Huron Signal, 1868-02-27, Page 3S its of :% ;=, ted by of 11r. 21, ;-,, t h �A-v haa b, anI Ating up, n he was .trqating S Monev m theL h for th to f *5 (oir r S41Mki f them !hde the !S. -rail their Pay from " and to Py, they horses- t'leln, irse. As, ��nwright I -lit) hved a smart As the, S:tart. .1 Sarum noil there, �zher side to tAe, as they- ttly nett (Wn. and � znthori­ �-rLsed of kept for SIZI. 0 - den must thel are not r.th such eep them !nqns, and ,11t,ut the absol- El-:�quenca purchase Zo pay for tatues at a -V ce ;f this Plode of Las far _-uting thei� all X r -V COM - Ig of the nrg sonth. I think certainly A Un posts -e face of �t:s within. ast also he ,- to nails, !I. 'Sonle q growing -all the the Vines whatever necessary - ,.v in this nmg �trmgs. � grow and =y can be tilem in ,he vines iu being or the r- Andit t, under Produce as desired, chM that e3. rly an and the ne�rfeat it. the fimit, e vines in so inuch cmbi of or trelus. , prod , ue:ef tilem 1br . repaid ds up already � I Of sixty .es 'Of eFffi ith�ey were in width in- three. L, taight of y se-sm rivetoma- 0�,L xn!ee ! grt E-,aanila- di-, um D=d--* im U- V-Ses �2_7 . w­ b,;bz 4 portea, e-prowt- no woo it(ror tile S'lglML ei; Formation of CharactGroi the 71IMAND _0 LIST OF LX-T-TRP48-,. A Speechless y t mim TO A SNOW BIRD. %Vniskersor Mug ubitor lit tile world. will for, EINIAINING in'Qode'riclt 'Post Office, on ico�Ny.. . The Cleveland Treraid, supplements the If you ever watched an icicle as it fora, - ta,-hes tio grow oil the smoothest face or ellin W which it cIai'lls tit), 11-1vc personal knowledg-e. With many a sweet anti cheerful chlino, one IN. Y. 2,M,000 STERLMO. It uring the time of Her Ala� or more. If the water was clean, e W29 I�FEVES& Uo. 78 NO' flu '141-9 soclime, the 11th day of Feb. 1868. wee t visitant ror trial sent friet Queen s reninuqcences With an ancident of on*beer the dretry winter titre, ed, you would hAve noticed how it froy; e never known to fail. Sitint)[e merits. Adrit-ass Leith Alexander (2) Allan Geo'Mrs drop at a time, until it was a foot. lo g to any o,.r iiesirou,lof esting its Andmanya9mg; (No letters taken utiress arepaid Ball Rachel Mrs Bioutgot�ery R --it to the West of England, ill t And li,,;ht with many a winsome rhyllio, s vis Icicle remained clear, and sparkled Uiiiighi - company wait ape B _41alty -clW; in the A all 1,,4ti, in her o%ni yacht. READ "While the latter! The winter long. iy in the still ; buf if the Witter was slijilt- MOTHERS, rffJ8 tL 0 [AjO - Cametion H J Wboy An d CA �_3 T9 flillis of col"motilli,71T11te Holl. W. ZMArt Qlad- rew 0 la,vi in FalluOuth harbor, addresses were ly inuddy, the icicle looked foul, -and it w&y,s w0fod LOZE 11GES are a. certain and elitAustelms. . IL15,11164io Cu�neruii John McLean Wm qehre the �4 th U 1�11 )Vr d by the 31a..Yors of the towns that 'Your bonniesniallwhite qnowv form, Just -so our char&.- WatinsinChildren an4,*Adultit. pritiosente . - beauty was spoiled. bare remedy for McHardy Robert 0 re t1le R, fringred- the etitary, Penrliyu, Falmouth, Nurtnounts the,irear and wintry twin, iis are formed. . One little thought ),- lubst es. 17, W2 Agent for iGio4orleli. After the appearance of the Ain tiz tile eouu y.,u soar anti charm tell —Als it is a wel-k'10W-1 * and tpeiandboly farl, Denny J'ohn Is C40N Trilbri). feeling at a tiiiie adds its influence. if anti Tile list'nees car, lint oneg-reatcameol"death.ninng children is DiyiI,,ht'Mrs Npil rtlittr 1-9 prepared 110 Ukc Cftft110 -110 every thought be pure and right, the s -r.I rom Worms 6one, it S. I or cnk and lurnisbi. Stilt lyel.s oll lb!r 3I.,vor of ral-mouth, who as a Q;iaker, unnot I e t,ic do eply i!T!- Neiber,,all-Conrod -on ' F . Dredge �Thomas (2) R ;AD t)ve his hat, th will be btialit and lovely, and will sparlt 0 pressred upan the'niinds ot.parents ill,, neeemtv ING & STAVE .1114 WOUld not reni ie 13ifavor; yo" not with other bink conforia, 0 t)f Trim) wws presented. - He poor - fell(')W, I T;lat insprin. appear. appiness ; but if ther6. be mny I ofclois�ly Watching illeirchildren. By tie doinx. Nichol Robert -14 shorlest'umice antl tnost liberai terin miltrin4and trite ranse— 71ilsilwood, and his Ion-, ext)erteare, bp Q1111 give t1lo't tliouglit-4 and feelings impure -and wroiio, I on-telistandinz the I&V WANTED -for tbe above vttrpou, I M hall inet with a &ul mishp. ' Having far- � with IT. ofthe - Muhl be. rrustees So S. 9. God- 9 maple, Beech. A&It, and -other liardwo9d, for Parlit-S We i raise