Huron Signal, 1868-02-20, Page 30
Meating of DWwtors of the _T 4�1
16e Maio Expeess co4mmendr A Scottish judge, at a cheese show in S Rs Y
_xLE, Ayrshire, announced the other d!ty his act- -RAK CHAINUE,-
Ill operotor 'it- A
the moderation of file telegrap -LAM -0
t1 -1%,v in March next.— S. H. 39. D. A. 1S. THE
R 1;J) E
Town in that city, whri despatelidd thr-lug') the.' lution of v; hai he called !t the pr6blem of At Stratford, on the 17th inst. b� ihe FIRE AND
-Ship Clerk. A meeting of the directors of 3S&tt
h theday.' He advised the 'young ladlos.Rev.-Mr. McPheison, Win. Donaghy of 0"If To "rrap-ox 4)
thiron Electors Division Ag. Society- was country that O'bit-il's Fenian meeting at y 4's
1) MCA 11
who are in want of work, and likely to Goderich, to Maria only, daughter of Geo. ASSORTMENT OF USURAN"':C
COLLEGES. held irf-L�attenbury's hotclv Drucefield, on day last, only drift into the overstocked governess mar- Sione, of Stratford,
St. James' Hall on Satur A
Wednesday the 12th inst. Present, the numbered 6,,000. The capacity of ValeYkines, just to hand and offeteg
the ket, shoiald instantly apply themselves to low at wholesale to eydirtry merchants.
President, Secretary, CqITAL, X2,000,000 STERIj2w.
vtm . 4
pet W eoVne house; The wril issunk 1,1W feA 4.
Messrs. Coleman, Cox, Treasurer, and haIA is 800. the pursuit of cheeseminaking�cvr, other HIS �oinpany vex a 1611y cited, In e
ge- The flax mill of Mr. Wm. Hen- words, turit dairymaids. Then they would, NSU11PTIVES. thb- - -1
(F--: the Pickard, Sprout Geo. Anderson, vil T -Holies of Hvm_W. EvrwitMad-, land woll Oip4, * Any person wishing,;lAtAitilt -
and Hunter. 'r 'Si- U stone, Ne ChandlillOrW11111)?ikelrequer) as An iheffivid Well, Ahill have it �on I*urvillt
of the Country hich is the presen;11ate (if ppfLlynIent, the '_ aw weeks bya very* Simple rerriedyafter. having at t4a higliquit clails. Ssg TmWLof Allarch 8, is".
lie pre&s dry, of Neustadt, County Grey,was totally be able to earn f - 220 t ;2130 a year, . The advertigeri be ig been restored to health in
would find the occupition ef'e far several years with a a siG. I blo'llei.
Thct nduutes of las destroyedbv firea few days GgO. 'Tho w the - -it tigr but
1,11 -ed on the 4ue�qtion, Of t meeting, were read q evere lung affiertion, and NEW ,XAMUEf.'JEL DETL01t, 6x. Asti it ten, jaiii,
and %pproved when, fire was caused throu-h the burstibg of a I lint dread Aise6a. Conviumption-is anxious to maka Aput.for Godeli VorrirticularsappIfto
pleasant and pictures4ue, and mordover,
as M-ky be st-en by a, - M kdriwit fo'his fellow-sufferey- the tneime of core.
The President, -Jas. DicksonEsq. stated Lantern. 'there would be plenty of Take Back the Heart, ...'Claribel ...,251 WILLIAN -§11-62 HEX -Sy
L'441riwing ably ont1ucte,t young inen To a]] %,vivo devire it. he will -len(l a copy,ot the pres- pared to i1ike contracts to ifinkt
rections for pre Vrifi' 2i- FOR, H SIDJADING &-STAVE& i ik and lurnish, Salt Wells on 'he
'that, R dePAittion of gebtlemen from the after them. er,iritton used,(free orcharge). with the ill Come baek to C
..... c"lD1`2Ln1n with one North Ridfi1&. 8 cidy was in another r,)oni. The St. parinz mid using ihe,%n e. which they Will find 0 SURE F ivq o'clock in the Mornificr ort" 'notice and at6st liberal terms. From Doili. 21,'1861
Catharines Jdarnal Is,in cuRzf.)rCfl'.qSUItPTIO,;,ASTItMABB()-.CfftTi' covatio. 250' short, u's
fbrm�?d that the 30th Re-itnedt is shord
COLIA, and allThroat and Lling A ffeefions."* The a � t it
It was resolved that the statements A said Afa-a-e-'s Secret 25i-. ANTED for the above pa*oile, 'Flass—A and-kis lo exilleeliacei, he c�ln give most
Tiz :—The A welt -know lucifer mateb-makincy 0ject of he advertiscrin sendingihe Preocriptintimir,; - W binple, Beech. Ash, atid other hardwood, for' . f
deputation should be heard at once. to be ittAtioned along the Ni:lgata rrontior, M - Won't you tell me Why,, Robin? If I at* it ry referen�es or security r - A GOOD CH-AX.0Z
-1,-. 'betictit the afflicim. anil stilrevid itillirniRtion winell lf� r a y t 411 25e� -11ifb4114-25 will be lliaid,,,kn delivery at the v0s, of th
Tho (teputation, o' firm claim as the principal merit in their e I'...
consisting f Messrs. Which it takes as an indication of expect- ccvoceivl� to be invaluable. avid he hopeit every sufferer,, St at gers e 25c Aubserfur in Goderldli. - Wi Its mink! or furiiished eamplite. FCJM A B"0K$X1T11
Biggins,- Fulton, Fowler - I I ispevialsafet ' matches, that theywill will try hisremedir. 'siliver Chimes 49 rLA0. will fiu�d it to their.'411valltagit to lapply. Ad..
and Govenlock ed visitors. y as it Wilr cost them nothing, and 35c
St,,,. provemblessing.' W52 dr
iwas thenadinitted. i�nite only on the box.� ae I cannot sin- the old Songs 99 25c
An quain- '*it%" HE 411dere-9ned offers Jbr =16 1111 1-1110'11112J* V
uds Recin to mote PqFiseitwishiiigtlieprest!riptioi.rREiL.byreturij mail
Ce of ouni de-lares that he has par- Wilt please uddres& Hamesvi, -r la
Mr. Biggins said he had the bonor.of P&- This bia,liest CIO tan lNeet Me in 'the Lane 30e klLE 9 WALSH, Blo. 15,AcresbTX0od1ays%7 ilftuo ooriliw
slowest, and so. too, everything great. Re;,Zr1JY *i SO Pus4underthe Rod 190'9'TGA GE SkLE OF LARDS I -q! lftrvd, witha, blad p
being the President of the I niatches even than these. ,!*D A. ITIL. 24c Goderich p. 0.
