Huron Signal, 1868-02-20, Page 1Ao,
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7— J077
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W1F,1ETfK1r.,-y 1S)D11rJv1[43,WIl' J
WJ. 3.3'_X. "Ulitor .ndPropriotor.l The Groatest Possible 7rood to the- Greatest Possiblib Number.',
$ 1 -50 P -TZ' T,
AN,,%�- TTV
GIODERICA.,,ONTA1110, D. C., THURSDAY.. FEB. 20 18 8.,
VOL. XX I.—N 0 4
Business 101irgdon]. Bwiiaos 3"Directorn. Businos Mircdorp., Another Letter on' missouri. They mostly let,the cows run,with -their f the ebaric of exteodin�-' 1! belligerent what a one she weri for to make us hap 5 -vris obliged to leave her before the subJect
i or Australia or and comforta;ble, naid she so well -favored was half over,
calves ; and many indn, that have a large reco,6it o. to Cajuadll, f I I
Goderich, Feb. 12, 1868. stock of cows, never make any' bu#er. Ireland, 6 tv�u India. Timc will s6ttle, too, like . Rutli----:tain tAuch -A fine thing to - "I havena said half o' what rd a -got
B F CONSVLTATIOV :U. 1Z, " _NT I % I XnEditor,-Having read a letterfrom Pota6ea. are sent from trienortli by thou- that. o b no use 6f -oing to mirry wil me. 7) to tell thee uayther," he ended, sorror-
11.1 . AT -110M - FOR sands' of bushels annudily to Missouri. Then thee wast but a fool, my lad, as fully.
It oleloetc- a- tit. every- day. Will visit M A It I N R Missou
W U�10 HURON AUCTION MART., Ft I It E A N D ri correspondent to his friends in J'aboat it. 0 e year of vrar would be more
aneuw at an -,y hour nfterwards, iiig:it Ofday w49 -PIOW-makeis may get work there, but not
for good as a farrantly wench as a� that'; auld stomachs came into the )louse that told only too
I Huron, I was led to think, is lie a fritind of at - r4king Canadian plows, expensive t ia a hundred'Abbawa claims, to think, fhee foyther 'ud be so took up vT There- was a light in Cassie'§ face as she
C_ -4 litan"OXI , NI - 13., A. M TrARDY I&I % C 0.) In s u r a n C 0 1, o m p a n y. theirs by w r-iting sucIr a - letter* to thein ? they are here, they will not Work it.all in and -we can �11 afford to -wait. place out-
Paysicl,%.N. SI:RUE0_N,&c.;&-c., G,,Dmucn� C. A. Twenty years' farming� on the pr 9 ain't like younK uns"' -said Nathan. "Aly plainly what hail -been taking
13:43-ly airieis of that soil - the . Will not clean. - They want DeSPOZ Ldency in the South. word, I dunna deny as Cassie's a good and side. Lydia shook her head lovingly at
— ------ — AUCTIO'�EERS, CMWITTS�IOXERIS a plow with eat friction on the mould -
e a.pretty one, and steps as clean as e!er a . her.
nn. NrcT CAPITAL, $10, 000,000. Ahe 'far west 2 tells'm' heis not. What- 'board ; and shows you th�t he- is Thp Ner, Fork * Albion - says It his but Nv hat's that to a man i " Tliee intist tell un not to come af-raift
HYSICIAN. SURGEON. c0RONER, &C. OIPPP APPRAISEMS AND UEA-D 0Fr10E—SACK`II'ILLH STREET, DUBLEN ever in ' be hia'motives in writing I lm�w fillie on 'um
ay writin- adbout gs he is notyet acqu
P nud Residence tho rd doi Ir east of Cc tit r.'Schoo 1 49 aiu- been our lo;, during the past few months, like Josbuay -as if 'no do= as a a' ne 'dearie. An thee feAher finds un li-,ill be,
GEN ERA L AGEN T not ; but it is evident he lacked experience ted 011. I hope our friend will wait to receive und *attentively peruse, many' Ill -will is a;�Yeet mossel to 6eni as'olikes i that mad angry he'll half kill us all. Bid
in the country, befo;e beillcr competent to;. until he knows -what he is writing about friendly let,ers from correspqndents seat- a turn o"er and oer again il I Roland bide a while, till this storm -ti 'e
ICFW.l %TE COLLEGE PHYSICIANS JOHN OBINS WOOD,101,113E, Esq, 82 Pembroke Roid, by experience, before he gives his friends teredover1l Le $outhern States of this Union
'Dubhu -, Omeath Park, Co. Louth.; Portadown, Co. on. Nearly a s-; amilforaught Isee when, do
T, UF(INS, C. E. Re-idetwe -the advise6his friends in Hur 11, 131.1tililril= 'be ovorpast. Alebbe thee �aunt will
Is to the war had been sub§eri- ye
al.Armag counties his stateluents require explanation, at wrong by, a man ye'r a deal summat fur hiin -whiles, by nows and
onc,lp't4l Sy Mr. Ruest. Caledonia Terrace, Goderich. 19. West Street, Godericht Arin:tgli:Kerrykee.1,Co.Done,,al-J.P.fo1 another -favor. who previco- bab done
-Chuinnan. 1
Louth, Doneg. h. and UW�. - EXPERIENCE. bars to the Albion. From these letters we more set agin him her when yo hae been the&."
TZobei-t �T. f4lann. M_ ID. All country and other sales tintrusted to JOTIV WILLIA31 GREGG, Esq, Alderman,, Is least; they may be partly true in , the -
Upper Sat-kville Street, and Great Brunswick Street g4ther the .eneral opinion as wellao actua
wronged. J-dunna know the rights o' all As Roland came out of the farni-yard
Th�e ve-arsa out, care will rectative prompt attention, Dubli% Director of the Dublih Tenetrients'Company. abstract, but are calculated -to give a false A NEWRECIrRoorTy TnEA.Ty DEY.AxDri). 00"Ildition .,) some of the most intelligent
P nnzeon in the 1'. S. Armv, dorinz the Inte %var that coil atwixt him and old German, and gate, with eyes in the back of iis head in -
One, Moneys advanced on Lrf-o(iza furniture. ThaChioajo
-idh, & RODERTCRAVEN WAY)r,Esq., Clonebrancy, Crosqake slead people here alniost -Post demands a new reciproci- residents o that part of the untry
ifiboyesident Sargent). "n IT. .1. flo.mall 'Zienmer ele, impression; and mi 00 ;-but, I wouldna sq ill o' thee feyther to thee stead of in frZint, ho'fell full upon iold Ash -
D. A. 11,1, xssjo-tnt nperitor for the 15111 Crodei an. 13 URGS. W3,
Cout-ty Meath, and Saekvillc Street Club,- D4blin,.'entire falsehoods. H ty 'treaty in the interests of the stiffering, we regTet to say, we can sawroely Welect but to thoul'as knows Joshua itstannis to ford, who had returned home than lit
�rrnv Cnr-,� % "tN9,kshur-_.%Ii J. P. for Countit-s 3leath and Wicklow.-Dirtici 8 11' 6 corn- trade of the United States. one who speaks in a cheerful or even hope- caTI. I I
-idevire-%Ir. T. Ja,kn'�, Lniver Scottish Ainicablo Life OML-6. � -admit as long It says': reason (an' it mun be one or t'dther)ashe's usual.
