Huron Signal, 1868-02-20, Page 2�,-7�-! -7 7`-
pp� 7
Amp 7�
'i; , ''., - I .:. - ; I T
4 -
th#w. FI�uex `oP again, I heerd "y -log Joshua was in
high glee, at,
Wd Nanny, as the bor Germ,,n. camW getting Via""
M the cob Blullim
vrith a igtol- on Ilia he V diesper than it wais IRINTING TENDERS. CA��&.:The celebrated CbmtatP, by tha House of Industry and 'R6fuge for In-!sfirrounded by 1000 -prostitutes if they Ae� second Tuo�day in Ueeting of Dire&mft
�Ad survitle anjul- v, Grill, a�ra, The I FJower Quppn," digent Siek:; S. U. E. D. A. S.
common price. ellatte.4 f I t��i Prof. Rootentitled 41 Marbll ne3tt
on cheerfully to. hiff. ar returns to-ther c" in $640 for 04hah's Home; 'only, the awflif danjera involve -d. Carried, JAS. TISDALF,
Yentunlak'heed to the son wi*hM1vp*rmiT&ghis. p&occupation. The St, the ria n ly knew
CaSSit StoodL Jiaton�41 'Al �e sting in the 'Victo Ilan o and $800 for-Rotel. Dieu ; (naking'$8,640� He generally louud thaj the first step'
V11t's th L matter of the printing tencleri. The edi- N I Ti-� e Was falid4i- when tl�e -,-Township A meeting of the dhzetors ,
with much interest, as he evening �ext. , TLr.-",o goperl). towards the,biothel huron Electhrs Division Ag.. So
himself. 4the 'youth entered --the saloon for a A ' k of
Transom, W D. Wd rin Out COL.LEGEs�� held in R-%ftenburyls hatel, Bt
'Whiskey. If a' man used stinifilants he Wednesday the Mh just.
14,vr, 110wed the unseen line of road far down We had exposedjoinj
came up'behiind fo� -read on the Hatestone which Mrs" Simms, !Mr.. Hospital.. - Hamilton $4, for
ont ?" inquired German, Qf the hones, t to t1ke sharp sound London gets but 82i400 th
GODERIORi 20, rEB '1668. ter Of that paper coulO,, not 'Aay
hoping -for a JBI r trq6 -son and o
tale," while Cassan,4riL 'tile %,allev, t a respect- them are Hospital ; $640 for the man th
trzmml round fro a bend in the hill -side to take leading parts. in the perforn�auco, QIrphan's-Asylum; and 86 0 for the n 'hiih he felt No. IV.
in washing �or pard to, it t�jlped The "Leadeer U�brsideth. ing his- partiztan f�lbnill -.he could not would fi d that the thingsof w President, Secretwy, TT,,
suddenly, when she tarne& ., and r- phin's Asylum and Ladies enev:61ent L - re as
hvar . and even Lydia pafised iz her sphi -h 4VOid saying sometli which -we are sare will be a grand Aiite most ashamed in the coftse of his life we Messrs. Coleman, Cox, Swee
llig to listen. rouhol,with a si ung,,. What he has ciety, Total $6,080. Ott wa Protestant done while he was
The Toionio Leader in a loi&g editorial tainment indeed. The funds I d'* uiiider the influence of (For the g!Zn,1.
said Germ -a,3id in, answer to our charges- ' f
Pickard, Sproat, Goo. And�MQI
laugh- Is about the rea, 'ze are Hospital,81,200 ; Roman Catholic Hospik liquor. �Ind, yet tfiey coula not" get' a D2AR SM�-T!he press 0 and -Hunter.
Ran' flice nivei heerd,111 said th,0 01(l i6� behindher. It 4jld th - an, k read to be applied for the benefit St. 6eorge's . i J ntry" I
womall, " 0' the big bngp' t as rnha the JtiShaay, not to See % M at - sharp un, in its issue of. Monday, comes down - wea "elst tiling of - the kindl we e�er tal 81,20D. Totaj.- $2,400. liquor law ! The statistics of ditinkniless is thoroughly roused oil f 'the, M Thg nfinutes of last
I. Ossal 0' it. right "llefty" on Sir 19emr) Sillith, Mr. Rykel . 'After shain Church.. We ho e to see a crowded house. The apppoNriation for ellucational pur- in Toronto alone proved that at least 120 on of and approved when meeting 15
n1lils up i' th' Date& for e the doon, be' undmr, hN very n t, bling through a number oi p poses are ; oinnion and Sqpera.te shoolA, years of a man's life were spent coll�pgiate e the questi
nfe lteked r ose ! -We shanna got c I - ducation,
and "one or. two others" who, while meaningless p asesi he �p-" he �41'd noi year y in asnMY be seen 4y a
4 1 'Amd ritrich bracken thol at this'rate. 'Thee muri phr $170,000 ; Poor Schools, $�-,000 ; Normal the gall. of that city. - If th c6nI& not glance at the following ably conducted The Pxmdent, ins. DicksonE
how does he get in ?" Raked the hplp me to &&.lck TH9'WN8L19yA�'8biRnP.-�-The Weal ey
, professing W support tile ministry, have hand his -tender. to Mr. Pickford 1 .41 . that a de� tim of gentlemen
bov. -ith round open eves p&ring what-I'V9 got intif th Mr. Soiree canie off Imt everting, (17th). eyan and Model Schools, 817jQW 4 14britries,"! get all they wanted, they idiould ask the papers, all of -whom condemn -with one North Society was in onot
esgeTlY cart, or we shanna get. home to -night." turned tail and -gone virtually into asort of Pickford held the tena he, get The Apparatus $32, -au 'Legislature for, at least, cerfain restrictions vo--
,er-who did 'r , and Prins, Supel - ,
in&) the old wonian's f�ce: ne winter passed church was well fillid ice* the foronto monopoly _The It was resolved that the
t Hobb hath ever a little met' 'Do' Opposition. "gir Henry)' (and it from ? Not from the clerk. Who consioll-ring the uatedTeachers, $4,W0 4 M seum. and Lib- I and then show by actual statistics what statemen
ri,4ev say " On and '9�ey never side -w liz deputa
again,' while neither German nor his fellowera re rary Waterloo 0wonicle, Harnilton S -:xd at o�
un A'0% -side o him a, dwarf lil, on - the winisterl stormy evening. The- refreshments we $2,800; Journal of E they conlil do., (Applause.) He did not pectatar, n should. be he.
elp as' he Cassit, *oke suffered io go down to their "have ceased to be supporte al aid,) then ? Mr. Pickford, we are charitable School . Inspme -82,600 * believe -the preachers were correct hytheir ]Peterborough %piitation, colmisting,, <�
PrIts throu,-,h t�e W'ind,),.v o' th' mill to erved in'the basement, and the arraiigq- Grainmer C6bourg Wortd, tew, Bigginsi F`ulton, Fowler wad
uncle's at Youleliffb. I rs of the enough to co�clade, did not draw ap, the Grammer Schools, $55,000 Salaries add'
ver the oldman's arty sense." What is the crimes -were onim n_
lis�imate of i6an's depravity, for most Hastings Chronicle Cobourg Star C�ro
nents. made by the Aadies - we mus B'V- Conti gencies of the Depa ent; $14,700. c itted when they were We and -New,, i�'?gehc(d W -a" Mr. Biggins sad h
t -V the vieal. Anot the butter, wo aifit One ni;lrket-day, bowe ministry in document himsialf, I tN 'was thenndmitted.
safe, ; bwt how thdt mid be I can anct it the editor of the 1 ID
na say eiiiiiaties were so bad that' --Rykert too, were dis- Star did not hand t him personally e were most perfect. Y -h -no harry' Next follows appropriations� for what are not men. Niag- e had the!
