Huron Signal, 1868-01-30, Page 3LC'Ll in the Nau Con.
Tuasl2y evening last
Tlia ladies
C, qffcz:!rv,- grant credit,
�Orca i-1 Me arrawmelt
lon wera sat ont in the
6z1zN1- style, not easily
t4m0n; rvas addrm3zl
izov. Nv. Rev.
mikan ' a . nj DIr.
�metelier caanpieZ tho
�'a an3
aftcr Tea tbo
,ell 0,31 aca the pro-
.1=c1,lt211;0 musie'. The
1J;2r8=U12, being abont
.33doil for tho Charch
tell a 'sincvular
pho) had deso7ted an(I
'.--C,was captured ond,
- bra
_DaiL "' * mgbt out
nttieu, a flnu,117 party 02,
I -r painful duty, aa"a
-103iag tLeria F-"r,-ej7iU,
n3t � 0
3d, 93'm
le co Irl -
. W� hing
'39 hatded Mr to, the
of,30 MtH
abnva granna wbat
t2d to be a cawps. T6*
0MV0r, WZ3 80 atire,
0�t,, by irritism.; hi's
IiM. I-a!arwly its,
'Uha Wa7l 0.1, the, ener,05�
ho 61=3303 to plon-c-a a
med to L-_ there, P't
blecain- and with r2i%
�buL�ew,,'V_Mi� delfvammij
3azer atr the neart:ill
N,= of War aull
tbia reozoa2itote-d vim.
basche belief isthat.
His Wounds =a
arm ba -9 be. -a ruat,
�-.Nevar go, to, bad
P=_ , In =inz into a
,a 03atrA rezzImts-1k,
�, CL3 air tO pa33,
iind[ head
warmoi t='"a ft,
D'i tba.% P-savam thc:la
hEz wbizti frequently
rizamania, anni otber.
uc-2-as-a. Never
) drau'Altormir
.As*. mora cover-bapolt
�ithm on t720 bidy.
aa- witbin easy rea-ch
�Q02 great Change ot
�Ofzhe. Nev5r stand
Vi -b stroat.
IMM -ea; GVa4 a 85CN',
�a axar the open win-
�r a singla Minutes,
6 hn3 tzaa pn;-,af1ikd
!I-- Uwa 1mve flms.
;GM -=14-0 mmsrlw off
�aa that it hm nat
ng-. w:ng zimsZEIr im
Q� gm—.1 oraer, hag -
an er_--aw gazel-son-
:-'eir rdnezt-iVo COLT%
=d 20 t-4, r-3=at
-flea-we totLztebte.
A Ga&ez4
�bary =.tS3 hmmssu
aty" 4ndh4o tl> tlko,
r7azmt im that
a htzr_sa =0 oxelm
C"lucea Gmt Of 'the,
�_—, Larkelee. a
_,12� I'ma we been
intl- A- ittfle 10.rul�_-
. M-maa Wmf emnA tao,
rat=-� I
MN;p e� Iut1az.�_
��t C -C C-Uza 0 tha� am-
? E012�--Ueg i�, WMI , ,
�em ti-, S trail L=@�b
InD L)=U1- ioduaa.
f:zsi fm
.IL—a"-_ bz-11wcan a
I:,-:0 uiqy is
ma - -au--ca,
- 70 to Ll It EN
.) La fT_-9L 3slmf!� ,
4Cf� azv
p�nts jL . -
�7, h 1: s ef Lmt
110=1-a-y's Ar�
=,--;a fil Cage of
is ti-21� tit 35g=a
'Owaas J 4 oat=*aq
yc:�"y f3
1867. The, Acument po nti- to thd
.At cilas In 'ARAR- Y E TAVIE'RX-- -OR. 8ALF_: niectin f the Munt P
3�owaz=�- add disaffection was
i ch srr
(tw Corpri4tion) of the, Towzs.�Mp of Goaef- danger wbich Bvitaltrwould'i from an VOR ANY mis3i� o
33zL3t?:*�M13t3LN Yo. I Salt Water belmon, 'to or lb.
-Na. I Tabrador gii (Sp 25a per dcmm.
'ch hed at the HOlineiville Inn, On MOIL' Briga�e in ofise of a foreiga wari
0 11 1. - 1 MIA the boring d Ike DO*
day the 20th day of January 18A by ali- rvilt&T Lugeand CoVismoollous 110tel In the I)o 4 do 03.50 per half UrreL
'A. LA.AGE49ortmezit lifj . �acw i , n , a 'Pine "oivii w the nwba7e HoteL 4t Is at, present drsw�, Do' Dry1able Codfish Toper lb. A!fDr.YCZ�, PoiutmentftheTowmasbui 3n_ and ;133irts that her � Only'hOPSDf otBradeflaid.attit6lanction�Dftliegrsvelro3d$, TO MackerAl itildts su. bT the plaus. here is an ite
accordance With the Lleuxed 060ts of Upper Ord � progress, and, at las bk&$cXj1y rogt f tashit
real uul'QU,
0 LN no A esfoelftleat.low, prices.. Atthe" uumber of years s0tiu for tliobelgvm, Do lie 0 fogine Loue. Tile 1�&3 iK elink (or Province of'Onta:rio�) Qg - , .
I .� : I 1�jtlebsd&putable, Forfurtherpartibularsapply Sealod lleiTlngs, ar bar Well pipEd. P -Clerk -in the chair, Villiam,
To hi The is 'In tranquillizing' Ireland; -and. the
ENDUP addressed to th4 PostmasterGeneral, will
JQ2IX COPMAX0, Pro buvW Lobsters 2 ts elm rv:i5j v.
ts . a the nia Weil, JRLiB tave it C
Sheppardhana-ed in his declaratioli-and only meaus of effeettially doing so is, by T Ki B,st Sardines - per ti.