O'n, and re�: ameTces with the cAmate.
1NI[alcolm Tlke� f6lly which, at the demand of a ful,tone.' Despondency. and gloont would a mote like to cheat nor to be cheaien my Ashford's fury was fem-M to witrip-ss,
WincrImm. 14. 11. on surgical cns-�s at 1 Menthant, Stephen as Ids friends at -- in Huron they need not
tended inall i�jrlA of the r.nnIrv. Sb RGICAL OPERA r1VE ANDNIECHANIC. Street and South Great George's SIreet, Du lin : Sa
lVingharn. Ont.. Oct. T, th, 11.337. w37 n.- fear the climate -of Missouri, but if they, _Pariese polipy, threw'away the advantaie appear to bang overthe:whole South. We. lad. 11 'After venting hi's passion upon R-Aafid, ho
A L Chu;;-ht,,wn Lodge, Dundrum, County Dublf of a reciproi;ity treaty with the s take the'liberty of quoting
Direetor Commercial Gatt Company. go, there to try it, there is great danger of CanadiL the foilowing But QUA8 1asna cheaten nobody. turned into the house, knoeking down
WNARD COVNF, Esq. Waterloiti-'Road, DeWitt, being hurt, as itipll-as soared. They will sentences from a letter just re,
Z) 391 T%T IXI 1110 IV 13- 27 New Brunsw!bkj Nova Scotia, and Prince. an ex oeived from She'd hae washed and mended him, and the chairs as he passed, upsetting the tca�
J. P. for County Alayo. have six or seven months every year ' and, would be fitly punished, tab' i ' his blind rage, and striking at the
Ny"-flid-vil. Ed -ward's -Isl -Cofigressional Representative from I lide kep' the hou' e in I,
ICTIARD )[()ORE. PJIYSICI k- SV' ROFON AI;D ELECTROPA,rH16T, &c. DAV[DRiciikRv4ozGOODt.ATT9,EQ;q.,i%fcrcla t'Eden seandhim cheerful and
Quay and'Murehampton, Dohii)rbroolc, C�.i"Dublin. perfect mixture of intense heat, cold chilly now, by the refusal' of these Provinces to Kentucky, previmiso the war, bat who is tiAr too,, P, sai4 the lover -and he was an women, who-alunk terrified way. Oh,
Arcon-henr, %lauch,ster. C. W. TEETIT inserted in either PIR, Roncrti� CO%W%Y IlUqLEY, Esq.. Bridge House.Tralee; winds, from two to four months drouth, renew, on any tbrnisrthe amicable arrange- now resident at New Orleans arAent one too. Indeed it may be q
Februnry 71h. 11;67. .r3vr tintt. Gold . uei- master, rinciabor the baby,," s�id poor
Sil,ver. or Vnican and Gl,wltiff, Co. Kerry; J. P. forCounty.fie"J'.
'atioual Bank. tempests of rain, ftnd thunder'and lioht- ment which.we,,only a few years ago, "I cannot draw a true picture of oar tt�bned whether this list of qualities wii not Lydia, pitifully, but the appeal jzt�d R66her on rensrtablo terins HAVKvivi.-The N U) -r. Molloy&lvatson. Manager -J.-Inues, Esq. nih(r tht might be beneficil to some -of 'threw backinto their faces with many ex- - States. R i a d b - ptc quite as agreo�ble and meritorious and ed to add fliclto the flanic ; while Rol-
11:301ice over the Post Otl!.�e. West.Street un n ankru y arounivers-
Univer,,!tv, nd 1,1e (IS- 11Piml nnd our quie -al. Our cotton plantinginterests are hope- even as likely to promote their bo;;ehld and, -%rlw felt that- Ids. ill-timed visit ws
of the me,liepil riertgriment or N telori C:odertch. W t people,* -as it would wake them pressiom of dislike and contempt.
Hap -
For the last three year blas, as there which a Belgravin * young the cause of all,, hove�cd round ' the door
Diqnen�qrv. York. Rsidepee D. uid make them think of the day of pily, however, their public men liave the lossly destroyed
Bavfield. w494m00 Corner St. Francois Xavier and St. Sacrament S;re.t., 'p, , I I y
MONTREAL. 3 udgment, whothbr they wished it or not. P61iticalgerferosity wliieh� comes of thorough every honest effort fiiadt, by the planters, lady brings to the common stock. - " And I not dilring togo in, lestit shouldzggravate
13AN-KERS--Tlio Ontario Bank. Froift 90' -to 11,51n the shade is prettk enlightenment; hence vie have but to ten- has sunk them more deeply in debt. The we'd 10 loved one aii0ther woriderfal too: matters. The luoise ut 'Is3t brong
ght u
-D no- heat for a Canadian to stand, even deragain the ofrer of fair and unrestricted factors, of course, fall with the planters. -dearly, " be repeated to himself in an unde- German. 4
%RRTATFR A ATrf)n,, rY_%T-LA naf
V. T. W. GRiFFTTR. stro
Aiti v that bright 'Cann,, witflout look4 coninferiiial intercouirse so far at any rate Is there nowt to bo dnelto bring 14 a
`46 FOHN UICKS, Proprietor. This iq th G. nuMBALL & CO.. Manager. ill NewOrleansisnowteriblypressed. Money 1 tone, as if this part of the business were
Goderich. Canada West. Office in rolirt House. v14 back to Egypt or Huron, especially when as 'ille inaftufactured oducts of each scarce-cotton'down to 14 cents, (and it an extra, not necesspy for the opinion out ?" said Roland, seiz�ngg him by the arin,
t;ergestand bestCountry ITolel im Wexter Aqeuts Goderich. w1tf pr
the heat is nicely tempered with- black dl�st,' collotry ar� concerned, to learn that these costs 15 to mkli it,) corn and all supplies coneorning the inaftiage which Nathan was in a great state of agitation. Hearken,
in'derate Hs any itillis
or. Good Ilingt*or 6 PER 09—NT Y' colonial legislators are superior both to the very (lear and we have.,all to
Staffe Prupnet 'I'l I m riads-of fliesnd mosquitoes. Well, tl�posed to be adjusting. it's W1 onelas if lie were mad."
