Huron Signal, 1868-02-13, Page 277 77 L "Thoymun�ed -With ivy. In the Smart now room County Council. Caas'e,)) shouted her father, fie. Disreputeble Act's of the camic bere—I believ., there 'are no roads derit blinson wa.3 Scat, at this fanatical half -human Deings huge scalps and rolls frorit wa� green docii, -with a brass up the stairs, whero be MR10:0 C'RANTS. T120,t X hUTWa morsel Of sense in me," in itterIv to 11julself. knocke opened seemed' to'kno V) year in of great coregony, and on 1 down d"rectly, come AT LAST, �anadh, or' at least Ontario' laid off by� government. this fartfier crisis, its a special deputation from Plovi- of sodden hair, and shapes which mpresent Ifttler arms round Lydia's neck, and ve 1 1. 603DERICH MOIXEY 2ai -Shal'ina Sta om ps near a ."liberal t" clo& the w1veds of fanaticism, YOU know not what, only ypu know th2 the,,,-, occasions it stuck faai6i -and creaked LYO �_o I'ves a piece for a road, and that hnotber deuce 6 _t it r' ITly Once Or tlrice in the instinct that she had retreited cc w by -*n he v= gone Cassandra came and' tin in fieralong and tenderk-irm—real lot longer an licivs is to have s i ethinet The aerich.Star goes into an agony \9: re, opens And screetclied and groaned �as if'it rescut- v to larn such ill thingi as h' system of free -rant . is as the, old beea keep the nation- -is 4timething disgust' Corre,&tzd every Tae.1ay an -1 ridday A)r thehearts sel-fisth love closes it to nthers— read yer ti" aps and co ere, Got 6f indi pfto and so on. Oar nearest market and endeavor to from mg, are here tossed DELN &Smani. fbait's ghation use a majority -of the tqgether.,�,EverV or is nolidj yet it seems st, ed the indignity of so ce - show And'till she way I say 1)) CD -e 2 but neitlzer of them apcke a word further, finO a Pie of no a Oount� Cbutjcil tbourrldfii to '�burke a town Is ton mil�s from us, and we have runnini mad. I am informed tbat.thei . thin, being required to do Any wati-, canle lie stoo� 0 Itaide t wouldpermit. It.isnotEuchanout-and falling to pipces1rona corruption. .7 nice little scheme of 6"' 6f its to go..Zigzag, -,I;d nearly round a �circle to will be' no antidote till after the Nature no over -zeal- , must have been momentarily insane when in spite of out, measure as e could have desired ;-ous Fri- t t1l, e Presidential eleciion. In the men ti I he kyely watdied and watited. She had' opened was the hospit- All Nathan's endeavors to ' w 'ounty printing.— Se n n 0 8 did of as Ids.. -and-Me vent at the nall as usual. the d, -4,r that nove Alongside house, fretting and fulnincy u lio next Goderich, Feb. able door whi ends anent the C ere. The roads at' beautiful in dry such a thin t ch was nevor sh-at, 01-COPt in I'troublod walters. but it goes far enou"'h to recoomize a prin;- We did not intend to. say a word about �,,,ther ; but in wet weather they a* T woald advise you to have 'yorfr black Ugh! It The path was Buylva A? mftir4lly looked round for the bitilre (if, pour oil on the Amorican Bzchaige o7 Gr, i tAlt" coldest weather - and at it now re was frightful. I he old couple. 'lurg. Broom's ei"ple which seems to be the "and secret the subjnct, but as the editor of the st' - fearful—so fearful that even the roads clothes and cri4pes in orders as fanerils built with'great laboiz through the Moraing-71) Afte ber (!,�rmgarrong the uninarried fariners stood' " Nkrllat are ye whimpering for, yor 1:171 f -r car& was 1 heart of 0 7 4 SillYwench ?71 said as they wont off of the Wonderful progresR of the Am tp broach,the rD the lava fields, the ridges of which shut radiant with sfuiles, andthugh Nathanshurriedly cc Wh crican bas. been foolish in the Count-yof ty larg Feale before that' 72 about., 'il�erewoie but few in tl.at t face roptil4tigrk—and one was- too young ind I -enough Huron,crethey were gra- will be Qn a pret 0 72 foz.-:j:v1 wele"Me W."s quieter it n Tiftres. out almost, eve 13MLING AT anodlor tolo old, and the nexi w - I was not the joust 3' It-, all for yet- good. coBtin, matter in a mannpr most insultin vel.ed, -were no. comparison. Potatoes event takes place. —Cor. Runrilto . rything else from view. 4 as silly, beartv There's'Wity - bette ' rtt within the past eighty or ii - to4ose When we caught a glimpse of Nap ferCanai northat1tolan r,,,, 4y, a hundred, Bety who sax fit-to.vo� C3 I - cannot be raised here to any adt-an'tage les down and t lost time, ye �e: in favor orthe Sipa,l UNEMPLOYED'IN THE UYITED STATES.— one of the,elefts, it was like looking,upon lie 1p -%t drnuk, and there was ii rest We'-], for irnre yet haven" d tracey in these parts," ars. 1A*bat is the nature, of the land we wil.1 - they are as soft as Swedish turnips. I 1juvi gat . ....... .... 4J forth6 soleof anv foot to -be found aniong'ver two.clilder,"criedhe, laughing. 11 If To be we have to give away ?: point :out - a feW facts tending to The New York World declares that there I Paradise_*ono some deserted 3 n them. Continued, It is woll known show . up the conduct of som have icen no garden vegatables -here to Hell. corner of selling at.. _ .......... I iver aev folk in Ruch. a hurra. And my e of his are at present, 50,000 men out of employ- Notwithstanding all the surface . : that the unoccupied pnblic lands lie be- compare with what we, uscd to rai soil must have been plowed up and fused Twice ngain &.o yowqguian dropped in. misoes here as thowt she might bring yet. a' felends. The tenders for the printi ment in that city, that there - is a complete 4� Hohadthe excuse of �ringing Ge ' - 33uyi.9 t ......... �-I, V ng Fluron-4. hear them often fipeak -about' stagnation in all the trades, and that there together with the lava, there is yet o Selling at .. ................... * rrn.qn s togither, and raix and sireetento ov. tween the I Prom both offic%s were to be handed to knife, and be her taste, Jpoer Ottawa and Georrgian , gan not to be partizular "a like as if it were a pudden." Buy—extending, Northward to the Had- the chairman " before holf-Bast 7 Q!clock their "larga veorctablep,,". -but I have not is general poverty and destitution among coTmencement of vegetatim. Cultiva- rwazxcm ai WMW Yom. m-,46ng rep-ious for his wooing. It so, i Friday even seen them yet.7 selling at... .23 Dear beartol me T%tlian,)? said -his 013 The;e be- - I think the beat and the laboring classes. Armies of the Ulf--- tiofi has been resumed along the borders ....... ...... happenc-d. howevei� thrt he never carne son. Bay Territory. The arca is large, ing B6 drvness of i . ' wharves Of this rid every little islet or 13 but -a great'portion of it is. covered n appointed for' he stm6phere is the Cflasp. employedcrow4 t1iil docks and to J region, ai pie. It m el with n1ing com- inlet of aford. i hadn't a finger P th' aL's me mittee, the C) of this, for it can go no fault of the soil' fill the employment offices, and flock the fria-01e eArth is Planted with who old. As' , w�.fe, " as if I were' niver conte t so I chairma- the &i at Buying Sit 105, allowLqg aecruel Inttr(st #4 j voull agai r two. God 13, FEB. 1868. ping which is se'ldem known to few situations tha',t offer. Of the 4000 horse beans, and olives. In 5() or 1.00 n for to see ye Signal -tender was placed be I bless e MonoPo fare the Council while in session—that f- Now my Iriends .1 dare hot trust myself ewelers in New York, 1501) ar -years more aill-this hid6ous desolation will Buyinz at ............ a -al survey proves 0 e unable ... .......... !D2 cn#XrEit TV. ate oia begin to tell you, of"the utter aVhor- jo fmd-work ; 1000 out of 2500 jewelry to 1, bath," -added the affection, lize. the best -coil. Act i be terraced and plan d ; tile Women, With tears in her eyes, as she drag. - rgF ihal the Star was given in charge -of Mr. Pick- to patience of t of the remainder ofie-tbird is vindy ford of - Howick a gross reince I have of the Administration o en C­an.a-d-a -bills ........ .. V&KIN-il & CRARA,rM gold Cassie into the ro-oul up stairs by way W _ The proprietors of the Huron Ut and poor, one-third I rocky and barran, I partizan, as it f the box -makers, auA 300 out of 500 diamond- Kan will conquer Nature in the d. - -v- !-,z (`lc.-�t!j wn- -A -v hi- Inivior v�� is!,;P, if til-ing transpired. After ins Law, and Oe .9ocial tysterawhich prevails setters, are idle ; and of the 3000 other Winding and climbing for half an h comale"'ial bant Nils . ...... ...... :98 - k ell advertise that they will pay cash for 16aring rue-tliird of 'fair arable land. is. M Sterling exeliange th rgg.t carry %v!:enl T-.,, "��T"l off'her bonnet. 81�e set fier iii 14ting the clerk by our air, and took the blusbing face be- Takijlg Ilicse facts into consideratio nuatiou'lis to b , untrustworthiness here—I would likely lo§e my temper, Persons employed in dillferent branchts we finally reached the hW upon which Go!d opened at 1421; e!oicda'114 . 2 . 1 91 !a a-,nrar--.T a ch: it he, cordwood. 7 an insi D, it jewellry trade nearly POOO are itand theliermitageand thoobservatory. ve-1. vn� c',tk. - IN I—.% rn�,.ihrr. wlwrr be"t t-cou her hands, =d gavia it a heaity 4 regarding the tenders, Nlr., Pickford and get incoherent, -so I will only say a Of the ',!�e -u,, ell a -J mnllevo avi-vver. hut gn,t ki%-q seems to us that,mostorthe talk in the drift. There are 909 engravers in'New These buildings crown the summit of a ­ few Words'; btit if it is the will of the a THE XARKE'l S V,-. - rv-,V.. rr,� R opened out the Star tender before the York who are seeking employment, and spur thrust out at the base of the cone. Y check is like -a red rose, rhild," the Town Council t' All'wise God that I.a:m. to be spared to ore, rd er 1W There will bo a special meeting of Legislativil' As�embly about restrictions, Ft , 3-� 11 W"u-:1 printing committee, of which he A ramine on either side his evening, eto" was eloquence wasted. It may.4ave r was-ap but 200 can get it. There are 6000 catpen affords Passage for r-3 he-- t rrcg-es& na no raurrier ever it;vnds sheRlid. " Now tell me all about it.", _­ . I bt enough to place reservations on pointed ebairmtkn, and insisted right or see Canada, and you, again, then my, ter of whom 00 are idle 00 w6r" whatever lava mayome in that direction GoDsaicu, Feb.111 But 411 shq could e,n rig C s 5 and 1 0 get ut of her I w&q, 0 . C, wrong -that it was tho-lorest. Whe,, he ay pail Wheat ... ..... 1-65 �G tongue shall be Jet looe. for half -wages ; the masons and brick! - and thus the buildinp ;,,i Lveiia Oh auntie, I am so happy, and it ASSIZES--Th(3 SPting Assizes tht. are tolerablysecure' .... ... 1-54 This hdvin-, been a slave-state,of course. ers ate nearly all employed, but cannot ut'onk in a very dirty or 9�1 T'W it to h�r s all arely pine land§,but beyond thati-c- tllougl�t that, eten by the assist.ance of a At the hermitage, a 0 . ............... 6:00 a ,t,l ih� Tl� vou ; if ve hadna got me herA I will op nat Goderich, on Tuei(fay the 24th strictive clauses are merely so many diffi- gaberdine: sold us some professecl*Raeyrma -0,000 principals, s4ch as we underskoni it.' work more tb an half their time ;the I ruver- ha' lighted upo' Roland. culties s' peradded to natural obataol -� ; b,lt people in the hat trades are employed from Christi at two francs Per bottle—in reality shou�ld ` of March next. few tofy partizans who crowded around good Oats, fg",e �, J a 0: 45 i"' �: Ilo­ could he think a' me ?I) es him , be could not carry his t to al37 great exten peas I a which must be oveicome before the wil.! point, he wasl Bevel did exis ,one to three clays in the week for small the omm pest sort of vis ord�naira. The 0:92-k e,,- a le., � Barloy ................. 0:99- Vrages t I J,wl ng the bea n.o Porl . ........ Ye, child un for ditidiog work, 'giving the Star building was cold and dreaxy, and with� ye munna, spoil h' *01 Still another Missouri letter has lands in liteslign are settled. Itis-wro t4e now.tbei ferJJ6g-,tbv,'-axist4 between 9 he employers thinking this better wirthmkin' silch a �Ieal o' hinin ! He's a been sent us, e port o f it. Failing in that couten' Par es, ilann' 84 bd *W * 4:59 pre y mi r et- �Aan ihe discharge of one-half or two- Vesuvius smok *1 so near at hand we did Petatoes,_ 0:30 at they 0:15 ;a r said Ix,111 -it once ; worth three 0' him—A sight too good for bcould not arrive at adlunderstanding that UPolp his one-fifth of their force a yea�r ago, and It was 0: M �rl v. d haetily co Tire Act, that almost every man thiids of them ; the iron trades employ but. not tarry longer tut pusheaforward. q; but theolst postpone its publication. take -up thesie lands will prove tb Mr �Pickfor ucluded It cribed, ...... ... tt dd-lin'lad as men but we are compelled to to take it for funted that those W o r rdear a revolver or a knife, scarcely three quarters of a mile such as he. Iniverleton toNathan how: rncils, whoie instincts.are those of tho ni-,I,t, although tile si makeo'him; Itai 110m Remember that the Good Templars' tting only occupied person,io proof eilough how matters 't ad. 5000 iron -workers are idle ; in ship-rhaild- further to the foot of the great cone, which hav, new !Rio*.-- 10:00 n'tgood - thief and the swindler rather than -bute There has a ...... sa:d %lie-, a4i shel s.% for me n. Soiree comes off on Thursday evening. . who are rrompted by the industrious zeal a few mi 8,) thrust both of the tender* been several murder; and ing dulness reigns supreme, and the ship- now rose dark against the sky, pouring I I ides (freon) ......... 6:50 It V� in his Pocket and marphed off. His 0 nee Vt.. .. 11. manyahootincra round ibis place si carpenters, in despair, have -long'since from its crater immense volumes of steam Wool washbd ........... 0:20 ' h -qPi!e Of thia stoical, view of his; (10�sl Remember the Wesleyan services of the real sons of toil If *e cannot get soul aboal a3d ma,io Tna, of cl-ftims 'lie petted R.4uid for the rest of excuse fbr sddh a roe i,; that we calne are, but the lavr, take 8000 eigar-makers are without empIc 11 ght other empld�,ment ; one half of the white and lustrous as nevr silver. The Mood 2-00 on Sunday and Monday next. a gord, hat dy, intelligent class of settlers, Alln. Ross told him 1 cou notice of Fuch tbings. y- growth of young oaks On the ridge soon ..... ........... 4:00 -.1 IRI elrOn;nl- with all ll,�r heart. The -old Sheep it we rd better to all those lands to be B t W28 castomary.— Juit the Aber ment ; of 8000 stevedorc terminated, giving place people (lid most of tho talknsu, I ow 3 -,s or navvies, 4200 toa dead, waste Beef. V cw&. .... ...... 6:oo ilowever, u Mr. Ross did oot tell 'hiin it was night, a man was sh 't through the arm are vithout re ular work ; among the Fegion of bl k a, ope on th left -Ives. Cqsie sat in a corner of the r e. 9 while walking ose to our fZ' e—it clerks and other assistants in business az! I bi. reyl I,-. fl'.C�nsc THE Nz* DovL-1101? MOXTIMY for Feb. sold, as be ctofore 'en' bloc to greedy Fp 0 0 ac lav ning e Chickens ............. . 