Huron Signal, 1868-02-27, Page 17
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All V
-VJito1!7.indPropTietor.3 13. all
Th -'o oroatest Possib10 Jr:)31 to the Greatost- Possible Number. ,A
_Q I n50 I' F' TZ
"J. I VOL. XX-L_--TN0 -5
Written spectally forthe SIGNAL. A Mysterious Affiar in London,
rlsa Director]). Bmiluss Oh-edorp. OETTING UP IN THE WORLD. f DkATH OF 15HAFOAT11% PIPFR.-06 i chell's, as sould mill, the last' lot
Jan. I I'b, a hi&,e crowd of people gathe
r1r. yll k. 'N1cT")'bu= 11 Readers *111 doubtless re.member'the ' r- and see and manage about not paying the -
171'. '.%T Hoxig pt)R a; AIR—"The dainty bit plan." I ed at the rail 4y -station to witness the money. And there's a horse -dealer, Jack- uxssiEls iiunyr_,;G.
wn:, to 11 CON ULT.MoN 9-V 1V AL, - evitement caused in New York a year or
Ill. every ii-ty. Will visit !HURON AUC ioN'MART. llsafgloryrulthio tobopeat, funeral pruc6ssi# of the late Do'nald C man, as worries me sore abbut a heap o' THE boy Garman was the only one of
at ents at any houralterw-tirds. ingat ord _y T ,.,f wo ago by the distovery of different 'm- I things down there.- Nobodyca
__ -, a I FIRE AND MARINE A rid have the c .I .' pig matterx, it cr6n, piper to q*a or of Wt manage his family who attended bld Bessic's
11174-10. "911annon.'NI.n., tof, Peor)les was aye. have res peek -t parls of a dead body in different localities S' rl th,- and winner the it but you, Roland," said his father, who funeral. Ashford at the last In ment &-
I en tev inati itch to ru le o'er t heir bette e city, and that no chie was'e'ver ebrmpign gol;il J medal at the Northern had a parsuasive way with him when be cliTed that he was obligged to obey a suin-
TYSIClAN. SU`RnE0V,&c.;&-c., GoDn ticff. C. w. A. 11, HARDY'. & CO, I.Insurahce Company., Tho worl'a a ph; shugglin' sal. -on; pa. near th bleating of 1807. The remains- of the chose. I carm go rnyaeu. Imun pick o
13: t0_1 To shlof xamL is soc-lal P-1-11tion, found to the identification of the murder- monsfrom his landlordl who lived at a
$10,000,000. And le (oot,% on te fliggest man's croon, ed man. A crinfe,, eqnally- mysterious, i tW w re 6onvpyed to Inverness by up summat i.tb' WAY 0' ags at the big - 1! !
ease distance and only visited his erstate in the
the 12. 1 trainj and 'were accompanied f i it Hawksley ; but if it can be done,
S1;RCEj1N. CORONER. ke. 1.4 te h 'chi ;* each slin-glers amb(tiun. but ex`1`ctly the reverse of the 9(4 Yor air
Offire A P P R 1J_,Q U hills from tinte to time 4on business, and
fCcutraischool. 43 0 flut it's gran. graq, tyl; embp i you'll do it, and things is out and out bad was now at -the old manor-house.for a fuw
3114 11—dene-C lhird dilor enst (i AND Cuoltics , 1111
P I horror,1 is now 'byaboutiwenl I rS of t1le (, b
IIE-ID CiFrICE-SACKVILLE STREET, DUBLIN . -agitatinir London. it er- .1
"Uran lobe ridinzatid bes,,ing, shire) 4:Voluntoerp, in whic wi me this time."
G E N E R A L A G. E N T 8 It On the. fetdh (Rbss. days.
if( -Tc -T( I Hims fools tat wAi Ids(fek Ili to mud 8th. of January the Rev. Blr,Speke, a h ad aliAy-s kept his s6n in the
TCF."M kTF COLLF r1l' Joshua It
C. E. GF Pr1J-S1c1llN ,; AND When hims 9" go horseback for company Ca n wa " Th' suld squire have a sent for me tar
L R"quiettee-the hon- fornieriv Joym WoonnoUSIE, Esq 82 Pembroke RoAd. brother of the famous African.traveller s piper. 'The vOlun- darif as to his affairs but his inesi see him punctial s(nnetime to -day at the A by Mr. Ruest. Caledonia Terrace. Goderich. West StTeCtli Werich. Dublin OrDeath Park, Co. io)uth ; Po nossing", teers formed tsi4c the station, and uneas
Arinagh Kerrykeel: Co. Donegal; J. P. rtadown Co. left his hGme in Sornersetshire togro to' 'Knob house," and I canilia, go to You! -
for Coti tics
Louth, Donegal. Armagh, and Own.-Choirman. 'Rite long tiris wropht in te blish, London. -lie bought a re . turn ticke ? t, in time Martha 84,vage had -
marched in fron , through High Street t"is There T"reali
and other sales entrusted to JOH': WILLIAH GRFAG, Esq , Alderman, Merchant, IS Pe wOrse Fig to slav'ry ol nigger, 8' verY cliffe ; ye ma3 tell lum.a' downthere. And
All country tending to came back the -next mo ad Church Street to the churchyard, t Vd portio4 left. hei, " he went on, when You mind to be home betimes, German, or
ITYSICI %N'. SUROF014, &e., &e. rhree v,ar,; ,I our cafe %vin veceive prompt attention. Upper Saeliville Street, and Great Brunswiv-k street, For so lo,pe great ave her wish, rn
P -nrz ,,n tn the I'. S. Armv, -nr I loo' They were foll6wed by il h husband died ; 'twould 15,b very con -
One f!h r idnit % linrinz the late N% _,n ro li -r. and he ordered his groom -to be in * "' free p1pers- i ,
Dtil)!i . Director of the Dtiblin-Toneiticuts'Coitip,,tity, She never 4sg ng no pig ait. you'll catch it, T' hocalled out as the boy
rg -n- m IT. Sk F1 -it -0 Steanl r I Moneysadvanced on % nils and furniture. n -uket round and she'll see le. Donald Mapk.!! venient nbw. Couldn't ye tak' to her went off;
An I lvw. 1, u A_qAinqnt Pmtor for the i5t1t. 1 GiAerich, Jart 13 lans. C She'll the " I ing forlilim at tl station. He had a Y, from tatfindalloch; -Pipe- Roland I She's a pair o' sniartish black The frierids and ndighbors collected foil
W5, Ronp.rtT R.%VE4WADP,E.4q.,Clonebrait&,Crosqakeele To offish w.11 bring her most honor. vPrY rpasonable I'notive for his journey, rn-ijir Maclennan and Paul
Coni-ty Meath, and Sarkville Street Club, Dublin: 1.4 shust to he School Trashl 1U-_ckll1OPl eyes, and hur's a rare un to manage a
-r. Lower InIcolm 'Xich,ols-o-n- J, P. for Conrities 'Heath and Wicklow. -Director the Inverness Militia. the " beryin" lookeil upon this iluesiage
re.-roo.,in.lruionson surgica, 1, cam sat Seotti&h knii"tbfP Life Offlee. And ali eens will Ve soon turn-upone'lier, as his most intimate fri,-nd -iras The coffin was house, and nimble o' foot."
