Huron Signal, 1868-02-27, Page 47
or Sale.
I III IAN 1 P Bill
loth Concession Xiicardi T
t Ino o less.
ationij B prx7erful, Rhumble, B i�ifld -to
J N E 19 HOW Ble�h
V T R If V11 A-SWaiin of :Bees.* 100 il�re rill ne r wit
OT 22
are Sbft,6d to y
L '�TMX._ 13: , 11 DUNLOP p 0 3EL S A L 'hiil, �oll aillitl,r
p F 0. _rND 1 01 OHN
D-wiii;6 as a Solon, 13 meek,as achild NEXT C E OFTHE L Apply
part Of the outfit'of the. Ellgiiih ex.Pedi B studioits,B thoughtful, Bloving, B kind GALT Merchant.
been for I tion to Abyssinia was -a herd' of twenty 4.2
pet-itron ba thiv ewe -a dous, B�pijidqnt B truthful, B nfild BAN OF. AlONTItEAL WEST ST.
[I'Sproperty is beautifully situated oppo- Goderiell 12th JulY, 1867. w25tf
#I_ V� before the select Committee on elopilarita—ituivieldy nuilmals at. �q but is gOO4 appy
at, D an that tl1a t you h may of (iodetioll, OP
Objeztions taken'by the s ON U.%xi), T site I he �TOWU
uncominonly troublesome as paisengers HA
imillary * A Bombay pape Wril)(33 --Rzheeiful, I - of tile
for, the, -itting member to the ppti-' on -4hipboara. grateful, B hopeful,B firm; North Bank -COLONIAL HOUSE I
A 11]a A R G El U P P L T -4 '2
rightto procced. The p-Ait itVa ; the shipment B peaceful, Bnevolont, willing to learn jr
d 'was -of 'Z�D F NIA. rl.,Al\
Bte�rnfierate, in argument,-Tleou e and RIVER
3..'ruti iv ii! rep. rd to two cla&qcla" 11 The hoisting tackle require r 'It COW
anO thd hoist was fo%*in4 uron.'
d votters and voters who I iu-imense strength, wine and ontho B,uks of Lake H. KID GLOVES RD GLOYES
lir:r�t.A_xr�j X less.
acrezi of Land snore or
.1 Wag stip- I B
wi Y The latain yart careful of c6nduct, of ni�ono , of time J tat ns 317-10 joseplitle's, Alexatider's. Joilvin's. Duchessi
ei. z-- a pav for hire of teams, &C., or ed in this % y ijollse outhouses sl
11 sk— bvit;�d, and claims the sent for the ported, fivin th With 1),veRng
e lower uiz�gt-head by stay! B all, FALt DID WINTER"GOODS Eli
- - . I - colors. -11 lie laraest Stock in the Counties.
-head there wits I Cd fy ait� Orchat Lace hac],V& Alcxaudrias in ubite, black and
IT Mr. I&I.1c,0arling. no objec-, tackles from the t.lrtuast wh�ich lie ii prenared to inake up in tile sl with Jame Garden,
it; �%.ionm, '. IF
-from the 113 murto -III k
P4 1,iiiii.t, rEANJ t ally of Oak
r tacklo,, -&lid ous, B gentle, B lib"ral, B just ; . - . Wood J�and consists priticil,
t- ken by the siating member's c0un a strelIzfhcnin6 est nufign, and Cheap for Cash.. The CHAS. E. ARCHIBALD.
Z"t '31r_ Carling was gnilty of lower ni.%4-he
Beause thou art
ad to the yard there were, B bqJd, and B humbic, floweiinx Linder,, Che ry Maple. &C."
QWC ;;lid the Aer -rich. August 22nd. 1rS65. SWI0.
I lie, dust U 'N C I M A]INI r Tbere God
lm-rx) at the election, ana that Le '-was i preveaterg. mi 'the fore-Illar-t- lid ar, in MY good oi
C., soil I of tit I'lle.Grounds
ith the 0rown, an, u- ackle for 'h;It�llhig the hoist B penitent, eirdilmspe t, ndinti ai tire three never failin�r spring", of pure water
-.rtr--wt or w d on btltb'�there ns. a t, tIVe, devoted, The situa
... e'surpabscd in the P
fore, clothed vi
to lki- bein- a petitioner. Th- regard to side were fettered and placed. ill slings, fet Us (3herish Trifth 3md Lo U '101 For terms apply to Stra-chani
co stilitest cianvas �ecumd J.G ALT, Esq., Shephard
from the place where- they -'were pit'd - I IMSE ! CHEESE!
tion for a rrivate A! -IT
-�,-,unds w;�z- di-,;-Inalifiedfrom being a can- forwitill. The elephant§ were brought B me and faithful till death; AGENT FOR TftE MANULOACTURER OF on the Prope,ty Co V
Zd, I R -all &c. '
&&tw for election, and that he is not�tlle�c- -residerice cuQnot b
ith thp legal title nftTa&&ry I oll.3 by one, and on the CuImpt;a's 611610 IS ve. U Wiag . M achine & L hil THO
b6lierv, it was coutentled th-At at ' mnion 1, consisting of the -priced tnc!iine: in the market Sash Saw-Mills,'Steam'EA91-nes and'Boilers, Barri-ster Torooto
7 and i by thick- lashings. ThO height to which 1. Let us cheriub truthii?and love Ie best lo%v Xuley artu _11ZOCER-1;. GQDERICH.
