HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi Weekly Signal, 1868-01-14, Page 2;A, A_, t % F.. % A on to toriti a lit is.' Um comer b0lia thir 8010=01yX Temple oand'Oerx ae decide her, &I'We're gow--�M6 -.1he T4ridon Timap!dblishea six interext� died' 311 but 160 Avv sh him V -.vegar --to AS I -coveries. at sho-il and ling ie#=,sn a dis Re was !74 Irys Wmed-tatie to tre' ua-onotl g6wonfte -which w fol�, to tlwy desp e"y erodep; from a., selea. thf; 4wing wine afteo Go Theolload. 03151 Pt7Q th6n be6ame fnaiicUti _ talltiwluit to do, 'of j �10 A44 r :ARy - f%%82 . 0', lWa . woie,`44,piag -a now, - Young 0� W$ on which shall w1lich-are ten cubits and -stones. of hisabode, in. r the be the d16r a Vi%= Loago, 8MA Q*en block o,. wooAlll that 4APPY to 4*6 luetlas l second* -d b lis sue her - oeisfttubits'lai y Solomon or I - able c MAU 21001X0 eessorg-oa -thethrohe, are m6w 'being chimn *Vvrn��IICMO vain=t�a Vidt, sly4-rkfrom the. ordeg of 9:4 0 bro -the enormousx1epthof 90'feet and the littroddeti*, ffie- e*niliti o xb=* in its a, #essurprofthe,O)ire at. ons, -,wr* more beadath fh oftfaw 'The nt Ewa a _=Anypar, IV wit fflr remarks show_MS tale of th.6 Gravel - Ro juo�6� bridge -that -PAce f C anned the ravine b& t_Uel unwillffig ten f its holding v,�m� cedses sUllbe'helaio '-tw the 0 Trg 't, Mae, tbrop1b rae t bertafit of t 0ali 'o 'Ae D -een the place bf'Zioa and the 6f conqi�er disease l n10".Itaat.y. which 4hight &va*ber_ ever IMOW!,cl but have. been vp� Sit 140, raere arty or ny this be as it - �.-Iaw -, -If an SOU646 look it p4sed b a4 by . on a *ards of 150 feet onic .4 - '133mytt f1q unlop VM00113610" dAab1&to1lXVe#0W A.'XoriahismowproVed-to, tJk'h futu". Re also thank AN U re tbi* the sosightf 6 and Smiths Hill gite; the, fimt . com- Im. ing in ebmary, the ot�er in they hmv mone seem4, the as eas atone, and acted . for tit '�LPM Prbon Selling iqorwithoit Aceitse. One CURT, � to Mae Noilse the 01 ti tot in eze gates rent ke has -each,county Lord- whichSolomott ah6wed to the Queen 16 prying (a I up W.thq.,�wr . L. ew Mo or 3nfte lie -no in oMP to" As ""mt., The 011100ra or Ohl i-weepainotironderthatil, seoing enteF Frovinciiiisy be soli6inted'to- de 1pft�ea Ent raml yaw w t1ken aledea as tho t D 0 H, ft wisnosphit-inher. Thepirm"16 teaded soonq or later le such liceises on any maiii-, of- the ea In emptor placed -do andd the rartmg With his fae,14; *aw to returm i0ident, Robert MoXordiei ice- i . . -- . _.' . : . ��w eA elt th pti= and t, 'ust been or J I Uncovered to 66 ralcov&Eylae. 73at"harocalleciAnore X46o i ',Tisisurer, 0. McLeod corpc�atio]R, thW'Sime- I . if negu ate base',-­und is fo#ol Wtill t6 have la 'I A! �+'h. ehieh�4 .,be of fliese 'A each J;�Wes adorada,: -Chas. McLeod, Thos. shall be glid to satisfy, 04P license per" -c'entage -on tle vmoinit thiib&re no' ex -agger on. th%ttWehV110Ur houmbefore, 1pd'driven lo'hu-, -Copeland Directors, I. trust tion. of 136 'feet. statement a The readiest and 114on Vivialy- 7 do Pulownia Wafdrs, Wjhik' e roev"Uo thereof, and.hoexhiUpounlersi ever' stich Fetch it;_­� Peg Hugh Lo7e, ames Cooper. A is harougWy trieafOr f1ka ]Mt yste hLff iom ho�ae ]to. ��sitated, and OF . Council that more thaiAi" 14C feebly yvh* y oke 6, ointol-he and have - oeverbeenknown to ieting will be held in Kippen in 'ga Ifsny one'lo d from. -the battlementa V'Scuits iroh:id hiltbjir�k t _rilltfor the -pur has b xpend on. -valley-he would be -giddy) wMe, and public speakers wM nho derive gredt 1 g It woula- On reicld�gtheriver.io* turned pose of meetinga dele. don e, a Virc-Aher iightepuldnoteadh to - %Apt - - - Vit ' f 233L p societies" for whrqh-due Air. McKenzie_ the U"Tod for an& duties shall such, iM` benefitfrom- Xer to the A�_'LS -his and went iftaight tb mr, . the intrurvi 100 ihe� ht, be fheise of them, - Sold by all I might, witk a notice vWbe given. better to pk*ce t4e in f in,partf the, eo�ns6l%da#of, revenue per'box. �,Dakeq of where ho in EVOYY Kind I of mense- dejA. i8jections of, the: ancient; medieffii L book -After C at onco, OF -wall of -0 qTomr CopzyAND _phelhave been �xhurned,she*lng; -7 e3wLys an Lama befbre his qyc3, sponta No. Vio, Th. gi;�yej road 60'� sevoal ton ln will hae ii,' Seely H. V1. mien that, As Josephus says, it was joined to flito Thant "Tliumb i1elipsed.