1RRT1ATFR. %rrORN florses and Carriages for Hite, on u need not be afraid of such a climate as Turn the pigs in
&c., 100 Hor, promptings of petty revenge and to the can we live ? to say lialught of 4
Kim xv49 Notice. Well," answered' the old manp to thePpotatboes, orthe
B .7ston street, Goierich, C..W6 14!7 long stay in Huron. Friends in ante diluvian notions of the function and debts. :whose findeth a wife findeth a go od t -it ain't sheared yet"
Goveriamvit Stoci. " t, barley mead's bas I
jauron, did you have tiny days tl* winter object of trade, upon which the members -In 1860, our own parish, Madison, made thing, and an ye liht on avirtuous-vo6man said German, -readily. " I'v4'
ony Jufx
.1 n )-tvi-acon TRANSFERABLE AND NOT REDEEMBLE 4' below zero upto the date of yourfriend's of our American Congress proceed. We 7,000 bales of cotton an4 -a superabundance her price is far above i6bieg,'- says the shut to the Late. Feyther left it pen,
kRRT-,TF`RI -%TTt)r,*% F.Y. qOT.lCTTOR; CTT WIT111-K TE N' YHARIS. hope, at. all events, to se6 the experiment Of corn. We ha Seems they was scanty in and thii pigisis a' in the lain handy. " And
,1.uare, O�Ioer of b4ter. Now lie says it is getting mild and, t 0 ca �' and liogs in gbund- wise Solomon.
ried. Two years of sad experience have ance forour 1.2 0 brcks and 2,500 whites them days, and I dunna see as they's n
lkirrg-tmi Street. Go,Wrich. WROXETEM warm acrai ; yes, undoubtedly. 4' below, while Roland im off to "make good the
TTP,N,ltY 0RIST, cy 0 1, 1
NT 2D' below, � 900 above, zero ; mud, snow, taught -cert a -in portions of our country that and to spare. were unknown at our much' comniol�ler now. A virtu�us.. fact, German walked'in at the door and
AGP,, stables and cribs. ; Our'planiations corn- i worilaiVs a crown to her sband," says he
ON te direct romitil-airom Searorth to I rain, thunder, frost, and now and then a�.'we c�nnot, surroinded as we are by the said, vtlictut raising hia voice
..Rs. SOLICTTOR,4. CONVF toniado, all during the winter moz Ck--toth -when and he were mighty petticklar too about Feyther, the pigs is in the barley
%RAvzTr y-tivicr.RR, Walkerton. Every necessary accent. 0 T T, -A W A iths - grea� cbminunity of nations, go ba e mauded from §50 to $75 per -acre
r. Office. over J. C. D,Jor & Co I's -,Id -tore mo� precepts of barbarismill, for any one would sell.
ation for the travellinx T)uhlic of- -in. YOU,will And I
Godericl-. %v49 TEN DFRS his serive3 to ppr�ons desirous getallthis in Missouri, in ex- a basis of our uln, were Solomon '- and he know*d a vast mead, a doin' iv) '6nd 6' dam
In 1861, the same parish has made about about 'um. too," he 'added patenthetically
RA-NNAH*DAYS. JL i Vestiu, in this safe anti Parties change for the profitable and legislation, withoutdanger of becoming like' caima get 'nui but wi'out you.
- ) rem tihig him. before Jamiary 3ist nexL one-tenth f pleasant
ter. Nov. 5, -1-867. 8 eig ung ow if you think all those fiom who maxims and apothe- 5,000 bales of cotton and literally no corn. to him Therefore -I'm TherA affect of the interruption wa's
-royn�,- Nroorte. Wroxe W4 the -ums they wish to inveit, will reveix-V b), return of of Huron. N self, as it were.
&c.. Godench,� C. W. our bit of sleighing, gnis are'd :)in OF 'We have neither hugs nor ttle. Looks none for 4isco thee, bat thee mun only to divert the,stream of wrath on Ger-,
inail the reupipt of the Government of, tile poininion. that not e4ugh for y eriv6d. wo years are enough ca uraging
AtOffic-e'. CraIhIf- New Block. �Ihe witiaindermust lie Paid before Maroh !pid, l8iis. you can get �withou and now if the Provinces, consolidated into are necessary for our stable, cribs, and wait, lad--�:-thee mun wait-thee'st newt man's head, but in a few miniffes the old
TsAAC F. TIMS r- Unn7tP. PIENCE 'OF OREVIGE HOTEL Puitptrti,-ut.iT-.ionappli(-.,Lti.-n. t sking for it w1lat they a Dominion storehouses. and 11ne plantations, well im-
r. Grist's is S3 oo for sams nrider '100 iijitil call in Missouri, the wintef fever. He are willing to renew the I;ut a lediet.
Goderich. 19". %,vlG3Nr3l �i_ . man hurried off, and the excitement and
one quarter percent on langermounts. �, 1 1 1 treaty vkhich ought never. to have been proved by houses, gins, and mills will not
DUNGANNON, says the climate does not hurry the farmer I'm twent 1, with fatigue of the pig -hunt created such a di -
y -three said Rolanc
REFERENCES: in putting in and tak-ino, off his crops so abrogated, we doubt not that the voice ofs command $5 per acre. I do hope our peG- some injurddlAgnity. version that when he came 'back -out of
9 -of the ple ivill cultivate n thing, next year, - but
ATIRT�J�TFR, ArraRNFY. or,iruoR. &r. Hon. A.-Ciripbell, P. 'M. G.. KinZstnn W. C. much as in Huron. This is contrary to the enlightened people on this side o Eh ! that's not much, , xn�y boy. I breath it was just possible for Lydia to
B G�Ierioh, IV- Offire, ur�t-J ly9tmon's Snrllie, Esq., PresijkpiArritih American Bank Note corn, potatoes, and peas..
�,e, and contrary to reason.
14, , West street trance first door west of Gla- my exponent didna marry till I were nigh upon forty.. make hit
oxv Company Ottawa: John 1, lakes and the St. Lawrence will be power- n undirstandth4t the crime should
117"ropx4etor. angton. Esq., Auditor for
House. the Dominio, Otniva; Vin. Watle, Es Nlau�gi.r All farmers know' that r (I ex- fill enough to make itself so heaxil in Unless theydopt this course, I see 40- There!s time for a' thin -s- not happen agan� thcnigh his savage ill -
q., I tidden an
Ontario Bank Ottaw-.t.