to be niar-
W!n,7'.A 1-13. OnL. Oct., 18-`l' as a mere e).
off4e -SU 11GICAL OPERAmr, 1NDMECHAN10- CIIARLri Goist. 31ALo,.F, Esq., 3ferviiant, -Stephen 0 but its draa, gmn. &e. ried the next fudirning, 'and AIr Speke had carried in the feir.of the proceision by Ay and wit her tongue, t nt cuBe, and public opinion
w37 AL StiVet and ' South Great George's street. Dublin ; - - 00. B declared itself strongly against Old Ash-
-been invited to assig"' the relatives of the deeeasc& Cameron ye'd best leave yon alone, fath
11; ftt, the cbremony.- er. rd ford,
Chi T -hbiwn Ln.lge, Dundritai, County Dublin— ame folkt is be' hard for
1, X)l !E; rip Dirl tor Cominervial Ga-; Cwnpany. to please, was rather a rem
B, -,,'A3-' And raise makivscolds in to meetin". Arrived safoly in LonCqn, he took a cab, arkable man in his pro- not Wed -,vi' her an she'd the Bank a' Eng- 't Sure ill. will should hal died wi'dcath,"
ELECTK0PA*rUf1Si, Jcc. RD Covxr,, Esq., 27 Waterloo Road, Dablj 1 11 n Ec- fessi6a.. L, 183$.he became piper to Sir -land to her fortune, and- were as pretty as said one and liur a leavin' sieh a lot
117"T tR) 111ORF. PUTA1471 %N-, S1:R3,FOX AVD J. P. f1w County 'it ' 'o Atloo nmking; peoples trashtees drove to his,brot eritf& 's house I J. R. Mackenzie I of Seatwell and in 1848 Qaeen Esther in her royal robes."
DAVID R I CIIIARD4:1- -,;q., 'Merchant,Eden Tat no was kii-wt writuo or reaLin';
R I -S-nr. Nlauchsi,,, C. W. TEETIf inserted in eithpr Pla 1 .1 =-LATTE, E cleslon 6quare, talke o'money to his daughter, too."
Fel,ruary w3rr Quay,and Xorelmloj)ton, Donnybrook. Co. 'Dublin. And worser t)v'rar too thevIll try d #ith the lb.otmall, entered the set vies-, Joshua was beghining to feel that there
tiria. (1 Told. Silver. or Vulcan R013FRT C0\1VAY HITRILEY, E made scveral an 6f Seaforth, with 'Twill. hurt- nobody but hissdf ; his
; P Bridec House,Tralec; As Patchelor-Plockhe ids io seoq us', pointments and then left 9
ized'Rubber on reasonable tt;rms unit Glentitiff, Co. Kerry for = Kerry- a certainn poi' b yond which even be room's better nor*s ettlinplany any time, io
13r. %4tin-iiiihni-v. Bill if wel e tit) -learned we're sly, whom he remainad fill his death. He was
1 - O'rice over-tbe Post. offi,:e. West Street BA_,;i F:pq.-The National Bank.* Sl -31e am. the house, telling the servant'diat he was did not dare to u a his son, " quieV as Ashford's," said another.
R %Dl' kTT:, fthe Goderich, 31olloy & Wa"JIL )[anager -J. Innes, Esq. And in spite ol thein a ve get le uffish. took a number- of prizes at Hill,
J1;1nl qnsl w goitA. on businesrs ' to Westminster -a dis. milland lie thought him be, and he hurried him wis
'C -,v York. and -off very early, be re Cassandraco
G 0 Vu, its gian, gian, &e. gatherings thrOughout the country The world was like * e scandalized at
&4sidanice D. triec of Lo'n 0
w'"n 'Cons mei c I a I ot e j.%x I te Itte I I V. W C, A NTAI-)A 13 PAN 0T -T. d n -and would buy himself uldreach Roland's alisence. " She were like a
49 4ntAo Corrutr St. Francois Xavier and St. Sacrament Stree at a last year crownJ his fame by lkinning Youlcliffe; going with Ithwhimself the first
1 the champion gold medal at the N few miles for better security.
Ira T cwist. MoNTRFAL. Such hielt step Ili iignity's ledder, hatter's, bought a hat, o orth-
ts, 11's a Prettifid honor to gain a new hat on the road. He stopped mother to un," said society he should,
BANKERS -The Oiitario Bank. Besides she'll hae plata ol her nain,
rdered it to be a strove to come home for to do her res,
%RRT,-rER ATTf)TlNFT-kT-1_M, A,.%T) More pr0fiiS than all put togedder. s6nt to his brother-in-law's house,- -and. era Neetin.,r. He also composed several "I'm not particular to a day or two Peet i he know'd she'd. abad a fit, Nathan
JOITN Tf10X_9-,-Provrietor- This i.R t1i T. W. GRIFFITH airs, s abiout your coming baek, Roland ; 'tain say,,?l
l4rgest-linti bestcou' ach as Bralnu Castle It
ntry Hotel it% Wexler he shop. The time of hi '
(lo lerich, Camilla West, Office in Court Hnsse. v14li tO blanager. So she'll drew out )ier plan very,,1y, tnen left t " 'I Lady
G. RUITBALT, & CO., Sirce le vehoul-tax she no-cfin get rio olt S le"' i1nae Mackenzie often ye get an out," he said at parting to The old woman wag Inined under the
_'ana(la.and efitarg!e ks ia derate as any li Pns ing is fixe ]'at 5.30 p. m6, at which hour Kessock Forry, his- unconscious son.