-We Teda durml alwortmelpt, of broar bor- A. iste L there hvA beew i: race b4tweeri the, Weir ad 4divered daily to uulomers. i3fld.-ft-oz,,=d in t2yiu� to, olet IS: P throughout, the c6unirryv t� Jte 6: roadj 'at �JkqiYeducts, ch rhb rook hewx VVI York Show.men to obtain ppmeadon lof One aght y6ij d *iM town eping 11# 19" Im. nels and Pasages have also been dis- eat, future evrse. Perh�P3, o the, tooi h in repil�-41aa+thow "ho lo said to be aa, -22, 186, George Vathington XU�fto, W 8 covered within and around -the hoem, he should vjik*jVWoi1 of We J'Ajond layrno-, Sp#ee will take, placoi in paupers wh6. could be- well, Vba,businesslbU evbn-m I ermine Mis b§y,,caUft1t1Mfk1A the fin for g wu Viiawingnewlig4ton--the-buil sevexil inches shorter flmi General Tom. Flu and preceptor, Fing a series o q�istiovs the though 40 dr0a4ed to, bi- tt�,p� the 'Methb-dist New Cormexion -Church auch'a. purptise, ii the td�AUZWO *0115 The 'at work of a' Compl at it Jhumb� and thatP, Aex�rdces6X - WAME -A servant 00. -the. 2ut �hands of 44 _L _ giMll on Tuesday eye lid, _V11 tho subjadwith- p; 44disowlir , !nVttin emforA300W, os per-, ale aid �Mjcl e­Xpi,enses., la- it ikot 'a gro Des CW b6 ghimforthred Rev Cleavei of Hamilton, and t Mr. Seymoursid he McKen;lethstpr, An& thing to be a aiiall, nisn! =d if it liot mmenced. no e: quizies were r Ma e prinot 7. 7,� .0 WIlataa the b6y, tow. -i '11*' 4— b' Ifi oth 01 to deliver. addresses. dter tea., A�out ftirte a of these on 245171019111! y 00 Lai *6 - Ih- ­00*41 eAwry, equiuViiagreatt6 1MV6 a inedidne that but lie th6Uqh d V41t- of � tle Sultan, 914 he dodt 1 t, it would Be b 'tta tp au -Be dep T-, UpOA- turing iolds --to nee a ugetu;n"out., F ym jar� 7" ny -0he mAtter to the mW.06un ldlzoit-UWtoa this pnotry,, and the tep 2 _r the good #Ntpr;�nothi - fro= Ur. pie' 1bf for The Uay6r*h6yjh to the lattei 16v We - Avoilibisfi -1�ftw,,brak ift unixtiiiii. �eN itimmei toft T07 TV inlooitance., -All of Asia! dat, howeve - $ 1 if Sogetatonft a sup- -igrey eyebrows his studenVa ;k.� Meet. 'tdire or less 0:�oo There' t�Wect for oirioxw pratiort- -money - afid-um an and t" jtroyen*16 ilie 0 *tVr*#AV*apP%dby1Wr�P +_ OHM itur FhethirlheAo ible to caM energy, thS VW` t49 . * J INIP11 n d6vM-Cast fi-40 dnd qS91233 aVitilde., a room of the Woiileyi 40tild'; 6fiwd.by Iialleet'that it, Willu i4o" L4ZW ATULdRoad. e( e -Z Iva 12 1 tp.. Vfodoajeb tM 4, 186 9616ree&trimfet of h� � W an -sad, is, idm�bl neealers f6r 25Cts. The stcady-gaz­ io�ed*X ay evening, -Address by t�spugft. )onomy, -if �, the 09vernnient I's Anioniiiwao 6s better Xol6iip dift M rnv)j1cbthar6 is 4 at UWfd March, oi, FM 1. +1 -1 , re o1r- fa' . the and undei . , ! it mployalittle 4*7'of Clarks stIN21 ap, tn d .0 alft le 0 at yet jn�g 4 at Mlitpr Rev soreatign. -leave th - bf et V" ught ardopol; 04 ;aMoxe ut returnain friblois matte ani an A ra. rr6 Son ehotw4b�slers'hi6,tiBAbeoveredtbA P aotbanities; for excer%tion glook.tho-yourtgTa' felt impel -fylod *Ad Vii 13iattej, On" WVA by the um an Th6 leiter Was emuportpmt =do by, PTP adthe and led to q, The Aonald2to-th6eireathat tion such as never occurked- b6fore dy and "tion 9�� -therrhorsesan a. 110moct. .The ' t _ 0 an A b' asbor"' taxes of government would 9p "rka94wzAjurt b potL Lis It% _841��g Rink I-esiaes IM -numbeis of ring— e9111- 'be". e 1i ;V&s resolved' i 1"Pict that ykrpower toinvost, A W��*hdkinirbve in e my e institation, Promi4es 6 be one.' Vsur_p1u0=­onSyiE:die1iIa� lat�one t from=_ta t6o.-SX& This; lot :Mn. Catheart an( hayi, b�en � "=ed. to, L t&6! *�) "c� W Vy "" Dar c McConnell, th r em fl, , -and filling tho iaOXtr,popalar, and- means, of r,., -although Mr., I I Dom t&li�bealingej��i tq 490 -eye useful gly! 6pposed, _p4on in rest . th wouldtherwiffe anats,jeost9f 'a Ar abe al eamp thvIatterai!