Huron Signal, 1868-02-13, Page 47' 4�rl VO for, UtFU4 rb&&- 1wtarning 0 -PROPERTY For sa%. 'by, Xny _RY I THE R I D� Gaunt, Tbit,*ho. Cullecior LO 'requ&d 0 N 1) 0 FOR SALE T.OT 22, loth Concession Kineardine Tewn -'E R -F - deivicei.,—Car-1 wain we, U ON" FJOHN ship' colltain"lla, loo acres Mort or less. Tht Pledge no -W gin., rat�liliist4totleTrmumronorbefori.--t- I'- THE RESIDENCE OF THE LAI "'Wdr FGALT, ESQ, Apply to ot Brmdy red, and See, b the vall, That this C�oAtlluu WTLLIAq X9RR. e '0`11=10 ruee-tagamon ThuAaayl Tq tum o da now OTOGRAPH GALLBY IN. Nr wiliske property is beautifully situated oppo. Merchant. site t he T7own of oodench, on Goderich 12th July, 1867. 44YO�Febk next, the the 20th makes ike AAt TA30SSCOTT. w25tf -Tp. Clerit. THVRRGV1N'CE 40 \'or uia-we gin Nortb Bank of the T gli. drinking gin WATCHH�XER_ JEWELER RIVER MAITLAND COLONIALHOUSE I n%Al bider too -NoTum(i Cloot) Dim&—Dickens says,.— WEST ST.. GOI)ERICH, Now& Magniftent* Sky -Light 0;� W R sad on the Banks of Lake Huron. It- con. VIM never a AND SPLENDTI)LY FURNISHED ce . .. .... There. is nothing, no, nothing Ant is 'A- Next dflar I'VP.qt'nf 11r. oft" Saddlqy. tat ns 31 7-1 0 'acres of Laifd more or less, KID GLOVES! M GLOVES 1�orbrewer'gbeer, nocent, or good that dies or i forgotton. que -Tet its hola-, .10:1 111i with Dwelling ki (Yuthouses Stables, JOsePhine's, Alexander' J q; tol&t'fidth or none.. An Ana one d6er Est of tAc Post -office. ILI - 40 . . . . . . Ou:ej, Vinery Q Orchard. Lace backs & Alexandbag'sinow"h'intc' 1)"chess Now flery Run- W EAW NGIN &a., with laree Gard infant, h pratffing child dying in its cradle .black and 'To turn crair hoine. *W live again ul'the better thoughts of The Wood 11nd.consists princ y of Oak colr. The Is rXest Bloch- in the Counties. Linden, Cher a holl Ctl M A IN ��:, . Es Le JOHNS R R U r and the flowering those that loved it, and will play itA ON 04 RES CLOCKS'AN6, JEW -good ry er. There- God -rich, A111 -wit 22nd. CHAS. h. ARCHIBALD none can Owell— ttirpugh them, in the redeembrig actionnso *rT CLERY The Grounds are. in very ordMapi"o P EG$ to inform his oid'patrons, and ilic.public e Isen 'A am three never failing Springs of pure water 1866. SWI0. be burned generally, that -ho has' MANUFACTURER OF I -vQer _ce u -0111d fly, the world, though its body to REP IREODN SHORI` NOTIZ at intich expense, The sit V t Where hoN wonI4 die, fitteo tip his roolus, in STE 'WARTS' New Brick on the Property nation for a r1j'a e i ashes or drowned in the d t In the best Style & Warreinted. Blovk. corner or Hamilton t4reet pid 1qua a, -kind love expire residence cannot be surpassed in the Prov r O's �,,_! Wid.such a fire. stvle as to render ince. Heaven but don its. bleseeil'work on eafth the, ge There is not an angel added= hoalt�f ALSO A GOOD SSOR.Tv"T OF Gode fell, in such a GRIST &FLOURING, wand ratea JeweIr - Watcho liffeat I- th.c.untry. and the be8t adapted -Tor the For terms AP I to Be accogriushment of first-class work in his delivate 11S, Stqara Engii as an WOS. GALT, Es 'to here we pled,greperpetualliAte in thdab that love it here. Forgotten ! oh OCIXIS, & and t Xuley and Bash S S To all th.-d can. intoxicate., ifulart. Those desirous of havtnfi Pic- aW-M Boj� if the good deeds of human creations couia C"stantly on hand and warranted to ba as pores of! Barrister, Torontol he-])hg;rd- Straehan, be traced to thdir source, how beautiful GAOCHEIA G' on the Zlartallo Tower. reDreqentecL ifiiot money refutidtil. Th ra'sh i h torS, D. SHADE GOODING, ODERICH even death would appear ; for how much Y-11111 ]air g M a c hin e s, -Sepiora :,.h AV -4Nk1K`Ppomted role ch t arrister, Goder . . - g aritY mercy and Purified affection, would lakelo-wili please bring in -the morning. Goderich. 6th July. 1866. sw9otf H Goderi*ft_- - Qnt8 at the sMe of the a I i CP ebrated u b Id cheap to mlke wnv Photographs t*en style EX ory�Cfie-4se. It (Relf 0 star Fact K lidmght� Jai— 20�--­Addffion. be seen to have their growth in d sty The ves! 's of Vneass-ult on the Martello gra for freg�7047)Wds. jifysl Walit a reU every Local dealers supplied at the . Factory IlY known to the art, and Old Arfibfotipe Prices. Dunt-mr,mon, on 101tinetay night, el6ek go to 1. Fre Enerrotypes copied as Pfiotographs, A large s and Da JOIRN B. FULLIER9 ie Cretans have. won another battle G,!�derieh. Oet. 22. 