0-20' wn. ­,%�r customary to cancU8 on pririting tend el Be .1 P a Le r,)om, ere e " - gus into the Atrio del Cavallo. The bare, red Turkey ............... o:"5 silentand qiet in her happiness. "'beforeus. It is neatly got up and filled culators; and the fact is, with sharp over ni,rht, which Mr, Picliford did ed a little xoitement at the time and houses and retail shops the destitution is Precipices of Monte Sorrinia, once apart of 273 with Geese . ............... ia he!a; m Arnericans abroad pronelling up the in- that was themountain itself, shown' -5 r -ow he ve it Rolnd. was. a little ore e;rciteW, but witlilgood sound original andselectedread the editor of the ;Star and others I Let ll about it. But I u t Sofrowful, and at least 5000 of them are ih the sun, but ans 8 no Docks .... .......... u:1 6 wered -Nathan's jok-s a good deal at ing matter. The niagazine Will live,! dustrial glories of kissou Nebraska , the edito� of the Star deny, it' he cat) in ore u pon b is bu bj ec t, - for in on the right hand all was Goderich Salt. wholes. -Ile. f.o.b. r her M. Tbo Y to irper wandering idly about the streets ; of house smoke, confusi hinga t6t Servants, a class that is constantly rein- stri�ani of lava 1.65 at the wnrki, 1.60. t,�ai r, 0 t both, however, agre d ' in Kanas, Idaho and other Western Statts tb will get up, and I might say IT on, and fire. Thedouble fir hur ta our c so exilecting that sudden ilrumi t her did not se' both Lenders that 0 nation in th A rom WOOD-PILE.—The Goderich Salt it Will require a a, od deal of sound Brit- forced b immigration, 3000 want p4ces. from the crater was Pouring its fluid, in" authnrities which all in such cases ca truth Y .edXg`1UL 'W�0ldathvugSiit!l1 nightafter the committee rose. What i&bt not be the r I and I d ) not This gives an idea of the condition of Clinton Xaeket& ii b6lieve mu5t immediately tak Co haspiled up i ish loyalty to ityd"ace any intending set- candescent rock intd the iralley/and the pe,,l ut er; -e place : the n its back yard quite a rigbt had Mr. Pickford to show them wa t to tell even all the truth at prc sent. aff le e e burning mass, cong4intly pus -It, is easy Ve bee i i)revails everywhefe. Philadelphia, the r - chnge in the oldest and most cherished nice little quantity of 0 a tier to take up land an'd commence the thus to an intoYested party ? n", friends ;--I would airs in the metropolis, and the ru th r hdd from be- By spezial Teliegrapb to the Huron Z-1 t &ee 13MYLbill3but what goes on' ". wood --- L2008 c rd ! Ivry ha hind, and already entered the 'ravine we Clintoo, Feb. 11, 1898. _N op;nions, tevannihingofthe mostobstinate: Only enouh for a few months aft' all. k ofmaking a home for hims 1. so leadin manufacturing cik-, has 25,000 idle I er given you'pime deser' )tion 9 Fall Wheat ........... $1:65 theshores of like Nipinin.a. Hence�,, "disreputable conduct," but we caq -tell ar 'sabbaths workingpeople. From�Baltimore, Boston, .:53 -ed A new light has How much would 20 such, estab )four churches, and o downward over the distortd'Inva of 1858. Sprint, do ...... mind ar rq 39hcgr� pnnr th mZ I pejudices in their favor. vr" elf cu for the Star to talk about "stigmas" and pleased to have had crossed -a little distance below, moving She'tlr�,e fra d .': slione on their lives, anti they can not con- IiBhmeitg argue that the pririle',,es heH out t but There was much smoke but httlb flame; - NP W:'%' As�-,,rd-QiAd sAr- ceive how it can fail to enlighten ever I consume? a% 0 'w'- him that honest- conservatives such as we have no such foolish days Chicago, Cincinnati, St. Louis, a similar Oats .................. 0:5Q one e se ar rant should be of the.. most liberal de- repor tlf the un - y s Sabi atlis wed,W, tl­ 95 lat times*a roaring, rattling noise was Barley ................. I:oo I oundtIlem. athan shook'his We have sundays—that tomes, and from the Sou 1. an.; C 'Ie I -k On sc­r A fl,,od ofre, r. Greenway and Wm.You were so here. is a day fortunate condition of the blacks who will ,drn: t.v h.jkvsv�. head at thern w�Lrninglv. To iling scripticT, apd that all restrictions B135t heard, but I noticed n(y tremor or osdlla- Pnitatoes .............. o:49 tho e striken with thepreva thorouAly disgusted with for trLading, and, taking home our bet rw- not work when they can get it, 'and now Matrimonial, prove mischievous the . builyini tion in the 11i aith, eithei then later. 0:65 ll�i�d�PcVidepT " lVell, ye'rbol'd and' �opeful for to go ver we would say that We partizanshi o of Mr. Pickibid that they it t ed goods; and hunting up hands to hire, are without the chance to work if they wu- ! 0 At the edge of the old lava—irhich here f that a man Butter ... ... ...... 0:15 dead agm two such as Joshuy and Ger: are prepared �G Print wedding card We haye always-, believed once voted fr . the winandmorit, belitivii,g if we need such, and the young folks would, is the constant theme of all our in- took only -the s4ape of loose stones—we - !ds -15 a. I I 1.luzht as a,i, riazi can -ar s z;,, maA Ashford, and think they're to' dance most 8 in the iho was'willing to endure the hardsh I P# theY ................... .. -,e 95 .a FrnlL 1) h.s futher sis' to yer piping, and mak' friends ht your chaste afid elegant style. - were right in doing so. Lct� the racing their horses and 80 on. Go into telli�gence. In the agricultural regions of left our horses, and went forward on foot. Flour "e of' the wilderress for the purpose of ................ 7:50 4 .. nt�na rna.-' �-grn -i Ha's a cl�eer u�. a very -and his stigma upon Al at sacred day, and you the Xorth there is not the same destitution There was a trodden path at first, but it [Jay C4 g' his bidding, and a' that, to be sure ring a home for himsolf cu Star place its withering their housesn th "ly Pickford, the tinworthy secessor of a an enjoy yourself at h galbe of c that prevails in the cities, and there is ,on disappeared, and our progress over haired lql.- sa;d th W I plain or deseried tu have an much,la-nd, by way tro more chance of procuring labqr, so that the rolling and sliding heaps, which had Hides ......... ....... 6:5o a very P - in col�ors, in the job-pri`nting od man,who alone is responsible for or rd 8 IV'Ood 2.00 -4 Eli but, Nathan," said his wife I MVCgrlV new, beautiful and sty fa n tveryth�i_1_91 -lish Way, of free grant, as he could cultivate ' brinliDg t fieckers, or dGmnioe, slng a cl Balc the unemployed of the cities are urged to Ileefper 100 lbs .. ..... 4-50 wi-.,avorshis ril-,itter. I knowed her %i I they dunno want 'um to dance; ony to 1 is done at th� SiG� AL c -,rornan. Rrd t.rou& ht hirst up i'th- 9 ak-e' the shapb of grit ground glass, w rather very p;.x,,s h Canadian. Now I am go to the country. They painful. I'Ve had alre f-str of Pie L-J %0 -*1 a i.,re t:me la it; Jo4'iva just I hands and giv' um their own way, office, ith such a settler life is emphatically, degree o bear upon this subjoct a 8OD9, ifyou are a' ' will starve if they -), poor thia � " DOOr thingi . cheapest. Ci�Y work'riv, -of party spirit such as has never very far from presumini- that the P4 ople remain, and may better their coudil y passed the lower Chichens-perpair ........ 0:25 war,!! ej qe .7, leat Ifit wercn'in1,,i-.- I Alled in all bran- fo point of the lava curre t, and reached it at Turkeve ...... ; ...... : 0.40 C4 W and aavni'n�ar me, and as't,s L dunua know as she mun be going," said Roland at last ; ches. rears, a str33-ele for, existance, and, it' hi' �ion if It, eRii therto dis aced the County Council, of Canada are anything extra in, the Yfay they go. Ofecturse, this Sad state of affairs a point where the larger eryption of the Appleii, .... ..... ..... 0:59 gr 0 feyther'll be home by now. he is able zo secure a good degree of com and advise. him and some'others, before ofbe:ng pious, but there is a certain ind is produced by the great stagnation in -previous night had come clown. The heat ............. o.-O� wanted toIlln-or that vou was az-reeable." gait] He's out 0 and thm"he was one as did bi. d.ty I to'niht at a club -feast. He's none for E'XCHANGE OFFICF.