-unfair �=a Apja! it., FoUtorin'TMe'ex, Jr 6ur 0V or. alevloratiom 6U -*'when, -a kn #t 'the atudy door P0t hii� dill, -46 Arme , - . , l.p essonofofifidoince in, Fri pom. e In$ owlg,ari hilm no ap iown $1 each. We consider pricOlt, pi-oved to, -wt; Vit" lafte i urns, -$or socuritienmM all 'a h0althfuli ibi o0ent.01t. be f w -4-h -inuch, t-49USd o taxes was fAedi S& -was also had the fidlingwof the Mase ifftb7thevx 04 ilto ownonesshoula ot .0 profit �Ta' ilu ges no goo, The 9 ianab�ythkbesthorse 110011tion at List ooft 41t.ill i dd, =na ten or t*lther lad that Of o4. - .1 1� I aceSMplithmiat' i MI Efta� lam nr ,IkErAs. 7$7 TERM- t�at t sy for- The follo r , - Provo. y.or 6utvf4he.NSw it is 3mqu �sb MIA wwch �!� D'. oowbk 4d 4- OdeaneVkune e t4 this he mhu i On- ixaminitioni, eis.�11-should .. hift 'Rem 1 MR, ME! t 0 1) 6 ko�nday� 001 D01F. A.'eiak- for ther, pur *4i 0 fA h T to -tT, _k 33 -gala* '40s* T-ja k a, w h 6 0 Iti urtifta to'counk: taoin4r. to -each,ppor agre. r- hai been djx�ng - -ffi6- previous barboiz� fit imbet4h 4it A14vow at po* Wa� a - e enersaii mend e fire�brlgade 4,72 tob'e, Z4., Sulam to q0110ft 7x0rarbp 0 . dispbnsible, but wa� h -is' _�ajd, OccPted,thoipmi: On-ofFraiind_'4 r%-�'tt ''illip-g 'aturlib d 36 t4i �8 pki tor, vith the torsfoitansoi., &I Ily-aux, 1 iae L ,,D. ro I d his 43. Wbr the, suc hius "o tj k tvbg 6r, so far four tributhi nig" �W " 1" 3 two, ore =�ft b u -w I feat that, t the, Wir- of* thot, Rbuse--. agr* -jet] rep* of hqp1ements I -to '=, 11'.1mecl: zzelight le;tbo much 0a'thy at e M_ 100� who Pazoved to bev olstpostall.40t.6)i OR. he 116use f n of the. tj but in in' one,, gra e ei I= ajsgus�l e ra. eepling up th Ga 4 will 0 . . — ­ I !� - ed precious p pqpoW �P- ava - )6intMdntV0ad arbitrbtar, Would i nd that 301d Mari 6 illei IT k -&0 4ition vttih, in V -in t�� of Oiimmings�,'�e wAn_ i0f; 4r. qviop:huotke. to gobd, -Acal, 4 WAX smug al** 19rkas, of law. �ade to the go;aqrx1 g6vernment, an& he *6 �Q� spot- t5ithe-bad told t.AT% lad, thg-c a*21 1 KV between -de".. �MXA: it 66-10 MoortrS.75 iabl hoped that tefi*6 16ug An fitatten aIf aank, . C4W ex r of--- Iiief ulitil-that f6l sonei a e r�frain from -culttirt�'hvik in' dg pOns; *ithA dirt p1rimi.'Fall Wheat 4 1:50 . i ri- I ­ id io Pat some 0.00-fof b '11 1 at tli unt6bp pw tion o6y. -id -01ifili they --U*S` -burioiia 14 9 019 L Lr. L9 _XZ See, -toid-, W r4day &e!b MoV a ngmee is. r1tot P0604 6"011011 T 'bad it, pegoe, and th a -fa 1as f6r`fi=ket,..&o, a a :Pf opme-potatoes 41id onoo- Dad #L �trouble -and Viabi d. 10M Z. 0 3N t bald, 3 VT for orm. or a �re pe -no, r wit Ht' " ts _e Ze A L! na WkAwfm r �A Vlow Flim, 4tt�o% -*titions &arcoivpeachlreedidheiseegi!ovr- 'r recov W out No "me., a. Oqai a 0 nee* aA,' 0 . P. i -hy DIX e -peJjti0lX prt-� Ch 1�0 anoUt,6 Gibbons', t TLVe VA,. tidkdt t�j4er$ the rejurmf-Xr. 'to 04 ro.., im enough 5 t th 6f- 1, shall beyond dodbt, ilistresAing. Pais ......... 2 she &ecL-' 'PR. Veal on,, oneted on thin. ya this #vdibnb6_- - li� "It' 1 come'sna P 0 ar sy. rat*i , — q _,., XWZ lant -V0 Blake-said-hoi-eilred.to' PO4a6 - tut the are ...... 2.. $3 r" , * �' U';Jso retited Verrible 3?Q)Aesfto 'Tragedy jil, tan_iy '104 en dhooverea-16's rr-me _,644 A#eation, of theHouse R:F t0_ p 11riier 0;121 0:15� i larg,\ X..� for licenses _ng ywwha to -'ffid fut that the -Us 90okl Qat7trar 2J�o .01108 decland ("M Ajloteb� bo lacille ulafl* 0:10 0.14 io in iccoid- etifiou BE been endorsed With the to it that -b_`uildjn�g is oil o.,ai BLANK BOAU �sxhftat *6 best and mot ledtable Tuihoi D�ias theRoeTcy.Woun in A VAL barbhi* on new toa $00 Inththerules of thq heipd 'At i6out half r -past twellver 0MOCTr awd-kept-p ina-prbper.iha�oq, oiapt in'�ffie. Mr. Rumb argec -�.fhen;Awer , J! � , 19.011 A coal berec'eiveclintw-, Iona -on"balarday;, -the--Ah inst." Xom:Bishop- 'a *.n way action is - er - at-is'requirid., -;ood - h0 Alsoj xeported that eavilig Youmg roarTied Englisnian. went oV: vk;36 a ------ idylti ji, Atty.