lie suminoiied reason 7 He and
out rh h ere was Astor the law,
for they'�, all, 'fraid to look when ho I .PJ no confusion, and nqno�,of the ra Aiail, Trenton Couriero BritiA Stand- being the Presiaent of the 139ord
eoines-" d erman to tal'o the 014 Ware and- 90 appointed in not being 'ohosen speaker, caused it to bfe aced in his; possession by diss'atisfac'- termed " Lit�ii;ry and Sci' tific Instiiu� he was prepared to shoulder a musket and gociety
arta that the delegation I
oNVn aulPle of oats in his stead. tions," amounting to $3 00, which is ard, Canadian -Freeman, Quebec 0=,a,
with a & tion which is sometimes ex ' fi�ed -at such 'fight for it. - A high church clergyman
NaY, " said old Aaliford wduna So t16�cfd's somemeans. What i:the.use oflifir paltry pro in the I
Ila' isty Anil I Shall go and see my aunt,"said out of the bag at last ! Fro ni gatheritip. After tea, the ladies and gen- distributed as-followa : Ai - to Medical l'once told hin+ they did not want the Satur- The New X-aiton The Hot with a view of assifitig
If Mr. Sproat is meant as Faculty, Victoria College, 0 bourg, $750 day -night law because it was -broken. He fo - rid Courie British Canot ditions to *which his =ie 'state
lad telled such.% pa;1 o'nonsense the boy, stoutrv,- His father was gru�nt the Lea.dePto the pettily trumpetsof toryism, equivouati6n- 9 pie Leaf, l3raut' the two societies, and to
r, djun, Belleville ty W0111c,
tv-les a� ti!'%* -tens, a kippilt' him frae his 1 ing a refusz�l, i)ut'Lvdia. interpQsed, and itw Mr. Blake who was the disappointed the prominent e b r of the com- d the body.ofthe church to Jig- aid to S61ioul of, Medicine, ]�.ingston,' saf4ftotfiekn'why not*abolish-th7e clau Mr. Governlock Eaid that frol
work- There ain't no such things in I his wrath was diver,ted o3z I as L in in. e Aemenentere 49 . it it se Intelligencer, and tt*?dY-five others., Upon
natum, not a bif. ter devoted n1un. Nell, ittee by who . i4i'lif 6, ten t4) the speeches, in ic, &c. S. p6il T
And the Hobb niver head- whe� a certain class fall. out in so bGnsent Mr ra ock, oronto, against the profanation of the Sabbath no great question
3 before the country do, we reports and articles in theSIG--AL!
wos knvwn to come bevont the Dale lie ustice, and we are glad to pocketed the ten Esq., being called to thb chair Canadian Institute, because it� was sometimes broken. many of the
-Teyther keeps her there��ing an lionest,men get j ders, i�e can say- that- Mr, ,znadd'a few 49 Every find such a oneness of &U -L, an been led to believe
added, lusively authority it -1jot in - - 1111! df'Pub-
I sensible renii�ika qtfawA 300- one knew that if that law were abolished li, sentiment as is now strongly
conc. in it were her fault he's got a rick tn'� back, " hear from the Leadee who the really dis- Sprcrat tells us- distinctly that he "RedMr ., after which R�va. Messrs. 49 ! 9'. 1 of the 8011th Riding wished such
reasoning. Mo Athenaeum, 11 it would not be Ion- till'a majority of the, expressed
said German to his sister, who came with appointed were. Our contemporary sneers P. to hand theldlectinicrills, toothe Clark for as;-Livingstmi,, and Dorion of Montreal, - i - 0 by men of all parties in favor of faii�play Mr. Biggins ihen stated in ;21
callings of' e c
WeIL replied the woman, " amy he* him to the door. The ren=ks of 1he latter Mr. McNabV' ountry would be pursued to. the dollegm that are doing -the work questions, that the- Clintm sQc
Sqprire Rive at the &at safe keeping, which is customa:ry,- but no spoke shlirtly,
there's rs been� a pok Here's the kit] in ecadent.4-of Mr. Rykert. Does weconsideied-far stronger than- *awjusti- a Tempers�C,6 Address. for seven d of the week. Why, what of the. country, and against monopoly. sevenacres of ground upnta whi�
that would not do -the Clerk might faisi7. on
div g as she axed me for a it forgpt its old adultiti, was his voca but to punish., �eople for
KOW into th:ngs as he'd bettluer 11nave time back Ho on and -defence of large and appropriate exhibition,
long. .0 T of in promise WO Froposp It is now fully tuiderstood by all who,
fy the record -and besides, how could they wl�ch thev were willing to
answered she. w wilt thou carry. it?" fiable, in an- audiencev in o4ed ' all. lieno- Accord g to� breaking th 'law. They- might as well do have exa-mij ed the stibject that nearly*all Of A
alone. I doubt the Hobb, wi'T be6 arter his the gallant knight of Froutenac. If it does, minations. His limited knowledge of publish the address of' A4X�-NDBRR MC�. away withany fw-becaitse it was brokeir, union sh;vi; they had qpoin�
Weal any ays He's been intotthe cavem Gleit me in' here, said Gernian, the people of Ontario'do n- be nivately -compared and caue'ussed over 7 AN the great colleges of the Old World 'are
the Hob4 has been been lodging I opening iber two, Mr. nioug feelings exist- NAAB, Esq:, police Magistr d that the University show at Blyth, but if d
dr6pped into rath was a saint -in 1868 he is a fool, a Ite of Torontoi 'of the Saturday --night law. A great deal of London d aro6d it the Directors wished to have'
they ca' LuAurch, Ao, where his waistcoat and the kitten was in 1809 'English and the acrimo '
-and Cother hr ot. Sir Henry, Thai is equivocation nu and yet that'ims4ho plea for the abolition denominational, an
er dingerous proximity. dishonest person, St enipt is made to: show'that ing between the oPposito'sects of Lowqr omitti4 matters of mere detail, sprmg
they allus' has gathere M
a tricky donkey, who ar., An: att -where,# could be done -with -that la* f The civil Coll a. of all deno show the, Northern i
1") 91 . I ege Mutations, numl*rin 9
t hi skin, bot apparently quite satisfied Canada no doubt account for the apiiarent can be done without " ent of tb�ecity 9f Toronto for 38, 9 would advance dollar fat! cibilar wl
art, Mr. Greenway voted against the report be- de aa' frbni the governin and that as a University it qav�rs no
raenlarlv. Leader is, at all eve cause he had beerr informed by some antial correctness 0 t Ir It might have been rather hasty I
Dear he whit fools there do be in with its situation. cannot hide his ears, try as lie may. The harshness. The President of the Coi7fer- subst ' f to eport.
th" w0rK " Said Ashford, o' T main.good, Iad, to oluilib, -fits, lionest in this, that Mem- I - Mr. McNab] lexample, was in the hands of three per- college orclass of students : but gives it,
There wk -re a queer little fe �?U,st ence, Rev. Mr. Elliott, was then-ealled to narne Blyth as the place for thei
A confe ber that the Star had got the work several himself The -Iormei were - 4ependent is the system advocated b *the W&- le z
nient throUgh the defecti' times before and could not do it.. We be- . --of thie people, but- he was t could not recetle fmm it. TEe
y 8ses to R weakness of the G' I upon. He spoke for the chairman, was reiceired. Iffith loud ap- upon & votes y 4U
11.1 wi' apfc,: I asts4 observed Lydia, itdntiringl ; who b, on being �troduced, bi so4s-7a Commissioner, tloik- Mayor and honors to all on the same cogditior
t-wlels 01i's nose, an comed here overn- i Stich Show, but it had been do
ques-lioms tip and down, niebbe �pcertn ; had co4ue up. " 'Cain't a, many 'as 'ad' on of the knight' slime time An his owjt read in Canada, exce ' y
mrinth ba, -k. 4. a twelve-olaxe to�� ha'a caes claws so nigh, their quiet, common-sense, practica plause. He said Mr. Mesa had intro- 1, pt those *ho
lieve Mr. G. was told someth g of ther 'Way" � of, duced him !not. ' The mayor had 4tensaid to him if willing, to give their inf luencetowa,
And Inhat's them �6nrea flesh. and his Party. A fact pal�able to any as a drunkard, ch be- cer- sundry benefits and local interests con -
various matters interesting to Wvsleyans. -tainly had 'the t 'Jdnd, for
op' th' house r' says he. '11 dunna know, Roland -n thee canst, lad, and manwho listens tothe debates is now sort, but lie itailed after the whole affa been, of theyenforced thislaw there would be A -fiect&f wifh theJoronto Colleie, or other place for the faU -show if
say -3 lbeantbooklearnvR-sho full admitted. 0 riot. The answer was, 'c'ri0t:*' those who depen& on the Toron exhibition could be held Lin' 451�
rtlike., bring mewordo'llim "whisperedCassieiii thY the Gove 'It -may be, indeed, that was over, in a public place and'irr-pre Altogether, Mr. Rffioft will leave bebin(,r.. sonie years ; that is, he ha een.a moder- I had a lot of ein to preist,
Cr "nee, him an ex�sellsntdmpres�ionas t(, -his noble ate -drinker. He could take h Ae frL-Ads in T0rbnt0 known do the thinking for thein.
ye ca': her brother's ear 13 lie" inounted the long- t�lua,,,sawhm as -the "JAeensed Wittalers. They came Y&r. n then retiral
enon i
tais, and what do ve ca' t'otherlsw ast with his buraeu befoV hini. 91 without the Inalcontents ut it that lie voted is I -ed and leave it alone i f If from the two hundred and fifty col-
t,- 113' done wi'un- ' And how &D g6ex legged be, rnment is quite Aron of the editor of the Star he lik 'i , r_ The dole
I I b se he saw from the first qualities of head and heart. The singing i)ag any loss. re gatio
on. none. dauzlteol� - 'And what 3 the And get nie twal shirt-buttolil" unconifortable to, the Hon. Pren "' he did beeau - It wa� from tW class that and asked was he going to carrT out the leges of Great Britain, We 100C to Our The President spoke of the PrOm
cried -der to be that, was ably conducted by Mr. Janies Thom- the ranks of -the habitnal unkardi were 7 o'clock license law, who�ii he , told 'them coilsins in th�'United Statlis we find a net- ad been made in the -Hou.