as, uell a.,,; by the old statutes of
an: -ds had to be hojstt��Ll before they Still- for virtue striviDg IPM14ulm, $15.00. OODING, AVE'1)0011"re-UPPOinted role a7ents. nt
IS, WRIlam Ill., and 2, George 11., cbp. i tile �iu D. SHADE G
r, - 3odcr*.,h. (xoderich for the sale of the celebrated
av into the hold w%s some Still in.kiiid4ess living Gotlericb, Oct. 18, 1867. w3c) s -e p e rators, Btrrister, 11 H
into Upper liv the! vacie lolvered aw 1cY Machiner %S tr
92, it was such i :740 to �O a small regiment of kaf- still in goodness thriving Th r Goderich. 6tb Jtllv.. li:566. BW9"1 E xete r Factory Cheese.
vion of 17 in working the lifting Chous—Here theii Tesolve our youthful _ asbii Local dealers supplied at the, Ft�etorf
rty ruilty of 0 MFM WINSLOW'S
a rentler the W Ibp6rtion was really all ex- band,
to exel'usion from the House. 1 Lwkle. 'Pie th wknesjing, In truth and virtue still to itd, -SOOTHING SYRU-1?v j7, X� IP IU k; �S -'4 Prices. STTEP Fl ARD STRACHAN.
th�,s it was contended that t1le, si '-ht, well wor -it nd this our life shall cheer, cheer, tfie( Mau . Goiericb, May 27,1867. W18tf
.111110r. ls o? Parliament was not in an ic was curious to observe the differei For 'Clilldren .111illig, "ON AND WOODE N PLOUGHS %son of the repenil of, the moods in which the unwieldy beasts sub Cheer, greatly thalitites the proeess of teething, by softe
found this ourlife shall cheer. 11 allay ostane, when they And the glints, redueing all inflaintuntion-wi At V�ith C7' t or Steel Boards, Drit Plouggs. Gana PlonThs,
f clause of the etecti veq�sllspen ei in air, shed. PAiv and spasmodic action, aild Is is
A:t, bribery was nt .1 lellsej ld2. Let us every wrong avoid, F a rm for Sale
tittre to like 1130%Vells. Land R-ollers, Straw Cuttersq
the Honso; t�.,ars cnio,"I and Were affeeted in� rea- I . Cultivators
w member h Every error spurning Depend upon it, mothers., it will 6i�e rest vo iourselves is, salt Kettles, Wa�jon land Pipe Boxes,
�a 'e oters became vieious, Fismarie po-.ash K ittles, KjtttlL
o -C m_r- 1). Every goodness lerning, and CHEAP FOR CASHS�
in ny event, it %vas not b, — 1 ost alarm -
d no7 b_-! an -A ro�wed and punged 'about in Fr61u temptation turning. alth toyour I n OUR AXD BOX STOYR91.
lil.'--,iinitti.i�t-v,lbje.,c-t-;on, and oul, R-fli6f and He nfants. 77ir
1w he 4%X
+ Choilis�.—Hero, thenregolve, &c. d this article for years, and iJ. PARL lot 9, in the Stb con
ade. -and Blacl-smiths;'W E.' D., of Ashfield, containin 100 acreif
We have pid up and sol ork and Repairing THsouth half of
I- only was % Tuuter within the t!lo dava of If-Meen Elizabc o-ne Can av in conulence and T;ruth of It wbat we linve ofthentinstimni.0vedion-l.. Brass Castings m .9
lid our path, -BOARD PLOUGRS, as you can -s ofelearing
were iht Flowers shallbloorn. arou 'er lieen able to ay of any other medivine New
F rdiance gleaming nov m;le Instiiee to I II've Cure, when done oil short notien. Galf and see the STEEL MOULD more or less, with about 80 nerc
Flowers ol Irts it Failed ill a St in? buildina. This lot is subject to a
in Englaild -is to the anatonly of the ele- Ian Cash. and farm
m -as to Never1d we Know an ce of dis- cret one very cheap ro,
allet-A seeming, timely used. w39
peare says The cle- Flowers like pl, �:tiisfa,tion by tiny one who used it, On the contrary, mortgage of $900. at 10 per cent, interafst
C �v cotr.wt with +he Crowi,, pi iZ and Slial- be-aining ik terms Goderich, Nov. 121h, 1867, a
.5 payabie -
th-,tt he run. Texos $600 cash, subject to mortuacra
it W s had exeeut,-d t -.v,) had joidts4 but none for cesni-ting Bright and beauteous all are dellglifed 'kith its operd.ion, and spel, hilifyeadT, and has several ve rs to
P 1-1 Chorus. -Here then resolve, &c. oreommendation of its Magh-al elI qnd inedie I
-,ro for necessitv, not for flexure." I �T N z Do K ilithis IIIkt4er.-Wv
briull;; t ),t!ie Ci-ow-li, one. s surety f r a t,., Go�DE-; W=AT11. Wt1le s -vii, oj Z�2 0-)0 . Njw III in th--4;e days, we 91111103c, after Years of ex"Pel'!(Mee, Rild Pledge or rztpatflon for on the lot.
I every 7TS' Wflo I�FSALE AND R ETAI L, !'
Ah an opinion . bn t if lie dotn, lie the 6wintentorwittit we, here deelare. InWilloi F. D. SHADE GOODING.
anti for f. -)r �Rl t3-1 I, ho'di su ;n0anee where tile inflaut is from pain and e\-
li�tj it c-)nv,'ncl*llg pro(4f of his n a twvnity nin- Barrister.
whih h id b-�-n ezieelled t t! i- hav�e haustion, r -lief will be round lit tiftee
-wit, S111TY tsing ntes aft,.r the yrup is administered.
anti A was h-A,I h- the Full directio;qor usin;., will aecon, sacli bottle. BY THE KEG, CAN OR COUNT rod,ri,h, ioth July, 1867. vv28tf
01. S Mid None genuine unle.4;8 the ffic-simile of panvTN & PER -
tile V,t?