—Goderich islooking, for( 1 bis declining years, be certminly tbey attack the clerk, treasurer engineer of respect t de nd smoke increased with every step ; the ............... o:s C. by Gd %n ina- vi." aod -he r"a it� sho spoke. taking too much as some does ;_ but he's up ! We' have now a' regular Brok does well- for* hinase!f and the coull for - the sa�bath e i which, though it apparently bright- 0 r, %runain. vou're noi corne� miater of tivelve era' trY.1 and house -keeper, to lear 'omethin among you that kee s peo le fr ened up a few weeks ago,. -seems now more rattling noises were continuous, and lines Ducks per pair ......... C, been consider- pir- 8 dull th -an ever. of creeping fire between became visible. i thowt very god company, is feyther, " ad7 office, established by Messrs. Dean about their diatics And the . n it in which open violatidp tifits laws, . ut Seaforth Markets. gen like that t,, ena;e ne ind a, , �is,­ A melthig th, e ith a sort of pride. ed during the past of British North this 9401-V V 1s rea-onalli; auu! cat your vicivais. � ded he, wi Howlittle the People have s3i Lvddy Well still wonderful to hear good and Smart, who are experienced in the art and Am�riaa In Immense acres of splendid a lone, they can be properly diachargod. part of the grpt and - orious ' -epu!Dlic, Indian Fight in Texals. moving in the same manner—that is, Special Tele to Huron There appeared to be two streams, both wid I*va zx so-ne bread in my piscket, I 'man be o d c. rns as 05 rnav be. 1 JIS4 mystery of money exchange, &c. only rily uav joined together in one word " ob- . They soil have �ecn granted to Companies for tbefe is no s6ch 'restraint.,. , ere is ut - SAN ANTONIA, TExAs, Jan. 14 --Des- Partly flowing upon the surface of the old Sparorth, Feb. 11, 1868. N' -t verdown and eat yesir dinner; I'll hear nont serted Mrs., Broom to heAoelf in a'loud will'furnish for -the SIGfAL twice a week a the metes' ava, but burrowi*,under its loose crust, ViLli Wheat � .... ........ 1.70 P'n­i said Lhehospita')Iea d man ang ou,,h �VROXETER- one God here--Lbis'nme is Mamm — defnrc she le!rithr o;d.De0jile,aa,.;4covered1 iha: the'l whi1sperl not intended for society or neces- full report of the price of gold, t trifle ; individuals, thr Is _.;_1 Patches just:received herestatethata, severe plitting and upheiiing it, and mixihg pring Wheat .............. 1:54 and sq on, he is worshiped with the most corree and. its, L Indiaii battle was fought at Camp'Lancas-. materials with the new mass. is F I ou'rel ..... ............ hest. andiftat they hse krilswiv aid p.ledzeted &I fromItle which will be�a great conveniance to bus- privileges, . huge monopolies have 'bee ,,,g M . a of very " And Ahe �hail h, ' I wish ye kindly good -night, " said he youno'. =a mge was oinerr. thev wou)d like saq for Roland to remark on. -favoritism, have secured extritordinary TERRIBLE OUTPACID—As *frs. M c- intense devotion, -by old and - The no e rz &ixiy-,igi;t lim ter, which is 240 miles north �vest of the flow was thus produced 'The fire Onts .... ......... 0:50 iness men. Flimse-y's -oose w4s crossin- the rorac[ on cAn say no f the churches J isom places on the Rio Pecos, and is.garrisone i was silent and irresistible-: theke was no Peas ..................... 0:70 bar ponien o'thil inriney would Its! been her again-- - as he draw Cassie out on the little 'grass- allowed to-orlish out' private enterpri M I-% - 0 room's very satisfactory endmg;! plotshutinbv a hiah row ofhollies, that so the Ist inst., Jerry Dash drove alon personar experience there bein i rone by a company of colored cavalry�, belongm g hiss or sputtering at the moltei� elements, 3:09,( ba"I winna na, YOU Ulk on IL I AccrDiu.-T. And stand in the way of" pubhu improve- (r Cr Rarley ve mull g., w-3mati. ye man " said 4al Saturday* ni ' ssly., as usual, and chrushed e to #ie command of General Hatch. frh e han, I there might I;e no M�Ore 'inconvenient wit- —The storm of ght went, and, in short I he rights ai.d in- carele 1he' ;�itbin. my reach, but f hearof . one -ion. but the stream lifted and threv� -off tolid Ntatoes .... .......... 0,45 for we sha'l ha'a dnip ninr& rwis tW tne weather I nesses of their parting tr�man and Sundaidrifted so 1. e . Indians, about 1000 strong, attacked � tt e masses, even tuns i weight, without the -9, which, as the Irish soy g says. have poor bird to death. The pigent bull creat- v nionee or . to looks an ve a 'tkWe� 1%iseciftheretwantamriastuid stm e moon and much snow upcin tertsts of. the p'r9duciv- class thoy hae, which will be n' n ............ ..... 0-16 I--- g gte.' Its s. shoin urne he retu nel. " were the roof'of the skating rink as to -..cave in been syL-tematically ignrgred , while ed much Senstion in this villange. This yon—every ge eainp at 4 p. nL, while the Tins shining brightly, at has a box about the,Azo In company were least apparent foizee or check. ................... �0: 14 the;rroc-er-gian's a gain' to -see � is bruther down 'cause th 3y'd nothing i the roof and - watering their horses. the dark three I had always imagined a thick, sluggish V !h: da!e, and he's, lak't!2ee tQ ih* fe.-ry a POrtion of one side. The a ew favoured . ones have been is all the local news this week.- ofa pig"trough, t o-: receive the dis6h ir,,e Hav ................... 10.00 ir, iveZe3m.-_ Hall! tie� ro3nd iii a r. W.." men were killed, a number wounded, 'and with a tolerably smooth surface, io carl:..a -d else to do"' There were bright 'dots of breach has beAn repaired, we believe. of"tolaaao slime,—fr .................... a eT & light in �t is bigh time t , ai-her e& the river, ye �an up the back is' the glistening leaves of the hoilies garg,6d, to repletion. om wb at I see ar(:4nd thirty horses captured ; but the colo Pp home; 'nvid be L.�oner ihan cother and iv red something like the flow from atnelting fur- WOM .................... 2.00 me, I am sure such a,tbing is a soldier$ retreated in good orderto thepost, nace—but-he . mounasrough kes.... . ....... 0: `5 4 -vi almost as brilliant 'as the stars -that such a state iltfthings should cease. -0 re Were moving so "- The rink has been purchased by ID- The people constitute the'real 'trealth of' W The contractor for the Huron Salt Dear friends, -1 am very I said Mra. Broorn, energerwamy themsQves, so that the sky above and the S. Gooding Esq. who - h' or where, I getting their Spencer carbines t6y and shapeless, the chiefpower of which lay Turkeys ...... ......... 0:50 I He'"i s.�iave tine hays offa ImId unn, he's to skiwii­ earth beneath seemed to he sparklin with 38 we understand, Well Mr. Morrison, has alre Please to furiously asswilted' the savages AppleB ................ 0:50 f, ady drilled your kind leitter. F -r a' we*% a deaft wi' hm a sra, e o' year 9 the country, and. all that concerns their ain driving in their bases, hidden from sight—htrange nryer jewels ; sweet scents seemed to rise on all made more liberal terms for the admission pre'llent or future interelts must'] to a depth of 500 feet. The well will pro- as soon'aa convenient, f6r� belib theih into the old post work, nearthecamp, creepin LUt sti:d iflir " n"; nobl'ut cajld'e at yule and a sides from sweet -brier and j be care- ve nw I' . 9, mirlin forces, moving forward, Geese . ..... ......... 0:25 C o� cake fiyr vrakes." asmifte and ',of juv�nile and" otfier b�ably bQ completed by fh� mi am very lonely and down'llearted, where the -fight lasted until late in the with a horrible, pitiless certain T)rvast-t! H,i-,a .... ..... 4: 60 Marta night,whentheIndiansgave way in confu- manner of locomotion. If S Ir Yes,, my missis: but dye think it's catching, like Sourthernwood and thyme; the "skatists" than fully' looked after by those -who make ddleof April. ty in the" W ma:: -Pox ? He %votgna hurt Lyddy f or heretofore. We have no doubt this popu- theirr ]a' the cene Pork ............................ �. 5.25 -r a' Ulat; a in the Stil air of the str ws and transact their public busi- VETty TRULY ion. On the night of the 28tb the Indians less grand in its features than one would earrvui'wi bar a ffiJe o' iier weary way. was uh dashing among lar institution will- prosper under Mr.. nesa. in the' matter of*tbe free 'W�- ffe have much pleasure in draw- renewed, the attack, but -Wererepulsed with MoutraaI 3�1ar1r-e1s'- JV,1hZMUd:n,- tile ayswtarlee of the car- it the foot of the hill The silier Question. expect, it was at IdAst diabolically impres- the stones for away at -grant tric :ata. Poor Lydy was not tised 43 such d.=... seemed to add to the quiet hush of the -Gooding's iontrol. IlYtItem-about to be initiated we sincefely incr attention to the i otiee-ins'erted else- great loss, deaving the ground strewn with sive, It expressedlonly Destruction, and an! tne tremer-dous, steepness �f the new aray Irmd n ber As sne t i:cd a,) %vish her back to the View night ; a magnificent " harvest -moon') �CLrAATE.—Can$da has trust that the agents of: the Governinent*1 where that Dr. Ii To the Editor oftbe Huronsiona.' bows, arrows, guns'blankets, coats, pistols, of the most cold-bl;oded, deliberate kind, By Special telograph to VG .110 r -ver, looked round, thoagn each slep diselosed not such a bad izars' will be in town on gre a, waA rising over the mountain in front of not more ti e- and knives ; but off -all their dead', The main stream had raised a long.ridge, Feb CP o1woulded hziLo Far below ihe river wound them, looking so large and near that it climate after- all. 'We are seldom subject- d to 'settlers the 12th'inst., 2nd ma be consulted at —Why do you and wounded. - Varing the. bkttle a some twenty feet - in height app�ren�tly will be instructed to exten y DEARM. -Superior extra 6.00 < tarough a mckv va�iey int an aea date, ana it was, r nd assistauce the law quently -in your excell(mteditonal colu FLOUR.- rou as ber of white men were seen among the In- -cold on the surfiaoe� until so 7.qO < d--MCu:1 t� say which 1he rn.-�%T b2oliful. Beyond I seemed ta touch the hill-sideitielf. Inthe ed to great extrem6 of heat or cold, and if will permit of. the flu' Hotel. Ddrin the Dr.'s agitate the question ' the silver nui Extra. layarturtbed=, o_rhi:.a--7puTp1e with heailler. rich of me squirming to suggest or devise some mea y .................. with is W,nderfrui Wl.,oin Uke til! of a ritan-wbach extreme stillness of the outside world we have a long cold winter the air is always short re "a e dians, wearing Confederate grey unifoms, movement in a Fanc racing, a4d- travelling becomes hfiveitremedied? There is notat pres mg eirmovements. n e3, and showed fangs and throats of W. Canal super ...... 7 50 -%rere mwd tor -retch. uiahokeri. nkht a* they seemed first to realize the troubles pure and b sidence,-here he evinced a marked ac �58 and apparently ditcti th drance shook offthe crust saw na'wbang, tot all her tb� and difficulties of the path before them. 0 e first pitched engagement the SupierNolC. wheat 7'.50 <� `4 Western 74.59 Mrwedaa anravehag Lie L.Ulgled w such- a great commercial grievance in e coloured troops have had with the Indians, con antly hurling huge masses, some of t�ligst' she !;-ved so kvcP. L oqe of,hose natures "I wunna, speak to fey-ther to -night The Ag-xicultural Gmnt-. frained for him a provincial 1ado��--_ piovi" 110, at file. The front of this fidgp was eg ot the fortunes a luxury. A young man who left Gode Zle Erut she talent for urgery, whi'b in To - uto, has,, This- is th inte ?7) nee ; and it Be which affecti U wax!i in a diftreni q4� and civiaza ion %yould have led, said Roland I�d mebbe best let it rich some time ago in search of a better re u classes of tradesmen and commercial men and it is . not likely they will bother them them red hot, down the gorge. The near- 7:10 her.riia a coatemrIative order of uls:is, or to havejoined Let all thoae requiring -st soon again. a "ctety -r Qicirst-s of some descriptiou. she lived Bag per 109 lbs ...... S-69 itan) over till to-morro' is th' afternoton. c4mate, Wites from Californ Mr. flays writes us to state that he r g to ' vice The neggroes, fought with as e-_.,strealn was not more than four feet in and of which all loudly and bitterly Om_ t get as plains, Why should it be so,? Is there no savage desperation that astoni�hed the red- heights and allowed us to approach ne&r' .... ia to say that .9 presmted the petition of the call on the Dr., as thev seldoln in anal - :Dec fe and earved liLratst aufonnneWly, through Begs mostly riled at market -time,- we'll - we are the. beat off a County WEIZAT—S i eerned tu her Me PrInIg .............. was as sho­ let it be till. arter his bargains, is made."' tter all' While 'we Council as to an iqcrealied is rant to Huron good aii oPi men, who, no doubt, thou�ht. thiaiy could enough to poke its glowin ......... aaA shazlows, wtule hrr r I iiA:, in ey nion withoat the xpense and remedy ? certainly there is. It is not the g sides with a ugh ber ov have rain out there nearl onsi.ofthe-; 1`rov1hc4,t at risen. Thegarrison �Co. B.- oth 1 U. S., through Casmewid herbrot-leriba, she seem- him as to the small foundation there mighert every day. V same in other secti Wstern .............. d -OU C, wit!L0. $he percelVC4 Only triko And then, a a sudden qualm. came epLsily capture. the polt and" its small gar- stick. All al0mg its edge, boys were bus under the new Aoricultural Bill, and hqs, loss of time of a isit to -i Kento. y with Mr. Gibbons� got the romim from least in many places. D�dtheleadingm rcisting eggs for travellers, or imbeddibg O"S. —Per 32 lbs ................ 0-46 (o edtis tonch theeartb,bot her ircultdLagaismiuty fur thPlIZ be for his Spa P we!Casre en4b!e,* her to s-.c,;tud hear, 2tsid conabi-led 10 nish cstles"?-41 Come' W We �er Cal., about 70 men.'were enlisted in Ken- coins in the fluid lava, which they snatched �B&ntny.—Per 48 lbs ............ 0�90 C', the Cornmiftee of4] 400.." * We a �e klad cha:u OB1 dt 'by Gen. B and nearly all BUTrEn.—D ...0-00(( --hy whi=a sh'ie, never crunt are glad to see that Mr. W. R. . tsand c mercial menof"Goderich 41 have done fhr 0::�- Remember '.a Juvenile Concert Clinton sign and publish a documetnt Over nigh to me, come nigli to me. Cassie " said Z, I of ut ofthe m sand twisted o, very much a=y ............... Squire of this town, has passed a very cred to bear thdt this mcesure 'of justice i's this - he, drawing her closer. " Whative'r will th-em had7seen grvie in the army� (luring as I have seen children manage molasses Store Packed ......... 0:14 ahnast, fained as. sher g;sL into the home as evening. one -our grea countv aud is reporr- candy. The he even at a hundred Ems.—Pots ..................... 5�20 1pirt da��bght WaA r itbout thee an my ieyther an' thln� ow authorized the Ist of April take 'American silver only ed to have taken place Pearls .................. 5 -. 7Z the -1 do wi itable-examination and -is n likely to be d I their signatures, that they Would not after the wbt.. " Another Indlian battle As W _S�e­ th *. L And what did ihey say? and did re sea hion?- said will nal hear reas-M hope that the intention of the cow'mit' adv. of at, CaAs ti, Eakij- ol Lyaia's ornitei, and rmtkitig a cup tt. Welladay, " answered sh, to take -his place amongst the Attorneys 0 tee Robinson, at six hours. f 4 per cent discount an.d rigidly w1here lastin at'�Eag' e Springs, Yards' distance, was uncomfortable, and tora fo; and 1:;ssang widfoad!isig, bar at onve. we'd has way not prove to 68 a " good " pavement rocer. H as had a lo�g'experience ill to it in practice, both i I -could not stand beside the moving lava- GOLD in New Yorkat 12 o'clock - Her, ' this country.. Mr. Squire, who' n remdng- and, in low d. ye kirow %7ne- e I cum from?" said lvdh, to bide mabbe a long while but there's 'a a Young tb be done 2�ay �with by.the House.