11%1110 o, Von little bill nigh thena 7'; Lvdi-16as lie rode away. opposed at every step by a man capable of cortoin parties hold inode apolitical question I h
Loss Hid, ' says I. ' And that other so much iloise and bluster I son, Misi Flet9her rendering the accom-, constantly recruited. theyhaa better not give him a clipme. work -of cblleges Ali over the Agrieziltur-al Mill, and
as Sir Henry. of it, and he would not lend hi�welf to stich � (He hear.) In" I
c - 1 Before he was defeated in his at�eppts to
,Having arrived at koulcliffe, pit, up- his For a time, at least, su h on+. dat the Committee had proni
t'odier ?"' lit t -se, and done his business witliout see- characters are a thing. 1nacti ts with much taste. The newi appearing before,them on t 6cew.don he some instances, we think, tfiey imultiply
Ah, that'll be Win Hill he'd ng as he did Mr. G,,,r e out that- law he seldom li�A-. iaor� Couniy bf Huron $1409 without
, sure to make 11,11-1 nli,,ht at he w promptellb, : carry
Ins, f composition.of Rev. H. Christopherson, y! than hft -would -
aillit's whom. he found sitting viptit of motives of selfishness. from one to four drunkards'--bBf-M even thin-kof only one collep for each
auction of any per centage,,�whic
Y an, ing, an,� sig. , ns of Roland, he betook Ili A regi- way prove& that he was a man - of orl " Let me Dream of Heaven,f,44�s wellre- D13 ng ihe past] him on,Monday morning, but what. . bad %e a great advantage.
me. themselves heard. as well say th them too- rapidly, but no statlis
mid. Nanny, much interes-ted. to, his soldiers could not stop the'ir
M says he. ' I've a heerd tell oil cheerful, andred with he. tongues, and. we oPille it will be so in thi land uprightness, and be bullied year, 750 women had been ou t state -or for a larg-e, ci Th- 4;1��-t
it, near a ebie ceived by the'audiance. be ore ity. e
that. There were a big battle here atv.imt i drills fire on aiery hot d:ty. Intheabin- case- into partizalrliip. Before thb Star asks him for drunkeiiness., 'in 'capacity. as i he on last Xonday morning 1�1�Y six -Chnichalone *in that land has 140r,6 than Aftera good deal of debate, it 1
c9an -side. � dame of coal in that district it is thught 'ice magist a'of t1te cit of -Toronto, of the most God -forsaken ere e undredand twenty colleg". The Morea by Dr-Coleninn, se=ndc
the Dazles and them o' t.h' I pot rate atures, eyes on' h
try �1 �questions'as to our mode of reporting, lie AcciDENT.-On Saturday Iasi Mr. A. and it was to do something owards assist -
ever looked upon! There was twenty per 9,500,,000 acres of land just set Apart by Cox, that the Spring,
fo'l-s buried as were killed i' th' fight ospitaliky ever to let, ether � he -did or did c on sat
And au this be Lrae MD. where were. the i bad manners and h THE NOVA-SCOTIANS. had better tell us wh' Hodge of this town, fell from a load Of ing in pnutfing a stol5 to dru entiess in the entmore arrested arday night 'hud 6 assist in the high6r educa-
down the fire, however much suffering it CongreAk for Brucelleld-Carried.
What,'� von mound ?' h We fear the Nova :Scotia -trouble will not see the printing tenders on that f4day ain and was badly injAred in'th 1.8 nday than on any other day.-' But he Aloved by Dir. Cox, ae(ionaciF
f SaYs. peering wi'; mav entail on one's, self awl one's friends. e region land that urged him to appe4r in the char-' a tion of the country, is designed -as an ex -
night aftet- the committee rose, and he had of.the ne. -He is recovering, we are The temperance I had been defeated �Y the inteileience Of dowinent fund to aid those denominational
'his heao� o' (me sfdk and his sharp eyes i Well, German," said slic, " a. i glad to ar sefer of a public speaker. Jamb, That, it is -the opinion c
. not I'm prove to be a thorn in the side of the New Tei Aldermen, and even when he rrued parti�g cglleg board that union of bethsocietiv
an'l barnsclesz ' Whdt, thettns T" do ve very glad to see yer. Yes, 17m purely, Dominion. Because they were treated like nideir whether such' an insp:ec- m, of state aid to col -
better co cause was one which shoufl engage the Yes. The syste
mead Deddun's Me he roof of the skatir�a e-ery man an I the licensed wittle purpose of oldinga greatCM211t)
ned to vote as to' pay down the 14"oney, Me Agierican statesmen are too intelli itationwouldbe 'most conducive
adrsaysI. 'That*3ii, 'thail-ye,.on.1-v I eauu%, got sh were not ask or hono t!F- A- portioh of f 'iympathies and labors of d i his face and rs would step up before leges is thero fully, uiiderstood, and our
ut o',the otirselves, L e. tion,was j!tst rabIJ efore lie talks
he goes on- ' Dead 31.m's Mead' (as if he peanain niy y;ad, about "stiginatizing"a' rinl� fellin"a second time,oii Monday worW-� woman iii the colAullinity vht haa the well-. hao seen one of the city aldermen gent Ad interests of Agriculture; enierdly
whether they were willing or unwilling t6 nd bosh of that sort.,, in" last. ' A nine - beizi�g of society at heart, but -If th;youlol :top liberal to listen for a inoment to the
I;now*d a deal more o'h nor 1, as had Jiv-, " I've a-bfougt the kitling, aunt and It gtrozicver building will 4,
I '%Ve would also advise 4iin'to drop the 'b nex only establish the temperanc� defe;tding sixty parties who were charge4f Countyalfluron. ThYallSho
; enter the Confederation, the people ofthat :u principle as with 'breach of the license law, and actual- denoil�tio�nal 40011
ed on it nian and boy all my days)- ' Il'! it's a black one Cassie bid iiie say I& had cry of bigotry or of scepticism. Take -the
ve never digged nor found any thing i" a chose," said he, as he drew forth tf eet if he cannot find a better strin gof e cu: be required t year Manly in the Halls of the Le -gislature as it eges�of New York State be held from year to year at sucl
le , rearing little colony have, a�s itpis vulgarly i was ly pay the informlii 860.00 out of hiso zathe Directors might select, =d ,
lowe t What would there be ? little *hoolly bundle antT set it on a chair, 1 termed, I 'got t -ses for the outrageously parti7an qn'd un- 0--�-The snow in the woods nea Gode- implanted in theiinds' dthe majoriAy wn for example, and the offidal returns show ton appears to be the best prelin
heir -backs up, " and right or 1 -pocket to stop the pibDsecution. The. . the
man cum dowU sharp on 'im. 'where it stretched itself after its close pack- wror:g out of rich has rea6hed a drpth of three feet. of the people, they would ba�te very little remedy for that was to 'prevent aldermen for grants received from the st* funds
-: I ing, and contemplated existenee in a grand the Union they are boun - manly conduct of his beloved Pickford. Out of the. thousands brought their su such a show this year, and the
y, friend. nowt but dead men's buifem, d to left -to 4o. pport. Iwillonly'—nameoneor A* seem to 'favor the ida of moveable
or others who -depended on the Popular- Wo from, each of the denominaWns, as
an go. Like many other- co W- The saloons' and billiard saloons before -him' for trial evexy year, -he found
d-pik-eheads, and crack -ed jugs mebbe,' way very deliberately untries and 'Com- The Temperance Soiree.. shows, we propose that a meeting
he &-vs." that in nine cases out otten whiskey was vote tor their positions from acting -49 practice %revity. Thera is, Genesee Coll- directors of both societies be held
Dear heart allve,,biut it'i a pretty an 'niumities, this little land of coal and codfish of St. Louis are now ia fall blast every at the -bottom of the trouble,'and amongst magistrates. - We wanted no el 312,000 ; �Ieneva College
ectire jud- lege Me
The So)lree-given by the Goderich Lodge Sundy. ges in Canada. --(Cheers-) When he re- ton at a time to be fixed -upoubytt
-�:nd wh�t for should ye fash- yersen They tell me it's good luck to bring a black is cursed withl-. a number of smart men too , t, . those so tried 'were represeiLtativis from
wi* thattens, I wonder ?" put in Nanny. cat to a house, but I dunna. set great store I ' of Good Templars c*ae off last night (13th) .(Episcopal) $14,500 ; Hamilton, College
Wed, and that's just whaMl by a' them thin great for the lin-Ated- area offered for the every of the community The co, tused-to panderto these men they threaten- (Baptist) $11,000 ; St. John's College (F. dents for the purpose of arrahzinj
say to un. folks says."' and was a great success. ' The Victoria use - ons for ed to Uttend to his salary, and he conse- Fall Exhibition at that village.