-i,:'i b011113 J.A
. I of fe clephnts hoistel. DOOR Culft
' the KINS, New ynrl,. is on the out.,ide wrapper
ho,d ol. for they b tit Farm tcr Sale.
Sold by druggists throughout the world. AND CLAMS.
-and kieked _NS1 O91Af4GE
fe�. the 2 FICTOp- Y ULV Z5 CRNTS PF_.% %QTTLE S, VHS.
lWiEl tre' nil one or two FRESH MALT
mendona violence, a [OFFICOS BE west I of 4ot 25 Bay 6eld Road, Town.
of this vi v : 12
205 114-gh H.1b.;- f Stanley. 77 acres
t.(, -,!Lrow teir behind thein .1,. J -nartme + Tsb;P 0 about 50 Jear.-
1-1 pur-I iiie 1+1 21.5 Fulton 14treet, New York -, � anuts'Fi -9 Cr.
get I o, the of u,I sasli Factory ownecl England; 441 St. Paul. Steet, M( Taildring & Outfitting DeV
to sli-, which wwiltl 9,.-) s t �) ' T 11" oc' London n U Coeo� &0,5 &0,, &C., at cd. The Ia'nd is of first-rate - quality, End ii;
Fortlin ite. IV
t -e tv difficulty Donaki Cuatinina, are now Prepared Can@lda.' sw2w32 .1
P rs.-)n from sitting ayi,l I _ :S :E 1'-,T C3- 1-1 good spring creek running. tbroug-h the lot.
exprienc--d in their feei, ot manulacLuriP Ily that he keeps
als'), dis to ell, y ou tile business iners -and the public priera quare e monev down. Time giveif
ore safely got down below. Bv OLDEST R'STABLIMMENT HE ubscriher �ea to inform his manipelisto Wesiside of Alarket part of th
F r the it an d t-, C -Y w Doors, Blinds, T11E rr r,�est variety and hestselection of ",99
r for the remainder at 8 per cent per anunin
nipateen haa been constantly on haod the 1. Goderich. Nov-30,18CE-
11,ii -t sur--tv wa n. it a person I I\T M y Further particulans mi, be had on applies
witiiiii but tl a teatieth one was s(-) Mo -al -ding, Flooring, En ish, Scotch, French, Swiss & Ger an Tweeds,
h iM, ig cont -wt with the Crol.m ARIETY OF
Cie t,�rin4 of t�je X�t, and that even if Thc vit-i-m3 and livisty, ti -t- it r, -as. determined Siding, IN,rRE COUNTIES. ALSO A LARGE V
takelihn ; forliewpiildnotsubmit or to JOHN JOHNSTON.
n- 1;; d'-3 j! -,I, t-3 wh: e li nd all kinds of Lot 9. BavfiIi3ld Road $tanley.
k I 'r Goderich. Se.nt 9th. - 1867. w33.
e Do-ininion t,l be si� -ell to tl J[ I-!; C
t! and he seemed verV intich in- a andian Manufactured Goods,
-do be pleased. 'It wits Said cluc CH & CERIVIAN BR
OADCLOTHSy Iv"-rnment. Ou the ther hand it was C� !1-d to ' iday - he a4 Circle and sasti and Fraines. Div; 'able mood on Fr that, so f --r as the t'.-i,,.t in an unviu I
s heir -�xpeeienve
irt w:%s. concerned, the clerk kifled'one of hi attelldants-11 -I'h'ev ti -ink froni t 'in rietory ASS 11', 1F S & DO ESKI�IN S,
ivesatt-stainioa toF all wbo MA.RTIN 'AM A. -NN RE H BEAVEk.A N D PILO TINGS I
d -rive his office zmd fililetions solely from Wtitc. that th�v van ,
Fearp_llplctu-eofDlsa;fE,,;CtioninL-e- itinviavurthei'wiLhat-aft. ENGLISH AND, FRE
by the Lotml GI)vertunen' FORM HIS OLD CUSTOM I
N, 13.---;A liberal discount to tile trade. GS TO IN ESC IPTIONS.
tl �e p 'd 1lis fees to the Countv At- land. he is -still able to sell for cash, RLCOATINGS OF ALL 07aElt, D TE
JAS BUCI-1ANA',4, �BE era. that OVF f 001) -URA RS OR 'TO RENTs
Having secured the services o
LAWSON, at the low -at rates,
a 1-�ical officer, who disburse I them DAVID THE WELL KNOW
aw ; and it might with An Tri.,h 4rdlonl'sewls to the Pall-
as ie-,uired by L WM ROBINTSOM. mam- X:L
e. In d I be said that a Township Coll- ill Cuzettf tho- fullowing letter, -a.1Rrch;Vh, IhO� swaa ILL KINDS OF - be to all orders with -rImirlptitude, anJ in a style unsurpassed by any AND UNDERTAKE R
wa's an officer 43tviery. At his shol) on Kin,.!ston street, opposite � is prepared to execu a d satisf your- s5 Maitlandvffie Hotel
lect-);r or Conntv 17reasurer Try bite "n
of hilt, he rVeived on tfac I I th , inst., - from his tle Iluron Hotel, Goderich. Give b"m a MANU FACTURER in this PROVINCE, Cities not exceptd. ITUATED on the corner of the Northern
merit, on account -feet Ht guaranteed in every in;tance. -now. one unle front
of the Chwern 1b says be knows no selyes. A pet n'h SE Gravel Road to Luck
FRE'DERICKeall. -N I I W3 Constantl e TYLES in
aicrent in Irelaud. - ' L Ji7 vvilhin otae hundred -and sixty
coliecthr.7 and paying over Government [QA A C oir,1% and th AGEST STOCK and J, ANEST� S Wedit"'J'Goderich, and
ir,riie that because so of and Godprich Oct. 3. 1866- .11TJ 0 Ili -
m. -u-vs, as to 3� braver roan than his corre5rron4ent, n vards of the (; oderich SALT WORKS Dow lif
DE TEY taken at the hightIst rate. ?EEP constantly on h
the f' collected by Division Court clerks an's Out'fitthlgs of Ever e(T
ees in" th3t as an -ngent he was the most popuhr Centlern y Descriptio and for sale al! arti- Ztperation, This property is beautifully itituat
on Gov RICH intaining onv acre and on
to p.ay officers of the Domini ANIERiCAN AI10N for a Salt Well, cc
I ommnced, cles in theirline, inch as eightii of land, with a large two-story Brick!.
