Huron Signal, 1868-01-30, Page 2A,
A oor= spoxim-x0a. seconded,by5fri, mA 111v hat was 'sxceedih91VhI9h (tz-
fix A.,.8par4 road commissloubr AadoultvraUshowse
-t the ieo),tut was -waiting that peem- AW- The SOiree held in the �Ne* 662.
;,�Wilttq It zyt,�% , GodeAch. �'Stari
r.-Wuz ortho Irmu E. Nutin, That Zile. Towsley 'be toyn�- M w *pit int 2.93 MR. EDITOA,—In the 65i�tml. of 4imidary noxion Church on Tui lav 'evenina last
Itir curl v1dak aa distib9dah6sthat 1113 norous gentle-
Dtr,, inam, Tlith eharacto�was well takenautd ovoke(I I'luch Vi de'sir.9 0 diredtilke attezooti of our T_ J. Mo6rhouse,
Moved by _u6
fib --Carried,;. I 23rd; 1868, yoft made some, rembrks, re.
W*iltla 3XI Clerlti n4od by W Spence, That laufhtr, No one could njtXt*e outlaughl , jolly . .
t , Reeve for recordiiig deed an4 leaso, 2.25 was a -teat filiancml 8
'.fift oirlendjuthis Impersowfl6fi. Ofall.eharactors readeM. and jap the. County, (Reeve for postage and stajiouai�; 1.50 spec ing 'Which - 1:P cy uecesQ, The Inaics
MMY-of nii oldHuron friends tb� Jas. ' Wwole be Treasure WAY t1lb6ilof t' our"A*icultural Shows, in ofthecon re.-ation
01 01 R, 1011 6 .3, r—cranie(141 'of the amusing class. perhapstlic beat wra the I believe thdre is much truth; its you havo at Credit
lat. thtil-t lmowalitaeiu� respeatt 0, M Moved by I - aster," Col. leerq of Perry,0116, VbrilnouL U. fl.-, -as Council whiodh meets tov-day) hn. St ......2.00,
no cellar, elporati -for the taste displayei
U. country -be, live ju. I 'Win =4-stranga coat drfantastle colors Wert. thes=06 -ot men
iis z . R. Martiff seconded by z Ills stand( A. .2 ) to i Geo,'.. Brwin, rep�W opened the questio$p1ease permit me to
Dun n
be stylo4bimselt.. olserapbr
1� copy of A. -wascirculatedlGeoi. Qistle, the 06 ebtor's
M. Md1fday' That Jas. Sieward, be lie, t salary in the arraugre
t6ke the th PetitiOnwhich gravel of the lablon—wh,
TV*j=7Z -,1,Ve-.So:6—Cqrried. Moved 1�, Mr. J. much imisoment. The ,,poor indaw"'of 1, untutored fhroughoub the County 801�6 �ilae �.o and- I Dail& Blemei foz m the Aignal. 1; a ch Vera set cut in the
0Pi0rtn,4t.V,, it you wt be sa Ind," va also represented. -Ilis - blinket and red - Imit, there is. good stock ift our County Bai tut in Spl�adid style, not eaelly
Iduca as to Motria., -'socended by Mr. Hallidtty. - '0 1 j2he Receiver General ............ :800M
One character, v6 could not discover --.4s. possessor 1138.100
letter do Allen be i6ollector--Carried. Move lulto charattorlstloibut not tho hodd-gear, veVynhta�rously-anA v4p&Aablyl signed. which has beeik taken from show to, shoir em
311M =% pf nking one them John �Coun salariell ...........
The rrovbt 1 --pe e tho lveal.YA and received womiums, and but little Surpassed. Th
�#rdplac VTeg_-TdsA116C] 'b' day, seconded. by Mr. was an'excdedinglyrapId and gracefulaUater. On4of The �otition M'ill be found below.: Asmay a meetin- =L4 addressed
1311. inthe imate dresa well -put our ounty coun. more recelved:,b
I consider it healtby an -1 as - for , 0 e -3 & zOu&ve be,soe4 it is known of them or benefit v b1r. Dialeelia Rev W
,Drrb, That W -iii, Jones be Inspector o `A A . . H. P0610, Rev.
h at The ;following pers 'Thlayoungul I awdispiAy -h1s',9katIhg at 31oved by anies Elliott, 1ieqandbd,by except by A% small looalit�, wUrt kept. - I
nE�O It7 Intb tho 2181 vok214' i, 14gopdtastain, I
-has 0111 ellasimm. Old tather"Thdo'! with his hoaryd11.jiaY1ngfdrih:6 abolition -of the present Geo� McDonald, That the next meeting J- Clever � of HaMilton
1 no, pey4m thc6t has live& in Canada Ucedbe were !11)�ohxtoa` as tQvnsliip o4ceri .� -looka (wantingthe seythil wAs,. alq#-.welt represented. haTe acted as judge -on MamLy-oceasions - , fifl rv. Air.
ru-ana reporter evuldWt system of School Inspqotion -and: the Bub- of Council be hel&ut V=a,_.C4rrie& wy�iopinion of stock brought I rP-
af * f it � This past summer was con- Pbuna-eepers— Da�id, Fisher Oamuie 3,',s,ny there' whose characters on' when I kayo as TJ Mr. Fletcher occupied the
ortah Minix In - the 'general maasquerade. aud WILLIAM PLUNK -ti TT, "before us ways not worthy
ni: si 'bu Iththolivolythrotir, Atth4appoluted hour
a sigucil of I ra F isher, Feternherf. Robert Masotti Joh#- -n e, stitution in place f it of one Inspe'dorf or of a promi* I tile eand Urter 'Tea tie
dercd asbotas, summers archereiuginer- 0 county�— was ifivorrule 0 'Pro.
al. 11 (lonesome of theheaviesthe,�ini - Million, Geolp Oldt Anthony Allen John ofiana o'clock the greater urobsr of the tPai Were Superintendent for the � whol Township. d, with the argument that ve chdirf tlie (iburch 'enlivensd th
inthe rernow.d. or the artles,inunedlately, left th6. rl4k. Wrk. would give -PMOA�the varties received codiogs by some extellent
1: We Q371 claim for it a � full Fence- This lathe brat tiang of the kind we have, ever hid temvei��, ;souslbI8 Pefd�on, like "I' 18th Jan.- 18K music
Dindl6y, an Samuel X The
qb- re -AA theRtforiners' warmest weather I ever did in Canada - - Matthew here, pd we would be soxtr werA it to'be the.* last i b the money -1, 4 n � that it was much goD4 pro eads, we
agne y2rustbes Understand
mmittee heing -about
131r. -Hy o theprolidelonandthe,06 Teaphers, and the lead "i r c u r� - ry. jtl�as epmtributed, xv'lvvitlioutamit-rot.-ble,.anawal-edtivo os' Bum I bavetiio orthres.ovigningo, of aileh. to agricultural M* me to,7iialte,fho fol�- 8ao
miles Levy, John 0. Mprfln,'W - and ingmen of the coun, ty'deser�,es - to bay the . 'if which is lateadea io1r, the church
Wm 'Green.. Phthmagers--D�vid)iZl onfisementefathe owing suggestions, pra ca
V'V,. Very lar- to my work evely day. Of catirse the eloseof the akat4 sonsoh. 1ha oiiA�il met at Vaima on the� thitd, et! ble, the two PrIcs- uo,.i1tg%DffL1t At tho dresEr must bft souzc6 or. l6a" best consideraion of the, Coun- mnty Show in
W=M ASQU-sork is 'longer but on, the Igagon, Wnl. B, Uy of anuary according to statute, Ridings unite and 1ave,a C(
er Samuel M slier' Cifliii Motic 4n! , - �
TqziCvCF the cry performer, as- Its esIdbitton. is to the. No. educationafrin either �Ut ' ral places and, facility to it- I
uriksof Huron, Perth le, wia.,dood, Wicholat apect-Atbr. 86 lon,g its each aftro 4 '00 d OtAd with 'Oil dple is� one, o'clock p. in. . Members* present, fliq Most 001d
hottest days there isa1wvvsacooag breeze h. oroughly, N --Reevej 'Peter - Dou on ccu&fjon that the pl . we selected make SURVMNG AN EXr. aU,=OW.