99 exercise of their talents; These riig-guns, try llc� , d-instituti , Catholic) 65,500.; St. Lawrence College
want na bones-pnoperacked Agg; there's i " Thou'lt be fine and hungry, latt, " said anufacturing n g- u - and then let the go to hell ' uene6 was thai he iaow stood, in that re,: (Universalist) $25,000 ; Troy College (R. A warm, long and ultimately M
as it happens, are o posed to Union. T1 0�cui s�ect,jtinan equality -with the keepier"of Catholic) $5. discussion arose, after which it vz�u
eneach o' thern, an&porringers too, i' t'; his uncle You you .3 can eat y9ur p iey Hall war prepared for the ' 'on by an THE ESTIM.A&ES. dru.nkardh
li�mse, wi'a' the lads and lasses break !'! bel'yful active cohiYrdttee in a most tastef ul man withoA attempt ng to save 000., Rochester ' Cojlqe
the common gaoil-
out-ye, could a many times over i' th' (Lay. always were opposed to it, and they have The following is an, an abridged state- them, as Tar as l6gislation w a concerned. That was the bad effect' (Baptist) $25,OW. New- York University Moved by Mr. Wilson, seconded
Wi' that he lau-hed Agh, Th(.u'st nigh clemmed, I tAke it. or- rf estoons of evergreens, colored 0 aldermen magistrates. If tewperan' Anderson, That under theciramns]
The looke(I at the dark side of thingsuntil their e ment, of the Estitpate�s brought down by His plan would �e to take 41 . OD for every (Reformqd) $16,5W ; Lutheran.iCollege,
ight t an -d' their judg ranged a- Hon. Mr. Wood op-Thur�day evenin -Ouffido, $3000 1 'ElTim Collegj�'%Presby- -eep by ourselves and f
- cloths, embl. ma, mottees- &c., were so ar I men w,6ul# move tbo could get anyt is best to L
h%heerd him right over the hill- 'Mebbe I air' -i very strong and healthful at Stone. vision ha, become oblique license granted.- That would Zuse the.aum .
ye'r in the r. -here, my man they Edge." -g,the ; Theyliall petitioned ther.H f aJ1 show for the Sonth Riding for
wouldn't be o' ment� unbalanded. They can see every s, to form a very pleasing picture- f *100,000, with which he w( hol erect and in reas( .. ons@ terfia) 635,000. 1 need riot in-41tiply ex -
much Amount to yon " ana Here's wheaten bread and cheese " 1 1 13th inst.- It.will be interesting to o ' 0 and thp suft was that -the en . s -helinB-a�efield,butitmi -bPQ4
ttendance was so large that . it was dif- maintain anasyluni for inebri; tes, in which ed Vc" Amples., Could any of our -one,- college two c
1 -1 1 readers and should be kept -for, reter- th tuallers d66 "not present their Bill of in- advobates persuade the people of New to hold a union show every
e little pressure of tariff, ev
a oked so queer oul o' his eves; a"nd I said the old woman, 11 while I warm til ery trumpery The a ey ini t e restored to so etyto their Lie haerd arter as it man . ha' been Sqnire bacon and broad beans left fm. our dinner change in the robtine of N6va Scotian pol- ficult for all to find room, but there was ence corporation. (Che�ers.) He told a cOm- ork State, that itwould be for the good
families and to the country. -(Applause.) years.
Rivers from thatsMe country ! Wellad%V, �hcre's nobbut a biiin' o' 'eat left, I take itical relations ; but they cannot or will no disorder or confusion. The eatables mittee of the Hotise that th ' should put Movea in amendment by Dr. 10:
Balance in the Treasur ril to a com-
what maggots, them qliklity dries tak' up! it. And how's Cassie T", 126,229 66 He had proposed' such a pl e 46f -the whole people to shut up a thegb 4seconded by 31r. Sproat, t -hat the b
she inquired, luit see that Confederation offers counter- provided by the ladies were of the best, Acc,. 188,1 two extra colunina upon the Assessment demmindiional colleges, and opqn, one
wi* ; cos they hasn't nowt else to do- I standing over the boy and liospitab of Dominion 37819 mittee of the House, and the bad received
ri heap- And the tables were beautifully decorated it, ver satisfactorily. In 185 a committe Roll, and ask- every rate payer in, the be held in Seaforffi.
Uke, it! But -if Id ha'-Inow'd it were the ing the food -on his plate: 11 1 take� it as balancing advantages. They'will not tell y -college for the whole' of that state in New n #-roso;
I very hard as I canna see her. One's o a to be ae- with flowers, vases, ike, Tile supply -of S16,1()7,85 of the House was appointed e country whether he was for or agAirlst S- YorK city 1 If oarbigoted Leaderpr Globe Another long laiscussiv
olld�nl wuldna ha" made so free." wn-- 'their- people of the g�reat benefit
ye'd the best on him about - the niece is a Oead more to one nor one's llus� rived pr�vikons we may any was sufficient to feed 'o enquire m- Prohibitory Liquor Lay. (Load ap 31r. Lamb: having withdra*n hi
e ' receipt to,the causes of the crime3co nmitted, and 'plause.) 'were to appear at Albany, Rochester -or
Of which 4re
jnf4 any how," said band"s ; I -from the buildingand running of the On Special Funds it was clgarly shown -even I y the reports He would ask evorVar1limentary candid- Buffalo -on such'an e d, they would he from Mr. wxs mott-ON the latte,
Nanny, cheerfully. e2at, was when hers like Martha Inter,,Ionil p bout 200fY-people. After )5apper all took ln Treas. account ate whether he would support suc� a Is, drewand destroyed -1
Ay, that had I ; hadn't I r' repeated .airwaY-thJy ignore the I - of- bloated; hard -drinking gao rs, that the n, tbil him w, looketupon by the intelligent and praeff-
their seats to hear the music and speaking. Cler& Lands .... $94)87723 use of liqubi had led to near y every con- and if he Aald no, he wo d he cal statesman there as fit vnly for a limatio After a good dealof "puffingr
the old -an much pleased. " I ink the "Thee niver fact that when news came of great distress
cau!st abide Martlia my on School viction. The countrywas, at.present, could not have his vote ; but if lie answer- ing-" arlsingoutf local jealousy, I
change out on him there, I did." misais," said old at prevailing aniong�t the fisherruen of 'the Rev. W. Moss occupiedbe chair andbe- 'C0.111m - ripe ed yes, hq would not only tenderis vote um As well talk of one printing as taken, as follows
After all, Nanny had brought a* charm She've a tongue Wke"= Iside him, on ther platform were eral of ........ 18,93470 for aprohib1toz3,-11i4uor law. ITheyshould ress, or one large drigoods establishmenC
9 -grater, co!ony, Ontario a nd Quebec rushed to the Grammer School a I but $5.00 along with it toward his eleefion Ainndvwnt.-Menn. Co
get up a great pet;tion, and Ond the draft or one flour mill, or one#��w mill, for On!'
of a bill'alot%-, with it. with her, and approved herself a good and she�s as ghazl� as, a ferret." rescue *ith money and prod4;e withc?t our lo,cal clergymen, the officers of the That 11would rouse expenses. '(Hear, hear.) In allusion to taio, as to talk of one college. An edu-
leach. Ashford improved from that time. ' " There ain't a mossel o'-harin in her, " st . 4odgai 'and others. After a few pielies, had I the anomalies.of the traffic he might men- cated people'will never vote on the side of Motion. -Xeisrs. Svreot, Lamb,
had -amused Itim, and listened to and answered her husband but she do talk, inti s though they were their brothirs I ln DominionAce.- the legislature to action, 1 �Applause). # and Anderson.
admired him, t" of the best sedativ in feelingaswellasin name Thesethiii, been sung by the choir under ills loader- U.- C. Builditig Why did the temperance . mqvemeut' not tion that same spoke of the great revenue r4onopoly.