in Nlitt'llell. Stage Proprietor. Agents G lerivh. w1tf 11 le nidder trasi,tees was 1 .omp Abotit'firty members of' the Caber -
Good R hi i n g i*o r ly, shadow of the spire which she was so proud
100 Hor-es. [Io , e We nicht all litive a share in the goed olt. it is nearly- dark in London. Nothing feidh Coul It's all for his good," he said to hi
and Ca rriages for llitZ on I - 0 but it's ran, grAn,& c. of. " 'Tis a cheerful. pleasant platm, lilEd
14-7 6 PER GENT
%RTM,TVTt. C0NTVEVAN-CFR. c., Shorte,.,it Notts pany' 'acconipanied his remain
Kiag4toit -trect, G-ierich. C. W. w49. has since been lipard. or seen of M r. Speke, to Conon Statio 9 i;elf, as *he returned slowly home alone. persen," said athan t; his nephewasthe
but 16 -hat n -on Saturdav,. under t4e Whenever we do any thing paiCculoirl came away togrether, "' and hur wilil be
ent -Sto.& which he were was picked up
NI It S. -DAYS' 1OT___ Gove-r n m k She,, I Iong hsve a wi.,ib in her mind conamand of Captain Dlunro Ensign selfish and ill-natured -we always find out
h" T-) -tv-1, EL9 ro have epicagR weel as linus neitiors, by a workingman close by the iron rail- F a el.. to the pathway. -where her friends
Qt^TJ Maclennan, and Adjutant Cash, and a that it is all for somebody*s advanta
kr%'tT T - But to co. -t of ber neer could pe find b ings of a park ' Westminster the same 'are. can come nigh her, ind alongside o' her
TTORNOV. qqT.T('!Tf)P W R 0 X E T 1: R. TRANSFER.%RLP AND NOT REDEMLtil party of theva c me on to Inverness. Da- itithef for company like, till I come -
P11 te have by her lawrs; evenino, that Mi We sofar play homage to thegood within
kr. C., i -r of WiTHIN TEN YEARS. , - 08peke disappeated ns, as to tell it a lie. It is not quite so ytwon
RinZ-ton!4tr et. Goticrich. C But noo tersshetil gut ramousshanve fe 15 . A ceased,was fifty-oivea years of age. Of'
ON the -direct road, trom S For glautti ut te seltool jection.,s tomari, w ill ys after this man saw 'the advertise. t be long first. VVe a ordered a head-
Witikerton. eaforth -to L ree ara pipers silly as to believe us, bat itis a little stupe- stone,"' endiad the old man, -sadly, and
T-TFNLRY G111ST, §houl I lqarnin anti se'se went ta France, his four gons, tit and two fle
Every nec, ss%ry accom. "r menttc which were posted about, and hav- mqlation for the travel -tin-, pubhe. DE;11 A119VY1EXTAL AGENTI More,_I!E ter have horses than scholars.. took prizes at the last Northerl'i'Meeting it says
0 but it's ran, ran,&c. ino, iriQticed 111r: Spokels name in the hati Rewas quite successful in his plans.
O.Tk-c, over J. Cols 44 -t4re - RAN'N_AE1 DAYS, it to ill;-, police. rFive hun- The unsuspecting Roland was leavinct,
All Yon young men. ds passes by,
0 T T A W A he' handed
Wrometer. Nov. 5, 1867. ENDERS fil, -ertces to person-% desirous of' in- Te notber trashlees, like hersel A&' Some of the citizens of Chicago Y uldliffe by -one road as asandra ap- Throw a look and cast an eye
w42 dred pounilsxew rd are offered (ar any C
T vesting in this safe and sitleablesee FGrL profits o w ll as praise watching, . must be very copious or very rapid i As you is now, so once was reinitting him. before January ,list nextunt informatZli of -the mis'-4ug clerg.Fman, and Prepare to live, mus
, . I ;I. - t P 1rh i e.9f lrinz_ I proached it by another.
5701`.Tl lrr)R z: &c.. Godericb. C. W. P Pi 11% C E OF ORANGE HOTEL the.,alins they wi h to invest. will reveive by rotgr1i of Like birds tat was hutf-h from ame shell ers. Therb are' 2 000 saloolis In th&t ,- When she at length reached her aunt t die --
as you
A0.1-. New Block. inaii the reecipt of the Government of tile Dominion. XV6re bent on te salyke sort ill scratcoing. the police have exhausted all their in -c- I I
T:ie. renndnder,)iu t be paid before xare L $nd, iSils. To one tu- bring casn to hinar. till city, supplied by 40 distilleries, and can.-, there was little consciousness left. ' The for td leaft 'Tim liow they're here one hour
LEWC, -DUNGANNON. nuity to find soute trace 'or him; but "lie old woman lay in a sort of sleep, painless und shed the -next like a poppy -head
Gdertch. Arast Full partit-ularlinu applivati,nl. Would old the o:d pones of him'% modde'r, sumin 25,000 barrels of spirituous
has vanished as iC by7magio. Has he
r. Grist's charge is 8:3. 00 for sums, under $1200 and And a sl Fin of young hor.'es to sell in a year. This is one saloon, to an,d quiet ; aiid although she often spoke, sighed he, piOdng one as he "ed. Th, ,
S%"h -ti 4- one quvk r li- recnton larger aniounts. Waste ul)shcck in view by te nodder. been tuti-rdered ? The Times an -Tele- "'ry he by-standers could hot se sure that she as German ws taking his leave, he called
ll?x-oprietor. REFEREXCES: .0 but,its grau, grant &e. g aph state that this is almost im ossible, 60'adulis of the population. 60 Calitom-. e Ftraed-them. Pleasant, kindly war& him back. " The ino4py for Cassie is a
r- Hnn. A. Carripb-.11. P. If. G.. Kirmston : W. C. ers!*ast work hard to be able to support r co -herself
Ample accorninodations. - u'llip, Esq., Presidp.nt!lriih American Bank Note Noo sh ay have some rea-
West street entrance first door west or It and sug ests that lie all they which she uttered, like ent to Jones and I shall put in her mine
e'll have a brodder in toon 0-1)
%,49 rolilroly Ottawa ; John Langton. r4q.. Auditor for for hidiag, or n a saloon and constitue their portion oil the but the Unseen world seemed to be clos.' irrimediate, : d mak' it all right. - An
choice liquors Film oad at itnes nvver knewlt ri,.-ssinz but kn4 ave gone to New
the Dominion, Ottlwa; Wl '. Wade, Esq., iNlaiiager 1-0 iiiake her a ineeniter soon rwledgt, scn lay 25 000 Will. yearly, ing -round her. - She talked, but it'seemed how 'taillft mine, and I wu'- Me thy
.1oh-n Ontarit, Iank. Ottawa. York. But on the other hand, there
T -OLU.-ITORINCY %Nrplly Cittawa.January ilth, IS68, UA was meant t(.put her to colle,-e;L as if lie Were burnt,
)rklul shance. A midnight elopement in New kei-father, mother, and sister, who had and gothing about 1-clillin' o' me, and say.