Mohringi Shcobr Wilion, Josep v *ftba -one we h= Mlia, tl=, , we, gee 09., - Simpso: vre may b pnrdoned if,' on the prniriqs. I rn�%yr my we. h ' ' kotmWi0which the Zoat f diouicol4d bject- 13;ore evident in itself or mre t. authe necessary accommodation for the
I ave hd,ory, son'., Richard ewett, sdn-., John. 136tterforvoungdn� st rm--that Deputy " RQeve, - Dr. Woods., Geo.
claim for it, at the present , n,6anter old to itpend sooli aw. ky�ntD 0 abIbbed 'by experience-thart. this 3ountj, �Societv. Th
weather until this, Ust. week, we Snyder, RodnovAdams,,NVbi. Orws,Zolin I%U bpetit by- many ofourtow.nape.opleliLstP4daY�t.= McDonald and7.James Anderoon.-Coun- Shows free of vost to the A e Italian �ournals tell 31orrish In IM profflAble ana more -ent, the efficien6y. of. a syst6m of schools d,-stry. Asoldierwhohacl asert
T3A nit pt, z:s, z a circle of ivfluance and have not an a"ge of twoinc Stevens, Xichi� Jolin B; old�- teetionfle aors. T6 Q�l declarations of qualifica-, I wouldfurtliqT remark, Clintonisentitlei ed
lve� -les of snow it am 'hat g an
&,Arrakoements,; The not permanently I)& maijit' - oa-.�w 'and I believe thebeat prepared for a Coun- takin to brigandqme W-14 captureol and
I evo ti6w anil'oSeZ taken before'
Jas Sy- milton -Gord rlig ad than -it was.,, TwIde
-t bold U;cn the popular mind but I believe the Thermometer has been y mint-'Hwhi T=, .15a OU rink should be much Bette _j to other - conditions - of -succesiL bv'i*es6nt- the clerIL tj !$liow. , inthe primsii�a good pre-
a&Q J.7. Stewart Patriek-Cai6oll, Win as many U.-hts. wou1d1b%VVbqeu nonetoo many-. There Mitiutes of last meeting read and ap Ld4eatb. Being b ug
it ar _prov, senteineed to
ht on,
!should bo to a private - entrance for thek parties 1p rc M` 8 to
a% rermar Period. We need Qrwly as much as e belo Zero for otie or two, ohesi Ja's Barke3z, Ksoph Morris WM* =As. !they bWiould not baeu% :inspection. *1 ed., U�vedb),.Ninfau,Wobds seconded ty: minin to. the best pure bred Durham.Bull, to de place of executtion a fir'
jected-to-tbe ordeAl of How grqat the. influenqd for. good' or :ev3 I * W be con- from&o�ch township. in the County, the QX_ ing party �of
say. in e(,mmencin- the aaw.voln that nights. Now the7wo.tther is. getting mild --HusseV., win. wait,. Goo. Boya; kaert rsaInsthrong1% a dense cf6wd before reaching the lee. James Anderson,, Thdt the aw
0 �rhich the Coun�y 0un a�cauexerzlse. over, live.perform.ed their painful dut 'lancl
me, - - hibitio)i to take ylace in -the.spring, to re-
i� i- our intentinn. to,reucler tbe o �zj Chas. MeMidy,Robt. etferaccozolp�latlon conid With propiety- tie made
and rrxm igami. The old settlers do not Wilsoi; olm Olen, rospectAtorj� WAf0X0tto,mentJontlmttheb=deu- fh S h is of if& _001111ty. - t restp, Witt, tinned iri office. --Carried.. �Moved by
Faw, Geo. Morris, Jas, 0. Stewarb, John I it' czurad sweet'iduito u ceive -in, 00il
anticipate this to be a hard winter. I or =M'N'o0*deiimjue wet&r the ins&ctioi * i by Peter'Dpng-
Of sery a UUM
11Y of its irareaszcl cirpulation and, aged tLt I th las, That thefollowing be the salaries'fix- of., COWsP, W25 not quite -dead,
I Thos.Thorapt oull ve tof -A ASMI -4i a r�ality;:
On tbit-tu man
Cautelion. Rkh�rd XQrrow, on, we bojl� rt way, a ofour 006ou kini p6lat blank the couv de race.
still fra, ming and building ; all out door son x-, ie u-1 whi611 jill 1�pon urrent 'Year, and- thaf if, Te4uired in their res ve bips
"Hwary Hort! whidli we have kiven but 4 A 'it 4etch-' b4ly' the -effidieficy,alia wl
tLe CIc"Mus Itron'Lgei extended to, it. on, - Thoa. ariatiow and ched for the c beounty odetY to ba" the tb e belief th
work oP, that Lind so far. considerthe A� E. Wilson. Moved -by-Mr. J. Vorib, proved &a remuneritt". -ta, the. ptoprietor wai. �UW to that effect be franted and - posSed. . members of theounty -at MS. was. reu3ly a finisllin
theiroughfiesi withiwMeh our
iqnu!!�Fjo the opeetatum:
'N ifecouded by 31r. pence, That the offer of UlVr14 $80 i Aswssor 680'- Collector $75: preference, t reduced rates. Alsor kive, a the body was handra
A NARROW VOTD1. climat; is far better adrpted'to the farmer tem wiWb6 iarri6doutnthisoui4y, Retu' - Ling' I I iniall extr forthe beet Bull 4sx� i0rer to thID
T'!b Treasurer � 50 Officiets, ea;h pr'e=UM L a
first thing t0wards securinga properinw� igger; but as nigbt wgs zpproqe�.
inge'ner-al than Canad, the seam Mr. Cameroxi fof back, taxes-ffite, on Black 3D S%.
on wor-any Mr. koLunting, to $600.00, ir 0 o so leis! L to entrust tisi f4 eA*, 45 ; Inspector , of hibited -from all 0 ptolwuships. The same the latter postponed Lis office Unfil
evening t1ae, Bin by A, an tothe end of 0 U P- 0 LL PG !ur
Ire W on f Uo Assessor each, PrIUCIP 0 could
much longer. The farmer is not o, mu onq poew ch 1861, -follow i" -20 Uee-T6. and the inorrini, leaving above and hft
a4ited:--Carrled.. The auty to a praeffoal feacher toverns a U followed mars� extew I'M
*00 Ere
Wake' to Provent Dual RepresmtiOn, waz hurried %rith his cropi puttingtbem in and ing bills after being examined- an'd Uppro- for, selecting juiors 0 Clerk 06 ; Road i4velY if, f tMd's la POrmit.
mg. sound judgeinihi, as well z4a thorough., A-FAUM.L be naturally suppWil to be a corpm Tba
uP fOr its secOnd reading. The six months' t Hu lilk wis takes so much ved were ordered ta be paiii --- W. T.-Voes (rar'the ifuron., signat) acquabitanio.viith the practicaUdutiesf
a ,, them off, e e it _P each, I -cents i* hour e�
ainfortunave nab, hols'7- was moved by Ia. Beatty, when less to feed his stock in winter. Asregards bill for-- priin'Kfig amounting to *13.05 r 0 *hea actually engaged. No
he�profesddh. 'Thensuchs, llaliv�o
after a debzte, the vote was tnken, iind the' Jas. wafsom�sriffi for supk ing broad, DAIR SIR;- I Man, As ibis 'antl Aer cold itight air, 1y i
vnter this season has been unprecedented should W resp6ctably anco�wlt res t to the school 'rates.- rrit-Aflnw Lis-
emmerAted. .:.The 0,
007ellament, smst-=ed by -a majority of Ily accounts of the iflidest settl(srs, for to J. Fiits1ey, 1,132.50 ; Jasi bpi Ontario a cantroersy g6iig Off.111 rpgafd Furtber Reawting the Gr at'ptob_ -0trads, reviyed Mai. _Council CoUlilL upon By- u6 1, givi:ng- e0ect to,
thenifisist ' Ids devoting
drouth. I -may Say fir this Mction we for covering a ci4vert -on boiindary fto t 'a Ae n o in i n i t to n a] L Wfi Q, -;i P and e righti himself excliiiively_ to _tlie duties of- this the foregoirg� rbsolution read and- pmsed. beryinveuii3ylVa� Of the tiel
dragged biraself te the wall of the 4
have had no rain 6f any account sin 1110 $T.(*, `c M the Unportant 9ffice.A1t'h6ugh,$he d by
c4 the amounting ber paid'r MQVed jifthosecaftea to -Tec 1; aid fri 'Moved by Dougl�� seconded
ounty -15 1 ure, against which hi� Managed to plae
AGRICULTUP-AL ev.AxTs. nceil (4 James Anderson, 'That, thi
last of June up to date, which J. -am afraid Mr. J. Morris, econded by Mr. Spe' ient. The.-que�tion, is one of large it i3d6cidedly be ir. o entrust oll6iiing be
ladder whieb happenefi
will injure the fall grin; but I zi told That a by-law pawed that nO nee, and is Juef be* A�tr rVision, Q the I*d officers for the preseAV- ieai. to be there, &t
at i6porta f the CouniT t,6 one,.- i1vWg
ea n sh,-%U cut ny e Town- eicen'sai sessor,; Alex. -�;Jgparks, We were &Drry tG, h r. while in Toren by the farmers that with thoqe-Fho use the perso t6ber on 11i =if -n ryi, an assiat4nt, �Wo I con-' 9302h Z As ever I alttou,-;h all bleeding and wgh ru
elded-on both sides.. I have' noticed pT�Xira� Tau 1 .7
- ed Reic� Treasurir,; Ge
drill the grain looks welV Corn in tlds ship rbads from *is date; aid any, perion ato Collictor P ILWS? arm broken by the bulle and delivered
to a few da5rs flawthe 00mmittee ofl several oft�hr-.editdri ai(,i tb4i.coftes- sid6r-thiipreseut remuM*6raU6n-:44.00a ts,
section is generall ; I " - , 'UA might a little matt3r, loug"tkA 'biiymlf -up as prisoner
Y light, although I m wishin- to contradt for thC- same may a;- 2 i .� .1 11 1 Laing. and .,Alex. alcone
t 5 s&oo1---entir@,ytoo small, tar secure the Xf � _. ..- at the nearest
t4e, Asaztnibly t3 -,v4joh 16 =ideration i told (in go�d authority that those,�ho sub- pl 't�e Township council at their neict jondents, wbo have coinvoi �,ted theMS-0 'i ' i Offiders.; Fr�cis, KedsUe, vame otr on one of -the hills borderin -liouse. The Minister *f wur and
y to thorough,.And efficientmapeo" we'-uoii- __g the guard
orthe cew A taral VU is committed koiled their land in the sprIA91". ra ed as meeting-CiarTied. bf:the-- Toro ito Monoy *�rth Downin% Auditdi% Alex. Creek, which hod alleadjafforded oppor-
r AliWeeescheldis ibis reansatated V10.