airs Co.. New ynrL-. W.e.pur'led by the HFAIXT'having been mvidle fit the'llayVeitir of a A teAi—deof the Toad,111 Swett -wtW
ght lucifers that won't icnite 1) comlortable (Iwelling,* log bam and Stsb' ;9, A imal
'h Stand, gociety, and that the delegation' had came He has bou 'T RiverSide - Nor. 22, 1867. w44 Advinthepi;rpiviii
n 1'e-vritry BrW4 North Riding, elivised safer Wit Ii
The Ginsv's Warning,
the union of Mo�t&ge by the hvie. Follia-G--it .(his wife joining
1,7f2ple L,,,tf, Brant with a view of assisting in COMM EliCIA Fi+ at all. izj ieol�rrin hrd,, d llbbearing Aisle the
thetwo societies, and to state the con- Do itot Heed her Waroing, soc', 11orbepurl"' of I cgn!e', 657 ; e following lwy)- 'bo
ditiong to WRich his society would accede. F R, .1h G. M. Truentihila ALT TEIRROITURY0 treti;theftis a tit 1cords of good abPii4 -02 U
NOTHE %READ TITISI-HOLLP- P, 7 "1 tiny etion at -miseswlich wouldIve uVftd1oi.buildiUZ,`pur1;oSslil
f`l3"11zdi4� Belle,-W�l Belle Mallprib I be, "old ii� P, hlic An prt
BUFEALO AND -LAKE HUiiON IF WAYSS 011 -NI L02ENGES are Auedoulfc6nis,olithe --�O.dtogetboroi"jmmtcapl))Yto , - - I I
a hearty sect po.4 paid on receipo
tar railway article says the safe reme v for citrus in Children and Adults. of prical. Address, noon,
_Pon Mr. Governlock said that from certwn T4C London S Two VbLLilds.-First, to ea. -a certitin and Any of the R`:i0vi,
supper for the pleaifure experi6in c -ing W e Homesville 1W 181117
reports and articles in the SioxxL, they had :ed dut 13rd day of A"I'll next, at 1-2 "uscriber'ofters for galp a valuabl 'WIG.
"re r,�e "ountry do, we directors of the and unron Rall., t1le brief time it is passiAg down ;he throat -As itis it we!l_k.-low:l and nientricholy itiet- . W Ee
cd feelinganC5f pub- been led to believe'many -of the directors 1 0 1 T. J. MOORHOUSVI, undar'.be -powers contained intliesnidKorifniviz: plece6f propprtymear tbellepsent 'Salt
eatibeof,death among children is
IV expressed ay Co. have is�ucd a ntte stating �that at the expense of a whole night u from ione, it. annot 1,etm tit epl Offlue, 1�ylsnulfibv-rg Oise on the Harbor Flat,'aud .1 aeeu Well in 11aitlautiville, W. JURMTON110
n0w of the South Riding wished such a union. w ly im- f Goderich. acres of land.
if disturb- 'thal C11W. comprising three
Mr. Biggins then stated- in answer to up to the present time they hay cen; un- ed sleep, and a weary waking inj the mom- '011 Xquill sivieofWest Site -
in filvor b' prev ( us e minds or Parents thn nevessitv .-Ooderich, On't'. t� ill the Txwn.,
of fair -play eTeti 'ran --Gashorcredit. Deed to be, given'. under Ilia, WTI.LIJILIM SWAFr- IELD,
ociety had able to induce the Second, to try all the romedies in aclos4lv ra iw
questions, that the Clinton's d Tarths
at art, dl,illnr the "rk Grand Tru:ok Co� to mg 'it- their rhildren. fiviodomer . ...... r- ,P%v:er!icniiiiiiiiediiitliesaid-Mongage. F.orfartherpar-
existence for rheumatism, pains intheback and under.stan in - e I I t . . -
I a- ir the �vmptons aiiii'Frne eaus' ulars apply to rZodellch P. ob
against ink nopoly. seven acres of gilound upon which was a pay over iny money on account or the D. SHADB GOODING.
and sides, coughs, colds, cramps, sprains, ofthe disease. housland; of children mii2lit be Giideri6b, Nov. 2% 1867. - �w45
save Solicitor for Mort
1'ridersforkA bY-4--who, large and appropriate exhillvition building revenue for the half'year ending 318t bruises, &c., before trying the " Canadi ian d from ea V graves. Symp robz.q 6p WoRits: Dated loth Jarvuary,isat
e silliject that nearly an which they: were willim, to grant for a December last, and conscquently - -The fulloiA it are a f�w of t1te very n-imerous Fin0ly J101111bles
union show ; they haX Ap oirited their the Pain De,iryer." Sold by all hledici �f SAT rPTERRIT,313-V
A =led -till Tuesday 41h Te 1111 JL
ill suffi ciellL dealers at 25cts per bottle. Worms: Deranged appelke,empi?iated extrom . - ' it Place.
"r -lie "d World are p bondholders' trustees arebot- Ile vivniptorns-ond" i.qvaevp which Pre caused bv Just -to luind one essa of large Family�r Thearlove ale is bC
that tale 'University spring show at Blyth, but if the South ruarf, 1868. Rt.same
Ridhig Directors wished to fu�ds to,pny the overdue coupons. It is iticq,off�-nlive,b,e,iti),frt-qiient' picung at the Bibles in the* Notes anti Reference's, from
around it the have a union Sale is fairiber postponed until, Thurwbiv, SAIO� OR TO LEASE,
spriAg show, the CWThe efficacy'of Bryan's Pulmonic mose, ri of the teeth during Slerri, hardness - The abov
Northe ontened on the t. no,
inimberiiq, rn - Directors C __p.rt of.that o.,tha'l Wafers in curing cou s2.5o rr o 2 0. March 61h, 1868. at Save time -unit place. w3ld ACRES just E-st of eameron's Safi
I fih� belly, w;th fregoe9t l stools, and 20
it favors n.0 hs, colds and hll . 11my Block,situatedon bothsides ofthe'Rail-
would,advance dollar fot dollar with them. money is due until the accont are fully bronchial ffections, and cheering- the s' "et"'n'"onvulsive fits; pill lit thn head and AT THE
tomach, unquiet sleep, f4iFitings.- treintiling7, 'WRY LIRCk. AS.). 8 and 9. R'sage 11,
-�zuvients but gives its It ntight, have been ln�6ther hasty for them made up, and as a different opinion is en- afflicted, has passed into a proverb. In. the Mortgage. saie Of L60d. rownsbip bt iStanfer, ard eava 25
t vionglis, invivieestion,low spirits, f-ighitul dreams. i Jeres 466util-
e sme t01ftditioli. Sdch o name Blyth as the place for their Spring tertained by the Directors of this Cc"., - United States, where these in ' easterlf qu i rt�r of lot 2. in lite 9th coricess
MrV011011S and a gmilual w4stinz away of if,-Fh. EFAULT briVing been made in the payment or ion,
.ated by all the well- qggested thalrthe quelion be Wafers are known, tiiey , bear dowh all Thev are pill -fab e and sell-adminislered to the D. Mortgage made by Thomas B. VallEvery and W.D.,Ashtiiell, ppfvto
Show, but it had been done and they they have sug SIGN AL OFFICE George Rundrall (still their wives jining for!he p TAOS. WEATHERALI).
