,"tor for the 15th R011XHTCr%VF_N; '1N'Ar)E,Esq., ClonehrAney, Crossil.-ele, Briefly, " insArdination " is the 'wor braAs a makin' rowads for you to -mar un,
Armrrorf"atVi,lr-hnrz.%li—. &e.kc. Cimi-tv 3lettli.and Saekville Street Club, 0:'Plin, The nam� of Gen. Geo. H. Thomas,haa that conveys- the �substanp home. Lydia's iacred ulous tone was balm tothe
Oil,e an.1 T. -. Ja,k-,,n'g. 1.4,wer J� 1'. for Cwinti,-s 31-mth and Wicklow.—Dir e of the addi- I poor girl's heart. - Later, when each had ancl kip y-,Durn in,your poi�keiss,ll uaid a
on surzical on." at SURGICAL OPEXArrVE ANDMECHANIG- Scotthill Ainivable Life Offl,o. been sent to the Senhte for Lieut. General tional reasons. The Tribunc's tagbington spceial say3 1,shrewd local. There was much to be said
ten4pii in till pnrtA,iftho roontrv. A L CHARLPI G111-411 N1kL0';F.. Fiq., Merolvint, n P5 retired to rest anil all the house was still
n a d General,. by brevet. New York Fel�. 23---Tbe Times'special that at the meeting of impea6bruebt tit on both sides in such a ease.
wingh:vn, ovl%_� Oct. -.Ili, ISIT. %V37 0 An- I Lydia crept quietly to the upper chamber' The by-standers -,%vero listening to the
Ntrect nd Kouth Greit Geuve's Street, Washington, Feb. 122. 'Adjutant Gen- says : Aii -ii 'a�ers vesterday, the opinion prevailed that where 0ssie abode.
13 '-r 3E Cjnlrbt-�wn Lo,lq, Dun,tram. County Dub.ilL-- eral Thomas was arrested this morning at of 'th - gust Bolmon"nd other memb( She, had
Piro -tor Gli Company. e Democratic National Convention, it" w6il'ld be sufficient to secure a'c th"Ow"her- dispute. - There was agnvater abundam
stok of all kinds, aud Ash-
-tained by th,--. President last- viction to rest the ease -alel on the re- box a. the' foo' . of her little -bad. her face
ELECTR0PA'rHfsT,&c. BrRxARD COYNE. Xiq.. 27 Waterloo Road, DuYin I eight o'clock,on a wairant issued by4udge. were entel: Ouvic- self half kneeling half sitting, on low tllaa Usual Of
ICffA11T) 11[0011r. PTYST('l Vq. SLrR1GFON A111- . P. for Cpfinty.ifayo. Carter, on an affidavit of Secretaxy - Stan- night at dinner at tbeWliite House. The y foid did notget the -ion he thought
eer� TEETH inserted in either Pla ?DAV11) P
GOoDLArrs, �F4;q_ Merchant 'tlaach�sier, C. W.* � I r ton, for a violation of the fifth section of moval of Slafiton, as the embodying of hidden oir her outstretched-arins., Lydia, he ought r the.price he expe
February -ill, "67. w3rr Sil.ver. or Vulcan! Donnvbrook, Co: D;')11n. isumises and rumors having their origin in - L, 0 cted for jq pro- -A by her in sileuce, dud put her
a. -I (;I Co. Kerry P. for Cotmty arms xound-her waist.
lzed Rubber ori--reasonabl, terins J Imelt dow
ROBEItT Coxiv ky Hum.E:v. & ., Bri,hze Hauw,, i,,. oee; the Tenure of Office Act. Gen. Thomas, this �f,,t are numberless, -but it is agreed the other would licd to a heep.
111 �e 'over Elie Post.odl.:e. West K�r, v. this muraing, repaired to the' office of that Mr. Johnson ffi�ds himself %rced-to tracied and opsume tO(3
Ptreet Bi_NrnmThe\ationalBanI,. "Why joalma Stracey have a sold two
old Demo- much titne, 'ItIs.thom-,lit that the arti- got, more nor that
R %DTT.kTE nelxtrlm-nt of 'Vi"to"Ll W Ifolloy S: Watson- managez -J. Inues, Se'ceetary Stanton, and was immediately seek openly consolation of hi, And that he should ha' cared for me in the last hour, and
CT 11nivpm,tv, T,nlo. an 1 NIP of Ih- IT-;") "Id . 11tiew.vel ordered to the room used by him. as A only so long as he hoped I'd brass to gie ookin, feilow a -sort of horse -
Washington, Feb. 23.—It is stated that Friday, nd e pr6sented to the S. -nate
N -w York. Rs,,ltlence D At- 0 A NZ A T-) k B R A "': C, r -T. jutant-General, -which order Clen; Thqmas im !" she said, with a quivering -Bob.
rl, -all's d- 13ratic friends in his preSent trouble. C!es of niReachiactit will be ready by h said an W -V
w4l)4." Corner St. Franeois Xavier and St. Sacrament Streets, refused to obey. Both Gen. Tho I dunnot b'lieve it," -said Lyddy. -dealer, who htooT by.
ONTREAL, mas and the President has expressed his desir-. to 1'4 or) d sy. "He cheated me; and he's like to ha'
Ontari Bank. Mr. Stanton were at the 4epartment dkr tion legally in the courts. ' 0 , n Then hydid,Che say lib'd mar'nie, c eat
%N-P� ATTORN�FT-kT.LAW, AND FITOKS P or. This is th T. W. GR test the ques, h ed you," shONLted Vaeld Ulan.