as advocates'
tond,for, and w1iJA is 1hi ordi
M, one
U� 1-t that; Muc to the aoiaowith only gifig'frorzi their 40icles, do U t, p . aying. or'. all. U1101pr the present Sys,- tor Vf tirims, - inhun Johns tuAityfordisplayedheadings, exclamation livt,)f an - I
-kel - . I I � dia -law, but the bellef -is that
61 Ia Y to come to the coral h at 50 bushels seconded ty Mr. Speucef Thht a, by4aw be whol judg ow
one sh and' or, er of r,- in. F all wReat avenged passed for fixing th salaries of the Town- re appointed to this off W 31001ymot,� and et4
uestion, pb�nts. OA the hM-t between th# ke will �e pardoned. His woun
Ve in, persons ai Lee of so
will d be -othe 1b,was, zrioved.'by Mr. OP - as as
ien to from 32 to 34 busbela t acre, as plump ship q eers. ly using 7their irithienee i -the -Philips, zoad eomiAiasioners.�. eaj
u1nW1 . tting on local sir have or had,,
Thht the erintendefit 4ho By_,.�aw No, % giving I _reff
and as brightgram as I ever saw oats Spence, seconded by Mr. M�Ain, i�iyexperiezfce*bate*er,intlibschool�room. ec, motions I I headwateofPioneorand not Mort -al, und U5 arm has been reset.
such Fle n0y afid in,
good be 00.66. oved wrong a'
yq.tati56 generally poor, Fay Assessor's salary should and 13 read and passeil. The j�athmabter% Avis one John �Bennizi,�Aioft whIrs for 26
rKc-'Mmeudation is sarctianed 1-y t6 were favor Of Toronto, That -the Troitto Sesidesi these persoxii have -the, dutiei - oi
150 to':100 milp -west. of us here, in this in amendment by. Mr. blornis, seconded pound keepers.� , *ad . fence viewers were - Te�rs, he has soon WixTza RuL3&s.--N9ver go to lod
act of gress injustice fp . was good; potatoes ex- Mr. Halliday, 11A. the h o per professions toaitendto�- -the seas6iis aom
ta, it win be QQ tState, their cic Assessoes a' people and the Toron' 9 sht1ulil:Uk- dutivi to demand their thenappointe& Uor�dby eter DMIas, - producing their crop" with told or dump feet, In goip into a
cis Perth, Huron. ceRent ; they,hd more rain. The coun- 660.00 the same a&last jFear. The Reeve, for the* centrolizition or all. Our 144her seconded by 4 Woods That Robert "i buck older ir 'keep'the mouth resolulely
_10 Fact? EarR-0 c0_U_ndC§ ol e &q one y. -wheat, and filling hit
tryisgenerally well watered, only insever- voted in favor of the amendment. institutions of earning, I.can avidertand-; nt Anaerion7be paid. U for a sheep killed by verTgmdual4z olosea, that by eompelling, the air to pus
13m, ea, Grry, &a. - We trust our represen- a counties aroi e. this, sys.tom 1. 1 . .
-.nd they, n not dig far Officers Wariea the same as last but To' uto is t Oa good as thro . -1e4L 3lovWby-.TomeitAncler-:IYwithifiv6�euticilmg- Ughthe no -Re 4nd head
Tgar- TO o nada, -n6r is it Oti- which we.'be Wie, b dcfgso� Can soln�hinki the love: eirjuitouily1hro
speak out strong -or strike srings They striker Auditors $2.00 each, Township Clerk i�ad WIL W �ds Vhat the f w1dah is the rpo
laim,-WondeabyNmiau t..of4Ur1L Whonthis it
in the imm enough t %ty, and we �Yisb it avray, - '�40 More elaciency C may betome partly warmeci be&re -it
"z ta al their aDnatituents w 'coal at 10 to, 21 feet, in some plages it Treasurer $130.00, the Awasor%tWj tarl 0 , . . It h0t fine onticildo no* adjourn to meetat * .
I domeii righttothe surface. Theygenerally Collector 850.001 ImLpocthr of Taverns, . speilty,'but we 8annot Abilak that the as our scho6ls. is cone - ca., � � , - , , ':, . - ppen. ailaloitem6at burst over the.. o�mtry, his reathes the and thus prevent those
r the Uth:!�Iru&T, it I td�cl6ck
-Prormer time arrive& use chtterm water, w1fich is very pure 'near Moved and sec�ndA #at the, time for ;Y000lnto Ow.can tit fo high 1��aN hiWtops and -sudden shocks and chilis which frequently
*t all theyouthiwthiseou V006,were not
ex.- 'Coboif -woAh the whiler of any
the 111issouri river, and where the vcfuntry payment of taxes for -the year 1867 -be to ie�d the imm" lien from rg, teceiye - their education � iii , the 0
-wU vonsicutd Of the end in pleurisy, ucumonia, and other
Schools attiches an interest 1111por- laAx mulmn.T.--
Ao-hiw TYPES- is springs run to the. top as in the Ist df February next. and the hundreds, fr6ra Belleil tan6e t 69 Aompanies?", who bought Alm serious forms of disease. Never "p-
0 t1fis matter, which cannot Township <4er*i ost ISVO17
Kingston and other -plaeesi- an 6�-' td one Taxas, 29ndJanuaryi.18M. with the head in the draugUt, of an open
Camalda. As regardatheioil ofAA I have The next meeting of Council to. be held po*bly
TheNorth, West, and South West at Dark's hote4 Smith's - Hill bi oybrrated.1 While -the people are s� lib- thing, so that it was not until some� Years:
We�ara now receivirg tbmz-b theable on sat c6l.lige'in Toronto, wheft 'suoetior: advin- oeorer4ludow. Let wore cover bapat
ago that Vie, old gentleman co4ld sAd tAW,
ppr" of the State excel any soil I ever -the 15tle- of February n iall.Y t#ins themselves for the irection
eid, at th
o -0 e8w 410ur . ttwis1or !edUiation, 'health aid morals f: and oomm ous rece o'Me 'oil the lower limbs 1hun an The b3dy.
my country, verying in depth from. one o'cloo � 95 - .2 . I ipts Aujini from Oil.
e offriead Halley, of Toronto, a saw in. L Moved and Seconded that wo.. w i - Since that
an be socurei at mu�h lesil , 01peass to, Ala for' the payment . of' teao&rs, the timemoney,has been flowmgmi uponhim. Have anextra tovering within easy reach
the country and to 4homse Tes ia -other or new and fashiev,- a� foot to four, and five feet., and even the minutes of this j6etizL-_ber -printed deeper. In some parts cl bottom, in th M Count
e Huron Sig=L y Councilh. es to it that, these - in an uninterrupied stream, in sums vary- In 4asd of a middeii aiia great chn
e Ing in amount from $30,000 to 869,M,. weather -during the a!;, Never
generally schools be maid i, is effideat*Aaicl thdou&
Qbla news, a�'�Utisiam- Bud johlainz- tYPS3 other gravel, and -sand ; aiu� p1le ror thi SIGN= monthly Antl
as po".1ble. no..war �.be betier.
rV m 41m t2st foundries of New YGrk and clay subsoil. The face of the country 11 'See in t6 do&rfd'h-Stqr ofille 24th, 4bat sUlda the Mando,.stilloutefdooro, especially at a Sireet
done appointmentibf thofou& � -0ently. &# large white flakes are Ullin 7ritIcthis but k6epitintho-house, b�ty'
ri I . 9? Ircu: corne'r, after having �Walked,evetr a x'hort
have descrihad is generally about two d*hr�A 11 miano4elesslytheyevierthi chilled bosom Wes for iti keeping, and: Wv;iy;]; and dist
Eug. In tha jAbiu- line we an o ial !in thisiu)IJect, irl f4vor of the -.good on de;�t ov'or 1h6 "W
e, the other timbered with THE S one argumeni. a -Most ih Y anl�e. ever tide ii:ar the ppen *in.