180,7. w3g; mocic or.Gilt avd Roqe,Wood Prarnes always Oil G SHEPTIARD & STRA011AN. rezeavin T1 IRON IND WOODEN'PLOU Us `�rst dre (v1Z the n. rrison, the ttacikin verycheap. over the Tttiks� hand. Also AI,HVMS, Consulting Enginoor, oderich, May 27, 1867. Wl 811 i mtired, b -at did not leave,- the field, The Fenian circles inthe vicinity of Bos- R. L. 1, in returning thanks for the liberal With Cast or Steel Boards, brill Plouahsi Gan& ;PIPu.- is, EWYORK, 4' , patronage of tile past, reels satie'llex) that recen . . 0 0 - nutil their nu.m4eirs were larn-e- ton have voted to work on St. patri I 47DEYST 9N T cles improvements will enable.him to merit a continu- cultivatorSir Land R!411ers, straw' CL-tte' antafimtorer and Dealu in froni crowds whb seemed tole day. itistead of malchmg in. proceission,and ance and increa of The same. , _! J�Flr_ X"'. Agekultural Fornaces, Potash Kettles. Sugar Kattles, Salt Kettles Farm f fl -T -Un vlv=ced upon the to devote the earnings toward rcvolutiou.� FIRE MARINE E. L. [UHNSON Wafri 8�d Pipe Bo tationW7 or Sale discharge of i arF purposes in Goderich. Mat h 1, 1867,9- w6ti COOKINGt PARLOU portablwqnd S CHEAP FOR CA by hich one of Lie .- tj IF? A� X k--) -IF,. garrison wm New yrk Vb. jj. Tlie Tintes' Wash- of the most imoroved kindh. Brass Castitws made, and Blacl�smiths' ork and Repaid n Waen the s&ault had almost R A" "Ox- : gTo"P'g STEAM 11GINES, AND 0611IRS H I iD.-tOn dedPatch 3&3�% it ;a said the reason PH.&NIX FIRE ISSFRANCE Company of done or) short notise. Call and see the STEEL MOULD�BOARD PLO GHS, as you can T E south half f lot 9j in the ;8tb con Lie foot of thef tower the' troops Tle D L 0 P E. D., of Ashfield, containing loo acres of the delay the new Pritish IL 1-ndaaiEnxlabd� eatitNished iN 17891, tine of I got one very cheap foe Cash. IFTOM'2 to 260 14orse Power. a ud two men were -.eon to fall. I Armiter is.tflat he is the O:dest, largest aOl bmt offices -in Canadir. NEXT DOOR To more or less,. with about 80 acres awaitin further in- Goderich, Nov. 12th, 1867 imarF his Circular !lud "e i thm fell bact, and disappeared w39 ciALattantion is called to and farm building. This I I structions concerning the AlZcirpa cl.dras. HORAOSHORTON, Agent bw and meaposofffad Gang ot is subijebt to a The two men who were' BANK OF MON�TREAL, WEST ST., 3falsU.,P.lUilL Mtrrydescriptionor mortgage of'$90o. at 10 ppr cento interast 1 A son of Patrick Henry, whose passion- rj id by their. comp-iniun,-, f)ROV I NCI A L U Payable half-yeady, and has severs a t FiiANCE Company of HAND I Y� rs 0 t ate exelmiltion 11 RAS ON achinery Supplies, -n whether thev were Give me liberty or give 4 d Mill Machinery and M r Cana a, Head ffice Toronto. Will take *n. Terms $600 cash, subject t ;uFrtgaga T' -air has'eauied me� death !" has been so often quoted, died r:sks on Country fi�d City properiv. Marine A L A R G *. S V P P L T Portable and Stationary Grist Mills. Thebest Shingle, on the lot. ne -x I recently in Virgii4 aged seventy-two r skq taken at as low j -ates ab any other firr COLON,,IAL fl- OT a Lath and stave Machines in use - in Wexford coanty. No , office-. class OF JSE maelftists, ToolsZf every description, and all kinds D. SHARE IGGODI�jG. years. In-va be,_ -n luade, llut' the Go HOR&CE HORTON of the moist approveA'Woodworkig Rachineu in use %-�l to disco, B4�sfer. i�j 1 e-. ery Jae It is erPe--ted thftt the SuezcanalwMbe constantly on hand and built to Order. Goderich, -90thJuly, 1867. wen The best TU -11,� len-1--m I)f fully.opened, for the unbroken passage of FALL AND INTER GOODS RBINZ WATER WHEELS, Mill Gear- emartme imp, &a., &C. large vessels on or befo;,* the first of bcto- which he is prepared to make up in the short- ]it a Superior Oak -Tanned Lbzt6r & Rfibber Farm for b& next, Taflorilag & Outfitting D eat notice, and'Cheap for Cash. TEr s� attestion i3 itill troublous. MONEY TO LOAN I luli It was incidentally me Belting & Hose, at Reduced ;Acm VYe o4serve th-.t- a inovement ntioned duriniz, a HE Subsedber Iegs to irkfurm his many customers and the pubtic gener illy tha Pullies and Hangers, Patent Hangers ano is bein4 ­Od farn. security payable, t he keeps. 25 Bayfield Rold, Town. recent debate, that thecheese�-manufnet�ro go GOOD FIT WARRANTED, r TBE west of lot 31 _Yntreal t ather up nd export .,2 Itcin(netotwel,evears No in 0,000on donstrintly on hand the lar3e8t wiriety and best selection of ZVOM9 Boxes, and ever�. description 0 abip of of Onta,rio is second in.