Huron Signal, 1868-01-30, Page 1Gel- ­41E It X-. 0 I., A I L AM! NIP, 04 dibi aoi t0!t1Xo q-rnte 4r, -The 0 ible Number,,, !1TJRS.DAY.,­ JAN.. 30, t86R. 7' 50 GO DERIC 1�1 1EM ANN. IN AD"VXNCE 1 11 ONTAR10- iV0L--XXSi o I au and Locomo- inaus foun -j7 was CIO Iliu datio3i "for eia t��'Vould, no doubt, have Tile Gh�ak Uude *-Z Valm gzl,. 'Mesa and 0 icki Some ed ut -,which y Your mein m spoke 4 fid sUbjqd;. the.' ..... ..... Forthe two offences to e Chfcago TW62ne Publules, its'n-'allinj ftsent made W" that the aniount se Lonaolierdi, 'ntT M%1001M i�iclxolson. onwas A�vkter,m­ AtdM011t0!thGg= adofcrj�FZ7 Ifgo,u cimiotou thence 106 sluall; The- gra�tt wasubarkiniouily-, COMP`; which, ho was senteitced- to two 0utW �h uskal. address to His - UPP-ratui, iinprisonineut, but -tipon.the piled f�om thea!TLc;A revorN ol the L�,oaq�ci I amonikliew and t' Jim.- 4ifilerent kiUds. of M ?mtui,. T uzaall M. day. win vish AL !fte ilway app� le hi uj#efik-to he Rockinit oix ves the folio 14pshatigal = Cy adopted. -Ron., Mr. WellArds WIng inter� lug aceouut'-of he wasommitted to th Recoraei?s W4� . . - Court. fTr4de., Althe there fs a'fnj�m ej 'K; E W aL rDn &T noug poia co-%Sti;jkT1O,-q SURGICAL OPERAME AND MECHANIC. LOO JIER th You ean.5tayrdumnigthetsaiioil; t :0130 1 om e4ecre abnot %T W X M rM �0140 Of t1tO pev��es�,'of and.,'M dememor in Court wafs that of a well- as c lia-TRd'Vith, 1, -h I I - V, .:. � , - MOVIA tat on FHday n6xt the. House go_ ionate to the rlccr��se i�L ta An4ofed yet �witldu the hair ELECTMOPATH1ST, &c. Le. jo liredpe End he-.0efika deeply aflew-a­prapert bad a,hand tdlielp tholuk onifnittep.bfilieWholoonthe-laAd I of 18W, as comr=d, vith tLant ditioN he could not 4d in either I "(fa Su accountJor ila in anyway. as wheat) r� , y 160;moti4es- a us 4:n TEETH iiiisert Ila, Ili,. y 140ach ftir boa alway. grant TeSolutiOlijf, (a COPY Ofvbi& Appear-;- klarid' we, se'0z' the locomotive I The total receipt festimablig �ouv tina, Goid. -Silver, or, Vulc4n iiixte6f this p -)5 . 0,74 are' o' ed b0ast week Tq ongingrs, us 4 general �,, rulo, aijujilg- at His foot ul 9 =,bushelis 771 f en ized R ableterms er havin- REMOVUD k toj6urndy migbt befit eiflier a rogue bul uttlocompywtiOu as POssi- or asillipletou ;-but Ids hisbry 64bercm reason " ' of Crofttarn$� fpHE stibser;b to the t a ou plind bigbi, V CLEITS M I iothavalle eat 'Offiett ever the Post Office. West Street p a14�ed his Ineaslite 4t great ong6b.I. Me in.the part% 01 M -e enkl�2e bu.3st. siut� 823 b=,hels i 41 B2 750 W JL store lafel occupied by Wa. IDMAN. MO -at uni-idtoil cash, h, aso as bile Themultitudeago, by-, fessipg hii vfllizi� �60 to, �aeoppt- am6nd -Acityin an tbj�no, 'pe feek opinion that, witlio first door south of Binisham's, Market Sqiaro Of adjlist4 he -would I= -My be able to sul)port an compare 1 wit 'SO, ANIJ §kUP- wishes to inform his friends in Town of Aatheyslomy passo ong -4214 worki4illisliii and. high boiler as GP= e AS regarded -Ment is less by some Fan3;eretaliloteA.111tchel I C*W the from hour -members. 0 -IL 1820, is uatfk, that be 6. jo: -whotpgrants would pre3sure t1pon this. I�st point Goderich and itirrolindin, co they, way-fotgetth silloarl-- th�!,Iagq tse4leis- sumed Agdre in arty Sphere 'a Jife.— tT701V -'ant. Flour rea-93 be j�veln;, it th6 House wvi in favor nc 'how hai the Jarzest and most comp'leie stock pfk� that j f4w yea" jiA Juty Patinas to o-hals, 120,030 bim Cma 4 E4 I uT. Szot=, X: OHN RIORS, Proprietor. This is th ofFall and 'Wifiter rame `Uve o.objection,fd' thekincih wa considerea high, now one, over ton =iffiow i3f bushels. Oat3erhijbit, -for quantity' hutiarea-Za4, and onallun-m- increase of aenvly one million bunj�eb. laKgestand bestCountry Hotel is Wezter bnr r�a4 tO. Col make it lb.e'blank ftwonty Po ds n Wpm cannot P%wd the ticedy ie& and thi m tite U.S. Azinv. dumi the 'ma ges a Reapb an -ever o Was!'pe '6d to, lie filIdd 'to ordinary. press- 'g among a por- ezu 4anada.aud char. s moderate as anT U4112 with 100 acres, rtypounas says The Misery rei = tion of flick worldng classes of Qaebaa i3 U. S. QCIlit'll SZCX�ter es, mMitchell. Stagel?ropnutor. Uoodstabingfor. Boks andfte ptepteauld be imned? at thek;end of 742,000 brshelfEv 100 Worses. Horses a -ad Oarriages -for Hite, on Wit d,.I­ bail s"i101M a -erriniroix. iweeL); aars don 1101 tlw nee sity. for devising T faliWg off of tr� 61 AT4 01i ofany house in the count�.c�,AaWng ,#ery ines are being r 'Shortem Noune. 14i7 d I and 70 T. T'0� be it t td:be3n old d -in some means of relief 3p-os"ugant- The- by "o style of -Ladies' and Children's- goodsi slid W# slow, 1) "Trowing reports reall. -us of the isn Used -H rize as§6itment to be OTF less theai'two aoreq Fiance, 14 slo*,Spqi 4,antl very he#v y. state to cror-5 of X99. that he has also very t0amilies of t large wh0f , t and Sqptemkr: a MRS. DAYS- GENTLMEN S. dleiiied azintially.' "Tho, liouse 66 be erecit- tr" ; her engineers The ftins 111 Aum Gamprupilie ricbest*iheavis�' %V 9 0 X:r T RA ed,4'h6uldbe 18x O�. feet. e"Thohom6steha f�rcik,do pare, com who but lately . enjoyed a Mo 100m` that 09-01 ., rye,, exemptiog lembl. - . Ill. i I _ "I ­ ,.picovbi-o='vmuld.exiendfok.20 q!