Huron Signal, 1868-02-13, Page 1.010�w, W-T-307"� "'.11itor"IndProprietor.] T'he Greates' t Possible kood to th 0, lreatoAst Possible Itumber."A X_ GODERICH9 ONTARIO, Do 0.9 THURSDAY, FEB. 13.) 1868. )VOL. XXI. ,No Business Susikio mircrter.-P. An Auld WaidIs R�moustr;woe- The"' Alaballm 01alme. OUR COLLB STON-E—EDGE. (From the London Times, Jan. 21.) mullioned window loo�ed out on the r. No. ni. niains of the IlaR garden,with iis rvin(:,J WRF AT- HOA;E F4R A TALE. WIL-PLIct 11 o'clock. CONSULTATION What can 'a lane body, what can a leal body, The Akebania correspondence was Os- Yew hedges -zind a s+ erw-r% Will risit What can an silld body do for a man tensibly closed by a despatch from Air. (For the Sfgnal.� n below," said two. The otberside open� atiect, at any hour aft H-URON AUCTION MAR. it r like�a little heave ed oil the was yard, surrounde LOOK HERE' Nae charms to'e0milleudher.mie kin tobe"ndher, Seward, dated.Noveniber 29, formally de� DPA.R Sm, —1 think that I have succeed- poor Cassandr*r-to h ' aunt, with a glow of flights of I Her ringlets turned lyffit, her baffets turn"d wau.11 i li , L er cattle-pC?dS, V-'�beM' TRGEO le nuig Lord Stanley's proposals. TheJetl in Clearly defining what is meant by de ht, Golurarcir, c w. A. M 'HARDY & CO. Ob, drearfs the prospect that tends an auld a lig as they began to move slowly clij wheeling Pigeons, ll,jsts�' c-1 I United States government will o U vraity, and that kind of university 1 with the crowd. wallowing ducks and hVed P 13.W-ly Its-cauld And its laneso nly sub- chickens, As weel as the scaith and the callous upbraid& Concession of belligerent rights shall form quite as much quarrelig and AUCTIONEER& COMNISSIONKR� moness troubles ane sair, nlit to arbitration on condition that our desired by thr f rths of the people of Look, 'child said the old woman together in picturesque wilf 'subser;ber having REMOVED to the O'gilPlas rve nursed wi'a mitherly can. Ontariq--that ha-Ve also proved that clawing hold of her near the door and THE the case for the arbitrator's decis- YiCtOria Collbgq, Cobourg, is not see and selfishnes were to, HN-5ICTAV,. SURGEON. CORON P and Residep e third door , M ke. nee, A PPR I ISERS AND part of ^ast of Cen What can a limebady se, -n in but Be 1-0 sto ' re latel- occupied by WM. DUNCAN. . I tarian diriggging her up 0 a bealitiful altar 'tomb !SbT-- Ion. Her Majesty'B government insists, In anYqnse, b t that in her charter, munitv. G ENERAL AGEN T S first doorsOut' u. her of a recumbent warrior -in fall armor with civilized ,in Cazsic's peis C-1. NT. W. 1[3. h of Bingliam's. Market Square. Oh. dool on the wiles and the cantlips 6, fashion, on the� contrary, that an actual stat of war board Of ithoUt numbe TC`R-,-nATr, COLLEGE PIITSICt�NS wishes to inform his -friends in the Town of That fatter r—a a e management. her senate, and her- the. great two-handed sword by his' the younkers afore they can fen shall be work done, she ' side. rwhich �would dart out t�t a p national, liberal, patri- " Yon's one as bolon _GEON_& C- & Residence. ---the bmit" -Goderich and- that he And mak' I them the slaves assumed to have existed, and that, s to your people occupied hy Mr. Iluest. CMedonix West Street, Goderlefis now hat the la -passion, upon this assumption, the arbitrator shall ome a chicken in its jilouth unb..,-- Tor... V 0I A! faucifll� Otic, thorough, land every way efficient. they called him Warrior Ashford.,, bring h 1, rgest and most complete 4t0Ck A ban on the credit Q'twascore and ton. Proceed toconsider the claims of the United The iiame may 6 a cat the sworn friend- of said of Queen's College, Cassandra did as she was bid, but her Ttbert Sloan. of Fall'and Winter drY tqp-knotted hens. the dog, and sun - All country and other- Wee entrusted to what can a lape body, &c. States to compensation. Such being the Kingston, with the exception that Queen attentionas disturbed 'by' P Th— Tean our care will receive prompt attention. respeeti�e attitudes of the knowing that surre-ri m the IT. & Armv dnnn-t the late war My mither &To taught me, wi- oi governments has a theological chair su ed by the Poland had co All this was overlooked from a co2v nASe resi It. fl-Ditni glearver ys ared comer in a deep window -seat cat out 4;,,,, 4 ndt. . But with a] not see him, as �she had turned her head ; the thickness of the great old stone -wall Lord'Hobart in a letter which appe Ppor me up behin(Iller. ident surceorto on None advanced on goods and furniture. Boots and Shoes To worn W the airtso"tlie giddy and valt6' tw ;hUrch, and Victoria has She did Aseriatsint nimrator for the To shun e the lures o' the eoxxin! young fen ; J f ; ArrnvCtwMraVick%bwg..%Ilm &e. &r ofany hous i in Ifile country.containi, Victoria� 16th Gndencb, Jan. -13 1368. w5I in our coliim on Saturday, has under- 94artsi 90 libe as and teach- I she had not even heard him, aM residenre--i4r. T. r jackonava, L#swer log *Vory waseYs. 