-L M. T Ditula nuon,11ar21,1867 Bill non was a gi , --I-- to be chieffy with those who wera gone- feyther cryin out lik
sw4l Ow d(,e8 not appear to be the slihtest motive
Ont.. i'le ide ol`We t Sireet. third 8husit shoutit its all to petiection, 12, re was UtLY6
for 11 uch a proceedi , while the' York was frustrated by a *at, who fri ht- b6di -dead for years: ing ashow I'd choused Cassie. B
il. r-front Colirt-TIn-ise Square W49 To like never happen but ence, every - Inotive to induce"him to stay here, ened the young lady into a faiudiig t it was a gentle dismigsal. As Cassie sat may mak' as tough I'd ha said it sho4d;1a
-LUCKNOW XOTEL And tat Yas in Poerty Section. dimly -lighted chamber"
' d U but tit* gran gTan, 90 to his, friandl.4 weddin- and return in tW6 Watchingthe bie done till such ti6iep as he'd &d his
AND STAGE OFFICE. X home as he intended. " she Was toidlg down stairs tc meet the ex. waning life ebbing slowly awayj she invol- wnsent to her marrying wit. Roland. If
&e. Offi-e, Blaikeli;-Block. oppo.-ite the Salt Water Salmon, 7c per IN Doubtlass the pccte lover at the door.
G -1 -rich. S. CUNNINGHAM Frcprietor. q (Spilt) 25,, per dozela. New York -police have already been tek'e- a . i . NI Lbrador Henriii Our wj!,q be so sharp its our prouds, untartly looked toward the door, and start- yer aunt hadna been tuk so sudden as
January & i3rd. ,rrLTATED on the'Zorner on the Northern Do do do $3.50 per hilf -barrel., And prouds he a rascal templalion, ed at every fresh voice down stairs, holrjig t4ere isn!t a moselo' paper about iti r
iPut'; lads tit ciebt oft tbr goods, graphed in regard to -this naystery, and
Gr&vt;lRond,Ltivh-now. StazPs;eavt:.eve.ry Do Mar-kerel it, kits anI by tile piece. to -see Roland, longing fora word or a. 'In. sureshe'da leftitso; "Ws'queer, toot,
To rank vith-te-folks ol high station, the sto 10 1
morninz for 0oderieft and Do Dry Table Clulfisli 7c per lb. ry of thelir search, whether ivbp Itwas many months since the meet --n- about Roland,,11 the old inifin went oni 1, 1
h,tt I is fitted tip with every acco-911110dation for Lake flunn Trout $3.00 per half baxrel, And nionish no easy to findp successful or unsuceessful, would be read -STONE, EDGE. under the fem on the steep hill -side ang canna, think what sills bim ta kip away so
A farge Hall attached. Sealed 'Uerrings, 50cts per bol. ---------
A con7eyancer, &r_ Wilke-noll, Countr of giminercial travellers. Do - Herrings $2.00 do And wont in te bush yet forages,
Bruce. NV5. -i So it tickles a hieland-inan's hand with iwease iaerest here. she began to have the cold shiver of houbt long. I've got it set ih my mind ies
JtineU, 1867. W,22 LeNs -I' Lobsters 20i-ts pet can. To finker a wages.. A T.&L32. which ab aliti4f thae York lassies, for yOung unis is
'Willini,n Tit. 13 -tin. n. A. - Best ardines and.30c per tin. 0 but its gran, gra nx &c. sence brings with it 'under such
' it . STORE. 1? - -hed and *eriderful soon tuk up wit at pretty face
AT THE ".TELEGRAPH w8we compleie separation; but she watc I
fr6m crate. - a' -sin like
0 lttFARM 1,' OR SALE `ovre.parlr-ijnldatwee6 our-els three waited in vain, no Rolandappeared-` She ridthey fals into loVeond -out ag.
V. B Hvnev lent nit re-tsinnable TEEM CASH. CHAPTER -VIII, reproached herself- for thinking of any mif it Wirt spofid. Aftid%Mn'tallulasuch
ltpr-n , Di,lillited-and dofootive titles tn rnt wite I To brokit iui- atild teati-her's credit %Iashington'- Feb. 18. -Dates from
Golde,rich. D,c. g4,1365. rw34 And utility a slandriffil lee I thing but the solemn scene before liar a clean one either, " mokalfied Nathan a
Qqiele4. OR&OX,11D WA1178;
W. SNYDER, '%'e*cuokit tit) about him and spread it. Crc4 to January 29th represent that thi but the tide of life was too strong within lot o'muck they picks u There -
B C stiberiber offors fi)r sale a 'fine farm in Telezrarlh Office, To uover our soit6]:i design '(TgE cranberries -afe ripe,) p whiles
I *tit ks have been defoated in everal on- -her-3he was too young to lie in the past fore I dunna mik' itch a stand-up fight for
theTowasbip 417 AshfiAl.,beipg lot bxuti t, W11olesall, Agent for Pilkey's Celebra- We next adverteeed lot- EL teacher, man one day to his sister. as she Rqland as I mid W-doxte a wbRe b&4- fill
)t 7r--)Rcrv__kT-L%%V, SnLICITOR-I' CHXN- E. D. cont-tinint-, 100-iteres, of first cias- Ony land, gagements Or late, with seere I The Be they -and her heart sank within her
-J eo . C inve"n--er. & (ewlerieh. Out. >and t d Wate I king. But of cuume none couo a osseq. I" x;t14 she. 0' Then ru out heard and saw nothing othim, I sees My W&YJ more plaiii., Xan is, but
h rdwoodtlmu4r. About 20 acrea cleared. For A , rproof B ac n%wer so fine Ont. 0%--. Parz;Iinsy Moak, Gode rich, and Goderich- 7'th Jan., 1868. w44 Ab mine brudder - te slia."nits mussulman population are becoming more artit pick some, ana send lum to my aunt - The old man wilitdered about in a loxt flesh,. and fles'h is ir4nAerfUl . L wmk
y Nanny Elmes,
31,. Tlinpr4ron"A Stnm %vfietd. particulars as to price. &c., a oply to 0 line its grant grall, &c. and -more discontented, and the troops b Tialtin ;;-I] be- at h4hintrich office. Biliv-field, WM.*EYN!0"RL1zCo_ *hich was verpathetic,,and'refused times, said Natliad the *Ise. simica -iii
every Mnday from 10 a. in. till 5 p- in. or T. B. VAN EVERY. wayl, 6
Noo We've matuit-lit, thru," feeing andsethantes, have shown such it mutinous 'disposition she turned homi hAving filled her little to be comforLed. hunuatinsture "an4oie'dustmay"Ohnies
thkit they were ablig a occ a n to call d. ered i ss to' 1 ack the fruit Eh," &-dd he, ".she were ailing lonf to have hira asihe wishes to wed wr au
Vec. 12. IS67. w4-71 o lei to old teacher be-shogging, ,ed on on a io an
And w:ne bri,lider-pe Eachan her nnmelll be 16d back to headquarters. The Sul. in, picki a er hilre ana there as 4he afore she spoke ; she niver took- to &e`r- slid's to get her, aunes nionev.11
TTOIRNRY-AT L 1,W, ir PL I CIT 0 R- 1.%% C IT A IV- THE LIVERPOOL& LONDON At La ii3t, pigger wage. weilve got allog,in. tan's Grand Vizier's naission to Crete is went, and pu into her mouth as -she one &Y Glirman Zeturned lliome'big witti the
cer3r. &r.. 0 11tvrxinzntnn St-et. I - -so n0o stio'll got uLs in te wort, beat I .