*titles6frauteri4lia dbouple numliefs iatence, have been reduced. There isno, and painally so Trith Q�nt%_ �,d a careless reapors lea= Goand-gleanni .--ye a—from thedd wo., the di!�ect road from Seaforth to WINTER itongtife br.lars, e �j.,th� locati6zi�. S1rfpf,dr1;v=�g wheels togefi�er,makiilgi rk to beg6t. Five hundred carpenters and tho damn -o LhffiCftd on the corn enop Smith.. itfi �=p e; by the -rly: PTS For it aaed lheL, iiieasum thrown*ut of pmp Of'supberaber and -t�ho- Walkertgn. Every necessary accom. coat�sa'and fine,* both impatted, and -Of bi 0% their .'couple loyment, have only with hngsE 1but rlatzraed it's grou M. antl J�yo- modation tar the velline pub to. 0 Hideslfxe hikaviest,wheat -ofall.'. gre dioti#i4oss., failed td seq, its the-greitest difliculty been bble toget work J owh manufacture, which he will sell Qw# M ugl. late J3x-. r thatr-it w6nldJiAye thb.effeot aVtbat same time t'h at wages . 6ally'liladequent to p RANNAU DAYS. _ey, put lig�it, weight 'Wmtul 0 larga orton. frim reachin- ma. of vtetor�b� W;oxeter. Nov. 5, 1867. w42 Ifyou camnot in t a coRfflat Qf;;#auc=-'g iiiin Hift, Uac� on thoid wheels, not =#e in fait thin Won them -the bare neizes m -es of life. ft -view turA.y. . 1he larret of 6g7 Frove yoursel , sol4ier jrne� �-4o4 -said 1liat3h6' ]ion -Cash., * I amokerik �6r4qrentolls"011*1aft G Cheap If, Whefe, fire at� X1 The Franc Of this istftt0 is every ilay ly 'every Tesped -I ale. 1�10' Therits-no work torou to do - 73. Most ramplant Conserva, eveloped their thz� Chainber of Com, J. D- 0 A M E R 0 bbing one of1h Jeserie -'erodit for ha wo healthy, =a vVen 0. a. N V Ls Q�j 1,714,oh L We to Call and examine, as he is Zia' tisfied. that she Vbep Ilia buttIc-lield. is silent, Cannot 0 uAs nrmovED rzoat THrCn4tUAL To sob withramilil Wall W6 liadbe�omv the MOSfradical f the., en�=7n6giiito A form suitible for f1teirshare-,flueXce tL0ugU the ylo!df wheat was Xx-,L X4(:,NVX8 has just the gooas you want. You can g A�1' - higbl�, commend, took the ou. van bearifty the wou'adwill ghterj ... Sir Henry Tiplie hol4ciaidias of traillo, is a heavy initiative 4 ly aseertained to be below tho AND ATTILOP�XRT-AT-LAW. AND nilqaMC Pandovarupt4odoad. b with a ofconc6r- t.1071E(af tlie The &=Iv Crown Awmev. 'Kom indof'ryg� Th6 B ayn' -old Hotel SA M'L e a -p B% FUILSE f at the PremW ha;1 bedo eug,= at ilow a eW p4ling a long ate,w­ - ' anpive necessoijy4as'Wroady lieen, ting Measures for the relief f those The'd0b as, enliven.: Ojxi.. dxp lat-U cast faioya n641ben,'stonif idly vvaltingi aulziWe31- CL:Eza L11 Cir= Muse. v14RQ0 (forinerly kept by Mr, Luby.) Qladerich, Sept. 24, 18CT. 4V 'daf,.by some. lurt� li�- affering Members, of our Community. ras CfivIling V me rbakerwork to do; er . �assages.at invj*ed in our -own co0try by the quick, in the C-rop Of F0=79 a fazy �odde-s� zvrpelx It; -Vv4i; ramifilg6famalltraing Jaamolyfheneeegs- Theirfttllled in th *e QMMIEMCM�, Jrah ' 0 HelaTI, -slid f0t tVS PUrpLoSer st �t was all -a c:2 On- ORSTANTL on -hand, the eat of x cars, I r co me 0 Yf)]L hat* tho #.v for J, and fourth lines Cigars, ., and an attentive Lostler, and &r Sewatth C011olit qziality� better tlian =ny GOV by Xz, - X, held at theCliamb-,r of Co uy Vin it, Lv7 strict allentioa to lidsittess hopcs to merit a 6asition werek,.willia illow -ee r6so-'- -of -affic at an turday at, noov� Pon6ifeartodoor arej g to 1, iails to ammodat4flie tr y6�r sh r fie If you labor, ljous_,� go to_ 0 matfial� i when blec, onarmous qxpease, to - tile, proj z. The U tho tb ree-eipts of 110,4r is ta tho low a-%= 'ran cau End whe zz aff"- e a Te'. . �: � I I I . . .. &a- 31wkeZ Comer of bist them. I elvbich could7have been 4:vdded ifthe trains stage of thaanter inall tho t -'de a -OBLIX 1D.-VVasall. are 0. t trona wanrleld�of 'a 4ARVil and e v7 Sm $1000 IRE 4WA -Aoj*wp�ld be prked �agz ASS00i 6fio *aiffien 'carxied,,-A�d ed as onAeGreat Northern - 'Wo3b fluiing fhe past U ana its T-&± JrG -PRIXON OF'ORAMEA10TEL d, the House UA lie M:UX10h 'Teachord en work, 1011M .of France.', -The itio, 4 heowy s'The uarterly meetina of f4fis 11302121 Zt.h. T-bq As eomj aAz DUNGANNON, :F 0 1 T-1 1'. ecriAt ee -,of efitaklo. tWerio VANCE Q Coils, ed mom iftle, igareased of the On tit the vve.SK Jl but -c Tckroito,�Thn. 22!idL flon. was held in ffracefield- Not 6f the Bank of Montreal ..N otesi Hdfi. Mr lotible, TbAONT0, 2M. fat simile of the human f a oef"t trains over tloy�le lines of rails the i the 11th ir-q., h Pxeident in the chair. nee. committed fr, 18- lif answer every day by *essa-" CM His'EX06116nij the ldo�- aria doubled, thel first cost�.