I RT i ing the morning, and n9ither of tho-n
OH'\ pounds or no pounds ?".said q)oor
-4r:zeivn . I Gen. Thomas signed himself "That mayna be althegother the same
ro r IFIIT-rq' Yesterday
Hotel in Wester 31aaager. would. obey orders issued by the other. anxious to be contrailicted,
In40 "anada.and charges a% saZt f rate as any H:nis G. RUMBALL CO., of War thi -lie fellow in a tauntifig man-
Gt rich, Canada Wist. Office in Cooirt R�use. vi, in two communications, " S6cretai ag," said t
taze Proprietor. ti400d �*Ftbling for Aients Goddrich. The President has removed Secretary"- ad interim STONE -EDGE. Dearheart, I weren't there, I caiina nor. "Ye may hoodwink the craw, but
"vltf Stanton from the War Department,and ap- speak to it. Xebbe he canna manage
N1. 100HOrIeS. Rorses and Carriag . The determination of Mr. .Stanton to A TALE. other wi'that old rogue his fatlier. Eut
s for Hoe, or) hardly the kestrel ; butit werenaI iue that
homas cau
lortegi Notice 14-7 'PEP. CEM T pointed Adjutant -General Lorenzo1 se the arrest of Gen.- Tholuas was -de- bought un.
B C. W. w%T. ad interim. he'd surely not ha' come nigh thee now an
New York, Feb. 21. —The Postss sp V cided -dpon by him as the surest and most Continued. it werena false about the Mrohell. Lass—and Ashford i1irew him an angry-answeran
eeial direct'ineiliod, of compelling 4that officer to went OIL
E Government Stdck- says in CHAPTER XU. we wunna give up'cne as has been good
it is understood to be - Mr.. Stanton's take the initiative -any civ�'l proceedings I 'But the nerotiations for the call wro
%V R 0 X r-, T E R. NDintention not to obey the order oftho Pre he may institute to obtain pop-mession of of- and true ii1l. nowanwe ha'moreknowledge quite as stori'�y nith t1w next purchaser.
3I-Irket Squ�re, oWITHIN TEN YEARS. sident, but to remain in 6rge of the War f, c' r-nqr- this. And now get to bed, my,"darlin'.
e. Being under bdnds,he is in asure FOR a few days Roland was ftrm against J-"muunaha' tbeesick." Andb4foreshe They were only haggling over a few �shi;-
n Street. ad from Searorth 'to Office until heis rcibly ejected, unless a me he itx=,,gerstood 'by, ndinan-
ON the direct ro, prohibited from acting at his own pleasure, but
H P-Nl-?.Y ClUIST, c �h S to turn over the and if he receives further orders from the little agell . to tiow in a dazli, of bitt . emess whi&a
Walkerton. Every ecessary accom- ounselled by t
e fo ffi-e idea at the end of that ime, how- 14E4,er she had open hey laid in. hr
, enate
qr DEPAIVIr.13EV rAL ever, he heard that Germ,
modation for the travellinz A GA E V'r Office to Gen. Thomas, in'accordance with Preside4t mu�t decid' between disobedi- an �ad beea in- �;hiti 1.6t.
e 4elayed, them vhen they were neafiv
RA\NNAH DAYS. te President's order. The excitement here once to him, or ineurling-further p quiring-for him. He dar�d -not- go tip to , Butin the middle of the night Lydia ed, and tVe quaxnal grow 3nore 4
412ce, over J.. C%'Deilor & Cols ,Ll -tore 0 T T A W 4) tone us conscience a on rose gently and went to see how her �hild
Wroxeter. Nov. 5, w42 E-DERS hisserviees to persons dosirous of IV- is intense. Soon after the Senate wont into for, V� iolation. of law.
him, poor fellow! "She's a. rich loom more furious.
fared. Her tall. white figure looked so' Well, come
T vesting in this sf-an saleable q&!urity.- Parties executive session,a committee,of four Sena,, Mr. Stanton was'in his u&e until a late now, 11 he muttered ; but he 'thought the- tbi�rit-like, in the light which the late in, and'let's ha' a --glass of
PRIINCE VF OPI.MlE HOTE� b,f," J-luarY 31-4 next. 41ne-tentil (,f I tors proceeded to th(') War- Office and in- hour last rtiglit, and proposed t A ale, -and ha' -done wF it," said the buyer,
y wish to invest, will rereive by retuim o remain un-
we- d be no harm in lighting a fire on the7 poured through the low window,.
qOT.TI-TTR-;: &c.. Goderich, C.. 'I Vie rt�eeiivt of the Govertimpnt of the Donlinioof I formed Secretary St-.Cnton that pending til he eQuld,,safoly leave it. . The efforts of at last wearied out. .11TVa getting quite
O -Mee. Cmbhl,- Xexv Block. The remain&r must be paid bef,)ra Alarch ISO&' any rock " Whoknows-whether she mightn't that Cassie gave a little cry as she en� late ; it'a ni-h on four Oelock.'l
A DUNGANNON.� ctioxy, it was the desire Gen. Thomas to get possession of it have look*out?" The first time nothing came tepred.