- imporsance only to f I Stanley. 77 acres, about� 50 tlear- r th-ree hiilred tho-jsmd� d nterc rclainedinwvnnee. AGENT FOU THE is MACHINERY AND OAILWAY SUPPLIES ed. The land iP of first-rate quality, and a the lumber of the Province. HOR-;.CE HORTON Engh.sh, Scotch, French, Swiss & Germ Twee(, In store, at the lowest rateo. good spring creek running tbrough. the lot. thoiigh it Eighteen prisoners escaped froin jail at IN THE COUNTIES, ALSO A� LARGE VARIETY Drawings of Mills, MacWnery and Plans and Spectfi remove, the 111141IS19Mce. Agent. Terms, part of the money down. T�me_,Aven St. Joseph, Alissouri, Saturd,,y. During *-oderich, Mrch 31 -1 %�fw. cations ln e and information gh,en at shortest notice for the remainder at 8 * the melee, Horace Fish, brother of Sheriff aw, U Diver . S I S Pwiu M Wine! Canadian S, A larg. tock of Circular and Mill Saws of Rest Make per cent per antillm Manufactured CA od on hand, it Further partieularb in fi-)Pi 'zi-nd to hand I Fish, was shot and killed. Oile prisoner mwA bdou onst prim ay be had on applica the best low -pr was severely Wounded. iced machine in the mark'et ENCUSH, FRENdH & CEIRMAN -BROADCLOTHS be 0(,,)ded. It 'IS An exchange I & 11-n][CID, $15.60. 9 GODERICH MILL or to JOHN JOHNSTDN. I C-AUTTON & [)(_)j._8KjNS I 7:1.i�r,any a af the so. -t ays that Lord Moncl, pro- Lot 9, Bayfielf) Road " Stanley. Goderich. Oct. 18, 1867., VV 39 ENGLISH AND FRP,'N'CH BEAVER AND PILOT 0ATtNGS1 FLOUR M FEED STORE, side(' at -a missialla,U meetin" in the Parish I flerebv forilid any Person or penons, to rhopnpon ovlqRc Godericb. ept 9th. 1867. -Iv Ite- jxr- T ;-Ne cent, no of St. Alb%ns, near awaytimber n -.)n iot.,5 aw AUCtion Otta a, on Monday! & tvkirc�conces�sioll',O(i�rieb-Tovnship irithant my GVERCOATIWGS OF AT41, OTHF-R DESC. '�Ti_ Iwi!leffectilally; everting and delivered an address." _WS. Crabb"S Block Kingston Street. mission. Anv pemon found trespassing,. shll; be Having secured the services of mjlp-)rtattons ; bnt� how I TEe present Gm, nd Nast�r of the 3fa_ prosecuted ace'ording tojaw. WM- C10 DERICH & CLINTON- �RLLIOTT. - MT:r 3E:L. 40.A _&" JL _jt�4 Z7&p FLOUM Oat -meal, Corn -meal and Mill 1 (�_- that w1ready in the1 sonic Fraternity in Gr,.;at Britian is the Godurieh, Dec. 11, 1867 w47.3m, FOR SALE! on1v plan, in Earl of Dalhousie. He is the sixth of his lr-,,stablikhed he is prepared to 6 Feed. xecute all orders with promptitude, and in a style udsarpassed by any Iior te b_nks to buy up and i finilv zinstalded in the position. just a ALS01 Sugar Cured HAMS MAN 0 FACTU9E R in this PROVINCE, Cities not. excepted. Try hi'm' and satisfy your- a lot of OR TO RE Mr. tae wh-�'e of ir, for the sake of himdred years ago his grandfather was 1,�ALES of 1wlf;cel]nn60u9 Propertv in Go.lerich selves. A perfect fit guaranteed in every itfstance. and Rolled their own n6tes 1,J vvery Saturday, and in Clinton every Wed-. Just received this *rring, and Canalian made ". Grand Master. n j.,iy,. Constantly on hand the LARGEST STOCK and L &TEST ST�LES in THE WELL KNUW?q siiver Lito inore extensive circultion. 7= 500 Bushels prime Potatoes. D D09 �Vndxnnced on Pr6perty fir imme(iiate Centfernan's OU!"fititingS, of Every Descriptionl cannot this I�e done.-Adrerti�;er. VIVAT thought that we sale and'prompt returns made.. 1000 data. - MaitlaladvMollotel A.ME.1tiCAN MONEY taken at the hi&hest rate. T. -B. VANEVRT 1; Co. bad heard the la,t of Mr. King s inter- F lul" TO � %1 Y01 Form 81(vk and Other Sales punctually attend- I QITUATED pn the corner of the ortbers Hay Council. meddling with 'the other banking institu- ed t4tthroughout the roulity, Goderich June 7. 1867. w2ftf. tJ Gravel Road to Lucknow, one mile frain G. M. IRUEMANIS Auction Mart. Ghas .M. Archibald. Coderich, and within one hundred and'sixty t io Ins of HE undersigned having pnrehase(l the rinin- Goderiel, uaust 22nd, I -F64. the country. It w6l Market quare, fvvde'rich 8W103 yrd- Of th. Gderich sALI VORK now in appearLa we'llave Ting ill and Sash Factery ownefj*, and oew couricil at their -st, 110t. We are credibly informed that, operation, This property is befiffujully situated ZIY M ellpied by Donald Cumming, are now prepared for a Salt Well, containing one acre and -one lae,;t _n tLhe year, h all not withst an dine, to carry oil the business of manuracturitt- XoTi,)V to onReal Estqte, I --Id in the tow�a-h the univers . a] outcry I eighth of