— thdflour inqss and will no, doubt for mote thau a -few seconds at a time. no give paying silver, it w6iild ceriainly #dry much Pon. —Mess .................. 19:0, W11-12 a rnv It7l I'S 400i, as sho co.111 1p-­�L - Do ye thL:lk worse things ' r waiting, Roland, for true man of talent and educaLtion, is, we -under- W 0 ccrtainl�oughi to bay.e-the $1400— Satisf to his custome Prime Mess .... * ..... 14:09 C,, Trhie THE RUPTIox 6F X6UNT, h. Mie P!aCe ? ail tr, orld, lass?" ion rs. lessqnthepiesent inflation.of American',' prime .................. 13:09 q, niestm cm-elace wbere yeld go off Fo far to. hearts --% trustsne another." And her stand, to enter into pitpership with 0 Mr. nay, $)60 1 silver,. causing it to seek a curr vrusuvius- azd never stay a word ; and there's not a many re d face in the moonlight looked.the very ideal B. L. Doyle. We wi h him every pros- 545 rs this fasbimfor, barriwo' m,,, I k' . M MARRIED. DRESSED HOGS .............. "fily of trust and hope. Letter from Wisso tion in -some other chaxinel. This isi what perity. UrL, - 'A 01 ME�-UP TILb MOUNTAIN. PEAS .......... . . . ........... 0:86 dral wah a light in her eyes, huggi-ig has been done in thiir P" of the -,Pro- By the Rev. Wm. Hawke, on the 9th of' BYE FIOUR ............... 5 . .95 t erTrium-ofiforGoderich 8 The fallovin-, letter *as halo a-bd to �t 1 is vin bar ast she spoke. " Germans be ell -a wwzh Ah ! but thou wiltna want me as. I An h ce ; ...snd the resiiii is that American sil- the lone inwr all amrocon. cc& we never tho ye'd i shall thee," said he, a little jealously. D 8 come by th, top o'ths aob." Skating CW33LIV41. Ag8e8n4bR 67, �,TRoAiA RiLmy I -to Liverpool Warieti. oca BAYARD TAYLOi.� E. GADnosT, both of Tuck for publication, by respectable peolile,ivbo has given place -to our own: Canadian c 'in- This morning, at sunrise, the moIntain rsinith. Master F.-isom sent me back that g%te.­ answered Dost thou think not 7" answered she, Best f6r 11�3� rm-wposelas ver is almost banished from the I lit d er' -1 Ly'ddy. -I couLibet set my mind at re-st without ax- with a smile. " Womenkilk.bidesat home A grand skating Carnival is to come off rpo live-in this County. The writer is an Why �hould it not be so in this rose alone oat of a lake of airy gold. (The An LrvnUPOOL, Feb. 8th, I wir ol them vvhw son Lhe yi;anz wart war. aud what and remembers most times. Menfolk goes on the Clinton We are happy to � inform the I By the Rev. Win. Hawke on the 7th ult., oottonfiruduachanie4. �Bfea� C;ey thisaght on it" - on Tuesda our e And ye he,rd apwt but good on hisn,"* said Cassi.. about and forgets Rini: evening, intelligent Scotch lady� who had r'esided I am persuad dthat ifthelea -g men windows of oar rooifis in Santa Lucia look 4AmEs MANN, to Miss C;Fl cagedy. m &;ow voiee . I - The pex-t- moTning, as the excitdment in d will be in at- t lin Pleasa Mid he's onto itia waumn. mid i Canada for 2.5 years previous to goin -wake in the RMEY, both of Hulieft. dearot. the 18th inst. A Br4ss ban Ccganty readers whib are estAl ml, the took an active, energeticpart- in the rum ter full ppon him, and; when I A.- quiet. CassiA mind went off, the light of her joy tendance, and the usual rules adhered to. mattitt—and who is no the remedy would soon be effected. The night my eyes open on the burnifi rivers c hdr heari to in His sigbL But there's a deal t�- Vid Gem 'slvrwh at Lydia's naheaFil-ofinece of in- The funds to oo ' ion hal; decided -doubtless An I it -web aycL Wharn ever ihee fryther sey?" grew dim, and the fear of her father be- Admittance 25 cts. es ee years gountri merchants would of lava.) A few clouds along the west -By the Rev. 0 nk o. than Dairy!nan's Ass 7m. Hawke, on the 3rd ult., to -the United Stat some thr be p- to their ad--�antage to ffollow the scme were hurrying to get out of sight, and soon %-as mitiga' cd by :be' ',Gws of M �Z. rich salt every way adapted course, and thus this section of the countr eppr-dent act -came stronger. that Gode ago. It may be interesting to some -of 'Mr, H&'TRY COOK, to Miss MA4Y A. PER - d lothbig i plied f6r the Nova Scotia �fisherman. No. to c our ren I ders who the sky, shone blue and clear as that of a DUE, both of the Tp. of GRe-rich. h -wever, as yet a�)out Rr,_,u;d. heese making. t, a very large meet purpose immigrating to would 'speedily get rid, 4 a sore wlAch Iir­-omis uncisded lnunifie;;nar. Lidia said i Lyddy said as you'd a promised to doubt a nuaiier of our 0 1 By the Rev. Win. Haw,4e, on the 14 ult., Sure who kno....'s �peak­up for us to feyther an it were want- Goderich friends perfect June day. All Naples turned out what nmv come ofil?" Thvuemiweek iltere eingen. ing of that bod eld at Missouri:— causesi a great deal of irritation and ill *W ot,d:o message ed, aunt Bessie"' said she, anxiously. will attend. Ingersolf on the US to enjoy the s Mr. Groaia�� A. Goorim, to Miss ELI" un and the delicious in business transactions, and which an ler air, and, 4.s we drove along the Maxina, witsiher vrgit fruni Cauie. or the price oftstr fuiur.-dw- ; " Can't yer get him here� 7" 5th and 6th * St.., orie'of the qestions 1� SOUTH 141890triti, Jan. 23rd., 1868. 4 Ooox, b6th of the Tp. of Goderich. or. 4s.lnord leL hcr g.x t1wagli he took ewe iis ue A V _present appearances is likely to last fds. I owering so grandl Surely, surely, child your uhale COPY. be serio" discussed was Djs&Et FRIENDS —I'noW Wiih ilsuviii;"I i - y'liefore us, cross as ever its ordur tu eubuxc the Vimlae Ofille call- cr' ., I I - Iva long time*yet to come. - Hoping that � �ou -no more a -Nathan will tackl� him ; 'he's 9. Whht kind of salt is most suitable you my opimons and #iews of -things -m Will give thih an eirly ins6rtion was storeli6ase of terror. ind DIED aid The o!d Brnouts; hadfully intended to take the inanag- a -varna AFFEDAVY UV J. K. forthe be. iez pitildss.destructive force. NkOTICE ment af Casne love-alaaers nao their own hwles powerful mani` speechs is Nathan," a in choke making, and how does the Goder- geeral in this'part of the w�6rld. I htilre, ftof Whom it m4y&nce�n, I aM It rose, rather, Swe twill he w g-od as a play,- said aunt Bcssi re's Mr., Porter, i cart; Aed altar' whereon Op IAmestone Ridge, Towns le, the old wife, with much pride. "'The like a Titanic sun-jil efy That mr. 0ocks icoalt compare -with the )Uverpool Dairy twice bef6re tried to scribble Bin a letter OV2 OF Tim 8 bip of Ber-- ­ho v-rds soft-hewica an sentimental ai limes. Batall not a many �ke him , folks comes fro' all one me Thei Upper tee of a kounts an 1191t, 7 'smoked offerings't-6 some peaceful and ti(), Uounty Of Welland,,on the 2nd inst. SEALED TEIVIDER fir as tLie denuum-craeut imex was concerned, Ruiriid to you since I. come here, but upon rea sides for to ask counsel ol him and orders that awl is Write *ich i. Sware 4(m - d- benefloient god. - The,silver edg was Lao claluk rar them. He made out the way axid the too Lon estion only elicited a very Affairs in Detroit. ea of the JOSEPH SEAi, Es_Q ', aged 53 yeara. Will be received by t'he County Sur I a Cassiarnight be. expected, andas %vai mselves accordingly. side iiv mr. jonson which resulted The deceas hour, whe the. q Short ing them Brags I ws :afraid -that 1. ili ight everaidending Andunfolding cloudi gle­ Pa in mi house. d disscuffsibn wing lan the part of We `0OrJ)0r2tiQU q ih the follo be giving expreasion to my opinions mor& ed waS an old and highlye- h�d rm�scd throagb the long villisZ vvhich iiunj; resolution I-V ed Vftly in the hpllow blue the. spected settler of this County, and WSW hrok-out nearly an boar beisire the time. %Khe Mrs. Brooin had a profound respect for blarat me So Help me G�d. e a tioner h' 0 eli �pt no flying'sta are to -n county of ff=on, zntil Udlmd reached a lunaly pa glid "p her husband's wisdom. sined -k. from a spiri of prejudiee than calo aU4 Op9s of the ever foremost in every undertaking that, rt ofitte roa(. r1he, My mastersays (IThatthis I villages'on the middle -sl vation;.so thesq letters word use I d to Ifirlyt are hard. IP 50 0 mountain basked in the sun; as if the had for its end the public rest. H y u6 'to me th ere4 It w" I— for other people ; in her own-coneems-abe kialf that bye � and byi'l canadians-not.to cotue to thi' side of t c built were not hanging over th6hi. 