until the Furnian movement c
erarnent, therefore they were ald-
r Archib
s -siXby torty-sm, and a Lnr,-e all
havin- alra_yg a. -ood tord for atly dis Ch s w 033 Bedptea Chairs, Tables, Hotel, riuN
ulidertbAt Goverument elulv. 0 - atia' ed thereto wilb good �-tabling and other
kugust 22nd, 1866 Ch
n. argii-ai2rits on these points closed tres-nd ;-naq.t ivh,. cleserved cousideratio Out -buildings, There is a nevei failing sprinu at
The nuiv under the The follow:ng is thil,�ticr so such as
yesI -and the ease is All kihds of wood,turning the tear or the propert sufficient its) upply all
Nool posts requited fin to�iu- a Salt Weli.
ofthe Committee. new year has commenced vidi. stair bani-isters, neckyokes, &r tbe watrr i
peax he Always on band, a complete Alsd for Sale, Lot No. 719,
Mr. Gwynne, K C., ap in lie-ations ol'dis:4velion to a very alarm ed on the Wesf
?d for t
gius for In the Town of G aderich, sitnat
an -4 11r. Thom is Hbag in _- ex -tent ! in my opinion, m- ttem will' W C11MAKER & JEWELER) 1_4 ILJ 40, 1 P-4 IRI 11147, N 10 ASSORTMENT OF COPYI We of Vicloriasnect, it c I orner lot adjoining the
the sitthig member.. -Globe. 11111
not men] until some startling evchts take WEST ST.. GODEItICH, d HE RSE ko hire on reasonable term -tory with a Brick House aud it
el L E C s an a A Plainim, Fac
A conspirac upon stick a 'totts' Saddlery. W K Goods y 3rd IS66 �--15,w6ule -,aale ;table th�reon-
place. Ne d#qr Wp--,t of lir- R e Cheapest Dry
m "I t a r Where' I gO to get th Godericb. Ma
lot terminate
rTEr1gt ofthe I -lost office. W A -N.
"rhe Don2inion Stock- ed ptin as Feniani-3m, canT 'T R E L E V E And also Lot No. 1017,
Ant% one do I In the Town oi Goderich, situe-10 on the Norlb
Without much suffering to rich and poor.
arly see and Groceti,CS in Goderich 110 T 1'0 E. side of East street, nelsir the Railiond Station,
V f Monday says:, Fro my own observfttion, I ole: with a good Yrame Houge and Jorge Stable there -
he Niontteal G-tzette 0 4LT. -
in expecttion of KINDS Plum S
Nlu Hgaftlngs,l 'Ombs, JLr. 17.1 on'j
ad to be able to announce that CLat tenant farme are
We re
sructions. I apprehend they JEWLERY of Hur-oL. clear title ran be given forthe whole.
landlord de CLOfXS AND will lie SIDIL on reasonable le -TOPS. &0- �bt above property
-I.-nia of the A issue of the Dominio REPAPRED 09 SHORr NOTICE. Tablats, T�b M urse., and Farmrr� wao to suit purchasers. For particulars -apply
I ! adopt the. belief Viat Ireland ere Ion Ohio Free I S wlay,,to Acheson S ith'87.. of co TRE VICITORIAL
amounti tone k6pt on band for Build MUTUNI, FIRE
L-,��Til)ed ix per cent. stock, i mu --t. be for them alofie, and that non-resi- J_ DOYLE, Barrister, &c., Goderich, oF
tho b6st Styh & Warrented. ing Pur, i'as C apg, �ills, Ba- MM 1 r crifler.
,poses 841( IN AN,Goderiel,o thetitills
ent� -have no i�ight to draw fands from ALSO .4. 0�).ou, kSjQLT3.JF_14T Oil
!00,000 for which tenders vrere adver- d &c., Cheap for the best nd 6�eapest Boots Mid Shoes too lQ.SfL&NN0N.