landi with a large two-story Brick oudav, the 20th of Jam 1868. � The against7 his fino PPRAIER to the Trust and. J�oan Company Hotel, fifty six by forty-iqx, and a Larje Halt The Reeve, ancial dictatrship, he is Bash, Doors, -Blinds, of Upper Canada. attached thereto vvith good Stblinguruj other G.. 0 thr,�ateningg anot her, monetary edup de,tat. M. TRUE4AN, Wbere'll Igo to': get the Cheapest Dry-Go'ds and Councillors having He is reporW to be eng.3ged izk buy* MoulcHngEfFloormig. _ Mark Out-hudilings, There ib a never failing spring at 311 -we and subscribed their dechwation Of Ing W9 1 1 et Square, Codeiich. the re&Lf or the property sufficient to supply all up Commercial bills at 0-9 and 9'94, with Siding, I 41 . - the water required torturing aalt wAl. office and qua-h-fication- Robert Brown a - w of embarrassin, the 2-ferchants' and all kinds of!'! Lnd 0fRea, and Groceries M*,-Goderich ? Esq-, R�_eve, took the chair. W. Turn- vle RFGI,9TEK of Improved Farms and Wild Also for Sale Lot No. 719, bull maved seconded by John B. Gei, Bank of Montreal as soon as the amalga C I ft C IL, E W C -P 1P, W -A: N S VV M U In the Town of Goderich. situated on the West gher, Land for Sale, -omer lot adj(Aning the this councH exempt the mridow WiUet on" G.M.TRUEMAN, sidel VktOris street, sii: E mation of the two insiftud complete. such ax Circle and (Iotbig' Sash and Frames. Flaining Factory, with a Brick House und a _'�)m paying ta-mes for IW7, she being i We ne�d bard Gndoricli Narch 1. 1867. Market Sqtfare Wby, to Acheson Smith"', of coirs -and 'ame Stable thereon. ly say that -Vhi� attempt will They think from their xperience in -Factory u e7 circumstances- Win Carrick mov- utterly fail, and we only mention it fo Work. that they can give satisfaction to all wile r A31d also Lot No. 1017, _bv John B: Geiher,_ that two mv, favor them with a call. reasons-toput the Merchants' Bank .0-A liberal discount to the trade. MRS. WINSLOW'S the best and'eheapest Boots at0 Shoes too In the Town of Goderich, situated on the North P -tiph Bzown be -art Audittlizor the �urrent On their &,Uard againd, even monetary t side of East street, near the Railroad station, ye_arC�Lr_ne'd_ Te Reeve appointed Juo a JA'S BUCHANAN, SOOTHING SYRUP with a gootlrame House and la Statle thew Ved convenience, and to point out the pejsbt-� DaVID LAWSON, Por C"alldren Teethlesi;, on. . 1`91F BrodeTick an Auditor. Jas Smiffie mo All right I- Vm going, there: 4RESH, OYSTFiRS A clear title ir-An be given for ibe whole. ence, with which Mr. Kin erk i wa.,in� war IV X ROBINSOM� greatly facilitates the proces of teething, by softning seconded by '-Win Carrick, th�tt the C1 r, n for -tenders for thl-_ various office upon tha other banks, as he supposes, fbr 0�odervia. March .1th. 1867 OW55 tilegunts, reducing ail inflammation -will allay ALL Goderich, Oct 31, 1867. .9 WHOLESALRAND RETATLi- The above property will be solt. on reasonable PAIN and spasmodic action, and is -lermstosuat parclisisem. For particulars apply of the township, by posting up at least four the benefit 6f his, own. . it -is high time Sure to ni�gnlate the Dowels. - B'� THE, 'KEG, CAN OR COUNT to B. L, DOYLE, Barrister, &c., Goderich, at r.-Atees in the township, with the under- that the talons of this financia, vulture Depend upon it, motherii, it will give rest to younstive LOBSTERS,' SARDINES, G. M. TRUEMAN, Goderich, oribe sub,,scriber. standin- that the Council does not bind were pared down within the limits of AND CLAMS. C.SHA.Nb1XjN. Z)es to accept the lowest or anY harmless; Relief and' ARI'ftp W LEM Mplandville, T�p PfColborne, Ivw4 n them P, 0 3' He A RE9 ARJE * Febraar7 18th, 186 tendez, -nuless othazwlw satisfatory. Will it is no lon,",,r cadurable that . Heflin WoolUa; q 9 odskrel . alth to your Infants. ARDW FRESH ONS, ORANGES9 DATES. should pimess the power of puttiu- so- We liar Turnbull moved, seconded by J. B. Feigh und 0 putupandsoldthis article for years, and Can Say in Confidence and Truth of it wht we have Cocoanuts Fi —s Crat)es. and solvent institutions in jeopardy even never been able to say of any otlier medicine --Never &O., &Gir, e;, t1mi John 0. Ka;plush be paid the sun, k OR &o., at of fen dollars on account Of the turnpiking for an bottr.