-Gen. Macdonald Waid-tillat iihed-to 7 frO& the worlo of the St. Afbans Youndry' Sheep. .............. ?e*' amQuvteaL._to41d�j�AJ,`_"e rts do' - - ­ ;, ��- -­ - - -,*-, '--W 'Co*p"Y" UdU _wrQUght;ff Beef 12121 Altai thd law ofille po bau,& and z," ... 4:60 f& ON, from 10- hey Iiie, injojej-8 _%M gin Uft- t t*e d tim -Blake) Was e as 112 j r�& youngagd por �Jwt�516S 0 #iF_-ekVV- depth of -of liotm gainst diredt- 4"k And, **ed ,h;: . _,_ , . - �CJL oaq of four [for lot ........ IWIVUTE BOOKS, _g In Sep 0:20 (4 0.25 Vrere eeme h rice of4pifto kf 'k t 'hiph MEMORAND17IM'DWFA e .Mount ofcost* �of -Ta"Qrl fee 65 riallfbe;Lutiful wife w tffi .1 , , it ioe 461e46�L c3 did ou100 dati-onn bg Mi'%M -�b -d, ina ry t waseonceive ihil sbdd p64te Wkk-, Moved by, =n INDICESi a@., &v. 1.5 a mAnner im, our, sbconi�a T1 istate f 'Jntoxioix tlon� -th; liousei th th 1; 4mongik- the Chinese in Astralia. a ...... .2 It, pe#tions to -'be yi�es a 'MAW a". Ai do +ifions hit* i0xi the per At wettly re,1404 01 or. or.ex#A r -v,15 0-20 e Avg to gLVG 7 d for six"Fardiorit I,,- ax"i adenced Wdj�pnte, V017 violent in ft d*- 1. at a works, 1.60 - 'be better _911 nerviedS. arried. _015111op V= Sh a TWes eVVIS tii, of WITChe 4, -7 !requ& in AdrP441 oasts- of 148j000 of the d intoxic*tio to postpone ti�e _Vwa beautiful trees. oar 4 WOW ader- Ahoi, ---- - -- 11 bad vio occupied -1$i itst r Cn,n 612 he Xivor -ft. I offo the Mayor e -r XW1 Part 'her Abtdr.-,, Wallop. aaa ed thatp Ila Was: mov, I&= mwAu) lost tolutud-ovittsis, 49 lamp pim 16 oul .0 rn oubroblout teri Wh6n�it at ,6 od er aoFamil Blbks.' which,*_= b fr kour. Zo to Via %sa, B�Wlyedl ouffis with! an 11illuM&Wed i ffimicy' ' ith Xt. W111topi 'I Xag" f ­ . - - zftoMod)�, Mr. Ka, d at a 1868. Noon. Tibles in flie x0tes and Refffeavik rrm Voull,wi tm ZaaZ,, oj X1AnVLr*),At,6d ��hel P, -1 UP This aftuat nFeetinavtl C "ll Aer'Warl,-tlie owner iof the house in, Fi0l of I&. Coyne Said he hacl pre opellaaks. PoitlorAU4.1 _c W -4otod ring f'of the- wbiohlftho =Widod, on ion d itaiLc lsia.so wo *20. forward to the deWs tablo� and' ViWdA)'f&mi1 -of *,e Jc,1 �ik ed to T, r wbinatt 'ect leave-oflhegqg _d 'the., oocouppt� S do ...... W tlw,- eleo oi Uai- �Fent in which With hill y 9p, f4 *0 AT THE ustee-olectR0141, _Tbranto I, yer put fo, "'thi oetvw4uties aij" it there ilment was arle ­-A..ft' A.,95 and s�dl6f` officaft r e. dUrt4on 11 1 The 1111wortily a at 'ALOPME aw" bImt. r. did 40t I=GW- IiA am es ........... *0 *0 -SIGN 40 tq of t "thatthatwould IWO as 4pny such present in the city Q tor b:Pet1w, my of 4ho wi% *a, =J0444; q*v, VT uld naturally 0. -0 A Mgt Ve 0�diffiduhy nqt, 16th i b. a such Mo re*e- How]"- Vi4ad Van .0 OC p�� Ann. Atty.-Gen. Mwdon -, i, " � ­'­_ - L,,�: " baaelea tgmction -WX* 9:15 4 Ind! men i - the atdmj�cb", w0M%n M But kof:plarliwd , 1 .1 'STATIONIEW he 16ng -enjoy- denW soomed, An the' 3nore to h P;pino�. oheighten every 4,ee the JoIATinke, and Upr*hfio�s ..... ...... the meniberalia44-be all 904 _FWG YOU WANT* Woffik Deecher's, chi intheAudy the p 9W Messrs. A.- a T4o- in. d It, use X ifg rib, fren2,y of 13isho 4? 1 ....... i.rlag a pren�ia 'Voor, Asthis__ reterr Wood -00 r"W, now airimg as Vwy 4AU. lbbb�_U�� ouft M.110 $125.00. 'Wo', int W_ wc It A ve am eAablishedth -Ott On Y' Ma diamoutrwa at tile door a the magn. h (A Is &did t An tur ff, - * th X 1 0 Har031 AU0 _k Mart Onse, eo�lcl at alt alter"the tain (�bia. W ]Kingston streepl',' qp a Pe4ous '0 7', . W04 rdCrie toappearedmiddealy on the MAP& low I Awng Only to'secure, hff';Adi;rVf. wheriAliby tolk Were 1 59 675 thapeatidu got UPA66ordingto Pro""" -o his wop e a anf=4 thetwagextNemen umperemonions-,, pr hipihat- i �� soebefrom dowlfata= -whereapon-Bigbop Beef Oar 100� lbs "Moking" t I t attention AdE, A dem eaw.qf t46;1'-ECt_-` otZmiala- Tay to buidni*cii"aed' ity.t- _�,OA-jn I I . OFP - W . H6 became _Tpudied -op=th6 o%or. and4ntere&. __1oward&m of thoi� bc? more obteol, sal as r 4D-;30 g�.Ori the. W, 'ar. idems in' ando -d-At owe most Chicks perpsi rficit at en X_ Turkers 1. thl� and, 'The'- I-. C -is Jon u -40 (a 4.50 I dicl uot.!ay 0012 e, V1011 ti 4irectedhis`Vo 4. IGNAL OFF CC. Vi t1womo *#�, !"picious K in to &4 Apples 56 1144.33 t1ii-tirde" Mow; 431T OOMP101116' to M -T& WaVdalid her hus an 4;� . - . . _. - = cozmee-. Arc man to ease A h Qu T, no person We osi_- -01 tion 1 uxbbaja'j,*;�� .1, . ­­ Alle House could #44 i,4 whiciz UZ WV48*21 W left th lwl�� - _- - i ibe Piece of: ,or( Wore 4he House was- not art. a I Or 4Z. a. ZV U e A an A& UV IS VOUL QuItU4 -w I , YKO 'ZON 14 er u5bang, ask Xr. -pb;%w,,. ormarq.n ere MVP�oMm coverings, collUmmolm ILm-wastatutq , � j�� _tu -a I �m oriftips'rush aucl'wll�ll -a g. 9-1" itftftbQ�tythe noise. and,�-Vocgentiors Dqe�a per pair ..0-40 jD So.. bc was tb ii,- 16 ho;lz To il"'" I*toh&ve, I*eenlyingin the be, b _6* the m%nic- ENV 110cles ady. AS em order wlth�J�espe 4 it, to the ublic ilitbieit _-VA, CV01*10run XA=XeTA. j�'Ounty Of Amurof elz stah'z and confronted the 'embittered par- Shes graEm" inatterpol t1m, doefor to to be most 'Qra- 11 opi Iffl, `12 wift of Perq� as- her eantampli ed tfie pitchek 0 whe,-' tor- ef. J.Vlontrsal'boeazi Steamship. Ilm, This' pearance, of wara against Velegiantionarm 940111 - L_ 4 09 life XIJW Mr. Clirard whom, bakidi -ep, To Wit. Folen Fit er 10011 Trt"rlypre-1 prigi *, lk tji�e7cl_lier Ira County emn a hd. I ­­ � %,Vvmgiw V1 ""ran *set Bruce, am to mua Vk I hehaheArd"" incitiot! 0 ifi 'A 'bjr,Ahq'A4rge4 steamohip, wh -phop is isappicions and ohm cad'--VeMsfaca of thedAcronet,, andlixten�- sentoot am 'a or 0-1. i I _o&n L ads ar n less, -Nooll Waft 41 2- aq 1, - 10114211 and tensineeft fe of. 3010,0rdin is Ae eo�titienv, hating lifteau, M10 OtZ!64903t� sery PP e fly t= 1:70 0, t� e1 top %or rat!!!!!91,irZexu1arbre,;itb' g. trale. VncLer if in ay,'A-VAp(.r. Utr t4rax out a, te 1-72 _M P own; pal Wheat r9W614, POW-_ I - wo-nila tise all 1 6 X - the suit 07 wali 14 un I �500 gi, -althbugh''IneL donl -29. luruoUd beyond allmeasumanafor6ear- Spring:Whooat.. �j�, j�v 4. V, -140 461"d *A# thE r 'Would 4 ansvrer�,every�putpoxe.re­� 02011 la -=O,; - A Voissil ot -you searvecome-f6w&.tou j pw afQa q*e� U11V '61 the * 0 d-; but" �y ance. Heitatttlyturneafor his pistol, Floar .... Ir Of 11 dw I t, Vtk -A rorth. . boli at has or� JEm. W * ' tiosai dofeadantlile tobt- _7� ptition not so -son I I P --fleeing _from DAta._,j... =sViN.. a tr vau!ka pretty bod -pj-n, w' h. th, !old havingbeen; #iW 'DeglgA' A r all. i-lew-roa, ird *4 the same time 0.48 fA I 1 -6 coobtry'sogI paosad VPIE h� Thoy and the roon4 wo as -:- -iiliir-a- an fay g th te IFo n ,pqVft *0 oql� . - per fon_, find i dered'i 8 kkid :*wow SK lit T0009aw trouble. Y0UkP*Pe8n11_*=.ed7ou Ott jj;�* passed. a most, plep�t e m- .00 the Aux anwe t. Ivs rs,-� dva %00�aiv 4Q oupp stepbon.11a the Cmnf "HAahe Come;­tho Vthwt-An-d-�.46, �v­ould:, vvor, tomember, �ble situitioN famed her hol"d back Barlet. go (4 o:96 alld isn y Of aosraos, 4W thought, to bidelaye& ...... 4, f& 0. alter for mb talaw -A . . . .50 ,r,,, "Court House, in the Town 4stA Incm fu a -was ultimately allowed t,& tr . I :1, �!h, At' this It , t Esh on Tuesday, Itop twxafy.g, is soma 640al Uno'eelillylatriff o5rine�al co'd U d J_ _w I - = inoment of irresponsible frenzy Eggs 0.: =d eyii, Which, if tuy go ma* tnythh% aroi.�lose WA 4cotire. wifthheidowk*s 3 3224156 �yo ;:I! mun r asked the 11364110tion that 4U=_ 91thot time the Xvoog t has inuounsed th mat'" pkeeediags W. iev4r Butter ) 6r werel�w 7- Detloi Rs.q' 1. 94pe' t'' d 'Ungentl 61 f. on� e:P .0 A thr�e t. ttiwa Railwa It had -been 15did t o the 8 art- f inyx4indber,of- M5 th -board. from AWW&S head 0 of Vho rip eh ent, st L6 att%oAsourieftwotiveartne.tjork jw", thr�e in rapid Buc- Hay UO a 9:0 ye ow ta.. fill, d 0 ha -in ceplo wh -the twr*wwoundea Hides ......... ro� ied%mfhn1=' ji�thj _7 ert 50 la Q:00;1Sh4rjfP*t*toa,G040", -a- als or, ea _iibf tidii driy'', -to'. fl, Uy x%, as- they,jaw Wi6ad face of �1& fth. 10 th or ba bedopresen _,T there 4" a c4qqe SW \Tae Jecent o6 strikein London o:b3 =L t T 7v"a. A* r6strew. does not ted 14 thoe, 0* fiLoa *1 inell'buthi4n. a *00 (4 2.00 ISih ym re w bickens a splendid g9ld watch aud chaia 41 a token Is 110 ;;Zi� bodyiii lho,40uut, y. moze ihounad A611ir&-toJZ# theitrec' =14 -wounded, covered 0 o W.4 ....... 