'The I worn 11 death and '-were' was acOnsistent Conservative in politics, tenr of rtk rissijq- liere and th Wit --less mi wife. Goderich salt is fully eq" I asu ra I resemble 1A - wban inte e- a.f= bet ofwaod bwept down The steep hill -side, wi;hp, so and so, was, in her eyes, a finil appeal Association, having.learatthat form us that the t mii The 15th (if t1w Preselit ward twaxiig. wed a bifslizary, and the fire, thin ruin,,, upon Which they er heart began to and other standard varieti6s, would recom- tlamlce. a Ina vr;leu�piheheard tne rollm,- S: o"Ps which _ preserved a liberal right of private judg- The -above is a bona -fide would begin to site'things very differ and imbued withadntimenta of patriotism S'le men., Be at this period'of winte'r. It is es angry, fires were all quenched in the light andfdev-oteillo, BUILDING AN EXTENS101 alty tothe British Cro*n. ude pain on her right. ment. But against stupidity even the a1divit in an insolvency se, lately.pub- Several present stated, they had tried 'the But 3 ears have passed' over Thy head. mated- that therq �re at this prex�nt m' - Of the divine day, ind bel6w the bright The'caiis6 of b TO THE a-miagaiieeJ a mwicomig.- duwn a r , copy of an mond'its general use among dairy ont. 1i it. lt=reverf and sa�r Rolaiii, who with a vrr) gods themselves, says Schiller, figh lished in this paper school -master o I e is death is attributed to in� !so, tu t in GodeAc [i salt, and found it as good as any. no.w- in Missouri, ano- 8 a little hope ment over two thousand individuals sea smoothed its waves over the mouths of juries sustained by a fall during the Feni- tended fur the puz- VaM ; even th M Ver buudlr Aead craters and the 'furrows of ancient an raid of 1866' use wisest man may be worsted other surt. than any ch'ange is likely to Uke place Detroit out of employment. I ain And thus another noblgr ka wis Were flat there). eame up to her, hithout ignomiay in a struggle with the was certainly abroa when Mr. J. K. L heavy. cauie," said he. .'* Ut shfield Row hate (each other, is As e no ron.—E i lava .It, it op hill. Our faheri; ut main force -of birute obstinacy. This &,ecision of such a large, intellijent that will in anyway modify my-- fifst * - In theory finished It' d d. Signal. bi qua reasun w12Y we shutlfd,Al hie aded. in a low it �may be easy t inted.with one gentleman Ao, �d Apirit is prematurely wafted to the scenes no o reason with a bull as you s part 0"t On reaching Resina, we found ourselves' of etemitk through the lawless and mur- ,r,Z1 time Wilb wbicii abitract ceri,-lia., selitimelit cass and influential body as the Dairym�n's pressions. T of Migsou'ri is fine 8 cifications may be seen of. the thaught it salb to agree ill a winon inaudible voicle but i3T practiee S. W RD'S dONCERT. DlliDg prar shako a red rag in his face, Association of Canada i0he beat ref e and_soil deep a' ago, etiaployed over two hundr �:in. advance of the croQoftravdIIer§, whose derous attack on Our Country bytthe well- bf Me Subscriber, in Clintou, r Ut&_ Graham's Tave=6 in Pogt AML4. i Then, kowever, aA is other -w moms came the pmeliew ad rich-:- eli nic-, but now his lathes are silentani; certain as that of noonday. remembered gang of devils inearnate. Du - A (looming was as the bull has the i best of it ;. and Ashford far, i"g country do mortal. man there is no st4am in his b �Horsesand gaides were therefore on hana. ring the raid IVY . SEAL a th h WhICh Wa--&C harder. was a very perfect pecimen of the race. Mr. Is Juvenile tion we could possibly -require ofthe stories 0 1 love yes, cassia oilers ; nor 8 wi is tea;n so at I causta put it into word's. 1115�, as v;dve nod, in Crabb's Hall, on Friday industriously circulited by interested' co ' uld wish to cultivate: Fr01u.Ou �the exceptio 111111 0 dl� th cre Tendera will aso be receired up ti Thereforp, though Nathan entered on the f'pJace, lie' for the -truth must bi Eveiybody goes (ledbyXurray, I Presume) a ting un er we have,an. extensive view. of a ge4utiful told that all of tr4dG suffe� to a e or rs of Dr. THOnBU.UN, raberance, of hi rolling* O'ne of -the by - a darkxlikcr�,- aw of a rock i ogeration with the ireatest circumspection, eve last.. The attendince was by n : parties. to Ithe .. effect 't4at Goderich Sal �o the, ciffice of the guide Cozzolird a tall, And while procee&ig along same date for the completion -of t�_,e , dhe -shad tbtrs:y twid - adde he, -with'4 rem 0 important looking man, w1io farms the to m such as to remqn�rate the teaulic' not, possess the ne�ess 4 P uantity of logs hav- im Req F!aze, Cai4&1 (a man does� t 01rer the WOM313 he ri ary curing Pro- trees dot the scene of Vesuvius, and looks on pruptionti; -as ing been thrown beguiled- the old farmer from the market couittry -groves of very'�erajggy alarming extent; 2 d am in, I warn a. turbria . ble. plemsdut d in clumps 40ile8s Alanadians who; propose cou roadq was upset bt a q es w&� his work was done, to have some ale, oes .1 perti , the road by 'the Specifications may be Eeen at C4 .or hi pusluctis. even y c iing heile,.6i good harvests. I think we should have Nnians. He li�d nootsbseen himself since. WtAilflf and id not begin 6n the 'negotiation tid. Z -his trouble and expense but we are I . acr he bas Lhe.m; ks knows heiter, an, his ofFers her Iiis than 5 miles apart. I have not seen one stay at home for the present and etideav-,i, done better to have* gone t6 the other He leaves a Wife or at Mr. Irwins, in Belmore. aul *in his hand, it confident AM th' next' We are debted to . W. �RoOklidge strea 10 of cl' his sorrvv�, and his tbO glaS& Was fairly e will beF a grand Ws 171 rr she car iielp hint.) of,,the smallest use. as and six children to mourn. -or tofuridsh tV70 Ed ear runnin- water since I came or to- be -sontent. office ; for Cozzoliai gave us a gaide both his loss. May he rest in peace. Each Contract Esq, M a his F success. It was decidedly the most brilli- -of 'Ontre 1, for a cop, of new- —in act water is ver'*y 'goareo met now The 9 -.use of �his stagnation in tra freeholders as sumtyfor the Au fulfil ,t;amie. I'velidd none tu care for moshil my wolber died, d I werethinkhagwhatagoodjob' d' u-bl.iss and insolent. The boys who had pin a MUD a a poor ant affair of the kind ever- teen in Goder;- workThelVilereantileAgency's Legal Guide. iOhas been selling in. a to i r v 80me 10 ari- el aire of the horses were,careful and at - ofthecontract. croatta a wornaa till ruva Win and seal its fiem Nathan began, clearing hwis th set from our Ilate war and the wrangoi A. BAY, Coma come. cawla,"he opcniw big ama as if to I icS, The puPils—all. of of tender age,. and. The book will prove very valuable'to raer- miles from us-, for.the last 21 or 3 months nd the day itself was such a piera, Uke hur fiL Cassie and Roland Stracey was coxhato,- lings and bickerings of one politiiiians,*]Xv tent.ve,'a 'at 25 eta per V �Wr County Surr _Vbixsfde insdence,tuomuct a.,jwt gether. They say Joshiray" er of good fortune thatwe allowed the so -ca-, d mostly little irls ust noviof i --were rai�ged upon 9, cantile men and the legal fraternity arrel. You in have made the South a bowling wilde od _gen I r'' led guide to stay in the rear as much as Ist, 3�qss. eit to firA Words eir am answer- I I-Arrl tbere,"'he burizoutwitijilmost a sob, "ye a 'age, correctness wit) ness, and who baye sown discord and di I P. bit cis money, and. it -stands reason rais d it '�nd -the rally,. and Ur. R certainlydeserves intich from this that Migsouri is lik-9 the desarts Goderich, Feb. turss! and as, V. ffispi MEM13. ol them wile, -and, will haerit all.