Ample accommodations treme heat in spring requires quick work Washington that the Congress dare not thing but stli-vationbef6re us. Tile wholg For patience is a vlrtue'�Teat, humor for the rest of the evening
Ottawa. Janary lith, i86S. sw4l 0 0 , made ail
good _' sw in getting in the crops, else they will refus . gt'd)ad equitable arrangement country south is lost to us, and to the Therefore we mun wi'patience wait." collununia4tionlike walklng on Jivecorals,
. . . . . . . choice tiiiuors and at e any Juq
A 7rr)RN-rN-- kT-L %W.*-OLICITOR IN 01TAN grow
-�tyv PQY.i�, colirpvtireer. &r, &c, Goder;ph. tendance. up sickly and weak, and ripen prematurely. that our neighborsw I offer." United*States. LouisaniisAfricanized. I "There, thou'st got to tby proverbs
iA The next day, he wai " don" in a tre-
agin,! I believe my master thinks more o'
ont-, offi,e.on the 7-mb 7i@le ofwest Street. third ir2l.1867 This is the character of the whole'estern -)w sitting in endous teuniAtictout. Whether
door firron Court-Honse Square, w49 Dutigannon,)l; peeped into the Convention nic Kink Solomon nor' a' the rest o' the Bible
-this city -one-half bla�ak inen-sittin- side of
climate. In taking -6ff crops it is still e fit of sic, brought on illness, or the
LOOK HERE Have We a Quarel -with Engl;Lnd ? 'by side. with the whites. The three ti� put together fro' Genesis to Revelations, P
worse, for it matters little whether they i ess the the wouie� had a hard
ers of
kRRN7TER. &-r. GoDETITC11, Ontario*. Office- �11101 late or carly,they ripen, or rather arni-chairs around the lobby were exe Kins, Lords, and prophets put together,' ti aw of it, tempter -was terrible to
LUCKNOW HOTFiL are sown dicat theground, withthe extremeheat Front t)ie ew Tork Tribiine. ively occupied by duekies-earnest listen- said Mrs. Broom, will some slight confus- boar. Thty hardly knew what to do with
31ONEY TO LEN D. S%V5, AND STAGE.OFFICE. The true American feel% a glory and ers- to the debates. Two other men and 'On beieen the constitution nd thb him, when one: evening old Nanny the
that comes just before harvest, so that I
canon. She wasot literary herself, and
R. S-CUNMINGHAN, Frcprietor- call say Without hesitation that the farmer pri,le i 'England. With all hr faults- mysielf-being all the whites in the lobby carriercame in otthe door. NannyElmes
e4sA twice as many days lit-stoodintherear-noteven
FTHE subser;ber havin YOVED to the in Huron has at f credited Soloman with much that'woxdd
ARRISTFP. ArrORNEY-AT-I.NW. CONVEN-Ax- TUATED on the corner on the N`ortherp and' Ze has many' we know that from at tlie-m6me wasan important institution. Outwardly
H - b.wk aeats were for us, the disfranchised. greatly
B 1,V. &-r. Office, Blakeyi Block, Opposite the very - store lately occupie I IV . DUNCAN. to harvest it given' number of acipes of have astonished the sage, pardcul�
k.,G.r-.ivelltuad.,Lu(-L-no'.V, Stagos;erivee her wqpjb ue isslued;' that until the last she w2s only a hale, wiry littleld woman,
po offiep. Gmiench. ost relyret arly all -the proverbs in PrOSO And verse who carried
inornin,. for Grideripti and Wahceito. The firstdoor southofB j `h )Iarket Square. On short visit was enough; I alm
January gra t
in without loss, as in any part of the centuri her history is out bistory�,_that wp about a baske contain:-
hott I is filled up with e%rerV acconairtodation for wishpa to inform -his friemd. tile Town of which ornamented lier husband's discourse. tapes buttons, needles and pins, sddstlog
commercial travellers. A large HFAII attached C, t having)-nade it.
derich and surroli' wes eimk�tatcsri I i regard to 'winterin, speak her language, observe her cuitoms,
ndi m ountry, that be 88 n ?� . " I dunna think as Solomon knoWd much
M stock, sc I u
wp-,m4er. �i 0 be But eno gh of this all hope hAs leftme. small ware, but in fact the functions of
TTORN-EYA�TLAIV.SOLICITOR IN CTT kN-CFRT. Juat-24, 1867. ng-io far south, the and obey her laws. Cromwell, and Wil. - about women either, she went on, " for
w22 now has the larzest and most comr,lete stock re, but country has before been humbled. Itis ost-office, electric telegrap4, railroad,
winter pro r is shorter than he liam -and 211arlborou-b, B' now all he were so cliver. I doubt he'd but a
A C0137eywicer. &c. Wa!kenou, Couniv of pro 'my the
Avs of Fall and Winter aeon. nd Shake- disgraced. and shop, culminated in her. As%uritiri-
i there is a great deal of broken weather at speare and Milton are as Iva h Atneii. bad lot to deal wi'-7-that Egyptiali huzze'
winiwirn Tt. 113nin, 113. _X. both ends of it, that is uncomfortable and A man wfichi maliciou 1Y set -fire as had the temples and the high placqs and
i - FAR111 FOR SALE Im a was IL rare accomplishment, communicatio
LXIV 01��(�T.- c* 15oots -and Shoes unhealthy, both for man and beasi. cans as Washington and Iiviug'r. 0 ur to a barn, " Baiil Air. 'Slow, and burn. thin, was chiefly. verbal in. the districk and j Iti,B315
CT,briddin"_ Kin -_stow Str-ei Gorlerich. 9 A @ F a Z L D. the facilities for making dwellings, in like the-diff4ences of the re- up twenty cows ought to be kicked 'to generally �passed through Nanny, who
e,',ry barns an d ltdo differences, %Vell,, I do think a deal on him, *d
IN. 1I.-ConvoVaiteintr. lent on rm-onable orany h9use in tht- con-itry.corttaining bellion, have ben intense never forgot or mistook any thing. But
ters. Dis-putedand d-Netive titles to. r" estate d sheds for silk, are sd limited, bitter and de- death by a 'jackass, and I'd like to do Nathan, meditatively. I
r'ich 9) ; - then she had thp great advantage of not
Qaieted subst-riber o&rs for sat.le a farm in 'ing so scarce, rel likd it fami- it You're very throng tcr-night. I mun
Gode Dee. 24.lS6C& gw34 stvle of Lailies' and Children's oodi, intid lumber b that people livb a plorable. There is no ri