theartles robin's son.g. disense.thou-tind; of children Ferruson James ferich. V stiifactrr references -or iierurity. his: which L3.2.25 will b3 Paid on deliery at t7i I aloillsoftho ther to ,,() than his brother mavors, he w" the mind will be soiled, the charpeter (I I early graveii. yx'p rovs ov WOR Grean Arthur (3) Tljnmps.,n R. Wuit.. GOD EMICH. subscriber lia!Goderich.. That mrois a!l The inininer Ion., I wati*;na Wells uttic r turtii�hcd er-niple afralid they would -fret the stft of him, if L'tin lark and swarow—all i,enng praved and darkened, and there will 60 tewofoe very noirrierous S- PLATE will find it to their vantigotoapitty. A& Wilson John -a—. he remained in the slow moving baorge, so I al deformity and wretchedne.3s. lHow svinotonis and -PM M 1-, 1, 3.,17.1303. 1 w52 dressl I- w d- by Gallaher BridgeL Miss To, poet lays fin, are COM 3D_ a —4. M& d xtrem­ Gorilon N J Weston James .7 em,�eiatts I . MILES WAT,�-H. he st-u-ted in a small punt with a sing a But Ellen swee' , w ni-bler. thou alone important, then, that we should be on our Derlinred appetite 4 wwer. In his haste to get aboard iho Neier licars thy praise. guard against every evil impulse Lud bi-eith,frequent pletil"X at the Gillespie Miss- Wellor -Petpr 11AVTN It oly Purchased an instrument whN of(heteelh during steep. haroduesi,; e ii acht. he capsized his cockle Welsh Thomas 4:01105 him io mial e tile larmest w4 4 desire. ofili-i -belly, w;1n- frequent slimy tools, and Piway B J lWidd Thos, pholin7lilubs ado in Gobr.cla ' VERY Nov. 2, 1267.- d aft wid floundered in- the water, losing I lit me e cr, Thou'rit, not a friend that comes to cheer, fits; pam im th,t head all n —and, When jp,itieu sitnituer days are here, Stomach, lintialet steep, jairtinws, trembling, c s ri, A P. hat- mud wi which were covered Twenty years" experience in us: V Nfl,�-6-i Mi5s mix 3 Thou elinie'st in winter datk nti rear, Kent Yo MR83, 'OFFICE "Vr' H Br have prov,'d done hs, indevestilm,low spirits, tnghl.lul dreams, Allies A. Tosingthy lays an's Ptilitionic Wafers R'h . lt, P F fro - worse than ll, his official speech, which, FOU -i R S ON a AL ir. -if, v im in r, 5xv ,� &% heav them to be the most effectual remedv for anti a gradual away of ill "ARCH. DICKSON, P. X. KRIM, O.TT.' being v. as official speeches usually I abeand fi-adulinlitered to the I L 'GOD Eotatoruly winds thou (lost not fear, conglis, and, irritation of the throat,railifA 'rhey sire Pa �l Taken toyetlit Char�ed the Same. as'Ore. are, went to the bottoin. The disaster wwi Nor Nrintry days. tile W01-1118 thoro wit ion[ ro' is for. s2 -1F a vatbi-Ille by cold. or unusual exertion of the vo -:.III v 4,leail--e the stU,--m1::(yh_tbere- THE CIN191IN CONVEYINCM N.B.-Poriq&IAin Piatureb, not the be, t fFe no t;. pam Hilt] collipletel piceof pront-riv liear theproospuz lizilt sen by the i;lval party from the deck (if Toy d in the DominiO i, but its good as any inade iti the v , I orgins public speakers nd sing in.- aivity wit'll tile ripces-ity ot adin,nnsiter -A. . aiellt. When the unfortunate nian -as AWD Qoder;eb Also the Rew 'Callinet Picture, ill MaitI;nPvi.leji cbinj�6iug turte reached the deck, in a I most u WAITING FOR SP�UXTG- find them most beneficial. The entir,3 ling -(0 Mghe. rioe P Said for Well inpic-ts-ant Iasi or Oi lor other 11 n pleas-, nt caxharti Sub apres of land. wa' freedom from all deleterious ingredivit.111 se of ollier Worm.Niedicines. HAND BOOK OF CONCISE PRECEDENTS IN which is thrae;� imes us large as the Car& de i condaion,' he' s so inuch frightened that � c_.1mile SIT -112- - CONVEYANCING, 1YILLI&MSW, AFFIEW. renderw Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers, tile In Visite, for $3-9 Pr dozpn. 'Ili re, urning thankic. ALL KISDS 40Y hecx,uld only stareina bewildered wavi We are wailinz for "prim-, - Cotigbnd Voice Lozenges, it safe rehiefl- ture t-fN'tilt-muot, & 1. yx.k-4,Ne.wcas11c0u.arjo, farprulir reviRed still] adartedta the O -w Law. With fai- the patroO go of the p�mf, invit-)s -all to Godetini4i to. o. fficials to the J frost'and sluet, who are the Sole propnei orq. Trarb luelian lind Note.q. Price $2.00 full bound. !Split , when presented 'by the o Tired ofstiow, an 11rurin Lozen ve.g, frell To Lilly I)art oftanalla till receipt tofamnaut call and se6 th,- new s4es for themselves. - AMERIG AIN' BONDS, Godericb, Nnv.,29, 1IR67. Queiin- ()ne of the Ladies remarked that Winter eii`nnnt be tofl-let for the most delicate person, and has caust.,l N. B.