T� % k V. LEWT:1 Full virtioulars on ppil -atin. that he (Stanfon) should retain ofhee and
Godench. A Et_-w�t Mli. I �.', L ;W01%.V31 31r. Grists charge is 8:i.00 fr suing under $1200 and thui Var been utterly futile, -and it is be- of it, no one� had seen his sign-, the next Oh, Lyddy dear, I'd a -been a prayin' The pablie, with its Banded floor antl
one quarter per cent on lrer ammints. disregard any orders, from the President lieved to -night that on Monday the Su- greatold open fire-place,lookedraltempt,
-he wind b! w out his fire ; but the o hard that* God -Amighty -would make the h w t le of ' s o found
ight t
to- the contrary. The committee also preme Coul't will be app6aled to for -relief. all ug a a circ ram to
W. 6� id�ho, President will atteinpt third time German, as he drove the cows straight and bring us together egin, tbait A Cyd -ell, P. It. G.. Kin-qton waited upon General 01rant and had an It is not behev6 every new -comer. The fire-lightshove on
Sin Ili', K, , �� Bailk Ntb interview with him. The committee ex- anyfe,)rw to oust Mr. Stanton, thourh ;ru, home, saw the 4ttle p'ale blue column ris- Im.
door %vesT of 04t-t� Ample accommodatious.1 e sq., Presid,nt Sritish Aiapri,� sure it'll come to pass ; it seemed' o the pewter pots and �lcazaed on the �rows
r,mip-tay John ton, Esq., Audit6r f ing in the still eVening air, and went and me as though I'd'wrestled and won, aif�d
chnic.e liquors and good ailthe Dmninion_ Ottawa; Wade, Eiq., an, "T press themselves entirely � satisfied with 'mors of sdch intention axa plenty. a
ger of plates on the dresser, and there was a
tendauce. fetched hfz sister and. lit the - return fire. thed I thqught thee wastth6 angel happen
Gen. Grnt's position regardin this ma -t- New'York, F6. 23.—The Tribune will
fiddlegoing at intervals unorthoilom
Dungannon, Ottawa..January Ilth, JS63, - 0 . L�
kT-LkW.-(1LI('lT-)R TN OR %'qCKRT am.1867i 6 w The original signal was Suddenly ti�ampletl come to tell me so. Dost thou not th�iik
Cinrevn—pr. & P . &e- . Gnder;eh. ty 0 innovationi-ov-eiivliehNatliau, -who had -
W9 u come out to -morrow demanding the imine- wha we pray for with all out 1
Wa3hinon, Feb. 201.—The 49enate a 'diate iinpeachm out, and German, as he watched it, pointed t fOrmerly been the owilier, shook Ws hedd
ent and 'removal of Presi- 'we
OuL. (')-1Fie on he side of We. -t Slr"'�_ third few ipinutes after two o'clock t this outi and said. with some compunction heaFtstyil
— I. TC &nt in 0 dent Johnson. It says there is no avoid- severely whenever he heard it mentioned.
_170VIII HOTE 4, for his doubts as id Roland's 9004 faith, Lydia's milil eyes'were clouded, and as
LUCRTI L PRI C I M_J -1 0 executive- session and continued therein ing '.this conclusion—no middle "It warn't Iniver so in my day, and comes
course. 1 11 He sies ourn, lass,;. I shouldn't�tvouder Cassie urgid her again -she al�iswered to no gooa said he.
'AND STAE OFFICE. seven hours. The iemoval of Stantonwas This most infamous chief man-istrTte should � if he'll be here afore lbng,'2 Yes .1 believe thaiddgives hishlessin
NO. I alt Water,galmotl, 7e pe-� Ill. fully discussed, and with m6ch spirit in be. swept out of li
9. Within this c4armeaeirole the company
r0fice, Moc, oppo4ite The 1 Labrador 11enlin,;.i per dnzeT�. lathim-beim- d down AWearaestprayer. Sleep, dearie--take
R. S. CUNMI INGIIARI. lrc-ptietor- - ' do do per half barral. y eat,,11olerallthe ills,of life victorious;
D6 secHt sessiori. Restless and uneas ', she burrie n
se ao;ain to tell T�Vdia.
4,1-r[TATEDon the corner oil the Northern - Do 31aekerel in kff,,4 an,l by the piece. resolution offered by Sen, show that it not only has the power to thy rest now." and the dark night night and cold -Wt$ of
January 3. The following peached, and. let the pdpublican pady to the hou
morning fi* Underiel; and %Vaficert,�n. T , tie Lake Huron Trout 3. 00 per ha -If barrel, out a div*- 'Sit thee down, dear child, Evenifhe The next day Cassanarawas appare*
ki Gravel Road, LueknoV, Stizesleaveevery Do -'ator Wilson, as agreed to with oI(-rain withou seemed to grow less and
preserve the Union from rebellion under be coming, he c%,nn,% be up at the Stones cheerful and relieved , he -went about in
A TTO-R-,-rlf-.kTl:.%iv.sf)LTrITOPfT-q CTT4,N'VRRT. hoteIrlis flited U ith every accommodation for Do Herrings nN do Jeff. Davis, but aisa-lium. treache'ry -under I= pleasant to face za the storm -went on.
p Sealed Herringi, Mots per box. but the day Xoriover, the dear &1ghts, of quarreling,
P3- coilveyevicer. &c, Walkecion, Countr of coultnerctaltAletters. A4argge i4alt attached. Whereas Se for this hour welly an lie had Wins." thetriumph of her relief
Lewls'.Labster,; 20( nate have received and Andr6w Johnson.