for the estoringtoit its own . separate n4tionil Maw, ofi - &1)6sed couti-Acts'lOr Your y on"d�a g
qu�llificatiGA�Of DOM as ROTO # . 4,
Aosa the IBt,April next, C
as current yea%-. Samuel N11ock- do Deputy Reeve. Henry Ford (10 aq 016un- 40' slature. It is contended that generAl, BETVAEN AUS CASM
&STAVES, prepared to %ke cont a to Ark
'Weston do do. The Council then- - BDONJ
eorge P,6r anik slid furnisb, 'Salt. Wells O the
cillor, &-c. George Co-, ddG legislation by the Parliament of Great tot! &a abova,pulpa'se, Basswood, and shOrte3t,110ticefin most liberal terto. JU4ossil
vent Britain will never be -eatial to the task of afid'other hardivood, for
Aellygry Atthe mIlls, of tho, tax long experleate, he can g:ve mostl A VTOOD CHAN G*B
intothe appointment of Township officers raising Ireland, Nieitiiei will ordinary SIX ME& PER'WEEK BACH
for the current year. It was moved by polifleal economy, since that country re, be references or ecul ty, s
wa= Telegraph 046e
BLAA RQ01K L Vholesale ALgent for Pilkefs S i lie
tAd Waterproof Bla&ing. WAIIIiia welts stink or furnisbed complete. ;�F. A OLCKSMIT11
PoUock, sc-condedty Mr. Ford,That quires -the most exceptional -leggislution, DINQLE NQ ET H EL1 - -A coniplete siddic, of -� , I -
John Sh= be appointed Clerk for the TWICE AAVEEK EXCH WAY. Goderich, 7tlLJM, 1868. w44 will And it to their aj ge toppLy. Ad.
the minutest knowledge, and most perse-
D ofthe ftbscriber, lot &144h
current year, ond that -his salary be 8140. '_Printsd-uo�lco9 �outafnhq further Information as to - AT .'BOOXS A3113 Into the enclosure ZL-
)n#esslou. Collidrae., About the lat Sept6mber
'list, tw pigs -'one all w -0
MbvedbyMr. Cox, seconded o bite and the other spottad
-Varried. verin local inquiry. ebuditious of pro osed contracts may, be -se&4. anti ti; -D i
blank Way'be' obtained at the Post 0 rii � t . . -
C -propertv. par ch-ges, P et -b
olfic. the ill.. of 08. Sub- AW takethem away. I _ RR18, ArdeatLot4f7;%-,4Eos V I&
by Mr. Ponoc%-, Thit James Patton be .-A land -tenure will accomplish some- 'o.b.,noetiostol, A U 111 A. L 8 The oidier Itoquested to *9ve
Township Treasurer for TE WOV -
the current yeari thing ; 'removing the Prolestani Man& -crib-r. M11 -Nu rt, # May. 22,4867. w44 o �d E, -!L - A
txm ar E:2�: %
an GILUB3jI GRIFFIN, The d that. IA3 salary be V65.-Canied. um the Proteottint IMSULb-, 0. Im present odcupledby,
qeys by placi �paetor. Tr"TXD.fito#L4j�ieu&ez the undersigned, theBlyfield'Road. 4.1-milleafrasaGodedchbotng, :L7LFI_�P uT P=1 en Moved by Mr. Pollock -Seconded by Mr. alsbeCl Church oil the same position be- Post Office Inspector's Ofilce, I
PASS B_00]ts sl
�blb, mg 40
S urou Road Ut BALT lftoaanwij 17 London, Ont. 17 Jazi., 1968. f W1 s part of)ok 80 H "Olt
ore ibe Stato as the Catholic Church, !3,4o1 last Wo two:Ugs%old heifers lto-0
That John Churchill Esq., be appoint- WCfcLadvertivcd'4;L � the 41inton . ' . ID land., htherals a good dwelling
Wzw E"'Or-four 4 4ores' tgol :t. I tp. of G046"' CoMpri
the lath of Bic' port of lot lo'con
Ithek, whi"'tthey
Atgreail' I goved property br b;s d ig bearing orc'�ard,:
Assessor for the current year, at a 'salary Y -Te nqed 1) 4t thb -is. e& The* nox is rmuestga to 211, ti t 1, or onsthe -obscriber offlM for L%le 4vallia;le He=wMi o De XOT
uca- not talcalk Ap
*f;rM.-Carried. Moved by ALTx. Cox ay expel"es cl tAke. them aWay, 11 p'iege Gf propody near tbg present Salt
tiou will likewise W.: Wt. to
Will4effect much; real equality !!!-A TENDERS WANT TED
Seconded by 31r. Weston, AZI do its share.; but to '19A o they *ill boLsold do S. POIXO I I - - --'
That I I . 1�i the end of. dr. ell iii I'4difil.adville., compAsing 111m
an'sire safety from foreign dangerl per- suip.: * - . . . '�\ W51 ,
Cautelon bo Auditor for the current year. M. ENDERS *ill be received upAo, Am lith Fabrsui17 IBIAH MOORE. aerbsf land.
FrancisWilittin-haInappoint- fiqk&velopmentof tiometregources,and JL nsxtfbr�uLldlgg MORTGAGE SALD
To Salt Boirers.'
ditor oved W Mr. to obtain thS heart Of the ed u by the Reeve. country, will A Brick br Frame. Schoo [-House, TUY00futathipwasis-of twSibier- low" P 0:F 2aA61
con. -steer, �1." BIXTEUN HORSE POWEREXGI1M,-au.4�,l51gbt- lqov. 29.
'Ford, seconded by Air. Pollock, qThaf years. A
requiro a e0neeSsion of nationality, de, in for the Blyth Union School Section, accoriung to plaus )s gether 1867. w45
and S%ec,!llestl�Dus.' in the hands of Tlieowsserls Tequestedth Prove pf6pe nHoiie PoWer Boller,' newly -new, to,
ther words, a repeal Of the union. the. So ribes, on and after the 20th. Feb. -Tender& for aud'#ka him &visy, Or 110 will be sold'ss law ec 'With I the necessary tools for boring forsaltoroll
Benjamin Rumball. be tavern Inspector in- o that may be soon
In& g, for sale SALT 1011,
the%vhols or port of the work will be but the with tubl
Trustees do not bind themselves to ace the Jowest
each Ilan keeper pay him the mim, of y
that ' aimil at Aplrto I(NORY 'I Alorigaae r, itdle by 3arnes jilo
this Township for the current year,, and
.r4 nd
$3. -Carried. The Council'then went Bait at Southajj�pton. J. w.,03WE'. OR SALE OR TO iHAS.U.t
HUGH McQUARRIZ, Sso.-Treas. Just t, hand 0 '.4tuis Into Vhb. Vromfises tr th under. Clinton.