TH" be,p" lot b.cotl b that he has also a very lare assortment. of qua the Townsbip:if Ashflefd lifetime in lo huts, and the stock gener- being able to rclli4, and write : atidz what
ess comfort -
_117. 14"i-rLincis C. Ylnldnn E. D. contamm., 1004cees, of firstciass olay land, GENTLE.IiEX'S ally have no shelter at all,'and as'it often hatred is only'eqttalled by the strength of of dissipated character, is under examina in a depressed tone, ietiring I has once been v�dtten is sure to disappear
ly quarrel. The strength of present Mzr,-,ar6t Butl#r, a middle aged womn wish you good -evening, " said poor Roland says Plato 7 Write nothin- for what
'k TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR -IN CHA% hardwood thnner. About 20 acres cleared. For
eprV. &P. roderich. 4111L. and -9 price. &c., it oply it, comes a hard winter and no feed provided, tion in Montr�al' on t6 charge of arson, ed by the prospect of possibility
Ont. Offic. Pa��risv Blook, Godiriclit, and particutdrs as t WA.SEY.Ao R&CO. and no shelt.r, the farmers losi pastlove.- There arei no doubt, 7many marrying from thememoF." AndMrs.-Elmes-(no
p-ltt�mnwq Site. lLygeld. WINTER BOOTS geat murder, and robbery. She has admitted Cassie by the time he was forty than per -
Mr. or T. B. VAN EVERY, Englishmen who regard Arnerica with mean authority� agreed ntirelywith-Plato,
rr� Atr. Haldan will be at his branchoffii!e, Bivfield. f theirstock. This I have known to Z5 having set fire to a hous6 'on Colborne haps reason demwaded, as.the shrewd old
Goderich. coars d at is sk why them as
every Monday from Is a. in. till 5 P in. sw& %v36 and always held'up to seem
e and fine, both imp9i led, an ble7thoe case repeatedly. I would a* jealousy. NIn as eminent -as Bulwer and avenue, in which a man, wim burned to womdn perceived.
trustedto their finer -ends ithstead of to I
Dee. 12. IS67. w471 own manufacture which he willsell do they have to. subsoil that won'derful press it during death some time ago. And dunna ye take to 4eart so much
ric GladLatone hastetied to -ex' -their broins. wish among the scores of
li-land ? Because such unprecedented the war. The dominant aggressive Yan- As an 6,tample of the dangerous mannei what thee -wise men says about ,' that
A TT0q1.-7V-AT LILW, droutlig come a little too often to depend kte Republic should be 'carved, th-y in which some parties conduct business, witing andich fike,"saidshe. "Nathan essays on the " advantirges of education"
"etieh, 5 doors xve�t of X C. 0irn"on's Law Office. d of mankitid. Six it appears at a meeting of -the eredito some one viroidd. fwrite on the -evils attached
M a -ton Street, O"W 6n a crop without sabsiling,' and then the thouht, for thef goo
il-k ffachines. Ch e'ap for'Cash I
vi -20 Call and examine, s he is satislied that he wonderful soil subsoiled yiel rs of nor olomon's not young men, see thee."- to reading and vriting :'how -memory Ae.
ded fifty a Merchant in Berthier that he ]lad incur- Mrs. Broom had the -greatest
Republics (we believe Bulwor's img possible thoug4t diminishes
s. has just the goods ypu Witlt. bushels of coin per acre. 11 think many in, red liabilities (1irect tohe 9xtent of $594,- pride in the extent of her husband's learn- cays.and Ldepelident
tion was con ten t wi Eli six) wo uld make t under its bmutiful influcili�Zs. -The dif-
ut he
%RRI1`lTER,ATTQRN-EY, SOIJCTEOR, &c., &e. fanners in Huron can beat that witho 167,:with availAble assets to & realized in ing, and wisdom, but thought, it seemed to ficulties and expense -of wrting with A
CIL-iton, Ont wazir SAWL FURSEi United 8tates ver
subsoiling ; and com"is the inirest crop by much likb the Repub- twelve and thirteen years of only $40, 00. depreciate them slightly in public, both for
4 far in Missolui. Fall wheat will do. well lies of South 'America --neither to i,la waxen tablet a a style, or whatever Mr.
TAROA and-CL01 Goderich, Sept. 24. i8ei. w 0 It
when it does not winter kill courted nor dre manners" and wholesome discipline to - r4D Be was e ous must
some year. ded. Thisfe-lin,,vor.
T-V.%1c0o1ui9a11 ould annoo'nee. that he has- .4 It cared the b her great man's prillm-, " Ai� yer true have pro nte ost-0
or blight with heat before harvest ; I have rebponds with the anti ree from
0 A sentiment STONE EDGE. love and you's firm and faithful to each
Ju Huron- swes in village or country punctually at- agency of severa ing 'a pre t ; and tb e
had splendid -crops of m1cat after -and malicious, other 'twill move mountains. " 31any
in America,. It is noisy
A TALE. landed in.
n scarcely worth cutting, from -a few -ve generally of Athem evidently tru ted to
ry and very often annoying. But we do not wateris will not quench love." There's a
lk for their informatidifi,.and menior for
Nst clus -wing Mat'-hins, Potatoes, except sweet pota- bditive it is the sentiment of England.� ((I proverb an he wants olie. And ye?I1 come
'toes, will not do well at all. . You see want no better," -said Poor Cas its retentipain yet no one ever deni the
to-gether, please Goa, afore1ong, an ye
Where, tile", is @Vr quarrel with the Eng. in a low voi(ie�, humbly, after the ex infelligence and high culof that obari...
sgrvyor, Toronto Street. Godench. v15n3 your correspondent has discovered wh- n amPle don't do ill that good may -come. Aforb
t 01 at
whicif he is prep%red to sell at ti. j6west _%�
lish nation, ? Ind and America are of, Miranda. thousands have before, that the good place Engl witted people. Nanny Eimes was so far
possible rates, at, youuZe forty," she --added, with a smile.
was fifty -miles further west. like-aii old Gree� (a -11hapsodist shall wt
As to water, too stron- to indulge in mere mena-ce or Nathan looked after them in silence as. young man!s face brightened ; he may 7) that her momaq seemed able to
Flarnlkn.� I
JVM E-.VGJN-EFR AND SURVEVOR, cistern water is as good in Canada" as any recrimination. A wai- with En -land would they went awfLy. con.