NV5 considered a communication of the Presi r sph
-to per ean. I'Dunnastop me, dear, I-canlia bide after ho - it flagged again, and a restless
Bruce. 'Jua.240867. W2*2 Best -&-irdines Ne and 30o per tin. Washington, Feb. 24.—The excitement go up there and wait a bit; depression came over her whicli struck frthoise -who enjoy that exerdwe like oPil
AT THE - "TELEGRAPH dlNit, stating that- he had z:emoved E. M. continues, and the impeachment question Alifor0t, are not easily foregone.
TO:IjE.l still ; let me T3. A., Itwill
Stanton, as Secrelary of War, and has is the gener�%l theme. The - I do me g?od even he anna come. I jdeep into.Lydia; h art. Intheafternoon, EI ven� the mollifying effectsof ale and tile
AND LkAV OFFTCF. CRAUS's ',qEw FARIT FOR .,SALE Capitol Iong room were stiflin' o� me.22 as she sat before the waver -ending heari of money the valf did not putrtena to it.
TERMS CASH. designated the Adjutant General of the before the -hour of meetifigs- was `cr�_YwdeX feel us " 'he, more, bat followed her up to Inending which she enel-411y took on her- for
B �"; .31 LD I , Lydia said nc i, The hoke-dealer would not let Ashford
9H army to ictisSecretary ofvVar ad interim ; particularly on theRouse side of the build- 41
t�r-nv� Mipatedand def--iivP thles tn roal PItinte W. SNYD-R-1 therefore, be it resolved by the Senate of _ the Summit. self—as Caisfe never 6ould- ab'"" �"t alone ad tie old farnier went Zn dogge4dly
ing, and thousands were unable to obtain often that the winds were tingstill.—the poo'r went in and out in driukiag glass for
Quieted. Goderich. Dee, 9%v34 It was not
BE snbseriber offiers fiyr salle a fine farm lit Telpera-nh Nice.' t4oUmitcd Statds, that'under the con- admitfanceto the galleries. The door. tuant
T t1jeTownsitils, -it beipt., lot b,coei 6 _&sandansii
-n W"holosale Agent for Pilkey's Celeb stitation and laws of the Vnited Stat' still on that exposed point, but this even- a sort of aimless tid7ying o4 what was l. by taunt.
"aida E. D. containinr 103acres, ot aist cias,; 4 -lay land I t I (I Waterprof Blacking. the- PresiJent h'as nb power to remove es ' ways were. obstructedby -ladies; and the jug there was hardly a breath sirtirring as redyspotless neatness, -as if she could is
A SOLIrITOR-T-N MAN- tiardwoodtinsti4r. A6,out 20 acres cleared. For the lobbies were densely filled by persons of I'll bet ye any tbing ye, pleasp you'll
G-dcri,h. (7nt-. a,,d G Secretary of War and designate a k y 1_
particuld oderieli n., 1868. the slladowsgraduallvjs�u overthe ma-- i n _"p her mind quiet by perpetual not sell that lot 61 heifers for nothing 4-e
r& as to price.&C., anpiv to 7th , w44 any other both sexe , Th�te wm no abateniv--t of 'hi' not.
R--irfirld. Ont. 0,110p� Pa "p Block -oceedings 'on of
Gode rich,. and WM. SE yM0rR & CO. officer to perform the duties of that office." interest throughout the enti - re p). nificient view at-thei. feet. Folds of 11, . her limbs. f lazt she came �ud what ye giv' for 'um."'
or T..B. VAN EVERY, i Copies of the resolution were ordered to' dee� clefts it, the rodk�. open dales,. with leaned over the back of Lydia's chair, so i
z-�- '%fr. �ill he at h;� hmnc offiee, of the House, which continued eighth.ours 'And what business it; that io� yourn, I'd
the blue river tracing 01tt its own course, that she might not see -WO a
every 31onjay fruin 10 a- m. IM 5 P M. ne the ' rkn 'of her like to know ? theyie as good beasts 'as
gw&%v36 Dec. 12. IS67- be communicated to the President, See- 'and'a half. q The Se cc- adjotirned a short �aacatch`ggoldeu reAec6ions on itswnd- face.
HE LIVERPOOL & LONDON, retary of AVu, and Ajutant-Gencral time beforethe votowas taken, and the- ivea- vas bred,44d Ill iotelitheir monoy=y
Thomas. ing l4ereaud %tere ; beyond all', the purple Lyddy, yoii liteve in' prayer where."
TTO-IN-M IlT L %W, IT, m_ I;, C T I -% N-- AND GLONE New York, Feb, 21.—The Herald's members of that body came into the hall& moors which stretched'NFithout a break, it "Yes, dearie, or I shorld lay me down "Arena ye condag, Ashford ? yo mail