HUT613. CVD1lPMn0,
into-tfie -appointment of Pathmasters for i1i'cANO olarge FasuilT Blyth, Jess. Oth, 1868. wItol Bilil edillotIftliou. 2iicl Towmshlp of 9 orne, A ACRE just Zst of t*Qweibnvs -QQlt' Southampton, Jan. 20. ip 0,X tes pnot.Aefarelloos, from htredbWlcs1Ztbsowu9r4s requested prove 186& Moved by. Mr- Pollock, seconde Block,91tuated on both sides Ofthe R(12 Auvliqwat 4te AtKionDlnrlc
r6puly pay expeasoo asid-take blia away on,
in'The water in a well dug this ViRage to Pro Tow of the Vince bf Oujaria. j f
by Mr. 'Cox, That the ti e for the 001lee- it- � $I Townshlp'of Ashfield, in KA Also. Lals 8 and 9. 90129c 132 f Yarb-vl 5quam, TzDwa cfG;32er�c
eree, a stealn boiler in la&s wheat Via County of Huron; wife.of Murdock, Xurablaoa of its r -a. rldftship of,- -acd fettz acres or*oulb- 1 o's C,
tion of t -axes be further� extended- till sine, the same place make oath end, oy, that I never said- Rxeter, *.N D_ 9 A U -1 N VA 401flor a" 10th day of February neXt.-Carded.
waiekouse, shows it to be strongly.impreg- to Mrs. Mtillon�q or family, or ant other persouj4pt I Miolidiy, Ite 101h &Y Fibmuy
Moved by seconded� by Mr.
V111is, %V C AT I I E
Mrs. Morrison stale my Vmel-that Xis utterly untrue �ALV. a l 'IF next, IL v,
Cox, That John Gibson be refUnded one ed. with not, being t�e only well in the -audxvibout foundation, and falsely circulated. .Del gbe TowceLp
dolla-- of Dog Tax, owing to a mistikel of *11lagp gunk.through clay, thus aff SO. WD 1867, w44 ordi6g ANNIE X XUACMS; 01 1124A To
Swo befire me at Ashileld intho Coimty�f Hirost
the Asse333r.-Carried. Moved by W. proof of salt being procurabla at no great th rn 'M C? Zoo,
Is Sth day of Novembei 1PAP1TAL)* $10-1000,000. ten avres ef 1(ac:1 depth. Efforts b&g Made to;-OrganiZe Wl 2,i* EARY wncnilavol4Eak. Dcv-4ur�2(!r
601 " Pod Albed I
Polloplk., seconded by Henry Ford,' That r, A. 286T.
John Carson be refunded' one dollar for Fe W. A Rem, J. 2'. Y TiMRIKS STRE, ET, DIMLIN.. Salt kritory In I FDiW&Gf1_%L 10011gogi. TUR ES R rat 19-7
do, and also Samuel Sergeant. one- dollar IL cOmP3AY- MOTHERS, READ' TAISI-HOLLO., parsunily CT Aer1IT4zg a very des--ra�_-:e gmlv�v
Gode�ist, an. 14th; .1860. W51.0
for do' ' The account of the Goderibli. St= WAYIS WORM LOZENGES ars a certain and )Itq Butmeriberbavlug, Witter Powerlhat lmd wuth u go, -a Cull f jory
for EVEP.Y TFING YOV WANT in'Wriiiog Jbia OBM11460nitoroz, r % B2, vambta-& Rog T13E-
printing, and certified En 1, Dtiblin ;,0westb. Part. Co nth - Fortudown, Co. could -be 4lilled in sint;-10S & Salt bylelt bonse.
'by the Clerk$ Zd, sare re;aed ror Was main Children and Adulix. Paper, and-, v;dlo ea.-UQW Offering #t very Armz.�k - Xerrykal, C& D�ne Well -11, at, rc r oi-
amounting to $16.25 cents. .9oved byl Washington, Jan. 24 -The Hera s -As it is a- Welf-know'a *and meian . clooly, inet too' privell. for Consitlos 'the ob ove Viglage, wvuld give Mr. Pollock, S�zonded by Mr. Q That I speciz)l says the House Committee on is Louth, Vonezal. Amagh, and OWit;�Qxfrxan. parties, im Opportunity f X that one great came of death sinong: children it Ar THE Jotiv Wimixi GRW, Aldermen', Merchant, Is 0 tising Sa e
1-fr2ea. appropriations will reduce the estimates froin W�)rins nione, il (annot he toc do e;ily ]in:. posit"th. - U oVft�()J6WD an
grSmAville Striek slid prist Brunswick $t!eat, *IIdwO*l1f,%ljsO tSLT iblires in ftee fram fewa is W31L,�n &W C;tf.*
the Goderichgtarbepaid$16.25 Moved by Mr. Cox, seconded by -made for naval service some prefRed-upon the wwds.oi parents the siecisity ��=y ad, Gbod Du Un, Directoraf in Tauesucut Companf,
r 2 nany n iTens 0 BEn" W004 can 14 had at a low figure. Apj)ly st�uarv.
r. Wes- Orlgr car
he Signal Qffice got the print. $20,000,000. This: be a felosely walchinK their ebil&qn. Symodonij. 011V661 orcliard.
ton, That t th fro, 'It Xx"llent
-610NA OFF1 a birm,;dwellins k
0 well watered; is from ooaoricli, . voe 13osisalrexAvio W"r, Clonebransy17rossakeals, 'for farther Farfivalars to trAlructions tip y to
t : si�d understaudiric the symptons and trite Pause G dericliZatij-:1 laud
in- fo retrenchments, and 'win cut 0 dths 7,1860. jaRculArs *pply to G. IL Trionuar, GQdericii, or pu, fious% Meath, and fte Ilia Strast.Club, Dublits, Am 9 ne-N.