-tbat *6 Iffie Pommunication from M 06yue introduced a.B11 -to amekil,4 OrVXVo�. -�#40-*Govejmok, signed a regard pie accommodations. -he Ommon LawProcedure Act the Toranto.Assoplbtion, in' Victor, UU90 on XQVIOI TT01N S. SOVICI LW; &a., Goderleb, C. W. AM t their choice H I quors and good at a f bi 4oub� i d , hiii�it fito wear infOuded hotion. upon se fe-ur weeW' W His : E xWlenoy. th A -Governor re'commendq A6-th6 During uadriipleiL tendance. eutenaut ti 'Of til� H606 of holiddysin the raral sectios; f2hey ,Az� ZsCh'Ism T,, Them is within us axi 11 day)iek -would'eall the aftoption OfL the. 140A is cileap eng­-­ em, th6 of au oxile in c= boXes, which it is destinolli, W9 tt h :Lju tffi VU of . William Niles and: .*.0 propriety of- alifing Their locomotivea hvd theirpatts very ae- bommended'' 0etting.theco-operationif, iw0for me ene or .-tile -distress6d, fish- bes4ble, and they run flx�kut at fair but zaot the different seWaw 41W irotees f -e- !ckthera prAy ig oran, =vas 01"o Fo . - 1 1; et �aud a- ee -sencu --od -Ai better nxttix, o as' c soul -LsTm'-" Cq - , ­ I . 1. BAw the VE akindit. id, thit-f MWOS 3A 1116 Sider� Yemeni; . a-3 for clearing and Which give& birth to all en m it, THEBARCLA SEWIN.GaWHINE couduct a. Willi6M -Thylor. 0hu UO -S. VIL6' Aigeriau'6r4nes, have lao nsiac Adair, inconneition. with the l4to electioui L'JOV4 So 9 throligholit the coiL fa4ork4l�,m6vad,'secondod by -Wood W fal,-e the earryingat of th! -ention, the ancl Heaven, The soul, so to tjut the borly to -ATiLNW h4uirea- of Housok� resolve 'itself eir ces. :L X-4twithatmilin- the 6 of a petition wat di -awn up, which it is bound, would hy21ot w ra e roid�*andiforburnlqg .10hXX33.CW long, Fala&y use. m . .. J - - ic 'my TCO ara' It into "Mitte take into - oo remrdn'upoll the Ae �h in an unt ara' a=nd t4 a d, whichcould be used by �c ring d to r lip've 31�qdc�palifiea -who are' th Eziglishfnude on were itnotncrlwited t intMe' 4 borrowerafronithe Xurijblpalloau Tkund Cy 4: U" 'WOU14 interest them e Message of th idneftheni caurfin over Amtkiloin lines those 9 Ole a zto -the. I" agything like the . . y or -vm T J. Noorhouse; Agent. P4 Isp6ed,safet for thb �oAsti� -toniiu�:G6vernqr, rec6nihiendigg elves in obt the,eignatures of Cie pansi. "Q, irown Strangeasthis -may Trustees. IaWltdeiv or idei�#'.- U of. "�ho as a thik piopkety dux�n�ii the 1;0 za. 30003rlo; their lor a porti6n, -of -the A;�;s with it mism in ilrE it -SIGNALOITICE ODMI09- happilless in eternity. Mllen iwo F��u?R f9 - I - samb.' 'a gta#tiiigth 0, for the t(§; ise0i.a6countea , "The fniouds'Lof educldion Y which have tbus sought each 6ther, far a TO L 0M. sw5. where he has rdfi n Hon. J.: 8- McDonald sald,7.hls� was for, ��dihekv?�Vknati bom on Aepoints ili'dbEAlieldistiesged Ashikxhiibn; 6 throughout t7" eataiWbeinci of opinion U4 r,, an It were ta, ble a� 'Umiliesn the sister :wo -6411 pro*fttly b4ag Jorward. � This. that 'a T-Vaki= Of one ;i�ntlf in widsum- 'longer or 4iorter time, in thp IRUXUU40 the Barclay Sewing lachm,'is unques it the largest atke of the!Matters �whw find ea& Other at last,, -when lavo largedhis, Ski mititi makint, A JOW expli%nalioriisthat,th loudingendsofthe m6i WOW be a beriefit to both teachem gran e best in C;at�Ld' .n that they agree t-ogeiller, flofiably the mdst r,-aiia one oilh poaqa:ofbyar ifrationbet0m, iid andpipils, Dr. Ryorso* Chief SupeVilk- so' in the'Countj too-adoptea in committee 23f V Lower Ain6rica'engines. aiek� B4pportod on four TwOpe -tep&rted was 0ocurrod"in V the. Wheeled tra -Understand eazh otkr, in a vivr4 t'=t and PMFE '6uld c6itsider questions a thigkiva dier oen -&entofEducation, pr9posebwith t -I especially f6r taking Xt oups., taken tomether'at the samerates'aw6ne "" w1 oks.b;r, bir W*7 �Wok ton Family .1ock the arbitrators ad`m4do ai sattleMent bL,. is cataL;ished 11 Axx' PAceae0y, fy long 0 oft major�ty of. the trastees Witch K�chlne­ now i It (incurrence In returning thanks for the liberal-patin s17 , lietween thou), f(evr a wi�n an-�Cut =a It will.sew fiodi the finest edutbric to' the Ween the-tivo, fy alldws the. ev&o,ta of the country, to. iniradfice, a clausefthat I zma= are of the �asi, Mr. Cam�kboll sitisfied 4oncy, .1W the' lWae had -- I , I pure us thempelves, a union wb;ch unanimous Y on, exceedinglybad �ods, aua to traverse nature in his zew contemplated Ikeavieft cloth or leather with perfect ease Wish�. a �,nod ph6 'Sir Hezirygmitlt brotight tinder &-hool menves on earth) mot to en4 iu' hc-avcu,; 0%AW19Q=0r=W CHANOMY. that'thage who tograph h4' It e6omm6ii&d -'- Aety and by his and their countenance and camir of -and tipatnem withinti slipping, stit es. gftjit.r hisnew Sk fice,,ofi-lie46veifiiae�mi'tikeA�e6un -whioh That union is lore, true love. sua, inde CTI sh,,,Id try LK' ts. Ile li�=O thikii went. m coxiiiiiitte -vice, we, the teachiem of te Co y �he qualities �f 'any. other Ma- a a in every, 8�Tle *,knqwa� ;465,go even