S Coll- The follutv:ng proix-rt) will be sold oilt�xcePt t&lse Who have coiuld.]�ot recede from it. 'They wo,,-dd be arl5itrated in aceo'rdanea with. the agree opposition and eclipse all rivalry child -drive oil, the worms thoroup-blY WiMout - I
willin- to c -rive their influence towar& some 15 the f herring dorrer) hearing claie the 22nd 8, IN WATSORPSLOCK,
other place for the fall show y be expected in Y Nov. 25, 4867.� w44
interest inent. The accounts mt) demand for'therii has steadily increased and complete[%? fideause the slojimeh-thiii-e- STAI ONEE
if a union by d ing away wiN the npces�itv of adin-nister- Auction at U. M. �ruelilaulz Auction Room&, an the Over thq Glasgow Hoase, w`hcre he 1tv
by exhibition could be held in Clinton this country early in larch, after which forthe last twenty years, until now the r- Casfor Oi lor or her u n pleasa nt cqtha�tie'-4-as
n thl T0rort&) press -to this EVERY TFING YOU WAIfT n Wriiing. ge UP
year. the bonliholder.-:' trustees hope to bt� in a sales average-oer o in-ilie use ot other Worin,'Weallernes, -. i cond day of Apil sext. at 1-2, noon. fitted up his roonis. in the' most rVINiatte
tem- boxes a year. Emindnt memers of the t3- Echboxcontains tire toe-aimilesigna- Papqr, and Euvelopeit, now o&;,rin,-- at veryj under the pn.�rei� the AM $snner, to exilcute pictures in e.7*ry Atyle
h-an�q�l an The delegation then retired. position to'pay the coupons now overdue, medical profession without number ad Itire of NoRTHROP & I Yx.,L-,i,Newc;Tstle0uL8rl0, low prices. it -Mortgage, riz: It lo Poit h1bart-li kncwm
d fifty Col- 1,ot running-n1uniher One Thonsitnil and r-nmin, we The President spoke of the progress that NALT �-Avneriraa is ellinz in Toronto at mit W1143 tire the s.wleroprietorfa. Ar THE oil th- Harilor Elat in the said Towitor"erich Term% N. B. -0.1d pictures.- su-rb !if Da2uerroia
ook to our that they know of no preparation prode
'had been made in the Hous4 wAh $1.73 a 1.73 per bbl, iverpool coarse $1.�O a NB,-A.klForRo11oivz�r1ls Trorm. tmxh or -redit. Deed iq be gir,ii undele the powers THE Snbscrib Watdr Power that types and Ambriitypegcoliiedaspbotoi!rnttf.
,�vlteswe 4nd a net- ing stich beneficial results a these wafers. and take no other. -Sold in Qoftericb dy Parker 4-0 ta�h_d in Z-rtguge. For further particulars apply
er lips the ies
over the, Union- in the Agricultural Bill ' and . pointed When taken in season they effect a perman- & Caltlt� and F. Jord.-)n (+ardiner &. Co. Rav- S I C1 F1 A L OIFFICE 1.11 ct-uld be liptlied-In. sinking a Slt r. Johnston cordially itivi Ad
thank, th,--y multiply out that the Committee had promised the Z?- The Kincariltne well has renclied'a depth ent cure. gold by every druggist and -field -. Jame,4 Bentham, Rolisrerville; J. Vickard, 'Goderich Jan. 13th, 180,3. 'wC D. SHAI)E GOnDINC, Well ill the -above Village would give afidGentlemun of vjod�ricli und zilirmuodim-
County of Huron $1400 without the re- of about 500 feet. Solicitor for Mortza9r,.-e. Parties antipptirlimity of using said power, Country to.
but no statesrimn Woul most of the respectable stores throughout Exeter; .1. H'.C,mne, Watts ;k J ebb. C iinton'; Nted 16111iganuary,1867. w49td
cillege for each duction of any per ceniae, which would 1:3- The demand for Gode�lch salt is mu h the Province, at 25 cents per -box. evord, Luclm'ow; E. 11tekson, Seaforth, and' C LE RK. WIN Fi nd vrould aho take shatrelt in -the enterprise.
be a great advanta- greater than the supply. Although the well is all Medicine Deal!rs. The above side is rin
C=V. .1e. w43 oppairil till Tuesifay The ith Feb, Woodcan be had at 4 low figure. . Av CiVO HiM 43 Trial I
WaS I I astitl. at same 41me and -luee. ply
The Metho(rut. After a good deal of d bate, worked to its fol I eapi4'_�Ity thre a -re still large or- Physicing lacirses. -experienced Clerk who ca 1)-t -well recoin- for further partioulars to
t1lz lanil has more than 1 0 ders attend. GOOD ns to wh4er he is
Moved by Dr. Colemn, seconded b-,y'-Nfr Amended from lastemployr and, ho is; uotaddi&t- The above,%le is fariber postponed until 'Illursday, - JAS. GRAWFORI). J. W. The t3- Still another! Under the riame -of 4he IN DESTROYER ed to the use,or spirits or tobaeo. I ' if
Cox, that the Spring Show be held. in Many persons physic their horses fre� CANADIAN FA to PP Y arrona Y March 5th. 1868,.st same time anti place. w3ld Pon Albert. Nov. 25, 18J7, w44t Goderieb, Dec. 10. I8GL
N. Me D &CO.
Just set apart by 14 P,ince," a new well is goinir down in Mail- quently specially every spring. This is A Fti'milyMedicine, well and favorablyknown
LAS Brucefield-Carried. I Rdvi.le. The w.)rks have b-,eR'transli!rred StL Helens.
is'. in the hwher educa- a great error, and one which' has caused forthe P41st teq Years. never falling in ii-Ising-le February -10, 1865 49sw2t
def-Ign , Movedby Mr. Cox, seconded by Mr. hoin Both,.Ve!l- Tlv� ow,ier-- havethe 11 dimes.13
ed as an en- the loss of many valuable horses, as pysi To peculators! MA lAmb, That, it is the opinion of this �3rhe cnormous d-mand for wood-whieli 1C instance to irive permanent relief when timely 6 Ey
vd those denominational board that a union of both societies for the will Ile created when we have from te" to I wen- as it is usually iven, often produces in- 11, and we have never known a Single. case Salt el I Casi n Vu
-.em of state aid ti) Col- all works tit full operation, renders it certain flammation of the bowels which 1PROV01) FARMS.