r this- tovmship, and �hat the d w4. 01JAWYCE
of the disguse.thousandi tit children might be X;P. or Cousitics 31exth and wicklowDirector
rnship Clqrk is herel� instructed to $ W_ misal to c%e3lor fcr Tor work largely -in every navy yard n the .,,,d ftorn early Craes. Symi!rox Or OItXs: 11.0 pro iart Albert, Nov. 250 IN7, w441
Q3QBG2 ;OM%TON, ftottbh Amicable Me Olbs, immish the Assessor wit� the forms of ountry. The army estimates will not be --The fullou hig area few ofQv4pry numerousr CzAams GonVa X&LoNx, Esq., 'Nerebaut., Stephen
Jan, 20iliql. W&
retrenched so much; oVMg to the Tast symtoni4 Pod dbavaqes wluc1fi stri coused'by at, Dublin alt Sveculator,
Assessment, &c.-Carried2 Movad by W. fAreet, ad SouthGrest Georgo's Strt rph 8 S,
W."Ins: Deronged appetite,quipciat'd ex 4 0burclitowu ZpUe, Dowdrum, County Dublin,- '161
1>01100k seconded by Mr. Ford, That the expense of koeping trooffs in the Southern I t NORM GE -SALB OF LANDS
itiex,offensive breash.-fer4nent picul"Ir at the Dktht*r COMMOTC121 G3S COMPAIly.
r7idow Uavis be pai'd, ten dollar3 on ftc-- nose, grwdiugof the teelb during sl BzIlUlm C*wir; Emq,, $7 Water1w Uo4 DuM,
eep, harduess
SZ -00
count of indigence. -Carried. The Cun- The Perth Courier says one day last ortht. belly, 311 frequent 611my-'stools, susil . P. for County x L R It Myso AND SALE it .....
cil then adjourned to meet again on tho week the Rev. W. Miller, pastor of the a,. metimes eancTodsive A(S; phin sit shn hedd and. D X00gage
QusinsuVorthampton, Donnybrook, Co. Dablin.
HE undeiiii-ne'd offers for ssl* itout feur
second Monday in March next. Rideau Ferry and Lombard*s Corners c stoffineh, uniloitet steipf faint3ags, trembling, 110AZUTCONWAYHURTxv, Esq., JIM �t:,e
011- I. ig 'rQ,4 errl";
donalis, indeestion,low spiritar, trigisti6l dreiins, and Glendkilf, Co. He J. J�. for usity ny- gregations, of Presbyterians, was surprised in Goiderieb, �which is ml- FC11;7WL1'1 Auc zion V oc ",'r.,13 �;c
JOHN SHAW, aNtingaws acres of Z
Towmhip Clerk. and no doubt delighted, - at observi t Mouoy & Watson. 3(&uwr--.T. inuesw6q.
Ing a -. rhey are pal Iab.e andse Nudininwered tO the mirably adspleif f6r salt works, being o
strin- of fourteen sleighs atop at his door, .4hild-driveoutthe worms tborovgh'y With0lit'r Q 23rd dal Apra ant, fit 12, wono
th, of 11 -
bank ofthe River, Maitland unddjaining As
�.,CAXADA BRA 0. T. It. track. -By a abort switob, Salt powe" ccr=lfa ill 110 saia each bearing a full cord of good dry har& pain and the sloquieh-there-
ESPATCHES. oydoingawaywit IhIs necemit*oladisil"Islir. aud J.,r,,C40
F.10AX 3DP
MONTUMAU suinh side *,,TWcn Sicro, m the Tzst-n 4"T
vood, which the donove proceeded to un astor Oi I tit other unple , qant cdthortio*"as eoul4 be sent Evalward by tail or to the
jug W
load as his winter's�supply. to 4, givc-0 HAWA, Ja�M. 21 -The ma4t 'ha in the use of oiber Worm Medicines. A&.q&,S.ON MAI= 10k. wharf for shipment. Thp property is aloso
eamer s . . .. I I (_ - . ..
The medical men of Quebec are taking U:31* Each box contains the %, lac-41mild signa- T. W. imnFITIr, tothe ivell vow sinking and about 100 yurds Ous 000criell salt
3611110ft- frqm the fain W-rks. This
xpect- means -tosecure payment for their ture of Noii.Turak & I, irm4ri,Newcustle Ontario, to
was e
UTrile "ro Vera :75 16n n o12,0011 men services. who are the stile prolfflelors. HAS, REMOVED. TO T= NEW STORE
i 3 one of the most 4esirfible plot$ now in the
I C on
elor the cd lob dussy, i"t
t e l5th,:cam- They have resolved that abook be kept N; H,-Aek for Rdlaway's Worm Lozenges Agents, Goderich. Witt
y toy market,and intendin operators should exalu., al
.Te -wilen on In
I!d for Yucatan, the table of the medical society, and take no other. Sold in Goaerichdy1Pa&c`
1000 loyal m !no it vithout delay. rwpauf-j ("'I qfts&y 4AL b�
ey were t t. 0 'no VEN12 ACT OF 1064.
ien which Ohall be entered the. names -of -all & Cattli and F. Joni,in ;, (+isrdiner & Co. 8!- re i1ton 'Street 1�'
is,, or.. r tiqua
andmiarch on th6Im1qar1a1i$ts. -ThaMax_ those persons wha employ medical men field JainesBenthain.Rildgerville;J.I*j�ktird,
Exeter, J. H.C.mbe, Watt
sAjobb.01miloti . - I , . . . . I , r of John CWX, an -insolvent, P20111T HYSLOP.
!can gove� or neglect to pay them. Ae Mao,
rnment was sparing neither men and refuse
Sedord, Lucknow, E. Nickson, Saafinth, and
no - de quent 11 M Croolitorsof Sholks6levntarsuotiftoltomatat
V money to subdue the tebelliom Foro- similar plan, with r�sp'cqt to lin Dualars. James 14, .3 " NSTON
%43 T the oft* of tho undersigned. reet, tFOR (13nde� 1b. 0. L. ohnsowa 11boms
firio, Di% -v remained �t Vera Oruz en--ared subscriin, might to s6me purpose be dd- OVA September 30, 1861, W36'sis
j7faseUtoz, on Tuesday, tbs. eleventh day f Yebrussy
in re-orzanizing UNA1111123i PAN I)ESTUOT1011ft he#� at elerto $pIcsk, forenoon, . %a Instruct the
the gove m6ut of tie opted by newspaper publis�ers.