slower so ver_y, few men understaud it. VA lovo -embraces all t pietard, �k ad been1rought from avasediaig&d- u IT bit t 0 -free grluti of land he, 3�renoh m0strOsPect-11111Y 301idtY,911� 20g eM A-5 t�tzx AMD LAM -0 M- M- IM -W i3iCl asked what Ma 0 4 Dn,',-,e%- HmA are thos signatures. -tiou and dc� were t o inten t6 zlIis, and -b a the Att. d I dud ha�i advautesge over. t th, 0104 '-of the" fisheirineilL there thin th I quickest I is a religion, which deffies iho bdng be, obine in the Market a r, dimplicity, dura t tions of te e lFrendli. its nvals,-ia its: krenel Pr6ofs shown. if re4iired. ;t which hvi�s by, devo i pin4atoi,?y from phliq;6 U, pai tifo CM re= an TM construction. The report of the Commit -tee on Lood ,Ejtre�t GoileTB:ti. ity and general desulto4l The- proportions of ;i;i1;u and enthuslasm,' aud to w1rch tho n_ taken in.all 16h4q of weather. Government in the atfer.� el f4lo for f, %lax, Associations, was then read and ad c Mb!e - engines—parth Parties in want ofil. really good machine bate� f9liaweilS remar, , , CIO .-Ph0tJ*e8Ph!§ o, erhtsafa thatin order f allthe oreigu i0pt; d ery 'Of the :tud ro be;piinte(� wt 1 .4, gl!CatUt SaCdfiCCE ;are, t46 XWeCtclit 141CV8� The Attorz� a a riing. oppoition. e ascertain ly the 0orman-7-we bad. SW34 are ja4idt'o come -and test it. Bringala�dg Ll e- MO pavathei PyfOrctian,audto ' ' ' _SnAth i xiste ia Iq. -bySirkenri try'it. � . - L1.4.anq�pAon%le terms: thi tkx�tint cif the alsftess whieh e d 0 NY Italian linese iAik ,your, ark and plain or colors of nothing Special t lau . _ Bak stated,: on behalf of -t&6 osaid.� . . , . L :- -­ . , . . Local Anocia#ckns an(I �.Operator wanted. D.'0AXPML4 Xr, Ist. Ali zaembers'o'l' the hebaA! b* Ackirng-m*eS atspeecla Atoll be, recognized as. Members of the ,V.L--LA,W, s==Dr-mr whil'W they., a looted vgTh I CrabWo.11fack. telegiuphea fa the Lientenank-Goveirnor. � 1 e, e ablo'huninpherc. Wearel"zed tD an a ong1jr-to- s leatures of thoxelteine, iutekme be- "n the,jjeri ventiml Due, provided always that the fees offlo Book !one* �Ml V�xnkoas� VDalr and Godrich, July 21�di. i86T.' w2T H6was �-Zay tha; or u an and 80=7 tihi,4mi co vanou store. th and a �ertifled list of the i&mberis be sent lifts us nuz=*--1y t0w"4* mayfiel- F . , . f 60� �pjpposed'ftj A116� e'vesolutions; y itoh-,;� - heaven. T!3aw - . -L . . . . - firined, rath 4 -lack reports alread rec�iv-?,j - f D3. itz, ML W30 to ni �ould eyfollo' aedium and their, co !ocl,'And added to, prev�ous reresentation.11 ­ga' i , I to the. secretary of the Centra. I Amociatiou 0 ca and e e aid their e t favord before eaohqw -wouIc trterl) meeting of the same, e rose 11 on$' JU Coman -ee Working noitow submit to, the house Some Motion the e= on b3P- SICEMICCWS MUM- co 0a L zso�lation'may also yaarly. i Politeness ft Duun- t 01140riasy;Was. t4it--veed to, nd the efit ele e who Aull be one of tho &a. o- �mptca sieet which would involve Ible,grant IT d I bpe ased,..thei uC. a firm far 06 House adjournedafliWf-p e traiDo 314nagament. An old gentlenian had owed A 01. , purcT 'n dams -,w&l largostock'of SaddWr Aii(I 'entire ih f the Governitteat 'and flid U."'u, eV as. e op 2. That each Ltwal -Association shall usintas ix� Bill'in- ears at last, after &eryb y A P1 lenze lehougp�ought to be votoa 6r urposp. a have :ull power to Make, and arrange its aUcLtemperwerc-,cxAaust&,d,acl.c-ri-name-I yne gaiek an -T . o,,, xbilak4tion: 4'some sburp, -je;!t Frank undert-ook to get tho mi)npy. ToAo-N Jan. 2191, e discussions, in own by-laws and. regulationx, sub the b6sAi. 4-thek happyvombitiationfainibr. Th who always-fo those of ilie (Antral: one. Frunk o4ed upon the g=41exacn, and e young man, 13dward M my To Abo4 thirty privae petitions -wer re- 31r. -OqyUs Bill was a substittite, for A -was arrested on. Sattzt&y,ln6rningfor the 3,' That the Secretary of each LopAl met with a ns�aal e coivA'. among thenione, train Mr Veld present Diialdn Courts Act, At oods from tile Teculn- Assoclationitall transmit quarterly to the antwer, wit)z the addk ion for incorporation of thbr -Agricultural 4 after. it larcency of suitdry $J sod it should' seh House, was re-examined yesterday "You need viot truab2e yourself, young ftA readhig; hop 0 Treasurerpf the central one, q M, aftaunotherfrom' -th I -Folioe' 06UA. It'was ion., v4tter I will Make tit au F�M, # IrMNSED &TC� .0� poriu the East 91dini, ko4to a,aeledtCommitteek FOP for each member of1b associaf mani� about the pmaiming at', e or CQu=T Pue of Aliddlesex. A&mcitituralb0cletyiii fSOut Th& Attorlxey-Goneral L andec tv. decidedly �ob-. ho'had com- 4. That local ' Associations, lie formed right t . raven, beyond'doubt that M, or in Course, tkild. * - follow .11 ofthepetition. IffonVY.Panteronbr6ught zittedall tile o no" roplied Frank, I Maas ted to.ais beinted-t' denoes alleged against him. the eig4borhood of, the xcellency is 0118L down a meosa a from His E is followers goner4y-,4spec-i- His- case OfL;avery sin't, -r n# tat the, after -mentioned think for a momentf you c-1 rP0VVNaAX 311, -ura ink placesi and persons orgaritze 'S I nelu giant of Dr ifie r62 i5tivet. 