'waouce am orsame," garnished with a faded red cushion. wher,.1 style of Ladies' and Children's goo& sod P 80 how is it their ac taken to adIvocate the American viewwhile ll�F for surgicalcosexat P that the Tor- I quaintance was of too short a date to dis Malcolm lVicholson. Historicuis "in a reply onto pi 8 �4 te astaropd in stil parts onhe mnatrv. miiss4hmuch on lay two or three -t red hywn-bo'ol:s,' that he has also avery large assortment of a In* body, &c. we Ct SURGICAL OPERATIVE &NDM _. yesterday, defends t 'There are s p an Whatm published to say against it ? tinguish his footstep, and inthe trampling an almana . d Lyddy's Testiment %tre- Wincham, ont. - Oct. Tilt. 186T. everal reasons AL spinnin' and slisarin' question is one of a W3T ECHANIG_ GENTLEMEN'S I've wrought my days �t the loord Stanley. The, he position taken by It. U of feet it would have been impossible, and fully done up in a handL inch Is we 1;nown that Victoria is the 1 yet she knew it as well as if she had both literature of the family. A, e, And thrave by m t�,Kft Jwit thow.6' dtbs corn: vast impoirtance, not only in its special great rival of the Toronto College ; that seen and heard. nse open And aye when a laddie my price cam a 'I)Phring on the principles of international Victoria -Was the t chartered institution I I iddle space,- -with seatj refrain till his beard could be shorn. morality, that it calls fora de s had the said Rland, not addressing her. " See in'th chininey-corner on each side tile AM EI�ECTROPATHIST, &C' I bad* It's a very pretty piece of work," the mnough to loast �lvl ox, TCq?ARD w)oJRr_ PHTSICTAN. SURGEOI M`0 fire -place, large s, WINTER rui TS libdrate and 0: it has alway Nianebcster, M W. TEETH'inserted in either Pla coarse and fine, both impatted,.and of his What can a lane body, &o, decided expression Of public opinion. Utmost confiden occupied all Febratary Tth. 1867. w3v of the coutitry—that thee how they joints P th' armor is own manufacture, which he will sell tins. Gold. Silver. or Vulcan Let us now dismiss all considerations of while oro set,. objects of great ambition set RZ Afore ane-and-tvrenty contrived to got wod kind, and ask ourselves whether, end cjlilly licat below ized Rubberon reasonable. t Amy auld cronies, my sisters ali& cousins, this ege has all the money it like s if they were natural I canna think they were betwixt a scol —thougli, RADITATE oftho Medical nepartment of Victoria "'Offilm over the'Poot Office. West S and � e patronage of the gov- how they done it." llnivomliv. Toronto C odench. Cheap for. Cash 1 Bus tho' I could reckon my offers by dozens, reasonable or unreasonable, an uncondi- ernment d . and a tremendous ol-raught ov �Rnd late ofthiIt TTwititni and tional resort to arbitration should be Leader " the - e Toronto dalies, the urlicad up t!Ic. Vew York. * Rgsidence D. mep-nzall,s W At twa scoro and two I'm a lanesome auld maid, ae- " It's like a many things ; if Ye Set You great funnel of the cuniney reaching t(i (Railiff) Bayfield. e, sounding its praise,. mind to"t youll find out how, Master ROl_ the dylight above. it was laure hozioralWo xr494moo. Call and examitte, as he is satisfied that he �cepted by Greit Brit?dn There are and the presti of ne buildinis and and, " said the old lady, smartly and than-comfoltable to s U011111mcirclit"llotef 'Mitchel I C.W has just the goods you want. What = a lane body, &c. * two le i p Classes of motives whichlust be resoluti- I - it there. ovcr it, in T.f1vV114. When the rude storms ot the wintei mol lovely groves and now make haste, Cassie, for I'm clean strange contr3t withthestrin-s of AND ATT"OPNET-AT-LAW, em come warin', lY Put aside before we can arrive at any ut grounds. yet, for some reason, clammed and droqte4, and J- want my th County Crown AtinmPl'. Whirlin'the drift,to my wee ingle cheek, sound conel ` a-oria has alwa� 7� had most diied herbs o Goderi . ch. Carm. Zato SAWL FURSE. usion on a question of national students in ',dinner. Ye'll not for to-n�)rrow at e Ot tea, Irang a helmet Goderich. Sept. 24, l8eT. Badly I hurkle in sorrow despairin, responsibility. On the one hand, we must 9 nd r� 11 kn )wn' to 'do the I Mr. kolAnd. da West. Office in Court House. r14n40 OHN qICKS, Proprietor. This is tb w4 pri e and 1 attendance a 7e lid F ada.atitl7cliarge8 a-4 anoderate largestand bestConatry f4otei in Wester, Comfort or kindliness whaurean I seek rise above the blind instincts of best for them. 't It IIII-st ham been inn oria Mlege could Now tea is a movable. festivi-1, varying t -", - I ' -a kniirsrm ATT1iR-,,-Fy. M-g-VEVANCER. &c.. a); anv FfDul What can a lane body, &c. jealousy. Because the sentiments of large only be shut up t I back, 11011tehell. ta,-el"roprLetor. �400dsitabhngro tien, 1e great rival of accordingto tlieL-titude of the country3nd drawn over s4holilders, Kin, ­an <reet. Goderitib. c. vr. be w49. Honeft Mess John andids deacons me pious, classes in this country was enlisted on th e Toronto would be out of the way, but as class. forthere 100 �Iorses. liorses' and Carriages for I-Ine, on $1000 1- 1 ill W A R D I " Genteel"' tea may be -even as late no other mode of using it. bortesl Notitte Tlio'aye side ofthe south, because the claims of the I t4!7 interested in bodies like me, !Ong as she retaim her high literary stand- as half past six ; but Mrs. Woo L was a iijost wee pickle gear we've laid by in was not formidable eap,�n, all, %nRIST M. its just for the United States have bdien preferred in too lng and an outnu mber in her graduates genteel, and her guests wer the unh- mlic- and general stu us, e expected so I of tile great soldiel- from whom _%rMPNw_F.XLlC7TOR TV CHANT- :F 0 __R C3- :8 M Toglawn't fur the Session asstine as we dee. peremptory a tone, or because they, have e ts the Toront(; College, soon after two that not a ininute rest had Ike. Offit-6. liar Square. Corn, ­r of NIMS. DAYS' HOTEL. rinjMou Street. Not cf the Bank. of Montreal Notes. but a tana lane body, &c. -not been preferred,, -on those so long will ieal us hate was descended this,' and perhaps tiloi What - grounds, . find a selfish she or Cassandra from her prepajrati�ns a b, WROXETER. fac-simile of the human against Frafi6e also it does not follow editor, and ail o column to as' nes which Lie inherited, though no Par- Nz 'EVRITrt-7. CO' p tack her. that morning. face minitted- Aften I wish-tho, rd modestly speak o*t-- that we should turn 'a deaf ear to complaints 2. The principl, i that governs and con- ticle of gentle blood seemed to have des - &c. Office, over J1. C. Dellor & Cots old store casonable complaints -of our trols the Toronto press is the essential will say that, my wench," said her aunt cen e wih them. .