G.Jerieli, 5 doorgr of C. Cant'roll's Law Office. AV ID 'GLOBE smiled at the recollectign of -the ins," I I, think I'll end for Cassie Au orbnce of Ids inis
3f0NCV-_T0 LEND. 'V 2(1 1Z e W__ ng Hu-chilipis 8 Have gibore in hot kist and her Pfirittv a failure. and thlt island is now in a more Pin going in 3ion, and entered tbe'
INSURANC-E COMP' ANY5! In a fluaw spun and waggons -the'll hurl, successfu4 state of revolution" than ever. scrapes which she land '.German had got to e had.' And I said, ' Eh; but house with &sense Of -dignity ma the pr*z
Flas been in exi-tenee Thirtv-two vears. Rn . d And ra.ik with te rest ol to shantry, !trWS and provisioni, coutinde to be sent into On this very part of the moor -play- ye imustna talk like that, to want a Auss ! tector iand atbiter of hii Asier% future
BILMR19rZT1, _tTTORNIET', SOLICITOR, &c., &a. rtring that period hPitpatid *Lrls3" exceeding 0 but its gran. gran, &c. ing truant from work, their Ettle, months, Thee'st ony a bit 16w ; -bide a bit. Whaell He found -to -his great relief that lie wAs
C1111tou Out. w3a, aL GILLESPIE Mc into Crete from all'quarters for the relief. hQkenAd ith the stains of the tell-tale iver I do an thonstick I And she laugh- beforehand 'Kith Ids father, who lip -41 not
Five 9nd hilf inillion pounds sterlin 0083d
MO%Z'EY TO LEND. of the Cretan. warriors Women aind,' bilberry, revealiiagtheir iniquities -when ed, out so mie'rily, and says, ' El men!s 'Yet returned from the nuire 4 the kitchen
T.AnoR sburpernent of this enormous gum o
'd TIP dis ver clifidren continue 'to flee frow the island inthe "tance -she saw Nanny E ex butoor creeturs wi!qut women 'to look VAB empty, th
JL01 .11L
tv a wMe area, ficis without il,anht contributed to lin and he passe
Cr,,jSPD ATCTIONSER, B kYPFELD, Cionnity of the eittlibHishment of this. Institution, in the to Ureeci.'
ould announce that he has i cured the THE TA`NXEE FENIAN f he total ndmber of -Cretan -0 the green lane leading to the arter'um. !" And I *ouldnt Ylieve there, garden on the other aid,*,, where he fourta'
Uff,imn. Sales in village or ditatiary punctmaiv at- confidence of llublic Corporations, - Mercha AN. . I — Olmd mlul!
, w9_174 W agency of severa, s men geRerally, non-oombatant-i in Greece at the present was much -amiss, and she aye so cheerful the women bugy hanginZ out,the last re-
Itended tn. Housteholderit, and business Yankee Fenians, or Fenian Yankees, are time is estimated at 68 -000 It was so 'short a time'since the old like. And last Siturday, afore she were sults oL the great wash, 'The ornAmental
wherever:1. is represented, just now very plentiful and bitter on the: i woman had been withthem thata cold chill tbok for death, there come one ol thoe ground had, all been Zngup aiid planted
In -alt, ft year. 18363, the Fire Premiums-
AVND PROVINCIAL -alone lli'mounted to r over mained a
L %',ITD other side -and the Brotherhood is not of f6ar'ame Cassie that something Methdus as owed her a bit a' money for_ with vegetable, but theite still. Ye
Ptreet, Goderich. v15n3 In iti Will year, X17,761 AK ra must have gone,wrong, and she hurried summatenother, and arter she'd paid her sort f raised fl I terrace ai the upper
CIVS only more active and presumptuous, but HOW TO T A COLD. -AS the Fcb nggec
whicb-he is prep%red to sell at th lowqst "I 26th vear, IR56, 16 C. cc XqU,279 receives larger countertancel-And support ary thaw has come the doctors are looking forward anxiously, I heard her iilviy, 'Well, now I've sqitaied end, A;"red by a gr6a:tyewrihiddge, f[ank-
CC 44 132
po 30th vear, V66, 9 9191 a et a Your uncle sends ye word,'my lass, matte s va"yo-here, Besilici Broom, nd I ed with whafkad londe biven p
ssible rates, at, among the American people, by reason of for an increase of busin ss. ' Do or and 23wami4s and
ND SURVvolt, LAND One year later, 1867, MI. it .