8 U t. Comm al r for Fron and should elicit the qmpathy of all who the same. lor. Wrox- call at the #tore fors few dllars, lief of, thek� Nova ac far their -.yo4d'oss to di;vest --thek' leam his It seems Iliat he is a eter, (R. Graham, J. Shaw, R.Fergason.) not bo tho Aightest inconvenleace for we ormr.:Roract Horton, who hasbeen aa -long MaXellar introduced SL bill to enablia tho, lug fanotion's, native- of towell, and the son of 2nd. AinleyVille) (D. Stewart, . Ferga- to step in, as I pass your plaw of buki;ness Ste OfSt. AA&ewsohur� i w6wit k that qagaclty, be.- to Irkip.- follokving- rem%,U on,Tratiniotuals af most ` 'G eirAND AURV11YO116 11�1 la% �btf ZVU and favorably wonderful and extraordinaTtures -Ink Canada by had , oofable and arr Ine.48 Und pArr, ant wealthy' pvrentg. son). Dmiganon, (NIr. ForbeZ, A. Moles- sixtimesaduy,toundfromn. State that wa ie prepared to couililue, the Thdr4re Stank. uJi lauds, '--31r.`CaytXe intkd- iiieisir6i.: Sir Renry-rosq'in aniTy mood, Hij age was twelity-oe the forth of - List voith). , Ooderich, (IL D. Cameron 46 1 can culi kvarr tilue r go by." the GRKAT INDIAN R &XIS DY. to sell Cef4fn busbess. ba the Same farorable terms 6, duded a W111 -respectiiig Division anil-iindicated: the course he bAd taken 'in Auguit. ' Some yegis ago he was engaged Dewar.) Varna, (W. Plunkett, . Here," said the old fe5jw io his b%k. par- deptabiejaid ivciante�tDb, in ien '30 convince got 0& some, t said therepappb 3�L CRMIOLteoirtue ratted State- awerx as t4ey have hitherto, enjoyed. the'jb6sts;IL-eptiWtbattfteGregC%%7edicMJ Q�potw­ Hart J., S. 1fOddonald ijitrod*�ug]Allg of au iinpo bant C, haraCto &mail after for ages 13,119y; , to* a joung lady at Lowell, biit a few weeks guzon). Blythe, (Dr. IV. Sloan accessibic m the r7reaL f R, Fer- keeper, alarmed at Ule Vr03.1,K-d of I", ribem bav& op hand at their usual desire on th' art ' thatihe Gov.�iminditt, - to befOrethe MaMage was to have taken guson, Lawrence). Seaforth, (Dewar, d9duca six. thues a day for the next 6' ed to him'an uh oix, the ground shop, 314 -V v, -08HONEES EMEDT' hortora][ile'lliehibeis to take outoftlloCa& *h t pik bel�n. 'ec Z' )&,-great Two, andGerrimt1). Exeter, (J�. Macdonald, J. Months, "paythisimperi, 4 rket§4uare, . ery large 4sso rt, SH ont, perly gs to initiate an* placeheA 1, nent ra". He Live igogive -" 1: 'h I ' I I 'k.;,VL. ment of. For biceaseso't th Thm t L rl qf' the' 4overnment, logis itfbz� al fail6c dut�. The sited-Cattivii, ind locatod XcKay). Z%ich)- (0. Macilchald, J. can beat me in polite-iieto, an if lie wanis I � hi its J4rsago he vii times., and the. qovernment, inL 0 filml Diseasiks" ifcf�o rd all 4waws ailoing fruio 01i LIM MAY 'r Ifteys 3;1... al"ILLa -'CWu`k, In' ivhioh�aftitdlies. to it at theltoyalSpeich, lie iaid,' at Port Hopei having then in'llis posseisi- Fergus a situadoll, I win givc him iwo thoubawI -tood, 'boldT -easnies Thik Report of e�c6.,fhe rA%te that WArea Imparitiks-oftha I d--�.' Govirfmi6nt Were no lon Tepated to Itga promise n -m% Jb is kvim-t STYLES - � : but -two- a on about $20, 000 4n gold. Stayfing at a the Commifte has WK�VER -BEEN.EQ ED. Mere ts�.snd-alibemlhomekstead l4wm-and prominenth6tel ;there, he me; --nth a 'subject of a County Suporinteadwit was TEACAMS AsW01ATION. _UAL sanctiOn such a, 06ulme. . d oftheir - daty� otL gen e- f'Udghion, C'. L%V.$ Of ConSaMption or weri�. forgetNI r. r4 and soon theu read atil -adeptie& W-10 $adC h 6 Posr Olmrcv� Ueq* TrUllkovaiisesi V"t - ho wrf up,M ichardsi �,illftjion, 'he good deal of fast qompany, 111lar, PArneSlown C. Jff.,Of1CO1t-- men had the fema &c., which'they are prepare tbatQfl?e MV.3 Lea'la iiekhaha. The 4ked "I iiis Miserable abortion the lanifested. a was d to offier to sz�u oik;..Qrth9 ofAmbrose, W66d,oyleonseft", O.W., *aIn thin' treckless,character in I& Some acussion then arose relative t a A WK. T AT TIM ROLLMI Proute4c, f4fil edge I" Feeliu-, -that made of life. M means attracted a host the *ction of theounty Board, in making afteranon, a the pablie at j�reiztfy riduced- prices, for eash. �-Of' spei)shCand Liver Complaint, Or that 01`491111 On' ment of, V. of Napanec, 0,111. of rilieumallsiv, what. had glitiu ond,ortw6r suoU =6as ' ligd bro-ii it vr�s 60t, lie had -in addition.to Ids tither' ena6d friondslAnd his lavish the obtaining of a ceitificote _t of real or,pret Of V111ifica man uunied Juli-n 100maer wits en'-dircd Farmers will do ivell to clilt and inspect H, 1�y bee4on crutebesior seax ithout vver*ec *e 0 WMA1011:tO expenditures; gained him the entra to the tion cpenduv ocur-, it, shoveling a beap of coal fromne @,,!c. urrs1,, act insulting the governme `67N, their stock *nd prices;%Are..p