W- thereq no deAyingthat. accruing to -the --govern Messrs. Ruilturund Pick -ad ;mi
known in any pharmaeopceia. Talk !" replied Mrs. Broom, energetic ship of Rev. Mr.Livingston, the chairman Fund ...... :. 11,22500 meet with more success I. ment from the' It is often said that -we f�vor ehu�ffi ant 4
are overlooked, and the people are taught 13,000,000 gallons,of spirits in vote.
LawSociety6f UO 7,35319 of the I"d were to blame f6r itl. and he anufacturea state, and AlLmdeianer' of unhdly..duu�
ally. " She'd talk a horse's leg off ! And, that they will be ruined if the introduced Alex. McNabb,, Esq., Police was sorry to have to say that Ii A the last year. Why it would fiot pay for the happy al The Prosidentde-elared Clio xftofi
remain at- U. 0. affi=teff, by endowing colleges iront
she were the ugliest baby as ever I set Magistrate of Toroht who spoke for 10 administration of criminal justice. -ried, but the
CHAPTER VII. tached to the Dominion. In addition to op abouti Loan Fund .. 38,53439 Presbyterian Church to*hichvie0a If- state funds, said colleges being unaer Ae� jority Aid not
I aged,
eyes on,", continudd theold woman, in this wete amof people only knew bow their liquor was know what to do wA it, as it W.
the strong legi8l two hours, holding the audience in a stafo' Clergy Lend Sales 11,792-71 the worse. 1 i (Laughter.) nominational control. -Su h
7Z3M-CVT=G on %,r�m BR=DS_ gm, rather miscellaneous catalogue of Mrs. ative resolutions Against f deepest attention all the tirhe. Id- Commo�n school made they would be astoniihed--�4 man have aoue, and may pe aps c do awrt�ow, Brucefield hail. no accommodation
Naeffia's. crimes. he i Clergymen'doctors and lawyefa, 'from the
the Union, it is hinted that 6*'-tw.o or 0 ordered a barrel of 9 old ry' �ever -for in large -show.
'It was decided to have the Sprij
IT was a beautiful day late irt Qctober 'Foul in the cradle, fairin thesaddle, dress was so forcible and so a Land Safae�-- - - 8?878 00 position tKey occ1qpied as ed4c#ed men, le The the empty war -cry of extreme pa
about a mouth 4fter- Gorman, 4q three of the Nova geotiaii members will at_ ifforetfram, Grammer School were perhaps the most influer#ial men in grocer went into hiacellar took- a'quantity bians ; but we hope to hear nom
aid they my, you know," said Nathan, tend -the next session of the Con W we are in the habit 4 ?4 heahng ontho falcohol, water, strychnine and other -idle on the 15th April, the prizu to h
federate 4 the'community, And. yet clergymen would o h ohis fath 604-55 braing in this enlightened
er, co, ming wearily into the laug'lling. Parliament, What the resultof the agita subject that we shall give lou -r rdkden, the' Suspense 3,12863 not giv& up drink,' doctors would not, and noxious ing�qdiabts, shook them up to- such stmading exampJ;;Wior-,R- ago' wit
house, ` we man ha' more bracken cnt Nay there ye'ro quite out," answered tion wM-be it is difficult to imagine. I - 94 us to -the
for foWer d9wn i! th' Parsoh's Lot. benefit of t geth or, and that wns rye " W.=anted to contrary. Th . ....... $12.00 $10.00
Te his wde,7 our phonographic notes next 126,M 74 as -for the lawyers, thei were generalli nipporters of the toijAon lGeneral Purposes " U.00 10.0.0
triumphantly ; "that saddle -- M. be fiy� years old. A res��tahle druggist �and the 36 collegeareferred t6,
mun go down to-da:y, or it'll be too wet week. speaking, the most drunken �set in the Univeoity
wm=a fit, for she ain't fair, and she's The AgMcultur'al Meeting. Durham Balls over 2 Year�,'Ist-'�
Leaving available revanue 188,189 jL1 country. (Laughter.) A. you�iig man all of lind statemb;l y
I ol-i b heeve there ain't the kip o' a single never been upo' - had of Toronto had told him that Gooderham. are them anti -church. i 2nd ..................
i horse's back in her born One year's & Woits, the great�diitillers had purchas- and no sensiblp man would
heifer upc; the orliple lot. I man get whaa days ; but tliou lovest them proverbs so The subsidy,'Il�if been brought before hilit i T�'ro o. , He thizar�jihnwff
nt 3rd .................
The usual Annual Dinner of the pay- F 4 ed more str -in one' month than pincere in savi
can out of it. late me was talenWd'and hi=
1 were a fool to promise im thoult fit 'wit upo' a! heads. eting of the directors of the able lat Jan., theother half oduca Dd, but he mAild poison tfiebole of that American st4temtor., Ditto under t*o years ..........
threttv ilti , ayear Clintgn Agricultural Society will be held - let July .. .... Ben through dria. 0, begged off, Toronto. '(Ap- srere favoring ihe union of church zlid�
. 5 fbet-the niercstuen, German meantime was doing jsticeeve- South Riding Agricultural Society ;was -an IL, 196,1372 86 had fa plause.) The spp4ker said it was a dis- qti*�by supporting such colleges. ............
said as how; it. werena much above -three to his anut's Benjamin portion �f food; eXtr' at the - Clinton Hotel, on Friday evening Estimated Territor- and promised-- amendment, Yet - not� grace to the ciluntry 2nd ....... ...
I that there was an an- 3rd ..........
aordinary affair, as it turned out. - We next. Prof. Buckland and other big guns ial revenue .... $.745,964 0.0 vithstanding, "emn. wa in he fell Another faint Izy is heard of -a suppogecl Devon Balls over
acre. The old mare can git with the cart his mouth had hitherto been too busy for did think that the appoin �xpn and again) untit licensed grliggery in -the basement of the injusti6a clone to t1W -smaller hoifies or two YLars ...... i
tment of a direct- are expected to speak on the occasion. Of which are Spe- morning- a 2nd do
as far as thegate- leannago, and Cassie'd talk, but therels an end. even to boy or for each i township would give satisfac deid in.. * t lot, -cWrvhes intlke couxtry 'by the'support -of
be#er go i' th stocad. to helpthee. appetite. cial Funds 280,938 00 policeman found him v parliament buRdings 'in Toronto. They
should write to Messrs; Gibbousand Ha 3rd -do
own in a r
where he had lain d d s. The par:W-rsis-
German knew that it was p9ch t4o, late Thank yer kin4ly,, munt, I'm full, "he tion and I enseAccounts 50,679 00 en sleep
eM : to harmonious action, but Cireat S&If.Di.8covo;7 In -'Prussia., Su`P Devon Bulls finder tZO �C&n -
ih the season forc"bracke,�bu noth- said at last in, answer to her renewed en- we 4M 447 00 the night before. That was a ri�e ew of and'ask them if that was i ally the case. mg this cr:� does so for want of zomet1bg
8 are sorry to say that the reverse Sir"F�Ancis Hiri&s ! (Sensati on). He then went onto present some horrible else to say, and in entire for 2ndr do ......
ing vrts ever ll�lne in tj n.. Edge ; treaties to eat, Ail he row. is the -1
Probable receipts from Edfica- ge"ess ot
afe. at Prussia can now bo of havinty rivalled pictures of the su 3rd - do .......
stickles in ing has. overborne 0 ituess- igntrance, of the provision made for ther
case, and that local feel 0� we werea;Christiau�ommunity, d haano fferins he had yp;i
and he and his sister took thei6 "And how's yer father I' she began. haje tiou Department.......7.. 26,010 ea tront the effActs of Ar iGrades over two year& ...........
it place for such men as that I In Toren -"Were imaller denominations in the nO.,!Celle
silence anot-iwent down as they W"ere desir- 11 Hq's very nasty -tempered. I've no desire there illight have been to the County 'of fl uron ih tiie way. of Bait Provincial Lunatic Asylum... 4,50000 wh6le bloc ink. There
work, fo rests �of Agriculture ift discovery. We find the IbIlowilIg in an Malden Asylum........ in ' Toronto ftd do -i ...........