AZ latie diploatictroubles with England, and' undertakers inust live as well as other pro that Your aunt hat had a 1pjaxT stroke, and hope toia-you've a made yoi r accQuitt
Agentand Conveyancer, Witeardine. , i - PVVV aoaL; foi ittli li]Le He. M a shapeo" cut out in yew which hadgrown
C DEETLO-Ri, OLD STANDY The Fire Reserv Fun is now TA.727.464, in view. of their services in a possible out- fessions and trades, and it is q ye mtfn come Aown as fast: as -mid* be an right y ical ye all. away f4r Abbody at
uifi proper , :and defu ,
7he Lire Reserve Fund ix now $9.2 468- break of,hostilities. A report from St. that persons ilgpiring to coniti ute to th ' ye would see her alive. I were. to he let- 40ou to himself -an ye be -so. bad.' A nd such Stan; Vge,liad "y time for garden Ac -
Hamilton Street. eir
"Consuvitteoftlite United $tatii4iitf Goderich Nov.22 186q. The ect pany is represented thromehobt On- Albans says a great Fenian meeting was support should know how to accomplish it ted ye know last night, but I were' late, a turn if R* V` r ;were ; for yur corations. And Bere German, "betook
w44 in '40 me -as nive
tstrio and Quebec, by inthential A"nts, tn held there on Tuesday last, And I dar6na come up by ther lone oor zee she'd niver said no and I coulddt. himself directly todeliTor his iniaccustoin-
A merlen. at which ad- most readily. People partial to rheitma-
hom ippl reation ror inurn' ce max, be made. dresses were made by iflie Fenian Secre. tislA -and of consumptive tendencies shoul by night for 'tis a very, boggetY bit, " 'said bear to think she were ill nor w she - ed budget of newsand jite, 1i4.qpmio A *I*
BRITI! EXC1K-_A5GZ HOTEL. OFFICE d 9 it. M. to soclock. P. W. U41 7_S M014'9Y TO LEND., G. b -.C. Simi 6, Resident SoCretarv, ',tary--of War and other notoble. 'The weartheirboots; and be careful to keep Nanny were going away from me. And Ilin right. family alr , of inomenti
& A. St. Coderich; B.'V intended Cass ie* gaTe a- litile cry flowery d6wn mAd wil.myself now as I didn't tend',' "' Welladw said Md17 it
MONTRICAT. Secretary announced that they tfiem. well soaked in snow water. ' A quick , ; her
ROSS, Agnat r to invade Canada again, and that the ro- fever eemedto melt a4ay as uAde for# murt hal beena sore sightrto ste Y46r Aftlati
IFMTC -us THE VIURION. Elliott, for Exeter i W. N.'Wattion, iorSeat-krthl can be secured by leaving off over- visions S r a for'you d`;rectly, -and the doctor too -be.
11 'hood had
iam. .1 1 FL -now arms to the amount of u
f TV Goderich -.1b.11,18tid. thei ftost, arid then er- consci ce keproached but she'ue'rercould abide laid it ffi' g*_ und, aud hur V)ok -so a daen I
SECUBTAny NUROX TMCHIERS! ASSOCIATIO 4VINGS,"D LOAN 8001 pw. w4_1 'Oats. Neuralgia complaints are opeia-to her that 1her n doctors." - t
$300,000 deposited along the frontierfrom e LeXt tfiouglit stotul be, tot of is I'm sure you did,a' you could for her, bilt'she w+ a well-livin loombn 'm j* r
w) who walk until they become heated,
C. 4 Th 2&boveSdcA4t.yisprepflre 'Bufralo to St. Albans. The meetingwas and then stop at a comer of the street and
BaUCEP-1srD. Pose OFFIC ld to moke It, oar aunt, but the persoinal one that uncie-,',.sad cassie, atrectionately. were, and iijb hPIrtrasit andherheaA stead -
'r P
if -she it -tW L-0&42'
presided Overby Lan Arherican, andth she went to Yquldif re
0 cool off by. a genial chat with some friend. jaightsee lftolo Nay, lux, but I didna ; that' where. fa4
ON 111PROYF.0, 'tin, I -were a thinkiie. 10 my own comfort movement appeared to have the heivity and again To be h. f 5 she did,' roplied the ladt
H RITISH and Coughs are free to all -who, trill insist upon -I were, righl i! mysen-
tht6wing open their, coats in a N1 Andftirj *vause he w-ent On, " Twore a
T -J= M lx syni] athy of tne people ofthetown. Astdord was sitting in the kitchen, much t; dow.n,toA up
Rt3vINCIAL LAND SVIRVEVOR, DRAFGHTS- AXD vicinity. At rder to Catch put about" It Iona
Bee ut Mr. Carroll's Drug Sture, at S ten or twelve per- the gentle.pouth breeze which prevails. the news, and th4trefore thats how"twere and she, she well
The cost of efl be fotfnd MERDAINTILE F1111E AND. LIFE- _s circle,"and 'a considerable thinkint f( r' ther f lk, nd niver gi f u but couia -not help, leftJoy,
ecting a Loan -will ons joined the The ladiesare said tb'be experts in defying as obstihate aspossible' He seemed to a v1 in o his a I nit
V. J31 _tn for siirveyinq Ieft with* C.- Tait much lower thdn in otberSocleties, of a similar sum- *,as collected from - female take Pleasure- 'in declaring that C"sie till sho w
!'YmP&tll- the laws of health, but it they . ere. took for 4eath." ilng what, to him, htid been a great enter -
Scan, E.;q., of Wim.-Imm, vrill receive imniediatb -at- 3E 00 desire to
nature. Theattemioti ofthe Borroweriscatied suraned 1. izers present. In case of any emergene-Y, reich. their gruel and diet by a short out it should not goA -stifacient number oftimet She Were a were - tainment.) " There *eire -a sight6' -viftlei
to the fact. that be -will reeeive the flull anioutit'01' happywife any, how,
piecaiitiOns Ae being taken. by the -Cana- prevent her thinkin, him too kind.