% ON the direct road from Seaforth to To mak a life btlrgain wi, some honest jo -even to Unr Thou'st a lucky hand wi' the butter, I d d RVRRTS;TrR8. SOLICTTORS. CO' everyday by 1 C For'love I am sure hed hae a! he could seek o't, conduct in w4f) Walkerton. Every necessary accom- recognizing the Confederate spirit of monopoly. Give us, give its, give admiringly. " Set' out the It was about:a Tponth after the modation for the travellinz public. And goupins o'cowd that wad milk' ' Ids hart glow. States. On the! other hand, we muBt I's YOUrs, is their � notto ; and they have t -t ra� s gridle-eake, a -i and the two women had been lutrd at,v,,or1'- "rornst NZ What = a lane body, &a. banish with no less firmness, not unmixed so long succeeded i i their grasping avari OP, and he I p and the honey frae yef 1,;OLTCrrOR&. &c.. Goderich. C. w. HA9NAH DAYS. ce feyther, wi'the pikilets dictmok - in the it ;.s .5licght -irl Wroxeter. Nor. 5, 1867. with indignation those motives to which I that if hm-beconi6la mania with some of Twas'Lyddy sent 'it, aunt Bessie," turning one hea-,7 cheese aftcr anoii, 0 or7ing Office. CmIth's 'New 131beL. w42 Nfghtna. some leal fallow, tho"ayout fifty, but you --W see a ZAAC F. TOX�. TZ, I V, Rr Lord Hobart ap�ealx when h them. Look at t 0 f4ets from an 'educa- said Cassandra Goderich. Auzast 27th. 1964. LL"wls C. Woo ike mysel, O'his livia'alane, that it is plainly e reminds s h7 t IP er b1f gw`163wal PRIACE OF ORANGE - Hi Marrow hiN lot wi' Ws that's boon thrifty, intimated in the AWqm tional stan&point oi�ly. They have now knackhich a man can hardly lift. Wn alt P 9 3E. OTEL His credit to prop ere her bairlitime be gane comes p-ondence that ^ the United States in Toronto, Upper Vinada College, a kind And the Ph down to draw. To -be " You're tired, dear heart " said Lyi A7r0RXPT. SOLT(IrrOR. &c 'DUNGANNON Cam* 1:� What can a lane body, & 'government "may now be obliged to of Grammar. School grown sure, how dear it do be " the old women lOOkin9anxiO11slY&t;0assiei"as she stuil Goderich, C. W. office. DrAl. wal C. taken from the' 170 $�m - fat on plunder- went on, without hearing any tongue but rather listlessly leaning against the open 1irs 7n conform its principles and policy to those molar hoofs of her own. WILLIAM BANNATYNE. ­ck, West street entmnee first door vrest of Glax ;ow -A 11331AACI-K, Ashileld, 23nd Jin. Ion. which it considers to have been the prin- Toroist'5o Gram- nd blue uw49 Canada. In one ye�r that doorway in her pink short gown ciples and policy of this country diri g I mar School expen 1. And in a few 'minuies� after they were petticOjt�__ -more ed $25, ore tha a much pt-ettier as well s ol 000 in U ready the little room was as full as the convenient dress the trailing of TMRNEV-AT-L� P4 TRAGNDY IN BROOIKLyN. the American civil war." The answer of the whole allowance of the 75 Graniniar honey -comb itself. %W_SOLIC!MR TV CRANCERy Ample accommodations. :0 A. Noft" Pribl'ir, Conrevarcer. &c., &c.. Goderic _h. ffistoricus 11 is here absolutely conclu- the prescutfarmers! 'Ont.. Offic-et, on the somb, side, ofWest St -et. Aird RA ACT OF AN 311� Schools Put tog4ther, or 90 tithes as much I C ad , " Nay, I'm none oniystupid.!, choice liquors and good at' vin ;r!sa was wholly �n ser- rd as S 9 ag viance for each school. d it was far ore her taste said she lift* h WAKOURED YOUTH. _HX 81ve, supposing, the demand of Mr. Sewa th ver e allo nam dqor &Wn court -House squire. W49 tendaince. GODZKICB. BHOOT8 HIMSZLF nfTHE HzAi) nr THE to be palpably groundless :- ff the gov. That onii school 4Y a grammar school- 'i ndee, ing fr arms, and resting Dunpilooni -Xiara, ism where he bas refitted fiis Rooms, and en PMSRXCB OF M8 AFFUNCED. ernment of the Uuited'States quarrel with has the income arising from 63,799 of the than bitting grand withb erpocket-haadker- them on'the wall as high as she doula chief spread upon, her lap, pouring her above her, for a change Willi !arged his Sky Light, making it, the largest broad acres of Ontario and yet when grant tea solemnly into her saucer. Very deft her head against the &c.- GoDzxwu, Oularits. Offmc- -- - us on the question of, the- recognition of while she leaned the Wunty,'and one of the best in Canada The neighborhood of No. 245 Brdgea-t., belligerent rights, it Can only be because after - grant was dei;;Zded, neither the and handy she was in all hermovements In. We only see in especially for taking� groups? Two persons they are the Leader the Roman peasant or a Greek statue hoI7 MONEY TO LEMP. LUCKNOW HOTEL Brooklyn, was the wane of considerable Globe nor determined in any event,to quar- thad a word of objec- and Roland's '�yes followed her up and much of taken together at the same rates as one, excitement at a late hour on Wedoesd �y rel vriih Happily this eonclusi tion. AND STAGE OFFICE. ion is gracein motion and attitude are down, watching the grace there in in Aoing lost by our civilized womanli dress, which ARRTSTM ATWMV9V-AT-LAW. CONVEY In returning