.1 6 Igo to dispoul-oftbe assets, SIM in. regard to
city and state and was SALT TERRITORY
making efforts to ' 0::�-A tradesulan, of Konigsberg has just A Fami ly Medicine, wellAnd fivoratly 9nown' lairas aganutthe pstato, and for the orilering
Farclaase steamws f or,the 'Mexican navy. fuli affitirs of the estate go
ng 4n a isin, a
sent a case of aroigmatic cheese to the for tke past twx ysiars.stever fali --I WHERE HE -RAJ
or 24 W-* sotoncl Prussian Chamber, p o FOR ' LEASial
A project was on f6ot. for buildin %, OF "ED 6Uri&
with a etiti 11 instance t6 irivepyinanent -re]Uei ;Ohen. otfiMk
s, one to a furnishe 'the House Will
d �y e�c_f state in su�*a his heese to 4wto-, ntzinuy, UM - wX 2w WITHIN 150 y04s f t1ispresent Go4crieb I
the 0lic.' An alli "!a 0evirlinowna tringe (,A*&,
alace betweenMexi-
an exa;mination, and theu deei�aie-As ValtWarks. Also,
wrimbere ibe directionsave been,
nion whether his cheese is not able to.coIA- roperly to tFul Pik the! are, 9 A R X I X 0 L A
W, Peru and 130livia ww ne3rITCOR Hawed contrary a. IT ACT F
clulded. attempt Arevolution at More- �pete with all other cheeses in the world.-'- of rationp, and speak in the I coulrenjout to tbatlocelity. AliptVia
e eligh.ed with its opei Rroyl esafon TX THE COUNTY 001UST JOHN BELL (;,JADON
Ila hair b On fustrated. The ministri s Of The absurdity of the thing in, that the purchased by fi,late dreat Trade :iac
highe4t ttirm4 of its Virtue 9�d -. blegicar efteta, o OfH - IJL ofascouldyofam-
the interior aifd treasury were aiin vacant, ' formsf the. House require that &'member
7ZWCAA1-A1?rAN PAIrN-DENTIROY'RIK The intern-�l condition Of MeXicO"Was dffi should be appointed t6 i6port on as on oxfouday, the sbu asy L&pre next, tha under- Godenob.'Ist Deci, 1866. w4kt I
Ty bad. Stageswerestopp self a'reputation as Pt blood purl 1a #
'Te edeveWwhe Is as won for it X . I OCK-OF G81D _plytto Site Judge Of U6 said Court
re� every other petiti�u. There. is probably alterati Insurpass A T
et, ve stornaels tonic, is qed in thi pedwill Al)
r a tbs e under the said Att T4P XJ0611i orz TOR**
0M kie, public ;9ads,and passengei robbed. not a newspaper in -Germany - in wf;ich Of medic 1prepirations.- It-seltlonrlails A� U,
At S=it3Mufz Potosi theoldiers were rob- those cheeses will not lie mentioned, and to cut Dyspepsit, Liver Complainis -1n?igeS_' wW1j*,- owin the depressed sWte, of i�e--' wt�leiale'tri6, hai been par-chisid inueb
tidnp eartburn,6iftfleadacki, Kidnq )am- r 9 W. good as new, 0ver the Glasgow flovw, wbero he liss
leisople. i 0 STBAX 9,
the advertisement willthus. be a g�atotoqs bolow he -plainta,Acttl.4tomRchrhthisicor Asthma,and BXIX Goltnox. and in perfect workinz order, for sale litted up his roosup
'The bc�mdftw defeated the troops sent one. is attorn ad Went. wil T
V�tyzhe systeniolabiAittited
therm at Cdermaraca. . I Fy Imletpap. Particulars attEs office.
elf for by.sufferingand-41isease. mantler, to execute picteres ha tiery avy'it
Qr If YOU Want to q ours
A &vr1utrZoan1_-t0ap*o was successful. lialify y Its majicoil and % oisderlul su6cess in curing Die.. 2. ISO,' I-ncwn to the Stu
A distriist of President Juare-F was the teaching, attend the GOderich Oommercial suddefi elolds, 7 -6re throat. Coughs, Vilithetm 12 R �CRNT N. D. -Old pirturm ow'k w Dap"ra.
dislo cult men &lid frielidis 8
,yafty of f Vains in the side$ tra ^ex
,he Academy- honis and back. iieuralgiatodth 0:3P.- Qlc typuand Anslir6typti.topied as photogrsphu,
principA cause 6f the -ly reqize tsd to call and ae
mache, rheinnatle'ands:
- in a vi ithoriiainsin any parto alt
Yucatmese. 0:5, Twenty clolloks a imco, Will 1,,Xr. Jolintiah i6i;1ally invites tLe YAdies
the body cind frotis whatever caue�, has . given i
Go ert aplaciiniiiery4oijueholdiku'di$fAs supersed- of flWicich
Nzw Yor.K, Jan. 22 -The HeraWs Lou- 'pay for a yeari; tuition �it the d
ns of the �kusd.
don spezu ays. Commercial Academy. jisi oil at er prpoloratio L WITHINTENYEARS.
"The Causes which led to the =est of -lualitiod * prompt- remedy for
iW Lectui�" on Mercantile ft. Is also ustgee
George F. Train axe these —An English- I I4W IiIII Scaldsi. Hurne, 'Bruises, Sgains, ow cive 111m a Trial I
I . 66031401T. T NR -GRIST, b elivervddiaring the-prisent-terza at Frostai lbe tomacb Diarlicea,
ad 'Ora is to wLether he is wordiv of qRfranaro-
mat nanied Gee, q, fellow nassenger, m- formed the officers an the ti� I the Commercial Academy.,. 1. 40HX
g -which -board- J. V STO.V.
111111* Dysentery, &c.
eenin per o -
(3d ffie Sr*tia A Queenstown thf4t Tiam Prim dAly-25 b till OT,TAW. A a' SobrIA, Dec. 10. 1667; V46*3rd
lmd said he c=a to1reland forthe purpose NOILT11ROF LYMAN, hisseMces to powns dedroms *f In.
offorganizOngthe Feniana andcomi THE NAnKETS., 1=1atlits soleandsaleable security. Pwiss
General Agtnt for Cjauada.�' remittiobim, before Jainsary 81st pext. one -#nth of
a fight, Mr Timm wa% arrested thb thayums tbeywiahtolwrest, will receive byYeturn *f Ew
.!I:�,_zold ju.Cod�rirh by, Cattle and
inwathekeeelptof the Government of tho'Dominion.