-fToronto Telegmph. Mrs. Warnoc has it Failed in it Single Instance to Fffect a Cure, when timely Used. Never did we know an instnce of dis. [ARM LANDS FOR SALE i Begs to Acquaint t :B- :8 3: INT C� 1-3: ME on cantre road hetween Zimch and he ladies of Goderich sati4actiozi by any one who sed it, On the contrary. Westswe if Market Qqwre, son Hin—e-Carried. Wm, -CazTick moved CAsTLEs Lq TM A11L -Dr. Jhn Wilkins and vicinitv that she has resumed her busi. all a- delighted with its operstion, and spe,& im terms seconded by John B. Geigher, that the sum wrote a book in the time of Cnwles to ness after ihe recent fire she desires to ofcommendation of im magical eirects and medical Goderich. Boy.30.1865. 4"9 Lot 22 1si con. Township of Godtricb I I 6 virtues. Wo speak inthi watter "WBATWEDOKNOW," Of 9100-00 be thank them for their kind patronage, and�to after years 6f experienoe, and Pledge or granted to gravel the road sho- the po&%bility of' kin to t reputation for acrea throagh the big marsh on the Hay Gravel the moon� TITLe Duchess �f' assure them hat no effort will oe wanting tile fulfilmentofwliat *e here declare. 1nalmosEewry- 22 2nd 11 .9 i. inst;,nee where the infaut is suffering from pain and e 4 Lake road west Colborne 100 va e om.her part to secure a'coutinuance of theit. r haustion, relief will be found in fifteen or tiventy P-o�d, and- that Daniel Zellar expend the who was likewise notoriotjfS for herwa=rLt' Ila -;ame, the money to be paid in Deeomber speenl4tions, said to him, Toctor where itind favors. ntes aft --r the syrup is administered. 4 Lake shore 103 99 next -Carried- Win Turnbull mo am I to halt 5,� 41 Mrs. W -mock likewise. be,n, to info* Fuflirectfous for usingwIll aeeompany wh bottle. East I of lot 8 Ilth eon, Asbfield Ion as d journey 11 NO; 1 upwax p rties going to Europe !enuine unless the fac-siralle of CURTIS & PER- -Lot 27 5th con. Stanle 27 it Clerk 'My lady,'VePhO tha doctor, 'of 0 the _y Seconded lay J. B. Geigher, hat . the that she bns been New York, is on the outside wrapper-, notify -Afr. Paul' D_ Bell to r,en-tove his People int the wourld, I never expe� the For prices and teilma. apply to., fence off the' commissioned by Messrs. F. McDonald & 4, Sold by druggists throughout the warld. M A R K -h -T 8 UARE. GODERIC "RINET. MARURS) GMWE 11. PAIISONS. New Yor' , to dispose of their tiekets, drafts Pft= QKLV 93 0909 PER SQTTLE.-,� H. ro4&-,;-0owance, and that if questiOnfrOm Yolk, whohave, built so many OMCES the sm-d fence be n ft removed within 14 castles in the air that you Might lie every &e.. for the Transatlantic Line of Steamers: , 215 T' Ito 8" 4. Goderich p. o. a n. ee ork; 205 igh Hol rq, dayg Wthmaster be instructed to re- night at one of own. from New York to Londonderry, Liverpool, %t.1 Paul treet, Montradl . I YemberI9 1867. vr43tV our London, England;'44]c I -ta me— the M7 +'k- —A A li�u_ hnd Glasgow. Their lines of Steamehins are Canad& sw'-hv321 U , 0% A M'ft IN . I WOOD -TURNER I NO W� a r. n M %.i pensez incmTed he chaiged against the E"HATIC Ty".--TheBerkshire Gou�r so favorably known to the public for gaiety. says PeoPle WHO send us 11 communica- speed, and cheapness that ihey require no ME OLDEST _'E'STABLIMMEN'T *4 RETURNTNG THAN I KS TO THEIR NUMEROUS CUSTOMERS FOR THE TO BELL' OR. RENTT praperV m the Golle&tor's rohs for this tions for 99 i P — year—Carried. requaited"not comment. 11\T liberh'l patronage bestowed on them for thp past six years, beg to inform them and the ANDUNDERTAKERS, r BE WEST HALF 1,0T NUMB Win Carrick, moved &-- to i9quote" and so muen. Market tiquare, Corner of Hamilton 13t EREISHT, is no fourteemb collemion of Hullett. 6n the S is about the way A ood d"I of Goderich, 22 Now. 1867. w44' public that their stock is now complete in ever4thing wanted for Building Furn hi 09 ac. bounlary line between Blyth nd Walton, Poe conded by J. B. Geigher, that this Council TE9 of r if we 11 pniam A Large Stoci of ()M., . , do now Aomm and meet aggain on Mon- cc matter" would L00.91 11=11ton Goderich b'way. Good harilwood land, wel day third day of February next, at the it Is warrmj. watered ; ihirty acres clearance� Seventy hour,of ten o'clock, a. in., In. TO whidt 91 requ4t "-Trx the Town Tnor&AxD "positorj *even acres and a hall ill all. Well fenea ,6 r, uwt e# that uriber particulars apply to.h on the promises EW3, to appoint township officers, grant ADVC, "'most, estl PAIDT 0 constantly on hand for sale'al! arti. ,jcz their C2 Wanies and HILL AND a AlUji R UIRS ! KTI'eps in their line.'such ps orte t-vern licansen, and