KATING CARNMAL Olege - 0 'Claims county, :uf sleeping mother -'earth. -Gent1J, they vifiesana awwnd_ of. am
hzve pwabased the sizes of what is call2d 1, tff'e1viredrzalp=d of oak hickory, baswood, field pieces
at 6ftcges, and the mi!er 11 lest they-. 49w efarvehicle for a Single minute,
of den6ruination the -repose �of the M
e-011 Style! letter -a mc&t ele-zant, type I walnut, maplefand white wood, and in the For sev To the Warden hnit Xe,�bsr',g ofthe M14mlai- 'eral years past e;z for its keepers. Nothing, t hii fil
the. want A A i
has fallen iato'tlxe�panie error as others in w9kethe -gentleman e5piedially ir the ride has been pmceasd
aL C6ncig q g in its drearns, or .4ould say jould induce b1d,
f tu co"t -;xleeping' tniidezi of the far off hills,
for flua wort-, tesides nearly all that is Itbottoms it is -gene -rally thrifty, and on the Skating'Rink has been felt in-Goderi
I uph�ads more shrubby. 1t k so arranged regard to the ointa at iittue., I 'OounoiZ. Assembled. to-foregothis ineane- course, aud month'bY a walk ; -valuable lives han Ahas
aca keaudral proposed- first fo� reply so..thq $Ia� -bn The retnollof*cUlle *p dle h I elr'm=- after m6ath saw the sum iti- been los; vr good heat pornmustaly
W=1 or metal letter. by nature 6at every farmer-generaRy has 0. of less inipoeince, bad rs, . e.!. e eau Trustees Gently thel .4 coerm withth oreasing,- -put
27=smeople enjoyed thernsfAves. fidle, commatifthools wad oin _�,h,. bo county, rtle ofpurlty -the hurrying footstepspf the of itbe
timber. I consider it the prettiest Clinton and ;ther A6 presentA Ing, putinto bonds;.�-Adilhuocon-, destroyed.
thi-nequisition and by mployin plenty of hvq_qr three,points;.shd then r6pectrallysbewolit--m'
llageh could boa.01; of '1�otjjinis of- tue Silence in bWm and but liftle in -bonds,
farming and stco ra;sing country I ever irk favor orodyera'Idpnoul- That we req*d nu edininidiselie ofthe -officie 'r4kind 66 f
fine ink anj the iest. Of their skating rinks. and their c�*vals, but few arvaihents ofiom-al SopernitenderitaugimpommHu tot iLe a Uuieje5q.. 7, The Pall Mall G=-effe -remarkv,of
saw. 'MeS-.iitlaE�-stp)rtioniDfthe.Stat we - of GoMich have hitherto remaint-d. 110ational toeges endowed hy.-theTstats. . ol-ityst-em. but suie the old-geitlenfan and his 'gone I&ea -Angola ufastwphe 'that it "has not
opera, we geper-ally hilly and brokefi-not mT net itle o0frcoi tharthe, tvinei a t. H -sbaft he enabled to tam out is, pie nndef� _1y the flakes MCI inounted guaid. every - nigh alf a,
Star and cithe'is s�eak of ii.anivw taiih is, wrap�ed- i
mu2 without those pleasures. Several attempts The A =my'& -coat, of mile� from any neighbour, a heavy strip of "'ned any great semsation - raww
wo, equal in stylo and finiih for except in the bott ',V.Pu th "Tious 4
-good oms" ha*e been: made., withizi-the last -gE w1neh spotless xu In fodi Ifiding-the holnestea4 from thenear-
o t1haf ve or sit Wieitu 6tior a� tneliin JbJ A1969. of -without filielloilng belt tifuli slaughter of thb kind not being unusuat in,
and fruit of an & training ti 4a imy deg& nocence, Nowi0heUd W4
It is more of a mining region, a !15� to 4is;Mrah oarprei.tent tocav stfp�rsif_ 'the mirry sonzid'of slei the United fttee.-
T(Drmtci, XontreRl and -other Can,drm aR kinds especially the grape, thrives lux, six years to haTe a suitable and convenient. boq, 2a hence werare' . tOld W11011fe leudeutg,.who if, Cner;d m d(sulad #their work ater, -gh eatsettlementg this senseless parade was
rink constituted " but without success, university je ; do fd a in teaching al�d 1tmh!Iy*x could. 48
Webavagenetothe nenanti uriantly, and I May say spontapeo- y � in year,; eXpected a m. nces- tho inounlit. a#i and -from: MaW A, we
ou an r u, -0 My state lh6 Iwo f Vowing; lau Thax it leads'X01 ept up, as though a bake?sdozea of--ae- 0,1t is stated that a general order Law
This thr j� the. able- and zealous )6a awo the sily'ri la4 Uiminod3nen:cuuldnItatw:,
Leavy ez F, qnsa in the fhll befief�-that, we fd=ttheV7boleSt_-%&iswel1 calculated for trainin- oo, many,'and in so difidi. lue0siadly te, who ag a generid -be ty _ -hofyoutli and ill; go throuili been issi�ed, requiringall officerg garrison-
�gWia$ O�Udijalli
manageme4t of certain kentlemen, of the 1,,"ollexpirtediogive more, au UJ�Zn. the listening the entire concern. Last ni&therO was ed in Canada, to join their n�xpoctlre corps,
fruit of all kinds. As regards -prices of, -then a Ver. Ibrim - I town ently... Now-- a- utilversity Z.'not either 099 . CO. --TOYIT
to, reca:ive- of land, I may, say in the first portions a rink has been hat, and it is now '4ar hig in the breast. of--hoar� agb,
e dul - , a change in laffairs. bout sev"en o'clock, , py the Ist June next; an
"d. Titat it does-* "aiwever, the srowblifu6 vi
of -the in opei-�tion. So fat, - -we * trust , it has. tcachodrtra4., IiSdutY isli-yelituitt gwmiter. that tbom . t' Wlis we lbas appointed to _ieri ed membrance of a happv youth. Qnbof the *= being absent, the balanci,ffirtheiallow=oesofleave
r Ar thl ish d alio to restrict
all W1 aw pn&r gpla work to the CI)arse State I described, there is no, government Oil tothat&te.
land. Itisgen?rE�Hyowpedbyspeculator,4 proved a successAd the propriZr4 as Wire' fordegrees. We'wlt0advo0ates4V0rAl ;Snprrvift *ertractwr and -direct; h,m As, gircum$1111ce cliampioi� �of Ae far -off.Xprth of the family it their supper, in walked
to c9m., e may require in the tdorAiiIii ofimproved melhodofim.
arnts &-*-*tquent1y perpelrattd. by Be- feel certain ii. has proved a boon to thoje I 1r, 2'sk'and urg f has stalkedibr4d.---alresay Dzrp, VART'DMW.-A Godericb, 'Ont.
or one itoiversity PRAIng himuctionj shill themelves, possen tainy his broath is four men, -v&; Ya71meer0 Val
and farmers, prwes ranging . fi�� $4 to $10 who seek'recreatio�ni in the, gj%mftl. art. oyer,idl the collegeof:--mot - nnoci�4 w'lth mware The exkriento ofpractical rdicaltotbats; on f1i4leandathistouch the proudimper- eedeatom%kQ momo y Pro- corresponaeutwho rightly writes himself
improv co thejnwlfes� at home. They
mmprove edlands Aeu#Able place has been obtained Md Ill. That we are abplwoix lbatihe imorram oreds, iouszoarofHURONsfillsits as re -lie -able authority, alluding to tho
from *10 to!�30; amd'evien a great deal a"T., but for. all tfi-. iountry i- to be 6grand MightYWV0=d feltrery -much -so -hu
UGLTqTr cou_-ipm -7,10 have oni utilised, and one in ivery way conveniens Mon:u the t�jqllri gged the old gentle,
yields it!olf great depth of snow at present in that
ihe )Voont Towfu to suormAed -by ny a throe, a bonds- malx—fleahis hands and his feet, and he
Y higkie according nori with ma
to the position. g&at founlain, of.Wllor .froln which all bo ZP" 11.1:=
tile ammiolment a 1 6116,80 rintendentt-whoma region states: 'Me horses And oxen
-ta that Robt. offeQ 7as for the body of the townspeople, I man to th6 Ifffiern king, , The , rivers not takin their hints an to silenceI placed
in djrli� lavt wid. inedicine irnust come -to gliall. be ejarbsted i
zw i this sme t; sta 1*60 acres 12'miles from Mexico Last week the - enterprising �
managers do- all 'he seloolli in the cease. their MUrnierm and Zen two feather beds convenient, engaged in drawing cordwood out of the
hiqh all 'th " eollei�s, p 9 songs, md roll one
have a masquerade carnival, IV. That we ire offpAher-opinion, -in Ae event of beneath in fierce; de&=e of their ley ly- O.Ver his face tied up the rest of the wood& her e w ow
F. ba3 been re-olect. I 'City, or acre, termined to -rotstani, Ur; comitir
q, ong side,, of 16% with- 30 W e e, 1MV to ear = 4hoes
after the fashion of-� Jewl, and infii6l oatt, Be An we never do things by halves 4 would
CA Warden of Huron by majority of Va. city rinks, Open: to. infill _hd the cbju*e beijimmuide. that Ille SUPek. bonds"
a broke dfenced dhous6for$900. to the public, on payment "of f Eli . U f1day in turn Ible wist d her from a small fee. 'their itudenti bit equal term whe&i 'Comei Amt Mumer- with ery persuasively, flourishing arevol. have mounted themon stilto Ud we be.1L
:Full prdmflmra in our Friday evening last waaAe ftimefixed up one ning such an account, -A little louder
�03% - sity amply; pdlug sound, that 13 dr"dWy careless, manuer. The Pen
rA youcanbuy�c per+ fpr I
r'A e It !jghter, and that yqr in a
.1 dhour ist eel !is from -the, hw off time if your conscience will stand tAe
is! 'toted 4 ay* -
is State' ix for the event, and at . y Government, b6
RoLnE -o -up ve. irrapi -ofable- mien a old Udy, *hile her husuia wasbei
xM.P.F`_-;s pow. d and spitififdory menoeri And that the eviplameins. st-
like (Jij rg tachedoike fflc.�*b..IdbaBoehA# ae, . w are loiely melds ain.