thanks for the liberal tiatroin ni ht, caused by the enaction of a tragic hetical, and we are by no any thing really AV_ ail doubly h In Toronto� we find the Normal and R- S. OUNNINGRAN, Prrpnetor- age of the past, -Mr. Campbell feels siflisfied a ir which k place on the door -steps not allow the arms to move except in Beer. &e- OXce, Blake's Block, opposite the I AGei Schoo' does' too Is a source- of great honor and -41 youd betreu lie of means prepared to adopt one of the hy- office, Goderiev" rrUATED on the comer on ;be Northert that Illose who. wish a. good PhotQgr&ph the Above-no*ed residence. Atli o'clock 'Potheses which edn alone,render it inevit-� great income to Toronio. ore in thepub line," one direction. the shm? report of a pistol rang out U able. c e-, approvingly. The kitchen was spotlessly clean - January & M& svrsT S Gravel Road, Lucknow, Stag-leaveevery should try his new Sky Ught. Then we find said her un I ' I morning fiv Goderieb and Walreirton. Tle - Pon We do not regard Mr. Sewards two medical schools, a law school, a com- VVIMAM Irpaser. C:3P� Piitum taken in every style known the still night air, She'll hal a farm o' her own, �and ded up?'­'4or it was.Saturd�v every p hotel is fitted up with every accommodation ror and a female shriek pro- demand as p1j! ably groundless-, but morcial college and Trinity College,, and in plenty to do in it, I take it," answered adorned with a p e -A aver -EV_tTL_A1V.8OL1Cr1OR1N CHA�NCERy. commercial, travellers. A farge Hall attached. to the Art. ceedmg from the same -direction attracted addition to all that,! a Toronto College at A TWRN Proofs shown if required. Photographs the attention of unwilling to be 'eve th the, people of the att, i W"li'tion, Cut' Juao24,1867. W22 whose hunt Bessie, with a toss of her head." table, the pewter, and the china rtibbed up rt have exceeded wie million and a I an, PIrecinct, who pened to be patrolling to harbor the designs which Lord Hoba cup of tea, declared he " couldnt iwalla it. all kinds of weather. United State so far committed to if -as improve- At last old IAth after his seventh to a sort Ofsparkling purity, sczreely- to be WS taken' "cerDyer VoF the 4lAt a are ments grounds, buildings and vVinism IFIt. 114ain, 113. A. ACHIN-E Life - SIZI his beat in that=ty - Hastily repairinj imputes to them. It is natural that Mr. half of dollars taken' frim the 'pub c awn but in these upland hesitations, ff%x-CERY A_VD LAW OFFICE. CnAirs's 'WE- THE BARCIAY EWING a D Photo I I' li a drop more, and that Cassie mun, ha? There wasa, heap of mending oil the little T11i anin grapht to the pWe indicited ie beheld the pros- Seward, having once taken his stand on an treasury, e ' or working hers, " by'r lady,' mun she." And she three-legged table inthe corne C Imildines. Kiniesson Street Godcrich. plain or -colored, taken on reasonable terms. trate form of a , ' tual outlail FOR An lym expenses, for one year of that one con r, and Lydia Money g onthe stepeat untenable position, should adhere to it with eie, sat down at the comek of the side -table, turned to study an unconscionable rent in ,,,�nt on reasonable D. CAVPBlsLt,- exceeded by som Quieted. GoderkiL Dee. 24. ISM swn Crabb's BI t�rnix- D putedand defective to rria "Iqte the basement do4 of No. .245 Bridge -at., more tenuity than Lord Stanley did to e hundreds oi dollars the while her aunt poured out the last cup of Gerinan's 7k bleedin" from the temple. - Inquiries were 'tbatf his predecessor. We can make al- that Cas�io migbt not - Tailoring. & Family u�e. g total 6utlay of Victoria, Queen, Trinity 3uly.234 1867. bitter cold -decoction, Cause of for. the pressure of political Y shame-faZed way, at doing r. Tprancis 40. laftldnn in a lowances Regiopolis and McGill Wing theiroutla' and Boland feel. the I "'27 inmnediatAy instituted as to the bur e o her watchir.- T-LA, SOLICrWR-rN CHJ1JN_ the affair, and A neighboring surgeon was exigencies, especially at the present 'crisis all ioieiller. And - yet' neither -the G&& work I which The cat rubbed unheeded against the gir-1 cc barevwum &c., &c. Goder"_ Out- and To J. - lffaerhMe, AgAmt, summoned to atteind to the Wound, and of American nor the Leader, nor- their little satellites only females ought to, brought her,the" -who rouged herself in a faw iiiiiites; T. Mces."Farwrist Block, Godericb, and -Politics. ' Considering these had any objection. Let the reader remelt, k *b th and -butter and however, with a'little blush at her mra Mr. Nversonlet Swe, Bayiew, waist the uillfortunate victim of circumstances, we ' I poor remains of the bread- Y7- 3R. Unidan will' be at bis branch ollice. navoeld, SFINALOFFICE) GODERIOH. what pro- venture to counsel the -Ica e ; u. e was lmost instantly called thoughts, I'll go and pick th" apples,,, ved to he an attempt at self-destruction. Utmost patience and forbearan her that all this is money from t every Monday from 18 a. E137. till 5 P M. 9w`&wW ce on the he pubh� away by the demands Of society, The wound was pronounced to be mortal, part of our'government, but we am not funds, and that the mometL she saif4, " Feyther sayq, -they fal -Ind left temple, He any other It -was a very mnsatisfactory day. dunna Rpen ; theres sumniat a's bad The Barclay Sewing Maebing -is unques- the ball having entered at the prepared to'eounsel submission where sub- Roilege, asim for assistance to do the same had not elichanged a word with her; and to tY taih. tionably the most just above the eye, and lodgedin thebrain. se -daily papers bellow the somehow the merry -making seemed dull, ,J_TT0RNF,V-_kTLAW, S0LlCTT9R_M_CHA2q_ mission, instead of promoting reconcilia- work, both tho "erich, 5 do.s - nf X_ C_ cKmeronis 1.,avr Office. Atthe advice of �ffie surgeon, Serjeant tion, could onlylower us in the eyes of the key -note of their old cry, Economy see- MONEV TO LEND. w2D Am ca La and the time-honored jokes; stupid, as he deepened on or hue as n-oungnian walk-- �X cet7, &c.. &I-, &c. . Office-Kinaston Street, SIMPLE Md PEXPEOT , But she to ped shol-t, and the blush Beatty caused the patient to beremovedto eri 11 r tion. 6Aanism no church and stateisi�;. If tri ainly to Family Ltock Stitch Machine now in ase.. the City Hospital. The old axiom, it True 'dingy ed get'near her. ed suddenly'in at the open dopr. Prow a Collegiate education.for the Everything, however, comes at last to It's Rolannol Str6Icey, whitt I met at Ft will sew from the finest cambric to the love never yet run smooth," would appear TheWarQ7 an BllectionTrlok. youth of a country be favoring church and an end, even a 7 ---shire tea ; and present- inyauniVs, mother, ��d Cass RRISTER. ATTORN'RY, SOLIelMOR, &c- heaiest cloth'or leather with perf-et ewe in the present insftnco to find still another state, then the lal;e COW sa�idra, shyly. a- stitChes. It in the Cinum- From The N Y. Times. States must be fast drifting in that direc- re was a general move, and- She had never used ihe word before,, but shawling and bonnetting, and stalaces gleaned it, seems that about two Very positive'aniionneemen s are made tien, for, at its last session, they act apart leave-tak had always called her " lyddv to Bchnwq, Ont. was and npatness without slipping ""On' Fro ess of the United ly at dusk the MONEY TO LE"L. embraces all tile qatalitieg of. Any other Ma- t ing, and elaborate thanks at the ore, andit CENSVID ATCTIONkER, BAYFECLID. C-nty ol liciq, durabil- and again at the' vhcket-gate. Cbine in the Market and hall advantage over STOP IND SUB yews ago a young- man named Benjamin that the President intends to Aemand of 9,500,000 acres of land for the purpose. of door -sill, show her despite and then her I' P nal colleges, yet ee her take Humm so mvillageorcowitrypenctually at Poland remained behind- the rest ; he refuge as it wererom her own Senations f011owing rensa-ke on Testuiwanis of sisal bam elaims� and if this is not concededs no one thinks of singing, the old song Of ,F. Bache, 19 or2O years of age, who 'a vef i's q "' in England "boliate payment of the Ala- enccuraging denominatio was straiige and touching to -s ity it 11111111h P gene Aopectably conneited th - bf terftd to. W961rl X wmderfid and extrunrldina: (being e son good Nischine --y - eures in cansda. by Surgeon Bache to make reprisak or declare church had provided himself with some excuse, of under the protection Of a " mother. the GREAT INDIAN REMEDY They rosic*.un ) of the naval laboratory of war. This is and state in that country. 46 are invited to comb and test it. bl to this station), made the aequintance of Miss; sheer nonsense ne of -the business, to he handy." in case of an o 'MoTrMR yor Brilig along deniebte and incontesu 0 fact& mugeien to,conv=c* party trick, S. Another reason why Victoria Col P- My feytherhave asent me toseo arter the rocel kiptlealthat the Great Medicinal Compoun. a -d �ist look in at rJIVl`L EXGL-4N R AND PROVINCIAL�-,LA_-.-D rk and try it. orned as Amnie Graham, a most prepouess* resoirted to by way of preparation for the lege and other denominational portunity, and.he now ffung out hill grap- keow, and I thought I xj sarveyer. Torouso8trect. Goderick. vl5n3 An Operator wanted. ficifor ages is now accessible In the Great mgyoung Presidential canvass. It u1stitutions Dlep, and began on Nathan My father Stone Edge.oh the way," said the youlig lady who resided with her mother at the may be very are so strongly denounced, is because they SRO well forthe Democrats to goad the R, bli- an so many who so cordially dislike all the sava about the cow�-?' and he Spa 00a Book axd 8ftwtioneirm SEMNEES RMED above address. An intimate friendship cam into fambled for man, shifting uneasily from one leg to the 1'. T3. For thoftsex of the Th pu it is welr Keep it till to-morroW Ind ; 1, canna. Now Stone Edge was certrCuily on the! Liver, E�siive and affection grew Up between the young taking bxtreme grounds on this denominations of the country. a letter in his,, pocket. Other. store. rotale, toe itariaits question, as they have already done on so known that the press 'most active in descry- olonpughti'thplittainesslille. "I'mclean way to no place, except per4a ML ENGYERR A;XD WRVrVO% LAND as w Agentand Otinveyawer, Kineardiim I Skut Disease# ji ad all diseaseii arking from people, which, if report speaks tiuly ripen- Gotterials. An. 20. 1867. W30 Imparities cfiiie =.Wr boldlf Mate that, this ed into a mutual exchange of a many, others; butthey will be -very care- ing those colleges are psto heav n, Solitioyh" NXVHR entiment in the hands of men done, and wred out wit pleasuring," an- and the word made Lydia-: look up -Acild SEWN 9QUALLED. Where and matjimo ' ful not to commit themselves to any such who have no very stron ',denominational covigntateofthe United statesof that in -the'person et nW engagement. Mr. -Bache issue. War with England 9 swereil Nathan, yawning- turn one keen glan Wilson Storms Of Ofihton,c. W., of cousti'mPtion; or was a member of the church, steady, in his is a ve ood preferences -themselves ;who refei educa- ce n das,-andra, who so long n Amervea. FARM Frk')R SALE llmmss(aPere*te*rCftrVsmMiiillsercuyE*wunestown, C. %V.. ofeen.., habits; t and of a genial temperamentwhich thing to talk about, lZotfing - tiOrW institutions' e Wland had emptied the hetergenerous stood with crim3p checks in the Corner of HCRM stimption, orthat ofAsnbi;Z Woodorcousccow� c.W I ntirely free fro 13RITM EXCHANG9 HOTEL. OPPICE else,is done � aj�;ut cont4nts of hi� pocket in a vacant cornerof -the room and gr:ve a, glowing look of en- rin and 14ver �=uit, or that of J"b� 'eyyn�] the Areawr, W40 j ron him many friends and oildenopinions. pushed too it -though even this, Christianity and rigious influenCes. Th ROMY, Plummet, C. W., of, hauntatism, who W Iffix buidneos we d among them lay a white, treaty in return. 