&c.-- &c.. &,. in good stiason to hear the yeas and nays ad die.) I
5 Lors tv,t nr it- c. eRmeronis UP Oflice.
A, Pwii:g_: zhiilez"_ 14 8 U R'A �J C E C 0 'M RA N y I I pecial sqys tli6 members of the House of ;ac� right on over'the border. make haste*,-, it',slooming onto blow ;-and
Goderk h, 31ON-FY TO LEND. W020 called, and the result announced. The the foot of the � area stone3 Nay, I dunn4 mean thatA
I A nigan as 'twill be a
Has been in eximence Thirtv-two years, and: Representatives who have taken the most reception at the Executive M, nsion to- said Buxton, who
thit period lins pa:d active part in the late impeachment night was more laxgely attend�d than on whicMhad seen such stiaIge sights in their how if we'pray fervently me git that we belonged to nearest Stone Ed"'re,
-T ive -.nd a h1f million pounds ste hemes are the most exercised t thi ith, gTim, gray, and terrible -in them-, -%sk," sh� repeated, anxiousl
Thpdisbur-emenl ot this enormous suz� over� sci s re- any similar occasion during the season. yol Y_ andhadarrange(I to riae back with him
Bclultun, Out. W35 ndwal of the war between the Executive es -and their recollections, sat the two I . SiThre0s better nor
310�TEY TO�li.`ENID- d The President did not seem disturbed by perfect- silence. Cassie had and a third farmer., bittei the')il andCongress. They considered the do- t, -day's action of the House of Representa womaul, In CHAPTER XIII. one along that Joaes6ine roa4 ; youd best -
lence of Public Corporations, Merchaw%-- lorable -failure of the ]aBi attempt at im- tives. He received many of his friends in claps.ed bet arms round1er h-u#es and laid MUAK3�T-DAY AT You--ramrFm eome home iW Ant&Nny and in
T -V. Would announce that he has s i cared the ennfit twhen he -Lql:-
HousehQlders,jand bwsitiess men generally, peachment as finally settling this unpleas- hiz usu, her head upon therb, tW Lydia, in the , OLD Nathan was so indigiau �'-Tm bld enoualf to know-- �&afi best
Jr IMNSrM %TCT1 B_-%TPMD, Con'"'y of agency of severs, iV is 0,vpreqe:�ted. rl manner. Among the visitors Lb pain of seeing such self-concentra- heard what Cassie had done t�at he sent
JLJ Unroll.' Sales ia village or cuttatrir, pauctunliv at- ant business, and now that a fresh act of Were Attomey-General Stanberry, Sec�e- duiy. mysell," said �Oaord, on whoin tht) ale
tended t6. Jnjlq1vvvear,' 6.theFirePremitim 1p their indignation taries Seward and McCulloch, and flon, lifted it up without spoaking, end her word by Nanny that he w;uld �iot let began to tell.
. )153 . hostility has arisen,
alone a"mounted to ...... X9M Post- laid her own head there, The movement her come Aear his house. "I'She-shouldna
First clus Sewi.1 M& -N I f n its 10th year, lw46, X17.763 mastor-Gencral Randall. The horseZealer went Du baitin- him
lapis 6 knows r -o bounds. grief,'p�ad bUTA ba' had the m waste un �o, an I And bow much did ye get
New York, Feb. 22.—TYe'Times' special broke -the spell of silent oney to
E-�qf,-JNLEK AND PRVINCIAL qr 201 It ven r, I Q5F, It cc ?ys when General Thomas p New York, Fib. 24.—The excitement into tearg. couildstop, it," said -he. ' "Whall the for Ze iin
which be is prep ed to sell at th lowest 30th year, IR66. resented his in. this city has been in a most fav ish coliv I Twenty pund I INTO, nor the
L/ Surveyor. Toronto Street Goderich. V15113 9f er -her and 'Use o' thrift, F
possible rates, at, One year later, IS67, cc XS 1 8,055 order -from the Preside-,rittwtake possession 11 Suppose,it sliAld! be as fai d likeilo,knowis ? -And to half on it ; th&cows here isof 'very ldier
of the War Department, fohlr. Stanton, state all day, and all sorts of absurd rum Ahey all says 171 she sobbed., " One "ud ha' a' thein good pounds as me. anA%Bessie 'breed."
Th oerv� Fund is now �A.717,464 ors have beetillt� �_cula fed, sack all tht the' if held cared he might ha' come have a'spared these loug years just flung rhe Lire Reserve Ftind iq now vait any longei Allb2ora lizira
X- vs. amrnlln. e Fire Res
AND S LA". DETLORT O -Li) S T 1111) 1 the latter asked him fdr a copy of the
j.-entand Couvw1ancer, Kitteardine. The compativ is represented flirouehout Vn- o h en, and he then in- Qovernor had proclaimed martial 1aw in back frae York or sent A' that fivie I were away like as if the7 was. dirt, along o' Ash- the faTmer�
Hamilton Street. far(ci and Quebec, bv formed Gen. Thomas that he would take, he city; that the Mayor had placed the wi, aunt-D,_511io ; he milm ha- liznowed I forid's fnuddlin7 ways, it's enough to make 1'1�m comin' arter ye g�t *along," &,lid
Goderich Nov.22 18137. -44 A-g-ats, to one mad. They might all one has been h, �
whom appheation l'or insurance mav be made. consider the matter. Stanton has militi,; uner airmv, that. tro,)ps were to be.' shi:itila be there." e, ang"i
Ayandby this 'time half -tipsy.'
0. b C. SM11 H, Resident Secret y itrolled to! sustaE Lydia soottied. and pElted her. 141 I'm browed into te liui�r-holo for a' the good 4'1 know viell enough What n -u About. :k�
con!" Tte of the TETnited St=les of r. ary been advised by ever member .�qf the e a the President; that
1W)r4EY' 1_0 LENT -Do M6X'rFL9A'L Senate and Houte who has called Onhim hpi6g.,a hell soon- be hero, my darlin', they'11&6 himtoo. A fool and hi money, wouI the boyal Ioague Club wo6l rai parted." tcatdh dIdAshford trippitig,"hpa4
men �intifeach othees soon
RffiTJSHEXG11AN`GE 40TEL. OMCEHOURS. �,A. M. 7-10'Rb, Agent for Coderich ; B. V tO' re5i2t the removal, arad lie undoubtedly a late 1I,J and once, ye can see. eyes with drunken -pi:V_e, cat& j up
from 9 2. fla., to 3 -40 C_ H U .1 Z- 0'r4 & F t;o support Congres, &a. ur*. Indeed the universal approbaionwas TH 4%? Ile WWII, for W. N. Watson, for Seat,,rtll will -do so. ' Gen. Thomas has openly de- mebbe iR will be Ana then. in afore ye�,v at the Windy 436p," and'he re
'SAVRIGS Goderich.-F tb.l 1,1%8., w4l th tlwejA w�as aua terror lest OR! shford thould isa them --reat that it scented as if the poor girl lipA
AND LOAN SOCIETY clared. that he - -will take possession of the I to -night , e czei bated' 0 turned to his quarrel and his beer.