'od- Nothing, in fact, could, be� less re m patience wi'llint for's w r the inte to they had 1000 poor eople luddIpd i wherq there had sustained by Go�ermnent. with 3rd . do .......... ays. His bead!s as 60000 not, been afire this winter -and where tol, and nothin Ic forl hem. , He provision as is suppolied to bd ample
erative or more beautiful than the -ground full o' maggots (fanciesl . as an -egg is ol this great County. proposed new' 98ropeon paper: "Boring experiments Orilli4 sylum QO .0 1 g was one �Gzsda of other breeds zot&entio�
in qneAit)n. It lay isorne distance fr�im meat. ReformatoryPenetanguishens so600 had asked �Ietgymen why they lid not try !arge number of wretaled-creaturpiexi4ad's in every respect for all the denominations,- ..
- Agricultural Bill-bY hich we hope to at Spare,nborg, thirty Eglish south Law Stampi and , I . . to get some law totamp liquo� out of ex- f 9' state of the utmost*sezy� Ther�were the-stualler ones could not- complain, as
the farm, where the shelftr of the warf;aer Hush? wife," said Nathan, who' -took secure ci unds,# 15,000 i 00� istence. "' Me, fie;" they said ' 11 ' I enwho haddrunken wjves afid v9vesw1;9- they have the lioes-shar for their ime. 2nd' do
valley b9ka= Thi steep hill -side was the side of the authorities. " Ye ull$ . . dotiblelhe su0i of Government. of"llerliti, have reached a 60th�,of 448 we can- had drunken husbands, all, with their in- 3rd jao ...........
I tna ..........
money formerly race ,,Spe al 11 'To 0() not pass such a. law -moral 3itasiJon must be Stallions taking prizes are -to bo�
c.othed with sweoris'of woo#, among say that alore his �on. He's a -, ed, pirefents an feet ich -the last 16,5- ja 4'stratum of mesandForfeitures ....... 2,1. the rem�dy.11 qn, ving Atato of the
bit westy Tavern and other H6rhlddlesticp P (Langh- noentchildr I i
which the grey piles of roc"ppermed ;, the by'timaa isBaliford, thats a.' By rL opportunity I actioif-and 'the There is reason to liall' to f
ady, Live that' "ted, n travelling, -hO 80ath
(the c- pur� Pa t. 0 they get.. tothe licenses . ...... $ 22,W0
soil was so shWlow indeed, and. so broken is jt arious old Catholic �oat of great iW I , Neither b.1y, ter). Ilia ..had talked with Ole jitniost destitution. While, Nly. McNabb nd Bulls aTe to be
h holding ok a o�dzys County Show uaslordsts,. and it took all his - x ws6i reeiting -, the harrowing4,.details A the capitalots from Syracuse who rewl. VrIY
with stonera, that one wondered how the the A��ct). end laf the seam whith a egg.,, -teas cost of col. toral - sua- scenes. w�hid . It came under his own- "observa- ly vi6ted a' wi lWose with an offer made The judzft selected Up John
which will not offer again fo� a long time ppears exiO lection 2,26000 sion.tio keep 'from. kicking tiem down taU trees fo-tmd nourishment of any kind.. What, when he keeps Cassie 'mewed don, thero were. few AGeo. Robson Jan. London, 0.
It did appen to, us at iirst that there was 11T�e day is stairs.- The fact was they thai,';.woqId not eYes in thir00111. them by r'. Cameron. It is ex Ve V
Here and there were open spaces covered up wi' his tantrums, and won't so muchas y2sthen orpnimeddisaffee'tion can be 10,250,OCI - He said the -V 1111.,GodLericii tp., 31r. Lo
94fely, disregarded, or when power can ivisely witillidid give up thbir own glass of ifine, and it AY to stop infivction of the
-ident4l wro 4quor law was to impower independen
with heather and brwlicn, which � in this let her own aunt ha' the view on her f', a strong disposition on the- part of, the a reedification even of&ok h9V11 w6uldnot do totell that oldired-noed that if they pur6hase tbi� will' spefict Enron Reapiug and lowing
11,803,6301 vp were willingto spWgamatoith-th,
aut-trun sime had ripened. to a russet Andhere4� my own sister; son as I ha; Southern Directors to meet the Northern S4 saitit the 6cottlsh Am'erican * deacon �nder the pulpit to gi magistrates to inflict a fine of $50.00 foi'l about $1 00j000 in buildin &o. nezt
b-zown, diversified with b liantv?llowand I, in an Ve up drink
-hardly set eyes�on sin' he' were growed men half way on broad and Ii The estimatdd expen the first offence, 8100.00'for Riding Ag. Society. -0011sideratiol
eeen patches of rashy grass, rich in color 4' artiole about the disaffect'lo" in Nova S . u e if, they' and for thethird imprisonmen. matter was Postponed t;nwnext 2110
UP �eral grounds diture,'38 shown or he *ould-�9�- damned, beca
ses, 00- -under the different heads, is for did, when th6j -nio%t`,dined him they
beyond desc4ption. Slender white birch- but the Operating can WO ha�e, pointed tia. ' wi
thewine "cor- oubhave, That kurnal held difforont opinions Civil Govern would Iniss if- lass of port win tentiary for' two The next miftting W26,VL Pointed
years. Cheers and
"Besides,"' said Nathan 40- Vordwood is just about as high
nioubtain-ash - n -ct upset these-calcuIations, and the dinner laughter.) He was 16thf Apri� -at 2 eelock P.
st,-*mp3 and pendent hu e ment . ........ $1-74i683.29, to
r ion sgo,?d for chillier." Andle went ent prospect ii that the fall exhi�ition when the Soutberit Stats.wore 'I;n,a state Legislation. '91,550160, and the---whiEf6y. and water *after it. m earnest-tbat was 2tSeaforth as Farmers
with a wreath of scarlet; terri�il ogIre Ir- ............... in Goderich.
9 w In -onchartiting, inagravesonorous voiizej Adminitratii (Laughter.) The' the true remedy -for a disease somaligrfant. tiring itii thought the-AelectionoI&O Fl
oiiof Justibe .... 203,68026 y could talk of' moral istan grtapabrere and there. A strip of this wnship af of'�6 waoized disaffec He intended to print and circulate his miles. it already a d ce of twei-- holdimg the fall ahow will be re-teW
will dwindle down top, a raere to O tion."
8010mol. said. In #cents mild. Public Works and Buildings. 22A4 -X9 65 sumonwhenmen 9t d7ing'inthegtitter.
�644,women we
-the Seaforth Show. A majority aneotiA .............. 12jO 1 0000 th6hrti4s-bf the geld. MoraJ suasion!
Retbay-niall or betheymai(4 sed 9 by, I ANOTHER (YARNIV-AL � 7 aworoftible beauty had been alloted to 13p2re the rod and sipile the child; lh�ir to be equa4led and perhaps surpas- Agriculture re -,Idle) to ffie level of proposed amendmentstothe liquor law,
n in some primiti ve distribu
th; parse, i tion 66'abo 00 and he trustedthey would Big
of the unen-lot-ed soil ; and'i sCraW N%*Wp theia And whollop them 861omqu seA Ito Milicell man, wom' ntheia to'a Mr. Cox feels vory"much ca up, SHARP F1NA1qCMXtKGo--A 4
aii-and child. . (Cheers.) After
was held inthe skating 'h dergyme ip in tl� promising toTisit Goderich
Aziother caTtival Hospitals and Charities...,.. W "ulcl look sub
Itelf6r or --two belonging to, Ashford now Zecided that the said exhibition should te' -166,488 50.