as�res,giVehuO'tic6'Ofbh ' . by -� toaclier J 7E)MO CW, archazingelse itent heretofore, =d is now wall, Scomsofsachemo -on O*ec a Mr. cl-rollA Dag star&, .at The omme of U8ng 14slatic is own- lug the one ap�,Iietl Jor, and a Committee mentioned had ive space. Lutroduce a homeste�4d law�of hi best soblety of the towil. - To a prominent gerijineat was Uniamo zt, t maiijlffi. -000 -a vircularof of the lencou The Pr6viuclfil Secre ary.: V Mot ide over $12, -for - invest- consistingof fears.. Da and, tion of' -arl at the Itelling tilk -a& C- 'hit -�3-Wt at the Drug Store and Jjet gcg -,kfit IL & W. have no lawyer he M1 WIN 1anqcstionable, cwttaeates on the. UREA r W408 a -Fermi on were a i to conisder the fornacce. a section of the pi le, wei -.h. Q iMaul indu1cod -Ferguson were a g�c �6, rAq.. 1h' * the giill�nt WS4-6 on his :awn, ground, �by ON�'Iii$ alQUEJ3Y, and PILIA and-. satary.your. to. sa; while with t1w, rest lie te 7 him; subdalic6that, when a mem- himselfulid friondswithallthe expensive, the same, and rerort at the next meeting. selves .7 thsaid i was a, r iP7, ever a ton, fell on him, corvilfi- him 3M Lg The Presidertf then read an essay conirIz-,tely fram alght. It apparikint metl in 4rge germproltoUnced the inost important mea-. follies -Weh �oxtravagauee -could suggest. upon C> Wr Price bf thle e 0419811 V9,hi'hicl6ug�di6e*rj' 1110inbek i Droggists and, Demieiii . in bled : i �iure -of the govorfineui the caul had frk.x2u from fit,.- Qlf-,cts witho OT, uppers were parent unc -arbortion, -it wu 'ceased to raiik cl:auy one w'hom he saw in teacher, and drew therefro *011le Vain- -W, and ihe inan i,,i plumilln", It, to 101i ARCHITO er a. addirich, F. Jordan,atfit ratker Houset4-int 11 6mble, His thampaghe a f nightly the relati it sulsisting between AUA S. klanfacturers, cin saw.,' fit, li�kii. Attorn�y General. time - he 61 01111d bieu auuoun$ occurrence ; an, LANX A' -N a Dealer, & Tannero 'LF hid ed himself amolij their *upporters. distress received his bou;aty to a largre. able practical suggestions as to the manuer tic*' rr� , ,.4. ivnoLEsA 91 HOUL farrin ", was in th* hAit ofc tting W tatacorrectity1w 4�uc k4rs � * � the throne; -and rw�at P in the 6peech from Afr� oynei, as �will �a Sir ry7iresout­ a ?y begged qt diialing with difficultiax yd;em A ey have u the Won AuCttoa Mart, 31ar �df Canada. XY51 AiTELLiOTT & U6. hrather dan taking the face or ae boap as �rlm.UjKoeikt J -wax the Honie ei the lecture : read them by -the Squitre.Goderich* jaw irla7lyly DUNSPAUGH NVATS01 0 0080ithem. sent I with- a arisen from a wis2pprehr. FR & but *as it to be Mkid ;, - I at relflition. at sh.1 declared he was there 'not to do the 11 of ver be went Aong. Vsk-riev *h --u 1"my tit 'OK stea Lai* 4 �AXILWNC slb�o]i"Oand - is, itteir"- as blddingf any govorztmeu�, butto exercise Onone Resolved thist at the next meeting so=6 work- in the cavity thup trew#J ky hitu. IVP MCI; to aAvise ba' OnX a T. HifL16 & t 11'.. e in- ving admitted Mr. J U'Cic - M, 6"ACEv as& Pannar to oarFirm A. AAMMTOlf n-of.a. measitte- w h wo�ad �hja Sttributej,L -a r toxicated, he drew� ooket a roll Ume be occupied in solving diflictilties of a self, tile %hole mass fch on tnp of' ria, MOORE. le. in a. r1be" W, ink prove 121 a'homeot#9A people) to bring l whatever legislation It atitoun+' ina- scattered scienti 5ellsNewTork Vrzftw--Gmn- andhare openedalf our bu that ny xens Ificbaractor, vItichmay be proposed lburyiug him eittipletJ Some of his of bills, �$70D in amount; t;r. Who ouram"o, serve ourfifeaft in Caz. iss"',with It tile � bar-roonL . A gentleman byan� member of the Association. l..gncy—Stxteuote9, U%:�t I - .1 �00 i) also He aggreed, how�ver to with, of our power in the obtaining the - best themabout rellow.wo4w­n in the, Y.Ord, t!in Bill, giving detice that Aho, 51r. Macdonald, of Exeter� will powitile ratewror Consignments -ibo 'emenown ot the hm current rAts of inar.uractunngintereas to- ilia Lower knovinces.-gis Attorney n InoM e, lie would named. Hotheringdoni' beW - prewnt sevident, ran to his militatift ani by sad uneurrent 0101141Yr lt� lie had 13�0n. It -fd teAch b, movik the reference of the subject to &com- gathered'them. up a&in, aiTd preserved illustrate and exiaiii hii met ( of -'itn indepeadoitV. -for I'Lint until the iflorning.. At ing n lishir, and W.. Dewar W47-1y4l-, =the f=tion, ofoorfeetand ti;­Ioi�l elected as Mein4r, a mitteek—which is Of cowao, as Much a M%Tk them pe ma an cnergetio efort sue It - Upon Ili=, though coukh1trably braised. froua I -confideneek-in. the gave went Ibngth Ito was ciptivated by the singing of mathematicis. W"dn6t inefereneqtasuy.Governin T, of want. of as vi take ouch a positiou &A tc�oop his � M60h: as wathe introduction of the bill itself his hvikg toitib. lie wtis ca,riLd houie will, as beretorow. Snake libaral adva wo young men ni-med bellatt *id Wheot , Th next mceting to be in Scaforth, oh g�. day of A r next. teir biddin nd jut 01�;llt save h" be m9de, -at The op- on a stretelier. a AU & W� 011�ifkd-'And only do and havinga, -desire to visit the far west, Saturday, the 4.11 r tmal orgalffaX.L woulilwit)1drawthe'i3w, naL giVe I no4ce: desired them to accompany hirn, agreeing rowrery.; 'Ilie,�ersoabcfu -�: JF. 9 3101y"44t hand when tber Cheese imd that to-moiTow he woula -niova for 06 4M VriglJoh' . 