if resist d Im-filense erowds gatherud� around the from their wor and com,�. out them, conimittedsoinegreat falt in giving -,tip At this
office to -morrow morning, and e moment Jo*ua looked in at the
The a.bovq.SocA%:tv is piepared t lletills -placed betbre tihe tlewspitpar offi. she whispered, I'll s ad German to every ha,lf-penny shahad in the',`worldud
. by Mr Stantou ivil]. send for force to exe- bu 400r and ankeil for -a 'glass f
nortzrAny =01-MBACHERIT ASSOCIATIO-,T, f happiness with it ; and Ash -
w40 cute orders. -slIlayed 6y caldium lights. Th thee " and.weat oT iii lipste. her hopes o: pointing with his flmmL at Ashford, who
ON 1211PROVED ces, aad ill: 0 �Ke shadows fell darker and darker as fortf was more iiIitolerably cross even than
Washiug�ou, Feb. 21, UA-5.—Mr. Stan- fict that the KQuse passdd resolutions of sat with his back to the door, made signs
ITT Aed bit a great -bank usual wheu she caline -down, with: him to
0* S ton is still at the department, and will ie- the at�rlow dep" that he woeretu "There!abeenro�
-impeachment created no surpri94, and. was of"m4guificent ft touds heaped in siga the paper fiece5sarXierher father to ju, rn.
ON I%IOFr ADVA;NTAGF0US TERM). ;main all night. The d6partn, eat -will- be , uerally. neeived with- cheers. Euch uoag 11.
a Loan will - found- ge the $t high, and titig- get the money. "a he S42 in a low
-morr ga h in voice ; "a body auna, speak wi"1iin r ill!
closed to oi, it being a le. I � lid Y.
1115VIN-MAL tXD STMVZYOU�, DAUG The cost of effectin lie sses many
g Store, tit much lower thart in other Societies, of a unilar faction is loud ia denunciation of , t he , lues, moved in So thour was &ving -up �er
P 01.ze in Mr7 Ca -rolls D The Committee on Reconstruction, at cre Be 7,h poor Cassie road. i'llpme back for 't When lie's ffit-
nature. The attention of the Borrower is cailed ed with gorge -it 3ras p6uring
Wroxeter. other. Disturbances are coustwitly ta--,- sthtely processi ss 0 valley. The all ;old Ashfoi(f IM, RV, that 0 .
their meet' i, tod."
13 --AD orders (br sarveyin IPA With C Thit the fact. that he will reviive-the full antoun't of _n g to -day; agreed by a strictl.y Q.
aeive, iva did noteel in the
genii, E-4.. of,`winghara. -in receive rintnediate , at- v h saloos -ind sunset, tl
g place ar 'and the driukin
e e d -d it
'party ote of seven againsi two, to im ie earth gred but, their lofty In 4 few m�lautes the hox%L-dealer got up
he Loan.without any deduetion being made for
h- lon4 after the least,gmt-jeful. Only in her cas sh
istereseor Pavilients in advauva. the Preaident for high crimes mid =e- th�,- polite f6rce hzr, been increased: eu�lnenqes u - t as the and wont mit o fetch his- horse, saying,
a growin, o�ht of the presi- 4W been called in shadow, H at 'last tbeir with her eyes open, quile Aimpl�, as the "The cobwill-a? hardworktozettollai-
Advances ik _
nia-v be repaid nothly or Yearly, &143p, meanors, charge ineeting-P ha fur to -morrow world was
eitending overla period of fram one to tifte0h died' away into 4he hectic only thing, possible, and e2;pectecl neith
"bi each' Political party.. Tile much good
dentsitinductin the remcrValof Secretary afternoon- splendid -for n
J _A%T ld t ]L' Y`9 years. Stant U� a thit of M.o� I'Blauc �hiinself g:atitude for herself ]�Or for
on. asL
owts A supporersf*t4o Pr6tiideut meet: at -the an,& b6
In t4d House to -day, M�r'� Brookii ma e And 44 A'shfo4suddenlyseemea to be
FOFLIVULLPARTICULN:]� APPLY TO Teel�eft!)Y V.I. sun's r1ii1 t- 'down to Yoltl-.
ress at It �a� 'Go stri-Ring zi .