- which they, is credit for the enterprise he haa of Arabia, for there are farm with beauti- sension the have set t he pleased. &ZOW.wf nomorts lican for me I" ang, their sixupie, but pretty ayed- in the North uwp,�LETTED4 spric hi Mounting between gardens of orange THE UVERp0()L & LONDON' T-40 0==Irwas &ffitlx. and-itas dark under ths t e befor was e- the mattor. they' negro ',Tree, to starve; they have a t th, and lemon trees, clumps ofcactas, & Ashford'oo ed ups it was some pieces ' oWy qualled by, ful little I go upon thep—but* O&Wbere:hey were im f— -the qnthuodsm I 1 0 ire - ng b;t Lcy. rruelied an opening, ch i . 6suht, atll-enter that have inch are very fortu'nate. I thiak ' glossy Wkerej.4'al, came tht u, The braliphei� and te, �aw his head. and. thorough abandon with which th 4 white man and the bia9k man by th: carob treesi and vineyards. of Lacryma. AND G,'LOIIU Goderist Post 05 11.1� �t - ey ' ADVERTISINGWe often* receive adver- no on . e -ears; they have cudgeled 'their Fauatioa Christi vines, we rea0hed the N S U R A E i� wid fadcrly on linly. es og - you scoundrelly ne�d say one *ord against the ao,- C 0 M P A N'Y thelith day -of Feb. 186S.- - firUIT followed every movement of the. teacher's tisement. 9 . . . 03 r4t; �X eye`s_w1"$% tfle-te""'s 51"'iiii4f cheatinj rog 1 he, alni(�st screamed, litqit of the N C --said thetz-.F CORM-14ck mir 111C. stour-wall When atlasthe ]Et a. c6L a orde I t, as correctly as thl -fol- rictiltural advautagaof the cogry, with brains to work mischiefgane vated fields in three-quartera of an Has been -0- J Ilhear k0ne hand or eye. The-litt'16 c culti Allan Gee Mrs Leith Alezander' -SLZ surprue at tbere. o? such -s-olk- reatures under- 0 thd drawbacks I haTe mend rally,'and thi The entire Bay- of Njiples, from in exi,,tenewThirLy-tWo vears, atnd' k�r lowing, but not more a tka if a resalf-wid be another series of blood-letJ.' hour. the during,that perifid- has .5paid Lossps excecaing lit; hadgarwoutio, in my'hOUSO : &Yc110Tg, stoodtZiat,they -were to look'andiiiingth at! have plenty Of Means to.begiu with ­ti Cape of Minerva, to Ischia wo congtalatly Five and a h, 13all Rachel Mrs Rant R souic:wng 01 the k4ld f4ha clliero�e instantlyaiid ti- e' � "Wanted a., -steady young man to look ft no, and throat cuttings..- T] t1f lallliou- pounds sterling, 90mory (I ha: very best,. anid the didboth in� such:j& per- �%fter a home of the Baptist p 'Ilip &buve I e til toward- 0e door,';conlrivi C g e;sqampn.�) . he . niay do well; but it is Do place for-,& squandered the ;resour.-es of tb( tiei ha rL siklit below us. The L ragged blaA efests, GlLnt of thw enornibuo sum over howe -fto ' h his I fectly natu next aivat wavexcur she, w. iof ale ib if in ral TRAIlier -as - to I makei one-- r nkan 011ect-1 of thelavaAellds of 1858 Which had been a w"10 "'ex, Cameron H J MeUloy AndreT�,, ass T6 LFt�—A c3ttage in, Newpo con- per �:to commence in' 'r h2s -�"Out d0uft -contribUted to alit ow ey the estaWisholent ll�m th' have laid upon out in Sight since leavn - ifie Cameron John M411--ealn I% or thi$ Institution, in the gywvxcd baalilahaud. en has Casle com wish they mi p ly speakiug�Trbw illy. own bbsery We � gg - subWbsf es- conridence ol Public Corpo!atjos, Aterchsnis� to e $ht never li6arn tiie 'ciinven_ talffiing eight rooms and ',an 'which e a,te Roberl 0 bee 'wilfnoi . r1nqip;t y "Fazadowma:Th . acre _.. I.- I load of taxation- W ihak C"Glex, bra is the . we fim, n6w 100 �lose At handi, anil the Householderst, 'k*gh , We' mad d eAr,'Qld asol- crou3b. and The P2&thj wintling around j split of the moun- Denny John went On, 41 agri tionalitibi of Me and bu�joeEs mon generall, Moro EvocanieW rounint-bim answered vfie� lady--abo T he -re;- _ii'a i�iag groan. -hereveO It Is represdUed. Xwunna, leae'the-girl owt or� money Particular ,gr, one to orc 'the CanhAian. _h 'i* butwe will may that eiery- '-present efq;,qattle�i Riciproi taih struckat last across the surface. 11 Its Ist Warr 3106, the Fi' P - #-Mil me3d fais'shirisf'sks adkd. im-her - her so,"! in have palled,0own, Divi- t Mrs Weil rther WAG &SMU an, ya serV6 piiani by, a ut A". , WW highl. dji w1i 0A the h sunim6t; and reminnis 4ya � - .1 1 1 M11 an Oak b prane. ig thiy Are stall I iiad seen strexV -ofeold'lavir before. ... Wmot;nie:j tu ............ kilidly glid-uniiV10 tot rdilighte Ach, - -afieil w F case* afid Ifief sma -all Conr fawa4halta,Z dinke a q, -g! er gap Thomas (2) Ne"ber. owve egs. house, is XA7,763 - :t�hwlro tes to, U -yell let her -,e th Z strWng Jin f In an, War& codd 6d -tn �,corn,tkio VVAP 'And tithe oustom. officials r p Ag 10th.Year, IN46 Nichol Robert -krm qboat like ln:si�ily, 6the arts, of the 4 pona Wa 'a 6, , L. mall :is 16'a 66646ribld 6xisai;a1th- world,. I have ftb vear, ISE verthil. -track of c, 30th Forgasom has shown years 066, c. S imself, to 1)6 a ;and 1-t - whiti face� a n'that' wo Ivory'. yo" Trustees gy o 0 go fiplii, anc�e4foj *t'6c6nj tresli� and ini*y befield'#a6h, A chaos �f,�hid�o -5 iit I never faterJB67, 1c, Green Artbnr (3) Tboulps to U.- W UAy, 'horribly, To, mar ;6ht eman 8 ub . . I tsacher of re'markablii talent. ani:1 if his , fdeb,at'tha dis work-bOxiim­ A, gally yor or- yer *i5xii wr -Gallaher Bridget 9- Les Wi' on Jobn r now s9.23-11468' wtslow Jame's 'are ' r t /a thr 5 cojt ,ved a d. a ouse inod.. W XJ ous in ti a y f 610M I bona/ k. a co py of -fid Iv cy e, en tely.pu : . e h -mast 'a e red up sl , , y I co 16kch an/ 1 0, , "The he, 31, _e ­ f tail 0 'i- `silvei�=Ue and. -4 1 ro*'bil- 6poh fhitroili e 'Witeris 'eW'ry. di mki or ridg�s Gillespie Miss 1vtoller fivis d & ser.V;, Fund is now qA -Is' Iterb -aon�,,distoitea'16r F � , n M13. . X7,404 I be Li i?4erve Fund i Goidan N J 4 podly khamon the grou d TOM and te yourn at la b tethia in tli 9. . -ectio) Mmg 3LU , - , 0 � -Y, 071ill,-be grea y V4 it- - _ binefifte& 1, - I' ­ ­ - - 11 ­ . 1 -1 F d -D' I 'hi a, rc Ong as-goes-'routi an ope s� 1$ spht Pc-tvr Util. pup, ikz do, iV!an3werk-- Ashford iftrage. ciTijifilf T1. Fir. y, amonjili di 6va, Of a dis c0rnPany is *pr,"enied throughout On -- -my, lario' and Qjebec- by - h Thomas It, th' t, -be Of, e S 403T OR 6R",jdr -sheep, 46'00ening� of mal dead -black hue, su infliential A.-mls, tir Weis If, I -Anothiii juviinfle-, ciassi t�o; WAT*A%la rittlo sqJtsr4 red tekftacTJr- 'f di the na.;: you- M34 -av un or 'VI -a 06, 99st�s W110M APPle-tuoul rns qathaway 13 J Widd Thos whielt', 4A Cm Aitbm leg wawblaic as a1a* k6flab-' Coi:tu8ctqd withrit� ­ ti f`b urailce inav be made. U -, if . h, DD -1 built oll-r-MOA. inhij-, her 'mother, -shameful - lCandhalf vuddenoun "d'Prisident J - o=Wt us, avoirlve o n- ZU ri!i shd #6A -!heir- shapes. 114 pate Hides 0 ni Sectratitrygr . . : I reedive. 05 t6i f rhinoceros, strange 'th b4x. 4n4 x4 gettion, it rcady'- fiar the market.' 1 8 "-a b 20014M$17-40 Anld 002i 00tuge cayqf -Cl, pr weriloi, shall on .as the moA execra de all inen."-; b 'Was- a she nee east he entrils P�ID Ag-zt Cod.rf.h; B. V.. hae tkelai' road A �16 MYr Poor dpinio ''I ihiuk 6at P saurians' Ke. r. Xler= no reguittiliCla d,!Dff A, Jq_ resi�- with Ho,,forE - I DICKSON, ing, b-Ukst,, lep, and of W4.1