mnnth of January, has been 'i
ti.,.4 ih th .4,14, INT _A_ JD 4
the country they have lerL iProld atd Fated JeweIr - Watches, GODERICH 01. W. 0 e, TIP ofColborne, IVW4 0
taken up at pir. There vrere a numirr that qvery man of a cert;,in claia in the -,locks, A%z, Jkc� I HEAD OFFIGE, HAMILTON,
oftenders below par. but these wore 31 country is a sworn Fenian, either from constantly on hani and warranted to lia as All rioit m gOlDg
19 EN01y IN
dpelined. We learn that tietiders a in fear of affection for devilment ; therefore, renresented, if qot inoney refundt d 0"llin Wool& Fancykds Stole - - Goderieb Oct. 31, 1867. HGoderich �or' this County. Robert Gib -
from, SH part3 of the Domir.ion,—froll I do not think a sare calculation can be hons, &q.. Waiden of the Catinty, has kind'y FARM LANDS FOR SALI 1
in, sith, of Ire- ill be -sold cheap to make way con,%entedto-actas Direutly fi3r flurov
Novi Se . de ofgetting revit it- the So Theittock w 20nipany's
otia. Ndw Bru H -a rdy. mow of (+odericb, is the i TW_
()rkitatio. 1any of the tenders were from land next spring. I late'.y disii6ncd Mrs. -Warnock Lot 22 Ist con. Townshit) of Godtrich 116
ll for fresh :roods. if yoti want a really aoo4 vtlilll,-, Agent. he Vict,irja istruivilitAtipl, and
ition, seeking
pers,ins in ju.liciary m 6 tenant on r. Vk%�S,property for a yeaes' elock Zo to L Fredonek's. has ready 6qpblished for Itsell a iery, high -re- acreg
ac,4u;l1nt The Indies of - GodieriW putation for proiptness in the paymeptorl3sses, -9 22 2.nd 46
permannt investme�t f�r trust monies in rent. He resisted 2n t beat my men badly. Goderich, Oct. 22. 1867. W39. Begs to nitr that she has resurned her husi- 80,
and v ei oirme managentin't The cost
FJLI 11 1:41 Pnd economl- of 11 4 Lake road west Colborne 100 -6
their hands. And i& is a oTatif
vit, prosecilted at la;t Qut-ilrter Ses#_.ious. al ness after tile recent bre ; she desires to of nisuring in thib ComP-11Y for 3 years is 1 4 Like ghore :103
I Mill we, and to is
TLejury wits cemposed of Ft thatik -them for their kind patrona, hun any other reliable Conipa (161n.- 1-usirless 100
cunistance TAV S societ3 in Canada. to litsipe will 12
petty shop- N- STA that no effort will be wanti anent Building -a Saving, r11 ALnv ft iI I-, East ' of.lot 8 11th eon. Aslifield
zmall investors have -keepers -te ant farmers, and a Forlian assure then; Perm lease write to Win. Hardy, Godeeich, giving Lot 27 5th con. Stanley 27
denc,--), that many L minion stock secure a coutinumee of -their - riees and terms. appl to.
made appliwtioQ for the Do ntren lately liberated from j Mnship, nutnt)er ofconcessio
head-ect on. her part to n, ant) loi� and
kint faors. IS PREPARED To MAkE pr to his re- For
pulpt attention GEORGE H. PARSONS.
T! e offrs for this stock afford f�rther Of couise I gat no sati-faction, and ani ek Iflewise begs to inform the Agent will give
"PHE sabscr!ber offers for sale that well Mrs. W-rno queit. Godericli p. a.
r-aflicienfly substantial proof of the sound- bilrEcTo":
I known Talern, the o Fardpe that she li-is been
wirsal del�ght was maDife crill
p rties noin,
ovenliber 19 1867. w43tf.
h ood, particularly in C., A ton Alex.. N -
ne_iks of the se eme, #nd. the abundance of, tbe steid all throu '-' F. McDonald Co.. ED "L R TAT:--�, I
neih-'!orI 1-140�rr 1 C -T -J, commissioned by Messrs. 0 A P N, 0 T mkrs. Gen. IL Afills. Halini!
the colmitiafid of Flilriihorol�_;JoseDh Rvinal, Barton
pital in the country, at where ffjjiciD,-g to. kipice for the down N,:w Yor' , to dispose of th4ir tickets, drafts, SITUATE UT WESTERN CANAD4, Btovikn, East
ji' ted on. the Northern Gravel Road be- ton -, Levi Jjeivis, Salt(leet
,&�.j!rnnient for legitimate PurPOse1, fall of the auttority here'tolb�e enjoyed by tua kc., for the- Tratrzallantic Line of Steamers, Tnoq-. Loitridge, Isall
txepn Godrich wid Lucknow, one of tbe from New York- to Londonderry. Uverpool, ON THE FOLLOWING FAVORABLE TERMIS James. Cullitnings, .9,anlittan ; -Samuel B,
The sucerss of this loan can be scarcel landlord and agents. y popularity -0 and Glasgow. Their line of hips are Amount requirrd to redee 14) years. wel,iie, G.anford, A. T, ood. Hatililloil TO BELL OR. RENT I
leadine roads to the Covinty t Bruce. The Steams' in each $ 106 adVanced iii. 51enrs. 10 yetrs.