-A.,ok for Rullolvayis rich dy Pallor J. HORI)ANS, D. CAMPBELL. the poor niui appeared unable to say any- them to be held in 11 ign, esteem by all wi -) suit talce no other. Sold lit Gwiei 0. Haviii VV31m IArr Sunioner, Us King SL. Toronto. - its quiciness ofretreat have used them. Sold by 411 medici'i' & (" aftle and F. Jo,d,)n ; Otirdiner & IC I Goderigi, J0 i. 7th, 1868. w27. GrOubaclaw, SALT thing, when the Queen turned to her' smil- -0 field , Janlej Bentimn, Rodurerville; J. Vickard, in,iAv with there V 'COME _R SALE OR*T-0 Lla-A S S. ly, I Ile has been badly RZIA p For wop Itn-,to bear t1fe mwio dealers at 25cts per box. Exet&; J. ux,,rnoe, Waits &Jenb.Clintoo ; DR. E. ORENUS. frightened, and has lost hir speech.' ofthe blue hird and the ren, Secord, Luctiinow ; E. llieLsua, Seal'urth, and U I L F 0 Salt -era. v. 43 1 ACRES just E,st of Cameron'lit as from the field and woody cilpso Not Quite So. all Medicine Deal GERMAN PHY8ICLAN, Sa'lot VIbbil Casing LAND BANK Ob, 2C Block, situatiiod on both 4ides oftiie Rati- HFr, OWN It is amon- the most savage and do- ILL tat Mrs. Darks Irotel), on tlaio Also,. Latit'S vnd 9. 11orwe 11. call upon Toil e shall hear them o'er again, said the counsellor, to date distinctly upon n W first Tuesday of eaeli month also tlie'first Tues- 13-PHER' CA—NADA B]IL I As they sing. based tribes only that 'the condition n,I day after the 16th Of tai'll T110t[th, WIlefid Ile eau be cou- rVITE Subscribers Manuftaturie ail] toep till baud all I rownship of Stanley, ard ealli. 25 acres of &.t)ulb- -what anthoritv you are prepared to swear cc mfort of the horse le casterll qu i rt�r vl* 4ot 2. in The 91h oculic"- iit. 0 su!tett on all th6 dieases to which tile human systeal ZW *Z; *4U.ch�iq for elfgh- kave been ne , cted ALE T I N E S. . _L sizes of W le I.. BOUGHT AND SOLD to the niare's age ?* 'Upon what author- I e are wniting for the Spr' but we believe there are many in civilized is subjeet. more especially to the treatment of worms M. 11. A.'J D.0 I %V.D.,Ashficill. Applyto ing il RSON' r THUS. WCTUERAL0. ity ?' said the ostler, interrogatively. you W ill chilren. Globe Owl-jrv. Dwidais 9t., Lrr :E3j:E8 N-vihter's reign lanu has been, countries who are guilty of the saine neg- E ASSORTIVIENT OF N`EW February 13th, 184S. w4 2m* L,3adou, ()aL Feb 4t,t, 196L W2 ft� are W reply, and not repeat tl,e question lect, and without the excuse ofthe formel': L_RG i OrFt(ig-wesL iitreet, 3 doors East of Nov. 25, 1867. w44 ',Nlon- the. pnor with garmeloits tbir, A Valentines, just,to hand and offered Put till you.' 'I dosen't consider a man here all may vail themselves of the use o F post Office. liound to answer a quest Cause of-uffering, �want and sin DE AN & X don afore he's an article which has done itiore than any I low at wholesale to country merchants., 'Nothing else heretofore known toiffiiprove il, e i IGNAL OFFICE. S A Rofi. 'in Pa it Abut I time to turn it in his mind.' Yes the pr6or are patient, waiting, U thing AT, THE S Salt Toiot!U 14, Goiarich, Feb. 10 1868. 3sv3 Ia. more simple, ir, than the question put..! In I thqy'shlill not wait in vain, condition and relieve the suffeting ofthe r agp&in repeat it. Upon what authority For tb4,, ebanLes time is mAin-w? b�rse. Those Who will not use it will 1),_� Sunscribes, having Water Power that do yL)u swear to the andin11's age ?' 'The To their hi-inies shal bring again the losers, their hor.-tes the sufferers, tQ NEW MUSIC"ll best authoritv,' responded he -gruffliv. ny Sprin- avoid both use " Darley's Arabian Heave vilia! 0, ge, would 'I%en wh suA evasion ?-why not state Sun' S L LING -OFF couid be 4plied in siah-ii- u Silit G"_"001IRY I TH]E AND W@lt in the above Reinedy and Condition Aledicinel" and -raiii, Bak the Fit -art, ... Claribel _.25e. pardes Tic oppritittinity of usinjr said pow-, Flow and 'Feed- .8 -tore. and woz'd lso take shares in the eaterprise it at once?" 'Well, then if you must I you will be satisfied with the result.- Come biwlc to Frin ohave it,' W have it,' ',%lust! I will We are aiting I for the Spring- Remember thp nme, and eels that the 8'9- Five r Ing 25c. LUIN,4," 0FZ0 %Voild cola bo bud at 1% low filurs. Avply vq)cifierated the For its soft and niellaw days, he,Mo ni Welock ill # -counsellor, interrupting signii tiare of Hurd Co. is on each Dficka,�ye. 25c Maggir-'s &cret for fuAlier partioularal V) the witness. 'Well, then, if YOU must For its sun's enlivening rays, Northrop 8; Lyman, Newcastle, Ontario, Won'� you tell mu Why, Robin? 