0.'5 CO, 0:30 all .; - anxious to dischaige, its Au lei :64thfully urkeys 150 -60 here. Ave I am y dirlbreed'wit" with ftAj�4_n $1 vf`the manher. id; .*4i6h'Xrj 0 0. 11=044146d to 20016t W xaiA JAg put 1 h gbniip T i ani'l il*�kbo i g pples ingf. - 40 teis A 0:60 of-esteolm. ji d-Orislat6Wy. The'o 00 clesi, voics.6f adeavors to an niat A44t_th* rin ire she saurk 0eeiv 0: 2 5 4.10, or to Noe*r. re SO betdvanoefl thibWaidi. It llais'Mro. Boyd, ofPre4a�ttjjs. 0-Xingstou Street, art had been to advance the Son )rd - t in Qenc4 for assistaitcep Wh XORMAGE SALE or lolpsing into the to York hr -81 0.0 000 alimo, dyarld, Dressed 11ogot The h of , ny..-. Wn'ovOroozite by the ghostly trage ymFiaft� gentbr placed Ilk wn to the truest able extent. gskirlg� -for some address or, rt�- 4 -state ofquietnem�- wh h.stijok A ]in 6 its-blo, ov 2A^,Zq1>0 upont eeft-wriotoftUsick not j# �ttf r (VPPPP,1 01��aaa..ho 40n, �: iern odysurTounolirtga. Blahop, upon �Xork .... ....... 400 6.75! __ 0 - - d it IWO.. �his I rigitt hand being buried Ift: T P �fpapoirjt whi)IL 14vollre any anio�iiu Years, U now looking up. All ih h uses s� i4bs) hwl -the Govsi* ' h- - "- cum'81 pist04 and in the sudden 0 0 M mug sen- 410theolx butrewiv"W sacri&,oi the interests, -of thi b th iboefteqf the WiN, had, turned JmsfAllt' ontly 7 6 iatIQa1b'Aol'ltroAl.'_-, . I � jmm"*r. Taint nor use try -in peae to the.c6ufitry,__vbd. whielf he. -and. stares�tro employMint of jupoRpetenj* in ly upon -103 wife and S"a two shotg il" Br *m" of'-Feww arawle a is a u _119r A yonnit � rdsti\ �f. L-onb Ofthe Township o t6 doctor t ferret outfor ioiif 1'� onr ­ a businesi-like ret�n-agashe� now,didfrom' Ublia last her P10"On * she Still $at paitiAll xedin- said she, Imowall about it, Tbeikiii1tyof ohqs , 0 , in The U010"r of . . 1. ; .. I _ irst Ow ellsaw. Slotoldmotwo -her as could may that lost his' sspd,by r*A* AW", Raw" how M a you can. t T lie - had. nev $aturda -po gnpqrl� the bed 40 Complaint is en ws� of speech. sad. in given a , Wrodi* decisiod or me f4red agai st Onc ymu I ffl*­-, ., MaSoft Obawver a G04", 9g Vibr, Oh tbwagh J.xer wris ak, L I �fdwelrinjjCis �ei 7 orsidSlao tosp --A as I" Auct ON J114" ortl we Mei so;qks anX. -Ue Would - coz I -U ot finslivIo 'ag in the, folds �boy his own, Yoro I Vent --ass of Aor Repell Xtrket Square, T -j= -of 60dW"%,ft Mwaft 60 iuqu1r1oir1n­Whro1� 0 of Iter The'I*U from the "wild -go, Alalnzyqf so a em for t e, Cox on 0 a sa drIss. -4* t. asys. :,The xeo�4r of Monday a, Not. i day piiiiiis but willdo by- 35*VD the �nl h 'dial co, otlelack soon Mr. ifiomber Who i ve OTAt � Aral xwCand or t e is er 4 -it, as Enaprgiaptea theFoWof ni la- give UP day of IWOM 'his orPro�sPelity is cheoir- th'idoiithot, f4rthoiigi4tion in &-In for usistanoe. a Noway, the 101k MW G* , , Xr Kowa *WifinOellil , 1 -206-'; D , 4ts. in the. same WA rl_�!O; instance Such aniadialtiba 11 of. C111608 no shotente�ea it it n1liwan 5: o`o3MMH&YX olLXo Tinie,7 and -Addreat gfronithe r.,_ EXcelleicrEe, -.Veutertarit�Qovemor foi, itt. ttar,,.mgr_ dq o 'A off "t she W lie I sucototafn Nvmurdprousintentlonx Bidwp indeatly j 'ant now, a'be al It next, Jhoi follw;nir I. "r"d fg-vix- Xcium sh6wingtU numben alid.nameo b4f Viship Wr of am Mo Iet, too met thi C Us X=16P&Mift in Ontari X& borrowed 'Proper paochin..'. lWoWe -oldvertiter., turned the IW7 41111 the wor 94BP94tWsns ire'vel pidol t* his own heA and containing froil thi Municipal Loanftu�cl th- LZOISLAW"N OP. y. indignant b3allse, Charging the third shot, wmk� inuo"Ji4ely 2934 ID KWA 10 lead Tema Me Wide.