....... $12.95 S G2 �.50 James Calder, Aensler; Robt- Gibbons. liodevit
r of thf. union has fallen below par, and I latterly weet Buildings are till in first -4 -lass order -and all If l)n)al)le b-alf-yearly .................... 0.34 HJkLF LOTNUATBERE1aHTr
1 -ss- ratifyin-to every lov4 lurINIon
c' - so favoralily known to the public for safety, ...... 26.0 - 16.45 ich; Jacob Ii. Ft -her. Nelson ; Gen. M i - CrUE WEST
to the . inistcr rif Finance, who mplete. For It payable y�arlv .......................... it fiton, en ry Roll, Ehibrook ; Peter I Car -
with daily'insalts during my perambola. the.reqnisites for tile business co speed. and -cheapness that they 'require no Loan" 'Portionate -rate; for 2,4, 6-.8 gr 12 years. Mat I concession offlulleti, ell the
It shows the confidenee the , it. -n You had further particularg enquire on the premises, s at pro 11alillf bourwary line beLw Blyth and Walton, Petit
p7ovoied it.. ns throu,,ri the co�ntry. The above in, -t g Fill lid, which nays een
edmillaent. ainients tat ludo a Sinkin off tile Principal', �s well as the interest rol, H. Flainboro' ; Thos. Mcllwraitti,
wipe The full k ton. (Jifice es�ch Good hardwood land, wel
le place. in the joed faith and cred;t iotiV XeCROST Mat OK -St ofibe loill, so the expirati in of tile term agreed upan, the debt is etdre4 d out. Wait. D. Bo wetared, thi-latyl. acres clearance. sevznl�t
P., lop and it Atreiligtheali the i�tter make arraw go nent* for your rc- Belfast, 17th Sept., 1867 w36tf -ket pqnRre, Corner of Hmmilt is�inouut u( the loan is a&anced, and no payinent is6quire before the end of the halt-yehr or yeai. EcIt FTAY oker.
of the eFvernment�. quirements from othr sources that from Godeiicfi 22 Nov. 1867. w44
hranee, and interest isa Ito virid therefor ; ortliem-irt,-aget.nn%,bero-tleein- Offige-Hurtin Action Hart, Kingston StreeL seven scres zind a haff in all. ell fenceil, Fell
Pavilicnis inay be inade in a pBNSES,,9TRJcTLY 11101) 1 further particularstappiv to.h6pe 0
financial position 4the Dominion. It'is your property in Irelaud. I ' fear we tfill[, at ativ tirve the borrower desires, on eqaivthl�. terms. EX NVN14 HARDY. -Agent. the pretnises.
'For further information, apply (prepaid) to' �Goderich, 16tb JuIV, ISO. w2b lyr,%ol R_&NKJX- J6AWSIUN.
of publie advantage, too, shall have grg in collectino, ERA TV. M&V 271h, IS67. wig
in that it affords ut diffi�U14 U?, HORACE HORTO N -f
an uribxceptionable, iavestinent for trust b,.-- df you , E
--ents next spring, so let�m,; to
as well with respect to credit as Appraiser to the Societs'. "derich.
exemption tions from Irtland' are concerned.' 1 F.FS.SALE 05 LAIM3. I ETY
monies, from liabilitY10 lom, fibin - the obiervecono-my, so far as your expect-- - PANY. fl ERBE RT 31ASON. 1-,l OWIN. 1) ROPULLpi-
ASSURANCFJ ecretary and. Treasurer, Torontol SHERI
accidental destruotion, or loss, or f0r--ery nt�ver felt despondency before, but I be- w31sw14
We are happy to leArn that lieve my !ifIi is -not safe at—. The Goderielit, 16th Oc., 1866. Countv of Huron '' Y virtue of R Wet of -FOR SALE
of papeirs. '19 -AN 20, CORNRILLy LONDON,' ENGLAIRM IBFiert Facial; issued out
To wit:
of the DiltuiltItiou are ar-srum- v Crnrt ofthe United
the finan-M& Put ishma7i, Tipperary 1"nde)7emdmt, and of, tier Maiestv's Count VER CREA P.
ry -liezilthy shape. The blic OaDy -other ncv�spal;Iev s are preacbing'�e-
in- a v f"Alltlt,1, (Fully Subscribed) X2,500 O009,teII countiesof flaron and Briiee, end tome dilre
Jagallist the Innds and tenements of %Vllllam would noi endute, that thV government di- tion and extermi �at on of -landlords INVESTED, OVER, S2,00o,000.- I)EPOSIT FUND N CANADA, $50-000. AfaFk s. at thesniltol Willianit N ank-in, I have OT No2OO, onQuellep8t, Goderich.
n, cotiI lia the postion'of a ftitio the tollowing L sc cc 1034, Hartiour Flats.,
should lei openly. . The preists ar acting a double eizod ant; taken in exec
propertv, viz.. all the right, title and'intereSt of .0, C. 01 and 2, o2 the banic of Lake Huron*
need debt,,r to any bankert-'and be, tre . at- Firt, some denounci: g Fenianism and FIRE DEPARTMENT. 9co G�et ft 1pilrp and to Ioi nutriber-Inree in overfoul-ing lie iturbour,-an euggibic situ ition fut
ed as such. The expression of opinion others deAl-nating it t td tegeneration. of 'Tbe.diMinguishable principle of 4he (lompariv bus been the e,,Aablishtuent of Jin equitable classill t&le sa,d defe ndant in
C5 .. te to th . e diwk-, API the Aux Sauble V-onces8ion, in ti -e Township of a summer Hotel.
pe,3 88 V tO asilize tile ff nil tephen, in the Courtly of I
on this polt fill.. 'le at m Fortermi
The succe.9% wfiiell has attended the Cntillafty's; operations has beeb sue 0 and teneinents I Mi itfl'oflui for s -. nifice, ' I Applyto
the House of U0 to cW3ider Elientselves ai the.levitimate the Directors, wJ;0 have r-olved toextedd the b 0 L n of f-iijerieli,,
ut last. session, on both sides of ' 1relanWe wrongs. The pl_e� are taut-ght ca1!on9chPrX'.ng to all clisrs a vrt�lnitffil proportlona WIN an"M luron, wbich lands
mitions, aud oat'�f it,was rpectutLons,of Willie" mDre, wildetv, in the Court House,* in the Tow
nostain-auitit, e, J. FRANP31S 11ALDAN.
decisive. §ource of power,and puni3hinent iucre"I . and now oflbr totile-Canadian public. oy; Tui�sdav,ij e twenly4iist-dav of April ptifl., -
SECUItITy guaranteed by 1;rge Subseribel Capit 2��ested GO TO i of twelve ofthe clo�k, noon� f solicitor &c. Km:V.,� Block. ecdench
%,the spirit of disaf- PJ&RFECT at tue hot!