25c.. WM. ROBINSON J A S. 0 RAWFOIS Q.- 61 25e. and will have it,' rejoined the ostler, with I?or tho- softened twill,_,bt baze, proprietors for Cunuda. Sold by!ill Medicine Stra,,-,,, yet EGS res eetfully to announcie to tit ill- POrt A "sort . NoK. 1154-1147f wi4i imparturable. gravity, �why, thew, I had it dealers. P 49 T B ; When is heard the criel-et's ebirping (hi6)es babitntits of Gnderich andvicitlitylihnit. invself frioin the mare's mouth.' A simul- I 2'a'e* he has comimncoold in fille abaivq line iu r. From the rass beside the door, I cannot sing the -old -Songs taneous burst of lab,-bter rang throuh EVERYBODY USES IT. -And all agree, che La 30C. IVING UP BU NESS11111 Suizill's Ole stand. To Salt Speculators! Meet Me in t tie the court. The judge on the bench could When tin wavelLts sparklin,,, that the "Canadian Pain Di�stroyer " is Pass under the Rod 25c. with diffleulty cnnfine his muscles to judi- Loosened reave the pebbly shore, the best medicine for the instant and per- We privil by tboa River Siae CORNER OF SQUARE & NO*RTH ST. ciad decorum. The witness was told to Murillurin'. inanent removal of pain from the systcm, Tile Gipsv'i W-arnint, 25c, G eat -MIN Ia tke Groeery Department 'be will keen L 'AND FOR S A U.'ll sitand down. everyet(liscovered. --l-t-acts as a �cfieral Do t4ot Heed, ker Warninct 30c. a Te i"Itteddletto.. ln�. V le, es e on hand ginoo anicles, and sull as cliteup a We are waiting for the Sprina- alternative, thereby removing the cause of Belle Mahone 30C. BE undersignord alletis for sale abotit foil - the cbeapea� acres of Inu in Goderieb, wbith is A - BIRTH. For the bud and blon.it of flowers, the disease, and ieVonating the -action of Any of tile above sent poe paid on reeebit' flartieutur attention paid tothe line of nairablit, adapted foi- sidt works. beinx an 011, For the,mantlin- of the blowers the system. - For the purposes for which of priej. Address, - ', I it is recomnlenddil, it has no equal. Truly 'T RT bank �f theRive, M-itlAnd tLud adjoiniiiX the At G6derith, on be 22nd inst., the � WMQ' b -EWA' FLOUR AND FEED', For the sunshinem and the showers T. J. MOPRHOUSE, and as the advertiser Ikas had III&HY Ti -ars, G. T. it. traek. By a short switch. Slott of 1r. Frank Rose, of a daughter. When around each window csenleu t it is a. "good t1fing. Sold byall Medicine sirual office, Vines shall ertep and clamber up, Deitler§. Goderich, Ont, HAs bETE 11.31INED TO SELLOFF HIS STOCKOF rxperiente iu- that branell of ll:iuviness. be eould be sent Eastward by rail cr to th- fforshipmeot. Thi-propsay iselo-9 feefs eslifident that he can.olive satisfaetion. wbar FEB Ir 0 - to tbL Vell now sifilkingand abt)ut 700 i-ards C03132 ERCIA L. While the daisy.whiapers -love to. U AXCY 'WIVE. Gndericti, Fwb. 7, 1868. sw47tf The bright eyed butter clip, frow the famous Goderich.Satt Works. Thiii GODERICH MONEY MARKET. Really this should be noticed. We BLANK 0'0 K S. i, one of thq most dsirable plou now in 11ho In the SpriliL obser B CL.NRKk%1`ANTED. every irtiasday land Frilay for the SiviiiaL by ed in the Blue Treatise (which. indeed- is market, and inteudiueoperiaorashould exutim. syspi. E%tihau4e 13rolsers, Wst bt (Aderizh. The Dominion Telegraph Company -was worthv the name of a scietific work) on -A cothplete tock of MICH) READY-MIAD. 0 L 0 T H I 1IJ 0 GOOD experienced Clark who can bn wall recont. ine it without delay. snotaddict- 13, an artidle headed Lacteal Vessels, AY Bbom. Amended from lastemployer and who i. 11117 For patticulars appI7 0 organized last week, with headquarters at page Goderich, Feb. 25, 1868. A gpA a joHN.- 11yiLop. The lines of this company are lq 0 prq d o tile un of spirits or tob2co. llppIy parso. American ExchaiVe or Greenbacki. under" to N. XCRAL DY&CO. stand: the principle upon which WN EZ and tit. Relells. Godat irnmediately to be erected to all'business JO[JHNAL, nedy makes such .41svr2t; Toronto. &c. 'Tis -arand. � READ it for yourselves LEDGERS.. Febrattry 10, 1859 September 30, 1807. points throughout the Dominion. Coll- I the great Shoshonees Rei MINUTE' BOOVS, Afterit 11-70 forC3usdafunds tractsfor the poles are given out The wondeifull cures of diseases of the Stomach, MEMORANDITV- BUOKS, 7t 71" furtiver. �tates, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys, &c. -One ofthee PASS 130�OKS, MORTGAGE -SALE OF LAND, sal"ING ILT 1 lines will connect in the Unite( . valuable treatise accompanies ea6fi-bottle INDICEI, &c., c. B.A.R.G.WNS' tPRUE, DENTED I TRUE' GM I SALT TI-11IRRITORY" Xornin4-73 Aft4rution-72 forCaaadisfunds with the lines of tile Atlant�e and Pacific of that peculiar IndianAledicine, sale 'DEFAULT havvilir been ninde ill the paviment of a Nongage br The late Tl agraph Company. leha G- It. (hi� wife 3' Ill K tir ibe per ,pose of 1wring her dower) hearing diu. ill. 