iie Loan. without any deduction being made for - ESTABLISIKED can beaccomplished by abandoning cloaks t' aunt Bessie,l'llaidbi " nd thought no, and drink to basure, and heaps o'_fb1kWfq
and rubbers, and resorting to thin a oes abr L - I - elan 'there to -do 'her 3*spect ; ! id -Wafth;i
aterest or paymeral in advanca. dian, Goierrilment, - On Tuesday morninga h And he, pr6b, y woWfi? have held to it, end o,yu, ye know ncl; Na
jkdvances anaty bt - repaid Monthly or Yearlys CArl'.VAL Z2,00,000, STERUNG. company bf the 17th re&nen -left Toro -but Nanny Elmes.-Vis authoritT and Yes, my w6ch, but that was her good,,- gavage A iiim; uncU 2ZathV had ih- ioi to
and shawls. If-Par6rits decin it'desirable
AR01141TECTY extending over a p0lod of frim, one to fifteen to by rail f6r Kingstonunder tho command f0i the-' catne,to;-.the rescim Ress, not Wn helpi * taldn`,oh herself 4nd' wa-lin, liel
fr children to have the 'croup, the r.Ams Amy z5rnull [CATIONS of Blidd Yel' Fire - 116partment. of a captain and two subgterng. The! diptheria, 6r so She'o struck. for -death, and Cas 'toug me other seasonable c6m- e M pish as' mid e
ing,&-e.,gotupinta neat and correctsitylia .Folt military authorities had information. that -naier see her - At last came the end : a briglit light ay u j, - any
jecatthim Raron &action Alart, Mar -Go and fitilt bii'ihee b9nnet, Pawed. over the old woman's lwe,--44e, pt. the penitent -by the agaiIL child," I 'dium a -th ei And
S. POLLOCK, risks at mode -rate rates. Losses prom ia i to eattacked lau by
ftL 1R; JCULARS APPLY To 8 effected on all I es of mun go quickly (sr shill".11.
all( ihe b6a if it, 7 ra a matttif light of the xismg, not thel slettlizig-and .,INTSURANCF
law rletivly Agent -and Vahiatar orthe Godeich,- y paid. Feniaus, and the prisoners now, there.cou of course e i'heil
rwl$ de,inned for lifeto, be rescued. It is zn- mlith :--which cartied the day, Cdssie nef then ahel-pnsg d o pe.-wefully away, that. an(I e er h
Life Bepartmeut! -for Youlcliffe' -on . her ermull"Wit 4eith6r Cassandramorer-uncle could -te1l and, 4a
WOL In virtue ofthe guarailtee affdrJed by.1heir moped in Mokitrbal th the, Volunteer off nowAhe lay -there so ipil ua pouldn7it
h &I ..10. SAVAGE9 the vaomerilli iyhe'n the breatheeased , thak'
-large Capital and accimulated profit84- thit will be allled' out in thia Spring, to Dr. -Livingstone. mixtiire-otjg-ind soir,ow. in her zo mu& '"yLaword-1
]3UYS&SIC150-11% New Yojk DraN-Greert. C U strange stiangemomont--wbich char4es the man: And ho* did luncAe Nathan abiad
haeka-blational currenq%-- State notes, any can adopt raflea lower I heart.. mdde aftei.the imidge of big 314ker inW
LOOK HERE,ractj r7
k6; _B t1iii 4"A ind-ira4, XwiWx Lt&W ou hel6se)f&oT,"sa1dCaA46j
cable by inany other officei. gunbo t at stemer iYeR arrived .-A.'Plymouth,, 'Meantini; Xoljhu ,
and unicurrent-moupy at ;current, rate of Pr soot y ;esil vaaii Xle tU the clo& of"
rmers. I h. -of
e an 19th' with mails L;A-' appened 6 liearl Mrs, Broont"A rMhir indtitantly.
Her iaa made 1,er'
To Fla' the 16ih of Dec..; Tablii Bay fble, -19th, f Specia, loir rates balil o been mad6 fbr firm -J?;7
)efore,his 6n. He w4s, standing eI danno Clink he Jcc#d oj heed
-ct.. w4l-lyr$l
19th De pr6mise-thatsha wouldx.eturn w in'.*nj h wipm An, woret about
-.,Helena the, 27N and the on th -1 eps, I to bis loor "e;& gS1
tildinas and oth'er i4olaled St eading
risks instructions have gist aying
THs GuxBo,&Ts. that;same evening *fm- mall boy :xp-, ly after the de th lenching it by is -to have jositber u gbne. a
been ppointed -*a to Mr. G.' H. Wy our -peared 4f'Ae foot. 1hxt''German Aould'not-go to thi funeral i chai
Y ' ' . * _C- "L*' 7r vuite,lo#
_udle in -sho preparea,
un up,am a **t little uirl" uid:he. but me and theik lio-U.-Iled me Atot 99,
or service ort. the open- of -the tb arell honotabl to keel hcr word.
buritry,-wilt be irted to re Gunboats rindy ding
any for Goderich - --bdt - ssi6 ,
AT 0. 111 -HE subser;ber having REOVED to, the agent of thf-: 6ove, Comp PassOlWersi h 1&"-*heA they
occ a agent, to have '&e PtoTfiileW er - , ffm b ensentfrofn Otta, att,,
7 Zile Cilt brngs tweiity4.
store latelJ -WH. DUNGAN, itiad surround1ing gun Mr. . o I lk
pied by, . .
u aiid W., Reid Cassiel;l He w
F0RW!.k4Dr-,RS* fifstActor sou h of BinZhskW.4, Market Squate_ ebive Froposala for insurance'in Qih braneh. 141 Rupiii "ousl. Moncy. , 'Wdna let me go,
no- e. -wag lift 119.replie Q -lay,. Ca ssie said ler c -bfthe say,%, I Bide wit iffe is -bit, lay W,
impfnsviption. -They be temporail- wishes -to inform his f6ends in - the Town 7of es', and will ilways be ieady to give -iurirmsl; 4y inanniad by I one of j. the Na mf brig. der ill I . felter beliliud;' Where's d' -the small.- 004
tiem,,-r arid she -held toye botli
'Goderich aid surrounding.. copatry, that. he tion to bariiO in - i. - 6 I- - messen -er s eXroom have had a he rta xted with he r' 'at the eIli yawasherAevyy)
now x
'sure- a coinnihsiolit: It ig;,th6ught piabdBle bets,bf the on -are satisfied that- fit,,a A the d ss', -4t Stone Edgi a Tery
tfif--,5Lvti& the d o ee eal' Aj d When
13 hal thi faegestailid m4t complete stock tv, Agept, awaT to Stoneaton,` gate. 'She were main fond V`
vtre Ift artlix putliaho Wor tuk 1113
14 , vings., n61 ww,. no mur eple -,as th6Y says and
x" itmils or ow I- _kIAP. -,5?Nff that " ;i gilinboat will be statkq ed- at D. tA- i to' i -ho thai n bbet iilKt_Beisy. Hcrh&*o -A e-
PAIDDUC3. -ATEP k 0! Mtr, I ce
orFaJ1 and Winter ra an V%Pe'
W,ind irould,kit me;%Ut fthe
0 (Y A ii' 8 A L 7 Malit Jit 1866 Prescott., Th.6 Imperil Ginirb6iis-vill-be- jh T;,U-uha men reporwa. but:; --the xi*, .eigbt - unoi oad.-
not or for hatsilent
Sri girl,
read in the SPrin & to aassistm in Vatrolifig. ome i sen ril; um road. ii(
theriis -atort e It -hill! 6.0 sayA she, -imae his fdfhei's farm. ;me but &--the way 6'.her t tnguc.