0 that of a =t, and he far, will makeitself felt in still see no God in nature, no'God in science an half -opened rose. A rose does not lo9k the Lyddy had never gone thro-aggh the pro - actually been an crutches fat vears, in ginto 6fall treat: resided with hix� further depressing business; and INHE subteriber ofiers; riw sale a fillip term lo, meat ticretaftro, and is now well. Seeres of#nek cases Parents, ootimer of, Ryerso postpon- no God in his - no God. in the universe A _theTowasbip 4Ashfivid.. being lot b, ingthe reZovery f the country from th& and to them to better.for being stuffed into a hole� with cm of love-malcing herself, but it seemed con 6 inight be meittorted W we owe. hingavenue. Visitingfreque 11 Mer J3ECrXT_%AY EnIROX TRICHERT ASSOMTXON� E. D.rointainixx 100acres, of first cla"'tfay land, at the Drug Store and tet a Circular 09 nt- effectS Of our recent war. But if anybody godliness in shbuld be no Qod or ly at the house of his affmiteed, it was of �d =Oes, and lthand- to her a sort of holy and licave-a1v rite be -r. About 20 acres cleared. For onlil9slionable ccrnficates�on the MAr - late r Our colligiate institutions t s sJusify your. times marked that his nianner at certain ur people want Our common and ginnimar schools o reverence and assist iii a --eriwas and 'RHos g' BiLuccril", Posr Orrict. w40 partiCtIlArS as 90-priM &C. _e or any party thinks that o a :Vhe I:k rueful onet wmao I to are all a war-mith England now, let them lose no conducted owthe as his rose. eane 0- _R & Co. st fashion, and her gnsve SE% MI)IM wall somewhat sinkular and unuatal, principles of true godli- or T. B. VANEVERY, Price of tke Ainiedy tn Jaitgre t*$1 - and he cautioned his lady love time in taking the r4ponsibility of urging ness. The influe I I I brought it this arternoon? he said, welcome made the young nian's Lear-' s D. F. U,&Mr8ETL9 Inn against nces of Christian teachers pay- Goderich. itmen it. The sooner they do th* the sooner and pastors are everywhere surrounding almoit angrilv, looking at Cassandra, as lie took the seat ofered him out For Safe by all Drugg sts and Dealers in Iledi any attention to other young inpro w47#f eme. Agents for Godench, F. i6rdan,-witi Parker & hi itingeven the bestowal of a smile upon ove the youth in his school room and play- a 116 we e 13iilg PROVINCU'L T R, DRAUGHTS- DOC- 12- INT. hit will they- disc r their mistaie. though he could scarcely see her where which theat nd dog -w r' tA, k4r, 06ce = Mr. Carroll'i Drag Stura. at clittle, -7 a such, ad extreme was his jealousy when in ground- Home influences, sunday school she stood: in the twilight. " And there the closest friendahip--were displaced� IVROLE8ALE AGENTSt . I : Gold Newa. R -All orriers for surveying wk with C. T�sit 1Z this humour. Butthese Comments ofyoung wereso many folk, an& it were a rare un, 11 Shes quite piert, is Bessie Brooi%Nlie gcotl� Zsq�. of "Wingliam, will receive inticiediaza au ewu g LYil AN P.LLFCV]rr& tbachers with the influence of good books, too, as growed o'th' rectory garden wall." replied, in answer to questions concir� MUNSHUGH & 14VAT30N, TORONTO. Bache were not, attwhed with much. m and Christian -pastors, meet the youth at T. The. BeReville Intdligencer-sayr.: -Owing every step, "'Brought the c6w ! Gro, Nathan and his wife N�hich,se HOLBROOK &VrARK HAMILTON. poirtance in the Inind ofthe younggir4who No teacher can enter the ed on the Ved to T. HICKLE a 4hought them. mere idle *ords, without to receipt valuable discoveries roported in 8611001 -room, until certified to be a proper rectory wall ! Why, the lad's g6ne crazy ' the awkwardness of the prty. yl 11 -A.M F:Iii Well, wall, we'll see about it, aW wakes is 'to the AR'OHI 't Meaning. Whether there really was any Namoin P this township is attmeting 001n. per"N and . the- school room �b always great relief of all, the boy -9 0,4 1*1 Ak t to I r JL IIA111 tv, 07 ITC- n-forthe Chris over. Time for lill things, mwi," said old) rushed M. ITECT, OUnd for the jWousy of the exacting filiderit0s ittelation from miners and capt. Ope tain pastor and parent to PrAng ova, ednesda�y ce the child for go 'Who�,; - TAn for, rdoes ift appear. On- W talists. 