purpose o holdinga great -County Exhib- Ly generally SALEw
L inat we will be eaded upon to constinie a large proves t dissiti-itafton where Ine'directioni have been
� ita' ion would be nlosE conducive to the . ta) ; it also weakens 'I I I — 9 LAND ,en are t*wi intelligent -and amount of Am -rican coal. Trial will prove an rly tolloed, bit on the eontr2ry are Marturacture and keep AT 8 - TEb- CENT I
V - e �inie cunle.4. iliseas T PRI VA T R BILLS.
interests of Agriculture, generally, in ilie a, and -thus renders him more liable to ropt. , oil bitud all
I 'Jelimh:ed with it$ uperatiopsg and sp I HE undersignad offers for sale boutTaur
ttr a 111-mOnt, to the County of Haron. The Fll Shows could gunient for reciprocity when th ettk In the sizes of WELL CASING. cheap for cash.
e, or less able to throw it off -
Take the The Dom inion Sdit Compdny. of what M. & E. ANDERSOI�, Acres of-lawl in Godericb, which is ad- SofiW� to Invest hi Town Propertyl
be held frain year to year ,it such places a- is required is a medicinehich willper- bizhe%t virm.-i'of its Virtue and Maxieal efficcfs, Globe Foundry' jV:the re-assambling of Parliament of -Canada In
N-ew York State sL4 tit, a vharter or' incorpot ion -nominal cpi Dinvidn'St., J mirably ad�'pled for ialt'works, being -on thp
ate Is, and a�t upon THE &AATADIAN PA TN D EST1i0YV, R London, 011L Frb. 4t t, )968. J I
as the Directors might select, dnd as Clin-- tat S20,0JO tit $40 shares. gently upon tiie bowe W3 sin kf�March,. PuriTioN ion PRrrkTc Bzzts mill be -Te- h B. GORDOs,
has won foriiseira rervnt�tion. M
offivial retmrns show ton appears to be the best prel�vared, for the I -er and lun, 11 obstrue- aqa blood port cplve�-,ln tite House of Commons, until Thar* th "ankhTtlieXiver
mthe stute funds 4lvy':�
.ilv - I
s, removing a Ind of Aoil fail
ii ell alterative stolimeh ionic, unsurpased in -the , owing. G. T. H. track. By ;If' short ss;itch. Salt Goderich. SeDtol 11864 aw3-t
ow T LCEP B. Ll,"SAT, -by rail or to the
I wiN oniv name oneor such a sh this year, and the delegates GODERICH MONEY ZAARET. tions therefrom, purif�in the blood qnd lu�toiy of medical prefinrat'lons. It selginin fejils THE CINIDLIN CON. EyN could be sent Eastward
seem to favor the idea of moveable union enabling all the i organs to do. their work in',ure-Di%epsia, Liver Com plain Clerk, House of Commons. whartfor sVipment. Thimi p�operty' is cl
Cotracted every Tuesday and Fridiy for the Signirl by without Pvertaxingany, which is accom- . 't orn Sick flead-ae-hu, - Kidne,3, AN -D . . FIU
shows, we propose that a meeting of the '.1ART. Ex,-lvan6e Brokers, tioll'.0en I to the well now sioking and about 700 yards
Thtere is, Oxenesee Col- directors of both societies be held- at Clin:- West St. Goderich. plished by the use of Darley's Axabian piinti, Aral St.maeb. Plithisivor Asthma, find HAND BOOK OF CONCISE 'PRECEDENTS IN from the famous Goderich Salt Works. This AT A
'ton at a tinie to be fixed upon by the Presi- Hea�ve Remedy and Condition Medic"me re'%lo`s to 1 '11 activity the,system _delitill. dt.ed CONVEtANCING,
by stiflerimg andtlisease. hie(olvent Act of. 1,864. i. one of the most desirable plots no, in he
HaMiltOn Cotlege, Lt 3BZL3L_XZL:L3M.
dents for the purpose of arrangin G derich, Feb. 18, 1.868, -it is always Safe and certain. Its -magical and Ctiref0y revised and adapted to the new Law. With
3-46;n's College g for the .0 acinderful suceops in u,,n-, market, avid intenditig operators should exam
Fall Exhibition at that vill American Exchange or Greenbacks. Remember i hi- tiame, and ge, that,the sig- sudden eqlds, Qore throot, Coughs, D Introduction and Notes. Price $2.00 full hound. Sent
La".'ence College 8,01e- ilith"ria free to any part of Canada oil rec t of arainith. In themattei of -D. Kerr Jr itilti it without dela. HAT TATe and Commodious Hotel in' the villagir
A warm, loncr and ultim2ttely. rambling BUYING AT sirn%tvjrP r,f Hurd Co. is on each oackare.. ps ins ni I he %i,le,l inns a nd back. iieura Igia,tooth RO*KDAS, T f Brueileld, at t1w inaction of the Srsysi roads,
5.OW : TAy College (11 .0 - olvenf. For RiLrticulam apply to knivivon as the Ekeh-ange Hotel. 'it is at present drAw-
"discussion aroseo Morning 0 rorthrop * Lynzanv Xpwcastle, Ontario, iiette"rheurnatic and -)I her pains in �xiiy part o lv3 im Iav�� Stationer, 88- King SL. Toronto.
after which it was Atternoon-70 forCansdafunds the WIN dn(i from w1i tiever calvic, has'given: i A DIVIDE, ND Sheet has been pr6pared Jow. HYRL011.* ing aearl retit of $160. Price SIM; Part `caik a
Rdlefh��ter College 2 7 for alvur.
k University ection until the Wenty- Title indisputable. For f$ijer p"culars apply
N-ew Ylr Moved bv Mr. Wilson, seconded bv M proprietors for Canada. Sold by all Medicine: R, 01a,ee-in every honsehold and is fas 8up�red subject to obj Goderich. uutuhLr of years given for the balatict.
Luthe-'n Colle-ge, e kWd. ninth day of February. One housand S�ptember 30, 1867. w36.31nSp JOHN COPULAIND, Projiriviter
the AT in or herprepat rations of th Notice, N' t ic e
r --deiders.
'-knderson, That tinder thecircumstancQ5 it Alternoon-T! for Canada fund!�
"is best to keep by ourselves and that LARGIC SILVER It is alst; an milectual and promVt. for 0 I.C. Hundred and Sixty-eight.