Advice to Sksters inswad of diminishe a St 301IN 1150;DONALD, WJ9
n Stlerff offluron.
questidus Wining before them Ore..
he 0gan's Sherifl-s Off -e, Goderiei,
fectin. I ao not Wit* tfia�c is a house Fund$- itlem6alofusuA. 4he Directors and General A,4entg, being gentlentlen iargelv .-Fac.
FeiIIiau slympa- ""tak'e f
sI in commere q�tts,, Tweeds in great 13th Januaq, IbIBS;
Gp_-;ZBAT Al V sonand in, v a- Where -you will find- a I -audira. ted
)untr -. se, W. .11 L n tory FARNt-FO 11 LE
_y with6ut a liberal Fkjnd huine"-like vie wooli, bloths and Satt bA I
omims Na� L I'thz-1. its it. yselfhu i LIRE DEPARTMENT. III r stocli of FiAled
're 8 -Th er it&ms to those desiring bife Miuratice unsurpassed by any, Life Offlce6 variety.
in. two directions tbituation that e th first in the e Company OT .3 qg- to itterea;� the -Bonus OR TO Tfiz:DE YOF- a
1. Never try to sizate, Perfect securtty-Econoiny ofnianagement. tend
tlloa,rh 'I MrA.rttq..Pre)nfuIn
country to' be attackt.1 ; and, ng wboin 80 per C"t of. profifs are JtVisibfe. Striped and Checkedl Winceys, SMRIFF'S SALE aeLANDS 'roWN PROPERTYj,
at oum it al ya ends in sorrow. Ith,,be oil parti,.ipating scale, amo! 'Piain Y-1- ikewise
2. Eatafg* pl�sfor,refreshmut sake wonld like to fizTat hard, what defeuc6 ex; 0 Cift1ins; 0aid one monll after pr�of oll death. wool -ho,me-milde, chelked flannels, one y Y virtne d a
A 4reat Tartety -6 ardi e; countyof I uron, rit of
beseeniq eComparlys '08twalls. . - t
in FANCYF 0 Wit: BFierl Facias issued out
& ELITE., GRE-Yg-SCARL J�ANNELS ETNTG West �.of-lotll,-icon.'% A-elfield.
of- Aer Alai I iU Ly
e8:7 8 OUR 100 acres, 4
re3 On tbbe iee- one -to stand by me! jJbr6dndda. 0- O$DS PER- PAIR. 0-ourt ofHuron, and to-inedireAtt a B 5 cleared. Ft%me barn,
sir#in� Rabe sure, to throw the I a halr-thaiched house with no- And otlis-ritdvitatageb, W I h rY th fland ET T
A _pinsi jhc ,end house, fineyciting Orcli
sib VM Occasionally, no Matter LI)t OF lilaSt-OLkSS-BLAIk-OT�, i4HT TO NINE P
Y�r. t ed, tit ard-well Lapds and Tenenlnt� of Cliarles But
Graud Jarm., For
where. Therd ii no law to prevent a new' Oranze Lo J. -e bleating- FRED., aud stuit ofCongtant Van JEgnloud, .1 zhave setzed d Tb;.s is a very desirdble
-PAUL lid e
Tim Fbile Fingerm cent be, owu whenever he. FFIC and taken in Ex nalltheright, t
S -bk 9
_jniier fro -m -sitting d art
oftPe -usid drIendanti CJ
-tim to, CIO, it..
Be iurle stem PTON .1. vuftety* Wen 'ROBERT CARMAN.
&Urveyoll. - 1� a Vill rsapply to
411 il� endless in- and to the Village Lei:,, Numb& 2.
r1l 0 -E-_in6ndvIl1e in
Wheit "u meet a parti6ular itb a choice, Assortment of Front Str Goderich An,,,. 28. 1,967.'
The Provine:al Gra-id Ortangad Lodge eel in the Vilaae
III and-LVP1py�,v'*, k%,eHiticardine Joshua- Oil
1610 .1 . -11i . � I -)fRuron
AVenixfbi�; Me County wiibt6e bujidingsiber
.)rae-lady, try td sk4k on b�th an.
the Town d,' rfiHEqii�)scriber
fouteenih day 61; 2.
5. Skate over all the-fnWI bGp af.-once. dates have been in gdL tk(laicii,) M bel"g, ki Goderieti,an �ruesday, ithe )od 'Remlock, Ash and
'OM -.the, mceting at'vety ge number of del& nq ht iny office in the (;ourt House, in wil! ��y the highest mar.
held its sitting here tq-Jay, and during W Satilize W e
to create a sensati
herat,om:e.' -Thisisvorypretty', andsure a Jalelv occupied �by Cligriets Busleed for
i AID deas, Winciu,S, i lands ana levements hoffir
Ito VFW. fieady-made Shirts
-twelve ut the efock,
IkYt at1he hotir of. r
yon Aate into, a. hole Thlproo A ni Drawerai,illans' and Childrens' ocks and Stec lngs April ket price for gf At'Wi Mills 0
in t6 ice, i.- sai registired a��Present. bberrygaw_�Logs delivered
fe A, call is SQUOitel noon.
rq4f. v!hr;ej'y. 0::) 4 .
tal-a aceditip werO b oune ith clos I(JI-IN %JACJJ0NAID, on the LalreShore.
bu, jt�y iV.. ii i1nPOISible td get THOM L herill'ofHoron
7. if-youirskatimsretoo slippery, 'and consepui
FOtory Siore "treet,
& t a i fs'qr w, h at W- a- t (1) n a 2 ava th-3 XsatS
Ityl 2nd J
aim Keep b �jj new pairi; tift 10 ce, Godenph w5oLd ch. De.e.23, 1867,
10t a
Tin. 1868.;
you.fincla,pam' that are not 911pperY. exI pn efiVaiL brod-�V S ptember, 186
it graduaRy.