1 At several of the, od. In was and if lie ! "I've broke my knife!" lie Cried. rVLF1CLTr0B8 of Build Vyzb and 0W1 MR. I shafts o visit and influen I Natk, in, who. not in -love, in &*.,gota isal"tAllacormetstyle announow th" he k" x I cued the evening he called at the house ab*ut. half- lait suiamer and fafl � pened ouroolleges only do we attempt to ignore ever I Lad been had goe over it forty you 7" lie ent on in surprise ; but ev4ni to =at titst &Iurox Auction Mart, Mar work has been oon". the advanta such influences. The I yews before ; go -it was pirdonable- if he the unprecedented event ;f -a - Is IF aganq of'"Tom post se*en o'clock, and was in excellent tinued darifli the winter 4ith most en -1 bsnd and _ges of did not interpret its Jh6rt-liand, or read stianger spirits, taking & lively part in the oonversa- the pen of the spoiler has not Ston6.Edgc­ could notkeep himof bis;woes tin iLUCI otheriViset in tfi .'"aragkilig prollpefb. L The richeit dis. I -yet dared to write oi bet the lines of 'Roland's discourse.' andin a laulentablevoice he vent on ut God and Christian- at Flist d uncencerned and pleasant cov"y reportad in Marmom ii; ifiat on lot ity from ourcointhon and graminarischools - en e was gone, out of 5* -rhu-not a sot cuttin'a stick for to -trke the waspses' We Me 8"ACIEV a's Sewing mat'hifles 17 bef6re-Cassandra, too up the nestt6-hight (they wtinnaftng now they remained there till half. ten ow D the Uth conoession, mado by My. but we are assured that in oar non-denom- D k, C half-dead rose, and hid it in her bosom. bite the gooseberries so,) and I just laid UUYS%mofsells New York 'Drafti-IIa-Gree which he is to wheii he wished Mrs. and her PoweI4 the -first -dui wiverer- of gold 6n the inational ciolle e an atheist, deist, Jew or notell, i . prepared self, a% thel halilut daught4wgoodnight,andtookhisdbparhve. Riebardson farib. T 9 - - In the Course of the next few -days they'. he knife dov�%, when I �-Lw Daft Davic, Sad goesmat moupy at carrent rate of POO NW,ratesi at, While explorin 'ark, may -wit propriety and law sit in After an ab6en 9 thcFP:re�ident's chair, orr Ileture in�Any of met s6veral times, wid. 'once at 4 return as fierce as a maggot, cobbinst�)nes at the t -minutes he returned, rang the door. bell, -there is notto-day , ea to Mrs. Broom!s great feast. I saw now cauff, and I just gied -un a for 19th ikr-. 1865. PSR ce of twenty-five or thirty "throug� that we ion late 1i the fall, he its depaftmetits, and t OLU . STA nine aOross a lead of quartz on a - hill an he iias iery much in love with h to mind un, when lie creep's and inquired for Miss- Graham. U one clause or worot in the present liw for- close, Street. this lot A GRBAT CURS 0 M �, and break brealm un wit a I I on F�:Uftllcomp I AND her making,her a ing off a Woe with a bidding"the Jesuit from Rome or the sat hy her at dinner, and never a �,M lip, and il-c a, ppearm Goderich Nor.22 1867. -44 DYSPEPSIA Ili CANADA� Moir, gold wu observed distinctly visi- Mohammedan from Turkey, or ihe infidel was the re- screetch-owl. door he put hii hand in hisside word to herth6 whole time C011,1econ, Prium Edv4rd Co., C.. IV. ble to the eye in the rock. A little fdrth. f m any land, to sit that chair G30- RUMAU &UP104, drew forth a: pistol. At this ipi cotei ket an de is"in nark of a very keen observer in a diff6rent Shall I get un mended said Roland. Ju "d I line Oflife; and poor Roland gave this catching, at n excuse for c red within my owfi pe er exploration d6elopod extraordinary' to F0 RWARDERS, :r1-_0 �LEND.' rson that th ,ming eve is at lady though for a moment t1i it was his corrupt'hy his example 4!nd influence.the mom- Al"hat will indee�lcure livtreomplaintand orpeca, Intention toi use it on her� but that richner. the rbok bein youth� of Ontario' proof of his affection very pertinaciously, Ye can ha? mine till lie on the' 9 cenerally iaiireg- It iv Id use the faminduced to make ibis statement mideroa , w ith with the precioas metal. soi; ro in- 1 for lie was a niolqst Li. added, holdingout his.owp. THEAU Instant h4 heart failed him and 9 T e dignafion of man� a = n heart in this 1_34�CoItIIISSIOJ RON & EFfirt is, tocertify that .1 h4ve been sorely amiciediortheiast er, liaiAiiii, nated h At the end of her holidasy Cassan threcTears,accordingtollis, Doctorst staterridnis witll the weapon, to land if they only knew toe dra ie- Eli, hur is a beauty," sniol German, lDXAT CIS IN ALL KINDS 011`,� SA-YINGS ANDLOAN SOOJETY. ;'her, he ask;;d h , to, shoot quartz in whicli the �'old has been f motley, group Liver Cq IL and Dvspeppla. I ound' of principles even now turned ho-ne with rather a, sinking hea�i t looldng at it vith the entlhusiaEC zespec,.� in ad a feelitig' there Act b Isto _s OlolAsliford was so far right that �f his and affection whch all men L)ia f.,2el pr.ODUCE, 60 A. L , -8 AZ T,� IWATER, 'Tbe abdve Soelk sinking auwile uneamosiqubdat ih him. The lady, of course,. interpreted 19 nearly whiie with a rei ish' cast, -and, ELmonr-r t d Y19prep.aredt niske han Paul, eructation$ 0! e I cli,-worwe this ini6cent jocularity and with those higla-�aiLla---IdYp�eeanc'h�,er's and -4 - oees�"Stona tire t. as mere i its 1he aliar2otor daughter ie LIME, LciI, ness,consipation uneasiness lathe rl appearance, was.to live entirely, at ;3to4e for t "-t pi cc of property. glitle r, selle, out meaning, and returned io, -him, when njw, 4,gents or ON IMPROV" a poorippeute, �G., &c,-=4 was gregif heturne . d rou a But sceptic and unbeliefor is notsa, tisfied -that she should r4ot one like un 3 --but it'll cost to: f first class Marine and Fire lid size of the vein, it pro ses tozbe one Edge it was - as well , uA.___ nd suddenly afid'placing the siren Hearilf5yourneWIndiarime inethecireat ShoarleegRem, I ,rf th, riahent disco know that the world, conffined anythin p"eny ""an expression "IfXAace. 00 llp'Ifiles. y Teoken orio hiihi tried a ta. muzzle -to his -temple, pull6d'the - trigger veriesi 'the gb1d dis- at having established one�such college for 9 eseltiustay, ric themselves, 'where Christian restraints and moreheerful than th�t dremT spot, She ing in the norfli. And I an -r.