M1911 is a
--tion. Gea denied that e Goicnica, Jan- 28f 1869. ollin- d- IRmes 11, be paid Wore Ukre1L 2nd, 1869,
informa . 17had Gardiner& Do.. Bayfiel TO
ch information when he FAILWheat ....... 1:60 ( -Y � a , Inder moo
a 1:75
_given su was in Vefitbiun, ?odgbrvdleT Pickard, Exeter; J.171. a Me "L JLpPlication. ON IMPROVED FARX6.
Die Sa.00forsumssaiderSUODand
court� Mr. Eastman, United States consid Soring %Yhast ........... 1-40 Cmbe,.atfs; & Jebb, Glintov;.. r k -L
5 tw. - at Qqednstawnj was exceedin active in: Flour F-.00 7:00 no*.,.Ll: 'Hicks6ll. 4-stforth. anii-aff Medicine law smo-ts, T 8 P191% CENT I
z -behalf. -0:50: Dedler4o SoMe to -ATA0,-
U. . S. Oats� ............ 0:45 (a) UN -RARCELSI,
3&. Tia& 31r Adam9,L Llgg . . . . . . Iron. A. Cem C. .
Minister here at once saw Lord Stanleip. Peas ................. 0,60 0:62 P. X 0.. Xingston W.
THE GUNTE6 sq., rfesident British American Bank, Note st in Town Praptit)
repTesentation,orderecl Tiail?i Barley ................ 0. FROX
who, on his .96 0:97 Iry any Ottaws; -, Jqlm Isuglon, Rs uditor for
the f)tta-.,, N'Vw. Ws",
0:10 0.3 Bank Ottawa:
12 . SIR, L
The says,:_ lOttaws. January 21% 16$S,
AW41ow 2 -TO' 6ACRES! -Fdinal-6 P-
airciflatiu- hera that .........
0:15 (a -0. 2a,600. muskets have bpen secretly shipped "ay., ne*-If ton. ..__10-00 (W 11:60 Pritgared Jrd 6 Of C� f-JAUTIO --mils"forbid,slIVrsons powbazIng LAND IMMEMATIMLY
rim kj or�othorwbie IsegotlabW & certalit xote -f hand 1 SAU OAF LANM
If ! 4 5
y b 11 to Peter Ruft bid, for the sum of fineen
to YucataaL Orders have been issued to [tides readiness 6:50 % 0--00, 'qar�e, M. PC ARCHIBALD ANDERSON. w, two hours notice. 2,00 (a 0 v42 2 T4 Wit B yFievr1ir"Fors, Ics's"aaw erd" ouetr
"Santn,An has smrce1y$10.000Lat7his Sheep ................... 4:00 66 0:06 Thisinvols unfailing i.r the
infill trid, -draQ9 or. inses der the trOoP3 to 61dthemselve3 in Wool wuhek--- _2:bo _G BE KET
ig� 0:25.. ta Ire =eF ADJOINING
cive of all reartofffuro", find to
comman.4 and ia. Nainly endeavoring to Beef, T cwt ............ 5:00., 64 1 tKoke pa no
........ fAN
Pork &Cjo t&Wll-lz the remile Constitution is subjw t� It budiUREW or RTKD_ Lards and Tcotements of hvilt% 11*w col, at
0.26 mqdcrates allex6elisand iemcvt�Aalllmtra, aons, 18TAL sifito)ff'onlitasil 1;gM0Kd, I �GVV 04Wd
O'ContWhedfaflure-4' -wereftldng plaw, obielkefis ....... 0:20 Cq be relied 6a" Y` A
-0:115 Ca60 S TA T I ONA R, �PORTASLE present Salt Well,
MARINE, N D and taken in Execution all the T10t,
ana nnany f�imilie3 were ruined. ioicre*t. tit tit &zid tittit usal h& fie* .1voleed
"Mpuappingwason-the increase. ADplea 0.45 ra. :0.55 TO -MARRIED' OR Sr1rNn- AT THE 441ndto ihe Villw Lot, humber 2. Week
ir cd.. It wfil, lit a shot tmip' Front eireet in th
Geese 0.36 id 1, 1 t B011 -Mao
............... 0.25 �ss -M
-A Senor - Alvare is juj AL ENGIN e Vi.1sire at' Llrmond��ii6-,
i was kidnapped, an g 0 r�egqlarl'y, � I . - . . I L ' I - )fffuross wilhibe buT d,u#i1bW"a%
Doi WIS. 0:20
che *....�.: 9 ' " - - - SIZ Amp
Ode Doll Wriiftk - Gov. oi,&LL Siz
had to pay a ransont of twenty�efghtthoug Gadc!rich Salti wholesale. Lo.b, per; bbf. Wth bcrupied by Chat;" flamevo. willwa
6 .60., bv umjpma Goderkh Railway St ]Iands Aind Ittienitals I Mall -O&T 04 sew
and dollaz,�. . ;Greit an ation
"The port at Si3 I J5 the worlm, it$#,, aiiistill, blockaded. at my otrKw in ohe uourt Miuse, in the Town 4
Wills '-and Orist Wills I pply to
CM, ofighting botween the, rebels n Clinton xsrl�eta. nee Pill# thould izattetakemb smate dnn .2 n-ationd war 'Tegsals, April next at tim tour oil tweire ul ocks
*j 'JW01$r2H5
th the i4re to hrotir
tb�kned, and no communicati9a -special Telegraph to the, Ituron 611CM) XMPY, as iUy ; a�e
By I - tage, but at alsjvvt L, ot; Mi4ear X 0. CAMRON.
Clinto-n. laiI. 29. 18618. Noo. -all casei ofXe-rvous. - and St Goderlph, -Nov. 28, 1867. (The Xexi= Goveniment haa charter- MGINEEW A"� BOILER 9AXERS' 'TOOLS ! ;., -.. A"
slieriva Offices, Goderich,
lFall Wbeat jPaiiiiat in -the Back knot Limbs, Faturue onisligh,
the U. S. m�ed sf 7em '4 tf
Spriagg da Axe Farit v3WA
_k con 1:40. exertion, Palpitation efthe fleart, HYS Stqam ory Und, Jan. 16". 1
a�L I MIONEY TO MIND 040 0:48 0.50 Whites, these. Pills wiff-ellbut cilre W I Ing 111111'a
*0 05�*, &u., t her- a I Iath% litailemg, Didling, 5oreirin, and Slotting' Machines, Plate-Beiiil'
016 10() othitr meam have'faittid and-siliho"I , pow&xw
VON% Of St. bix es a, Barley Pt
0'.100. rul remedy, do not coodam iron. 'e9li net. anti_ lotling J61M MoPMERSON9 RFMAIRD.