r the. af-, aboufll degi nort
Fir n fte discidu
first clatfsHarine-airld e sAnd -Shoes ma r M 111" i44d t-hd - boy, who muu* ust-to thee, to do rigUtly bj fhat:, Atitaix-Ml; rft Aishf4ds
hi '_ kowl A) -adthatil,'flowe,
nies. 0 d -rs saia he I d -licard ;'heL had jiixt
Manes, -) Oase in thie c6tintrycoritain coaA. Of* 11 1 el 4d message. rfi, . .1. -
roice was
1ut1roxii the uird d to` - t - U, gain back to his avirn 4houffifa, Zome h6me wom=_
ns goo it O -If your 'God
atria of Luirtes!' . d ?_Q , ?1 'ink W WAS milingZA
alact Clhildii e ji diiermine e 0 Ina g
-Lake is solf On, 0 h to leadon. ]in& r-11 go In to Your fqlher, said
he not destroyltIt'a, heathen ask6cL- 0011 0!0114, h US also a -Te dii' e
his hand:aff over
fY -10618 L[T_,.&L& ST.,-Jolf ST'S
Ca -Mg. -be- - - ag, "how forid. the T ydis - th' icamt A -and -hear all
ia hilin - "'Be! y"s. A;,gow.- Burps, wn: See Ner aunt - aa be, Wen L * I -
fit -2? ee
3S f; slo
for' bout it 1,
-the it the. moon -8 fflr6ctly, 1 6 138 i L .;,f She maU "am a
orshi west anil l a lw.- s n
Iwo I y6w. have A
oil r fgklilr4 y
-the top,
du so.bothenomeab6uttlielliti.
BOOTS UP route;--,eifher 'w c andfonAl --Zheisaid,they
dauk- 16 gt a_ fbL,6 Mte+ shiolr to pro I a climbed; ayen
-view-votekPloin' -1 w of Wbo*
hili , L , g fhj ]E[ It u m some.L_ nLL -an 'rite
Ir M 46 e re
of4ll wbtlom -ar* al: L V06tJolL Ro
We= Wn 21 jlL lJort j6f Win 9-c
both- impatted, as ls&n6 nok - iiid-tb.6 hi Ao VIOW' 4ao -virent On
ip er
sd `41 iiid -hae im"
,GODE id' of his r. -proper ,o lefilt akkt t Wheimad 61nuelt, Inir Afid -while t
c6kitoir acdom- 6ideml I
own m facture, whic el. 11 en
nyl -gone ec umme VV
lis r a
ext of W ne6dili #ropwr im G!&3erld
T h, utllloliftlil -e Itat
0 She Umn - -w. -for
sows Tasking &I $! an "3=gb -v-nf h. Were
d _f5ha,
Asqobrmol -. NA& blue- rona-a- 'his aq Impe inliur bUly. Ad to one Se&d bfin j. Is' elver truth A
help tlt6*-'fti-oAel'L-,i-very-endeavenn mrimans
K, _E ,The' JaUL &'b 1.ft Id dL' *We, =dt t,
-M ,:, :,:. , nill
mi . t _g.
im-ellok - ' eti. Ab Ot. -geuQr oel6n :Of'L nd*iniferbut' re a oin Aeil AND
evenr Situr&yj and in 'Clintoi
;hb 1h Hatake -14-aka
jn df 6 yr- 0 in t 1& SM 4%
a me inig, of. 1090. 5 W. -h- ' be Waps 'an hz
Jr _P
"aunt Bessie UdA*Afora
op"ty ' r und, on- a 01 -mcieradlit need ow Pro fc immed t6 Call gina oj atojvie, sale 14 oatiiified th D lone g we IT rliad,wora f0glith" =lie r
El th Xt
e, expe I on -war, no .ong e, e. ne 8&(1 ye -ifelit jLotT'
ejlkeS44Y ..L" 5 3 ar-
-no T dit
ngerso Ojl
";n Jotge-
stone el
tekthrolighoUt t11P_'(Mdnt3r,L gnat, 'ke
Ina owntoyorkr,
b t the goo& Yom
T- Ad-Udk-tlia joiner and
Farm-stociEsivid othdr, at ins 1"ft h j,
A. - - -fOil6w
-0mim f , the6ungAnsufrom, the woula lie
r y min -mw
AN'S Atiction UarL- U L it they
e it Roland vim ajoneeour
Iya Pr-
uring', a
t -in ap
Iter wimeit
n t -_ _- -V -
W r4eted 410gisloir Y,,),'
ifooj' gh, ran an lier41oftw ; wer 311"41 -slid aeli
a e&' b 4
an 61=311,11M L Alihottaii" th", to h J -W XdVer
r afi& I
qpes xom-
lak b
e Wed byJooliva,
h, roft
0y5- - - -VFVrB errie 'over, 'house. i9
h bebijI(I 4cannec fIn rumor, ashi
pu-nort 0 op: under I Tt ba-.,WOjk6dtOh=a_th only won -
Ali 1r. oin
kA, L Ho MOOR u it Mgt 6-
xou y to Loanon Be
114) r1119
;h.A we;ia7 Ilea
e e a w1r; Ian
S. _CaM6 L6j ajj that "U;!3Qi9*u f6faslee" Aelifu d was 'mot V,02ied til -
_t, to -I e4he H Je Ami. bef
1EM iX, lirge I 'L ill . . h A . ,%enAAU.Able, -d to the
en ywg44 K -had" n t e, ore. 0 in Publid tejmrt
d . side YorL* X3
L , t
t Jib York. liXity V
ald teai ft ON 6f
_rd b. T,
e y
Y i had bism
"W'. elm, biff:b[odk 11olanXi dwi
hiter Farmer Un he" jurt
b'. th W'd-the -1066
VtE 9 th be*
AltE421101% Of lm*"'ad -lat
_-,W%1 -apta.thei
a. e ., , ,- :i
LD -his*dobr but rve ll* -itmt Besf;! 4 o ises
With% of
ppiw away W1'h
-=gt r for -or
ai *04, b ,
jwa wzimmia7, Rpiafk
9 t 22:3 too