attend to the munici- place, bejS4Mr G It DAVIS RAA;lUN LAWON. WBU-171017 rind the 4wke Cooper's, Tools, AXei, kagurs, Brushes, Iron., Bedsteads, Maim Tab May 27th. Im. wig pal affairs of the township in generaL A Iq U F A CTUREA AND DEALER I IN IMARTIN AX&N N Steel, Anvils, Vic*s. Powder, Shot, Gun -caps, les, I of the J always carried e line." M ftwez Ploughs and Clistings of every dd Lookin Ghases, Lookino Glass Plates, CirculaT Sawa; Muley silwa, Ac., -Vin WILSON, Pp ClellL BELOW th I scri ion. Im,Copper and Sheet frowWare,at EGS TO INFORM HIS OLD CUSTOM wood-turnini4ono, on -P R CP E IRT Y the � *- All kinds of , - eb as TOWN' aricatStove Depot, Market Square, Uode B ers, that he is still able to sell for cash, And in Fact Everythink that shjuld- be kept in a Haidware Store I - Nool,posts stair bannisters, ineckyokes, & - 'V7Z8T WAWANOS13. at the lowest rates, AlwWon hand,is complete on SALE Really this shoWd benied. We obser- GoA L 0 An assortment of Sleigh Shoo Steel on hand, also,*eaver's Reeds, ASS OF COrFMS -.1 L ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE Jan. 20th, IM. ed in the Blue Treatise (which indeed is W]go 9 . .1 - VERI CIREAP. GESALE AND RETAIL. At his shop on Kinjzaton street, and a HEARO,to hire on reasonable term 'OMPTLY 'ATTENDED,TO.- Godericb.M.113rd.1866 l5w6mo OT No M. on Quebec St., (;oderl&h. The Couucfl elect met this day pussuant worthy the name Of a scietific work) on* Opposite COUNTRY OR"DERS PFV 13,Co&10ilLa Oldtron,Cop- theHuron.Hotel, Goderich. Give h1m a to Statate. Ile follovin�,made and sub- Vessels, =11- 11-98 ;1P. I I f r E.'AtwaterA.Qo's Celebrated Varni3hes. Alwi6 foo Com:nercial Union As L 96 ;C page 13, an article headed Lacteal ol Pickings and SheeCtits call. Aaents fo the o--th3of qualification and office, &0- 'Tiff -gran& READ it -for yourselves suranee Company, of London, England. 10M, Harj�our Flats. ana took Chas, Girvan, Esq., and understand -the princilile uponwhich Goderieb Oct. 3. 1869. . VIIW37 Gderich, Ist November, 18680. NOTICE& go I and 29 o,j the bank of Laksi Huron IR aeve ; Edwin Gaunt, Deputy Reerve ;, the great Shoshonees Remedy Inakeis such w04 overlookinp. the harbour, an eligible situ ition for 4 a summer Hotel. Idessm. Jas. Hunter, David.Mcllwainand wonderful cures Of dixeaswof the Stomach, Fame '4 of ]EluroL _ For terms, &c., Wnt. Curaliringit. Complaints were made 'L,42, Liver, Kidzieye, &c. One ofthese _rtie�e 01 A I t by tbe following person, of being over- valuable tmtiw a000m. each bottle Tuz C.or(KERIGILAL UNION PI �ANCIS HA L DA ti, on theCollector's Roll, for Statute of that pocaliar Indian =, for see - / . THIR TORIA MUTUAL FIRE Solieflor&e. Kay's, Bleck.lGaericl, 1abor--defeettive returna ha�i� been everywhere- ASSURANOB COMP G INSURANCE COMPAM, c, o aerich, June 1, 1867. W119 ANY.- WINTER..'CLOTHE made by the Pathmsteen, viz TAZ E16Z 0"AT,,This Cana $60 D . A, is _Xerr ..... ............... 2 days. mil& in length; andtheTolls collelewupm 19 ARD 20, CORNMU, LONVONt NGLAND. GO TO t Brown .................. 2 it f6r 1861 amouAW to 0 ' million READ OPPICE, HAUMTON, T A I L 0 R I N ............ .. 2 do w verthree LogzWs Woolen Factory VE ESTABLISHED AN, AGENCY Im, Store - W= Nch is nearly d0fibIe the amount CAPITAL, fftly Sub0ribeil) 92,500 000.9terling. 0 HAGodench for this County. Rbert Gib. sods in great bolls, F--- Walden of, the Coun has kind! Wherey,ou will ffiRd a large andvaried stock ofFulled Cloth#and Satinetts, Tie 331. Henry Johnston ......... anY Previous year; and while INVESTED' OYMS2,000,000-DWOS TFftl) rN CANADA, $50,000. variety. Ilk, ;V�! PEURNS HI MOSTMSCERETHANNO -2 Wnt. .7 oui neighbounlizve" much re"On to be consengto actas Directorfor urqn. IMitnit, iti Rieer Rag, ...... .... 4. 2 14 lefted at, this S gratif ying 'to Hardy, now of Goderibb, is the companyist Tra. L %fortbe very fiatteringeneouragemen i he-Itak 1 4( FIRE DEPARTMENT. WhitO, Plain, GrOY' StriPed and Chocked Winceys, - : jeceivedsince becommenced business in Gode. J. m1wrill ............ nov� that the sales of the tiCinadiin pain Yellin at. The Victoria istrulyinutual, and by Mr. Cum. Destroyer," for the care -A great variety :of- all -wool 16zV being able to exeirtile over one-h&J o heeked Aa has at y established for itself a very -high re. I*h by Mr. Gaunt, sec. of con Olds, 7u distinguishn'tile PrInCIP106f the ComPonY has " the establishmeat (if an e . quitable classill ho Me -made c upels, to'ifidoe'rAbrought to �bim jastsesson; having That te paxtie3 above mentioned frost-bitest, rhuenlatism, ' cation, charging in al 1 caties a 1promium pruportiunate Witte risk, �ne yard 4ide; likewise is increasimig Iotation ior pirdinplams in the paymentor loesev, ow secured I acilitletfor The 0 Koh hair attended the CdolPinyro ope*tions ha rin I w been such as july to. gulf WHITE,,GR fileeopoinyozonft management The cost b3 allowed fiar tne numbe of &Ya opposite much faster. t xe'tne BY, SCARLET FANCI 0 Sold bY all medicine dealers if ine expectatious ofthe Directors, iyho his, insuringin this Company for 3 years U I i -1 toex eud the business ixore widely, A L.)T OF F1 ' J - j th4r resp2ctive naes, at the ra. te'of $1 at 25 cts. per, bottle. 1�stw 7! ; a resolvej a . . T FLA VULS. t . Dad now- oFer tothe Caundian public. RST CLASS BLANKETS, -EIGHT TO NME POU$DS PER PAIR. than any other reliable,06inpany dojtljFb"n= Latryin OD Business filensivey yer amy, n that orders be now issued for i I . . mlare Wll ?AunoT SZOURITY guaranteed b:� large Sibloflb�db in Canada. Any Arincra wishing to 1W Is health worth hgvitig I 'if it s Itpital, ind Invested. St please write to Win. gardy, Goderich, glyl% ithd empf ng none but firit-riass tradiesman t odkiner nx,yam ho amoiantz.-Carried.' Moved by Mr. protect it -it is a jewql as way Taft, ine Fingen Floecir alid 'Township, number ofe6ficession, and tot, an AndaYP. believes hisexperjenee as Cutter is ge.c. -by Nr. MaIlwain,.: That virtue, and - - lost as. �Iprourpt SattlementofCIdims. The Directors and Generif I Agents, bein gentlemen largely en. The Agent wlll�glve P, n In Many casm as difficultta *ac in-Commereet will take a liberal and buiritiegs-like view , rOmPt ntt6ntt0 to his re- seeondto-rione in the Province,havingearried on Esther H�iff and Widow, Vaughan e goat of recover. In this clinlate ofall questloascoming before them. Berlifi Wvls, all in endlest vah tyo quest. 'mpted from Y ($3.15)� be exe and more "01-1 LIFFE DEPARTW_NT.- Togetber with -a choice Assortment of DlItICTORS: icipallytirdt-cla"custonterb aild kaving been pan pr llax�3 for the y1nr 186Z ; Mrs. Haffhavium CnIUIY at this season of th Deol:01e, ' TfV;�,Cni o those desiring Lire -Assurance unsurpassed by anyrLife Office. CItterin one of the Frincipai-Etililishmen six - . __ - 'a YeArt otrers terms t I i M0mrs- UeO- H- Mills, Hamilton - 'Alex' s. V-aug�; arc ver3r Alit40 Uke cold and sutei rz�otu ?&oderltteprcmlfm1r -FerMCt Security- Economy of mnna,- 'ent*tendiNjTto increase 'the Bonus Brown, East F.IamboW;Jos6ph RyfuaI,j�artj,n * Edinburgliv Scotland;,he rearlesslystates to a, Ic-At 1hoir 1.-L�op3rty T�yfire, andlAr ein If i sore throxi; coughs spitting of blood ana - ojtb-.se on participating scale, dinong whiiiii-80 Per cent of profits are divisible Thas. Loltridge, Harkin; &IV' Lewls, Saltfieet i -a I Factoll -Cottons, Holla discernifigpublic that z pubnonary coniipiaj�ts generally, irhi& if Claim month after pi,of -ofdiiath. - d, Plints, Alpacas Implad Wincles, eb3fer'appluie(l to have 4 �Z. _r., Zia Iry I ; Jftmes Cummings, Hqmiltan ; SaTnual 8, PLOTHTNG CAIV 33E YAMF tw" not c1hecked immediately lead f And o=ta-,e*, whiph may be seen inthe Uompany's Prospectus I -made Weylie, Ganford; A, T. Wood. Hamilto Dess Goo -is, Ready 3hirts an i IY�awen Ueda' and Childreasl� Sok n - a his-,stablishinen o he kviiiEstablish- Jiyi Libor allowc(I in exceza of I consequence serious, e 81�snd Stockings Jnies'Calder,.An�taster; RQbt-Gi t1teroupoil - 5. Th� question IV�arland Wat a great var;sfyi 03- A,call is sol*tcited bbOns, -Goderit monitin TDronto or=si. which i's the Son & Co icb; Jacob.H. 'Fisher, Relson;-4166--Xurison iajvj2e,_ bv Hnn4,ar, E; hy Mr. Grant quickest,and Most effectual Gencral Agentfor CaMa. HenryTiall, 8inbrook ; Peter car. Goderich, October 3M, 1869. 2tvvl 7 Tilat �a TYL-, Virelbz: =- did n irbmedY ? RjryaWs Pulmonic Wafers ha:ve FftzD. Cbre. Secretdry.j Hamiiton THOMAS LOCAN's ol. E. Flawborol; Thos. Mcllwraitil, Hatuil Pork -'m b4iem before, the �ublk for twb OFFfCE,-385, AN 0 3S7. ST. PAUL STIMI&I 1, MONTREAL. Woolen Facto ry Sotore, East Street, ejae to th3 3ierjuirein q I ton. eptoirnher, 1RE I F AR.11 FQR tisfaction' and gencies, SECRICTI&Y-Wat. D. Booker. j -LE t�hmmater that tive Omni b,- a-ptalloyt.; Y ILMUNRO, i�ct pdrulament, T. C. LIVI I Office -Huron �OR TO T11 --Mi cures. When I Auction Ma!t, Kingston street. d pnt-k ovrf, -Wig. WX. HARDY, Agent. Godench, 16ttiruiv, q*?. W�� out, the Provin e 'bo' u ea. TOWN PROPERTY.