4)9 a=E)X -0 FARX
Potatoes . '6 i8w. -wWlyr Pave l*@1i 110604 Irm Loo 29,
monv, or a6yllihighurtfid to thert osqst'UlJQIi' low I"
]b'9q$ to announce t,) the public that lie is A 261 effl-, SR t V
pusly iu favour 0 0: 8
a e..17sill directiond in tho siansishleCal Jund' ith now and improsied imox a To 10 VzR *ANT.
a vot-e3 which vrere a 'gutter 0:15 p"kgge, which should beisiefuAy t-etervad.t prromd, V flipftwil Ikey sler
;�.yff -0,15 '�bleage.6tibrthe,UtiitedStatesiTist #�ihinery, to turp out 1his superior 0:3p- Costs RM in apl, 1wrk") *the
'?r of aLimexation E -a. � Q:00 : candilas." . I .. very snodprate. *ilifird now offen 'he a1v W, rf-TA
LiMA, an, 22 --Mr. Sn-yd '. :% 8:00 , 66he4is NX. axes iq larger quantities Aan '018 0. HALLDAN, *A t"Moinw-
Flour 1:50 1 J- FRAN NMI 14WWiW
'10 N.B.-S3.00andsix po-tagestam's,apelosed the same-AtisfattiOn that has'
.1 !,a IL QIV6 14 1brT9(:oVrvy
of the W. U. Telegraph 06.,. this placet Te- H -a ...... 10-00 .50 d10 "21ifiter, kc.,, Kays' Block.. fW'Ill give such ildnnutiones sbL
S.'E'L I'N"G.-.; 0-�'F-F---
abivoil and copied witliapen. 2 529 words .00' to a7 atten qd his efforts up to tbl� present. Goaerich, ril, 1,967 wl Itf of the eauk- $hot'? I 411� perwii rwirc I,- kov.-% (-1ssy.nuthOri=01 Itgent. Wilt in6tirt FF 60ttle COhe
...... i0o, 0. AV
211 ir6dd (a,
Oner gill"iLp'll kity return mall; Ift- f4d, dllredlr-"
populstiity throuxii4ist Huron and Bruce. EACHER, WANTRO.—Aw A, 9, !.%-q. 12, W. 1). S _01 hi$ I IW
Ashfield, One boodins er ibird elats, ceiiiinste "ied red mud wliiw -, I I I
Yoik 6-15 The4e axes have gained a wi
fro . ..... 6:50 NOMTHRUP &I YNAX;
Be4 per 100 ft ...... t-.4:50 5;r)0.--' -untie, G.
.lNewL T
F Seri is if Remi-mber the shop:. Cotner of W&t*r 00 A
plAy, Iftyletter r4"id, to Ili* follo%"g trusiati
agent forCanadr red slid Ow othe'ra fulk rfr0j,
and Vilithotisa streets. a.
ISM! Er O;k
or 0-.40 0:50- -"-Sold in Goolorich by. Parker '� Cattle'and NAtts wilf to r.awlidly rartivri, be it
MA10ps I
0;00 - 91 Joidan, Giodiner, w Co. Ba�k sid - Jimea Godolich, Ded. 1867 w4lit
i '- 341 A 0;.5Q I TI10XAS KOAJ&
PP ell J.H. Anblield Doe 16, 2667.
Cabbitgo 0:05 0:08 Kuthu '1N ViQlk Oo
Thg lvnes in
Duelts per piar ..0.40 Or 5
D_ 6:3r, CoilfsW. Waits-* Jifib, 01futori, S.� coedlU V
of the 2ni sk; PUTDH�116#' 'Gtea&
iG11 BU- Sl
time, te*t of the recent pal' -Verrr n 6k th,3 R� Oman Catholic _01orgy As- ortIL Waikato.
Aio I - . . . I . * . . ' "'� , ; . .. / A
issmblA 'it 6001al oVolegmut to lAuron 31SUIL We, CUP the following froat Illerprovidi7lee
eirorth, Jan. -Prices R CLIFFORD,
Division' CourtS,
M _'R ed6n 14
8 28 1$68, WOOD. -9c ,
ancr declarej; that dis- Ad urn tl� i6du
Wing DIVISiOX coVitz
Irplaiiiiis both Acep-sested 64 At this seaso!) of theesi-when 0 S I IN returninS ftnks for the lilwlal SOW
Spring. W boat, L-50 1-52 TWS fur Ot
and patronage he k#A 3weeive,41 fOr ifif
72 tentery; a6d other kin' P039 TEM st 12 years, liegs lftvo to ",r that hY tb*
a that it Valk hopel �:56 obelera morbusi dye'
and extensive, egg- Flout_' - 5
0: 47L dred complaints are sure to prevall,everybody
mass parvados tb PO
Peom ........ 8.46 RT JOR T -A 'COVNTY OP HVRON
pulation,' Oats.-&
p-Witlids of the .06 should be liber0i supflied ith PeriT D
0:63 STE intfoduclion of asebinery he is now prpw
takin, &d fc)rm 61-ther �r emigration or Ve-siable - 11'ain � Kil ier.�- Persaint'loavisig. ed to sipply retail dealors with ai; &jimk of
Barley 0:90 0:915 !IZ, viliethdr. it be for a day's excursion or . OK OFL. OT169 is liereb given that a number of
'IRS Biscuits an
0:40 HAS. DMALK DWID SELL OFF*11 ots which wer0 unsold at the late sale'
The, documellb T4P*IdIY Ptat0e;':::' Jz 0.50, saw
1P a: p0asidam to
a trip to Eurove, ;ihould d Crackers
traces the histdry of 1[relladf from itS -Butter ............. 0:16 (4 0:18 of Ilindk for Taxes, tieul on � 10th and 11th
Thisrsdayi, 30ilt
0:14 rucaloccal. or stile lit Difhion. Goderijell, ; -wblr
�,Ugs inst.j will'be again offered f � on ith Dunoannon, Jan. I -1h he jbinUill be 000, SATAntilreouil
zPaneetios with England, to: 11ty ........ 10.00A., IL -0 'fanj diserases in incident Ltd the saininer dRy, the, -50th January, im mi Friday, , Molt I' , to the voinsomr Ass fasrorliriv tholm irOm
earl mopidia, which will. prov faW if 'not. ift- Bayfield, Hrturday, Ist r, th.