I dnnno see as man- or rink �on Wedno Reformatory,P-onetangumbene had p6ac led morAJ next sunu entered one 16f our grOcer-T St0i
23,01339 lunatic as because an au0nYwous scribbler in the tory gned a scanty fivi g on it, with an iiA- the better for niaid 6ither's held -ixL Brucefieldi but i aday ovening last, and we 1m. . He nor
cuttin' -iP to," angwered ike the man - I I Literary and -Scientific Instiz suasion for some time, but he hl d the ad- Mr. McNabb r6sumed his seat amidst �beet does not consider him to be a and asked the proFitter hol
mense amount of toiL It was chiefly val*- German, meditatively, a- 7�$, a`F11 hAppitio say that it w the moit bril- week
s he put tfiefinish- got the present of a. white Do vantago df the clergynidir, for if' people Ioad;and,9putjnued appialk",.
able to him for the f�m, which saed straw; elephant the tutions. . 3,6Q0,Q tleman of sense shrewdness and deeency,,O' in silver he- woul
stroke to aL stick -head which -he niajon-ty did not evider liAntaffair.of the dds, 4;,kr E JOwtoo ve in his argrament L he ionl&-1-,�
ani German always r4lier einjoyed the was Aly -know what to kind by, all - o. id not belie and Mf- CO wishes 1hrf6r to say, ser -r. d
ma g for his uncle with -his beldr do with 11jeir victory when thpy got it. witn'
_-Mnow onsed in Goderi For unforseen andwiprovided pop, them into gall. �' He kne, r a Three and 4' hllf par coat, I
�p� Presently threia men came out. krafe They knew ve ch Un4dr the super- '11A. T WAWANOSH.
I aint a bit of wood; a* he _ry well thatthere'tas -no� irttonde4ee, ............... 20,*W 'ate b ioteareafl-whatsucIr answer. no I'Lle WAS wAdc
of a fle-14ton the other &:#e- of the lane. of Mr man of fine --abilities who iouslv, that he do�s W�: Gooding -the fink expenses ... rucefield for - came vicious�.. COUNCTL n* rowardly writers thihk on avy sabjeet.
carve . ana le, avcr and blils chsng�d-hands. I
Aould mq mto what.,fashion. -Ae fa.�- �aocomodatio4'jt present in B be took to dfifieFi T sto
J�Pshtrz was warmly 013�6tihg the- value -of was fally re] on t accident consequence was be went down, 'down,
des. Here� ydr stick, uncle, -aR &Show attesided, it- may be, h', *qsAndi tWhe recen t ........ $V,293,837142 t is day He has -hrew4ness enough to know tbas, -ea arouad for 4 few -17 i
a horse, which he had iust beentr I g and eyef a"m down until 4e trembled on the bri4k, of' met �r -
lingwith, he*lth to use it � �t of people, and they looked the � -7 f I ' .The Ceimeil ti to uerlooi
-And-I "It I was where mod�tion 7p-pr6yided. in pursuant -ilit his'arrows did not,hitand stingthere ka -1-f -sudde6ly recoli
�Ver-nment we hell, He liad descended uutil he Was .,'Xresent, Me
1� ten the of hp�d of Civil G idjounment .
its master, the millM thitstick'sill iW-along- with yer theylelt; whenthecou�sequenopa Way ;s�i'ts for s Under the ssrs. Helps, and said,
y� the nag's ten yearold an' she's aThalik ye lin t I J peico�n, Scott'kid Iff wofild- be less wriggiing and spitLio the W8J #we you
eaii� , , a. t we find that eis of thelteads of the livitig-,'in a brothel.- - tea 9 Ok, by
adly, Mai lad, -aif the ralllt�t were pointed out; �M He tried The i��
yn't at rijeefield to -hold -�e .166ral Of'last meeting were ien and a
MA, reno
'worth five pounds," -ere is an dresFing roo
5213ae t6 you, and dunna y4 Wi - tod 4bundiflice of land ab6utB
in, PeViattmenfa are set down at $16.00. 1 mappuze y,5u tt e
shouted Ee. Attorney on him. - He hitaL' -the cattl appointed ho)tr 4 at 1:00 wel as KdVed by Mr. Deacon, sec'O - M -keep
le, &c., but if, skaters con- -one of the Most er coulda t:
a IiAgta wF yoar life. There be 'a. dle as l5ftefi' hagpens, in Abneral, -as Pr�' h6rous young parl" Tas store
elling." the day is awe one,: wh gie � and duly liffisked, gli e over Ail�. i mier'"alary KOOO I
ay XcK 'That in anficipation
SW* worth more nor any horse YQVt pride i' th' world wants "r menin.thecouidry. H6was -krestedand tt� �juni;lipa - . of changes and the inan went off duly �iwp"
everWt` retorted the miller. -You at becomesof the A&T- ille Tr*grei; Secretary, Crown a and ABs 9::r We .-are glad to hear that our old
-ouleM without her I WOW a learnin' nothin' q it's lust greattrOWd Of Spectatori and exhibitois ? to V6 sweet -strai)n of th el Joands promised that-Ife.-would go 4ome if let bff. only two Municipal to what the silver -nmince 41211t
OU111118sion Manuals ber'got (in-
=�Ot ride her to Y essmerit friend Wm. Gi]Y,' has been re-appintd
muddlin! and miMin and Wabblin'. il'U` The largest roomih the'plw and t]ieire er of Public, He fia&fie&er ' espy
t is�only About volutions were witnessed by w know him to break his I
u,_ gzhalr. ail. - rut e little 15 by 20 to the Denjestia large and' ass, !�ndAk-noWturi,$3,200each,ayear. j*wprd, 1 - a let; him off ; but he stead of- four as formerly moved for).- emigrationagent at Hamilton. GOOD ORn -,An order, E�
At]�UgA.Tbthua, inthe necessary mad arter plowt like t1i ere. are delighted er�ablageof,j�pecta-..*1046i and he d -0 d. A
as- 1 donkeys ith"lane - I -canna, addle [earn] Manufactures; IWU Proftce,, �&c., to be torsT broke his prontiqe; afid he f arrie been im
p The Speak ound he go, has fi Hy ued V,�
business turn- d or'ssalary is 8l,*000 ..a year, and could %and 13, -were -r sa- J. 13�-chtel missourt'-zoarpaper- exchan
$iort, Zizi the- *Xy of e libuga." The liurgh4r blood L from � hij. -placed. Dtllpyigirgg the elitef the town,, TheJ (lo notbjij with'him. - -.His parents lived eadandpassed. Reaceyount DepaAment prohibiting -1
Johnson Ross,'A- Ma ofW. T- Cox E.sq., (4.10, was ordered has been mailed all winter 29' regula'i 1W
SUCIde Supposing -Messiri. Caindwn, theemb&rs ' "tdTe"ive.$5�,a
T,ly rOUMAj 092ied'his; 3ioChjr W&S. fffirXin in ther-lad. tri represphted1rere,of b- m9sC at, Clasoms
a curiously day and i1i New -Yrk, And he (iMr.,McN.) thinking to blaLpaid. ominion, ot
his zoeshand; =d rodo, off Torrah -diver ified, description age. Wi%* is. appropriated forbol- The only tenior received by vs the " polu
Ice, Lomas, Ribvwson, Gidley a�d mile portation, into the
t6land *ould h�nairiit me to WHteand aniels -ottQ he might have a sister, wrote to her, de- e� uncil was cloick-work. The Yankee post-majitffs- iyab�cat-'Ons 'known
res,of, others bring',' a libeiat' -' w clife - 0 Osition ;and Otte ws
POla4t "'a none"w"te MY tituo' cipheri but�fcyther wqul(W let me nigh Sep is i �of the Arj qn#ation Roads -'475,'000 for continuing scribiidgy the young 'manli oile fromWalter � McGow- 19 it policeNe -Last *ith such roundinga-.." sel- ases h; no doubi appropriated it 'heir
him.. Well, iood-by, uncre. must go eMon, of thOi� beat fruit*-!and'veg ilie, erection 4-- �,biiildin', L in Toronto - i asking- her' to come' for him for the office as'Assessin, which was for
etable* were-fostly -and -taken 98 foreid, when it privateprusal. =a- Dime ll1Wtrat--&" It is "'A
exed wu Jos'zus,� the minits rum as fast ju The thimig 4 I Young .'lady secOR(I V Mr. Vl_ araturei
where are they to, be arrange& I lunatic- aaylum, ; and the- balance - of the . weeks afterward was moved by Mr.* Scott, skill
1),u"L ba Vm is a birgen and an absorbing, h 'que and-pleasib
N eliosterous 1 Oui��.'Id altogether,, was most ur _Kay, That Walter
ere. at down, , and bepp-inted s*or'for the SCOURING K=Vzs.—A small
is supp y T ea was,, came int his office is'
anditi is, that! a large uni 9 82 for repa buildings etc.' In -burst intd-te bou found that clean- kept outf the country -
Iva PXUO i4ant. a Mite, go -to Am6s youn- - The ip: forts A , .1 1 ' As
G ' �, ` , , on show should of the qv�ne.r of the rink to ars. He is I
--3�)ur T6ront - entyearatasalaryof $ '-Carried, potato with the end cat off, Is'
erhiajfi�, . shtrutod, his e ju a su�ctiss �were Wily ippreciated-,, The - she was the young miWi sister. She gaid 37. a verycon- itwould zwmi6j'
goq od tho =Mee not the iuiprofit� up, be held at somi ceiitral point *here guita, s 61d 0.�
4UWarn* oun Mzwed by Mr. Seett,
WWwhez. Luc I&Y". aurit after hini, anifwt: me some.,pills.- accommodMion co�uld��e obtil a0iopriations. for agric�ltprai p6 she had been at his hotel and could. not 16. IveniCat medium fox applL g.