- jr. 'd alersand trystoieigener-41lythrough- Jetifieson,Walkert ana —8 t by Mr. 0 takenin season, . o1a an se- by U- �Gaun!�. Tlli,3t 0=3. Stuart dicine H.GARDINER &',CO., Agentsfor ljodqrich aM ont Of have. always. , ven perfea sa 1ty, y6aro, lngpe4t�r of A loth 0 ft -e BE, ING ieit j of lot 2, con. 2, Ashfield. 100acr,e% 45 cleqred. Frame barn, x on I T LL -y 3 'Los. That, 7 Aray of Owners of frorit T AY E R fl i-J6_3EL1er_* good house, fineyoutig Orchard -well water, rejoicing ss, well w-OLLS' WALL PAPER -LEFT' YEt -20 - d W anil.41G knows but'th OV E.R* 00 a Roeve then their ho we g, Aed M, M;.�u lia-zahn a3, the other cn Prove, the contrary- j But their own. , , . I - . 8, I 1, . I ed� 'This ia a very desirable farm. For 80 IRE HE Subscriber affers for "le that well parricula ti- _Ikft-c Gaunt aw by era rejoice Ire -causet 6f the T Is apply to astoun nuuniu- 0 _�B C) 0 Im 'known Tavern,. the ROBERT CARMAN. WAS TO'KiK -a. Of Inir"U10us-eff" on, -, I -_ 4 ­ : I their hormw tender, with lib- of" "arlay.'s It is se ling solow, h6weverr that it is rapidly gbing off, and will soon all e kofie. go" IEMT�ARA 4,i4r]p Goderiih Aug. 28,18M w32tf. -parties in,want. of -bargains ifa -that line mus tit Of Bomb of jitated on fA4e,-, 'Heave Remedy bi Axabian tlok sharp� j mnan tirt alf.,fa,, Some where, lean iad7poor ha have Jew re fi> -re xny unje; if no the patlern� left. that the Nortbern Gravel- Road be. GrS. 17-avedinaluien4mentipeti* *ot4e ul Y 29A wilt.b6,sold1or anytbiig that.th6y will bring. The 'Whole stock no. sp- '' r I AT iattly;,and'ia oider to do so-, ii,fs the ra Wo day see Rd' Luc now, one of, air a Goderich a 06d, our t f W NA -sec: �1:ty Mr. Hunter ir&VOnously, yet d -.Oat at loading roads to lb6 Obijitky of"Brtice, - The '["HE Subscriber will -paythe highest Mar* ng W-1 it4ldss�order­and all ppoln I - -­_ - v ON --.THE FO LLO G T, f,-, W by thi tome, where, hide -bound "th " - -1 , I uildings are idli Era Iret price for good Heinh-ck, Asband Tlist air Ags -ba erive. no bane fit 11i RM and that Mr &, severe an 13 .11$ it' th-bue BIM a sh ),& req6treit4. oddl �e for the ine -Tai�]Thlconer be 0� ha others W eac. I oo idya a d I � =Y ,.4ra. ;5 �,, A, )mplete. For Cherry Siw delivered th, Wls or AppoLnted at a salary OM5.-A=4ndment Oc 10 yo ears� the patterris being put down,actualty I 1f`j)a)ablt:JjaIf iiarly. ......... i, bd6w coit. rther piulicularg eniluri ofi, the prdmiseil bri th cisiiial by vote of 1�wye -e $hore. 06700 And Other Itpayable- year y ..t. (h e Lal ,W fhe )i 4 sAUELx,LATT. 1 OP- Loans at PrZi into,i or 2,4i & 8 or Ily r*j,, were &W apoik". for the, yftr eratid w a ro lend 8.4tin-finished�-'. P4rl P, The following OOMPlaiuts1le-puliar to horses onall-t 4'b& '-46.4 J13 'S onip �8 clwmlthe disease or copV1jifit. The above in , , I , , . . - I _'� �* -., - -; _ or ape 11 !)cc. 23, 1867, =ndudeaSArlkiqg Fund�wfiieh mys-ofr tha'F`ruactpai,.a we I rg Belfasti 17ib Sept... Goderill w48 wa* speedily renlrry4 the 4 I , , . � _*364f teint itt-the expratim ofthii t 41rhood upon thit debt is enire r orthelciair,sot. - . OF -THE CHOIC EST -;"P agoiltiveomwa- *#a& A41. TERN 8- I iped oqi,, The fil smountv(the 10 -'a-lidliapayment is r� Le C�o 1V:W -w- j3jerS to ene Qjr �*ny 'fo is mnmg ,or *v -Or the Mort ' may be reeem�,_ th ih�_-� i4t6atluni- I b MID!' A Flaynfent*.usay bo madie- in a(lvsfiu;e# sn4 Interest " 4116wed thereir �.o _0 an is advftifi�edi q4imd6foie the �end­o?jfio ;fell - w6r hall. -Year or yeai, A th m, Win. Ilurnin, Trwaurer, $M J. I1 Tsy,- [*XreekAnd k- , 0 R -la& Gutt��prr per 6ont, *t ofrolierdeiii'64- her`co`umn(ty! Ar n1a say ti MR -to Z& Y'No.0- on For ad it) fill or r IGHT E N 71, T13PM1C3MNW IN sums op &inember y stiuTjut *Xpen�w. wm� Pmenti`4 th IV 'N OAT MUSCAR I or TA7e= and Umm�w MoTed Rf*mbnr t Gov* w. -by W. ii, 16 xtg.� LeJ0' on MortIgAge. p ilf'Rundred Dollars and uparo&f y �Q: N 4" .*Ply at Mt e.. . A iserto odinch. Gre, - - J , % �_- Widow lot= oat B Vr W41sh, in, tk - - I A"�w be xlIuvre ft0for h -Toro tot 1M 1R. BAIN18, - �ris ropriot tojL Secietary and TreMorei1r. It ORE 0% led 'AY I -0 0 r i., 1866. CArl�, Xal,-d AV4 doderich, 16th 00 Chancery and Law Officej 'Crahli's block' 'Vinto X&r. 0 06T., W421 oar. j deftlerit, 14- Its 0K n, jJ;864 4