- got bit HAR8,990'Ar-Godemll; 0-11 ON, MOST. -A tile and fell down- insensible. t "t, _DVANTAGROMTERMb. change, but1took another arid then o nd m 1 ill SO fearful and ena utteu terrib, - . . I . 'thdr -wn and ignored ; had The cost of eflocting's Loao. will be found ImPfoving.-I continued it tuni. I Irave I e was the, suddennssi 4 the rash . . I I moral lessons are wi been petted and admired and amused, VERSE, WON,& LM- much lower than in Other Societies of a suni at battles, usingthe lilar., and I lud SU'AP-RISING T�LiGiAp NG FEA.-' and the contrast was. rather overwhelining. I owetheefor be woeskit nature. The I attention ofthe -Borr I , �vereif. I eat heart . mil t I have quite re� - swoon- Vfe where God.and godliness is not named, but tott erch oWer is called ce ywiboutptimor hic I qc� iufbruied_�by bIr D At first it was a great delight to comintini- I�yddy. "I have VOR112154 An"Si to the faq� w6fland biwie plalsura in attending fs- ed away where she- stood. -The timely rht, Mana na saved bat.he will receive the full anitilk ,tny - - t, having caught the cliur�hes alf aWal 4.11' T tit Pf The doctorremarked to me. I *,i better. e policeman Y.w the fimt as- ph' Coinoday--1 tll-- od� -=d having,'.SDfar imeceedbd, tile' ence more' or It,ldhim the Great 8 at y now ann CORNER aOSPITAL & ST. JOHN S 'S. �,htv-Loan. with011t anYdedll0tic1u being mide,f k3 t6b arrival -of th ger of the Tdjegra cate all the new world ofIffe she had seen eggs et, but th .0tere'st or PaYmcifts in advonce. hoshoneis Remedy was �dqtr IL sistance rend&6d -to the terror-� Tridsybight,last direct-kom -',b,],, '�fthe iiisdilitions of those chiliblies, td Lyddy and her brother, though --she coming, rnol she began to huot. it ut 14ve recommeadedthe 3tri6ken municatiort w ilvances may be rTd Monthly Reuiedy in several cases aiiad housbhold and th -uhfOi_t=t6 mail. h__ atisi nar3q)w never mentioned itoland ; but as Opy hidden cups and odd placcs on Ve. At viakv4aintained between.-Valentia -Ireland an a �110`g M and illiberal -eanneiVs Wharf, 1TE .or Yetirly, it b4invariablv -given good. salLi4telion�1nud f would e ext0tidinj over a n orfr.?m oijo to ffteen omntly,remmatendittoaiiafficted�s�I was I- 'the hospital themselves, they d ii of the knew',none of 'the p-ople �or plaea,' a#4 dressrr. _ , - e - i dfthd' Atl eceive he, was xnade da 6infortatil elisier� t6rniinu , :�X eve elect, by their �rofessionw of liberality. not spur her with intelligent, qite.%- And 17%-c got a new glifflili' vnd my 09, n rane The, tion�, even -this pleasure soon failed and 'holy � &Cum- b] ()nlitornja antie Ca- CoiLld Swombeve ABROSE -as posidlilaundefthe m6l" dances, -an word 1emig sent to his -of 0 'ario H[EMOUFACTURE94).YCANADIL AFULUVARTICULABS APPLY To n a Will,fov,�-�fl_fihs of th' '" . i grandmothergivniewhea I e. �e6ple nt therb, 'with _OnJyT. in 'amiumnled b the proper offiew. --POLLOOKI 'both e -p adrW eirdtitton, in the entire journey was be long dent if t1te'le ture atte pts to LyFoldy 3ighed a little to see how the brilli- un,11 saic sly y. y Commissioner in B., in iik ror the r Wien Agent* and Valuator for the society, at. q at M�AA.donfftiiij *& w�fbunlaud, where 3h -'the aut)A�pititsin-�vhkh.sheso,-del4htea N�ere o9exc4 w.'417r C-41atv of such lings)as.they *lone, perbAp -ci%u impgv�erl Coll vet done egos at h, ermcle. Edwarct;t. C,. �V, out all -that said R-oland, �Xel wrtificat# of their log such, sir o -ow ad,. rW-19 I - - . I "IT ;�r [_ experienw or the,*drtesies�,PMMd between the, tele- andare6ing, the .3bering down. defirt6.---�Wo one wai per- work. of the -country, Itted into th� 11Q*i*t.`roason&bUr ita& mi -it ihe pjade' ilis d 11 d tem,to, -n' their.sons to taking the money.. "seems 4, .,Qn�, as go An.. -4"theptilintyesterdhy n compel them,.to,- se Ali hei circttinfer�noe- of e=. :W 0. e weeli, b �Aiid d6athi: Abil -6ne--third ve looking ai�cawle r 'CAMO er, lug at, intert, bUt e obb�',f 'Iad be -h li rbIJ2 'ene anoth -0ther.Undi,to, ha "th, b4tic I ated. . Th CH 'PTER, X L roliN LOWL. were in'ye 'Ao-sr tted to a, 0 Fu D'U T�,Y iountr7, haw-allovin and Fatting ho A e its atta --riece inwpocket=Vwately. er con he'sea to the� wir6. pro iiin . holdat- t ue und i001W Solioited, - oi,.�id �fjcn gmmeuts, idfluence�;, iind no ainI tion jL ovening, tper-Chris V 13.1 T. of legislative mpe. the"Peo- a4*� T nid Lid( iy- *21 COLONIAIL R '�_der u6thin 'he to Depati --of ib ijohirtclen;.. Th I! Bwh WS,E� The -pistol U"a bY, ai. �Ple _fo.respe4 Tax buk of theola RaR 44 the -most y9UA9 I _. heerful part of -the place. illurAnenWrii, iMe 'Vdie iveninthese exposed spotii, In or infidel priwilqa4' 0 fficial Anign. "ya ko" �Abi four arib- � - hung, t7de4tlyabout the f a XCijioU%fW Of heat. The halls me,, lastonly, iwent away -v. hen h66V8t 1k �C -W y wat -,beeii' eirt i Cow, �iein to, ''THE Zq be co�dh+ un o 864 ft ea . ferther levolvent. Act' f I *%rislJ':MVA - 7 - -- 1, 'd). nocient -d Typ an -sin nzi� atantoit and. 8 e gaiA -generay on -lil, and [ed'byl,Ms delap. 64 W" A I lixg M th th h cobi side ofthe hi] Th 'k to the n4th OISMY very bem larger" diu' ms -cut back t. TOT "Mm shGLOVE 9 A6 t lie liviii-roo Jo� !,8110whim a z A -,an M - Znmeron'a repaftv& my- 0 wever, Coroner Sihith* eman ldress djdiellensiStono Edge, bo As he'strode down -the ill Y.*; y al great 91 ton- stiett. aderds W1 sit 31ft� SPqrgoo raoo ali Ai "VM'iew. stretched right.=ow his poclietii the� him wi+W all -the fi; ;6U meat, stateinent 'I .- - the house, In 1;i ter o iihallysordO� lioirs Stan J� , p iova- lgm Woo f4kh9lifs, Ut lax 00111140 W SUIC 10i the bttl' 4 4 sp beg Vi ANN