LA 'QTLO'T 010 STA 10 A
xD RE 4 turned suddenly and gave her a great hug tain any t4ing-she -gave it to keep
Agent and, Cauve-yancer, Kincardine- I place, nd as easily got. I %il� �theoy Tell'ee vihat, he's Eke a mad b
do be the most deplorable calatuiy that could ull when in his gratitude. and
Street. Mrs. Broom, Oil
Hamilton not catch much rain water liii he's crossed, �s Ashford," said. rm not that she wint f rom house to hous 41ways
b'Nov.2,2'186T. w44- happell to civilization. We do not speeu- $1 NaT la -d' fair and softly.
God6rie rather apolodetical][y, and not 'quite sure ild
when it does not. rain. Coal is a welcometo her bite an, sup, and a livarm
Consulate oft lie United gtmtesof finel late upon the material results,of such a Camste said, laughing.
lof her interference, and as greeting besides, bearing to allwho choose,
thing in its 'place, but if it spoils the of the polit:i Lud her
-merit-ra. $ war. ' iVe might capture Canada, and " Re, but yo'r Cassic's 'aunt, i
I MW14EY TO �LEN D., chalice for good water that will - make a she leaned, 1;� on her knees. in a poetical though not perhaps exactly
BRITM EXCHNGE HOTEL. OF71"ITOURS , _ ; u aunt's mine too," he added, triumphantly
from 9 a. in- to 3 welock. p. M. W40 S BER, great trouble to farmers. The top s 1 5; we might even send Gen Sheridan Yes n b 't 'twere a pity td rhythmical form, the news, vf t -he district.
prmg a ? - , and defiantly, as he went away.
0 BE. folioWing trem Itesomonila of most he speaks aboutare in deep hollows, and by�gones when thee
ainte" of the community.
!rHF. HUR #1 & �Effl R -A Oil �with an expeditionary corgs to se:zc�Dub_ set up his k wi' the 11 hunts f.
T and extraordinary 6ires in Canada by no water canbe got on th an c . 0 right by the young uns How Tommy Young, working at a ndue
Is ridges without lin and irouse the Iritill"nation; we might w t d 11 90 ff
.T.& Nilms IPIM NDIA:N REMEDY I They are stenil. un diggin,* nearly to a level, with the springs for time 0 0. Then sh;uldst ha' of his 6wn sinking in th4 '-'king's field"
-tible tactii. sofficient to convince I e certainly woui
.CTEACIIERS! ASSOCIATIO-, The above Society is prepared to meke deniable and ii.conte. invade Australia; w d SECRETARY HUR01 the mostskeptical that ifteGreat Medicinal Compoun- 'ixi the hollows. A Canadian would think othed un down vri' soft answers -A of ae mountain opposite, haA-smoked out
arned for � b sffeep the English - f the ea Baucerimm, Pose Orrites. 440 aaes is now, acce"I le in the Great fla. rom s a, and smo Sammy Goodule, who bad been brouet
he was melt in hot weather in see our own go with it, and the yast com- turns wrath, stead o"floati SCM-fTWCAXD ANTIQUARIA-IT. to
IE8 VEMEDY those ravines, if the flies, mosquetoes and ol-him, an' bin' a'his li;i�ackwards gm&' for dead; the said Tolunt
'merce that now covers the ocuan would having auspecteEl Saininy on hitting on Jus
For Disease.- of the Thircrit rattlesnakes did not eat him first, Now I Dearr he alive, land so I should..
Lun I Liver, Digeiqtv IT was toward evening a few days after,
ON MOST AQVANTAGEOUS TERU�. Org-auf-, Kidimys &c. " i% ell as ., roruia, ine various admit wha'he says about the beauty of pass under the't fla--s of',Fratice, -and Rus-_ But thee see the word allus slip3 out own particular vain of lead ore, and after Wvr_XT,AL LAND SURVEVOIR, DRAlTGE[TS- Skin Diseases iiumoi�_, aad all If es arism.- front That is sia, . ai - Germany. a All this would be q6fore rve ti to shut the door o' my lips and Casie feeding-, the chickens and,
PM,k-q, &r_ Office in Mr. Carroll's Drug 8 Impurities of the Clood, ule boldly i ate thaii this great the country and the rich soils.. nd �absently at er father's retreating
tore at The cosi of e0ecting a Loan will be flound all it were only a working of -the *Id
Wroxeter. much lovver than in othev Societies of a z%imiiar remedy.has, N FVE R BFF.!,;, EQ ALLED. Mere what makes all tile trouble ; lieople'can �ery. glorious, and 'would ukakle capital Upon UM, 4ee dust. I dunna beliteri ga=9 a mysteiious miner of ancient
f ttie Horn,weris cailecr was, there f consuetiption; or But what back-im he passed on' . of the farm-yarde Sc,tf. of Wingham, wiff receive iintnediair atF to the fact, that. he will receive the full amount of Wilson StornisL of Britritiou, C. %v. I y
r,suxveyin� laft- with G. Tait nature. The atteiiit�on o ever' such a cure as Ili t in thq perann of see that at first but they do not Eee the rhetoric -for a hundred years. as it muttere " she ended consolin-I to How thdquarrymen had set' firo
W39 oan. without a ny deduction beiag inade for thatof Peter C. V.Mfiller, garnest wit, C. %V.. of Can- real drawbacl� nd real miseries that they -hbrself. may wile the bird, off' the when she suddehly hearo a low whistle, -to a 11 blast" bit too oon, anti poor
good would come of it ? Here would be a - s ' Roland in a dArk corner of the Willy., who wm wakly,,voopld. sure have
titerest or pa yments in advanca. samptiou, orthat of Arnbrolie Wooc,6f`Consecon,'Q Nv., find- by a settlement in the _c6untry- bushes, wF-t ri&fier�orye'd drivd Ash- an aw
he two nations of the *orld which hold ford her, cow she& opposite eaggrly watvILing her.
of Dy6pepsia arid Liver Compla tit, or that of John 1wunno go.