'L8XSaag$' T. --A xuiterEm me cuunft to pay all their expenses to- the Rocky Y must be marketed, we take this T!Ostl n.L Xoiuntalns and ba6k again to Port Hope. opixxii.muly oftendeving our services fur.its sale bare We to deil *ith the *11010 -0 oratelitterofthe difibrent PriticI7,dpolfits in the rawer At�, ' How m:itch is ere hear the th �'iu ourpresexit r6mg- Theyaccordinly set out, this ba:pediflort wovLwisordreatrimin, whera, we bvt fim-das3 Mt. eCall. -was rejolced,10 liti 0-14 1 , London, Jan. 18. d termin speech, which would:be dtapga and; —When the Cunard tdmey Glemn w*A a costing young thonw-aids -%as bee". oroated is ndetktv�Wxvillda the vecyliestthat 17141brick some 1 A is�tlsat%n LUIS XX ALL ]alms or cza poomilkly l� doile wiJI& Colisignmentg�Ca�lt ad_ art4mtMeas1*es.,--: r�eaang -less tosie of Elimbeth'A court 1 steaniallip A*otia., from 2qew York, for IMPO of dollars; aMtheir fairing by the -way had L T % WATER "meson -which-m' bevadebyas whearoAti4ed. IlA rx=- A70ung OP UV Co How muChS-xgai% do we find inny of the Liverpool, entered the port of Queens- Denni -A b tile wxndaUlus particalkya -4 0 A L , 9 A ke WMlot intonif to interfere wft been none f the most too3ioinical. AfWr LIVINGSTOXE DYSPePSrA, iX CAXADA, a, - .. -A . of; witness6d: *Aters. of flhat Shakespeare� for town late lost eveningS for tile usuat'rewnfly put-liblied about the alitecedalits dwardeo. , 0, W., * - th tt- 1W 0 ' q!MTre Jui about a years absence the three returned far firstcbW Mzrift4alid Fil* Pwme t Xer:iy rose . gr&#fiCatiOfl,1vAiLu:efwhiXix no longer good current i g9pentnearl transfor of passengers and maSo, a bt-ong o�' the rictoilous CountmIlarivertho t3p- Agents t4 express his to Part Hope, haym _yalltbeir police force quietly went aboard and ar- w1AJW of dw late Kiv- yrtdo, ick tbe STONE rod vvithin my own person tluat there Uat laita midi- at the statemetit, of the Attorney - Gelieral# Jilneish I phrases and forms of onsttuo- Money andfter a. few weeW residence Grinnell$ snatize C3 line tha will imleedourc liVer "Inplinuftild fro, Ii cated G Francis Train, Seventh. lt *�ip--arx fioni the det-Jis IVA I'& eadame-4. a.* Cd=&*M Aferdaw. B4 he recollected thif, at the-ewlY P900 tiart which never f4 M our ps. 31low there young rhilbrick -was so far reduced r corge, I am inducedto make this statZent under oat , w tc Ne -or York. it ColliusS Wharf, Halir, !erdfy.thalbavabeens4ely afflietefffQr-thel the -8 ;a & question,le had ."ve VA wo,quote, them; scores of war& and Gee, whii nail ed from lar. %t ession in answeii corapellIed to is tO4 it in circumstances that be biu, t6 come Wer that Cornica P.Anner wAs the i%ue or an Montreal, Sept. 3i 1867. *at. threevearsitecordinglotbe 3octoW swellitits Tit been inforined by the 1-Iroider itWas per- which w7e have lost ot of inemary, or do 'borrow means to enable wag t i-& understood thew gentlemen were taken ' iewtuous unifm, her partnts Mag br,.- bar ing Ve tf Jov�rCom�klalnt and DvopepSia. I jid a feelifig of feedy,2ight in qu Ze of be acti siOlkiggann vague titiftpnessaboutibe 11tomacb, -Wbm for members U, troduce such not employ in the sense whi& they then ist of employment.. - From a doctor ia C 1-ist". Elie is a Wire of in. drowk- messure eboo", . Haa the noti0a bore. � Go back�et ftrthw, from hoH-cea- Members of the JAmenealm wmg of he tber nnJ bin, pam.eructattons of wind, omsional sm th 1011 of la4 acquaintarteek he had btain ness,consipall uuMiucs$j1t1hetjghtrl 11D D ari- M far �S _I o ed Q t on t#o turyto, h grows 5 1 Fenianorganization. These procceilirigs AtId wiltil a Youll- Orl a specting the Zoinesioad Bill" Iiit AV-oeutur, and- the &we and ampther friend had paid. his are to , DOR and ax,grejoy reduced in r� . hny r*10idly worse ; and when e alrive, at London, On reaching hore-hek tool" lodg- caused colLsiderable excitement both liere was &.titiguished XU2 for her CHEAP FOR CAH str6tigth. Hearing your newindwit modkitieshapreat papeiby'the gallant* knight -thing - to .and elsewhere tfiroughout the kingdoni'l, beauty anl di*wlate life, Ar1w giv a .Ohdshoneex.Romedy i, keii. ofso highirj f trWa, battle dorwitilthe n�n i theAttoriipyreneWi 0haucer And. Gawir� who wo separated 'With yvur P' tr 0 ge-ta andred Inp At the Tecutas* subsequeudy I'M wic - tirth to an ifli.Atlwaw 01jil J. slit warriad aFACTORY. Alrs,fronl t coo I must 4ay 11 found but little 3faedonalalfmmu3byspaltryi�Urvaleffivelx and eigrAwizily =Ong the ound my. hPalth sentiments f Uort. room in tile