31a lhere'is the skaters comm Win ppo tal 2* next
Lit offmn poked at him hy lies and gentlemen in 1611 fa jectofambition famerit"I001-chers' and,s`s**8 Youth "jOYi .011, spurn. ing steel, 7thehight, 'Kansas and Nebraska, Lac -nt-wen who will he slid Manly minipulated, escaped the attention of the st' -Ball C74Sigud-
enced to awomble, ernm� toanderiLanob. I
they can get government 'lands imaginary - wift, - I above 90spiclob. That can bo nonpim to'doubt that L there we -well skilled feet, The xis. marsuders, tr A. good story in told of a pair of
costumes made th i firit:pNee, 'here'
eir appearance. "PI ing bf
ys. in their New Yeat's der the Homesie-aa ad.. Thj� The "Molle thme M11 its collifuciing our Common . x
andard peedily, returned with a pistol, which he
ims gressing alga, came Would fix the st of- education in "is round, andlargeandbrightiand licked ihe nerve to fire, but handed it to doer hunt in the township of Luther,-
cquntry public nxions. t6see the sights hools,inen. cAlable oftilacharging 6 duties of such M HhmiltonNintrods lately returned from s
in$ 01twe Whil credit to th6nxvIvqii ated ativan heand,*ide her ilanting, wawwa b ins the
jren;f has given, up the fast wi regards R. Roads it pourmgin:---t 691A ofelock there Must arts, law, od medf�tnef and bayi notlijug late. to
ea 9,14 irlio was no better offfor
Saab A university would nma�miy. tend W-. 41imula e tho exertiolfs f to the Duchman
arter iofbimin us that now four main lines. extending from. lheeaupa ofzJU_ calloa, in the second PkVzf 1E, �Ver HuroWs fro n re3t. She� andWhfUturuhanaedit Haying
cast to, west and the Missouri Ifiver is at least, hav6. beeii-twoo hundred lobiceW to do with the6logy, tescharl Ifit were to lye undpwood timt the promotion DaW ze struck thetractefone ofthe zn�
he bnqA-nkeD it, for 20. years and one a =vlgablt in the same direction for - on. Seats were placed on each side �ffhe 'would be to he e6llegeis ' as our County f, .. IshiU01% �2& on &%ure isheetz of smoothest _0ne of the juarmyst aforesaid -who, like tlerea monarchs, they followed it w%h.
111rolvedfitap tatmentorthasonwastolie re' rd0d i0o likeilvered mirrors of the waih-dering the darkeyat 3ifurfreesborov, tho t
ai oue oftya rat prize* vot theie -ortiressio U. it
some rink. fiYr the convonioneq of, speefitto boards of examiners are to) tUe eommon r, ugh More ardor for W& day, when the trail brou&
gren We hundre& of wilea out side of the State. The platform on Iffie end next th OU -to our Jug to llt6 pltlfw, ti , nis:be suffoporpaut SUM
0. street )youl4ttibuxam ME" than his reputation and he
t dent to advance its -interest Otherl�_dsare of secondaryconsideration saboolialorms. rNorrijal'866olis i, anon on glistening heaps f uptum- ofbis "bi up in a bog -Pen.
new-rl-me-wofibe latter obligation, but,, waspacked with ladies and gentlemen, ed berge-the sbatteved remnant of an icY didu't4hoot, aua so it came out JtQ the - Titz TAUTz LICAWNG OrT.-Tie
ii! the mea*tfi4e. As weggards society it is. almarschoe,46-.. The Wa
Ifit I's iru- Ls also truer as good and g6e mll and in the north-east corner waa laced gra r o I I see, hope that the -counell Insy plain' transforming i�eaih irmir gaze their visitors tied, up all this valient army, which York Tribune says that Train's orr"s
y better than7in-Cana-
d DW a high stoodard, c(MM'then -be' 'kept Ilefbre� them ilick beat weird and opwtralfornis, to Voined"tow
the band engaged . for W ocoa46�. To - 11, j ape Jule be expedlem, hatt-hey eould
4 asthe sarme eutent. Vbfikey here; is $8 -per
-0tisedto delcribe ag of the * characters reprepented 1gfier-'aithought best, d to lofty b4ttlemen* su&cities'walied and defend t1lemselves was nothing but sa advertising dodge,
af, emea upon a time!' conferred a a. Whishey drinldmg is not Pr era, had -only list week boasted t
y.ther Undersigned. *_ -5 andereWtafraid. This thatecestifiia individual haTing induced
favorupon Mr. WITes, WhIch gallon, in a great rn y places -it is prohibit- would be. impossible: From the old an ho poor, colidges; abuld t? I I r, turreted as 'Whex the Feudal WMM done
te0011tents of oneof the safes. was
reignod supreme. The uitenin
squar, - ths account. The ad'ahozether, The principle, oCCducatiou bt threescore and ton to the stripling m, not -long eziet, for their tpport, like our g spears tr=sferred to the pockets of the gang, and ons 0 f the passengers to lay in inforxis-
mora rhom
1�jo D01 system, eid VMse t
& his teong was At represen and polished helmi of hygoniyears to having got outside of t*o hun ion Agains. him.
a schi taticli fOUP(L ol 3mod and Grammar Schboli,..woutit i dred and ten
10=.hy foir era and French officers - mingled with
fazl 4 32 r. 1% alftgetter tea, 01 guard the silent walla, and dancing '14lit's thousand dollars, all but thirty thoussud, I:)- When is money first, mentioned in
nforced: by the State Legislature. School- depend upon the Amount or 'work Aone, R. -blue and-allvar
thesombro-sons ofthe sonth.' 11he'.stara Council Room Jan. 20ffil 18681. hover Ver the far off in currency, they poolly Pat down and wait -
a mon wrza aspic, -_3 ca high Pqblre Pst- are building -fast, as' the country tte'LeXaminerml oi Univerbiti'for' Onts CoundiVinet 9;46yaocor fte gfiu4i=, Writs of the storied ecl the coming of the absent son, who had grow bN& to X
gowever, iu all gco In the zodi4b were holding commune with rio T -he- the Bxl)&- When the dove brought the
96tte-4--a weaf many of y1bur, spar cling to scene I Oah.
naNrei ie' Aublunaryteings, lt'wouldberim�osslbli There. coul -Thdiuo�mbers�Wt�-.tbifng-beingiL H., -4Ananow we fiackward. th ek y e d ewith
--a would do well here salaries �are d Ae no law. dead.
sav, VM, tean !a Gur area, teachoi, 'The People, to. eL ardality"noL ea�j turn W! th e 4 th sown saf him. WW@ 0:5- What ist1w difference between a
good. attend. to even. a faint ide.a.'of 'th., second or thira-raii dU Helps, Esq., Reeve, Henry D Th Olt eager giA towaitch the fearlew crowd who wsitin th - I callowedIf.
va� Ali e wasnit
Up tr,24 costume. Of the adies, con-, plomax-me jesloqj or farAt-Inding Witt, Taylor, Daid, Scott And - Geo. Key Aash with sounding speed actow the frozen ple=fwil hter position, tied" she wag watchmaker andaisilor I 0nesells watches
flor such a chur& matters pretty well. They are -T
-SPICUOUS SM032gthe number could e"Oj ba,leoch othoes bonors The Me f the waste. , Theirbloqmiing rlie9ki POW., our to a ohiir, her feet not touching the floor! O"d the other w"ch" cells.
S VUL-1 it -you wiff, an sin's'k into . hopielez* chiel,;v Methodists =d Presbyterians. As -no- olixing -up poll -
es ere they are n6t-mora than d lii�yi by her easy and gt�ace- ftc&apd -annuuil I grants--�-no u in ltp� took *their 40014ratioll3oferaqtification'and 0011LAW91hirest dmugWra glide around an4onoofthepartyvery gailantly gots, 0- A philwphar bas diizoYered that
rdiViC21 darknev.. ful e'on the lee. No one who had ad- Toronto at - ih� �Zponie - o her ot4' of Affoe. after which the minutes of On amperecl steel -that giexiaing_#�shos 0310wi 'Which he Placed under her feet, ex- men don't object to, be over -rated, except
half as M = th6y -am in the� County of her l thi- the -two last meetings- were -read and pp-
sbright. rays, and matchlem I piew6ggrest regret,&t the unavoidable by,
back the moon�
le here th, eful a gra _#on ordinary
0 '6uld Make v. wrongs proved s6nd i challeng6,'forth een to Circassia?s ecessity, &c. Fortunately the abisentson iW How to )hLve a big time -
Hilton. The they are. e the anew"s.
CUE; VALMWAn ANP DMECTORY for peopl . take.under equally.or more discrviit.
ow, � 0 L Moved by Slr. Taylor, seconded
Next Ps xega�4clothes -1 can buy- lady was dressed as sewiglit 1, 111flitted on thoso� den.o.min tions, which by Mr, Scott, T114 Wra Bengough lie Ap- fairest fair ; a moraithan British health and tarriecli and the PI thought it betteX to t0ift clock.