.8 In sitting dowu� do - i the,
UrAnd At
DoWt be too sudden ;.,you inigt brea�
MRIFF'S -SALE 0.7 LAT -01%
f tbi$ e4tid 'n ratid of ;IL,,weree. am
-heI e=i I a Writ of
part, and Vie
13ro. Johal.0 T islitied oil
Countyoffturo;,. -Dy virtue 0 .hOjKpr%ent.
TO Wit
Facias forx4due,
befora- yQ11 getuly be County
61 Her Majestyls, Cotirty Court 4
cj�ak Ora ius 1mous -DIMS, addussed to 1110 P
,nine puty 9 n I T A doa 4rchte4w
Tmiel r
Ifia ected against the
'10. Wear a h(MV7 ovemoat 1of 141urink, and t6
Lauds initt"ronilments, �01 Jsunes -Hatet AT
up"L-.ind o11C, In reeelvtal atfjttawauzit1J!noo,% son Yliday,'21ith
lily wariaed- _then 'Oro IT
Yva go thorow
refallee of Her Xajeaty's
sult-;,of 11oI;ert Boaiiir, I bave �seived and fakbiil in, FebritarY, 1869. 101 ton' -
wind (i�;61 �ou,, -Rro. D. iplectod i ontracte,for four
�x aid let tU a F -A C'
iii it- proposed Ae ye=, vu =d
116 WAYO 4 Pr WAkL pAP-ER L e F T: YET exLeation oll tbe.,iijbIt'llitle -and i0lertilit: Of Ithi, 'W=
froin thelaI nettJ
A. CM -numf;er five bull-
said'ilvien4ont, in and to lot
-ATI-THE, -,dred and sixtv 0016derich. in tho BETV
WeA Aake, wee or hout;��- BC;sy*_8V, Ga hadaii, Graiiid 'i in the To;wn
of flti�nn. -with the Imildirip'ifidreon
ZT, it d mcst
0 a arp.,,,
'old T0r'LAfiyt eat the our-,
III, lb t
The, a evdrything: Wit Urins ft _h 0
4d t1i1r.., r tor itale, -at Inv an thd Vourll TTMP
4a 16ei rA e goiII -'off�'end will �11 b6-kouti.
:O'M 113,
na j3rQ. X�.yf you 4WNS lPlift
a Zx I -T ieu. e w.hich.1itfids and TenemAls
CoWfibj ER I -.1 � , �' I f
oWen, H RSTUR" - hit "i ifinst - Town
bldiTllimtlii. uIlve'a-Aew remn nto of sme-of -:I�n ch, on Tuesday 'theL
W. tolito, A�-A. A.,G. 11- er .1 0 9*� twefve bf E H. E�L,
6Wj;CaFe,.br DINdLE -AND to tho zto�rc ii -464-6 P CE A-%VEE)C BICH WAY.
-1 -,obtafnedat the Nit'
A Laige
-did- as w
bIankfbi:=,ofTender may
_tlg. 'ght -b i tocko
A Ire *012' - 14 eriff HUFO.0
ten ch urq'ji J - - - ". * . � j
ShefifrA -of vroposedeontrars may be vft, knA
'bar, JiMiY fi= AIX% ft-SOW1 for P"'�' the-strft.tsiv conditions
n. %entioned, anaitt-the offict bf thi i4b.
patterns e sr
tpoli' bdog Xo�eiyod: at Oik, 'An
1-� on
_, LM - L . , ! , L . . - , " b
a di
0I told the proie'dator That he
AL.-feafW jo� P
at tbAt b Ot: r&v&9% 0 the choler� 0
6MI(loonv3d.bim of beirif, both_ r s, ite RT
trit Provo, th GottperaT,6015,' A A -s.;; oV 6
'JE 1 lErA :,G M of vveryde
thzee, 04 e
0j, -to T
gir t11*10,yoI( w cr a r n I y PATtL C,6�.et simidSheetiron Waft,al
There W beI =6
skad ou r
% ft . 39one .teadv
d& Maff- I& j)f Whjoh- M.
Very Itason
*tall 1;� e4y.OW &04ba. OtLt-of le
WMIK&AUSIt 04 R"& POY414 19K instii. WId
0 �'a
w Ni* Tlort Avltwf" W t4a *r tw�lo
A- XAer th* otbW. h8SALE AND 13. L., OYU,
TRY I om �r em:
TEN T" pett or erdis nio
n434,16 a . o6 a Un Nmads 'ft�*e fs*132MP
,01180- CeUbOtO 11baia le � 1 0091viie. Sheeilski
.qmax ' - :�. as It, �nd
Wilfl MA t1wJ= 1w North Dumflim ill lanhaqWKI �Xoy _1DfUA&%i 0 .0 LAYC joacriell, 42L,
atutiouttIq Pf