Victoria vock. I& next tPHE South half & lot 9t in the StIr eon '041181,blit I took another And thea f -Y on or twenty descents from ii.r0mg! T'afttionedit untill favii taken about ten Lfte repR4 He would say that if any ears, only f readiis are already aware a tarerli kerper at near Co. Vek� wasL h&W he rlain.. JL 13. D., of Aslifield, con J! in, 10a acres. inagain ea. which niovenients our tkiingtholillit, and i find that I have quite P-- hort. IgeriflemuL -meant � to I to s6% we meet ViAli aldialeet Of- - In a fib of desperation, he Aintered the Ionge, on t1w BLiae, add her b,-quty swe leat hJittirvri houtpain or untkWhioss. I *in - - be P!ngoortod So& Fawtn 1wneds And 01- more or Ievs,*ithaboutSo zores ofolearing -alland bave pleaur in MtepAbug I& tor b0ft"Ilkli, going to introduce and push -Otigh th4 h" & haIf foreign 10 rooms of his f6llow-lodgers and abstracted A telegr4m, from Corsi of the 30th De- "uttmeted a Lrge uttititirr tf Lr.vell rz. to and can Onl Le* - now prepamd sadf orni building., Thk lot eupWd bi DwtaW C"miO 'it Ot �W Sk The dqetorzemzrWto, ine I was loOk1nLT Much better- a, rtatutaS read by careful stil4r, va ilia Zia of Ittldbqn the Great Sluvhonees Remadyw" "lr%t- in r humband's hotel. Which wao 94el allif to early oil t" mortpgo 03900, at 10 per cenilitterotl cowred. oumomeasurve of so importai lie glossary. An&her like interval of fiVe, such g�ods as he fodrid. there' remOvIng comber says At a quarterixst nine this;� lie' ralyearat' thave recomincoded the RcuiWy in se"tal eat" i9d cwt nds. ppyable balfyeirl�, slid has save that,hon. gentle = via mistaken. fhent to the rotim, indica*ed ivItere tl*y Morning eight fellowsarmed with revolyErs kn, of tfiv B au. Vol La4- 0 > waiWuot remain ii�. Ils hundreays;irs.bringsusto thetigio-saxon 8"11, Dmrs,, Bun—, 118 good utuSitetiou,aud. I Would (the Atty-Gen.� -were found- -when anspicion as excited- entered the alloltofbir. Allport,gunwaker ran. Tam& 0600 0831I.-Subject4o tuortpga V.., 10" insuch an event -L' After , fev"t. of KingAlfred, *!Cchisabsolutely a strauge the 4rive prek-uted re 01m day a Diluish artistdi -8 mouldinpiFlooring. a* the lot. ooD, plwa taan His etermination, thLan.waa to live -in Patrick street, Cork. lisgun stepped thrra aud w*% m Marks frunt Ron. Ift. Cameron, in which tongue to us, not lea nilintelligiMe lost economical manneir-'possible. Hkving Tlvorsst All rt his brother, Strom btfm *tat COXIMM, 0. W. It n and the D. SnADX GOODINLe. an of tha piewnt day, and us I i *mitten widt ber &so as that be J.i.1 Sidin IS tki&2*dd4yofJfhrA, 1867 he Wa, the position'of I t the Gel" "' y paid the rent of his rwnh 'in aftmoe, f2, gunimith, =-Otb;%i;�rked Z shoot them if, MQ all kiads of BarJ V. C.MD.WkS, J. P.; Fronte�nxc was one ta"goer mofith= - ty as hard to-lemn.—From WUnWs Lan- canimissioner iB, in and ft the from he waswithoutscopper, and when arrested d, tile *Wet three daliberate-: wige to her beart and prevaiW an her they interfere the� resolution was withar A fawxa ao&rlelt, mthlta, n6l. w28tf WWI a' of fair su0ork gwe)r ex- to De -ai--rk, A.& c K i�t C I-, JE W 40 Xt ]Kz, yr County orl?jinca Sd*ard. C -'NV. to ibe, Government tim waa on the point of applying to the Eng- ly loaded two gads with 60 revolvers and; to Aqw #i4h I ageh RA Cirek a" 96Ab)e 8"a and Frained, -little wood. 4 500 rounds of antmullitiOn, which they (:opetiliag" Crown Priinee Udriok "a lishChurchautharities for a bills were rw WT`h� interoational boat nee be- His want in" particular will be better, and luvod bar, 6" she turow a &A' Th', think rmu %boir qxpikrienee ift Factory AND SAGN 0FPJ(,1Z, important i first time. ; ;;;;ied away. The five accomplices t W64,16 SOUNAW" to all wk* MO y to- LoAdf 196n. T. 13. Macdonald cs9edAtt6VtiO31 t0 tween En- amd Ameriew r.-Adents milerstood when it i stated th3t of tke left in diSdIbU directiolls. There wax 110 i Isvw thom vriLh & rM. the MONAV &OM His EX0811ency, recant- Ited in, favor t f � the for- dozen brooms he is to ids;jppliuli-m unfil I&e priwi&W to had, Lken from the door d4mize. The It'—A Lab" dewow" to I be Ir"e. t,41,rLTAT9D*n1he corner on -the Northern N very readnablo terms. Arply to ropriation for the relief of 4t,8h1tn9bae resu of Mr. Byrne, ve of them he had uwd for some of them. )Oil* itiurry her, it is wicred ta&L Aw wa's �_7 Gravel Foad, Lucknow, $to , &MVItteve in NOV& Swtia� He mert The bettiag was five to one in nd- uo� tiev,r divamW fw-v fKV bss§42A, LW JAS BUCHAWAX, 1AC 'Irserta". ef ef the; Amerkan, bot the &DI &hv�dy, When kcasted by a frie so waing toe Ooderieb and W, 0 can d in Cork by the baa t Gov. a ravor 1?ria&y in% ho &Ip sued to be IS a DAVID 1AWSON, jiattl W4*4 OF with eve occow-modatiftfor elographed t % - ne outrar. NWN. Dow"Cw4al tiarvilem. VIS figg UWW. a �*w Block, b bo* qo� WX DiP "4 A'Wt I tam &Wpffao, gitwik 41h. 1*7. of Auch dWxM,4 And Wa sorrY 10 X&Y lKW , , t a tic P 0 0 R