).2yarty, and do- aides ........ 0:00 tl
Clonally induced wood 0'2-06� 8w -2-00 usedistely Aeiked,' can be promp y cared t Houw in the Iown of Go -ler.' 101b OUnton, Morday, 2id other plam.
grafttiiia hava been inten by o . ne-or two.doses of t1e, Pism Kilfer. Oil LIST OF PAICES
P. in., w1lon Itie said lots will be 2nd. 5eaforth.. Tuftdiiy, 4tb.
0. -?5 00 -CLOTHINC
I more than one Occasion hs;*s.vrebeors rie'liev- K -MADE 'a& Elmit by A*, Bog
it de- A D 0EA0Y . I or Barrel iegislation irL the Past. Turkeys ............ -0:50 0.60 sold for *uy assIzi.which Can be realized f0k I Ith Alulelvillil, Wedneoday,fitli F 'fing ilia timely. tisi lot 'Witie _,
tll thj�Idsh &reput1onav-App1e%_,.t,..,, ......... 01 0:60 ad'ofinteinse On& Sth Eireto 46,
ri 7th. cers, And meal- The iLiis�ld lands comprises lot -it lit
lan'; I I L,-. . Township af Albemarle. 15t Divislott. bojerld, Thu Alierm!hy
........ 0: 0:30 gro -A T
i0y or Iritelligence 0) 0,75 no -ER V thit, I I i. Gee' I the abovei narned prelistation." - a. . Arrowroot It
th t neia, -Dres"d Hogs Sold hr all Druggisis, Cos, rsday. 36#1 Ar I
AnIgeotch.not merely in90110010ducl- Pork 6-50, Q 5 villogo of 01 Dunga 1, Friday, * lot Us.* Bait" Cracktra
PER 96
MYDAVIS &SON 1- 14 Xi"Cardifte. Ith Bayfield Sotar4siy, 2nd 46 (41ter
P2,Qpri@ Ora'. mosida
10meff- L . - ., _. . , .. Clinton. Boston Eisen" s
twas, but in AiRed ViOrkmansll'P ( t 41
oA pita 21W Sm. 38 UNPREVEDE I UM part Ar it Seeforilt Tu.4ij. 4S
0 St. PAUL sitreet b[OntfO&I SouffiamPf6fli b
ARG 2nd
Grey,. 11th frometer, WedssoW%y,#;th tteeconomy, the emplOymentof _16 rccruib thi ranks a 'ale of 16 it AD
mortgagoL lakoview i5th
tlie wMry WTI fi 2011. inst., ths wife of W. Bernard anch Ix 61fi;, ;()all eirIT and secuo some of �he Tho wholo mot, be ioldin, sl
bargain "Iffrelibw Sfimirser Bill Halleito
ne. Re ren�,e Trainer, of Twim son and daughter, W*ULT b&='Vn) been rneddr in late on't 01 tor 4al Exetert Vrid&Y, 8th OakOS of Every
erdisa$�otioamustcantin e 9
rl =11 -4 .. ! . - Genergi assortment of Isread always or. liand-
eti eXtgtltlg I by Thosau B. Van very Al i: is Bayfield isley This say" coon$ will Open at 10 4'cloek
i% majala the blighting tkuJ Georp Rambsit (and tUirwivespiniar the puqx" and idelivemd 41aily to ewowra.
Venal IkV§, oftsivingtlower), bear September, At GOWIUO-V .19 199 Harps
and to the Ing date the West .00derich- I
offectsof the old 186% The follow!ng property. wdl be sold by Pablii thCOGLAS
ischon 40ouls; Vill Ike .44 it Zitlaud TISAW" Godenci, itrd ikeenilior, 1867. 12, lFaft.
14.Euglattd, At g later dittes--ta U. IL TMOISA's A 0'. 414"' ds Blytil a. BROUGEF,
On the 23rd inst., by the Rev. D. Cam- Recad day of AprU im.t. a�_ 1% noon.
Irish antufactures. Arran- J. 0. C. Huron.
For,a lwg pe and 8&%X"a
Both rziatlathoinaidTawaotGodorich Tort it Port Fxln
Iowp;�- But, second daughter of Adv . .1 44 Port Rrocik if. R116 at iw #.'W. V, Ask,*
elon,*the febidence-of thibrides father, IsMer4be po4rersconlabled in Ike iss1dXdVtVge, viii: SAM
ried the Teil call"s Of: capw W. S. McKay to Eliftbeth, .1.*tyisnui umber Ons, Thoositud r4irty-elzb4
mXoVica., TURN
tered ilt the Division Court Reewi Sook, t.& Neosrews Tgrers, ese I tw
wroteliquesi were lact kl Deed to be given voider the power. 1
of Goderich. For fortiler partlelft' apply, It 31111101, Bruce. Be,': a
the natiaral sabodIs hive Gauleil ths' 000 Pursuant to a* sutate.
sian Church, to 00 hem Well wow rim kw"eVt is' &0 "*% *(
JoW of bw *Wity, .40 hem wvM
sto of *e, 11 Tres of NflOwledge At Goderich, iA the Wed Wma.- STEWART, A. M. UOS, y the Rev. W. H Poole, 'on -Tan. the v w - . 5011witor 430. 11 `11110 13 awd avil:1 The normal cattliO W4 Ilralft. 4ss&wfmwbsrz&0byW_g&,4@6V*ftft" W"s, a";
r X04 f1th Mr.- Tohn 11se of BriAt- Email loth Jarmov, 18611., HuUSK e W*" *4 �;4 4 Q�
P - ountk T�Praut*r`e Offim ]vs* of tlW Clerk of SU Peso, i bm".
-,rty are Jord, tO Miss M *4, 7
Of Irelani's POT. as A0114 V a wwet TAb(we 2" pot. TUT. =tip
00, at SOW thise,
hare AiiV fron, the dotintry, 'Ag no*
C 0 P y