seconded ym ric to
t and halve no doubt ih#,,when th�,-next.- 14htful to reside in kff now-
6Ugh LL Jas. MOO ovranlbe reappoint- knives, keeping it about the right mi pisturs,
Ml ed,, -O. detective ivilty pruing of -the ral
with itp ly;, - On th4: in coilids Wn's few weeks� there
mun hae Jlefitfi6m, him.' ton Od Treasurer, at a billil-Y- Of 8.54 for- the while the jidee of the potato =ists
rned with the re- rt a pouninan s
gbt-Utir I*tu I ortunate youth in
the twd d 41 b The M aid
4"OW and f461: pa current year.-Cairied Wat city MPG,
-would, take t*.L-days porh4s to Jbi ibr 'd D don Sot- dhim H di4 FAMarY 3Td,
04iZiMbrenca; think o or jofettli, -El �fin That
. iWe'll, NY. �rsies, ie�y ueT6 I �ses For
PC -- ' - 'L 78 M
vieties StSM 851100 L
vrard I& we wine ; but Idicfi19t 6f-tho,. ijj�if- III, 8. Zoj�d by Mr moving stains Apin -the surface. It is'
1'#1 go - an.4 I b a sCill greater rush. ininut d6ti6g, between broth- MqKayi inge-stabbed,, i
-0 for t.,E id,by 3fx. Scott, Thai that a -beter olish an be got b
Or as 'County . .... W.4%.
fii"*' second to i negro IdUed bY -6
�ot"--noif le�&Ve C' -Divw�on,-�ociety, $55 leigtorial er-an& sister he ould not I to �1
kA lied a ki2owe&e.owt 0' a fanaeir&Of thq� couta bb- fibld describe. T this- negroshot whilst �Omm'ttL%'7abl
eph 4 Collector method -than any other, and vnth less
ChOnO -her nophe Xpose -6 votaat4 2l450 for 1, He saw thent depart in the U;
��answereil Ircrther, reappo
ay 66k pls�e in f :
Ub0z a -Ad ninbn of smaller zr�=W' _AU J6(,t$
&W3 4#$t#e
by Mr. MeXt, That- Uy
morning, aud three months after 4r. Scott
M�,W, sal" astimportanceto� on the.
Slo, but 1,10if i�. 01
to of,Alice Ott 83W.;
-*%a Vaulted it, 165 )4. �t tha
under 1W A.� Vwfaj. trage tra* 4ext at A salarlfdf W. P.0 f J, inte
d' iar6is --- b" . . 36ved
-0 16f
10 1 L YOUU,- Anamilsi= incideld ream
% I I - ee anica a .4aved -'a 'letter' Jr6m� he Man.
r seobnded vie Pray m lor
tha 'Sl� for his ser ea as 41"' 18aid A sentlemaii toa., in ij-'e Virginia Conventio3L Two
-ch forAgri
a the muddyi bak ana slip. i4tutes, 82,000 Jas. Biovin t6ceive
would. in��ately-b6njfitth knuaryhr CU
e iarti4inti nkinz -him most :heartily for his od.
I j. eW art L rporU grant License Jn8liectoror the pad year. --;-Car- W. of the A--,w:ub;
DO 00M cat juage
Ilk late 2�Mect6d-and isther into th&,W&tML sprang tivlti M2 =f ger, xe and' turd Am' 'd- -lieu f the -Ofvation.- ReLoajo;. the
n pdr, de `�-by erates was sV
from 'theAdearts -of�- tquiirl courfa I- -,, V
ftent dudell 'Prodigal S6n-4he put lia4 )6 ried. - MovedbyMr.:Deacon at it the,diNtinction between'law�Aa
tbe tam -b . e�
On, A A �-nd pub
,d H4 wh
11fill' ab�va 'Scliti, Tha�Lilw ite,Wfth one of the whitp 4ael .0
neti eu: once
un "mid lie, = ld:a� ivision: man k 'the, out dday rj, little in �to A colord mlrlb:arh�Rng iscovel
04.�.'- 6z4, the E-14". hqeas, one -Zerkiin
16 the�L 'lih -
hq 1:1 Would ��k .4ed'r-in to the
tw replied Ma lordship they only te.iststtiddenly W=Pbel 1ho
Of- soun annatti
y gi
11th con. line; -time 112; toncerned. Af,
-d to
new rillge dzi-the -iO and Of
bi An& th�t�'W&.J3.hjirielf (the� Alrose to
1, go 'n� t(i - w6ro T. -1 �k�pjx 14 spedker.)- He- are_ r -at once;; iD' fiSked V;2n to
It '
h of that. the lrid,6 1* -beLn�leh �.equ#y -yen aie not o easily .
.0, The AMMirman
Wsm9 0p, :AA, of
men a rect es -on, or am 6ods.
n0 PA itaneon ulp ua; a* or. Tal t,6 stand
UjItL . I - -�o , " � man 0 pose
Vnd0TJTW 4oxk-troit. k WO 140rd -,,e p;= --,our &I -to Ar he was saie -.she a.�iWj; unfi t1ke -contractor Th dis d of. aer wlion he,sal
a' ' L- Vr ji�,17MVe - @r .% '. 1 -0 eonimon I done fo -by
Diaid koWiW wftJx h 14� uth4d R 4160ta-.11 pj as -the Council considerth#
"'tU Sto istri n iri gT ne*,wx yo%.UA.* ee ;* oi detomin
'y orr WIZ e fornieris-a bullet, which.1s.instarl-
rvtteii 9p=0 :women..
angir - y 1 :Jnali Th�baxri9d- Moved by Mi §Iynd most charminglq effect&e He was wo=rt,
u for-thoiajAt0o�d t6 ww-on �the ver -ofh -
d X Ki
for ayqungM34 _�a 7, 'unat; the Qek,iet-
'in qjeaker prozeedeL
)U 'Unp4e`
101aw ArA rvz", 20-julawi fW POWWiM4 'd- b n WIX0 Jive
1wr ivory ayo;t ll. tin tv th� 18"-- 4ugler's hook which plays. Will o b
to 2� M7, -together
with the Audi K-z4-V1JQp A; �JPruwio wid, the other laudanum.71 - Death vlay remove Rom I
"M -13 -
bon* ihp me
'VOMOO the,_ J�Jaq. _*e�, t* W, A_ Wde WW _Z 11� 12W -copies nf tAombigift �f W101 its �bofore it kills it.
-W o Thepffe,
h of his: alto-
W'Sotb ft oli�L I A
for ad id-warnedhe a
abQ C�ples
ance. ey 0yer Lu r T�0011t* butractl-tiald 100 great and gw-4, bat the force of thi
01�:]Mfnitjii lovlokali mWipa tp avoid,
holsaped,bilfs hors �, ��4- i. 1- A negro pri -af d. *be bow is
4- o1;1nC6Jn',' 'but the Arroff, is I'M
i1oustill rerasi
I? Lord gm- _4 U111 41;1�&
ers an4
oid, he
item orodwei 'y *e6md _ih A- I,--
F�%. AU LLU J;Ut ipart,
ma wiH Ll
$6 C r
t v
n- bl,
h 4