El-i-;rn Cdlegge (P'res-by- Scolds, Burns, Bruies, Sprains. Cijilitinins.
fall show for the South Riding for 1868 be e
not- mu BnyinZ at .......... ............. ... 4J discount Frost Bites. Cramps -in the tomach, Diarlima, ated at Goderich this first day of Feb -
I need Itiply ex- �;flv held in Brucefield, but it might be advisable selling at ............................ 31 ruuy, A. D. 1868.
our one college SMALL SILVER 4-nolera moirbus, Hilfious Cholic. Cholera Intati- W. I �'M 'SOS*
de the- pe-ople of _New to hold a.union show every two or three itim, Oysenterv, &c. SAMUE L POL1400K, Salt -Lands Ttftfts
.t W years. at ............................. 41 r .only 25 eenis per bottle.- 0 Assignee, Va� mu.1jusiplu -coukell of Ake
oa!d be for the good Selling at ............................ 3J 31011THROP 4. LYMAN
Move i in amendment by Dr. Coleman,
e EXCRJO: E ON NEW TORK. Feb. 1. W To;�;ZPWN r Wltwitutish uiitil�Tkursdsy.
an rA the tw
Siiil 'ce S.W.46.%�
NeweRstle. 0. �tr. thpamcesitcollegWrof Raw
seconded by 111'r. Sproat, that the fall show r
!Ieges, and open one Sall'itiZ at ............ ............... 27 discount Genera I Agent f6r Cannda. for ths utirreilt yetar.
0 IN50LVENTACT OF 1864. Good security will be reqWrtdto the Amount often
le of that state in --New EVE%-THtRTr11s 4B, qnbseriber will contract to deliver D2-,qold in rbileriell, by Parker %Z.rqtile and Vlousind dollars; The Couticil will zwt boinid W
ndville, on F. Jordan; Gardiner Co. Ravitield; James
b Another long discussion arose, w Buying at 107, itllolyi rick at his yard in AYaitlal ite
e held in Samforth. hen, a bigoted Leader or Gkibe ng accrueft, interest to Seller. B tin- T?L the -atler ofrohn Cox, an Insolrent. accept the lowest or any Under. . ZAS. Suorr.
Albanv Wichester ar Mr. Lamb havince withdrawn his name TEIV FORTIES and fter the 20th June next.. 1 He is fit &nthRon. Rodgerville; J Picknril,'Exeter; J. H. 3hadow ere the Lparlies indelited in the i-witie'aribe aboire-
M" - . Combe, Wells & Jebb, Glintop; �eearil, Luek- 1filistance &des. ori, namedlim-1vtnt are require -make immediate Township CiaL
from Mr. Cox's ' otion, the latter with- Buying at ............................. 102 up a.tiew- brick. muchfile, to be run by learn AL
they would be M 1-3 O'io
drew and destroyed it. 7tvi-TWENTIM power, and now; E Hickson. 9-afarth. and all Medicine gr�meni to Mr. John S. Porterat ins office in .9itafortir West Wasrituoth, rob, lst. 1668. ind practi-
e inte irt can fill during the season all Oe-ders W38
Aft& a good deal of " pulling and haul- BV,�,rat Porter is anthorized to grant receipts. Debtors Will
............. orders he muy be� favored with Parties -4 t4 save usts, by oettlitig thtir uccotfnis a i
talk of 'on B t_1 F WbLAY. a3 f k �� ........
it only for a lullatic
ing " arising out of local jealousy, the vote per Canada bills ........ _69 desirous of securing brick early, -ill -please W. F. -I 11
e printing 0 Commercial Bank bi .. .............. 99
establishment, was taken, as follows :- - P4 �.g Sentorth, 30th January, Igo& Official Assignee. JL�WD
Sterling exohinge .................. V1 !eave th,-ir orders at once at%the office of the THE GREIT ENGLISH RENEM - w2 St
Arnedment.-Messrs. Cox, Sproat and Gold opened at 141 closed at 141 toidersi-tied.
:,r one -aw mill- for On- . a i GOD110,19H.
ColemaiL ;btM will be reestred'up U Us 111tit Ifelitrury
Market SqUXTP,' W. M. SAVAGE. INSOLVENT -ACT OF 1864. - 11
one collegre. Xn edu- Motion. - Messrs. Sweet, Lamb, Wilson, Tlit MARKETS. SIR JAAIES CLARKE'S TEI�extfdrlm ding
"P:B M Z,
on the side of d A�' I& - Mi
ievf-r vote* and Anderson. Guilerich, 14 Feb., 1868 W4 21n I N P ARCELS!
-Celebrat6d Female Pills. kgrfek or Frame Seboorl-RuCep
Alessrs. Hunter and Pickard refused to Goitcarcu, eb. 18, 1868. Prepared ro2i& a pirpscription if- Sil. j. HAVT,�G.lately parch tse4 an instrument v;Qvince of Qntario, TN the County Court of the forthe Blyth swerdivis titlam
imt we favor chweh and which enables,blin to make the hircrest JL County of 'HUI-On, R.&NGING, FROM- tkat way be seen is the hands of',
-vote. Fall Wheat ............ 1: 74 1:79 D.. Physician Extraordim ry . idy
- I V, Ve bjhe malter.ofJoseph Thomplon, junr, an Insolvent lite Subscriber onaudoer the 20tb Fivii. Toaderifor
ner of unholy =d nn- The President declared the motion car- Soring Wheat ............ 1:53 1;55 D E. OREIKUS photogtapbs made 'IS GDderich 1110tici is hereby gliren that on Monday the Sixth da'y N ths whole or partilf tke. Itork will U tenIved, but the
yendaning colleges fromm -ried, but the majority did . not seem to Flour" ................. 7:00 8-00 to I./!e Queen. CHEAP. tf Apill next, ot tivelve of the elpek noon, oras soon as TO" 4ACREN! Teustelis do not bldid4ketastily" �w almet titer law"s,
A GERMAN PHYSICIAN be heard, the imilersigriad will apply to the orAuy tend*
-oflegq� bein-'ilirder de� know wh9t to do witR -it, as it was clear Oats ................... 0:52 (t� 0:55 This invultlable medie-ine is u
lifilifing I I the 4adge or the said Civurtat his chambers forillsobirga to, lks.-Ifeas.
eir '3+ti= under the said act. logill.