Lvwe fltter oun-Ovesi aa eat a b -c andshoes, or any thing Plwant to
ark dreas as resplendent with rifiess for tkq acation of
and her d iinde large stii beauty skir4lingmeful curves Q�er broad leave, which thi
CLI ted Aditor f0i th6Ytar 868�oarried. yr di , taking all the horses
imco oT ca!or printing a7g wear kere dienper than inAiWe -ne an "Starsofthe Xight," Another lady in toin'try balbre the Tor(ioW .1as Bdmund Vindmg str"M ; and on the promises with them. These wwo
can bA Yv' Rhe'Roeve theii. nominated Canadian lakes or fwbeftar, Vh1ch I can prove byr some of
tbracdf ent �cf any cauatry affia.0 in your readeta to w thesame characterf-iie:it claimed the,at twidnexistence-no )aoderia,�toahorQj as the other Addit6�. I A com tion manly seIf, reliant youtIts we there 'who found about a mile from the place. On the
fioni I ienti the lea- boast of fair Canadian -birth, Yet A Id return ofthe southe alum was 01ren, wA is mome*wg Early S#r--ctjvo
-is tra6itab!,e aj�ke ta.. Ur. papbrs wnahn�nr the- St, Loj& mark ding teation. of our reppifer,-mho was informed fromDz loan)regar',dings poor man el
ots, and - stat4. in aby fdrin, but a syetain ill , -li, - 1,ex
the knowin Villing kpee, to noble ll
by some of sick at Mr. Hollan vffi� Vi in a horse. His
d, Bly Aou's 2kob the telegraph put into service, so far with. -=t eye and,ear,
si thecempuaj high here on ones thatL She "otir-1661161'elon -the 8a%L. Mrs. H61ljik4 bein t
A. 0 Eimmar for.,Xr. A.�-V==prcduce`s( oonectiob with Present the big lofty aniage, his free and ful
account ofthedocal aemand caused by theF was a Young lady who from her - personal- ncouncil turnto out avail.
6arosman, aud tha Qflica - charms and amiabffity had deservedly- 1 Our 00111MOn and bigher directed her t6 nt a on, from -the we Motion, his vast strength, his o cut
egration among3t. w; and, all _)o 'woodland � &Kbef 'And foe� The r0bberY has taken no one has by
come I ' ; schooli. Our model asLe- late Ron. R. ratepayers of within the that temper, and his indiiopenaable use, all ea -
gram, wMch it emantes, Ah� tates, anaTerritories; ta thet -West �f 7. great favorite among the gentlemej at Awallos and they resounding woods' ge heard Ilis surprise, and it ia the general remark
ilf - dear him to us. We love to look at hia
;17. on the AnL Her dress was. black and -Billai'drafted it, wo the great London woWil, then consider* the cue. strong Oud "W611 directed blov(s, tlixt oft the family have to be thauldul noneof
tlin-!ip fast, and the cou -Moved by
us. am set 40JESi that
LUCKNOW. Taeibm so drafiAnl -olzb by the warf it has n Studdedith starg after the- most pr6min. Uuiversity,'E!�glaod,. with her tbii�y-six Xr- DeAcon, Beconded by Mr, . te(f bring t,.q'e fine proportions, and take in theinspimtka,
ot - ropea lafth the BWdieat f Ila them wery murdered- 1tvWY0n0A"bQeA ofhiseneWandpower,"butitisonlvwhen
ent constellations. Her at W.." decked That ilio, Clerk procuro' four Municipal f0Mto=' L . . t -� �
or; Oxford surprised at the infatuation of the old gen- the horse is properly cared for-len he is
recovered yet, lgu&ter sell readily at 10 Uuli6ity with, her
a - r 4,,0ambridge, Uni e �Q�uncil, and a timid
ervice-$ WM ba held i7f cezift ; otatueg Z�1.80 per .. buhol. pork annerit andfrom the, iop� sup. tontl-ro collqq, Manukb1or.ihe use of,.tli Still furthern ill" deer attracted aim in resisting the advice of his beat ft" from diwww or unsoundness of any
also Assmor's hi by- the�uicy buds oftree iops, fallen -from i friends who have re
6 to SZpar awt, ; Beef in retail 10 t 1% _structionsi notices, 4&c, tedl him
-t Now cennoxil tLuxh% iD the -Ari .4parter. er dark e do- of this vm'
ported i4some mysterious'way, japearea versity. and hei seventeen "loges. �' Th' warned
t The Clerk alJpliea for. a highef their high estate I kind that he will exhibit them points of
etts per 14 ; F lourl',z,5.09 to K75 per o iv istartleil by our ru affair. trig a my d evidence of attracton, sad witkout which he is f but
wt Leddow University Is an exalvialn�. body 93
-ift C roach, and head erect she,
Sermars by Revds. Town her back, was Wy When, it - wis moved by -Mr. TiLylo�,
also-fhe subj�ct f characw, for tlirty-siz. iiachingUdiet. Lot 64t- 8, K�y, Tbat th"lerki
M, tbedemor"'fat'6n0ftheco mllrkitYtthat Attlevalue. Apackwof Darley's Ar-
The� oiree 'As regard% 'Je&a.mci such as crpenten, sentation 111416 x ) �dkm
31cs,:,m W--lkarani 5109s. ristie repre-. econde4 -by Mr. Me 81U]�Wwbuud to. seek the bject of- her there hu not been a, 0,
aslary. be 4110i.ancl that lie verifythe Asseas- pathy h iug cine," shoWd be in possession ofeveryman
The appearance`of this lady, ari gife, us such A uniVeisity;i0d if then feaii ; thbu with 46n6 4119le -mighty, bound sC Of abi&n Heave Retupdy and ConditionK*di-
&-biuet makers blacksmitfiss shoe ithifut exUi� lia; - '31, d eard to -day. V fea
wilibec Vied. SEeeehes waa very much admired and her Oegance She Ciet gffOrd to Aid-4he tolhAgra in heir ment Roll wi is hidden from our view. The frightened t, t the
brick layers Wo m0neY w= his own, and he had a
by. E�v&3. 31cmia. Walker, Rom, §h-sw� M on or ove m; rhbbit -startled from hor mid-day reit darts who owns a home, to be used in am of
Lera,& 'i%t 0. of, audgrace elicited thewarmest encomiums work of teaching as wsr 4()- out ig Iment by -Mr. Scoiti, fiicond�a, by, era w; kinds trademen fr rainiiar men, 440ht to do with it as he wished, he has emergancy. Ron1 fail to get it.
om the SP eddiors. AA a skater, phe, Rho, Schools let. sill le cii] legge a s � Opo rt - th em- Deaon, That the. Clerkli bi'the, Awift sthw3zt the W*� Path,. and1rom. kept it, resistingall atpeals to his
could doragood business herei tha mecober lbi- bArde, Ind s4* that tbt jig -
f, is a -hrank. Next came thegro*thof ced 'the whirri, charitable p,
Lfannin'mM mak& au& a good plough took a big it, - young seles same as last yevi. - - Votioli 'carried bi
A Wes!3yaa SadA'will b4 h8d 4 40 =3k,;0fjfttT3 two _61a_ Lady in ar-mrfiite dress, bespangled with the, �',Le� the Toronti) (Ilollegvi - some- "Oure, 'the "Veriug Of which, 50161Y (if Hs" Co. is on each packar.
_a ]E ��Vo not seen Vote of Reeve., Moved by -11r. Deacon PartVidg6 cleaves the -tremb1m gigli within -onefs own provbjoe, w Y,
60101 callecl !a a1w% s Northop if Lymis, Newcastlt, Ontario,
dew ofmorning. On he Univirsity -10, be $up- seconded b mr. &ott That the clerk p 1 -overh&a the Aet
r cap Appeared 00110. Ut t ik�Lpa Mhe, warm the heartf aU towards one who do.
Ileft6n;rS. Asiortheold porr6d by thosiwho dcsirk�piucittion .1or the offic IhAta _Y squirrel proprietors for Caaads6 Sold by all Medicias
the Mornin- Star.,— the, harbinger. of d iip notices for tree a$ lights to give of his abund...
W. IL P0,313 et Gederich Msioiwd fdnnorf;, I -consider them'100 of from mb-h,6m tree td
and on her' �:M6-
ea-n bebind t4a in eveiyWhig as re- breast the rish Are -, P1906 - it od thal Saint fodtilig pre- wreaa4er, Assessor and Collector, I The 'with his glossy mate he I - at hider hud
elves to Accept JWk Or L C Two Quimovs F4smY Awswzvw.-
WO Lature, 03 Or duty ta the �New orieAt. This ladyi,we were W iseli s Viot6ria� T' council do not bilia thems �atteringi ry
ormed, re- a Qaeeu, rinij-y aud new -
her to a Ila& rlp"M AT -r1WGST0N0 WILy should men wear bosz�ds I Because
they ho-ve, no plouN -what ad" cheerful Morning.". other#, and, I �hose, 'ch out, disoo;�e6d feast
Addremws by the R presented t urcheg jr.h ' the lowest or py iender.--Oairried.
Wgew*U14. plough, when they go to Tworyoanit ladies in neat and beconflt dhases too, Minist�_j 4- moved by X% Taylor, soomidea by Air. 'f E ta, lbaf is left io fau and whir, in they we a Feat Protection to the throat
thepadof"VlowerGirig." Their charaoters'wero ro eaug RMOMN an. 20.