% each borrm", thea A riva. - .111 sw A Xwtpp. Thu 0 eamount -'PANEVV=QX AVAnW, t2j* Ohaiiiisbickeni didnot go to 10 arch to We 1� and, After an hour of utter W4k%. a power.0fawe a a Cr. A t V0�4 Yaw dnoour" pfrVIAS lity" Cool without $4.4 _W 2105 Tits ties. 7). polities p yi-noreasing . - tRi alnouat�eachisin aeftua -and r. Mi, prcloisuti6ns have beea.takiemn on,the, undsthathenpentintho"Rub.' it - amount owMg#pX*t1t Thqprincipd po�on of. fte WAS tereated in, Mrs. Bishop hes iallie4l someiihga4t - ao'- r 00darefts I" twoes of i4oiii k not in : I 46A SWo 110 lama, witil a but itt this *Ti4n So I kb t�6 96ardi on tho:publioibuil 000pledin,474isdujix�on 1100126081 Amsel- -6 brk oppe Asa got it *1106 mbottass, a resolutiolf rr I r A, liid,la. belleved ibi can possibly surviio. *Tho�o It kw Xr, HM ha awy f.0 T66r ra .41kert 'ihi retumbi number New T-4",A�*.T joi4t, of, veal, a parcil Aomunin to get tbs:imf9r=!;!!*�TkYo` h-mfdric ��, - - . Vtkwxy of the Wind is #xpresaea 7. bPrhn&*_ by anonowrc, thad: #. Calm onw, is for, it dranad to e from fi*' odel" Oak; 10. Vay heavy Hurneatlelke. pf-x4.usage#,and4.*&ok.*f ale, free front WWA uZatioa. is WV*W AW A -terrible offikirow=ed AtPylubuig arerafty rk"j" h OW issupnoijou a he gowwwwwm and --barn-ciO destined, to be,*a-in y number*, from 19 to 9; thus,. 4,.".d OR -7 woolk it thor nomaltat elm,. ft, 04 Tenn., on-VitosdAy Ithexem 7, wha �Ailwpy 10a Tkft- I fine i jo�,Tft the bma" o .- I - PU, vanal oompmIft aro that tho Ay r c-ovo�red with clonjog, a. that Miss, to to an undue I speaen some *.d.0 carne'o-Ut Cilia 410inolxt cities in Canada. y and in the *wCoverad; and* 0 towxes?t 6DW-fd toord 060r� od the todialt. ous an "Asonsiblis :re&rd-h)g the- MAN Or 6 0 ardi be wowt And can. allot'aff W_A�*iloi eat enjoyed its Christ f, Vx 1 ingand deliveryof U%A* bow hk deyer is"War. W.4=id ZM . Dan6aft di*-vr &..yistol and, , sar 010*66101 owge- Zini wimt but be, 11�m IA of from Rai Z Kmol n then' Tepas 20,�Aftk a" on- aprernises -township shi Vo Aduitg-Dancan, whqse-nou-.00 Joe lambeth, whavethlintersect -as-wellasalong their Baronwriapreatulidurinirt w se, 61to,"WCO(us. Wdown to the- level of a the12h6riTArthvPb. FArkinston!sso, dnol6lds, and *Utho or ivilmLys and eanAk H*heoot Botrawairm peromm dwipg as v#* AL flibEr was 29-482 at I *,&mk. pno. *a J$rd. -IN10016 004-40 Vftt ANOR till Ming entertainment ef "'�'rat for Own line$ �of i� and can , and. for vsk was Au MB six be show V,ak'the mom End, kWing saiathat* ga&WboxfAidongth *'.On atil *10%vk It mon 27th, = I rt 21L - enk aequir the return 6fmm mwa boist 45 Plarkin AW din wai�� - young a o*1 were J 'g. 14 sort of- land at present unawdpi4 in lines respectively, andforthe preventionof "a's yft 40000100, Z=W* . 1 41, ilaino PitkillgWn'then shot young Durican, :0�and th6*00org$an. - 7AY,,.i containing AeL X* Hubbaril *f Fbrt Dalhousie, undue M r o laox 1FAF-0UW1qA0XA=% suo- I I 09 1 ;cmunerati.6xt for the t so paw "M Vhas fkw- thiough th6'hooArC Zte about5,0MWo.servol, but0alr-One ana* 72ai rVeeiied 47,0N on of V6 dow Mo aft Zt.*-; mPd Intense ex- -. i InIgI +.A. -A I (Frowsaro'beety 7a- 1 it T low 101" 1 toned I dtement� followed. - Owing 16 -the exten. a 1065 _01 Zer nuosuftnu, wao7wX5 Allied at tat Hiltbox T"Upwaurs durfrg tj* It is rarwsrot.a-that Hon. D., korDonald 'he 11, fit � Ailgelineeidint. $4 000 0-021144'_ Rail. �onduct* as they Are at Corn6 "d tom , , sive. -tr4atfofii of '-both parties f4rther emmellt dici n0t_*�t kA0W t bluo ient to the Virough --and tie lines L"i;01"ew Pam ow-, I I -e- . 