0-L"S MiD Sr.YUIFICATION, of Build uIty Uall 1'4rk, and tli6se of Gbna. Cass Her father ha& Wken. her,
IL -ftzg kc,_,aot up la a neat, . . . . . . a speech reg-ardin impeadhineLlk. I" WILIU11, - V ndra's at� -t, t -was
tety at Godeteh she watched the clia on, a ..pillion b0iind, him. "Thaes- N
and correctstyle S. POLLOCK, - umk laigelf -how the *,401 Agent aad Ta-tuator for Elie So��i -lofig in theidat. u4t.,irp, Union L�auc� rooms, tention as diverteir,
uron, Aaction� Mert, Mar he said :�We have been' Despatailies I I 'ratu -thit he 1" *go summ tooney
rw nro�a&
God of a how yr mother used to 8 6ic e -Mid
of revollution, long has the. $:ountr�_ been Netv Y4-kp eb. 24.,* change as a io 6 omen with about him aLlisix 1wilesfloilely road be-
- j ,
'i - she heard u the old man., Re w.%s not quite kare him-
'6�fti the throes of a revo1uti6A,'b`at' flerefit pD1 iliout Eha� couutry deep .�11,_when.behind
-La t d u for the
'X rne Button had notbeen gonoubove auartor
di forchim. Itseeinedtosober1jimstvate.
self "however, -whether this moae of pro -
we are no,%r approaching the ast pncl fina.1 z ho w. th &news of mp�aehmeat to havd been moti
-ion fri oixler to her 6�(V, ��Or
`CNES, Table �age of thh_i5��01"Xtiou. We ae -travel%- wit4 general. approbaton 'by the place, gress -Was ure her gafe! zeturn VW2 Z#Y I of an lwid, w4en he fore and hurriedto,
LOOK 0 MENTS, H DST t had a bad -name a an ee
fearlem-O at 1 31� tcrderi6 iffs
-Uy,3 -%,qa a4l' New York D tqps, -Posts, &-, Joilabs, of every deserip. though she vrs
di�z of Croin- 11�epablicaug;:while the ut of dpagerous meetings.
�n He was a rafts—Gree# over and ovex a7min'the
nd Of Chatles the lat, and 074arlei; It was'Onl t4ne fumbliniorAdr 7he bri-
I-A bac&.g--,\�ation.ited-ri�iley—Sfateno and st I 'of wort-marship, furnished; on 9 luou- hat moment ere xin!f a's -much lwpi in my love hostler
i ly 4 ce�fhg act us -a, -up
short not lowest prices. . li4e. the2ndi and we are tiuversin,,'ovef. and r 811cl, ancurrent m6ae-y at aurrent rate of noti e and at the eWed� bol I make the light on yen candle 2
n made, for ansh, A-11 Orders o�er again all the, o She sprang up h her as S I 'b' -before itzould
'h� awt it it vx,ecPxa1 uduttes
raJ- re�ductio s enes ofhe -kench re-," ulcasurc-
w41-1yrS olutiom'- ff.�ou -proceed - to dei6sa. �tl -e Yeb. 25 —The house 'Vae. th ,4 �of the the poor girl to herself -
M.HE substr;ber 1havia HENTUVED to the punctually attensfed to-. DesignG of Monu� Of"' liaads but 50,40 ou 4,l. , - -tit' fknd, =d-ueaF!ly'&-rk before testalt-
t hr it' lo bline,
NCAN. -it P. violobeel if yourthiow- him inittoo entef-d ulld L-iber to- he, z se he, -ive How
-&-c., may b6 seen tit the sho' ?iesidont y itie" ftdte & quite Aa, d ; and then vaited a few aj&utt4i more
starehtely occupiell� W4. Du tents, nicall lk, gretefaiiy-,f�r 6peachea"thi loir's mlin: wlio.wAs -oin- tarb of 'the ume
G 3deti6h. Dec'. 19."1 sab� w J, 7 1 y Out of office e�_c�,t bydue rocessof im-' jily it 1. 15 �-m, wbioh forsure," Ono
I Ad felt -einou
.G 'ft11M,,AT
& -firstdoor sonth of 13m;5haes. Mitrket Squar e.
'to I form hi or p.eqchn,ienti I tel re, 'esideuirzf che utilt- asgs &D, li-ever. forked le
WkIles in friqnds in the Town. I �Oii in' Of iliQtl� w1ohostoni 3ommunicatioi whatpyir, way; road; hory off aid
i!ianda and fixillionslof 1e- pi6 '1 '6 ',Tjlerp was no A -took -the
orso, bom -townhizrompazdo
aviteric'b.andsurrotindiii-.ebaittrv,, tliathe' P " a WO ed Stuo- fdr vlohttioa of'. the lawig' and FORW -In,; ; , 't� 0 XN LIED wi-11 noveri, neverli _soi,helpr Ina God, nei�r,'. Varr, udze Tqde-iou. 2Aoue.
k 0 M t. 1�.-�Vaatcd to See yer-- fell ),er�2' she lor 4theressioor I
cora4Ae'stocic. 0 1 I . . other
W ha ihe larmen and'"most he cii,Havib' yer Germ -ing thei next two, or. t1me
jjre7rell aill'Llit milfeasance noffitfe. T Son4to'-nocii- t ahledly' 'to ney -This speecli _,-was 91"* b6gali ,s. r, s=Xll�ket
er, submit Vzore he bi-restic;
811 and Winter -Steo '0, sjvU m uxtdra months.-'Ashfoml's Theumatism. -wns 'bet-
'10011-NER, HO9PfTAL'& ST, J(YH.NLT STI i�a_. u.couOui id 11 -Ad ie.
ith4ughtor'bytheRepubli &nmeinteis.
heard, RO an nratteid Asliford;t6 himitelf, aie t
11 waa- su -
L T WATER ay 41w otheri xid
Me affig JAVfiit'e impel.-chuieaf poiidrz inevitable, poun 'iere wasanything iieces.0y tow
hnie t -ntsf -triat dUthe Pi6sii1en i -_p4d =0 1-h tersandhe %siStc-doili NVS: ov i6rionf impeac r )gciae or the 1v thz,,t iny., und
rted by sileech Root And t;bd to's evert'.