Hosey. of Naparice, C. NV. of Iiimumatism,'who had i
fifteen of liberty destroying him this five. -twenty ydAir, itud never f
,kelvancos mav be repaid. INIonthly or Nearly, People leaving good parts of Canada to go tile advanceguard ord where I've lenowed been kiIIA an his uii�lie 11aWt rItslica
ML IL 11 Y-,,, extentliag over a period of from one to In another mo foiward and dragged him out, though Ili$
-his for vearmi in spite of all iriiat ment-he had rushed out
AI_'PN1 IF actually been on crute there) will, nevWr make the soil and look& in bin hiding_pla�e,lcaught -hold of her, ownleg were br6kolabyrbig stone. AU4
,,\ years. n'ic.Lt heretotore. and. Li now well. Scores of such cases i of the country recompense for the many e,cli other for 'a sentiment or paseon. himn to 'lease nobody.".' fro
AIZC�141TEI;Tv heerd on
I g e stacks, and was these iht be mintiened had we space. drawn'ber in antan arcinitch morogralihicasgiven
jS JAivoi:st�nulrl[CATIONS of Build FOR FULL PARTICUL.k-.S APPLY TO 'fulp conveniences and comforts they leave be- Let 6ur war *ith Englandr be a war of - The other er i lithe authoritiet;
LAP lf::;ralI at the Drua Store and get t circular ot I kissi4g her behind thtir friendly shelter. by word of mouth, with look and SestAm,
I ore
P ings, �c,,g6t upin a neat andoorrectstkle POLLOCK, untlestionabla certiticAtis on th GILEAV 81108- hindluCditada. In'regard to kruit;-it p9ace. We can her in the arts and did not Pass much m smoothly. %Vhat ti -it ir, Bin, I have a see'd
El AIEDY and PILFW, and ratisfy your- a we
?J I- 0ifig- at the Huron AuctionMaxt, 2Mitr Ag4at and Valtiator for tile ocuety4at, Godeich grows as. well here as there, either wild.or �cjcuces, and_lie' Joshua was annoyed as Ashford then in. cold �rint. ' Nanny was Also es -e-
at Square.,Proihirtcb. rw13 selves- teratdrii, and political not so violent. thee, said he, "'but my- fdythor wouldna, teemed m wise inall -ways, thereftir-a the
$14 cultivated. - Large land -holders obstruct iaconomy, and � himself, alth
Price of the Rsnsod�-in iarge pi#fs wise, government... Already . Jat me tir-he watches me like �a eat does
66 Wh ughter 6' that suld fool women rejoiced greatly -to se her.
Agents for Godertch,F. Jordan and Par"r & bors and!schools,, and unliss people be- erY - -German I I man as hasna got brass Eli, Nanny, " said Lydia,
_PRJCf-,1 LIST* '_V- or Sale 1)), all Druggwts and -Dealem its fileth the settlements, making it bad for neigh-. "ro� hundreds of 'heir 461diers et aa moos He lets ine go a kt, and then!s but ye're
AVAdE* a 'u down w
I h; Cattle as--thoightak I-90 ' welcom's as flowerg in May 1 �VQ&e lite
V�- -pla. 5, We r�Tas much caRture-d - ? his foot on me happen
comebalf wid,,they cannot enjiiy- su& a tu enough in's in) ch, nor� sense in's yemd - ta'
n UY&444 sells ew York Drafts- Green- if aid goqa yard out l tp I shouldn't hW U�r_,Wz the
sta4 of society there in most- laces. In arins-taken without bloodshed; and keep --hisU of the'*ork-botise, ye been this over in long I
spoke�j 6 yeai,, -Mit he xent me Wr 3 atilly
back -p -National cu.-rency- State notes, X�. I Bait WAter Salmon, 7C per lb. LYVAN,121,1,10TT&CO. tT6RON says there is a great rush to sas ome-to us 44 allies iu'd friends.- he-witen his t5 hiiO gotere
No. I Labrador Hearings (Split) 25c per dozeu. To. who c -message to A-inos, Young,, and I chancea on terso bad he P
and unoulrent mottey e�t. current rate of DUNSPAUGH & WATS(;*, ye thin- 0 stunmat to dd him good V
Do do 116 $3.50 per half barrel, J. WNER&'Co. and Nebraska. ' What fioln ? Such a, para- Gould we do better wi�h war? All this But, fey r, won't ye just come clown wroad, and
Do Mackerel in kits and by the place. HOLBROOK&- SrARK, dise ai Missouri, to places almost'.iriffiout ti and see -her nswere , 4 Roland, geutly,. un. atthe ium) stonippedup, ir, -a oharrn,
or wjst dunno Yj�#y
�AUILTOW. 1me we are rtminded of tho'Alabama
1902 18,65. w474Yr8l AG DryTabieVoiltish7eperlb. T. BfCKU, & 15' she -was all- the nob. 'Ford I" -aid b!d Xfrinvl timber of any kind, no fruit aid winters not wing eady gone. ter Ailif
11 My1cytTaer)sa1to&ther AS wi
Lake Huron*TrutS3.00 per7half barrelJ A.. flAAHLTON quesclon and the rh,his of American citi. sivace
Im Do do ad longer- time 'to feed 'stock it down her basket and atanilm
Herrings 02,00 far colder, She win `h. some rass.' Old Mrs. g �d* 0, Il-
- Zeno. a moral Broom's ajoh !,to leavd,. her ho
& Co. Sealed Ifferrings, 50eta 'per box. Ali, the� beauty is faded The Alablims theip nd thine," answered . she. s -limbo in etermined than in Huron question has lr� motheis wa
Lew&. Lobsters 20ets.,per can. -11 as material meaning. Englauddid would he do, an he wepe to, see thee here I hint -: ",they're fm*e th ifleys yrtrt
I �tzwe
.146R �v AR DFIRS Rest, Sardines 20e and 30c per'tin. and the rich oil tbat-,rdquires sublibiling portion." Herays.thy foyther telled un P;s JW there -
h 'brough d1sappbintment,.and, they'are ' HUL deal flairly with as dering tho reboi- s I taie no ibcount thattins at All'; � one when my Johnny aick *Atlt th,
AT -THE le TEJ.ZGRAPH STORE.10 salgas wil money downto 11 6_r part,
onchin- 00 uah afij�tlici ed me
-But she 'bid a perfel; -set b
going to look foi the go6d plibe. � I am, H01111. �riAt.,ts.-do thein's orLY vi, )rds, is but wind. ing] cough,
ex. he on wi! along Sight 0, 0'.
7church Bessie I froom, ak thee called herjI is were i keepin! It f a donk---
glad. the piopple are attendingL'to affshe pfeasurea. withher syna Iliesi— tola
Pat back for thee," said C&%sic looking
_E,ZS IN ALL KWDS OV Would_ Most gl,
matters.ias -well life As iniiertain- any� dly Lie. mV. live yeim - ti"le ey and to j�de.