Brucefield had no ace3mmodation what- Peas .................. O:F8 �&, 0:70 ILL visit Goder(ch (at Mrs. Darks Hotel), on the cure*of all llznqe painful and dangerouit tit ?ases 11111(Signed) JOSEPH THOMPSON, Jurnlor, LANT IMM.EDIATELY lye,
�y perhaps do ag?6� as ( W firNt Tuesday or each month. -ilso tliefirstTues- to which file lboiale conatitution is snbjp L. It Taken togethir .0har4ed the Same as-oire, by his Attoraivy�s-,
ever for a large show. Barley ........... .... 0:90 R 11 .)() its, after the i -' )tit nf ew.h mouth, where he can be con. moderatecrill 6xcesand ipmeves all obstru I .ions, I - � Pictures, nor-tbe beat
.of eztreme partylpoliti- It was decided to have the Spring show Poric ............. :... 4:50 a 510-sulted on ail the diseases to wbieli the human system N.IJ.-Poreplii CHARLES F. CLARK, -
a to hear no mfvrip, sucbL on the 15th April, the prizes, to be Petatoes ................. 0:30 Gco 0.35 issuliject. more especially to the treatment of worms and aspectly cure may be relied on.. in the Dominion, but as good as any made in Solicitor at litem. ADJOINING WA,
is enligzhtene&age� with '0, J, children. Dated dtExeter, in the County of liuronthis'( h A WELL
'Goderich. Also Ae Nem Cabinet picture. Dad
mple-s b�doz- us to the Iowa Butter .................. 0:15 R 17 February 13th, 184S. w4 2m TO MARRIED LA.019S day of February, 1868, 2m" 1-3: !M
Draft Horses . ....... MAO $10.00 83-ora� Eags ........... . 0:15 '0: 17 Witree-uliarly iuited.� It mild, in a shot time, whiChijs thrie times as large as the CarU 4
of the London tGeneral Purposes " 12.00 10.00 8.00 f i'ay, new 'V1 ton ....... 10:00 12-00 br-9-OnTflie monthly period with regulari v. VisiUv for 83 opr duzen. In ret urning thanks Otlev' Patent Reservor Wall's
35 coRegta referred to, Bach hottJ6, price ()tie Dollar, bep rs if ; G v- fmr the,patronaize of the:,p'ast, invit9s all to INSOLVENT ACT OF, 1864. -%-1 is having pum-lia. ed . 41to rw.Ut I 4dw
I .4ul rl c
Durham Bulls, -over 2 years, Ist ..... $8.00 1 lides (ereen) .......... Ck 5W R--o:(;o AUCT10i SALE --ramen 0 Present Salt ell
and state men, t Stamp of Great Witain t6 tcQln-
e'.1bits q ') T 61OUNTY COURT this county orthe allwrril. will be piefisroo
2nd 6.00- Wool wakilled. 0:20 (]g 0:25 prev" call and see the ew s:zes for themselves. Province of6tiLA16 to , ce the-newstvic orpump, to order it few day#.
,n- would thin hiumX -3rd ......................... 4.00 V1 jod ...... ...... 2:00 C4 2:50 or D. CAMPBELL' - N, THE a
County of Huron. I of the County of Huron. 100bretiproatin, ed.,aftPrilthomught,
hat American statesmen. 4oderich, Jan. ?th,, 1868. w27. AT TH13 Ile .1 its Godn,_
Ditto under two years .......... 6.00 Sbee 4:00 R 0:00 FARM STOCKI 77— Pill, 77othetakeA brIfit4nale dicnng In tU.7n fttdr ofAlezander JkDonald, an insolvent Or invention in ilia
union Of chmeh and 2nd ... p the FIRS7 TMBEE ilfolV AN Monday, the sixth day April next, the under idupi".
3.00 Beef. 'tl cyn ...... ...... 5:00 6:50 E , &C, THS f Prors
such colleges. XMW715 10 Miry are sters, to Anng m ffisear� %_P signed will apply to theJudge of the said Court -if vi-ateriven Within ail our otq;tirtiitg.
3rd ........ 2.00 Chickenz ............... 0:20 0:2.5 'LB'q* OF LETTERS. ., Godarich Railwy statiuni
rza.��, bia. at any other time they. are fo-. ;;7A for a discharge under the said Act. Afwell vall Ile Out down in kitchen, wash-room,stauls
y is heard of a supposed Devon Bulls over two years ....... 6.00 Turkeys ................ 0: 33 C:60 In all cases- of �ervous Rod Spinal ffi..I�ctlaffs. .00 sDated at Goderich, this Wth dAy of Jimustry'. A� D or tor -room without removing r it,,Litbg�tha K rs.
smaller b4odies or G 1AF190 in l5oderich Post Office, 1l;71 Cheaper audetier thus the, vidluary-well slid
2nd do .... 4.00 geese ............... 0:25 0-35 M. RUEMAN Pains fn the Re and Limb's. Fatiam on &tight Apply to
mft7 by the support of 3rd do .... ....... 2.00 Ducks ................ U:15 0;20 AS received instructions from S nnel exertion, Palpitation rf tne I leaft, Hys �-rjes anti RE'the 11th dij of A. i8ti8. AtEUDER McOONALD, put lie left at the Storey VrAlir. (Isarp
le,ges The party rals,- whitrs;�Ihesd -Pills will effect. a. care, wher all Allan ljeo�`Mto Leith Ale'xander (2) Ily Joint BELL GonDox. wil 2111 M. CAXERON. n on i t. 0
DeTon Bulls under two years ...... 5.1)0 Goderich Salt, wholesAle, f.c�.b, po e# bbl. His attorney, ad 11W)L
o for want of sontethinx r. * Pollock, Esq., to sell by Auction at 01her mleans haltro failed; and althonef a power. 11* . ;I� . -WANT1.14VIIIIAlf & DU,111CAN.
2nd do ............ 3.00 1.65 ; at the works, 1.60.. his residence, on the Bayfield Road, abo .-Goderich, Nov. 28, 1867. *45tf entira forgetfidness; of ut fulremedy, do not ctain ron. ellit 601- alit'- 'Bill iiachel,3;0 koitgomery R Aus. 21. Ast ,zovision made for thir 3rd do .......... 2.00 CUnton Markets. 2 miles from Goderiqh Town, monv, or'anwiving hurtful to the 4 onst utio'fi.
*5.00 - Full directions in the 41alliphlet at nind each -into the cuelosurb ofthe !'obser;ber. lot 8.10t)i
Gradba over two y9ars ............
cns in the one college !nd do . ............ 3.00 - y e I egery COOT ndrew T f-lifflf U concessiou.Culborne. AbQi3tthe Ist Septembor
On Frida , M-ruary 2 1 si, 1868, package, which hould b' d rameron H J . '. X lkloNEY U'"LEND, SALT " .1,]T),n .
k Government. With 3rd do ............ 2..0() By specixl Telegraph to the Huron Sto-titz-) C0XMBNqNG AT 11 O'CLOCK; A.M. Sole agent for I lie United Statesaw r3anatlas,' Camerori Jon- McLean Win la9t, twopigs--tineall white thill the &t.her spotted
Thevivner is requested to ptirre rtr. pay el
SALE OR- LEASE. nitititke Qrem Aivity.