0 es: by 89178. 8 1 of
L 9 B*,U�tb S. Whaff.
'44m, - 4- - - .- 'h pa, LIKE, &c., �Cjrany �6usle�ln the- eountry.colitimig 4�very Ing oev�ral liqa6hcau Sun�tors are,-" y de- that 4kould-s in- J_--ftm. MIii
tdi pay lam
-or ly�gession,of the Hou A Ir us tainil sofe the wind.
w iiiuli; take� i TI6 me !or paying his TPut 09�'Iae 01117'
There ts.; at W, ise -1) -8 ID Of nni- the opiniq f , 1 11,
0 th� and too -quick for V to
f'WaPh e swortment of preme 0 + ok place Justaf �er.warket-day, for the
and Chifdrea's-400dsi�mnd AMUNACTURE3 UYUN.'I -on the' reAution - bf impe�&chmeaf Yv 'Mol y - Inl t1efla b he old farinei
vote it th4b g4ing Alowc
la Ma
zaa fliat. also a Yery' larg 41g at heri. aednia;ied by te-propei'xoffi6fal �ih ght any, eTe h6walit, to a -weatiler gw vom and jib - urgad 1116
of-th-d 'right; and so Of M=Y Oft, ib A'JuW4 eim ate,
LIT, dE1%1.Tf-E4Di .-Yb*,;-Fe'e '2� Inort.
toilyfidaie, NeD t�l -con ilehat ther,iO -be akeff., a e 6 and I `;I sh3una-catrh them upnowlIlow,; -how
t defiaite adti I! liap�eu� itted fate. the., - 0 13 W4;Lln(r 0 is Con no. qV02, 0. 1- . _t_14fi �frDiil �i%i Thi� kf6ideidt-d6c1az6s'h t Ott ---a V, tho
bta.%r- al' to YOUTC110 earV _tke, The
8 _ '�o e- ;ep OJftnttv Oil Is M --0940-e IS monsy* -
Of sali��cf which was, to niaj"e fhercn�y
-0 WE
ea thti th im 4(1�b old z=ia on thivughtEe, tllkk
. I— ., " r _ _"t*_ Ir.6 fier�g -sent -ivith- Cassie
and fintal, 1;at irhp`otted� An& df li t,,
r-espec hn, I mul and the strewo
rTriftrIt e e. flexop
d tard' tioukll 19 eiarr Y.:- he Will sill` --T black �Uy
e -faizy 1 nmyj m1tv ccmie .0 4 zac
s� Sol- y --zud thag4t U heard
ad, slect in ik� r
I ��The. streets =Or Moina.
oll,14 -A riza� at interraU vllicli P
�sorts o rumors.
1-roin gatyjaig 16 su�,pqtt-tjke- -P -o6r Oat5ic�s s(J -6re, in the
xaip e, V4 saffar nif is-
oljhV,� eV memre ba en ere it' might Iva laxto.%
tn �he:b ohold bb C �,Of Washivj� Fob' 2- C n-2
iayiji re
a.60i --ckelte vithin He i a-
tir 'Cry e -ise As h I t -le W th-it tie �Wsx slow:
eodill, you� *%dL" He 1" vezebed z Aafk Tit of fAe rD%d,
the" to -f �nighq�
rresiden Islidii hm jl�st theto liojii�- z
mely, ey Were -
as gk7 . - ram SAwk I
T -he ioare sturrb-
P, ENT 4 . se R ?w saaiidra; *Pfh a
con Is rum" Iwo. tua, trc
TAWA hLa wient .
klido(hosalew Pilo FWLSEk . I I �; __
Firut Vat even rheL plo, t1fat
-as awal g'_,A Qyorybod lt�of' giner-_*c 4T r,ovien. litio -a - tn resAl a .11
Ali C
Utieft, &�Vt. 14 w4.
olea 67or 4k vkfitonel V
qTak6, �'i� f w- nir�iose, in the- bad of; a
rn Td kes it -row
a �Fftw un� wit
&Ql�er QVe
orJniV6ut1jo I-- - DO. .0. new 6110.8 t vordjaip t es poruo
a to
e #111). lit, or. a. eur&W&a
tj 'n him,
�Tothpariie4 4, A
ation' t y Vic q "Ni1w into.l& pockd aud
Sho 4lifned.
,* mVavd himself lie
er d *% s6iZedr
behi vf
3K=ey tatoanohlti -say$, 7ontblowftom 'Ad -on ppAISCR tath*,rh*t,*A4Lo&AC0vipXay. t
41di elit6wh r iment g .
U #U,alley hit Uead. JEFe turned i o_,defc.
030 et.oul , -
_aa bf
abi vn Wq
-of tile Zt4TftP WM 68 stumble; -Z Wx9 a
roWa Itudi when sa,
uid Offiest jUjjLj4ja� 0031,blowd=
ldha4yu N
-tqua6 bi It'
6paitaiia. 4wI o40 letly le -he wa drA
ffir)t.fiOi 4 1 -r a
rtmis,rolt of Imprvod Farm* lrd'Wim _T a pigow
a for &te. �bU s'WA 04fif pU a . ow
0, X.TRU. ee, o.valftf,age,