�harraw-tbcy goto-tho bush anct cut down 4tA,a there, carry oat
Wax, A. L. RfisieA aniLothors. T � wall repres2inted and elieft4iPuerid admiration. Their their volantiry principlei and, pay for Deacon, That the Council 'now ourn, eorth'encrusted forest and lungs, a" "d much to their personal
'a brugx and hit& on. t4U, they have no snows, About hIff-PaRt two -o'clock on Sunday
TiAmts 21� een!#, 'to meet OU sewnd
41, areet fheea, after tbsY removied viamasks. abowe4 ris from the branchin
esday 14 P
t2sj� for f== b@146A- g maple overhead fire broke �yyxha�lld we use 'iBryan's Flulmonle
ts'h2tourz�wder'waseorrectintlieleidentity. The Whatthey -eompete for hoi- ebr next'-704rriOd- and it whirls -th, - out" in the building
w ty,
�ro in, themsdVei ; liva eask, ew for most ve4smg to us or jai t- 'E" ladyrcharseteft was that bri; side by -'side with the' I
ofa "Turkisix Girl," personated so w : attideutt 1iispers- f;. % 'o known as th-3 Rectffyi4goao, Wateist" Because when used forcoughs,
nouly rrn�is "m oil Py the amiable JAS. r hail nwrtan
mules, :dau�,,I%tvofxgeutTem3u, tha estimable i� otha
3= 5 =e --I, 133r-entLetically, that a. numba_r f h6m presentative colleges., X6 don't, iiik lbr-grnts that the wint6rof life cometh, and that -the with the Kingsto b-rewery and distillay. colds tickling in the throst, homeness,
-_ pi homenyr and bacon, But the. pro- here Of A frieUdlY go-Vernbldut, The cliiraeftr Was
vell, eoupolvedi-and delluoted. to teach iheolo4g. or religion--mvre * don1 gloriet of our sprin A qnsutity, of liquor an the prMiM L took Ac., liey act like & chawL , Ministers And
tooklaimed ourspecial attention, Of the i PU autumnwill soon be theport ofthe winter Are, and the burning Auld running tFrough them, and xingers
wouldbeab ishItered-now fradblig30Uri iU-, This ldyi tkating g our summer and jour
1�'Ites the indnaftiong mechanie, farmer, and ' ast consfilelous app rpota that If STANLEY. lawyers use them, p4yalcians recommend
V entlemen, ask for gjant$� for, any
Ben!, ELN WeO:' rate iareda."Generalor1mvislon.110 - I windsfFate, that we ouiveiviwi like its and public speakers %xy
At military 4Uifrm, but denominational ; we say &trip all the sol-
Qti0ndkn t0"unict-al (In- in fict the 8urelumpopulation, at -the thollritishArmy. - Ire wor* Anunderground they ire the Tery bostmedicinein exiXtenos
ownxturdyprent, will soon pan drain, setfire to the wharf,
ttrd.,_w f-6 p6m!Ue foi membm to z-. Peninsular" appearance a the FArt r --f the AUn's` of mMo�s, yet, before her wealth is the sPm% were '4ntIn1r- - 4 Is "'t must have -see4 -lege or shelter all Council met pursuant to adjournmentat this in turn et, fire to two other buildi.V, for the em of *,Ich complaints. gold by
ea kle o ad a cin
Froperleveloped, 'I must say a word iii )f any-- _al'ke' Give to non X001WIN *HbtelA Bi01d, on Saturday, the " th t6 60 f v n g ea", slid
thIu96utAutl(1U1tY Thiagentlomandiduot 4eigaw or give to all. Ve very much prert* one 8th that, thqdesti4yr ofour lives.�e1figfulfilled, one ttereho -box.
twa re3gcna, "a pa3k1ow in their (fouty Of JaUUM7, at one eclock p.. in. -AH use for liqor All medicine deolas, at 25 cis per
conalu3ion as reg3rd3 th6 old Slinourian exP03ehL'1 rkoytothellvul.-Irgaze" attliemippeffited 1br 0�tario, and, proVi%io'
ell= hourfninoolLvA, batreinaffie wenuistyrield'to other destinie the other eon -
d masW the whole and to WnS4&WUt3,,0WbU0.LofCorn. Verylittle
lflnithem-$endrally kind and eveninz Qurreportercouldgainzarellable, apq endoW the memberi ofCouncil present. 31inutes Tlix R=pzo= TzxATY -The Amer! -
in tht JWW other creations, unmindful' of. our hopes was Saved from ttherbuldg. The barque whether the
ringuent ulent food for all the can press do not seem to be at all satisfied
Ci -oar re- ifings, and, 2' fi
Lremniatives honest in all their de 11 fact tion"iifIdsidentity� The next that met Pur eyerwas ty Y
n ell " in Cis character of a Fnq 0 s, accordina-to the w6rkdono. If Of last meeting ma andpproved. * Deedx our fears our la; Reciproci T7�9 isbene
0�er. His ONO
Wur,. CMbbons and Hays, will V.WA& *0111a Of them sm shrewd bu3i 03A .0160. =ineat and baeoming. UUd his tl eu. of xog4 allowance from Mr. MoDougall existence.
e led oer we have'not enough io � our present even' of Afitr Very John Bredlmi l4i(I UP at the wharf with a, cial or & detriment to the prosperityof the
r, t7ae taanks of the ii�Utor bf the ADAM FOrBE$,- tho4aysoftheo!Q*rblarmy, uuder
the" Little Corporal." Hiss 3raiesty was well ODD bus -of oorn,-took fire, but American Goverimient, but it is gr#if
3-d f3f a ALU auppl of parliamentary Ruron downiont fund, we �can itibrease it, or and r.. NoBeth ordereid to Ia registered.' cargo of 21 Ymg
19rillerly Of MOrfis, Co. represented b
a young g'Ontlemin Q'f Wood fisue 'Who divide it equally on an � equitable priwi. Movedby Goo. McDonald,, amoncied by 01MIOlva ti�CUXXNT.-The fgllow.. through the Via"
the exertions of to 500 that 011 201118 Points
M-4c*027, XissburL Jail 18thi jL$M. Onceivied an took the e1mrs, ter wen. He carried in 113g singultr og the fire States We" and
hand the aceprs of reptune, and his tistj (qu ple, and 1�&V& t ie� reement wits.found At the Canadis=
(fa e0h colltge Pbter Doug*, the ment was extiaguished. Another
skatq)to'the music WO mUeli admired, ThWappe0cd Thatth"ounty Treasurer house of' John Grant, a prisoner, now on h;tle one is i6t the "CUadianPainDiistroyer,
Tl� IdXef cit -em of Upper and Lair- to be., lint sight -of by 111 'She 11 YOUU to. 6joy the rof supportio; thir be jalvwed to dodupt ihe stone building was Bh- tly damaged 1
-24Y. _gh is the best thing for the cure f coughs
aluountfor which his trial t thi Assizes- in Toronto tdr Tit luaf-past lour, an explos-
er :t are up and doing to relieve the 1, TOTMS]31:P� OF C()LE01tXk. chalug aud ruffle* oW 41g SOMOL for thirty youri; lote W aud,24� Bsyq6ldl fire ; imd, abo
IvAlled Yrdo . I . X_ lon took P id frost-bitm, rhuematism, &c.
w"particular;ygood. H14urbanityin nmk* w4Qr8 -$Old at the lareeny -at, Aurora i - 4w 5,
Aurora Nov.
�Sed filbptmen of x0va &*&ix, W the acknowledged Poistenewora, ccrwn ountiggetle, PJAL, I lue in the Upper story, an ea
maninawall-knownpabWofif 71 . at th-0 reoent 540, Isr fhe-coulacil is satisfi- 1867.-1 Julia th L to have been caused bk ;U, PI" by all, medicine dealers, at 25 cto. per bo4--
Cilia Ud toWnShil"iU fol. AAnuary 2M.. ism. t4L' The - Old Renwood -do here Thecanw of,
�ov suit, wir4 hU %is hairt w1do ey* :1�mynext,;I-wiUv'r�ovethaf.Viitorsa,. ed that the tnew on add lots wa*i fully agroo to marry rput wit7lija que
tp -awake Ut., (that WX$Oeft) t4 fire is unknown, but a supposed-. to be t1,
nia3funicipal Council met this day at Wd wat U the uttons searhe 4ouldem wa a and other w1k-ges, are 130 sectarian, and John G the work, of an incendiary. When the JAXUA11Y.
the 01 JIt.r4pr0*Ut&tI.U0f "Olduncle Wed." NoveldbyThoo.Simpso% -month fr(,m this aate, providing tbaibe wit011man poseW thespo
dest pmt*r rDAWs Hotel, Smithis Hill, Present, wjn, *ad quintam ofthu character wax much, hu"Ir th,t thpy CIO tke same work r
Ainevioa is JAW 0. BUTY. go is now in, adintrod, . signs over to we the artiolps. thxt he previous to it,% b t, a ffw FACT thatcannot be denied - Atwir
sailour rpporterv" Informed thatthis repr XcDonslc� Met the
as the Qkso in Torokof, aW tb4 they second by GM reakin' 83rd vearf� W W been workmg at Oung, Re4ve, and Messrs. 'John STOrArl. was uo oftr tum 4 well-known young am smiaq. _ _ g out, no= Am _Vg in the pr&cU;; of medi.