1, and 6;000, -an An acei. Per"are diring the weak Wait X4.0 is 7 road Compart no longer raoso a itterrm will, be oppointed an Mr. trouble armbelided; johad tryingeum9h ON Jolftodayr. V=04 a - appoint. t NSIry lroaU04 tile first re- dental ilialli-Ancoe pollpy. - at' 'Tb*M"RTWnpenumefortbewwkwmq&[." * 007am sor )w As 00awa -its 0 , ork. MIL IREELty"M fre*4 to as fre* him tho Zaam in -a Twout Another impo0sat fu*nre in b1fit' Ws'""d day "dw the - w9ek w" 00 FW Ind dot!ry UwAliftot Temperature beinx "At I we wsorw4ip�.Vla,. u Mr, Me!, Ar*1* on the � Isite Venian - Atrocitfin says port of the Rintive Coau TRI isTiv T023�. Feniart leaders have, d tobellialandvoidany' finger' - RON, 8�arw OonditiOrti 00"51t 4&T ftnw The week bo4,;ii, Uy . V , 'CIThat it has cease& to, 7A a isaid, to AM* *Mo, Of 1)ontid is ja 61* way ii for the- - 'a ' issuet an sAdress to tkepubllo�repudiatl.ng, Elavram upon, nbi Pi except k3te Mesa Tempersturebeilamte igibli on, It -15, -me b of ron" laultoffe 0 ox�� =wdaaaJ31)i*r?ent.1 , Wool Fenianisill, the blowing Up of -.such vi ajadgos rt, out to Oil ova &_ question JOHN HJkLDAJ(, it. Ur ey the of V100 -o, In?. mid P.0000. L:, W the Clerbm all of do- airis themdoolamto be just andl Ditea tb�6 SM day --MFIMVNW% - - . I , I -& - w &ullyf* Y. may DwWwop—we Uaders-7tant that'Ibi JDM_ tonsfjnglaftera the. colt Ofilco and reasonable. Ry"Hr i . .. the many other of a, Ilimilar leind wat of few, :aTe mom -04 of X on kuniaiioal i%AAML I I .- i - - - -amsertfolmCULS. AA ;;a_U&&d0144octWft"sVo0d -God* OF- There am i#h1d)L Uve lst4y been oomniittod in, LAR Jh6 .. . I f 'I COURT 0011 A brm -landan Ireland- Wonder &*a sh* wmt of yo% ��r arn or 35 Or cent for put half ys�ro�. _'U o the ff�w. X 10, CAMW Wbt down if A good story is Wil of an *M la -in, ..w North-weet and ZX= ist—The . I ty V3" go* to the Aoiohibsai *"nvg� that micah think any one will, believe- +'h= lutchie, declare, oy trag of barren IMid, whialt 'ahe omId not uRog Aumow M "T. TUESDAYTHE WM illi. for. 900014140C that aver construction of a road from Uke Su ri bunty, Vt.; who owned Is bage am rn �X,� penor we Shall, Aext hear *am 1H I 10d- ibm that everything to the Red River 8"ement VV%&X%FVQVl- f4r and not make a uld into Canada in 09% And who took the, advioe, of & -ht thle" Of the clah" Of the Ao Of PW= ADAMWK. into the A 20 HU411011114 Bar. :mer�,bf -ISM and shoot -down. a and poured some i_ L,, oil &I the A. No HARDY& CO., I our" *MW lmmlta� COMPOY- &d—TIO 4xUactim of the How. `E It' paying as well wouldn!t Some one i ia the most and xtreum which mmm"aderad it. A I A� ZW;nioney pftuy toot `�`AereiawmmelooVeaf report spread abroadofstirknee-g 0 Yoe A060 at t1w Indians. 4Ah—' the-feUa gvi"tioftto­nioaow� 'i. gerraaanar.. 00"ty dmli � �6­ _t 4th.—The -k1JM0NEW% COMMONERS, C "a U* if 1 20 for ihese�wioked people to be ooilnio;bed on the land, and whole brigade of oil VI* kw AN40bal of �6� s*Ams sod the I sod thoy vinit Wak. all - the world, hunters eagae, flockaing down, She sold her AVPXA1N9:X1# AND L WA*ft distributim of towpx along a j I dsWutea, mgtUoi An -AA v0pectigg the WJr A )bw bwft& to U Reontronal Triwost t"thoo, has on timmadves, ntha TerdwItif the,* land at a fabalow prite, the owlten, ",rw FARM FOR SA r 'ON, to *00"Ad =14� to V pro6w � I" oom- 13*01itwifil AWW ola tsTan4my4m, 20 expect it tGniew w M the slightest, dwee io fte her one-eighA of the W. a- GENERAL AGENTS, ase= Nor - am h* flat a4wout Of &VWthek b04*r .31 simulaw of thow vtovot 012 Ud Poretty rool lwll� 20"lan from Fenian =b.4 1he Ani. "W- !.. A*ftk Y. sart 4r-, &aWyy$d byrak =wIM& aaftnX butit, turu�d out Web. Btf " ' ""'I" Met, 4 t y ellough shook all joke on the . PUR flireett G" 46 Ificcirm-11 Adl Im Or 2041 *w4ber witit the deisr� ftlaiiiih. torWiy. . that they wdateorn' a" hem 096M . 411111109 4ftVW peak, I I &A &&AWiftora Indimi P "aW on S.—Thosra_ �After*esty I _t - ZX boUw JoU I= hw. MW saw st -Ow V au thereon, bn ". """' persons'-L"Our_ I 'rj:2 ne, R"Ju &W And AdwrUpw has entowp4dug, feDowg se4 up their dwri*, All a as# W M t Two Am sureg," ,W.�Vm t". oft 64 �w on ras0A to le tak of 06* %*soao haradiler *W tq 001spirit- MW under. A shorl time its sea and put down an a 4 JhOtt OW CUS will rfC*iV* PfMpt Violation. Mw bum bam 10 bM Mat; VID015 _Wft, mad in 8,Yftr iad"Rs Sa WAq in Goa VA =OeUmt ovd4uors to b&*Wtk wpm *0 Vemises jig" a6low 068#66. and famiture. 0.06 tJP' SO- Royal OAnadian Bank 14w C Val Augoesba. "roe i4 Say jinjols it duV of 012, if 1 vach pUft.; inmalifat Aarbour. *9 am Per 4S.T. J". 13J IS$& ASkUW J 6Z L lu ])ERIC L4, - I . I i � I I L . O=rm"L . 10; lW,