'FOR SALE 0 "ROIC eve7where. Aht greatly redriced prices for cash. At the R LEASE. ........ ... 41 discount The whole 10113t be sold in six weeks. Call earl '11110 11011115 of tile wasy tho"an T 4114 ileG r fireUth (lay or December, 1805. The ffilloiving PTO pertywill be sold by Public Avcti�ual G. hLTracle-Ols ITHI X 150 yards -11 the present,0aderjuh.. 3affing at ............ SIGWAL OFFIC. I .31. A ROLAYD FOR N OLivzR.-A man bamoilius now OfTeriu� tor salls a 0 1 AlicLion Rooms, am the W tiolt. Works. Also, 89,L" while passing throu(m a meadow nearCork -9 11 XZb Buying at ............................ to was attacked by a large mastiff and he *11rd day of April text, at 12, noon, I? A R M L NG LA N D S SeldnZ at ........................... 34. E At the GLAIS-GO W -XIOUSA, STATION det St, Goderbah I TIZ: 0011VU1111CUL XXcH,"0Z Olt liEw TORN- stabbed the dog with a pitchfork he hAd in Liller e powers ellutistued in the sud Mongage, to thatloctility. Applyto his bahti. The master of the dog brought 130YIe &_Sori-nier, Liolooponab,ii,ro; Oiw oil tile Harbor rat, -and lot lrifle4l JOHIN Istuji, (I T, -it of Goderich. s*llin,; at ............................ ARRfSTFR-, A1,*D ATTI)RNIFS, �OLICITORS_l EVE RY TFING YOU WANT ill Writing on Antall siar efliVest Street, in the Tow suacitar, -him before a magistrate, who asked hini sFVE_N-Tl1l.RTrP B in -chancery, &c. Guderieh. Ont. Paper, and Euvelopts, uoir offerim, at very Terms -Citsh or crediL Deed to be given under Te U6der.sh lot Dec, 1416. w4mt W ell.r. 9 B� L. DONLE. swb' W. H. SQUIEFL. B.A. ripfe. Norfarther Pat- at.iool, avowin,, a,�erued interest why he had not rather struck the do with in.the xaid Mo low pritfes. the butt end of his weapon., "So I should apply to GOODING. IT* FIRS . _IiiiD MiLL Ti 0 0EIRAT01310- Ar THE EACUL 1L L � 8 THE D. SHADE Bu7ing at ............. .............. 104 have done," saidhe man, I 'if he had run- Perry Davis) Pala jililter. souicitor for Xorlpqee Dated 16thoTanaw at ae ith his tail. SICNAL OFFICE. y, 1867. WO STZAM'Z"�INE3 as 004 as now, VVe clip the f The Abo*g sale In finit1posued till Tassillay 41k relil Bmying at ........................... ollowin from the'Providence Goderieb Jan. l3th, 1863. WN1. STEWART, T aind in pe-ife , etworkinx iler, for aslu Bank of Upp-r Can4da, bills ..... A Tennessee Dutchman having, 8aught Ueneral Advertiser ruary, ISO&. At same time and place. ap. PArtieslars As slais effiss. -rorurn�rciisl Bank bills . ......... che his son in wrong doing, determined to ................... 11 At this spition of the year wben cholara, Thllbiilre We is flurther postponed astil Thurlidair, ,G_1 opened at 143 ; closed at 14% administer. a doie of hickory. Solletrini- Doe. 2. 1887. ebolora, morl)ui;, dystentpry, ard 'other kill tXODERICH 31 ILL March bib, 2:803. sit saule time and place. wild med ar switch and went to look for the Goderich, Doe. b � i dred coinpltints arc! 8ure to pr,-.vail,&vRrvody* 'rAftXE' S. voutimster, who incontinently ook to his THE 31 t $hould be liberally supplied with Perry D*vis' -ND FE ED STORE, -Lan -A G,003D 0HAX0.1 FLOUR Mortgage Sle of d. ing the boy aTound for heel 7 a. After chas' Veeoibloi Pain Killer. Persons 1pavipg Kinpiton Stroot. Goti,zaica, Feb 21 19613. awhile-, the old man thought to persuade de humail 13. atiEve and -Mon or e home, whether it be for a days excur Fall whaiLt ............ 1:69 '�ca 1:73,hini to stop and take the lickini. So he eorgo� u Fail (and t'ieir 'vC%)Oi91ag1`i3r1he U OSC rpilgitudersigueddren for a4is U the vUbtroil a .......... 1:49 q4 1;51 � hafted and hailed thd'waryfugitive. "Sholl r' trip to Europe; should be in a position to hig dower) it 'date the 22nd Bel c ber, JL HolnesvIlle. 15 sores of good lindon the sembr vi e tbelir hands on it in a moment's war,. 141LOUR. Oat-met.1, Corn the al and Mill I he fullow-ng pr-)prrt) will be so it On IL 8-00 said he," "Shon, stbop ! I'm no so in 11, to 7.00 t ad Feed. etion at ralein vallictiott ou on the Aud on the oppositlii sideofthil road, 171 sores wilk Flour ................ L as I vash inZ. %faily 4iqeusei; it) incident to the summer sond da jof April vext, at'l 2,, 1100H.'e6mrortable dwelling, log barin "And 'Staib'e. Oats ................... 0:52 (4 0:55 niortbA, which will prove fatal if not im ALSO, a lot 41 prime Sugar- Cured HAMS A ruild . O:r � y Peas ................. Is 0:70, diately cbecked,. can be promptly cured and Rolled Bacon. beating orchard cQuRining a ehoice celectiou of frW1 Just reeeived this lliorning, under 1he powers contained in the said Vorigage, ylm. -trees terals about 17 cords of good'Atim on the 'Blirley ............... 0:90 &W- Rev. -Dr. Chapin say -4 that a man fln e doges of tle Pain Killer.' On Lourunningnumbei One Thousand arid Forty -nig y one nr we in,' wouI4 ba useful tor bulldhfS ptupiados, 500 Bushels pritue Potatces. El I hesaid,Toilvitof'God -apply to 'Pork ................. 4:50 (g 5,701 living in the activities of the 19th century, more thap one necasion have we been''reliev- oil tho Hnrlior at in I crich Tiirns Sold together or sep0ath, Potatoes ...... ........ 0:30 (A 0-35 1. n *. .1 1006 11 Oats. "agh o- :redit. Deed to he 6reii undrr tile powers ' . JAIIESMUNROR. -4 0:17 condensed Methusale'll. ad of intense su&.ring by the timely use of vantii�ned in NolitMe. For funher liarticulars apply D, 1867 WAG. ............... 9:15 (c - th . e above named prepaiation. 4 - ' T. B VANEVRY Co.' WAT ON to .................. 0:15 a 0:17 Sold hvlelDrugstisits, grocers, and medi. Goderich June 7, 1867. w20&f. D. SUA I lZ GbnDINr - solicitor for Mon " e, 9119 JOH. ST01'.r ay, new 'bl ton ........ I -a-00 (cit 12:00 id o W. cine dealers. Dated lfith;Tattaary, 1867. W49 I I ides (irt-en) .......... 6:50 Q# 0: 0 PERRY DAVIS'& S 0 N., HAS REMOVER TO THE NEW.. STORE 0:25 The Auve sale ip'ooponed till Tuesility the 4th Feb, Wool w"hed ............ 13:20 (al rie Ts. thil - P!,JP to e still 0 -Ace. N1, joil .................. 2-00 6A 2:50 ZIw 3m 3SO St. Paul street -fontreal. The above Sale lit further postponed until Thursday. 4:00 (a� 0.-00 To Tavern and Shop iMeepers. erCorner of Square & Ha i1ton sbiloillootliet Sheep .................. rl,HEt qn1weriher will contiiset to deiiv tZ - Beef. -10 ent ..... .... 5- W (a 6:50 Brick at his ytird in Idaitlandville, onn- 9 March Oth. 1$69, at same lim and place. w3td n.............. 0:20 (aAi 0:25 MIN. 6EST (Under Mr. B. L. Johiu6i's Photog;.1ah Roonis) rphe undersigned Will be in attendanne C IN A 1) 1 IN 110TEP16 nna fl�fter the 20th Junio- il"t. He'is fitting Turkeys ....... 0::15 64 E:60 1 JL at his office in the Town, . Hall, on A Family Med-cine, well and liotivorablyknown up,,a new brick machine. to be run by steam eese ............... 0:23 0:35. atrdaY the 29th- inst., between the for ne pabt terw . years.nover failing in a "ing-ld powbr, and can fill dating the aeas.on'sill L ......... u: 15 0,201-S 4� JZ e ti ....... 1 hours of 10 and 3 o'clock,,for the purpose mstane to 1v permanent reliql when melY orders he in.uy he lay ed with Parties Godarich Salt who.11estle, f.o.b. per. bbl. of issuing Certificates and- Licenses to those used, a' kiwown a aingle ase -desirous of securing h earl -ill please WERE HE HAS OPH3XI9D.&jT A ad oke have nover 1.65 at thpwofil Rs, I -GO. ict;ori where i be if irections have betn' leave their orders lit euc.i at the QSce of the undersiorned. -who, intend applyin fori them fur the of dissafisf. P n I -VA T E B I L L jSo. Clinton Markets. ensuing year. JAkES T]ECOMSON', -tinporlytollowed, bit on the eontrary" aA are ot pt h t all deligh.'ed witti its opfoiratinlos, and. -speak in the 4-arket. Squ&rp, W. X SAVAGE. N tbo re-assemblin; -of Parliament of Canitils. In L A Fb 61D STOCK 0 CIDRIE 8 i March, PzTmqx Pon Pnrmirx Btit.9 will be K. My spiscial Talexmph to te Unina stwilti-) Town Clerk. hixht­i ormt of its Virtue an,l Magical effit4s. Guderich, 14 Feb., 1868 w42m I N WAT801111813L ceived, in the House Of CommoAsitilitil-Tharsday, the Clinton, Feb. 25, 1868. Noon. Goderich, Feb. 25th, 1869. THE CA A'r,4'T)1,4.LV P.A I-IV V E S TR 0 YEEP. pikrehased b' him at one ol the late Great Tmde action sales, 417?, 2advfApril-t4o tie Ila 7 + tiver -the Glasgow - House,. otte're $1.60 -1 1:70 has won for repatootion. ait it blood purt Fall Wheat . . .... 6d . . I -� W. n. LINID9AY -.-Clerk, itonscorocoi�morm. -Oats .............. ot 18AA. niteranve voisch tonw. unsurpassel IT) tile Cordwood Wanted, S11"Minc manner, to i5xicutepictares in eiiry slyle Speo.Sill. Liver C 1:40 h to# y X OU I Tim, do ...... ..... :1:45 Ins ent Act C52 ---- dV ofilledicil prepAration3. It seldom lods 0'.50 R 31ky GO- Its to eure. D-,, �omplaioiqj. Indicce- AL X" knewn to the-ar Xidr ASH ILL HE P&ID lor Barley. ....... ........ 