�Gradez of other breeds not m4ution- span McHardy Ro'bert FO Jllal�'
i3 sappqsed to� be ample� Clinton, Feb. 18, 1848. Noon. the under-mentivined property -JUB AUSES, N.Y. EASY TEAM
_-H the denominations, in above 4.00 Fall V�beat ......... . $1:73 @ .00 -and 91Z po, rage stam 9, eneldsed
., 1:78 Denny John. 15th 136L
-o�dd not complain, ast ed 9prin, do ... 1:52 (0, 1-54 Sorrel Horses, 2 cows in calf, 2 calves, 14 to any aillhorizefagent will infure r b6ttle con- Dwight Mrs Neil Arthur 7. B. -0
2nd do ........... 3.00 Sheep, 1 bu gy, 1, sett single harness, 1 tainingfid a0n maIL- WITHI N IM Vards of We prewat Goderich
Pi)' by re Dilidge Thomas 144bergall Q Salt Works. Alai).
i sharle for their use- ....... ...... 0:52 0:52 )nrod Goderilph, Jan. 14th, 186�," w5lif
3rd do ... 2.00 Oath :00 NORTFIRLTP-A I YKA 14 motiff sett double tarness, nearly new,. I light Nichol Robert
... i - be restric- Barley ............ 1 1:05 Newcastle, W., goneral FARMING t A N D 8
Stallions taking pri2es are ov potAtoes .............. I I h I pair harrows, with ferich.
tt:40 0:50 undry ot#er arti"fes. agent for Canatir eruson James convellilent to That loerility. Atplyto IDeing I
ted,-� in'travelling, to the South Riding, wagon' oulic Also -Ug f. Ir I fil lot 6, W. D.. Aslifleld,con. T, sayt
a to believe thaz , a large quan- Trustees S. 9 5, God- SOLUTION of PAIUKERSHIP
Peas ...... ........... 0:68 (0� 0:70 11 d in Godetich by Park&r k Cattle and JOHN BE L. _10 Pot t - XeCarron's Tavern. an the Grairel mad, -19
nd Bulls are to be properly secured. tity Of 901 . ' I . . - I . . Solicitor, (;oaeri(-h -06 from Goderie.h. So acres of good hi It litrad
L 3vramise who remst- Butter ......... 0-16 0:14 Jordan, 1'raidiner cc Jawes Green Arthur.(3) .7il�otnps!)n 13. Win certify thatlienry and W 9 at
The judges sele Frgs ....... 4 0:14 Mi= Godernih. lot Dec.. 1860. w4so In
h an -oger made London Jno. Salkeld 4 X I T U All",, Roxeiville; J. Piekard JzH. Gallaher Bridget K 91 Wils o*ft John 5 , _#it of best quality. 40 acres well cleared iLnd Anced.
0 HOUSEHOLD U ceter is this day dissolved pitioneil- Two finestrezinsorwitttrwititoutwzsmaflayKt b"
Geo. Robson jun. 'onibe 8 cord, Luck- Go�rdonN J Wiston Jainos new irime barn 60 byTZ, good new dw0ling liviase, ailt
It is expeete p., Mr. Love said the Flour ............. 0:00i (i# 8:00 ToRms- or SAiE-All sums and * $,o Mb, Watts consent, To ij�_LT— � Jr- Kk A -To ]a
t., Godekicli t 0 so
U Hay ........ I . 10:00 (0, 10:00 qr now; Hickson, Snaforta. and *.',Medicine -Gillespje Mi�l' Weller Peter vircharA Wit -bin 80 rods of ttatholic. thumb and it
Will, spen& 2 Reaping aud_Mowing Association s'eredit allowed W31.1v Welsh Tbomals scholhouse. Terinsicash. A 1v oil ilia preallses 14
Cron above that sum, 12 mozith LLtA3f MARTINI
r ', as good as new,
t, L Wood 2 00, .0-00 1�.i
I baildin, Ac, nezt were willing to amalgamate with the South 615 0:00 by furnishing approyed joint notes. ri h ny. B J IIENRY X&RTIN, TWO M"11 ENGUNVD3 311CHAFLUAG '2*#K1uZsbrMgep viv,
Riding Ag. Society. Consideration of the 1-lides . : ........... Godekich,,Feb. 14 iM. w4td at avv 119 Goderich, Febiiiary 1st, 1860, t and i 'perfect wdrking order, for sale flilleldJanvitaq 8, 1W.
Raef per 100 c4rdWood W-miteds H,�nry'-Mz is, Miss.
The 6:00 (4� 0:00 matter was postploned WJ ndit meeting. Chickens per pair ........ 0:25, 64 0:30 Kent AMO Yonne A cheap. rarm for sales
The next meeting was appointed for the - 0 -WILLBE: IF, to be carried oh as Dec.12. 1867. W45
00 0:75 AIN 41 -4
inst abouit is hikh when, Turkea 0:40 OX F.Loup 101mviril ASif AR01F), DICKSON, P. y Win. mattini wt a Road), appatlit#jilti
oderich. 16th of April� at 2 o'clock P. in., GR C 0 cleareAL Givo4
e for Apples IV JQMJrl SighAtfield xna. 110 affeL
it is thought the selection of the flac 0: 0:08 Oro bait-Oorers. fiam, divelling house, golie ordittErd. axelille
abbage ......... ... -0:05 ab
5GINE-atid Eli is Ivell watered. 21 miles ruin Godericb. For
-a distance of �twvtlre GOOD TORDWOOM
holding the fall show will be re-coAsidered. AXD :
0:X9 0:35 FIEN no Rlt_' gbt-
f3reess ...... rlimp Intd thi�remlscs of the ubscriber, lot 14, IXT . METQWE cularg apply toO. X Truenti u, "erich, w on
AT THE ecti none Pqwer 'Boller, -nearly tiew, toZether Treinises to
Dueks per pair .... PRO 111b RON *4 L� can. 12, Stauldi, a Red $tear, rising two 1�ears 'Ki
Wi b
50 VISON StOR30. I .
.... 0:40 0 the
ki�ff GROVE all the maisirory tooli or'boring for milt or qll,
GE0 ton 4011.10TON,
Seaforth- Markets. 'The owner is requested V, Prove proverty, pay'Starges, and &three ijio pomp,.mitit for site thesp. Igui. 20, 1"&
-is VO4 much cut up- And take himaway, or he will be sold as lavr1direats. AND -4pply 0
Armer ApplVaf the Po led
Pmsseribbltar'in thetory entered one of out grocerY st6res ibill Special Telegram to Huron Signal. ARCRIBALD.HODGE Wawa binion. Male Teache - r IWAluted,
prooricter ho, Seafortil, Feb. 18,1868. Nona. P T. u. sit.
Huran Saftwell, Peb, 10 T#,46,8, w3ri' StI1110 20th Jiuugrr, 1863. our �;and Feed L7b der him to be a "gow week and asked the w mxieb' Fall Whoat .............. 1:70! 1:701 wouclit -ME90HANT, in bills.
i1i silver he7 would pay florgi 6.00 hist6n UY STEEX tBACHER holding a troWass 44rbf-
I j� ...... 1:61 io 1:55* amerm a Block ' 0
ewdnesz.and Spring Vhest ..... c4 X .$T1
'Acateicr &1�001 8. Alai-
Wria t4e Flour .......... ........ 7:00 R 7--M
further t* iay, ger-m- Three and a half per coot, GODE-RIC'H. WK ROBINSON.