I Win, lfg1jday, ZHA %ran, and 3ffenq fkW profuslonal embryo of the town, Two _ d of George - NoGregor fog lumber 119r, -naulely:--t DIM jet of UL
�;,_Awfo�Vever#ty4srs. i atur I a it as well, and 4r6 as much, natio6al 1011unt "d t0f firawasae'n- .Th6l069WMbeverYheAVY- chteaccomplish the xamelengthof -time
docriplicif *.V hirnese, I w Pull
asheisgadd isitpresint, and Uuling,. 18.42.. bo pladloarzied. noon, I yearling heifey . 1. Y nwure&
lice, t Julaut grAld Mared ng cjdf, 4 sheop, I plough, &hu Breden wax
WU*b'WU t1w Pea Pur4 the 31104 lastitutiont, thoogli denoinfaiations are ilia same number of astonisliing cares Fla
nw us ramarkid that th# Attorney- respondble, for their M#rals, &Z, y Goo. McDonald, seconded by $P' so help me exteTkir, for tbethird. have really been accomplished bythegreat
After ing and signing the dftlantion
Of 060 0&-4 fgirW) W* Ge"ralbad lebt Am. *An& of his for tio Oscaoun. JameamottI Thatthe sum God, Julia enwood. Wituru john line, Unanimously . e Wyor of King" Shoshonees Remedy, and his reputatifm
31r, Bury's can comps4ift 10i W,z you* no clow Was reprs�"W_ 4Y 4 stouttkatieuma with (V be Costitwa of 0.00 bel $to%
in qu tion sud offim, an4ths ininatex a long bluk gowa knd a MWi cay. . kiu advftt on Ustrieron, 9dwArd (bin x mark), bliller. o -will be. established and Ids forfaini zade.
9f I 148ating being revA and approved, um late I* the lWe granbed to furnish lamps for tho driH xW The akto of ihe articles a Isetthiz-grestLidian3fedicine bewhatit
Weuealtti Air Us due AppredAlm of a# chuseotm at Dayfial&-,Carria Moved by James -
The JATV XM=nt of JoW Tho RGOV# AppointO FrAnCiS StUtheft $a The watunorpimists wis witairibItakithodalir it 1W It Yon, want a sound com uCe
mtlei - mereW witk which the smoroux John "-The officers of the 7MMghlanders may it has indeed a wonderful inaue
ItVIWL wit!' the usual luxPeriene-o or ths slow irk education, atte-Ad the Goderich Commer- at i
issms, crowls oJU a political 4pplitkis Patrick Rilickt, "Wnded bJY PeDIM9* Thai the hand of the lovely, thoi- �Ko_ntrs_al, will zbortlygiv dbal purifying the blood, and curing disesses of
and fth
McGill Inspecr,
042 Jo�n D
splendid prime
another tract al
crea an
4 atw era
,�_Sr,il ro
told a magrip
Township lerk-
or the conci "ek 11MU"Monta, this gestam= did D44 STPW As following accounts be paik 1158romarx cilculated to eclipse anv affi e;Dige5tive Organs, ihe, Lm�n U
04thuVa""twift r. 1111a"b" VW Val W
ilutt" yeti
we wero &vimos $%wax &?year, -!*Udita. it was i J#s, n admatied xt$ 140. ever before experienced ih Cmada. &e.,
S Eaa:
on, z T C q77 -
At a C.1 �,10 Z,1r,:7rc*
(or Con,, ;��
WU_16 1rV7--rC_2P
Sea z',, the man, c -'Vina =T,
Township ck7k in the C-Lnir.
zhePP=,dT,=(aCa h. ws, - ..
tann4eatfm, - C-2 e2co C3 ncove
41==-t Yea?. Z_'=1 UICI _?CLlqx�
cmur, &a. Gc-, M" cm�o Q70.
Westondo do. �E() C,--
1UtO the el T1 if
60 YL" -Z. Y
^=ncicllby nr..7�c
Mr. Nne 31k CC -
John S -116-1Z "Lo nj�rns,
cnd eiat 1:
*Tovca b L
m v % C -0-i, �-
by B1r. rEact orn.- -:,
'and L3 Mka7z b.
ZB7 BIT. PC�L70,C7,1, ccz�,�
C 0 n; ri 4--+. je. � n a, it =! A r--, I
A—messor fcz t7jo cm�,�,t ycaq,
Seconded buyla.. Vc.stcn
zmtcic a� Ln Anas'T fcz C1_0 C
ed Audit -ax by t!m ffo�c_-,
Porz], --,Cw:n1CJ by ZLL'-. KIC,
Rania"fifnan,=", Lmal
1893. x5vcd RcEazz�
IV Mr. Uox, -Ah�t tliae eme ECT 11:1-:c
Xbred by LTmWUC:,:h e-"ZOXI -L
dous? 6? DAg Toz, C'UL-M, 7 4, 0� a - -.1 -i
the 0
Foue-A _-C�nzzddl iry Hlcpxy
a3 XCIbD
fordo. - TZ,0-
0 r4ttlarg, and C=�-1--'Ca 19. QIe:
ATT. PP,31,
-by L -ITT. em
MiIvzdby Lzcll
ftn, t"20 Sg�,- �-,. 102co
1> -
'Inff fey C-21,3 Q
E-7 -ac:1C , p
yzt� Y
Mc&, E--IcAby tT�, F7c_:1 _U
n 3
21 cvm tric
za=lricl frcm Vc-'acya-Z.
V E��b CZL U"D , -.J
fildo Elm-. It 7 cm
Aj� is cn
14 in t e r -'-j r a rA, 11 - C, W_' 1, V WC 7' 0 V I Y R.
The iI-be-Arkll :if MCX�-_j VW3
cn iLe raads-rn�f I F
A re-'CL'Uilm at Can"-) vms r_-Ceft
A, d1huml CF Pntf Uent Jubxcr V,iw
li -
NEW WyK, 3
11,41 — T%e AT'. ra;; 4 1
Georgo F. *,-c ihlw� AT�- Lug
man U=ea Guee, a ffu,�,V, 1-mm-e-Urr,
f,3".11ROa VaO CffiMM
adihe '&:ot�a at Q;1eerWJVr IdAt,
WW to IrElaad for Ow Mr,
A org&nizing ihe Fenimis awi oFillimth
kfGraMi:C-,-1_ Gee acriiea 1�,ht L'c
VI.r.r. he w&
rl Zs LW.,e S C -
XT. T��iez 31,- A:wu, _U,
Miniptc7 Lem, at cnco g&w linin -1. 'S �=
whq, cin his T Z�
M10 Yrfrazil's nsrfir,%.
Waguercp,)rtearo cirnAt; ug aieno
2,14,03 ruaskeia have tietn ke,-rk�
to yucat=. Onlers hfiv,6 hi- eLl
-C tm: F97 (
th 0 t o Lo".
'1&nia Ama, 17M
'00111TUA11-3 "A it vairiiy facw&Vi�_"_
barrqw. A
61CjlAihueafa:1ur*s werctak�-;g
(i maliv famiiiss wwr ruined,
�Ckvr,Ippin An -row-,
# WAA' OU %110 i -'
"Abenor Alvarer. wu k�dnra-,�O, i
had. tupay a rarwom of twumY-e4L'?.1,hz
"Theti&4 i*iwt*u %h* mx�s
shoreana the naiwaw rtar wmtm c
timued, aud no c?ramunicfivou With
short �w Allowed,
"The Rex!= G*vtrnmeot li&Z c
*d tke U, S, =12 steamer (kerg6a i, C_
Vey *00ps, &T�' 0 UO&U12,
2W Totes v�4ich were cmi, aL werf in
,or of znnex*Uov�"
a POMAIDI-LPMA, Jan 021�_w �Sp.?aq
offhe W. 17. Tcl"ijt
,mired and c,�-pied with a 1-kn 2- 529 WIT
frow Yew York Wt tvellwg willtic v
The Z'mes al ilt 2nd lnst� , pabldh
t1te tf:xt of the "at P011(104"
lion of the r1finktu (73thollo (2is�rvl"
vemblea a Limerick. I't it &fire
wrilien manirebto), "d deckgrot, All. a'
offeevion i -t it&sna, iA 'both dosp-wat
imi extensivt) and thst it �isai- h-lP6-
now Pervades the mlod# of tw pops"fi(ir,
or eaterelon)
of The duedment mp
imew the Unory OF Ireland, rNw, i
,0Iftr,1j9gb conne&-ion Witt En.-4-ir)3
all ow 'how ignorsuee, povortv, ' trid d
h1ve b6ft jatftt�ou4i'Oi y f a , irtce-
*wAtion in ilke put, It 1,10
the Iri" ;re rMt Cin a
and &Qt&. V
ot menri% in scL_%0t'e1JC
tion, tut :'n sliaed wor,kMinsh-rz, 40i
tite tMe'STIfient of cm 1-1
m�wry wU6
is ralicto Ole V�'Ohltrjg, Aril
t1reCISCS 60 cj:d VeU14 Jaws, in
atcmpts by Enf,'rwd, At it kiwr 4w,
For a long
.15 Wh wrc tcli c 3 r. Ki weN n
the natzszd ;�B LbYO CEUS?'
I Kr jr,'- 1;�.-
of vwa. aa:2
,0 w -z