1.05 L-12 in the matter orirwillooretwan Insolvent, SiUk HEIRdaelle, lopy Gom- 0:50, or Asthma, and C insolve�t Ac,t of N. B. -Old p4urves. itueli se Derriptily. Potatoes ............ . 0:40 HE 10rediforsot the 1.9snivent are notified -plaints, APO Stomilrb Plithisic 1. J the wholesala tr&�*, has been purchascil much Ambrowpocialtied wip. ingme etiviy The S*ystein dobi.itdted which, owini to the depresse state 0.. 03 Tihat he has maee an 4 ss tit (if hit; Eg- remores.to% iial d Peas ...... ........... . e:68 -GOOD CJRDWOODI Jo natt;u ei�rdhdly invites the L'odiev ...... O:j6 late arid eilecl%�mlider IT - b me, tile by ufleri mg a rid'disense.. -below t4e tisna prices, and -a the-maWr ofD. Kea b 'Butter lit' AT THE A a4t, Its magical and %;oaderful suceltso in nuring required to snd Gentleman -of Goduritla And syrrignadir.- ...... 0:12 0:13 1 furnish two llti;s from thig date sulde" rolds, Sorel thr8ill, Coughs, Dipt.bCria N, A Lr W KtA L -50 with their claim . I ..H U Ego A J4 v Sheet has been prepared cautilu to F four ................. -curtly tN;y pains ip the side,lions 7. 0 specilfying tho st and bacli. neural-ift tooth I-JILi, ply -at th# ratindry to to olbijedtion umtil the 'Dwenty- 10.00 11:00 hold if-iny.and"t'heva se of it, at 4 fame ootat- acthe,rbatitnatican(lt)tfierpajo�in an; �Rrto Ap Hay ............ t o R. ItUNCIMAN. Sao alve HIM a Triai I Wood .................. 2;00 Ov, 0:00 ink the fact, the whole attested under oatliwith the body.,tad froin wn. iteiver caqvite, tias give... i Old customers. andfriqn4 a:e re�speqtrally reqnested call and�exsmine like stock.. 'ninth diay of February. Oni -ed. Huron Sa ltwol, Feb. 10,1868. w3ti 0::)? --o he vouclie, it in support of imch cKlins. aplare,inevuryhi)tiseiioldaniii.,tfasI super", Eight Hunc ed and Sixty-eijht. Zwis to *hexhelf his it wnrtbv f t Bides ................. 6:50 JOH.N.'sTf 11W. Oat -.3 a[ Goderieli, in. the County tit Huror ing all other preplitrad4nit'of the kind. ba�teat Goderich this �first day -of 'Feb J. 13eef per 100 lbs� ........ 5:00 a 6:00 this Iola dity ofFebruaiy, A ) 1868. prompt, rome ly 14 w4r)`�Sok . � W.. .. - 0:25 0:39 POLLOCK, Scalds, Burns, Bruisea,, Sprailij. Ciniblains, GR". TL IF, 104ED-oi L. IV- W, ATS-OiNT. Chickens per pair OTTR rujoy, D. 1�08. Pee Froi4l. Bites, (;rampr- in Oe Stomach-- Diarlicea, Turkey& ...... ........ . 0:40 0:50 X. C. CARFRON, OfficialAssi I SAIME POLLOr'v Solicitor i6i Insolvent. W5 2w GODERICH. 10. 1868. O.Oo r& 0:75 (nolera mori Billions Chofic, Cholera Iniflu. AND Apples Feb. 1. a. w 46 2w., rnb]!L- btin pian. Vveenterv, ku. ar creitil �o iii) -0.30 per bottle. Priclii daily 2-5, e�niq PROVISION ....... 1`& 0:35 IIN NORTHROP $ LYM) INNSOLVE NT ACT 181A. bnoqugilillIday ls:rk tny tied and board atirlai !znyju,- Ducks p*r pair ........ e:41 (4 0 5 0 blewicitstle,10. W.. Atidl �Will tall tio 11 6. Gerterid Agentifor-'einada. Therefor, ProrinFe of Ontarlog I TN the. Connty C6nA Of'itbe ST Exeirr, in AM Catialfot Hviolit" Allis 'Ibirly- scatoeth markets; CRIAD 140PqE t2-1,5old in roditviiieli by Parker Caide and I A To 71t: S I 'Cotnatyof-Hurcal firstliqv crianu;Lryi. W& F. Jordan, Gardiner r Q o. Bayfield; James, PRODUCTi 1011011ANT), in An inattorof"To.5 SU Thoinpril,junri, Tin luxo1vant .1:21 T -eph elegratin to nation Sig -L givenlanzon mondaylthe8ixth day,- Tin -taoll 0 1 KenthRin, Rodger Pielcard, l!"Xi.U.-Ti. J. -:601 ayll Coll. , % lit slornto eaforth, Feb. 26,1868. Noon. Combe. Wilotbett I �,Blo*i ill t U11 4t N. OT I C E' "Ij'. b6� ' gatdiz reet i olintorl; selviird;Luek� Ual3jer-on a '01lT3xT,.,o;twc1v"f the bl9dic'bollin; �?rbs Soon - '10 alit bD heard, the underslgdedw1lr1tpp�7U 1, Fall Whf-af _* ....... 1:5 0 now; 11; Hickson. -ii-afarlh,, aitid all-ildedicine -Courtat his ebanthers-TOrdisch'1196, vtz:R TO it Jair -TOJ, 7--00 a 7--f 'A IV, FL01JR, OATEA'b CORNMEAL, 5=117ROZ* bjeh", mo. 'T A idimithiiAall- t ..... ...... Sprin ... 1:50 ';:.';2 143Cqntractortricitin' wTviorn the Lowest GO io Teuder wil I receivaid f,?r bul outo 0:50 0,52 field. Pvtad, bavinig, retust-d to carry -the. G work at the pricVstuted it, his writte Peas ....... ......... 0:70 R), 0 712- teni THE GRE IT, EN KENEDI &C',, H 14: best' mark -et pri So"ieftnii at fit�,*n. *4tl UL d Citlittty jDf' 14 ORD, Barl ................... 