W. ISNYD -We- have had her younger nor I a and A fa," did
PIMU 1 0 0 L , 9 A L.T, WAT R. 6 d more by' taken � �ih4s mlay _y and anxiouily into bb and A n A deat
Hendship; we suffered because she #ith-,
33 where, bulf,indre so -where your nextdod'r f id yew; Tdogtaph Me.. knife or a bullet into 4juarrel -wi-A f ord,. again Roland whisthiX incredulously. -".But fE "JhoWtLJQ'hfmy Ji6a -e --th M-
#eighbor may put a drew it from as- -btit'-fen' bay' -III _ , dunno know o' any Jus as is a waitin' for,"
I'st class, X . L aL e right to a those Aieces tV Natban7s and leave them 7' E, 1. - - i rdiahumblyalidanxionsly-
Ajents for Ji arine, And Fire Wholesale Agent for Pilkey's CeI6rai.: you any dak, � foi diffeien� of political ti3:e coughl,"said, L,
select thei With no t0ud; of sorn, -but an eArAost
Alzo a 90 nl�anies. tAd Waterproof Bldcldng. -opinion, a dis te bout a r i)iin �ar4any,,and- io have her money. -`Qhek6'5 Martha SVage.allus me, Ite UL A
07 hewenton,.buttin hill ar;i ouna
6 ve in� nig- e about the plat� wil her sharp - eyes.,
tr u If England ohooe160ympathiii And I for, 9 desire to twettain Iter fic-U before she tn-
OAR HOR Q 4 r a0de"efi. C.'a GoderichI:TthJan., -1968. w44 whether ,on d6prd belie
I _L - d her; terea on4ke_JUtc1�-.-=U#oU I -of the law of
Wi -would not. giva, ith theSouth Very She sees what viun�aue the marry
gerS, wi!oht money o") ,,now, long Filt7 tho
lyou see dearie thispe AGREATCUREOPLTV, c6mr the �idinai timp or *ppentenete aa there's a- iiinsl orilt. "11 shy L&J1jT AND pqop her "pathy mounted ti) ind lif ever al
le Jifxhe, -with a [�a, for sure �1�4qy said.
-like eitfemipy befilills hee vre v A6 as" t*t� ittwe I ,
PSEA IN, CANADA' the h; -tea�6hinj - an, e ot,W-Ai 09 ouldus et 0
'sion. T AV 14 4`1 T -A 9 D DYSPE* live in Huron. -&fstterswcirlbeginuiu�-,to l6ok seriously Wy' 'he 4
%V.j Vareb. 'SOTL' he 41iva�z tamed &10r_e:
sa7bol ari uncertain in� i1i ast, i most trusted- to his -a966d Oil it' at it" 31y h
-,I. - LnJ' Ili, it fhfoe__ whi fe� rce
V6 ;Ott please. thfir constant -p4ulant gfuiib-
Oees back. am mebbe a week:sfore he were tak6u, Any-,.,
Mxss". VQVJG,k01tAV6ERtAJ. ra, havinriov aces. o.
t the
Withiti'm pera'" thia 0 is nk In't a "Medir. Uthertp brought; hioii
red Ilrdre .... _ sittlie wilile lie wcre hrQu914- but
to sevenalitoilithain',;66 year,46that, teach- Jhjsti&t� bb affAr een WOli4erfd bow,quiet the 6nA
offlem for, Sale, Jha�, *ell-, butvtti"urd ly. Werm_adti�our,own-
ifle tbat,wilt fiidiiW eure Wer'com 1111fitmi rould-wibU"b were,"
TH'� to� 10
-lam inducedto-makiethti -stiteme eta him ok.4dr, som ther. empldy�
o VOin, .-t lemed to
'it, andoWmed-hel tile chiii-congli"said
kl:I6�v,4 Tavern; the Wt6o&tifyihwtJ fiare, licen sorely efflictedfor thoeJO. e 11 Y(�I�imntiuppered th" fh;e n6w Dootj'hee wish I_:,sUulabe
-F 1_10
In r6h Dee- staterneAts bli Asl
iir, I A P
-v,A -orMisftlfahwuxrropertvit� rick ar c f, the- iiin _Wait f�rL thee BU J.�d b ]'a][ U -nim got
LES or �thre a
thicif yedes; wco its'. ughti? said -h 6, i! Jh' C*W-1 Iford Wtv.
thed ]Wforc thou
every tji�: Afablinid htiffers'-iiare bro father. theresvIiarmaAncl cb*r=
intLant vspepitla_ had4delillvig'6f but
rthern GrOel ;RoAd labmt,ifi b
1, ing 01A ee�ror our men :S mortag -Iotig-w O:M-
Situated on fbe� iut thi� qaos ton rqpfexenti; A nd before Iris. 06;i. e
d thei
liaw I - I �hii looked OdL profflpt rettiftl s, m xe� -work- 445MA but I gin. t ' smVsa Y'�Wl Ji
(We" Wdrich aJJdL th our .0 tilt communion
T �fav ka it agaili. oL -k and other L obliervea 4-�
4-eadiniz rD346 U)i Ooiitn�yr -6t- Brtkee - gard-to-khei t th' 9ttIe-ih0C1_ t
saleif wo yjuead- The arens Much
Sw- la A.oq -3striae, wlolkso rltanswer� foi- that,!, mwere(I Nanny,
L, A, , t r 3 t 4kaghte'
edf6throughoutthe Conn T -a ho
14d as w id-- -iAys -b an vaus his
a'no er ed sh% _Uugh ih _W146a to -thelm
ti 'Ana lie. *ere
euiQ im 11111_aln� er., van i, ithfich Dweitter vith'* touch
'he, a priae.Zvi
'G.ML�.TJtEfVX.A,tJ,S Alieflon Mart_. Cl
re es, toi. 15ifln -,-I -who 1iEU ingi a3 s, e -vq -well for
itme t 'bo f do- t" thin ally'o L .4
R1_ W -fouowed them a�uono, t
o needn't,
is brought p i!
c, . w6l bqqar#,, 0o4crich Qirdi folk
It may
fortker pillitibular& eiq *IILY�-hk'allh' frL be ill -M U01 tile adjure On enili Vill bd-" :d
Aon?ot ]Jold b34 A
ifnd. ourcoul ott ar buth
"A- but !gr �k, '.6-1i too
lim -way
'Wolimi1tA%re ploasitWilt atten 1!9- Co oLo IVY' U41 ty.lhui if 1 fb
Xonoy. to�;Loill oix net �%un buitlef ugin,��tke: -tbar. Iclothoi b,&,n ong step-, analtaWtuotbing at AX I
lei A down, fair, f1th le _easlftil!f� iterod disconsolati-
itsu , _b"
irtiniarke-di To 6VV __�u her 4y arm,
Jt�ldhljnlhor _AtShd4Ua6jjJ,6 a cia exedit ing Y"St 'An thee 'a 1311[ 4esnor ch lea
le, *n
Y f
ish I& - *014 im or gr tlae Olet
marLat cod4w hava qnce-�
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