-ittmra a fig, wat sucb� gmiwer. The sate -was made and the ont,6 ............ ......... 0-50 0:55 field. Apply until of
11EGS res eetfully to announce to the n- n AXIS into the iorewittes or, t1i6.,jpbworIbdr,, 6t
, — %J rance3donS,'Fackerstrilth, i Ills ilt. iwh thRiiii, scle, ion be inade, stat�-
ink M any suBjeelt- ils ehangod, hands. The far- Peas .................... 0:70 RAIN, FLOUR, C 4-TEk6, ro babianii; of Gpderitih and vicinity that- Zilluilpt, it red yearling stwr. The 0Wn Is
silar and bi for 'IL. feW Mingtell; BRr16JF ........... ed tq prqve prop y, p2y tbsMefit ........ 1:00 1.01:153 GBrsu, 11hort4, Potatoes, Brivion h4has cornmeepil in the above line in 3h.
gh to know - utter,
Potatbas ............. '50 at inarket price paid for Oam nil at, .11, old DAVID-
34orlookpd arouad A45 0 0- &C.Hlir he a WS;3t
. Dot 1�itand stin *ad said, as if emlldenly recofleating.: kinds ofproducatt St) Alk a stand, Jan, 25tb, jUll,
BiAter ........ 0.16 0:17 It OF SQUA RE Dnigannonlio., j�6. Atron Feb, V. ffiS,
is- dud spitang of Oh, b.* the way, I owe you $115-06. or 0:14 0:16
Ift. Afotio. a of Partnership 1
--10,00 11:0 Ingolvent' t. ot 18 n thi3Orocety Department M will keep
$16.00. 1 sjpposer you take silver at Hay
keci)ii :couldn't go it, ";des es, and sell as cheap a dayentered latolli"t.
par I" Tire store ............... 9-50 0:00
off duly impressed ap Wond .................. 2:0o 6i) 2-00 in the mai1ter of] rwi Emmons E goods ok crellit In lay wife, E117.4heth Ramy,
ood'an.lirsolvent, hiiiilig this6dav lea -my lied SM board without auyjvv.�
Is W!
ta hear that Qw old and ihe man went All, ' AsFabloInthbIlithking and �Exehiuig- Bastille"
nuisince. meant. Cbichens . ...... ....... 0: 0, E undersionvil en appointed Assignee' tifilible ostwear provor?ation, and that I will not 1!!� to u-nie
to what the silver in this matter, a quires Plaims to be filed on +thiv-prm and style of Dean juidSwrin.
:30 �Psid to thp line of
hAs been ke-appointed ................ 0:50 0:60 ith.
two months i er, in %County or Huron this *%T- oodeirl u, pAtario.
of Jan IS
D-tted at Goderich't e cc Of. 0 -D FEED I
---Ah order, says our. Apples ................. �.. 0:50 0:60 this date. Huron, N st dat Jorly. DEAF.
A GOOD ORDEIL 'issuedfr-om the Geese 0:12 MICHAFL RUDDY W. 4. P -4m 2, R7.
Lange, hag.fintally been 5 0:10 this 15tlx day of tebru ry. A. D.91868. ser has bal -malty .'vears 7"Lot 221' cob. 3, Townshiii t,�blklrne 4 excl lluaioes�, e, w2.,t
r, Dressed Bois ....% ........ 4.50 5.50 PULE=K. ttl ranah of b * It County 1jurnti.
ms Department prohibiting the im
Custo 5 Official Assignee. ot t Ili
wiat,or as, - r port&tion into the inion, oi the vile P07k ............................. � 5:2 .5:6() tor 1 13 Cali give satt. Dom eron S for Insolvent. C!TAATXDTnv) 0a the ittieril;med.
1968 JJ ff*noflhf89 )Juton floadbout lite' 110; of Dec,
Yankee Post-l#q#W$-_, Montreal Markets.
as the I I Police Gaz- swi7t
blications kni3wn
pt,lica f 1*81911 FOR ON T Al I'D i bult beffors ja0pther *hits, if:ay
Vu _News" "Last Sensation,"
IpAaeei iv for. their ittto were.adimiartispd1n. the ;0fitton Zn% for tonr
lssuej� 774 owivtr�la risul sled to'proreA property
and 66 Dime. Illustrated." It is well that J3y SpeCial. tel*ZMP' I tO thS SIGNIAt. VALUABL -PRUIOPL 30 "VV -k L If mat tkenawiy,
D, at.1be ad oftbre iek&t1l;RV,*i1lb0 601d tio .40
this'lletiLoralizW9 kinttpf literature isto be MOYMEAL, Feb. 18. S .4 L 111 F. V
out of the Country- FLouR,--Superior extra-..,. 8:00 (9) 8:25 JA
-A small cum .9 IN TA� TOWNS or
8:001 yeturning thanks for-Ae liberal stipprt
3m, ii a CIO- 21st 1668,
cut is a - , I p 'bas rpreived -1or
'Meniphis, Toun-, it would gel 49. 6i7o �3HAKFJ8PEAX's' &S f and patrons, he
in WF
'a ustnow. Ori'the TRA.TFORD.
t to 7;50 9 �tM liypful place to rest e T2, "Fin- DERICR ,ON' last 12 yegi, begs leave to,say !�hat bythe END1695 W AIN T_
10 rape,$. of
in1toductillin:of mahinery heis now prppjtr-
140 @ 7:65 uorFol.0 wh
r* *nh all 'kinds -of
5 H7, 6, 6, l,'70. 71, blit t�a north
r city report policeirilon, slibit estem '50 7:5 rP&b2RSwil1br. It'---- tl- '"atl
h that . 7'. ;cOlvaup in
another;. L ibrukry, l'or build
e siabbect-, a negro, killed by Inc a $Phs,
tie to Tor. me -
10 shot whilst c 70- on.W4 Lot 79,on soulk s tie otUnitin d Highest Price I id for. be t IN, tw ommitting i burglary Rag per too & Pq andgl a negr I � 2 8 it 4 *' W 1 0 , . Wnx&ir-Spri ................ 1.10- 110. n
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Merw -cal �11 121'An &WAsillig iudl -CAN BO -lot
Add a senirem fhe Virgin 47 of Pe4� Mh onlJUN"AT11MRS OF ' I ..; NDS -POA14PY61010NALIT
ocOn OATS. -W' offfm far thti'Vo �A
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Yory L, ttlw - - the. Biseuts ky oxr Barrel ..$f).47
'r`Per 4A. lbs..; ..... ..0:95:0 jv -h,
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