145 a 1:20 kind-ts olipr� ey 2 Potateer 0-45 0,-0.50 SIR.4AMES. CLARKWS -SEALED. TENDEI rinurning Ifla-ult for the htwral uppot; Butter tat lux, INNIVENT ACT, 01964. slid patr6titiebe 1,41i revfirkd for 0-9 Celebrafe-d Female TtMs .15 (j4. 0-,16 CA-Ulk 0 will sg,in tt ,aceived by tbe Co. Surveyor of Sit- J. - Prepared from- it prescrfpfibi; 1,18112 3Tars, -begs to SA1 *0 00 ragIO.-ID0 the C is imiv, prpmr, oa the part 6f the Corporitioti bf ounly Ha ...... tlereby'.forbid ally periiiti OIL . arW County ofRuron. -1 J anty of al) an 7 -D- -with ill -deg ......... ofHuroty, fo, tAe Qkeen. QL 6� -lotst it tinds -of cu 2-.09 thirilenheessionGod cliTawaship"with6tii-my per- t'down. or carry away timbertrom, 1 6 orlthe -26th hy of"the fb-6 day 0 unt do, b -A Chicken$ ...... ....... 0: 5 1.; the A teuria trespassing, sheilil bb, ts T614 itival"ablo me(licine lit Will apTLFV19tbn.`Tadt bf Ile ?AM and f3rac ts I u ties a t141T. ;6n4,r.`fU said A ry 6 R P lip of barr A in 180 a y rubI An _he lIlion -T i_%jo l: and dangerati, Ap O�60 P i With A. D 0. tbetu firola '04 O'�3 FOR -BUILDING il,rdtis all excess 4nd ons, tO 1hoconsinmer thall. Geese a ;50 1(4 5MI an th-er place Id iiwdyt curoia�j be refted &�� , ' 4 U.A-­BL_'.E LJ 1 X-1 I F - I . r V—A- INS 10 I R0 PET EX t. L Pork. TG -MARRIER-AADIES' time, un C6 13isioult bi ie 13AX Ot As"M To�_THE_ aleill, -peiind with r bringon the ffisprithly egit #TI'3r- -11q,THS TOWANS OP lux 'Eachibolitte,price One Dollar,hep.rtl ! 0ov-- Ine AIT4 ;A ii Tin into prevet teou r -t 7 ,rmn, I iRsix,1101d RoAA 4 -': --- t_1 Q or T. R. A . md0($tatup:qfGr"t Hrl . .1 �,w � - 4 .� ; -. 't' � , 11 - , . I P�, - . 4 oil ­d 7 -t it . AS 4% -A..f � Xommarit, F6. 25. Z.liooise, good. grcVtrd­ _;A-,f611Ja nr, :j: Ot 6nW&L. f -4h G lm �d lint L& Stibi,60bef, Ari, I �L;��"'j�` ` -OW)RON - W1 W. Q=1xuper._.;T:Z 7 7L i - -44e,.of.Vuiov ;�ta _f13 1 ;­W� Mee` iLfllii a r b I 'L "' 3P. Ott. ViLilo 161SX464; i 61 130:T r ia 0 'b F -1fitit Ibef;ord etArden'the Goan Tfi A- -Paitue_ BE -5, �Ivqs.�ti P 49 4* 6.0 TH$, �'j� Prft-,; :0, . brit Aide' 41T st --Superiorextra ...... 8 -OD -e 0.2a MR Oi-A ;Ierkb, #r 417 44 -04 r -L 0 6. - 4, X 0 . ll� 7WrPills A_ . - e 1� ", 0 a - 1V 66 tH a _097M T� Ott Y;6'i I , � C., 0'' F G .u�erAN ald,- wlleatZA-5 7 -04111tin W. 0* ltoitJ4 0 h- K! J L iitxvt 'PhIpiti �V, -1A1inloi,:14Aii1V1i1n ii pfifift1her(A VT'ON forulle. KQ.41111V MANtMA TURPS'03� W; 13 41,111".11 awnttim-pt 4-hroid filmm5m; and wextom, -7-.45- 0 1.40 �'N Of itim- Mail fln-led TE! R M� will efrili r�gi,�,fered'ip the te*0ilto the 11" ;v 4. r3i%­� 'A' - R R.TA.B le. it Vis 13anking Wag W Alin 'Ono.. I a _% - _1� rAT-1 'i . 11`2101� , �*' - - - - �-� -,n -And Aelivel ed daitv Ito -N 'ragper OG :6thiir ineins SaA*f hileff Jifid, WkY execelv0d U010 011M. ot coatainopp.. .1 . � 'L ' , g firm And StYl* Of 1144p _p _xM _40 dusly situate M ^R11 I - , , 1; ­ -1-ig `-3f LrIILL�: -roi' *i"Ti6iistil pair p--vacti., - e..L�_�'._ - - ' ' K, V71 X: live IL , . 11 - 11 -1 -1 . L, _ - , e, . ii : - X U * 141the -1plamp ha t h nglitta u tol tri letio F -M . N`L T N JL ­ I" - - - , - I W17. F. �'Wvery arge T7 J OATS. V : s A a ST).; TEA1 AAMT.SIZ vis- Y gon alqlflg,� U `V�Teiis lind.. -,2 'ran "r; 004 Of"'N e�*.1 it, tothpw5fittijolil'. mftn r-Oik% 41 A fitunied W T90 00 and si 41 _eka M aingfiltv 211 b,, return waift for, j�p %�t - . [,,.r7Aid-Tro*4f­ ­:b� 1 -11 1--'S - - __ ­� , in t2 thin tb,.,)Vf t" at Way toL dritt4ilikont will w " D. 4S 80RI&A11110t. adVailtnaeopSIV nA-- y �:rojr to _1� - R-0 P at -a ....... Ln R ewn in a� p on, tbekeof-1egistered 111L the V_p to fhe il;*rt I I? I -Or AsLjW,-'-1"otw,.--4,;. 1 11, At 1410 jr-Xlit Of 1--er ._yL. %X q, - I r I r T401_- A4D g 'Ilia' 108Y t 3uu 'lip - M 5476 0.5-180 qCFertift, AL BtakAl*A11mit. Tie jt'10 at rs p3eing fh-12- *P- C (OWW" IL&O"t WM viesalid Im'k. r Al lit Mi. lrwtd#, in, more.,-, a Oft ellill" ­� , , - �,� -�� ':' GOLViANOWYOrkat.401 Oct Rich Co t. c to VO, -141 fo r oflik _tontrAc�t, . , -1 luenli - , ....... I As Prety ks!. --.Tv 0 -W 01V:XU fmeb�tdri s - - i , I" I . - T t3is t -l*- 014.50 ."K OvItJ tit and, :-V �j.�iurk�v� 6 0. t Nflof 4 In tile: p1ttillo Ainosto Co,,- Bayt, Ad. Thbliet. t r X vAR.1' AV. All I— - I -.- "'ON! - - V!igew. . e r Prim :B:.A,7! r - - wo, 1er-Vil iA t waft ftioa ' 4'' 1 -1, 416bb, C -lin 0�ilrtng, 111i4t,'4 ....... 51.0- 0 160-: (Ionlibe; WAAts t') '11ioq ' i Ao a ft A 7 77 7 God .1w F tile con.ty is . . :Pune Tit :$40� VXAN ..... 0D 1"imil, ; btrat w4$4V A- _erkbi, J,:a-6 Is. �tbs 7r "A flill 4r 3 Is